#best mid range phones of the year
rangpurcity · 2 years
year ender 2022: these are the best midrange smartphones of the year, ruled the hearts of people
year ender 2022: these are the best midrange smartphones of the year, ruled the hearts of people
highlights In the year 2022, many smartphones of different brands were launched. These include devices from brands like Iku, Realme and Motorola. A great design is available in the phones coming in the midrange. New Delhi. Many smartphones have been launched this year. Despite this, you have not bought any phone, so today we are going to tell you about those smartphones which are available for…
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frociaggine · 4 months
new phone purchase is sending me into a stress spiral because. confession time. I've never bought a new phone in my life, ever. so now I'm looking at this brave new world and the prices are... WHAT? I can't wrap my head around it. I have some money saved. I could afford something cool. But why the fuck should I want to spend that much money on a phone I only use to chat and to take photos. But also I want this purchase to last a few years, so I feel like being cheap now might bite me in the ass later?
But seriously. WHAT the fuck are those prices. do people actually pay that much money. what
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ja3hwa · 5 months
♡ 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐏𝐭.𝟒 | 𝐊.𝐇𝐉 ♡
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【Synopsis】 : Hongjoong needed to show you how much he liked you. But he couldn't help but wonder how long he could dance around the fact you were his best friend's sweet, innocent daughter.
『Word count』 : 2.35k
-> Genre: Fluff. Romance. DBF.
Pairing: Dilf!Hongjoong x Park!Reader
[Warnings] : Making out. Nightmares. Slight unspoken trauma. Wet dreams. Flirtish texting. Flirting. Romance some spicy thoughts. mention of sex. mentions of fooling around. lots of staring and pinning. Hongjoong IS the standard. Fluffy, so very fluffy. Insecure thoughts. Reader fell first, but Hongjoong fell harder. Whoops.
Note: Sorry I didn't post last night, I wanted this to be longer, so i had to scrap and start again. But it's done now, hehe. Also, special tags to @mingis-prince @likexaxdaydream @itza-meee @dinossaurz @nopension @mysteriousrainsworld @therealcuppicake for interacting and loving this little series. ♡♡
Masterlist | Navigation | Part Three | Buy Me A Ko-Fi
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Turning the key in the lock of your door, you sigh finally entering your quiet home. Chucking your duffle bag through the door and down the hall, you manage to kick off your shoes and lug the rest of your bags inside. You were sweaty, tired, and plan out annoyed right now. Sexual frustration was not something you needed but here you are. Once the ordeal in the car was over, Hongjoong helped you out of the car, tucking himself back into his pants before exiting the vehicle himself. he bid you goodbye saying he’d see you soon. How soon you didn’t know, but you were fearing to ask, becoming too busy with feeling his lips on yours as he pushed you up against the door of the car. You had hooked up a leg around his waist, moaning for more while his lips explored your jaw and neck.
‘Go home and get some rest angel.’ His words still rang in your head as you showered and hopped into bed. It was just past mid-day but you were so tired, you just closed your curtains and slipped straight under the covers. It didn’t take long for you to pass out, drifting off quickly into a dreamy land where all you could think about was Hongjoong taking you, tasting you. Loving you….
You had woken up in shock, your nerves feeling shot and hot. It was like all your senses heightened. You hadn’t realized you were having a nightmare until you managed to jump yourself awake. You raked your fingers through your hair feeling the sweat on your brow. This is odd, you thought. You weren't someone to have nightmares, then again you don’t think you’ve ever had nightmares. It wasn’t something your brain did, yet here you were, shaking, reeling over the images your cruel mind had painted. Hongjoong didn’t want you, he was just using you. He just wants to fuck you and leave. He wasn’t going to be with you after taking your virginity.
You felt so stupid. Of course, an older man with years of experience wouldn’t want you as a partner. He just wants some fun, a distraction from his life. You didn’t know how long you cried for but when you finally left your room you noticed the clock on your dining room wall read it was almost ten-thirty. You rubbed your swollen eyes, grabbing your phone off the kitchen counter. You yawned checking your notifications seeing your father asking if you made it back already then complaining you had fallen asleep without calling him. But what caught your eye were messages from an unknown number, the unknown you quickly found out to be Hongjoong.
‘Hey, I got your number from your father. Sorry if that’s weird’ - sent at 8:35 pm
‘I had a really fun time with you’ - sent at 8:36 pm
‘Would it be too forward to ask if you want to go out tonight? I can’t stop thinking about you’ - sent at 8:45 pm
‘Angel did you fall asleep?’ - sent at 9:48 pm
You felt your cheeks hurting at the last one, smiling brightly. It almost made you forget about the anxiousness you were feeling moments ago. You sat down on your couch, staring at the text bubble. You didn’t know how to respond. He wanted to go out? But where? Was he referencing a club? Or a fancy restaurant. Maybe he just wanted to catch a movie… do people his age go to see movies?! you cringed thinking just how childish you could be. Did he think of you as childish? Young? God, you were overthinking again. 
“Okay!” you huffed out, shaking the thought, while sitting straight up. You held your phone with two hands, tapping your thumbs on the screen, sending your thoughts before your mind you take it back…
‘You wanna go out? Where?’ - sent at 10:35 pm
‘No hello? I thought better of you princess.’ - sent at 10:35 pm
you blushed, locking your phone for a moment, and staring at the ceiling. You could practically hear him call you princess. The was his whispers so lowly in your ear while his fingers would be so deep in yours—a ding from your phone shattered your thoughts, looking at the bright screen you read a new message he sent.
‘I wanted to take you out to dinner. But honestly, I’d do anything as long as I get to be around you’ - sent at 10:37 pm
Your heart was jumping, thumping so deeply in your chest that you felt like it was about to burst right out. As long as I get to be around you.. that was the smoothest thing you’ve ever read in your life. He was so charming, a gentleman and you kind of forget that from all the interactions of him spilling filth in your ears. You tried to message back as casually as you could;
‘Dinner sounds fun. But won't everything be closed by now? We don’t have reservations.’ - sent at 10:40 pm
‘Don’t worry about that. Just dress nice and meet me out the front of your apartment building.’ - sent at 10:41 pm
You shut off your phone, practically jumping to your feet. Your nightmare was long gone as you picked out something to wear, deciding on a long pink sundress with little strawberries and a white corset belt to make it look a bit more classy. You found a matching colour shall, finishing your outfit with some white docks with frilly pink socks. You chose to pick them cause, let's face it, you couldn’t wear heels. You’d end up looking like a fawn just learning how to walk and break an ankle or your foot. 
Once you were finally finished you grabbed your phone, seeing it was about ten minutes since Hongjoong sent his message. You couldn’t wait another moment, locking up the doors as best as you could, running down the stairs since the elevator was down—yet again—getting to the exit in no time. You looked out onto the street, feeling the air nip the tip of your nose and eyes slightly water at the change of temperature. “God Doll, you look like you���ve run a marathon.”
“Haaaa.” You pant out closing your eyes. You could hear the older man chuckling at your antics. The way your hair was slightly frizzy. How your chest takes a large batted breath and your corset sits slightly askew. Your face was flushed and red, and his mind went south a tad. He shook it away for a moment, walking up to you. You finally opened your eyes, seeing the broad man was almost flushed against you. He had basic dusty almost black jeans on, one of those old man belts. The dark brown ones that have been worn for years, and no one knows where to get one other than fathers or elderly men. He was wearing a different black shirt. A looser one. It made him seem more relaxed and more… comfortable.
His car was nothing other than lavish and chic. You’ve never sat in such an expensive car. It felt like sitting in pure diamonds. The leather was soft, and the velvet on the chair detail was magnificent. The radio wasn’t playing, unlike the way you used it as a way to kill the silence in your car. But rather off, letting you and Hongjoong sit in a comfortable silence. His hand never left your leg as soon as you took off. Him driving is one thing, but him driving one-handed. You felt like you were about to melt onto the chair, and by the thin fabric you were wearing, you’re praying you didn’t.
“So are you taking me?” your voice came out a lot shaker than you would have liked but you tried to brush it off nonetheless.
“Somewhere special.” He cooed softly, lovingly squeezing your thigh.
“Special? We don’t need to go somewhere expensive and extravagant, you know.” You laughed. You didn’t need him to spend money on you, cause you knew if given the chance he would. He was just that type of person. He had bought your father over five hundred dollars worth of Lego one time because he wanted to. You still remember the look on your father's face, as if he was about to have a heart attack with how many boxes were stacked in his home office. 
“I want our first date to be lavish. I want to treat you like royalty. Is that too much to ask?” He grunts, briefly smiling in your direction before looking back to the road. You gulped, feeling a wave of butterflies dance in your tummy. Your fingers began tugging at the hem of your dress, feeling a red blush creep on your cheeks.
“Our f-first date…” that’s what he had said. He thought of tonight as a date. Not just hang out time with two friends. The car came to a stop, not noticing you were standing outside valet parking. He unclipped his belt, turning his attention to you with a cheeky smirk on his beautiful features.
“Of course, this is our first date, and I wanna treat my girl to an unforgettable night.” his words made you suck in a sharp breath, not even hiding the way his words affected you. His girl. His. Your heart was doing flips right now. You looked away from him for a moment, hoping it would help calm the racing thump in your chest. But your eyes caught onto the dimly lit restaurant. It was like no one was even here.
“It looks closed. Are you sure we can even get in now?” You had no clue what the time would be. But given you left your place around eleven and you’ve been in the car for about twenty minutes. You knew it was already much too late for anything to be opened. He just clicked his tongue, hopping out of the car, circling the bonnet and stepping in front of your door, opening it for you. 
“Like I said. Don’t worry about it.” he let out a hand for you to take, which you grabbed happily, letting you out of the car. He pulled you snugly against his body, using his free hand to pat down your ass, moving the fabric so he could fall nicely on your figure, he was so attentive, and observant. It made your heart so full of how caring he is. You walked to the front door, your arm snaked tightly with you. Your hand resting snugly on his bicep, you could feel the way his muscle tenses under your fingertip. You had to shake any unholy thoughts that were crossing your mind as you entered the empty restaurant.
There was a row of candles, leading into the building. You turned to Hongjoong seeing his smile had grown brighter, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “Well go on.” He let you go, letting you walk slowly down the aisle of lit red and black candles. All the tables were empty and unmade, chairs missing and most likely packed away but in the centre of the room was one table with a beautiful white cloth and a cute little dull lamp in the centre. There was a red curved couch hugging around the dark oak table, gifting anyone who sat down a more intimate setting. You felt tears begin to swell at the sight, no one had ever done something so romantic for you before but now that you mentioned it, your previous one and only partner probably didn’t have a single romantic bone in his body. 
“J-joongie..” You didn’t even notice the pet name as it slipped off your tongue. Hongjoong did, and god did it make his heart skip a beat. He wanted everything to be perfect for you. He wanted, needed to tell you how much he cared. Not just for the sex but for your company. He liked having you around. He loves hearing you laugh every time he says something funny. He loves the way your nose scrunches as the bubbles of the champagne tickle it. He loves the way you love food and describes all the joys and flavours and styles to cook. God, he was thankful now he didn’t give you a home-cooked meal. He would have been too afraid of your critic pallet tasting his mediocre dishes. 
His eyes would crease and smile at everything you say or do. And the outfit you wore made him fall for you even more. Your style was such an opposite to him, but yet it matched him perfectly, like two peas in a pod as his mother would say. If she was here, she would be yelling at him about ‘How have you not asked for to marry you already’. insecurities would settle in soon at that thought… You both like each other. Want to be with each other. And yet. You were his best friend's daughter. You were half his age younger. God, he wished he had met you on the street randomly. Maybe then the relationship would have been easier. Your father would most likely hate him. Heck, would he hate you afterwards? Seducing his older, very single, and very hot friend? 
Forbidden love…
And as the night drew on, you would shimmy closer and closer in the rounded couch until you were flushed next to him. He would talk about his work and his plans in life. And you were speaking about your own ambitions. And, of course, they had to match. Everything was so perfect. Right down to the movies you both liked and the music you both listened to. You were equals in every way.
The question that circled both your minds now was… how long could you keep this a secret?
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moviecritc · 1 month
ollie bearman x reader at graduation plss
pink bouquet ⋆ ollie bearman
pairing: ollie bearman x reader (fc: avantika)
summary: you thought your boyfriend couldn't make it to your graduation, but turns out he and your mum were plotting something
word count: 1K
warnings: mixed smau and writing
a/n: i made some things up about ollie's education for the sake of the plot
masterlist | wattpad | letterboxd
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Y/N wasn't even sure how she had managed it, but she had graduated. Her time at secondary school had been rather confusing and tough, balancing classes with karting competitions and training sessions was no easy task, and even there were several times she thought she wouldn't make it.
But now secondary school was over and she could dedicate herself entirely to her career in motorsport. The future looked really bright for her, with several championships won, sponsors, and her pretty boyfriend who hadn't been able to make it to her graduation. Although the latter wasn't entirely bright.
Ollie and she had met at that same secondary school two years earlier. They had to do a project together and, eventually, they ended up meeting on the karting tracks, so what started as a simple friendship unfolded into a lovely relationship.
They spent a lot of time together, studying and attending each other's races. Ollie was much more advanced in the sport than she was, practically having his path to F2 carved out, and that also took a lot of his study time so usually, he performed worse in subjects than she did. So in mid-March of that year, he dropped out of school.
This made the relationship between Ollie and Y/N a bit complicated, but surprisingly they overcame the distance in a great way. He went to London whenever he could, and she accompanied him to races as they used to do before. They even managed to go to the prom together and have a lovely evening.
Y/N was aware of the fame her boyfriend had gained in a short time and he had thought it best to keep their relationship private from the media. Y/N didn't mind this part too much, but it was impossible not to think that Ollie hadn't come to see her at her graduation because there would be quite a few people taking photos.
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Y/N emerged from her room wearing the pink dress she and Ollie had picked out for graduation. He had himself told her it looked so good on her that he didn't know if he'd kill or die for that dress.
She descended the stairs, finding her mother and brother eagerly awaiting her exit. "Oh my goodness, Y/N," her mother said, heading towards her the moment she saw her. "You look beautiful." Her mother glanced at her brother sternly, encouraging him to say something.
"Yeah, you look alright," he spoke, lips pressed together.
YN rolled her eyes and hugged her mother. Her phone rang, and she hurried to see who it was, which left Y/N feeling quite puzzled, especially seeing her mother's wide smile.
"Let's take a picture," her mother nodded, under her brother's grimace.
The two posed with weak smiles because Y/N looked amazing, while her brother remained in his pyjamas. Although it was Y/N who had the weakest smile; she had been feeling her boyfriend's absence all morning.
Ollie had been there for many of her most special moments; when she won her first karting championship, when she got her driver's license, when she passed that subject that had been so difficult for her… His absence at her graduation felt wrong.
Someone rang the doorbell at that exact moment. Y/N frowned and looked at her mother and then her brother, wondering who was missing.
"Why don't you open it, darling?" her mother commented from the kitchen, hiding her excited smile.
YN knew something was about to happen because even her brother sat on the sofa, waiting for her to open the door.
Upon opening it, she was met with a bouquet of tulips larger than her upper body. She gasped, bringing her hands to her face. Then a little head peeked out from the top of the bouquet. "Hi,"
YN stifled a scream, which turned into a giggle, and went into the arms of her boyfriend, who lifted her slightly off the ground as he kissed her, not caring that his face got smeared with her red lipstick. YN took the bouquet, still speechless. They closed the door behind them, and she pointed at her mother instantly.
"You knew,"
"Well, of course," her mother said, with a proud smile.
YN let out a laugh of complete happiness; she was smiling so much that her cheeks started to hurt.
"It was Ollie's idea," her brother pointed out.
"You knew too?"
Everyone laughed, and then her mother and brother left them alone for a few moments so they could talk quietly. They kissed a couple more times until Ollie asked her, "You didn't know?"
YN smiled slightly. "I found out a couple of days ago; my mother isn't very discreet with her calls," Ollie laughed, resting his head on YN's shoulder. "But I'm thrilled you're here,"
"And I am too," he raised his gaze instantly. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."
YN pursed her lips slightly. "For a moment, I thought you wouldn't come. Because of all the photos and stuff,"
Ollie pulled away from her a bit, frowning.
"Why would I care about that?"
"You know, because of the private relationship thing," YN nervously bit her lip.
Ollie smiled softly, and kissed her gently on the nose. "I only told you that because at races, it's not cool to have cameras everywhere trying to take pictures of you. Some drivers told me it was a good idea,"
"Ollie, I don't care about that. I just want to show off my boyfriend at my graduation," she shrugged, cradling Ollie's face in her hands.
"I love that," Ollie pulled her back towards him, kissing her for a few seconds.
"Also, with all that fame you say you have, you could make me some promotion,"
"You cheeky…"
YN cut him off with a kiss. "I love you,"
"I love you more, baby,"
olliebearman just posted a story!
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[caption: the only driver out there with gcse's]
yourusername just posted!
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liked by olliebearman, yourbff and 1834 others
yourusername when the dress match the flowers>>>
tagged olliebearman
view all comments
yourbff face card never declines
user1 oh to be ollie
yourfriend ready for saltburn summerrr 🥵
yourusername i have to train 😔 yourfriend booo
user2 she's in motorsport too!!
user3 power couple
olliebearman stunning as always 🌷👑
yourusername you too babyy 💗💗 user4 they're so cute I CAN'TTT
user5 wait so if they're both in motorsports, who's the wag?
yourusername ollie obviously user6 she's so sweet it hurts
user7 i heard that they've dating for two years?? like how we didn't know??
user8 they gonna be highschool sweethearts.
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mistydeyes · 8 months
Hey hey! I don’t know if you’re still taking requests but if you are, can I please request headcanons of Price being a father of 5 girls?
AHHHHH thank you for requesting anon! Ugh I love this idea especially Price having a lil army of the best daughters (also come on look at this picture my heart!!)
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summary: When you and Price first started dating, you wouldn't imagine having a small army of daughters but look at you now!
pairing: John Price x spouse!Reader
warnings: none :)
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When you and Price were married and the topic of children came up, you both agreed on wanting to have a sizeable one
Oh how you laughed when you said you wanted only about 2-3
Now you were 15 years into it with 5 daughters of various ages
Soap had a running joke that you had your very own "army"
Despite your eye rolls and Price's stern glare, you adored your family
Each one of their names was something special to the both of you, memories of close family members and friends or the name of a place close to your heart
Despite your naming conventions, Price comes up with creative ways to nickname your children
However your favorite is when he looks at you all and calls you his, "loves"
Every one of your daughter has their own unique personality and it's always a constant competition to gain the affections of their father
Phone calls are a mess with the cacophony of updates and accomplishments
Price still has the fatherly command to have them all in order (with you obviously going first, he adores your updates- no matter how small)
Your home is what you and Price like to call an "organized mess"
Living with five girls ranging from mid teens to toddler means that there is always something going on in your home
From your youngest's newest art project for her papa to your oldest's latest makeup and skincare taking over the sink, every two weeks you reserve time for an entire house refresh
As you all go around trying to make sense of it all, you gently scold Price (if he's home) for buying your daughter's everything under the sun
He can't deny he loves spoiling his favorite girls (especially you)
When he goes on long trips and finally returns, you make a small tradition of waiting up for him with your daughters
You'll all gather in the living room and excitedly rush to the door when you hear the keys turn in the lock
If it's not to late, he'll be returning with a bouquet of flowers specifically picked for each one of you
Obviously yours is the biggest and your house is filled with laughter as Price looks for vases for you all
You love mornings when you wake and you can smell the kitchen filled with delicious aromas of a fresh breakfast
In a baggy t-shirt and shorts, Price is gently directing your youngest daughters on how to make the perfect pancake while your older daughters are making orange juice, coffee, and tea
“Mama look what we made,” your second youngest would call and Price would gently kiss your forehead as you tried their chocolate chip pancakes
Despite the chaos and pancake batter splatter, you would all make your way to the dining table
There you would smile, enjoying having your husband home and your not-so-little family
This moment of serenity would be broken by Price saying he invited the 141 over along with their families and spouses
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eliluvschan · 3 months
Shadow Selfies
pairing: bang chan x reader
word count: 971
warnings: few curse words & cutie Channie
genre: fluff
a/n: am i writing instead of finishing an essay for my deadline on thursday? no im not👀
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i was walking my to my best friend Chan’s house. he’s got i don’t know what hair colour cause the man dyes his hair every two weeks now? i kinda lost count.
we’ve known each other for the past five years, but the thing is i’ve always liked him more than a friend.
i like him. a lot.
i rang the bell and Jessica, Chan’s mother, appeared in the doorway.
“hey dear, Chan’s in his room upstairs.”
“thanks, Mama Bahng.” i always call Jessica Mama Bahng, it’s a habit i picked up from hanging out a lot at Chan’s house.
she smiled as we both walk trough the hallway. “are you hungry?” she asked me.
“a little.”
“come on. i just bought these.” she said, putting a batch of brownies in front of me.
“alright then, but just one.” i smile.
“sure.” she turned away.
i took a piece and ate it.
“oh, this is amazing.”
“i know right? it’s a new bakery called Felix’s Goodies, maybe you and Chan can pick some up for the others?” she suggested.
“sure thing!”
“eomma, is Y/n here already?” i heard Chan calling from upstairs.
“maybe later.” i smiled and got up from where i was sitting, and made my way down the hall and upstairs. i knocked on the second door on the left.
“if it’s Hannah, go away. if it’s Y/n, come in please!” he called from inside.
“ugh, rude!” Hannah called as she got out of her room to go downstairs.
i laughed at her comment as i opened the door to the usual shirt strewn floor and messy bed.
“hey, where are you?” i called.
“oh, hey there cutie.” he said emerging from the side and pulling on a black hoodie. he stopped in front of me. “what’s up?”
“nothing much. you ready?”
“ready for what?”
“oh yeah. come on.”
so we sat down on the bed and flicked through our books and opened chapter seven of biology. disease’s & microbes.
“i don’t understand this shit.” he said after five minutes of poring over the same page. he scanned the green page and then looked at me.
“what is that hard about learning the freaking definition of a compost?” i asked after explaining the compost again.
“it bounces off of my head. how did you do it?”
“don’t ask.”
he laughed. omg his laugh.
“okay. one more time?” i asked.
“okay. and then we do something else.”
i rolled my eyes. “sure.”
he smiled and sat a little straighter.
“when rotten plants, are piled onto a heap, the bacteria of microbes act on it, and produce an enzyme that turns into any sort of liquid and then they feed on it. this stupid and disgusting process is called a compost. got it?” i asked.
“the crappy heap of plant shit is called compost?” he joked.
i laughed. “yeah. now Bio degradable’s?”
“we’re doing something else.” he told me.
“you’re going to fail the test!”
“no, i’m not.” he said.
“yeah, you are. you’re not paying attention!”
“look, i’ve done as much as i can. and just one def. of bio- whatever’s left. it won’t hurt to leave one thing. and besides, you need a break too.
i thought for a moment. true, i do need a break.
“why are you trying so hard to make me study?” he asked.
“cause friends watch out for each other, and remember Mr. Lee said he’s gonna change out seats so we can’t pass noted or talk at all.” i reminded him.
“aw, you’re doing this so we can talk? sweet!” he smiled.
“shit up.” i said, returning to the book.
“hey, look at the shadows!” he said.
i looked and saw our shadows on the wall, very clear and sharp.
Chan took out his phone and took a picture. soon, we were posing madly and taking pictures in the mirror. then Chan held up his index finger. i put mine across it and made an x. i took the picture.
he held his palm in the air. i calmed mine against it, forming a weird, but beautiful shadow of two hands joined in mid-air.
both of us took the picture. then he curved his hand into a half-heart shape. i curved mine, completing the heart. we took the picture.
i looked up at him, he looked down, not smiling. his eyes full of passion. he stared at my lips, then he leaned in and the next thing i knew his lips were moving against mine and his arms were no longer suspended in the air but gripping my waist.
a soft sigh and a click!
a camera snapping a picture, and we jumped and broke apart. Chan looked around. his mother was standing in the doorway. she quickly turned around and walked away.
“i, uh, i should get going.” i blushed and turned away.
“no, don’t go.” he whispered, holding me back.
“goodbye, Chris.” i moved away. but i felt a tug at my fingers. i looked back. our fingers were still locked. Chan smiled at them, but i hastened to pull them away.
i made my way home, still thinking about the kiss.
i got a text from Chan as soon as i was inside.
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: i made mom delete the picture.
me: ok, thanks.
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: but i still have it ;)
me: what? why?
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: our first kiss.
me: can u send it to me too?
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: [1 attachment]
me: well…
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: it’s uhh, nice.
me: yeah.
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: will you be my girlfriend Y/n? i mean i’ve liked you forever and i know you kissed me back and we are friends- i’ll take you out this weekend if that suits you?
me: uhh…
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: what?
me: nothing
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: then?
me: yes! :D
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: i had fun.
me: excuse me?
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: excused, girlfriend ;) i was talking about the shadow selfies and science of course.
me: oh yeah. me too >_<
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: so tomorrow night?
me: sure. goodnight boyfriend 🤍
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: goodnight girlfriend :)
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jeon-ify · 5 months
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that night : j. yunho - pt. 1
a/n: this is my first actual fic since i’ve just been posting scenarios and requests :3 !! this idea came from listening to ‘you broke me first’ by tate mcrae. its a great song and it reminds me of yunho but toxic yunho. it would kinda be good if you listen to the song while reading !! idk girl i just write
genre: smut, drama, early 20s- mid 20s romance, toxic/dark romance, 18+
warnings: smut, dark romance, toxic!yunho, yunho has a threesome with y/n’s best friends, yunho is a cheater, reader swears a lot, yunho calls reader a psychotic bitch, san is a druggie, alcohol, cocaine, yunho begs, yunho gets sad and guilty, reader claims she moved on, san is annoying as hell, wooyoung is readers bestie!!
“san! i haven’t talked to you in so long, i’m sorry! how have you been?” your phone rang, you look to see that san called you about 20 times. you’ve been ignoring him, since he’s done almost every drug under the sun in the past year since you all have moved to different cities.
“man I called you 6 times. stop playing dumb. yunho’s asking about you again, please call him back. i’m sick of his shit.” san sniffles sharply. you’re sure he’s doing crack again, but when is he not?
you did not want to hear about yunho. you haven’t heard about or seen him in almost 4 years now, recovering from that night.
you call yunho, in hopes that he’d pick up. you left him a voicemail asking if he’d want anything from target when you were off work tonight.
*hello!! it’s yunho, sorry i couldn’t take your call. leave a message and i’ll call back!*
“i’m gonna stop at target, babe. did you want anything? love you, call me back.”
you finish your target run, grabbing a set of shampoo and conditioner and other necessities as you’ve been out of your favorites for a week now. you step out of the car, grabbing your bags and unlocking the door to yunhos apartment. you didn’t live with him, but you practically did since you were there almost every day of the week.
“~yuyu, fuck its so good! so big!” “you fuck us so good oh my god.”
“you’re both so fuckin’ pretty. my god.”
no fucking way.
your heart dropped to your ass, at a loss of every word in the dictionary. you felt like you were being run over by a truck 100 times over.
it felt like every moment with yunho was flashing at once.
he told you he loved you a million times a minute, you thought you were the only one. you thought that yunho would love you and only you, but how could you be so stupid to trust anyone else again?
you walk to where the noise is coming from, tears flooding your eyes, threatening to fall. the door is cracked a little, you see a pile of black hair and red hair mixed, one on top of the other. one of the girls has a tattoo on her wrist while the other has one too— it looks all too familiar.
one tattoo being a moon, the other being a sun.
your best friends.
you want to cut off the star tattoo on your wrist so fucking bad. how could they ever betray you like this? they never approved of yunho, but he’s inside both of them, fucking them on your shared bed. in your (what was once) home.
you didn’t even want to acknowledge the situation, instead you dropped the target bag at the door of the bedroom, leaving as soon as you could.
hours later, yunho calls. no answer.
you stare as your phone rings.
*32 missed calls from yuyu 🫶🏻✨*
yuyu 🫶🏻✨: hey, sry i didn’t call back. where’d u go?
yuyu 🫶🏻✨: babe?
yuyu 🫶🏻✨: y/n, pick up the phone.
yuyu 🫶🏻✨: not funny.
Read at 12:43AM
yuyu 🫶🏻✨: ur reading my fkn messages but ur not answering n its pissing me off
yuyu 🫶🏻✨: alr whatever lmao dnt pick up.
Today at 5:21AM
yuyu 🫶🏻✨: i cnt sleep, thibkin about yoj
*2 missed calls from yuyu 🫶🏻✨*
you watch your phone ring, waiting for the ringing to stop. your tears flow, deciding to call him back.
“baby? my fucking god, i mis-missed you. *hiccup* had me worried sick.” he slurs. he’s fucking crying.?
“you’re a fucking liar. my best friends? you’re drinking, you piece of shit. and you’re fucking crying?”
“relax, they’re not your best friends and i know that cus they did that to you, plus me and you baby, we don’t belong to each other. been wanting to leave. felt so fucking locked up. you won’t let me do what i want, you controlling fucking psychotic bitch.”
what the fuck.?
you watch the time on the phone call increase as he mumbles what you really meant to him.
you feel like you really did trap him, but you both didn’t agree on a poly relationship. for him to fuck your best friends is an insane thing to do to someone.
you end the phone call after 57 minutes of yunho talking about how much he fucking hated you for never letting him fuck your friends.
“i’m never talking to that piece of shit again and never bring him up to me. i have things to do, i’ll text you.”
you hung up the phone after 35 seconds.
you’ve grown past the situation with yunho, healing and becoming a better person. you were single, traumatized from your past relationships being a burden on you. but, your best friend wooyoung always supported you through and through. he wanted what was best for you, even though he introduced you to yunho. it wasn’t wooyoungs fault that yunho had fucked up (or was already fucked up), he just wanted to help you find someone. you had your own apartment, your own car and your own lash studio. you were booked for days on end, always working and being your own person.
but, with healing comes pain.
you’d occasionally think about yunho, how he’d pamper you in gifts and he’d take you anywhere you wanted. you thought about the nights that you’d cried to him, he’d hold you in his warm chest, making sure you were held and you didn’t feel alone. you sometimes still toss around in bed, thinking yunho was next to you, on your right side. you’d still bake matcha and white chocolate cookies as if he’d eat them with you, a reminder that you loved yunho— as your love language was baking— and every time you see those cookies, your heart begins to ache.
you pick up your phone and text your best friend, as he’s the only person you go to for anything.
to: woo 🧍🏻‍♀️
y/n: bitch get up
y/n: r u awake yet
y/n: if ur not up in the nect 5 minutes i’m calling the cips
y/n: next *^ & cops^*
y/n: man i just need to talk 😩 san called me
woo 🧍🏻‍♀️: girl what the FUCK
woo 🧍🏻‍♀️: did u call the cops yet
woo 🧍🏻‍♀️: is the cop hot
woo 🧍🏻‍♀️: bitch WHI CALLED
woo 🧍🏻‍♀️: im calling u rn answer
your best friend calls you in no less than 3 minutes after your series of texts.
“why is san calling you? what’d he want?” wooyoung asks, concern masking his voice.
“woo, i just started feeling like i finally moved on from all that bullshit. he fucking calls me like ‘oh yunho wants to talk to you’ and i’ve been dodging yunho for fucking ever. i know he’s been calling me but-“ you ramble to him. he cuts you off, questioning:
“did you ask him what he wanted from you?”
“it doesn’t matter because im over it and im over fucking everything. its all bad news and i don’t wanna go down that hole again, woo. if you’re so curious ask him yourself. i don’t care and i honestly don’t wanna know.”
“okay. i won’t ask.” wooyoung says in defense. he has a sixth sense, and his sense is telling him that maybe something is wrong with yunho, or maybe he wants to try to give you the closure you deserve. though he already gave you closure— just not the kind you expected from someone you’ve loved for 6 years.
but a part of you really wanted to know why he called. a little portion of your heart still aches for yunho, but you’re healing, remember?
the phone call ends after small talk, and you stare at yunho’s contact info for 7 minutes. you open messages and read the last message he sent you. you have him blocked, but you know it’s his number.
May 19th, 2021 at 3:21AM
*You have new messages from (***)***-**** *
(***)***-****: baby, i’m so sorry.
(***)***-****: you won’t ever forgive me, but i’ve changed. my star, my love, my moon, my sun.
(***)***-****: i can’t sleep anymore.
(***)***-****: i’ll leave you alone, okay?
December 10th, 2022 at 1:21AM
(***)***-****: i can’t live without you.
(***)***-****: it’s been so fucking long
(***)***-****: js need to see ur face. keep staring at the same pic but it was so long ago
(***)***-****: my messages are green, why are they green?
(***)***-****: i met someone today, his name started with an M but i can’t remember what his name was
(***)***-****: he’s helping me heal. ik i don’t deserve to heal but i wanna be better bc u deserve better
(***)***-****: i wanna be the one for u my love
(***)***-****: i fucked up but pls believe me when i say i’ll change for u bb
(***)***-****: i’m going to sleep, goodnight my angel
January 8, 2023 at 7:08PM
(***)***-****: everythibg remjnds me of u baby
(***)***-****: ur everywhere i go
(***)***-****: ur everything i see
(***)***-****: mingi won’t let me live diwn what i did to u
(***)***-****: i deserve to fucking die
(***)***-****: i really lost u
Today at 10:32PM
(***)***-****: i still miss you, my love.
(***)***-****: want you to carry my children and be in my life forever.
(***)***-****: i’ve bettered myself. i’ve changed, please let me see you again.
shortly after you open his book of messages, your phone rings.
*2 missed calls from (***)***-**** *
you watch your phone ring twice, your heart dropping 6 times over, you didn’t think he would be this bad about it, but maybe he aches for you the same way you ache for him.
maybe yunho is sorry. maybe he changed and maybe he wants to be with you again.
your phone rings again, the same phone number showing up, as your shaky hands press the green button.
silence. the first 8 seconds is silent as yunho tries to process and come up with what he’ll say to you.
he tried calling you for 3 years on end, you’d blocked him. he was so used to your voicemail being the only thing left of you to heal him.
“h-hello?” there it is. the voice you refused to hear for almost 4 years, its there. it’s no longer only in your head, it’s his voice on the other side of the 7 inch screen against your ear.
his voice makes your stomach twist and turn, your hands sweating as your chest forms a hole within itself.
“you don’t need to say anything, just listen to me, hm? you can hang up any second you want, but if your heart still aches for me the way mine does for you, you’d listen.
my love. i’ve ruined you and tore you to shreds. i don’t even know where i begin. you are the most precious thing that has ever happened to me. the minute you entered my life, i took you for granted and fucked up. i didn’t realize how much i loved you or how much you meant to me until you left. that night is a blur to me, you didn’t deserve any of that. you deserve to be treated like royalty, you deserve to be treated in the most beautiful and enchanting way because that is how you made me feel. but i went and fucked that up for the both of us. i didn’t mean what i said to you. i was drunk but that’s no excuse to talk to you the way i did. it’s not right. it never was.
the only time i ever find myself doing right is when i beat myself up for doing you wrong.
i stay at the same apartment, san comes over and does whatever he needs to do but i haven’t touched a drug since you left me. the minute you left was the minute i decided to better myself. mingi is helping me be the person i want to be for you. my god, i hate myself for everything ive done to you. i’m not asking for your forgiveness, i know you won’t give it to me. but i want you to know that i still am here and i still love you. i love you better and i love you the way you deserve.
are you still with me, y/n?”
he breathes. you breathe. you finally breathe.
“i- yunho. i don’t know how to feel about any of this, you really hurt me and i can’t trust anyone anymore. you fucked my best friends, in our room. i don’t even know why i even looked at my phone or why i even answered san when he called me. i’m doing better, but you calling me again is really making me feel like i’m falling down that hole again.” you try your hardest to not let him hear you grow weak to his confession. his heart caved in, and his stomach grew empty when you’d brought up his mistake.
“i understand. i won’t push or do anything to make you uncomfortable. but, i want to have coffee with you, or one of us can come over and we can talk about this, hm?”
you sigh. you felt like all the healing and all the self care you’ve been doing is going straight down the drain.
but do you wanna listen to what he has to say?
“i’m free tomorrow afternoon. but i can’t stay long.” is all you say. you don’t wanna keep this conversation going, nor do you even want to talk about this at all. you are growing selfish; only wanting to see yunho because you miss the attention you used to get from him.
“as long as i get to see you, its okay. i look forward to talking to you, y/n. been waiting forever. is 4:30 fine with you?” he sniffles and lets out a calm chuckle from within his throat.
he’s aching just as much as you are.
“yes. goodnight, yunho.”
“goodnight, star.” that nickname. the same nickname that dragged you into his lore. he speaks lightly. the phone call ends and he sounds like an angel, making your head spin and your heart confused.
you don’t know whether to trust yunho again because, maybe, he is sorry. maybe he wants to make things right with you.
for the rest of the night, you cannot sleep. you don’t decide on going tomorrow, you really don’t want to face yunho after what he did to you. after 4 hours of tossing and turning, rereading texts from yunho, drinking water, and listening to nothing but the buzzing in your ear, you finally manage to get sleep.
first fic!! yay!! i know yall are gonna hate yunho because what he did to y/n is trash and ass and all of the above. i hope you guys start to understand yunho further in the story. idk what im gonna do with this fic but i hope i come up with part 2 in a timely manner cus i dont want it to be dragged lol. but!!!!!!!!!! i hope you all like this fic just as much as i HATE it 😋
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xxaraaq · 8 months
𝙎𝙥𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙞𝙚 𝘾𝙤𝙤𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙚
word count | 5.6 k
cw | suggestiveness, smut, that's really it
Choso x Black!reader
A/N | Sorry that I haven't posted in a long time. This is really shitty but I wanted to post something for Halloween before I probably disappear again. I hope you enjoy. Also, the costume is the first one when you click on the link.
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Choso wasn’t one to be at any type of social event, much less a Halloween party. He hated everything there – from the alcohol filled bodied rubbing against each other to the shitty costume, he could barely stand the thought of it.
He’s always preferred to stay in and watch any horror movie franchise ranging from Saw to the Conjuring. It was one of the best ways to spend the night in his opinion, and he wouldn’t think in a million years that it would ever change. 
Until you.
He doesn’t even know how he bagged you, with the fashion sense of a borderline homeless man, to a face he would consider as pale as a corpse. But he did, and easily at that. You were obsessed from the moment you saw him in the dining hall. It was early – around 8 AM, when you first met. He made your heart drop down to your stomach, and you knew then and there that you were gonna have him.
Safe to say he was surprised when you came up to him in nothing but a hoodie, pj pants, and a bonnet asking for his number. He thought you had him mistaken for somebody else, even looking side to side with a look full of confusion. “Ain't nobody behind you if that’s what you're looking for.”
He looked at you before looking at your phone, taking it in his hand before quickly typing his number into it, “Here you go.” He says, an unreadable look on his face. You chuckled playfully, taking your phone with a confidence he’s never seen before. “I’ll see you later I guess.” You smirk, walking away with an extra sway in your hips.
What the fuck is wrong with me, saying ‘here you go’, shit is mad corny, he thinks to himself, a grimace forming on his face.
Your relationship with him grew fast after that, constantly spending time with each other in your dorms, doing everything from watching shitty comedy movies to talking shit on half of the professors. Seeing you was the highlight of his day, and vice versa. It didn’t help that you were a tease though. With all the lingering touches and possessiveness, he didn’t know what to do with himself.
You’ve always had a confident and solid aura, and it didn’t stop when it came to him. You knew that he wasn’t experienced – at least not as much as you – and you honestly didn’t care. You loved when he would go short of breath when you gave him hickies while he was supposed to be doing homework. And you loved it even more when he would moan, whimper even, when you slowly grinded against his crotch. It was a fun game for you, but you were getting restless. 
So when one of your friends told you about the halloween party being hosted that Saturday, you knew that it was your chance. 
“Baby pleaseee, we’ll look so cute together.” You whined, moving the hairs out his face. “Do we have to? Being around that many people for that long doesn’t really sound like an ideal setting to spend Halloween to me.” He sighs, gently grabbing you by the waist, pressing chaste kisses on your shoulder. “You wanna make me happy?” You ask, turning to face him. “Of course I do.” He sways back and forth with you. “Then you’ll do this for me, right?” You say, sultry tone lacing your voice. He stares at you in contemplation, and that’s when you know you have him. “Who do you wanna be? He asks, groaning in defeat.
It works every time.
“Choso, come here please.” You ask, pulling your stockings up to your mid thigh. “Come, lemme take a picture of you.” taking your phone. You posed, before taking it back. You knew he wasn’t going to, so you didn’t even bother to take a picture of him. “Come on, we’re gonna be late.” You say, dragging him out the door.
By the time the two of you got there, it was already packed. Music rattling every known surface and people already out in the front yard. When you stepped in the house, the smell of smoke and other substances hit your nose like a truck. You grabbed his hands, leading the two of you to the kitchen.
 “This is soo fun.” He says, pouring you a drink before pouring himself one. “Stop being a pessimist Choso, we just got here.” You say, rolling your eyes. You can tell he’s getting a second and high by the way his eyes are already lidded. “You ok? You're staring y’know.” You joke, taking the rest of your drink down before stepping closer to him. “Oh I am? What, you don’t like it?” He teases, eyes darkening as he pulls you close.
 He breathes in your scent, almost moaning as he feels himself harden. You giggle, dragging your hand against his clothed erection. He hissed at the sudden feeling, but you retract before he gets the chance to fully enjoy it. “Don’t be a fucking tease.” He says lowly, taking your chin in his hand. “You gonna do something about it?” You say, gliding your hand under his shirt. He chuckles, taking your hand in his before leading the two of you upstairs. 
You don’t know how it progressed so quickly, but it did. One minute you were making out, practically tearing each other's clothes off. Next, you were grinding against each other like dogs in heat. Now, he was fucking you into the mattress.
“Ohhhh fuckk.” He groans, digging crescents into your hips as he pounded into you. You moaned like a pornstar, gripping his muscular arm as you fucked back. From the way he was hitting your sweet spot like a man starved to the way his balls hit your clit every time he bottomed out in you, you didn’t know how much longer you could last.
“Choso,” you whined. “S’good, sooo good. Keep fuckin’ me like this.” You cry out, tears staining the pillow. He took all of you in, from your angelic moans to the way your ass bounced on his pelvis, it was almost too much for him.
“Shhh, it’s ok baby, you’re doing so good. S-so good for me.” He sighs, leaning over to press light kissed on your back. He gripped the back of your neck, pulling you back to create a near perfect arch. “You so pretty like this baby, fuck, so pretty.” You could tell that he was about to cum, and you smiled at the fact. “Cum in me.” You gasp out, hand coming to reach for his. “You want me to cum in you? Hmm” He asks, thrusting into you with more fervor than he has the entire night.
“M’cumming, m’cumming, m’cumming.” You chant like a mantra, seeing stars as you cum. “M’close, so close.” He says, still fucking into you. You whine at the overstimulation, slyly going forward to escape his ministrations.
“Where you going? Stop running from this dick, take it like a good girl, okay?” He says, pulling you back as his thrusts become sloppy. You take what he’s giving you, eyes rolling back. “Best pussy I ever had.” He moans, cumming with his final thrusts.
He lays down next to you as you both catch your breath. “If I knew you fucked like this, I would’ve taken you to a party sooner.” You laugh, rolling over onto his chest. He wraps an arm around you, tugging you close. “You make me cum like that again, I’ll go wherever you want.” He says, placing a chaste kiss on the side of your head.
His view on Halloween parties has definitely changed.
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webslingingslasher · 2 years
Do you remember?
Fun fact, I have been writing this piece off and on for about a year now. The fact I think it's finally done and ready to be shared is insane.
Pairing: MCU! Peter Parker X Stark!Reader
Genre: Fluffy, some angst.
Word Count: 6K
Summary: You told Peter you love him, he's not sure you understand what you said. You're acting like you didn't know what you said. Do you remember what you said?
Warnings: mentions of sex while intoxicated, not hammered but tipsy. no assult here baby, not on my page! also, not really stark! reader, her dad is Tony and thats it.
Peter loved and hated working with Tony alone. 
Tony was the best mentor Peter could’ve dreamed of but ever since he started dating you time alone with Tony always felt off. Peter was his protege but when he became your boyfriend Tony wanted to test him further, that because his daughter had feelings for him, it was his fault. Not that he’s complaining because thank god you did but Tony didn’t have to ask questions about your relationship and back Peter in a corner with certain questions and take pride when he falters.
So when Tony told him about the sudden three day trip and they would have to do an entire suit reset and build it made him want to stomp in the lab with lead filled boots. To make matters worse he knew it would be an all night thing and you weren’t going to be around. 
Tony was on one side of the lab at his own station working on the new Spider-Man suit upgrade hunched over a table, he turned every so often and would grunt at Peter looking for his approval. Peter sat on the opposite side of the lab at his own station tinkering with his web shooters, he was helping Tony update the technology with each suit upgrade; the suit got taser webs so did his shooters. 
It was nearing midnight, he had been hiding in the lab for half the day with Tony. He had come over after a quick after school patrol knowing he wouldn’t be able to go out later that night. Peter showed up with a giant Delmar’s sub, the kind he could only get with a hookup. He had splurged knowing it would most likely be the last time he saw you this evening. His half of the sub had extra pickles and yours had onion, he did surrender to your request of keeping it unsmooshed. One time you gave into his claims of it being the superior way to have a sub but gagged when you told him that you “hate to break his spirits but that’s sog heaven.”
You, on the other hand, had plans with MJ to go to a small bar to watch a band play tonight. Not your style but the headliner was MJ’s favorite and she had no one else to ask. Ned promised he would have gone but bars downtown gross him out. (When MJ pointed out he had never been to a bar downtown he blinked at her and said “yeah, because they’re gross”)
When 9:30 rolled around you made your way into the lab to say goodbye to your boys. Adorned in a mid length dress to help you look a bit older than what you were, you paired it with some small heels.  
“Bye Bye, I'll miss you.” You walked to your boyfriend, when he looked up from the screwdriver and disc in his hand, eyebrows furrowed, obviously not happy with his task being more frustrating than he had hoped, had smiled when he saw your face.
 “Bye Bye, I’ll miss you more.” He leant up and puckered his lips and you met his mouth quickly. “Call me if you need me,” he mumbled when he pulled away, pressing two more pecks to your sticky lips. 
“Bye father, love you.” You called behind your shoulder already walking towards the glass door.
“Bye daughter, be safe.” Tony shot back, not even looking up. 
Then called out to you, “Heels in a bar isn’t a good idea.” 
Peter smiled and watched you pout,  you held a foot out and wiggled an ankle before leaving the room, definitely on your way to change into actual shoes. 
Then sometime around 11:40 Peter's phone rang, your contact photo popping up across his screen. A small smile involuntarily creeping unto his face 
“It hasn't even been two hours yet!” He laughed into the phone, “Peter? It's MJ.” She didn’t laugh at his joke, his heart already speeding up. “Where’s y/n? Is she okay?” His response was quick, Tony looking around his shoulder at the kid sitting straight in the office chair. 
“Yeah, sh-“ MJ couldn't even answer his question before he heard a loud voice in the background, “Is that Peter? Tell him I miss him! Where is he? Peter, where are you?” MJ pulled the phone from her ear slightly “Hold on, I'm asking him.” 
“Peter!” he heard your voice cut back in whining.
“Y/N!” MJ hissed at you so you would be silenced for a moment. 
“Is she-“ Peter began to form the question, MJ beating him to the punch 
“Drunk? Yes. Very.” She turned to make sure you were still next to her, you twisted from side to side playing with a stand of hair mumbling to the cover song that a band was blasting through the bar rattling both of your chests.
“Peter, some men kept buying me drinks and wouldn’t take no as an answer so I need you to come save me.” You shot into the phone, tired and annoyed you just wanted your boyfriend with you. 
“She kept asking for you. I gave it an hour before I called, she’s pretty drunk.” She sighed into the phone a little disappointed she wouldn’t see the last performance. 
“I'll be there in 10 minutes. Wait outside if it’s safe.” He instructed MJ before hanging up and standing on his feet. 
He looked at his mentor and girlfriend's dad who was already staring at him. “Y/N got drunk at the bar and wants me to come get her.” He filled Tony in so he wouldn’t panic like Peter had.
“Like father, like daughter.” He chuckled before turning back around to get the update time on the suit and sighed at the estimated time.
“I'm going to get her and help her to bed then we can finish, okay Mr Stark?” Peter asked his boss. 
“Get her home in one piece.” He waved him off. 
“How long is ten minutes?” You asked MJ.
You were sitting outside the small bar, vines pressing into your backs where they were growing up the wall, dust settling into your bare thighs.
“Ten minutes”. She quickly replied
“Oh. Okay.” You swept your hand over some dirt in the concrete. You were silent for less than ten seconds, “It hasn’t been ten minutes?” You scrunch your face. 
“It’s been-“ She pauses to look at your phone, “Seven minutes.” You nod. 
“You know one of the things I love about Peter is that he’s very punctual.” You gave MJ a knowing look, “when he actually shows up I mean.” She nodded knowing what you meant. 
“He's still a really good boyfriend though.” You begin plucking weeds growing between the concrete cracks. 
“I miss Peter, has it been ten minutes?” You went to look at MJ once more when you heard
“I missed you too, and it’s been nine minutes.” You gasped at the boy in front of you, surprised as if you weren't aware he’d be showing up. 
You looked at MJ next to you and slapped her arm, “See! what did I tell you, punctual!” 
You raised your hands palm up gripping at Peter so he could help pull you up. Once you were standing he pulled you into his side tightly placing you under an arm so you wouldn’t wobble when he offered his hand to MJ. 
Before all three of you could walk away from the bar you looked at Peter “I missed you. Can I have a kiss now please?” you already had your mouth in his face, not really giving him a choice but he laughed anyway and gave you three quick kisses. 
You pulled back looking at your boyfriend, a lust driven haze swallowed your eyes “Can we have sex when we get home?” You asked. Peter choked on his air and MJ busted out laughing, your eyes swept from MJ to Peter not understanding the joke until Peter said “not in front of our friends.”
Peter gave MJ the car to get home and walked you  the shortest distance home, figuring the walk would help sober you up. 
“And then I told him I was only a baby and he was still buying me drinks! I was okay with one or two but then he wouldn’t stop telling me to drink and I was wasting alcohol and then I got really scared.” You were explaining the night to Peter, talking with your hands, watching your face shift into a million emotions. 
“Is that when MJ called me?” Peter continued to learn the story 
You nodded frantically, “Yes. Thank you for saving me.” You smiled at him before interlocking your hands and swinging them. 
“I love dating Peter, don't get me wrong but I like when I get to date Spider-Man too.”
“Can I piggyback?” You huffed in the middle of the street, annoyed with walking. 
Peter knelt down in front of you and hooked his hand around your knees to help push you around his back, the perks to a super strength boyfriend- they can carry you for miles. 
Resting a chin on his shoulder you had your arms wrapped around his neck one hand loosely pointing at objects and giving them a life story, “and that lamp post Petey, imagine the things it’s seen. Imagine how long it’s been there!”
Talking to him about the things you saw on the way home from “way up here!” and a small game of i-spy you kept losing because you kept forgetting what color Peter said he saw. 
“Can we have sex?” You whispered in his ear, cautious to look around you to avoid the embarrassment he had the first time you asked. 
“Let me get you home first and ready for bed.” He replied sternly before lifting you higher on his back. 
“Okay!” You took that as a win, and settled back into his shoulder. 
“Are you hungry?” Were the first words Peter asked when you walked into the kitchen. 
“Oh my god, I was just about to say I was starving.” Your eyes widened at him, “We are seriously made for eachother.” You clapped him on the chest before asking him for a bowl of cereal. 
Two bowls of Coco Pops later, Peter had finally gotten you upstairs in your room and had helped you undress.
“What pajamas do you want?” He stood in your closet waiting for you to tell him what shirt.
“Yours!” You yipped back. 
“Mine what?” He looked down at himself, he was wearing a normal outfit. Jeans, shirt, hoodie. 
“Shirt.” You pointed at his shirt, and so did he. “The one I'm wearing?” His girlfriend nodded her head enthusiastically, taking her bra off as he shrugged his shoulders and gave her what she wanted. 
“Wash your face, brush your teeth.” He instructed her next. He watched her stand in the mirror for a minute, “do you need any help?” she shook her head. 
“I'm going to go update your dad, I’ll be right back okay?” He waited for an answer before leaving, zipping his hoodie over his bare skin. 
“Y/N‘s okay.” Peter knocked on the glass next to him so he wouldn’t sneak up on Tony. 
“Good, is she in bed?” He was ready to finish for the night, they were set back a good thirty minutes to an hour now.
He shook his head, “She’s brushing her teeth and wants me to stay with her until she falls asleep. It won’t be long though.” He promises. 
“Take care of her.” The elder Stark waved him off once more.
“Okay I read this at least four times in the mirror,” you turned when you saw your boyfriend reappear behind you. “And I still don’t understand what it means.” You were referencing the shirt you  were in. It had a science joke on it, or maybe math. 
“It says find x, and the x is circled.” 
“oooooh,” You dragged out. “I knew that.” You quickly added. 
You stepped in front of him and gave him a hug, holding on, you looked up “teeth brushed, face washed, can we have sex now?” 
Peter brushed some hair from your face, “are you okay?” He asked quietly. 
“Are you asking if I'm sober?” You kissed his palm. 
“What's the last ten letters of the alphabet backwards?” Peter asked, holding your hand with one and scratching down your back with another. 
“z,y,x,w,v,u,t,s,r,q” You replied 
“Who won the 2016 presidential election?” 
“Don’t make me say it.” You bit back. 
Peter muffled a laugh, “How many fingers am I holding up?” He lifted his hand in a peace sign, you squint your eyes and concentrated, “Twelve.” 
“Seems sober to me.” He told you. 
“Sex time?” You looked up at him. 
“Sex time.” He deadpanned. 
“Fuck yes! You’re the best boyfriend ever. I love you.” You squealed and pressed a fast kiss to his mouth before you hopped into your bed, fixing the pillows. 
Peter stood solid in the ground. He wasn’t sure if you were so sober now, his heart was suddenly red hot and he felt like he needed to lay down. Those words had never come from your mouth before and you shot them with such ease it almost unsettled him. 
He loves you. He knows that for certain, he just didn’t know you did. And he’s not even sure you understand what you just said because his ears are ringing and you're humming on your bed kicking your feet. 
“Y/N?” he cautions your name, before he goes forward with the kisses and coos he wants to be sure they’re on the same page
“Peter!” You call back. 
“Are you gonna get me naked or am I gonna get me naked?” You asked him before he was able to say anything more to you. 
Peter started to unzip his hoodie, he figured if she was playing dumb so would he. 
Drunk words sober thoughts rant in the back of his head but he pushed that to the back of his mind. He could analyze this another day, as of right now his beautiful tipsy girlfriend was begging him for sex and he wasn’t going to let her down.
Walking his way towards you he bent down to kiss you before getting on top of you, not missing the loud squeal you produced when he ran his hands under the shirt you were wearing preparing to take it off.
He pulled back slightly looking down at your wide eyes sparkling in the moonlight creeping between the cracks in the blinds. 
Your cheeks flushed and a cheek hurting smile adored your face, he’s never loved you more in this moment but instead of filling you in on his thoughts he whispered a “Shhh..” before placing his lips on yours delicately. 
Watching you sleep on Peter's chest has never felt like this before. 
He’s always thought you were beautiful, and he always thought he loved you but having your weight on him, soft snores coming from your mouth while his hands ran down your naked back he felt different. 
When you told him you loved him, intentional or not, something changed. He felt it immediately. 
Peter had always been caring and would stop at nothing to keep you safe but after tonight the feeling deepened. It went from keeping you safe to a sense of protection, he felt like it was his personal duty to harm whatever came in your path.  
He moved a piece of hair from your face as it dawned on him, he told himself “I would kill for her.” He felt his heart get loud in his chest and ears and felt his feet clam up, he hadn’t felt like this before. 
It’s never been so black and white, he knew at that moment had everyone ever tried to hurt you he would do anything in his power possible to keep you safe and protected. 
And suddenly he had to leave. He didn’t like that feeling. He's a good guy, he’s the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, he keeps the city safe. So the idea of him being so okay with hurting anyone who ever tries to touch you scares him. 
He was thinking like a villain; heros will protect the many at the cost of one but villains protect one at the cost of many, and he would destroy New York for you. 
Gently removing himself from the bed he slowly gets dressed before heading back to the lab with your dad to finish the nightly task before the early morning. 
Sliding back into the lab he threw himself down into the chair focused on his web shooters. 
“Are you okay?” Tony asked the protege already sensing something was off, standing to his full height and turning to Peter directly.
Peter didn’t look up but responded, “She said she loves me” 
Tony's eyebrows went up, “Did you say it back?” 
“No. I don't even think she realized she said it.” He twisted the screwdriver in his hand. 
“Is that why you're upset?” Tony asked back, arms crossed over his shoulders.
“No.” Peter shook his head, he didn’t want to have this conversation with his girlfriend's dad but seeing as he was also a superhero he was probably one of the only people that could truly understand it. 
“She was laying on top of me just sleeping, and this feeling came over me and sent me into a panic. I always thought I would protect my friends and May the best I could but just seeing her tonight I realized that I would die for her.” He paused, “I would kill for her.” Peter finally looked up and locked eyes with his mentor and girlfriends father hoping he would understand 
He nodded, letting him continue “I've never felt that way before. I feel responsible for keeping my city safe but I've never felt responsible for another person before.” 
“And it’s fucking terrifying.” He let out in a breath, his chest already feeling lighter. “I really love her, Mr. Stark.” His eyes started to sting, whether it was from tears or exhaustion he wasn’t sure. 
Tony nodded his head before coming closer and sitting across the bench from him.
“When Y/N was born, after I held her for the first time I told everyone I was going downstairs for coffee but I actually went into the garden and just cried because I had never had a feeling like that before in my life.” He spoke softly but sincerely. 
“When Y/N  told me how much she had liked you before she even told you I immediately felt a pressure coming off of me, because I knew no matter what she was always going to be safe and cared for with you.”  
“It’s scary to feel so strongly about someone else but seeing it recipucated makes it all worth it, and super powers or not Y/N would die for you too. Not that you’d ever let her.” He laughed at the end, but meant every word. His daughter was one of the strongest people he knew. 
Peter smiled at that. 
“I know.” 
Tony slapped his hand on the table, “Now how about you say we finish this up and get a few hours of sleep in before the trip tomorrow?”
About an hour later you woke up, groggy with a pounding headache and an empty bed. Pulling yourself to the bathroom to pee, you put Peter's shirt back on and some slippers before making your way to the lab. 
Walking in Peter's head looked up at you before clicking his tongue at you, “What are you doing up?” he joked. 
“What are you not doing in bed with me?” You asked back before sitting down on his lap, your head falling into his neck. 
He wrapped his arm around you holding his web shooter in one and screwdriver in the other still trying to piece them back together. 
“How much longer?” You asked huffing at the fluorescent lighting.
“Maybe 10 minutes.” Peter replied softly knowing you're still on the brink of sleep. 
“I have a really bad headache.” He could feel you frowning in his neck. 
Pausing his hand movements he pulled you tighter “Do you want me to get you some medicine?” 
You nodded but tightened your hold on him when he went to stand up, “you can finish first, I’ll just sleep here.” You snuggled deeper into him finally finding the perfect position that blocked all the lights out. 
Peter went back to working and sure enough felt your body get heavier and a bit more loose as you actually dropped back to sleep.
Ten minutes ended up being almost twenty five but once he was done and Tony left the lab with a “Goodnight, be ready by 7:15,” He had started to run his hand down your back trying to slowly wake you back up.
“Let's go to bed, okay?” He whispered in your ear.
Still more than half asleep, you nodded but kept your eyes closed and pressed yourself to Peter so he would keep you balanced while he walked you to your room. 
Stopping at the kitchen to get you a water bottle and some pills for your headache and then finally back to your room to cuddle for the night. 
When you finally laid back into bed with him you shoved your face into his bare chest, your legs intertwined with his, you grabbed onto his hair with one hand too tired to scratch at it. He nudged you anyways and you started to run your fingers through his curls and he gave a contempt sigh, you shuffled your hips closer to his and pressed around his body tighter. 
You broke the quiet moment with a whisper. 
“You’re not allowed to leave.” 
Peter laid his head on top of yours. 
“You know what I hate about Spider-Man?” 
No. He never talks bad about his alter ego, always going on about responsibilities and stopping bad things from happening, he has never complained or ragged on him. You shook your head into his chest, your hand still reached over your head, still dragging fingers through his own. 
“I hate we’re two people in the same body. Sometimes when I take off the suit I wish I was actually taking it off. Like, I lost all responsibilities and I was just Peter Parker. A normal 18 year old, about to graduate having a dope ass intern gig and dating Tony Stark’s daughter and not sharing that with Spider-Man. I wish it was a switch I could turn on and off, and when I'm with you, I really hate having to leave to go be, him.” 
He sighed and you tugged at his hair to show you were listening and waiting for more. 
“Sometimes, it just feels,” Peter stopped when his voice cracked. You knew that was a warning sign from Peter, he was about to cry. He laughed to hide a sob, he stayed quiet. You stayed on his chest, you turned your mouth in to press three small kisses, “Feels like what?” You whispered against his skin. 
He shook his head, if he stayed silent one more time you knew he was already crying but trying to hide it. “Petey?” Your head bounced from his chest when he let out a sob, his breathing getting loud, you sat up to face him watching him hold a hand over his mouth as another one was on his chest trying to ground his breaths. Tears were flowing down his cheeks, he choked out another sob on his hand, you tried to pull his head to your chest but he pushed you away. 
"It just feels unfair."
You’ve only seen him this bad once before, it was after a mental breakdown, similar to this one. It was just a combination of everything happening at once.
He and you had a fight, May was mad about something, he was getting his ass beat nightly and couldn’t even catch the guy and couldn’t get Tony to help because he pissed off his girlfriend, and therefore Tony was pissed at Peter.
And he was trying to study for the upcoming SAT while trying not to think of you being mad at him and how he was going to fix that, while also thinking about that guy still kicking his ass and his suit tech failing after various beatings but he was banned from the tower until he made up with Y/N, per word of her father.
And, trying not to think about May being pissed about something still, and not remembering what it was but it was probably a big fuck up on his end and reached his breaking point while in this spiral May came through his door and asked him “Why haven’t you taken the trash out? Or brought the laundry down? Or wash the dishes? Or anything I asked you?” Her tone was bitter, she sure was pissed. 
Then Peter turned his head to his desk, saw his phone resting on his PSAT workbook unlocked with your messages open but with nothing new. He snapped the pencil in his hand and sobbed. He cried so hard and suddenly May ran to him to grab him from dropping to the floor, “Peter?” He wouldn’t stop, he was babbling between not being able to breathe, his sobs were full of chokes and coughs. 
“Sorry-” “Tired” “Y/N” “Fight” “Banned” “Stressed” “Sacred” Were bits and pieces of the words May heard from him, sorry was a favorite he was using on loop. “Peter, what can I do? You need to calm down.” She was rubbing at his chest like she did when he was a baby, it would always calm him down. Sometimes she would catch you doing the same thing, “Y/N” He nearly screamed it with his cry, “I can call her, I can call her,” May fumbled for her phone in her pocket.
You looked at your phone light up with May’s contact photo, your brows furrowed. She never calls you. Texts, sure. But Calls? No. You almost thought it was Peter but you didn’t block his number or anything so there was no reason. 
She heard cries and heaving breathing in the background
“Y/N, you need to come over right now.” 
May was quick to the point. You heard a chorus of ‘Sorry’ in the background and coughing and sniffles. 
“Is he okay?” 
Your heart hurts. You’ve never heard anything like this from him. 
“I’m on my way. Can he hold the phone?” 
You heard May ask the question, a shuffling sound played, the trading of hands. 
You knew Peter was on the phone, the sobs ceased but he still couldn’t catch his breath, you heard sharp quick intakes every few seconds, no doubt tears still falling down his face. 
“Peter? Petey, listen to me. I’m on my way to come see you, okay? I need you to catch your breath, can you do that? I’m coming, Peter. I promise.” 
“M’ Sorry.” His voice was squeaky, he was forcing the words out. 
“I’m not mad. I’m not mad I promise. I just miss you and want you to be okay. I’m on my way right now.” 
“Okay? I’ll see you in a few minutes.” 
He pushed the phone back to May and she ended the call. His crying stopped, his breathing slowed. He was calm for a couple minutes. Then he remembered the fight, again. And about the SAT’s and how he’s still not done with that guy from three nights ago and started all over again. 
You remember how broken he looked then, how stress piled on him and crushed him entirely. His plate was so overloaded it cracked the glass. You sat next to him on the floor and straddled his hips, you pressed yourself to him and repeated ‘I’m here’ over and over. 
But tonight he was rejecting your help. 
“It just feels so unfair” 
He felt so shameful using these words. It was his secret, he always thought about it but there was nothing he could change about it so why complain? 
“It is unfair, Pete.” 
“It’s really unfair,” You added. “It really sucks you have to miss out on things in your life to do things in another life you didn’t ask for. It’s actually kind of shitty, I don’t know how you don’t complain more.” You were honest but you got a laugh from Peter and kept going, you were slowing his brain. 
“Seriously, babe. Could you imagine if I had powers? Do you know how much I would drag on about it? ‘Oh my god, I had to, like, save a child today. Ugh,’ Or, i’d be like, ‘bro they asked me to hold a ferry together, ME!’” You smiled at Peter’s face brightening up. “I would never shut up about it. You’re braver than the marines for never talking shit on the web man.” 
“Web man?” He gave a guttural laugh
“You’re a good person and you don’t deserve half the shit life throws at you.” 
“What’s the other half of shit I do deserve?” 
Peter sighed and laid on you this time. He kissed your temple, they didn’t need to say anything more. He was soaking up this moment, in just five hours he would be up and on a quinjet to a top secret location he would find out on the way, and be missing your warmth for three days. He would normally tell you he would never deserve you but he let you win tonight. 
“Good night, baby.” 
“Good night, Petey.” 
Peter woke to Tony pushing on his shoulder, “Get up kid, let’s go.” He lifted his head from his girlfriend's shoulder and turned towards Tony and gave him a death glare. 
He removed himself from the bed with a groan when Tony left the room. Peter watched your body lay unmoving and moved around the room silently collecting his things. He pulled on his suit and folded up his clothes on the floor and grabbed his phone and the small bag he would be taking with him on the trip. 
He moved to your side of the bed, you were still squished in as if Peter’s weight was still resting on you, soft snores billowed from your mouth, hair combed around your face and he moved his hand across your forehead to clear it. When he moved his hand across your face you lent into it, a subconscious movement that had you leaning into his touch. He sighed and felt upset to be leaving, it would only be two nights away, he could deal with that. 
“Hey baby?” He lent down to kiss across your face, trying to wake you to say goodbye always hurt him. 
You whined and pressed your cheek further into the pillow. Peter kissed the cheek facing him a few times before he tried again. 
“Baby, I’m leaving. Give me a kiss before I go.” 
Your eyes opened for a moment seeing your boyfriend sitting over you, his red and blue suit contoured to his body. It was too early for him to be Spider-Man. 
“It’s too early for Spidey.” 
“I know. It’s a good thing he can sleep on the plane.” 
You opened your eyes again, awake for now. You studied his face, he looked okay. 
“I thought we said you were staying home.” 
“Next time,” he smiled. 
He would’ve added a ‘promise’ to it but he wouldn’t make a promise to something he knew he couldn’t keep. 
You make a ‘psh’ sound, “Yeah, right.” 
“Two minutes, Underoos.” Tony’s voice belted from the hallway. 
“C’mon. One kiss, and I’ll be back before you miss me.” 
You leaned up to kiss him. It was a soft kiss, a goodbye kiss, an I’ll miss you kiss, an be safe, I need you kiss. 
He pulled away and turned to leave when you called from the bed, 
“I love you, Peter. Be safe.” 
His head never whipped around so quickly, his face with a smile you’ve never seen before. 
“You remember!” 
He wanted to tell you those words last night so badly but was terrified you said it in a moment of recklessness and wanted to make sure they counted when he said them. 
He jumped full force onto the bed barely catching himself before he flattened you. He was pressing kisses all over your face while you were giggling trying to push him off, “I love you, I love you, I love you,” was thrown with each kiss to a new spot. 
“Of course I remember! I love you and I want you to know it.” 
“I love you too, and I want you to know it.” 
Tony interrupted the moment, 
“Now. Spider.” 
He nodded at you, “Be careful when I’m gone Y/N. You need either one of us just call, we’ll be around. I’ll see you in three days, okay?” 
“Okay. Bye dad. I love you, be safe.” 
Tony looked to Peter for him to follow him out of the room. 
“I love you Petey.” 
“I love you too.” 
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rangpurcity · 2 years
Year Ender 2022: From Realme to Motorola, these powerful budget smartphones launched this year
Year Ender 2022: From Realme to Motorola, these powerful budget smartphones launched this year
highlights In 2022, Motorola launched the E22s, with an initial price of Rs 8,999. Realme’s C30s has been introduced in 2022 this year. Infinix Hot 20 Play has been launched with 4 GB / 64 GB variants. New Delhi. There are only a few days left for 2022 to end, and this year mobile companies are doing many experiments with phones. This year, the phones of companies like Samsung, Xiaomi, Realme…
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aloesarchives · 4 months
Valentine's Day Special #2 (JJK One shot)
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Warnings: Suggestive parts from Suguru and Shoko but it's funny, I think that's it.
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x Fem!Reader
Here's Gojo's part I promised after my Toji one. A bit but here nevertheless.
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 “Sugu, have you gotten in touch with Toru? He hasn’t responded to any of my calls and texts this morning and class starts in 10 minutes.”
“Maybe Satoru forgot to charge his phone last night and is coming here with a dead phone. I mean we did have a late start today but you know how he is. Something wrong?”
“I thought I asked. I’m just a little worried, that’s all. Normally he would blow up my phone but not today. I hope he’s not sick.”
You sigh as you look at your phone to see if any more messages would be sent but none came. It was Valentine’s day today and everyone was giving their Valentine gifts to the one that gives them heart eyes. Some were cute, others were cheesy, and some were mid. You’d usually spend Valentine’s day alone or celebrate it with a few classmates. However, this year was different because you would actually be celebrating with Satoru. Initially, you were trying to play it cool and be all chill about it. Not making it a big deal. But you can’t help but feel giddy and a bit excited because you can spend the day with your boyfriend who was also your best friend. 
However, Satoru’s lack of response made you a bit anxious with your foot rapidly bouncing and your eyes fidgeting between his empty desk and the clock. If he was sick and couldn’t come to school, you would understand. But Satoru wasn’t sick yesterday or showed no signs of any. You hoped that he was okay and nothing bad happened to him. With class starting in five minutes, you deflated into your seat and just wanted the day over with because it wasn’t going to be fun when Satoru’s absent. 
Just as you were about to turn around and ask Suguru something, your classroom door slid open to reveal Satoru Gojo in the flesh. His face was covered by a bouquet of (favorite flowers) and a large shopping bag. Sugaru just smirks as you sit in shock before standing up to meet Satoru who was standing next to your desk.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Sweetheart!”
“Is this for me, Toru? Aww, thank you~! You shouldn’t have.”
You give him a quick peck on the cheek before taking your gifts and placing them on your desk. To everyone, Satoru brushed it off suavely while embracing his confident smile. But to you, and Suguru, Satoru was a lovesick fool who is screaming from joy on the inside.
You would have talked more but the bell rang so it will have to wait until break. Satoru sneaks a grin, sending a wink your way while you could only roll your eyes playfully.
“Sorry I didn’t answer your texts or calls this morning. I used the late start to pick up your gifts but I accidentally woke up later than expected. So I had to rush myself to get your things while trying to make it to school on time. I had to ask Suguru to distract you until I arrived.”
You glanced over at Suguru to confirm what your boyfriend said was true. All you were met with was whistling and his eyes were anywhere but on yours. You shake your head with a chuckle as you place your hand on Satoru’s bicep while walking to get some snacks.
“You had me worried, Satoru. I got scared for a second something happened to you. At least it’s good to know that you were okay.”
“I didn’t mean to! Look, I just wanted to surprise you. I just—you know— had a minor slip up. I just wanted to treat my favorite girl!” Satoru whines out trying to defend himself.
“Favorite girl? You mean I’m not the only one, Satoru?”
Satoru froze and had this look of absolute panic on his face. Suguru gave an accusatory look at Satoru’s way before you bursted out in laughter.
“Toru, I’m just messing with you! You look like you’re about to cry, I didn’t mean to get carried away like that! I know you love me, you simp. My one and only.”
The way his face shifted from panic, relaxed, to flustered was like a powerpoint where the teacher is changing slides too fast. The tips of his ears and the apples of his cheek were rosy pink. He tried to use his free hand to hide his blush but it was useless. Suguru just laughed at the expense of his friend. 
It was interesting to spend Valentine’s with one of the school’s heartthrobs. Satoru’s fans are split down the middle between fangirling or mean mugging at you two. You honestly don’t care about the haters because they’re not the one dating Satoru. School goes on as per usual, Shoko came to hang during lunch because she was out on a field trip, and the occasional hallway confessions and gift giving. Once school ended, things were different. You assumed you would go back to your dorm and that’s the day.
But Satoru had other plans in mind. You were about to go grab yourself something at the local convenience store before seeing Satoru pull out in a slick black sports car. At this point, you wonder what Satoru didn’t have. Satoru said the day’s not over and he’s got stuff in store for you. He takes your stuff away inside the car before reaching his hand out towards you with the absolute rizz.
“Let’s get moving, Babe. I don’t want to waste a second today when I’m with you~” Satoru says with  his overflowing rizz and charm.
You giggle like the high school girl you are and make your way over to him, taking his hand in yours.
“You two love birds have fun! Don’t go too crazy!” Suguru shouts from afar.
“If you guys do the deed, don’t forget to wrap it up, Satoru!” Shoko shouts after as she waves off to the two of you.
You both immediately got in the car, Satoru laughing his ass off with red all over while your whole body was ablaze and on fire. If it were possible, steam would be coming from your head. Once he comes down, Satoru starts driving you to treat you like the fucking queen you are. Satoru took you to all your favorite spots, stores, and places. He bought you anything you asked for, which were literally three items. He takes you to a crane game arcade and he won every single game you looked at on the first try, getting some of your favorite plushies in the process. God the way you smiled and eyes lit up made him so elated that his heart was going to burst. Genuine joy and whims of boyish youth surge through him as he realizes he can be himself around you. 
Free from his title as a Gojo, free from being the heartthrob, free from being anything other than Satoru and your best friend/boyfriend. He wanted to feel like this everyday forever when he’s with you. Every now and then he kisses your hand as you go around to your heart’s content. You never had this much fun in your entire life until today and it was all boy you gave yourself to that was also your best friend. As naive it is to think, you knew you wouldn’t experience this with anyone else. For your boyfriend to also be your best friend was absolute bliss and you want both of you to cherish it forever.
You two sit on a bench in an empty park, staring up at the starry night sky while eating some daifuku together. Your hands interlaced and both of your heads lean onto each other. No talking, just silence and the sound of the city night life filled the air.
“I want to thank you for today, Toru. I had a wonderful time, and it’s because of you.”
“I should be thanking you, (Y/N). You showed me things I never thought I’d get to experience. You made me feel things I never thought I could feel until now. All thanks to you… I love you, (Y/N).”
Satoru turns to face while holding your hand up to his face to kiss it. You smile softly at him while unlacing your hand so you can cup his face gently. You giggle seeing his face sink slightly in your hold.
“I love you too, Satoru Gojo. For as long as we’re together, I will always love you.”
Pulling him in to share a sweet kiss until the gentle moonlight. Once pulling away, Satoru brings both your hands into his as he brings them to his chest, feeling his fast but strong heart beat. His eyes are full of sincerity and unwavering dedication, boring into your own.
“Then promise me, (Y/N), you will stay with me for the longest time. Not just spending the future Valentine’s days together, but to experience life with you by my side. Now and forever… my one and only…please…”
You see the yearning and devotion in his cerulean eyes that still shine in the midst of night. His words, his eyes, his heart reassured you with everything you needed to hear. Because being with Satoru Gojo is something you will never regret and neither did Satoru as he never regretted loving you and only you.
“Of course, Toru, I’ll be with you until the end of time. Now and forever, with my one and only, Satoru Gojo.”
At your confession, you saw a smile that Satoru gave you that will forever be etched into your memory. One you have the honor and privilege to see everyday as he does with yours.
There’s no telling what the future holds. But it’s guaranteed that there are many more Valentine’s days to be spent together with Satoru. In which one of them you are wearing a shiny ring. Then another where there’s an additional ring on top of your other one, you are seated close to your husband as your last name is now Gojo.
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Hi I've never requested before but I was thinking abt best friend!Eddie who's always been there for you. And when a guy leads you on, he realizes he's in love w you and confesses to u. Idk I was thinking abt it, and it has me blushing and shi 🤭
I used she her pronouns in the request but it can be gender neutral too idk whichever u prefer ❤️
Very cute request! I miss fluff Eddie :) starts a little angsty
I hope this what you were looking for
I had the worst writers block trying to figure out how to write this to where I liked it, so if you dislike it please tell me because I will scrap it and try again 😭 not proofread :)
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Y/N has been in love with Eddie since she met him her junior year. It started as a big crush on the curly haired boy but grew the more she was with him. Now she stared at his lips a little too long, wondering what they tasted like. She hugged him just a little bit longer than anyone else. She felt like she was giving hints but he blew right past them. Bragging about his latest hook up after his gig. The same gigs she went to every week. Trying to hold tears back when she'd watch him walk out the door, a new girl hanging on his arm.
She had to accept Eddie Munson was not into her. She needed to move on.
Moving on was a tad bit easier than she thought. After she watched Eddie walk off with his latest date, a guy sat next to her.
He was beautiful. He bought her a drink and they talked for hours. For once she left the hideout with a smile and not in tears.
She gave her number, waiting patiently for him to call.
Her and Eddie were in the middle of game night with hellfire. Screaming as they played.
She was in the middle of fighting with Dustin over the rules when her phone rang. Eddie picked it up as she was occupied.
Placing the phone on the counter near the wall, he walked over to the table.
"um Y/N?" He said. She looked up at Eddie, stopping mid argument.
"yes?" She sighed
"some guy named Logan is asking for you?"
Eddie didn't know why, but he hated the way she smiled and jumped out of her seat. Racing to the phone in seconds.
"Logan hi!" Eddie hated the way she sounded excited.
Who the fuck was Logan?
"a guy is calling for her?" Dustin questioned
The group all looked at each other confused. She never once said anything about a guy she met.
When she came back, still smiling and giggling
Eddie couldn't help but speak up
"so who is Logan?" He asked, smiling. A teasing look on his face.
The look of him smiling at her reminded her just how much he really doesn't care
So she allowed herself to like Logan more than ever.
"um a guy I met at the hideout last week. He's very sweet and cute. I had a really good time getting to talk to him and he asked for my number." She smiled. Blushing as she remembered his charming smile and flirtatious looks
Eddie deflated. She met this guy on HIS territory. HIS band's territory. A place where HE was welcomed and accepted. Logan met HIS girl at HIS second home. It almost felt like a knife in his back
"you met him at my gig?" Eddie scoffed, "really at a bar? You expect something to come out of a guy at a bar? You know what guys at bars are there for right?"
"take home their fifth groupie for the week?" She snapped back. She lets this guy sleep with every girl he sees and never once judged him for it. She gives her number out, hoping for the guy to at least call and he tries to make her feel stupid for it?
Eddie was taken back by how angry and pissed out she sounded. He bit his tongue, because technically she was right. But that didn't stop him from being angry at her and even more angry that he didn't have an argument.
"nothing to say now huh? Maybe he only wants me for sex, and that's fine. But at least he asks for the girl's number you asshole." She stood from her chair, scraping loudly against the floor and she stomped upstairs to her bedroom. Slamming the door and locking it.
Hellfire could let themselves out
"yikes dude. She got your ass" Jeff laughed. Eddie sent him a glare that caused him to stop.
"um Eddie. Not to kick you while you're down, but that was a total dick move. She seems really upset" Dustin said softly
"shut up Henderson. I'm aware that I'm an asshole and she's fucking pissed. I don't need you to paint me the damn picture!" He snapped, hand slamming down on the table. Dustin flinched at the sound and shrunk in his seat.
Eddie gave her the time to cool down before he went up to her room.
His tail between his legs as he knocked on her door
"Y/N?" He asked softly
"GO TO HELL MUNSON" she screamed back
"if you're mad at me then I'm already in hell. Talk to me please?"
He had a plan the second she opened the door, it was time to pull his puppy eyes out. Stick out his bottom lip slightly and begin apologizing.
He heard her sigh and get up from her bed. Opening the door with a very annoyed look
"don't even start with puppy eyes" she pointed her finger at him, letting him pass into her bedroom.
"I'm sorry. That was a total dick move and unfair of me. You were right to call me out on all my hook ups. If you want to date this guy or even just have sex with him. It's not my place to say anything." Even though it killed him to think about her moaning underneath some douchebag from the bar, a douchebag that wasn't him.
"why did you?" She asked, head turning to the side, "why did you get pissed off about it?"
"I don't know. Something about it just made me feel like I got kicked in the stomach." The one thing he adored about her was whenever he didn't understand a feeling, she knew what it was. He never held back from details of what he felt with certain things. She just knew him.
"like you want to cry and beat him up at the same time? Almost like it physically makes you ill to think about him and I together? Romantically and sexually?" She asked
He was taken back from how perfect her explanation was
"yeah exactly. It's almost like I can't even think of you being like that with someone else." He thought out loud. Not noticing the weight behind his words
"Someone else? As in you think of me that way with you?" She questioned
He blushed. He didn't realize how much he thought of her in that way until she asked him.
"I guess I do" he confessed, looking at her as he tries to process what this all meant
"that feeling. That's what I felt when you'd ditch me at the bar every week. Watching you flirt with countless girls and them getting you, your mind and body in ways I refuse to let myself think about. You hurt me really bad Eddie. And just when I finally felt like I was okay with you and all the girls, because of Logan, you made me feel stupid for thinking he liked me. You made me doubt him before we even went on a date. That's not fair." She ranted looking everywhere but him.
But her eyes snapped towards him when she heard sniffles. Looking up at him, his eyes were red, tears falling fast down his cheeks and small hiccups in this throat.
"Eddie?" She asked softly, reaching her hand towards him
"don't" he said, stopping her hand, as he shakes his head. "I don't deserve to be comforted right now"
She nodded as he kneeled to his knees. Tears still working down his face
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know I was making you feel like that. I should have paid more attention to you. I should have noticed you were upset. I'm sorry for ditching you, I never should have ever left with girls knowing you were right fucking there. You were right fucking there!" He's never been this upset with himself. All these years he could have talked to her and been with her
"Eddie stop. I never told you I was upset. You can't blame yourself for all of this. We both weren't communicating. But I need to know if you like me more than a friend or not?" She didn't want to answer this question for him. She wanted him to say his feelings for once.
"Yes I do. I think if I saw you get even more beautiful than you are for another man. Let him take you out and kiss at the end of the night. I don't think I could handle it" he confessed. He felt like he now understood his feelings. And he understood what he needed to say to make sure she knew. "Do you still like me?" He asked
She tried to ignore the damn puppy eyes. The way he looked up at her, on his knees, with tears in his eyes. She could barely handle it.
She sighed and kneeled in front of him
Cupping his face softly as she wiped his tears
"I do Eddie but I can't throw myself into this to get hurt"
"I won't. I swear. I'll try so hard for you to do this right. Please give me the chance. Baby please?" He begged. Holding her hands on his face.
She nodded with watery eyes
"let's try it" she said, leaning in slowly
His eyes raked over her face. Watched as she leaned in. He leaned in and met her half way.
Lips connecting in a hurry. The kiss was fast, needed, and desperate. Kissing harder every time either went to pull away. Not wanting the moment to end. Heads empty, just feeling their lips finally meeting together for the first time.
"thank you" he sighed as they pulled away
"don't make me regret this Munson" she laughed through her tears.
He laughed through his tears as well. He should have known all along it would be her.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid
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divine-knight-hand · 8 months
Night of The Maneater
Part 1: The Chase
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Part Two || Michael Masterlist || Full Masterlist || Read on AO3 Halloween Triple Feature Masterlist
Pairing: Michael Afton x Ghostface!Female Reader
Summary: Since the destruction of Fazbear's Fright, Michael could finally celebrate Halloween in peace, but with a new serial killer on the loose known only by the name "The Maneater", how long will his night stay that way?
Content Warnings: Stalking, mentions of death and killing, descriptions of fear and creepy scenarios, death threats, sexual themes
Notes: I don't care that FNAF lore says that Fazbear's Fright happened in the future. This fic takes place in the 1990s because I said so... Also, that time is the perfect setting for a slasher moment and no, I will not be taking criticism.
I also just looked it up and the first Scream movie takes place in 1996, so my guts were on point with this one. Trust my judgement, y'all~
Word Count: 4,352
Dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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Halloween season had an air of peace ever since Fazbear’s Fright burned down. This year, instead of fighting for his life against a group of worn-down animatronics–only one of them being corporeal, though not untouched by the stench of death–he only encountered the bright faces that came to his door in search of candy.
Michael was more than happy to oblige, complimenting the costumes of each child as he dropped some candy into their bags. Each child’s parent warmly smiled in appreciation from across the lawn, and he always reciprocated the soft expression. It was nice, seeing parents who took the time to make memories with their children. It filled him with a sense of pride, knowing he could help create that experience for them.
Once he handed out the last of his candy for the night, he turned out his porch light and headed for his kitchen to start making popcorn. He figured he’d spend the rest of the night catching up on the episodes of The Immortal and the Restless he had recorded to his VCR.
As he was searching his cupboards for an aluminum popcorn pan, the radio on the counter switched from lighthearted Halloween tunes to an emergency news report.
“We’re just getting news of a new serial killing taking place here in Hurricane, Utah.” The radio anchor announced. “Police are currently unable to name a suspect. The only information they have is that this killer seems to only target young men in their mid-twenties. They’ve since been codenamed, ‘The Maneater’. Police are advising that all residents make sure their doors, windows, and all other entrances to their homes are locked-”
“And, that’s enough of that.” Michael muttered to himself as he switched off the radio. What a buzzkill…
He rooted around in his cupboards a little longer before finally finding the aluminum pan he was looking for. He’d just put the pan on the stove when the phone started ringing across the room.
He strolled over to where it was mounted and picked it up. “Hello?”
A woman’s voice softly responded. “Hello.” A long pause followed, the only sound Michael could hear being the soft popping of his popcorn, before she asked. “Who is this?”
“Who are you trying to reach?” Michael wasn’t sure why, but he felt the need to dodge the question. Something felt off already, and he hadn’t talked to this person for more than a few seconds. After another moment of silence, he tried to shut down the conversation. “I think you might have the wrong number.”
“Oh, do I?” The voice sounded playful.
“It happens to the best of us.” Michael reassured. “Take care, now.”
He had just moved to return to the stove when the phone rang again. Since when was I so popular?
He smiled to himself as he picked the phone back up off of the receiver. “Hello?”
“I’m sorry.” The same woman’s voice answered. “I guess I did dial the wrong number.”
Michael nervously chuckled. “So, why would you call me back?”
“To apologize.” The woman’s voice was smooth. She spoke lowly and calmly, like she was reading a bedtime story to a child. “I didn’t mean to inconvenience you, tonight of all nights.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Michael breathed a sigh of relief. “It happens all the time. I’m going to go now, okay?”
“Hold on,” The voice suddenly sounded hurried. “Don’t hang up, yet.”
Against his better judgment, Michael responded. “Why not?”
“I want to talk to you for a second.” The woman’s voice purred. It sounded almost… sultry.
Michael felt a shiver crawl down his spine. He wasn’t sure whether to be afraid or enthralled. “I’m sure there are more interesting people you could talk to at this time of night. I should go now. Bye.” As soon as he hung up the phone, it immediately began to ring again.
Michael audibly groaned before picking up. “Hello?”
“Why don’t you want to talk to me?” The same woman’s voice answered, feigning hurt.
Michael was beginning to grow fed up with what he assumed was a Halloween prank call. “Okay, who is this?”
“Why don’t you tell me your name first, handsome?” If the voice didn’t sound provocative before, it definitely did now.
“Michael,” He quickly clapped a hand over his mouth. He hadn’t meant to give up that information so voluntarily. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
“Michael~” The voice sounded borderline pornographic as it tested his name. “Like Michael Myres, from Halloween. I like that.” Michael gulped, the action requiring some effort due to his suddenly dry throat. “What are you up to, Michael?”
“I- I- Uhm-” He stammered. “M- Making popcorn.”
“Making popcorn?” The voice sounded genuinely interested. “I only eat popcorn if I’m watching something. Are you preparing for a scary movie marathon?”
“No, nothing scary.” Michael felt his prior tension easing as the conversation began to seem normal. “Just my favorite show.”
“No scary movies?” The voice sounded playfully appalled. “It’s Halloween! How could you pass up a scary movie on Halloween?”
Michael bashfully scratched the back of his neck. “Not really my thing, I guess.”
“That’s a shame.” The voice sounded almost melodic. “I love a good scary movie.” After a long pause, the voice spoke up again. “So, do you have a girlfriend, Michael?”
He felt his face begin to glow red as his heart fluttered. That question definitely caught him off guard. “I- Well- Uhm- No, not exactly.”
“No need to be shy.” The voice purred. “I’m sure you’re more than a decent catch~”
“Thanks.” Michael struggled to fend off the flattered smile that was tugging at his lips. “So, uhm… Why are you asking me so many of these questions? Are you flirting with me, or something?”
“Maybe~” The voice took on an air of mischief. “I just want to know who I’m looking at.”
Michael felt his heart drop out of his chest. What the fuck?
He cradled the phone in his arms as he ran around the house, checking the windows to see if he could find any suspicious figure looking back at him.
When he couldn’t find anything, he just made sure the windows were locked before he held the phone back to his ear, returning to the kitchen. “What did you say?”
“I said I want to know who I’m talking to, silly!” The voice lightly giggled. “Everything okay?”
“N- no…” Michael breathed, the dread from earlier creeping back into his chest. “That wasn’t what you said.”
“I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.” The voice spoke in a cautionary tone.
Michael struggled to swallow as he gulped again. “I wish I could say this was fun, but… Well… Goodnight, okay?”
“Don’t hang up on me.” The voice sounded a little more firm than the last time it asked him not to hang up.
Michael shivered. “Gotta go…” He hung up the phone and all but ran to the kitchen to take his popcorn off of the stove. He’d just finished pouring it into a large bowl when the phone rang again.
He rolled his eyes and tossed the empty pan in the garbage before picking up the phone. “Hello?”
“I told you not to hang up on me, Michael.” The voice sounded a lot less playful than before, instead bordering on angry. “That wasn’t very nice.”
“What’s your problem?” He began impatiently tapping his foot.
“I don’t have a problem with you, Michael.” The voice sounded almost as annoyed as Michael felt. “As I’ve already said, I just want to talk.”
“Well, talk to someone else, okay?” Michael hated the way his voice cracked, but he hoped he still got his message across.
“Are you getting scared?” The voice found its playful tone again, using it to tease him.
“No, just tired.” He slammed the phone back onto the receiver, making one last attempt to return to his cooling popcorn before the phone rang again.
Michael growled as he answered the phone. “Listen, I don’t-”
“NO, YOU LISTEN, YOU LITTLE BITCH!” The voice exploded. “If you hang up on me again I'll gut you like a fish! Do you understand me?!”
Michael was at a loss for words. As he tried to find the right words to say, his mouth opened and closed, like a fish filtering water.
“I’m sorry, Michael.” The voice purred after a tense moment of silence. “I don’t normally lose my temper so quickly like that. Especially on pretty boys like you.”
Michael was still stuck in an astonished silence, and the voice took that as an invitation to continue. “I don’t like being hung up on. That was rude…” The voice paused, sighing in disapproval before continuing. “I also couldn’t help but notice you locking your windows. I thought it was really bold of you to assume I wasn’t already inside.”
Suddenly, all the power in the house went out, plummeting Michael into a silent darkness. His blood ran cold as he rushed to one of his kitchen drawers to grab a flashlight.
“Wh- What the hell was that?” His hands began to shake as he clicked the flashlight on. “Is this some kind of sick joke?”
“No, no.” The voice reassured. “Nothing of the sort. I like to think of it as more of a game.”
“I- I’ll call the cops!” Michael attempted a threat of his own.
“Oh, come on, now.” The voice softly tutted. “You’re smarter than this, Michael. You know they’d never make it in time.”
He felt nauseous. “What do you want from me?”
“I want to play a game.” The voice calmly answered. “And if you play the right way, you get to walk out alive.”
Michael scoffed at the voice’s request. “You’re insane.”
“That wasn’t a no.” The voice softly giggled. “Come on, Michael. You know you want to. It’ll be fun~”
“Fine.” Michael spat. “I’ll play your stupid game.”
“Ouch.” The voice teased. “I haven’t even explained the rules yet. But, here they are. We’re going to do a little bit of trivia. I’ll ask you a series of questions. Each time you get a question wrong, I’ll walk into one room adjacent to the one I’m in. Each time you get a question right, I’ll stay put. You can move regardless, but only after you answer a question, and only one room at a time. Oh, and just know that you’ll be moving at your own risk. Got it?”
“You’re insane…” Michael repeated.
“I believe we’ve covered that.” The voice sounded amused at his apparent fear. “I may be insane, but I’m a woman of my word. I haven’t moved an inch since I got here.”
Michael silently shook his head. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
“A few last-minute things,” The voice went on. “If you hang up on me, I’ll kill you. If you try to leave the house, I’ll kill you. If you try to call the cops, I’ll kill you. Notice the trend?” The voice chuckled before continuing. “And, if I get to the same room as you? …Actually, let’s keep that a surprise for now.” The voice giggled again. “Are you ready for your first question, Michael?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” He felt defeated, and the game hadn’t even started yet.
“Good!” The voice enthused. “These questions are scary movie-themed, so I’m afraid you’ll be at a disadvantage.”
“Of course.” Michael muttered, bringing a hand up to massage the bridge of his nose.
“First question,” The voice began. “Proclaiming herself to be the ‘Mistress of the Dark’, this character hosted her own ‘Movie Macabre’ before moving on to star in her own self-titled film. What’s her name?”
Michael struggled to find an answer in his anxious mental haze. “I- I don’t know.”
“Really?” The voice sounded genuinely shocked. “What, do you live under a rock? You have to know this one! Men really love her for her huge… ratings! Yeah, ratings…”
Michael cringed at the voice's poor attempt at humor. “I still don’t know.”
“That’s unfortunate.” The voice sighed. “I’ll be moving rooms now, since the name Elvira doesn’t seem to be coming to your mind.” Then, the only thing Michael could hear on the other end of the line was the sound of a door softly opening and closing. “There we go.” 
His mind began to race as he tried to find some strategy to get himself through this game. His house was only one story high, and he only had so many rooms. When moving in, he felt he didn’t need much more than that, since he planned on living alone. He’d originally imagined that the woman was on the other side of the house, but she’d only specified that she was inside. She never told him where she was. That meant she could be anywhere from across the house to right outside the nearest door. Michael decided to stay in the kitchen for the time being. He didn’t want to risk bumping into her just yet… though he’d still be taking that risk if he stayed where he was.
“Alright!” The voice interrupted his thoughts. “Ready for the next question?”
“Let’s do it.” He did his best to summon his courage and clear his thoughts.
“Tell me the name of the killer doll from the film Child’s Play.” The voice directed.
Michael began biting his thumbnail in deep thought. I know this one. It’s that creepy ginger doll. But, what was his name?
“Tick tock, Michael.” The voice taunted. “Neither of us have all night.”
“Chucky!” He blurted once the answer finally came to mind. “The doll’s name was Chucky.”
An agonizing silence passed before the voice purred, “Well done, Michael. You’re more clever than you look. I guess I’ll be staying put this time.”
His mind began whirring again with a million questions. Where could she be? How long would it take for her to find him? What would she do to him once she did? He couldn’t just sit around and find out. Michael took the opportunity to slip from the kitchen into the living room. Since the doorway to the living room was open, he was able to make sure no one was there before entering.
“I see you decided to move this round.” The voice pointed out. “Interesting choice.”
“You know where I am right now?” He shuddered at the possibility.
“Of course I do.” The voice calmly responded. “I’ve been watching you this whole time, Michael.”
He quickly spun around, looking over his shoulder to make sure the owner of the voice hadn’t already found him. “H- How?”
“I don’t want to reveal my secrets just yet.” The voice responded.
Fuck! Michael’s heart began to pound. This obviously put him at a huge disadvantage. He needed to find a way to even out the playing field.
“Well, maybe I’m curious.” A new idea slowly unfurled in his mind as he spoke.
“Well, maybe I want to move on to the next question.” The voice insisted.
“Wait,” Michael felt his resolve slowly growing. “Before we do that, I want to change the rules of the game, just a little.”
A long pause followed, and just when Michael was worried that the voice wouldn’t take the bait, it responded. “Go on…”
“What if I could ask questions, too?” He proposed. “For every question you answer, I’ll stay still, but for every one you refuse, I move.”
This time, the voice let out a hum of consideration. “That sounds fun… I’ll accept, only if I get to move regardless, like you do when I ask questions.”
“Deal.” Michael knew this was a risky plan, but any answers he could get out of this person could help him to escape her. “We’ll alternate asking questions, so it’s fair.”
“Deal.” The voice purred. “After you, cutie~”
Michael felt his face flush as he tried to think carefully about his first question. Now is not the time to get flattered by a crazy killer in your house! …Come to think of it, why is she here?
He decided that would be his first question. “Why did you come here of all places?”
“Hmmm,” The voice paused for a moment before answering. “Because I was looking for a new catch, and you happened to be alone.”
“A new catch?” He was even more confused than before. “What do you mean?”
“Michael, Michael, Michael…” The voice tsked. “You didn’t waste any time before trying to break your own rule.” Michael could faintly hear the sound of a door opening and closing over the phone before the voice continued, softer than before. “I believe it’s my turn to ask a question.”
“Sorry,” Michael gulped. “Go on.”
“Alright, next question,” The line went silent again before the voice found its question. “Name one scary movie that came out this year.”
Michael scratched his head. He knew a lot of horror movies came out this year, but he barely paid attention to the trailers when they came on the television. Think, damnit!
He knew he had to get this one. The owner of the voice could have been anywhere in the house, and the living room had the most doors out of all the rooms.
“Michael, are you still there?” The voice softly giggled. “Oh, who am I kidding? Of course you are! Come on. Don’t keep me waiting.”
He knew there was a sequel to some Stephen King movie. What was it? The Shining? No. It? No… Cujo? No, but he vaguely remembered it involving pets. Wait a minute… Pets! That’s it!
“Pet Semetary II,” Michael breathed.
“Well done,” The voice didn’t pause before congratulating him this time. “That tracks. Looks like I’m not going anywhere.”
Michael quickly ran up to the nearest door, holding his ear up to it to make sure he couldn’t hear anyone on the other side. When he felt confident enough, he entered the room, softly closing the door behind him.
“The laundry room?” The voice sounded condescending. “That seems like a dead end to me, but if that’s what you want…”
“It’s my turn to ask a question.” Michael was anxious to get back to the point. He leaned back against the washing machine, gripping the edge with his free hand until his knuckles turned white.
“Okay, okay.” The voice conceded. “Ask away.”
“What did you mean earlier when you said you were looking for ‘a new catch’?” His voice wavered mid-question.
“That’s a good one,” The voice answered. “Sometimes, I’m not even sure, myself. I’ve chalked it up to this. The ideal catch for me is someone beautiful. Someone who’s willing to play my games. Someone strong enough to put up a good fight. But, above all, the ideal catch for me is someone clever and obedient.” After a heartbeat passed, the voice asked. “Is that a satisfactory answer for you, Michael.”
“I- I think so…” He gulped. He felt weak in the knees. What the hell was this person playing at? What was she hoping to do with him once she caught him? No, I can’t think like that. He mentally chided himself. I can’t lose this. I can’t!
But, at the same time, a new feeling rose within him. His sudden weakness in the knees couldn’t only be chalked up to fear. Hearing this voice compliment him tonight, it did things to him. How many times had she called him ‘clever’? How many times had she complimented his looks? Not to mention the thrill of having her go through all this trouble with the hopes of catching him. Part of him almost began to want to be found. Maybe it was because he hadn’t romantically been with someone in a while, but he suddenly found that the hairs on the back of his neck weren’t the only thing standing upright.
Get a grip! Michael frowned the crotch of his jeans, which was slowly pitching a tent.
A new sound snapped him out of his thoughts. He heard a door open and close, except it wasn’t just over the phone. He heard it in real life. He heard it from the next room. The owner of the voice was in the living room. His breath hitched. Oh, god! It’s over…
“Ready for your next question, Michael?” The voice spoke just low enough so he could only hear it through the phone.
Michael decided to match its volume. “Yes, I’m ready.”
“Alright,” The voice softly hummed as its owner thought of a question. “Okay! I got one. What is the name of the movie where a group of people take refuge in an old farmhouse to protect themselves from a horde of zombies?”
Now, this sounded very familiar. Michael recognized this as the plot to a movie he’d watched with his family when he was younger. It was one of the fonder memories he had with them before everything began to fall apart. But, it had been so long that he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to recall the name of it. What was it called?
“You’re killing me, Michael.” The voice groaned. “Must you take so long to come up with an answer to every single one of my questions?”
Michael’s brow furrowed in concentration. The title was on the tip of his tongue. If only he could recall it. He knew it had something to do with the ‘living dead’, because of the zombies, and it all happened at night… Oh! Duh! I’m a fucking idiot…
“It’s Night of the Living Dead.” Michael answered. “I used to watch it with my family as a kid.”
“How cute~” The voice purred. “And I thought scary movies weren’t your thing.”
“Not anymore…” He muttered.
“Do you have your next question ready?” The voice asked.
“I think I do.” Michael shuddered as he took a breath to steady his nerves. “Are you ‘The Maneater’ that the radio station’s been talking about?”
“Am I ‘The Maneater’?” The voice softly chuckled as it repeated his question. “I believe that is what they call me, yes.” After that, silence…
That was, until Michael could hear growing footsteps. His heart leapt into his throat. He’d forgotten that whenever he asked a question, she could move rooms regardless of whether or not she answered. This was it. She would open the door and kill him. It was game over. Oh god. Oh, fuck…
He couldn’t breathe. He clicked off his flashlight, but he knew it didn’t matter. She already knew where he was. The Maneater was right there.
Once the shadows of her feet appeared under the door, Michael felt tremors work their way through his body. He gulped, the heartbeat in his ears blocking out any other sounds around him.
Then, the shadows disappeared, and he heard the footsteps quickly retreat. Michael let go of the breath he was holding, a fresh wave of adrenaline coursing through his veins.
“Your fear is adorable.” The Maneater softly giggled. “No, that’s an understatement.” Her words grew breathy. “Your fear… it excites me.”
Michael willed his heart to slow down. He was convinced that, had the washing machine not been holding most of his weight, he would have keeled over.
“I could chase you like this for hours.” She ecstatically sighed. “After all this time I spent searching… I finally found the perfect catch.”
Her words were barely registering to him. Did she avoid him on purpose? She had the perfect opportunity to catch him just then. Why didn’t she?
“I have to ask, Michael,” The Maneater went on. “And I’m counting this as my next question… Do you enjoy being hunted?”
“Wh- What?” That fully grabbed his attention again.
“Do you enjoy being hunted?” She repeated. “Does our little game of cat-and-mouse excite you?”
Michael felt his face flush. It was like she was invading his mind, as well as his home. “Wh- What do you mean?”
“Don’t play dumb.” The Maneater scoffed. “I know you know what I mean.” Her voice grew sensual. “Does being hunted turn you on as much as it turns me on to chase you?”
Michael hesitated. Clearly, his common sense steered him to believe it didn’t. This woman was insane, and she’d killed men just like him. There was no way he could possibly enjoy being in such a dangerous position.
His body, however, heavily disagreed. It didn’t care about the circumstances. It just fell prey to the allure of this woman’s voice and it wasn’t as shy as he was about expressing his sudden libido. He looked back down at the evidence, growing more apparent the longer it strained against the front of his pants.
He decided to respond as vaguely as possible, seeing as he wasn’t too sure of the answer himself. “What does that matter? That doesn’t change the fact that I’m stuck playing this crazy game until you leave me alone.”
The Maneater softly chuckled at his boldness. “I should’ve expected that.”
Michael didn’t wait to hear whether or not she considered that answer correct. He knew he had to keep moving. He had to get out of that laundry room before she cornered him in it again.
He threw the door open, not even checking for The Maneater on the other side. He knew she was just a room away, and all she had to do to catch him was turn around, but he didn’t care. He was willing to take that risk. 
Michael rushed across the living room, stopping by the door to his bedroom. He already knew what his next question was going to be. He was going to ask The Maneater for her name. If she didn’t answer, he’d be able to move into a new room. If she did, then he’d finally know her by name. He just had to ask for her name and-
WHAM! A flash of pain exploded from the back of Michael’s head, and he fell to the floor from the impact. The last thing he saw was the ghoulish, dark empty eyes of a ghost-faced mask looking down at him before his vision went black.
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creedslove · 10 months
Ur literally a wizard at writing i don’t know how you do it because GURLLLLL ur writing makes me more feral then a clicker… anyways
Could this be a headcon or and imagine I don’t know but I was thinking Joel is ur dads best friend you end up getting together romantically BOOOM the dad find out she’s sleeping with his best friend BUT ashes also pregnant with his baby I WONDER WHAT HIS REACTION WOULD BE
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: omg anon, this is sinful and I love it!!!
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• When you finished college, you returned home to spend some time before you could get your shit together and find yourself a job
• so you went to your dad's new home
• he'd moved during the fall and you still hadn't had time to pay him a visit
• in the meantime, your dad had made new friends as they often gathered at your dad's at least once a week for poker night
• most of them were alright, just regular ordinary middle aged guys who had a few drinks and talked about life and played cards
• but there was one of them who wasn't the average dad's friend guy you'd met
• he was painfully handsome, a few years younger than the other guys but probably in his mid to late forties
• he had a gorgeous curly hair, brown eyes that scanned your body up and down whenever he thought you weren't looking
• and his smile
• Joel Miller had a beautiful smile
• you had exchanged a few words here and there and he was a pleasant guy
• but your interactions with Joel Miller didn't go further than that, until you were out at a bar for a few drinks, feeling a little low to find out your ex had got together with one of your friends and you bumped into Joel
• he could tell you were feeling upset so he offered you a drink, that turned into two drinks and then it turned into more
• and that was how you spent the night with your dad's best friend for the first time
• when you two woke up the next morning, you were both a little weirded out, and you promised it would be a one time thing
• but you couldn't keep Joel out of your mind, he had fucked you like no guy ever had, he was rough and gentle and caring and he buried his handsome face into your pussy and didn't stop eating you out until you'd cum for him
• and Joel couldn't keep you out of his mind, he just thought of your tight pussy every day and night and he forced himself to go after you
• so you two decided to keep seeing each other once a week, until it wasn't enough, as time went by you were seeing Joel almost every night
• and what was supposed to be just sex, was turning into something more, as the two of you were always taking care of each other, Joel was protective and sweet and you were just the same, taking care of your man
• it was pretty obvious you two were in love with each other but you didn't want to admit it, though it was too complicated as you two were a secret
• but you were just so into Joel you began getting sloppy and one day your dad overheard you talking on the phone and you had to come up with an excuse you had found a boyfriend
• he kinda was your boyfriend but you dad didn't know your boyfriend was also his friend
• the shit was when your dad rang the doorbell of Joel's home on a Saturday morning to borrow some tools and you answered the door in nothing but one of Joel's t-shirts
• and your dad went crazy
• that man thought he was having a heart attack right there and then, screaming at the top of his lungs and calling you and Joel awful things
• in fact, he even tried punching Joel, and you had to get in the middle of them
• after that, your dad kicked you out of home and told Joel he never wanted to see him again
• so Joel took you into his house, trying to make you feel better about things
• you thought the sickness you were feeling had to do with the sadness about your dad finding out your relationship with Joel
• but a pregnancy test later you found out it had another reason behind it
• you broke the news to Joel, who remained quiet for a while, shocked and trying to let the words sink in
• but once they did, he smiled at you, and he confessed his love for you
• and you confessed your love for him
• you and Joel began living your lives together and nine months later, you welcomed your baby
• your dad was moved to know he'd become a grandpa, even if he wasn't happy you had got together with his friend but you loved him and now you two had built a family together and he had to respect that
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jadedvibes · 2 years
Always (III)
Summary: You made the big move, but with each passing day you realize how much you need your best friend.
Pairing: best friend!Bucky x reader
Warnings: lots of feels and yearning, fluff, more angst (but the happy ending is finally starting), pet names.
Word Count: 1.8k
Series masterlist
Like, comment, and/or reblog to put a giant smile on my face ♡
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Bucky: That was some kiss, huh?
Bucky typed out before shaking his head and cursing under his breath. You texted him when you landed, and he was giving you time to settle in. Although, more than half a day to settle felt excessive and he needed to check in with you. Just to see how you were, how the new place was, whether you thought about that perfect heart-stopping kiss. 
He thought you must have – how could you not? 
He couldn’t stop thinking about it if he tried, and that almost made him regret asking to kiss you goodbye. Almost. More than anything, it made him regret letting you go. 
Bucky mainly felt upset with himself for not making a move in all the years that he’d known you. You were always right there, and he hated himself for letting you slip through his fingers. 
Bucky: I miss you.
He finally hit send.
Your phone buzzed on your night stand just as you woke up from your nap. You were grateful that your parents let in the delivery service before you arrived. The small apartment was partially furnished already, only missing your personal belongings still being driven over. 
Looking at the text with bleary eyes, you smiled at the screen. You missed him too. Thoughts of him consumed you on your journey, and you doubted whether you made the right choice the entire trip over. You kept going over the way he kissed you, the way his hands felt on your body, and the way he tasted. It was more than perfect and you wanted to experience it all again. 
The last few weeks were a whirlwind of you and Bucky spending as much time together as possible in between studying for finals. The two of you got around to watching all the movies you’d wanted to see together and getting as many milkshakes and dessert runs in too. Now even half a day without him felt like too much. 
Y/N: Shouldn’t you be working instead of missing me? :)
You figured deflecting would help uncomplicate things. Although, you weren’t sure if things were as complicated on his end as they were in your mind. It was just a kiss, nothing to overthink, you reminded yourself. 
Bucky: I’m a great multitasker, you know this. 
Y/N: I do, and I miss you too. I hope your day is going well, all is fine on my end. 
Bucky: Glad to hear it. Can I call you after work?
Y/N: Yeah of course. Talk to you then. 
It was mid-afternoon when your phone rang, and with the time difference you knew that Bucky had just gotten off work. 
“Hey bossman,” you answered happily. 
For the first time that day, he felt relief. Your voice grounded him, you calmed him. 
“Hi gorgeous,” he breathed out.
Your heart stuttered a beat; that was a different term of endearment. Coupled with the kiss that still lingered in the back of your mind, you couldn’t suppress the smile that graced your lips. 
“Ah, hi, how was work?” 
“It was good, but I want to hear about your day, honey,” he replied. 
So you told him all the trivial details about your day, mentioning the nap and the light unpacking you’d done. Nothing too interesting, but Bucky always found the little things you had to say the most fascinating. He told you about the fun he had meeting his new team and the two of you talked about nothing and everything until Bucky got home. 
By the time he got in, it was clear that he didn’t want to get off the phone. But he knew he had to so he asked if it was okay to call you the following evening. You couldn’t agree fast enough. 
And that’s how it carried on, every single day. Neither of you brought up the kiss, or whatever other feelings you had. Mainly because you didn’t know how to. 
After you settled into your job, the phone calls had to start coming in later to accommodate for the time difference, so Bucky would call you right before he started to wind down for bed. Every evening, you’d talk to him about your day, the silly memories that you shared, and whatever random thoughts popped into your heads. 
Some nights you’d talk until he fell asleep, and you loved those the most because he always tried his best to stay awake and that resulted in him mumbling his words in the most adorable sleepy voice. 
Even from afar, there was never a dull moment, just like it was when you were together. 
Bucky also sent you sweet good morning messages to wake up to, sometimes in text or memes, and always with a touch of playful humor. 
Although he was a part of your daily life, you couldn’t help but miss being with him more and more every day. While your family was close by, you weren’t meshing well with the people that you worked with. Along with that, you had yet to make any new friends and the loneliness was getting to you. There was no one to get pizza with at the drop of a hat, no one to run errands with, and no one to simply hang out and relax with. 
You hoped things would sort themselves out, and you knew hardly any time had passed; but not having the ability to be with Bucky made your heart ache. It took distance to realize how much you relied on his company. And you were starting to think time wouldn’t make things easier. 
That’s why you started looking into jobs back in the city, close to him. Your company had a few new openings that looked increasingly more desirable with each passing day. While you weren’t certain that you’d get it, it didn’t stop you from heavily considering applying for them. 
You were scared to tell your mother about your potential plans of moving away from her and the family so soon. But after coming clean and telling her about your feelings for Bucky, you were incredibly surprised by how supportive she was. She’d met Bucky a few times over the years and she always liked the way he looked out for you. She suggested you stick it out a little while longer since you’d made the big move, but if things didn’t change soon, then you ought to follow your heart. 
She promised to support you with whatever decision you made because she understood – true love was a rare thing that you needed to hold on to.  
So quietly, you followed her advice. Going with the flow and seeing if things improved at your new job, all while speaking to your best friend every day. 
It was after a month of back and forth with Bucky when he finally brought up the kiss. 
The two of you had decided to Facetime as you watched one of your weekly shows when he subtly inquired. 
“Did you ever want to talk about that kiss?” he bit his lip as he gazed into the camera. 
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. “The one on TV a few minutes ago, or…”
“You know the one.”
“Oh, that one… Well I guess we could. Care to share your thoughts?” you smiled, trying to ignore the way your heart rate accelerated.
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.”
“That bad, huh?” you joked. 
“Definitely, it hasn’t been on my mind because of how perfect and right it felt… I haven’t thought about flying out to see you every day since,” he said wistfully, because the opposite was true.  
“Do you regret it?”
“No, of course not. I… I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want it. I’ve thought about it a lot, and honestly, I can’t believe we didn’t realize there was something between us sooner,” you confessed. 
He nodded his head before looking away. “I wish I said something at the bonfire. I knew it then, and I didn’t do anything.” 
“Bucky,” you coaxed him to look at you. “I knew it then too, but it wouldn’t have changed our plans. I was always supposed to come back to my family, just as you were always meant to stay with yours.” You knew the truth was a hard pill to swallow, but it’s one that needed to be addressed. He was beating himself up over something you both had planned for years, and you couldn’t allow that. 
“I still wish I told you,” he shrugged with downcast eyes. “We would’ve had nearly a month to explore what we really felt with each other.” 
Exhaling a deep breath, “You know that would’ve only made it harder to leave in the end.” 
Bucky thought back to how difficult it was to see you off, and he knew you were right. But he didn’t care. He wished for a different reality; one in which he could’ve called you his, at least for a little while. 
“Do you think it’s too late for us?” 
You didn’t want it to be, more than anything you wished that it wasn’t. But you were still trying to acclimate to your new environment – you couldn’t give him a definitive answer because you didn’t know if going back was an option given how short of a time you’d worked for the company. You’d applied for a transfer just that day on the very off chance that they’d accept it, but there were still so many hoops to jump through before you could answer that question. 
“I dunno, B.” Unable to think of a better response at the moment, you left it open-ended. 
He nodded his head with a tight smile, averting his gaze. “Um, I’m tired, and I know you’ve had a busy day, so I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?” 
“Oh, alright, sweet dreams,” you offered a smile, his tone worrying you a touch.  
“Sleep tight, honey,” he ended the call. 
That night you tossed and turned restlessly in bed. The memory of his sad eyes haunting you. Did you say the wrong thing? Perhaps you could’ve offered a kinder answer, or divulged your hopeful plans about going back to him. You hadn’t shut him down completely because you knew that life could take you to a lot of places. There could potentially be a path for the two of you to be together someday, maybe even soon, and you realized that you should’ve said that. 
You vowed to call and tell him first thing in the morning because you did know. You knew you were supposed to be with him – the rest was just details to sort out later.  
Your doorbell rang at 8 a.m. sharp, and you figured it was likely your mother showing up unannounced as she had gotten so comfortable doing these days. Tugging on a sweater, you bounded down the stairs only to be met with familiar blue eyes awaiting you on the other side of your door. 
Your eyes widened and mouth fell agape. “B? What are you doing here?!” 
“I dunno,” he rushed towards you, gripping the sides of your face and pulling your lips to his. 
Part IV
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Just Friends? ~2~ Joseph Quinn
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Previous Part
Tags : @randomstory56 @reidparker @parabatai-izzy @trishmarieofficial @skybridgerton @m-rae23 @kellysimagines @jajqtfjplgop-obsessed67
Summary : It's been some time since the break up, Joseph is a mess and you two. Friends become nosy but it's not until you see Joseph at your doorstep that you want to give him another chance
Author's Note : you guys! You're sending so much love for the first part that my heart is so happy. Love you!
It's been a week. A week without Joseph to hold you. To cuddle you. To call you sweetheart. To touch you. To kiss you. To tell you how much he loves you. Everything was silent. You haven't gotten a phone call from him. Why hasn't he reached out to you?
Then as you magically eyes your call phone on the counter, someone was calling you. Someone that wasn't Joseph. It was Jamie.
Jaime is a good friend of yours, you loved him and Joe's friendship. It made you laugh and smile.
" Hello?" you greeted him. He was silent on the other line but then he sighed as he spoke.
" What are you doing to the poor Joseph?" he asks. Oh.
" what?" Jamie groaned. You felt like he was pacing the room he was in and rubbing his temple. " I'm guessing Joseph spoke to you"
" The poor man is a mess Y/N, that man loves you with all his heart and you drop him because he called you a friend? Y/N he was looking out for you, he didn't want the media and his fans to get to you"
" They wouldn't. It hurts that he calls me that every time, it wasn't the first time Jamie. Don't play dumb, you remember the first time I met you?"
You felt like Jamie nodded therefore you continued, " if he loved me, he would talk to about it instead of plainly saying we're friends. We dated a year, a year Jamie. People know that you have a girlfriend, me? I am just a wind of air he need from time to time."
" Y/N, it's nothing like that. Call the poor man, see him for the love of god. You both are meant for each other"
" I can't, Jamie" He sighed.
" Are you doing okay?" he drops the Joseph conversation and focuses on you. " I'm fine" you mumble, looking down at your chip nail picking at it out habit.
" Are you lying to me?" he asks. " No"
" Call him" with that Jamie ends the phone call. You drop your phone back on the table, not bothering to see the notification that have been spamming you.
You were having a hard time sitting in your apartment, you had put Joseph's things in a box by the door but he never came for them. He wasn't ready to see you even if Jamie told you to call him.
You weren't. It's too soon.
Your phone rang again bringing you out of your thoughts.
It was Joe Keery calling you.
" Hello?" you picked up, greeting him.
" Y/N where have you been? Are you okay? I heard you and Joseph broke things off"
Who else did Joe told that you two ended things? Why was he telling all his friends that you two ended it?
" I've been here, taking my time to myself and thinking. I'm fine, Joe. Thank you and we did, it's for the best"
" Stop being stupid and call the man you love"
" No" Joe groaned
" Put your big girl pants on and fucking call your man. You two love each other. Call him Y/N. He needs you as much as you need him"
Joe was right about the last line. You needed Joseph, he was your light to your days and the reason for your smile.
" No Joe, I am not going to call him. I can't"
" Fine" Joe hangs up the phone. The phone kept ringing to the point you had to turn it off. It was everyone checking in to see how you were holding up but mainly all of them wanted you to get back with Joe and call him.
You slipped on your coat and shoes, grabbing what you needed as you headed outside. Maybe some fresh hair is what you needed. The streets were crowded as you made your way to your destination.
You stopped mid way as you remember a memory
" Joseph!" you squealed as he picked you over his shoulder, running on set. You had stole the last muffin that he wanted. He threw you over his shoulder as he ran around in his Eddie costume and his wig on too. Jamie was laughing as he watched, he was still in his Vecna costume drinking coffee.
He ran to his trailer and dropped you on his couch. He sat on top of you looking down at you with a pout.
" I didn't take your muffin, you goof" his eyes squinted as he eyed you. You only looked back at him, innocently in hoping he would forgive you or get off of you.
" Mhmm" he didn't believe you before bringing his hands up and tickling your side. You laughed throwing your head back, squirming underneath him.
" Joe..I can't..breathe!" He laughed along with you and it was the most beautiful sound you have ever heard.
He stopped to gaze down at you with his eyes full of love and happiness. You were his ball of sunshine.
" I love you, sweetheart" he says leaning down brushing his lips against yours.
" I love you too" he smiled sealing your lips with his as they danced
That's been the third time you came to set with Joseph, to see him act and be Eddie Munson. But he was just perfection in your eyes. You stepped into the cafe smelling the fresh coffee and eyeing the bagels on the display.
" Just what I needed" Joseph smiles to himself as he takes a drink of his cup of coffee leaning back into his chair, the other hand had a cigarette which he took a puff of before his eyes set on you.
" hello sunshine" he says. It was one of many of your nicknames he called you. " hey baby" he giggled, you don't always call him baby. It was always either love or hunny.
He eyed the bagel you had on your plate shaking his head.
" What?" he snickered as he sees you applying more cream cheese.
" You and your cream cheese" you shrugged.
" Hey! it's good, leave me alone" you pouted. He reached over the table to flick the pout but you grasped onto his finger in your mouth. His eyes got wide, you two were in public and people could see.
" Y/N!" He took is finger back, but his eyes held lust in them this time as he eyed. " We can play later" he says, " You are nothing but trouble"
" Oh you love me for it" He nods as he takes another puff of his cigarette.
You ordered a cup of coffee and your usual bagel.
" It's nice to see you Y/N, where is Joe?" Kathy, the owner frowns seeing that you were alone. She looked out the window in hopes to see Joe but frowns seeing she couldn't find him.
" We broke up" you tell her. " Oh I'm sorry dear, I hope you're okay" you nod grabbing the bag she gave you.
" I'm doing my best, thank you Kathy. Have good rest of your day"
But before you left the cafe, you stood in shock seeing his face. It looked like it was Joseph but it couldn't be. He was there. You blinked and he was gone. Was he really there?
You shook your head as you walked out, zipping your coat and taking drink of the warm coffee. You noticed a few kids running by looks like they were playing tag, there were three kids.
" How many kids do you want Y/N?" Joe asks you one night as you two cuddled in bed.
" Why?" you asked, turning to look at him. His hand cups your cheek, thumb running over the smoothness of your skin there.
" I'm just curious. Do you want to have kids?" you nod. He adds, " How many?"
"I already thought about this, I want at least three kids"
" Why three?" you shrugged but answered him anyways, " I just want to have my own little packs of sunshines"
He chuckles as you use his nickname he's given to you.
" Do you want them with me?"
" I want everything with you" he leans down capturing your lip with his.
Joseph and you talked about getting married too, you thought he was your soulmate, the person you grow old with and have kids with. It's what you wanted. It's what you wished for. You couldn't wait to be called his wife. But you were his friend. The way it rolled off your tongue made you shiver.
He hasn't called and everyone told you to call. Why should you? Yes you walked out on him but you could not be near him after be broke your heart way to many times calling you just a friend.
When you neared your apartment, you almost dropped your coffee at the sight who sat on your steps. He looked like he hasn't slept, he looked like he hasn't ate either.
" Joseph" the way his name rolled off your tongue caused Joseph to wince. He had missed you a lot, it was his fault you walked out the door without him chasing you, begging you to come back. He still loves you and wants you.
He turns his head at the sight of you and gasps. You didn't look okay either, your hair was messy in a loose pony tail, you had bags underneath your eyes, he noticed the small shirt underneath your jacket. Frowned at your choice of clothing.
" Y/N" he says, your name is so soft as he speaks it standing up to greet you with his hands in his pockets.
You walked to the door, fishing out your keys to open the door. Joseph reaches out to take your bag that holds your bagel and cup of coffee to help you out.
" Thank you" you nod to him taking your keys out and putting them into the lock to open the door. You step into the apartment followed by Jospeh who shuts the door with kick of his foot.
He walks into the your apartment. Gives him an off feeling like he isn't welcomed here. He takes notice of the box near the door.
" Yeah, I threw your stuff by the door. I didn't know what to do with it" he looks back at you and his eyes hold hurt and something else that you can't put your finger on.
It hurts you seeing him like this but you don't show it as you take the bag of bagel from him and the coffee setting them in the kitchen.
" I miss you.." he says. You take off your coat throwing it on the couch as you lean your back to it crossing your arms across your chest.
" Joseph" you start to say but he cuts you off.
" I need to speak" you nod, urging him to continue.
" I miss you so much Y/N, I can't sleep without thinking about you. It's not the same without you next to me. The space is cold and feels unwanted. I can't each much because when I do, I think of your favorite foods, I don't know what to do with myself. You make me happiest that I have ever been and when you walked out of my life, I felt empty. I don't like this feeling. I know calling you a friend was a mistake when you are the love of my life. You're the reason that makes every day worth it. I am so in love with you, I want you to be my wife one day and what we talked about having. I want you. I need you"
You want to run into his arms and forgive him, but you hold back staring at him. He waits for you to say something but he swallows the lump in his throat that he was holding as he nods, sniffing.
" I understand, I lost you and I'm an idiot" He turns to leave but you place a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.
" It will take time for me to forgive you, but I need you to show me that this friend calling is no longer part of your language. Yes, we started off as friends, best friends even. But you hurt me, you made it look like you were embarrassed of me. Like, I was some freak."
" Sweetheart, oh no, no. You're not a freak, I love when you come with me to my interviews, to set, anywhere really. I love having you around. I just thought I was keeping you out of harms way from the media and fans. They can be nasty"
" I will be fine Joe, I can handle a couple of mean comments. I'm a big girl"
" I'm sorry" he say taking a step closer to you, testing the waters and reached out his hands to you. You sighed, grabbing his hands. He brings your hands to his lips kissing them.
" I love you, sweetheart"
" I love you too, Joe."
" I will do anything to make you happy" he takes out his phone and goes on his instagram. You are curious on what he is doing and your eyes go wide seeing what he was about to do.
He is going to post you on his instagram.
He looks through the pictures you two taken. He can't pick which one he likes. He lets you pick and when you do, he starts to write
" This woman is my rock, I am so grateful to have her by my side. I can't wait the day I get to marry her. She means more than I could explain, but I love her with all my heart. Mrs Future Quinn"
" Joe.." you had tears in your eyes as you read over his shoulder.He drops his phone on the couch as he cups your face in his hands.
" I mean it, I want to marry you"
" Now?" He shakes his head, " soon, sweetheart. Real soon."
You grabbed a fistful of his shirt pulling him into you crashing your lips against his.
You love this man so much
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