#being able to understand another persons emotions so deeply
nururu · 8 months
I genuinely wonder why people equate empathy to kindness? being able to understand another person and where their emotions are coming from and why they're coming from that place, the ability to be able to share those feelings with another, does not mean that, that skill is going to immediately be used to be kind. it's extremely difficult being able to understand where ppls emotions are coming from and what they're feeling and why. y'all get empathy and sympathy mixed up so much. you can be sympathetic without being empathetic and you can be empathetic without being sympathetic. I have hyper empathy bc of autism but also pretty much completely lack sympathy, also bc of autism. then ppl will be like "empaths are always lying bc they're not sympathetic and they're mean" ppl with hyper empathy are not inherently saints that CARE just bc they understand. or maybe they do care, and that care is so much, and it is extended to everyone to the point it is personally exhausting and they're not taking care of themselves so they have to intentionally ignore people's feelings and emotions in order to take care of their own. it sucks having hyper empathy and then trying to talk about it bc immediately ppl are like "why don't you cry then? why arent you super emotional?" and they're misunderstanding what empathy even is or what it's like to experience hyper empathy. stop acting like being empathetic makes you some kind of saint that martyrs yourself for other people's emotions.
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fencecollapsed · 26 days
thinking about Emma and Tom
the tense relationship held up entirely by obligation. looking at each other knowing the only reason they're in the same vicinity is because Jane died. the bitterness over it. they don't want to be around each other. Tom can't stand that Emma's here now when she refused to be around when Jane was alive. Emma can't stand that Tom is so unreceptive to her, can't he see she's trying? he's a personified reminder of all her fuckups, the life Jane had that she missed. her failures as a sister, her own inadequacy that she's here trying to make up for. and Tom can't trust Emma, she's unreliable. impermanent, like everything in life. Jane tried to reach out to her constantly and died without succeeding, why would he believe she'll stick around now? he's hesitant to let Tim get close to her when she could so easily let them down, and Tim doesn't need more pain
the two of them uncomfortably trying to navigate having to be in each other's lives. both so full of regret and self-loathing and taking it out on each other. butting heads but still being obligated to try to make nice and get along. small moments of finding common ground. slowly starting to understand each other. slowly thawing the ice between them, learning to coexist. they're both mourning the same person, after all. they both feel deeply inadequate now that they're out from under her shadow. they both want to do right by her in some way or another. god, they're both trying their fucking best and never seeming to get it right
and they both love Tim. it's not just Jane they have in common, it's her son, too, they both want the best for him. Emma seeing both Jane and Tom in Tim and warming up to Tom because of it. Tom seeing Emma bonding with Tim, seeing him laugh with her and softening to her
aughhh a slooooow letting down of emotional walls until one day they both just Crack and finally have the conversation they've both been needing for so long. finally truly able to connect with each other. finally starting to see the other as family not just by law and obligation, but by building trust. and it's still not easy, it never will be, but it's better to be part of each others' lives than not
pulling my hair out thinking about Emma and Tom!!
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elysiansparadise · 8 months
The gentleness that holds a strong and powerful soul. Moved by passion. They put their everything on things that set in motion their inner world. 
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Taurus Rising: Strength & Softness
Consistency, loyalty, support and autonomy are perfect words to describe this rising. People with enchanting and natural beauty, accompanied by gorgeousness and a calm attitude in the eyes of others that protects a brave and passionate heart. Life encourages them to develop patience and a persevering attitude. They are people who remain strong and unbreakable, seek to appear stable, strong and very independent even if inside they feel that things are collapsing or if their surroundings are breaking, they want to show that they are strong and that they can handle anything. More easily being the support of others rather than being able to open themselves to being helped or seen vulnerable. 
With Gemini in the 2nd house are people who highly value their intelligence, they take great pride in their knowledge, especially in those topics that matter a lot to them. For them, learning is something crucial in their lives, so they try to know a lot about many different things. They may have a lot of interest in design, gardening, music [specifically singing], writing and reading. Financial topics can attract their attention and they can acquire a lot of knowledge about it. This position can show someone very skilled with money or sales. Being a house linked to value and self-esteem, this specific overlay tells us about people who find themselves constantly questioning their own value, however, it is not just something that only applies to them, as they will question value in those things in which they society puts value. They will question the values ​​of their home or the groups they interact with. Another common thing with them is this inconsistency in their sense of security, feeling unprotected on many occasions. Clear, honest and direct communication is something they deeply appreciate, they love the feeling of being able to have a long and pleasant talk for both parties. They tend to prefer those where they are one on one due to their reserved nature.
Later, we find Cancer in the 3rd house, a placement that could be one of the main reasons behind the soothing and soft essence of this particular Ascendant. With this overlay we see natives with such an appealing way of speaking, sweet and very pleasant, there is something about them that allows them to be very understandable with other people and their emotions. These people are very curious about knowing the depth and complexity behind everything and everyone. When it comes to relating to others, they put a lot of emphasis on knowing the core of others, their emotions, their past and everything that allows them to have a better and more personal understanding of others. They are people with a warm way of speaking, they aren't usually impulsive when communicating and they think very carefully about their words before speaking. We have very capable, talented writers and speakers with the ability to easily evoke feelings in others. They stand out for their good memory and a light touch of warmth in their speech. These people may have melancholy tendencies or may think a lot about the past. If the Moon is making tense aspects or if Saturn is in this house, a tendency to constant periods of depression is likely. Writing can be a way for them to better express their emotions, and reading can be very relaxing as well. One of their ways to better connect with others can be deep talks and in some cases sharing food. If they have siblings, they may have a somewhat variable relationship but they may have a deep affection for them or at least one of them. They can assume the role of older sibling regardless of their age.
Inside Leo in the 4th house, lies a person with a warm heart, a generous disposition towards all those with whom they have a strong emotional bond, and someone who fiercely protects those they consider family. They are without a doubt people who become restless, fun and very charismatic once they trust the person next to them, being more authentic and effusive with them, as well as more warmly open. In family matters, there may be a very strong connection with one of them in particular, likewise, it may indicate a very busy, somewhat dramatic and in some cases noisy environment. These people hide their hearts very well from others, making it visible only to those with whom they feel they really connect, they are capable of loving very strongly and publicly, they are not the type of people to hide their emotions. No matter how calm or reserved they may seem, deep down they are people with great brilliance, with a lot of emotion and great creativity and ideas that brighten the lives of those around them. From a very young age they learned to think about themselves, about doing things that make them happy before wanting to make other people happy. In some cases, it is likely that the native has had to deal with family members who thought only of themselves, who were egotistical, or who did not take into consideration what others or the native felt or wanted. These people may have a tendency to take things personally, they hate feeling that they or their feelings are not taken seriously or valued. Another likely thing is that they are relatively more independent than other members of their family. They hate feeling ignored more than anything in the world, they like to feel and make those they love feel that they are heard.
For Virgo in the 5th house, romance is something sublime when there is devotion and dedication on the part of both parties. These people are capable of loving too much, always establishing the importance of making their partner feel supported, understood and motivated, actions that they seek to receive in return. They are always looking for the relationship to improve, they will seek to know their partner better and more deeply, the conversations about ways to make each other feel better will be very constant as well as the small and significant details. They are people who notice the slightest thing about their partner, changes in their look, tastes, preferences and other areas of their personality. They are very loyal, stable and gentle when they love. They think a lot before allowing themselves to have a romance with someone, they analyze the person in question. They are quite demanding of themselves, and may have the mistaken idea that they could be loved until they are that way or achieve that thing, when the beautiful fact of being themselves already makes them worthy of that love that they so doubt if they can have. . As this is the home of talents and hobbies, it makes them people not only very dedicated to them, but also very perfectionist when it comes to dealing with them, practicing a lot and never settling, remaining willing to learn more and continue improving. They like to do things well and think that if they can't do it to the best they can, it's better not to do it. Their confidence, their gentleness and charm that they are not aware of, makes them people who can attract admiration from others, many even admiring them for all the hard.
In the workplace, people with Libra in the 6th house are extremely capable and excellent. They are very good people at finding solutions to all kinds of problems, from problems related to their work, such as problems of or among others. Diplomatic, responsible and willing to help and collaborate in their work and/or their co-workers. Even if they consider themselves independent and are very skilled on their own, they make teamwork enjoyable and comfortable for themselves and others. Self-care routines are something of utmost importance to them and they will always enjoy taking care of themselves in every way. Their body is their temple, one that they care for with delicacy and attention. These people are very likely to attract a lot of attention from their co-workers, a common placement for romances in the office or work area. They will be able to make good contacts through their work and will be seen as very approachable, helpful and polite people. They are people sensitive to noise or any negative hustle and bustle, preferring to work in quiet environments, with music they like in the background and, in general, in an environment where they do not feel so tense. They can have that tendency to be very perfectionistic, especially when it comes to doing their homework or activities that they really like. They have an excellent eye for aesthetics and decoration, they are very sensitive and appreciative of art, loving the idea of ​​personalizing and decorating the spaces in which they are.
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To say that people with Scorpio in the 7th house take relationships seriously is an understatement, and I am not referring to the matter of seeking to get married quickly but to the level of emotional connection that they want with their partner. They are people who want to see beyond the sublime appearance of their partners, but rather the beauty, darkness, secrets, complexity and details of their soul. They long for a very deep emotional connection with that person to whom they swear forever. These people have the ability to make you feel completely loved, from those virtues that you have, to those things that you do not share due to fear or insecurity. They love completely and give absolutely everything in their relationships, which they expect in return. They can have a marriage in which the dynamic is very intense but above all very devoted, one in which your partner's matters become yours and vice versa, where you protect and show yourself completely to the other. Throughout their lives they may experience tense experiences in the field of love or even in any type of relationship. They may have a tendency to be overly wary of the intentions of others, bordering on distrust. They may fear never being able to be loved sincerely or never being able to enjoy the beauties and soft side of love. Future spouse is likely to be a person with very intense emotions, with a lot of appeal, self-confidence and a slightly more serious and mysterious appearance of that emotional and devoted interior.
The sensuality of those with Sagittarius in the 8th house is accompanied by a feeling of liberation, an insatiable curiosity and an open and inquisitive attitude towards sex. These natives are people who enjoy exploring every peak of all the pleasures of life. The emotion of connecting deeply with your partner, exploring every corner of your soul with each caress and reading the complex mind of your loved one with your gaze. Seduction becomes an exciting, fun and very enjoyable game for these natives. There is a deep desire to bring light to your partner's darkness and for your partner to do the same. Traveling through each part of their body becomes the journey they most fantasize about. For them, it is necessary that there be something deeper in the connections to be able to fully enjoy the relationship, that there is the feeling that they are on the same level, that the other person is interesting and open with them. There is a fear of getting lost in the superficiality of life, especially in the aspect of love. There is a feeling of hopelessness in them, the thought that faith is gradually disappearing from their being, the feeling of being left on their own, without guidance. They are very introspective people, sometimes they can spend a lot of time analyzing themselves in their minds. They have a very rich inner world, and a need to find deep and meaningful things in what seems to be a somewhat superficial life.
When we see Capricorn in the 9th house, we can be sure that we find a very intelligent person capable of standing out in the subject of their interest. A great mind that sees the harshness of the world and is aware of it from a very young age. Existential and deep questions are very common, and a tendency to pessimism can become greater if Saturn makes many harsh aspects. They are people who try to be realistic at all times, do not get carried away by the initial beauty of situations and seek to take into account all possible results. Their ambition leads them to want to acquire more and more knowledge, and they can have many academic achievements throughout their university years if they decide to attend it. They may have to work abroad, travel a lot thanks to work or interact with people from other countries because of it. They are very selective people with what they want to learn, they pass the information through filters and always prefer to create their own opinions on topics, especially the most complex or moral ones. As mentioned in the previous point, there may be a tendency to doubt that good things can happen to you, falling into a somewhat negative thinking regarding what you may or may not experience.
When Aquarius is in the 10th house, the native can work in fields related to science, astronomy, physics. It is a common placement for people with interests, skills and work as astrologers. They often choose a career different from what their family has chosen, or something that their family or others consider unusual. These people seek to make a change through their work, and they can also become very notable and remarkable in themselves. These people usually prefer and end up having a job that allows them to meet many people, experiment, learn new things and explore their originality and ideas. They tend to be people who attract attention very quickly, there is a peculiarity about them that makes them stand out from the crowd, likewise, from a young age they know that they want to be different compared to the people they grew up with or lived with when they were young. You can achieve great things if you work on your own, embrace your independence and authenticity. An idealistic and ambitious quality hides in them, these natives dream of achieving many things on their own and making themselves feel proud. They can more easily inspire the masses through their unique personality, perseverance, authenticity and ideas.
One of the things that is not usually mentioned with this rising is their enormous devotion to their friends and the great importance they give the natives in their life, this is given by Pisces in the 11th house. They are people who connect very deeply with their friends, being able to easily sense when they are emotionally bad and, likewise, knowing how to help them in the best way. It is very common for these people to send messages or seek to communicate with them just at the moments when their friends need it. They are the kind of friends who are there through thick and thin, who are a great emotional support and leave beautiful lessons in their friendships. For them it is crucial that their friendships can go through from the most lighthearted and fun moments to the deepest and most emotional ones. They stand out for their empathy and ease of understanding people well even if their experiences and background are completely different. They will seek to genuinely help those they see in poor conditions and treat them as equals instead of further marking their differences. They can have various incomes, but more in fields such as art, through activities in which they help others or even in esoteric matters. They have a great ability to solve other people's problems, usually problems that they find difficult to solve for themselves.
The inner desire to be an independent person and capable of resisting everything that life brings to them is born from the need for protection. What is left to do when there is nowhere or no one to find that stability? Will there even be stability in this turbulence called life? Within them lies someone active, intent on striving until they can finally find and enjoy some peace. A resounding fear in them comes from always being in search of something they cannot have: inner peace, a comfy and peaceful life. With Aries in the 12th house, everything feels fast and spontaneous, from their deepest emotions to the environments in which they grow. In their mind and subconscious are recorded all those times in which they had to stand up for themselves, times in which perhaps there was no one to rely on, in which they came to the conclusion of never being able to rely on anyone other than them. them, in having to tame the tides of life on their own. The fear that it would always be like this grew in them. Not many are allowed to know their core/what they really are for fear of different things, of getting hurt, of being judged, but in them we can find people full of passion, ambitions and with an endearing quality of joviality. They are somewhat restless and spontaneous people deep down, something that is not usually perceived by their calm appearance. They are gifted with a strong temperament, and although they are sweet and kind, they will not be afraid to bring out that impetus and anger if you hurt or touch something very personal to them. These people focus a lot and use a large part of their energy in facing their inner struggles, to which they never give up no matter how tense they may be. It is likely that at many points in your life you felt that in some cases you were about to lose the battle, but your perseverance and inner strength will mean that in the end you will be able to overcome those problems that you usually do not talk to anyone about.
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starmosaics · 1 month
Mars in the 8th house pt. 1/3
I'm splitting this into parts because there's a lot to cover with this placement.
A person with an 8th house Mars doesn't just share anything with anybody, they'll test you and make sure that you can be trusted before sharing anything about themselves other than surface-leveled things. From the outside, an 8H Mars person seems distant, kept, shut off, and mysterious; they're an enigma. Many people feel intimidated just by being in the 8H Mars person's presence. People want to desperately figure this person out or pinpoint something about them, but just simply can't. The reason 8H Mars people are so guarded is because they most likely have faced life-altering pain or traumatic experiences at some point in their lives, commonly due to death or betrayal by other people. They can be incredibly hesitant or totally reluctant with trusting and opening up to others. They tend to keep people at arms length and might have paranoid thoughts about getting close to people because of their trust issues and reluctance to let down their guard. They are incredibly hypervigilant people and it takes a long time for them to express their vulnerabilities.
These people are naturally investigative and are great at researching and absorbing information. They're like sponges when it comes to obtaining details that reveals the truth. They love digging things up beyond the surface, revealing the truth, and bringing things to light. They want to understand things on a much deeper, intellectual level to reveal secrets and to solve cryptic and hidden messages. They either are great sources themselves or provide great sources for others and will always show up with the cold hard facts. I worked with a girl who had an 8H Mars and she did so much research on employee's rights to dig up what illegal things our management was getting away with. She obsessed over it for months and was fixated on "exposing" the institution we worked for. I am also friends with a guy who does scientific research at his school as a job who has an 8H Mars. I have an 8H Mars and am deeply invested in astrology.
These people are wonderful friends, family members and partners, and will always be the first responder when someone they care about is in a dire situation. They're also the best person to be with when in a dangerous or life-threatening situation. These are the types of people to remain calm and collected to ensure that whatever is at hand is taken care of. During an emergency, they're the ones to brainstorm and come up with a plan to execute; they're incredible strategists. This is most likely due to having dealt with a lot of dangerous or traumatic events in their lives which caused them to be able to respond to other people's situations with a much more steadfast approach.
Most of the 8H Mars people I've met had a weird relationship with their sexuality in their teenage/young adult years and lost their virginity at a later age compared to their peers. People may objectify 8H Mars folks or perceive them to be more sexual than they are (ex. being told that the 8H Mars person looks like they have a lot of experience with sex even if they don't) because these people commonly ooze sex appeal. Something about them makes people feel incredibly drawn and magnetized to them. I knew someone with an 8H Mars who was a stripper and did sex work. She also had a sugar daddy which I would associate to be an 8H topic (shared/gained resources from another, Mars covering sex). I too have considered doing sex work for quite a while now. 8H mars people may like more rougher and primal sex such as BDSM. The bedroom is where the more darker parts of themselves are revealed. They may also enjoy exploring different kinds of kinks rather than having plain or vanilla sex. Despite people thinking 8H Mars folks are sexually progressive all the way, these people actually need to have an emotional/spiritual connection to those they engage sexually with, otherwise they will feel like something is missing during sex and that the void they're seeking to be filled cannot be reached. Unfortunately, I have also known many 8H Mars people who have faced a form of sexual victimization.
In the next 2 parts, we'll cover certain transformations these people may undergo in their lives, mental health and psychology, life and death situations, struggles within intimate relationships, and "taboo" topics these people might enjoy. If you have an 8H Mars let me know if this resonates :))
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dragonfoxgirl · 1 year
My thoughts on Elemental and how one scene spoke to me deeply.
Elemental, aside from its poignant depiction of what it entails to live as a first generation child born of immigrants and the challenges faced related to it, has also seemed to have touched on another subject, maybe accidentally. But, regardless of it’s intentional depiction or not, the movie also touches on the complexity of romantic relationships for people outside the common denominator.
A few days ago, I saw a lot of activity on social media about the movie coming from Aro/Ace people. As an effort to avoid spoiling myself, I skimmed the few posts that showed up in my feed. Now that I have seen the movie, I understand with clarity why it resonated so strongly with these particular communities, despite not being the intended broader target with its messaging.
As a person in the Ace spectrum, as well as someone with Autism, I can testify to the fact that we navigate very different waters in terms of human connection outside our family nucleus.
We hold value on the soul, the personality and the abstract connection that results by having “chemistry” with someone above physical displays of attraction. The same goes for many neurodivergent people. In short terms: It’s a lot harder for us to “touch” and go beyond it. For us, it needs to matter. It needs to be genuine.
In the “touch” scene where Wade and Ember join palms, she hesitates. Ember struggles with allowing herself to try. Wade is calm, patient and understanding of her limitations without holding back his own desire to connect. Showing genuine affection towards her.
When she realizes she can touch him, his contact starts to ground her and she relaxes. Finally allowing herself to fall into his embrace.
They dance and sway and for a few minutes, simply enjoy each other's proximity. What’s been an emotional connection has now been proven to also be able to be present physically. In their own terms, without having to morph it into anything else. It 's genuine. It’s unique and it’s entirely theirs.
To someone like me, who struggles with allowing my walls to come down. To be touched, it’s a beautiful scene. One that displays the yearn many of us have: To connect with someone on such a level. To find the person we can touch without feeling uncomfortable and who accepts and respects the way we are.
To me, modern dating culture expects physical displays of attraction as a genuine demonstration of connection and when you are somebody that doesn’t follow those “rules” you struggle finding the connection you seek.
To see these characters find so much calm and comfort in a simple embrace is a visual testament to what we value. What we seek and hold dear to what constitutes us as a person.
“I’m so lucky” he says while holding her and my heart swells.
It’s like hope and maybe also reassurance. That one day, we will find the person we can allow in. Their touch won’t feel foreign and we’ll not deny ourselves in how we connect with them.
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mjbarrosart · 2 months
My Dragon Prince Boards season 6, episode 605
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Ok folks, It is time to go trough the next episode of season 6 I worked, episode 605.
When you are working on an episode as a storyboard artist you, usually, want to choose how to approach your sequences. Most of the time your will get instructions from your director and supervisor to do things in certain ways, making sure that things aligning between episodes and general season arcs; but most of details of your sequences are up to you.
In this episode I had the huge privilege to tackle most of Soren and Viren interactions, and a big question for my, from the beginning, was "what will be my approach?"
Because, how I see it, there are 2 big forces, struggles, arcs- or whatever you want to call it- in conflict during this sequences. In one hand, you have Soren and his pain, and in the other hand, you have Viren and his desire for forgiveness.
I decided to approach this sequences from Viren's, because 2 reasons mainly:
The first one, is the most obvious one, is that- at least for me- Soren's arc is already resolved, of course he is in real pain, and he is a victim of abuse and there is a lot of trauma that he needs to heal, but his overall arc resolved in season 3. He is one of the goof guys now, and he knows where he stands. This is an important moment for his healing, for sure, but it is more relevant to Viren's arc that is still incomplete at this point.
The second reason is more personal. While I am a daughter, I have the blessing of having a really good relationship with my parents, so while I understand Soren's trauma, I have not a lot of personal experience to pour into. But, I am also a mother, and from that point of view, I deeply understand Viren. I still think that he is a villain, and what he did was wrong in all levels, but I can absolutely connect with the idea of "parents sacrifice for their children, not the other way around".
Parenting is the eternal struggle between being able to do anything for your children well being, and understanding that they are their own person, and their have the right to make their own mistakes and live their own life.
So yeah, that is what was in my mind during this episode, now let's check sequence by sequence!
My first sequence is a sweet one, between Ezran and Soren. I usually don't have a lot of sequences with the young king, so it is always fun to work with him
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Overall, it is a simple and sweet moment between this two, I love how much Soren respects Ezran but at the same time tries to keep it casual, haha. I love the idea of friends loving and supporting each other.
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My next sequence is when Soren goes to visit Viren for the first time. This is a big one. In one hand, Viren wants to talk and express everything he has to say, in the other Soren holding up his feelings, dealing with confusion and anger.
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The sequence opens with the shot of Viren in the cell and the fly on the spider web. It's a pretty on the nose metaphor that we used through the full episode.
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A less on the nose metaphor I tried to build during the sequences was using the bars as a framing devise to show emotional states. When Viren is talking with guilt and resentment, he is usually framed behind the bars. When he is talking from a place of love, taking into consideration Soren's feelings and acknowledging the damage ha has caused, he usually is framed without the bars.
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This is a sequence where they fail to connect, and by the end, Viren tries to follow Soren, but the chains stop him. There is still a huge division between both of them.
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Next sequences is another interaction, This time, they will talk, but it will not be good. We start with Viren, still trapped, suffering. He is a little calmer now. He tries to connect with Soren, but it is still hard, the bars are between them, and the pain is keeping them apart.
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But then, Viren starts to talk more freely, to recognize his mistakes, the damage that he caused to Soren, to Claudia. The ways he was a bad parent and hurt them both. So we flip the framing, now Viren is free, Soren is behind the bars.
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Soren's pain is stopping him from healing and is coming out as rage.
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he has a hard time believing whatever his father is telling him. In the past, Viren manipulated him, why now would be different. It is so hard to break cycles of abuse, and it is hard to forgive, too. Some people don't deserve forgiveness, to be honest. And I am not sure if Soren ever will forgive Viren.
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So Soren burst into rage. I wanted to create a pretty visceral reaction. Talking with his hands and body, almost like puking out his feelings, so much pain that he can not hold anymore. But this is not necessarily what he needs. He screams at Viren, he hits the bars, he leaves in rage, and the wound is still open.
And Viren is defeated again. Forgiveness will not be something easy to get.
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My next sequences is a short silly one, hahaha. Rayla and Callum going to fight the beast. I swear to god i have the "Slash, Slash, Swirly dash" line stuck in my head until today ><
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Well, back to the drama.
My last sequence of the episode is when Viren wakes up, and Soren is there.
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This time, there is no confrontation between them. Viren understands that no matter what he says, he may never be never forgiven. So he stops trying to "convince" Soren that he is sorry, and just tell him what he thinks Soren needs to hear.
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And after that Soren leaves, maybe for the first time ready to start the path to healing.
And that was my work on episode 605!!
Thanks for reading this long post, again!
If you have any questions about the board process on Dragon prince, please feel free to ask! Also, I always read all the comments you put in the tags, they always make me smile :) Thank you!!!
Soon I'll post about my work on 608!
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shadowdaddies · 9 months
I have another request! Your writing is just amazing.
Would love an Az x reader where she knows they are mates but doesn’t tell him because she can’t have kids and she thinks he will reject it if he finds out. So she starts pulling away or gets upset or something and then the bond snaps for him and he is confused as to why she doesn’t want it.
She finally tells him and thinks he will reject her because of it but it goes from angst to fluff and he’s all cute and says she is all he wants and he doesn’t care. Happy ending
thank you so much lovely! I love your requests, I think they're perfect for Az
All I've Ever Needed
Azriel x Reader
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Leaned over the balcony, you swirled the champagne in your glass as the stars began to shoot across the sky, bathing Velaris in ethereal light. The quiet scuff of boots sounded next to you, a smile gracing your lips as you thought about the only person who would wear boots to Starfall.
Glancing up, you were met with hazel eyes, golden in this light as they focused on you. “You’re missing the show,” you nodded to the skyline in front of you.
“Am I?” Azriel murmured, so quiet you hardly heard him. Still, his gaze turned towards the sky, a comfortable silence wrapping around the pair of you like a warm blanket on this cold early Spring evening.
Azriel turned back towards you, inhaling deeply as he opened his mouth to speak when a rogue spirit soared towards him, glowing pale green light splattering throughout his onyx hair. Your laugh echoed loudly through the open night air, bringing a rare, broad smile to Azriel’s lips. His face lit up brighter than the stars that glowed like a halo around him, and the snap in your chest as the universe pulled you towards him was undeniable.
Breathless, you clutched your chest as emotions swirled within you. Mate, my mate, your heart chanted, as Azriel’s hand began to reach for yours. A high-pitched giggle sounded from below, interrupting the moment as little Nyx ran towards you.
“Uncle Azzy!” the toddler squealed in delight, laughter ringing through the air as Azriel lifted his nephew into his broad arms. “You have stars in your hair,” the small boy noted, chubby fingers reaching to tug on Azriel’s wavy tresses. 
Azriel shook his head, Nyx laughing as stardust sprinkled all around the both of them. “There, now you have stars too,” Az murmured, setting Nyx back down for the child to run into Feyre’s arms. 
“Happy Starfall,” she greeted you with a kiss to your cheek before turning to Azriel, a soft laugh leaving the High Lady as Nyx eagerly reached back for Azriel once more. “You are so good with him,” Feyre noted to Az, grinning at the shadowsinger’s blush from her compliment. “I can’t wait to see you with children of your own one day.”
The perfect bubble of this evening burst. Heart dropping, the skies of Velaris now a shattered snow globe as you registered Feyre’s words. Neither she or Azriel knew what you’d learned long ago from Madja, that you would never be able to bear children. 
And now, as you watched Azriel’s blush deepen, your mate smiling while he played with his nephew, you realized how cruel the Cauldron must be for your mate to be someone you could never satisfy. Setting down your flute of champagne, you excused yourself as you abandoned not only the party, but any chance you’d hoped for with Azriel.
Months passed as you ignored the shadowsinger, ignored the way your heart called to him, how much you missed his kindness and friendship. Being the understanding person that he was, Azriel didn’t push you, didn’t try to force you when he noticed you distancing yourself. It somehow hurt more, knowing that the person who understood you most was still there, giving you the space you needed despite how much you wanted to run into his arms. But you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him, tell him how much you loved him, trap him by telling that you were his mate when you could never give him the children he evidently wanted.
Walking down the streets of the Rainbow, Mor pressured you about Azriel’s birthday. “I know you two aren’t as close, and I won’t push about it, but you are going to his birthday tonight aren’t you?” 
You sighed, running a hand over your face as you deliberated the question you’d been asking yourself for the past several weeks. “Of course I’ll go, Mor. We are still friends,” you promised, knowing that as much as you might dread this evening, missing Azriel’s birthday would cause too many issues among your family.
Mor left you alone, headed to meet Feyre at the art studio. You walked down the street, looking in the windows of art galleries and clothiers when something pulled you towards a small jewelry shop. You heart fluttered in your chest when you noticed the silver ring in the window, a small cobalt blue gem in the center. 
You opened the door without thinking, your feet guiding you to where the jewelry sat in its display. The shopkeeper approached you, her kind green eyes twinkling as she looked between you and the ring.
“That is a beautiful piece. I’ve seen several males pass by admiring it. And we can do same-day engraving,” she spoke, her velvet voice thinly veiling her eagerness to make the sale. 
As the idea came to you, you flashed her a smile. “I’ll take it.”
Hands shaking with nerves, you shyly maneuvered through the doorway to the River House, gift in hand as you made your way to the living room where your family was gathered. Mor approached you first, blonde hair flying as she ran towards you to wrap you in a hug. Handing you a drink, she looped her arm in yours, guiding you to the center of the room where you set the gift on the table.
Hazel eyes bored into you, Azriel staring unabashedly as he approached. “Thank you for coming,” he whispered, a lump in his throat as he looked over the gauzy lavender dress you donned. “You look beautiful.”
Blushing under his attention, you willed your heart to stop pounding against your chest as you spoke. “Of course. Happy birthday, Azriel,” you murmured, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek before turning to greet the others.
Near the end of the evening, everyone was enjoying the beautiful cake Elain had prepared when Mor giddily clapped her hands. “Presents, now!” she demanded, shoving her own gift into Azriel’s hands. Azriel unwrapped the present, pink paper torn apart to reveal a pair of green, fuzzy earmuffs. “They’re to match the scarf I got you last Solstice!” Mor exclaimed, clearly proud of herself for such a thoughtful gift.
Azriel gave her a polite smile and a thank you, moving to unwrap the next gifts. From Cassian and Nesta, a new pair of boots, since apparently once of the Valkyries had thrown up on his other pair during training last week. From Feyre and Rhys, he was given a painting - a memory of the annual snowball fight from the last year, with Nyx included. 
“Who is this from?” Azriel asked, holding up the small box with blue paper and black ribbon. You shyly raised your hand, a nervous smile on your face as Azriel’s eyes softened. “Thank you,” he said, never breaking eye contact. 
“You haven’t even opened it yet,” you retorted with a giggle. Azriel’s eyes sparkled at your laughter, his hands deftly untying the ribbon as he carefully opened the box. He simply stared at it for a moment, silver lining his eyes as he held the box in his hands.
“I know you like to wear rings, and if you look at the side, I had it engraved for you,” you explained. Azriel carefully took the ring from the box, turning it over to see the outline of Ramiel, with Carynth shining above, and Azriel, Rhysand’s, and Cassian’s initials below.
Sliding the ring on his finger, Azriel looked to you, a look of shock crossing his features as he stumbled back, knocking his chair backwards in the process. You forgot to breathe for a moment, the only thought your brain able to process that Azriel now knew that you were mates. Standing up quickly, you uttered a goodbye as you ran out the front door in escape.
You made it halfway across the lawn when shadows swirled in front of you, Azriel towering over you as he appeared, anger swirling in his eyes. “You knew.” 
You didn’t say anything, just held your chin high as you willed the tears not to fall. Azriel didn’t let up though, taking another step towards you. “How long have you known that we are mates?”
Eyes shuttering, you took a deep breath. “Since Starfall,” you eked out in a broken whisper. 
Azriel’s face contorted in hurt and anger, his own voice shaky as he spoke. “Why didn’t you tell me? All of this time avoiding me, why wouldn’t you tell me that you didn’t want me?”
Something between a shocked laugh and a choking sound forced its way from your throat as you gaped at him. “Don’t want you? Azriel, all I want is you! It’s been agony trying to stay away, to keep the bond from snapping and trapping you with me. You deserve better, Az. You deserve more than I can give to you.”
Trying to step around him to walk away, Azriel swiftly slid into your path, the ring on his finger cool against your cheek as he guided your gaze to his. “How could you ever think that you wouldn’t deserve me? If anything, I don’t deserve you. You are kind, beautiful, thoughtful... You’re more than I could have dreamed of.”
You allowed yourself to lean into his touch for only a moment before you softly pulled his hand away from your face. You drew his hand up, clutching it in your own, savoring the warmth of his touch. “Azriel, I can’t have children. Madja told me years ago, it’s just not possible for me. And seeing you on Starfall with Nyx, you were so happy. And I cannot give you that. I cannot give you everything you want, can’t give you a family.”
Azriel’s hand wrapped around yours, pulling you into him, one arm wrapped firmly around your waist. Holding your chin between his fingers, he tilted your gaze to him. “You are my family. You are everything I could ever want, and more.” His lips brushed yours, the feeling of his smile against your own sending a burst of joy through you as you leaned up to kiss your mate.
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angyo · 4 months
I unironically love csm 167. Not for horny, but because it's so fucked up on so many layers and if it follows up on even 1 of those layers of fuckery it's gonna be explosive.
He's already been sexually assaulted so many times. Every time he has a dream it gets monkey's pawed into fucking him up worse. He doesn't know what he wants. Deep down he just wants to be loved and be able to trust that if he puts his soul into the hands of another person it won't get crushed. But his love for aki and power was used to break him. His love for reze and makima betrayed. His love for nayuta and the dogs used to goad him into violence. Everyone he opens his heart to either dies or uses him, so all he has left is this hope that sex gives him the love he so deeply needs without the commitment that makes it dangerous. He thinks getting his rocks off might give him the same love he needs without the possibility of having it stolen from him. An orgasm is an orgasm, even if the other person immediately betrays you you still got "love" in a far more transactional and solid sense.
But that's not how it works. Post-orgasm is a very vulnerable time, especially if it's from a high tension surprise hand job (rape) in a backalley. It's his last dream that hasn't been ruined yet and it happened after a castration attempt and will likely end with Asa looking at him like a disgusting monster and vomiting on the ground.
Of course the war devil can't process love. She and Asa share a body and swap a lot of emotions but they're still different people and when something they now feel strongly goes so directly against all of their lives experience they'll react in unpredictable and possibly dangerous ways, ESPECIALLY war. Yoru got the memory of the first kiss meaning asa probably got it too. Asa's not stable, she's so desperately lonely this revelation that denji never stood her up must've felt so relieving. But yoru was in charge when asa got this flood of emotion. War isn't about love or compromise, it's about stealing from the weak and kind, asserting absolute authority, and a lot of rape and pillaging. Of course when faced with such a human and kind emotion as love war doesn't care about anything but satiating the most immediately available impulse in a way that asserts her "superiority" and leaving before she'd have to actually confront the emotional turmoil she caused.
Oh she's fucked. Just like denji she is desperately lonely and always has love ripped away from her in the cruelest ways. But unlike him, she just pretends she doesn't need it and tries to feel superior so she doesn't have to feel the real depth of her loneliness. Yet she can't help but love anyway, and every time she falls into the trap of caring it dissolves all of her defenses and when it's betrayed it breaks her core. She is sex-repulsed, which is understandable for a teenager and possibly a sign of asexuality but thematically can be tied to her fear of opening her heart to damage. There's a difference between finding it disgusting on a reasonable level and being so viscerally disgusted by the thought it can drag you into hell. Sex is vulnerable. Your expose a lot of really sensitive organs to each other and stimulate hormones that make you open yourself up and expose yourself to risks like stds. When it feels like all her vulnerabilities get hammered against her of course she'd be scared of such a vulnerable act.
And now she's got cum on the only hand she has left, denji's spit in her mouth, and the lingering feeling of his dick on her, again, ONLY REMAINING HAND. And he's going to need aftercare, and really substantial care because she just sexually assaulted him and he doesn't know she's 2 different people. He's either gonna be so immediately depressed by the anticlimax of his first time he starts isolating or so desperate for this sex to be the time it finally means love he clings to her but it's gonna be terrifying to her because yoru took her subconscious vulnerability and externalized it to hurt the guy she just realized might be the only person to actually give a shit right now. She loves him and as soon as she lets that emotion wash over her it gets used to melt him into a puddle of desperation and vulnerability right in her arm that is so far beyond anything she can emotionally handle it could make him hate her forever. The only one who ever gave a shit and in the span of a couple minutes her body has been used to deconstruct him into a million little pieces she couldn't possibly put back together.
Not to mention the fact that in assaulting denji yoru also sexually assaulted Asa but denji doesn't know that. They both need immediate calming that isn't going to happen.
And she can't run away from yoru. The girl who assaulted her, exploited every vulnerability she has, and ruined her only chance is in her head. Even if denji realizes his worth and runs away asa is still stuck. Her assaulter is in her head, and the only hand she has left is covered in jizz.
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kyloherrera · 8 months
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✦ ۫ 𑄼ల۫  ۪ FEB 7 — LOVE LETTER
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featuring: dot, abyss, abel, rayne, odler, mash, lance. finn x gn! reader
note: sorry for posting this one day later I was very bussy
summary: how will the mashle boys react to receiving a love letter from his s/o.
genre: fluff || event
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-Finding a love letter in a place he didn't expected was definitly something that took him by surprise, he feeled a little flustered.
-At first, he was confused, and questions that it was a misunderstanding or a prank.
-However while he reads through it he was deeply touched.
-The love letter evoke his feelings of gratitude and warthm.
-He feels a sense of validation and happiness knowing that someone cares for him in such a romantic way.
-The love letter would inpsire him reflect on his own feelings, and tell him to recicrope those feelings on his own unique mash way.
-He would probally find the person who wrote it, and thank him, after all this whole love thing is new to him.
-At first, he would be surprised, surely instantly receiving such a love gesture caught him off ward. He didn't anticipated it.
-He would feel appreciated and validated, despite his outward confindence, Lance harbors insecurites about whether others truly appreciate him beyond his status and abilities.
-So receiving a love letter serve as validation of his worth and significance to his partner.
-He also feel grateful and appreciative towards his partner for his sincerity and vulnerability in expressing their feelings, which he admires, and made deepen his respect and admiration for them.
-Despite his tough exterior, he really cares about the people close to him. So receiving a love letter evoked his feelings of warmth and affection within him.
-This also deepen his feelings for his partner.
-Lance takes his relantionship seriously, so he feel a sense of responsibility to respond to the love letter in a thoughtful and considerate manner.
-So he goes see his s/o right after that, and tells them how much him appreciate them and love them, and they kissed them, and hugged reassuring those feelings.
-He was surprise and disbelieving, he find it hard to believe that someone would express his feelings for him, and that the card was for him.
-Knowing that someone cares for him in such a profound and affectionate way fills him with a sense of warmth and happiness.
-It will also reinforce the emotional bond between him an his s/o.
-Like Mash, he would also thanks his s/o.
-He would likely recicropate the letter by responding it by another letter.
-He was shocked, already being able to be in a relantionship was choking for him, but receiving a love affection in such a direct and heartfelt manner was way more choking. He never saw himself worthy of such attention.
-This makes him feel appreciated and valued, boosting his self-esteem and confidence.
-After that he would feel uncertain about how to respond to the love letter.
-Especially since he is not acostumbrated to dealing with matters of the heart in a serious way.
-He is struggling to process his own emotions and understand the depth of his feelings for his s/o.
-Afterall he feel in love way more with his s/o and he is downbad, specially if they wrote them something very romantic.
-He was perplexed by the gesture of receiving a love letter, especially a love letter from you.
-He find it unexpected and outside the realm of his usual experiences.
-Then he analyzes the content of the love letter carefully trying to understand the underlying motivations and emotions behind your words.
-After reading it, its content makes him feel validated and appriaciated.
-Receiving the letter make him confront his own feelings and vulnerabilities,
-He engages in introspection, exploring his feelings fo ryou and considering the depth of their relationship.
-The letter evoked feelings of gratitude towards you, and it deepes his commitment with you.
-He didn't believe the card was for him, he thought you maked a mistake because he never consired himself worthy of such affection.
-He approches the lever with skepticism, questioning the sincerity and intentions behind the gesture, because of his past experiences.
-This letter evoked feelings of appraciation and gratitude.
-This also deepes his sense of emotional connection with you.
-Even thought initially struggle to come to terms with the emotions stirred up by the love letter, he then reciprocated the letter by actions, such as subtle acts of affection.
-Like moments of tenderness such as a reassuring touch or a gentle smile, that convey his emotions without the need for words.
-He would be delight by the fact of receiving a love letter especially from you.
-He didn't expected such a direct and romantic expression of affection, but he would certainly appreciate the gesture.
-When reading through it the letter providedd him a heartwarming hapiness.
-He cherish the words written by you and feel fortunate to have someone who cares for him so deeply.
-He is not afraid to show his emotions so he will probaly respond with equal favor, expressing through words his own feelings.
-Upon receiving the love letter he would he would be taken aback and be skeptical, as someone who typically focuses on practical matters and tasks at hand, he might find it difficult to process such a romantic gesture.
-He would feel deeply grateful and appreciative towards you for expressing their feelings in such a heartfelt manner.
-But he would struggle to show it outwardly.
-He feeled uncertain about how to respond to the love letter, he is not accustomed to dealing with matters of the heart.
-He will question his owns feelings and whether he can adequately reciprocate his s/o's affections.
-While he may be not the best type to express his feelings overtly he would likely respond with quiet affection and support towards you.
-He may show his appreciation through small gestures or acts of kindness, demonstrating his commitment and devotion to their relationship.
-He would likely be overjoyed and exhilarated upon receiving a love letter from you, as someone who thrives on attention and adoration, the romantic gesture would feed into his desire for validation and affection.
-The love letter would make him feel incredibly flattered and validated.
-He also would be visibly moved by the love letter, perhaps shedding dramatic tears of joy or clasping his hands to his heart in an exaggerated display of emotion.
-He would also probably shower you in compliments and praise expressing his appreciation for their love and devotion.
-He would probally respond to the letter by making heartfelt promises of devotion and commitment to you.
-He may vow to cherish and protect you with all his heart, pledging his unwavering loyalty and affection.
-He may follow up his response to the love letter with romantic gestures to further express his love and devotion.
-This could include planning elaborate dates or surprises for you, demonstrating his commitment to nurturing their relationship.
-He would also do a big gesture, declarate his own love, he may extravagantly express his feelings, perhaps reciting poetry.
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@stvrlightt123 @Mysticalpersonpoetry @mailkyeom03
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Yandere Alphabet: Killua Zoldyck
He was a lot of fun to get into. The first crush I ever had on an animated figure, roughly 10 years ago. It was a lot of fun for me to come back to him.
Killua Zoldyck
The heir of a famous family of assassins. Manipulated since birth and tortured since childhood. Someone, who knows more ways to kill someone, than you can even imagine. A deeply hurt boy, who just wants to heal. Though I fear, the he is going to be the last of your worries. There are others, far more dangerous people in his vicinity, that I would rather watch out for.
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He is a bit socially stunted, maybe even emotionally. He won´t be the first to admit it, but he will admit it. Still, he is trying. He observes what the couples on the streets are doing, and then hesitantly, he will try to recreate it. Shyly, he will grasp for his darlings head, turning his head away to hide his rising blush. He is not used to it, so when you pull away, he will let go. Maybe he did something wrong? He doesn´t know, and it shows.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He won´t quite recognize some actions as flirtations, if they are not obvious, so that won´t be a problem. Though, he does understand a threat when he sees one, and that is also the moment, when blood will flow. Probably not, where his darling could ever see it, but the problem will be removed. Clean and efficient, for something his childhood training had to be good for after all, no? So, if someone threatens you or makes you uncomfortable, they will be gone the very next day.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He isn´t one for abduction in the first place. Instead, he simply won´t leave your side. Travelling somewhere? It´s obviously more fun with another person around. Just resting at home, he just can stay as well, no? He doesn´t kidnap his darling, but they also won´t be able to get rid of him any more.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling's will?
Well, as his darling, you can very early on bide your personal space farewell. It will never return to you either. He sticks close to his darling, even if it just staying in the same room. He always makes sure, that you somewhat around each other. The only time, he will ever forcefully take control of a situation, where it might cut into your own autonomy, is when the two of you faced with a danger that will be deadly. Then he will flee with you, if you want to or not doesn´t matter in that moment.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
The truths slip out, when he least expect it most of the time. It´s not that he even tells his darling everything that he knows, and more that he, even unconsciously, has laid his entire heart and emotional well being into your hands. His darling is supposed to be his moral compass, his balance in everything. When he runs into an emotional barrier, he tends to look to his darling for guiding. He really put his all with you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He doesn´t understand it. Not at all. What is going on? He tries to find the logical reason behind what is going on, but it takes a long time for him, to even get an idea why you are fighting him. Are you trying to play with him? But then, why do you look so serious, while fighting? That boy has no clue. Still he keeps trying, maybe he will figure out along the way, or his darling will stop on their own. Whatever comes first.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He doesn´t even register his darlings escape attempts as such. Though, he does wonder, why you would want to play hide and seek now out of all times. It´s not, that he doesn´t enjoy a good game, but he had been actually sleeping for once. He would even giggle, when you break out in a mad dash to get away from him, amused by your antics and apparent playfulness, to play tag now. Yes, your escape attempts are just games for him, because there is nothing you would need to escape from after all, right? Though he can´t help himself but to look over his shoulder, because sometimes his darling looks so afraid.
Hell: What would be their darling's worst experience with them?
He wouldn´t even be at fault for his darlings worst experience with him, because it would simultaneously his own worst experience as well. It´s when his family, specifically his oldest brother, catches up to the two of you. Killua is terrified, as he desperately tries to get you back from the hands of his family, while you suddenly decide, that maybe he isn´t all that bad. After all, you just got confronted with how bad it actually could be, and you know what. You rather keep just Killua, than getting into contact with the rest of the family one more time. Except Alluka, she seems to be nice. Oh... Well, nevermind. You prefer the boy, thank you.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He is someone who is already glad to simply stay by the side of his darling for as long as he can. He doesn´t imagine anything special or detailed. The only thing, that Killua desires of the future is, that whatever might happen, or wherever he may go, that it will still be by his darlings side. He doesn´t want that the path of you two will ever part again. So just stay, will you? By his side, while he stay by yours.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Sometimes, there is this biting feeling in his chest, that he doesn´t quite understand. The one, that makes him grab for you, to pull himself closer to you, that makes him frown and glare at other people. A feeling, that almost feels like annoyance, like bloodlust slowly trickling in. He hates that feeling so much, and so he leans closer to you, because it will leave if his darling is close. It will leave, when he nuzzles himself into your side like an affectionate cat. Your smile is the only solution he needs, when that feeling burns him.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
It´s actually rather often, that people are reminded of a cat, when looking at Killua. He is dangerous like one, moves like one, and some would even swear that he grins like one. They would no be wrong. His darling also sees him like a cat. An excessively affectionate one, but a cat nonetheless. Nuzzling you randomly, and a limb always thrown over you when you sitting close to each other. When you are walking he is close by, shadowing your footsteps. Sometimes he nudges you with his head. You tend to ignore it, when he starts to chew on something gently, without breaking skin or fabric.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
One day, he simply approaches you, introducing himself and naturally you would do the same. He would just throw the two of you into a conversation, somehow always finding something to keep the conversation going, and before you know it hours pass, while the two of you are still joking around with each other. He would offer you food every now and them, either part of his snacks or pay for dinner. In your conversations you might notice, that he sometimes talks about what he achieved. It never sounds boastful, and more often that he is just talking about it. He also stays rather close, and sometimes tends to act like a cat around you.
Mask: Are their true colours drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
When one considers his childhood, the thought that he tends to keep his actual emotions and thoughts under lock and key, seems reasonable. Even though his emotions always shimmer through, when he is around you, not only because he uses you to understand what he is feeling, but also because he doesn´t feel the need to hide away with you. Though some things stay hidden, even from you. Especially if he might feel some kind of bloodlust, it will not show in anyway. His insecurities on the other hand, always seem to be so obvious to you in the way he holds himself, even if he is completely unaware of it.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Even though he grew up in a violent household, being tortured and poisoned all his childhood along, he can´t do it. He isn´t able to inflict any kind of pain onto his darling no matter what had happened before. Even though violence should be one of the most normal things for him, and mostly it, he still can´t bring himself to do it. He is sure, that if you ever in pain, that he would feel it as well, it twist around in his chest and it hurts so much, and so as punishment, he can only hold onto you and cry, his grip tight and bruises blooming under his fingers. He will apologise in the end as he pushes some chocolate into your hands.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Be aware, that he will always be around you. There isn´t really any physical space left between the two of you, as he for some reason always tends to brush against you. With the fact, that he takes up a lot of your physical space, your privacy will also suffer from it, though that is to be expected. Though the loss of these things, tend to not appear to obvious to his darling, because he knows how to keep it hidden. Also, you tend to keep so many of your freedoms, and he manages to twist your words and actions so much, that you are the one pulling him along anyway.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He is very patient in his advances, and tends to wait. After all, why would he be impatient at this point anyway. He already got everything he wanted. He has your attention, stays close by your side. All he wanted, he has achieved. There it nothing more that he could want, and so he is able to lean back and just wait. His darling will surely come back to him again. He simply knows it.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
There are a few ways, it could play out. It is all depending on how the darling leaves. If you ever die, he will follow you. He wouldn´t even think twice about it, before leaving as well. If you escape without him noticing, he will assume the worst and think you had been kidnapped, and will go on to search for you. He wants to find you again as quickly as he can. There is also a peaceful way, that he will leave you. If you manage to convince him, that it would be the best for the both of you to part way, he will follow your wish, but he will harbour the wish in his heart to meet you again, when he can.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He can´t really regret kidnapping his darling, because if you want to get technical he never kidnapped anyone. In the end, he never abducted anyone. He follows you around, not the other way around. He never forced you to follow him either. Is he persuasive, if he wants to? Yes. Still, doesn´t mean that he kidnapped anyone.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
The root of his problems is to be found in his childhood, to absolutely no one´s surprise. He was depraved early on, of affection, human connections and the emotions that come with all of those things. As he grows older, he kind of missed the timeframe in which all those things would have still come naturally to him, and so he tends to be a bit extreme in all he does. It takes a while till he recognises an emotions, and even longer to figure out how to react to it.- from childhood on depraved of affection, human connection and emotions
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
It pains him everytime to see his darling in any kind of pain. He doesn´t quite know what to do at this point, and it scares him. He feels helpless and insecure, feeling as if he is incapable of even doing the smallest things for his darling. Soon he tries to awkwardly imitate people he saw comforting someone else. In most cases, it will make him sound somewhat motherly.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
What makes him different is the amount of the control the darling holds. He is already dependent on you for a majority of things, while you aren´t. He also doesn´t plan to make you dependent on him in any way. You decide where to go next, what you talk about, while he is content to simply follow you along, and nods along to whatever you tend to say. You are the one in control, not him.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
He is absolutely codependent on his darling. Relying on you to give what he needs to fulfil his emotional cravings. He will also do whatever it takes, so that you can keep meeting those as well. Killua tends to be slightly insecure, when it comes to interacting with you. He doesn ´t want to overwhelm you with the teachings of his family, and so he is always walking a fragile line. Especially because he was raised the way he was, he has troubles understanding his own emotions, and quite frankly doesn´t know what a healthy relationship looks like. It´s something, that he desperately wants, and you are his focal point when it comes to that.
Wit's end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
He doesn´t want to ever hurt you. Still, it will happen. He will grab you sometimes too tightly, thinking you are just as sturdy as him, while you simply aren´t. His nails sometimes catch on your skin, pulling bright red gashes over you, as he panics when the smell of blood hits his nose. He truly doesn´t want to harm you, but it becomes quickly clear, that he is not always aware of his own strength, and that you are so much more fragile, than he could ever be. Accidents happen, and he cries over every bruise and scar. He tries to be so careful with you, but he never can be.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He hunts for a relationship outside of his family. It doesn´t matter to him if it´s friendship or something else, as soon as he has it, he reveres it. This is what he so desperately wished for. The one thing, he would give everything he had for. So it is only logical, that he reveres the people he holds these relationships just as much. He treasures these people and holds them close to his heart, as he does everything he can to be allowed by their side. He wants so badly to be here. To bask in the warmth, that blooms in his chest, the quiet crackle, he only feels in the presence of those he loves.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Killua will yearn forever for his darling, if he has to. Staying by your side keeps his temper in check, as he simply enjoys being with you. Though, there is one thing, that will make him snap like a bowstring. It´s when his family gets the bright idea to involve themselves with you as well. It´s a panic, that will drive him from this moment onward. He is afraid of losing you to his family, and so he will stick as close to you as he can. In that moment, he also stops to hide of close he always is to you, how much of his attention always lingers on you. It´s the only way he can ensure your survival. Making it clear, that he will know.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
It is not something, that would ever cross his mind, and if it ever did, it would horrify him to no end. While he sometimes misjudges his own strength, he never once harmed you mentally. He is surprisingly attuned to the way your mind works. Your thought process is not a secret for him, as he follows it effortlessly. He is very careful with you and around you. Minding how his actions might impact you in the long run, and taking care to not traumatise you. This time, his trying succeeds.
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shall-we-die · 18 days
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What is one thing that they want but can't have?
↬[Fandom]•⊰ {Bungo stray dogs}࿐
↬[Warnings]•⊰ {Angst}࿐
☰[Main list]•⊰ ────┈┈{0074}┈─╮
╰┈➤Likes/Reblogs are appreciated࿐
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Dazai craves true emotional intimacy. He wants a relationship with someone who understands the depths of his complex mind, knows all the dark details of his past, and accepts him completely for who he is. He yearns to fully open up, to let down his barriers and be vulnerable with someone, but deep down he fears that no one can truly understand him and accept him, and that he's destined to be alone forever. Despite his confident and carefree demeanor, Dazai is constantly plagued by the crushing weight of emotional isolation. He yearns for a deep, genuine connection with someone who can see past his facade and truly understand the scars on his soul. But his fear of vulnerability and the deep-seated belief that he doesn't deserve love hold him back from fully opening up to anyone. This constant internal battle between his longing for connection and his fear of being hurt leads to a sense of emotional torment, leaving Dazai feeling as though true intimacy is just out of his reach.
One thing that Atsushi may want in a relationship but can’t have is unyielding trust without insecurity or questioning. Due to his past experiences and insecurities, Atsushi may find it difficult to fully trust and be vulnerable with his partner without doubting or questioning their intentions. He may struggle with fear and insecurities when it comes to commitment and may find it hard to fully open up and trust that he won’t be hurt or abandoned again.
To show his emotions or his soft side. He'd really like to tell them how much he cares about them, that he truly loves them and the need to hold them, to just be close to them and to be affectionate, it's what he desperately longs for. But since he has to maintain his image as the "Bloodhound" or the "Demon Prodigy" within the Port Mafia he can't, he can never show his vulnerability and soft side to anyone.
Chuuya's biggest want in a relationship is stability, comfort, and being able to be himself fully He wants to let all his walls down and be vulnerable, he wants to be soft and gentle without having to worry about being judged for it, he wants be able to talk about his insecurities without bottling them all up inside, he wants to feel safe, and at home, with a person that makes him feel accepted as he is, and with a person that he can just... Relax with.
Despite being good a fighting, Tetchou is actually a surprisingly clingy person. He’d constantly want his s/o to be near him and give him attention. It’d even go as far to when his s/o is talking to another person, he’d want to be included in the conversation, if only so he can hear his s/o talk. Unfortunately, he knows his s/o wouldn’t want that all the time so he doesn’t say anything about it.
One thing that Jouno desperately wants in his relationship with his s/o but can't have is trust and loyalty. Given his own trust issues and insecurities, he deeply wants his s/o to be loyal and trust him completely. He expects them to have eyes only for him, which is why he gets so possessive. He wants them to be completely and utterly faithful to him, but unfortunately, he struggles to trust them. He is constantly worried that they will leave him for someone else or betray him in some way.
Long, healthy life with his s/o, but with his lifestyle, that's practically impossible (his life is full of killing, blood, terror and crimes) He wants the person he loves to love him wholeheartedly and want to spend all their time with him, but he's terrified that if the person he loves were to find out about his true sinful nature, they would leave him. He wants to be a perfect partner for the person he loves, to never make mistakes or cause any harm to the person, but he's aware of his own demons and flaws that make him a terrible person. Fyodor wants to be able to fully trust the person he is dating and to be able to be vulnerable around them, but he himself knows that in his "profession" that's impossible. He wants to have a normal life with the person he loves, a normal domestic life, but he has no choice, but to try to fulfill his mission, since that's the only meaning of his life, and he can't abandon it. He wants to feel love freely without any consequences, but as a member of Decay of Angels he can't have that.
Nikolai basically wants to be the center of his s/o's world. Nikolai wants his s/o to be completely devoted to him and only him, to give him all the attention and love he wants. Nikolai wants his s/o to want only him and nobody else. Nikolai would probably get jealous and mad if his s/o gave any attention to anyone else, as Nikolai is definitely the type to be very possessive. Nikolai wants his s/o to only focus on him, and he wouldn't hesitate to try and get all the attention to himself.
He wants to be able to fully open up to his s/o, to share all his innermost thoughts and fears with them. He wants to be vulnerable and let down his guard around her, but the reality is that he can't. As the manager of a casino that is a front for a terrorist organization, he has to keep up appearances and act confident and composed at all times. Despite this, he longs to be able to be open and honest with them and trusts them enough to show even his weak sides, but he knows that he can't due to the circumstances they are in.
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Hi!! I sorta get the vibe that maybe Rook has some deep rooted trauma from his childhood?? Just because of how secretive he is; i know hes eccentric but i feel like it’s more than that. A lot of ppl are upset at Vil for “changing” Rook somehow but i feel like rook changed his appearance to match with Vil, moved to pomefiore, etc. because HE wanted to be more like Vil, i feel like him meeting Vil was a rly big turning point for him. And with how upset he was at having to hurt dream Vil and Neige (and his fanboy bedroom😭😭) i feel like he’s really dependent on both of them for his happiness and he’s avoiding dealing with some traumatic experience, but this could be a stretch. I was wondering what your thoughts were. Sorry this was so long, have a nice night!!🫶
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Mmm, maybe? There's certainly nothing to disprove the idea, although there also isn't much to support it. Rook doesn't strike me as someone who is scared or put off by most things. He was very much able to keep his calm and composure even in demanding, high-stress situations like the STYX base raid in book 6 and the rescue operation in Endless Halloween Night. If he has experienced something dangerous and/or dark, he gives me the impression that he could handle himself just fine. (This isn't to downplay trauma; I'm just saying that Rook could very well be the type of person that reacts and copes well with it.) As for him being secretive, it could be for other reasons such as his family's line of work (which is implied to be pretty important, since they have warp pads and villas all over Twisted Wonderland). This would be reasoning similar to why Jade and Floyd's father's occupation is kept dubious. Rook's secretive nature could also be an intentional diversion (ie purposefully playing "the fool") so it's easier for his targets to lower their guards around him or not take him seriously. Really, there's many reasons for his enigmatic and eccentric attitude. I'm also of the opinion that you don't necessarily need to have a deep-rooted trauma to get deep into fandom or stan culture. Sometimes you just get really into something and want to dedicate your entire being to that which holds your attention! For Rook, that's Neige and Vil--and it hurts him on a deep level to have to harm those who have brought him so much joy. I liken it to like... how TWST fans have merch shrines dedicated to their favorite boys. Non-Twsties may not understand our love and dedication to these characters, nor why we may get upset if those merch shrines are destroyed or damaged.
I think a lot of Rook's emotional attachment to Neige and Vil doesn't come from "relying" on them to fill in some void within himself. Rather, the behavior stems from him literally viewing them as pinnacles of beauty, combined with his own reverence for beauty itself and how they've helped his own character development. We know that, as a child, Rook struggled to express himself and was first introduced to the magic of the arts when he watched a play that starred Neige. The performance and show must have deeply resonated with Rook. Later on, we see that he, as a first year Savanaclaw student, acts much closer to the Rook we know of today. Invasive, bright, speaking his mind in a verbose way, etc. This makes me think that it was through stanning Neige that Rook was motivated to express himself in a more open manner. Then, when Rook meets Vil, he's inspired and encouraged to beautify himself so as to be like the works of art he already admires. As you've said, Vil isn't the one forcing change on Rook; instead, Vil gives the suggestion and Rook becomes enraptured with the idea--to the point where he changes dorms against Vil's advice. This is another huge turning point in Rook's life. He changes dorms, becomes Vil's right-hand man, and drastically changes his appearance too. This is all so he can be closer to the "beauty" he wishes to see, so he can fully dedicate himself to that chase. Neige was the impetus that started it all, and Vil is the one who motivated Rook to go "above and beyond" in his pursuit of beauty. So thinking about it, Rook has gone on his own journey of personal growth, and Neige and Vil are both closely tied to that. It's like how some of us TWST fans have been with the game for a few years now. We've grown and changed, and TWST has been with us every step of the way. I bet you're a totally different person today than you were when you first came across your current hyperfixations. That's bound to deepen the emotional connection we already have with the object of our affections--be it TWST for us, or Neige and Vil for Rook, no trauma necessary. From all of that, I get the impression that Rook cherishes Neige and Vil because he has "grown up" with them and they're so pivotal to who he is and has become as a person. When he has to turn his arrow on them, it may hurt him in the sense that he's destroying his passions or the very figures who have inspired him to come as far as he has. That's how I interpret it!
I still think it's fine to headcanon whatever you want for Rook's past though! There's no harm in filling in the gaps with whatever you think suits the character or the story.
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phoenixlionme · 6 months
The Deep Significance that Vaggie has in Charlie's Heart
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As the title of the post suggests, I don't know if many fans understand how truly significant Vaggie was/is to Charlie. And I hope, the importance gets expanded on in Season 2. The first (and above) gif shows how the couple first met - Charlie rescuing a recently abandoned/fallen Vaggie and the latter returning a grateful and genuine smile. And despite being visibly disheveled and having a gouged out eye, Charlie can't help but be romantically flustered. And just a short moment, the duo have impacted each other before even spending time with one another.
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The look on Charlie's face is probably the most scared she's looked - Yes, she's been stressed and scared; but she's always been able to bounce back, or least, need a moment to think, but those moments of fear can't compare to the ones Charlie is having right now upon learning Vaggie's secret. She's not only scared but distraught. Prior to the reveal, Charlie was nothing but energetic, defiant to the higher ups of Heaven, especially Adam and Lute; heck, she wasn't even hurt when she learned that not even the higher ups know how a soul goes to Heaven or Hell. But when Vaggie's lie/secret is revealed to her? She's shocked, scared, confused, and distraught. There's no more fight left in her; no more fight to argue for her cause, nothing. All she can think about in this moment is the secret her Vaggie has been keeping from her.
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Like how Charlie's scared face differed from her previous ones, it's also the same but how her anger at Vaggie differs from her other moments of anger. She could be comically furious or genuinely enraged which came with her demon horns and fangs. And prior to confronting Vaggie here, she was emotionally incensed at Alastor's taunting. But, when she sees Vaggie here in this moment, right after learning Vaggie's lie? All of her anger becomes ice cold. There's no emotion or expression; and yet, ironically, the viewer (and Vaggie), can just feel Charlie's immense anger at her girlfriend. In the above screenshot, after Vaggie voices her surprise that Exorcist Angels can be harmed by demons, Charlie curtly remarks if Vaggie did know, would she tell her, which obviously surprise and hurts Vaggie; Charlie's remark comes from a place of hurt at Vaggie's secrecy but still that's gotta hurt Vaggie given how loyal she's been towards Charlie's dream. And the below gif has Charlie give another cold look to Vaggie while coldly asking if she was with her and Alastor. But also, before dawning the icy glare, Charlie has a brief expression of...something; I can't fully describe but I say emotion (?). Like she briefly wants to express her hurt to Vaggie but puts on the cold demeanor as they have their respective duties to do and Charlie is not ready to talk yet. Getting back to my original point, Charlie's anger at Vaggie isn't one filled with emotions, expressions, or demon powers - it's one of tranquil fury, coldness, and emotional distance.
In stark contrast to her earlier stoic fury when with Vaggie, Charlie is MUCH more open and emotional about her anger at her girlfriend's lie when talking to Alastor and Rosie. Now, remember - Charlie is dealing with Heaven not listening to her, them not even knowing how a soul goes there or Hell, Adam targeting the Hotel first, and now having to recruit extra people to fight. So, she has a LOT on her plate but what is her mind truly bothered by at this point? Having to come to grips with Vaggie's lie about her origins. She's hurt at the idea that Vaggie didn't trust her; hurt at how she shared EVERYTHING, Vaggie held back; confused and angry over why Vaggie felt she couldn't tell her. All the other hard stuff is hard to deal with, but she can deal with as long as Vaggie is by her side. And right now, Charlie is too hurt to be comforted by Vaggie.
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To summarize, Vaggie's presence is DEEPLY important to Charlie. Vaggie was the first person in all of Hell to support her; before her father, before the friends they would eventually make, before Emily, before Heaven; and while realistic, Vaggie never tried to damper Charlie's optimism. This was something Charlie needed by the time they met, as she was already estranged from her father and her mother had went missing. I think this aspect may be explored in Season, or at least, hope so. I mean, look at how calm and relaxed Charlie becomes when Vaggie gently strokes her face.
In other words, Vaggie is Charlie's guardian angel.
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 6 months
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Early Appalachian frontiersman Alfred in buckskin circa 1790- 1810s. I’m trying to figure out how to paint like NC Wyeth digitally (so lol the background is Wyeth’s).
Gonna ramble a bit about my nor’easter au and Alfred below the cut
Following the American Revolution, Alfred is immediately sent out to squash any rebellions (like whiskey rebellion) and to partake in wars against Indigenous nations like the Cherokee. I’ll save a discussion about the Cherokee wars for another time because that’ll take a long time to explain + I’m still working on my Cherokee oc and I need to understand Cherokee history and perspective more before I go forward with talking about this topic.
Now the many of the east coast states are older than Alfred, and they mostly supported him during the revolution because they thought he’d be easy to control given at the time of the revolution he wasn’t tied down as any colony or city. However, he was a New Englander and very obviously so
He was once Plymouth colony and he grew up alongside his cousin Henry/Massachusetts, but by the time the revolution occurred, his status was unclear and he was simply living with his cousin (who’s his earliest and most fierce supporter) .
These states operated like countries and part of why the had the revolution was to continue to self-govern and maintain their regional cultures. It’s also part of why the federal government initially was rather weak. Given Alfred’s closeness to his cousin, and his very staunch New England identity, I think the states would be hesitant over a strong New England national control. And so I think they especially Jennie/NY & Rich/Virginia encouraged Alfred to leave his cousin for a while, and partake in military campaigns (+ he was good at battle).
Also Alfred was like 14, and I don’t think he’s ever been the type to sit down and do paperwork. Honestly he was always a bad student, who was far more interested in the outdoors, horses, sailing and hunting. While he won the war, and he was fine with being head of state, he still didn’t 1) have confidence in himself to make non-military related decisions 2) he just wasn’t mentally ready to take on the responsibilities and was fine deferring it to his states like Jennie, Rich, or Henry to figure out matters that weren’t military related. He was irresponsible and it would come back to bite him in the ass during the Civil War.
Alfred on a personal level it was probably good for him to get away from his overly critical cousin who can be overbearing, but also so he would get more experience to deeply get to know his states.
Also Alfred, growing up in New England, he was a little ball of rage as a kid and he has a difficult time managing his emotions. He wasn’t exactly the personable seemingly fun loving Alfred of the present. Not that he couldn’t crack a joke, but ok I’m not from New England, but in the northeast I find we’re rather cynical, un-filtered and sarcastic and tbh kind of asssholes in the way we have fun and in our humor. That’s how he was, which is like fine unless you’re trying to appeal to the rest of the nation lol which he would have to
I think his time spent in Appalachia and the south did help him learn more about his other states especially Maisie/ North Carolina. But also helped him learn more how to let go some of this intense New England rage, and how to better control his emotions. But also let loose in a way that isn’t so dark and cynical. Also I think this helped him slowly learn how to speak with less of a New England specific accent
He was also able to observe states like Rich and Carl/ South Carolina and gain an understanding of how being able to control your emotions, can help control your image and how others perceive you. So these are the origins of how he slowly began to shape and become at least in public this overly friendly happy go lucky Alfred.
I’ll save a discussion about his interactions with the Appalachian states more explicitly another time I’m just tired😴 fr rn
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kentopedia · 1 year
Who do you think Is Gojo, Nanami, and Geto’s type?
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it takes a lot for nanami to commit to a relationship, given his line of work. in the canon universe, i think nanami would really want to be with another sorcerer. he’ll always worry about his partner, but he’ll feel much better about being in a relationship if he knows his job won’t put the person he loves in a vulnerable position.
opposites do not attract in nanami’s case. i think he would want someone more similar to him.
i see him with someone on the quieter side, a person that opens up much more once they're comfortable.
and once they are comfortable, nanami gets to see a whole new side to them, which is so special to him. his partner makes him laugh, & they see the more relaxed side of him as well! <3
bc of this; i just think he would just feel more connected to someone more introverted and with a personality like his own.
someone who he can sit in silence with and it won’t be uncomfortable.
also someone who’s okay without public displays of affection. he likes to keep his personal life private. (he’ll hold their hand all the time though! sometimes a quick peck on the temple, but that’s only when he’s feeling extra sappy)
his partner would need to be a good listener. it takes a lot for him to be vulnerable with another person. nanami won’t fully commit himself to a relationship if he doesn’t believe that they value all of his thoughts and emotions.
nanami is definitely someone who would need his space at times, so it would be important that his partner understands and values alone time. another reason why i think he’d be better suited to someone who’s more reserved like him.
he thinks very deeply, so he wants to be with someone introspective, educated or who enjoys learning.
if the relationship is serious, it’s important to him that they’re able to have stimulating and thoughtful conversations.
someone who is passionate about something. it doesn’t matter what, it could be something silly, but he falls more and more in love when his partner cares deeply about things.
mostly bc he loves seeing their face light up when they talk about the things that they adore!!!
nanami being a big reader is my favorite thing ever, so i see him with someone who likes to read too. it doesn’t matter what genres though.
i personally think nanami is very frugal. he wants to save money for retirement and travel, so it would be important to him to have a financially conscious partner. memories are more important to him than gifts and material items <3
(although he’ll sometimes splurge on expensive gifts for his significant other!)
i think he’s very clean and organized, so he’d want his partner to be the same. i can’t really see him living with someone that’s messy.
also, someone who appreciates the little things in life! <3 and who can make him smile so much :(
nanami doesn’t like casual dating, so he won’t be interested in anyone until he knows their personality well
so i feel like any relationship he has will stem from a friendship first. mostly because he finds it difficult to open up to others.
overall, he wants someone who is mature, intelligent, and polite. kindness is an attractive trait!!! if they can’t treat people with basic respect (gojo not included), he won't be interested.
₊˚⊹♡ GOJO
of the three of them, i think gojo is the least particular when it comes to what he wants in a partner.
he notices appearance first, but that’s only because he’s open to casual relationships. the reason being that it takes a long time for gojo to let himself fall in love with another person- but that doesn't mean he wants to be alone all the time either.
(he fools everyone into thinking he doesn’t want a serious relationship when that’s actually all he wants)
it’s hard to find the right person though because gojo is looking for someone who doesn’t care who he is. he can usually tell if someone is interested in him just because he’s “satoru gojo,” and that is something that will immediately turn him away.
he craves someone who will treat him like a normal person! he doesn’t want to be the strongest sorcerer in his private moments.
obviously, also a significant other with a sense of humor. gojo wants to make them laugh and laugh with them in return.  he is not above excessive teasing and joking, so if that’s going to bother his partner, it probably won’t work out.
but i think he’d still look for someone who also has a practical side, someone that can really ground him. they’d have to be light-hearted, but serious when they needed to be.
gojo feels troubled and lost a lot, so really, he's searching for someone that can be an anchor.
because of his power and status, he feels like he forgets that he's allowed to be happy too :( so he wants to be able to count on his partner for support when he needs it, and in return, he will be twice as supportive!!
also, he'll need someone who is empathetic and good at reading him. gojo is famously horrible about keeping his feelings to himself.
emotional intelligence is key for his partner. gojo always wants to tell them how he feels, he’s just had to be strong for so long that he doesn’t know how.
so, it’s important they won’t shy away from those conversations and will encourage them from time to time.  
though they also need to understand that sometimes, he just wants to do something that will take his mind off things.
for that reason, i think he’d want a partner with a spontaneous streak, who’d be up for going on a dessert run in the middle of the night if he asked <33
someone who doesn’t mind if he’s clingy and will miss him when he’s away.
in the same vein, someone who can deal with the fact that he has to put himself in danger a lot. (he always feels bad about leaving)
opposed to nanami, someone who is comfortable with displays of affection. gojo will talk about his partner all the time and will probably not take his hands off them when they’re around.
 also someone who doesn’t mind being spoiled. he will spend far too much money on his partner, it’s one of his favorite ways to show he loves them so so much <3
overall, someone that brings out genuine happiness in him. he’s been through a lot, and I feel like so much of his positive emotions are forced. if they can make his smile so hard it hurts, then he’s found his match.
₊˚⊹♡ GETO
i'm not really a geto girl and i’ve never written for him :( so this one is a bit harder for me!
but... definitely a sorcerer. lol.
i think loyalty will be the main trait that he looks for in a partner. he's serious about his goals and values, and he knows that what he believes may seem wrong to others.
so he doesn't want to doubt that his partner will stand by his side, even when he makes mistakes.
although, i think he'll also want someone that can make him laugh. he's so focused on all the bad in the world that he needs to be reminded that there can be good moments too :(
he’ll love someone that has a soft spot for kids
someone who will always make a genuine attempt to understand him, even if what he's saying begins to make little sense.
he keeps his thoughts to himself a lot, but when he feels particularly vulnerable, he needs to know his partner isn’t going to think he’s weak.
someone who is strong enough to protect themselves.
like nanami, he doesn't want to constantly be worried that his significant other will be at risk because of him. he’s made a lot of enemies.
i see him with someone very quick-witted or outspoken. he wants someone confident to be at his side.
also, someone who cares about their appearance and makes an effort to take care of themselves
he's going to be drawn to people that are interesting. his partner will have many layers to them, and he’s fascinated to learn new things about them at any given time.
but, regardless of whether or not they have a tough exterior, geto will ultimately be drawn to someone with a loving heart.
someone who will understand that for change to come, sacrifices sometimes need to be made :(
geto's partner would need to appreciate a simple life. he's a very passionate lover, but it's hard for him to reconcile his dark ambitions with his softer, romantic side.
he doesn't always have the time for grandiose displays, and though he'll make it up to them in other ways, he doesn't want to be with someone who might doubt his affection.
if he's distant, they need to respect his space. but know that if he drifts too far, he might be out of reach completely
but also someone that will treat him with the gentleness that he craves (even if he never says it)
he knows he's cared for more than he realizes by the sorcerers he’s protected
... but the moments when his partner plays with his hair or kisses him on the cheek with a smile: those are the moments that make him truly feel appreciated. :(
overall, geto will want someone that he can trust.
he'd need someone to lean on, to support him, so that he can believe he's making the right decisions. he wants someone to come home to, that he never has to doubt will love him despite everything he’s done.
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i definitely did not describe myself at all in nanami's section! i got a little carried away w gojo and nanami. <3 sorry geto's is a little bit shorter :( this was so fun though, thank you for the request!!
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grapejuicebrat · 2 months
“brutal” part 2
PAIRING: neighbour!harry x reader
SYNOPSIS: talking and smoking.
WARNINGS: smoking weed if it counts as a warning, harry being hot as always, swearing but not too much.
brutal masterlist
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“I…what?” you ask Harry, standing beside him and looking at him with wide eyes.
“Why are you looking at me like that? It’s just a weed” he calmly said, like he just offered you some water. “Why are you acting so surprised? You knew where you were going. Actually you could have said that you’re just a pussy. Go ahead, door is right there” Harry points to the door and grins. He knows what he is doing right now. And he knows that you won’t go anywhere.
“Don’t mess with me, asshole. And don’t treat me like some girl who came here for a quick fuck” you said, looking right into harry’s green eyes.
“You didn’t? Shit, I was about to offer you my dick as a dessert” Harry laughs.
“That’s not funny! Harry just sell me some weed, and i’ll go to my apartment. I won’t bother you anymore.” you say, already regret that you even went to Harry for help.
“Alright, calm down, angel. I was just messing with you”. Harry puts his hands in the air, smiling and nodding his head. “By the way, I can’t just sell you some weed. You don’t even know how to smoke. I need to teach you and than you’ll be able to do it by yourself, alright?”
“Alright, than… how’d i do that? you ask, coming closer to Harry. You feel excitement bubbling in your chest, mouth is dry as fuck and your stomach is full of butterflies. Super hot neighbour will teach you how to smoke. And not just some cigarette, nah. A fucking weed.
“Sit on the sofa and wait for me, I’ll bring some weed and than I’ll teach you. You can relax and take a deep breath. Don’t have to worry though”. Harry points to the sofa and you nod.
Fucking hell, you’re about to pass out.
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“So basically you need to be prepared to coughing first times. Like a lot. But it’s normal though, you are a beginner.” Harry says, looking at you and making sure that you’re listening to him. “You need to inhaler slowly and take smaller hits. It’ll help you to avoid the cough. Exhale slowly and wait a minute before taking another hit. Breathe in deeply and give your lungs time to recuperate. Stay hydrated throughout smoking and drink water between hits. You understand?”
“Yeah, I try to remember” you say, smiling nervously.
“So if you are okay, I’ll teach you now how to smoke. Watch me, angel.” Harry says and with your nod, continues. “Hold the bong and put your lips on the mouthpiece like this. Tilt your lighter and bring the flame to the bowl. No, not like that. Yeah, right. Slowly inhale at the same time you’re lighting the bowl. Great, you are a fast learner, angel.” He praises you and grins. “ Alright, once you’re satisfied with the smoke produced, you can stop igniting it. Just remove, it’s okay. Remove the bowl from its stem and breathe in the smoke inside the chamber. Hold for about three seconds and release. Yeah, great! Thank fuck you’re alive, angel.” Harry laughs, watching as you slowly try to repeat all his actions. He is right, you are a fast learner.
“If it’s too much for you, you don’t have to answer, but i’m just curious” you say quietly, already regretting those words.
“Go ahead” Harry grins, putting his hand on the back of the sofa near your head.
“Why are you smoking? Is it like a relax time for you or something?”
“Smoking weed gives me the patience to evaluate my own emotions before reacting to a situation which in return makes me a better person. It gives me time to think, but not to overthink. I understand that maybe there are other ways to think about something but honestly i don’t want to find them. I like to smoke.” Harry says in a raspy voice, looking through you. You are listening to him, feeling like he is definitely not lying. He is honest with you, when basically you’re nobody to him. Just a random girl who asked him for a weed. You weren’t sure that he will even answer you tho. He seems like a closed book that you need to solve.
“can I ask you something too?” suddenly Harry turns his head to you, not smiling anymore.
“Sure, I’ll be honest with you, because you were honest with me. Ask anything.” you say, nodding your head.
“What made you want to change? Don’t bullshit me that it’s your parents who see you as a good girl. I see there’s something deeper than this.”
You sigh, turning your head to the window. For him you were an open book and also… He was right. It was way more deeper than a ‘parents’ thing.
“I'm just tired of being there for everyone, I guess. All of these problems and issues, having to listen to them over and over. They get their time to vent, get advice. What about me? I do have friends, but I don’t feel like they are really my friends, you know what I mean? I guess I’m just tired of being understanding. I want to live some time for myself. Not for someone. For me.” you finally look at Harry, and you can tell that he is stunned by your talk.
Of course he is stunned. He definitely wasn’t ready for you to be that honest with him.
“Can I give you some advice? I feel like I need to say this to you?” he asks you and you nod, waiting for him to continue. “Only the people who care about you, can hear you when you're quiet. You know what I mean? You don’t have to change for them. You need to change yourself if that’s what you want.”
“Thank you, Harry. For everything” you take his hand in your hand and look right into his eyes. “Your eyes are beautiful, you know that?” you whisper auddenly, never letting his hand go.
“Actually you’re the first one who ever said that to me” he says, looking at your face… and at your lips and than into your eyes. “Your hair looks nice. So soft and delicate.” he compliments you.
You don’t seem to notice how Harry’s face is near yours now and he is looking at your lips more carefully, opening his own just a little bit. You think that it feels right to just kiss him but at the same time this feeling is so weird and overwhelming…
“Well, it’s time for me to go, Harry. Thank you again!” you stand up, rushing to get to the door before Harry stops you. It’s definitely the effect of weed.
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s getting pretty late. Little girls like you should be asleep right now” Harry laughs, returning to his daily manner of talking.
“Yeah, have a good one, Harry” you say, smiling awkwardly and already walking out of his apartment.
“By the way, if you still want to change yourself, I can teach you more things, if you want. I consider myself as a good teacher.”
“Okay, if you don’t mind, i’ll text you tomorrow” you smile.
“I’ll be waiting, angel”.
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share your thoughts for this one! i know this chapter is no fun but i promise the next one will be a little spicy! feedback is appreciated x
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TAGS: @daphnesutton
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