#best friend's sister
mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
sirius black x slytherin!potter!reader
w/c: 2.9k
summary: sirius is so enamored with you, his best friend's sister, that he's too distracted to play properly. when a poor play by sirius renders you severely injured, he and james must handle the aftermath.
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Tensions were high between you and James the day of the first Gryffindor-Slytherin match of the year. Walking into the Great Hall together, you jumped up to tousle James’ untamable hair, earning a mocking laugh from him as you came up short, just managing to grasp the tangles at the back of his neck. You groaned.
“This is bullshit! My birth was a rip-off! You got every damn tall gene and I came second and you saved me none, you… you-” You were cut off by a pair of strong arms across your waist, lifting you in the air as you shrieked. Sirius grinned mischievously at you as you realized what he was doing. Practically tackling James, you jumped onto his back and clung your arm around his neck as you were finally able to dig your fist into James’ head as he let out a strangled yelp.
“Get off me, you pest! You should’ve never been born in the first place,” James shook you off as the three of you burst into laughter, Sirius shoving his friend forward as the two approached the Gryffindor table and you departed to the Slytherins.
“Your sister is… really something.” Sirius glanced over his shoulder at you, who was slapping your knee with mirth as you caught your breath at something Regulus had said. His stomach panged with jealousy— no, pre-game nerves—as he watched his younger brother swing an arm around your shoulders.
“She means well. Being friends with Regulus, I mean. I know you guys aren’t on the best terms, but I think they’re good for each other. Keeps the two of ‘em from hanging out with that crowd.” He juts his chin towards Severus, Avery, Bellatrix, and Mulciber.
“You’re right, it’s just… don’t you wish she was a Gryffindor sometimes? She’s fun and nice, and she gets along with the lot of us so well, and…” and pretty too, he thought guiltily.
“Don’t tell me you’re going soft on her, Padfoot. You know her, she’s an absolute menace.” James elbowed his friend good-naturedly. “Now eat. She’s also a mean seeker, and I am not about to get beat by my younger sister in the first quidditch match of the year.”
Remus caught Sirius’ eye, eyebrow raised subtly. Curse Moony and his stupid perception.
Sirius was caught up in his thoughts the rest of the morning, even as he was putting on his quidditch gear. Godric, what is wrong with you? Have you truly gone mental? She’s your best mate’s younger sister. Younger, too! Too young for you, and too good for you, and she’s James’ sister! James Potter, your friend who would kill you if he found out about your feelings. Which don’t exist, of course. No, you don’t have any feelings for her. It’s brotherly affection. It’s-
“PADFOOT!” James’ face was right in front of his. “You’ve been off your game all day, mate. We’re starting in 5, you gotta get your shit together. And I know you have a tendency to go easy on my sister—which I normally would appreciate, by the way—but this is war! On the pitch, she’s not my baby sister, she’s the enemy. Act like it!” James clapped as he led the team into the stadium, cheers exploding from each of the houses, minus Slytherin. Opposite the Gryffindors approached the Slytherins, led by their keeper and Captain, Emma Vanity, whom you had gushed about on multiple occasions. You wiggled your eyebrows at your brother, meeting Sirus’ eye with a poorly suppressed smile. Sirius pursed his lips to hide his own.
The older Potter and Vanity shook hands, his face immediately hardening as the young Madame Hooch called, “mount your brooms, please. Now, on your marks…” Hooch’s silver whistle cut through the stadium as the teams shot upwards. Davey Gudgeon’s dramatic throat-clearing as he amplified his voice filled the air.
“AND THEY’RE OFF! LOOKS LIKE MALFOY IS QUICK TO GRAB THE QUAFFLE WITH POTTER ON HIS TAIL; OHH, BLACK IS QUICK WITH THE BLUDGER AND POTTER HAS POSESSION OF THE QUAFFLE!” From your peripheral, you saw Mulciber lean forward on his broom to catch up to your brother, with Malfoy closing in on the other side.
“Right, my bad Professor… THERE GOES THE LITTLE POTTER AFTER HER BROTHER, YOU KNOW THE TWO OF THEM ARE QUITE ATTRACTIVE, I’VE ALWAYS WONDERED IF THEY HAVE VEELA BLOOD-” With a huff, Gudgeon’s commentary was cut short with an impatient elbow from McGongall.
Your smile only grew at the Slytherins cheered your name; you relished the stinging wind against your cheeks. You swore you caught a glimmer of gold underneath James as he escaped Mulciber and Malfoy, but it was nowhere to be seen now. Returning to a circling position above the rest of the players, you made eye contact with the Gryffindor seeker, Patricia Rakepick, a seventh year who couldn’t help her soft spot towards you, despite the complaints of the older Potter. You grinned at each other, until Rakepick broke eye contact and whizzed right past you.
While Wilkes pumped his fist and blew exaggerated kisses to the Slytherins, you took an opportunity to find Rakepick. There she was, with the snitch just a few meters away! 
“IMPRESSIVE SLOTH GRIP ROLL FROM RAKEPICK TO DODGE MEADOWES’ BLUDGER… LOOKS LIKE THE SNITCH HAS GOTTEN AWAY.” Sirius took a second to glance up at you, as if to assure you hadn’t been caught up in the bludgeoning. Of course, you were fine. You were a perfectly capable quidditch player; why wouldn’t you be fine?
“Sirius Black, what in Godric’s fucking hell are you doing? You’re supposed to be bludgening Malfoy and his lot! Get your head in the game!” Sirius woke from his trance as fuming James flies past him, chasing after Lucius.
The glint appeared right in front of your eyes. As Malfoy sped towards the Gryffindor goalposts, the snitch followed. Your blood raced with adrenaline as you wove between your older brother and the other chasers, hot on Lucius’ tail. Lucius was fast, but the snitch was faster.
Amidst the chaos, the snitch had begun a rapid descent. You and Patricia Rakepick dove after it, but your smaller frame pushed completely against the handle of your broomstick gave you just that extra push of speed. Your fingers were mere centimeters from the snitch as Sirius raised his bat, knowing James would murder him if he let Gryffindor lose with 0 points just because of his reluctance to attack James’ little sister—perhaps even worse than what he’d do if he found out Sirius liked… no, Sirius didn’t… he was just…
In his internal fight, he hit the bludger with a resounding crack as it began spinning and gaining momentum as it whizzed towards you. It was too late for you to react before you were violently knocked off your broomstick, one arm reaching desperately for the handle. There was screaming from the stands as you fell through the air clutching your hands to your chest, but you couldn’t hear anything with your heart thundering in your ears. The players froze as James let go of the quaffle to race after his sister, your eyes closed as you cursed Hogwarts for not letting students apparate and cursed yourself for not being able to apparate anyways. Sirius, momentarily frozen, heard Remus and Peter’s voices shouting for him to do something, anything. His stomach twisted as he followed James down, hoping that at least one of them would be able to reach you in time.
He was wrong. You hit the ground with a dull thud and a whimper, followed by a crunch that made both James and Sirius wince. How many meters was that? Sirius didn’t want to know. Madame Pomfrey was quick to rush to your side while Madame Hooch motioned the players to come down for a time out.
“Give me space! Out of the way, boys, I need to see her.” Pomfrey fought her way past the panicking Sirius and James, who turned as they heard Remus and Peter’s footsteps approaching with Lily in tow; Regulus coming from the Slytherin stands. Sirius glanced at his younger brother, who pressed his lips together in a forced smile. Sirius was about to open his mouth and say something when Vanity stormed over, face flushed, Marlene and Dorcas following behind.
“Sirius. Fucking. Black.” She emphasized each word with a shove to his chest, standing a couple of inches above Sirius. “What was that? What were you thinking? You nearly killed her! Wait, did you kill her? Is she dead? Holy shit, you’re fucked up, you know that? What the fuck is wrong with you?” She was crouched next to you only moments later, gently brushing your hair out of your face with calloused fingers. Pomfrey swore under her breath, tapping her wand against your chest rhythmically, her fingers pressed against your neck checking for a pulse.
“Good news everyone! She’s not dead.” Pomfrey announced to the small group which had gathered around. “But the bad news is she’s severely fractured multiple ribs, appears to have major head trauma, which would make sense because she fell off her broom for the sake of this stupid, dangerous, purposeless game,” she said, pinching the bridge of her nose, “a broken arm, and a bruised tailbone.” Pomfrey stood up and gestured to allow the students to check in on you as she and McGonagall spoke in harsh whispers.
“Shit. Shit, shit shit. Fuck.” James was the first to jostle through, collapsing to his knees in front of you. McGonagall didn’t even look his way as he spewed profanities. Sirius couldn’t move. It was his fault. He got distracted. James told him to get his shit together, not kill his little sister! And, like the screw-up he was, he did exactly the latter.
Your eyelids fluttered as you saw James’ terrified face above yours. With a weak groan, you opened your hand, the snitch in your scraped palm. “We win,” you chuckled hoarsely, wincing as pain tore through your chest.
“You’re such an idiot. You’re incorrigible, you know that? Can’t ever stay out of trouble,” tears slipped down James’ face, leaving tear marks as they washed away the grime on his cheeks.
“Is she okay?” Lily whispered in James’ ear, who was too caught up in his worries to even think about how close the love of his life was to his face. James could only sniffle. Dorcas rubbed Marlene’s arm while Peter patted Sirius on the back and Remus rubbed his shoulder, sensing his distress. Sirius could only watch as Regulus took your hand, fingers passing over the small scuff next to your eye with Sirius’ eyes fixed on his brother’s movements with a clenched jaw.
“Listen, you’re gonna be okay. I’ll take you up to the infirmary and stay with you until you feel better,” Regulus smiles reassuringly. “C’mon, up you go.” Pomfrey levitated you onto a stretcher and headed for the castle, Regulus by your side. McGonagall shooed Remus and Peter away, insisting they weren’t needed here and instructed the two captains to deal with their respective teams. But Sirius couldn’t move; it was as if he was tethered to the ground in chains of guilt and jealousy watching your figure disappear.
“You good, mate?” James threw his arm around Sirius’ shoulders as Peter and Remus walked away with concerned glances thrown over their shoulders.
“Prongs, I nearly killed your sister! Why the fuck are you asking me if I’m okay?” Sirius hissed as he pushed James away, storming towards the locker rooms.
“Hey, don’t ignore me!” Sirius ignored him. “I said, don’t ignore me!” James slammed his hand against a locker as he blocked Sirius’ path, hoping to force a word out of his friend, but Sirius only looked at the ground.
“It’s not your fault, Pads. She’s the toughest quidditch player I know. More so than you and I, even,” he forced out a laugh. When Sirius continued to refuse to make eye contact, James grabbed him the shoulders and shook him roughly. 
“Hey, I hate to resort to this, but this isn’t bloody about you and your guilt. First of all, it’s not your fault. You did exactly what you were supposed to, and an accident happened, and she’s gonna get Pomfrey treatment, which means she’ll be on bed rest until she’s completely good. That woman’s ego could not handle having a patient leave without full recovery, you know that. She’s in good hands.” Sirius’ red-rimmed eyes flickered between James, looking for any trace of blame. There was none.
“Second, moping around and drowning in your emo feelings will do nobody any good, except maybe Slughorn, who’ll get a real kick out of your silence in Potions. Go shower or something, you smell like Snivellus; meet me in the infirmary when you’re done, okay?” 
Sirius watched James disappear into the distance, just as he watched the water disappear into the drain, and just as he felt any chance of being your friend disappear into thin air. All he ever wanted to do was keep you safe, and make you smile that radiant smile of yours, and if he was lucky, bring out that infectious laugh that turned him stupid every time he heard it. Now, he was lugging equipment up to the infirmary with damp hair and puffy eyes, not ready whatsoever to face you.
“Padfoot, you’re here! She’s still asleep.” James motioned for the sullen boy to join him and Regulus at your bed. Regulus was once again, by your face, threading his fingers through a strand of your windblown hair. There it was, that feeling in his gut. It was probably hunger; he hadn’t eaten a proper breakfast and then he’d played quidditch.
Sirius sat across from Regulus, who looked up from beneath hooded eyes with a silent glare which Sirius read to mean, “don’t you dare come near her. You don’t deserve her. She’s mine.”
“Alright Mr. Potter, you smell awful, and Mr. Black, you’ve been here for too long. The both of you—out!” Pomfrey ushered the two boys out, much to their protests, and turned to Sirius with something that looked like pity in her eyes. “As for you… you get eight minutes.”
Sirius watched as you slept, brows furrowed. He reached to brush away the dirt on your forehead, but his hand froze just as his fingers came close enough to feel the warmth of your skin. He stiffened, wondering if he even had the right to be sitting next to you when he was the reason you were here in the first place.
“Please… please, you have to be okay. You have to. I don’t know what I’d do…” Sirius murmured, finally finding the courage to swipe his fingers across your skin. “You know, James says he doesn’t blame me for this. Is it selfish to wish I wasn’t here right now? You- even when you sleep, you’re so-” he couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud; it felt dirty, like a betrayal to his brother. You’re so beautiful. You’re so reassuring. You’re so strong.
“I haven’t even gotten the chance to tell you how I feel. I don’t know how I feel, actually.” Sirius laughed mirthlessly. “But I feel like I should. I should know how I feel, I mean. I should know how I feel about you because you- you’re always so confident and I can’t be that for you; I can’t even get my shit together.” He sighed, pulling his hand away from where he had been rubbing gentle circles against your temple, wondering if you’d hate him. The worst part was, that he knew you wouldn’t.
Sirius sat by your bed for a while, head between his hands as he replayed the fall— the way your eyes closed as if you had resigned yourself to the inevitable impact, the way he foolishly thought he could save you, and the way he didn’t. He jumped at Madame Pomfrey’s chill hand, freshly sanitized. You don’t belong here, all sterile and bland. You’re nothing like that. You’re the light. You’re my brilliant, Gryffindor red and I’m not even brave enough to tell you how I feel. Or to fucking admit how I feel to myself.
Sirius could hear Pomfrey’s foot tapping in concern as he left the infirmary, picking up his quidditch equipment from the floor and wishing he had never stepped foot in the stadium at all.
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missmielyhoran · 1 year
Little Freak
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in which Autumn likes her twin brother's best friend, and maybe he likes her too...
(BBF!Harry × reader)
A/N- This is my depressive episode writing, so if it's sad, you know why
[Warning- Angsty, dad went to bring milk, daddy issues, unrequited love?, Harry being his usual fuck boy flirt, depression, anxiety, shitty mental health, mention self harm, body dysmorphia, eating disorder]
A color usually associated with happiness, sunshine, and youth is also a color of jealousy, envy, and deceit.
Sometimes, you felt like yellow.
A sunshine, happy next-door girl who everyone loved, had loads of friends but also a girl who feels gloomy, insecure, and cowardly inside.
He wasn't yellow. No, he was green. Color of nature, safe and happiness, but also jealousy, evil, and envy.
Harry Styles was neither bad nor good.
He was a charming, good-looking boy. He knew that everyone knew that. He was a great friend to have, would let you copy off his homework, let you smoke his weed when you're sad, and would even skip classes with you.
But you got to hate yourself if you ever fall in love with him.
You stood in front of your bathroom mirror, which was a rare occasion, but it was a rare occasion considering your mom had invited her boyfriend over to meet you and your brother and somehow your looking good was important.
Asher didn't care. If he could move in next door into Styles Family, he would. Mentally, you think he already had.
You did though.
Your mom was happy in a very long time, and you were happy for her. It was hard when your dad just up and left one night, and it was especially hard on her, but she kept herself together for you and your brother. Now she was living for herself, and you were happy for her.
You put your half of your hair up in a pigtails and then made a bubble braid out of it, your bangs you recently cut by yourself after a mental breakdown turned out kind of nice considering your eye were blurry from tears. You put on a oversize tshirt which you think would be oversized on your brother also from how wide it was and some baggs jeans and called it a day.
You deliberately went downstairs, knowing your mum will be mad for wearing something like this and not something nice.
"Sweet Jesus Autumn. Have I not bought you good clothes?" Your mum asked standing in kitchen with her hands on her hips.
"Asher is literally wearing tanktop right now," you pointed at your brother. Your mother's face twisted in borderline anger and digust and to be honest you were a bit too cause that tanktop looked like cumrag.
"Asher Bree, you have five minutes to go upstairs and get dressed." Your mum warned your brother who just chuckled. She held up her finger, counting one, two, and no one ever knew what happened after three cause he ran upstairs to his room.
You smiled and started helping your mum by setting up the table. Soft tunes from the radio were filling the room, and you and your mom hummed to the music. The main door opened, and your brother's girlfriend walked in, her blonde hair up in bun, dressed in a pretty dress.
Sometimes, you wondered if you could ever look like her. She would always tell you that it was nonsense and that you were way prettier than her, but you knew it was a lie.
"Hey, kid." She smiled at you and gave your mum a hug, passing her the Tupperware she had in her hand, "I will go see him" She said smiling.
"Yes, please dress him in something other than a tanktop and sweatpants." You mum groaned, making both you and Imani laugh.
You were back in the flow with your mum when Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac started playing. Your mum walked towards you, taking your hand in hers, and twirled you around in the kitchen.
For a second the world looked warm, soft, comforting like sunshine after a long cold winter first touches the thin layer of ice on grass then the door opened, you heard the distinct laugh and the world got a bit more warmer.
You turned around and saw Harry laughing with your brother, who was now dressed in a black shirt and loose jeans counterpart to Harry, who was in grey sweats and a band tee.
"Hey Otter," Harry teased, and your face flushed like always. It seemed like a drop of attention from him made you blush like a pre-teen girl.
"Hey Har," you greeted back. He gave you a smirk and got back to talking to your brother. The world around you seemed like sunshine and glitters. All you needed was a hint of his attention.
Maybe that should have been the first red flag, a single person being the sole reason for your happiness.
You got back to helping your mum when you heard the footsteps going upstairs. Harry was getting dragged up by your brother. You felt a bit sad knowing you wouldn't see him for hours now, at least not until Josh comes.
You were about to remove your eyes when he looked back and shot you a smile over his shoulder. A swarm of butterflies erupted your stomach, heart, everywhere, turning your brain to mush.
Imani, from beside you, nudged her shoulder with yours teasing you, obviously catching the little interaction. She was the only one who knew about your little (huge) crush on Harry. It was pathetic honestly, how a small thing like friendly hi and smile made you react like a mad woman.
Josh was sweet, mostly cause he brought you your chocolates. Childish? maybe, but you loved chocolates, but god, he cracked some bad jokes, and your mum still laughed loudest like it was the funniest thing ever.
"His jokes are worse than mine." You heard him whisper near your ear, his breath causing goosebumps to erupt on your neck, traveling down to your whole body.
"Are they?" You teased keeping your eyes in front, but you could feel his on you for a second, like a flewting moment it was there, then it wasn't.
"My jokes are far better, Otter," He said back with pride. You laughed behind your hand. Everyone else on the table didn't notice your little interaction cause they emerged in their own, and you were thankful for that.
"Like the hola hoop one." You let out a breathy chuckle and looked at him beside you. He smiled and shook his head.
"You're mean Otter and Otters are not supposed to be mean they're cute." He flicked your nose and got back into the conversation with your others. Meanwhile, you sat there eyes wide staring at him. Your body was feeling like you were on cloud, flying on them over them under them.
Did he just flirted with you?
There have been multiple times he had talked to you but calling you cute? the tension? that had to be flirting. With giddy insides, you ate your dinner for the first time. You want to run around and squeal in happiness, but you contain yourself.
"So I wanted to ask you both something," your mum says suddenly, clearing her throat.
Both you and your brother looked up at her, waiting for her to continue. She looked beside her at Josh and then raised her eyebrows.
"You're not pregnant are you?" Your brother speaks first and you almost choke on your pasta. You start coughing and feel a large hand rubbing your back up and down. Your face grows red as you look up at Harry and give him a smile.
"What? No!" Your mum looks at your brother like he had two heads while he just shrugs and sits back.
"I was going to ask if you would like Josh moving in with us," She asks, shaking her head at Asher's bluntness.
"I don't mind," you speak first. Josh was a nice guy, even though this was first time you guys have officially sat down and met you have seen him around, exchanged casual hellos and what not and apart from his knees man didn't have one bad bone in his body.
"Me too. I like Josh he makes nice smoothies, " your brother said with his mouth full of food. You and your mum both roll their eyes while Josh laughs and promises to make him smoothies every day.
Dinner went by nicely, and soon enough, Josh was on his way home. You cleaned all the plates and put them in the dishwasher while Asher cleaned the table and kitchen. Harry had gone back to your brother's room upstairs. You could hear the faint laughter of him and Imani and the sound of a video game going on.
Your brother walked in the kitchen after cleaning the table and sat up on the kitchen counter. He sighed loudly, trying to get your attention, which worked as you looked at him over your shoulder with raised eyebrows.
"Do you like Josh?" He whispers so mum couldn't hear. You closed the door of dishwasher and turned to him and leaned back on the counter.
"He's not bad." You shrugged, "I thought you liked him with all that smoothies, and what not. " You crooked an eyebrow at him teasing him.
"He does make good smoothie!" He said with nodding his head like he could taste it. You laughed and shook your head at his absurdity making him laigh also, "I just don't want what happened with Dad to happen again" He sighed and you did too.
It wasn't like you two were very young when it happened to have a hazy memory. No, you were 10, almost 11. The memory of your mum calling police department and every family member scared of not knowing where your dad left at night was still in front of both of our minds. It went on like that for two months. You and Asher saw your mum go down the rails and drink her mind off. She would never let you know that something was wrong. It was still Saturday pancakes and sunday pizza. It was still friday movie nights, but you could see the smile not reaching her eyes anymore.
She found your dad's new facebook account by accident one day and saw him living his life happily with his new girlfriend in Houston. it was hard, but it was also easy cause all of you were together. That doesn't mean you want to see your mum like that again.
"I don't think so. Surprisingly enough, I trust Josh." You gave your brother a smile while he scrunched up his face. It was no brainer that your dad leaving hurt him the most. They were best friends, doing everything together, going fishing, shopping, anything. You sometimes felt jealous of him getting your dad's affection more, but you had your mum. So, when dad left, it scarred him badly. Not only did he now have trouble trusting people, but he also became overprotective of both you and your mum but especially you.
You would say he was a typical overprotective brother, but it was more than that. It was primal instinct of not wanting to see you get hurt the same way you mum did.
"C'mon cut poor guy some slacks," you said, patting his back while he just rolled his eyes and flipped you off, which you answered back same.
You went up to your room and changed out of clothes. You put on your ratty old t-shirt you didn't know was your or Asher's and some basketball shorts, which were Asher's.
You put your hair in a braid and laid back in bed comfortably. You had a good day in a very long time. Yeah, it was gloomy a bit, but which day wasn't? As long as it was better than others and you didn't go down in the dark path of your mind, it was okay.
You had just gotten settled with your book when you heard Asher yell your name from his room. At first, you decided to ignore it. It was probably some dumb thing like calling you to switch off his lights or fetch him some water cause his bed was warm and he didn't want to leave the comfort. Then he yelled again and again, and you gave up.
You stomped towards his room groaning cause now you had to leave your warm bed for that little shit who could do his own work.
"What is it ya little shit?" You asked in an annoyed tone. He only rolled his eyes, "Call me that again turd face, and you will be grounded for a week," He said, and you huffed, knowing it was true.
"Anyways c'mere and sit on Harry's back" He said like it was a no big deal. You jaw hunged like a comic character looking between Harry who was laying on gound on his back beside your brother.
"Pardon me?" You said in disbelieve and huffed out a breathy chuckle.
"Pardon me," Asher mocked, "Get your little Shakespeare ass on his back. I want to see who can do more push-ups," He said, looking at Harry competitively, who just smirked up at him.
Both Asher and Harry were good looking everyone knew that even they. As much as it pained you, your brother did get the beauty which was annoying cause you two were twins. Harry and Asher both were of same height, built body with muscles and in same basketball team which your brother was captain of.
In school, you and your brother both were popular. The difference was that you were popular for your smartness and good grades, and Asher for his looks and being the captain, but Harry was both. He was a good player, good-looking and good in studies.
You blushed and walked in more inside the room, closing the door behind you. Harry finally looked at you for a second like he always does. It's always a fleeting look, making you wonder if he actually wanted to look or if you were just in his line of vision.
You sat down beside him, considering Asher was sitting near his bed with Imani on his lap, and Harry was lying down near him towards the door. Your hand fiddled with the end of your basketball shorts while Harry and Asher bicker about who would win.
Harry finally rolled onto his stomach and supported himself up on his elbows. He looked at you sideways, "Hop on Otter. Gotta show your brother we're best." He smirked, and your brother rolled his eyes booing from his place
We. He said we. We were perfect. You screamed internally. Whoever's face you saw when you first woke up that day and let you have this beautiful day you would probably see it every day.
You gently sat yourself on his back, which was sturdy as fuck. You put your hand down to cross your legs up when you felt his back muscles, contracting and twitching from your movement. You gripped his shoulder for balance, which again felt so sturdy and muscular.
You knew he was built. You have seen him in revealing tanktops and sometimes even shirtless when it's pool day, and it always leaves you hot and bothered, and it was never because of summer heat.
You were so busy in your daydreaming of his shirtless body that you missed the countdown, and he abruptly went down, which made you shriek and giggle. Under you, you felt Harry's shoulder and back rumble a bit. He was also laughing with you.
Imani was the same on your brother's back. She had more experience, which you really didn't want to think about. There have been many things you have walked in on you wished with all your breath you could wipe away.
You kept a strong grip on Harry's shoulder cause one, you were scared you were going to fall, and second, you didn't know if you would ever get the opportunity to hold him and feel his muscles like this again.
They probably did thirty push ups when your brother lost his balance and fell down, and in return, Harry also stopped without telling you which had you stumbling down beside him on the floor.
You shrieked again and rolled onto your side holding your stomach laughing. Your brother was also laughing with Imani sitting with him as back support.
Harry was sweaty all of you were. His hair sticked to his forehead, and some fanned on the floor like halo. His face had a flush from the workout and a dimpled smile on his face. He gave you a sideways glance and shook his head chuckling.
You were also sweaty, hot, and flushed, but for some completely other reasons, along with the summer heat.
"I won," Asher declared to which Imani swatted his chest. "What? I did an extra push-up than him. " He defended his case.
"Yeah, well, I had extra weight asshole give me my money," Harry said out of blue. You didn't know if he noticed or not. Your brother certainly didn't. You sat up straight and tugged down your already long t-shirt as if it would cover you up.
They were arguing now. It was playful, you could tell. A smile was evident on all three of their faces, but yours was wiped clean like a slate. You stood up and went to your room without being noticed by anyone.
Extra weight.
Those two words rang in your ears as you shut the door behind you. Were you really that heavy? Of course you were, and of course, he noticed it.
You tried so hard to make yourself look pretty, skinny, like other girls, but you could never be. Your thighs were chubby. Your lower tummy won't go in no matter how much you don't eat or work out.
You hated your body, yourself, and you had marks to prove it. There was not a sight of mirror in your room, except the one in the bathroom, which stays covered 90% of the time cause last time you saw yourself, you had a full-blown mental breakdown.
You dared to pull your t-shirt up a bit, curious yo see how your body looked. Shockingly enough, you had forgotten what it looked like, but before you could look down, your bedroom door pushed open. You hurriedly pulled your t-shirt down, scared that it was your mom or Asher and you had to explain now, but it wasn't.
It was Harry.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I should have knocked," he spoke, his hand covering his eyes. You were still in flight and fright mode, thinking he saw your marks, but then you realized he thought you were changing clothes and you sighed in relief.
"It's okay," you said, and he peeked through between his fingers and then removed his hand.
"I- um" He itched the back of his head, "After you left I kind of realized what I said" He cleared his throat, "It was dick of me to make joke like that- um- sorry?" He scrunched his nose.
The last bit came off as a question, but you didn't care. There he was, your brother's cute best friend you always had crush on apologizing. Was it bare minimum? lower than that, your bar was in Satan's ass. But you have never gotten it. No, boys always made fun of you or even girls subtly hinting at you eating a bit much or you gaining weight, and none of them ever apologized once.
You didn't know if it was cause he was standing few inches away from you and you could see his eyes shining from the moonlight or if it was the whole day of giggly flirting or the feelings you had for him whatever it was it made you make that stupid decision.
Before you could think and second guess the act, you stood on your tippy toes and pressed your lips on his.
It was like electricity, like they write in poems and books. Your hand was on his shoulder his holding your elbows. It was quick, and at first, he reciprocated the kiss. For a quick second, his lips were moving with yours, but then it stopped.
It was no more than thirty to forty seconds going by you realized what you have done and that Harry was literally rigid in front of you. Before you could pull back, Harry pushed you with his hands gripping your shoulder.
His eyes were wide, and so you were yours. Horror, pain, sadness, and panic all ran through your body at the same time. He didn't like you like that. All the flirting all the signs were just you in your brain, taking his friendliness for something else, and now you have ruined a good friendship.
You opened your mouth to apologize to say anything, but before that could happen, Harry stormed out of your room, shutting door loudly behind him.
If you suffer from any trauma, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, anxiety, etc, please seek help or talk to your friends/loved ones about it. There are many people who are willing to listen to you, and that includes me also. I'm here whole day much willing to hear you.
I love you, stay hydrated, love yourself and others♡
You can talk to me here♡ REQUEST ARE CLOSED
Taglist- @tiaamberxx @harryspirate
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Azulaang - best friend's sister
Azula: “So, how did Zuzu take the news of us secretly ‘doing the deed’ and him accidently catching us in a make-out session along with the rest of your misfits?”
Aang: “He’s...taking it all in.”
Azula: “That feels like that’s putting it mildly.”
Aang: “Your right, he’s made an attempt of his old habits of trying to angrily hunt me down again.”
Azula: “Hmph. And angrily failing.”
Aang: “He’s also been quite around me.”
Azula: “The silent treatment, that’s mature.”
Aang: “I don’t exactly blame him. He’s my best friend and your brother. He loves you. I was just supposed to help heal you and make another friend, until...one thing led to another...”
Azula: (with a devil grin) “How does it feel you’ve been attracted to and later ‘desecrated’ your best friend's sister?”
Aang: “Of course you’d get all mischief about it.”
Azula: “Mmmmm-hmmmm. I also believe Zuzu’s trying to get over the big shocking revelation that a monk is actually knowledgeable in such regards.”
Aang: “Well, half my past lives are women, I guess some of those instincts slipped in.”
Azula: “Another possibility is that he’s grumpy that I won.”
Aang: “Won what?”
Azula: “At capturing the avatar before he did, and I did so in the most unorthodox way imaginable.”
Aang: “Right. Of course.”
Azula: “Don’t worry, he may hold a grudge for now but he’s learning to let go and is always accepting on what makes me happy.”
Day 4
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unwrittentales · 26 days
"I was in love with your sister, you know?" he said, not looking at me. Jack was staring at a point in the wall.
"What?" I asked. Never in my life I suspected this. It had been eight years since my sister died in an accident. I scoured my brain for memories that indicated that my best had feelings for my sister at the time.
"Yeah... I never really gather the courage to tell you, though. I told Mary one night when I was drunk and sad.
"What? M-Mary? When?"
"Ah, you were still together at the time... It was a year or two after the accident, we were drinking and opening up to each other." He sighed. "I miss Mary."
"But... What..." I was still trying to make sense of his confession.
"James." He took a deep breath and changed his position on the couch. I took a sip of my beer. "I had a big crush on your sister since she came to University. We were already there when she came for her freshman year, and I instantly developed a crush on her." He laughed a little. "Honestly, I think I only became as close to Mary because I knew they would be best friends. But I never really knew how to tell you this, specially after your reaction finding out I was her first kiss..."
"Jack, your age difference was inappropriate when you decided to kiss my 14-year-old sister when you were 18!" He looked at me.
"Exactly why I didn't tell you at the time..."
"She was already an adult at the time, it would've been fine" I lied. I just knew that I would've overreacted to my best friend admitting he liked my younger sister.
"Yeah, but still..." He looked away again. "I guess my feelings for her just... Grew. A lot. And before I knew it, I was full on in love with her and she was dating dickhead Charles."
"Fuck, I hated Charles," I said, remembering that time. "Still cannot believe that she had the guts to date him."
"Yeah. And he cheated on her." He sighed. "Honestly, I was so happy that you kicked that guy's ass... I would have done it myself, but it would have been awkward... But yeah, I was so in love with her. And so afraid to tell you."
"I'm sorry for this."
"Nah, don't be, you had your fair share of girl secrets at the time." He looked at me again, but I looked away this time. Seven, eight years ago I was in a sort of a secret relationship with Mary, we were hiding it from our best friends, and literally no one suspected. I never really wanted to tell Jack any of this, so I understand why he didn't tell me about his own feelings. "Honestly, that night, when I and her saw you and Mary kissing, the first thing that crossed my mind was great, now I can ask her out and he won't be able to say anything against it."
But he never did. Because she and Mary left in a car that night and a drunk driver hit their car. My sister died instantly, and Mary was in the hospital for weeks.
"I would have loved her right, you know? It killed me that her only experience with love was with a dickhead of a guy who cheated on her. For a very long time, I just knew that in another life I would've married her, and life would've been beautiful..." He kept staring at the wall for a while, in silence. At that moment, my sister's death became a little more tragic.
"I'm sorry, mate." I didn't know what to say.
"It's ok, you know? I think I met someone good this time..." He looked at me, his eyes were a bit... hopeful?
"So this is why you've been on a quest to fall in love?"
"I don't wanna live in love with a ghost, James. I loved her and it took me almost two years to admit it. When I felt like I could do it, go after her, she died. That broke me, I felt like there was no one else in the world for me... But you know? I deserve someone, and I really want to have someone. And not... Loose them, you know?" His voice was cautious on that last part. I loved someone and let her go. I still was in love with someone and never went after her... This wasn't about me though.
"I hope you're happy, my friend. And thank you for telling me." I said, giving him a weird side-hug.
"You too, James. I'm sorry I never said it before..."
-excerpt of a story i'll never write (via @unwrittentales)
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wahlpaper · 1 month
Love at First Set
CW: Heavy Drinking, Alcoholism, Addiction, Gaslighting and Gaslighting Attempts, Manipulative Parents, Child Abuse, Mentioned Physical Abuse, Mentioned Toxic Relationship and Love Bombing, Money Problems, Classism, Queerphobia, Cheating, Breach of Trust, Sexual Content, Swearing
I don't think I read the description for Jennifer Dugan's Love at First Set until it was my turn with it on Libby. I saw the author and the cover and decided to check it out. What was written for the blurb wasn't wrong, exactly, but the tone was misleading, making it seem toxic. I wouldn't describe the romance as toxic, even if the characters and scenes get messy. I'm glad I read the book in spite of my worries. It was entertaining, handled some heavy topics with grace, and made me care a lot for the three main characters. 
Lizzie has been dreaming of running her own gym since she was a little girl. In the meantime, she's been working as a front desk manager at the gym her best friend's, James, parents own. When James' sister, Cara, is getting married, he convinces Lizzie to come along. He sees it as a chance for her to schmooze and get a promotion. Unfortunately, Lizzie ends up drunkenly pepping up a hot girl in the bathroom, telling her to leave her unhappy relationship. She didn't know this was Cara. Familial chaos ensues. Over the next few months, Lizzie and Cara get to know each other. They may even be catching feelings. 
Love at First Set was a surprisingly easy book to get through. Both Cara and Lizzie have awful parents, which is an important part of the story. They also had a really hard time opening up to each other, not just assuming the worst about one another, but themselves too. There were also a number of described sex scenes, which are almost never my thing. However, I was captivated the whole way through. Lizzie is incredibly self-aware and has an active inner voice. Anything that could have been taken too far was balanced out by Lizzie's reactions. There were times I would get fed up with any of the main trio, but I could trust that they'd work it out in a healthy way.
As with any Dugan novel, Love at First Set has plenty of queer rep in it. James is gay and Lizzie and Cara are bi. There are a few queer supporting characters and even more background ones. I can tell the characters aren't genre-aware, or else the classic Sapphic movie, Imagine Me & You, would absolutely have been brought up. However, the characters, especially Cara, are cliche-aware. At one point she mentions Uhal Lesbians. The main trio is also aware that it's weird that their abusive parents aren't queerphobic. Overall, this book could easily be just another queer book, and it may not be a contender for my favorite book this year, but it found ways to stand out.
If you're into books about queer sports, I recommend broadening your horizons out of the competitive ones. A majority of this book takes place in a gym, something I've never seen in a queer sports story. If you're into the best-friend's-sibling trope, Love at First Set by Jennifer Dugan is absolutely for you. If you're done lifting weights, lift this book. Don't worry, Lizzie will spot you!
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maxgicalgirl · 2 months
Being a “Fun Fact !” kind of autistic is all fun and games until you get halfway through sharing an interesting tidbit and realize that it probably wasn’t appropriate to share in polite company and now you have to deal with the consequences :(
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The FNAF movie duo gotta get use to purple Michael
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krisx10-reads · 7 months
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I wasn't expecting to like this as much as I did.
It's hilarious, sweet, and spicy. Also has some mystery and suspense to it.
I might have to track down the rest of the series, I'm not sure.
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reading-giraffe · 9 months
Those Three Little Words: Review
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Amazon (If you shop using this link, I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.)
Eli "Horny" Hornsby is just that: a slut. He's a hot hockey player and he knows it, and decides to give in to temptation on his fateful birthday night with his best friend's little sister, Penny Lawes. Recognize the name? Yep, Pacey Lawes' little sister. Penny works for the Vancouver Agitators hockey team as a social media manager. The kicker? She gets pregnant. This story is Penny and Eli's relationship as it builds through her pregnancy. There are a lot of ups and downs, some of which are emotionally exhausting. How they navigate pregnancy and their own relationship is ultimately pretty heartwarming, all things considered. This is a feel-good read.
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I don't really know quite where to place her. The book starts off with her making a stupid mistake, but the rest of the book is her claiming she's not stupid while continuing to make stupid mistakes. But at least then she can blame it on pregnancy brain. Penny is an odd cookie, to say the least. She's got...unique ways of coping with issues. It makes sense when her older brother, Pacey, gets super protective of her. At least she's a woman of conviction. When she wants something, she gets it. Not everyone is emotionally intelligent enough to identify their emotions, coping skills, and talk about it with the people involved. It just so happens that Penny is not emotionally intelligent LOL
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Even though Eli is a whore, he does a really good job of reining it in when Penny gets pregnant. He also commits to taking care of her LITERALLY in a snap. I'll give it to him, he handles Penny's oddities and pregnancy hormones with grace and patience. All of this while Pacey is breathing down his neck and he's navigating his own childhood trauma and the feelings Penny dredges up. Eli is a great example of "just because they're a slut doesn't mean they're a bad person". Okok that and HE'S A SEX GOD. There's something about a hot man who is still obsessed with his baby mama while she's pregnant that screeeams "infatuation" to me.
200/10 would recommend
So far in the Vancouver Agitators seres by Quinn, I think this one is the most emotionally intriguing book. Eli and Penny face so many challenges with their family and frends while also dealing with each other. And themselves, honestly. Penny is trying to figure out pregnancy, and Eli is trying to figure out how to accept love having grown up without any love. Full disclosure, they spend a lot of the book denying their sexual attraction to each other which doesn't make any sense to me. But once they give in -- PREGNANCY SEX
🔥🔥Audiobook features one of my faves, Teddy Hamilton! Audiobook, paperback available on Amazon.
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valeovalairs · 1 month
My sister, who does not have a tumblr account and instead leeches off of mine, drew something on my iPad and wanted to share with the other good omens fans
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She said if this hits a certain amount of notes they’ll make a tumblr account
Edit: it hit the certain amount, she’s @cultconstel
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
sirius black masterlist
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📌 jen's favs 🧃 requested 🔒angst 🌷fluff 🗯 humor
sirius black
(2.9k) sirius is distracted and makes a poor quidditch play that leaves you seriously hurt. (within the au of the i don't do love series) 🔒🗯
(1.6k) after taking etiquette classes, sirius confesses his feelings for you in shakespearean. 📌🌷🗯
apparition accident
(3.5k) sirius apparates into your bed instead of his. 🌷🗯
i don't do love (on hiatus)
sirius black has had enough experience without love to know that he wants nothing to do with it. it's a good thing he only sees you platonically, then. 🌷🔒🗯
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Dark Royalty Introduction + Aesthetic of the 4 Main Ships
Alberick:  Prince Albert x Lord Frederick Chamelia: Lady Charlotte x Princess Amelia Clewis: Princess Clarisse x Lewis KidKrook: Darwin (Kiddo) x Arvin (Krook)
TROPES: Friends To Lovers: Clewis, KidKrook. Forbidden Love: Alberick, Chamelia, Clewis Enemies To Lovers: Chamelia. Love At First Sight: Alberick Grumpy x Sunshine: KidKrook Mutual Pining: Clewis One-Sided Pining: Arvin You Belong With Me: KidKrook, Alberick Engagement of Convenience: Chalbert(charlotte x albert), Jamelia (jason x amelia) Best Friend’s Sibling: Clewis First Love: Clewis, Alberick, Chamelia Forced Proximity: Chamelia Riches To Rags: Alberick Royalty: Alberick, Chamelia, Clewis Platonic Life Partners: Jamelia (jason x amelia)
Other Questions?
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mushramoo · 3 months
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recent baby drawing on wood <3 she is so girlkill I need her to wear me as a suit
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liexpressway · 3 days
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But once he is gone who will I have?
tiktok / icarly / unknown / @/mothman / An Oresteia: Agamemnon, Aiskhylos / Bumble Ardy, Maurice Sendak / icarly / A Little Life, Hanya Yaragihara / The Fall Of The House Of Usher, Steven Berkoff / A living Chattel, Anton Chekhov
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semdere · 16 days
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The Bad Kids Girls!
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filmnoirsbian · 2 years
Too many people talking abt Will Sad Gayboy Byers being heartbroken by his unrequited crush on his best friend and not enough of you talking abt how his big brother clocked it immediately and then gave him an impassioned speech abt how he loves him unconditionally and nothing will ever (meaningful eyecontact) ever change that and Will smiling and softly weeping as they hug bc he knows that no matter what he'll always have his brother.
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