#benefits of egg
holmsister · 4 months
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Literally laios to kabru
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dollya-robinprotector · 4 months
"Okay, please allow me to ask WHO THE FUCK IS PISSED WITH YOU???"
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"Like why every time your wife lays some eggs somebody just gotta steal them?? Also can't you just check them if they're "alive" or not? You don't need to risk your life just to take back some unfertilized eggs, right?"
"I don't know either! But I gotta take these back. Alive or not, Robin laid them, and even if they won't hatch I'll bury them in our backyard".
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Chimera Lyah and his friend Harpy Azazel of my friend Noir Luna, facing some egg stealers, while Robin is worrying sick at home. Those eggs are blank, she knows, but her hubby insists on taking them back.
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alienssstufff · 1 year
Q!Mariana died?? He said he wasn't going to return to the server orrrr??
[ clip 1 ] [ clip 2 ]
Canonically Osvaldo says she’s with JuanaFlippa (dead) :[
meta wise he’s stated on different occasions one reasons he doesn’t go on is cuz he’s overwhelmed there a lot of people which is fair
I delusional unfortunately, I don’t want to say q!Mari is FULLY gone she got her impact and I love her so much. Osvaldo has all the time in the world to log back on if ever he wants to - don’t pressure him or ANYONE to make choices they don’t want to‼️
And as much as I love how much they cater to making the newer CCs on the island feel at home - I also wish they would focus on making it so the older ones STILL feel likes it’s their home without needing to feel to have X amount of lore or jump through Y amount of hoops to feel a part of the island yknow? Unless QSMP decides to revive the dead eggs properly, WHWHWH they should at least (like Osvaldo said) Something that the streamers who lost/don’t have eggs can look after/do- something they they can call theirs
Sorry I do miss the og q!spanish streamers loads u_u,,,,
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whitmore · 1 year
anyway i think it would be crazy insane if when they find the eggs they find wilbur in there with them. just food for thought
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Ohhh I painted something OOF!!
But I'm not sure if I should share it yet?
Honesty I have like 6 new paintings lined up in qq. Like, guys, am I insane? Please tell me what is the realistic time limit to upload new fanart?
I'm sick at home so no work, yet I'm still riding this inspiration train like there is no tomorrow (as long as I am able to keep my coughing under control at least).
Can I engulf you all in an endless stream of artworks of the Sad egg husband??? Am I doing too much emotional damage to you all? ( ; _ ; ) I don't know anymore.
Anyway enjoy a little WIP of my lovely messy desk situation!
I have been wanting to invest in a tablet and start my digital drawing journey. But nothing can beat the absolute joy ink stained hands and the feeling of a brush on paper brings me.
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vegan-nom-noms · 6 months
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Vegan Scrambled Tofu
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arcadianico · 1 year
Ok, quick question because I'm so behind on qsmp lore
is ElQ antagonizing the eggs specifically? Bc like, the eggs are the islanders weakest point i know that yes, but as a corrupt candidate it would make more sense to just abuse the life system they implemented for the elections, right? Killing everyone twice and being the one and only candidate for the elections seems like a better plan in my opinion.
I truly thought that the eggs dying was just a secondary consequence but I've seen people focused on the eggs as if that was the plan all along
the eggs are collateral. on his last stream before the debate he said that he planned to try to kill the eggs at a festival he was going to hold. he also said then that that wouldn’t benefit him if the caretakers of the eggs who were running weren’t also there. the egg plan was probably a lie anyway to keep suspicions off of the debate night and keep them focused on the future, and i feel fairly confident in saying that the focus on the eggs for that plan was also an excuse to keep his true intentions hidden and to rile people up about the “upcoming” festival. i don’t think he would care if the eggs did die, in fact he very easily could have killed a number of them if ramón hadn’t noticed the tnt, but they are not the main targets. elq is a liar and taking his words as proof of his intentions makes very little sense to me
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botwstoriesandsuch · 1 year
On the plus side though, the AoC timeline Tears of the Kingdom would have;
Mipha with 150 years of battle experience
Purah and Robbie experimenting with sheikah tech without fear of death for the past 100 years
No Yiga Clan / Non antagonistic Yiga Clan
The powerhouse that is Battle-Tested Guardian
Terrako, who has the ability to time travel
You had me until the last point. There is no world where Terrako is a plus. Actual eggs have more use to the timeline than him.
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pusangkambing · 1 year
Lore is over great amazing loved it but also this is what led up to what jaiden did soooo.... what does this have to do with protecting the eggs?????
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eggs-can-draw · 7 months
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I know to you I don’t seem very strong, but I assure you before you can catch me I’m gone
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campcampdaily · 9 months
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🧸 day: 1
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musicalmoritz · 2 months
I want to make it very clear that I do not have writers block, the only reason I haven’t finished that Aoinene fic yet is bcuz I’m lazy af. And because my sister keeps asking to hang out every time I sit down to work on it and I can’t break the sacred bond of sibling time🍎
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a-little-bit-oddish · 3 months
i just. can't understand people here. we all agree factory farming is horrific. we all at least seem to know that poultry in particular is awful, the living conditions of the animals shouldn't be legal. or at least, i hope we agree, and i sure hope we would if any research was done about it at all.
but as soon as i say "hey, maybe don't support that industry directly as often" it's things like. "we live under capitalism and there's no way out of that". it's "we're disabled/poor/anything and not a single one of us have a choice ever and we simply must eat meat as often as we do, every single one of us." it's "it wouldn't make a difference anyway, the corporations are so huge."
okay. go buy a box set of harry potter books. if it's just a drop in the bucket. go buy from chick-fil-a. what, that's against your morals? well!
i'm not against eating meat as a whole, even if i don't do it myself. i recognize that for a lot of people, it's not all that feasible to reduce meat consumption. but i also know that americans get far more protein than they need, on average, and only 5% of americans get enough fibre. i know that meat alternatives are getting cheaper and more available.
i know that even if people ate less meat it would make a difference. that's all i want. just stop directly giving money to an extraordinarily inhumane practice all the fucking time. look into what you're spending your money on. yes, it's hard to look at. it's hard to see just how cruel poultry farming is. that doesn't mean you get to just look away.
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atthebell-moved · 1 year
the thing about rp (particularly live rp) is that a lot of people dont know what to do without a script/guidelines, so they fill the silence up too much and never allow the audience any breathing room. quackity spends like 70% of this vod completely quiet and that silence speaks absolute volumes. and its not just this instance! grief can leave you without words, but quackity is also very very good at leaving enough space between sentences and moments for you to really sit in the scenes. this scene in particular is just absolutely brutal and the silence is particularly moving, but he's created many incredible scenes because of this understanding of performance (alongside everything else he brings to the rp table)
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Playing subnautica again and struggling a lil bc I set rules that I wouldn't panic-cheat w console commands this time
so base building has been a lil slow but I'm having fun!! I thought it was high enough to not have a problem with a tube I wanted to build to my bedroom so I just stacked it on top like a lil attic instead
Also, I found a time capsule!!! There was a water filtration suit inside which is a massive boon for me bc I struggle keeping enough water, not so much with food
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kojoty · 1 year
Do you know how structurally validating it is to be good enough at your profession that people with decades of experience more than you will come up to ask *you* advice and ask *you* how to do something
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