#beginner lyra
dancingcatqueen · 1 year
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Baby's first lyra class
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cheezyhamster · 2 months
Welcome to the Basil Fanclub meetup!
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Hmm, it's pretty empty as of yet.
Reblog with your character (or any character) edited/drawn in to attend!
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triassictriserratops · 5 months
I just completed 6 weeks worth of an Intro to Lyra course last night! I LOVED it and I'll be doing more!
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dela-fe · 2 years
Very proud to have completed my first aerial performance after a year of training!!
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cowboyishbabe · 1 year
Class was kinda wild
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p-perkeys · 2 years
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I can post this on an artsy type blog, right? Gotta get the serotonin to boost me enough to write and draw somehow. Aerial arts is the key for writers and artist block. Spread the word.
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skullytotheark · 4 months
"Beginner Proxy" Mask prototype one
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This mask is a prototype for a cosplay of my Ticci Toby design
[Concept art]
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In lore context: proxies have to earn this mark. So they give beginner proxies a mask that has a spiral in the center to be able to identify eachother. Of course Toby modifies his mask, Rubbing the spiral off [which is still semi visible] and cutting eyeholes. He also finds goggles later on in the year
More photos below
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+ photos in Lyra's jacket [the level two jacket]
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delta-orionis · 1 year
top five favorite nebula?
Ooh this is a good question.
5. The North America Nebula
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I just like this one because it looks funny. I mean, look at this and tell me it doesn't look like North America.
4. The Ring Nebula
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This is a basic answer, but I like the Ring Nebula because it's very easy to find. It's easy to spot almost perfectly between two stars in Lyra, which is easy to find by looking for the Summer Triangle. It's a good beginner-friendly nebula for observing.
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3. Barnard's Loop
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I like this one because it's out of the ordinary. It's much bigger than typical nebulae, it covers the entire constellation of Orion! Capturing it requires astrophotographers to take many smaller images of Orion and stitch them together, which takes a huge amount of time and effort.
2. The Dumbbell Nebula
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Okay, this one comes with a story.
Back in college, the astronomy club and I were working on getting our club's CCD camera to work. It was kind of a piece of shit if I'm being honest. I think we got it from a guy online who just… made CCD cameras as a hobby? I don't know, it's not important. (Doing an astronomy lab course has taught me that a surprising amount of the technology used in the field is just made in Some Guy's garage. Again, not the point of the story.)
Anyway, this CCD camera was extremely hard to use. It was built weirdly (it was cooled by external fans that didn't have any sort of protection around them? While setting it up once it sliced my finger, presumably giving it a taste for blood), and it ran on some non-standard janky software that no one knew how to use.
Long story short, just getting this damn camera to work was a whole ordeal. A small group from the astronomy club had gathered in the club's observatory late one night, and we were all huddled around this tiny laptop screen in the dark next to the telescope where the CCD camera was attached, with dozens of cables hanging off of it that surely didn't pose tripping hazards.
We were trying to take a picture of the Dumbbell Nebula, but weren't able to find it. We knew we were in the right ballpark, but it just wasn't showing up in the field of view.
Thus began the mind-numbing process of adjusting the telescope a tiny bit, then turning on the CCD and then waiting for the minute-long exposure to finish so we could see if anything showed up in the shot. (There are much better ways to set this up, but we were a bunch of extremely tired college students and were not making the best decisions.)
We stood there in mostly silence for what felt like hours, repeating this process and looking at a field of black until eventually, something fuzzy showed up in the field of view.
I don't think I've ever heard anyone cheer that joyously in my life. We were elated at seeing this blurry piece of shit show up in the camera. Was the picture good? Hell no, but at least we had something to show for our efforts. (I sadly don't have the picture anymore, otherwise I'd show it.)
The Orion Nebula
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Probably the most basic answer, yeah. But you have to love this nebula. It's easy to find, bright (for a nebula), and is home to an interesting star cluster as well. You can even see it with the naked eye if you go somewhere that's dark enough.
I'm pretty biased because Orion is my favorite constellation, and the Orion Nebula is the easiest nebula in Orion to spot. But I love it anyways.
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elizmanderson · 7 months
I'm usually horrible at these things because I never know what to ask, so thank you for the nifty list. XD My question because I love seeing your pole videos -> What made you decide to get into pole fitness?
that is why I made the list, bc I'm also horrible at coming up with questions 😂
anyway. for anyone who is unaware, I post a weekly pole video on Instagram after my pole fitness class. like honestly I do that more predictably than I post about my books lmao.
[I'll add a link to my latest reel when I'm back on desktop, since on mobile the phone's menu blocks the link button when I highlight the text.]
okay so how I got into it:
I had a work friend who does aerial silks (among other things), who invited me to the showcase at the studio she teaches at. something I loved about their showcase was the body diversity, especially in the pole, burlesque, and chair routines. like!! you've got all these plus-sized women looking sexy and confident as hell, and I was like, I want to feel that way.
so after the second showcase I went to, I stopped by my friend's office like "I'm thinking of trying a pole class," and she INSTANTLY grabbed her phone, texted the beginner pole instructor, signed me up for a drop-in class, and said "no more thinking, now you just have to try it :)"
which btw was very effective, like I'm convinced I would've tried it eventually but it probably would've taken another six months of careful consideration bc that's how I generally am.
instead, I went, and I've gone every week since. it's been like 10 months now, and I've also tried a Lyra (aerial hoop) workshop and a pole choreography class, plus helped out with pole demos at Pride, plus go to a free monthly Latin dance night my instructor hosts downtown with a friend from the local ballroom company.
it's the most in tune I've ever been with my own body (ever a work in progress, but we're getting there), plus the best I've ever felt about my body.
on that note, have a thirst trap that a different platform marked as "suggestive content," which is the first time that's ever happened to me lmao
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I said my thirties would be my hot girl era, and so they are 😤
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repost-grimoire · 1 month
Book Review: Recreational Witchcraft by Lyra Black
"In this book, magic is for everyone. Especially you."
TL;DR: I highly recommend Recreational Witchcraft for anyone who has or is looking to practice witchcraft.
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Lyra Black's dry humor and witty writing style made this book a very fun read. It gives a lot of good beginner information very easily and with explanations. Black has used her own experiences with getting into magic to connect each part of the book, and her experience in previously running a blog (by the same name as the book) shows in her ability to convey information while keeping the writer engaged. I also appreciated that the book comes from a nontheistic approach, which can be hard to find in witchcraft books these days, and allows the reader to mix their religious views and practice as they wish.
Some of the "beginner" information in Recreational Witchcraft includes: herbs and meanings, crystals and meanings, definitions for a wide variety of tools and workings (such as binding vs curse vs hex), guides such as how to build an altar, and information on the sabbaths and ways to celebrate each.
Black has a lot of spell recipes in the book, from bath scrubs to glamours to charms, for many different uses. I personally really enjoyed the various shower spells, a thing that had never occurred to me would exist before. She also talks about alternatives for some of the ingredients, and how to replace (or remove) ingredients entirely. She views that ingredients only have the meaning you give them, which is a good mindset to have especially when it comes to working with things you're allergic to.
I have only seen one negative review for this book, and that is that it references marijuana a lot. As the book and former blog were called Recreational Witchcraft, and that the cover and spine has marijuana leaves on it, I thought this was evident. The chapter of the book specifically dedicated to witchcraft under the influence is somewhat brief, and mostly contains alcohol (mixed drink spells, they look really cool tbh) and Black's own experience doing witchcraft under the influence. Marijuana is mentioned in Black's written experiences in other parts of the book, but I did not find it to be overbearing.
Overall, I highly recommend this book. Recreational Witchcraft is good for anyone with any amount of experience or interest in witchcraft. It is a wonderful introduction for adults and has a lot of insight into the practice of another witch, which is something I always value, as I love to see practices different from my own. Black's experiences make the book incredibly relatable and light, and kept me engaged. Seeing her view on things such as mind-altering substances in witchcraft and the ethics of love spells made me think about my own views on parts of witchcraft. If you do choose to pick up the book, I hope it is as great for you as it is for me.
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forestdragoncat · 1 year
For both Argenta and Syzh'favia: 🎻 🍎 💜?
Always glad to see you! <3
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
Argenta - well, she has a lovely singing voice, but isn't really proficient with musical instruments. Aside from a flute, which she sorta picked during Free Crusaders' gatherings in The Sanctuary of The Silver Symphony (her Court), but she is an amateur :)
Syzh'Favia - now, she is a daughter of two bards from a musical troupe, and she can, more or less, play any "popular" instrument (like the ones presented in the game), especially if it's a simple folk melody, but her instrument of choice (and for self-made improvisations) is lyra, and Favi is, indeed, a virtuoso with it. In fact, that's how she made a Pact with her Patron - during one of the troupe Sword Coast tours, on a town's Summer Festival she met a fellow wandering lyrist, who, having heard her performance, challenged Syzh'Favia to a music duel. On a condition that the winner will receive the loser's instrument as a prize. And after a hard, but fun competition concerto their audience finally declared Favi's victory. So her rival's fulfilled the terms... And then it turned out that their lyre was magical, the rival themselves was a fey in disguise and has now bestowed a part a their powers on the astonished tiefling bard through said lyre. So Favi needs it to do any of her magic, but the fey's lyre can't really be lost, stolen or broken forever - she can summon it back anytime she wishes. As long as Syzh'Favia doesn't abandon her musical craft and writes at least few new songs each year :D
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
Argenta - Was born in Ardis, Ustalav, but didn't stayed here for long, as her mother, Ruxandra (former) Mivirania, run away from home soon after Argy's birth to save her daughter life and/or future. They and Rux's friend-turned-lover-then-turned-wife, Pheli the gnome shaman wandered the Ustalav for some time, moving south before crossing to Lastwall and, eventually, to north Nirmathas, where they finally settled for good. Well, her mothers did - Argenta left on her 18th birthday, fused with Silver Lining and went back to Ustalav through Varisia and Realm of the Mammoth Lords. It has the most pleasant climate and aesthetics for her, but she is certainly no patriot, she just was a (mainly) undead hunter and Ustalav has plenty of bounties for them.
Syzh'Favia - since game give me no choice in the matter (unless i missed something), she is baldurian. She loves her city and it's people - for they make a good stage and even better listeners for her performances! And are good people in general, too! Though she had to leave Baldur's Gate pretty often with the rest of musical troupe, and was in a lot of other Sword Coast cities and even traveled to Moonshae Isles a few times. But Favi has always counted Baldurs Gate as her "true" home - even if she doesn't *yet* have her own house here (the troupe lives in commune).
💜 PURPLE HEART — what is your oc's ancestry/genetic background?
Argenta - she is a bastard offspring of Mivirania, a minor noble human (with a very-very small drop of elven blood) family in Ardis. They don't really have that much in wealth or influence, especially compared to other noble families, but, my, do they try to compensate it with pride and arrogance! So when Ruxandra, the youngest daughter, who was to be wed with the son of another noble family, suddenly turned out to be pregnant and gave birth to a foul half-undead, the heads of the family got very angry and decided that in order to save the prosperous marriage they will 1) Keep the whole deal in secret and 2) Dispose of the child in unspecified manner. And that's when Rux, the meek, the quiet and the obedient (but also optimistic and kind) finally snapped, teamed up with eager Pheli, grabbed Argenta and sneaked out of her (frankly, abusive) household for good. Good for her.
(As for Argenta's father - well, for a long time everyone thought, for an obvious reason, that it was some moroi vampire, encounter (and, well, everything else that transpired) with whom shocked her mother so much that she forgot everything that happened. But then, during the Fifth Crusade Argenta learned that, apparently, it was Areelu's doing. She, as usual, was experimenting.
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(It's actually a pretty old picture, from Beta days of WoTR, hense Areelu's tabletop face and Argenta's edired portrait. Back then, it was a joke).
And after this moment, it was even more abundantly clear that there will be no peace, because nobody really hurts Argenta's mom like that and ruins her life (from Argy's POV) and then doesn't get wrecked. Don't push that red button.
And by "wrecked" i don't mean just punched or killed - it means "i am going to play along that i am your dead daughter and your experiment was a success, use you to ascend myself and my friends (and also kill two other big assholes along the way)... and then i will throw you in a ditch, and in your last moments you will know that you have been played. Oh, did i mention that i will ask Pharasma to erase your soul, too?" There is a reason why Argenta is a CG who is still close to CN - there is a dark side from her connection to negative energy, she just keeps it in check. In absolutely most cases.
(And, tbh, Areelu did a lot more than just hurting Rux to deserve such strong attitude from Argenta. It was more of straw that broke dhampir's back, i think).
Syzh'Favia - in contrast from drama that is above, her family life is a lot more simpler. She is a Mephistopheles tiefling daughter to a Mephistopheles tiefling father and an Asmodeus tiefling mother, who, as stated before, are both bards in a semi-wandering troupe of musicians, jesters and magicians. She is the only child, but had a few kids more or less her age among other troupe members as playmates and childhood friends. They weren't (and aren't) any big superstars, but are known in some circles, make a decent coin on performances and love each other very much :3
During the game events the whole troupe, including Favi's parents, were in the middle of yet another big Sword Coast tour, on which Favi herself didn't went, and learned about the illithid-tadpole business after everything was already over :D
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dancingcatqueen · 1 year
First attempt at getting into Wineglass from Amazon.
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cheezyhamster · 2 months
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4/21: LYRA with her newly finished flower crown. It took her a few tries, but she figured it out! She let her hair down after some encouragement from AUBREY. I hope LYRA lets it down more often... she looks prettier that way.
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triassictriserratops · 3 months
Final week of my Plus Size Lyra series! I'll be retaking Intro to Lyra now and then moving up to Lyra 1!
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ordinarytalk · 2 years
I've been too depressed to move or leave the house for weeks. I had signed up for a beginner's aerial class back in fall, before the seasonal affective disorder really kicked in, and today was the first class.
Even though I had timed it so I would be there 20 minutes early, I ended up 40 minutes late because I was stuck in traffic for almost a full hour because of an accident.
I came in with only a few minutes of the class left. Wearing ill-fitting workout gear, other students staring at me, teacher flustered because I had shown up so late and she couldn't restart the lesson.
I learned just a few basics, how to get into a lyra hoop and out again, how to sit in it and do a simple hang.
I bruised the hell out of my tailbone. I kept swinging the hoop by mistake. I didn't look as graceful as the other students. My shirt kept riding up. I took a short video of myself, and I looked overweight and clumsy, a clear amateur.
But I did it.
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p-perkeys · 2 years
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Still shots from my first aerial showcase this weekend 🥰✨
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