#best in the trolls franchise!!(sorry lol)
lyshasgf · 7 months
You have been warned!!
Also Clay and Branch friendship!! They're so cute i love them!! They both join bookclubs together/made their own bookclub REAL
The way everybody litterally ignored JD the whole time is so funny lmao
They collectively agreed to hate JD lol
But why didn't the brothers apologize to Branch properly like??
And Clay wasn't as silly as i thought he'd be in the movie but i loved him nonetheless
I thought my fav out of the bros would be Floyd but now i think it's Clay lol
I love him sm
Clay is so me
I wanna join the sad book club :(
Anyway it was sad that most of the trolls 2 characters weren't in the movie but ig it made sense since it's revolving around Branch
Anyway Fanfic of Brozone being jealous of Branch's band when??/j(or maybe not idk)
I love how surprised they were when they found about Branch was in another band lol
Anyway i absolutely hate the fact Branch's wardrobe is litterally just a vest and shorts😭🙏
I WILL draw him in more skirts
I have an au/hc that he wears skirts alot!!
He models Satin and Chenilles clothes REAL
I would give ANYTHING to watch the movie for the first time again
My theatre was litterally so empty tho like?
There was me and my fam, 2 other families and 1 person dude💀
With the Brozone hanging out the whole christmas pls
They try to make it the best christmas ever for each other!!
Maybe with them singing 'All I want for Christmas'? 👉👈🥺🥺🥺
Remember to eat, drink and that people love you!!
Til next post<3
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vixendoesstuff · 4 months
Idea for your techno!troll branch au
I love your au, the angst potential is amazing! Does he meet his bio parents? How will his (adopted) brothers react to a new tribe of trolls that are like him? The ANGST!
Back to the idea!
So I figured that branch figured out that he could breathe underwater, and since there are more predators on land, he could make an underwater cave system!
Best part? The entrance could be a waterslide!
Your thoughts?
Woooaahh first ask in the blog let's go!!!!!
Lol anyway, thank you! I'm glad someone enjoyed this AU that popped in my mind as soon as I watched the second movie. I see the Techno Trolls with their whole mermaid and EDM aesthetic and angsty boi Branch and thought, "hell yeah".
So to answer your questions. For his bio parents, honestly I don't really have any ideas for them at the moment. I'm currently focused more on building up the AU's lore and establishing his relationship with other characters and what changed because of his whole "not a Pop Troll" thing. I had an idea to make him related to one of the named Techno Trolls in the franchise (Trollex or Synth) but that's still up to debate.
As for how BroZone reacts to seeing other Trolls that looks exactly like their baby brother (who had gone Grey when they left, how could they let that happen-) they were obviously ecstatic! When he was still a baby, Branch would always ask why he looks so different from the others, why does he have fins instead of legs, ect., and the others would struggle to answer him. But now they see he has found his own Trolls to mingle with, and they couldn't be happier (they should've found this out sooner rather than him finding out himself, without them there-).
And for your idea, wow I did not think of that actually! I can see him building an underwater cave system if only for his own benefit. On top of his many emergency rooms and exits, he'll make one of those underwater for himself. And for the waterslide, I can see that happening. He achieved his and Floyd's project bunker by building a waterslide! That's how they'll shower! XD
Although I think he'll still use the elevator since I made Branch in this AU prefer being on land more than being in the water. Since he's lived with land dwelling Trolls all his life, he sees no point at letting himself get wet every single time. The only time he'll indulge himself is when he needs his daily swim or something. He survived with little water before, why would he need it now, probably. Although with the inclusion of Trollstopia, I think he'll start using the waterslide more often, even if it gets his leaf vest wet everytime.
Wow okay, word vomit, sorry about that lol. I'm just so excited to talk about this AU with someone. Thank you for the ask, anon!
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marciabrady · 11 months
Hi, I really love your crits ❤ but I'm wondering why you dislike Frozen so much? I'm a huuuge fan of Aurora and Mulan myself, and I hate more and more every 3D/live action film and terribly miss 2D animation, but I must say I really loved Frozen (only the first one!!), I saw it together with my sister, who's also my bff, so maybe that's why it appealed to us, there were also some traits we felt like we had in common with these characters... and maybe it's also the thing we didn't see the film with English dub, which didn't the best (totally agreed with your take on K Bell! I'm not a fan of her personally). And I know this movie has a lot of flaws, but at the same time it was really easy for me to ignore them - until F2 I guess, it brought up all of my problems with this franchise lol Anyway, I just wanted to ask - bc I think it can be the problem with all of the new (3D) princesses - aren't they a bit bland? I was thinking about it the other day, what's characteristic for Anna and Elsa and... well, he's extrovert, and the other introvert I guess? And Anna is romantic? But there's no hobby, no distinct personal trait, nothing. On the other hand Rapunzel was briefly shown to can/like literally ALL! You make candles? Play guitar? Sew? Sing? No problem, she's just like you, you can identify with her. And the bland princesses? You can easily project yourself onto them if you will, it's not same they like to, it's say, paint - but it's not said they hate/can't do it either, right? Sorry for my rambling, it's quite late, and I've just finished my weekend Disney Princess movie marathon. Anyway, love your blog and take care xxx
So I wouldn't necessarily say I hate Frozen, I just strongly dislike certain tonal elements to it but I generally don't really think about it because it didn't resonate to me. Frozen to me doesn't really feel like a film but rather a commentary on other films? With all of the "you can't marry a man you just met" lines and how all of the plots that occur were clearly planted in order to combat criticisms of the Disney Princess line: ie them not being active, or physical, or being too naïve, or lovesick which is why I think Anna is treated as a joke pretty much. So I feel like I'm watching a commentary track where this film is retroactively beating up the previous films on which it was based on and whose success made that endeavor possible? And honestly...I think that's what a lot of people like about it. At the time it came out, I never really heard anyone talk about the value of the characters- rather the emphasis was on "Elsa's the first Princess who didn't need a man! She's independent! Unlike the other princesses, she's a BADASS" or them applauding how Hans killed the Prince Charming trope (which I think is largely reductive, and not even inventive as Gaston had accomplished that previously, but I digress). In general, most of the elements people find revolutionary about this film are anything but- this film essentially just takes elements from other films and infuses it with a lot of meta-textual criticism and added in some sparkly magic to divert toddlers. I even read a book about women in animation and the author said that a woman contributed the idea of Anna being gassy (which I hate btw, it's not charming it's uncouth and I don't think men or women should openly act like that lol) and how it was game changing for how women were depicted when Princess Fiona already did that over a decade earlier?
Apart from the elements I mentioned above, as I touched on in my previous response, Kristen Bell's voice gives nothing to me. I don't like how Anna is treated as a joke, I think it's visually very boring, I don't like the 3d design, and I have no object permanence for the plot because it feels like there's just a lot happening to keep people from being bored without any weight behind it. I'm also not a fan of the universe, with the trolls and just none of it makes sense? Like they go through hoops to try to hit us over the head with how strong Elsa and Anna are as female leads and how men are useless but then Elsa runs away from her own kingdom and Anna leaves it to the attention of Hans while she goes off in search of Elsa??? I don't know, it just all isn't for me lol I know a lot of people like it and they're certainly entitled to, I just think it isn't to my taste.
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its-the-cat-queen · 3 months
*flutters down on iridescent wings*
It is me! The Infodump Fairy! I have come to cast a spell upon you that will cause you to ramble for way too long about Trolls! Please, o’ talented one, tell me why this series has captivated you so!
(Ok but seriously I’ve seen your stuff for it (which fucking SLAPS btw) and this is a series I’ve never really been very interested in, so I’m very curious about what draws you to it! Only if you want to share, of course! As you can see, I am not a real fairy and my spells are fake lol)
Oh dear Infodump Fairy! Your spell is taking its effects!
Asfdhgd seriously though, believe me, I have no problem rambling about Trolls all day jvjfjhf. This is not gonna be very coherent, so sorry in advance. 😅 (Also, thank you, I'm so glad you like my work! <3)
Okay so. I've actually been here since the trailer for the first movie came out (I wasn't very active in the fandom back then, though). I was already invested from that moment on, specifically in the two main characters, Poppy and Branch, and their dynamic, who I took one look at and said, "yeah, I ship that" hfjhf. I think what mostly got to me was the characters, the designs, the fact that it's such a fun and colorful world, and of course, the music. The songs are so good! Like, all of them. Yes, they are mostly just covers of already popular songs with some word changes here and there, but my GOD, are they good covers! But anyway, love me a musical with fun characters! Personally, I think all of the characters have deeper issues about them than what you can see on the surface and what you would expect from a children's movie franchise. Like, Branch has so much trauma it really just feels like in every movie they are just trying to give him more and more problems hdkhdjd. Which of course, makes him a pretty compelling character altogether. Do other characters have as deep issues as him? Some of them. But like, they don't really have that much screentime, sadly. While Poppy and Branch are equally important characters in the first movie (and well, in all of the movies, imo), the second movie is what I would dub as "Poppy's Character Development - The Movie" jgkjfjfj. While the first movie operates with the whole "happiness is inside of all of us, we just need someone to help us find it" kinda message (which doesn't fully stick the landing but oh well), the second goes for stuff like differences, equality (of sorts), and tbh some kind of colonialism metaphor?? It also widens the world of trolls as we've known it, as we learn of other tribes of trolls, who are all connected through different kinds of music. So the whole worldbuilding here just makes things even more interesting.
Now the third movie. In the words of youtuber Mann of 1000 Thoughts, it "gives no fucks in all the right ways". Tbh the Trolls timeline has already been questionable, as is, with the Netflix tv shows that came out after the first and second movies, but this just throws another ranch in the system, and says fuck you to the timeline altogether jckbfh. Like, I managed to make it work once I dedicated a good half hour figuring out how Branch's secret long lost brothers who he was in a band with when he was a baby fit into the picture, but it's not perfect even then. There would definitely still be plotholes gkfhfgf. But at this point you just gotta turn your suspension of disbelief on and just go along with it, cuz it is SUCH a fun experience besides all that. (This goes for all the movies btw. Turn your brain off, you're gonna have a great time jfkhf.) Ngl this is the movie that really got me to jump right back into the fandom with full force, and now I'm back to thinking about all of the previous movies as well and appreciating all of the characters. Tbh when I watched the trailer for the third movie, I thought that the whole long lost brothers storyline was the worst idea they have ever come up with, and then I watched the movie and I was like, "fuck this is the best thing ever" gjfgdhd. Idk, we learn enough about Branch's brothers for them to be compelling characters of their own, while we also have a 20 year old gap in which we can pretty much imagine anything into, cuz we don't actually know all the details about how they got to where they are today after the band broke up. Idk, it's like a sandbox you can play in. And that is so much fun. Also, yeah. The music in the third movie also SLAPS! I listened to the soundtrack on loop for a week after watching it jfkhfh.
The humor is also great in all of the movies, in my opinion. I think my humor operates on Trolls standards at this point, which everyone can decide for themselves if it is good or not hkfjfj. I'm having fun so that's all that matters to me.
But yeah, it's just. Idk. It's difficult to pinpoint something very specific that lured me in. Although, I did mention quite some stuff altogether jfkjjf. It's all about the experience for me. The movies are just filled with so much energy, which I love, and they are, in my opinion, the perfect combination of that energy and emotional impact. Are they perfect movies? Absolutely not. But I'm enjoying myself immensely while watching them, and that's l that matters. Soooo yeah. That's about it for now, I've already been talking too long hkfhfjf
Hope some of this made sense, at least jkfjfj. Thank you for the ask <3 You sadly had no idea about the beast you would unleash fjdgdhd.
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kirishwima · 4 years
For scenarios... could I request rfa accidentally meeting MC before the party? no drama like "there's a bomb so I gotta run to your place" they just accidentally meet somewhere and MC recognises them from the pictures in the chatrooms and goes to greet them. Rika's apartment can't be far away from where the others live so it should be impossible. (if you can find a way to squeeze in V that's okay but you don't have to)
i really liked this idea! hope i executed it well ^^
MC and he were actually studying at the same university, but different subjects!
They had a common elective course of modern history though, one that Yoosung’s friends convinced him to take with them since they could share notes, and MC simply had an interest in it, and well, needed the extra credits
Neither of them really noticed each other at first-it’s a big classroom and it’s in the afternoons, so oftentimes Yoosung just skipped lmao
Once though Yoosung’s friends couldn’t make it to the class so he offered to go and take notes for the day, and rushed into the class a little late, so he took the first seat available-right next to MC
He struggled to both write and listen to the professor at the same time, and eventually he got a little behind with his notes. MC noticed his cute frustrated face and shared their notes with him, tapping him on the shoulder as they quietly pushed their papers to him
Yoosung’s happy face was stuck in MC’s mind-he wore his feelings on his sleeve and it was so refreshing to see someone this innocent at this day and age.
They became fast friends afterwards-exchanging facebook accounts and talking via messenger often, sometimes about the class, sometimes about anything and everything else
They even had study sessions to help each other study!
Near the end of the semester, and right when this extra class ended, is when MC stumbled upon the RFA messenger-and one look at Yoosung’s name along with his shooting star emoji got them excited to realise there’s a familiar face amongst this strangeness
The rest of the members found their friendship cute, and Zen constantly tried to play match-maker for the two, telling Yoosung that ‘he should’ve told the RFA he has such a cute girlfriend’ lmao
(*cue Yoosung flushing redder than Seven’s hair*)
No, contrary to what you might think, MC wasn’t his fan-they did however hear about Zen through friends interested in musicals, and agreed he was handsome
No, instead, they met him whilst helping out a friend who was working backstage at one of Zen’s shows-they needed help finishing up painting of some background sets, and MC offered to help them in their free time, and as a return their friend offered MC tickets to the show
Zen met MC whilst rehearsing-he knew MC’s friend and went over to say hi, and met MC, who he of course instantly tried to flirt with, even though he was half-kidding about it
Well, flirtatious nature aside, the two really hit it off, and became good friends-not that they were super close or anything, but Zen would stop and chat with MC after rehearsals, and he invited MC out along with the rest of the crew after the first successful run of the show
He didn’t exchange any social media accounts with MC, because quite frankly, he doesn’t have any lmao, and MC’s phone was broken so they couldn’t give him their number either
Zen insisted that if they leave it up to fate, they’ll meet again, and well-he was right
Lo and behold, MC joined the RFA, and whose face is the first they see in an oh-so-modest selfie?
Yup, Zen the Knight it is
His first words when he realised who MC was were ’See? I told you fate would find a way!’
Sure Zen,,,sure lol
MC actually scored an interview as Jumin’s executive secretary!
They were so thrilled about it, and did their best to calm their nerves before the interview, knowing that being jittery and anxious would lead them nowhere
Well, they were more than shocked at Jumin’s cold behaviour, but they did their best to match his pace, answering each of his questions without missing a beat, mentioning their credentials without bragging about them
Honestly, Jumin was very pleased-he saw a perfect candidate across him, albeit a little inexperienced due to age, but that didn’t really matter to him-with a little training they’d be perfect for the job
Well, eventually though a better candidate came along, so MC was left with the rejection e-mail in their inbox, disappointed but ready to move on
They had all but forgotten about Jumin Han until stumbling onto the RFA and meeting him again, confused and surprised at the difference of his character in the chatrooms
They didn’t mention the interview at all, but Jumin has the memory of an elephant-one look at MC’s name reminded him of how he met them, and he reassured them that they were incredibly good at the interview and left an impression on him
It takes some getting used to his different attitude, but it’s refreshing to see a man they thought of as cold and calculated be a complete cat-loving goof-and it’s honestly one of the things that makes MC fall for Jumin
And vice-versa, Jumin remembers MC’s serious confident attitude at the interview, and is pleasantly surprised to learn what a gentle, kind person they are in the messenger
When they meet Jaehee though….boy are they glad they didn’t get the job lmao
*pat pat* it’s okay Jaehee…hang in there baby
MC was working part-time as a barista at a coffee shop near C&R!
It was a small independent shop, hidden in-between bigger franchises, but their coffee was great, and if there’s one person that loves good coffee, well, it’s Jaehee
The first time she visited the shop she was at a loss of what to order, the possibilities endless with all these brews of coffee they offered, and MC found Jahee’s flustered face adorable
They chatted her up to see what kind of flavours she likes and dislikes, and ended up making her a delicious cold brew with vanilla cream-just sweet enough to give her that sugar rush she needed, but not enough to hide the flavour of the coffee itself
Well, Jaehee was more than thrilled both at the taste, and at the cute cashier *wink wonk*, so she quickly became a regular at the shop
Yes this is your good ol’ cliche coffee AU DON’T JUDGE ME
She’d always stop for a cup of coffee before work, and would secretly be happy on the days she ended up meeting MC during their shift-she’d try and visit during her breaks too, when time would allow it, and would sit and sometimes chat with MC when the cafe wasn’t too busy
MC eventually learnt some stuff about Jaehee, that she works as a secretary to some annoying cat-loving rich dude (lmao sorry Jumin), that she loves coffee, and that her dream is to eventually open her own cafe, if circumstances allow it
One day, Jaehee went to the shop, knowing that MC had a shift at that time, but they were nowhere to be found-their co-workers said MC called in that they can’t make it today because something urgent came up, so Jahee nodded along, wondering if MC was okay
….well, she didn’t have to worry for too long, as not soon after she got her coffee and headed back to the office, a familiar name popped up on the RFA chatroom
Yup, this is a coffee shop au alright-just with some hacker and cat-loving twists lol
You can never convince me that this boy is not an active reddit user, and you most definitely can Not convince me he isn’t in any and all paranormal and horror forums either
So he’s scrolling around on reddit one day, posting memes and trolling people, when he stumbles upon a really interesting thread someone made about the origins of mothman and possible sightings outside the USA
He’s hooked and spends a lot of time reading through the thread, intrigued by the sophisticated way the OP wrote their points and how well-thought of their evidences were
He started commenting on the thread and talking with the OP, who he soon became online friends with-he loved to chat with them about spooky stuff, cryptids, conspiracy theories and so forth
He didn’t talk much about himself, and would sometimes even make up some lies because he didn’t want to seem like a creep that won’t even share his name, but he couldn’t give out his info that easily; he did however tell them his code name, 707
Eventually they started talking outside of reddit too, through facebook messenger (i mean…we already know this dude has a facebook account and posts his cars there lmao), and is thrilled to find out more about his new online friend, MC, and to even find out they live far closer than he thought!
Well, he gets used to talking with MC almost everyday, and it’s actually one of the few highlights of his day-he’s never really had someone care for him the way this person, someone he hasn’t actually ever met in real life does. He wonders if they’d change their mind about him if they ever met him in real life, but shakes the thoughts away-it’s not as if this could ever develop into something more than an online friendship anyway
Well…or so you thought, Seven lol
When a stranger comes barging into the RFA messenger, he’s instantly tracing their steps and finding out all their internet activities, and lo and behold-whose facebook account is this that he ended up finding? Why, it’s none other than MC!
The moment Seven found out, he got suspicious; was MC just pretending to be online friends with him to hack into the RFA? Were they stealing information without him knowing?
It hurt to have to think this way, but how else could they be linked?
When he slowly found out MC was actually innocent, he was more than relieved-he secretly happy that he could now chat with them both online and on the RFA app, that he could share parts of himself with MC that he couldn’t before
to say he fell for them is the understatement of the century lmao
When he first started with photography, he took some classes at a local university to learn more about professional photography, photoshop e.t.c
And MC happened to be taking the same classes as him!
They often sat next to each other, not talking at first, but then their professors would sometimes ask them to pair up to work on assignments, and MC ended up paring up with Jihyun more than once
They became fast friends-Jihyun was a little distant, but always friendly in a cold, aloof way, and always polite, and he found MC to be so warm and gentle, he was naturally drawn to them
He did feel attracted to them, but never made a move-he was still struggling with so many things himself, he didn’t want to drag anyone else into his mess. He just wanted to focus on photography and that’s that
So whilst they talked a lot during university, as soon as they graduated, V drifted away, and when he even changed his phone number all communication was lost between the two
Well, time went on, and MC slowly began to forgot about the mint-coloured man they met, until they stumbled into the RFA chatroom
They didn’t realise it was Jihyun at first-he did change his name after all, and everyone in the char referred to him as V, but the way he texted was very familiar, even though MC couldn’t quite understand why
When he finally introduced himself, they were stunned. They didn’t want to ask him if he remembers them though-it’d be too embarrassing if he said he didn’t
But of course V did remember them-the moment Seven told him their name after his background check, all the memories came flooding back, opening up a Pandora’s box in his chest where he locked all those feelings away
Even if they’re back within arms’ reach, and even if they seem interested in him though…it’s useless. He’s far beyond repair, and if he didn’t want to drag MC into his mess then, he most certainly doesn’t want to drag them into it now
So he becomes distant again, more so than ever before but MC isn’t having it-they call him out on his bullshit, and tell him to square up and be honest otherwise they’re leaving
So V reluctantly admits to it all-to remembering MC, to his feelings towards them, and to his own cowardliness back then, and how it’s now too late to change anything; even if he wants to. God, he wants to.
hi I’m soph and i love to torture my favs lol
-send me a mystic messenger scenario/prompt for character reactions!-
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bellafarella · 4 years
Hey there :) for the character list: Ted, Patrick, Alexis, David, Stevie, Mutt and that Animal, Lover vet guy (sorry I forgot his name) and Jake :)
LOL “and that Animal, Lover vet guy (sorry I forgot his name)” - that’s Ted and you said him first :p 
Thanks for the ask, here we go:
Sexuality headcanon: straight (as in canon)
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: Alexis
A BROTP I have with said character: David, I’d like to think that after their emotional talk at Singles Week that Ted tries to text him every so often with stupid puns that make David roll his eyes but can’t help but smile at his sisters dumb cute boyfriend. 
A NOTP I have with said character: Heather - just nope.
A random headcanon: I like to think that maybe some day in the future, when his contract is up in the Galapagos (him not staying any longer even though they asked) that he keeps track of Alexis - not like in a stalker way but like in a “i love this girl with my entire being and i want to know that she’s doing well and what she’s up to” kind of way- they follow each other on instagram and he sees that she’s still living her best self in NYC so he goes there, hoping to maybe run into her, too nervous to ask her to hang out and anyway, he’s never been to NYC and wants to check out a play so he does and when he posts about it, Alexis dm’s him and they meet up for lunch the next day and he finds out she’s single - has been this entire time, working on herself, focusing on her career - so he asks her out again on a real date and now that he’s not working in the Galapagos and nothing is tying him to Schitt’s Creek, he eventually moves to NYC and the timing is finally right for him and Alexis and they live happily ever after. goodnight.
General opinion of said character: i LOVE ted. he’s so cute and sweet and just so adorably punny. i’m a fan of dustin so loving ted came really easy. 
Sexuality headcanon: gay (as in canon)
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: David, duh
A BROTP I have with said character: Stevie. i think people talk a lot about how cute stevie and david’s friendship is and even how cute alexis and patrick’s friendship is but stevie and patrick is just so good. they both love to tease and banter and just be a complete and total troll, especially to david. 
A NOTP I have with said character: Rachel, duh
A random headcanon: idk if it’s random, might be pretty common, but i like to think that patrick always knew deep down that he was gay - the way he didn’t really pay attention to the girl in porn (when he did watch it) or the way he liked to spend time with the guys on his sports team over hanging out with his gf, or how his room was plastered with posters of different sports players but also they had their shirts off. how he sort of knew but really had no way of knowing because there was no one he liked like that that was a boy. not until he met david rose.
General opinion of said character: my sweet button baby, precious boy deserves the world. 
Sexuality headcanon: bisexual but with a preference of dating men
Gender headcanon: female
A ship I have with said character: Ted
A BROTP I have with said character: like i said above, i think her and patrick’s friendship is so cute but i’m gonna go with her sibling. the bond that forms between david and alexis is just so pure - they actually become siblings and friends and i love them so much. omg and Twyla because their friendship is just so fucking cute and pure.
A NOTP I have with said character: Mutt, ugh. & sorry I can’t get on board with Alexis/Stevie either. they’ve constantly talked about how Stevie is part of the family - she’s treated like a Rose every episode so I just find it ehh to ship them but to each their own, ship who you want, idgaf lol 
A random headcanon: *read Ted’s* but also, yeah that she’s living her best boss girl self in NYC, growing her business and making moves. 
General opinion of said character: i love Alexis, she’s so hilarious in her facial expressions and mannerisms. i’ve never seen such hilarious physical comedy than i have on this show. Annie is a star and i can’t wait to see her in more things.
Sexuality headcanon: pansexual (as in canon)
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: Patrick, duh
A BROTP I have with said character: Stevie, Alexis, even Ronnie (see previous ask). i love his friendship with Stevie so much because it’s his first real friend in probably ever, and he’s hers too. they’re both just so closed off and similar that they never were able to let anyone in to actually be their friend so when they became friends it was just magic, they’re soulmates in the friend sense. I also love his friendship that he gained with his sister (see above in Alexis). 
A NOTP I have with said character: Stevie, Jake, Sebastien. Literally anyone who isn’t Patrick
A random headcanon: that he and Patrick are living their best lives in their cute little cottage house in schitt’s creek,  expanding their business, and just loving their life. David knows he could live in this town forever if it meant being with Patrick - anywhere is home as long as they’re together. 
General opinion of said character: MY BABY. he deserves the world and to be protected at all costs. there’s always been people connecting to characters in meaningful ways and I’ve never really seen that for myself - yes, I am a cisgendered heterosexual woman but i’ve never connected on a deep level to any cisgendered heterosexual women like not Alexis or Moira or any other female on other shows. however with David I can. David is sarcastic and has his walls up, he’s been taken advantage of time and time again. he’s been used and abused, he thought he’d never find love or happiness. I still find it hard sometimes to be optimistic and say I will find happiness and someone who will love me unconditionally but even though David isn’t a real person, just seeing him be so happy and loved so openly and wholly by Patrick gives me hope. I’ve been in emotionally abusive relationships, I’ve been used for just my body, I’ve been taken advantage of by exes and friends, I’m always there for people but yet I don’t get anything in return. So yeah this got away from me lmaooo but yeah i just love David Rose so fucking much.
Sexuality headcanon: bisexual 
Gender headcanon: female
A ship I have with said character: no one, my girl deserves the best and we haven’t seen that on the show
A BROTP I have with said character: David, Patrick, Alexis. I love all these friendships for different reasons. David because like I said, they’re soulmates but in a friend way. Patrick cause they’re both trolls. And Alexis, because Stevie’s never really had any girl friends before and having someone like Alexis look out for her and want her to be happy, I think it really helped Stevie gain confidence in herself and her abilities to run shit. 
A NOTP I have with said character: Jake, Emir, any of the loser guys they set her up with. David, ugh they are not right romantically lol.
A random headcanon: that she spends as much time as she can bothering David by coming over to their house unannounced. Patrick just finds it hilarious because of course he does. 
General opinion of said character: I love Stevie, I thought her ending was great, how she didn’t have a romantic interest and just was excited about their franchise of Rosebud Motel. I hope that if they ever do a special or a movie or something that they do give her a romantic partner because she deserves to be loved unconditionally.
Sexuality headcanon: straight
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: no one, i really dont care lmao
A BROTP I have with said character: does he even have friends???
A NOTP I have with said character: Alexis
A random headcanon: that he died
General opinion of said character: I don’t care lol
Sexuality headcanon: pansexual
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: Jake doesn’t do monogamy so no one lol
A BROTP I have with said character: does he even have friends or does he just fuck everyone??
A NOTP I have with said character: Stevie, David. 
A random headcanon: i don’t even know, i don’t think about Jake enough lol 
General opinion of said character: he was a great character, I liked the drama he brought and how it also wasn’t really drama because Jake’s just Jake which is also something I loved. like you can’t hate him cause he’s just Jake. he does what he wants when he wants, he doesn’t do monogamy, he likes to have fun, but he doesn’t hurt anyone in the process because he’s upfront about it from the jump.
Send me a character & I’ll answer those questions 
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saezutte · 4 years
yuletide letter 2020
Dear Yuletide Writer, 
Oh, hello again. I didn’t see you there.
This year, I have transcended earthly desires and struggled to find any fandoms to request. I want nothing. I wish my cat was nominated as a Yuletide fandom so we could all write stories about her life. 
Nonetheless, I have some small requests!!!! I believe you can make me happy in ways I’ve never been happy before. I trust you. Happy end of 2020, the cursed year, I hope you are blessed with rest. 
My AO3: saezutte
My public twitter: juncassis
My tumblr: here but I do not use tumblr much anymore, sorry.
Do Not Wants
[note: I have no actual triggers, nothing you can write for me will make me any more depressed or anxious than I already am]
Death (of major/important/beloved characters)
Suicide attempts, self-harm
Rape (outright; OK with dub con, manipulation, noncon short of violent-rape-for-violence-only)
Eating disorders, body shaming
Angst without a happy ending, really too much angst at all
Established relationship
Actual Unrequited Feelings
Pregnancy (the actual process; breeding kink is fine)
Scat or watersports
Hard BDSM or any kink complicated enough that the characters would have to discuss it ahead of time
Homophobia as a plot device
Excessive attention to identity or politics, sometimes known as “issue fic”
Note on AUs: I am ok with the usual popular AU tropes but I do not want them combined, e.g. A/B/O is fine and coffeeshop is fine, but I don’t want an omega barista getting his scent all over the lattes he makes for some alpha lawyer who comes in every morning. (Ridiculous example, but you get the point.) For AU/modern settings of fandoms with magic, I often like it when the magic is still there in the AU setting. I also like AUs which maintain the general outlines of the character’s relationships, like if the characters are childhood friends in canon, I like to keep that intact.
General preferences:
I am a pretty basic bitch when it comes to fanfic: I like it when two clueless boys pine for each other through some shenanigans and then lock eyes/lips/dicks.
If you fed a neural net every fanfic written in Stargate Atlantis fandom between 2005 and 2010, the result would probably be some nonsense I’d enjoy.
I love many tropes. Tropes! Bed-sharing. Sharing an umbrella. WASHING EACH OTHER’S HAIR? Confessions where they are having an argument and then one of them yells “Because I love you!”
I love situations where characters are forced to spend time in close proximity and find themselves with feelings.
I love fakeness: fake dating, fake marriage, arranged marriage, marriage of convenience, fake lust induced by sex pollen or heats, aliens make them have sex, whatever.
I love porn, if you want to just write me some quick porn, that’s great. I do prefer (per the established relationship DNW above) that it be first time or get together porn. I know that can make it hard to just write porn, but I don’t need much to be convinced of sex.
Nirvana in Fire (TV)
Requested characters: Mei Changsu, Xiao Jingyan
Note: I also love Lin Chen so if you want to write some MCS/LC or LC/Fei Liu or LC/MCS/JINGYAN OT3??? go for it. I am also a Nihuang/Xia Dong shipper so if you want to put that in… somehow… my gay little heart would be happy. I also like Nihuang/MCS/XJY or MNH/MCS + MCS/XJY but I’d like the focus on the men in that case!
I watched this show because someone recommended this show to me as, like, Chinese Game of Thrones but good. I think it’s genuinely one of the best TV shows I’ve ever seen. I love plots and revenge and good people doing bad things for justice. Even the ending is good for me though obviously it left me unsatisfied on several points.
I am deeply into sickly doomed genius MCS and every time he got even more deeply ill, I fell deeper in love. Every time he coughs up blood, my heart would race. I love his terrible schemes and stupid self-sacrificing choices. I find watching this show very soothing because I knew he would always come out on top in his schemes. I trust him. I love handsome clueless Jingyan and how he’s just so good (it’s terrible.) I love his mom and how much he cares for her. I love him but he is useless, he needs his Xiao Shu and I need fanfic to restore him to him.
Note: So my limited research on this says that male/male sex practices were accepted and well-known in this time period in history, so I really don’t want them thinking “oh no what are these weird gay feelings.” There are other barriers to them being together, like a ruler or official being overly attached to one person was considered very bad. I am also a big supporter of the socially-approved polygamy of this time period, so I don’t need Jingyan to refuse to sleep with his wife or something out of loyalty to MCS—he has to do it! Or all their plans are ruined! And he can enjoy spending time with her or the concubines without affecting his feelings for MCS—you could explore that complexity in fic if you like.Prompts:
Mei Changsu isn’t dead, he’s hiding again, Jingyan searches for him
They start having sex during the series, the ending is averted [somehow]
Post-canon, MCS is alive and Jingyan hides him in the palace with his consort/concubines to keep him on as an advisor without anyone objecting
omega verse where MCS was an alpha before he “died" but an omega after he came back.
AU where male/male marriage is customary (maybe aristocratic men are expected to have one male and one female consort?) and so MCS decides the best way to influence and help Jingyan in the capital is by becoming his wife or one of his concubines
anything just get them together and happy.
Tokyo Babylon 
Characters: Subaru, Seishiro
I read Tokyo Babylon as a child and I imprinted on it deeply, now I love politics, ghosts, stalking, age differences, magic. Within the CLAMP canon, I love TB for its episodic focus on smaller stories, the commentary on contemporary society, and Seishiro being an outright creep. I love onmyojutsu and exorcism and Subaru’s innocence getting ruined. I love the city of Tokyo (where I currently live! but do not be intimidated, I don’t know the city well because we’ve been in quarantine most of the time I’ve been here and won’t judge you for details.) I’m open to fics that comply with X canon or not.
With Seishiro/Subaru: It’s bad but I love that predator/prey dynamic where the predator ends up being hopelessly entranced/obsessed/in love with the prey. My read was always that Seishiro lost the bet and couldn’t admit it—he’s just, you know, killing twins to avoid dealing with his feelings! Relatable! (?!?!) Subaru, I love particularly in his evolution from innocent to adult in love to betrayed. I’d prefer post-TB fic to during-TB fic (so Subaru knows Seishiro’s deal and loves him anyway.) I am also a fan of Hokuto and you should feel free to bring her back to life to troll if you desire.
AU or reincarnation plot where they are Heian period rival onmyoji
Because this is such a heavily place-based series, if you are a writer who likes to play with details of real life locations, I’d be interested in versions of different “Babylons” if you have an idea for it.
Tragic first times post-TB lol
Seishiro is a virgin the first time they have sex
I’d probably love some fucked up dub con for this, however you want to play it
Honestly, do whatever you want as long as you don’t fuck me over like CLAMP did.  
プリティーリズム | Pretty Rhythm
Characters: Hiro, Koji
Pretty Rhythm came to me at a weird time in my life. I lived in a house of spiders in Yokohama and did nothing for eight weeks. King of Prism cheer screening transformed my life and I didn’t even know what it was. Then I got weirdly deep into Rainbow Live and the Pretty Rhythm franchise overall. I am a scientist of prism theory. Idk why I like it, it’s just wholesome and crazy and there are penguins and DJ Koo. I love every TRF song because I’m a 90s gay at heart. It’s truly the end point of all media development. The prism world represents the fearsome power of virtual/digital+real hybrid life. Yes, I know I’ve lost my mind. I went to one of the real Prism Stone stores, the one in Harajuku.
Hiro Hayami: one time a fujoshi asked me to describe what types of anime boys I like and the first type I listed was “prince but bad” and my example was Hiro. Hiro is the crazy gay stalker disaster of my heart. He overcomes great hardship to achieve his dreams and foolishly falls in love along the way and he does everything wrong and Koji keeps leaving him. The moment when Hiro is crowned King of Prism in Pride the Hero was one of the top ten moments of my life. I made friends who don’t even know Japanese watch the movie unsubtitled with me on my birthday.
With Koji, I’m a bit guilty of “I want to give the character I love the most the character he loves the most” so I do like him less (it would be impossible to like him equal to how much I love Hiro). But he has many good points that make him perfect, like how he also sucks underneath his chill exterior. I love to see him go apeshit.
I also love everyone else in Rainbow Live, no exceptions. I love all the girls. If you do write the girls, I would prefer they not be paired with the OTR boys. I would prefer they be paired with each other, any combo is good.
this is the sort of pairing where I love fic where they split up and then 15 years later meet again as washed up has-beens but there’s still time for them to find each other
Canon-compliant companion piece showing the “background” of them getting together romantically over the course of the series.
AU where Koji is a prism world fairy sent to inspire Hiro but Hiro is kind of a mess
dirty, dirty porn… let Hiro get fucked
I have a lot of doujinshi with multiple copies of Hiro (a la the Mugen Hug jump) but I’d like something where Hiro gets overwhelmed by many Kojis
They start fake dating as a publicity stunt and have to keep doing it… especially good if it starts when Koji is at max hating Hiro level
Ring Fit Adventure 
Characters: Dragaux, Ring
Keeping this one simple: I like to be encouraged to exercise by a storyline and a trainer that never mentions weight loss, lol. The world is fun and pretty and I love that buff dragon.
AND THEN THE PAIRING. I’m sure Nintendo has some market research that told them a certain subset of users are very motivated by enemies who seemed to once be lovers or best friends. I am that user.
What is up with these two? They were so in love! Now Dragaux is a horrible swole bro (not in a good bro way) and Ring is training me instead? I can’t compete with their love. It’s the only time the game makes me feel inadequate.
You can keep Dragaux and Ring as dragon/ring-like as you like. Obviously I’m down with dragon fucking but you can also make him a human fucker too. I play with Ring on the masculine voice setting for maximum BL vibes as I exercise, but, you know, it’s a ring, I don’t think it has gender. Feel free to incorporate the player or other random characters too.
AU where Dragaux and Ring owned a gym together and Dragaux sold out to a big chain of gyms
What happened between them when Dragaux was still captured, pre-game? Bondage… literally??
Ring is always bossing me to train, but I’m really doing all the work. Why doesn’t he fight Dragaux on his own for once?? (because the sexual tension is too powerful.)
Tragic flashback to their dramatic break-up ending with their present day reconciliation.
Player/Dragaux/Ring threesome??? I’ve unlocked the sexercises???
With all fandoms, you are free to disregard the prompts and do your own thing. If you’re not sure about me, you can probably dm seriesera on twitter, she knows what I’m into. 
Well, I suppose that’s all for now. Please stalk me online to get more details on my bullshit. I hope you have a nice time.
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themattress · 5 years
This is my final response to the toxic waste of space that is intotheventures, aka the KH2-hating anon troll who is literally insane over the fact that KH2 is the most beloved game in the franchise. I didn’t want to pollute the KH Trinity blog with more of his nonsensical bullshit.
(BTW the REAL trinity is Birth By Sleep + 1 + Chain of Memories).
That makes no sense whatsoever, because that leaves a blatantly incomplete story.
What is natural about Sora falling to his knees for Riku? Nothing. 
He wasn’t doing to “for Riku”. He did it because he thought Riku was dead, all the evidence he was getting pointed to Riku having died, and he was overcome with relief that Riku, his best friend, was actually still alive after all. It was not an intentionally-written yaoi bait scene, no matter how fans took it.
What did the added AkuRoku scenes in Final Mix add to the story? Nothing. 
I’m not talking about Final Mix, I’m talking about the original KH2.
But yeah, that scene had no purpose being there.
Also “he made me feel like I had a heart” is cringy.
“Cringe” is the new, ill-defined buzzword this clod throws around to bash KH2.
And how is it cringy? It is quite literally saying what Roxas did for Axel.
Have you looked at a single reaction command? Sora chopping a building in half isn’t a shallow “badass” presentation? It’s all style, no substance, it’s more blatant than anything in any other KH game.
Except in KH3 where you get Keyblades that transform into new weapons of ultimate power, can summon fucking Disney World rides to inflict massive damage upon your foes, has Sora running up walls and even jumping on falling boulders, new reaction commands that feature more flashy “badass” moves, shotlocks where there are even MORE “badass” moves to be pulled off (something that was also in BBS), Flowmotion where you’re flying all over the place...literally everything about KH3 is more “all style, no substance” than KH2. It’s right there in front of everyone’s eyes, and you’re only denying it because you are a hypocritical, intellectually dishonest freak.
Sora became more idiotic (he wasn’t this dumb in DDD, contrary to popular belief, he was just blissfully unaware and let his guard down) and hostile, constantly taunting and insulting his opponents for little to no reason (contrary to popular belief, he was not like this in the other games)
“Contrary to popular belief”, and then you don’t back up your claims. Yes, Sora WAS that dumb - no, much dumber -in DDD, and even in KH3 there were more “lol, Sora’s stupid!” moments than in KH2, with his friends constantly mocking him about it. He was also just as hostile toward opponents in KH and COM, including to the point of killing them, and that’s not even factoring in Roxas combining with him at the start of KH2. There is nothing remotely OOC about Sora in KH2, you’re just whining about him not being the pure, positive soul you want him to be
Kairi became a shallow love interest
And yet she had a shit-ton more mitigating qualities than in KH3, which you deny.
Riku was more sullen
Because behaving exactly like the cocky asshole he was before would’ve indicated that he had no remorse for anything he did and had learned nothing, had suffered no consequences. You say “sullen”, I say “human”.
Namine only appeared for brief scenes and had little personality
How is that a problem? KH2 was never meant to be a big Namine-focused game.
Roxas’ angst was really overdone.
Again, no explanation as to how/why.
Personally, I think his angst over being completely fucked over was proportionate.
Too often he just magically solved the problems of various Disney characters, like Simba.
Yes, which he also does in the other games, including KH3. By this logic, he was a Gary-Stu in the original game because he trapped Jafar in the lamp and not Aladdin.
He’s not a Gary-Stu in DDD because he ended up failing the exam after Xehanort rigged it, and his idiocy cost him greater than in KH2.
I’ll give you that one. Riku was the Gary-Stu of 3D, not Sora.
KH3 connects all of the worlds and is better at not having filler.
Again, how/why? You cite no examples, and can’t defend against the MANY examples of people in their reviews of KH3, both text and video, saying how the Disney worlds are probably the biggest case of them being filler yet, as Sora has literally no reason to be messing around in any of them, and what the Organization gets out of them is incredibly nebulous and ultimately doesn’t really matter either. 
 A lot of things are just brought up and either resolved too quickly (like the “I can’t use the Keyblade!” scene or just dropped (”While you’re there, the nature of that world may tempt you to do something dark. You must resist that temptation at all costs!”).
Again, just like almost every other KH game, including/especially KH3.
None of the rest of the cast really contribute anything, most are just plot devices to pad out the character count. Kairi didn’t do anything better than she did in 1, Riku’s screentime was mostly spent lamenting about his very existence, HPO did nothing anyone else couldn’t have done, same with Namine, their roles are mostly interchangeable and obligatory. Plus KH2 had a much larger cast of OCs than KH1 + CoM so it’s a much more glaring flaw.
Kairi, Riku, HPO, Namine, etc. all do things that Sora absolutely could not do and would have failed in his quest without. You are confusing “screentime” with “contributions” - none of them have the screentime Sora does (because he’s the fucking main character), but they all play the roles they are supposed to for the story. Again, not that different from most other games, including KH3 where there’s an even LARGER cast of OCs, and yet you’re constantly defending that game despite it doing the exact same things you perpetually cry about KH2 doing, and usually doing them worse.
Submit your own character: The Organization.
How the fuck are the villains a case of “Submit your own character”?
Sex scene: Obviously none, but Kairi’s panties are close enough. In no other game was she used for fanservice/sex appeal.
The panties weren’t an actually thing you were supposed to see in-game, and if you think she wasn’t used for fanservice/sex appeal with her equally titillating short-skirt design in KH3, you’re fooling yourself. 
“That was undeniable proof that we totally owned you lamers!” (This sounded outdated in 2006)
He’s part of a computer simulation run by an old man. This is how said old man thinks that teenagers actually talk. It’s actually pretty brilliant.
“Sorry, “Mommy”, your poopsies are toast!” (Cringe)
“Hmph, maybe you should have kept some to yourself.” (This maybe fits Riku, but NOT Sora!)
Again, how? 
“You gonna cry?!” (OOC, and doesn’t make sense in context. Frustrated Jacob even made fun of this line.) ”I guess you think you can psych me out by saying really random stuff!” (Like the above, FJ made fun of it.) “Tough talk for someone who stood on the sidelines while his Nobody flunkies did all the fighting!” (WTF)
Basically “Waaah, Sora’s a meanie-head to the poor Nobodies!” Gag me.
“[Maleficent]’s toast.” (Cringe, doesn’t sound cool in the least.)
So “badass presentation” is bad, yet you hate a line if it doesn’t sound “cool”. Got it.
“Lowlife.” (OOC)
HOW? DEFINE your goddamn TERMS, you utter twat!
“I bet you can’t even fight!” (OOC, just sounds like a prick)
“Just give it a rest! You’re Nobodies! You don’t even exist! You’re not sad about anything!” (He says this after meeting Axel, Roxas, and Namine. Plot hole + OOC)
“Then stop moping and DO something!” (later) “Why stick around if he’s not even gonna try?” (later) “C’mon, Goofy.” (This is too OOC to be Sora.)
Again, you want Sora to be perfect and nice to everyone. Got it.
In short, your ranting and raving means nothing. Not to me, not to anyone. You can keep up your insipid KH2-hate posts on your fringe blog, you can keep spamming the same messages in people’s ask boxes when they dare criticize other KH games over KH2, but KH2 is always going to be the most beloved entry in the franchise, KH, COM and KH2 are always going to be the real KH Trinity, and you aren’t changing people’s minds on that. Ever.
And now, to quote the great Ansem the Wise:
We’ve said enough! FAREWELL!
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bigskydreaming · 6 years
notjustawave replied to your post:
If the only evidence of a character not being...
me seeing ppl act like deadpool movies are the pinnacle of representation like i HAVE to laugh
Like....we’ve been hearing this “oh, progress takes baby steps, one little thing at a time” crap for our entire lives, and guess what? With the exception of representation created by actual marginalized creators who manage to get a platform for it against all odds, most other so called representation from major studios and companies and franchises looks barely any different from the scraps they were giving us twenty years ago.
Baby steps my ass. Just say you’re trying to keep marginalized viewers on the hook watching your stuff without pissing off the homophobes and racists enough that they stop watching your stuff. That’s what it comes down to. That is the only reason most representation is still half-assed, blink and you miss it.
Major billion dollar corporations and highly successful and influential actors who makes millions off every movie honestly have people bending over backwards to say they’re trying or progress isn’t easy and it takes time, like these people are actual victims and like....boxed in by the evil homophobic society or whatever....instead of the tastemakers whose prioritization of straight white heroes for generations is the reason we have to fight so hard to get actual representation in the first place! 
They’re not powerless to do more in the face of a still largely homophobic society, they’ve just made the conscious choice that they care more about making sure homophobes still buy tickets to their movies than they do actually making a difference.
And like, if that’s what they want to do, then fine, they can do that, but what kills me is this idea that we’re supposed to be grateful for whatever little hint of not-straightness or not-whiteness that they shine a spotlight on for 2.5 seconds in a movie before its back to business as usual.....as though they’d do more if they could, really they would, but that’s just the best they could manage because The Homophobes and the Racists, y’see.
The movie Deadpool only happened because Ryan Reynolds wanted it to happen so badly, he wouldn’t let the project die in development hell. He kept making the rounds himself, kept the push on to keep new scripts for it getting made, and he has enough star power and a big enough fanbase that he was able to make it happen when lots of other actors couldn’t. There’s that post going around about how there’s a Bea Arthur T-Shirt he wore in the movie that they had trouble getting in because copyright stuff, so he paid $10K out of his own pocket for the licensing stuff to go through. And on and on.
Like, these aren’t small, innocuous things, they’re a display of the fact that people have power and influence in Hollywood and use those things every single day to get what they want or do things they care about. If the Deadpool production team and star really WANTED Deadpool the character to be the kind of meaningful representation they’re obviously all too happy to accept accolades for having provided already? Then they absolutely had the power to to give Wade an actual romantic history with one of the men in his films, or even one of them as an actual love interest or reciprocated flirting with one of them responding to his come-ons with like, interest of their own. Because notice how that suddenly, magically, turns what WAS just Wade obnoxiously using suggestive humor purely aimed at getting an audience laugh rather than an actual reaction....into two men having a moment like happens hundreds of times throughout every other summer blockbuster between a man and a woman and given the same degree of consideration and attention.
And yes, before someone comes at me with ‘bi and pan people don’t need to be in a romantic or sexual relationship with the same gender to be bi or pan’, like yes, thank you, I, a bisexual man, am aware of the fact that I remain equally bisexual when single, dating a man, dating a woman, or mid-orgy. My sexuality is not dependent on anyone or anything other than my own identity.
But we’re not talking about a real life human being’s identity here. We’re talking about REPRESENTATION, which is a thing created deliberately by human beings making conscious choices about what they want to display and what they don’t, and their reasons for both.
So yes, a bi or pan character is still bi or pan whether we see them kissing the same gender or not, but you can not act like a living bi man’s romantic and sexual interests being driven by his own unique choices as an individual....this is NOT the same thing as a bi or pan character who just so happens to be romantically interested in women love interests save for the occasional suggestive joke aimed at the nearest male character.
Because the former is born of that real life bi man’s entire life, experiences, personality, his BEING. The latter is born of human agendas and creative decisions and studio politics and yes, the fact that Fox and the Deadpool production are more than happy to throw LGBTQ+ viewers just enough table scraps that they’ll stay invested in supporting it, but not so much that it might risk them losing tickets in large numbers from the homophobic sector of their audience.
If I ignore the five men in my vicinity and focus on the one woman because I feel more of an attraction or connection to her for whatever reason, I get to do that because I am my own person, and people can assume whatever they want about what my motives or thought process might be but guess what? It doesn’t matter, because my choices are for me and me alone.
If Deadpool ignores the five men in his vicinity to focus on the one woman, its NOT because he feels more of an attraction or connection to her, because HE DOESN”T FEEL ANY OF THOSE THINGS. He is a fictional character. He only feels and acts upon whatever the writers decide he should feel and act upon, and THEIR motives and thought process absolutely get to be called into question, because they are not individuals making personal choices that are for them and them alone, they are creators of content that benefits and profits from the positive responses and continued support of whomever they choose to cater that content to in order to gain their support and positive response.
And bottom line, they still care more about selling tickets to homophobes than they do about creating real, positive, meaningful representation, and like....people should say that?? We do not owe it to million dollar franchises to say thank you, can we please have some more because of whatever they deign to dole out. Not while still blatantly making it clear PS, glad you liked that little moment there in Act Two Scene Five but tbh, we still care more about not pissing off the dude who lives in his parents’ basement in Kansas and has five guns and every Deadpool action figure ever made and cries into his pillow every night because Sara Lee rejected him when he asked her to his high school prom because he’s weird and ugly and nobody understands his pain like Deadpool, who is also weird and ugly and thus he NEEDS him, and just because he makes dumb jokes to guys onscreen sometimes, that’s no big deal, everyone does that sometimes, its not like he’s REALLY into guys, that’d be weird and also he can’t be because then he wouldn’t be like that homophobic shitbag who lives in his parents’ basement and trolls LGBTQ+ fans on twitter with “Lulz, dumbass losers, just accept that Deadpool doesn’t really represent you and never will, he’s OURS.”
They understand what actual representation looks like, because they’ve been representing the infinite shades of Shitty Straight White Human Being for generations now, and every single straight white man in Hollywood has a story about the character they identified with most as a child and made them want to write or act and basically shaped their entire life.
They know what actual representation looks like and what it means, but they have no interest in providing it so long as it might alienate who they see as the real moneymakers still, knowing they can still keep marginalized viewers watching by doling out the bare minimum and saying “there’s more coming, its just progress takes time, we need to take baby steps” like they’ve been doing for actual, literal decades, with very little actual change to show for it.
Sorry not sorry, but you tell me here’s five cents for you and hand me a nickel and then turn to the shitbag human being standing on the other side of you wearing a GOD HATES GAYS T-shirt and say “and here’s a twenty dollar bill for YOU, don’t spend it all in one place, lol” and then you and he share a hearty laugh while I’m standing there holding a fucking nickel?
LMAO, you can keep your five cents, you’re not like....actually doing me any favors there and I’m not going to feed your ego by pretending you did anything other than give me a shitty fucking nickel you probably picked up off the sidewalk.
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tornrose24 · 7 years
What the animation rivalries must have been for 2017 in a nutshell
Disney: We got two of our movies nominated for an Oscar and one of them won! We don’t have any films lined up for this year, but our live action Beauty and the Beast is going to make a KILLING!
Dreamworks Animation: LOL. But thanks to the success of Trolls–which also got nominated–we now have a franchise that appeals to most of our girl consumers to rival your stupid ‘Frozen’ franchise.
Pixar: Well, we have Cars 3 coming out–
Most everyone: LAME!
Pixar: But we want to tell a story about how it’s good to pass on the torch, rather than say ‘Oh these new youngsters are going to destroy everything as we know it!’
Illumination: DESPICABLE ME 3, YO!
Most everyone: Yeaaaaaaah, wasn’t that the Minion Movie?
Dreamworks Animation: Well we’re releasing the Boss Baby–
Most everyone: WTF is this? Is this a joke, Dreamworks? We don’t want another film that’s only good for memes and YTPs!
Dreamworks Animation: But we are also doing a film adaption of Captain Underpants! See this image from the film? We are honoring the art style and–
CU fans: *Screams of joy and happy childhood nostalgia* SHUT UP AND TAKE OUR MONEY!
Dreamworks Animation:–and good cast. BUT we gave it a budget of under 40 million and we decided to release it on the same day as Wonder Woman instead of in March. The Boss Baby is taking the March slot.
CU fans:.... Are you kidding me?
Someone in Disney: The live action Beauty and the Beast is going to have our first official gay character!
A bunch of dumb complainers: HATE! BAN IT! GIVE IT AN R RATING!
Dreamworks Animation: *Recalls that one of the characters in Captain Underpants is canonically gay and decides to keep mouth shut about that while trusting more intelligent people to discover that on their own.* Yeah, we don’t want to take that risk. Also–HOLY CRUD! BOSS BABY BEAT BEAUTY AND THE BEAST AT THE BOX OFFICE IN IT’S THIRD OR FOURTH WEEK!
CU fans: Why aren’t you advertising CU as much as Boss Baby?
Random viewer: Actually, the film was surprisingly better than I thought. Not Dreamworks’ best, but still good.
Kids at local book fairs and Barnes and Noble, or access to internet: OMG! CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS MOVIE! HECK YES!
Disney and Pixar:... We recognize plot points from our films, Sony.
Someone: Why is it required to have one animated film that sucks every year?
DIsney: Well, for our Wreck It Ralph sequel next year, we are going to have EVERY Disney princess we ever made in one scene.
Everyone: *minds explode five times over*
Disney: ....And our Jack and the Beanstalk film is dead now. Sorry.
Those who wanted to see Gigantic:..... *grabs the pitchforks*
Then come summer....
CU fans: THIS WAS AWESOME! :D :D :D Thank you Dreamworks, even though your sense of timing was awful! You actually gave us a film adaption that stayed faithful to the soul of the books and took the best parts to help weave a good, funny and heartfelt story! Unlike MOST book to film adaptions.
Dreamworks Animation: You’re welcome ;)
CU fans: You’ll give us a sequel, right? :D Or at least an animated show on netflix? :D :D
Dreamworks Animation: Uh... well, we ARE planning on making a Boss Baby 2... a Trolls 2... a Croods 2.... Not anytime soon, even though you are demanding it, sorry.
Viewers: Hey, Cars 3 was actually pretty good! It redeems Cars 2 and it was visually beautiful!
Other Viewers: Despicable Me 3 was actually pretty good too!
South Park fan: Though I couldn’t stop hearing Cartman through Trey Parker’s voice.
*Only few people watch the Emoji Movie. Those who do, do as a joke and give money to Sony to make more instantly hated films*
Disney: Well, most of the other animated films are ‘eh’–
Dreamworks Animation: Unless they go see that one film with the bull because of John Cena.
Pixar: Well, we have until next year to finally release The Incredibles 2.
Incredibles fans: *screams of joy and delight*
Pixar: Also, we are happy to release Coco this November. We really want to honor the culture that is being represented and we are happy to see that it is doing well in Mexico. It makes us feel proud of what we have accomplished–
Disney: Great! Now you’re going to tack on this ‘Frozen’ short which will make more money through it’s merch than your film’s merch! Pretty sure most people will see your film just for that like when we did it to the live action Cinderella!
Pixar:…. *not happy about this* Great. Ok. 
*and, if the Coco novel is to believe, they get revenge by making a commentary about how a song can get overused to the point that it’s annoying as heck. I should not have to explain this one.*
Dreamworks Animation: Well, we got both our films submitted for Oscar nominations!
Pixar: Us too for both films!
Illumination: Huh... us too. Neat!
Dreamworks Animation:....
Pixar: Well, it was hated by all, so I think we can agree that we don’t have to compete with THAT!
495 notes · View notes
xtremedespair3d · 5 years
Anime Winter 2019 Final Impressions + Plans for Spring 2019
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(I’ve seen Screen Rant and Crunchyroll using this shot as a thumbnail for news posts when the second trailer dropped, so I might as well use it too 😂)
The very first anime season of the year ends and we’re moving on to the next one, and it appears that this season is going to be the best one yet, before I discuss why with what shows I’m going to watch, let’s go back to the Winter season to rank every show I watched this season!
(Just don’t expect to see Kaguya-sama on this post, I haven’t really watched it at all, sorry. (but I will binge it eventually))
1.- Mob Psycho 100 II: Mob Psycho 100 continues to be a sakuga wonder and powerful storylines, I always thought the first season would be much more memorable for me, but I think this season definitely tops the character development and plotlines.
As for the sakuga wonder, this proves why Mob Psycho 100 is being held at better hands unlike One Punch Man, it went from Madhouse to JC Staff which is utterly disappointing, but Mob Psycho 100 being adapted by Bones and continuing to work on it is the best thing the series ever has.
I still haven’t read the manga but I can probably tell this is not the series finale, I wonder if there could still be a third and final season so it can adapt the final volumes of the manga, since it has ended recently, that third season would come in a quicker time, maybe like a year, a year and a half, or two, I don’t know, but it’s not impossible for that to happen anytime soon.
10/10 - Rank: S++ - 100% - AOTS #1.
2.- Kemurikusa: This all-new reboot has completely lived up to my expectations and it delivered some neat changes to the original and some big surprises.
Part of my experience was a bit dragged by the uncultured assholes that is 4chan with “Kemono Friends 2″ is better and such (Since it’s 4chan, some of them could be trolls, some of them could tell the truth, can’t really tell for sure), but it didn’t completely ruin my enjoyment of Kemurikusa, this is no big deal. And then there’s also the janky animation, but it’s Tatsuki’s quirk, so I’m not completely bothered by that and let him have it.
There are still some plot holes around the universe and everything else that raises questions after witnessing certain moments, but I think it’s best to leave things as it is, I wouldn’t expect Tatsuki to answer every single question, or even touch the world again.
I wonder what's next for Tatsuki now that Kemurikusa is finished when it comes to a new TV project, another remake of his classics or a completely original series? He would probably continue doing shorts for now. Either way, I totally need more Tatsuki TV projects since Kemono Friends. But for now, I would expect to see shorts being posted by parts on Twitter and then the full compilation on YouTube and NicoNico.
I almost forgot, I needed to address something: For the longest time I’ve been hyping up to watch the original 30 minute series before watching this reboot, I realized that you don’t really need to watch the original, but you should at least acknowledge its existence. But if you want to compare this to the original that badly, then you do need to watch the original. (We’re back in square one lol)
And for all the haters, please read this thread, and when you finish doing so, apologize and go take the L, conche tu madre, thank you.
10/10 - Rank: S++ - 100% - AOTS #2.
UPDATE - April 4th: Okay, a week after the finale’s release (Wednesday), Tatsuki out of the blue released a brand new 12.1 short video! (So far it raises so many questions)
I genuinely did not expect to see more Kemurikusa content, sequels even, but this is quite a surprise. I don’t know how long this is going to be but I’m sure it could be a weekly release. Anyways, this is really neat.
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Smiley Riku is best Riku.
3.- The Promised Neverland: This was a pretty solid adaptation and the suspense has kept me on the edge of my seat constantly.
I’m so happy to see that a second season got announced for 2020. I wonder if it’s going to be a My Hero Academia situation, where it started with 13 episodes (in TPN’s case, it was 12 episodes long) and later seasons have two-cours.
9/10 - Rank: S - 95%
4.- BanG Dream! season 2: The first season heavily focused on building Poppin’ Party, this season features all of the bands and some episodes were focused on each band, which I was really interested, definitely looking forward to the 3rd season in Fall. (which I genuinely forgot it was coming out too)
Speaking of season 3, I recently researched that Rokka is a member of RAISE A SUILEN, and I wonder if S3 might get a storyline with Rokka becoming a member of RAS.
This looks way better than Monster Strike, I like that the characters have more like shading/lighting than being pure cell-shaded anime-like, but my common complaint with Sanzigen, or maybe even CG anime in general, is that they tend to make some background characters completely hand drawn which doesn’t blend well with the CG characters, it’s just horribly noticeably bad and inconsistent. You can add hand drawn effects and such, but for the love of god, never do hand drawn background characters and even main characters in flashbacks. (like Lay and Tae)
The third season was originaly going to come out on Fall but it got delayed to Winter 2020, which is a bummer, it could have been like BBK/BRNK three years ago but time is always needed.
9/10 - Rank: S - 96% - AOTS #4
5.- Ikki Tousen: Western Wolves: After spending an entire week binging everything Ikki Tousen, I couldn’t wait to see what Western Wolves had in store given on what I last saw with Extravaganza Epoch (even though I kind of forgot already), with 3 episodes for 3 months, this was a solid series with good fan service.
I hope I won’t wait for another 5 years or so for another series.
8.5/10 - Rank: A+ - 88%
6.- Kakegurui XX: Now I’m worried if this was a worthy follow-up given MAPPA’s track record of making crappy second seasons, best example being Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul.
Occasionally I was less motivated to watch an episode when it came out raw and rewatch that episode with subtitles by whatever group and sometimes I also felt like this series was way over-the-top than I previously felt like the first season
Anyways, I thought it was a decent follow-up.
7.5/10 - Rank: A- - 76%
7.- Manaria Friends: Decent series, but the most important thing I want to talk about is, this was supposed to come out on April 1st, 2016, but it got on hold a month prior its release. Since CygamesPictures was founded in 2016, perhaps they took the series and reworked into what it is now, after 3 years of reproduction and release, I wonder if it was even worth the wait. I’m also surprised the show is 15 minutes long, I’m not sure if this was part of the original version, but it’s that kind of short.
For some strange reason, I wish any footage of the original version of Manaria Friends would be leaked somewhere. 😁
Now with Manaria Friends released, and with the upcoming Princess Connect! Re:Dive anime series (and maybe they even took Granblue Fantasy: The Animation (that’s right, it’s confirmed that it’ll get a second season) away from A-1, that’s my theory), let’s see what does CygamesPictures have in store when it comes to anime based on their IP and maybe even original projects of their own (which has gotten me more curious since I’m an original anime fanboy).
Also, the show’s English title is called “Mysteria Friends” for some reason. (Well, not really “for some reason”, there’s definitely a reason why, but I’m not that big of a Rage of Bahamut person)
I never knew the show was going to be 10 episodes long, since it premiered late in January, I thought it would run for 12 episodes which it could be in April, which is way late to the Anime Winter 2019 closing party, but closing the series at episode 10 feels like a good time.
7/10 - Rank: A- - 74%
8.- Boogiepop wa Waranai: Not much to comment on this one, and I haven’t really read the LNs, but this one seems interesting. The only thing I’m not a fan of is its own style of character designs, it just looks weird and doesn’t really respect much to the original artist’s style, which lead to this whole thing with this Twitter rants and Kadokawa apologizing for the miscommunication (Can’t stop talking about this), so I guess the damage control wasn’t worth it to get used to the anime’s designs. At least the animation and visuals look good, though.
7/10 - Rank: B - 70%
9.- Lupin the 3rd: Goodbye Partner: After Part 5, I didn’t expect a new OVA special would appear right away, it’s a self-contained OVA special, it doesn’t have anything to do with Part 5 at all, though.
The only thing I’m super dissatisfied is that in 37 minutes, it seems like there was a huge skip, we jump to a crazy situation right away, after a conflict Lupin and Goemon had with Jigen minutes prior, we see that they’re working together again, like, what? It’s just feels so random...
7/10 - Rank: B+ - 72%
10.- Mini Toji: This franchise continues to give less of an impact in my life and to consider it to be on the range that of Kancolle and Touken Ranbu (you know, those games I always joke about that Toji no Miko is their baby), one year later after the base anime series, they decided to make a short spin-off series, I couldn’t turn down the offer to watch it, I was curious on what’s it going to be, and the show overall is alright, it is funny at times and I had some laughs but it’s not too hilarious.
As for the chibi style, it just looks so weird. Seeing the image below which I found in 4chan when episode 8 came out just makes me wish they could have chose this style instead of the one from Mini Toji because the current style just looks so wrong.
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And there’s also the most painful, if not, the worst running gag ever, Kaoru is always getting mission jobs from her boss, every episode we see her tired and it makes me feel super bad for her, let her rest, let her suffering end. ;_;
Not to mention the show has a very sluggish pace, everything happens so fast I don’t even have time to understand or even laugh at what the fuck is going on. For a 3 minute short series, the best thing they could have gone is make a shorter opening or don’t feature an OP at all, just feature a title card to open the show and that’s it. Or maybe they could have extended the run time to 7 minutes (a la Sugoiyo!! Masaru-san) so I can enjoy the pace better.
Unlike Manaria Friends, I did know but then I forgot this series was 11 episodes long, but at the same time it threw me off thinking there could be an 11th episode but then I realized episode 0 counts.
6/10 - 60% - Rank: C-
And now... time for the top 3 worst anime of the season!
11.- W’z: I’ve probably never paid a lot of attention to the trailers (and even vaguely remember it), I thought it would be a stand-alone and different kind of series with a lot more music themed or something, but when the series premiered, it revealed itself as a sequel to Hand Shakers... THAT’S RIGHT, A SEQUEL TO HAND SHAKERS NOBODY ASKED FOR.
Despite being surprised that W’z is a sequel to Hand Shakers, I’ve grown to really like the series overall in a short amount of time, it makes me like Hand Shakers more than I previously could.
In like 3 or even 4 episodes, I couldn’t stop fanboying out constantly seeing the characters from Hand Shakers who look so grown up after the 10 year time jump after the series happened.
I mentioned that I thought that W’z was self contained, there are some moments and characters that are barely self-contained because the plot is all heavily linked to Hand Shakers (not that I’m complaining, though). I genuinely didn’t care much for the new characters, except Yukiya because he’s the adopted son of Break and Bind (Real names: Reijiro and Yukine Araki, respectively) , and he’s the McGuffin for accessibility to the Ziggurat to find Nagaoka and Mayumi. The one character I was the least satisfied for their lack of development was Midori, at first he’s had a couple of interesting moments, but the rest he barely appeared in the series and only in the previews, but in episode 9, they finally gave him plenty of screentime and even dropped some good info bombs on what the Ziggurat can do and stuff, so that redeemed my feelings on the character.
Another complaint would be the DJ Nielsen character, he’s got interesting motives and he’s the one who gave Reijiro baby Yukiya in a flashback, but his rapper-kind of voice can be so annoying. He and CHU2 from BanG Dream S2 would make a great team, or maybe a contest on who speaks the worst. (SPOILER ALERT: It’s a draw, they’re both so bad in different levels)
Then we get to episode 10 where the most important thing is that NAGAOKA AND MAYUMI FINALLY SHOWED UP. It actually took so long for them to appear because there was like a lot of stuff in the way, but whatever, I was so happy to see them... albeit with a caveat. Since the goal was to get Nagaoka and Mayumi out of the Ziggurat, it turns out that the duo themselves can’t get out because they want to live a normal life and Nagaoka was sick, as Mayumi said. It’s a little sad and it sucks that they can’t get out, but at least Mayumi had a phone call with Koyori after all.
I thought episode 12 with a Midori/Seba episode (it wasn’t an episode dedicated to those two) and to be on par with Hand Shakers with the 12 episode total, but I’m glad there was a 13th episode to have a good conclusion, and boy, this episode delivered some good surprises: The biggest moment is where Nagaoka told Yukiya how much he has grown and then Yukiya himself straight-up called him “Dad”, like three episodes prior, I had theorized that Yukiya would be Nagaoka and Mayumi’s true biological son but I backed off because I thought it would be disturbing (maybe not really, Mayumi must be old after the 10 year gap and she and Koyori don’t look like they have aged at all), BUT IN REALITY, HE REALLY IS, GOHANDS THE FUCKING MADMEN. The second thing I was happy to see was Makihara, at long last the man finally shows up, he always narrated the first few episodes and I couldn’t stop saying “Show yourself, Makihara!” or something and then there were a couple of namedrops, they took so long but maybe they wanted to save Makihara’s appearance in the flesh for last.
This may not be the biggest deal, but since every single character from Hand Shakers appeared in W’z all grown up and such, the one thing I really wasn’t happy with is the absence of Hibiki and Kodama. Sure, they both got namedropped once (though Kodama was namedropped twice) and mentioned their current careers (Kodama being a singer and actress and Hibiki being a costume designer) but I never got to see them at all, maybe they weren’t the most popular amongst GoHands’ staff. They weren’t my bigger favorites of the Hand Shakers cast (and I don’t mean it in a negative way) but seeing them how they have aged would have been really worth it, come on, GoHands!
Despite the hideous visuals GoHands has grown to have in recent years, I really liked W’z, it makes me like Hand Shakers more than I previously could. If I really liked the show so much, then why it’s in the top 3 of my worst anime of the season? Well, mainly for the aforementioned hideous visuals, while they don’t bother me much, it’s for the sake of people who can’t stomatch it. (Says the guy who put Kemurikusa on second place and gave it a 10/10, Rank: S++, 100%).
Like Kemurikusa, W’z also has a couple of plot holes, which I don’t really expect they could get answered that much, but some parts certainly raise a lot of questions, most notable, this Composer character, we never got to see who was this Composer Senri and Hana worked with. (They both don’t have in common, but they both made me ask questions about the plot and lore.)
Regardless on how you feel about the visuals nowadays, I still want GoHands to continue doing projects, one day they’ll return to their former glory with good visuals like the K franchise and they’ll win their old fans back, but the more important thing is that I still want to see them creating interesting stories.
I’d like to see more stuff taken place in the Hand Shakers universe, just don’t make sequels with every 10 year gap because I don’t want to see all the characters from Hand Shakers and W’z grow really old and die, prequels would be fine to explore more on the Akutagawa/Okuike families and/or fill the 10 year gap between said series. If GoHands decides to make completely different IP that’s not set in the Hand Shakers universe, being its own self-contained universe, I would be totalyl fine too. (I previously thought W’z was a self-contained series before it premiered after all.)
You can call me a lunatic or tell me I’m high, and say whatever you want about Hand Shakers/W’z, I’ve grown to like the franchise and I got the balls to tolerate the visuals unlike you. Besides, It’s not about the visuals anymore, it’s about enjoying the story a lot more.
By the way, I made this meme ages ago and I’m so proud of it. 😂
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5/10 - Rank: C - 52% - (AOTS #5 :^) ).
12.- Virtualsan - Looking: This got announced and released a trailer simultaneously out of nowhere, but when I saw the trailer (though it was focused at introducing the main VTubers) and the opening preview, I always thought the show was going to look half-assed, and indeed it did. And speaking of the opening, this series should have been hand-drawn so it would have been cooler to see the VTubers that way.
The bigger problem is that there’s no Kizuna AI at all, which many people aren’t happy with, I’m not worried too much since I like seeing the other VTubers (people should at least watch other kinds of VTubers, not just Kizuna AI alone). Even if Kizuna AI sings the first opening theme, it won’t make up for the fact that she’s completely absent. (At least try to learn to like other VTubers the same way you have your many normal YouTubers/Let’s Players you like, you dumb fucks)
The weirdest selling point of this show, Hideaki Anno was involved in the series. Yes, you read that right, the very same guy who did Evangelion and Shin Godzilla. No wonder why there’s this one sketch where we see the main cast dressed as the girl school uniforms from EVA.
The title of the show, Virtualsan - Looking has given a lot more meaning as I kept watching, it turns out that it’s actually referred to the VTuber Baacharu always watching, he always pops up at the very start of every episode and he’s a recurring star in “Listen Sister!” (forgot the name already, oops) where he always get thrown by Tokino Sora in order to confess to Sister Claire herself [Tokino]. Then he occasionally appears at this Siro segment where some VTubers take a seat and Siro gives a lot of trivia about different topics (then Baacharu became the last guest to star in this segment). It all makes sense now, but for some reason the subtitles called Baacharu “Virtual”.
Speaking of localization, for some reason Crunchyroll decided to license the series a week after its release, but guess what? The episode release schedule was behind, they simulcast the previous episode before the new one aired in Japan, that is until with episodes 5 or 6 which made things even.
There’s no real reason for me to hate this series, I quite enjoyed it and had a lot of laughs throughout the series but the half-assed special effects and stuff are not for the faint of Western audiences’ heart.
Though, I gotta say, this has the potential to spawn more genuine VTuber anime, I’m really optimistic to see more of them in the future.
4.5/10 - Rank: D+ - 48%
13.- Kemono Friends 2: *sigh* Oh boy, trying to write a series review on this one is going to be really tough, but to make it short, it’s as expected, Kemono Friends 2 is a soulless cash grab of a show, a shadow of its former self, definitely the WORST of the season. There’s just so many problems the show has:
Recycled storyline from the first season with a new human character nobody asked for.
Boring ass opening theme song that isn’t memorable and isn’t singable like WELCOME TO YOUKOSO JAPARI PARK.
Having two characters who serve the Raccoon and Fennec-type of roles. (despite having them featured in the OP numerous times and started to appear on episode 10)
Ceruleans look like unfinished CG mess compared to every character and heck, even the Ceruleans from the first season.
Occasionally inconsistent framerate from character movements, most of the time is a bit slow but there are a few times that it goes really fast.
Completely wiped out Serval’s memories of the events from the first season
Let’s go part by part:
The biggest crime of this season is of course not following the To Be Continued teased at the end of the first season and they decided to soft-reboot the series with a totally new human character, Kyururu.
Then, enter Armadillo and Pangolin, two characters who are looking for Kyururu for reasons [that is from the beginning of the series, later it was explained why they did it, it was to bring Kyururu to Domestic Dog], sound familiar? That’s because their roles are very like Raccoon and Fennec from the first season... when Raccoon and Fennec ALWAYS appeared in the opening (and then finally appeared on episode 10).
Speaking of the opening, the theme is a boring jazz earrape and it’s certainly not memorable or even singable as the first season’s opening, WELCOME TO YOUKOSO JAPARI PARK, those days are over.
I mostly didn’t even care for literally every character in the series. However, there are characters I do care, Kaban-chan (which I’ll discuss about her in a bit) of course, I will always care for Kaban-chan, and Domestic Dog, she’s the one Friend I’d definitely protecc because she’s a doggo and I feel bad for her in episode 8. The characters I’d definitely least protecc are Kyururu, nobody asked for a brand new human to take the Kaban-chan role, and Serval, because she doesn’t remember shit about the first season, they kind of ruined her character.
Serval was the worst change that has ever happened to her, as I stated, they basically wiped out all of her memories of the first season (or so it seems). Caracal told Serval that she had traveled with a human before and there was a small flash with Kaban-chan’s silhouette, this is one of the many things this season broke my heart very badly.
As for Caracal, the chemistry between her and Serval this season didn’t absolutely work here. Her character is depicted kind of a tsundere compared to her Welcome to Japari Park version which, gotta be honest, I definitely prefer the Welcome to Japari Park version and voice way better than the Kemono Friends 2 one. Without disrespecting the VA way too much, her voice for Caracal didn’t work for the character.
Rewatched a small portion of the first season, despite Serval having the same VA, she sounds a little different in Kemono Friends 2.
Speaking of Welcome to Japari Park, there’s the finale coming up in two weeks, so I hope it has a better conclusion than Kemono Friends 2 (which I’ll talk about later).
Now... let’s talk about Kaban-chan! If Serval wasn’t that of a poorly written character enough, Kaban-chan has definitely suffered the most! At the end of episode 5, a paper plane with a flame on its tip was flying out of nowhere, just to drive the Beast away, I heard a voice and IT WAS KABAN-CHAN!!! I was so happy that she finally appeared and I was eager to see more of her in the next episode, then the next week came and... she had plenty of screentime but... SHE DIDN’T DO SHIT! SHE DIDN’T DO A LOT OF SHIT, LIKE, SHE COULD HAVE INTERACTED WITH KYURURU A LOT MORE ABOUT WHAT DOES SHE WANT AND EVERYTHING, I CANNOT FORGIVE THIS EVER!
Well, it’s not like I wanted her with Serval to be like “Hey, Serval! Do you remember me?”, I understand she had her reasons and she must have been aware on Serval’s memory or something, but at the same time, she didn’t do a lot, though later in the episode, it was more focused on Kyururu talking to the owls about the origin of the Ceruleums, Kyururu theorized that the Ceruleans must have been spawned from the sea, and they all decide to test this out, which I don’t really blame too much that it turned out that way because they need to focus more on the overarching story of Kyururu’s search for her house, but come on...
At the end of the episode, Kaban says goodbye to the main trio, but most importantly, to Serval, as she asked Caracal to take care of her, she was downright sad.This episode was completely unsatisfying that I went so far to make a review out of it.
But that’s not the end of Kaban-chan, as she did appear in the final episodes, which I’ll talk about them in a bit...
But I gotta say, I really dig Kaban-chan’s new design. She has indeed grown up given by her height and her matured voice. 👌
There’s something I haven’t discussed very often and that is the NicoNico ratings. I haven’t seen these very often but I’ve seen two screenshots of two random episodes of the ratings, and guess what? Japan definitely voted for the “I didn’t like it.” option! Here’s a screenshot of episode 6:
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This is the exact same episode with the underwhelming reunion with Kaban-chan, it deserved it.
This is very funny because, two years ago, Pop Team Epic also a lot of dislike ratings, but it’s not because PTE is bad bad, I think it’s because it’s a kuso anime and people would follow the gag that it sucks or something, but in the case of Kemono Friends 2, it’s plain bad.
Moving on, episode 9 came by, the PPP episode, and there was no Crunchyroll-Hime cameo from the first season, wow, the disrespect. Then we get to see Crested Ibis again! Though she was not a main Friend of the episode (as it is a PPP-centered episode), she has become more of a minor role, just doing auditions, she even name dropped Alpaca.
Next we’ve come to the one episode where Armadillo and Pangolin finally captured Kyururu and brought to her master, the master appeared to be a Friend called Domestic Dog. She started talking to Kyururu that she has finally met a human after a long time, she brings Kyururu to her house and OH MY GOD, SHE MADE DOG SOUNDS, DEFINITELY PROTECC, I’M BEING SERIOUS, PROTECC.
Then comes the scene where Doggo was protecting Kyururu from the Beast, the moment I saw her full of scratches and dirt, my god, I cannot unsee that, that was horrifying.
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(Yes, I couldn’t resist bringing John Wick jokes)
Then when doggo let go of Kyururu, to come back to her friends, I felt so bad for her. I saw a comment on Crunchyroll where someone said “Oh no, she’s Seymour from Futurama” and things couldn’t be any more painful.
Right at the end of the episode, these two Friends from a promotional poster I saw a while before the series premiered finally showed up.
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They’re purpose was to give Kyururu some sort of existential crisis (well, not that much) by asking her if her house really exists, why did she made her drawings, etc.
Now we’re finally in episode 10 where Raccoon and Fennec finally appear after being in the OP literally every episode ever (Maybe I was asking for meaning or pay-off way too much), then KABAN-CHAN REAPPEARS and that time she was hella serious because she, the professor and her assistant, found out that there were Ceruleans being spawned from Kyururu’s drawings. Kyururu then made a drawing of literally every Friend she has met, including Pigeon which she just met but wanted to include her, and that immediately screamed maximum danger, as I thought there would be a huge army of Ceruleans shaped like the Friends, this is where things got interesting.
Episode 11, comes this war of Friends vs Ceruleans shaped like them, blah blah blah...
Episode 12 came and NOW LET’S TALK ABOUT THE ENDING!
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Then there’s the post-credits scene:
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My face during the very end:
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................................................................................................................................................................................................can somebody explain to me what the fuck just happened?
That Kaban-chan and Serval scene........ how could they do this to me.... and I don’t mean it in a good way.... Then that drawing with Mirai and two other Japari Park workers...................
Sure, these moments should bring hype and I should be happy that they did this, the Kaban-chan and Serval scene and the drawing, but it won’t work for me, Kemono Friends 2 tries really hard to redeem itself with hype-worthy moments like these, they just won’t make up for this irredeemable garbage.
Now, I wasn’t a douche on watching the entire series, there are some moments that I found genuinely interesting, had some laughs and made me smile (probably out of confusion, I have problems smiling even on inappropiate shit), the models perfectly capture Mine Yoshizaki’s art style, but without disrespecting Tatsuki, at the same time the models feel lifeless compared to the first season’s.
One thing I don’t understand about the designs is that I’ve seen people in 4chan blaming Tomason for the lazy designs and stuff, or something like that because I’ve seen them use “they” and I don’t really think they’re referring to Yoshizaki, they must have been really referring to Tomason, and that’s not true, Mine Yoshizaki does all of the Friends’ designs, and please don’t call some of them lazy, don’t disservice the man.
Then there are also the next episode previews made by Kikuchi Milo featuring the characters from the first season. Because of Crested Ibis’ minor appearance in episode 9, now I kind of wish the Friends from the first season to show up in the series, not just the next episode previews.
There were also two ED themes, which I find it bizarre that a one-cour series changes theme songs.
We never got to learn more about the Beast character though, she was like an underdeveloped Friend and she behaved more like a genuine tiger animal or something, we never get to learn her origin, or even her race.
Boy, this review turned out way better than I expected, I had a lot of fun writing about this soulless pile of trash. I hope the Welcome to Japari Park finale will help me forget this shit, let’s see how it would build up to the first season of Kemono Friends given that it’s a prequel and this is really old footage, I’m sure there must be how the future of the series got set up or something.
This might have been the most brutal anime review I’ve ever written but it’s the truth.
Watch Kemono Friends 3 get announced but inb4 it could be an adaptation of the mobile/arcade game of the same name instead of following the anime’s overarching story.
Though I think if Kemono Friends 3 happens, it could still be a continuation of the anime's story and it has nothing to do with the mobile/arcade game of the same name. It could be a similar situation with Welcome to Japari Park where there's a manga and a short series and they're both totally unrelated.
To conclude this series review, let me just say this:
Kemono Friends 2 is the Pacific Rim: Uprising of anime.
0/10 - Rank: E - 0% 🔥 🔥 🔥  Hail Hydra (or in this case Hail Kadokawa) No Tatsuki, No Tanoshii
Fuck you, Kadokawa. 🖕
Fall 2018 ongoing:
At last, ongoing anime from the previous season, I wasn’t having this streak lately and it was about time I had it.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind: JoJo Part 5 continues to be strong. There’s not much to add but I got some small things to say: When I’m 4chan threads, seeing screenshots of Part 4 makes me realize that Part 4 is the WORST looking and poorly produced part out of all the rest, thankfully Part 5 looks way better.
Since I was so accostumed on how the characters sound like in All Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven, the new voices have definitely grown on me now.
Also, how does King Crimson work?
Ace Attorney season 2: I genuinely had this post written with JoJo as the only ongoing Fall 2018 anime alone and somehow I have forgotten about Ace Attorney despite still watching the series. I feel like I enjoyed the Bridge to the Turnabout episodes a lot more.
I felt like this second season has genuinely given me a little bit of a sour taste in my mouth unlike the first season, which it definitely lead me to drop the series, but I didn’t drop it completely, I have picked it up again around episode 10 because I felt bad.
Now, let’s start talking about the Spring season, and why is this going to be the best anime season yet? Well...
1.- Kimestu no Yaiba - April 6: I’M SO LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS ONE! Ahem, well, to tell you the truth, I just love being wowed by Ufotable’s fantastic visuals. I’m definitely checking this one blindly, I feel like this is something I should read the manga because I’m starting to feel like it could be an unfaithful narrative mess, and it’s already making me sad. But is Ufotable the type of studio to go off the rails and completely butcher the story? (Probably God Eater as people say but I don’t really see what’s with the hate and why is it offensively bad, I played God Eater Burst long afterwards, though. Call me an Ufotable stan if you want, but I really don’t see any problem with God Eater even when I binged it years ago, aside from a bit of animation hiccups (probably the/my first with (modern) Ufotable having a bit of hiccups) but I don’t mind it, I just enjoyed the way it is; people are gonna tell me this too and I’d be like totally disagreeing their opinions, refusing to seek the reality; I’d love to rush my ass off and read the manga like I did with One Punch Man, My Hero Academia and Monster Musume but I’m just so lazy to do it now, and I can’t read manga with over 100 chapters long.)
I always watch a lot of anime without even reading the manga first, even I don’t read JoJo (Even though I know some of the biggest spoilers from every part through the games) and Mob Psycho 100, but for some reason Kimetsu no Yaiba feels like a huge deal for me, I wish I couldn’t let the opportunity of reading the manga first go to waste, yet, I’m here about to watch the anime. I wish I could have realized this sooner.
Anyways, enough of that insane talk and wouldn’t boost hype confidence, I’m still going to enjoy it regardless how the story goes and the music might be something worth praising because the composers are fucking Yuki Kajiura and Go Shiina, animation and visuals are no surprise worth of praise , I’m just ready to watch Ufotable’s next big TV project since Katsugeki: Touken Ranbu. (yes, there was 2018′s Emiya-san chi no Kyou no Gohan but it was a monthly series and each episode was 12 minutes long, so it’s not kind of a big deal; then there’s also the Heaven’s Feel movie trilogy (loved the second movie (even though I’m an anime only, I’m legit scared of Gavin and other kinds of elitists now; even though he unfollowed me)), but like I said, TV project)
As of March 27th, I read some news that Ufotable is under investigation over tax evasion and now I’ve grown way concerned than I was. It may not affect the releases of Kimetsu no Yaiba and even Fate/Stay Night Heaven’s Feel III but I just don’t want to see Ufotable close. After Kimetsu no Yaiba come out, let’s see how Ufotable will do.
Gur zbfg vzcbegnag guvat gb fnl jul V qba’g jnag Hsbgnoyr gb pybfr vf, abg bayl V jba’g frr gurve navzngvba terngarff ntnva jvgu Sngr, Gnyrf, Tbq Rngre, rgp., V jnagrq gb jbex jvgu gurz ol znxvat gurz trg gur evtugf gb zl abiry senapuvfr gb cebqhpr navzngrq pbagrag, znvayvar naq bppnfvbanyyl enaqbz fghss. Ohg nynf, orsber V ynaqrq ba zl qrpvfvba ba Hsbgnoyr, V bevtvanyyl jnagrq gb jbex jvgu Znqubhfr naq/be JVG Fghqvb, vs Hsbgnoyr pybfrf, V’z tbvat sbe Znqubhfr/JVG Fghqvb yvxr V jnagrq. (Use ROT13 if you want to decipher what I said here)
Quick update, I HAVE read the first three chapters, it’s relatively solid and given on the scenes I’ve seen in the trailers, I do believe Ufotable is going to make a pretty good job on adapting the series faithfully narratively.
But most importantly so far, I hope Ufotable will do justice this panel! Which I had posted this on my Kemono Friends 2 series review.
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Bones disappointed me with the anime version of Mina’s “NO WAY” scene from My Hero Academia, and I hope Ufotable won’t do the same, I want a perfect recreation of that Tanjiro face.
Here’s the comparison below:
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Do you agree on this? (If you don’t, it’s fine, don’t worry about it)
UPDATE - April 13th:
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I changed my mind about Bones with the Mina “NO WAY!” part, it actually looks faithfully recreated, UNLIKE UFOTABLE.
(Alright, I gotta stop updating this post constantly with what’s happening right now)
RELATED: What will Ufotable’s final release be?
2.- One Punch Man season 2 - April 2nd: I’ve said this before and I will say it again, I’m NOT expecting OPM S2 to be any good and I’m NOT looking forward to it, even if I say that, I’m still going to watch it, regardless, but I’m not very hopeful for the visuals (Man, all I ever care about in anime is the visuals, I don’t give a crap of the story, I just want good animation!).
Since the release date is revealed to be April 2nd, which is Tuesday, I’m going to miss the good old One Punch Man Sundays when the first season came out, but Tuesdays are a good day for anime, so it’s worth it.
Well, I wrote that sentence literally like a day or two, and a new visual got revealed, it looks clean but it’s already not gonna look like that, very S1-like, given the first teaser trailer released. That aside, Viz Media confirmed that it will be premiered on April 9th on Hulu (RIP Daisuki.net), which that’s on Saturday, so that’s close on the good old OPM Sundays 4 years ago.
Actually, I’m pretty split on that information, in one hand, the official Twitter account tweeted the visual with the April 2nd release, but in the other, Viz Media tweeted that it comes out in the 9th and calls it “the same day as Japan” and “ Details and availability regarding the April 2nd special programming in our territory are currently unavailable.”, I’m so confused.
(Sorry, this post has been in progress for the entire Winter season and I’m writing stuff I was currently experiencing at the time)
March 18th, the second trailer dropped and somehow I’m kind of alright with it, still not super impressed but at least it’s kind of something. But the biggest let-down is the new opening theme by JAM Project revealed in the trailer which it’s not as great as THE HERO. I’m a bigger fan of the way THE HERO is, I’m probably the more upbeat type of person, and with this? I don’t want something calm, I wanted a more action packed song! I hadn't payed a lot of attention to the editing of the trailer with the black screens, but yeah, it's so bad.
The more I think about the trailer and seeing people’s reactions, I’m starting to think it’s really looking like absolute ass than I previously mentioned, so I couldn’t agree more. But hey, at least I love seeing some of the jokes and memes related to the trailer.
I thought I had to wait until AnimeJapan to drop the trailer but they decided to do it now.
I now understand what’s with the April 2nd and April 9th releases. The April 2nd release is going to be more like an special of sorts and next week is when the series for real starts. It’s the same issue I had with Kemono Friends 2, but that was unpredictable at the time, so with One Punch Man, I can totally wait for next week. (At the time of posting this, the day has come)
3.- Attack on Titan season 3 second cour - April 28th: It’s seriously been like annoyingly forever after the first cour ended in Fall 2018, but I’m finally it’s going to continue.
I still don’t know what took so long, but whatever.
4.- Isekai Quartet - April 9th: From what I see now, this is going to be more like a show with different isekai projects focused as sketches or something, I randomly thought it would be a crossover but apparently it’s not the case. Regardless, I’m still going to watch and enjoy the way it is.
By the time I saw its announcement, I immediately went to binge Re:Zero, I have seen Youjo Senki, Overlord and Kono Suba, so I needed to watch Re:Zero so I can be complete or something.
Since I write this post as time goes on, the trailer for Isekai Quartet has released and indeed it is a crossover like I wanted!
5.- Girls’ Frontline comedy anime short - ???: It appears that we’re getting our first Girls’ Frontline anime and it’s a comedy which it’s even cooler.
The trailer was first revealed on a BiliBili livestream on January for Chinese audiences, then a few days later, there was another livestream taken place in VTuber Nekomiya Hinata’s channel for Japanese audiences, where they showed off the same trailer but one frame of new footage and then there’s a new trailer for another Girls’ Frontline anime, that’s right, we don’t have just one, but two different Girls’ Frontline comedy anime, this one’s focused on the AR Team and 404, and the other one has a variety of T-Dolls featured, but the former is the bigger focus here.
What I find rather surprising about this short anime is that ever since they showed the trailer on said livestreams, there’s no official upload of the trailer, not a whole lot of news sites reported about this, and not even a full release date after two months. I thought there would be more information on AnimeJapan 2019 but there was nothing in sight.
So I guess I’ll have to wait until April to see if this will indeed come out, it could be a surprise release not everyone is going to notice or it might be delayed to Summer. Nevertheless, I’m excited to see this one, and the other one too but I prefer this one with the AR Team and 404 the most.
By the way, thanks for tagging me twice on these Girls’ Frontline anime, Moetron. I’m happy that I let you know these trailers exist. Here, have this powerful image of G11 meditating.
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6.- Fruits Basket remake - April 5th: I never watched the original Fruits Basket and I’ve been seeing a lot of announcements about returning English voice actors and stuff, I dunno why but I’m thinking the remake could be overhyped with all this stuff, but I’m sure it’s still going to be enjoyable for the people who read the manga, who watched the original anime series and newcomers alike.
Speaking of the manga, I wondered why is there a need for a remake now, one of my friends told me that there could be an actual ending of the series since the original anime prematuredly ended when the manga was still going at the time, so I believe the remake might add the manga’s ending or something, I don’t know anything about it but it sounds like a likely thing to happen.
7.- Miru Tights - May 11th: There isn’t much to comment on this one, but it’s interesting because it’s basically Yom the anime. Yep, the man of the thights is getting an anime. Who would knew one day this would happen? Also, it comes out on May 11th, it’s kind of an unusual date even for a web series.
8.- 四月一日さん家の (Watanuki-san Chi No) - April 19th: After Virtual-san wa Miteiru, it seems like the anime industry wouldn’t give up on start making anime with VTubers now.
Unlike Virtual-san wa Miteiru, this one’s not really classified as “anime”, it’s more like a drama as its official Twitter account says or something. Well, at least this show stars Tokino Sora as one of the three leads, so it’ll be interesting. Though I’m not sure anyone would really like to torrent this but at the same time it’d be a waste not to.
9.- Bungou Stray Dogs season 3 - April 12th: I’ve watched the first two seasons of the show in December 2017, then watched the movie in my cinema with my older sister on her birthday, I’m definitely quite a fan of the series, not completely hardcore as I need to read the manga, but I’m fine for now. Anyways, I’m glad there’s a third season happening and can’t wait to see it.
There was originally going to be a Chiitan anime this Spring but it got delayed to Summer. And yeah, you read that right, a Chiitan anime.
HONORABLE MENTION (Since that just happened): Pop Team Epic special: I genuinely forgot a special was going to occur on April 1st (being April Fools), but I’m glad I watched it and still loved it like the base series and now I want season 2.
Thanks for reading this post, this must have been the longest post I’ve ever made yet for so many reasons. What’s your most anticipated anime of the season?
Twitter: @HKomaeda.
0 notes
smurfettte · 7 years
C, D, & E !
Okay so im sorry this is gonna get annoying but just for future reference im gonna like censor the spelling of my special interest so it doesnt show up in the tag for it (fuck this site lol) its stupid and im sorryC- What are some of your favorite stims?Well! My all time favorites are flapping my hands / arms, my audio stim (my favorite jumpy music on a loud volume in my earbuds lol), jumping, and squishing gooey things like slime and dough and whatever else. I got some homemade slime based on my special interest(s) for christmas, so im heavily enjoying it!! Flapping + my audio stim are my top two though. I get most of my energy from that and my SI, tbh. D- What was your first special interest? Do you remember anything about it?Im quite certain my first special interest was either Rocky and Bullwinkle, or Strawberry Shortcake (2003), followed shortly later by 80s aatc. I still love all three, but i watch strawberry shortcake + aatc more frequently. Of course i remember though! If im counting r&b as my first, my grandpa (who passed away last year) won the season one box set and a tshirt for us because of a radio station competition when i was little (maybe 4 yrs old?). My dad was a big fan growing up so we watched all of it together on nights when everyone was home since he usually worked nights. As for random facts, June Foray, who voiced Rocky, Natasha Fatale, and probably dozens of other characters that appeared on the show, also voiced Jokey Sm*rf in the sm*rfs cartoon (as well as, again, many other characters). I think shes in just about everything ive ever loved? E- four fun facts about your current special interestOKAY let me try 2 spit out the things in my head- Sm*rfs didnt start out as an independant comic/franchise; they appeared as characters to drive the most famous story in the Johan and Pirlouit (Peewit) series, titled 'The Sm*rfs and The Magic Flute' (which was later adapted into an animated film in what was the 70s, i believe). They got so popular that i believe it lead to toys, and THEN independent comics. Which, as originals, are sometimes really annoying to read with how :/ they can be. - everyones gay absolutely everyone- i have like whats basically a sm*rf history "textbook" and in it the old writers of the cartoon basically admit that there were days where they would flip thru the yellow pages for plot inspiration (literally season 7 - 9 lmfao) and honestly that is me- i guess this counts but um ive sort of had this as the #1 thing that makes me happy even if its taken a back seat in my thoughts a few times in my life since i was around 8 years old and it feels like im that sweet lady who loves everything she has to be green. Being around my special interest and themeing things that cater to it / are about it and just everything like that makes me so, so so happy. Im so glad that this new movie is coming out because i know the people making it genuinely cared about what they wanted to do with it/changing it (thank fucking god) for the better, and when the toys come out, they'll hopefully all look really cute so i'll want to use the christmas money i have saved to surround myself in that cute shit!! If toys r us has a set up for it like they did with trolls one of my friends is probably gonna record me crying like a goddamn baby. Its come so far and i hope for the best, without jinxing it. Im so excited. This is so important to me
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junker-town · 7 years
‘The Bachelorette’ Episode 4: This show isn’t fun anymore
In light of the racism in recent episodes and sexual assault allegations on ‘Bachelor in Paradise’, the franchise has turned sinister.
The intro of this weekly recap is usually where I say something along the lines of, “Hello, Sports Bachelor Nation!” and crack a joke about how you’re probably getting ready to pour a bottle of wine down your throat, or about how this reality show is sports, or something else that’s meant to entertain you as you read about a show that is also meant to entertain you. In fact, whose only job is to entertain you.
Tonight is not that night. For several reasons:
1) I can’t get the taste of last week’s episode, in which Lee, a racist piece of garbage, picked a fight with several black cast members.
2) The Bachelor in Paradise had to shut down filming because of alleged sexual assault between two incredibly drunk cast members, a situation which casts a very sinister shadow over the entire franchise.
Neither of those things are entertaining. They’re both dangerous. They’re both gross. They both make me feel sick to my stomach, so you’ll excuse me if I’m having trouble mustering up enthusiasm.
With that said, let's take a look at what happened last night.
We left off with Lee baiting Eric with racially-charged statements. Lee refuses to apologize. Instead, he says:
“You’re damn right I enjoyed pissing him off. I have so much fun talking shit on these nights.”
Eric removes himself from the situation. Lee drops the “I’m not here to make friends” line, which used to be funny, and now, like so much else on this show, is not.
Then Lee interrupts Kenny while Kenny and Rachel are talking to each other. He refuses to go away, then gives Rachel a block of wood that he rudimentarily carved the word “enchanting” into using his grandfather’s pocket knife. This is not only creepy, but also means that this guy came onto the show with a switchblade and no one was like, “hey, maybe we should take this guy’s switchblade away.”
Dean, one of the white guys, says, “I think Lee’s a f[bleeeeep]ing moron,” and, “I just think he’s kind of a bitch.” It’s good to see a white dude grow a pair and call Lee out, but of course Brady, another white dude, is like, “Everyone comes form a different background and has weird quirks.”
Oh, is that what we’re calling it these days? Being racist is like, a fun little character flaw?
Meanwhile, Bryan tells Rachel that they’re in a 100% real situation that’s like a fairy tale. Sure, if by fairy tale you mean the original text of Grimm’s Brother’s stories in which they describe the bloody way Cinderella’s sisters cut off their own heels to try to squeeze into the glass slipper. And then everyone dies of the bubonic plague.
Dean says he hopes Kenny punches Lee in the face and I’m like, why don’t you just do it, dude?
Rachel speaks to the camera about the pressures she feels about being a black woman on this show. She’s crying.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she says. “I get pressured from so many different ways, being in this position. I didn’t want to get into all of this tonight. I already know what people are going to say about me and judge me for the decisions that I’m making. I’m going to be the one that has to deal with that, and nobody else, and that’s a lot.”
Good work, Bachelorette producers. Way to put a smart woman who appears to be trying to take this show as seriously as anyone can in a really horrible position. Knocking it out of the goddamn park.
Rachel gives Lee a rose. Diggy goes home. I liked Diggy.
The fact that Lee is still around makes everything extra bad, but Dean and Rachel go on a one-on-one date in the Goodyear blimp, which is a bit of brightness in an otherwise very dark moment for the franchise.
Dean is absolutely petrified of heights, not in a cute “haha I’m so scared LOL” way, but in a “oh my god I’m going to puke everywhere and maybe actually pass out” way. Rachel is a little worried. But then Dean gets himself together and drives the blimp, then he and Rachel drink champagne in the blimp, and then they make out in the blimp. Lotta blimp action. Also: I’ve always wondered what the inside of a blimp looks like, and now I know: a bus.
The Goodyear Blimp’s Twitter account proved to be the only good Bachelor-related thing we have left. It was trolling people all night as the episode aired:
When throwing shade, it helps to cast a blimp-sized shadow. (and have a giant LED screen, sure) https://t.co/2inuOHnbUK
— Goodyear Blimp (@GoodyearBlimp) June 20, 2017
Awesome people. https://t.co/CDl9MVmz3a
— Goodyear Blimp (@GoodyearBlimp) June 20, 2017
Back at the house, the guys are like, “Dean is five, six years younger than Rachel,” as though that were a problem. My dudes, I’m sorry you’re so insecure in your own fragile masculinity that you can’t imagine an older woman with a younger man.
At dinner, Rachel and Dean talk about their upbringings. Dean says he was raised very religious, and that his mom died of breast cancer when he was 15. He says that when she moved to hospice, he asked her when she’d be coming home, and she said, “never.” And then Dean says that his dad sobbed on his bed the day he told him that she passed away, while Dean just sat there, stoically, supporting his father.
I’m not not tearing up.
My tears quickly dry when Rachel and Dean go to a surprise country music concert. The singer’s name is Russell Dickerson, which is like Mad Libs for a country singer name. But everyone knows it’s not an episode of The Bachelorette unless a generic country singer gets his two minutes of glory. The producers probably go on the Facebook group called, like, Aspiring Country Singers Who Want to Sing Good and Look Good Too, and just choose a guy at random.
I can imagine the conversation. “Who should it be, fellow producers? Harrison Butterson or Flint McDustbuster?”
What is a Russell Dickerson
— Jonquilyn Hill (@jonquilynhill) June 20, 2017
PLOT TWIST: Russell Dickerson is actually a hologram of a stock art photo of a country music singer.
The group date takes place on a boat. They’re all dancing, and for some reason Peter decides to rap, and his bars are trash. He rhymes “heart” with “fart” and calls Rachel a “girl from the hood.”
Let’s go to writer Katie Barnes’ Twitter feed for a moment:
Um. Rachel's dad is a judge. She is not from "the hood" as it were. She's just black. #TheBachelorette
— Katie Barnes (@katie_barnes3) June 20, 2017
Rachel says she wants to test the men in a cerebral way, so she’s making them compete in a spelling bee to find out how clever they are. This is terrible news, because I can’t spell for beans. If this is the measure of a human’s brain power, it’s truly astonishing that I even have a job.
All the words have to do with dating, like, polyamorous, which I couldn’t spell without spellcheck if you put a gun to my head.
Iggy sucks. He’s talking to the camera about how much he hates Josiah, and I can tell that he’s turning himself into the Dude Who Hates All The Other Dudes. Which means that he’ll be going home soon. Someone I can’t remember calls Iggy a “gossip queen,” and I’m laughing.
Josiah wins.
Josiah floats like a butterfly, spells like a bee! #TheBachelorette http://pic.twitter.com/ErVDWCbN5b
— The Bachelorette (@BacheloretteABC) June 20, 2017
Josiah spills a drink on his crotch. I deeply identify with him. Iggy calls Rachel sweetie. I hate Iggy. Iggy seems to have aligned himself with Lee, so Iggy can go straight to hell.
Rachel takes Lee aside and Lee says that Eric screamed at him aggressively. He calls Kenny a ballerina. He picks fights with almost every black contestant while telling the white guys at the bar that he doesn’t have a problem with them.
When Kenny tries to talk to Rachel about Lee, Rachel is like, “Why would Lee say you were aggressive if you weren’t?” And Kenny is like ... “Because Lee doesn’t tell the truth?” And Rachel doesn’t seem to totally buy it. Kenny is left sitting there on a bench with his head in his hands, and I want to punch my television screen.
“Nothing I said made a dent in how she felt about me,” Kenny says. He also says he feels like he’s living in a reality of alternative facts, which is true, and sad, and descriptive of not only the Bachelorette, but also our current cultural state.
Lee is a reptilian piece of trash. The producers might be, too, because they’re setting Kenny and Lee on a two-on-one date from which only one can return. Oh, and they’re getting two episodes of television out of it. Yup, that’s right: Next week we’re stuck with two evenings of this show.
Clinton Yates, of ESPN’s The Undefeated, said it best:
yeah, two night special with this particular relationship? Incredibly slimy
— Clinton Yates (@clintonyates) June 20, 2017
In light of The Bachelor in Paradise allegations, I’ve been reading a lot of first-person accounts from producers on the franchise. They’ve all basically said that morals come second, behind explosive filmed moments, as the TV show UnREAL made so clear.
I can’t help thinking of all of that while watching the microaggressions and coded, racist language that Lee spews everywhere. These people are in a mansion they can’t leave with 24/7 surveillance — it becomes a cage. They have no cell phones or any connection to the outside world. Their environment revolves around killing time and withstanding excruciating boredom. It’s punctuated with bursts of intensity when they’re with Rachel, followed by hours of emptiness to obsess over what they just said and did, as well as what everyone else just said and did.
Producers use this pent up energy and brain spirals to build beds of tinder out of people’s emotions. Then they get contestants to rub each other the wrong way until the whole thing goes up in flames.
This is what reality shows are made from, and it’s slimy in any context. But it can be slimy in a funny way when the lighter fluid is, say, the fact that a contestant eats too much cheese, as it was during Nick’s season. It’s an entirely different ballgame to make blazing drama from racism. It’s not drama. It’s just awful; and the fact that they could’ve avoided this by not putting Lee (whose alleged racist tweets recently surfaced, meaning that the producers either didn’t check his private account, as they claim, or willfully ignored it) on the show, makes it far worse. This is not some way to further a conversation about race in America; it’s exploitative and painful.
I can’t remember what it feels like to watch this show and be amused. I forget that we’re supposed to be watching a show about dating, or something like dating. Instead, it’s become a sinister fun-house that traps viewers and contestants for two hours on a Monday night that we can never get back. And I, for one, would like to get out.
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thezachrogers · 7 years
Top 50 Films of 2016
revised 4/3/2017
What a year it has been. We saw a lot of Hollywood’s finest leave us and it did not stop until the very last second. Lets all pause and take a moment of silence to remember Mariah Carey’s career.
That’s enough of that. On to the meat and potatoes!
Not a great year for Hollywood Blockbusters, but what an INCREDIBLE year it was for Disney, Animated, and Indie Drama films. I did the best I could to see all the films that were watchable. As I stated in my previous blog post, this is a top 50 list of what I saw; one can only see so many movies. In the coming weeks, I do plan on catching up and ten or more films will be added to this list.
In this blog, I’m not playing to my bias. Which means Star Wars was not my number one film this year; SHOCKER. I will be judging based upon overall quality of film, story, and acting. I give a star rating based on my judgment. I will not write a review for every film, I will highlight the ones I feel need highlighting if need be. I will not write reviews on films most people saw unless it was a favorite of mine. So, please, trust me!
Here we go 59-30!
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61. Star Trek Beyond 3 stars *family film* (84% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.1/10 on IMDB)
This is the worst film in the Abrams Star Trek franchise. I think a lot of that had to do with Abrams no longer driving the ship once he took the reins for this franchise’s rival Star Wars. Idris Elba’s villain was very weak standing next to Benedict Cumberbatch and Eric Bana. This movie definitely has its moments and will be a great watch once it is out on Netflix or HBOGO. I feel sorry for you if you saw it in theaters.
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60. Kevin Hart: What Now? 3.5 Stars (76% on Rotten Tomatoes, 5.5/10 on IMDB)
By far, Hart’s worst stand up special to date. Since he became a movie star, he’s lost his unique touch to comedy. Over-repetitive, very unoriginal; maybe a few good laughs. Wait for Netflix for this one folks, save your dollar!
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59. Central Intelligence 3.75 Stars (70% on Rotten Tomatoes, 6.4/10 on IMDB)
We’re getting into the renter category. Two highly overrated Hollywood stars tag team back and forth in this buddy comedy. I think Dwayne Johnson is here to stay in the comedy genre of films. He gave me a lot more laughs than Kevin Hart’s “first of all” and “aw hell naw” antics. Definitely a good renter though, shoutout to Aaron Paul (Jesse Pinkman in Breaking Bad) making it in the big movies though! YEAH B***H!
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58. The Infiltrator 3.75 Stars (69% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.1/10 on IMDB)
It’s funny I just talked about Jesse now we are at Walt. Bryan Cranston plays on the other side of the court in this DEA-Medellin Cartel Action Drama. Movie does drag in some parts but has a great ensemble cast with Benjamin Bratt and John Leguizamo. Cranston never disappoints though so rent this movie!
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57. War Dogs 3.5 Stars (58-60% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.2/10 on IMDB)
I’m still trying to wrap my head around why Jonah Hill put on 100+ lbs for this subpar movie. It kind of pisses me off you can get a Golden Globe nomination for gaining weight; ANYONE can do that. There was nothing special about his performance. With the exception of Whiplash, I’m not a huge fan of Miles Teller although I did enjoy him in this film. Okay renter, but maybe you want to skim through the redbox before you click +DVD or +Blu-Ray on this film. Incredible cinematography and true story.
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56. Disney’s The Finest Hours 3.5 Stars *family film* (63% on Rotten Tomatoes, 6.8/10 on IMDB) on Netflix now!!
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55. Moonlight 3.5 Stars (98% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.6/10 on IMDB)
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54. Race 3.5 Stars (61% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.1/10 on IMDB) on HBOGO now!
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53. Love & Friendship 3.75 Stars (98% on Rotten Tomatoes, 6.6/10 on IMDB)
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52. Jackie 3 Stars (89% on Rotten Tomatoes, 6.9/10 on IMDB)
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51. The Fundamentals of Caring 3.75 Stars (77% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.4/10 on IMDB) Netflix Original
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50. Disney’s The BFG 3.75 Stars *family film* (76% on Rotten Tomatoes, 6.5/10 on IMDB)
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49. The Magnificent Seven 3.5 Stars (63% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7/10 on IMDB) Good luck finding on Redbox, this ensemble casted summer blockbuster crashed Redbox’s site for two weeks!
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48. The Shallows 3.75 Stars (78% on Rotten Tomatoes, 6.4/10 on IMDB) Blake Lively. That’s all that needs to be said.
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47. Midnight Special 4 Stars (84% on Rotten Tomatoes, 6.7/10 on IMDB) Now on HBOGO!
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46. Hail, Caesar! 4 Stars (85% on Rotten Tomatoes, 6.3/10 on IMDB) Jonah Hill is not in this film…I repeat Jonah Hill is not in this film. There were so many celebrity cameos and I guess they cut out his one scene in the final cut of the film. Watched for free on HBOGO. Glad I did, catch it for free if you can, if not, you’re not missing much other than the new Han Solo actor, Alden Ehrenreich.
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45. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 3.25 Stars (68% on Rotten Tomatoes, 6.6/10 on IMDB) Margot Robbie, so hot right now. I mean like she’s in everything…and she’s hot. Watch for free on HBOGO and hulu.
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44. Passengers 3.5 Stars (31% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7/10 on IMDB)
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43. Nocturnal Animals 3.75 Stars (73% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.5/10 on IMDB)
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42. The Witch 4 Stars (91% on Rotten Tomatoes, 6.7/10 on IMDB) This my be the freakiest, most demonic film I’ve ever seen. I did not know what I was in for when I started it. Had to turn it off a few times before finishing it. I wish I never saw it. Scary and terrifying is not how to describe this film…more creepy and full of disdain. Based on the times of the Salem witch trials. My Jesus Lovers, Mormons, anyone who claims to follow Christ, I recommend not to watch. If you do, just know I warned you.
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41. All the Way 4 Stars (87% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.4/10 on IMDB) Cranston dominates. Anthony Mackie follows. Based on Cranston’s performance in the Tony Award Winning Broadway play, this films is a testament toward Cranston’s career. Only available on HBOGO and HBONOW.
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40. Trolls 4 Stars *family film* (76% on Rotten Tomatoes, 6.6/10 on IMDB) Features Justin Timberlake’s Can’t Stop the Feeling! Need I say more?
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39. 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi 4 Stars (50% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.3/10 on IMDB)
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38. Jason Bourne 4 Stars (56% on Rotten Tomatoes, 6.7/10 on IMDB) Forget what the critics say on the fifth installment of the Bourne franchise. I LOVED going to the theater to watch this movie. Turn it up loud on your speaker system, watch on bluray! Definitely adding this to my blu-ray collection!
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37. Keanu 4 Stars (76% on Rotten Tomatoes 6.3/10 on IMDB) One of the funniest films I have seen in years. Watch for free on HBOGO.
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36. Sing 3.75 Stars *family film* (72% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.3 on IMDB)
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35. Disney’s Pete’s Dragon 4 Stars *family film* (86% on Rotten Tomatoes 6.8/10 on IMDB)
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34. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 4 Stars *family film* (75% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.7 on IMDB)
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33. 10 Cloverfield Lane 4 Stars (90% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.3/10 on IMDB)
Stay tuned for the top 25 coming tomorrow!!!
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