#being dumb and researching about monsters. living the dream life
snow-in-space · 8 days
Why Stan’s Winning Against Ford (Respectfully):
(This post is clearly all my opinion, so it’d be really cool to hear from Ford fans if you disagree or not!)
Originally I was just going to reblog @skipppppy ‘s poll about who the better twin is, but I got caught up making these joke bulletin boards:
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And now, some joke bullets:
I want to make it clear that I love both characters, but I also need to tell you that I have a favorite, and it’s Stan. I don’t know how to explain it exactly, except that one of these men will make a “my aim is getting better” joke at a very poignant and dramatic moment to one up a mentally + physically abusive demon that has been violating his bodily autonomy for weeks on end— the other will make a “her aim is getting better” joke at the completely wrong time because he thought it was really funny. Although the stakes are so much higher, Ford ‘wins’ his interaction in a sense, and Stan ‘fails,’ leading him to harass children out of loneliness until he gets the lake police called on him.
I don’t know why that speaks to me more, but it does.
- Ford is fascinating as a man both made and destroyed by his own ambition, and Stan punched a dinosaur in the face for his niece’s pet pig.
- Ford took the advice of a literal demon over the concerns and fears of his oldest friend— Stan habitually robs businesses and anyone who lets him into their home without thinking twice about it.
- Ford is a loser who likes DD&D despite having seen creatures beyond most people’s imagination first hand— Stan sells people “a rock that looks like a face” only because he knows they’re dumb enough to buy it.
- Ford guts aliens and monsters on crazy, wild adventures— Stan runs a humble, small town business where he glues dead animals together for a living.
- Ford is wanted across the multiverse for committing crimes to take down Bill (he writes Stan off as a selfish criminal most of his life, despite justifying all his own crimes). Stan is a wanted man because he has committed “llamacide.”
- Ford grew up a genius and prodigy, lived his dream, gained a close friend and a ‘muse’— then squandered it all on accident by being a little dummy dumb who ignored all the warnings because he wanted to be famous (and not just FAMOUS, but unsurpassably famous, which is why he wouldn’t settle for anything less than his research and the portal). He spends the next thirty years dedicating his life to destroying Bill, because it’s for the greater good (and revenge, and is another high stakes goal for him to chase). Stan grew up to be a criminal and con artist, lost everything and everyone, worked endlessly and thanklessly for thirty years to get his brother back— for nothing more than that— and he still ships pugs in barrels across the Mexican border just because.
- Ford is a nerd facing nerd-like cosmic horrors and consequences. Stan is a man who has suffered earthly horrors and endorses child labor, but also gets his hands dirty in unearthly horrors because of said children.
- Ford shocks his brother by being hella buff and capable and involved with the demon bringing about the apocalypse. Stan shocks his brother by stealing his house, name, and everything else, and then committing more crimes.
- Ford felt stifled by other people and only wanted sidekicks he could project himself onto (he’d sooner fight god than come to terms with the fact that he wasn’t discarded/betrayed by the people he cared about, but instead mistreated them. Luckily he’s fought god and now he has no other excuses). Stan’s support system threw him out as a teenager and he’d blamed himself ever since. He’s alone until Soos and the kids come into his life and doesn’t take them for granted.
- Ford was further isolated and taken advantage of by Bill, facing great personal damage as a result. Stan takes advantage of countless others, but can’t click with anyone enough to cause any personal damage.
- Ford’s whole story feels so polished, dark, mature and professional— very fitting for a horror novel or sci-fi protagonist. Stan’s story is largely told through crude jokes in a children’s comedy show, but is still so rough on a closer inspection that it doesn’t get lost in its oddities.
In summary, it’s up to preference, but there is an interesting distinction in experience:
Liking Ford = a thoughtful analysis of an interesting man that makes me say, “lol, why’d he do that?” when he does something cute or stupid.
Liking Stan = asking myself “lol, why’d he do that?” every minute or so, and realizing I wasn’t ready for the thoughtful analysis that would take over my brain, but not change the absurd mess of his actions whatsoever. He has the comedy AND tragedy on lock.
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Wave 2 Frankie Stein Diary
The 15th day of September
Watzit got into big trouble today while I was at school. Somehow, he got into dad’s lab and snuck out with apart from one of dad’s projects. Good thing mom was looking out the window and saw Watzit trying to bury it. Dad was still pretty amped up by the time I got home. “That animal is too smart for its own good – I’ve got a good mind to replace its brain with a sheep’s or one from a soft sciences professor.” I think Watzit just misses me when I’m at school so I’m going to start getting up extra early to take him for a longer walk before I leave. Hopefully that will help – otherwise I’m going to have to kennel him during the day = (.
The 24th day of September
I used to think that being the “new girl” was the hardest thing about going to school but now I’m thinking that being the “not so new girl” is kinda hard too. When I was the new girl and I did something dumb everybody said, “You’re new – don’t be so hard on yourself – you’ll get the hang of it.” My friends have also done a lot of things for me, which is good and bad. Good because it kept me from embarrassing myself, and bad because there are some things I didn’t learn to do on my own and now everybody expects me to know those things and when I mess something up that I should know it’s like really, really embarrassing. Like I never really paid much attention to where my classrooms were when I started at MH – total brain short on my part I know – but it was just easier to follow Draculaura or Clawdeen and because they always insisted on showing me around I didn’t really learn they layout of the school. So yesterday we were on our way to class when I totally got caught up in a zombie flash mob and when I finally got away, I was in a part of the school I didn’t recognize and totally lost. I thought if I peeked into one of the classrooms that maybe a teacher could help me. I saw this big iron door and was about to open it when somebody behind me said, “That wouldn’t be a good idea.” I nearly jumped out of my stitches. It was Spectra Vondergeist. She said, “Oh, it looks like I frightened you… good.” Then she pointed to a sign above the door that read, Basement Levels, “Now unless you have a ball of twine or a Minotaur in your pocket you probably don’t want to go down there – follow me.” I followed her down the hallways listening to her stories about MH. They were all interesting but they kind of all were starring her. She did get me back to class though which was really nice of her. Of course, I was really late, and the teacher wanted to know where I had been – I said I got lost, the whole class laughed, and I got detention because the teacher thought I was giving her attitude. After class Ghoulia showed me how to GPS all my classes with my iCoffin so it wouldn’t happen again – oh well, just another lesson for the “not so new girl anymore.”
The 25th day of September
I went to breakfast with my dad this morning, which was scary fun although I didn’t think it was going to be at first. See, he goes to the same die-ner every Saturday morning and has breakfast with the same group of monsters and mad scientists. Mom said he’s been doing it for years. I asked her if she ever went and she just laughed. “I don’t take your father with me to shop for shoes and he doesn’t take me when he gets together with his friends to solve all of the world’s problems.” “Why not?” I asked. Mom gave me a hug and said, “Because my love, there are times when practical advice can just take all the fun out of life.” Then from behind us I heard dad say, “Unless it comes from your parents and then it is to be heeded at all costs.” Then Dad rushed us out the door because he wanted to make sure we got there before the banana scary pancakes ran out. I said, “I’m not a little girl dad, I can eat grown up food you know.” “Of course, you can my dear, but who said I was thinking about you?” Dad’s friends turned out to be really nice and pretty funny for a bunch of monster geeks especially when they started telling stories about dad ;). I could see that they all really like him though and since my dad has a very self-decapitating sense of humor it made the time totally fun. I don’t think I’d want to get up early every Saturday morning but I’m glad I got to see that my dad can be a regular monster too. Hey, who knew? Oh, and the banana scary pancakes? Definitely worth getting there early for.
The 1st day of October
My stitches are still coming loose at exactly the wrong time. Dad ordered some special monstertanium thread that he said was stronger than dragon’s breath and would totally fix the problem. Yeah – not so much. I was standing on a ladder in the gym helping Draculaura hang up a banner for this week’s pep rally when Clawd and some of the football team walked through wearing their game day jerseys. One of the guys on the team is a gargoyle from Scotland who has the dreamiest accent and the most scary handsome crystal grey eyes. I said hi to everybody by name but when I got to him, I totally blanked. I just stood there absolutely mortalfied and finally called him by her jersey number… “7” … lame I know… but then the rest of the guys started teasing him and I got so anxious that my arm fell and then the rest of me fell too. I don’t know how he did it but somehow “7” caught both my arm and me. All the guys started clapping and Clawd said, “How come you don’t catch like that at practice?” “7” was talking to Clawd but looking at me when he said, “If the passes ye threw were as pretty as this lass, I’d nay drop another.” At least that’s what Draculaura said he said. I don’t remember anything after I feel off the ladder except strong arms and crystal grey eyes.
The 7th day of October
Fear Squad practice was terrible today. Cleo was totally impossible to please, and we started and stopped several times before she finally just cancelled practice altogether. Then at lunch Purrsephone, Meowlody and Toralei were all saying that it was because of the blowup that Clawd had with Spectra and the rumor was that Cleo was going to break up with Deuce, Deuce was going to start dating Operetta and Clawd was definitely back in the picture with Cleo. I was really bummed cause they’re all my friends and I didn’t want to have to take sides. I saw Lagoona later and asked her what she thought about the rumors. She asked me who was spreading them and when I told her she just laughed and said, “Not every seagull that yabbers has found a fish.” Coming from Lagoona that somehow made me feel better, confused but better.
The 12th day of October
Monster Heritage Essay by Frankie Stein
That’s all I’ve written so far but I’m really excited about the assignment cause I’m going to get to learn so much scary cool stuff about my classmates. I thought that for part of my heritage research I would read that book that was written about my parents, but I couldn’t find a copy of it in the house. I asked mom why and she said the author had taken, “certain liberties with the truth” but if I wanted to check out a copy from the library, she would be happy to answer any questions I had. When I asked dad about the book, he used an expression I’d never heard before, but I guess mom had because she made that noise in the back of her throat that means some monster is in trouble. Dad hung his head and looked kind of creepish for a bit until mom stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. I don’t need to read a book to find out about my monster heritage. I get to see it every day – how scary cool is that?
The 16th day of October
I had the strangest dream last night. I dreamed we were planning to have the scary best dance ever until an evil teacher cancelled it and we had to have the dance in a secret location under the school. Everything was going as planned when this strange monster in a shiny suit with lots of hair appeared and started yelling that this was his dream and we were going to start over. I totally jumped into another dream but the only think I remember from that one was the intense feeling of being a stranger. It must have been stressful though cause when I woke up, I was upside down and one of my arms had fallen off. No more ghost chili pizza for me before bed.
The 24th day of October
I met a new ghoul today! At least new to me = ) Her name is Abbey Bominable and I think she’s really sweet even if she does take a bit to warm up to. Anyway we were waiting in line together at the creepateria and she was asking the lunch ladies to explain what was in the food. The line started to back up and some monsters were yelling at her to hurry up. I think she was starting to get frustrated so I told her to go with the screechza since it was pretty easy to recognize most of the stuff they put on it. She gave me a look so serious that I thought I had said something I shouldn’t have but then she smiled and thanked me. We sat together and I learned that she lives in the mountains about the school, loves to snowboard and that her first language is Yetish. She said she could understand what was being said most of the time but that the slang kept tripping her up because it was hard not to take everything literally. I told her that sometimes I still did the same thing. Then I told her that I would help her with her slang if she would teach me how to snowboard. She thought for a moment and then said, “I think that would be the cool that is scary.” Hehe I bet she learns slang faster than I learn to snowboard = ).
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meterokinesis · 4 years
Rage Against the Dying of the Light
Read it on AO3
Prompt: Sleep deprivation
TW: Some mentions of blood, implied caffeine addiction
Summary: Gotham isn't the city that never sleeps, but when it does nightmares are sure to follow.
It was just sleeping.
Babies did it for sixteen hours a day. Tim was better than a baby. He could just close his eyes and not be conscious for a few hours like a normal person. This shouldn’t be so hard.
He’d done everything the experts said to. No caffeine for six hours before bed, no phone for the last two hours, and a calming, relaxing bedtime routine that involved lavender oil and breathing exercises.
It sucked.
But Bruce was adamant about him staying on a semi-regular schedule. The agreement they’d come to was four hours a night for two weeks straight, then they’d reassess. It had been six weeks since that deal and he still hadn’t managed to do it.
When he was little and still doted on, his parents always talked about how he never slept as a baby. His mom would joke about how he was so excited to see the world that sleeping came second. They’d brought him to pediatricians and sleep specialists and holistic healers, but they all got the same response: he’ll sleep when he’s tired.
Tim eventually grew out of his night owl tendencies. He was never scared of monsters in his closet or the boogeyman under his bed. Nannies and babysitters would coo to his parents, on the rare occasions they were around, that he was such an easy kid--no muss, no fuss. His father would give a tight-lipped smile and shell out hundreds to the women who raised Tim while they were out performing new-age colonization in the name of science.
The sleeplessness returned when he figured out who Batman and Robin really were. He’d like to say it was the adventure, but it was more than that. It was how he felt like part of something, even if it only lasted a few hours every night. Sacrificing some shut-eye was worth it to run across the rooftops like his heroes.
The sleeplessness didn’t get worse when he stopped needing a full-time nanny, it just was given more space to grow. He no longer needed to strategize his escapades or sneak “patrol” snacks. He could just come home from school, finish his homework, make dinner, take a nap, follow the Bats around in the wee hours of the morning, then crash until he had to wake up for class and do it all again. All in all it was a great system for a ten year old.
Then Tim became Robin. And that schedule changed to accommodate training and significantly more Red Bull than any twelve year old has the right to consume. But he handled it, as he always did. He still aced his classes and learned jiu jitsu and managed to fake a smile when his parents inevitably left again.
Everything got complicated when his mom died, as things usually do. His dad was paralyzed and possibly never waking up, and his mom was, y’know, dead, which is a lot of stress for a thirteen year old kid to handle, let alone a thirteen year old who is also supposed to save the world every other week. Tim spent his nights studying and training and overthinking instead of sleeping, but he still got mostly As and only fell asleep on patrol twice, so it was fine. After all, Bruce didn’t need to know about the mini-fridge full of Red Bull and Bang and 5-Hour Energy shots shoved in his closet.
When his dad woke up, it was even easier to hide his sleeping patterns. The 24/7 medical aide was under strict instructions not to disturb Tim while he was sleeping and his dad was too busy flirting with his physical therapist to notice his son sneaking out. Even if he did, he never cared enough to stop him.
Then there was Steph. He’d sneak through her window and hold her until her mom came home. Those nights he would actually doze for a little while, enough to dream. Steph never brought up the nightmares, just held him as he silently cried. Even his sobs were quiet and obedient, just like how his parents always wanted.
Even when his dad forbade him from being Robin, Tim didn’t sleep. He stared at the ceiling every night, listening to the same 50 songs and wondering why this was his life. This trend continued even after he was reinstated as Robin, and his few designated sleeping hours were instead dedicated to making sure neither of his lives collapsed around him.
He stopped sleeping entirely when Steph died. Stopped eating too. He didn’t cry or scream or breakdown, just felt completely numb. He went on patrol and aced his classes and didn’t feel a thing. At night, he just replayed her final moments over and over. Sometimes he’d go to her grave and talk to her, just to see if it would finally make him feel something. It didn’t.
Not even two months later, his dad was killed. The constant replays had new content now: Tim holding onto his dad like he was the last thing keeping him grounded, ignoring the iron smell of the blood seeping into his suit. Tim spent these nights in tears, and his pillow hadn’t seen a dry night in months. Tim started to pour Red Bull into his morning coffee to get himself through Pre Calc.
Every new death and disappearance just added more nightmare fodder. Were they even nightmares if he didn’t have to sleep to see them? Tim quickly learned that if he just worked through the night, he was 56% less likely to spend it hyperventilating into his comforter. It also let him work on cases and get extra credit done for class, so if anything he was doing a good job.
A few times Alfred had to tranq him to get him to rest. This practice was quickly ended after Tim had a panic attack shortly after waking up, which ended in a 7 hour long game of Where in the World is Tim Drake? (He was in the Tower’s broom closet.)
The next few months fell into the same sort of routine. Tim would complete hours of homework, then go on patrol, then finish up whatever reports needed to be done. If there were a few hours left before his alarm, maybe he’d fall asleep watching old YouTube videos. If not, he’d catch a power nap then slam a Monster before first period. It was a flawed system, but it worked.
Then Bruce disappeared. When he wasn’t fighting for his life against Gotham’s gangs, he was researching. And when Dick took his mantle, he left. Those months on the road were beyond sleepless. Tim was running on caffeine, sheer will, and a prayer. Sleep felt like a death sentence. He was like a shark: if he stopped moving, he’d die. And he did die. Almost.
Sleeping at the League was obviously a dumb descision, so he didn’t. Point to Tim and his totally functioning braincell.
And now he was here. Bruce was alive and Stephanie was alive and he was as safe as he’d been since he saw that quadruple somersault. For once there wqas no big scheme to be solved--outside of that Falcone case that had been nagging him for weeks--or emergency that needs him. He wasn’t supposed to worry about senior year or AP classes or college applications. He was just supposed to sleep.
Tim glanced over at his alarm clock. It was 5:17. Not worth sleeping if he would just have to wake up in less than three hours anyway. He’d just try again tomorrow.
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davidddbojay · 4 years
lost in mysterious shades
no aid to what I have played
falling into an illusion
the pursuit of love
there's no need to desire if it's all around
yet, I'm alone in bed wanting to hold someone to sleep
the memories are deep
I question what I truly seek
practicing everyday to communicate feelings
art is the result
expression through mediums
I've always known.. this is what I would do
there's no room for people like me, so I'll remain in solitude
(i have so many new posters to hang up)
my week has been weird, I sleep a lot these days... it's not that I want to... I wake up and lay... think... long for her...
my eyes slowly begin to close until...
(I reason with myself..."you do work from 10 to 3am...every night of the week)
I'm not used to my schedule
growing up after college kind of sucks... where I want to be will take some work
(mostly financially)
a stable job... my own place... solitude... good weed...
soon.. I hope
I've been doing my best to overcome yesterdays "self"
even though I know ultimately there is no "self"
little day by day accomplishments drives the human
let me be human with inconsistent reasoning and carelessnes... I'll learn from it
... and also be nothing.. at the same time?
isn't it all the same
anyway, it's 4:39 am and I always wonder why I'm so drawn to specifying the time in some of my poems
it's not that deep... I promise
maybe I should be the first person to introduce cubist poetry??
could that be a thing??
just write about different times in my life in a "poetic manner" and jumping to when I was 10 years old busting my first nut
the internet was weird for me those days
soccer compilation vids of my idols and porn
(writer later on becomes a monster and commits suicide)
(in my dreams)
these days... I feel alive, I was talking to this girl but I know... it won't work
time requires some entertainment and I'm just... a piece of shit when it comes to feeling something for someone other than who I'd want to... start a family with...
I know right
those hopes have evaporated into nothingness and I'm here... I'm capable
different people make me realize different things about myself
that's why I choose to expose myself... their way of being changes when I let them know... it's okay to be, no pressure
no ego
we're just a shit load of atoms... communicating
(I don't want to believe in anything)
I want to learn so many instruments
I'm on a good track.... I believe
I wan't to write my parents symphonies
and the girl I miss...
I always comeback to that
thinking about what to type
live for my wrongs to make them right
go through the dark to get to the light
fear no repercussions, out of perspective sight
I feel like I've gone off track
it's been a long day
I can't wait to wake up tomorrow
I might go get some kolaches later... my spot opens in 4 minutes
should.. I leave now???
mm.... I'll give it 30 minutes
after I post this I may lay down and fall asleep though
I never have the desire to eat in the morning
gives me more time to plan what I'm going to stuff my face in later on
intermittent fasting bro
I hear you can sell your art via crypto currency...I've also made research about how it's bad for the environment???
weird... but I want to give the future generations more time to solve modern day dilemmas... like that shit
it'd be dumb if I fell asleep mid sentence and my computer died... I'm actually pretty tired... I closed my eyes for 10 seconds and thought 30 minutes had gone by... I'm... hungry though (lol)
I think I will go out for those kolaches after fucking all (as my eyes close slowly)
I'm here... awake...listening to Polyphia
getting hype
this solo
how the fuck??
my days are numbered
so are yours
we will all vanish... every word people say about us after we're gone means nothing but will be missed somehow
I'm going to end it here
the poem
I have... a lot to live for
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christinesficrecs · 5 years
Hey! Thank you so much for everything you do!! Can you rec some long sterek fics pls? Thanks 😊
Bad Blood by DiscontentedWinter | 62.8K
Stiles Stilinski was taken from Beacon Hills when he was ten years old. Now, six years later, he’s a trained hunter, and he’s back to help the Argents finish the job they started.
Call Me (Cliché) by SomewheresSword | 84.6K
When the sheriff's sister ends up in a wheelchair for the duration of summer, Stiles' dreams of three months full of pack bonding, late-night video games and bro-time with Scott come crashing down. He's temporarily relocated to Redford, a three hour drive away, and he can already tell he won't be getting many visitors.
Sure the pack will forget about him while he's gone, Stiles is determined to make the most of his summer of isolation, training his body and mind - and his magic - so he can come back with a bang, and maybe catch a certain Sourwolf's eye.
Then Derek shows up at his window one night with a flimsy excuse about needing research done. Suddenly, his summer away is looking a whole lot more interesting.
What Fresh Twilight Bullshit Is This? by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) | 196.1K
“I am not Bella!” he insisted, shaking his fist angrily at Jackson, as if he’d been the one to suggest he was. “I am not Bella! I am, like, a Jacob, at least!”
Lydia made a noise of debate from his right and he whipped around to look at her.
“What?! What was that sound?!”
“You’re more of a Mike,” she insisted, shrugging neatly and flipping some curls over her shoulder.
Fantasy Football by NadiaHart | 66.3K
Derek Hale, first-string quarterback for the U.C Berkeley football team is an All-American, red-blooded male, straight as an arrow. Well, at least, that’s what everyone around him believes. What they don't know is that he’s crushing hard on the school's Quidditch Club star player. When his coach forces him to recruit said Quidditch player, Derek’s life becomes a lot more complicated.
The Boy Who Tamed the Sourwolf by AlltheseSquaresMakeACircle | 94.9K
Stiles is used to being second tier in everyone's life. How easily people forget him and move on to bigger and better things. Used to always being in someone's shadow. Leave it to Derek Hale to shatter those expectations.
Stiles plans are the worst (the best) by Dashar | 88.7K
Stiles world ended when his pack died. It didn’t exactly come as a surprise. He had been running with wolves for so long that within hunters and monsters it was just a matter of time.It was a surprise when the world ended too.And Stiles… Well, he had to do something about that.
Two Minutes for Holding by captaintinymite (augopher) | 121.4K
There were three things college hockey players Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski knew for certain. 1) Their lives revolved around hockey, 2) They were madly in love, and 3) Derek was so far in the closet he might never find his way out.
Dirty Little Secret by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) | 91K
“Holy shit, this is a date!” he blurted out, turning back to Derek wide-eyed. “This is a date! You intended for this to be a date, this was supposed to be a date!” He figured if he said it enough times, maybe he would believe it, but so far, no dice.
Derek was scowling again—seriously, did he want wrinkles?—but he just reached into one of the bags and pulled out a burger, checking what was written on the foil in sharpie before handing it over to Stiles.
“Of course it’s a date, what did you think this was?”
Stella and the Wolf by DiscontentedWinter | 52.2K
Stiles Stilinski is trying to juggle homework, high school, stupid dumb crushes on unattainable people, and werewolves. Keeping the supernatural secret from his dad is hard enough, but when it comes to Stella, his eight-year-old sister, it turns out it’s impossible.
In Case The Daylight Never Comes by plume_bob | 82.2K
There's a relentless dark shape tearing through the pack and that's only the half of it. Stiles just wants to sleep and stop being haunted by the faces of his night-time tormentors. His dad thinks he's suffering from post-traumatic stress, Scott thinks he's suffering the after-effects of the ritual; Stiles thinks they're both reasonable theories, except for the part where Derek Hale is the only thing that can take his nightmares away and it seems that fact is no coincidence.
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slasherscream · 5 years
Oh lord that last ask with the horror movie actress was so good, is it possible to ask for a continuation, if not thats all good. Also huge fan of your work!
A/N: thank you!! if it’s a continuation you want it’s a continuation you’ll get (glad you liked it enough to ask tbh cause it’s a fun one to write). here’s a link back to part one if you missed it.
     billy loomis x reader x stu macher ft. fem!reader who is a horror movie star …. part two
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The very first thing Billy and Stu do once they leave school that day is go and do some research on you. How did they not know who you are? They know Randy wasn’t joking because of #1. your intense reaction and #2. they bullied him for a little more information.
Billy’s first assumption since he (the self-proclaimed master of the horror genre) doesn’t know anything about you is to assume you’re either a very shitty actress or been in really shitty movies. He’s mean so he’s leaning more towards you being a really shitty actress.
Stu’s kinda just excited to have met a “super hot babe” who is famous. Although the horror movie part of that is what double peaked his interest. 
They stop by the video store and Randy’s on shift. Sure enough there are a couple of your movies in stock and he obviously hands them over (even though he wanted to binge them all tonight… #Poor Randy).
They get their snacks and head to Stu’s house ready to be judgmental assholes of course. Billy’s probably already imagining killing you because one of the movie covers is super lame and if this is a total waste of his time someone is gonna pay for it. Stu is the type to watch crappy movies on purpose, however, so he’s fucking ready for anything.
They. Are. So. Fucking. Shocked.
Billy eat your fucking heart out. 
The first movie they pick is super shitty. It’s the very first one where you’re not a kid actually (yeah you’re a regular pro and have been in the game that long) but you        you’re a shining fucking star in it. Everything else about it is shit. The aesthetic. The score. The other actors. The villain. But you’re incredible. Its one saving grace.
If it had been anyone else’s debut movie it would’ve ended their career before it began. Instead it made you shine even brighter.
Every movie they watch after that gets better and better. You’re clearly now able to pick and choose your projects and you’re picking the cream of the fucking crop. 
In almost every movie you’re the final girl, the star of the show, and they absolutely think you deserve it. They’ve never been so into a movie marathon in their fucking lives. Excited screams. Cheering! Actually rooting for you and not whatever monster or deranged killer is after you. 
Then they get to the very last movie you made. It’s recent. Came out within the year, actually, and they both realize the reason they missed it coming out (and all its stellar reviews as it’s your most popular one yet) is because they’d just begun plotting the ghostface killings at the time. They were busy okay!
And yes they did have a small, totally pointless argument over whose fault it is that they missed out on all your fucking movies.
stu: how did you not see these, man? i thought you watched cult classics too!billy: shut the fuck up she’s baCK ON SCREEN - 
They lose their fucking minds when they read the summary for this movie. Because this time Hollywood’s favorite “fresh-blood sweetheart of horror” isn’t playing the helpless heroine. This time she’s the fucking killer. 
Stu physically screams out loud because he knows it’s about to go down and Billy is playing it cool even though “I’m the only other person here, Billy who the fuck are you pretending for?”
Stu won’t stop fucking hitting Billy’s shoulder like an excited teenage girl watching Twilight for the first time. You’re his fucking Edward Cullen and Jacob Black combined. He’s going to pass out if he gets any more excited and if Billy has a bruise on his arm he’s gonna “beat the shit out of you, Stu, swear to god-”
The look on your face during the movie sometimes when you’re covered in the blood of your victims from head-to-toe? Billy has fucking chills. He’s never been more in love or turned on in his life. He’s not ever gonna get scared by a horror movie at this point but if he was         yours would be the one to scare him. Holy fUCK he’s in love.
Every-time you get a brutal kill in Stu starts screaming, “That’s our girl! That’s our fucking girl!” He has already made up his mind on this subject, clearly.
There’s popcorn everywhere because Stu keeps spilling the bowl but Billy isn’t making him make anymore because neither of them are fucking eating at this point let’s get real. They’re fucking transfixed. 
When it’s all over           and that includes watching behind the scenes shit and the gag reels for every fucking movie           they turn to each other and they just start grinning.
Killing the horror movie actress that just moved to town? Ugh, that would be so predictable! Cliche, really! Do they look unoriginal to you? 
hONESTLY they and by that I mean Billy can’t even lie to themselves about why they’re not gonna kill or hurt you. This is love at first fucking scream, baby!
If there was a song playing during this fucking moment it’d be “One Way Or Another” because they’re definitely gonna fucking get ya’. 
The next day you walk into school and it’s a fucking circus. Someone heard Randy of course and now everyone wants to get close to the Hollywood Actress among them. You can see your dreams of a little normalcy slipping down the drain and even though everyone is being oooooh so nice to you (including people who before the reveal had been acting like you hadn’t existed or even been mean to you) you feel close to tears with frustration.
Then you’re yanked into an empty classroom by two sets of hands. You’re about to lose your fucking mind honestly and you turn around swinging your heavy ass math book without a second thought. You’re out for blood.
“Whoa! Put down the weapon of mass destruction, babe!” Stu, you recognize him and do stop swinging because you know these two are friends of Tatum and Sidney. 
As soon as you stop swinging the anger fades too and you’re left with nothing but that bitter feeling of disappointment. You start crying right then and there and it’s a special kind of humiliation. At least you can experience the shame of crying at school like a normal girl.
Both the boys are panicking although Billy is better at hiding it. He’s not even putting on a sympathetic face when he puts an arm around you, he’s actually very upset that you’re upset,  “What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing! It’s dumb! I’m dumb!” Your attempted brush off does not make them go away like you wanted.
In fact now Stu is pulling your hands away from your face and staring down at you like a kicked puppy. He doesn’t let go of your hands and you don’t pull them away. As much as he’s a stranger you don’t have many friends and you do actually want comfort, “You’re not dumb. Why are you crying? If you’re crying over something it can’t be dumb!”
“I’m gonna sound like such a spoiled brat.”
“Try us.” Goes Billy wearing the most intense stare he’s ever had in his life (and that’s saying something).
“It’s just that …. It’s just that I moved all the way out here to get away from all the bullshit! I just wanted to try being normal for awhile! Go to school! Have normal friends! Be a normal teen! And now because of one dumb kid that’s all gone down the drain!" 
More waterworks are happening even as Stu’s trying frantically to wipe them away while absolutely refusing to let go of your hands.
They both kinda wanna kill Randy now since he’s kinda the reason you’re crying. But if he hadn’t been such a spaz they wouldn’t know how fucking incredible you are so they kinda owe him at the moment. The dork lives to see another day, they guess.
What’s really important to them right now is you, and making you feel better as soon as possible. You’re really breaking their hearts here. 
"Why don’t we get out of here?” Billy suggests smoothly, never one to waste time or a good opportunity. 
“What?” The tears come to a slow and it’s only now you start taking note of just how much these two strange boys are touching you. Billy is behind you, one arm around your waist and the other wrapped around your shoulders. Stu is leaning all the way over you both like some sort of benevolent, concerned giant with his hands still holding onto yours tightly. 
“Why don’t we get out of here! Great idea, Billy!” Stu crows with excitement. 
“Oh I see — lemme guess, the two of you want to spend some ’alone time’ with the big shot Hollywood actress, huh?” Your tone is harsh enough that it’d make weaker men cower. Billy and Stu are the type to rise to a challenge. 
“More like you seem to be good friends of Sidney and Tatum      ” Billy starts,
“      and any friend of theirs is a friend of ours!” Stu finishes, “They’d kill us if they knew we let you run around school crying your pretty, little eyes out.”
“It’s really not because I’m famous     ?” Your voice is so small and insecure it makes them frown. 
“What’s your name again? I forgot it.” Billy jokes and it actually startles a snort out of you even as you slide your way out of their arms.
You take a breath and wipe your face, hoping to make yourself a little bit presentable at least. Finally you turn to them and nod, “You know what? Yeah      yeah then, let’s get the hell out of here.”
You don’t have to tell them twice. They each grab a hand and practically drag you out of the building, you go along easily, laughing your head off all the way. Just the fact that he’s hearing your laughter without it being filtered through a television screen is enough to make Stu laugh too. Billy’s joy is more reserved but the smile on his face is undeniable and much softer than usual. 
This is gonna be the start of something beautiful. They’ll make sure of it.
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years
Dodging Death Pt 6 (Hakuno, Caster Gilgamesh)
Previously: 1 2 3 4 5
Ah, of course.
Magic retainer to lover.
Hakuno stared at the man a moment before she averted her gaze to her drink.
There was nothing to fear here. No, there was a more obvious explanation, one that would explain why Cu hadn’t fully listened and why she wasn’t really reacting strong enough to someone suddenly appearing where her cat had just been standing: she was drunk.
It wasn’t a big deal.
Whatever bottle she’d been partaking in, even though it was such a small amount, was no longer going to be drank in her home. In fact, she was going to go completely and one hundred person sober from here on out. She’d eat right, no more sweets-
…Okay, like one dessert a week.
She’d have one dessert a week instead of indulging in the daily sweets. She’d exercise and train from here on out. She knew Emiya was doing archery with Sakura. Rin did boxing a bit and sojutsu with Cu Chulainn. She could do one of those things. Or maybe she could become a boxer. She could get some serious arm muscle and start really working out.
That’d be cool.
Yeah, she’d learn to box.
The point was, she was going to be a better person. She’d finally lost it. She had imagined her cat transforming into an obnoxiously attractive guy. She was no doubt panicking because, on some level, she’d had unprotected sex with a guy who-
“Shit,” Hakuno breathed.
The man stared at her.
“…How many women do you sleep with?”
If there was a man in her house, which her hand on his chest said there was, then she had slept with someone and not somehow bruised and bit herself. That meant she’d had sex with someone with no regard for consequences.
The man’s jaw dropped, his coughing and pulling back making her feel no better than before.
“Woman, I am not explaining this to you-“
“Are you tested?”
He just stared as though she’d asked something entirely ridiculous.
“Are you tested for diseases? It’s a simple yes or no question.”
“Hakuno, there’s no testing for diseases. One asks their gods to ensure that they are not struck down by illness.”
She cursed, climbing out from under him and onto her feet.
Great. So she’d slept with a guy who didn’t know the first thing about diseases and she’d had that great sex without any regard towards her own wellbeing.
“I could be pregnant with our luck.”
Another big absolute no in her mind. They weren’t doing that. She had classes to attend. She had friends to make and friends to fight with. If someone was going to date her, it would be after they became friends and became close. Emiya had been as close to acceptable as someone had ever become. Since he was a big no, there was no one else.
So, tomorrow morning she’d go and visit the doctor. It was a Saturday. There’d be a few hours at the doctor’s office that she could sneak in during to get a complete workup. She’d ask for some medicine to help prevent this panic from happening again and-
The man’s hand took hers, the blond nearby holding it as though he’d just grasped the most fragile piece of glass in the world.
“…I was not aware that your fertility was so great…”
She shook her head.
“I’m sure I’m probably not,” she told him, pulling her hand away.
They were tabling this conversation. Yes, they weren’t going to be considering that kind of thing when there were bigger problems.
“What’s your name?”
A name would let her know who to look up the next time he came whisking into her home and then scurrying out with the sun. If he was real. She was quite determined to keep that idea far, far from close to mind.
The man nodded, clearing his throat a bit.
“I suppose that this is all quite sudden for you. I hadn’t considered, since you had taken most everything so well, that you would become a bit concerned about a proper introduction. Since I am technically courting you and intend to claim you for myself, it is only just.”
It was only just. The man helped her to sit beside him on the couch and smirked, pressing a hand to his chest.
“I am Gilgamesh, Mage King and son of the god Utu’s child Lugalbanda and the goddess, Ninsun. I rule over the kingdom of Uruk, a kingdom of great prowess and insight. We are the luminaries of the world, the keepers of the great knowledge of the ancients. I defeated the great bull of heaven. I slaughtered the great monster of the Cedar Forest, Humbaba. I partook in the bounty of Uruk’s splendor and rose the kingdom to immense heights to such a level that the gods themselves weep in envy.”
He was Gilgamesh and he was extremely, unerringly arrogant.
He’s worse than his story.
Hakuno stared at him for a moment, watching him turn that gaze to hers once more as he rattled off his accomplishments. He leaned in closer, that fine face just mere centimeters away from her own.
“I’m Hakuno Kishinami. Student. Librarian. Ancient Studies amateur researcher in the making.”
“Researcher… like on the television?”
Like on…
Hakuno shook her head, “Those researchers are for solving crimes. The only crimes I solve are in artifacts and ancient times. Like- What kind of meaning comes from these old texts,” she motioned at the epic.
“Hakuno.” The man snorted, covering the smirk on his face that said she’d said something incredibly stupid. “If I had my court here, I would forever record the absurdity of your words. Despite your metal horses and your finer technology, I’m afraid you must get your head out of your books and realize that Uruk is just a mere ride or so away from here.”
“The remains of it, maybe.”
She wasn’t dumb. She knew that the remains were out there. They’d made it a historical site and one in need of preservation but-
The man leaned in closer, his frown etching deep lines upon his face.
“Excuse me?”
“Uruk. Its remains exist.”
“What are you talking about? I came from there a mere month or two ago.”
No, she’d plucked her cat off the street a mere two months ago.
“Hakuno,” Gilgamesh moved closer yet. “Uruk cannot be destroyed so easily in two months’ time.”
“This isn’t funny. You can stop this and just tell me your real name.”
The man glared at her.
“Uruk’s been gone for centuries. Millenia. It’s… Hold on.”
She grabbed her laptop, against her better judgement, and turned it on. While it was booting up, she went for her drink, but the man downed it on her, setting her glass down harder than it needed to be set down.
She pulled up a selection of images, opting for the visuals since words probably wouldn’t mean much.
The man simply stared at it.
“…What is this?”
“My Uruk has the center ziggurat. There are channels running through the districts to ensure flowing trafficking of goods from one area to another. I have districts with smithies and breweries…”
“You may have had that at one time.”
But he didn’t have that now.
The man pulled the computer into his hands, looking at the keyboard and the mousepad in a strange manner. His fingers pressed to the screen, jumping a little at the fact that she had a touch screen.
“It’s ah… Let me show you,” Hakuno offered.
The man was either a brilliant actor or insane.
As she navigated the sights, showing him the images on the screen, she found him pulling her into his arms. Anything they’d discussed before was permanently tabled. His eyes were running over the images. His face was paling to the color of bleached sheets. Those red eyes were looking at the words, his voice barely getting out the question of what everything said.
“Uruk fell.”
He felt so still.
Hakuno glanced up at him as she read through the downfall of the kingdom. She could feel those fingers digging into her person as she described what she read.
“You should know some of this. There’s a large excerpt on the death of the advisor, Siduri and about the blasphemous clay being, Enk-“
Hakuno felt him reach in front of her, closing the laptop and setting it on the floor. His arms pulled her closer to him.
“Don’t speak of this right now. You are a maiden and you allowed me the comforts of your body before. I simply need the feeling of your person against my own. I require your silence and your arms holding me right now.”
That face nuzzled her own. The man holding her shivered and nuzzled her, pulling blankets over their bodies and murmuring softly to her.
“It is always so damn cold in your home.”
“I can’t afford…” Her words stopped at the sight of the king’s eyes closed. There was a wetness that hit her face underneath his.
The man could have done anything.
Rage, threaten, scream, grow violent, try to come onto her; all of those things would have had simple answers of calling the police and sending him out of her home. She would have had a drink, called up Rani, complained about the asshole that had come into her home, and gone on with her life. It would have confirmed that the man was insane.
Seeing someone who’d just proudly declared that he pretty much could rule a kingdom and defeat the biggest of enemies begin to look like this…
Hakuno wiped at his face, murmuring for him to release her a moment.
She cranked up the temperature in the house, grabbing the blankets from the bed and bringing them to the living room. She pulled the coffee table closer and, after making a pot of coffee, she wrapped herself under the blankets with the king.
“What is this?”
“You enjoy your coffees,” he murmured.
There was nothing not to enjoy about her coffees. She sipped at them, grateful for pouring an ungodly amount of sugar into her drink. The man at her side sipped at his black version of the drink, humming appreciatively.
She set the television to one of those music stations, where it would just play soft music and let them see something just visually pleasing. Her body ended up atop his, nestled into his arms.
“I should find you clothes,” she murmured.
“I have no need for such things right now,” the man murmured to her, burying his face into the crook of her neck. “I have dreamed about holding you for days. Allow me my indulgences.”
“You are not my cat,” Hakuno argued.
“I have seen your naked body more times than I can count on these hands, Hakuno,” the man replied, smirking into her skin. “I know every curve, every dip and inch… I’ve nuzzled this chest you have so many times when I wished to rest.”
The man purred like a cat as he said that last bit.
“Had I possessed you in my time, I would have surely been harassed less about the task of seeking rest. I would have come to my bed far more easily.”
“I know that you don’t like if there’s too much pressure on your chest,” he continued. “You are especially weak to someone moving anything light against your belly and chest though.”
As though to prove his point, he stroked at her stomach lightly, watching her squirm and nearly knock their drinks out of hand.
The mugs were abandoned.
The king pulled her deeper into his arms, kissing lightly at the top of her head.
She wasn’t sure she wanted to argue about his being a cat part of the time. He didn’t seem all that eager to bring it up either. Without that, they were left in a moment of silence, listening to the soft music playing in the background. His hand not holding her close began to brush back her hair gently.
Those lips of his pressed lightly to her forehead, then to the top of her head.
“I found my way here,” he murmured, taking his time to move those hands of his to her back. The man was working miracles on her back, making her sink into his embrace. “I will simply need to recall the magic I used before when we resolve this transformation problem of mine and we can return to my time. We’ll save Uruk.”
“You will,” she corrected, yawning lightly.
“We. Will.” The man tilted her chin up, pausing from his ministrations to look her in the eye. “I cannot promise you that your life will be simple. I cannot promise you that I will senselessly spoil you until you can want for nothing. I learned from a young age that such things cannot satisfy a person.”
That hand stroked her cheek softly.
“What I can promise you,” he continued, “is that there will never be a moment in your life where you are without option. I can promise you the joy that you showed to me upon having your magic freed. I will spend all the time that you wish teaching you how to use that power of yours. I will show you what the ancients, what your ancestors in particular, took great pleasure in while you were forced to live as a mongrel amongst mongrels.”
“You have a kingdom to look after,” Hakuno countered.
“I do.”
“I don’t need to know how to use my magic.” Despite how fun it would be to know, she could always just take pleasure in the fact that she could be lazy about turning off light switches. “Just take care of your people.”
“We will,” he pushed again, pulling her up his person a bit, delving one of his hands into her hair and tilting her face towards his. “I have seen what you are capable of. Harnessing winds to dry my hair, changing the temperature of a space without magic knowledge, harnessing the world’s information into the device you used before; your qualities are endless.”
She had no idea what he was talking about, but it sounded nice when he said it. She leaned into that hand, finding him stroking his thumb across her cheek.
“I thank you for the coffee.”
“Coffee always helps. At least, for me it does.”
She fell asleep, deep enough that she didn’t register anything until the sun started to stream into the room. The body beneath hers began to shake, pulling out from under her and waking her up in time to see the shaking of a light golden coat and the soft mewl of her cat.
Gilgamesh was once more G.
“It was too good to be true that you’d stay human, huh?” Hakuno asked, yawning lightly.
The cool air hitting her chest made her look down.
“…Really, Gilgamesh?”
When had he taken her shirt off? Why had he taken her- But there was a bitemark on her chest, showing just off to the side of her aching chest. Shifting merely told her that she was going to be taking a shower to simmer down this morning.
“We’re having a talk about what can and can’t be done when I sleep,” she warned the pet, stalking passed him with her comforter wrapped around her person. “You can forget about any coffee privileges if you become human at all in the next week.”
She showered.
She dressed.
Taking an extra few minutes, Hakuno found herself looking in the mirror.
Other than a bit of fatigue and a couple bruises she’d need to tuck her turtleneck over, she didn’t look that bad. Perhaps magic helped…
Magician Hakuno.
Now if she could just magic some knowledge into her head.
Can I?
Hakuno moved into the living room again, finding G swaying gently to the sound of the music on the television. Those eyes opened lazily, regarding her with mild interest as Hakuno sat down.
Wasn’t this always the dream: to simply press your head to a book and gain all the knowledge through an osmosis kind of thing? The book was filled with translations and grammar rules about Sumerian. If she managed it, then she could really talk to Gilgamesh. She’d never have to study again.
A light, inquisitive mewling came from nearby.
“Just a second, Gil.”
She had to check this out.
She pressed her head to the book lightly.
The rush came like the crack of a whip, like a surge of burning heat speeding through her veins. Words and sentences flashed through her mind’s eye. She could feel her mouth and her throat aching for some reason, like she’d been talking for hours and had groan hoarse. The more she tried to breathe, the more it all hurt.
She could hear G meowing nearby, but she couldn’t fully see what was going on. Opening her eyes just made the piercing migraine increase.
Her body grew dizzy.
The floor was coming up to meet her.
And the world grew black.
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Anyway, finally the game is stable, and I’ve finally gotten my core followers, time to flesh out what will be hopefully be my Dragonborn for the foreseeable future.
Ayerin the Perplexing.
She’s a Altmer Mage, or at least that’s what she claims to be, Goth-Coded, and I’m gona write her on the Autistic spectrum cause I’m on the spectrum so that’s basically half the work done, and the second she learns she’s a dragonborn she’ll start experimenting on her dragon blood, discovering a way to taint it, strengthen it and her soul so that she’d be able to do the impossible, bear both Molag Bal’s and Hircine’s curses at the same time. The way to do so, however, is still long and distant, and necessitates of a third curse, to balance the two, and allow her to survive both Vampiric and Werewolf transformations, by rendering her mortal if long lived mortal shell, immortal and undead first, before even ascending as a vampire.
She’s a Seeker of the Arcane Arts and a Mage. Her dad is a follower of the old Altmer pantheon, specifically Syrabane, the God of Magic, an Aldmer ancestor who ascended to divinity through his own efforts, and has transmitted to his daughter the same devotion to the so called Apprentice God, whose favor is obtained by the constant and tireless research of magical knowledge. He used to be a lecturer for the Arcane University, but after the war the faculty decided they didn’t exactly need his services anymore. They moved to Bravil, where he became a lowly illusion tutor in the local chapter of the mages guild, his career effectively put to a halt.
Her papa, on the other hand, doesn’t care much for gods. He’s a soldier, a legate for the Imperial Legion, stationed in Cyrodil, or at least he was. He lost a arm during the great war, as he attempted to stop the atrocities the Aldmeri Dominion, their own people, were committing in the Cyrodilian Countryside, missing the siege of the imperial city as a result. He’s bitter and angry, but he’s glad he and his loved ones are still alive as a result, even if they are being ostracized for being different, as if they didn’t just fight a war against people who were ostracizing others for being different from them.
Ayerin grows interested in magic as a result of her dad’s influence. Under the supervision of her dad, she tried to gain access to the Arcane University, but was found too curios, too interested in... forbidden lore and knowledge, even expressing some perplexity over the banning of necromancy, a now time honored tradition of the mage’s guild.
That’s when she gets her moniker. The Perplexing. Or maybe, more fittingly, the Perplexed. Always searching for knowledge she ought not to search, for powers that better be left alone, in all 5 schools of magic, baffling and perplexing her peers as much as their “irrational” reactions baffle and perplex her.
The local politics also confuse her, perplexed over why should wizard start squabbling over petty court politics. She never really understood politics in general really, she took from her Papa that way, everything had always been very straightforward for them, always a black and white issue, no matter how much people tried to paint it otherwise, and she didn’t understand why other people couldn’t see it that way.
It was only logical after all.
Her dreams are weird, black voids with white smoke, filled with still images of people, monsters, beings, objects, a weird voice, probably belonging to a old man, giving her advice, some times good, some times just weird, talking about events before her life, as if he was there, as if he knew who was there, mentioning the gods, and talking about the divines and the daedric princes as if they were old chums... or bitter enemies some times.
It’s weird, but strangely illuminating if she managed to decipher his rants, a constant companion of her nights, and she assumes it must be a Daedra working for Vaermina, or maybe one of her demiprinces, especially given how... weirdly fond he seemed to be of the nightmare mistress when he talked about her, but still, she wasn’t that worried about this, it wasn’t like a major daedric prince had decided to set up camp in her dreams after all, she could handle some minor heckling mixed in with some genuine good advice or history lessons about the history of Cyrodil, surprisingly well done and serious in tone, as if they were 2 completely different persons.
At 25 years of age, abandoning her attempts to join the Mages Guild, she decides to move north, to Skyrim. She has heard of a long forgotten cult, attempting to create a true lich for themselves, and also that the college of Winterhold seemed more open to the prospect of its members researching forbidden lores and crafts, no matter how blasphemous they might seem, and she’s all for that, finally, a place where her genius will be recognized!
So, with her blessing of her Dad and her Papa, sad to see her go but glad she’ll be able to leave the nest and follow her dreams, with enough magical research to allow her to cast at least 2 spells for every school of magic, if still really novice ones, she crosses the border into Skyrim...
And gets captured in an Imperial Ambush.
It’s almost mechanical what happens next, going with the flow as if it has happened countless of times already. She’s almost executed, but a Dragon saves her (Usually, it’s the knight that saves the princess from a dragon, not the other way around).
She flees the fort with the awkward soldier who tried to be nice to her, and failed miserably at doing so. She might have hold against him mistaking her for a Thalmor spy (And she spits on the ground at the thought, startling her new companions as they watch her give her daily prayers to Syrabane), but she always considered herself as a excellent judge of character, and of the two men that offered to help her flee, one was simply running for his life, the other had almost given his life to save a young child from the drgaon’s breath, as most other imperial soldiers were doing at the moment.
Which meant only one of them was noble enough or dumb enough to position himself between her assailants and her sparks, and that was the dumbass thought sending her corpse to a country she had never set foot in would have comforted her in her final moments.
At least he was easy on the eyes.
They leave the fort, she finds some junk, a rusty old ceremonial sword among them, and contemplates just how competent those Stormcloaks actually are if their armor and weaponry consists in some strings of leather and scraps of metal barely held together with spit and hope, she even manages to find some spiffy new robes for her, still no boots tho, forced to wander the place just with some wrappings at her feet. It hurts like hell, but she’d rather wear that than... ugh... light armor, uncomfortable and itchy as it always made her feel.
They flee the fort and he offers her to give her shelter to the near Riverwood, Hadvar’s, that’s the hot dumbass’ name, home town. It’s pretty close, and along the way they find the so called guardian stones, old pendants hidden in the hole within them. She was born under the sign of the mage, so she activates the according stone, but Hadvar mentions that unlike her birthsign, the stones do not bind her to just one sign, much to her befuddlement. She doesn’t press him, noticing his barely veiled... judgement at her choice of stone, and notices a door down the slope the Stones are perched on, embed in the mountain as she leaves, wondering what it must have been.
What follows is a whirlwind, she meets Alvor, Hadvar’s uncle, and finds herself almost stealing all the food he had offered her, starving as she found herself, eating chicken eggs raw and stockpiling potatoes for the incoming trip. She’s supposed to got to Whiterun, warn the local Jarl of the dragon attacks...
Gennarino tells her to go to Falkreath instead. It’s as close as Whiterun, and she needs to find someone there.
Gennarino is her oldest and most devoted friend. A traditional Direnni name according to her Papa when she mentioned him, it also happened to be the name of the assistant of a great Aldmer sorceress, during the war against the Sloads, obsessed with gold, who ended her days living in a remote island, at the foot of a slumbering volcano, her name lost to time.
Gennarino also happened to be a Raven. Her Raven. Who oh so happened to be invisible to anyone but her.
Or, well, almost anyone but her. She was pretty sure other animals could see him just fine, as could some of the kids she used to play with, before she was considered too “weird” to be played with, as well as one (1) drunk Argonian in the Imperial City, green and sad and screaming against the heavens in the rain, complaining about friends dying or disappearing after becoming gods and leaving him behind with all the golds and riches that he’ll never be able to share with them, while also complaining about the loud crow giving him a headache.
Still, invisible Raven, followed her all her life, his advice has always been followed by her, how would she not, he’d always been right, even more so than her, and she might be stubborn and curious but she also know the old stories, the old fairy tales about strange little creatures following strange advice to be followed to the letter, a clear, easy way for the player and the author to justify her sudden detour in the middle of such a important situation.
Anyway, she leaves for Falkreath before long, apologizing to Hadvar and the others, who take it better than she expected, before trying to buy some more spell tomes from the local trader, delighting herself in the sudden new variety in the new land (”Uh, death hound, never heard of that conjuration summon, and what is this? “Lamb of Mara”? Is this a religious spell?”). On the way, she visits the door she spotted, finding alarge, sprawling room, filled with altars to anything but her god.
She pledges herself to be a follower of her own mind, something Syrabane would probable appreciate, before inspecting the other altars. The Hermanus Mora one (Already whispering sweet knowledge to her starved mind, as she resists to its pull... for now) has a variety of books as offerings, among them a spell she had never seen before.
She prays for her god there, and leaves for Falkreath. She finds no trabel along the way, only corpses and a traveling bard, with whom she concludes her journey to Falkreath.
There, she finds Lucien, an Imperial, so easily flustered, so eager to follow her to their death, a fellow seeker of knowledge, as they say. He asks her to become his bodyguard, she who can’t even defend herself, and she accepts, both for the money he’s offering, and for the prospect of her research to gain something from their sudden collaboration...
Also because despite everything she really needed a meat shield. And something tells her that if her crow has told her to go for that one, inexperienced and incompetent as he might seem, there seemed to be a reason for that.
She’s not eager to test this concept, and decides to leave for Whiterun this time, as Lucien also suggests, to warn the Jarl of his impending doom...
Except then Gennarino grabs at her Map, a gift from her dads, that she managed not to lose in the ambush, and tells her to go to Riften instead, where another valuable assets lies. Its very insisting, more so than when he told her to go to Falkreath, so she leaves, resigned, Lucien puzzled at her sudden change of destination midway, and there, finally, meeting Inigo.
Now, they are here, a Mage who has just started her journey into the mysteries of the unknown, a Half Naked Khajiit that mistook her for someone else, a inexperienced “Milk drinker” donning imperial armor in a rebel stronghold filled to the brim with bloodthirsty Stormcloaks (Why, she just witnessed their lot violently suppress a small Imperial assault, barely 4-5 soldier, that’s where she got one of the armors before the city guard stopped her from looting the other corpses by tossing them in the river), her talking, maybe there maybe not crow, cawing at her that now, yes, she can go to Whiterun, finally...
And who knows what their future holds for them?
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oskarwing · 5 years
TUA Percy Jackson AU
Just me having the need to combine Fandoms. These are just my very chaotic thoughts in no order. Also I might write a fic to this one day...
Note: Even though I don’t mention it for everyone specifically just where it seems to fit because this post will be really long already they all have ADHD and dyslexia because that comes with being a demigod in the Percy Jackson universe.
Luther and Five were the first of the seven to come to Camp Half Blood Hill. They are children of Hephaestus and a male engineer.
Luther spend his earlier childhood trying to impress his human father by working hard in school and trying to get as good as him but the human Dad never quiet came over suddenly having to take care of two children that suddenly showed up in front of his door with a note from the dude he had dated for a while saying that those were their biological children.  
At eight years old Five decided to run away and Luther couldn’t let him go alone. 
Luther has their godly father’s craftsmanship talents which he mostly uses to build his model spaceships and sometimes trying to make more functional ones he also gets pretty good at sculpturing.
Five is good at building things too of course but he’s also one of the children of Hephaestus who have pyrokinesis-powers (I know that is super rare but ssshhhhh) 
While they were running away from monsters Five lost control of his fire and he accidentally burned Luther who will always have scars from this and also restricted movement in his left hand (he is still good with building but it takes him a lot longer and he sometimes needs to ask Five for help)
While he was recovering he dreamed about Hephaestus and his father showed him his deformities and tried to make it easier for his son (I know gods generally don’t care but he can relate and also Luther is a tiny eight-year-old still at that point.)
Five obviously feels immense guilt over this. He was just scared and of the monsters and wanted to burn them like he did with some of the others but instead he got his twin! 
He helps Luther as good as he can though. In the beginning when Luther still had a hard time he’d cut his food for him. 
And nobody, not a soul, not anyone in the whole camp would ever dare to make fun of Luther. Not when his twin is standing behind him with eyes surprisingly icy for someone with fire powers. 
They will try twice to go back home to their father.
Once when they are ten and want to maybe see if it was so bad after all. 
And once when they are starting highschool and want to give normal life a shot. 
The first time engineer human daddy made constant remarks about Luther’s scars. Both of how bad they looked and how it made him a little more clumsy because of how badly his left hand was burned. 
He also like implied that he thought Five did it intentional. That was one of the few times Luther had to comfort Five while he was crying. Though he was crying too.
That stay didn’t last more than two days and they were on a bus back to camp. 
The second time their human father was nicer. He had a new boyfriend and a dog and seemed genuinely apologetic. Though after how he had behaved neither of the twins accepted those apologies. 
He didn’t know how to talk to them still.
There was too much between the three of them and it seemed awkward. 
 In the end it was a drakon attacking all of them that made the twins decide that this wasn’t their place. 
Their father told them that he’d keep their rooms always ready for them to stay when he saw them off. 
There weren’t any ‘I love you’s but that dog? The dog of the new boyfriend? She was a female dog and she had puppies in the time they were there. One of those dogs really loved Five. 
And Five loved him.
And that’s the story how the Hephaestus-cabin got a tiny mascot named Mr Pennycrumb.
Klaus comes to the camp a year after the twins. He’s thirteen. 
His godly parent is Hermes. 
His mother had a big green VW trailer when he was little. One with which they traveled through the whole country staying wherever they seemed fit. 
They lived in the back cuddled together on the bed. Klaus will still say that was the best time of his life. 
It was also his mothers way of trying to protect him from monster. She hoped if they kept going they wouldn’t be to easy to find.
But then she got attacked and killed by a monster anyway and Klaus was handed through the foster system where he was also declared as crazy for how he described his mother’s death.
He went to countless therapists over the years. 
Until he got found by a Satyr who brought him to camp. 
He quickly joined in with the pranks some of his half-siblings did. 
Also he became one of the children of Hermes who smuggle in all the good forbidden stuff the campers need and desire. 
He’s quiet great at stealing as well. 
Somehow he always gets Luther to build things for his pranks without Luther knowing what they are for. 
“What do you need a pieform with a lever system that is remote controlled for?” “Oh, you know, I just wanted to give that harpy on the tree some pie and I can’t throw that high.” “Aw. That’s so nice of you!” 
The pie ends up in the face of a surprised Ares-child. 
Klaus is cackling in safe distance. 
Since he has no other place to go he stays in the camp year round.
Third to join was Allison, only a few months after Klaus at age 15
She’s the daughter of Aphrodite and an artist. 
Her father was bewitched by Aphrodite’s beauty and he has a portrait of her.
When she was little Allison spend hours in front of that portrait just staring at her mother. 
Her father never once told her about her no matter how many questions she asked only one time when he told her he didn’t like to paint humans and she asked: “What about Mom then?” He answered: “Your mother is entirely different, Allie.” 
Allison got handed from school to school. The schools claiming she was manipulative and somehow always got what she wanted and them only realizing what had happened after it was done.
Her father didn’t put her into therapy though. He just ask her to try her best to stop. 
Allison didn’t really understand how she was doing it though. People just did what she wanted them to.
It’s charmspeak obviously.
When she was attacked by a Cyclops in school though her father thought it was time to get her to camp so she can learn to cope with her demi-godliness
But she mostly only goes in summer and spends her schoolyear with her Dad.
When Diego joins the camp at 14 a week and a bit after Allison he’s this angry boy always starting fights with anyone around him. So naturally everyone assumes he’s just a child of Ares.
But then he gets claimed and to the surprise of everyone... he is...
The son of Apollo.
Everyone’s like “That angry dude is supposed to go in a cabin full of sunshine people??”
And Diego is a little surprised too.
But he is very good at archery as it turns out.
And dancing! Apollo might be the god of music but you gotta know your way around rhythms if you want to be good at dancing!
His human parent actually is a ballet-dancer.
After she found out she was pregnant with Diego she moved in with her good friend Grace. The two of them fell in love before Diego was born.
Yep, Diego is raised by lesbians. Because I say so.
Grace is this friendly soft Mom we know but she’s also the one to teach Diego various martial arts.
 Diego’s biological Mom is this no-funny business stern mother who on the other hand very much loves her son.
She just wants him to succeed in life and with her profession she just learned that you have to be tough to succeed.
Diego ended up in the camp because both of his moms got fed up with getting attacked by various greek monsters all the time.
Well fed up is kind of the wrong word but they wanted to make sure that Diego would be able to defend himself if he was ever in danger and Grace’s teaching don’t help him anymore.
So at the start of the summer they drive him down to camp.
He likes his siblings there.
Though he is concert of one Dave Katz who spends far too much time with that one Hermes kid that can never sit still and he’s not sure if he’s good for him.
Ben comes to camp half a year after Diego with a Satyr. He’s twelve and just radiates sadness seemingly.
 Since he’s staying in the Hermes-cabin for a few days before he gets claimed Klaus tries to cheer him up a little with various dumb jokes. 
He doesn’t laugh once. He does however ask for some books.
It turns out that he with help of his father worked through his severe dyslexia just to read the stories his father read to him himself
His father was a marine biologist and super dork.
Little Ben had this big book about different sea species he used to look through.
He also had one about different mythologies because his Dad was also super interested in that kind of stuff and wants his son to be informed all around.
He basically had books about anything and everything. And his father tried his best to answer any question he had and the questions he couldn’t answer he’d find someone else to answer.
Anyway you probably already know that Ben’s godly parent is Athena.
Once he gets claimed Klaus is like a little sad cause he started to feel really protective of him while he stayed in the Hermes cabin.
But he gets to see him every day anyway so it’s all good.
They still don’t know what’s going on with him though.
The Athena Cabin and Klaus try their best to find out why he’s so sad all the time.
It comes out during the mission he, Klaus and Diego go on.
On one of his research trips Ben’s father was attacked by Cetus. Ben was also on the trip but was able to safe himself though for a while it looked like he was about to drown.
His mother saved him however with a small boat that appeared under him.
As soon as he got to land it transformed into a tiny nutshell. 
Ben has it with him at all times and that’s how he saves Diego and Klaus on that mission telling them that story.
Vanya is who Ben, Klaus and Diego are going on the mission for.
She is this ten-year-old girl in an elite boarding school who for some reasons despite trying her very best always gets in trouble.
The reason is constant monster attacks.
She’s pretty upset about that. She knows her human-father expects the very best from her. And so does she! She has to be the very best!
Her father is a conductor in a high-level orchestrate and he expects his daughter to be a lot better than ordinary.
The boys bring her to camp where she shows off her violin talent.
Diego kinda hopes that she’s an Apollo kid so he can keep an eye on her. Though he’s also somewhat scared of her.
She and Five are instant friends! They sit next to each other at the camp fire listening to the dumb stories Klaus tells or the great ones Allison acts out.
She gets claimed during capture the flag where she wins the flag (with the others help)
Her godly parent is Nike. 
She’s a little scared when she sees what kind of overachievers her siblings are.
Sporty kids, Kids that are great at art or acting or school.
And she’s just little Vanya with her tiny violin and she couldn’t even make first chair in her school’s orchestra.
Soon she learns however that even though her siblings are highly competitive they are deep down very sweet.
She goes back to her father after the first summer ends but pretty soon comes back.
He told her what a disappointment she was. 
Five and Luther have also returned from their Dad by then and they bond over shitty parents.
Klaus is also still there to lift the mood!
And Ben! He joins in with books he read. 
None of them can wait for Diego and Allison to finally join them at the end of the school year.
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Sweet Dreams Chapter One
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Lucid dreaming: The process of being aware that one is dreaming. Some researchers believe that in lucid dreaming, the individual may be able to change the outcome of the dream or control their degree of participation in the imaginary (dream) environment.
Description: Lee Eunbyul has been plagued with hellish nightmares since she was a child. Not the sort of nightmares you may be familiar with. There are no monsters to evade, no serial killers to outrun, no auditoriums of classmates in front of whom to stand naked. Instead there is just...darkness. Endless darkness. With professional help, the dreams come less frequently. But after moving away from home to live with her sister, Eunbyul’s nightmare returns, only this time it’s different. This time...she’s not alone.
What would you do if you had the chance to change the outcome of not only your dreams, but your life?
Genre: Romance, Drama, Fluff, Angst, Slow Burn
Pairing: Namjoon x (f) OC
Word Count: 8.0k
Tags: Non-Idol!Au, Producer!Namjoon, Bookstore Clerk!Seokjin, Potter!Jimin, Producer!Yoongi, Dancer!Hoseok
Warnings: Frequent mentions of mental illness, infrequent swearing and mentions of alcohol
A/N: Hey guys! Here we are at the start of a new series! Ahhhh I can’t believe it. I’m so so excited about this one, so I really hope you guys like it. I hope I can continue it with your support! I tried uploading yesterday, but it didn’t get much traction, so I’m trying again today! Hopefully this time it works out. Regardless, I’m really enthusiastic about this plot so I’m excited to hear your thoughts! Please don’t be shy and send feedback, critique, questions, theories, and comments my way. I’ll be sure to respond to all asks I receive within a day of receiving them! Links will be added later, so for now check my masterlist to find previous chapters!
And again, if you want to follow my Twitter, my username is @/plzpunchmebts. I’m super active over there and hopefully in the future I’ll do some livestreams/chats with you all! 
- Mercury
Previous Chapter – Next Chapter
Weekly updates: Sunday, 1PM (PST)
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Some people say dreams don’t mean anything. That we assign a story to them when we wake up to make sense of all those disjointed electrical impulses, to glean meaning from the random energy. I always kinda liked that theory. Something about it is a little charming: finding the reason in the chaos. I read somewhere that dreams might serve as a form of psychotherapy, letting us deal with difficult issues without bringing them into waking life. I don’t like this theory as much. I also read somewhere that Sigmund Freud thought dreams give us an insight into our unconscious.
I really don’t like that one.
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The air was quiet, half-dead after most of the customers had taken their leave, and smelled of instant coffee and old books. Rows of bookshelves lined the scuffed wood floor, endless greenery swaying in hanging baskets or draping over the tops of shelves. Distantly, I heard the sound of the old coffeemaker straining. Sunset rapidly approached on the horizon, encroaching on the city like a curtain. With a sigh, I let my eyes slide from the tabletop beneath my fingers to the window beside me, overlooking the broken outline of stout buildings, green hillsides, and ocean beyond. My eyes ached a little from straining them for hours and I took a moment to give them a rub with my palms, jimmying my glasses up my nose so they pressed into my forehead.
“Need some coffee?”
I jumped, my glasses clattering onto the old table, and I squinted up toward the voice. Chagrined, my cheeks flamed and I scrambled to grab my glasses once more, placing them carefully on the bridge of my nose so I could see him properly. There he stood, terribly handsome with wide eyes and full lips half-parted, brows raised as he looked down at me like a peculiar creature to study. Kim Seokjin.
When I took a moment to really look at him, there wasn’t a single thing I didn’t like. From the caramel top of his head to the bits of smooth forehead that showed through his hair to his playful round eyes to his lopsided half-smile.
“You okay?” he asked, leaning down at the waist to examine me.
My back went rigid and I coughed a little, slamming my book shut and standing to my feet. “I…I was about to leave,” I said without looking directly at him. If I did, I might embarrass myself again.
He chuckled and watched me shove my things into my satchel haphazardly, edges of paper sticking out at odd angles and several book corners straining against the canvas fabric. With a bow, I walked past him in the narrow aisle, careful not to touch him.
“Take care!” he called, whistling as he wandered back toward the register in the corner. He greeted the customer waiting there with a smile.
I watched from the doorway for a moment, scanning him in profile. Even his shapeless maroon bookstore smock looked handsome on him. He nodded gently as the customer made idle conversation, the two of them chatting easily. He placed her books into a paper bag and slid them across the counter, resting his chin in his hand and raising his eyes to offer his full attention. The customer, a young girl maybe a few years my senior, flushed just a little and a nervous smile spread across her face, eyes flitting around as she avoided his gaze.
I sighed and pushed the front door open, exiting to the sound of the overhead bell.
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“You smell like bad coffee,” remarked Gaeul as I fell onto the plush living room couch.
She sat in front of the TV on the floor, criss-crossed, nursing a can of lukewarm beer as reruns of Produce 48 droned on. “Went to the bookstore,” I mumbled into a pillow, laying face-down on my stomach with my legs bent against the arm of the couch.
She reached back and gave my arm a smack before returning her attention to the screen. “Stupid,” she said.
I sighed and nodded, reaching out my fingers toward her. Without saying a word, she handed me her can and I took a greedy sip, wincing as the stuff slid down my throat. I bumped the can against her shoulder once I was finished and silently she retrieved it. I let my arm dangle, fingers brushing the plastic-covered floor, and shut my eyes.
“Did you talk to him?”
“What’d you say?” she asked.
I opened one eye. “Something dumb.”
She nodded, gaze glued to the television. “Predictable,” she said.
I inhaled slowly, glancing toward the new mural she was working on. A nature scene, the wall behind the TV was now dedicated to a half-finished paint project Gaeul had started the week after I moved in. Green pine trees were poking through grayish fog that ended abruptly where the unpainted white wall began. She’d been following a Bob Ross tutorial after seeing a video of someone else doing it online, but lacked the followthrough to see it to completion. The floor was still covered in plastic tarps from the living room to the kitchen, and each step crinkled, but it made cleaning easier. Consider cleaning your rent, Gaeul had said when she agreed to take me in, At least until you get a job.
“Wanna order in?” she asked, eyes affixed to the television.
We’d ordered in more times in the last few weeks here than we ever had at our parents’ house, mostly because of me. Chinese food containers formed skyscrapers in the recycling bin and not one of Gaeul’s nice ceramic plates had seen use since I moved in.
I sighed, shutting my eyes once more, and gave a defeated nod. “Yeah,” I said.
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I washed my hands in the quiet restroom at Hyejin’s Books, trying not to look too long at my gaunt reflection in the mirror. Since moving, my skin had gone lackluster from lack of time outside and my once-long hair was now chopped short, curling from the beach town humidity, sticking up around my shoulders. Why’d you cut it? Gaeul had asked upon my arrival at her apartment. I hadn’t answered, only shrugged. After all, how was I supposed to explain to my sister that cutting it off felt like the only thing I could do? The only thing that made me feel like I was moving forward, even a little?
I adjusted my round rims on my nose bridge and patted my flushed cheeks, nodding once as I turned on my heel toward the exit. But as my fingers clasped around the doorknob, I heard a distinctive sniffle coming from the farthest stall. My back stiffened. Was someone crying? I swallowed hard, body like firm glass, and waited with bated breath for the sound to come again. Had I been preening in that bathroom while this stranger cried? All along?
I peeked over my shoulder, just a little, and bent enough to see the ground beneath the stalls. Indeed, a pair of sneakered feet rested on the polished linoleum, and a person sitting on the ground attached to them. I swallowed hard and lingered in the doorway, awaiting another sniffle, another sign of distress.
But none came. Just silence.
And despite my misgivings, I simply exhaled and absolved myself of guilt. Whoever they were, they didn’t want to be bothered or they’d be making themselves known. I didn’t want to risk upsetting them further, or earning someone’s anger. I pushed the door open and made my way out into the narrow hallway, my mind hanging back in that bathroom.
Gently, I repositioned my meager belongings — wallet, glasses case, memo pad — back into my bag with a sigh. Seokjin wasn’t working, and while he wasn’t the only reason to come to a lazy bookstore and kill time, a place where I knew I wouldn’t be in anybody’s way, he was a big part of why I braved the two-block walk along a busy main street nearly every day. How pathetic. I stared down at the tan skin of my hands, still poised to shove a book or two in my bag, and sighed. What use were hands if they were idle?
I shook my head. A flash of that endless darkness crossed my mind. If I thought too much about my disappointments I’d have the bad dream.
But as I turned on my heel and stepped into the walkway, I heard the sound of footsteps rapidly approaching. Perhaps if I’d have been more alert, the sound would have made me pause, but my mind still lingered on that sniffle. I was making something out of nothing, right? It wasn’t even my business, really. If they wanted to cry in a bookstore, they had that right, didn’t they? Who was I to pry anyway? And what if asking if they were okay made them mad at me?
My body collided with someone else’s. Someone solid, with more flesh and height than I had.
“Ah!” exclaimed a voice from in front of me, too loud for the mellow bookstore.
Another bookstore employee, the girl was holding a beautiful potted plant in her gentle hands, and as if in slow motion, she was swaying back on her heels from the force of our collision. With long, pin-straight black hair and a crooked smile, she was the goofy sort of pretty that made you feel at ease. Or at least, it should make you feel at ease. Unfortunately, looking at her now as she peered down at me with wide, chestnut eyes and lips forming a surprised ‘O’ I felt nothing short of panicked. She swung her hand out, seeking purchase, and clasped hard onto the strap of my satchel.
“Ah, sor-,” I began, voice weak, but before I could continue I heard the distinctive rrrriiiiip of fabric tearing apart.
Too late.
I didn’t even have time to mourn the torn-open satchel because with her pulling so hard in one direction and me still walking in the other, when the tether between us snapped she ended up yanking me down with her. Arms flailing as they scrambled to cushion my fall, my knuckles brushed something hard and another upsetting noise ripped through the quiet store, like someone had thrust open the emergency exit on a plane.
I sat on my hands and knees, eyes wide and watering and focused on the ground in front of me to avoid looking at the ground beside me where I knew the carnage lie. Out of my peripheral, however, I saw the unmistakable array of broken pottery, mingling with moist soil and prematurely torn leaves. It seems my momentum had been strong enough to cause a casualty, and I’d grabbed the beautiful potted plant she’d been trying to protect on the way down.
“Oh no!” she cried, horror etched into her gentle features.
The two of us lie in a heap, limbs tangled, belongings strewn about in all directions. My heart was racing, face hot. I eyed the broken pot as it lay splayed out on the ground beside my fingertips. The shock and embarrassment had rendered me immobile, sitting slack-jawed on all fours, eyes wide. Why had I done that? Why hadn’t I contained my fall? Why couldn’t I keep from being in somebody’s way?
“Shoot…,” she mumbled as she scrambled toward the wreckage on her knees. She began collecting the jagged clay pieces, but before she could handle too many I jumped and clasped her hands to stop her. “Huh?” she asked, eyes round as she turned to me.
“You’ll cut yourself,” I said, eyes on the pieces.
I pursed my lips and turned the remains of my satchel upside down, wrapping my hands in the canvas as my belongings rolled around the floor, adding to the mess. I collected the pieces in my covered palm, holding the bigger chunks between my index finger and thumb.
“Thanks,” said the girl, her voice low as she used her smock to help. “I’m sorry for grabbing you on the way down.”
I shook my head, letting my mind focus on the pieces instead of the palpitations of my heart, the sweat gathering in my palms. Doctor Kim said when I felt it coming, I could circumvent it with enough focus. Just…focus on something else. So I did, watching with an almost catatonic gaze as my hands worked on their own accord, independent of my will.
“This thing was kinda expensive…,” she mumbled, sighing as I deposited the pieces I’d collected into the hamper she’d made of her smock. “I bet they’ll take it outta my pay.”
I swallowed hard and nodded, struggling to track her words as they left her mouth. Folks around the shop were staring now, spectating. It was hard to find something else to focus on when all I could think of was disappearing right then and there.
“Anyway, thanks for helping,” she said with a soft smile.
“Uh, yeah,” I said, nodding and pushing to my feet.
“I really am sorry,” she said, helping gather my things from around the floor.
I swallowed hard. “It’s okay.” I kept my eyes on the ground, eager to disappear from that book store and find a new place to spend my endless days.
I collected my things and carried them awkwardly in front of my stomach. I glanced around and found that every patron had paused their individual activities to watch the show. My throat constricted and my breaths became slightly more shallow. Before I could think too hard, I rushed out the door and down the stairs.
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I sat by myself on a swing, all alone in a big, sprawling park. I’d only just turned seven, and the world seemed all at once too big and too small for me. Gaeul told me to wait for her there, wait until she was done with soccer practice so we could walk home together. But as sunset began to bleed across the sky in red and purple, the shadows started to look too long, the trees rustling too loud in the breeze. Picking at the skin around my fingernails, I slouched over my knees, eyes on the sand below that my toes couldn’t quite reach. My throat felt a little tight, and swallowing didn’t fix it any.
“Byul!” called Gaeul as she ran down the sidewalk toward me, waving her arms above her head with a gummy grin.
Upon seeing her, I smiled and slid off the swing. I ran to meet her halfway. “How was practice?” I asked, slurring a little with my missing front tooth.
She whistled and rested both hands on her hips with the smile of a champion, cleats tied and slung over her shoulder, kneepads slid down to her ankles. She was skinny, like a waif, knobby knees emerging from beneath too-big gym shorts. But to me, she looked like a superhero with the sun silhouetting her. My big sister, here to save me.
I hadn’t learned yet that there were things even she couldn’t save me from.
“Nevermind that,” she said, waving a hand with a loud laugh that crashed and echoed against the trees. “Jaehyun’s mom gave me some money for helping out with her lawn. Let’s go get some snacks at Auntie’s!”
My eyes went wide at the mention of food and I beamed up at her. Her round face was flushed, hair a mess, eyes nearly invisible with the force of her smile. And I knew that, if I had her around, I’d be okay.
“Let’s go through the woods!” said Gaeul, sliding past me on the playground path and pointing with one spindly arm towards the line of trees ringing the west side.
I stared into the rapidly darkening forest, squinting into its depths. It seemed the longer I looked, the deeper the woods became, and despite having played in those woods enough to know them like the back of my hand, something about it felt a little ominous that day.
I should’ve listened to my instincts.
“Let’s go!” called Gaeul as she jogged toward the tree line, leaving me to toddle cautiously in her wake.
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I awoke with a start and stared at the analog clock on my wall. Squinting against the barely breaking morning outside my window, I saw the time. 4:03. My fingers found the empty bridge of my nose and squeezed. I grabbed for my glasses and slid them on, rubbing my jaw. There was no hope of falling asleep again, not after a dream like that.
At least it wasn’t the bad dream.
I stretched in bed and gave my fleshy thighs a squeeze, massaging the tension out of them with my fingers. My body had a tendency to seize up during dreams. Doctor Kim said it was because of my fitful sleeping habits, and that seemed to make enough sense. But it had certainly been a while since I’d felt these cramps.
I sighed, pushing myself out of bed and padding in my socks toward my yet unpacked luggage. I rifled through the clothes I’d been cycling for weeks, some of them washed and some not, and settled on an old Nirvana shirt Dad gave me before I left and a pair of shorts that allowed the warm air to unknot the cramps in my legs. Tiptoeing out onto the tarp-covered living room floor, I made my way to the front door and slipped on a pair of tennis shoes, not bothering to tie them, and slid a baseball cap on my head.
With a glance over my shoulder at the still, quiet apartment, I stepped out into the hallway and made my way to the stairwell.
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Walking helped the muscles loosen up, and after thirty minutes of wandering the dawn-drenched alleyways and sidewalks around Gaeul’s apartment, my body felt relaxed again. Dawn was a nice time of day. Nobody was out yet, the businesspeople still tucked in bed, the late night wanderers making their ways home. It was just me, the lilac morning, the sleeping city, and the ground beneath my untied shoes.
Well, and the sound of jazzy lofi.
As I rounded the corner toward the arts district, about a block from Hyejin’s, I heard the muffled sound of music bumping quietly from an open window on the first floor of a narrow shop, nestled between two tall, windowed buildings. The storefront looked a little out of place in such a modern area. In fact, it probably suited the beachfront more with its brown shutters and faded turquoise paint. I approached it slowly, rubbing my bleary eyes to get a proper look at it. Who was up and working at this hour?
Park’s Pottery.
The sign was old, weathered, propped out over the sidewalk to attract attention from passers by. Well, it certainly attracted my attention. I wandered closer to the open window and peeked inside. I scanned the dim shop with a squint. It was small, but crammed with vases and teapots and bowls. Floor to ceiling were metal racks housing all manner of trinkets. The walls were adorned with tapestries, paintings, and posters from all over the place, and the floor was home to several elegant rugs, all splattered with dried clay. To the right of the front window was a cash register and to the left was an alcove with a bright, yellow warehouse light. That was the source of the music.
I crept a little closer, placing my hands on the windowpane, and craned my neck to see better. In that alcove was a spinning table and, with his back hunched over it, a young man with a bandana holding his hair off his shiny forehead. I raised my brows as I got a better look at him in profile. Dark hair and focused, serious eyes, he had cherubic cheeks and pouty lips as he worked his hands over the clay, smoothing it as it spun in rapid circles. His fingers looked capable, certain as they molded the material, occasionally dipping into a bowl of sludgy water and returning with biceps straining. It was almost like a dance. The hypnotic motions had me in a trance. He seemed so sure of himself, so confident. In control.
I didn’t even notice when the music stopped.
But he did.
He turned his head sharply toward the desk behind him and stared at his cell phone with a sigh. He sure was pretty. But before I could admire the stranger properly, his smart, dark eyes were upon me, sweeping naturally from his phone back to his clay. I stiffened in the windowsill and, as he opened his mouth and widened his eyes, I jumped and ran down the sidewalk, pumping my arms.
What was I, a criminal?
I sprinted quickly, squeezing my eyes shut as embarrassment turned my skin into hot leather. Great, I thought, another place I have to avoid.
“Wait!” called a high, gentle voice from behind me.
I turned to glance at the stranger as he exited the building, leaving the front door swinging behind him. He took off in a jog after me, fists clenched and still dripping with wet clay. I flushed and ran faster, desperate to avoid this awkward confrontation. My throat was closing, and not from the running. Each time I glanced over my shoulder, the stranger was right there, just a few paces behind me.
As I forced myself to run faster, I felt something tug at my ankle and before I could react, the untied lace from my right shoe was trapped beneath my left foot and I went sailing through the air. I flew for a foot or two before skidding to a stop on my bare knees, crying out in pain as my palms collided with the rough concrete. Wincing, I examined my hands and let out a strangled yelp as I found the skin had begun to peel away, revealing a layer of blood.
“Shit! You okay?” asked the same voice from behind me.
Heart hammering, I kept my head low, face obscured by my baseball cap, and nodded my head. “Mhm.”
I felt him approaching as he squatted beside me, glancing over my shoulder. “Ah,” he exhaled with a sigh. “Come back with me. I’ve got a first aid kit.”
I made no move to leave my spot, sitting on my skinned knees. But the young man was persistent and, upon seeing my reluctance, huffed and grabbed me by the crook of my elbow, leaving fingerprints of clay on my skin. Without a word, he led the way back to his pottery shop and I followed like a scolded child.
Well, at least the city was still asleep.
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The young man kept his serious dark eyes trained on my hands as he applied several large bandages to them. He’d already taken care of my knees, and had demanded I sit in front of the pottery wheel while he took his time dressing my wounds. After what felt like an eternity in that dark shop, he finally spoke.
“Why’d you run away?” he asked.
I stiffened. Why had I? “I…,” I began, then shook my head. My heart rate had slowly returned to normal with the passage of time, and despite this man being a stranger I felt at ease around him. Probably because he hadn’t properly looked me in the eye. “I got nervous.”
He chuckled and patted my palm, glancing toward his half-finished work on the wheel behind me. “Nervous?” he asked.
“I was watching you through your window,” I said with a sigh. “Kinda creepy.”
He glanced at me for only a moment before shutting his eyes and offering a shrug and an easy smile. “I like having an audience,” he said.
I eyed him, his soft face, his slim shoulders and the dirty smock he had draped over them. He didn’t look like a potter. “Are you an employee?” I asked.
He opened his eyes and raised his brows. “Me?” he asked, then laughed and waved his freshly cleaned hands. “No, I own this place.”
I felt my eyes go wide, but tried to manage my expression. “You’re…you’re pretty young to own a pottery shop.”
He smiled. “Twenty-four,” he said with a nod. “It’s a family business, but my dad retired and handed the place down to me.”
I hummed as I glanced around. It sure was rustic. But charming nonetheless. Like a relic lost to time. “Your pieces are pretty,” I remarked as I scanned the racks.
He hummed, patting his thighs with a nod. “Well, after so long learning I’d sure hope my wares are good.”
“You get a lot of customers?” I asked, peeking at him out the corner of my eye. This was the longest conversation I’d had with anyone since moving out here, and for some reason I was reluctant to cut it short.
He chuckled and rubbed his jaw. “Mhm,” he said. “Why else would I be out here so early?”
“You work all day?”
“Every day?”
He smiled and met my eyes. “Nearly.”
“Wow,” I mumbled as I took in the shop from this new angle. I sighed. “Must be nice.”
“Having something to do.”
I felt his eyes on me as my own eyes wandered, catching on little details all throughout the shop. A painting of Venus beside the door, a bare lightbulb, unlit, dangling from the ceiling beside the checkout counter, the frayed edge of a red and purple rug. I wasn’t sure what he was thinking, wasn’t even sure what I was thinking, but wordlessly I felt him shift as he sat on a crate in front of me.
“You wanna take something with you?” he asked quietly, lilting voice barely above a whisper in the silent shop.
I raised my brows. “Can you do that?”
He shrugged. “My shop.”
I chuckled and nodded. “I guess that’s true,” I said, sighing as I pushed myself to my feet. The young man joined me and gestured with one swooping hand toward the racks.
“Choose whatever you want,” he said, walking beside me as he weaved his way through the aisles. My gaze landed on a particularly beautiful flower pot sitting at eye level, just beside the throwing table. “Teapots are over here. Bowls are over there. Got a few-,”
“I want this,” I said, reaching for the pot with two careful hands.
He blinked a few times and met my eyes from the other side of the rack. “Oh,” he said, then nodded. “Alright.”
I ran my fingers over the flower pot. It had been intricately carved with swirling roses and twisting vines, leaves floating everywhere. It was definitely prettier than the one I broke, that much was certain. It looked about the right size. Hopefully they hadn’t already bought a new one.
Well, if they did I could just keep the thing for myself.
I offered the young man a tight-lipped smile and bowed my head, excusing myself to the exit. He followed beside me, eyeing the pot in my hands with a curious expression. Once in the doorway, I turned to him and gave one more bow.
“I’m sorry for spying on you,” I said, meeting his eyes carefully.
He smiled and, lucky for me, his eyes nearly disappeared. “Don’t worry,” he said. “Stop by again sometime. Maybe you can buy something.”
I nodded and smiled at the flower pot. “I will.”
“I’m Jimin, by the way. Park Jimin,” he said, holding out a hand for me to shake.
I hoisted the flower pot up on my hip and took his warm hand, shaking twice. “Nice to meet you,” I said. “I’m Lee Eunbyul.”
He smiled again. “Pleasure,” he said, waving as I slipped out the front door. “Hope to see you again soon, Eunbyul.”
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I slipped through the front door of Hyejin’s Bookstore, still holding the flower pot close. I’d waited an hour for the shop to open and, allowing the morning staff a ten minute grace period to set up shop, was the first patron to enter. The shop housed two stories of books and, navigating the stacks expertly like a covert agent, I maneuvered my way to the second floor unbeknownst to the two opening employees. I hadn’t had the time to figure out which ones they were, but from the broad back and chestnut hair of the man standing at the coffee maker I was pretty sure I could guess at least one.
God, of course. During my most important stealth mission, my Kryptonite shows up.
Nonetheless, I tiptoed toward the register and, using the sides of my fingers as cushions, set the flower pot down beside the register with a wince. By then, several other patrons had begun filing in, braving the steep stairs to the second floor and lining up beside the ancient coffee machine. I kept an eye on everyone, but mostly Seokjin as he restocked the paper cups and coffee stirrers. Once I was certain the pot was placed perfectly, I took a half-step back and glanced over my shoulder at Seokjin, still unaware of my presence.
His hair was quaffed out of his face today, styled to reveal his forehead, and his skin was practically glowing. I wasn’t sure if I was more jealous or in love with the guy. Sighing, I wandered lazily toward my favorite spot by the window, resting my hands palms-down on the tabletop. A few moments passed in silence before I heard someone speak.
“Oh…,” breathed a voice from the register.
To my dismay, there stood the same girl from the day before, eyes wide as she stared at the intricate, detailed flower pot with wonder-filled eyes. She turned it around a few times, appraising it, before smiling softly and scoffing once. She swept her gaze around the bookstore and I let my head fall downwards, heart racing. If she spotted me, I was cooked. She’d know for certain who had left it there.
“Jin!” she called with a disbelieving laugh.
Seokjin jogged over toward his coworker at the register and, rolling up the cuffs of his white button-down, glanced down toward the pot. “Whoa!” he exclaimed, grinning. “Someone left it here?”
“Seems like it,” replied the girl, smiling stupefied at the gift. “I was just about to buy a new one after work.”
I had to admit to a little swell of pride at that expression. It felt good to do good, that’s what Dad always said. And even though the pot was just repayment for the broken one, I felt a little piece inside me slip back into place. Like cogs in a clock.
“Huh,” said Seokjin, and without warning his eyes found me.
I stiffened, ready to make a run for it, but was stunned into stillness as our gazes locked and his handsome face broke into a small, knowing smile. “Seems like someone’s looking out for you,” he said gently, still smiling my way.
I cleared my throat and glanced out the window at the pastel morning sky, resting my burning cheek in my hand and allowing my mind to wander to the faraway clouds that ringed the horizon.
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I’m dreaming, I thought to myself as I examined my hands, the fuzzy edges where my brain tried and failed to remember the finer details. Last thing I remembered was falling asleep in bed. What had Doctor Kim said? If you know it’s a dream, you can wake yourself up if you try hard enough. I tried hard to feel my body, the mattress beneath it, the covers I’d kicked off of it in the middle of the night. I tried to reason myself back into a physical space, out of this dark, cold, colorless void. But the more I struggled, the more suffocating the darkness felt. I squeezed my eyes shut, but like when I was young I could find no solace in the pitch-dark backs of my eyelids.
“Alright, alright,” I said aloud with a nod, shaking out my hands. I glanced around the void for a moment, eyes scanning the depths. “Detail, detail,” I said. I managed my breathing. “Doctor Kim said to find a detail.”
I scanned the darkness, searching for something, anything, that stood out. Something that clued me in to this being a dream. Something I could use to shake my brain out of sleep. I took a tentative step forward, or rather what might have been a step, and felt the same cool air I always felt in this void. My throat was constricting the longer I spent in here.
“Detail,” I said, squeezing my eyes shut. I begged for it. I longed for it so hard I wondered if I could simply will it into existence. “A tear,” I began. “Or a fray.” I scoffed as determined tears marched down my cheeks. “A fucking shoelace!” I shouted into the nothing.
Frustrated, I fell backwards onto my bottom and submitted to the sobs that began wracking my frame. The chill bit my exposed skin and raised goosebumps on my arms. “Jesus,” I said aloud, rubbing them down through tears. “For a dream, this shit is too realistic.”
I sniffled and stared around me at the darkness. When I was young, I used to search for the end of it. I walked for what felt like miles in one direction each night, wandering endlessly until eventually I woke up.
I never did find the end.
“Because there is no end,” I mumbled to myself, kicking my toe into the nothing beneath my cold bare feet.
“Yes there is.”
I screamed and jumped upright, scrambling backwards away from the voice behind me. Gasping for breath with my heart hammering, I peeled my eyes open and saw to my horror and immense relief…
A young man.
Standing about six feet tall with kind, dark brown eyes and a dimpled smile, the man seemed…inexplicably gentle. He stood dressed in plaid pajama pants and an old t-shirt, no shoes like me, honey-blonde hair sitting like a mop atop his head, standing in all directions. He yawned and scratched his jaw, eyes half-shut. Had my brain conjured another person to keep me company?
For the first time, I wasn’t alone in here…
I adjusted my posture, staring at him for what felt like a long, desperate moment. And, without meaning to, I rushed toward him and wrapped trembling fingers around his arm. Despite my expectations, he was real. Tangible. My fingers clamped down on actual flesh. They didn’t pass through. A fresh wave of emotion swept me up and carried me away and wordlessly, hot tears rolled like raindrops down my cheeks. Still holding on to his arm, I dipped my head, leaning it against his firm chest, and sobbed.
Startled, he tried to step away from me, but I was putting too much weight on him. He coughed a little before, almost reluctantly, he raised a hand and patted my shoulder.
“Ah…um…it’s okay…?” he said, trailing off.
I sniffled. “I can’t believe it.”
“Detail,” I mumbled, wiping my messy eyes on his white shirt.
“Ah!” he shouted as I leaned away and he saw the wet spots. “Oh shoot.” He freed his arm from my grasp so he could pat the stains with the pads of his fingers.
I sniffled and stared up at him, juxtaposed against the unfathomable darkness, eyes downturned to focus on his shirt. “You’re not real, are you?” I asked slowly, edging away. My brain wasn’t tidy enough to worry about a stained shirt…
So whatever he was, he couldn’t be from me.
His eyes flashed back toward me, sweet, heavy-lidded, pupils huge in the dark. “I…yes? Are you?” he asked, then squinted at me with those sweet eyes. “Have you been crying for a while? You’re very red.”
I blinked at him and took a half-step back, not trusting myself to speak again. I glanced down at my bare legs, covered only by frumpy panties and a big shirt, and tried to subtly guide the hemline down the skin of my thighs.
“You…you’re really a real person? Really?” I asked.
He chuckled. “Really really.”
I furrowed my brow and examined him from where I stood several inches shorter. His cheeks went pink under my scrutiny, but it was incomprehensible to me. “I’ve been having these dreams since I was seven and I’ve never seen another person,” I said.
He raised his brows. “Seven?” he asked. “Huh.” He peered down at me. “How old are you now?”
“Does that matter?”
“I’m just trying to make sense of it too,” he said, watching me carefully.
I sighed. “Twenty-two,” I said.
“I’m twenty-four…,” he said with a hum, rubbing his jaw with his right hand. Something about him was oddly intellectual, like he had answers to any question I could conjure. But my heart was still racing, my palms still slick with sweat. No matter how forthcoming he was, he was still a stranger in my dream. “Guess it doesn’t have to do with age. Maybe time?”
“What are you talking about?” I asked, frustrated.
He glanced at me before squinting into the darkness. “Well I started having these dreams at age nine,” he began, eyeing me. “Same time you did. I was just two years older.”
“Maybe it’s connected?” he asked with a shrug.
“Doctor Kim said-,” I began, then stopped myself short, clamping my mouth shut. I crossed my arms and sighed. “It’s trauma-based. This whole thing.”
“Is it?”
I glanced at him. “Isn’t it?”
He smiled. “I’m not so sure,” he said, then sighed and took a step forward. “Why’s it so dark here?”
“You’ve been having these dreams since you were nine and you don’t know it’s gonna be dark?” I asked, cocking a brow as I sat down on the nothing beneath me.
He blinked at me. “Wait, it’s always like this for you?” he asked.
I shrugged. “Is there anything else it could be?”
He scoffed and crossed his arms, disbelief etched into his features. “Well,” he began, glancing around. “It can be anything, really.”
Before I could interrogate him further, the blackness around began to give way to something else. Like spilling paint across a canvas, vibrant colors began to bleed from behind the stranger’s back, extending forward toward me. A frightened cry escaped me and I leapt to my feet, scuttling away from the colors as they spread like a drink tipped over. At first, the colors seemed shapeless but as they grew the image began to clear up, revealing soft edges and patterns and before I knew it I was standing on a beach, golden sand between my bare toes, purplish ocean rising and falling behind the man’s back as an invisible tide drew waves against the shore.
Tears pricked my eyes as I stumbled back once again, only this time I felt the warm sand beneath me, cushioning my fall. Gaping, I sat with my legs bent awkwardly on the shoreline’s slope, staring at the endless ocean and the cliffside forming a ring around the beach.
“W-w-what the hell is this?!” I screamed, and my voice didn’t echo, it just seeped through the landscape, swallowed by the sound of the waves. My tears returned, trailing hot down my face.
The stranger approached and crouched beside me, eyes wide. “Shit, I didn’t mean to scare you or anything! It’s just-,”
“Wh-what the fuck are you?” I asked, hands trembling violently. “I-I-I’ve never s-seen it do that.”
He blinked at me, genuine worry in his soft eyes, and shook his head. “I’m sorry. I thought you could do it too.”
“Do what?”
“Control it.”
“Control what?”
“The dream.”
I swiped a hand across my face, wiping my tears, and glanced around the beach. The longer I looked, the more beautiful it was. Like a snapshot in time. The sky was drenched in shades of lilac and amber and the sun seemed to live perpetually against the horizon line, never dipping below. A never-ending sunset. When I inhaled, I could even smell the salty seawater and fresh summertime air.
“What’s your name?” asked the stranger, coming to an uneasy crouch beside me.
I turned my wild eyes toward him and blinked. “Eunbyul,” I said weekly. “Lee Eunbyul.”
He smiled gently and held out his hands for me to shake. I was struck by the memory of Jimin from earlier that morning. Was this perhaps all he was? A manifestation of my memories of the day? “Kim Namjoon,” he said as he clasped his hand around my bandaged palm. “This is a first for me too, you know,” he said as he fell onto his bottom by my thigh.
I glanced at him. “What?”
“Having someone else here,” he said with a chuckle. “Not that I think you’re real.”
“I’m not real?” I asked, eyes wide, as I pointed a finger toward my chest.
He raised his brows. “Well how could you be? It’s not like this is a different dimension. It’s just my dream, right?”
“It’s my dream,” I said. “Listen, you’re really freaking me out.”
He turned to me with a furrowed brow. “Then you’re real? Are you sure?” He then rolled his eyes and rested his chin in his hand. “Stupid question. If you’re something I made up then of course you’re gonna say you’re real.”
“I’m a real person, Namjoon,” I said seriously, meeting his eyes. “I have a sister named Gaeul and a mom named Iseul and a dad named Doyeon. I’m from Sangdo-dong-,”
“You’re from Sangdo-dong?” he asked, eyes wide.
I nodded. “Yeah,” I said, timid pinned underneath his incriminating gaze.
He furrowed his brow and crossed his arms. “Huh.”
“Do you believe me?”
“I don’t know.”
“How can I prove it?” I asked.
He eyed me. “I don’t know.”
I swallowed hard. “Do I really seem like just character you dreamed up?” I asked, rubbing my eyes. “Do you really think your brain is that powerful?”
At this he chuckled and a little bit of the tension I’d been holding in my gut dissolved. I glanced at him, bathed in gentle dying sunlight, and found my proof. There was no way my mind could conjure someone like him. Something magnificent like this scene. I wasn’t equipped like he was.
“How did you do it?” I asked quietly, still scanning his fine features, his honeyed skin.
He raised his brows. “I don’t know how to explain it. I just kind of…do it,” he said with a nod.
I blinked. “That’s super unhelpful.”
He laughed. “Well…I guess the best I can do is say…think of a vivid memory, something really sensory, and try to put yourself there.”
“So you’ve been here before?” I asked, glancing around.
He smiled. “It’s a beach in the town where I live,” he said softly. “I came here when I graduated high school. All alone. And I just watched the waves until night came.”
“And what if I want to go to…I don’t know, Barbados?” I asked.
He laughed, a vibrant, bellowing sound, and his eyes squeezed shut. He hooked his elbows around his knees and grinned at the skyline. “Then I’d say study up.”
“Have you ever done it? Created a place you’ve never been to?” I asked, my curiosity forcing my inhibitions to rest.
He hummed. “Once or twice, but it’s harder. Gotta know what you want to see like the back of your hand for it to work.”
“And you do this every time?”
“Mhm,” he said with an easy smile. “A lucid dream is defined as a dream during which dreamers, while dreaming, are aware they are dreaming,” he said, sounding like an encyclopedia. Like he had it memorized. “That’s what specialists say.”
“So this is just a lucid dream to you?”
“Is it not a lucid dream to you?” he asked, raising his brows.
I blinked, mouth agape, and returned my eyes to the sea. “I never thought of it that way,” I said quietly, picking at the skin around my nails. “I guess since I couldn’t control them…”
He smiled. “But you can,” he said. “It’s your dream after all.”
I turned to him, brows furrowed, and exhaled slowly. “It’s my dream…,” I repeated with a nod. I turned to glance at the ocean. “I think I figured out a way to prove I’m real.”
“If I can show you something you’ve never seen…that would be enough, right?” I asked, watching the waves lapping the shore.
He smiled. “I suppose.”
I nodded and squeezed my eyes shut. I focused on all my senses. The scent of old wood, pancakes cooking in the kitchen, far away. The feeling of Mom’s quilt beneath my fingertips, the cool air-conditioning blowing strands of hair around my face. The sound of muffled conversation through the walls, footsteps falling through the wood-floored hallways. The way my bed looked, tucked in a corner beside the window, white sheer curtains blowing with the breeze that Mom scolded me for letting in, the dresser in the corner, the narrow door, my box of toys half-open by the bed. I saw and felt it all so vividly I was certain that when I opened my eyes-
There it was.
I blinked at the dark wood paneling of my childhood bedroom, the beams criss-crossing overhead, the shiny floor. A few scoffing breaths escaped my lips in uneasy puffs, but before I could say a single thing, a voice retrieved me from my reverie.
“Wow,” said Namjoon from beside me.
And with that, the illusion crumbled and my bedroom faded away like sand through my fingertips. The image slipped in the blink of an eye, leaving behind only the black emptiness of nothing, all around us. I swallowed the lump in my throat and stared at the blackness for a few tense seconds. It had been there. My room had really, truly been there right before my eyes. I could feel it, smell it, touch it. Like I was right there.
I glanced at Namjoon and found him smirking at me. “Well,” he said with a chuckle. “I’ve certainly never seen that before.”
Before I could reply, I felt a vague tugging sensation in my chest, like I was being yanked from the inside. “Oh,” I breathed.
He glanced down at his own chest and nodded. “Yeah, me too.”
“W-wait!” I called, resisting the pull and reaching my desperate, clinging hands out to him once more. I grabbed his forearm in my hands and stared up at him, pleading. “I…I don’t wanna go yet,” I said, shaking my head. “I have so much to ask you.”
He smiled gently and gave my hand a pat. “It was nice to meet you, Eunbyul,” he said, taking a step away from me and breaking the tether of my grip. My hands fell to my sides and the pull became too strong to fight.
“Namjoon!” I called, but my voice was fading and so was he. “I’ll come back! I swear!”
“Maybe we’ll see each other again,” he said with an echoing laugh. “Maybe even in real life.”
I felt like I might cry again. So much had happened in one night. The fear I’d always harbored for this dark nightmare was all but gone. In its wake, anticipation so great it threatened to sweep me away like the inescapable force of a tide.
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I awoke panting, sweat beading along my hairline. I swallowed hard past the dryness in my throat and reached for my water bottle, removing my glasses from the bridge of my nose and slipping them onto the table. I usually didn’t sleep with those things on. I drank greedily, shutting my eyes, and ran a hand through my hair before collapsing once more against the cushion of my bed. 4:03.
I huffed and set the bottle aside, lying still on my back and staring at the fuzzy outline of the ceiling, unable to see it properly with my glasses.
Again, I was awake before the sun.
Only this time, I couldn’t remember what sort of dream had woken me up.
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dxmagedrose · 4 years
Tagged by: my lover @hammurabicomplex​ I’m tagging: anyone and everyone who wants to pick this one up! share with the class if you feel like it! tag me in it!!
FIRST NAME Good fucking question… It’s (sort-of) currently Dylann! I was Kieran before that, though; it’s still used as one of my first names and I’m not used to Dylann quite yet bc I’ve just started using it. 
Indigo is one of my middle names though, and I’ve used it as an online handle elsewhere forever so I use it here now!  [ Fun etymology facts: Dylan(n) is a mythology name generally meaning “born of the wave” (aspiring diver & a water witch at heart). Kieran means “little dark one” bc of my love for horror, && I chose Indigo bc as a kid to be it was neither boy (blue) or purple (girl) and was both and neither as well as my absolute favorite color as this vibrant ass mystical color. ]
STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF hmmmmm…. I’m a horror lover at heart, so as a child (I wanna say 12), I was walking through an antique store (I have a few cool finds, I considered putting my other one as the fact tbh) and I turned the corner and I saw these two dolls staring back at me at the foot of the stairs of this antique building. my blood froze, and i felt my stomach drop. i got actual, physical goosebumps stumbling across these two creepy dolls staring back at me in the corner, and i couldn’t leave the store without them. perhaps the little painted porcelain boy would be somewhat spooky by himself if it wasn’t for the terrifying lidded gaze of the porcelain girl with the hairline fractures and slightly open lips. i cant look at her. i dont really find dolls scary, I like to find the spookier ones ones, and she makes me paranoid as hell. i keep her face covered and her up in my closet except for when i bring her out to show her off proudly as the spookiest thing I have but……. i dont really collect dolls anymore.  even thinking about her brings a fearful tear to my eye.  i don’t like to think about her for very long, but that’s why I’m so fucking proud to own her. ( YES — I’m THAT white person in the horror film )
TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON hhhhh a beardy jawline, high cheekbones, crooked canine teeth >:3c
A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF b.l.t.’s with avocado. ahhhh. my mouth is watering just thinking about it, oh my god. just a bit of salt and pepper???
A FOOD YOU HATE barbecue anything, i hate the taste of bbq sauce, you keep your nasty black goo to yourselves at the grill. twice in my life i have presented with barbecue pizza and both times i cried literal tears. why would you do such a horrible thing to a person? what kind of a monster are you? how do you sleep at night?!
GUILTY PLEASURE the sims. constantly. always. i’ve sunk thousands of hours into my households. oh also uhhhhhh i run two 80s horror blogs, one being a shitpost blog with occasional art of mine and one gremlin fanfic ship blog for horrible, terrible self indulgent fanfics i’ll get the courage to finish writing & post so i can be cancelled on tumblr for at some point. NO, i won’t link them. as i pretend they’re even all that hard to find, within a day i was found on both by someone i admire here a lot :’) ilu bby thnk u eternally for supporting ur local horrifying dumbass wtf
WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN the same clothes i’ve been wearing all day usually, my sweats & long sleeve raglans or my hoodies. i like being cozy day & and out. and ugh. efoort. just throw me in a blanket in a cool room and im out.
SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS serious relationships with some openness or poly. i wish i could fling! just not exactly easy for demisexual autistics lmao.
IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE I think I would be adopted by my grandma as a kid. It would save me some trauma but mostly I think it would get my autism diagnosed way earlier and save me angsting all these years of wondering why & thinking it’s my fault I’m struggling so much and so loud and affectionate and different in a world that i didnt fit in the same way. 
ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON when i get drunk i text people how much they mean to me in my life. does that answer your question? ahhh. i’m sometimes a cuddle monster with friends, i message people with long texts about how much they mean to me, but I sometimes really don’t like to be touched at all. 
A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN FLYPAPER.  F L Y P A P E R.  FLYPAPER.  FLY, and, I can’t stress this enough, fucking PAPER. ( Though also Whole Nine Yards and both Re-Animator & Bride ). I have watched Flypaper already like, 5 times this week and I’m still not done, and the other movies have been on repeat for days in this household within the last year. In the past it has also been Donnie Darko & the new Nightmare on Elm Street.  roast me.
FAVORITE BOOK White Fang by Jack London. Have I actually ever finished it? No. Do I still own a copy I’ve had since childhood thru multiple dogs eating it, taking it to and from school, and highlighting and circling all the best parts of chapter one ever since I was a kid and it was too hard of a book for me to read? You bet your ass. If I ever need inspiration I just reread chapter 1. Although one of my other favorites was Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes. But White Fang is like, a weirdly personal text. We stan London’s writing in this household.
YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE FENNEC FOX!! I used to daydream about having my own named Shiloh when I was a lil kid. they’re adorable little things and i am obsessed. i mean, gimme any fox and im happy, marble foxes, red foxes… but I was obsessed with fennec foxes. Also tbh ferrets. I want a ferret.
TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL] Rosa & @ninetyscnds‘s Luke, Rosa & @iimpulsivity is already screaming my name, Rosa & Constantine, Jesse & Andrea from Breaking Bad, and the joker and harley of 80s sci-fi Dan & Herbert from Re-Ani.  I am but a simple opossum. 
PIE OR CAKE Pie! I’ll take both pumpkin & melty apple over cake. also, cheesecake is more pie than cake soooo, pie wins.
FAVORITE SCENT my dogs / my blanket. :’)  It’s the most grounding smell in the world. 
CELEBRITY CRUSH oliver jackson-cohen, i’m fucking GAY and im angry about it. there i was, minding my own business, and i saw that asshole in a certain SHIRTLESS GIF and it AWOKE SOMETHING IN ME. dont talk to me about it, holy shit im obsessed with beardy men now god fuckkdafjaask i hate him why did he make me this gay i was perfectly fine being into girls but NOOOOOO him and his dumb hairy chest and sweet rugged face and I——  I also am obsessed with the archaeologist & television personality Josh Gates and may or may not be considering making a fan blog for him bc idk if my anthropology docuseries host is Dad or Daddy but i love him lots
IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO I would go on a dive with anthropologists and archaeologists doing fieldwork research in the ancient cenotes of the Yucatán Peninsula. My actual dream job, catch me crying & fantasizing about being underwater documenting Mayan skulls given as offerings. Fuckkkk, I love anthropology so much!!  take me anywhere in the world to immerse myself into culture & archaeology.
INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT Introvert. I have a real life friend I see roughly once a month, and that’s it. Plenty of online relationships, I’m chatty, message me all day every day. but i dont do people well.
DO YOU SCARE EASILY I used to! Really bad. I don’t as much anymore. I do get paranoia a lot still. Having therapists telling you that the FBI could be outside your house watching you through your windows will kind of nervous. ( no google results for: yes hello fbi i am a writer please dont put me on watchlists i just have research i need to do for this idea im working on, would you like to try again? ) I have nightmares nightly but not they never make me afraid, they just make me feel like crap. jumpscares and loud noises and seeing people reaching into their pockets dont set off as many brain alarms anymore tho!! progress haha.
IPHONE OR ANDROID I like my android better bc of capabilities but meh
DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES My mom, her husband & I play COD for family game night, and Silent Hill is my life’s blood. I’ve sunken hours into Sims & Skyrim, and Norman Jayden from Heavy Rain is my #1 fictional character in existence, why do i love the druggie babies
DREAM JOB Oh… You’re asking me to pick? I’d love to be an anthropologist doing work out in the field. Underwater archaeology is peak, but I’m also heavily considering being a body recovery diver or police diver. I’d love to see myself in uniform someday, if possible. Just the thought makes me teary eyed & proud.
WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS fund my person creative & educational endeavors. get myself a spooky ass abandoned house to make my own home to create in, and travel to the world’s best dive sites. just live a mild life of education, creation & exploration. that’s the dream TM.
FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE dr. hill is a gross and whiny lil bitch this post brought to u by the miskatonic crew, how is everyone here an even worse bad guy than herbert west precious dan excluded talk shit get hit tho john winchester from spn and both walter white & todd from breaking bad are all in my crew of hated characters. i jusT…   the reani novel is difficult to read because i have to deal with this old sack of shit.
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mhdiaries · 4 years
Diary of Frankie Stein
I still get a charge out of documenting my life!
The 15th day of September
Watzit got into big trouble today while I was at school. Somehow, he got into dad’s lab and snuck out with apart from one of dad’s projects. Good thing mom was looking out the window and saw Watzit trying to bury it. Dad was still pretty amped up by the time I got home. “That animal is too smart for its own good – I’ve got a good mind to replace its brain with a sheep’s or one from a soft sciences professor.” I think Watzit just misses me when I’m at school so I’m going to start getting up extra early to take him for a longer walk before I leave. Hopefully that will help – otherwise I’m going to have to kennel him during the day = (.
The 24th day of September
I used to think that being the “new girl” was the hardest thing about going to school but now I’m thinking that being the “not so new girl” is kinda hard too. When I was the new girl and I did something dumb everybody said, “You’re new – don’t be so hard on yourself – you’ll get the hang of it.” My friends have also done a lot of things for me, which is good and bad. Good because it kept me from embarrassing myself, and bad because there are some things I didn’t learn to do on my own and now everybody expects me to know those things and when I mess something up that I should know it’s like really, really embarrassing. Like I never really paid much attention to where my classrooms were when I started at MH – total brain short on my part I know – but it was just easier to follow Draculaura or Clawdeen and because they always insisted on showing me around I didn’t really learn they layout of the school. So yesterday we were on our way to class when I totally got caught up in a zombie flash mob and when I finally got away, I was in a part of the school I didn’t recognize and totally lost. I thought if I peeked into one of the classrooms that maybe a teacher could help me. I saw this big iron door and was about to open it when somebody behind me said, “That wouldn’t be a good idea.” I nearly jumped out of my stitches. It was Spectra Vondergeist. She said, “Oh, it looks like I frightened you… good.” Then she pointed to a sign above the door that read, Basement Levels, “Now unless you have a ball of twine or a Minotaur in your pocket you probably don’t want to go down there – follow me.” I followed her down the hallways listening to her stories about MH. They were all interesting but they kind of all were starring her. She did get me back to class though which was really nice of her. Of course, I was really late, and the teacher wanted to know where I had been – I said I got lost, the whole class laughed, and I got detention because the teacher thought I was giving her attitude. After class Ghoulia showed me how to GPS all my classes with my iCoffin so it wouldn’t happen again – oh well, just another lesson for the “not so new girl anymore.”
The 25th day of September
I went to breakfast with my dad this morning, which was scary fun although I didn’t think it was going to be at first. See, he goes to the same die-ner every Saturday morning and has breakfast with the same group of monsters and mad scientists. Mom said he’s been doing it for years. I asked her if she ever went and she just laughed. “I don’t take your father with me to shop for shoes and he doesn’t take me when he gets together with his friends to solve all of the world’s problems.” “Why not?” I asked. Mom gave me a hug and said, “Because my love, there are times when practical advice can just take all the fun out of life.” Then from behind us I heard dad say, “Unless it comes from your parents and then it is to be heeded at all costs.” Then Dad rushed us out the door because he wanted to make sure we got there before the banana scary pancakes ran out. I said, “I’m not a little girl dad, I can eat grown up food you know.” “Of course, you can my dear, but who said I was thinking about you?” Dad’s friends turned out to be really nice and pretty funny for a bunch of monster geeks especially when they started telling stories about dad ;). I could see that they all really like him though and since my dad has a very self-decapitating sense of humor it made the time totally fun. I don’t think I’d want to get up early every Saturday morning but I’m glad I got to see that my dad can be a regular monster too. Hey, who knew? Oh, and the banana scary pancakes? Definitely worth getting there early for.
The 1st day of October
My stitches are still coming loose at exactly the wrong time. Dad ordered some special monstertanium thread that he said was stronger than dragon’s breath and would totally fix the problem. Yeah – not so much. I was standing on a ladder in the gym helping Draculaura hang up a banner for this week’s pep rally when Clawd and some of the football team walked through wearing their game day jerseys. One of the guys on the team is a gargoyle from Scotland who has the dreamiest accent and the most scary handsome crystal grey eyes. I said hi to everybody by name but when I got to him, I totally blanked. I just stood there absolutely mortalfied and finally called him by her jersey number… “7” … lame I know… but then the rest of the guys started teasing him and I got so anxious that my arm fell and then the rest of me fell too. I don’t know how he did it but somehow “7” caught both my arm and me. All the guys started clapping and Clawd said, “How come you don’t catch like that at practice?” “7” was talking to Clawd but looking at me when he said, “If the passes ye threw were as pretty as this lass, I’d nay drop another.” At least that’s what Draculaura said he said. I don’t remember anything after I feel off the ladder except strong arms and crystal grey eyes.
The 7th day of October
Fear Squad practice was terrible today. Cleo was totally impossible to please, and we started and stopped several times before she finally just cancelled practice altogether. Then at lunch Purrsephone, Meowlody and Toralei were all saying that it was because of the blowup that Clawd had with Spectra and the rumor was that Cleo was going to break up with Deuce, Deuce was going to start dating Operetta and Clawd was definitely back in the picture with Cleo. I was really bummed cause they’re all my friends and I didn’t want to have to take sides. I saw Lagoona later and asked her what she thought about the rumors. She asked me who was spreading them and when I told her she just laughed and said, “Not every seagull that yabbers has found a fish.” Coming from Lagoona that somehow made me feel better, confused but better.
The 12th day of October
Monster Heritage Essay by Frankie Stein
That’s all I’ve written so far but I’m really excited about the assignment cause I’m going to get to learn so much scary cool stuff about my classmates. I thought that for part of my heritage research I would read that book that was written about my parents, but I couldn’t find a copy of it in the house. I asked mom why and she said the author had taken, “certain liberties with the truth” but if I wanted to check out a copy from the library, she would be happy to answer any questions I had. When I asked dad about the book, he used an expression I’d never heard before, but I guess mom had because she made that noise in the back of her throat that means some monster is in trouble. Dad hung his head and looked kind of creepish for a bit until mom stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. I don’t need to read a book to find out about my monster heritage. I get to see it every day – how scary cool is that?
The 16th day of October
I had the strangest dream last night. I dreamed we were planning to have the scary best dance ever until an evil teacher cancelled it and we had to have the dance in a secret location under the school. Everything was going as planned when this strange monster in a shiny suit with lots of hair appeared and started yelling that this was his dream and we were going to start over. I totally jumped into another dream but the only think I remember from that one was the intense feeling of being a stranger. It must have been stressful though cause when I woke up, I was upside down and one of my arms had fallen off. No more ghost chili pizza for me before bed.
The 24th day of October
I met a new ghoul today! At least new to me = ) Her name is Abbey Bominable and I think she’s really sweet even if she does take a bit to warm up to. Anyway we were waiting in line together at the creepateria and she was asking the lunch ladies to explain what was in the food. The line started to back up and some monsters were yelling at her to hurry up. I think she was starting to get frustrated so I told her to go with the screechza since it was pretty easy to recognize most of the stuff they put on it. She gave me a look so serious that I thought I had said something I shouldn’t have but then she smiled and thanked me. We sat together and I learned that she lives in the mountains about the school, loves to snowboard and that her first language is Yetish. She said she could understand what was being said most of the time but that the slang kept tripping her up because it was hard not to take everything literally. I told her that sometimes I still did the same thing. Then I told her that I would help her with her slang if she would teach me how to snowboard. She thought for a moment and then said, “I think that would be the cool that is scary.” Hehe I bet she learns slang faster than I learn to snowboard = ).
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Wonder Twins #5
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Jayna just punched straight through her brother's butthole.
If you're a being who turns into water, your dick and butthole don't just disappear, right? They just become part of the water! So I'm almost certainly correct in my comment on the cover. Hopefully Mark Russell will explore this topic in a future issue. Until then, I'll be certain to tell everybody I know that Jayna basically fisted Zan. Luckily for the Wonder Twins, I don't know many people and also they are fictional characters. This issue is called "Magic and Games." I think. It will probably take me less time to read this entire comic book than it took me to puzzle out the word "Games" in the font used for the title.
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Sure, you can see it now that I already told you what it was! But it was difficult before I worked it out! Although I still wouldn't be surprised to learn the title is "Magic and Galljes" or "Magic and "Gaines" and that the second word is somebody's name.
Usually I don't comment on Mark Russell comic books because to comment on a Mark Russell comic book, you should probably be smart and serious. Sure, he's having fun and writing an entertaining book that I can easily use to make jokes about fisting incest! But he also writes sensitive stories about social justice and systemic bias and ethical dilemmas in changing times and, well, other stuff that I'm too dumb to even discuss in the most general terms! He's a smart guy which is why I hate him with a burning passion! But it's a good hate! It's the kind of envious hate that pushes me to my own Emerald Twilight! I probably won't wind up destroying an entire town and ruining my reputation and becoming the most vilified hero in our universe but I almost certainly will eventually become the avenging spirit of God judging everybody around me! Wait, I think I already am that! Whatever my point is, it's that Mark Russell writes good and I'm too weak to not despise him for it. Polly Math has just won first prize at the science fair because her last name is Math. I guess Sandra Science didn't compete this year so Polly was the obvious next choice. Jayna wins second place because her project on fucking hot guys while being a nerd in high school fell apart when the guy she attempted to science fair fuck turned out to be a villain. It's also possible I'm confusing story lines but you have to expect that kind of thing! I'm not spring chicken! Remembering details between chapters that come out a full month apart has been nearly impossible for the last twenty years! I shouldn't make fun of Polly Math's name because I have a name that people always try to make jokes about too. It's not Grunion Guy! You can probably find it if you do even the smallest amount of Internet research! I'm not going to help you though because I don't want to get called a Deaf Chef anymore! Polly is upset that her father is working with Lex Luthor and the League of Annoyance. But Jayna has a plan to fix things! I bet her plan is to turn into a giant tortoise while Zan turns into an ice dildo and...wait a second! Why am I giving out good ideas that Mark Russell will just steal in a few issues?! Better to not speculate on things! Also, I mean, the cover shows Jayna going with the shark plan.
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Okay fine! I'm finally interested in Fox News!
The most disturbing thing about people who watch Fox News is that they ignore five hundred other channels that are showing entertaining things on their television at the same time! Who chooses that shit over Comedy Central or the Game Show Network?! I haven't had cable for nearly twenty years and whenever I'm staying somewhere with cable, it's locked on the Game Show Network 24/7! Who the fuck chooses to watch state propaganda over old game shows?! Fucking psychopaths, that's who!
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Polly Math's father wound up working with Lex Industries because only Lex Luthor hired African Americans, I guess? Hadn't he heard of STAR Labs?! Maybe Silas Stone and Sarah Charles fulfilled their quota?
I might be misreading this scene but I don't think I am because the white guys with white guys playing golf pictures behind them seem interested in Filo Math if he's Norwegian (so, you know, totally white!) and then when they meet him, they don't want to hire him. It could be that they really are concerned with his specialty! What could that be?! I mean, it can't be any worse than Silas Stone's specialty of turning his son into a cybernetic example of the castration of the black male in America! That's a really terrible specialty! Although Sarah Charles seemed to be pretty into it. See?! This is why I can't review a Mark Russell book! He's making a great point about the systemic bias inherent in corporate hiring practices and I'm not taking it seriously! I mean, he isn't either, really? He's being light-hearted while still making a good point. Which is what I've done, I think, in my comment about Cyborg's lack of a penis! The Scrambler wants to play a trick on society. He's a magician that believes people are frightened of magic and only like the part where everything is normal again. Magician: "Is this your card?" Audience Member: "Why yes! Thank God you picked my card! I was worried I was going to have to live in a world where my card wasn't picked!" Maybe I'm not comprehending his point. Anyway, The Scrambler wants to do a trick where things don't ever go back to normal! He's a monster! Imagine picking the Three of Clubs and nobody ever showing you the Three of Clubs ever again! Ugh, I'm feeling faint. To save Polly's Dad from definite prison time (or possibly, if Superman shows up, an eternity in the Phantom Zone. As if Superman can be bothered with Earth's judicial system! Pshaw!), Jan has challenged the League of Annoyance to a duel at the zoo. I guess if she wants to stress out all of the animals there with a big battle, who am I to judge? I mean other than being the real life version of Hal Jordan's Spectre, of course! At the zoo, Jayna recruits a bunch of Australian animals to help fight which goes as spectacularly as you can imagine it would. And what I mean by that is that a koala is blown to bits. But I guess that's worth it in the grand scheme of getting Polly Math's father to stop working with the League of Annoyance. It's like that philosophical conundrum about an ant that sacrifices its life for even the tiniest amount to better the world. It's just an ant! It practically owes it to the universe to die for nearly nothing! What does this koala bear expect? It should get to live in luxurious confinement at the zoo and not die for a trivial reason? Stupid koala bear. Go fuck yourself, you selfish bastard. The Wonder Twins defeat two out of three of the League of Annoyance members at the expense of just one koala's life and the bruised jaw of an innocent kangaroo. The third member, some woman with a Kryptonian cell phone whose name maybe I should remember, gets away to go regroup. Sylvia is a racist that joined the League because she didn't like the demographics of her small town changing. She's startled by Filo entering the League's headquarters to pack up his stuff and winds up zapping him like she zapped the koala. Okay, I guess the koala isn't as dead as I first thought. I should have realize a Kryptonian phone is probably sending everything to the Phantom Zone. So once again, I, the Grandmaster Comic Book Reader, was correct when I speculated that the worst that could happen to Filo was prison or the Phantom Zone! I'm the smarterest! Sylvia is caught on camera zapping Filo Math and then messes up in an interview when she kind of admits to having maybe zapped more than one black person with her phone off-camera? It's a real public relations nightmare!
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But Lex can fix it! His greatest strength is turning public relations nightmares into public relations wet dreams!
Lex News turns Cell Phone Sylvia into a national hero. Because anything is excusable if you just say how scared you were! I mean, as long as you're white! It's scary being white! Sometimes you have to kill people with your legal gun while standing your own ground after confronting somebody for the most inconsequential reasons! It's just the way the world works! At least in America! Happy 4th of July! Just in case some readers weren't smart enough to get that everybody blasted by Sylvia's phone went to the Phantom Zone, Mark Russell supplies us with an image of Filo and the koala and a bunch of Sylvia's other victims (hmm, all black! But that's probably just a coincidence!) in the Phantom Zone. Polly, at the end of her rope with doing the right thing in an unjust world, decides to contact The Scrambler. I can't wait for her big magic trick to fix the world! The Scrambler's big trick to fix the world is to threaten to scramble everybody's identity. Everybody's minds will switch around so that they're now in different bodies. That means the powerful might wind up being the poorest people in the worst poverty. And the only way he won't do it is if the powerful fix the world in thirty days. Seems like a good plan! Except I'm curious to see how they fix it. Most people's ideas of fixing the world rely on the current world still existing somehow. So the fix is handicapped from the beginning by needing to be built on the ruins of the old system. To truly make a new system that works, the old system must be completely razed to the ground. But nobody has the stomach for that. So we make exceptions and compromises, building the new structure on top of a rotting foundation. It's why DC's Universe fixes always fail. They rely on making things new and better but need to remain rooted in the past. Crisis on Infinite Earths was built on a world that still contained members of Infinity Inc. who suddenly didn't fit in the world anymore. So DC then had to do Zero Hour which told new origin stories but still refused to throw out everything that came before to simply start again. Even The New 52, which people hated because they felt it did exactly what I suggested (razing the shit to the ground), didn't work because, I believe, it didn't go far enough! It still accepted Superman had died. It still accepted all of Green Lantern's past. It still contained a Batgirl who was shot by Joker and became Oracle. It was still the DC Universe but with arbitrary and subtle changes that made no real difference except the jettisoning of a ton of history. So it didn't work for anybody! Um, anyway, my initial point was that real life political structures and social dynamics and economic systems can never really be restructured in a meaningful way because they have to kowtow to older ways of thinking and doing things. The comic book stuff was just easier to write about! I'm sure Mark Russell will figure it out! Or he'll just have The Scrambler and Polly Math arrested and nothing will work out like it should and it will just be the punctuation on the idea that everything fucking sucks. Yay! Wonder Twins #5 Rating: A+. Come on! Everything Mark Russell writes gets an A+! It shows how smart I am!
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ask-the-equestrians · 5 years
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Hey everyone and welcome to do the first Equestrian Remake in a while. Today I deputing Sunset Shimmer! Sunset has happen to be the first Equestrian I made based on the MLP Spin-off movie/show Equestria Girls. I haven't really talk about the spin-off because I haven't really watch it (or the feature length movie for that matter.) Actually I had my issues with the spin-off as soon it was announce because of the premise and where the story take place. For the Ponies becoming Humans was an interesting concept. It allow the audience to relate more with the characters as they solve the story problems, and how they interact with other character, that's how I was inspired to make The Equestrian Models. The problem I have with Equestria Girls in my opinion that they're set up on a high school and we're stuck with the most cliche of teen dramas. Mr. Straw Man: "But Axel you dumb-ass! Of course the human spin-off is going to be in high school! The target Audience is for young and pre-teen girls after all you Brony Pervert!" Yes my insulting Straw Man viewer that doesn't represent anybody but my own insecurities, but so is the Friendship is Magic Franchise. The Ponies in FiM where betrayed being in their early to mid Twenties having to live on their own, working and running a business, and solving problems that actually affects the world they live in. I don't see how anything affect the characters in Equestria Girls Spin-off outside their high school, but the fact that Twenty-something ponies reliving their high-school life and misplace cameos in that spin-off only screams out Commercial Marketing tool. Yeah, We finally manage to Popularized a dying franchise in ways we couldn't imagine. Let humanized the ponies and keep their skin color as they are and put in a poorly writing teen drama scenario with a cliche love interest and a cookie cutter plot that's as forgettable as soon is it's watch, but we can't let this spin-off affect the cannon of the original. Nobody won't figure out that we're marketing these product to compete with similar toy maker company like the people who made Bratz and Monster High right Hasbro!? Despite my little rant about Equestria Girls, There was potential for at least one of the Original Character from that show. Sunset Shimmer is that character. While I haven't watch the Spin-off, just by with the preview and the character interaction from the first and second movie, I already got an ideal who Sunset is. The Equestrian Sunset was first made back in August 14, 2014. I didn't have any backstory or something other than a fanart for her back then, but I do have an Epic story for her now and some of that I'm going to redact to prevent spoilers from my ongoing story. Considering that Sunset in my opinion is a wasted potential that's stuck in the Equestria Girls Spin-off is a shame, so I going to take their stick and make her a more of a vital character in my developing story. Now that being say it's time that we get to learn about The Equestrian Sunset Shimmer. The Falling Prodigy: Sunset Shimmer Synopsis Sunset Shimmer was a former Student of Princess Celestia and Lady Maya Matsui who was gifted in Magic and Martial Arts. Sunset was also fairly intelligent and was adored both by you Equestrian Teacher and her Deity Sensei, until another Young Equestrian begin to outshine Sunset which led her to become increasingly jealous of her and eventually led her to leave Canterlot and be on her own ever since. The current whereabouts of Sunset Shimmer is unknown. Much of her family tides remains a mystery, but what is known is that Sunset Shimmer begin her lessons when she was very young and gain her cutie mark a year after she moved to Canterlot. Now it's time to learn a little more about Little Sunset and how she became the first child prodigy in Equestria. The Rise of the First Equestrian Prodigy Sunset Shimmer and her family moved to Canterlot after receiving an invitation for Sunset to join Princess Celestia's prestigious school of magic and let her and Lady Maya become their personal protégé. When Sunset and her family show up to the university, both Princess Celestia and Lady Maya Matsui came to greet Sunset into the school. Princess Celestia explain to Sunset that she being waiting for her for a long time and Maya and she has been looking for an Equestrian Unicorn with a rare potential that she possesses. Lady Maya walk towards Sunset and kneel down to her and tells her she is very happy she finally gets to see her and welcomes her to her new home. Lady Maya hugs Sunset and says for now on Celestia and her are going to raise her as their student and make sure she's going to her a bright future ahead of her. After taking Sunset to her room, Celestia and Lady Maya thank Sunset's family members for watching over her while she was growing up and told them they can visit her anytime they wish. As Sunset's guardians return to their home, Princess Celestia and Lady Maya smiles at each other and Celestia says to Maya we've finally might have a chance to bring Princess Luna back from her banishment with Sunset's help and the three of them can be together again along with Sunset. Maya nods and say she being dreaming for that day for over a thousand years and looking forward to raise Sunset to become the new hero of Equestria with Celestia. Both Princess Celestia and Lady Maya Matsui took turns teaching Little Sunset everything they can about magic, the history of Equestria and, other life lessons. While they were other teachers that taught Sunset the general course like math and literature, special courses in the university were giving to Princess Celestia and Lady Maya Matsui. Princess Celestia's courses specializes in Equestrian Magic, Equestrian History and Culture, and the values of Friendship in the Equestrian Society. While Lady Maya in Equestria, her courses specializes in Foreign Cultures outside of Equestria (including her own of course,) and learning Maya's native language and writing. All of her courses that Sunset participate in, she excelled in with flying colors. Celestia and Maya was very proud of Sunset achievement, and it appears that Maya's prediction of Sunset is coming true. A year later Sunset Shimmer gain her cutie mark. This was a joyful day for everyone, when Celestia and Maya figures out her cutie mark is a Sun symbol. Later that week, Lady Maya ask Sunset to come to here office so she can give her something special. Lady Maya gives Sunset a pendent that resembles her cutie mark. Maya told Sunset that this pendent was her family heirloom that's been past down to the future heiress of the family. Lady Maya held on to the pendent for years until it's rightful owner finally appears to claim it. Since the rise of the Equestrian and Pony Evolution has happened a thousand years ago, A replica of the Pendent was also made for the pony as well. With this pendent Sunset is now recognized as the future leader of her family and a new hope for Equestria. Lady Maya hugs Sunset and congratulate her for her new milestone in her life and gave the Young Sunset the nickname Yūhi. Since that fateful day, Sunset became even closer to Lady Maya and wants to learn more about her. One morning Sunset woke up and saw Lady Maya practicing her Martial Art as a morning workout. Sunset got a glimpse for Maya's workout and was mesmerize by her movements. Maya saw Sunset watching her and was a little embarrass at first but, ask if Sunset want to join her in her workout sometimes and it makes a good form of meditation for her too. After a while Martial Arts has become a curricular in her course in which Sunset has succeed tremendously. Has Sunset grew, she became more of a promise student and is admired by both Princess Celestia and Lady Maya Matsui... Until another young Unicorn Equestrian began to catch Celestia's and Maya's attention to her instead. A New Rising Star Has Been Spotted As the years passes as during her school days, Sunset Shimmer was very content with living in the university with The Princess and her Sensei, but one day while heading to her class she's see Princess Celestia and Lady Maya Matsui talking to another student in the hallway, she didn't think much of it at first since talking to other students personally is normal for them, but the way that the two of them was talking to the student what's caught her attention. Princess Celestia was smiling intensely while Lady Maya and The Student was holding hands and gazing at each other until Celestia tells the student that she needs to get ready for her next class. As the Student left to go to her class she turn around at Maya and smiles back at her a more time. Sunset hid herself behind the wall as the two teachers heads back to their classroom but over hearing them talking each other about the student. They say that the student is exactly what they've been looking for and her academic level succeeded much higher than her peers and even surpassing Sunset's level. Sunset heads to her class shock and upset. Sunset later heads to the library and did some research in the student archives and learn that the student's name is Twilight Sparkle. Twilight has been another prodigy of her own right and gain her cutie mark a year younger than when Sunset earn hers, and her magic abilities has even surpass Sunset and it's been got a rare phenomenon that only appears once every several hundred years. What Sunset discovered about Twilight that really shocked her is Twilight's Cutie Mark. Sunset recognized that Twilight's cutie mark resembles The Star of Harmony, which was a core symbol of "The Elements of Harmony," but was believed to be only a legend at the time. Sunset thought to herself if someone like Twilight suddenly appeared in Equestria to become some sort of legendary hero, then what was her purpose be here in this school and being raise by Celestia and Maya. She needs to get an answer from at least one of them before doing anything about it. After dinner Sunset confronted Lady Maya and asked her about the Student Twilight Sparkle. Lady Maya told Sunset that she is an exceptional student who as a very unique talent look her and she should talk to her if she has the chance. Sunset interrupted Lady Maya and tells her that she seen the two of them in the hallway holding hands, and giving her a look that she never give anyone else before, not even to Sunset. Sunset press on and asked what is Twilight to her, and what's Lady Maya's true relationship with her and how they met. Lady Maya went silent for a while and ask Sunset not to get angry at her. Lady Maya reveals that she known about Twilight when she was very young. She seen a great potential inside of her just like she did with Sunset, and help unlock that potential when they first met at the Sun Rising Festival. Maya's prediction came into fruition when Twilight took her test and gain her cutie mark. It's was the second time that the two of them met at that hall so Lady Maya was thrilled to see that she became just a talent young lady. Sunset lower her head in tears and anger and ask was is she to Lady Maya. Maya looked at her in confuse and ask what does she mean by that. Sunset explains that she and Princess Celestia raised her for all these years, moved her away from her old town and her family because they saw something special inside of her. Sunset told Maya that she was happy with them, she learn so much from them and there was nothing in this world she wouldn't do for them because how much she loves them and all of this meant nothing now because of her new love interest! Lady Maya told Sunset that she needs to stop speaking such non-sense and she speaking out of line. Maya try to explain there more to does that she doesn't understand yet, but Sunset left in tears. Maya started to pursue her but stop and decided that it was best to talk to Sunset tomorrow so she can explain herself. Sunset returned to her room in tears after talking to Lady Maya. Sunset can no longer bare to look at them anymore without seeing Twilight with them, so she decided that night to leave the university and live on her own. She took her clothes her money and her family's pendents and left Canterlot. The next Day Lady Maya ran towards Princess Celestia in tears and told Celestia the Sunset is gone. She's not and her room and she asked the staff and students if they seen her but nobody has. Lady Maya apologize to Celestia and told her that Sunset knew about Twilight and she got jealous over her, but she left last night without her explain anything to her. Maya felt guilty that she did do more to help her and now she's gone. Princess Celestia hugs the panicking Maya and tells her that it's going to be okay and she'll do everything in her power to bring Sunset back with them. Celestia orders her troops to locate Sunset Shimmer and bring her back home. A few hours later Lady Maya investigates Sunset's room and notice that she took her pendents with her. Maya also finds a scroll that teaches how an Equestrian Unicorn can transport not only in different places around the world. Knowing that it may be impossible track down Sunset's whereabouts with this magic, Lady Maya Sit on Sunset's bed and hugs here pillow and cried for the rest of the day. Conclusion: Sunset Current State: After Several years of searching Celestia and Maya hasn't found Sunset Shimmer and the search for her has came to a halt when Maya's Homeland was under attack by the Demon King Lord Axel Doi. While Sunset direct Whereabouts remains a mystery as people believe that found someone and pony that looks like Sunset walking through different towns in Equestria. Is a very good chance that Sunset Shimmer knew about the fate of her former sensei Lady Maya and she became a different being known as Maya Doi, as well as Twilight Sparkle becoming an Alicorn Princess which may raise her animosity towards her and her teachers even more. Sunset feels that her own path of becoming an Alicorn has been railroaded by Twilight, but she also knows that the current Maya is not too fun with Princess Celestia and hopefully she might join her to take revenge against Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle, if she hasn't fell in love with Twilight first. So here the Long Story with the Equestrian Sunset Shimmer. I'm looking for to make a lot of artwork with her and hopefully a story arc that will reveal more secrets about Sunset and her family but well see what happens in the future. Until then I hope you enjoy this segment. Thanks for reading! ~Axel Doi I have upload a song which will be Sunset Shimmer's Main Theme! All with you Piss Crowns Are Trebled The Lunar Eclipse in Tapastic The Lunar Eclipse Act II Hit me up on Twitter: @AxelDoi and Tumblr: Ask the Equestrians for updates or you want to chat. I'm trying to more active there you know. The Lunar Eclipse ACT I The Lunar Eclipse ACT II The Lunar Eclipse ACT III Software used: Daz Studio 4.11 Pro, Adobe Photoshop CC 2019, Iray
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mst3kproject · 6 years
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608: Code Name: Diamond Head
 This is probably the beigest movie I’ve ever seen.  The cars are beige.  The costumes are beige.  The landscapes are beige.  Even the actors are beige.
Johnny Paul is a wealthy, carefree bachelor living it up in Honolulu – when he’s not doing the government’s dirty work as Agent Diamond Head.  His new assignment is to track down rogue agent and master of disguise Sean Donovan, code-named Tree, who has come to Hawai’i to steal a deadly bioweapon.  By posing as a Colonel, Donovan is able to sneak into a secret research facility and find the formula.  Can Diamond Head, with his fellow agents Tso Tsing and Zulu, stop him from leaving the island with it?
If you were curious, Diamond Head is a reference to a 1963 film of that title, which starred Charlton Heston as a rich asshole living in Hawai’i.  France Nguyen was in that one, too.  I’ve never seen it, but I’m sure it deserved better.
Beyond that… this is another movie I’m gonna have trouble finding anything to say about. It’s pretty blah.  Part of the reason was probably because it was so obviously made for tv (complete with built-in commercial breaks) and they were trying to sell it to a network by making it as inoffensive as possible.  The result attempts to appeal to everybody and therefore actually appeals to nobody, except for people who are interested in unappealing movies.  Even then, I’m gonna have a hell of a time filling two pages with my thoughts on this.
Much of the reason it’s so bland is because for a film in which the fate of the world is at stake, Code Name: Diamond Head is remarkably lacking in any sense of urgency.  It feels like a business-casual movie: the people in it may be saving the world, but they’re doing it because that’s the job they’re paid to do, and that’s all.  Even Tso Tsing, who supposedly wants revenge for the deaths of her family, doesn’t look all that committed.  Actress France Nguyen looked way more into it when she was playing Kitty Tsu in Dimension 5 – in Code Name: Diamond Head she just looks bored.  At the end, even the villain just gives the fuck up, which is disappointing and yet so totally appropriate for this stupid movie that I feel I should have seen it coming.
The movie also makes Hawai’i look extremely shabby and unappealing. This is perhaps intentional, a dark-side-of-paradise thing, but it’s not a menacing type of unappealing.  Instead, Honolulu just looks like a giant trailer park.  The buildings are old, the hotels are cheap, and everything looks like it’s in various states of disrepair.  It just feels like a place you wouldn’t want to go, where there’s probably a lot of crime and drugs, never mind all this espionage stuff.  I guess that would have given Diamond Head plenty of work to do in future episodes.
Nothing in the movie is at all impressive and parts of it are barely even competent.  The music is mostly unremarkable, although it sometimes does weird things like break into a funky bassoon track, or just bang on the piano like a three-year-old when the goons show up.  There’s only one special effect, when vegetation melts into a mass of goo on contact with the gas weapon, but that’s just red lights superimposed on footage of rocks and it looks like crap.
I guess this movie has some kind of point to make about the arms race. What the scientists call the ‘Gold Cross’ was created by combining two of nature’s most finely-honed weapons – cone snail venom and some kind of poison gas – into a single substance that dissolves any living thing on contact.  This weapon is so terrible that even the people who developed it are all in favour of destroying it so it can never be used.  Instead, it’s stolen for use by terrorists or something.  As metaphors go it’s pretty blatant and not really worth analyzing.
This horrifying weapon was just about the only interesting thing in the film, and the fact that we only see it in action the once was definitely the most disappointing.  There were enough clichés in Code Name: Diamond Head to make me expect that the villains would be destroyed by the very weapon they sought to possess, and even though I knew it was gonna look stupid I was all ready to see it.  As Paul, Zulu, and the Salty Old Sea Dog chase the villains out onto the ocean I was channeling Mike from The Incredible Melting Man by shouting, “just blow up and melt!”  Instead, the stuff was recovered safely and that was a terrible letdown.
A villain who’s only in it for the money and gives up as soon as the situation becomes truly life-threatening is a terrible villain, anyway, because it retroactively sucks all the life out of the film up until that point.  Donovan was never a real threat, because he wasn’t actually fighting for anything besides a payday.  The only time this works in a movie is when the weaksauce quitter villain then rats out whoever he’s working for, allowing the heroes to go after the real bad guy.  Maybe this would have happened if Code Name: Diamond Head had been a series rather than a movie, but it wasn’t, so we’re left with this.
In order to be credible, action movie villains need conviction.  They need a cause to believe in so that we know they’re just as determined as the good guys. If they’re going to surrender, it should be either a trick or because they know they’re thoroughly beaten – in The Avengers, Loki does both.  Having your bad guy just give up, right when we’re expecting a big fight scene or a superweapon explosion, mostly makes it look like the writers couldn’t figure out what ought to happen next.  It’s like ending a story by having the protagonist wake up and realize it was a dream, or the narrator announce that suddenly, there was no monster.  It’s a cop-out.
Alternatively, a surrender could be part of the villain’s character development.  Maybe he realizes that he’s on the wrong side, maybe he’s changed by developing a relationship with the hero, all kinds of things could happen.  Darth Vader realizes that Luke is right and there is still good in him, and switches sides to throw the emperor into a bottomless pit. That’s character development.  That’s Luke Skywalker succeeding in what he’s been trying to do ever since he learned that Vader was his father.  When Donovan gives up, we haven’t been inside his head enough to know if he’s had any development over the course of this story.  He just throws in the harpoon and goes, “eh, fuck it.”
I’m sure this sort of thing happens in real life, when criminals decide that lying to the police just isn’t worth it.  In fact, I can think of at least one instance when it did, when serial killer David Berkowitz was arrested for a parking violation and decided he might as well just tell them he was also the Son of Sam.  It doesn’t make for good action movies, though.  Real life can run on coincidences, but we don’t like it when fiction does.
Is there anything in this movie that didn’t annoy me?  Well, I do have to admit, it avoids those Glamorous Secret Agent tropes I complained about in Secret Agent Super Dragon and Danger!! Death Ray.  Johnny Paul does seem to hang out with beautiful women when he’s undercover as a hip bachelor, but he doesn’t go around sleeping with co-workers, enemy agents, and random passers-by.  Instead, interestingly enough, it’s Tso Tsing whom the movie implies has multiple lovers, at least some of whom may have paid for the privilege according to Donovan.  The movie has no opinion on this, never even bothering to say whether it's true or not, and Paul seems to trust her to be romantically faithful to him even if not sexually, so that’s refreshing. It's also nice that Tso Tsing is around forty and looks it, but is still the movie's 'pretty girl'.
There are also no stupid death traps.  When Donovan decides Paul needs to go, he has a buddy sneak up on him and gas him in the face with cyanide.  Paul survives mostly by luck.  Later, Paul and one of the mooks beat the shit out of each other with whatever they have to hand.  It’s much less contrived and frankly, much more exciting than a death trap.  When the hero is strapped into a death trap, we know he’s got lots of time to get out of it.  When somebody is actually pointing a gun at him… well, he’s still gonna get out of it, being as he’s the hero and all, but there’s more adrenaline when there’s less time to think.
Code Name: Diamond Head really does feel like an episode of a tv series you probably watched once and weren’t interested enough to come back for next week.  The characters are dull and the plot feels pretty half-assed.  The other secret agent movies on MST3K were pretty dumb but they were at least amusingly dumb, ridiculous enough to make you want to keep paying attention.  This one just left me feeling like I was going to fall asleep.  If Danger!! Death Ray is the best of MST3K’s spy movies, I’m pretty confident I can declare Code Name: Diamond Head the worst.
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agaywadarchive · 6 years
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FULL NAME: sara michelle avraham OPEN FOR PLOTTING: yes NICKNAMES: sare BIRTHDATE: 2/14 YEARS OF AGE: 34 BIRTHPLACE: Boston, ma RESIDES IN: Either la, las vegas, or nyc OCCUPATION: event planner GENDER IDENTITY: cis woman PREFERRED PRONOUNS: she/her NATIONALITY: American citizen FACE CLAIM: g/al gadot PARENT(S): Adoptive; Christopher & Veronica Avraham. Biological; Delphine Rosen & Richard Blaine SIBLING(S): twin biological siblings, two other siblings CHILDREN: no, but she wants some someday OTHER NOTABLE RELATIVES: no PET(S): a poodle named Dina ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: biromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single CURRENT RELATIONSHIP: no one POSITIVE TRAITS: energetic, flirtatious, gregarious NEGATIVE TRAITS: naive, aloof, perfectionist LIKES: romance, soft fabric, being smiled at, aerial scarf yoga, adventures, ghost stories, true crime novels, writing, receiving affection of any kind, playful people, games of twister, organization, video games DISLIKES: bridezillas, monster-in-laws, people who like to pop her bubble of optimism, the feeling of numbness, stepping on gum, mess, aggressive men, men who talk down to her MYER'S BRIGGS: enfj ZODIAC SIGN: aquarius RELIGION: jewish POLITICAL AFFILIATION: Democrat HOGWARTS HOUSE: hufflepuff MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good
tw: cancer, euthanization, death
Sara was adopted by Christopher and Veronica Avraham. Christopher was a strict Military Sergeant who raised her well, but raised her to have both manners and respect towards others. While Veronica was a surgeon, who demanded that she focus on her studies and not so much parties and misbehaving. They were suited for one another and loved one another very much, but her parents weren’t very touchy feely with each other - to the point where Sara had only seen them kiss twice - and weren’t very touchy feely with her either. Sara loved them both a lot nonetheless and tried her best to be a good daughter to them.
Although her parents were strict, Sara was spoiled rotton and got whatever clothes and toys that she wanted. Her parents were proud to have jobs that supported their family and they thought that Sara was such a good girl that they didn’t think that they were making her a brat by buying her things. Sara’s mother also put her a few beauty pageants for the sake of fun and growth, and Sara ended up being pretty good at them. She did not always get first or second place, but she ended up holding her own and displaying her talent of piano and singing to everyone. Sara, as an adult, likes aesthetically pleasing clothes, jewelry, and items due to that. She only takes the best and will not wear anything that’s bought at Walmart or Target.
She wasn’t really great at school growing up. She was much better in creative classes than she was in math and science classes. Due to a habit of daydreaming in most classes though, she would typically would miss out on a lot of what was said in class and ended up having to be tutored throughout most of her education. Thankfully, her parents could afford a tutor who made learning fun for her, but she still was interested in everything but school. However, in high school, she did begin to pick up her grades and paid much better attention to what the teacher was saying. So she was able to go to college to get degrees in business and hospitality.
In High School and college she easily made a lot friends. Since she was the type who liked to introduce herself to strangers or people who were alone during her walks around campus/or school grounds, it made sense that she would. She was the type of woman who needed friends to survive because she didn’t like to be alone at all and she being alone for hours at a time made her stir crazy. So typically, she would hang out with friends or study with them.
She’s kind of a ditzy optimist? She’s not really stupid, but she’s not the sharpest crayon in the box either. While she through emotions like everyone else, she tends to get over things rather quickly and doesn’t hold grudges or think too long about betrayals because she doesn’t really have the mental capacity for that. If you wrong her, she’ll be upset about it for like an hour, but then she’ll see something positive on television or her phone and be over it. Same goes for feelings of sadness, she will be upset for an hour or so, but then she’ll think about something else and suddenly that feeling is nonexistent. I feel like feelings of happiness tend to last long with her however, and she tends to get odd looks for smiling as much as she does, but honestly, she just has a lot of positive thoughts and just accepts the bad when it comes her way. I feel like if someone bursts her happiness bubble she does get a little pissed up, but again, doesn’t last long due to how her brain works.
Sara is sugar sweet and would never hurt anyone’s feelings intentionally. This goes back to her being a bit too dumb to even process that sort of thing. So she’s not likely to manipulate or harm someone without influence of some kind. She just doesn’t really have it in her. She is more than likely that person who gives the clothes off her back to friends in need and she’s always willing to put her life on hold to help the ones she loves. Sometimes that ends up with her getting hurt, while other times, it’s all good.
Her dream growing up was to plan weddings. She was one of those girls who dreamt of her own wedding and made little albums with cut out pictures of brides and decorations in it. The albums also had little notes in them and long letters that she’s written to her future self about what love should be and what it isn’t. She had even saved her adopted mother’s wedding dress for her own special day, hoping that she looked as beautiful in it as her mother did. Sara basically planned everything to the nines and put that love into a new fondness for decorating and planning as a whole. She would help her friends with their birthday parties and their family’s parties and ended up assisting people in her neighborhood as well. She began to get better at her hobby as years went by, and that’s why she finally got the hang of school instead of simply zoning out during it. But eventually, she did go on to have her own business called ‘Ever Afters’ that was located in both Los Angeles, California and Las Vegas, Nevada.
She was married to her college sweetheart, Samuel Radcliffe, for a few years. He was the perfect man for her and they had a love that made everyone jealous of their relationship. The two of them were supportive of one another and always had each others backs when it came to school and their careers. However, when Sara turned twenty-three, he gave her the news that he had a brain tumor that would eventually kill him. Sara was deeply upset by this news and researched all she could to see if there would be a way to save him, but eventually, she came to the conclusion that that was it for him and she’d just have to be there for him along the way. It was a rough two years for her, but after reaching a place where he was no longer himself and was suffering, her husband asked her to take him to Oregon so that he could get euthanized. At first she was adamant about him living as much as he could so that she could be with him, but after a while, she considered that selfish and decided to let him do as he wanted. So as a gift to him, they moved to Oregon and within the year, he had died. Sara wasn’t upset by his death because that was what he wanted and she had grieved months before he had past. She thought it was time to move on and live her life, so she did and did it with a new positive perception of life. The perception that life is fleeting and that you only live once, so you might as well enjoy it. And instead of staying in Oregon, she decided to move back to Los Angeles.
A little after he died, a crazy thought popped into Sara’s mind. She would sign up for for the Miss California Pageant and compete. When she told her mother that she would compete, her mother told her that it would be difficult because she was older, but she didn’t tell her not to do it so Sara did it. Surprisingly, she won Miss California and was given the opportunity to become Miss America. Sara was a bit weary about running for that because she had mostly signed up for the pagents to prove to herself that she could move on, but she ended up doing it anyway, and again she won. She was a bit too frightened to compete in the Miss Universe pageant, but her family told her to try and do it for the fun of it, so she did, and surprisingly she won that as well. Sara was really proud of herself, but after about two years of pageants, she decided to go back to focusing on her business.
Now, she works a lot, but she also makes time for a dating life. She wants to find someone else to fulfill her after the death of her husband. Whether that person is a woman, a man, or anyone else, she doesn't mind. She just wants to feel that strong love and bond she felt with her husband all over again. She just isn’t sure if she’ll ever find it again because people keep telling her that that was a one-time thing.
For fun, Sara likes to paint. Her paintings are inspired by Gustav Klimpt, therefore she puts a lot of detail into her art and spends a long time doing it. She is not the best, but her art is good and she’s been told that it’s good in the past.
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