#ben barnes drabble
fairylights-mist · 4 months
good girl faith and a tight little skirt!!
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Pairings: Billy Russo x Fem!Reader
Summary: Billy gets mad when you go out in certain outfits without his permission.
Warnings: NFSW(?), a bit steamy, thigh riding (implied)
A/n: i can't write smut to save life, this is as far as i can get. Also sorry for the grammar errors, english isn't my first language. Buy me a Coffee!!
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You finally got home after babysitting your niece. Right after you open the apartment door, you catch the smell of garlic and soy sauce. Fried rice? "Billy?" you called, Billy doesn't usually cook. It was really rare.
You dropped yourself on the couch to rest for a bit then head off to shower, "Since when did you cook?" you chuckled.
"Since—" Billy went out of the kitchen with two plates of fried rice but immediately stopped his word, then eyed you up and down. Checking your outfit, it was just a tank top with cardigan and a short tennis skirt that barely covers your ass.
"Where have you been?" he asked,
"I told you, I was babysitting Lea. Now give me that! I'm starving." you went to pick it up from his hand but he backed off then set it on the coffee table.
"With that outfit?"
"Yeah." you said, but Billy gave you a sharp glare. "Ugh, what's the matter? You don't think I look pretty like this?" you teased him, twirling and giving him a whole look of the outfit before taking a seat on the couch.
Billy heaved a sigh of irritation and took a seat beside you.
"What am I supposed to wear?" you exclaimed, and sat on his lap, straddling him. "I know you like me in this little skirt.”
You can feel the hardness growing down your inner thighs, you rolled your hips gently. Billy groaned your name as a warning.
"What?" you bit your lip trying to hold the giggle in your mouth.
"Don't start something you can't finish."
"Oh?" then you kissed him, trailing to his beard, to his earlobes, and to his neck. Fuck, his cologne. Then you bit his neck. The heat between your thighs is growing
Billy let out a quiet moan, and then you got up from his lap, leaving him wanting. But Billy grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to the couch, "We're not done, baby."
You let out a small whine and then Billy went down to your thigh, trailing his fingers up and down. "I'm gonna fuck you in this skirt until you can't walk. Do you understand that?" he locked his gaze at you.
You nodded.
He started to kiss your marks on your inner thighs, making you throw back your head. His hand reached up to your boxer, his head snapped up to you. "Mm, is this my boxer?" he cooed.
You shook your head, it's not. Your boxer fabric is way thinner than a men's boxer. You usually wear your boxer inside, mainly because you want to ride Billy's thigh. Though, he's always busy so you didn't have your chance to come.
"Didn't know your thighs would look so good in this." he drew his fingers to the spot you needed him the most, and he chuckled at the sight of you, squirming under his touch. "My baby knows what she's doing." he hummed, noticing the thinness of your boxer.
"Please, Billy." you breathed out.
“Use your words, baby. Be specific." He said before kissing your thigh.
"I wanna ride your thigh." you whined.
"Ask nicely." he said firmly, staring straight into your eyes. You parted your mouth, the words wouldn't come out. Though, you needed this. "What did I say, huh?" his grip tightened on your thigh. You whined at the pressure he gave you.
"Please, Billy. Let me ride your thigh. I'll be good." you begged and he went down to leave his mark on your thigh. Billy went up and gave you a rough kiss as he took off your cardigan and threw it on the floor impatiently.
You pulled out of the kiss, giving a little push on Billy's chest. "That's my favourite cardigan!” you pouted at him.
Instead of a reply, Billy went to the crook of your neck and sucked and bit it til he left a purple bruise. You closed your eyes at the hot sensation of his breath meeting with your skin.
You felt his beard tickle your ear as his mouth drew up to your ear, "I'll buy you a new one—I'd buy you the world.” Billy continues to undress you until you're left with nothing but your little tennis skirt around your waist. He sat up on the couch, spread his leg a bit and patted one of his thighs as a gesture for you to straddle it. “C'me here.”
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sparklewrites1 · 1 year
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Mermaid Kisses
Prince/King Caspian x mermaid!reader
A/n: this is probably one of my least favorite works as I had no motivation to write it.
Warnings: mentions of cuts, bruises, and gashes.
Category: fluff
Word Count: 700-800
“{Name}?” Caspian stood at the edge of the shore. He brushed aside strands of his brunette hair as the winds blew against his tall frame. In his hand he gripped a single red rose. It wasn't the fanciest of gifts, but to you it was as valuable as a white-toothed cowry. Which is why he chose it to propose to you with.
"Caspian!" He heard you call out. He turned his gaze toward the sea. He was met with the sight of your figure swimming toward the shore. When you arrived, he prepared to speak but you cut him off.
“I have a surprise for you!” You flipped your fish-like tail excitedly. You reached into the pouch that was tied to your waist and began digging through the trinkets that were stored inside. 
As he waited, Caspian noticed the various cuts and bruises on your wet skin. Among those wounds was a large gash on the side of your torso. Upon seeing this, Caspian dropped the rose in his grip and immediately knelt down in the sand beside you.
“You’re bleeding. Come here, let me help you.”
“No, no, it's fine!” You exclaimed as you continued searching through your pouch. A few seconds passed before you finally pulled out the object you desired. It was an iridescent pendant. It hung from a silver chain that seemed to have tarnished over time.
“I traveled to the most vicious depths of the sea for this.” You explained. “Come closer! Quickly!” You smiled with excitement.
Caspian leaned towards you. You wrapped the necklace around his neck and attached the clasp to the other end of the chain. When you were done, your hands didn’t move away from him, instead they rested on his shoulders.
“I appreciate the gift, but you are hurt. You mustn't put yourself in harm's way for me.”
“Caspian, I’m ok. I promise.” You placed a hand on his cheek, caressing his skin with your thumb. “Besides,” You started. “I wouldn’t dare depart from this life before we marry.” You smiled, chastly kissing his cheek. Caspians cheeks reddened and his heart raced at the thought of being wed to you. He hadn’t proposed to you, not yet. But tonight was the night.
Your hands lowered from his shoulders and grabbed his forearms. 
“Now come, let me show you what this does.” You gestured to the pendant. You gently guided him toward the sea, until you were both submerged underwater. Caspian was not panicking, as he knew how to swim. But what did perplex him was the fact that he felt no need to hold his breath under the water, it almost felt natural to be there.
“It worked!” You exclaimed as you touched the gills that had formed on his neck. “Cas, try to talk.”
“Why?” His hand flew to his mouth as quickly as the words came out. “I- can talk. Underwater.”
“Yes!” You cheered, gently grabbing the sides of his face and placing a kiss on his lips. “And so much more! You can breathe down here now, that means you could come visit me more often!” You swam around him delighted at the fact that your love could now visit your home. “And not only that,” You dug into your pouch once more and pulled out a golden bracelet with a pendant similar to his. You wasted no time putting it on your own wrist. And when you did, your tale split in two and its color and texture changed to match your skin. You had legs. 
Before you could celebrate you realized that you could no longer breathe nor talk. Caspian took notice of this as well and swiftly took you in his arms and swam to the surface. When your heads had come out of the water, you gasped for breath as you gripped Caspian tightly.
“As I was saying.” You grinned. “Not only can you visit me down under, I can visit you up above.” Your stare was trained on Caspian as you searched for any sign of happiness or excitement, but he seemed to be in deep thought. “Do you not like my gift?” You frowned.
Caspian’s gaze turned to you. “Of course I love it!” it was his turn to place a hand on your cheek. “I only wish I hadn't gotten something as dull as a rose to give to you.”
“You got me a rose?” You grinned. Caspian returned the gesture. Oh, how he loved your beautiful smile. After a few moments Caspian fell into deep thought once again. You waited, and he finally spoke.
“Will you marry me?”
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celestialspecial · 11 months
Billy drabble yeee. I like all the smutt-smartness, but 13 sounded most him to me 😄
“Get back down here, we’re not done yet.”
You squealed tossing the covers at your attacker. Billy growled, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a decidedly feline expression.
You felt a strong hand grasp around your ankle tugging you back onto the bed. Losing your balance and toppling onto your boyfriend who grinned as he pinned you against him.
"Let me go!" You giggled pushing against his chest, shrieking as you felt his tongue against your cheek, teeth nibbling on your earlobe. "I'm gonna be late for work!"
All your best efforts were futile as his grip only tightened, holding you flush to his bare chest. The smell of him, of the sex that coated your sheets from your past....two hours?
"Nuh-uh, not til' I've had my fill." He murmured, face pressed to your neck. You could feel the bulge underneath you, growing harder by the minute.
Leave it to Billy to be ready to go another nine rounds before work and after only one cup of coffee. The pleasurable ache between you legs almost convinced you to stay.
But....bills. Bills need money. And unfortunately your job was a part of that equation.
"You've had your fill." Flicking his nose tenderly, gaining an inch of purchase on the bed away from him.
"I'll fill you." He pulled you back realizing you were inching away.
"You already have." Smirking down at him, running your hands through his hair, tightening your fingers in the longer top strands and tugging.
His eyes drifted close at the sensation and he let out a low groan. In his moment of weakness, you kissed his forehead before pushing backwards breaking hold of his grasp.
"Hey!" He shouted as you took off for the front door, grabbing your bag in the process. "Just wait until you come home- then you'll pay for that!"
You sure hoped so, it would be the only thought getting you through the rest of your day.
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withacapitalp · 1 year
I won’t wish to be yours (or for you to be mine)
Read it on ao3
Second Part
Eddie was never going to be able to stay. 
Logically, Steve understood that. He understood it, and he agreed. No matter what the government tried to spin, no matter what Hopper told them, the people of Hawkins thought Eddie was a murderer. A boy like Eddie had been guilty since the first day he arrived, and this was the inevitable conclusion. 
Still, there was knowing he was eventually going to leave, and then there was watching Eddie put the last boxes in his van and cling on tight to his uncle.
July 14th. Eddie had stayed ten days past 4th of July. Just long enough to make sure they were all going to be okay on the first anniversary. It was kind. It was thoughtful. 
It made Steve wish he knew how to hate him. 
“Okay, so as long as you stick to your timetable, you should get to Chicago by tonight. You have a reservation at this hotel already, so try to get there around check in time, okay? They even have parking in the back,” Nancy rattled off, handing Eddie a thick folder of papers. 
When Eddie had told the five of them he was leaving, she had launched into research mode. It was the way she coped, and it was productive. In just one month she had managed to put together a full dossier of the exact route Eddie had to take to get to New York, even found him a few garages outside of the city in towns where no one would have ever heard his name. 
“Thanks, Drew,” Eddie said with a grin, patting Wayne twice on the shoulder and dragging Nancy into a hug, “Actually, thanks to all of you. You guys have been super helpful.” 
They had been. Nancy planned, Jonathan had started putting together an album of all the pictures he had taken, Argyle began cultivating the perfect stash for Eddie to bring with him, and Robin made about a dozen mixtapes of ‘real music’ for him to listen to. 
Steve had grieved. 
He hadn’t done a damn thing to help or make this process easier. Robin had done her best to try and make things better, she always did, but it didn't help that she was also leaving in less than a month. All of them were. Off to colleges all across the country, while Steve stayed here all by himself. 
He was supposed to at least be able to keep Eddie. But Steve never really got to keep good things, so he should have expected this. 
He turned away from the rest so they wouldn’t see the scowl on his face, kicking at some of the weeds stubbornly poking out from the gravel outside of Wayne’s trailer. The kids had already come by to say their goodbyes, leaving before they had to watch Eddie go. They had offered for Steve to come with them, and he should have taken it. It had felt wrong at the moment to be the only teen to not be there to wish Eddie farewell, but now Steve felt like his world was collapsing, and he just wanted to go home. 
Never mind that his home was standing about 20 feet away from him, laughing with the rest of his friends. Never mind that his home was leaving for good, never to return, and Steve was probably never going to see him again. 
“Hey, easy on the flowers,” Eddie said with a laugh, pulling away from the rest. He squatted low, picking the dandelion and examining it, “Still looks good,” 
Steve hummed, unable to make words come. 
“Make a wish,” Eddie whispered, holding the fuzzy flower up to Steve’s lips. He took a sharp breath in, hating the way his chest felt like it was about to cave in. 
I wish the people in this town would fuck off so you didn’t have to go. 
I wish everything would just stay exactly as it is. 
I wish you would stay. 
I wish I wasn’t so selfish. 
I wish I knew how to tell you I love you. 
Because he did. Steve loved Eddie in a way he thought he was never going to be able to love again. He loved Eddie so much it hurt, and he had started to think that Eddie might even love him right back, but then it had all broken down. 
Now Eddie was going, and Steve had missed his chance. 
Steve banished all of those stupid greedy thoughts, pulling away just enough to blow out a heavy short gust, watching the seeds dance away, merrily floating across the trailer park, unaware they carried no wishes with them. 
“What’d you wish for?” Eddie asked. 
Steve let himself look at Eddie. Really, honestly, look. He memorized the wave of Eddie’s curls, and the long slow slope of his nose. Steve mentally sketched out the sharp jawline, and the way his eyes sparkled. He committed it all to a place in his brain where Eddie could stay young and beautiful forever. 
That was the Eddie Steve could love forever, that was the Eddie that would stay. 
He could let this one go. 
“That you’d be happy, wherever you’re going,” He whispered, pulling Eddie into a far too tight hug. He rested his chin on Eddie’s shoulder and closed his eyes, dragging in a long breath and savoring the smell of Eddie’s cheap, terrible, 2-in-1 shampoo conditioner. 
Eddie held him back just as tight, his forehead nestled in Steve’s neck. 
“I’m gonna call. Every day,” He promised, and Steve forced down the scoff that wanted to come up. 
That’s what everyone always said. I’ll call, I’ll write, we won’t lose touch. It never happened. His own parents hadn’t even managed to keep calling, why would Eddie be any different? 
No, Steve knew the truth. They would call every day for a while, maybe even multiple times a day. Then they would slowly go to every other day, then once a week, once a month, just on birthdays and special occasions. And, eventually, Eddie would forget his name, or Steve would only be fond memories that lived in high school yearbooks and yellowed old photo albums. 
Eddie would forget that he had maybe started to love Steve. 
It was going to happen with Eddie, then Robin, then Jonathan, then Argyle, and finally Nancy. It would happen with the kids when they finally went off on their own, and Joyce and Hopper when there were no more people tying them down to Hawkins. Everyone would leave, because that’s what people did. 
They would leave, and Steve would stay, and he needed to learn how to be okay with that. He needed to figure out how to get over losing people. 
And he needed to be alone to learn how to do that. 
“Does that sound good, Stevie?” 
Oh. Right. Eddie was expecting a response. 
“Yeah. You better. I’ll be waiting by the phone,” Steve said, hating how much that was going to be true. Eddie laughed like it was a joke, but it was the god honest truth. Steve would wait by the phone every single day, and one day the phone wouldn’t ring again. 
He swallowed down the bitterness that was rising, untangling himself from Eddie’s arms and interlocking their fingers. This was the last time he was going to hold this hand, the last time he was going to feel those rings. He needed to savor it. 
They walked back to the others as one single unit. There was another round of hugs, a few well hidden tears, and then Eddie was getting into his van. For the first time there was an air of nervousness, and he glanced around the group, his eyes landing on Steve and staying there. 
Eddie wanted reassurance. He needed a patented Steve Pep Talk, a few words to tell him that he was making the right decision. 
Well, he was making the right decision for him, but Steve couldn’t do it. He couldn’t tell Eddie it was okay to go. His heart was already breaking in two as it was, giving Eddie the last push he needed would shatter it completely. 
Then Robin’s hand was sneaking into his, and she was giving him a look, and Steve couldn’t be selfish anymore. 
“Don’t forget us when you get big and famous,” Steve said with a wave, all of them pretending his voice hadn’t cracked even a bit. Eddie gave him a beaming smile and a two fingered salute, starting up the van with the usual roar. He carefully backed out of the drive, leaving the trailer park with an obnoxiously long beep of his horn and a waving hand. 
And he was gone. 
He was actually gone. 
Steve didn’t bother to stick around and chat with the rest. He had given the last bit of his care away to Eddie, and now he just wanted to curl up in his bed. Steve had to learn to live with this pain, and the sooner he started, the better. 
Robin followed him without words, and he loved her for it. They had already discussed their plans. They were going to get rip roaring drunk, and Steve was going to have a good long cry, and then they would eat ice cream. It wasn’t enough, but it was better than being by himself before he had to be. 
“I’m sorry,” Robin said softly as they got into his Beemer. 
“Don’t be. He’ll be okay.” Steve replied automatically, starting the car and pulling out, going the same way as Eddie. A wild crazy part of him almost wanted to speed to catch up, cut Eddie off, tell him not to go. 
Steve kept the car below 30, barely crawling on a street he normally flew down. 
“He will be,” Robin said carefully. The unspoken ‘I’m worried you won’t be’ sat between them, heavy and oh so painful. 
“I will be,” Steve said stubbornly, ignoring the look Robin gave him. He put the radio on so they didn’t have to talk anymore, hating himself for wishing that he had wished for Eddie to stay. 
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marvelmusing · 2 years
Imagine your friend, Billy Russo, offering to take your virginity
Warnings [18+]: reference to sex, dirty talk, Billy Russo dirty talking (he is a warning himself), praise kink, hint of size kink, tiny hint of public humiliation but not really
Read part two HERE
“What do you use to play with yourself?” He smirks at the wide, innocent look in your eyes as you play his question over in your mind. He takes a drink of his whiskey before adding casually, “Any particular toys you like?”
He watches your throat bob as you swallow nervously, not meeting his eyes as you shake your head.
“Just my fingers.” You admit, your cheeks burning at the thought of a passing person overhearing should an intimate topic. Billy sets his glass down on the bar.
“Can I see?” You look up at him, startled and confused by his question. There’s a layer of humour in his voice as he nods towards your hand, and your cheeks burn even hotter when he adds, “Your fingers.”
You offer him your hand quickly, in an attempt to shrug off your embarrassment. He holds your hand between both of his, turning it this way and that as he examines your fingers. Your thighs shift slightly on the seat of the barstool as you take note of the size difference between the two of you. One of Billy’s hands is nearly twice the size of your own, and his fingers are long, and much thicker than yours. He hums in thought, pretending to ignore your reaction.
“These fingers?” He muses, before he takes hold of your middle finger between his forefinger and thumb. He raises a brow at you, and you nod, suddenly unable to speak. “How many?”
You swallow hard, your throat drying up as you manage a quiet,
“These two?” He asks, pinching your middle and forefinger together. You nod, and he continues to look down at these two fingers.
He doesn’t drop your hand as he continues to speak casually.
“I’d have to stretch you open.” You blink at him a few times, and he grins as your mouth opens slightly, your lips parted in a surprised and flustered expression. “These tiny little fingers are nothing compared to my cock.”
He’s so confident and at ease with talking about fucking you, it has you soaking through your panties, and aching for him to touch you.
“You sure you want this?” He asks, and you nod.
“I do.”
“If you wanna stop, at any time, you can tell me, and we’ll stop straight away.” You nod again, feeling a lot more at ease in response to his assurances. You knew you were in experienced hands with Billy - but you also knew you were safe with him.
“I’ll tell you, I promise.” He nods, a small smile on his face, and a shimmer of pride in his eyes that has you once again squirming in your seat.
“So this can go one of two ways,” he begins, finishing the rest of his drink in one swallow that has his throat bobbing. Your eyes follow the motion, and he continues, “I can finger your pussy until she’s dripping wet for me, before fucking you deep and slow into the mattress until you’re a drooling mess.”
He smirks at the wide eyed look you’re giving him, your chest rising and falling rapidly as your mind is filled with images inspired by his words.
“If you want a nice and gentle first time, just say the word sweetheart, and I’ll give it to you.”
He hears you exhale shakily, before you ask,
“Or?” His grins twists into something wicked.
“Or I can grope your ass in the elevator, shove my tongue down your throat, and have you begging for me to fuck that tight little cunt.”
He watches you squeeze your thighs together, and Billy’s never wanted you more. You grip the stem of your glass tightly, and he smiles at you, leaning forward. His fingers curl around your own, guiding the rim of your glass to your lips.
“Drink up sweetheart.” He says, encouraging you to finish the mocktail Billy had ordered - he had wanted you to have a clear head tonight.
The sweet, fruity liquid slides down your throat, and you swallow it, eager to follow his instruction. Once you’ve finished, Billy takes the glass from you, setting it down next to his own empty glass.
“Would you like that?” He asks in a low voice, his fingers curling around your forearm and his thumb skimming over your skin in slow circles. Before you had been nervous to meet his eyes, but with him so close, you find yourself unabashedly admiring his face. “Want me to sit you on my cock, and watch you struggle to take it? You wanna whine with every inch as my cock fills your virgin pussy?”
Your entire body pulses with need, a burning blush heating your skin as he stares down at you.
“Billy.” You breathe out softly, the hint of a whimper colouring your voice. He grins as he reaches forward to cup your face with his free hand.
“You look so gorgeous like this, so utterly desperate for me. You want my cock sweetheart?” You nod faintly against his palm.
“Say it.” His eyes are dark as they search your face, eyeing the hint of a pout on your lips before you murmur,
“I want your cock.”
“Louder.” Your cheeks burn as embarrassment prickles over your skin, but your panties are soaked through with your arousal. There’s no one close enough to hear either of you, but the thought of someone overhearing has your heart pounding as you admit,
“I want your cock Billy.”
He presses a kiss to your forehead as a reward, and there’s a pleasant buzz running from your chest down to your core at the thought of pleasing him. He stands up, placing a few extra dollars beside your empty glasses.
“Good girl.” He murmurs, nuzzling his lips against your hairline. The pleasurable feeling intensifies with his words, and Billy can see how hungry you are for praise - something he will be taking advantage of tonight.
He steps away from you, and you instantly miss his warm presence against your body, and his lips on your skin. He holds a hand out to you, helping you climb down from your own barstool. He squeezes your fingers between his own, and you smile shyly at him.
“Ready?” He asks, and you nod.
Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23 @restingbitchsblog @tiredbeebo @rafaelakelley @theysayitscrazy @hummelmi @nyx2021 @skybridgerton @dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless @booksandbenbarnes @blanchedelioncourt @chickensarentcheap @katedrexel @stardust-danvers @sweetwritingfanficfriend @witchcraftandwit
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dreamcatcher92 · 8 months
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Stockholm Syndrome
Stroke of Serendipity
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Secret Santa
Hide & Seek
WARNING: Most, if not all of the content that I have posted and will post will be 18+.
Tag list:
@ladyblacky @pat-sirius @bxtchopolis @lincerad
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Chelsuuuiii 🥰 you know how AoP is my comfort fic, and I was wondering, how would they celebrate their first Valentine’s? Would they even? … or … or…. What if Reader says something and Billy has to change his plans on the spot… idk.,.. I guess I just miss those two 🥹
So, let's kick this up a notch.
Let's say that their first Valentine's Day comes after they've both decided to be together. We'll consider it something independent of any plotline actually happening in AoP.
Warnings: consensual non-consent (CNC), she definitely very much consents to it, chasing, oral (f receiving), bondage, mentions of sex and a bit of denial.
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It starts with Billy seeing an ad somewhere. Maybe on a passing cab, or at the front of a flower shop that he passes on his way to the coffee shop within walking distance of Anvil.
He's busy, but he spends his time at the coffee shop scrolling through Valentine's Day ideas, while he waits for his coffee.
He doesn't much understand the custom, vaguely interprets that it's just a day to boost capitalism, but nevertheless, Billy really doesn't need an excuse to spoil his wife.
I mean, he literally spoils you at every waking moment, but he takes up the challenge. He wants to show you off, and he definitely doesn't want you looking at other people's grand gestures of affection and wishing you had what they did.
He know you better now though, humble and sweet, no need for a flashy date of any kind.
You probably wouldn't even ask him, or say anything, contented to spend more time with him.
Your sweetness makes him hard, and before he forgets, he sends a message to Marissa asking her to remind him when Valentine's Day get nearer.
The flashy displays of affection are a little annoying. It gets worse as the day gets closer, and you find yourself retreating to your office as often as possible to avoid all the abundant displays of hearts and flowers.
Everything is so much better with your husband around, and when you find him engrossed in work at his desk, your arousal is almost too much to bear.
"I don't suppose you could spare the time to entertain me, could you?" You say to Billy, trying not to be too vulgar in his work space- the one you two definitely fuck in a lot more than normal.
But Billy has been itching for an excuse, any reason to stop working, and at your words, he closes his laptop and loosens his tie.
"Fuck. I'm so tired, I can't take this shit anymore." He stands decidedly, grabbing his phone, and approaching you.
He's got a determined look in his eye, as he takes your hand and pulls you out the door.
His hand wrapped firmly around your hip, he steers you into the elevator, barely sparing a glance at Marissa, who gives you both confused looks.
"Where are we going?" You ask, wondering if he was taking you home.
"How do you feel about Switzerland?"
"H- What?" You say, reeling to face him.
He looks calm at the words, his face so still and gorgeous. His mouth curves up into a smile when he sees your expression.
He pulls you tighter into his body, in the enclosed elevator space, and leans in till his lips are brushing yours.
Your eyelids flutter as your nose touches his.
"I want to fuck you in a place with a nice view. Where it's so fucking cold outside that you don't think of leaving my side."
You can't help the shocked gulp you make at his words, heat already beginning to pool between your thighs at the very thought.
It was truly amazing, the way Billy could give you everything you've ever wanted, just by giving you himself.
You lean in to kiss him, and he groans into your mouth, unaware, but coming to a resolute conclusion that he very much wanted you right now.
With no bags packed, and nothing planned, you both hop into the back of his private car, and he pulls you onto his lap so that he can kiss you senseless on the drive to the airport.
You don't know what arrangements are being made, and honestly, neither does he, he asks Marissa to handle everything, and she accepts the task easily.
Marissa only sends photos of the hotels for Billy's approval, otherwise accustomed to his preferences with regards to travel.
It's spontaneous, truly spur of the moment, and you're desperate to unbuckle his belt and pull his cock out for a desperate session of lovemaking like no other.
But Billy has other plans, halting your desperate fingers, kissing your cheek.
"Patience, my pretty little wife, let's wait until we get there."
Which is absolutely ludicrous. Switzerland is near seven hours away. He can't possibly expect you to wait that long, when you were already damp and aching for his cock right now.
But, yes, that was somehow his plan, to watch you squirm, ache for him on the flight, rub your thighs together in your work skirt and tell you all of the things he planned to do.
"I got a room with a hot tub on the balcony. Can't wait to suck on your sweet nipples while you soak in the hot water."
He was too good at that, telling you how he planned to open you up in front of the fire, and make you sit on his face on the fur sheets of the king sized bed.
After your meal, you tuck yourself against him, and before you can say anything, you're asleep easily.
You only wake up when the car you're in comes to a stop.
You blink a couple of times in shock, trying to figure out how exactly you got from the plane to the car without waking.
He's on the phone with someone when you wake, and when you raise your head, he brings a hand up in an attempt to tuck you back against him. You show him you're awake by kissing the tips of his fingers, earning an affectionate chuckle.
There's an indoor garage, which thankfully allows you to avoid the freezing cold of the outdoors.
If anyone is perplexed by your light attire and lack of luggage, nothing is said to you, and you find that letting Billy handle things makes you feel so much at ease.
You marvel, that if you were back in your old life right now, you'd have at least five things on your mind, but with Billy at your side, you couldn't even find it in you to worry about the fact that you had no clothes.
You probably wouldn't be needing it anyway.
It's just about time for dinner when you finally make it up to the room, and after a nice warm shower, he encourages you to order something to eat for the both of you.
Wrapped in the hotel's robe, you pick out different pastas for the two of you, and make a quick note of the length of time it will take.
As soon as you utter a 'Goodbye' and 'Thank You,' you find the phone being pulled from your ear and tossed haphazardly in another direction.
"I've been waiting for hours baby, and frankly, I'm getting a little bit jealous over here."
You ignore pointing out that it was his fault that he had to wait hours, in lieu of asking,
"Jealous? Jealous of who?"
Billy, who has begun to look like a man untamed, tugs at the collar of your robe.
"This fucking thing, gets to touch your skin. I'm so jealous."
Entranced by him, you can't help tugging the tie of the robe free, letting the fluffy white material slip from your shoulders.
"Better?" You ask.
Billy groans, the tips of his fingers grazing your collarbones, drifting lower to cup each of your plump breasts in either hand.
"How are you mine?" He asks, almost in disbelief.
"You coerced me into marriage. Remember?"
You yelp when he gives one of your nipples a little pinch.
"And yet somehow, you agreed to fly to a foreign country, with nothing more than the clothes on your back for me."
"I never said I was smart." You counter, and he laughs into the column of your throat.
"Yeah, but now you're just completely at my mercy. I can do absolutely anything I want to you and you can't do a thing to stop me."
There was that heat, pooling in the center of you once again.
You didn't want to actually do anything to stop him, but a sick little thought squirms its way into your head and you find that you like the idea.
You shove him back, and he gives you a shocked look as he watches you climb off the bed and adjust your robe.
"Prove it." You challenge, giving him a little smile.
"What?" He asks, trying to get specific details from you.
"Prove that I can't stop you if you wanted to have me."
His eyes darken, and he takes a threatening step towards you.
"Is that what you want baby? I'm not gonna be nice about it."
You nod, stepping back.
"I'll tell you if it's too much."
The pull at the corner of his mouth is all you have to go on before he lunges for you, and you duck out of the way of his hand, running to put any sort of furniture between the two of you.
He grins, rounding the side of the couch, and you move in the opposite direction, mirroring his movement.
"You think you can run from me? Think I won't catch you?"
You grab one of the throw pillows on the couch, throwing it at him. He smiles as he smacks it away.
When he leaps over the couch to grab you, you squeak, running into the bathroom for safety.
It's your worst mistake, the bathroom is a dead end, and he corners you easily in the tub.
"Give up." He teases, and you raise your hands to his chest to keep him back as he crowds your space.
"Give up, little wife, and let me do what I want to you."
Your stomach clenches. You almost do it, enjoying the way his lips graze your cheek, desperate to have him, but enjoying the way this game of yours riles him.
"Fuck you." You say to him, and he laughs into your skin as he pulls your robe completely off your body.
"Say less." He teases, and moves his hands to grip your ass in an attempt to lift you.
You go with it, because you can't escape him here, wrapping your legs around his hips, leaning in to kiss him deeply as he walks you out of the bathroom and back to the bed.
When he drops you onto the soft furs, you don't hesitate to roll onto your stomach and try to clamber away. He simply grabs one of your legs and tugs you right back to him, flipping you onto your back again.
You can't help laughing, fighting at his hands when he tries to grab you. You pull at his own robe, pushing it off of his shoulders so that he's halfway bare for you. You try not to give in at the sight of his tattoo, fangs bared and ready to strike just like he is.
When he grows tired of your hands, he grunts angrily, pinning your wrists to either side of your head.
"Where did you learn to be such a brat?" He asks.
You giggle, wriggling under him, trying to get free, enjoying the way your naked body slides against his.
"Maybe it was the seven hour flight that you refused to fuck me on. Or the forty-five minute drive to the airport before that. Or in your office when I was already hot and aching for you, ready for your cock. Maybe it was then."
He flips you over and pulls your hands behind your back. Though you struggle under him, he uses the tie of his robe to secure your hands.
He rises up, leaning over you to whisper in your ear.
"You just had to be a little patient, was that so hard? You can't go eight hours without my cock?"
Definitely not, you want to say, instead you stay silent.
You feel his hands, gripping at the flesh of your ass, working one around your hip and pressing between your body and the bed.
You sigh in bliss when his fingers find your clit, already coated in your arousal.
Billy hums in appreciation.
"Always ready for me, hmm? Pretend all you want, wife, but you want me to have you, just as much as I want to have you."
He pulls his hand away to your disappointment, pulling your hips up so that you're ass is on display for him and your head stays buried in the sheets.
When you wiggle your ass playfully, you're rewarded with a sharp slap to your behind.
You yelp, which only earns you a second strike to the opposite side.
Then, his coarse beard is scraping against the back of your thigh, he kisses over your skin, carefully working you up until his tongue presses to your center, to meet your clit.
Your body trembles, unable to really move as he eats you from behind, his tongue working over your clit and then dancing up to your entrance.
You hear him moan, and you can't help leaning back to press against his face.
He takes his time, despite your desperation, his soft lips kissing your hot center, hands gripping your hips tight to keep you pressed to his face.
Your toes curl, his tongue takes its time dancing in careful circles over your clit and you feel this great wave approaching, threatening to crash.
"Billy," you try to warn, but the sheets muffle the sound.
There's only the sound of the fire crckling, and the smack of his lips, and you let out a low whimper just as you reach your peak.
The wave crashes, and you shudder as bliss swells in your head. Your breaths waver, as the intensity of your orgasm makes your hed spin.
"Oh fuck that's so good." You breathe, angling your head to try to get as much air as possible.
He pushes you over, and you fall easily onto your side. With your arms bound, you can't reach for him like you want to, but he knows, leaning forward to give you passionate kisses while he gropes every inch of your skin.
"I hope you enjoy this as much as I'm going to." He says threateningly into your ear.
You think you might enjoy it more.
Somewhere in the cold of the second morning, after you two have had morning sex in front of the raging fire and sex is becoming just a little too oversensitive for you, do you finally realize what day it is.
You roll in his arms, cuddling into his chest, he stirs a little when you move.
"Somethin' wrong?" Billy asks, voice thick with the most comfortable sleep in his life, wrapped in the sheets taken from the bed.
"Happy Valentine's Day. " you whisper into his snake tattoo.
He chuckles, the sound stirring the carnal parts of you. He raises a hand to cup the back of your neck affectionately.
"Happy Valentine's Day, baby." He sighs, drifting right back to sleep, unable to fight the comfort the warmth of the fire and his wife gives him.
Sorry I'm so late baby.
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castlecult · 2 years
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𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 : 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐱
pairing : billy russo x fem!reader
warnings : +18, penetrative sex ( p in v ), not proofread lmao
event : kinktober 2022
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“you okay?” he asked while positioning between your legs. “mhmh,” you nodded slowly, smiling timidly. you watched billy push up your skirt and then remove your panties, he pushed them away and smiled at you, kissing your nose.
“lemme know if you’re uncomfortable,” he said before pulling down his pants, freeing his hard cock. “i just want you,” you slipped towards his body, parted your legs and grabbed his hip.
billy moved his fingers to your center, spreading your wetness while circling your clit, making you squirm under his body. you lifted your hips from the cold floor, feeling yourself growing more and more excited. spreading your wetness on his length, he enjoyed the sensation for a few seconds while a low moan escaped his parted lips.
billy finally slipped inside you, making you moan and squirm. he waited for a moment, letting you adjust. you circled his neck with your arms, pulling him towards you. he got the hint and started thrusting into you, you kissed his lips and moaned into his mouth.
your hands ended up into his hair, grabbing and pulling it. billy groaned against your parted lips, seeking his release. his cock repeatedly hit the spot inside you that made you see stars. “fuck!” billy grabbed your neck, holding you while trying to keep the same rhythm.
you felt yourself growing more and more close to your orgasm, the squelching sound coming from your bodies connected became more louder. “b-billy…” you arched your back, your nails scratching his back. you reached your peak before him and almost passed out from the intensity of the orgasm.
slowly, billy let go of your neck and found himself on his knees. he pulled you closer, your backside pulled up from the floor. he kept thrusting his hips, you knew he was getting close too. billy focused his sight on your chest, enjoying your breasts moving up and down thanks to his movements.
his hands grabbed your hips and held you tightly. he finally came, releasing his seed inside your warm core while moaning deeply. his thrust slowed down while you clenched around his cock, milking him until the stimulation became too much for the both of you and he slipped out.
“oh my god,” you muttered before meeting his eyes. he was smirking down at you, before glancing at your pussy. he pushed his cum inside you again with two of his fingers, making you moan. “don’t want to make a mess on the floor, do you?” he chuckled lowly before leaning forward to kiss you, your hand caressing his cheek softly.
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an : hello !! i know i’m super duper late but better late than never right? i’m not sure about writing for the other days bc i end up hating whatever i write so um, yeah … a tiny feedback would be appreciated i guess <3 thank you sm for reading !!
kinktober tag list : @alexxavicry @romanoffswebs-blog @withakindheartx
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
hello babes <3 congrats again on the 1K (1.1k actually!!) could you write something with billy russo + envy? :) excited to see what you om up with!! <33
Pairing: Billy Russo x g/n! reader
Word Count: 511 words
Outline: Billy scolds you at a party after an encounter with an old friend.
A/N: ariel, my love, I hope you will enjoy, please tell me why you picked billy 👀
Warnings: alcohol/alcoholism, slightly toxic situation.
Main Masterlist ・❥・Sleepover Masterlist
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His voice is firm and demanding echoing against the shell of your ear, his breath hot on your face. You could smell how intoxicated he was yet that wasn't any excuse. Agitated you slam his hand on your arm away and turn to face him with a strict expression on your face.
"Billy, stop." You say firmly and push him slightly away. Some people were turning around the room to look at you, the last thing you wanted to do was cause a scene.
"You're disrespecting me," Billy growls back at you, his pupils darkened and his stare intense.
"I'm not, I was just talking to an old friend." He rolls his eyes and straightens his posture, a stray streak of hair falling on his face.
"That's bullshit, love and you know it." It was time for you to roll your eyes, you sigh deeply and cross your arms around your chest.
"He is just the handsy type, not everyone is the same you know." Billy swallows a lump in his throat and just uses his hand to push the stray hair away.
"You think I'm blind? I can't tell when a man wants you or not?" Not this again, you think to yourself.
Billy was a brilliant man, handsome and intelligent but he was the jealous type. He had promised he'd change and even though he had made steps to do so, his passion for alcohol always made his brain blurry. He wasn't having a grand time, it was only this week he got dispatched from the field and the idea of working on the ground brought him pain, you knew that. But you wished you weren't the punching bag. Billy sighs as he takes a step back shaking his head.
"You are just like the rest of them." He continues, profound aggression in his voice that leaves you cold and alienated.
"Billy, take that back right now. You're insulting me." Billy's face remains serious for a minute but is as if lighting takes a charge and he grabs your arm pulling you close to him.
"I'm sorry." He proclaims but by his body posture, nobody could ever tell.
"You are mine, I refuse to share." He's firm, he holds you tight, his lips one second away from your face. You nod your head at him, knowing very well this isn't him. But your patience was wearing thin. How often could you do this? Have a fight like this in public and makeup again?
"I am and so are you. Please, don't doubt this." He needs that confirmation in his most confused and vulnerable state. His eyes remain on you burning circles deep within and without wasting any more time he crushes his lips against yours.
It wasn't right but it wasn't wrong, tomorrow you two might argue, you might convince him to take care of his drinking problem and he might actually listen to you. But tonight you were his in that room filled with old friends and he was all yours.
If only love could be easier…
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for updates please follow @fluffyprettykittylibrary
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leigh-rambles · 2 years
shut up and drive
pairing: billy russo x f1 driver!reader
summary: in which you're a driver for scuderia ferrari and billy thinks that's hot. aka the three times you find billy in three different cities and the one time he finds you. 4 parts.
warning/s: slightly smutty in the end but nothing graphic, swearing, lots of sexism (there are no female f1 drivers, can you believe that?), and some pretty unrealistic reactions to hypothetical stalkers.
a/n: i binge watched all seasons of drive to survive in three days and i was asleep for a quarter of it, so if i used some terminologies wrong i'm sorry. also this isn't based on any season or whatever i'm just going for what makes narrative sense. also the scheduling of the races is most definitely wrong but hey it's a billy russo fic not an f1 fic. i've also never been to new york, silverstone, monza, or monaco and just going off of what i can find + the miami mission of hitman 2.
new york
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mystic-shadows42 · 2 years
Loyalty Lie
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Pairing: Billy Russo x f! reader (one-shot)
Warnings: Violence and Language
Summary: When a chance to see your boyfriend Frank presents itself, Billy shows up. He knows you’ve been lying about everything and he won’t let his crush on you get in the way of his money.
You rushed to your door unlocking it. Frank called you from a burner phone saying to pack up your bag and head to the location he had mentioned before. It was hard at times, pretending that your long-time boyfriend was dead.
People gave you their sympathies and after a while of not having any contact with Frank it actually felt that he truly was dead, but you knew the truth along with Curtis. Frank is very much alive.
Getting that phone call from Frank after not hearing from him in so long made your heart race. He sounded good but rough. He was getting back to his old ways but you hoped he wouldn’t lose himself in the violence once again.
There was one thing you wanted and that was to be in his arms again. There was nothing like listening to the beat of his heart as you’d lay on his chest. He lived a very dangerous life but there’s no instructional manual saying who the love of your life would be. 
He’s your motivation to keep going even when everything seems to be going against you.
You used seeing Frank again as a drive to rush inside your house and find your already prepared bag on the top shelf in your closet. You turned around only to be startled when the light in the room flicked on.
You swallowed thickly seeing Billy looking at you in question. He knew something was up and he was putting together all the pieces at once.
In the time that Frank was trying to lay low and build himself back up, there remained one constant in your life, Billy Russo. To you, Billy’s heart was in the right place. He was a good friend not only to Frank but to you as well. Then you thought back to what Frank told you briefly over the phone. That one sentence before he had to hang up.
‘Don’t trust Billy.’
He didn’t have time to explain and answer all the questions you had but that one hit you hard. Billy was the one person to lift your spirits when you were missing Frank. He had always been sweet on you as Frank called it. It was obvious with the flowers, taking you to lunch, and having a drink at the bar but you never let it be anything more than platonic.
At the sight of Billy still assessing you with your bag in hand and dressed up to leave in a hurry, he cocked his head as if thinking ‘really’. Not knowing what to say you blew out a breath of air trying to maintain your composure.
“What are you doing here, Billy?”
“Don’t do that,” he said as he squinted his eyes at you. “Don’t play stupid. You’ve been keeping something from me. Playing me a fool that Frank’s been dead all this time.”
You tried not showing any type of emotion. You’d keep up a facade if it meant keeping Frank out of harm’s way.
“You’ve got it all wrong. I just need to go away for a while. I don’t feel safe here. I fear his killers may be in the city and are watching me. You have to understand my paranoia at this time, especially around the anniversary of his death.”
Billy looked unconvinced but nodded his head. The thing about all of this is that you shared your fears with Billy thinking he was a friend and now he could use that against you at any moment. He could see through your lies, unlike others. 
He looked down at the floor in deep thought before looking back at you.
“You know I can’t protect you if you lie to me.”
Now you were the one to squint your eyes at him shaking your head slightly. You knew somehow he was involved but you needed to know how invested he was in it. How deep the betrayal went.
“You’re not making any sense.”
You could see him flex his hands into tight fists as he looked down at the floor. “I said don’t play stupid!” He huffed harshly, his shoulders moving right along with his aggressive breathing. He reached his hand behind himself and pulled out a gun, having it at his side.
He caught you off guard making you take a step back at how quickly the atmosphere had changed. You’ve never seen this side of Billy before. It was new, scary, and clearly unpredictable.
He closed his eyes before looking at you with all seriousness.
“You’re going to tell me where he is.”
“And why would I do that?”
Billy exhaled through his nose and smiled. “In order to stay alive of course.”
“You’d really kill me just to kill Frank who you once called your brother? Where’s your loyalty?”
He tsked his tongue.
“Loyalty can only get you so far in the real world. My loyalty lies in the hands that give me money in return.”
You shook your head in disappointment. He reached a new low.
“Look where it’s gotten you. No friends to have your back. Only a mercenary who at the end of the day is expendable.”
Billy didn’t take too kindly to that. He ripped the duffel bag away from your hands and tossed it aside. Then he pressed you against the wall with his hand gripping your chin harshly. You tried turning away to get out of his hold but he kept making you look at him.
“I tried making my life better and you mock me for it. I’ve kept you alive and you didn’t even know it.” His fingers now began to caress your skin. “A part of me had hoped you could overlook all of this and be with me, but I guess Frank just has a way of getting everything he wants without really trying, huh?”
He dragged his hand down towards to your neck placing his hand over your throat. “What does Frank have that I don’t?” He began to apply pressure to your neck making you grip his wrist to stop him. “Why is it always him?” he squeezed harder leaving you gasping for any type of air. You began to panic flailing your hands around trying to deter him from hurting you even more. “What makes Frank Castle so goddamn special?!”
He dropped his hold over you all at once leaving you a pile of nerves on the floor trying to catch your breath. You felt disoriented trying to gather yourself. Billy wasn’t a kind man though, he pulled you up by your hair cranking your neck until your bruised neck was exposed.
“Now I’m only going to ask you one more time. Where is Fran-”
Before he could even finish you reached towards the lamp and slammed it across Billy’s face. He screamed in pain and that was enough motivation to get you running out the door. You didn’t know how hurt Billy was but it was enough to buy you a little time to get away.
You held your breath all the way to your car and stepped on the gas hearing the tires screech. It was only when your house was in the review mirror that you exhaled.
Out of all that happened, one thing was for sure, there was no way you could meet up with Frank. Not without exposing him. The only relief was that Billy didn’t know where he was, but now he’d be on the hunt to track you down and make you pay.
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ryrywrites · 9 months
Key: *(ns): no smut
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ₘᵢₗₒ ₘₐₙₕₑᵢₘ cₕₐᵣₐcₜₑᵣₛ
➡ Wally Clark
➡ Zed Necrodopolis
➡ Ben Plunkett
➡ Nico (Doogie Kamealoha)
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Cᵣᵢₘᵢₙₐₗ ₘᵢₙdₛ cₕₐᵣₐcₜₑᵣₛ
➡ Dr. Spencer Reid
➡ Emily Prentiss
➡ Jennifer Jareau
➡ Derek Morgan
➡ Aaron Hotchner
➡ Luke Alvez
➡ Matthew Simmons
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ₛₐₘ Wᵢₙcₕₑₛₜₑᵣ & Dₑₐₙ Wᵢₙcₕₑₛₜₑᵣ
➡ One-Shots
➡ Drabbles
➡ Headcanons: Sam
➡ Headcanons: Dean
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ₘₐᵣᵥₑₗ cₕₐᵣₐcₜₑᵣₛ
➡ Peter Parker *(ns)
➡ Steve Rogers
➡ Bucky Barnes
➡ Thor Odinson
➡ Natasha Romanoff
➡ Scott Lang
➡ Sam Wilson
➡ Wanda Maximoff
➡ Pietro Maximoff
➡ Peter Quill
➡ Dr. Stephen Strange
➡ Ned Leeds *(ns)
➡ MJ Jones-Watson *(ns)
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ₕₐᵣᵣy ₚₒₜₜₑᵣ cₕₐᵣₐcₜₑᵣₛ
➡ Hermione Granger
➡ Harry Potter
➡ Ron Weasley
➡ Draco Malfoy
➡ Luna Lovegood
➡ Neville Longbottom
➡ Cedric Diggory
➡ Ginny Weasley
➡ Fred Weasley
➡ George Weasley
➡ Oliver Wood
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ₜₑₑₙ Wₒₗf cₕₐᵣₐcₜₑᵣₛ *(ns)
➡ Scott McCall
➡ Stiles Stilinski
➡ Allison Argent
➡ Lydia Martin
➡ Derek Hale
➡ Isaac Lahey
➡ Malia Tate
➡ Theo Raeken
➡ Liam Dunbar
➡ Kira Yukimura
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ₜᵥD & ₜₒ cₕₐᵣₐcₜₑᵣₛ
➡ Damon Salvatore
➡ Stefan Salvatore
➡ Elena Gilbert
➡ Caroline Forbes
➡ Bonnie Bennett
➡ Jeremy Gilbert *(ns)
➡ Katherine Pierce
➡ Niklaus Mikaelson
➡ Elijah Mikaelson
➡ Rebecca Mikaelson
➡ Enzo St. John
➡ Kai Parker
➡ Alaric Saltzman
➡ Hayley Marshall
➡ Kol Mikaelson
➡ Finn Mikaelson
➡ Freya Mikaelson
➡ Davina Claire
➡ Marcel Gerard
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ⱼₐcₖ Cₕₐₘₚᵢₒₙ cₕₐᵣₐcₜₑᵣₛ
➡ Miles "Spider" Socorro *(ns)
➡ Ethan Landry
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➡ Dwight Schrute
➡ Jim Halpert
➡ Pam Beesley
Kinktober '23
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padfootagain · 5 months
Hi everyone ! Here is a cute little something to answer this anonymous request for my 6k event : “I am in love with your writing style 💖😍 Can you make ben Barnes one with trope 16?”
Thank you for your request, anon! Hope you like the cute drabble I wrote for it!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x reader
Warnings: so much fluff you will get cavities
Summary: Nothing’s better than reorganizing your bookshelves with the love of your life on a crispy autumnal afternoon…
Word count: 1258 (short but sweet!)
Ben Barnes’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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The air is crisp and cold and you love it. It’s greyer than the leaves outside, they still wear their orange and red colours. The sky matches the global atmosphere of that afternoon: heavy with upcoming rain, gradients between black and white, smelling of the earth after a storm. You have a warm mug waiting for your lips right by your side, there, on the floor. A warm blanket wrapped around your frame and a fire cracking over cold stones. It’s warm, it’s autumn in all its splendour.
It's a simple afternoon, basked in Eta James’s voice, and it’s easy to forget that tomorrow is just another Monday, that you will have to go to work and get up before dawn and fight the cutting edges of the cold wind against your cheeks. It’s easy to forget that this day will have to end. Especially when Ben’s voice rises from somewhere behind you, a low hum that spreads warmth and reassurance across your heart, makes it skip a few beats in its excitement. He’s humming along the melody, matching the warmth of the saxophone and the quietness of his padding feet against the tiles. When he sits down by your side again, a refill of warm tea in his favourite mug, his hair is dishevelled, wearing an old black hoodie and some sweatpants, along with colourful fuzzy socks.
And you love it. You’ve never found him as stunning as he is now, looking cozy and warm and infinitely intimate in the simplicity of his appearance. Nothing fancy. Nothing done to impress you. You’ve passed this uneasy stage of your relationship a long time ago. You love each other too much now to accept anything from the other but their true self. You admire the curve of his jaw darkened with stubble, and the grace of his eyelashes brushing his pale cheeks, and the enticing beauty spot under his right eye. You’re not even thinking as you reach up to brush his messy dark strands of hair back, out of his face, so you can see him better. He’s smiling, turning towards you as you move your fingers through his hair, just the way he likes it.
“Alright, so… how do we proceed with this?” he asks, something mischievous glinting in his dark eyes, and you can’t supress a smile.
The task at hand is huge: rearranging the bookshelves of two people who adore reading is going to be a mission that will keep you both busy for the whole day. You’re going to love every second of it, no doubt.
“Do you want to reorganize everything by author? Genre? Colour?”
“Author is more practical.”
“Colour is prettier.”
He chuckles, rolling his eyes.
“I will do whatever makes you happy, my darling.”
“Do you want to separate our collections?”
He raises an eyebrow at that.
“We share a last name by now, we’re done compartmentalizing stuff and labelling them as ‘yours’ or ‘mine’. Whenever you’re sick, even your bloody virus becomes mine…”
You laugh at that, playfully pinching his thigh.
“Hey! It’s not my fault if you caught my cold last month! I told you to stop cuddling me, and you didn’t!”
“You looked too miserable. I was feeling too bad for you…”
The admittance is a mix of fondness, shyness and something extra-sweet that your heart can’t handle. It quickens its pace as it overloads.
“Right, so… we’re putting them all together, but how? Because for now, our books are a mess.”
“I vote authors. Because I’m an organised person,” Ben argues, but you pull your tongue at him at the playful teasing in his tone.
“I vote colours, cause it’s more aesthetically pleasing.”
“I vote for whatever makes you happy, cause I’m a clever lad, and I know I need to pick my battles in this relationship…”
“Clever lad, indeed!”
You exchange a laugh and a tender kiss, before starting to empty the shelves, Ben standing up to take the books out and passing them to you so you could organize them in piles.
It takes what looks like forever to empty all the shelves fully. You have mountains of books around you by the time you’re done, and Ben has changed the music to some Louis Armstrong and his trumpet. It has started to rain, and you have to turn on the lights as the sky turns a darker shade of grey. The rhythmic pattern of the rain against the windowpane and the rooftop warms your heart, and draws white clouds over the windows.
Ben is becoming increasingly distracted though. By the time the shelves are empty, he’s restless and keeps on playfully pushing your legs with his feet.
“Stop it!” you smack his foot away when he attacks again, making him giggle in the most adorable way.
“Let’s take a break,” he argues with such an adorable pout, you are this close from yielding, but you don’t, shaking your head.
“Come on, we can cuddle after we’re done with this,” you offer, and you notice the grin he fails to hide.
“In bed?”
“In bed.”
“Can I be little spoon?”
“If you want to, sure.”
This time he gives you a proper grin, bright and full of mischief.
“Oh, that’s a deal! Hurry up!”
You laugh at him as he starts picking piles of books, but he quickly slows down to organize the shelves correctly.
And you love it, it’s so satisfying to reorganize your bookshelves. You add some figurines, some cute pictures of the two of you as decoration to fill up the empty spaces on the shelves. And then it’s finally done, complete.
“I have to admit that the rainbow thingy looks stunning. Highly impractical, but stunning.”
“I think so myself!”
Ben drinks up the cold remnants of his tea, wincing at the nasty taste.
“We did such a good job! All our books finally put together in a pretty way!”
Ben hums in agreement, wrapping his arm around your shoulders to hold you closer, dropping a sweet kiss to your head.
“We did an excellent job!”
That’s when he realizes that his favourite figurine is missing. He looks around frantically, but you merely chuckle as you point towards the coffee table.
“Marty’s over there,” you joke, and he heaves a relieved sigh, walking over to get his Back to the Future figurine, and he places it on a shelf.
“Now, it’s perfect!” he chimes, turning towards you. “And I think we deserve to rest now.”
“You mean… cuddle?”
“Of course, I mean cuddle! You promised I would get cuddles out of this, do not break your word!”
You laugh at him but follow him anyway, teasing him some more while you make your way to your bedroom.
A few minutes later, you are buried under blankets, watching the rain fall on your windows, the touches of red from the trees in the distance, Ben tugged into your side, his head buried in the warmth of your neck as you stroke gently his back.
He heaves a content sigh.
“I love you, darling,” he whispers into your skin. “God… I’m so happy right now. This is the best, isn’t it? Just… doing the simplest of things together. Just… doing nothing. Just… being here, together.”
You hum, kissing his forehead, and you notice then that he has closed his eyes. He’ll soon fall asleep, he often does when you hold him like this. He can’t help it. He feels so peaceful in your arms, safe, untroubled.
“Yeah… yeah, I think that’s the best, indeed…”
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arcielee · 2 months
Interview With a Writer
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Thank you @st-eve-barnes for going over your Saltburn series with me! Just a reminder, you can view volume 1 & 2 of my ongoing series Interview With a Writer, where these talented individuals allow me to pick their brains over the brilliance behind their writing!
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Name: st-eve-barnes
Story: Leverage
Paring: Michael Gavey x Female!Reader
WARNINGS: 18+ for explicit content and language. Kissing, oral sex (male receiving), dry humping, hand job, fingering, p in v sex. First kiss and loss of virginity. Experienced reader. Enemies to lovers vibes.
So, when did you start writing?
I guess I have to say as a teenager, though I never shared anything I wrote back then. I still have the notebooks I used to drabble in (in Dutch), it wasn’t very good at all but I guess even back then I had that need to be creative and make my own stories.
I officially started writing fanfic in 2013. I watched Thor the Dark World, fell in love with Loki, made a Tumblr and a whole new world opened. After a few months of reading fanfic, I started writing my own. Again, it wasn’t very good at all but even my bad stories slowly started to find an audience on here, so I stuck with it.
Loki is amazing, just Aemond energy in a different font.
He truly is! I've written different characters since, but the moment I saw Aemond on screen I was transported back to the first time I saw Loki. His intensity, that quiet threat like you don't know what he's going to do next, combined with this, "I was made to be king but my stupid brother is the chosen one."
And a certain sadness, of course. We know they're the villains, but we understand them in a way and can feel their pain. And they are sexy as hell of course ;)
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Where did the plot for Leverage come from?
Okay, so first of all, I am someone who never plans an entire plot when I start a fic. I am very much a "make it up as I go along" writer. I start with an idea and a dynamic I want to write between two characters and then I build from there.
For this one I wanted Reader and Michael to have a common goal and a common enemy, something that would push these two different characters to want to work together. I wanted the enemies to lovers vibe but soft. Like, you can tell very early on in the fic that they have empathy for each other. When Reader is crying, Michael softens up easily, and when she sees Michael being vulnerable about not being able to get girls, she feels for him as well.
Their personalities will still clash even after that, but you can (hopefully) feel the connection between them as well. I wanted Ben's threat to loom over them for the entire fic but also never make it the main plot point in every chapter. The main plot for me here was how Michael and Reader could help each other change and grow, and then either accept that change or turn away from it.
Was there anything in specific that inspired your Reader portrayal?
No, not really, I think. I wanted to make her independent and confident, but also a little bit lonely, all traits you can also find in Michael. And anything else, as usual, I make up as I go along. I get to know the characters as I write them and often I'm surprised where they take me. In this fic I think it was Michael who surprised me the most though, he really turned out different than I initially had planned.
Explain your interpretation of Michael. What drives him? How did he differ from what you originally had in mind?
Salburn didn't give us much to work with, and I actually love that because it gives us so much freedom to play with the character.
I went with what the movie did give us: Michael's obvious hatred for the popular privileged kids. It's the reason he initially hates Reader, but warms up to her when he learns that she is actually working for her place at Oxford and she is not a real part of Ben's group. I think he is driven to help her purely because of that common enemy in the beginning.
Then he gets to know her a little and the promise of sex comes into play, which he definitely doesn't say no to. What surprised me in writing him is that I initially planned on writing him as a sub throughout the entire fic, but then half way in the tables started turning and he started taking over control a bit (of the Reader and me as well apparently!). And then suddenly it made complete sense to write him that way, because he would be that overeager student who wants to do well and who does the homework to get it exactly right, it doesn't matter whether it's math or sex, he wants to show how good and smart he is.
Him just accepting his feelings for her so calmly was also something I didn't plan, but just sort of happened as I was writing.
My initial plans there was going to be a big fight between her and Michael right before they would call things off. He would force her to admit her feelings and the sex would turn quite rough; Michael just being Michael and saying a lot of wrong things to her that would eventually shut her down completely. But I never wrote that scene and by the time I got there in the story it didn't seem to fit their characters anymore and it also seemed too heavy for this fic so I let go of that idea.
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Do you feel your Reader and Michael complement one another?
I definitely think they complement each other, but I also think they are quite alike in many ways. As I said before, they are both quite confident in different ways and insecure in others.
I do think they complement each other perfectly with Michael being more book smart and focused, while Reader is (a lot) better with people and social skills. I think them being together changes them both for the better cause they can learn from each other's personalities and bring out the best out in each other (but also the worst, of course).
Let's say that in their future they definitely learn to focus on bringing out the best and not the worst in each other ;)
Do you think you'll ever continue their story?
Never say never, but there's no plans to write more for them for now. I don't think I've written many sequels over the years, but I love writing different ideas and dynamics between two characters and once they are together, it's like "my work here is done."
Do you have a personal favorite story (on ao3 or Tumblr) you'd like to share?
My absolute favorite story is from a previous fandom that I'm not in anymore, but I have to share that one as it is the single most beautiful thing I've ever read. It was the fic that pulled me into the fandom. It's a Stucky story and it's called Not Easily Conquered, known as NEC in the fandom.
It will crush your soul and heal you and I will give anyone the same advice I got before I read it for the first time: be prepared because this one will hurt. I cried for like a week after I read it and I don't cry easily so this one should come with a warning. But it is absolutely worth it!
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Do you have another story in the works?
The only thing I'm working on right now is a Felix Catton x Reader story called Pretty Little Liars. Two chapters have been posted and I'm working on the next ones, but it may be a while as life has been a bit full on here lately.
Would you like to share a snippet of what's to come?
“I think he has a little crush on you,” you stated while Felix opened the door to his room and let you step inside first. Felix shook his head but the little blush on his cheeks didn’t go unnoticed by you. “It’s not like that,” he denied, “He’s just…a bit lost and I’m trying to be his friend.” “You sure that’s all he wants?” “Yeah,” he laughed, “Ollie doesn’t want me, he just wants to be like me.” “If you say so,” you sighed, not convinced. Felix grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you down to sit on the side of his bed, leaning forward to look into your eyes, “Hey, come on, don’t ruin this by becoming jealous.” “I’m not jealous, I’m…concerned.” That wasn’t a lie. Jealousy was never a factor, you knew right from the start that Felix would never truly be yours, you would always have to share him with the rest of the world. And you always accepted that. But the idea of sharing him with Oliver somehow made your blood boil. Felix kneeled down in front of you, eyes locking with yours as his gaze darkened and he smiled that irresistible smile of his. “Now, did you come up here to chat about Ollie, or to get your pussy eaten, hmm? Cause I can’t do both at the same time.” His lips connected with your knee, kissing your skin softly and you bit your lip and sighed deeply, “Fine, I’ll shut up.”
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marvelmusing · 2 years
Game Night
Pairing: Billy Russo x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Billy are enjoying your weekly game night, when Billy decides to raise the stakes and add an unexpected forfeit.
Warnings [18+]: semi nudity, suggestive content
My Masterlist
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“Miss.” You click your tongue in disappointment, and Billy smirks as he surveys the board. You press a white pin onto the E2 slot on your side of the board. There’s a pause as he looks down at his own side. “H9.”
His smirk widens when you huff in response.
“Hit.” Billy tilts his head, looking down at your feet as they’re curled up under your thighs from where you’re sitting on the couch.
“Slippers off.” You sigh, rolling your eyes, but you’re glad he’s starting easy on you. The tender emotion that’s gathered in your heart soon dissipates slightly, as you have less success in the game, and Billy takes up a lucky streak.
Game nights had somehow become a regular occurrence between you and Billy. The two of you often lived solely for your work, meaning that quiet nights in were the best way for you both to destress.
You’ve always loved strategy games, and Billy is ridiculously good at them. Tonight’s game of Battleships had gotten rather competitive, and as the game had progressed you and Billy were neck and neck. Both of you only had your largest battleship still remaining. To raise the stakes, Billy had proposed an incentive - one article of clothing removed for each hit.
“A5?” You venture.
“Miss. H8.” A pout puckers at your lips.
“Socks, darlin.” You tug one of your socks off, before raising a brow at him.
“One at a time?” He shakes his head with a cheeky smile.
“Both of them.” You huff again, and he chuckles softly.
“Nope. H7.”
He tilts his head aside, his eyes roaming over your figure. You’re dressed comfortably for an evening in with Billy, wearing one of his sweaters over your pyjama top and a small pair of shorts. You watch him as his tongue traces over his teeth, contemplation dancing in his eyes.
“Shorts off.” He laughs quietly at your wounded expression. Sliding your shorts down your legs, you bundle them together before throwing them at Billy, hitting him squarely in the chest.
His eyes scan over your legs, trailing up to spy at your panties which peek out from under his sweater. Light blue lace, that you attempt to hide as you pull the hem of his sweater down.
You clear your throat, peering down at the board to distract yourself from Billy’s gaze.
“G2?” His brows lift, and surprise fills his features.
“Hit.” Your lips part, and you grin at him.
“Seriously?” He nods. You clap in delight at finally making some progress against him. He shakes his head at your antics, as the two of you place down a red pin each.
Your eyes drift from the board, up to meet Billy’s eyes, and he gestures at himself in question.
“Shirt off.” You demand, and he presses a hand to his chest with a faux offended expression.
“Not even trying to play nice with me, huh?” You shake your head at him with a smile.
“Now we’re even.” His fingers curl around the edge of his shirt, and you watch as he pulls it over his head.
You and Billy have seen each other in various stages of undress. You’ve used each other’s showers on enough occasions, and you’re comfortable around one another to dress however you like. But this feels different. You can’t deny the burning under the skin of your cheeks, and you hope that Billy can’t see it on your face.
He nods, folding his shirt casually and dropping it onto the back of the couch.
“Now we’re even.” He repeats. You press your lips together lightly, before saying softly,
“Your turn?” He nods again,
“H6?” You sigh and his smile widens as you answer,
He shifts, folding one of his legs to sit underneath him as he smirks.
“Now, as cute as you look in my sweater, I think it’s time to take it off.” The burn of your cheeks intensifies, and you tug the sweater off in an attempt to hide your face for a moment.
He holds his hand out to receive the sweater, but you hold onto it, shaking your head.
“It’s mine now.” He laughs,
“Oh so that’s how it is?”
“Uh huh. Don’t want me to steal it? Don’t leave it in my house.” You reason, mirroring his earlier actions and folding the sweater up, before setting it down on the back of the couch next to you. Billy gives you a sober nod, his eyes twinkling in amusement,
“Yes ma’am.”
The corner of your mouth quirks up. You will return his sweater, but only once his scent is completely gone. Billy doesn’t have to know that though.
“Who’s turn was it?” You ask tentatively, as you feel suddenly aware that you only have your sleep shirt, bra, and panties left on you.
Billy does his best not to stare, but your shirt is cropped, allowing him a glimpse of your stomach and a unobstructed view of your panties. The prettiest panties he’s ever seen.
“Yours, darlin.” You nod, brow furrowing as you contemplate your next move.
“Miss.” You sigh. “H10.”
At this, your smile brightens.
“Miss.” His brow lifts, but there’s mischief in his eyes and you know you’re doomed.
“Um, F2?” The corner of his mouth twitches.
“Hit.” A surge of excitement fills you, despite the fact that you know Billy’s next two moves will sink your final ship.
“Sweatpants off.” He grins,
“Not wasting any time, are you darlin?”
Your stomach flips as Billy rolls his hips, tugging at his sweatpants before he discards them onto the carpet. You swallow hard, forcing yourself to keep your eyes on his face. He smirks, resting his arm on the back of the couch.
“You can look darlin. I don’t mind.” Your eyes stray downwards, reaching the dark waistband of his boxers before you force them back up. Billy breathes out a laugh at your reaction.
“It’s your turn Billy.” You remind him, and his focus returns to the game.
“H5.” You close your eyes in defeat, shielding yourself from his grin.
“Top off, darlin.” The warmth on your cheeks spreads through your body, as you pull your sleep shirt over your head and toss it onto the floor. Looking down at the couch, your fingers trace over the grooves of fabric beneath you as you avoid Billy’s gaze.
“E2?” You ask quietly, and Billy nods,
You hold his gaze for a long moment, deciding whether you want to be cruel. Billy had started this challenge wearing less clothing than you, meaning all that remained now was his socks and his boxers. It doesn’t take you long to reach your conclusion.
“Socks off, Billy.” He tilts his head aside, a softness in his eyes. Then he smirks, as he pulls one sock off.
“Both of them?” You breathe out a laugh.
“Yes.” You find yourself holding your breath as you wait for Billy to deal the final blow, and sink your last battleship. He drops his socks down onto the floor, and looks back at the board in front of him. He pretends to ponder for a moment, and you roll your eyes at him.
“H4.” You sigh, selecting a red pin and pressing onto the board as you admit defeat.
“Sunk.” Billy grins.
“Have I won?” You shake your head at him with a small laugh.
“You know you have. Now, take your pick Russo.” You say gesturing to your bra and panties. His eyes roam over your body, and you don’t know which option would be worse. His tongue darts out, licking over his lips, before his eyes lift back up to your face.
“Or, you could do a forfeit?”
“You taking me for a coward Russo?” He smirks,
“Not at all. Just thought it might be a more enjoyable alternative.” That piques your curiosity.
“Name the forfeit.”
“A kiss.”
“Just a kiss?”
“Nah-ah, don’t be too eager darlin.” He chastises you, and you roll your eyes in an attempt to shrug off the warmth blooming over your skin. “I have two conditions.”
“Go on.”
“Needs to last a full ten seconds,” you nod in agreement - ten seconds isn’t too long really, is it? “And you need to be sitting in my lap.”
You swallow hard, as the thought of sitting in Billy’s lap fills your mind. It wouldn’t be the first time you had been in his lap. Whenever you met up with your friends at a bar, if there wasn’t a seat, Billy would perch you on his knee. During movie nights, your legs would often up draped over his thighs.
But this was different. This was your bare thighs against his. Skin on skin contact, and sitting face to face. You nod.
“You sure?” A small smile tugs at the corner of your mouth as you pull yourself closer to him. Billy sets the board down on the coffee table, and helps you settle yourself in his lap.
“Course I am.” A shiver runs down your spine. He’s so warm, and his chest is smooth as you settle your hands on his body. “Are you?” He tilts his head aside, his brows creasing slightly. “Are you sure you want to?”
The corner of his mouth twitches, but his frown only deepens.
“I’m the one who asked you to.” You nod.
“I know, I just don’t want you to feel like you have to, in case you were just joking. Even if you weren’t joking, you can still say no, I’d hate for you to feel-“
His hand cups the back of your neck, pulling you even closer and your lips meet, effectively cutting off your worried rambling. His mouth works against yours, and your lips part for him, allowing Billy to suck on your lower lip.
You’re breathless when he pulls away, and the two of you remain quiet for a moment, simply staring at one another. Your eyes flicker back down to his lips, that are now flushed to a pretty pink.
“I don’t think that was quite ten seconds.” You say quietly against his lips. He lifts a brow, a mischievous smirk pulling at his lips.
“Really? Was I that good that you lost count?” You scoff, but he’s right. There’s no way you would be able to think about anything but Billy with his lips on yours.
“No. I was just… surprised.” He laughs softly, the teasing clear in his voice as he remarks,
“Uh huh- umph.” You cut him off with your own kiss, tracing your tongue over his lips as you grip at the hair at the nape of his neck. Your nails scrape lightly over the skin there, and you feel Billy shudder beneath you.
When you pull away, your noses brush together, and you allow your eyes to stay closed for a moment, to enjoy having Billy so close to you.
“D’you think that was around ten seconds?” You ask, and Billy’s eyes move from where they were admiring your lips, to meet your eyes with a bewildered look sparkling in them. You laugh softly. “Or was I too good that you lost count?”
His smile widens.
“Careful darlin. You sure you wanna play this game?”
“Try me, Russo.”
Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23 @restingbitchsblog @rafaelakelley @theysayitscrazy @nyx2021 @skybridgerton @dragon-of-winterfell @booksandbenbarnes @blanchedelioncourt @chickensarentcheap @stardustmorozov @sweetwritingfanficfriend @witchcraftandwit @ladyofsoa
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missclementinex · 4 months
| Katherine | 35 | she/her | chaotic golden retriever | a page for mostly comfort/cozy fics with a bit of spice |
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Tags; Ben Barnes // Bun Bun // Cats // Comfort // TES: IV Oblivion // Skyrim // Video Games // Quotes // Food // Writing // Terry Pratchett // Aesthetic // Photography // Art //
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Solatium: one // two // three // four //
Let the storm in.
After Midnight .
No cracking open of Heaven…
I found. // I’m just gonna call you mine.
Strawberry Jam.
Be Mine.
Road Trips and Skittles.
You’re so inviting, I can’t resist it.
Thunder only happens when it’s raining…
Out of the Cold.
Old books and whiskey.
Neighborhood Witch.
Amour, amour.
Where the flowers grow.
Walkin’ after Midnight.
The taste of her cherry chapstick.
Have I found you, flightless bird?
Hurricane Drunk.
No Other. / No Other #2. / No Other #3.
To let me dream of you.
Late night Devil, put your hands on me.
Don’t be a drag, just be a queen.
Dog Days.
Fast & Furious.
Raindrops and lemon candy.
Rainbow Road.
Soulmate. // Soulmate #2.
It’s all too sweet to last.
Like a Mouse.
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Those who might be interested: @e-dubbc11 @ittybxttykxttytxtty @kayhi808 @aoi-targaryen
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