#being a gnc pregnant person.
rebellum · 11 months
The weird thing about the "well trans men have it easier than trans women because if you completely pass and go stealth and are gender conforming then you only experience horrific discrimination in medical care!" Is that, like
You know trans women pass too, right
Like that statement is gender neutral
If any trans person, regardless of assigned gender, passes, then they are safer than any non-passing or visibly gnc person
It's like these people think trans women are doomed to never ever be able to ever pass. And it's like. Do you guys... actually talk? To other trans people? Are you part of a trans community? Like, not just reblogging or retweeting stuff, but a community where you know people's names and speak to them and they know your name and speak to you? Cause it seems like you have never spoken to another trans person before.
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cardentist · 2 months
I saw something earlier that I chose not the engage with directly, but I do think this needs to be said.
I think discussions around transandrophobia (or anti-transmasculinity, or just the Idea that trans mascs need to have language to put words to their experiences like all other trans people do) ARE often binary-centric, and that's a legitimate criticism to have about it.
but the Reason this happens is because the bigotry that trans mascs are currently facing is Extremely gender-essentialist, and in turn Extremely Binary. it's something I've been continuously frustrated with specifically Because I try to make an active effort not to cut nonbinary people out of trans and queer discussions. and it's often very hard ! because the arguments and positions people take act like nonbinary, intersex, genderqueer, and gnc trans people simply do not exist.
for many people the idea is that trans men and trans women sit on opposites sides of a seesaw, and if you argue that trans men experience X then you Must also be arguing that trans women Don't experience X. and trying to unpack and respond to that means having to Engage With It. which I've found Extremely frustrating, specifically Because I try to make an active effort Not to cut nonbinary and genderqueer people out trans discussions.
if, for instance, someone argues that trans mascs/"afab's"/"tme's" As A Group don't experience medial discrimination (while trans fems do), and it's on a post with hundreds upon thousands of notes, you're put in a position where you Have to center the medical violence that trans mascs experience.
because trans mascs being cut out of conversations about medical abuse and discrimination have had very real and disastrous consequences for trans mascs. it's important that people understand that trans mascs experience this not just as a byproduct of the abuse trans women face, but extremely targeted to them and their needs.
people believe that trans mascs don't experience oppression for being men, and they go further to state that trans mascs don't experience medical discrimination because they are men, and you simply can't address that without centering the discussion on the experiences of men.
and that creates an extremely Binary discussion, even when you make the active effort to include nonbinary/intersex/genderqueer people in the discussion. specifically BECAUSE a binary is being made and enforced already.
trans men are being denied their lived experiences, having the violence they face erased, Because They Are Men, and you can't stop the behavior without addressing the gender-essentialism that is Already There.
and It Is Unfair. it's absolutely Unfair, because nonbinary, intersex, gender queer, and gnc people are All hurt by this rhetoric. they're All hurt by this strict enforcement of gender-essentialism, but the conversation is centered around men and women by design.
the fact is, All Gender-Queer People Are Equal. (genderqueer meaning anyone who has gender in a queer way). and framing our experiences as being Inherent and Exclusive to any one type of person will Inevitably cut people out of conversations that actively affect them, simply because you didn't know that your experiences were shared.
BUT. framing the discussion about this as if the problem is that trans mascs trying to carve out a space for themselves is itself exorsexist is Also deeply unfair.
to tip my hand a little, the post I saw had specifically mentioned the talking point about trans mascs experiencing corrective rape with the intent of getting them pregnant and forcing them to detransition.
and it Is absolutely true that there are people who experience this kind of violence who Don't consider themselves trans masc, whether those people are trans neutral, genderqueer, or intersex. and it's absolutely wrong to bury that and insist that they Don't.
but at the same time, the situation is that trans mascs are being told that they Do Not experience physical violence, that they Do Not experience medical violence, and that the violence they Do face isn't gendered (whether that means insisting they don't experience misogyny, insisting that they don't experience violence Because they are men, or both).
so when trans mascs assert This Is A Kind Of Violence That I Experience And We Need To Acknowledge That we have to understand that the framing right isn't the trans mascs' Fault, right? we Understand that saying "trans mascs Don't have unique experiences" is harmful in this context Even When the premise is that there are no experiences that are solely unique to one kind of genderqueer person. not because it isn't True that all genderqueer people share experiences, but because people are very Specifically arguing that trans men's experiences don't exist and don't deserve to be acknowledged.
the fact is, transmisogyny as a term Exists, exorsexism as a term Exists, intersexism Exists, but the line is being drawn at transandrophobia (or Whichever term you'd prefer).
I Agree that the overall discussion would be healthier and easier to have if None of the terms we used were specific to a single identity, but instead discussed different types of bigotry under the genderqueer umbrella.
but that is not what people are trying to achieve by squashing transandrophobia. trans mascs are being singled out Specifically as not needing or deserving their own terms, while Also being cut out of other trans conversations. people preface their conversations about transphobia Specifically with "trans men don't experience this," and then tell trans mascs that they're Wrong for creating conversations that center themselves.
ideally, right this second, we could say "transmisogyny Generally focuses on the experiences of trans fems, exorsexism Generally focuses on the experiences of people who push the gender/sex binaries, transandrophobia Generally focuses on the experiences of trans mascs, intersexism Generally focuses on the experiences of intersex people.
but all of these experiences have overlap because they're all gender minorities, because all of these groups have overlap in members, And because people experience violence based on the way that the perpetrators of said violence Perceives them (not inherently because of the labels they identify with)."
but to get there we have to be willing to allow All genderqueer people to assert their lived experiences as valuable and important. this knee-jerk reaction to trans mascs that frame Their attempts as violent or unnecessary ultimately hurts people. and as long as trans mascs are put in this position, pushed out of conversations about oppression that affects them And told that they're not allowed to start their own conversations without being bigoted somehow, there will Always be a need to address it.
trans mascs Have to discuss the gender-essentialist oppression they're experiencing, and it's not their fault that the conversation has been framed this way to begin with.
addressing the problem of non-binary and genderqueer people being suppressed and sidelined and pushed under the rug Is Extremely Important ! it's an inherent part Of the conversation. but the conclusion cannot be that it's trans mascs fault for wanting to use a word to represent themselves when quite literally every other group in the queer community gets to have that privilege.
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pikopikoheartz · 4 months
soul eater personal hcs ^.^
random personal hcs for the characters that makes sense in my head
spirit has a full seven step skincare routine
spirit paints his nails with clear or sometimes black nail polish. probably does his own manicure too
spirit didnt actually believe that marie was pregnant but soon became JOYOUS about being an uncle
blackstar and tsubaki played fireboy and watergirl and beaten the entire thing
soul and blackstar take turns playing parappa the rapper but end up fighting and ruining the gameplay for each other
soul and blackstar would be cracked at ddr
blackstar is a huge sonic the hedgehog fan lol
tsubaki loves to draw and tried teaching the others how to
blackstar often ask tsubaki to help him draw sonic characters or request sonic characters for her to draw
maka is a lesbian theres no way she would be romantically interested in men
c group has a minecraft server together thats in total chaos and havent been touched in months until they randomly remember and play again (then forget and repeat)
marie is on the aroace spectrum, she often longs and desires a romantic relationship but never rlly felt actual romance until later on when her and stein were on the run
marie is totally on the autism spectrum and very hyper-empathetic. she also stims with her hair, brushing through them with her fingers.
marie can draw but only in the old shoujo art style or straight up semi-realistic, no in between
stein is also on the aroace spectrum, spent most of their childhood and teenage years uninterested, totally fell for marie first as adults without realizing it too until they were on the run
stein would have pretty impressive art talent when it comes to human anatomy. has an art journal somewhere with the complete human anatomy pictures he drew and wrote each detail about it.
stein would later come to terms with being gnc after he and marie have been together for awhile (with marie sort of breaking his shell) and uses they/he/she. also a butch lesbian cause i said so
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dance-like-an-idiot · 2 months
hi @madebyteenagefury i ended up making the dykesettos timeline poetic as hell and 2765 words long so i thought i would be a lot better if i made a new post for it
if you're new here go read this :3 context to where this au all started
lastly, she/her only for marvin and any for whizzer! everything under this cut is a hypothetical timeline for transfem marvin and gnc whizzer for dykesettos :D
marvin always knew that she liked lipstick and feminine things but she assumed her jealous adoration for those wearing it was a mix of attraction and misogyny to those things ("doesn't every man feel this way? since women are hot and also weak" ←simplifed) marvin didn't start experimenting until she felt kinda secure (?) in a little delusion of being cishet with a wife and son. (like "yes i am a strong man i love my wife and my son and my life.") and it took a Long time (i assume it must have started one time when she was drunk and had trina's lipstick on her lips from a kiss and she might've taken some lipstick and tried it out) before she actually started to consciously do it.
Also, i imagine marvin struggles with her sexuality so much that she can't tell the difference between when she's jealous and when she's attracted. she finds out trina likes her so they go out but trina gets pregnant so they're stuck together which trina is learning to be happy about but marvin isn’t. marvin Definitely likes women (especially some more genders cough whizzer) though, mostly in a physical way and doesn't find herself finding many of her date's personalities appealing (cause lets be honest who would marvin actively like that isn’t whizzer?). back to the regularly scheduled shit!!
most of her experience being feminine was while drunk and all of it was while thoroughly hating herself and what she was doing. she would try on trina's clothes in the middle of the night (they wouldn't fit) and assumed for a while her body dysphoria (of looking at her very masculine body in a mirror) was actually proof of her not being trans.
at this point marvin still hates herself for wearing women's clothes but has been doing it in secret at most twice a month since jason could talk, jason is 8-9; i assume when she meets whizzer she's finds herself heading to a gay bar (and she may or may not have put on some of trina's makeup because isn't that apart of the bar scene? and maybe she found some clothes of hers (and shamefully trina's) that look androgynous because the outfit would look bad otherwise) on a day where whizzer is fem and through various hook ups with them figures out that he's trans and gets pretty disgusted (cause sure she might like whizzer more than she's ever liked trina but she isn't gay and whizzer is a woman anyways. no matter how hot he looks with an undercut and sharper jaw. they're lucky she isn't a man if anything, it's been hell for marvin) so marvin for a while (still experimenting throughout) still thinks that she's straight because whizzer is Definitely Not A Man. (which they aren’t but that doesn’t make marvin straight)
whizzer here first assumes that marvin is a baby trans and they like women and money so why not? once again while hooking up she finds out marvin is transphobic and doesn't understand what they are but whizzer stays because she can be very sweet and kind to him and dammit if whizzer wasn't attracted as hell to marvin when they first met (and the sex is good) 
anyways when the divorce is finalized whizzer starts to force marvin into his fem clothes so that marvin can stop being transphobic ("oh noo i can't wear a dress cause you just got it dirty :(((" "then do the damn laundry") and cause she thinks marvin looks hot (read; happier) when she's feminine. marvin spends more and more nights where she takes whizzers dresses and skirts into the bathroom and tries them on to look at herself because she’s ashamed about how much she likes doing it. luckily whizzer has a lot of makeup but they would kill her if she touched it so she usually puts on whizzers mascara and sometimes liner if there's a new pack of makeup wipes. 
during jason’s therapy era; whizzer suspects something is happening (she is very particular about their makeup) but she talks to marvin about her using his makeup after they both Mysteriously Get Pink Eye (don't share mascara folks) it's a rare gentle moment from whizzer when she finally put its all together; that a lot of marvin's bullshit is from her internalized transphobia being mixed with her misogyny and her own trans-ness, but they also Really Aren't Sure how he can help with that. So.
anyways whizzer asks marvin if she likes how she looks when wearing makeup and when after a long time of marvin denying it all, she very reluctantly nods yes. so whizzer does her makeup, gets her in a dress, and styles her (very short) hair. she's wearing heels, her legs are shaved, she has a bra stuffed with socks on, and her face looks soft... she looks like a woman for the first time ever. and even though it’s 4 am, she has to drive to work in 3 hours, her head hurts from the tight headband whizzer found for her, and her brain feels uprooted and instincts petrified, she's never felt so happy in her life. then they kiss or something idk.
marvin kinda knows that she's a woman now (in the way of “oh i might not like being a man but i might be faking it and i don't want to be a woman (misogyny)”) she talks to whizzer about it but it leads to fights cause despite all of her inner conflict she's still marvin and can't be wrong about anything ever. she is also, through these fights, is learning more about how whizzer sees their own gender and really doesn't understand it (tbf whizzer doesn't either) they still fight about it but with marvin realizing she might be like whizzer the tone is very different and i'm not sure how to describe it. 
anyways mendel’s proposal fucks up her self discovery journey cause shes a little more focused on gaining control in her life rather than self discovery just by her own nature. she still loses whizzer, still loses trina, and still tries to be better to jason. AND STILL MEETS THE LESBIANS FROM NEXT DOOR YEAHHHHH!!!!! 
in the two years marvin starts to feel much more confident as herself. she prioritizes her constant need for control (cause it cost her literally everything) as well as being an active figure in jason's life, and then works on her misogyny and transphobia. it's at the bottom of her list because, first of all; jason is her damn world and she's generally not being an asshole anymore so self discovery can come later. and second; she's Very Fucking Scared. but finally, after living next to the lesbians for 8 months (act 1 ended 3 months ago) and realizing that they're wonderful people who work well together despite being women, she starts to visit more and more often. 
whizzer (sadly) took all of their makeup and clothes when she was kicked out so marvin has been stranded since then in terms of looking feminine (and being happy). so marvin has been trying to work up the courage to go shopping for Girl Clothes (absolutely terrifying, everyone will be able to tell she's trans (is she??) and they'll probably drag her out the store and beat her) or ask the lesbians if she can borrow clothes (absolutely terrifying, what if they say no? what if they think she's faking it? what if she is? what if they don't want to be friends and marvin starts to subconsciously revert back to how she felt as a teen, undoing all her progress and making everything worse?) 
she doesn't end up asking though because they give her an invitation to a girls night (being friends for 7 months) where they all paint their nails, do each other's makeup, style each other's hair, and maybe do some demon summonings. charlotte and cordelia offered because they know how much marvins been working on herself (especially the misogyny). they didn't do this thinking she was trans, though. 
they had suspicions early on that she was trans. because before they were friends, they had seen her with makeup on her face, sometimes wearing clothes with figure-framing necklines, and jewelry, sometimes hidden under clothes. since they hadn't seen any of that in 10 months, the thought had pretty much left their mind, and the only thing that could signal to her femininity was her growing out her hair. 
anyways GIRLS NIGHT WAS A SUCCESS!! marvin had so much fucking fun with the lesbians and had so much fucking fun playing around and doing feminine things and she could never have done it without them. she doesn't want to give in at first, her only shared feminine experiences had been with whizzer, because there is something fundamentally different about being with charlotte and cordelia. they notice how she doesn't wanna give in (and they Know its her misogyny) so cordelia takes her hand and simply asks her “purple or red?” holding up two nail polishes. marvin lets herself go then as cordelia paints her nails a deep red, an aretha franklin vinyl playing as charlotte and cordelia's high voices sing along, assisted by spikey dance moves whenever marvin’s nails need to dry. eventually her shoulders are fully relaxed and she is forced into learning the lyrics once her nails are dried. she tells them she really likes doing these things. she was trying to tell them she’s trans. it was still a great day though
so marvin hasn't fully accepted herself or fully gotten rid of the transphobia and misogyny but she's done a lot of fucking work!! they all go shopping for women's clothes together, they find marvin her own set of makeup and cordelia teaches her how to do her makeup and hair care when they find the time. when charlotte has free days they all hang out together and listen to more iconic women’s albums and marvin gets taught feminine mannerisms, like sitting and walking and standing. every time she sees herself in a mirror she looks more and more like a woman. 
she and cordelia work on her girl voice every week now, and when they hang out each day is ended with cordelia giving her cooking lessons because dammit she wants to show marvin how to cook and bake!! and now with jason being around every weekend, its getting harder and harder to try and hide who she is… but jason doesn’t need to learn about what his father does in his free time. marvin doesn’t want him to know. but she cooks him dinner now, so he might know, and he might tell trina and mendel, and either of those two find out her life will be ruined. 
15 months without whizzer and when jason asks about her the first thing marvin does is make jason realize that whizzer is transgender and she may just have a heart attack. jason tells her he had suspicions but “didn’t know you liked being around those people.” marvin scoffs and almost outs herself (for what? she's not trans) but in the end, as the conversation is ending, jason asks marvin what the makeup in the bathroom is from and she can see the cogs turning in her son's head as he starts to realize who his mother is. marvin doesn’t know what she is (she does)
jason is gone the next weekend for a sleepover and marvin spends it all next door crying (only a little bit) on their couch with wine in her hands and she looks so fully like a man right now her skin is grating to feel and the three of them head into marvins apartment because they are going to store away her guy clothes and she is going to be a woman (pointedly avoiding that phrasing because marvin freezes whenever either of them suggest her being a woman) so they do just that, and marvin gets herself ready while the lesbians wait in the living room, drinking the wine they retrieved from their apartment. 
marvin is having an internal crisis as she gets herself ready just like she’s done more than a hundred times before. it feels easy for her to slip her arms into a dress and to apply lipstick. it feels like it matters far more than it should. she caps the lipstick and sees herself in the mirror. she is a woman… she might cry, but she feels too strongly for that to stop her and she whispers those words to herself. and she’s a woman. and she really likes when people call her “she.” she walks out to the lesbians and they cheer at her appearance and marvin repeats those same words to them. and now she's being hugged so she cries because she can’t think of anything as wonderful as this. she’s never been so loved by anyone. she loves love. and she's a woman. she loves that most of all, and this time her fear is lesser than her love. 
the week from there is spent with marvin trying to hype herself up into having that conversation with jason which scares her but the lesbians confiscated her male clothes which she is incredibly happy and terrified about because she doesn’t think she passes very well and work is going to be a nightmare when she has to avoid everyone in the office but at least nothing happened when she was wearing makeup so she doesn’t think she is in immediate danger if someone puts 2 and 2 together but jason is coming over any second now since school ended an hour ago but jason has been hanging out with some friends after school recently and misses the first train and there's a knock at her door and she hasn’t told her son she's a woman yet— 
jason is taken aback when she opens the door but his face settles in recognition and asks her “are you my mom now?” marvin’s eyes shine with tears as she responds, “i always have been kid, but now i know that too.” marvin opens her arms for a hug and jason falls into his mother’s arms (reluctantly, but marvin wouldn’t have him any other way.) 
over a year and a half after act 1; marvin is out to herself, cordelia, charlotte, and jason. trina, mendel, her boss and a few coworkers must know too but none of them have brought it up and she won't either. she's very happy but she misses whizzer a lot and things are overall very good for her. a lot of growth has been done and there have been a few encounters with people but she avoids most of them by not going out late (she doesn’t want to anyways, the lesbian wine nights are much better) 
marvin has been going to jason’s baseball games since the season has started and she really hates them because it’s so boring and also cause all the other members of jason’s cheer squad seem to be invested in the game. whizzer shows up one day and for a second she hardly recognizes her. they haven’t changed in appearance much, but whizzer has been known to use makeup to exaggerate certain features of his depending on the day and today is no different. whizzer looks hot. incredibly so. and marvin wants to surround herself with whizzer. 
whizzer on the other hand knew that marvin was probably going to be at jason’s game. the kid hadn’t hidden it when he offered whizzer to join him, and whizzer was hesitant but ultimately couldn’t say no to him. they spent 2 hours getting themselves ready for the game. but he convinced herself that she was going to go to support jason first and foremost, and also to show marvin how good they were without her. whizzer was not expecting marvin to be fully presenting as a woman, instead he pictured marvin with deep eyebags, stupidly short hair, and the least flattering sweatshirt they’ve seen in her life. instead whizzer saw a woman, saw marvin. and really, it was already over for them. 
then they’re happy and nothing bad happens even though im thinking about them being really involved in the aids crisis in protests and stuff i honestly think that marvin’s self discovery ends here and i think im better suited to write one shots of them being happy then grasping for ideas that i can’t explain as well as i could. but yeah! 2765 words of self discovery YIPPEE hope you enjoyed i love them so much my god
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2haetls · 2 months
do you have any mugi headcanons?
uhuh, nsfw and sfw if thats what yer askin!
☆ hcs with tsumugi aoba
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sketch info, nsfw + sfw, dom/sub hcs, romance, semi cringe/bad writing, character hcs, personal tsumugi/modern mugi, relationship hcs, gn reader/both genders mentioned, no pronouns used
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the first time the two of you met was at a small party between groups of friends. and you thought he was an asshole because of the way he spoke, but you later found out through natsume it's just him speaking his mind. "ah, you look horrible.." was the first thing he said, but it was true. honestly, you couldnt even be offended with how blunt he was, it was funny even..
dates usually consist of eating or watching movies, but at first, it was awkward. accidentally looking into eachothers eyes and looking away at the speed of light, eye contact wasnt really his thing at first. "we really are dating?.." your first kisses together were even more awkward, him staring into your eyes nervously, averting your gaze. and then it happens, your lips touch. and he tastes like sweets, its unbelievable. hes literally almost panicking.
gifts and going on dates are also in the picture if you suggest them, hes a good listener when he needs to be, and when you ask him to open up, he kinda, shuts down at first but i know hes gonna put in the effort in trying to make you feel better. trust is key to a healthy relationship. His honesty is also upped to a hundred, which is kind of worse, but it's nice to see how he feels about you and others. his self-depricating talks also bring up a bit of a concern, and you take it not with a grain of salt and end up talking to him about it and helping him feel less that way.
i know he would introduce you to his roomates and other acquaintances as well!
body hcs too, twinky tsumugi is for me, but its kind of a turn off in some ways!!!!! :/, hes got a decent amount of muscle, not too much, not too little. his legs are muscular though, like.. woah. step on me or sumn
ive got no more ideas for this section, soz!
mdni forr thus sectoons ahshgs
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NSFW AHEAD, sex.. sex? yeah
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i think he would choose to sub at first cause, yes, he's very pent up. i think he would sub automatically if you asked, fem or not. back to the first time, its extremely romantic and kind of heated, hes very touchy and gets into teasing you. also very vanilla the first few times unless either of you bring it up.
kissing, yes yes alot of that. he enjoys being on the receiving end of it, but will not disappoint if you wanna be kissed too. his dick is pretty big. it's pretty long and not too thick. his cum his salty, but has a sweet taste to it like everything else. hes very sensitive and his nipples get so swollen really fast its kind of concerning. i think tsumugi would lactate if he could, and thats where gnc afab mugi comes in!!! his chest as a guy is pretty large cause its mostly muscle, but afab mugis boobs are... yknow, huge. squishy and soft, and when he does end up pregnant or some unknown being comes and gives him the ability to lactate it is amazing, not just for you, for him too.
his milk is even sweeter. thats all ive got to say, dont wanna get too in depth about my love for boobs. Hes okay with somno and sensory deprivation, biting is also up there. his huge turn offs are cnc, and extremely public settings. hes okay with semi public, like under his desk getting support when hes playing games or getting work done, and hes good with his mouth when you need it too. and being tied up is one of the things thatll make him lose his mind.
subby mugi is the best, he whines alot, whispering in desperation, and exaustion. overstimulation turns him into a, yknow, slut? i dont know if thats the right word, but he goes crazy after cumming a few times. he even starts begging, literally pleading with tears in his eyes for more. hes a bit freaky and moves alot, explanation on the freaky part, i think spanking is one of the things he would try further in the relationship
dom tsumugi is even better, hes not exactly ruthless, but he knows how to do it well. like completing the hardest game on the first try without tutorials. again, hes very touchy and finds your sweet spots with extra care, focusing on your expressions and noises. he likes giving and taking backshots, but more romantic positions like spooning, if your a girl, closed missionary would be his go to choice when youre both tired, if your a guy, he gets more risky with double blindfolding and holds you even closer, his hands roaming everywhere that theey can reach.
dont know what else to add, again, soz..
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an : this seems lazy and doesnt feel in character to me, i havent read most of the story cause im jp only, so sorry if this feels weird if i mischaracterized him, made sure not to get too freaky incase you didnt want it... i finished this at 1:15
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decepti-thots · 9 months
for so long I have felt like a weirdo for thinking that the jro pregnancy stuff is deeply unhorny. but I am going to say it now: it's only horny in the way that the alien franchise is horny: there are definitely people who are horny about it, but it's primarily about the non-sexy aspects of pregnancy. i get that it's a funny joke but a non-insignificant people genuinely act like it's "the writer's barely disguised fetish". birth is weird and scary and fascinating, even more so in robots. im probably more defensive about this than I should be but it's kind of upsetting to me that this is where the discussion always ends
I'll put this under a cut so as not to spam anyone's dash bc yeah I went off on this ask haha (positive).
I actually felt so insane about this very topic I ran a damn poll on my NSFW sideblog and the thing is: the majority of folks voting agreed no, it's not inherently, textually horny. (I would know; I know horny when I see it, ffs!) Which vindicated me! Because I agree it's so ridiculous a thing to unironically, sincerely insist is super horny, given the text, lmao.
Like, it's extremely obsessed with pregnancy, but this is not the same as 'a fetish', and tbqh I think the 'fetish' joke just shields any actually interesting discussion of what it's doing. I think the Alien comparison here is actually really telling; it's absolutely a visceral thing, a thing concerned with the body and how it functions, sometimes against our will. And it's not unconnected to sexuality or eroticism in how those things are discussed more broadly, in the sense it's talking about a thing that intersects with those elements in the abstract, but it's not. Like. It's not a "fetish" thing, and if the characters it involved weren't referred to as 'he' in text I think less people would be calling it that, and actually it kinda sucks that every time I bring it up I have to block people who see 'pregnancy mentioned' on my completely sfw posts as an excuse to go off on their personal fetishes in detail, or their desire to speculate on the imagined fetishes of the writer in equally graphic detail. (BTW, it's genuinely uncomfortable seeing people obsessively speculate on the imagined fetishes of a creator, I think. We should all do that a little less in public.)
I mean not to be a total killjoy or anything but like... treating pregnancy in itself, even in the most abstract way, as inherently fetishistic and inappropriate (the people reblogging my innocuous posts about pregnancy metaphors with fucking trigger warnings! 'mpreg trigger warning' being a normalized way to tag pictures that are just Trans Dude Who Is Pregnant!) is uh. I mean we live in a world where pregnant people are often massively marginalized by society period, and seen as somehow inappropriate for public life, and especially anyone who is remotely GNC. Like the idea that something is inherently obscene about a pregnant person is, shall we say, not apolitical. It is in fact a thing that people actually have to fight against in real life. I mean. Fandom doing this to a text that in fact is most notable for treating pregnancy weirdly neutrally in these terms is... frustrating! I think we all lose out when we refuse to engage with weird, funny texts that have things to say about these topics that fall outside our expected frameworks, like, say, 'this is A Fetish TM'. That's limiting! If we want to talk about what IDW1 phase two does with gender, we cannot do that properly if every time we talk about MTMTE we get weird about it doing sexless genderfree pregnancy metaphors, and instead make them funny mpreg jokes, tbh! IDK! Seems counter intuitive! And I genuinely think MTMTE/LL's bizarre approach to the thing is so interesting precisely because it's so odd and offputting. What if we actually examined it. I think we can find some good stuff in there, frankly.
And truly the especially frustrating thing is that the comic itself, for all it is objectively weird and hilarious and 'why the fuck is this even HERE' about it... is just never that. Like. I posted those excerpts because it IS weird and it IS wild and it IS quite funny in its way! It's alien robot body horror in a kids' cartoon franchise turned to an unexpected end! But you know what it actually manages, somehow, to never be? One: weird and misogynist about pregnancy. Two: weird and transphobic about it involving vaguely, ostensibly 'male' characters. Make all the mpreg jokes you want I guess, but MTMTE is many bizarre things but it never gives one single shit about the gender binary, and tbh I think it's genuinely kind of embarrassing the fandom saw a comic that did insane robot body horror pregnancy shit and was like. Okay well. But the mpreg tho.
Like. I've joked for years that I want to do a transmasc read of the pregnancy stuff Roberts did in TF seriously, same as I think a transmasc read of how Alien presents fears around "male pregnancy" in a trans context would be great. And for all my jokes, I genuinely would, actually. I think it's legit very interesting how Roberts manages to divorce the presentation of horror of pregnancy from gender in a way that mitigates the gendered subtext somewhat and gets at the loss of autonomy in a broader sense.
anyway it truly sucks that fandom is so fucking shitty about this. to give a little extra context, i talk about a particular transmasc humanformer AU sometimes that involves pregnancy and. i have had to Delete Some Fucking Asks about that thing, which. well that happens in normal regular real life and people talk about it like a fanfic trope (derogatory). so. i am a little sensitive to people getting Like This about the topic, aha.
sorry i went off on one anon, can you tell. i also find this frustrating. i relate. i am totally with you. god it would be so much less interesting to read it as horny so like, why is this the ONLY MODE we seem to have tbh
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tra-archive · 3 months
Hey i'm the previous anon, and i think you missed some point. İntersectionality is important as you say, but whilst trans women hold the power (or seems like) by the virtue of being born male, transitioning is something that dismisses that power. I think it's somehing that's different from things like, as you said, race. A white woman's white privilege does not goes away by the virtue of her being a woman. But after transition, a trans woman's male privilege goes. For example, a friend of mine is trans. She faces misogyny in her field, and she if she were to go and say them she's trans they would not go "oh, sorry, my mistake!!!". They would probs react with disgust but contunie their misogyny nonetheless. I know this specific thing happens because she passes, but even before she passed, people didn't treat her like a with the respect they would do to a guy at all. Not even with the respect they would treat to a gnc guy.
Btw ik some ppl might see it and think the reverse happens to trans men, but from what i seem, it does not!! From my observations, privilege in regards to gender -and transitioning- is something that can very easily taken away. But isnt given.
This is gonna be kind of long, so I’ll put a read more.
I appreciate you outlining that so well! I do think a fully passing trans person wouldn’t be recognized as male and thus not have some of the male privileges in places like work, as you said.
However I guess when I bring up privilege, one of the main things they have privilege in that we don’t is reproductive rights. All female people, even those who can’t get pregnant, are affected by those rights getting taken away (just wait until November when Trump inevitably wins, I guarantee there will be more than just abortion taken away). But since trans women are male, they do not face the same danger as we do in this area. Also not ever having to deal with periods is a privilege in itself, considering the stigma and misinformation surrounding periods and also the struggle many women have to buy products. This is where the male privilege is.
I also wanted to point out that- and not all trans people are like this, I’m aware- many MTFs have expressed that experiencing misogyny is affirming to them and actually makes them feel slightly happy because it’s a sign of passing. While I understand how debilitating dysphoria is and I know that it’s awful to deal with, being able to see a “bright side” of misogyny is a privilege. A male person didn’t have to grow up with misogyny surrounding them, while a female person does. So there is a privilege in being able to feel affirmed by oppression.
But I mean yeah it’s not a simple thing to think about and discuss, like you said. Passing trans people have privileges in some areas but lose them in others. Intersectionality and not living in an echo chamber is important to me so I’m always up for hearing other perspectives (as long as you aren’t an asshole about it).
Sorry for the long response😭
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yuridovewing · 3 months
Yeah, as a nonbinary person who could get pregnant but never wants to, I find the way fans treat trans cats having litters really weird. Like as long as you depict it with respect because trans parents deserve it, it's not hurting anyone. Plus it's unfair to trans fans who want to have biokids. I saw a Warriors Roleplay outright ban trans cats from having children that werent adopted with the excuse of 'listening to trans voices'. Ok, well not every trans person is uncomfortable with the idea of having children and its unfair to act like thats the case. YOU can be uncomfortable with having kids and thats fine, but just because something makes you dysphoric doesnt mean nobody is allowed to do it.
ABSOLUTELY! Ohhh I have thoughts about that RP... "you can NEVER portray trans characters having bio kids, they HAVE to adopt because trans people having bio kids is wrong!! We're doing this because we love trans people and we know that not a single one has had or wants children! This is helpful!! We're helping!!"
This stuff does have an effect on the real world, too (maybe not our silly little cat headcanons, but the general discussion around this topic in a wider range) When you insist that you can't portray trans people having kids, to the point you ban it in an rp or lash out at trans creators who do so, how do you think that reflects onto trans people who not only want bio kids, but have already had bio kids? That people like them are so uncomfortable, it is an insult to other trans people to acknowledge they exist? That they are an Other, something abnormal, something the trans community should never accept?
I get it. There are a lot of trans people irl who don't want bio kids because of dysphoria, among several other factors. Anon and I are two of them! And there WERE some people genuinely being reductive about the topic and just making a single trans character in a gay ship trans for bio kids. But what trans people are you helping by banning the discussion altogether? We aren't a hivemind. We're all individuals with different needs and preferences. If your dysphoria is SO bad that you can't look at other trans people who haven't met your standard for whatever reason and you demand that they stay quiet and not exist for your comfort... it's time to work on yourself. And if you're not trans and you're saying this, please shut up, holy shit stop telling trans people how to write our own characters or how we should headcanon things.
And to be honest, I've grown kinda sick of being policed around what kind of trans characters we're allowed to write. This attitude extends to stuff like dysphoria, whether a character has taken steps to medically transition (and you'll get snapped at no matter what!), portraying GNC trans people, and more. It's not as prevalent in the warriors fandom, I think, but it's become so nitpicked that I'm exhausted.
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loser-female · 7 months
A couple of notes on resumes, employment, job interviews from an actual employed person
(true in Western Europe, IT related)
I might be unpopular but DO NOT LIE on the things you know. Especially if you are doing a particular job like mine, you will look like an idiot and lose a potential job you could have gotten if you were honest.
But! Send the resumes even if you miss some of the requirements. I send mine at 70%. It works. This is how I got my actual job. This is why lying is useless - you don't need to. Just stick to what you know, show interest in learning something new and it will go your way.
(True for IT might be for other professions) a lot of the times you're not being judged for the things you know but how you reach to the knowledge and how you climb the mirror when answering a question. "I don't know but I would do this" is what they want to hear (granted that the reasoning behind is correct).
I got my job after the worst interview I've ever done - I even ended up crying afterwards. But while I answered wrong I showed that I use my brain when in trouble. This is what my manager wanted to see.
Only include hobbies if you can use the skills on the job, otherwise you're just wasting space. I like reading (=analysis), I like writing (=I can bullshit my way in a report), I play soccer in my free time (I'm a team worker).
While you might not be in search of besties, really make some effort to be civil and cordial to the people around you. Even if they are annoying, but shutting everyone off as I keep seeing as an advice how to be a "girlboss" is not it. (I said annoying, if there is bullying, discrimination and a terrible environment that's another thing)
In Psychology of Intelligence Analysis, the author noted that the creative being put in a bad environment performs less and worse than the least innovative person in a good environment. Furthermore, he also explains that if you stay in a job because you think you can change the environment you will be proven wrong. Do what you want with this information.
Show some personality. I've been told multiple times that people remember me after I meet them because I'm myself. I'm not pretending to be someone else, even though I'm not the most likeable person (I'm a GNC nerd and I have a strong personality and I have no problem in showing it). Guess who gets called at the end of the day.
You should practice how to answer basic and difficult questions. You should.
Also HR is not your friend, as in, they're not being paid to listen to your personal problems. They don't care and it only shows you have no boundaries in the workplace (which would be true and you should work on keeping your mouth shut). With personal problems I mean disclosing diagnosis (unless you're legally disabled or you're being asked due to some affirmative action law), sources of stress, low income (like,this will just mean you will be underpaid)... Same with demands.
Also there are some things your employer should not be asking for privacy reasons. This is different for every country and you should check it out. If someone asks you if you are planning to be pregnant you will be discriminated against.
That's what I can remember lol. Yes, I've had to deal with people advising to tell their employers about their ADHD and autism - in my country this is just asking to be discriminated against, but I've been told that in other places this would be the right thing to do because they are considered legally disabilities (what's legally considered a disability varies by country) and there is some affirmative actions going on.
On the specifics on how to make something out of your interest in IT I'm writing another post. That being said, take everything with a grain of salt. I'm only one person living probably in a different place than you do.
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scythemichaelfaraday · 10 months
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Sitara Phoenix Dwicky
The oldest of the wee ones (not counting Cal and Chance). Biologically Dwight and Johnny's. They were not planned nor expected at all.
Quick aside: My version of Johnny's creator (an evil System-running, wastelock-experiment-making au version of Edgar Vargas) created Johnny from dead Meekrob DNA and my hc for Meekrob is that they are genderless/sexless beings that can carry offspring and generate the organs to do so. Johnny has that ability too originally for very unsavory purposes.
They were conceived right before Johnny was taken away by Vargas back to the System to be tortured into submission. Miraculously, they (and Johnny) survived. Johnny delivered them (and the rest of his biological children) via Caesarean section.
Johnny had them right before being hospitalized for PTSD amongst other things, so their and Johnny's early relationship was a little strained due to the accompanying trauma. It was only when Johnny started healing that they formed a healthy and happy parent/child relationship.
Sadly, due to the torture and stress that Johnny underwent while Sitara was in utero, they did not inherit any powers from either parent that later children will end up having.
They share Johnny's creativity and affinity with the stars and space in general. They are stubborn much like both parents, but especially Johnny. Dwight passed on his social awkwardness (which honestly both parents have), love for animals, and persuasiveness manipulation. They hold fast to their beliefs and values and do end up being the debate team type of kid.
Their hobbies include drawing, building with legos, and playing with the various pets around the Dwicky household, including but not limited to: two guinea pigs and their extensive family, a supernatural sable, a robot bunny, a robot cat, chickens, horses, and a singing plant. They end up becoming an interstellar veterinarian.
They also are rather gender variant at a young age. They like wearing gnc clothing. They ask to start being referred to as they/them as early as six years old.
They have Johnny’s facial structure with Dwight’s nose and a pretty equal mix of their skin tones leaning more towards Johnny’s complexion. They have Johnny’s hair color. They have brown eyes mainly because it’s a dominant gene and more common than Johnny’s black eyes.
Finally, their middle name is in honor of Johnny’s niece (and a dear friend) Addie Denivar’s title of “Phoenix.”
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Bellatrix Usagi Dwicky
One of the three Dwicky triplets. She is biologically Johnny and Leera’s daughter. Leera was kind of feeling left out and missed being pregnant when Dwight and Johnny found out they were having twins. Despite being conceived at a later date as the twins, Bellatrix was delivered the same day as them and thus they are considered triplets.
She is the most mischievous of the kids with her first word literally being ‘fuck’ said with such joy and passion. When they start growing up, Bellatrix will be the “leader” of her siblings and get them into heaps of trouble.
She takes on Johnny’s gothic style, literally dyeing her hair black later as a teenager to “match her soul.” She loves black as much as she loves pink. Loves Sailor Moon as much as she loves Kill la Kill (much to Johnny’s dismay). Loves tea parties as much as she loves mosh pits. One thing remains constant and that is she’s the life of the party.
Even as a young girl, she is known for biting other kids who pick on her or her siblings (and she inherited momma’s sharp teeth), her eccentric and constantly changing personality (which later ends up being parent’s inherited borderline), and her ability to charm.
She later develops the power of pyrokinesis with a strange twist, instead of being a source of warmth, it is cold like ice and has a strange effect of burning, but in the same way that frostbite and liquid nitrogen does. She refers to it as coldfire.
She has the facial structure and skin type and tone of Leera with big ol eyes like Johnny and a surprising appearance of a recessive gene of blue eyes. She gets her nose from Johnny. Her hair is a literal blended mix of Leera and Johnny’s. Her ear shape is pointed like Leera’s. Her teeth are pointy and sharp like Leera’s.
Her middle name should be quite obvious- but just in case, yes, it is based off of Sailor Moon’s name. Her parents watched a lot of it while pregnant okay! Also her twin bangs remind her parents of a bunny’s!
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Lyra Eileen Dwicky
One of the three Dwicky triplets. She is biologically Johnny and Dwight’s. She, like her sibling Sitara and twin, Artemis, was a surprise as well. But not quite as much as a surprise since Johnny is now aware that he can conceive.
Lyra is a “weird” kid through and through, from a very young age she has had various imaginary friends that she speaks to (that gives Johnny a heart attack every time), never talked much with other kids, and is in her head most of the time.
She prefers to spend her time in the vents in the ceiling of the Dwicky space station, listening to classical music and talking with her friends and reading.
She loves all things supernatural and is not afraid of conventionally spooky things. One of her first toys was a radio with the ability to pick up changes in the environment including EM field , temperature, etc. that turns these changes into words to “communicate with ghosts.” Sadly, she loses the ability to use it.
However, this leads to her power showing up: clairvoyance. It starts with her animatedly talking with people who aren’t there, like full-fledged conversations and continues into her trying to convince her parents to help the lost souls or at least to communicate their feelings. And ultimately comes to a head when she talks to Dwight’s dead spouses (long before Leera and Johnny): Mooshy and Spoopty despite never meeting them before or hearing about them.
She has a button nose that is different than Dwight or Johnny’s probably coming somewhere from Johnny’s mixed Filipino - Spanish Indigenous (Mexico) side. She is a little on the lighter side but has a darker complexion than Artemis and Dwight. She has Johnny’s pupil shape and black eye color. She has a mix of Dwight and Johnny’s hair colors. Her ears are rounded like Dwight’s.
Her middle name is Dwight’s mother’s name.
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Artemis Edgar Miles Dwicky
One of the three Dwicky triplets. He is biologically Dwight and Johnny’s, and as mentioned before, he was a surprise.
Artemis is the entertainer of the family. While Bellatrix likes to be the life of the party and is quite dramatic, Artemis takes that on and makes it a performance. Where Bella and Lyra are two different sides of the chaotic spectrum, Artemis is right in the middle. He knows how to have a good time, but he also knows when to stop.
He has loved making his parents laugh since he was a little boy and puts on concerts in the lounge where they all sit together. He starts taking guitar lessons at the age of eight and has started his own band by thirteen.
While he loves to party, he has a very limited capacity to his social battery and it drains very quickly. When he’s not performing, he’s cozying up on his bed and watching tv or playing video games. He’s a sweet boy at heart who just really likes to make people happy.
His power manifests as the ability to cast spells using specific rhythms on his guitar and sometimes vocally in a siren-like manner. He can cause a riot with his music alone and also put a crowd at ease with a single chorus. He isn’t aware of this power until his angry, angsty teenager lyrics started a full-on brawl in the restaurant he was playing at.
His complexion is Dwight’s. His face shape is more angular and heart shaped than either Dwight or Johnny and likely came from Dwight’s mother. Another thing he inherited from Dwight’s mother is his bright red hair, being that she is of Irish decent. His eyes are gray, taking on an almost mix of Dwight’s clear blue and Johnny’s black. His ears are squared like Johnny’s. He has Johnny’s nose.
His middle names take a little more explaining. While Vargas was an asshole abusive creator, there is another alternate dimension Edgar that enters the picture and becomes Dwight’s friend over the course of the three years that Johnny was captured. He helps Dwight through his grief and gets him to do the next right thing and be there for his wife and kid after (seemingly) losing Johnny. He is now a family friend and frequently comes over for game nights and chess matches with Dwight. Thus, Artemis’ first middle name.
… The other middle name is Miles as in Miles Prower as in Tails from the Sonic franchise. Another form of media that the Dwicky household got into around the kids’ development.
Also, as a quick little side note: Johnny goes by Renny (as in parent). Dwight goes by Dad, Father, Daddy, and Papa. Leera goes by Mom, Momma, and Mommy. They also use Spanish and Tagalog (the languages of two major parts of Johnny’s human DNA) terms of endearment.
Tagging a friend: @messinwitheddie
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ca-suffit · 2 months
First off - I really appreciate what you do here, I'm new to fandom spaces and the things you post about have crystalized what bothered me in this fandom, which has made the experience of sifting through it much easier, knowing why some people's takes make me wildly uncomfortable and why I wasn't convinced by the big blogs big loud voices yelling at me what to think and how. There's an objectivity to your words that takes me out of the shipping war, book nostalgia, societal issue-blind mindset a lot of loud people here flaunt like some intellectual commentary, when it's not.
That aside, I know you mostly comment on fandom racism, but I've been confused for some time with how this fandom deals with transgender AUs. I know that a while back there was a lot of heated discourse and some big blogs saying that Louis shouldn't be feminized, dismissing critique of patriarchy which the show makes so clear, and misinterpreting Lestat's place in the familial structure etc. Now, I'm not talking about that, I wholeheartedly agree with Louis being a feminine (and maternal) figure in regards to gender roles, and with his general demeanor, as well. Though he is more subdued in that sense and gets misinterpreted, due to people used to something more outright like Lestat's flamboyancy.
And I know a lot of fic was written at first to spite the people who were uncomfortable with the notion of a clearly feminized Louis, which brought out MPreg, A/B/O, breeding kink, crossdressing, GNC, and even trans (FTM or MTF) iterations. I've read some great work involving most of those (though I've never wanted to check out any applying to Lestat, since most of them seem ridiculous) which was careful, mindful and made sure to respectfully use real life sensitive tropes, such as transness.
But I've also seen really crude, insensitive, and outright unconvincing characterization of an FTM Louis. Empowerment through writing is great, and I know transmasc writers can vent through the process, but some work has had such blatant fetishization of trans men, and it gets lumped in with praise along other, more serious and deserving fics. Not every FTM Louis is empowering, and I just can't get behind people writing a trans man that's turned on by being called a wife, having his genitalia spoken about in an outright feminized and crude way, AND ENJOYING THE THOUGHT OF GETTING PREGNANT.
Now, I know that various people's dysphoria allows for different things, but the amount of trans men that actually have a single positive thought about pregnancy, their female genitalia being spoken about, or having womanly roles forced upon them in relationships, is so low that writing about it without consideration becomes quite offensive. If you want a mindless smut one-shot of a pregnant or willing to be Louis, go for him as a cis gay man with a breeding kink, for A/B/O, bogus science, or honestly, fucking anything besides him being an FTM.
And I say this especially because I know it's not just trans men reading those crude and smutty iterations, it's also, and mostly, people who have hurt me and many other transmasc individuals with their disgusting chaser behaviour. Talking about it brings up many hurtful memories and I won't go farther for risk of becoming too subjective and affected, but I think trans AUs really shouldn't be treated with as much ease as they are.
first, thank u for the compliments!! I don't rly hear nice things here so it's appreciated when anyone takes time to give feedback and let me know this is doing something.
second, trans stuff is still under the racial umbrella as there's a lot of trans people of color here who get ignored in favor of white fandom bullshit all the time.
idk all the ins and outs of this but my main question reading this was.....are the fics being written by trans ppl or no? Cuz it's one thing if it's trans ppl expressing a spectrum of an identity and another if it's a non trans person using an identity to meet some kind of plot end and not considering the real implications of that. It sounds like it's the latter but I got a little confused.
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marmotsomsierost · 4 months
Today is trying my fuckin' patience with regards to queer patients and their concerns and how some of the staff is responding. Why are you so concerned and baffled that the trans man looks like a man? Who gives a shit if he doesn't change his name? He's still a dude. Why are you talking shit about a patient being twitchy- you didn't order labs, you don't know if that tic-y-ness is ghb or tardive dyskenisia or something else, and even if it is, why is that patient worth talking about over all the other, very frequent flyer, patients who self-medicate with their drug of choice? Because they look like they could be dressed in a gnc way? Why are you talking about how fascinating it would be to see a trans man pregnant? And not in a medical advancement/process/mechanical kind of way, but like a carnival sideshow kind of way. Like what the fuck.
And how do you work in an emergency department and you don't know what PEP or PrEP is? Especially an emergency department around here. How is it mindbogglingly difficult to think of how someone might get a particular minor injury during sex? I was like 'who cares what folks do on their own' and y'all were still harping on about it. I rattled off four different ways* and y'all went 'oh i mean huh but that's like...why would someone do that' and i just went *shrug* 'why do we even care' and five minutes later people were back talking about it. Bro. Who. Gives. A. Fuck. It has nothing to do with patient care. You cannot tell me you don't know or know of a single straight cis person who's ever fucked someone once and not cared about name or contact info. You are in a bigass fuckoff fishbowl in an open patient space why are you still on this.
People are just people. Be curious be what the fuck be mindboggled be whatever, that's natural, but be that in your head! That is a question for google later! (and some of y'all really need to turn safesearch on for that shit because you are not ready for those results).
And i know i have a significantly skewed meter for 'weird' when it comes to sex and gender and shit because i've volunteered for folsom street fair and dore alley as medical staff but i also know that my coworkers have the capacity for really good poker face because i have seen it. Why is it easy to be pleasant and unflappable in the face of weird body function or dysfunction or fuck, even maggots or being fused to car upholstery but god forbid someone wear a tshirt dress and binder. And yeah, i know we decompress and debrief all the time after Seeing Some Shit or thousand-yard-stare-ing after stupidly graphic examples of elder abuse and there is nothing wrong with that- when it happens in private, with people who understand and understand why it's important. Not in a fishbowl where you have no idea who can hear you. I know at least one of the patients heard, because they specifically told me one of the times i walked past "i'm glad i came when you were working."
My heart is heavy and i'm tired.
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fireliit · 1 year
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LOGAN, THIRTY-ONE, CST; SHE/THEY. | if you’re hearing I MAKE MY OWN SUNSHINE by ALYSSA BONAGURA playing, you have to know SEONHO JONES (HE/HIM; CIS MAN) is near by! the TWENTY-SIX year old GIG WORKER (MULTIPLE JOBS) has been in denver for, like, ELEVEN YEARS. they’re known to be quite RESTLESS, but being BUOYANT seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble CHA EUNWOO. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those WARM HONEY EYES THAT ARE ALWAYS CRINKLING UNDER THE WEIGHT OF A SMILE, AN ELASTIC HEART THAT ENDURES AGAINST ALL ODDS, A VIBRATING ENERGIZER BUNNY THAT RUNS AROUND IN CIRCLES IN A DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO MOVE FORWARD AND IS IN NEED OF REST vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the LAKERIDGE DISTRICT long enough!
Full profile under the cut! APPLICABLE TRIGGER WARNINGS: non-descriptive mentions of abandonment, death by brain aneurysm, degenerative cognitive illness, homelessness
STATS Birth Name: Seonho Ryu ( 류선호 ) Legal Name: Seonho Jones Occupation: Uber driver / Maintenance worker at Empower Field / miscellaneous contract/manual work, etc. (if any part-time jobs are available at specific places, please let me know!) Age: Twenty-six Date of Birth: February 28th, 1997 Ethnicity/Race: Korean Gender & Pronouns: Cis man | he/him Orientation: Bisexual Social Class: Lower class Languages: English (fluent), Korean (fluent) Height: 183 cm / 6’0" Tattoo(s): musical notes on his right ankle with ‘keep moving forward’ written next to it, an arrow heart on his chest with birthdates of his family inside, purple and burgundy forget-me-nots on his shoulderblades, korean idiom across his spine which translates roughly to "at the end of hardship comes happiness" (고생 끝에 낙이 온다) Piercing(s): ears (double lobe, double helix, snug, conch), left eyebrow Birthplace: Kansas City, Missouri, USA Current Residence: Denver, Colorado, USA Parents: Mina Park-Jones (mother), Jalen Jones (step/adoptive father, deceased), Seongmin Ryu (biological father, absent) Siblings: Unnamed sister (younger sister, wc posted), Unnamed sister (younger sister, wc posted), Sam (younger gnc half sibling, age 17), Hana (younger half sister, age 14), and Melody (younger half sister, age 13) Traits: Buoyant, steadfast, enthusiastic, self-sacrificing, generous, escapist, humble, restless, stubborn MBTI: ENFP - The Campaigner Eanneatype: Type 2 - The Helper Moral Alignment: Neutral Good Temperament: Phlegmatic Intelligence Type: Musical / Intrapersonal Astrology: Pisces sun, Scorpio moon, Leo ascending Habits: Gesturing when speaking, pointing, wears mismatched socks, randomly bursts into song, nicotine addiction (vapes), in general poor self-care habits Hobbies: Listening to music, writing music, producing music, dancing, sending memes, playing musical instruments, scrapbooking, papercrafting Likes: Music, romantic comedies, socializing, sunflower seeds, humming, smiling, cuddling, tteokbokki, adult coloring books, thunderstorms, trying new things even if he’s bad at them Dislikes: Conflict, waking up early, traffic, most academic things, balancing a checkbook / anything financial-related, folding clothes, humidity, being overheated, wasting food, feeling like he’s not doing enough BIOGRAPHY
Seonho was born the eldest child to two immigrant parents, Seongmin Ryu and Mina Park, who moved to the United States of America from South Korea when Mina was pregnant with Seonho after she was disowned by her parents who disapproved of Seongmin. His biological father walked out on Seonho, his mother, and two of his younger siblings when he was five years old and Seonho has always believed that they were better off without him.
After being homeless and hopping between the streets and halfways houses after the abandonment, his mother remarried three years to Seonho’s stepfather, Jalen Jones, who would become the only Dad that Seonho acknowledged in his life. Jalen adopted the three eldest children upon his marriage to Mina and they all took on his last name. Three more children would enter the fold throughout the years.
Early on in his childhood, Seonho fell in love with music thanks to Jalen’s side-gig playing the saxophone in a jazz band. He would sing along to every Disney movie and musical and tried to groove to the beat. While he was initially clumsy on his feet, his mother fondly nicknaming him Bambi, he was determined to learn how to dance. He had a talented ear for music, picking up musical instruments and mastering them with an ease. His parents encouraged his passion as best they could, ensuring that they budgeted well enough to afford sending Seonho to his music lessons. While performing at the city market, he was scouted by a Korean entertainment agency at the age of thirteen.
However, he was still a trainee when he flew back home and prematurely ended his contract due to his stepfather dying suddenly of a ruptured brain aneurysm as a result of overworking. After losing their home to foreclosure, the fragmented family relocated to Denver, Colorado.
As the oldest child, he assumed a great deal of responsibility in the household. While he wanted to drop out of school, his mother insisted that he stay enrolled and graduate. He earned money any way that he could to help keep the household, mowing lawns during the summer and working manual labor in the evenings. Sometimes, he would resort to not-so-legal methods if need be.
His music became all the more dear to him, filling the gaping holes in his chest that were created from his dream continually slipping through his fingers. He could never catch a break after that.
A year before Seonho graduated from high school, his mother was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. After it came to the point that his mother could no longer properly take care of them or herself, she was admitted into a longterm care facility by order of the municipality. At that point, Seonho was eighteen and filed for guardianship of his siblings who had been sent to foster care, which he would eventually be granted after a months' long battle with the courts. He also became the conservator of his mother’s well-being.
It's been hard, yet Seonho kept going anyway. See, he’s a hopeful guy, despite everything, resilient at his core, and even if it meant that he had to work at least 80 hours a week and juggle too many bills and loans, he was going to do it with a smile. 
There have been hard days, of course. Days where he would visit his mother and she would call him by the name of a man best left forgotten. 
Seonho insists that he provide for his family and ensure that each of his siblings focus on their studies, graduate from school, and are afforded opportunities that he did not have.
Seonho often distracts himself by throwing himself into helping people as a by-product of measuring his self-worth by what he can do for other people (thanks, capitalism). This makes him a bit of a doormat, yet not a naïve, unaware one. He just has decided it’s not worth ruffling feathers, and he can’t take risks like he otherwise would out of fear of disrupting what little stability he has been able to achieve for his family.
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suckmyfatstrap · 5 months
i'm not even really interested in being pregnant irl, but it's not a detransition thing for me, the thought of a pregnant transmasc and/or butch is so hot to me like the idea of a masc pregnant person does so much for my love for all those gnc
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cadybear420 · 8 months
Meet My MC: Evie Ayana (OG HSS)
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Trivia and Extended Details under the cut!
Note: All details are subject to changes and additions.
Family and Background
🇮🇳 Evie is a mix of South Asian (Indian) and European (English/Scottish) descent. Her mom Rani is Indian, and her Dad Scott is a mix of South Asian and European. However, Scott suspects he may have some Turkish roots/ancestry somewhere along the line.
💔 After Scott and Julia (Emma's Mom) ended up going their separate ways in college, Scott would meet Rani. The two fell in love and eventually were married and pregnant, but divorced on amicable terms because Rani realized during the pregnancy that she was not up to being a parent. It was tough on the two of them because they were an otherwise perfect match.
🌉 Evie was born in San Francisco, California, and has lived there all her life up until her and Scott's move to Cedar Cove when he got a new job offer.
👶 Scott chose the name "Evelyn" partly because he liked the way it sounded and partly because some of its meanings include "desired", "desired child", and "wanted", as Scott had always wanted to be a father. But it was quickly shortened to "Evie" as he began using "Evie-bear" as a name of endearment for her.
👨‍👧 Rani would sometimes come to visit Scott and Evie, being more of an Auntie figure to her. They get along pretty well, but it could be a bit awkward since Rani and Scott still had some feelings for each other and neither of them had really had any new partners. Evie never resented Rani for leaving, but would often feel like she missed out on having a great mother figure.
☪️ Both Evie and her dad are cultural semi-practicing Muslims. Scott has Islamic ancestry, but grew up in a household that wasn't strictly religious. Most of his and Evie's practicing of the religion involves fasting on Ramadan, celebrating Eid-ul-fitr and Eid-al-adha, not eating pork or drinking alcohol, and the occasional prayer.
🐱 Scott and Evie adopted Daisy just after Evie graduated middle school. Scott had always wanted a cat as a kid, but his father was deathly allergic. This made Scott afraid to get a furry pet for years, even after he'd moved out. But with Evie loving cats just as much as he does, he eventually decided "enough" and adopted a month-old white-and-orange rescue kitten. Daisy is quiet and calm, but at the same time, her Orange Cat side shows through quite often and she also gets freaked out by large groups of people.
🐹 Scott and Evie adopted Cheese Nugget (sometimes called "Cheesy") in the Fall of Evie's first year at Berry because Scott loves hamsters just as much as he does cats. Don't worry, they make sure to keep Daisy and Cheesy far away from each other. Daisy doesn't know that Cheesy even exists and they intend to keep it that way.
Evie's HSS Story
🚚 Evie hates drastic changes, and hopes to live a life that is stable and secure. At the very least, she wants to be able to know how to mitigate drastic changes. Evie was not a fan of having to move up North. She was leaving behind the home she'd lived in since childhood and the few friends she had made. But she did also hope to end up in a better high school environment.
🫢 Evie started out as very cautious, nervous, and impulsive before coming to Berry. She was bullied fairly often in early elementary school and sometimes had trouble making a lot of friends. When she came to Berry, she was very unsure of it at first and did still have some difficulty, but she was eventually able to take the opportunity of a fresh start and begin pushing herself to be a more confident, outspoken, and actively helpful person. She's been able to make friends and stand up to bullies and assholes much more easily at Berry, though it could still be a bit difficult sometimes.
🤵‍♀️ Evie is a very GNC cis girl and has been for as far back as she can remember. She tends to prefer masc clothing and hair styles, she's very proud of her masc form and likes to work on maintaining her muscular build, she almost exclusively likes role-reversed romances and behaves accordingly with Aiden, and she struggles majorly with genital dysphoria. Seeing Evie being so open with her GNC appearance and behaviors eventually inspires him to step out of his comfort zone and start trying out some GNC styles himself, such as crop tops, short shorts, and dresses.
🏈 Evie has done basketball ever since she was 4, and football ever since late middle school. Berry High was her first time getting into baseball. Though even for basketball, she'd never been on an official team for any of those sports until Berry. But she also greatly enjoys running and has done track-and-field in her freshman year. She had wanted to join football back then, but was a lot more unsure about it. Even in Berry she was a bit unsure, but seeing how welcoming Julian and Caleb were and encouraging her to join made her feel more confident about it.
🫂 Of the people she's met during her time at Berry, she's closest to Emma Hawkins, Jade Ali, Caleb Michell, Michael Harrison, Maria Flores, Caleb Mitchell, Cher Lee (my HSS:CA f!MC) and Bear Lee (her twin), Sakura Watanabe, Julian Castillo, Cameron Levy, Kieran Hale, Frank Walter, Koh Sunya, Myra Khandaar, Ajay Bhandari, Skye Crandall, and Payton Saunders. And Aiden Zhou, of course, but that goes without saying.
🎹 Evie was drawn to Aiden right when she first saw him. She didn't crush on him just yet, but she was captivated by his distinguished appearance and she would try to get to know him better at Brian's party. It wasn't until after he invited her to listen to him play piano that she officially started crushing on him and began actively pursuing him.
👫 Evie was drawn to Aiden for a couple of reasons. There's the fact that he was kind and she found him attractive as all hell, of course. But the big one for her is that she could see a lot of herself in him. He was reserved, shy, insecure, and socially awkward, and she could relate to that. But he was also passionate and dedicated to his craft, and seeing that inspired her to do better at her own interests and passions.
😬 Knowing the story of her parents' backstory has made Evie a little bit cautious about her own relationships; she'd always want to make sure that her partner was 100% comfortable with her and that she wasn't forcing them into doing anything they didn't want to do. This especially shows as she gets into a relationship with Aiden, a normally reserved guy who starts to step out of his comfort zone more often while dating her. She always kept it mostly friendly with him, but would start to express more romantic gestures and feelings when she learned for sure that he liked her. Her insecurity would be a point of contention between them later on in their relationship, but eventually they'd be able to work it out together.
🏀 Evie was very infuriated by Band and Cheer siding against Basketball. Although she sympathized with them on how Isa was treating them unfairly, she despised that they were primarily going after the team over it. It pissed her off even more when Aiden seemed to defend it and even agreed with Mia that the team was "like a second Isa". For a while she'd contemplated whether or not to bring it up, but seeing how everyone did seem to acknowledge they were caught up in their stress, she figured it'd be okay to let it go. Though she and Aiden would eventually discuss it later.
🎤 Evie has mixed feelings on her singing skills. She's not amazing, but she can carry a tune well enough. Sometimes she sings karaoke with no one else and likes how it sounds, other times she isn't so confident about it. But she does seem to be a little less nervous about it when singing with a partner, as discovered by her karaoke with Aiden at Brian's party. Eventually her singing skills will improve as Evie-Aiden duets almost certainly become a regular thing.
👑 Evie ended up winning Homecoming Queen, Payton's Guest of Honor, and Prom Queen. Hoco and Prom titles were never something she really cared about, but she still felt honored to win them.
🎭 Evie has always loved imaginary play-pretend games as a kid and thus does take a little bit of interest in theatre, and would feel ready to try it out by the start of HSS:CA. She was cast as the princess for one part of auditions, but her role of preference was the Knight. However, Danielle's sabotage causing her to break her leg would leave her very distraught, as she was missing out on both football and on theatre that quarter.
Miscellaneous Personality Trivia
💜 Evie's favorite colors include purples, powder pinks, and mint greens.
🎵 Evie can't play an instrument to save her life. She'd taken a few lessons as a kid once, but it did not work out. Aiden does think she might have a secret talent for percussion, though.
💞 Besides Aiden, Evie has also felt attraction for Michael Harrison, Maria Flores, Julian Castillo, and Kieran Hale. None nearly as strongly as Aiden, though. But later on in life, Aiden and Evie may agree to an open marriage and occasionally swing with Michael and Maria.
🏳️‍🌈 Evie is bi with a huge preference for guys. She first realized she wasn't straight around the end of 7th grade and knew for sure she was bi in 9th grade. However there was a lot of confusion for her in figuring this out because of her heavy preference for men, and stigmas that bi women with a male preference "aren't queer enough" or "just looking for attention". In fact, she didn't even have her first actual girl-crush until she met Maria. But soon enough, she was able to come to terms with the fact that her preference for men doesn't make her any less bi.
📝 Evie loves creative writing and has done it since she was a kid. This is in part motivated by the fact that she dislikes most of the romance/erotic stories genre. While she has nothing against those who do like them, and there are some movies that she can still enjoy even with a normative main romance, she still has a bit of contempt for the genre because of how pretty much none of them cater to more role-reversed romance fantasies. So she’s always felt pretty alienated in the genre, and has considered a career as an author so she can publish stories with GNC romance.
✈️ Evie has a bit of an attachment to vehicles like trains and airplanes and gets a bit excited about going on them. A lot of the time, Scott would let her help him out with his model train displays.
⭐ Evie loves cute and pretty stuff. Heart shapes, star shapes, flowers and flower shapes, butterflies, smiley faces, cats, glittery/shiny/sparkly/shimmery things, squeaky things, etc. You can rip that stuff from her cold, dead hands.
🌸 Evie adores scented products and has a huge collection of lotions, gel bead freshners, soaps, and other bath/home/care products that have scents she loves. Her favorite scents include eucalyptus, lavender, mint, cherry, and powder.
🎶 Even though Evie can't play a musical instrument for shit and a lot of the musical terminology Aiden uses is utter nonsense to her, she's quite the enthusiast for good songs and soundtracks. The Incredibles, The Matrix, Super Mario Galaxy, James Bond, and many more. She excitedly raves to Aiden about her favorite soundtracks from movies, video games, TV shows, etc. Often she'll even recommend a show or movie to him partly on the basis of it having a bomb-ass soundtrack, and almost 100% of the time he will enjoy it and they'll rave about the best parts of the soundtrack together.
📸 Evie puts great value on having hard physical records of memories, much unlike her boyfriend who prefers to remember things through music. Sometimes she does like to maintain memories through associations, but out of the fear of the possibility that she could forget certain good or important memories, she always tries to keep photos, notes/journal entries, or any other form of direct record.
☕ Evie does not like coffee. It smells nice, but the taste is awful to her. She much prefers tea (especially Earl Grey and mint teas), hot cocoa, and warm apple cider.
🌶️ Evie loathes spicy food. Hot peppers, spicy-flavored chips, heck, even a lot of South Asian/Indian dishes. She hates the taste and doesn't understand the appeal at all.
Other Profile Pieces
Original Intro for OCtober 2023
Bubble Chart Profile
More in-depth on Evie's parental backstory
Aiden's favorite aspects about Evie
Bonus Meta Fun Facts:
In my first HSS playthrough, I named my MC "Cady Heron" after the character from "Mean Girls", which I personally consider to be one of my most favorite high school movies of all time. By my second playthrough, I changed it to "Evie Ayana" to make the character more personalized.
My username "cadybear420" comes from hearing Scott call my MC "Cady-bear" all the time in that first playthrough. Plus 420 added on because weed number funny.
Evie, "Cady" at the time, originally started out having the wavy blonde hairstyle. But when I got to Book 2, I changed it to the short brown hairstyle. But I do like to headcanon she did have long bleached hair at the start of her freshman year in high school.
Prior to making this profile, 3 out of my total of 7 playthroughs took Evie on some greatly alternative routes. Two where Evie romanced Michael; one where Evie did band and was good at it; and one where Evie sucked at raising school spirit, was a jerk to the Hearst kids, and led on Emma so she could ask Aiden to homecoming.
My headcanons for her story during the HSS:CA timeline are currently tentative. Not only because it's been a while since I last played the trilogy, but also because I might change up a lot of the canon for my headcanons. We'll see.
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barfok · 1 year
youre SO right about sil and ayem i have been thinking this forever im so glad to see someone else put it into words! like on top of the significance of the tribunal being balanced between a woman, a man, and a person who embodies both very intentionally, i swear there is also an additional layer of intentional balance between ayem as a masculine woman, and sil as feminine man. with vivec in the middle. even taking into account the anticipations with the ayem being aligned with boethiah (presents masc in tes3) and sil being aligned with azura (presents fem). i won’t say its anything as straightforward as ayem and sil being canonically gnc or anything but i genuinely do think there is something to this??
i don't know that there IS anywhere to go with it tbh. it's just a thing that exists. their anticipations being (dunmeri archetype of masculine) boethiah and (dunmeri archetype of feminine) azura speak for themselves.
i suppose if you really wanted to run with this thought you could examine other ways that sotha sil and almalexia are thesis and antithesis and vivec is their synthesis, bc those opposites kinda fall along gendered (but specifically and explicitly patriarchal/matriarchal) lines. almalexia upholds and exerts authority in her relation to akatosh; sotha sil defies authority in his speech defying azura and use of the tools. sotha sil is depicted as pregnant in a tapestry and almalexia was apparently barren. almalexia enacted violence and sotha sil was the victim of it. almalexia is red and light, sotha sil is blue and dark. almalexia is the cruel upholder of laws and sotha sil is the nurturing respite from those laws. almalexia's domain is that of harsh reality, sotha sil's is that of indulgent escapism.
and then vivec encompasses all of these diametrically opposed aspects. totally normal polycule
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