#and really really really bad for anyone with a uterus
rebellum · 11 months
The weird thing about the "well trans men have it easier than trans women because if you completely pass and go stealth and are gender conforming then you only experience horrific discrimination in medical care!" Is that, like
You know trans women pass too, right
Like that statement is gender neutral
If any trans person, regardless of assigned gender, passes, then they are safer than any non-passing or visibly gnc person
It's like these people think trans women are doomed to never ever be able to ever pass. And it's like. Do you guys... actually talk? To other trans people? Are you part of a trans community? Like, not just reblogging or retweeting stuff, but a community where you know people's names and speak to them and they know your name and speak to you? Cause it seems like you have never spoken to another trans person before.
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beggars-opera · 9 months
I have a friend who dislikes her children.
That’s probably unfair, I’m sure she loves them very much, but there is real resentment there. Whether or not she wanted to be a mother is unclear, but her unhappiness sure is. Children are difficult, and if you’re not 100% prepared and enthusiastic about that it is going to be a terrible time for you.
I don’t think she is a bad person. She is frequently overwhelmed by both her family and the stream of idealized social media that makes it sound like everyone else is having a ball. So she goes on Facebook to talk about how miserable she is, how she misses her old life that all her friends seem to still have. It’s probably the only thing keeping her sane, along with her husband who actually loves kids.
This isn’t to shame anyone, but seeing her posts really cements in my mind how I would probably be in the same boat, and how glad I am that I made the decision not to put myself in this position. I would never want to bring another human into this world with the knowledge that they might make me miserable, and that I would likely make them miserable in turn, whether or not I meant to. No innocent child deserves that.
So many people still cling to a mythologized Feminine Instinct that states my uterus gives me more empathy, gives me more patience, gives me a duty that I can’t reject. They say that choosing to be childless is more selfish than having a child that you are unable to care for, that you will dislike. If those people saw the pain of those unsuited for motherhood I hope they would change their minds, but they never will.
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 1 year
Time of the month
I mean this in no slander way, but the clones may know about sex and etc, but they definitely are dumb ass hell to a period lmfao. They are clones after not really like the other demons too lmfao
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Warnings: fem!reader, fluff & smut, periods, oral (reader receiving), hunger impulses, humor
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Aizetsu could tell someone wasn't right with you for the past few days. He explained that a demon is able to sense the hormone changes in a human, but he couldn't really make out what it is. When Aizetsu smelled blood from you, he almost panicked. "Y/n, where are you hurt?" He asked, holding your face looking around your neck and chest.
You giggled. "I'm not hurt. Why are you assuming that?" You asked "I smell blood from you" Aizetsu says almost crying and looking around your body "don't hide your pain from me it makes me sad when you do" Aizetsu kept checking until he squats down to your lower half and smelled where the blood was coming from.
You took a step back a bit nervously. "Aizetsu... I'm just on my period. Do you not know what that means?" You asked, and he just shook his head, no in response. From that day, you had to explain to Aizetsu what a period is and how it's very common for women to have one and anyone with a uterus, and he was able to understand.
You couldn't stop Aizetsu hunger when your period came. "Y/n, I'm so hungry. Please let me eat, I need to. I can't resist it anymore. " Aizetsu begs you every time, drool falling from his chin from his hunger. Aizetsu goes down on you, having his tongue lap up at the blood flowing out of you having his fill. Most of the time, Aizetsu does it to satisfy his hunger but will get carried away and end up over stimulating you.
"A-Aizetsu you said you were done" you mewl and your back arches when you feel him suck on your clit. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he moans on your pussy "forgive me" he said between licks not stopping until he's tasting your cum mixed with your blood.
Aizetsu takes notice that when you're on your period, you get more emotional and clingy to him. "Y/n, I have to go see "that man." I promise I'll come back," he said, but you just held his hand tighter. "Don't leave Aizetsu. I'll miss you, " you said and began crying, but that only made Aizetsu cry and even harder at that. "Your poor thing. You can't live with out my for more than a second, can you? " he said.
"What the fuck!? I just don't want my boyfriend leaving me" you sob "so you can live without me!?" Aizetsu asked only making him sob harder having you both because an emotional mess.
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The first time Sekido realized what a period was after you explained it to him, he literally called it stupid. He couldn't understand how the uterus could cause a person so much pain all because they aren't pregnant each month. "If it's because you're not pregnant, why don't I just get you pregnant, you fool?" He said, being very serious, and you tried not to laugh since it wouldn't really change anything.
Sekido would get mad when your period could affect your whole body. "What do you mean I can't lay my head on your chest!? You said it was just your stomach hurting you," Sekido said, sounding confused but somehow angry as well.
"Sekido, when I get my period, a lot of things happen to my body, including my boobs... they are really tender and sore right now, " you explained, but that only angered Sekido even more. "Please don't be mad," you say with tears instantly coming out of your eyes. "Why are you crying!?" He raised his voice. "Don't yell at me either!" You sob in your hands, having Sekido stand there dumb founded and feeling somewhat bad for making you cry.
Sekido had to take many months to understand you on your period and when not to say certain things. Even so, he couldn't hide his hunger when you're around on your period. "Stop squirming. The more you do, the less blood that comes out and I'm fucking hungry" he said, holding your legs open but reminds himself you are in pain and sure to have his hand on your stomach, rubbing it and giving your clit attention with his tounge to give you pleasure.
Sekido doesn't get carried away with getting his fill but there will be those days where he'll want to fuck you on your period and that's the softest sex you'll ever get from him.
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"A period? Do I get one? My dick does have a hole, so maybe i can have one..." He'll ask seriously after you explained to him why you bleed every month from your vagina. Karaku couldn't believe this was something you could do all because you weren't pregnant, and surprisingly, he made sure to take a mental note of how he should help you when this time comes around.
Karaku did realize how needy you'd get for him on your period. He'd use this opportunity to get his fill, lapping up the blood from your pussy but take his sweet time but making sure to pleasure you in the process, moaning from how good you tasted both for his hunger and your arousal.
"You're still in pain, aren't you?" Karaku rubs your stomach and gives it soft kisses. "Don't worry. I'll make the pain go away," he smirks. Karaku is able to go up to many rounds with you, that's just the stamina of a demon but he has to realize on a normal day you can only do so many but on months like this? Oh he loves how you can take his cock for more then an hour.
Karaku notices how you're much more needy for words of affirmation during this month. "y/n, you're beautiful. I love you. " he'll hold your face, squish your cheeks together, and even pet your head. "Are you still in pain?" he'll say, rubbing your back and sometimes giving you butt rubs as you lay on his chest. "It'll end soon. You'll be fine"
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"Wow! Are these pads? Look how easily they break!" He said, ripping up at least 3 of your pads with his sharp talons. You screamed at him so loud that day, saying you need them to the point where Urogi doesn't dare mess with them again.
Urogi makes fun of you for being in your period. He'll often compare you to Sekido with how angry you get. "Am I bothering you? Why aren't you talking to me? Hello, hello hello" Urogi said, knowing he's being annoying and even using his talon to poke you in a painful way to annoying you "fuck off! Stop that you annoying bird!" You yell "ok ms.sekido, " Urogi said.
You'd never have a problem with Urogi going down on you when it's that month for you since it was normal for a demon to have hunger impulses when they smell blood from a human but you never wanted to give Urogi the satisfaction of how good his tounge felt.
You can tell when Urogi has had his fill but will want to keep playing with you. You'll turn your head with a pout, not looking at his big yellow eyes staring at you. "What? Don't wanna look at me? Is it because I'm a mess with your blood" he mocks you and presses his tounge flat on your clit.
"So much more sensitive then usual" Urogi grabs your thighs spreading them open keeps licking at your clit and feel your legs trembling in his grip. "Oh? Does it feel good? Your legs are shaking, " he said "C'mon tell me how good it feels, " he stops, looking up at you, waiting for an answer
"Fuck... it feels good, keep going" you grab his hair pushing his head closer to your thobbing clit. "Don't worry, I'll have you cumming on my tounge in no time~"
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summer-nights19 · 11 months
Hi! I was wondering how would GOM + Takao react to their s/o having mood swings during their period like one moment their s/o is normal and the next they are angry because their ice cream isn't cold enough to eat and it's melting and they put it in freezer and when they try to eat the ice cream again it's too cold to eat and their gums hurt. Sorry if it's confusing..
Hi anon ! No worries, I think I understood the assignment (hopefully), and I symparthise with you deeply. Period mood swings are the worst :< These kinda ended up being general period comfort hcs, hope that's ok too ! Anyway, here's some comfort with the boys <33
GoM + Takao x afab reader on their period
When he sees how annoyed you get over your ice cream being half melted, he's a little taken aback. If you guys haven't been together for very long, he'd probably tell you to calm down or be confused. However, if it's been some time, he'll figure it out quickly enough.
Will put the ice cream back in the freezer for you and bring you some hot cocoa and a hot water bottle to help you feel more relaxed and to make the cramps more bearable.
When you take the ice cream out of the freezer again and hurt your gums, he probably tries to comfort you, although he isn't good with words
Instead, he brings you some other snack, like fruits or cake, and lets you snuggle with him.
Initially, he tries to get you to do a light work out with him to make the pain better, even if you aren't particularly athletic
Will definitely massage your uterus area and shoulders to help you relax, as well as stroke and kiss you all over (he's really good at it too)
Might make a joke about how orgasms are the best way to relieve period pains, but if you're in a truly terrible mood, he'll hold his tongue.
Still teases you, though he'll stop and apologize if you seem genuinely upset
Will make sure anyone who gives you grief or makes your mood swings worse regrets it really quickly
doesn't have pads in the bathroom for you but will happily go out to the store and get you anything you need
Still takes baths with you and will wash your hair and massage you in the bathtub- doesn't really give a fuck about the blood
"What size pussy do you have, babe ?"
When he sees how quickly your mood changes as a result of the ice cream being half melted, he figures it out pretty much right away.
He'll hug you and run his hands down your back, while reassuring you that it's not that serious, and that you can always eat something else. Puts the ice cream back in the freezer and comes up with skincare, makeup, candles, magazines... all the essentials for a self care night ! (If you ask nicely, he'l even let you do his makeup- he secretly loves it)
Lets you choose what show to watch and chats with you about anything and everything as you have your self care night with the show in the background
When you get the ice cream from the freezer again and your gums start to hurt, he'll kiss you better
Also strikes me as the kinda guy who would keep pads/tampons in his bathroom for you
This man can pretty much sense when you're on your period, it's actually kinda unsettling
Anyway, as soon as he realizes you're having a bad day with your mood swings, he'll start treating you like royalty (even more so than normal)
Suggests that you eat something else and comes back with some warm noodles
He gives you massages all over- thighs, back, shoulders... all while reassuring you that you'll figure everything out, that it just seems like a massive deal now
Promises you that you can take one of his eyes if he ends up being wrong (yea this man is really something else)
Will bring you candles/flowers and just snuggle with you quietly as you rest
Happily listens to you vent if you feel the need to
Will be happy to help with any schoolwork you have due
Will personally see to it that anyone who tries bother you is too scared to talk to you ever again.
Like Kise, he also keeps pads in the bathroom for you
Doesn't realize you're on your period until your cramps and mood swings get really bad
He's not particularly good at comforting you when you're in a bad mood, but he'll carry you upstairs to his bed and snuggle with you. He'll even get out of bed to get you a hot water bottle and some hot chocolate
Gives you one of his hoodies to sleep in. It's way too big for you and he thinks you look adorable in it
Stays and snuggles with you until you feel better (you end up falling asleep with your head on his chest and your limbs intertwined)
When you wake up, he'll bring some snacks from his personal stock and share them with you
Is too lazy to go to the store to buy you pads/tampons, so he'll just call Himuro and ask him to do it
Like Akashi and Aomine, he won't take kindly to people upsetting you, especially when you're on your period.
He's oblivious- he understands you're in a bad mood, and wants to help, but you have to spell it out for him before he realizes that you're on your period.
He's a little shy and awkward, partially because he isn't sure about what he should do, but he very much wants to make it better
Definitely asks Kagami and the Seirin guys for advice and they all look at him like wtf
Will listen to you rant for hours on end, and will be more than happy to comfort you and give you advice
Anything you ask him to do, he does- buy pads, make you dinner, put a specific programme on the TV... he's doing it as soon as you say the word
Also very happy to massage your shoulders and uterus, even tough he isn't really sure about how to do it
Will be very careful about how he talks to you and conducts himself- he doesn't accidentally want to make it worse
Literally your number one fan if you start to doubt yourself, he's so sweet
"You always look stunning, Y/N,"
Won't snuggle with you unless you ask for it because he doesn't want to invade your personal space too much (he's such a gentleman)
God help you
He's really really awkward about it
Figures it out relatively quickly from your mood swings but pretends he doesn't because he has no clue how to act
Like Kuroko, he's really careful about how he behaves around you because he wants to avoid pissing you off
Will try to be patient and listen to you rant nonsensically- if he knows you're having a bad day, he'll do his best to comfort you, although he's mostly the kinda guy who tries to find rational solutions to problems instead of telling you what you want to hear
Reads your zodiac chart every day and gives you advice based off of it. Also brings you a lucky item of your own if you're really feeling down (at least he tried)
However, if someone tries to mess with you, his energy completely changes and he'll make sure they don't do it again
Will buy you pads/tampons, though he'll be really awkward about it
At first he just thought you were in a bad mood, then he suddenly realised that you were probably on your period
Teases you a lot less to avoid hurting your feelings
Like Aomine, he'll probably make a joke about how orgasms are the best way to cure period cramps, but he'll shut up if you tell him to
Comforts you for hours on end wen you're down - he couldn't live with himself if he knew you were sad and he wasn't there to support you
Laughter is a medically proven medicine
Will tell you jokes and funny stories to take your mind off of the mental (and physical) pain
Also spams you with memes and tiktoks
Very happy to take it easy and just cuddle in bed while watching shitty TV
Will go to the store and buy you pads/tampons without an ounce of hesitation
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froggywritesstuff · 6 months
dysphoria | angel dust
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ship/pairing: Angel dust x trans!male!reader (reader has a uterus and still gets his period)
fandom: Hazbin Hotel
request: Can I request Angel Dust comforting his trans boyfriend when he gets his period and is extremely dysphoric and depressed about the whole thing. This whole week has been a shit fest of dysphoria and crying.
warnings: maybe ooc idk , I didn't clarify in my writing but first confession of love i guess, periods, gender dysphoria, swearing, crying, emotional breakdowns, petnames (reader gets called baby), rushed ending, bad sex joke
word count: 758
A/N: sorry this is really short i have zero motivation to do anything 👍 fem and cis readers dni
You didn’t even need to tell Angel what was happening, nor did he need to ask. The second he saw your face contorted into one of discomfort, he was all over you. He hung up a dozen ‘do not disturb’ signs on your hotel room door (though it was basically a shared room at that point), prepared to verbally or physically attack anyone trying to disturb you. Before you could even mention cramps he had a heat pack fresh out the microwave for you, checking every five minutes if it was still warm or if you wanted it reheated. He would cuddle you tightly, him and Fat Nuggets doing their very best to cheer you up. Angel showed how much he truly cared for you. You couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend than him. However you felt nothing he could do would make the dysphoria you felt go away. He’s an amazing boyfriend but unfortunately he can’t stop your period or give you a dick. (he could do the second one if you asked him nicely)
”Ok I think this is all the chocolate in the entire hotel, I refilled your water, and I got you some of those snacks you like.” Angel listed as he sat on the bed beside you, dumping the food in your lap before readjusting the pillows wedged between your head and the wall, wanting to make sure you were as comfortable as you could be.
”Ange, you didn’t have to do all that.” you mumbled despite knowing it was pointless and he would continue to insist on helping you. 
He pulled you closer to him, letting you rest your head against his shoulder, “I told you it’s fine. I want nothin’ more than for you to be happy.”
You lazily snuggled up to him. Dealing with your period and the gender dysphoria that tagged along with it tended to drain your energy, "Thanks. I really appreciate you helping me with this."
Angel's arm snaked around your waist, holding you close to him, "Of course baby. But of the list of things I'd do for you, this is pretty mild. If your period was a person I swear I'd fuck 'em up real bad. Make 'em regret ever makin' you feel this way."
You couldn’t tell if it was just your hormones going batshit or not, but Angel’s words had you burst into tears. You quickly buried your face in the crook of his neck as he pulled you into a tight but comfortable hug.
”You’re ok babe, I’ve got you, just let it out,” his whispers comforted you as his hand gently rubbed up and down your back soothingly, not even caring that your tears were staining his shirt. 
Shaky breaths left your lips as you cried, “I'm grateful you're helping me. But I hate this. I hate my body. I hate it so fucking much.” your voice cracked as more tears rushed down your face. Angel was quick to pull out of the hug and cup your face, his eyes on you as his thumb caressed your cheeks. “It’s not fair.”
Tears brimmed Angel’s eyes, his heart breaking at your words, “I know baby. And you're right, it’s not fair. And you don’t deserve to feel this way one bit.” he pressed his lips to your forehead, “You hear me?" you gave a small nod as his thumb wiped away your tears, "And you're not your body. You're the hottest, the funniest, the kindest, the strongest, and the most handsome - yeah you're the most handsome and hottest man I’ve ever met, who also happens to be the best boyfriend in the world. And I wanna do anythin' to help you with this pain."
A small smile grew on your lips as you listened to him. He was so genuine and sincere, a big contrast to his usual sarcastic and snarky demeanour. On a day you felt like dying only he could make you feel like living, "I love you. So much."
He smiled ear to ear, feeling his heart swell at your words, "I love you too baby." he handed you one of the snacks he had brought, "Do you wanna eat something? And then you can talk more about what's botherin' you, or we can watch movies, or we can just nap. Whatever you wanna do."
You nodded, taking a bite of the snack, "That sounds good." Angel shifted on the bed so he was beside you again, one arm around your shoulders, while the other wiped your remaining tears.
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mageofseven · 1 year
How about a reader that was pregnant when they were chosen as an exchange student ? Like the baby's father is not in the picture and reader *isn't* involved with boys romantically and when the boys discover readers pregnant after lesson 16 they're just "oh Shi-"
This is an old ask from before my long ass hiatus, but I'm honestly still really interested in this.
Okay so here's some set up info for how Imma do this:
MC knew she was pregnant, but was so overwhelmed about it that she welcomed the fact that she was magically kidnapped into going to demon school and that she had something to distract herself from the literal growing problem in her uterus.
The baby was also transfered to the new body after what Belphie did to her.
Like it was requested, MC is not currently dating any of the Boys.
They found out because they had her get checked by a doctor despite Barbatos making sure she was okay with his time power; this was mostly done out of over-protectiveness and no one actually thought anything would come of it.
I don't do reader posts so obviously this will be MC.
Now that that's out of the way, let's give this a go!
Is visibly shocked by this and has MC explain herself.
When he hears how her boyfriend knocked her up and abandoned her not long before she was brought to the Devildom, the pride demon makes a mental note to ask her for the man's name at another time so he can handle that little pest.
Feels terrible guilty about what she went through and even worse that she went through it while pregnant.
I see Lucifer as this heavily anxious man with a soft spot for kids and that includes babies that are works-in-progress (WIP).
Hovers around her constantly after that, making sure she taking every vitamin and supplement she and her child needs.
Just becomes super protective of her while also trying to pretend he's not.
Eventually takes her off of cooking duty so she'll have one less thing to worry about.
Despite not being the father or having such a relationship with her, he takes full responsibility for all aspects of this from teleporting her here while pregnant to Belphie offing both her and her child in her last body.
Doesn't go as far as to call himself this child's father, but anyone who saw this man hovering over her would definitely think he was.
Like always, Lucifer just wants to take care of his family and now sees MC and her child as such.
Literally freaks out while trying to pretend he isn't.
To him, her being pregnant just made this whole situation 1000000x worse.
Feels bad that he didn't know about her kid.
Like, he's the brother whose been by her side the most and he never even noticed anything was off with her.
He's not the most observant man so I'm not surprised.
He's her First! She should have just told him, or so he tells her.
Keeps an extra close eye on her to keep this crazy freaking human from doing anything bad for herself or her kid
And let's face it, she literally got herself killed not long ago so anything can happen.
The further her pregnancy gets, the more this man tries to keep his brothers away from her.
He just extra possessive as time goes on.
I mean yeah, this kid ain't his but he wishes it was so freaking much but he's still gonna look after the two of them.
Honestly, this man wouldn't be able to handle a single other bad thing happening to his Human.
Is really freaking out and doesn't even try to hide it.
I mean this is serious!
Not only did MC die but so did her WIP kid????
I mean yeah, they are both back but this all still sucks.
You know the phrase 'kicking a person while they're down'? Well this is like using a freaking flamethrower while the human was already down!
Honestly becomes super awkward with his Henry after learning about her pregnancy
But slowly gets used to it as he discovers that MC just wants him to treat her as he always has.
Yeah! He can do that!...kinda.
He feels bad that he can't help her through most of it.
This man knows absolutely nothing about pregnancy and feels like he is mediocre at comforting people at best.
Still, if she ever needs someone to distract her with anime so she doesn't have to think of the little WIP in her uterus then Levi is her man.
Honestly...this man is less than thrilled.
MC is the first person he's ever truly gotten close to and that includes his 'brothers'
So to hear that the person he cares about most is pregnant...
Well on the plus side, he knows there's a human man in the other realm for him to torture so that makes him feel better.
Doesn't like kids, but is at MC's side as much as possible.
One of the brothers willing to hold her hair back during bouts of morning sickness.
Not one to hover, but does get a little protective when Belphie is in the same room as her.
Knows the Avatar of Sloth won't hurt her anymore but...well, he still can't get the image of MC's dead body out of his head
And angy boy is still angy at him for it.
Other than that, he reads a shit ton of pregnancy books to learn what MC's body is going through and different methods to comfort her through it.
Honestly, this usually chatty brother was speechless when it was announced.
When he saw all eyes fall on the human and make her overwhelmed, he ran to his friend and hugged her tightly.
Was the one to hype up the other guys and get everyone to say they'll take care of her and that they have her back
Because honestly, this woman and her child literally died for his family; you can bet your ass he's going to make sure each and every one of his brothers does their part in taking care of the pregnant human.
Doesn't immediately think about killing the runaway baby daddy, but if it becomes a family field trip to hunt the bastard and kill him, Asmo is so down for it.
Mostly focuses on what he can do for MC in the moment though.
Another brother to comfort her during morning sickness.
It's gross af but he uses it to remind his brothers that hey! I'm getting close to a vomiting woman each morning so y'all better be as dedicated to the cause as I am.
This man literally did nothing wrong, but acts as if it's all his fault.
So much happened in his family right under his nose and things led to such extremes that his twin literally killed this woman and her child.
More or less feels like he needs to step up and pay atonement for what his twin did
And is probably the brother who takes care of her the most.
This situation has shown how much he actually wants to be a parent one day
And literally asks MC later in her pregnancy if he can be her baby's daddy
He doesn't care about genetics at all, just wants MC to let him help her raise the child and make him a daddy 🥺
Literally the sweetest man to ever exist.
MC would be a fool not to accept.
Probably the guiltiest of all of the men.
I mean, he did it. He killed MC and relished in it.
Granted, he didn't know she was carrying a little hitchhiker, but still.
Belphie lost himself in his pain to such a strong degree that...he wonders that even if he did know...would he have been able to stop himself from doing what he did
And honestly, the fact that he doesn't know scares the hell out of him.
Avoids MC for the first couple months of her pregnancy because honestly, he feels too guilty to even look at her
And... honestly, he doesn't know if he even trusts himself around her.
Thanks to Beel's encouragement, the sloth demon slowly finds himself interacting with the pregnant human
And eventually decides that the best way to atone for what he did (if it's even possible) is to take care of her and the kid the best he can.
He doesn't like kids and just sees pregnancy as unnecessary torture for people with uteruses
But honestly, none of that matters anymore.
He may not have been the one to knock the woman up, but he did fuck up the worst out of everyone in this situation.
Will feel better whenever the family hunting party starts and he can give that pathetic man a taste of what he deserves.
Looks like it's Human Season for this hunting demon.
Also a man with an overwhelming sense of guilt.
Other than the actual process of making the baby, everything that happened was either because of something he directly or indirectly did to start up the exchange program.
Also regrets not having regular check ups on his exchange students because surely they all would have discovered this sooner and prevented anything from happening to the pregnant woman.
Has regular doctor visits scheduled for MC to make sure she and her baby stay healthy and pays for all of it, including any medications she may need during this progress.
Pregnancy can be really fucking expensive, but the prince makes sure she never has to worry about that side of things.
Just focus on staying healthy and letting your baby grow, MC; he and the other men will handle everything else.
Knew before everyone else did.
I mean, this man literally had to make sure the baby transfered over too.
This man is seriously a hero that doesn't get the credit he deserves nor does he seek such.
MC and her baby are safe now and that's all that matters to the butler.
Honestly frets over the woman on the inside, but shows no sign of it externally.
Is the man that takes her to all her doctors appointments and was there when she discovered the gender of her baby.
Congratulated her as she sobbed happy tears and was honestly grateful that he could share such a moment with her.
Honestly becomed really attached to MC during her pregnancy and looks forward to watching her child grow up.
Honestly, his intuition had been tingling for a while on this subject.
He suspected this pregnancy, but figured it was none of his business and didn't want to pry into the fellow human's personal life.
If he would have known such an event would happen with Belphie though, he would have stepped in and got answers.
He didn't though. The sorcerer had no clue how events were going to unfold.
Hindsight is telling him that he should have pryed more, but his manners told him it was right to respect the woman's privacy.
Doesn't do too much in regards to taking care of his friend since the demons seem to have it all covered and even seem to somewhat resent the sorcerer when he tries.
Believe it's better not to step on any toes, so to speak.
Is still a good friend to MC though and always offers an ear if they need to vent about the process with someone.
This all happened before the pregnancy had progressed enough for him to sense the baby.
He did however sense...something within the human since he met her, but didn't understand what.
Hindsight is really hurting this poor angel's heart 😔
Become the woman's biggest support in an emotional sense.
Pregnancy is hard and hormones flare and everything can seem so stressful, especially to a scared single mom.
This man is often the one comforting her when she breaks down into tears, even when it's over small stuff like someone ate the last cookie or she lost her pen.
He makes sure MC knows how strong she is and that she will make it through this this difficult time.
Demons!!! Back away from the pregnant woman or this chihuahua will bite.
Okay, not really, but the brothers make this joke a lot.
Luke is very protective of MC in this situation.
Since he is just a child, he wasn't told what happened between her and Belphie in complete detail.
Really just thinks the stupid demon hurt her feelings and the angelic boy will not allow it to happen again!
Grows increasingly curious as MC's belly grows; angels don't have kids in this way so this boy has a lot of questions about what's happening to her body.
The fact that there's an actual baby just chilling and growing in her belly boggles this boy's mind.
Is honestly excited for MC's baby and feels like he about to be come a big brother!
This boy is determined to do his part and take care of her just like the adults do.
Mostly just keeps her company and bakes for her when her cravings give her a sweet tooth.
Little Lukey keeps her spirits up and MC loves him for it.
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Could I have yandere Tamaki hcs?
tws: tentacle fucking, non con, attention seeking behavior, self harm, suicidal ‘thoughts’, manipulation, drugging, aphrodisiac, kidnapping, unhealthy devotion, religious??? sacrifice, murder, HEAVY masochism, mutilation, bone breaking,
Tamaki is the type of yandere that is HELLA delusional. He thinks everything you do means you love him.
you look at him? it’s love. you laugh around him, he’s the reason. literally anything you do will make him think you love him. he’ll find a way.
Tamaki loves you so much that he starts a religion for you.
He has a shrine in his room with pictures of you, pictures of the sacrifices he’s done, vials of blood, locks of your hair, items of yours, etc etc
Tamaki will literally sacrifice people in honor of you and then send you detailed notes and pictures. He’s able to change his handwriting so no one can match is and he’s sure to wear gloves, therefore no one knows it’s him.
Tamaki will do ANYTHING for your attention and affection. He doesn’t care what kind of attention he’s getting from you either.
If you’re angry at him, or even in general, he doesn’t mind you hurting him! it just shows that you love him and that he’s useful to you!!
Tamaki will do anything for you. If you need someone to get you food, he’s on it. If your back hurts, he’ll give you a massage. If you’re hurt, he’ll patch you up or bring you to Recovery Girl.
If you suffer from bullying, you’ll notice that they go missing within the next week.
If someone says something bad about you, they’ll go missing within the next month.
If someone stares at you for too long, they’ll go missing within three days.
If you don’t give him attention regularly, or if Tamaki feels like you’re ignoring him, he’ll get your attention somehow.
Tamaki will come to you saying that he’s having thoughts of hurting himself… but please don’t tell anyone! He trusts you and he just needs you around for a little bit!
If you don’t give him enough attention then, he’ll cut himself or burn himself, and you’ll notice when his sleeves ‘accidentally’ roll up
When you begin to keep a closer eye on him because of this, he’s over the moon!
But be sure to keep a VERY close eye on him bc if you don’t he’ll message you saying he’s having suicidal thoughts!
Tamaki’s anxiety is really bad, so if he feels it necessary, he’ll take you away from society and just take care of you that way.
Remember when I said he’s super fucking delusional? Yeah well, when he’s ‘making love’ to you, and you accidentally moan, he thinks that’s because he’s doing a good job at what he’s doing.
When you try to get away, he thinks he’s making you feel too good and that you’re trying to get away, but it doesn’t matter because he won’t stop ‘making love’ to you until he’s had his fill.
Tamaki can turn into what he eats, so he eats a lot of octopus and squid. He does this because he found out that he can give you the most pleasure this way
He’s always wondered what the effects of an aphrodisiac are, so he acquired one from the League of Villains or Giran and put it in your drink/food. he likes how your sex drive increases and how much more sensitive you get.
Don’t even think of trying to run, Tamaki is an overthinker at heart so he’s already proofed the house.
If you do try to run, he’ll resort to breaking your legs or your ankles. If you try again, he’ll just cut your achilles tendon and stitch it back up afterwards
If you have a uterus, you best fucking believe that he’s gonna cum in you over and over and over and over until he’s sure you’ll get pregnant. he doesn’t care if it takes all night. good thing he trained a lot when he was devoted to being a hero.
Remember when i said tamaki is like,, super devoted to you? Yeah well, if you look at his collarbone and his thighs and his chest and his tummy, you’ll find that your initials or your full name is in all of these places.
He’ll carve his name and his initials in the same spots btw. aww how cute
if you can get past his unhealthy devotion, and you can learn to live with being a house(wife/husband/spouse) you’ll find that he’s not that bad.
“[Name]-chan, do you like when i touch you like this? … it’s okay, pretty, you don’t have to pretend.”
“D-don’t leave me! I’ll… ILL KILL MYSELF!”
“[N-N-Name]-chan… do you think i can sleep in your room tonight…? I’m having those thoughts again…”
“ hah!~ [N-Name]! nngh!~ y-you feel so good! I love you. I love you. I love you. nngh fuck!~ fuck! i’m gonna cum, fuck!”
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boizandgurlzinthehouse · 10 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞.
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pairing: coriolanus snow x toxic!fem!reader
summary: someone always throw a spanner in her works, to achieve her biggest dream —being coriolanus’ lover, wife and claiming power. luckily, y/n is not on the loser side when it comes to playing. 
trigger warnings (overall): mastermind!reader, toxic!reader (for real, she’s doing nasty things), reader’s family is a bit fucked up, reader is obsessed with coriolanus snow, lying, swearing, blood, violence, killing people, hunger games stuff, i just love volumnia gaul, reader hates lucy gray and everybody who’s around coriolanus, mental health problems mentioned such as psychotism, domestic violence mentioned, drugs, mention of sexual fantasies. 
trigger warnings (in this part): toxic!reader, reader meets lucy gray for the first time, reader hates arachne, DEATH, blood, cruelty against people, reader is obsessed with coriolanus snow, lying, swearing, unhealthy body image, drugs, SMUT, p in v, fingering, poorly written smut.  
prologue. part 1. part 2.
y/n squirmed on the inside. 
it was strange, but not unusual. y/n always squirmed when she went to the zoo, seeing animals in locked cages was not her kind of pleasure. it didn’t help that the media was there too, so she had to play nice in front of everyone. probably she could never warn lucy gray, not to mention that in front of coriolanus. if she ever said a word about executing her from the picture in any sort of ways, lucy gray was surely the tricky bitch who would spill it to him. and that was the last thing she needed. y/n sighed, blinking a couple of times before she turned to the grid of the cage the tributes were held –being nice to not to get unveiled was truly a tiring thing. but at least, lucy gray wasn’t the one who got to go to dinner with coriolanus. no, not on her watch. 
“are you feeling okay, y/n?” did she look not okay? that can’t be possible. even if her uterus were eating her up and her corset tried to pierce her ribcage, y/n’s rule that she should never look like a damsel in distress, she just shook her head. 
“everything’s fine, corio. will you introduce me to lucy gray?” 
so here we go. 
safe to say, lucy gray was pretty good looking. y/n had to admit this, she could state anything about anybody, but being pretty was really objective, based on the standards. of course, not as good- and well-looking as someone from the capitol, anyone could always judge if a person was from the capitol or one of the districts. even people from the first and second district were much more… chav. lucy gray was skinny, underfed and messy, how could she ever compare with y/n? nevertheless, she had to make sure that lucy gray doesn’t think of herself as though she believed she was. it was important for het to not become a main character in her game. y/n saw the whole world as a big, never-ending set of games, because it was, depending on how seriously people took it. because in the world, there were many games. games about money, about power, about life and death, and about control. and lucy gray wasn’t the one who had connections. but now wasn’t the time to beef, if lucy gray blows off at the games, coriolanus will never get the plinth-prize, and y/n didn’t had that much time and space to find out something for that, too. so lucy gray had to survive. y/n just had to make sure that the end justifies the means, and she was nothing but a tool to get money and power. 
sejanus was already showing food for marcus. shit, sejanus… y/n’s mind was bugging, she still didn’t know what to do with him. if her game was a table of chess and coriolanus was the rook on the table, then sejanus was the queen… or the king. he could take a simple checkmate on all of her moves, no matter what. yes, sejanus was following coriolanus with getting food to his tribute, but only one bad move from him was enough to screw up all of her plans. and sure, he had noble parents, and he could pull out his head from the hook, but not coriolanus. and against the fact with the two being good friends, blood was still thicker than water. 
“lucy gray, this is my good friend, y/n y/l/n.” and his soon-to-be wife and lover. 
“hello, y/n.” act casual, act natural. don’t talk about feeling sorry for fucking around the mayor’s daughter and her lover, this isn’t announced. never let them know you did research all night. 
“hi, lucy gray. how are you feeling? probably… not so good because of this cage.”
“i’m pretty fine, thank you. just hungry a little bit.” 
“oh, i brought you food. y/n and i thought about getting you food.”
“yes. you have to be strong for the games.” if you dare to die, i’m going to kill you myself. how could anybody do this small talk for so long? words didn’t came into her mouth, she wasn’t the type who could talk for hours about nothing. there were days when she was alone with the maids in the house, or upstairs, and she didn’t talk for days if nobody bothered her. 
“thank you so much.” lucy gray whispered, taking the cookie, offering one to her. y/n looked at the cookie, then her. looking at the cameras, she shook her head. eating a cookie with a tribute? if somebody sees this, she will be treated equally as the other students, and she won't let it. she was now a working woman, one of the workers of volumnia gaul, what would she say if she saw this? 
“oh, no… i can’t eat cookies. i just had breakfast.” she wasn't in the mood to eat cookies with this girl, watching how arachne played with her tribute was more interesting. 
“you said you skipped breakfast because you slept in.” looking at coriolanus, y/n slapped herself in her mind. her bleeding days were killing her brain, and no medicine could make her concentrate enough. 
“uhm, yeah, but i ate at work. really, we bought the cookies and the food for you, so–” what the fuck was with her? were the pills she took yesterday night too strong? 
“y/n, did you eat or not?” coriolanus’ question and his worried face made her… satisfied. not because he was worrying about her, but because he was busy with her. y/n blinked up, shrugging her shoulders. thinking about he’s gonna be worried about her when they’re gonna be a couple, even pregnant, it was pure pleasure. 
“it’s alright, corio. i will eat when i get home, and i will eat at night, on our date.” she whispered, audible enough to lucy gray. holding his hand, she hoped she reassured her. “really, it’s nothing. let’s… care about lucy gray, she’s your tribute.” 
as coriolanus crouched down to her, y/n wanted to do the same, but lucretius flickerman was faster, approaching her with his loyal cameramen. 
“...and what a surprise that we are seeing a true noble, a noble from the noble, y/n y/l/n! tell me, how are you here?” he asked, y/n tried not to look into the camera as he almost showed the microphone into her mouth. 
“i just accompanied coriolanus and the others from the school. as well as they’re his friends and classmates, they’re my friends, too.” 
“how cute! tell me y/n, if you could bet on one of the tributes, perhaps even supporting them, who would you choose?” tricky question, tricky question! if everybody sees this, hyping up coriolanus wasn’t a bad idea. 
“i think… it’s a good question. some of them, such as marcus and lucy gray. i think they’re good. marcus seems strong, and lucy gray… she surely knows more than just singing.” she wanted to punch the cameramen, everybody could surely see how white her teeth were. 
“it’s really interesting… also, we heard a rumor that you work with volumnia gaul now. is it interesting to see how the games improve?” trying not to furrow her eyebrows, y/n looked at lucretius. 
“my work at dr. gaul and everything that happens there is strictly confidential. i can’t say anything about the games, but it’s gonna be really entertaining.” 
“thank you so much, lady y/l/n! now, let’s see how–” 
clunk! the sounds of iron and glass clashing catched the showman’s ears too, looking into the direction. y/n couldn’t decide to laugh or look terrified at the sight of the blood that was mounting from arachne’s neck. standing at the grid of the cage, she saw as coriolanus hurried to help arachne. he was still running to help her, a really, really good man… y/n knew why she loved him. 
“what the hell happened?” lucy gray whispered to her, making her shake out from her state. looking at her, y/n clenched her jaw. 
“i’m going there. stay away from that girl who stabbed her.” 
stepping to the scene, y/n crouched down too, caring about not touching the soiled ground with her silk skirt, wondering about the color of the blood. a big pool, arachne’s life. one hand still around the bottle, she was smart enough to keep it in, but she couldn’t like with a broken bottle in her neck forever! sardonic slut, making jokes of everyone, licking up and kicking down. i know you talked about me when i wasn’t near, calling me a psycho, and that i was my parent’s pet and mentally disabled for being a private student. the truth is, i never could stand that perfidious snake-face of yours. how could you ever face the mirror in the morning without breaking it with your eyesight? without spitting on yourself? 
“y/n, what are we gonna do?” coriolanus asked her. his hands were shaking, one at her neck. she brushed arachne’s hair, trying to patch up the blood with her handkerchief, wiping her eyes like she was crying. everybody was rushing from them and the cage, peacekeepers were surrounding them. 
“i don’t know, dear… i am so sorry, arachne was such a good friend of yours…” 
“somebody help, please!” he cried out, making her look away, to the exact point as one of the men shot the stabbing tribute girl in the stomach. well, at least lucy gray didn’t have to worry about her any longer. “what the fuck is happening, y/n?” 
“i don’t know, i don’t know!” she knew exactly. just as the peacekeepers grabbed coriolanus’ and her arm to drag them away, y/n signed them to let her go. “i just… i just want to look at her, please, for the last time.” 
“you only got one minute. your little friend stays here.” 
stepping over arachne’s body, she lowered down to see the light gone from arachne’s eyes. as her hair covered her face, y/n tried to press down the smile as she thought about her list. look at you, arachne… mocking everybody, and now you became the prey? deep down, you wanted to die like this, didn’t you? as a victim. so everybody can forget how sordid you are. nobody will ever know the truth about what you did, playing with that filthy girl’s food, what did you think she will do? jump around and beg for you? now, everybody only can say how clever and beauty you were, how hard you tried to get the fucking plinth prize, cracking their hands as they look at each other at your funeral. nobody will ask why the girl stabbed you, thanks to the contrary of the capitol and the districts, but hey, that’s why we love being distinguished, isn’t it? and don’t worry, i’ll keep your secrets, and you don’t even have to thank me crane, because i am a good friend. a really good one. 
reaching for her eyelids, y/n slowly pulled them down. she was never near a dead body, and the thought of it disgusted her a little bit. she wasn’t a killer, she was… a gamer. a really good one. the blood almost spilled on her shoes, how filthy. 
turning back to coriolanus as they walked out, she leant her head on his shoulder. instantly thinking about the date, would it be morbid to kiss upon their dead friend’s corpse? arachne has nothing to do with this. well, she had nothing to do with this. 
“are you okay, dear?” she asked from him, looking up to him. 
“yes, it’s just… i still can’t perceive what happened. and you, are you okay?” coriolanus muttered as they sat down on one of the benches in the park. cars were honking, wheels clashing against the gravel; the ambulance arrived. a hearse could be better, but y/n couldn’t blame them. it was strange to see clemensia and arachne get out of the picture, they were sidekicks for too long. 
“i am okay, thanks.” 
“you just saw her dying, and went back, why did you do that?” looking at him, coriolanus shook his head. “i’m sorry y/n, i shouldn’t ask you that, it’s just… i was so terrified, maybe i am still right now.” 
“i just… wanted to say goodbye. arachne was a little bit mocky all the time, but… she was a friend. a good one.” her sound was a little bit catatonic in her head, all the time she told a lie. 
“you are right. sorry for asking this, really, i didn’t have the spirit to go back there.” 
“don’t worry, corio. maybe she shouldn’t play with that girl… you know how cruel the games can be.”
“you are right, y/n. the games are stressful for everybody.” y/n nodded, reaching for his hand. 
“do you have the stomach for tonight? i know this is horrible, but… maybe we can get each other into a better mood.” 
looking at her, she tried to smile a little bit. not a too big, unnatural smile compared to the fact that somebody just died, and not even a poker face like she didn’t fucking care about what happened. 
“of course i have the stomach, it would be my pleasure, y/n. i just have to go home to change.” coriolanus answered, making y/n truly, truly happy. 
“it’s really good to hear.” 
a death is one thing, but the future is another. 
she had to make the move, arachne’s death could slow down things. hortensia pulled her hair a little bit, curling it with little clips, swirling her locks around heated sticks. this night had to be perfect, exactly because of what happened. running through her eyebrows with a clipper, she looked at the clock –she had still an hour, her clothes laid on her bed. 
“you are gonna be so beautiful, miss y/l/n.” the maid praised her as she lined her eyebrows, spraying perfume on her wrists and behind her ears. morphia did the same when she was meeting timothé, and they were together, didn’t they? rubbing nacre powder over her eyelids, she was ready. 
“could you pull my corset tighter, hortensia? please.” standing up, she held onto the pillar of her bed. 
“are you sure, miss y/l/n? i’m afraid that–”
“i am sure, hortensia. we will be afraid if coriolanus snow won't like my appearance.” 
it was painful. feeling her bowels sticking together, framed by her bones that dug into her stomach and lungs, but at least she looked desirable. 
“are you feeling alright, miss y/l/n?” 
“of course, i’m fine. thank you.” she muttered as the maid helped her pick up the clothes. a red dress, slightly slit up but not too long to look like a prostitute, a couple of black heels, not too high to fall in them. suddenly the door creaked, it was her mother. a glass of wine in her hand, she leaned on the doorframe, a silly smile on her face. 
“look at my little girl, hortensia. isn’t she beautiful and adorable?” she asked, making the maid turn to her. 
“she’s beautiful, lady y/l/n.” 
“she already told me that, mommy.” y/n muttered, a little bit annoyed at the fact that her mother looked up and down on her like a piece of meat. sure, everybody always measured her like she was one, but her own family could at least have a little dignity for each other. 
“it’s natural that you are stressed. is that a corset on you?” lorelei asked, placing down her cup to brush out the dress, the wrinkles on the waist area were long gone. 
“thanks.” y/n responded. 
“i was just as terrified as you before i met your father, i can tell you, y/n. but it went well, because the three of you are here, aren’t you?” she giggled, making y/n roll her eyes. 
“don’t you have to watch the tv, mommy?” she turned to her as hortensia cleaned her shoes. 
“i know you don’t want me here, my dear. and it’s perfectly fine that you want to concentrate on your little date today.” it’s not only a stupid little date, it’s the whole matter of my future. “also, i know that you want to marry coriolanus snow, but honey, is he really worth it?” 
y/n turned, crouching in front of her mother; holding her hand as hortensia walked out, she knew her more than her mother. y/n could bear many things, but questioning her love was the main thing that set her mind on fire. looking at the place her mother stood only a couple of minutes ago, the hole of the butter knife got her eyesight. she looked like her mother too much, staring at her was like staring at the life she could get, but so much better. 
“mommy, please. if you want to question me, talk with father about it. otherwise, never doubt me, ever.” talking with long, stiff words, y/n brushed her mother’s hand. “do you understand me?” 
for a moment, she thought that her mother was gonna slap her, but instead, lorelei giggled. as she searched for her glass. 
“you are much more determined than morphia, my dear. i hope your date will go well, the chauffeur is yours tonight. if snow comes too, then… don’t make much noise. your father won't be here tonight anyway, but i’d like to get some sleep.” she said, turning out on the door, closing it. hortensia asked if she could come in, making y/n nod. looking onto the picture where she and coriolanus stood, she didn’t even realize her heart was nearly beating out of her ribcage. picking up her white, snow-like stole, spraying perfume on herself, hortensia straightened her dress, escorting her down the stairs. 
the place coriolanus offered wasn’t a big deal, but that’s what she needed. as long as they could talk without one of her father’s workers or her mother’s friends interrupting them, it was fine. helping her take off her stole and pull out the chair for her like a gentleman, y/n asked for an easy meal. not being able to think with a full stomach was one point of that, but the other was the meaning of the meal. watching his father’s guests taught her that when somebody wanted to have breakfast, lunch, dinner or even a fucking tea party, it wasn’t about food, no. food was just the cloak to cover up nasty things. 
“are you feeling alright?” coriolanus asked her as they got their food. y/n dug into hers, then looked up at him, smiling. he didn’t look like a half-god; he looked like apollo himself. the dim light sculpted his cheeks and his lips, y/n wanted to dig into his hair between two messy kisses, and although she was a virgin, she could imagine how it was like to have him thrust into her, giving out the animal-like noises she remembered in her dreams. 
“of course, this is a really lovely place. i am so happy that we are here, i wanted to do this for so long.” she answered, placing down her fork as she held his hand. 
“for so long? how long, y/n?” he teasingly smiled, making y/n look away. for a lifetime, baby. 
“from the moment… you helped me up in the hall of the college.” 
“so from the moment we first met?” 
“no, we met before! i…” will the truth hurt him? “...i noticed you at a dinner we attended with my family.” she was fourteen, and coriolanus moved things in her like nobody else. probably that was the time when the chemicals in her brain made her difficult, nearly banging her head against the wall as she couldn’t even understand herself.
“which one?” 
“two years ago.” a little lie couldn’t hurt anybody. 
“it’s gonna surprise you, but… i noticed you too, y/n. i wanted to talk to you, but you had to escort your sister, and my grandma said that it’s not appropriate.” 
“really? that’s so… inevitable, don’t you think?”
“i don’t know about these things so much, y/n. but i think you are so beautiful.” 
“thank you so much. you look also handsome, coriolanus. and… i want to talk about something, something that… can really, really influence our future.” 
“really?” he asked, making y/n slightly lift her eyebrows. oh god, be not only a fling, y/n. 
“yes, of course! you know, my family takes marriage really seriously, and…” seeing the slight worry on his face, y/n held his hand again. “i really don’t want to rush you, my dear. it’s just, my father gave his blessing when i told him that we are going on a date.” well, he’s not really, but he will. cyril will even thank her when she’s gonna be the first lady of panem. 
“that’s wonderful, y/n! you know, i’d never guess that, because, you know… how me and my family, and my father–”
“corio, please. what happened in the past didn’t depend on you. it was a real, gigantic catastrophe.” those wankers took everything away from us. “who would have guessed what’s gonna happen with the thirteenth district? your family bet on the wrong horse, but sometimes, it happens.” 
“i know, but it’s still my job to get money to help my family.” coriolanus answered, taking a sip from his wine. “you know, y/n, this plinth-prize thing is tiring me out as hell, and i really don’t know what to do. it can seem like i’m in control, but all i see are walls and i keep clashing into them. i knew i had a big chance to get that prize, and i hoped that things would turn out in a good way, but… i don’t know, it’s like a curse.” 
y/n nodded, leaning on her hands, brushing the ring on her middle finger. her ring finger was reserved from the moment she saw coriolanus. 
“i hope i’m not boring you, y/n, but–”
“no, of course you don’t! it is my pleasure that you share your concerns with me, although i can’t do much. i wanted to offer my help, but things happened too fast, and volumnia has eyes everywhere. i still don’t know what she’s going to think about today, when i lucretius asked me up. being asked before cameras is not my type.” 
“don’t worry, i don’t like him either. but he’s gonna present the whole games, so i have to get used to it.” 
“you will, my dear, and i have no doubts about that.” she smiled, eating some more. trying to get her foot more comfortable as the heels burned her soles, she accidentally knocked into coriolanus’ legs, making her look up at him. “oh my, sorry, it’s just…”
“don’t worry, y/n. does your feet hurt in those heels? i can’t comprehend that even when tigris are wearing them, they look awful to walk in.” 
“no, it’s perfectly fine.” noble people doesn’t have to dig in the mine or sweat in the factories, but as hard to swallow a pill, the hard work is still their task –redistribution between districts and control all the twelve districts are really hard, while they have to wear uncomfortable shoes and suits, smiling every time even if the question is the most humiliating shit ever. deep down everyone in every district knew that if the capitolium lashed out, there wouldn’t be the slightest hope of survival.
“if you say so… and, how is the work with volumnia?”
“well, i can’t tell you secrets, but… she’s pretty okay.” she’s an animal. she would be ready anytime to pull my stomach out through my throat if i’d tell anything about what’s going inside there. “her ways are interesting, i admit that, nevertheless, she’s a mastermind.” 
“i’d like to work beside a mastermind, or to talk with a mastermind.” silly boy, he was already dating with one right now. but even y/n didn’t know that. she never knew any other mindset than hers. 
after dinner, coriolanus paid and helped her out of the restaurant. the city lights were dim and almost turned off, but the night didn’t end, not for them. 
“thank you, corio. this was a lovely, lovely night.” she whispered, putting her hand on his shoulder as they stood before each other. she imagined as they stepped out from even such a little restaurant, photos flashing around them, people admiring them as they sat in the car to go home to a big castle or mansion. 
“thank you for coming, y/n. and give my greetings and thankfulness to your father.” leaning down, more like supporting than holding her jawline gently with his fingers, he pressed a kiss on her forehead, y/n’s knees brushed in her excitement. only coriolanus could bring out this state from her, nobody and nothing else. she was a diamond under pressure, and coriolanus was the last push she always needed to be more perfect. as he ended the soft kiss, y/n pursed her lips, looked at his eyes, then his lips. and the next move surprised her even, tearing her soul into pieces in a good way. 
coriolanus lifted up her face by her chin to kiss her. so this was it? this is what true love feels like? this is what fulfilled love and devotion feels like? he was so soft, she wanted to bite into his skin, but instead, her lips just brushed his, slimming down her hand to his chest, as he softly grabbed her neck to make her stay. oh my, y/n thought, sighing as she sipped a fresh bite of air through her nose. she didn’t want to end this, no. not tonight. god knows when they can be together again, be together like this. 
behind them, a car honked. despite being a good chauffeur, helius isn’t the best at timing, y/n thought as she almost rolled her eyes annoyed by her chauffeur, brushing coriolanus’ face to make him stop. 
“this is your car? sorry, i’m…” 
“come with me, corio.” she whispered, brushing her lips against his chin. 
“are you sure about that? your parents–” y/n grabbed his hand, slowly dragging him to the car as helius opened the door for them. coriolanus helped her get in, as the car started to drive, y/n turned to coriolanus. they began to kiss again, she tried to brush her tongue to his, but now he was the one who pushed her away gently, trying to brush his hair to look somehow collected. “y/n, your parents are home? i can’t be respectful enough if they see that i’m eating up their daughter.” 
“my father isn't home, and my mother is sleeping now. please, dear…” she tried to lean over him, it was impossible because of the height difference. coriolanus smiled, brushing her face. 
“how could i say no to you after this?” he said, letting her bury her lips into hers for the rest of the ride. arriving home, y/n nodded to helius as he could now retire for the rest of the night. stepping up on the marble front garden fastly, she opened the door. placing her finger before her lips, she signed to coriolanus to be quiet, hurrying up on the stairs to her room. y/n was glad that hortensia did her job and tidied up the place, so all they had to do was lie down and continue what they began. 
“you are so beautiful”, coriolanus moaned as he peeled down his coat and his jacket, y/n threw her stole onto the dressing table. 
“you are so handsome”, y/n whispered, kicking off her shitty but glamorous shoes, helping him unbutton his shirt as she kissed his jawline. something strange took over her mind; if someone asked her what she’s going to do tomorrow, she couldn’t answer, couldn’t form even a single thought. it was so animalistic, just as she hovered over coriolanus, sitting on his hips as she tried to unzip her dress, as coriolanus reached for it to help her, y/n remembered that she had a corset on. leaning away from him, she faced the mirror on the dressing table. 
“what’s the matter, y/n? did i do something?” he asked, reaching after her as she tried to pull it off without him noticing, but it was impossible even for her. “y/n, what are you doing? is that… holy, you wear a corset?” 
“yes, but… don’t worry, it’s just because…” who the fuck was her? she wasn’t bragging, why did she slip apart? she stopped her thoughts as coriolanus crawled behind her, helping her unzip her red dress, kissing her hair from behind. 
“y/n, i hope you know that you don’t need that.” coriolanus muttered, grabbing the ropes of the corset to ease it around her form. kissing her hair again, then moving around to get to her cheeks. as he reached her lips, the corset was undone, thrown into the corner of the room. “it can stay there, love. look at yourself, how beautiful you are, the girl i fell in love with.” 
looking into the mirror, it always saw makeup and craziness, and now… look at yourself, y/n, getting what you wanted. is this how the world works? is this how the university rewards me for my efforts, my sacrifices? y/n look at coriolanus in the mirror, the red dress holding the last bits of her breasts, turning to him, she let him get over. peeling off her dress, by an instinct, brushing his clothed cock with her knees, hearing an elated whine from him. she knew he was a virgin, she was too, but she moaned louder when coriolanus brushed her naked breasts, playing with her nipples while kissing her. it was so new, so unusual, and yet, everytime his fingertips touched her sensitive buds, she felt her blood striking down to her core. 
“do you like this, y/n?” he asked, making her hiss, nodding as she looked up at him. 
“yes… please, corio… i want you…” she gasped, trying to reach for his cock even if she didn’t know what it was going to feel like. coriolanus smiled shyly, reaching for her hips to lift it so he could take off her underwear. y/n wasn’t shy, and this was the first real pussy he ever saw, and if it depended on her, the last one, too. so, how could he compare her to any other girl? 
“i want you, too. but… i heard that it can hurt.” he kissed her, and a slight pain striked her core as she felt something crawl up. she accidentally bit down on his lips too hard, drawing blood. “i’m sorry, y/n, i just thought that–”
“please don’t stop,” she cut into his words, grabbing his hand to guide it back. if his fingers were this long and stretching her out this much, how is she going to fit his perfect cock into her cunt? it was painful at first, but it changed to pleasure, she hoped coriolanus felt the same silk on the inside, the silk she felt every time she fingered herself. the impulse grew in her stomach, similar to the way when she was fingering herself, but it was another impulse. erratic, something she wanted to scoop up into a bowl and drink from it. coriolanus stopped, pulling his fingers out, y/n grabbed his wrist to lick herself off. it was messy, but she swore she saw his pupils dilated as he looked at her. 
“i think it’s time for me to take this off too, isn’t it?” he asked, pulling down the waistband of his underwear. she hadn't seen so many cocks before, but he was so… beautiful. not too short, not too long, curling up a little bit, almost touching his abdomen from the excitement. y/n hoped that from the previous actions he got hard, because that’s what the girls always talked about at girly nights, but seeing the pre-cum dripping down on coriolanus’ cock got her mouth watering.
“do you want me to pleasure you?” she asked, already leaning up on her elbows. coriolanus shook his head, kissing her as he guided her to lay back down. 
“no, love. it’s not about you, it’s just… i don’t think i’m going to last long even if we begin this,” he whispered, y/n giggled as coriolanus rolled his eyes joyfully. 
“this is my first time too, corio.” 
“i know, and i’m trying to make it hurt as little as i can, but please don’t be mad at me if–” y/n grabbed his chin, making him face again. 
“how could i ever be mad at you?” she asked silently, brushing her forehead to his. coriolanus held her hand, grabbing his cock with the other, placing it to her core. y/n held onto his shoulder, just as in her dream. 
“i hope you will enjoy this just as much as i do.” he whispered, kissing her, slowly slipping inside. y/n felt like she was teared apart, hissing, pressing her thighs to his waist. even a tear slipped from between her lashes as she tried to hold in the agonizing scream. she knew this would turn intp pleasure and sparks too, but it was so fucking unbelieveable to realize. 
“should we stop, y/n?” coriolanus asked, his sound husky from the thigh feeling, burying his head into her neck. y/n shook her head, slipping her fingers into the hair on the back of his head. 
“just keep going, it will be good, i believe”, she muttered, and with that, he began to thrust. the first dozen were painful, as if his cock tried to murder her, but after a little time, it eased up, and she caught herself softly moaning as their lips melted into each other again. “you can be faster if you want”, y/n whispered, making coriolanus nod, an adorable look on his face from trying to concentrate and not cumming. when he first hit the spot where she could never reach, y/n almost clawed into his back from the pleasure. she understood why people loved to make love; the way his cock filled her pussy was so natural and so perfect, her heartbeat and his moans thrumming in her ears, his big hand grabbing into hers stronger and stronger, not letting her lift up hers, ever, pinning down and dominating her. another tear striked from her eyes, but this was because of happiness, pure beatitude. 
“i’m… ngh, love, i’m not going to last long”, coriolanus moaned, hitting her pleasure spot again and again, making y/n’s abdomen curl tighter and tighter. she felt as if she was a bomb ready to explode, reaching down with her free hand to her clit, circling it. it was too much, feeling how pubic lifted and fell every time he pulled out, only thrust into her, y/n turned her head so she could last longer, but it didn’t help, coriolanus was everywhere, in her mouth, her cunt, her hand, her ears and her eyesight, even in her mind. 
“i’m…ah, corio, i’m going to cum, love…” she tried to say, his cock giving her the finishing move to push her over the edge. everything turned to white and black at the same time, she felt the pleasure and pressure blowing up in every cell of her body, striking through her veins to get the sensation from head to toe, thighs pressed to his side to make him go deeper, she felt her mouth opened, a silent scream coming out as a long, ragged, guttural moan. feeling him slowing down, she knew coriolanus reached his high too, laying his head on her collarbone, breathing heavily. for a moment, y/n didn’t know where she was, she only felt the softness under her, his body upon hers, and the last, tingling feeling in her pussy. 
coriolanus pushed himself down from her, laying beside her on his back, placing his hand on his chest. y/n looked at him, panting, smiling as she could, kissing his face. 
a couple minutes later she was dressed in a robe just as him, the blanket covering them. y/n laid on his chest, looking into the fire, grabbing one of his hands as he stroked her hair. 
“this was fantastic, y/n. thank you so much, for everything.” 
y/n rolled her eyes, kissing his skin as she smiled. this wasn’t the soft smile she formed in front of him, this was the smile she formed when she was alone, but the darkness kept her secrets. for a moment, clemensia and arachne long forgotten, even sejanus’s and lucy gray’s face faded as there were just the two of them. 
“you don’t have to thank me for anything, corio. i am glad that you are happy.” 
a/n: i'm really really really tired but i couldn't let you down girliez!! i hope you liked it, i passed my test but i'm gonna have another )): nevetheless, i'll try and write more and more parts because i have plans, so don't worry <3
taglist: @champomiel @stelleduarte @diamondsbestie @tomriddles-wh0re @ikeryn @americanprometheuss @themorriganisamonster @cybersry @marihoneywk @randomgurl2326 @jxynotfound @velunis @theoriginalwife000 @coconut-dreamz @lukepattersin
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sunrise-imagines · 1 year
would you consider writing an evil marceline/reader hcs/small story? ^^
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
TW: Toxic traits exhibited by Marcy, general mean girl vibes, teeny tiny nsfw reference (like it’s really only one line). This turned out way more toxic than I intended so sorry abt that
Vampireworld/The Star!Marceline the Vampire Queen x Reader Relationship Headcanons
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• Meeeeaaan. Like teasing and bullying you is second nature to her, she’s such a spoiled brat. Will (very begrudgingly) stop if it really hurts you though.
• Wants your eyes on her and her only. She’s very possessive of you and gets jealous easily. If she sees anyone even looking at you funny, they’re getting their soul sucked immediately.
• Matching outfits? Matching outfits. If you don’t like her aesthetic, too bad. You’re wearing what she tells you to and that’s final.
• Constantly asking when can she finally turn you into a vampire, why would you want to stay human when you can join her and be together forever? (Plus getting to bite your neck and suck your blood would be totally hot)
• Loves to roughhouse, she’s really strong and if you can manage to best her she’ll be really impressed (she’d never admit it though, just scoff and say “You got lucky that time.”)
• Will take any chance she can to taste your blood, anytime you get a cut or scratch she is on you like a bee to honey, licking up whatever tiny drops she can. (If you are a person with a uterus, I don’t even have to explain what I’m thinking, y’all can guess 👀)
• Total princess, hates doing anything like chores, cooking or cleaning. That’s what minions are for, duh!
• Loves to make people uncomfortable with overt and over-the-top PDA, especially her Dad. She will full on make out with you in front of him just to spite him, she’s that petty.
• She’s so smooth it’s infuriating. All she has to do is whisper some sweet words in your ear and you become completely flustered, to her great amusement.
• Let her bite you pleeeaaase, she promises she won’t actually puncture the skin or turn you, even though she get dangerously close to your jugular and her fangs are digging in so hard they almost break the skin, but she never goes all the way (not yet at least).
• What she says is law, and there is no ands, ifs or buts about it. She says she doesn’t want you to hang out with that person? You don’t hang out with them anymore. She says she wants you to address her as “My Queen”? That’s how you address her from now on.
• You know she’s toxic, but she’s just too irresistible to say no to. She genuinely believes she knows what’s best for you, and as long as you obey her every command, she will always give you everything you could ever want. After all, what more could you want than her love?
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Hey this might be a weird question but you seem to know a lot about the strategies TERFs use and what they're hiding, so I just wanted to ask and you don't have to answer.
Why do so many TERFs have this weird hostility towards bi and ace people? I don't think either of those identities have anything to do with being trans but I've seen so many TERFs who are also biphobic and/or aphobic. My gut instinct was that there was some large overlap between bi/ace people and trans people, but then I've found TERFs give shit to cis bis and aces so I'm not sure if it's that or some other reason. I'm not trans myself but I want to be able to recognize TERF rhetoric to be a better ally to trans people.
A couple reasons.
First one is that hating bis/aces is at the entrance of the TERF pipeline; they utilize this 'soft bigotry' to radicalize LGBTs and it usually looks like this:
To recruit queer ppl first they try to get us to stop considering aces as Oppressed. That's how it starts. They're aren't Doing anything so how can they be oppressed? They don't know what it's like to marginalized....how could they? They're just stealing the spotlight of Actually oppressed ppl
And once you accept that they turn to bisexuals. Who are only half gay, you know? And most of them date men anyway or end up marrying men so like? How the hell would they know what it's like to literally Live oppression 24/7? Do we we really want them to have a voice and speak for those of us that don't have an escape from our oppression?
This works because on the surface TERFS/Radfems appear to care about women and gender equality, which a lot of queer people obviously support. But they exploit those of us that don't know enough about feminism's intersectional (and very gay) history to identify them as bad actors.
From here the person they've targeted will either a- accept this and likewise will eventually also accept that trans oppression isnt real either (fulfilling the TERF's actual goal of recruitment) OR b- they'll realize they've been manipulated and try to deconstruct.
TERFs are white supremacist and their beliefs are founded white supremacist ideology and outdated scientific theories that Support white supremacist rhetoric.
It's called gender-essentialism which is a branch of bio-essentialism which is the belief that the biological body you have has inherent skills and abilities. Racists have used this to deny Black humanity just as TERFs use it to deny the existence of gender diversity.
But nobody is inherently weaker because of a uterus, nor are they bad drivers just because they have a uterus. All women are not good mothers just because they are women. Men are not all abusers just because they are men.
TERFs would have you swallow these beliefs; they're vital to maintaining the Core TERF Value that that trans people aren't Real and people with uteri are always helpless victims to be defended against evil men.
And as white supremacists their goal is to disrupt and destroy minority communities so that we are too divided to unify against legal attacks. TERFs do this from the inside out by putting bis/aces in a different category from the other queers while disguising their bigotry as feminist. They get us to voluntarily undermine and destroy our own movement this way by causing intercommunity "bi/ace discourse" that makes bis/aces out to be an enemy of "real" oppressed people (like transphobic lesbians for example)
Lots of queer people are feminists which makes us easy targets and that's why they focus on the queer community. Additionally, the queer community has a history of being a threat to the white supremacist establishment so dividing us is vital to their goal of eventually wiping out anyone who isnt cis, straight, white, neurotypical, and able bodied
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skygenders · 11 months
My doctor blew off my concerns about my period cycle becoming unpredictable as “well you’re 25. Cycles change and what’s going on isn’t abnormal ” and now look at me. Been on my period since September 9th. Went to another doctor and she tells me “you’re only 25…this is really bad” like that’s what I was thinking DAMN. anyways next time I’ll ask if it’s bogo removal of uterus if anyone also needs one removed.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 7 months
How bout teen!reader and the other women in the ROR family humiliating the men for teasing the reader after practically passing out from period cramps? Idk which men you'd think of when I say that it'd be like, them thinking that reader was just being overly dramatic and that the pain wasn’t so bad, and then Brunhilde and Shiva’s wives make them go through this things that you plug in your abdomen to simulate period cramps? Well, yeah, that and then they kund of understand why reader nearly died. I'm just venting because my colleagues are so annoying about this when they don’t even know what it feels like, lol <3
-You were curled up in Parvati’s arms, a pout on your face as you held the hot water bottle to your stomach while Brunnhilde was yelling at the male gods and warrior, the ones who laughed at you.
-Your unwanted monthly visitor was never the same, and this month, she decided to mess you up with such bad cramps that you nearly fainted, which was worrying for your family, but as soon as they knew you were all right, they found out why and many of the men in your family were quickly laughing.
-This wasn’t funny to you- this was torture, and it was only when you started crying, overwhelmed with emotions, that Aphrodite, Shiva’s wives, and the Valkyries stepped in to discipline the men.
-Kali gave the men all a lesson on what happens during a woman’s shark week, on how the uterus is basically trying to kill itself since it didn’t get what it wanted, and how no two women’s shark weeks were the same and some, like you, sometimes had severe symptoms.
-Some did sympathize with you and other women, but it was Aphrodite who suggested a more hands on approach to this lesson and produced a cramp simulator for every single person who laughed at you.
-Once they were all hooked up, a few, like Loki and QSH, complained, asking if they really had to do this.
-You were given a bowl of ice cream as you curled up on the couch as Brunnhilde took control of the remote, “Laugh by the end of this and you will be forgiven.”
-Twenty minutes later, you were the only laughing, along with the other women, as many of the men were unable to even move, after going from level one to level fifteen in cramps.
-You were pretty sure a few had passed out themselves, while others were shaking, sweating heavily, and gasping for air- this was not fun! This was torture!!
-Once the devices were removed, Aphrodite smirked down at all of them, once they were all awake, “Now then- would anyone like to laugh this time?”
-There was nothing but silence as her answer before Apollo spoke, “You have to deal with that every month?!”
-Durga gave a small nod, “Almost every woman does, but it’s never the same, one month it might be mild and only last three days, others you might be crippled and suffer for a whole week!”
-Eyes went wide- this wasn’t natural before Loki spoke, not being rude, “How do you guys handle this!” a few glances between the women were sent around before Parvati spoke up, “It’s expected of us to continue going about our lives as if nothing is wrong.”
-Eyes went wide, like they didn’t believe before the ladies all started taking turns telling the comments that you and they have been forced to endure, “It can’t be that bad!”, “You’re just faking it to get out of doing stuff.” “Still gotta go to work!”, “Need to take care of the kids!”, “Gotta clean the house!”, “Need to go to school.”, “Don’t talk about that- it’s gross and unnatural.”, “Oh you must be on your period!”, “Not to mention we have to deal with things like breakouts, headaches, and bloating- just to name a few.”
-You were the one who then finished the argument, “Even if we’re in pain, or like me when I almost passed out earlier- we’re expected to pretend that we’re okay as society expects that from us.”
-You’re pretty sure that you all got the point across, especially after Buddha cuddled you, hugging you while you were wrapped in a fluffy blanket. Shiva was showering his wives with affection, apologizing to them for every incident that he was insensitive towards them.
-Now if you could just get every other male on earth to understand what it feels like to have a period- then maybe more things would change.
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iminthetunnels · 3 months
i cannot bear the pain. it is an embarrassment. i am a fool. how could i have done this. i wont hold back. i cannot lie. my entire life is filled with pain and regret. i’ve been given a horrible hand. i hate i have to make myself withstand it. i hate i have to be strong and bear the sorrows. i am not a victim. i refuse to make myself wallow in pity. i’ve written it before. i have spoken about how you’d never expect me to have lived the life i did. abused at 3, abused continually through adolescence. my entire childhood, sexualized. the one person, never believing me. my believer and confidant, my one true hero, died in a horrific accident. she was taken too soon. but it’s also gods time. this is probably where i developed chronic vaginal pain and back pain. from being penetrated at 3. i remember this all. i remember the day. i never, ever blocked it out. i had a baby sister shortly after and i remember her birth too. it was normal to me. 3. from then on, just abused myself the way i was abused as a toddler, as a child. went on to be abused by others as well. seek out thrills and “exciting” life of drugs, sex work, partying, addiction, homelessness, eventually loneliness. i pulled myself out of all of this by myself. i picked myself up. i got myself a career. i found what worked for me. i eventually went on to travel more. met someone who i loved endlessly. had their child. turned extremely abusive as the pregnancy began. and what’s cruel is, he comforted me in all my miscarriages. i had a traumatic one, where i saw the sac. it was large and i was 12 weeks along. he helped me tremendously. only to slam my head into a window and break my tooth out. it was a porcelain tooth anyway. still. my tumors and pelvic inflammation from when i was a toddler grew even larger in my uterus and pelvic floor. my entire pregnancy was agony. i even struggled with wanting to get an abortion. but i didn’t really want that. i really wanted my baby. i had dreams of him, and truth be told. i thought id miscarry. even ultrasound i expected the “im so sorry” but i eventually got to end mark. and i wanted this baby so bad i prayed for it. i almost died during labor. preterm laboring for lord knows how long. leaking fluid and my stomach clenching with each contraction. i almost died on the OR table. so did my baby. he suffered loss of oxygen and by the absolute grace of god, he came out only having minimal damage. we are on our way for testing for cerebral palsy. he has seizures, and nystagmus. he’s technically blind and developmentally delayed. but he’s so intelligent. singing to sade at just 2 years old. he’s very musically inclined. he’s a miracle. i saw angels surrounding me on the or table. i saw lights. i felt angels talking to me. nurses laughing at me. i remember so vividly. all i wanted was for my baby’s father to reach out and hold me. what a common theme. just wanting to be held. i had the worst time breastfeeding and horrible panic attacks over formula feeding. don’t care what anyone says about formula. i hated it. i switched to goats milk at 6 months old. and donated breast milk. he never slept, in fact, he was a “colicky” baby. he was angry. looking back, i had no idea he had brain damage. the only thing i noticed immediately were the eyes. the nystagmus. diagnosed retina damaged due to non delayed cord clamping. resulting in the nystagmus. tried fighting a case. completely dismissed because i had no money for a lawyer. no legal backup. the caused so many interventions. pitocin should be illegal to gove to women. induction due to preterm labor should be banned. i’m not even making a harsh claim. against all odds, i feel my child saved my life. my baby is 3. the age i was changing diapers, feeding my sister, abused. i remember it so vividly. i couldn’t imagine this life for my son. he’s so happy and so full of bliss. no matter what. i pray to god we make it thru. no evil intentions shall prevail. for the lord has me. i don’t feel scared saying anything. because the lord has me.
i looked at my blog from years ago. when i was a sex worker, when i was trafficked around and raped by several men, they shoved money in my mouth and spit on my face. they tormented me and told me my life was worthless. all for the “kink” i was a sex worker at 15, meeting up with men. men in the military, police men, hospital workers, pediatricians. the worst one was a dentist who paid for my dental pictures and teeth work. it was so insane. he literally went mia one day and could never find him. all these men told me they loved i was underaged. they knew. that’s why they were around me. and even more strange, i would go in public with these people. i would drink, smoke, do all these things in public with no ID, no hope, no anything. it truly makes you wonder how these things can even exist? the world has always been so gray and cruel to me. i know the advantages people in power get. i know the world is ran by filthy, nasty people. men and women. i know i felt like cattle. i knew they knew i was just “waste” i could die and no one would even bat an eye. i was homeless. but to everyone else, i was just a “runaway” i could of seriously been hurt. i don’t even know what happened when i would pass out. even more curiously, i never blacked out. no on alcohol, not on xanax, or mdma, or acid, or mushrooms, or coke. i was always so very aware of what was happening. and i took a lot. just crunching on 5-10 bars 2x a night. what is that? i can only think of it as it is happening in my head right now. what is that? what kind of life is that? i know that when i got older, past 13-16, men loved hearing how damaged i was they got off to it. i took the attention as love. oh these men want to hear me and listen to me. i became a mute at what?? 18. i was institutionalized and drugged at the mental hospitals. i struggled with panic attacks my whole life. different ones too. i feel like im floating talking about this. i’ve never typed it out. i’ve always written it down. i have a son who loves me very much and i love him very much. he is the light in such a dark place
my boyfriend broke up with me because i’m too negative. i had just taken my son to the cancer specialist and eye doctor. i was so overwhelmed with everything. all i wanted was a big hug and kiss. instead. he treated me like an anomaly. he treated me like i was insane. all these men. they look past men. all these men, they only see value in me when i give them my fake little happy faces. what if i told u i loved life. but i’m tormented. i have flashbacks every single day. i am not healed, i am only existing in such a world that i can’t even believe to be real. the only thing in my entire life, that has ever grounded me, that has ever felt real, are the words my son says to me. my son. the only thing that feels real. i feel pain in every fiber of my being. i feel it so deeply. i haven’t slept in days. i cannot eat. i am getting sick, throwing up and shaking. i can tell ive lost weight, in just 2 days? i was happy and eating before. this person gave me such clarity and hope. i thought i had an angel by my side. i thought the world wasn’t as cruel as it is. i thought i found true and honest love. i thought i was to marry him. the way my son would look at him and love him. they way my son grew with this person by them. only to be terrible betrayed. are all men like this. is this how my life is to be. i want only the best for my son. i will be going to school soon and finding a job thru my degree. i hope i make enough. it doesn’t need to be a lot. just enough for my son to be okay and know i did this all for him. because he’s the most important person in the world. i would lose all my color and oxygen to give him it all. he is my rock in this world and nothing will ever change that. i hope and pray no evil intentions prevail. he is the best thing to ever happen to me. he is why i still try. he is the reason. i dreamt about him before i ever had him. voices in my head told me he would protect me and that this is the life. voices in my head tell me i chose this life in particular. i am so glad i did. if it meant i got to meet my beautiful son.
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mamayan · 1 year
I really liked your last Geto work with the witch! Reader. I'd love in any expansion on that.
Ask received Nonnie, expansion on Yandere Geto x his little witch! I’m sorry this took so long ★彡 Enjoy!
Yandere! Suguru Geto x F! Sorcerer Reader
Original Request: Here
tw: NSFW • Obsessive/Possessive Themes • Oral (F) • Sex • Praise/Humiliation • Overstimulation • Dark/Toxic Undertones
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Your fingers grasped at handfuls of hair, thick strands glued to the sweat of your palms as you tugged uselessly to remove him.
It was a futile effort. The strong muscle which tipped you into euphoria threatening to do it again. Those sharp dark eyes not looking away from your own even as he licks another stripe up your overstimulated cunt.
He wouldn’t stop. Nothing you did could make him stop.
He knows it too, as his lips tilt up while he shoves two fingers inside of you without mercy, even as you whine and dig your heels into the bed to escape. “It hurts,” you cry, unable to fathom how he could have so much stamina and time to torment you. “Liar.” He curls his fingers up, dragging the pads over the spongey portion while using his free hand to press down over your uterus.
“I think it’s dropped, your womb,” he murmurs casually, watching as your combined fluids are pressed out of you as you jerk and cum again. “Suguru please—!” He’s been playing with you for hours, slow and sweet, stretching your hole and filling it over and over. The room reeked of your activities, your head muddled and confused from all the stimulation.
“I told you what would happen if you tried to leave,” he sighs dully, as if all this was just a bore to repeat. “Should I tie you up and leave you with a vibrator again?” You squeal when he pinches your clit, flicking his tongue over the abused nub.
“Is it so bad by my side?” He slaps your clit now, light in force but it sends electric shocks up your body as you sob, pretty face covered in tears. You still won’t smile for him, but he’s content to keep this expression on your face. Your stoic facade like a house of cards before his breath. “Do you really think anyone even misses you?”
It hurts every time he reminds you.
“A sorcerer going missing isn’t even news, they’ve written you off as dead already.” He’s speaking so softly, as if he’s not making your walls crumble and world burn. He gives one last kiss to your messy cunt, relishing in your taste as he sits up over your nude figure to grip his heavy cock. “No one is even looking. They’re not even planning a funeral you know?” He lets the soft mushroom tip part through your sopping folds, wetting it enough to press into you. You moan as he stretches you open, sliding his hot length into your tight gooey walls. “You make such a pretty cocksleeve little witch, maybe I should give up on you too and keep you like this forever.” His cruel words don’t match his gentle touch, as he lays over you and leaves open mouthed kisses across your chest and neck. “Tie you up so your sloppy pussy is always ready for me to sink into,” he rolls his hips, letting his cock sink deep and hit every nerve that has you lighting up. You can only tremble and claw at his arms, mewling as he begins a steady pace. “Leave you here as nothing but a cumdump for me fill up.” His tone is dark as you go delirious with pleasure and panic, chest constricting as your arms shift to wrap around his neck.
“I’m sorry Sugu’—,” that’s what he wants, you know it. “I won’t run away, I’ll be good,” you choke as he gives a rough thrust up into your cervix. His narrow gaze filled only with amusement as he pressed you into the mattress. The slap of his balls against your ass almost like clockwork as he works you higher, forcing the pleasure at his pace even as you wiggle and try to grind up. He won’t go any faster though, not when he loves savoring you like this.
He blows a piece of hair out of his eye, looking unruffled as he cups your jaw, tilting your face up so he can kiss you. It’s all tongue and wetness, filthy as he moans into your mouth shamelessly and on purpose. “I think you like being my little slut, why else do you keep being so disobedient?” His hand trails lower to your neck where he squeezes the sides. “You seem to enjoy your punishments too much, naughty girl,” he teases, husky voice and masculine scent driving you while as your pussy tightens around him.
Still the same slow pace, leaving you powerless and out of control as you gasp and moan as he sinks into you. Every little ridge of his cock dragging inside you, so prominent at this speed. You feel your coil tightening nonetheless, orgasm imminent as you try and fail to meet his thrusts.
“Please,” you plead, teary eyes imploring for him to fuck you just a little harder, a little faster, to tip you over into that realm of uncaring pleasure. He ignores you, smile the same as he drinks in your pliancy with delight. The way you cling to him and beg, so desperate for more just how he likes you.
Without changing his speed or power, Suguru brings you just to the tip of your orgasm, before he stops. Pulling his still aching hard cock out, he easily leans up and wraps his hand around it, jerking with hard and quick succession before ropes of his seed platter over your spread pussy.
“No,” you nearly scream, nails trying to dig into his skin to pull him back, but it only draws you up with him, sweaty skin against his chest. “No please, I was so close,” he laughs, the look of agony on your lovely face too amusing for him. Even as you face him, he’s still working his cock slowly to milk out every drop, expression unchanging even as he tilts his head in confusion.
“I told you I’d make you truly fucking sorry if you tried to leave again little witch…” he’s terrifying when he wants to be, eyes open and lips dropped as he grasps your throat again to arch your back, leaning over you while his hair spills like a curtain.
“We’re just getting started.”
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omg hi!! in response to your soft hcs or scenarios with the 141 guys as a uterus haver and as someone who likes physical touch with people I’m close too
I am so thinking abt a cramp day in between when the heating pad is too hot to microwave again without it exploding (envisioning those gel pouch types not electric) but too cold to be of use
and the guys or one guy (I didn’t really specifically have anyone in mind) with big hands and body heat like a furnace cupping the bottom of your stomach with their thumbs kind of rubbing back and forth as a temporary heating pad 🥲 yeah so alskfjjfkskdhd
I’ve been having horrible cramps for two days now (luckily the worst is over I believe) and I would’ve killed for any one of them to massage and help me with them because they were so bad I couldn’t even sleep
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wronggalaxy · 1 year
Some random queer stuff that you don't get told at initiation but are expected to know anyway because people are bad are remembering past experiences like being a baby queer(dictionary and edits at the bottom):
1) Being aromantic does not mean you're loveless/heartless but some aromantic people are loveless/heartless and that's okay too.
2) A lot of queer people are also disabled, especially neurodivergent, especially autistic, so learn about those communities as well.
3) If you don't like queer slurs then tell your friends, that's a boundary, but you have no right to tell anyone they can't say them, especially if you don't know the person. Unless you know for a fact they aren't queer, then kick them in the crotch(I don't care their genitals, this will hurt).
4) Queer may be an identity now and widely used in the community, but it is still a slur so if someone asks you to not call them queer/say queer around them then don't. Non-queers can say queer if they're talking about an identity(i.e genderqueer), but otherwise shouldn't. And if they're using it in an insulting way, kick them in the crotch.
5) Person who menstruates, menstruation/period products, person with uterus, etc. forever. All of us, or none of us. You don't get to ignore trans people just because you're cis.
Aromantic: A person who feels little or no romantic attraction or only experiences romantic attraction in certain circumstances.
Loveless: An aromantic person that does not feel, understand, or connect with love in any form.
Heartless: An aromantic person that feels separated from romance and any or all forms of love.
Neurodivergent: Differing in mental or neurological function from what is considered typical or normal; not neurotypical.
Genderqueer: Denoting or relating to a person whose gender identity does not correspond to conventional binary gender distinctions.
Menstruate: Discharge blood and other material from the lining of the uterus as part of the menstrual cycle(AKA period).
Trans(gender): Of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity differs from the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth.
Cis(gender): Whatever gender you are now is the same as what was presumed for you at birth.
Edit for confusion: Queer identity=queer community, including fictional. Tell me if anything else doesn't make sense(but don't be rude about it because disrespect doesn't lead to respect and at best I'll just delete the comment/ask)! This is all a bit vague since it was like 3 AM and I hadn't really expected more than 2 or 3 people to see and interact.
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