#best nude selfies ever
oppopotamus · 8 months
Shoe riding
gojo satoru x top male reader
Warning: nsfw, gojo has a pussy, shoe riding, face slapping (like once), name calling (slut, baby, sweetheart etc), face riding, face sitting, sending nudes, kind of mean reader??
Satoru had always been a little shit, that much was known but nobody knew how much of a tease he was.
Satoru had one of his very few 'free days' where he can take time off of work, it was very rare for Satoru to ever get any sort of break.
Usually you take time off of work to spend it with Satoru since you don't get to see him that much.
Though unfortunately, you were called into work late as it was understaffed and many we're sick and you were the last resort basically.
Satoru begged you to stay, saying he'd do absolutely anything. Whether that be paying you for the next week until you got your next paycheck, or by doing something a little bit more... Scandalous.
You were extremely tempted to take that offer but your boss had threatened you that you'd lose your job if you took yet another day off.
So, you had no choice but to go in.
Satoru was feeling grumpy as he walked around your shared house, he just wanted to lounge around in bed all day with you!
I mean, he's plently rich enough to pay for both of you but you insisted that you didn't want him paying for everything.
Satoru finally had an amazing idea. Well, amazing to him atleast.
Satoru stood infront of the full length mirror that stood in your bedroom. He was wearing nothing but the pretty white lingerie you had brought him a while back which he never really got to wear, thought today he was going to show you how much he loved the gift.
Satoru got his phone camera ready and started taking pictures, many, many pictures. He posed in ways he knew would get your attention and posed in ways he didn't even know how he did!
Just to show you how flexible he was, of course.
Satoru selected the pictures he had thought were the best, all in the lingerie he hadn't taken any nude selfies. Not yet atleast.
He finally sended them to you, he didn't know if you would reply or even if you would see the message.
When you get a text on your phone from the one and only Satoru Gojo you think it's important enough to open.
Once you open them your calm demeanor disappears and you cough to avoid suspicion.
"Are you quite alright, (Name)?" One of your coworkers asks, "Yes, perfectly fine. Just got a bit of a cough."
"Don't you think you should head home then?" Another nosy coworker asks after listening in on your conversation as per usual with them. All your coworkers were very nosy people.
"Ah, boss wouldn't let me head home even if I asked." You said sadly, the photos would not get out of your head. Gojo in all those pretty poses, just begging for you to take him.
You try and shake the thoughts out of your head and attempt to think of something different in hopes your red face would disappear.
"Your face is burning up! (Name), you should really head home. If the boss doesn't let you leave I'll give him a piece of my mind!" The lady you we're just talking to before says.
"Ah, thank you very much but there's no need. I'm sure I'll be fine." You say, before you get another text from Gojo.
This time he's posed so he's sitting on the ground with his legs spread and facing the mirror so you can see everything through the thin fabric of the lingerie.
The photo had been sent with a text below it simply saying, 'come take it off for me?'
Oh god, you were in trouble. You could feel your pants start to get tighter. You don't know how you can even attempt to keep your cool now.
As if on que, your boss comes strolling in asking you where you've been and that you need to report to his office at once to approve some documents.
You're about to follow before a coworker pipes up saying, "He is much to sick, sir! (Name) can absolutely not work in these conditions!"
"I second that! If you don't excuse (Name) from work I'll take it to the higher ups and report you for not letting a sick employee go home." Another coworker says firmly.
You can almost see veins popping out of his head in anger so your boss decided it would just be easier to send you home than having to deal with the higher ups.
"Fine! (Name)... You're free to go home." Your boss says, you can sense the anger coming from him so you quickly pack up your things, saying a small 'thank you' to your coworkers who helped you out.
You're just getting into your car as you get another message from Gojo with yet another photo.
This time the image is of him still with he legs spread except he has moved the lingerie so it shows off his pretty pussy.
Fuck. This man is going to be the death of you.
You send him a message saying 'I'm coming home now. You've been bad, Satoru. Get ready.'
You can practically see Satorus scared face through the screen.
You start your car and head back home, once there you park the car and head to open the door.
You stop in the front entrance and take off your blazer and hang it on the coat rack.
You head up to the bedroom door and open it. "I'm home, Satoru-" You don't finish your sentence before you stop and stare in wonder of how pretty Satoru is.
Satoru's sitting down on the bed, patiently waiting there with his knees under him.
You walk over to him, standing above the bed with your tall height towering over him. You bring a hand out to cup his chin and raise it so he's staring right at you.
"Such a pretty boy. Aren't you, 'toru?" You ask, though you get no answer back. "So very pretty. Too bad you're such a brat." You spit out the last words and raise a hand across his cheek, slapping him. Not enough to really hurt but enough to make him gasp from shock.
Gojo whimpers as you drag him forward, he has to put his hands out to stabilise himself so he doesn't fall off the bed.
"Just a slut, aren't you? Can't even wait a few hours for me to come home. You just had to interfere with my work."
"M'sorry.." Gojo says in response, he's not really sorry at all. He loves the way you act when you get this way.
He'd do it all over again and you know he will, whenever that may be. He's just too much of a slut.
"On your knees." You say gesturing to the side of the bed where you currently stand.
You turn around and sit down on the bed as Gojo scrambles to sit down infront of you.
Once he's sitting on his knees infront of you, you gesture for him to move forward. He does so he's awkwardly sitting there between you legs, he begins reaching out to your crotch before you stop him.
"No, sweetheart. I want you to ride my shoe. I'm not helping you get off today, you've already interrupted my day enough."
Satoru gulps at that and hesitates before he sits atop one of your shoes.
"Like this?" Satoru asks, "Yeah, just like that, baby. Good job." You smile down at him and Gojo suddenly feels proud, as if he's such a good boy, just for you.
Satoru finally starts moving, moaning out as his clit comes in contact with your shoe. He moves forwards and back again, it's not nearly as pleasurable as when you touch him.
He has no idea whether this will make him cum or not. He feels good but it doesn't feel quite enough.
"P..Please.. Need- Ah!" Satoru moans out as he ruts back and forth on your shoe, getting it dirty with his wetness.
"Hm? Tell me what it is you need." You say down at him as you play with his hair while he moves faster and faster against your shoe.
"C-can't." He says shaking his head side to side fastly while he shuts his eyes tightly so he can't see you looking down at him. You know that he will get a headache if he keeps doing that so you grab his chin and force him to look up at you.
"Look at me and tell me what it is you need, baby." You command. He finally cracks his eyes open and looks up at you.
"Need you..." He says, "I'm right here, sweetheart. Tell me what you want me to do okay?" You say while smiling down at him.
"P-please.. Want you to touch me."
"But I'm already touching you, baby. See? You're humping my foot like some dog."
"No.. I mean-" You cut Satoru off and grab his chin tighter, causing him to squeak in surprise.
"You've been such a little slut today, you know? I don't think you deserve to have your way. I think you should just sit there and do what I say. Understood?" Satoru whined at the harsh words but nods anyways, continuing to grind on your shoe.
He lets out groans and whimpers but he soon realizes that just humping your shoe is not nearly enough to get him off.
He wants you touching him, with your hands or for you to have his cock inside him, stretching him open till he cries from pleasure and pain.
Though apparently that's not going to happen today and it makes him whine.
He pleads and begs you, he doesn't even know what he's saying anymore, he's just spewing out words.
You reach down and yank his hair back, he yelps in pain and grips your leg tightly.
"Please!" He whines out, moving faster trying to chase that release he so desperately wants.
You sigh, "Fine, come up here." You say moving back on the bed and lay down.
He crawls up with a dazed smile on his face, and straddles you.
"C'mere baby." You say grabbing his hips and pulling him up to sit on your face. Satoru hesitates for a moment before lowering himself down.
"Ah!" He moans out as you move your tongue inside him. He grinds down on your face, you feel his juices spreading across your face as he moves back and forth.
Satoru moans out as he feels his release finally creeping up.
He's not going to last long, he knows he's going to cum any second. Riding your shoe made him get so close but not nearly far enough.
He repeats your name over and over, getting so close to his release. His clit rubs over your nose while you tongue at his hole.
You're starting to get slightly light headed with him on your face but you know it's not going to be much longer until he cums so you're not worried.
"(Name)! I'm gonna- Oh god-" Just before he finishes his sentence he's squirting all over your face, wetting it.
He sits and breathes heavily for a moment until he calms down and rises off of your face.
"Haah.. Thank you.." He says, looking down at you with a dumb smile on his face.
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zorosleftmantit101 · 6 months
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NSFW 18+ "Nudes? 🤲"
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How straw hats would react to you asking for nudes and what type of photo they send?
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NOTICE: I do not condone sending nudes nor do I encourage it! Especially if it is to somebody you don't know or if you are not of age. Remember your voice matters and if anyone reading this ever experiences something like this don't be afraid to speak up and speak out. Whether it's a stranger a friend or a relationship you should never be made to feel like you must show your body if it makes you uncomfortable.
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Franky, Brook
A/N: willy wanka
C/W: NSFW - 18 plus, Minors do what you want idgaf‼️, im not accountable for your mentality and im not yo mum. Swearing, Nudes, brook gets his on warning cause his puns sky rocket death rates.
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"What is that?, you want photos of my skin or some shit cause if you do I have a pretty gnarly staph infection on my elbow"
- Makes Law explain it to him
Relieases what you're talking about now,
Knows what a nude is he just didn't know they were called "nudes"
"Ohhhh you wanna see my cock"
The way he says it so nonchalantly always sends blood rushing to your cheeks
Luffy sends the most fucking android quality photos of his dick from above that you wouldn't be surprised if he had taken the photo with his fucking microwave.
- sends a silly selfie going like this
(✌️😝)straight after cause, he's a fuck ass
"Cause 💔"
"Fair point"
Zoro doesn't in any way dislike nudes, especially when they're from you all dolled up in the lingerie he bought you making him have to excuse himself to go sort out his fat fucking boner.
The only reason he is reluctant is because he's fucking lazy as all shit, he wants to get a good pic for you, one that he knows you'll touch yourself to until he gets home, but it's just such a long process. He'll never deny your request of course but only 3/10 of the time do they have effort. Lazy ones often include top-angle photos of him holding his erection in his veiny arms, but the ones with effort... he's got his sweat pants pulled down just enough that he can fist his cock while holding his t-shirt up between his teeth.
Cums in his pants as soon as you ask‼️
No matter where he is or what he is doing he'll excuse himself to take the perfect photos and sends you a wide range of photos from every possible fucking angle. Has so many photos in his camera roll that photos make one of those little memory slide shows with the fucking stock happy music in the background.
"Babe it's ok you don't have to I can wait till you get home 😊"
he's nervous alright he wants to take the best picture for you but he also doesn't know what you want you to see,
Sends a picture from the side his erection standing tall with his slender fingers rubbing at the tip.
"Oh shit babe thats hot"
*Usopp has invited you to play beer pong!*
"Oh hell yeah you wanna see my nuts and bolts"
-you blocked Franky 💕
"My love as much as I would love to I'm better off sending you an x-ray. I guess you could say it's a little bare-boned down their YOHOHOHOH"
-Brook also gets blocked 💕
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This just progressively turned into a shit post.
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heytheredelulu · 2 months
Marvel Fanfiction Masterlist
| Smut ❤️‍🔥 | SFW Spicy 🌶️ | Angst ❤️‍🩹 | Fluff ✨ |
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Bucky Barnes x Reader 💙
Little Devil 🌶️
You’re tempting him to sin.
Ruin Me 🌶️
Say less.
Bucky @ Ulta 🌶️✨
You dragged him with you.
Five Senses ❤️‍🩹✨
You walk him through the grounding method.
I Gotta Take This 🌶️
Bucky wants to make an excuse to slip out of the mission briefing.
Bucky Barnes enjoys the simple things in life.
To Have and to Hold and to Fuck Whenever I Want
You really think a little bit of blood is going to keep your husband from having you?
Steve Rogers x Reader ❤️
Like Sin 🌶️❤️‍🩹
Your possessive boyfriend accuses you of cheating on him with his best friend- and you decide to rile him up.
Loki x Reader 💚
Yearn for You 🌶️✨
You’ve been friends since childhood, after all this time could he truly feel nothing for you?
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Winter Rose Drabbles
The Winter Rose, an ex HYDRA assassin trauma bonded with Bucky Barnes in the aftermath of their deconditioning. They’re walking the fine line of love and friendship and both of them are too afraid to cross it.
Bucky Barnes x Winter Rose 🥀
Wounds ❤️‍🩹✨
Wash Over Me ✨
Fuck the Line 🌶️❤️‍🩹
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One Shots
Bucky Barnes x Reader 💙
Temptation ❤️‍🔥
You text your boyfriend a nude selfie while he’s working and now he can’t stop thinking about it.
Good Girl ❤️‍🔥
So close you could taste it- but only if you begged him well enough.
Wants and Needs ❤️‍🔥
You come home late from girls night knowing Bucky will still be up. You want need him and you’re finally going to let him know.
Little Bookworm ❤️‍🔥
Your boyfriend can’t think of anything more adorable than watching you read. One night while you’re in the shower he picks up the book you left on the nightstand: “Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton” and thumbs through it, very quickly realizing just what kind of books his sweet little bookworm is really into.
Watch Me ❤️‍🔥
Anon request: “could you do something enemies/rivals where bucky accidentally finds out that you have a mirror kink during a training session?”
Unbreakable ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥
You’ve always wanted to be a mother but your husband is too tormented by his past to believe he could ever be a good father. For so long you’ve accepted that it will never be in the cards for you- after all, it’s only a small price to pay to continue to live the life you’ve built with the man you love. But what happens when you finally admit that you want what he refuses to give you? Will you push him away with your confession or will you finally make him realize that he’s not the man he believes himself to be?
Unbreakable- The After Years ✨🌶️
The conclusion to your story.
Stucky x Reader 💙❤️
Untitled - In progress ❤️‍🔥
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Multipart fics
Bucky Barnes x Reader 💙
Ready to Comply Part One ❤️‍🔥
Tony Stark's shy, curvy intern finds herself fighting for her life when the quiet and reserved ex-assassin she's been pining after for nearly a year has been activated by HYDRA and given the order to kill her to prevent the completion of the new tech she's been developing alongside Tony Stark and Stark Industries.
Ready to Comply Part Two ❤️‍🔥
The second installment of Ready to Comply.
Ready to Comply Part Three - In progress ❤️‍🔥
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Current Taglist (Taglist is open):
@littleone2001 @suz7days @truthfulliarr @lilacka @writtingrose @samsgoddess @loveisallyouneed1125 @vicmc624 @millercontracting @wildernessflora @mydorkyboys @blackhawkfanatic @honestlywork @ladyvenera @cavity-exe @ihavetwoholesforareason @km-ffluv @shortnloud @mrs-katelyn-barnes @somnorvos @22rhianna2006 @fanfictionreaderfan @misshale21 @angelbaby99 @deans-spinster-witch @kezibear @acornacreacure @wintrsoldrluvr @terry2227
To be added to my taglist for upcoming works, leave me a reply on this post.
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✌🏻 That was so hot… but don’t you dare do that again… ✌🏻
✎ Pairing: Chan x fem!reader
✎ Genre: Smut
✎ Summary: Channie’s Room is live, but you’re bored in the bedroom. Good thing he’s already looking at his phone.
✎ CW: Established relationship, sexting, nudes, vibrator use, swearing, teensy bit of dirty talk, unprotected sex
✎ Word count: 1,373
❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥
“Everybody put your hands up, Stray Kids sing it loud loud loud…”
As usual, Fam plays at the beginning of Channie’s Room. The webcam is pointed at an empty chair, and he appears as the song comes to an end.
“안녕하세요!” Chan sings, greeting the fans watching his stream. “Helllloooooo!”
The chat is full of the usual comments and questions:
ur so hot!
what are you working on? excited for the next album 💕
marry me!
when are you coming to Brazil?
But then there’s yours:
check your texts, babe 🎡☄️🛋️🎒
It’s the odd combination of emojis you agreed to use if you wanted him to know that one anonymous fan was actually you.
He’s reading through the comments, humming between replies. The chat moves so quickly, you’re prepared to send your comment multiple times before finally catching his eye. But then his finger stops scrolling and thumbs at the bottom of the screen to close the app. Bingo.
The “delivered” under your photo changes to “read,” and you can see his expression change ever so slightly. He clears his throat and tries to keep his cool, but blood rushes to his head, spreading from his ears to his cheeks to his throat. Practically every inch of visible skin is now a deep pink.
“Uh, Stay are being so nice today, you’re making me blush,” he says kind of convincingly. But you know better.
While he set up for the stream, you freshened up and donned your new lingerie. You considered being sweet and waiting until he came back to the bedroom to surprise him, but honestly, this is way more fun.
You took a bunch of selfies: one angled down, one angled up, one straight on your tits, another right on your ass. Lots of options, but you decided on the full body shot from above — your lower lip pinched between teeth at the top of the screen, fingers pulling at the bra strap in the middle, and your long, smooth legs crossed in front of the tiniest pair of underwear at the bottom.
He’s having trouble focusing on the chat now, and who could blame him? You look amazing, and there’s just a wall and some wiring between your bodies right now. Two dozen steps, and he could be on top of you, inside of you.
Chan readjusts his body in the chair, undoubtedly making more room in his jeans for his stiffening cock. He fidgets uncomfortably and tries his best to maintain some semblance of normalcy.
Off goes the second image — this one focused on your chest. But the straps are pulled down and one hard nipple sits just above the edge of the bra’s cup, pinched between two fingers.
This photo goes unseen for a little longer than the first, and you’ll let him open it in his own time. He’s seemingly back in his groove on camera, reading fan-suggested pickup lines and discussing whether a tomato is actually a vegetable or a fruit. You know he won’t be able to resist forever, though.
And of course, you’re right — you know him too well. A shaky inhale from virtual Chan encourages you to check your phone, and, yep, he saw the second one. The blush is back and this time, it’s accompanied by a tiny smirk and narrowed eyes. He cheekily stares at his phone’s screen for just a second too long, prompting commenters to ask if something’s wrong.
“Oh, naur, all good here!” he reassures. “I’m gonna play some songs for you guys and I’m just picking the first one!”
Ok, liar. Fib your way through this one.
Photo number 3 is simple, but speaks volumes. A long, thick vibrator sits atop your bare thigh. It’s a new toy, and he’ll know that. He’ll also know you’ll use it if he takes too long, and the thought of him sitting there listening to music on a livestream while his girlfriend fucks herself in the next room over will drive him crazy.
🎒🎡 wow i’m so bored……. ☄️🛋️
Another comment to push him to check his texts. You may get some less-than-nice replies from Stay for this one, but that’s fine. This is for him, not them.
…but there’s no reaction. You’re not sure if he didn’t see it or is simply ignoring it, but he’s vibing to Le Sserafim’s Antifragile like he isn’t thinking about your tits. Too bad you don’t give up that easily.
💕 you look so good today, 🛋️🎒 차니 🎡☄️
Still nothing. Fine, you’ll just start without him.
Your slender fingers pull the lacy underwear to the side to check how wet you are. Teasing your boyfriend like this always revs you up, so you’re not shocked to discover that two fingers slide in with more than enough room to spare. Time for photo number 4.
This one crosses the line from suggestive to straight-up filthy. Half of the vibrator is visibly slick from your arousal, and the other half is buried deep inside your cunt.
You were so distracted with your little photoshoot that you didn’t notice he replied two minutes ago.
you’re so bad
The last photo shows up as “read” almost immediately, and you glance at your laptop to see his reaction. He’s slumped into the corner of the chair, nervously giggling at his phone. So much for keeping his cool.
He’s stopped paying attention to the chat almost entirely, but you don’t even know if he’s noticed. You tend to have that effect on him. One more text while you know he’s still looking.
get your ass in here 🫦
He bites his lip just a little too seductively for YouTube, then he’s saying his goodbyes with unmistakable urgency.
“Bye Stay!!! Big hug? Big hug!” he coos, leaning in and closing his arms around the camera.
Even the hug is shorter than usual.
“See you next time, byyeee,” he chirps, throwing up that signature peace sign with a wink before disappearing from view.
Seconds later, he’s at the door with the same eagerness you saw on screen. But this time, you can also see the outline of his huge, hard cock in his jeans, complete with a small wet spot of pre-cum where the tip pushes against the denim.
“Hey, handsome,” you hum. “Need something?”
“You know what I need, you fucking tease.”
He’s on top of you before you can blink, groping at your tits and sucking at your neck.
“That stupid thing is nothing compared to me, and you know that,” he says, pushing the shiny new sex toy off the bed.
He unzips his pants and unsheathes his cock, giving it a few solid pumps before sliding those panties he saw earlier to the side and driving himself inside you.
“Oh fuck,” Chan breathes. “God, fu-”
Your lips engulf his, ending his moaning and mumbling. His mouth is citrusy, and it’s making your tongue tingle.
There’s really no rhyme or reason for any movement or grasp. You’re going at each other just like you did when you were nothing more than horny teenagers exploring something — and someone — new. Fingers and nails drag on skin and rake through hair, and you’re not sure how much longer you can last.
“Channie, I’m gonna…” you moan, breaking the sloppy kiss. “Are you…”
“Yeah, baby,” he pants. “Come.”
Manicured nails dig into his shoulder blades and you finish with force, crying out his name over and over. God, you hope he actually ended the livestream.
Then he’s coming too, emptying his balls deep inside you. His thrusts weaken, but the small movements are still enough to push some liquid down your legs and onto the comforter. Something to worry about later.
He collapses on top of you, lacking the strength and will to even pull out. His deep breaths tickle your neck, and you’re still seeing stars on the ceiling. Warm, wet fingers caress your damp collarbones, then he speaks.
“Baby, that was so hot… but don’t you dare do that again. I will fucking block you.”
“Agreed, and deal. I’ll only do it when you’re live on TikTok.”
He can’t tell if you’re serious, and if he’s bothered by the idea, he doesn’t show it. As he said, it was hot. And he was 100% right.
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siriuslymooned · 8 months
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Price just closes his eyes when his phone dings. He checks the ID and sees it's a photo from you. He smiles to himself but decides to open it in the morning. You were most likely out with your girls and sending blurry selfies in your drunken state.
And then came a text. And another. And another. A string of texts.
"Jesus, you better be dying."
A whole strings of texts came in and then an abrupt stop. Anxious, Price opens the text thread and begins slowly making his way up.
What clown of a person decided that a rhyme EASILY FORGOTTEN AND TO MESS UP was the best way to pass along that information!!
Liquor before wine isn't even clever. Or true. Remember my birthday?
Is it yellow before red or yellow after red that your dead.
And then the weird snake one.
Liquor before Wine or Liquor after Wine you'll be fine.
You saw. Didn't you?
Please tell me you didn't look.
Did you know pigs have thirty minute orgasms?
Oh and that blue dress!
He smiled to himself. He still wasn't sure what was going on but he knew that blue dress. He thought about you in it. A lot. Often in shower.
Who decided the little black dress was sexiest? I look better in brighter colors.
I'm never sending anything anything ever again
Please dont look
sorry sorry sorry
That wasn't for you
Oh fuck
On his phone waited an unopened photo by his bestfriend who had spent the last few minutes begging him not to open it.
The anticipation and curiosity almost won. He wanted to see what you were so worked up over. Something embarrassing or...
He let out a sigh, highlighting the image and deleting it. He then replied to your frenzy.
Don't worry, doll. Photo's been deleted and I didn't look.
Thank fuck!
Last thing I need is a nude going to the wrong person. Sorry if I woke you up. Gnight. Luv ya!!
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hollytoshaw · 2 months
hi hun i don't know if you do headcannons but i just can't stop thinking about what harry would be like in a relationship / in love just feel like it would be so adorable, mayb ecould you do a headcannon or smau on it? :)
hiii!!! thanks for the ask. here's my lil take on this xxx
boyfriend harry!
would probably be awake before you, having to rush out the door to a sidemen shoot but would always make you a tea/coffee and leave it on the bedside table with a cute little note like 'don't miss me too much today' or 'you look fit even when you're snoring'
defo has his lockscreen as a pic of you but not a posey pic just like a candid of you cuddled up on the sofa (thinks you're the fittest even when you're in a dressing gown, sudocrem on your face and hair shoved in a claw clip)
constantly messages you during his day when you're not together, sending you silly pics with the sidemen boys, pics of what hes eating, random selfies, defo would be cheeky and ask for a nude at like 1pm in the afternoon on a random tuesday
if he was on holiday with the boys he'd make sure to facetime you probably quite tipsy from a few pints and just goes on a rant about how much he loves you and misses you, asking you a 100 questions about your day
sends you about 100 instagram reels a day of either cooking videos asking if you two can make it for dinner that night or just the most random videos that you've probably already seen on tiktok (claims he hates tiktok)
defo would bring you back a shitty souvenir from every holiday he's been on so you end up having about 20 magnets and shotglasses from the most rogue places
he'd love cooking together but it's usually you doing the cooking and him trying to distract you by hiding ingredients or pinching your sides whilst you're chopping up the veg. would 100% make you stand on his feet and dance around the kitchen like idiots too
if you text him asking him to pick you up something from the shop on his way home, he'd end up coming back with 10 varients of the item because he's so indecisive and couldn't decide which one you'd prefer most so ends up getting them all
always slapping your arse or tryna bend you over the kitchen counter to wind you up
makes sure you have the best relationship with his family because he loves you both so much and wants you to feel like you're apart of it>>>
loveeeees a forehead kiss
always makes you be his plus one when he has to go to events or parties because he hates them but would enjoy them knowing you're by his side
always makes you scratch his back or run your hands through his hair
just needs to be by your side 24 hours of the day, not even in a clingy way just in the sense that he adores your company
laughs at all your jokes, even the shit ones
the boys constantly telling him to shut up because you're all he ever talks about, its become his personality
hates movies but would defo be a sucker when you'd suggest a rom com movie marathon just because he know it makes you happy
getting you to wear his hoodies because he thinks they look better on you
a/n: hope this was okay never written something like this so hope you enjoy!!!! <3333
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Have any of the AU Peeta’s you wrote about in your fics ever was the first one to ask for nudes and/or the first one to send it?
(I kind of can see Peeta asking, Katniss thinking it's a joke, but going with it anyway, and then boom, dick pic)
A continuation of this ask, I presume.
I can think of a couple of my au Everlarks this might fit, but here you go, Anon. Katniss texts in bold italics, Peeta’s in plain italics.
Missed you last night
Didn’t sleep too well without you here
You missed me? That’s so cute.
Rude. I tell you I didn’t sleep well and you call me cute?
Can’t help it. You’re cute when you scowl at me.
Am not. I’m ferocious.
Bet you’re scowling right now.
Prove it. Send a pic of you wearing a smile. A real one.
And nothing else.
Did you just ask me to send you a nude selfie?!
Well I can’t ask you to wear nothing but me right now, so I figure a smile is second best.
You are unbelievable
Unbelievably in love with you 😘
You don’t think I’ll do it.
I mean… I know how you are in bed. 🥵 😜 😏 But sending a picture of yourself? 🫣
*Image Attached*
Katniss… fuck.
Where’s mine?
*Image Attached*
All. Yours. 🍆
Unfair, Peeta. You know how I feel about plump eggplants.
I’ll make sure it’s ready and waiting for you when you get home, my love.
A/N: Peeta did not send a picture of an actual eggplant.
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this week, marie was beaming because although her brother was no longer staying with her, he had been texting her, including that it was "so boring" jerking off by himself, and that he missed hearing her having sex with her husband every night. "you're such a good wife," he told her. "always doing your duty."
of course this kind of compliment was calculated to hit marie directly in the clit. annie suggested she send her brother some "material assistance" for jerking off.
"like what?"
annie pretended to be spitballing. "photos of your and your husband? of you... doing your duty?"
marie immediately reasoned that there was nothing wrong with this, as she'd be with her husband in the photos. it was clear to annie that marie had considered sending nudes already but hadn't been able to justify it.
marie left with a mission and came back the next week with details. she'd begun "taking photos in bed every night," much to her husband's delight. when he'd asked her why she was suddenly so into photography she told him she wanted to think about their evening fuck all day until the next one. she told annie, stage-whispering, that this was in fact true, and she'd been using the photos to masturbate every afternoon.
she'd started with blowjobs for the first few days -- which was "kind of amusing, taking selfies of myself with my husband in my mouth." then she'd moved on to photos of herself in her husband's lap, him "fully inside" which was her idea of modesty --not showing much shaft in photos of penetration-- but had already moved past that. she told annie that she'd agonized last night over which photo to send of herself riding her husband that he'd taken, as her asshole was "slightly visible" in several of the best shots.
annie asked how her brother had reacted. "he sends me videos of every ejaculation," marie said proudly. "and he makes requests."
"what does he request?"
"he likes to see my bush. he's always asking for a better view of it. and he asked me to once to have sex with my panties pulled aside."
"did you do that?"
"yes, but i found it uncomfortable. took them off after the photo. i really prefer to be nude. it was the first time i've ever had sex not nude."
"wait really?" annie said. "never had a quickie with most of your clothes on?"
"my husband has kept his clothes on, which i was quite aroused by," she said. "but no, i always get completely naked. even for a quickie."
annie admired marie's dedication. sometimes, she longed for that kind of ability. when she was in college, it hadn't been a problem. she'd also been so focused on her studies that she'd rarely fucked her long-term boyfriends anyway. twice a week at most. now it was hard to imagine going 12 hours without sex, and maybe that was why monogamy felt difficult to manage.
she was currently regularly fucking tom, sean, robbie, and jim. she'd been on a date with roger, but it hadn't led to anything. she was wondering when he'd get the nerve to ask her again. they still met for therapy, and he kept talking about how fun it was to go out with her. she wondered if on some level, roger was the kind of man who could sense all the other men who were covering her in their cum. like, in some animal sense, he knew there was no room for him.
early that fall, robbie and casey found an apartment together, and so robbie moved out. it was a pretty painless move -- he only owned clothes. in the week leading up to his move, annie and robbie had constant, wild, dirty sex. he fucked her in the ass almost every day. they were getting it out of their system.
"you fuck me so good," annie told him one evening, as he was pounding her. "what am i gonna do without you here to fuck me any time i want?"
"i guess you'll have to jerk off," he said. and then he pulled out and covered her bush with his cum.
"is casey as good as me? is she as wet and tight as me?" she asked him another evening as she slammed herself against him on her hands and knees.
"yes," he said, teasingly, slapping her ass.
"will you cum on my face?" she asked.
"of course," he said.
in the days after he moved out, robbie sent annie videos of himself and casey fucking on every flat surface in their apartment. a few days later, they got engaged. instead of a ring, casey got robbie's initials tattooed above her pussy. casey told annie proudly that she'd worn white cotton panties when she went to tell her dad, and pulled them down to show him, and he'd looked at her bald pussy and told her she was a good girl.
by october, casey was pregnant. annie was thrilled for them, and also wildly jealous. she told carlos that when casey told her, her immediately instinct was to strangle her to death. "i hope you said congratulations instead," he deadpanned.
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safetycar-restart · 5 months
Sugar baby Pierre being an absolute menace while you’re working i.e. sending nudes/sexts, teasing you when working from home, walking around naked on the security cams you have set up around the house, etc., then acting like an angel when you finally pay him attention so there’s nothing to do but wreck him until he’s absolutely gone and there’s no chance he’ll repeat this the next day. Both of you know he will.
Oh my god the return of sugar baby!Pierre!! I am so glad he's back, I've missed this AU and especially with Pierre.
So firstly, Pierre seems to have a pretty upside down view of what a sugar baby is actually supposed to do. Because sugar babies are supposed to send nudes and nsfw texts and spend time with the person in exchange for money and gifts. So it's supposed to be the sugar mommy or daddy that requests things from him and offers gifts and money in exchange.
That type of arrangement lasted for about two weeks and then Pierre became absolutely obsessed with you because you were so smart and so funny and you treated him so well and fucked him even better and he was just obsessed.
Which is why pretty soon he ends up sending you pictures and videos and very racy text messages without you asking. You're just minding your own business at work and suddenly you're getting mirror selfies of Pierre in panties because he was feeling bored and horny and yes he knows he shouldn't be sending you those things without payment but he doesn't care he just wants attention.
You do try to tell him that you need to be paying him in some way for those pictures, but he just says that he knows you'll take good care of him so he doesn't care.
It very quickly no longer feels transactional for him. Yes you take very good care of him and spoil him and often give him gifts, and yes he has sex with you and sends you nudes and selfies and basically does whatever you want. But it just... he loves you? You take such good care of him and he loves you?
Anyway, point is that very quickly Pierre no longer asks for payment or anything, he just knows you'll always take good care of him. He moves into your home and cuts off all his other clients, beyond happy to just be yours.
And after that, good lord he becomes a menace.
Because he's just so shameless about it? He doesn't just say that he wants you, he literally just sends you nudes and videos. You can't open his messages in meetings because you have no way of knowing if it will be a cute update on his day or just a cock.
And the security camera thing?
You regret the day you installed the secret camera app in his phone and told him that he will get notifications whenever the camera is on and senses movement.
The very next day, you got a notification to say that there was movement sensed on the camera by the pool and when you checked, it was just Pierre wondering around completely naked, his cock rock hard and then the fucker actually smiles at the camera and waves.
He knows damn well that the moment you get home, you'll wreck him, and of course that's exactly what he wants. When you open your door, he's waiting in the living room waiting for you wearing only a robe because he knows what's coming so he figured he may as well make it easy.
He gets spanked first, and because he was so naughty you ignore his cock completely while you spank him. You only stop once his ass is bright red and he's crying, which is exactly where you want him.
And from there he's just yours to play with. You can play with his cock, edge him, ride him, peg him, make him eat you out, whatever you'd like and he just absolutely thrives.
Once you're finished with him, he takes a bath with you and for the rest of the evening he acts like the best darling ever.
Whenever you ask him about this horny chaos, he always insists that he is very well behaved when you give him attention and only turns into a menace when he isnt being given attention.
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sweetracha · 1 year
hey, i love your content! following for a while now :)) always excited to see what you've written!
that being said, i have severe brainrot for soft sub!changbin with a mommy kink, dressing only in pale pink harness/thongs at home
like, he preps himself before you get home and he's waiting by the door to surprise you with a new pretty pink ball gag
or he sends selfies while away from you from his private room teasing his outfits or what frilly pink thong he's wearing that day beneath his outfit
or changbin surprising you with a new harness and pink collar he put on himself, waiting proudly for you to come home and just melting when you see him and say what a pretty boy he is
Hello Sweetie! Thank you for the kind words!
Sorry this is such a late response, I don't usually write for Sub!SKZ but I wanted to give this a try!
Why not put all three together???
Imagine Changbin was so bored at home. It was his day off but yet you still had to work. He has already completed his morning routine, eaten breakfast, cleaned, and put away dishes. He even did some work even though you strictly told him not to. Binnie felt like he was going to die of boredom until the doorbell rang. On the porch laid a box and he knew exactly what was inside. He rushed into the kitchen and cut it open, tearing apart the packaging. There it was, a pale pink harness and thong set. It matched the ball gag you bought but haven't used yet. Immediately he got excited. He was already in trouble with Mommy for working on his day off...why not have a little fun?
Changbin took a shower and made sure to blow dry his hair so it would be extra fluffy, he knew how much Mommy liked when he looked soft and innocent. The harness took some figuring out but he eventually got it. The pink panties matched perfectly. He propped himself up like a princess and took photo after photo of himself. Once the best were picked he sent them off to Mommy. Now all he had to do was wait like a good boy.
When you entered the front door he would hear your frustration. Chnagbin ignored every text you sent warning him about what has going to happen when you got home. The shredded box on the floor confirmed your questions about where he got the set. You all but burst into the bedroom but stopped in your tracks. There he was, kneeled perfectly in his spot dressed in the lightest pink you have ever seen. If he wasn't practically nude he would look so sweet and pure. By the redness of his knees, you could tell he has been kneeling for at least an hour. So he really was a good boy and didn't touch himself. In his hand was the pretty pink gag you bought a while back. He handed it to you slowly and looked at you for permission to speak. You nodded.
"Mommy, I wanted to put it on but I knew it was dangerous to do it alone." god he really was a good boy. His eyes were wide and glossy, almost begging you for it.
"Come here pretty boy, let Mommy finish your outfit"
I hope you liked it! I still don't take a lot of sub-requests but this one was so cute!
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stitchdfox · 7 months
Eddie is on tour pt 6 - nsfw
The rest of his off day was spent thinking about the evening ahead. Steve made it easy by teasing him with more than words.
/Steve/: how would you feel about getting some pics today?
/Eddie/: Of you? 🥵 /Eddie/: any day. Any time.
The next reply was a picture. A close up of Steve’s plump pink lips. Eddie notes the two little moles on his cheek then looks down to see his thumb captured between his perfect teeth. Eddie huffs out a breath as his dick twitches. He leans on the wall outside a diner, waiting for the boys to show for lunch.
/Eddie/: you’re gonna kill me before tonight gets here.
/Steve/: 😘
Jeff and Grant dash over and squish Eddie between them. Jeff makes kissy noises by Eddie's ear and Grant lets out a fake, obnoxious moan. Eddie’s face turns as red as a tomato.
“Shut up, assholes,” Eddie pushes them.
They reel in their teasing as they perch next to him.
“Nervous?” Jeff asks.
Eddie shoves his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket.
“Little bit,” he admits.
Maybe it was a little weird he told his bandmates about Steve suggesting a more intimate phone call. But, what could he do when a text meant for Steve was accidentally sent to the group chat instead? They have teased him a little less than he expected.
Grant drops his hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “Just be yourself. Have fun. Don’t get pregnant.”
“… I have ~so~ many questions,” Eddie squints.
His phone vibrates. A picture message from Steve. He pockets his phone without checking it as Gareth joins them. As they grab a booth inside Eddie’s phone vibrates again. He ignores it and watches Jeff gesture wide as he tells a story.
Another text vibrates from his pocket. Curiosity and desperation get the best of him. He has to open the messages.
He excuses himself to the restroom. It’s a single room with a lock, thank the gods. He pulls out his phone as he locks the door behind him.
/Steve/: laundry day, what can I say?
The picture to follow was the most stunning mirror selfie Eddie had ever seen. Steve had his back towards the mirror, nude, with his perfect and freckled ass framed center. His shoulders are broad and tan, his hair looked unstyled but also the sexiest bedhead he's ever seen.
“Fuck.” Eddie sigh. He reached down with his free hand and palms his dick, hard just from the sight of his man.
Another message vibrates. He's yet to reply to the string of messages from the man.
/Steve/: too much? /Steve/: I’m so sorry Eds. /Steve/: I’ll stop.
Eddie scrambles to reply with his free hand. He holds his phone up and snaps a picture of himself from a high angle his hand down the front of his jeans.
/Eddie/: don’t you dare stop.
He hits send before he can second guess the bold move. He wrestles his skinny jeans down to his knees and takes hold of himself tugging a couple time before he lets out a low moan.
His phone vibrates.
/Steve/: holy fuck. /Steve/: you’re so gorgeous like that. 🥴
Eddie chuckles at the message as another photo of Steve comes through. The Greek god of a man stands tall facing the bathroom mirror. His grip is tight around his own reddening cock.
An airy “fuck me" slips from Eddie’s lips as he throws his head back in pleasure.
Steve sends another message. It’s not a photo or text. It’s a voice note. Eddie’s eyes go wide. He clicks it as he rubs his thumb over the slit on his leaking cock.
Steve’s voice plays from his phone, air catching in his throat.
In a low voice Steve urges him on, “that feel good baby? Touching yourself thinking about me?”
Another voice message pops up.
“I am so close, thinking about your fingers roaming over my skin, exploring.” Steve shudders as the message ends.
It’s enough for Eddie to spill over his fist in bliss. Eyes rolling back into his head as he rides out the high until there’s a knock on the door.
“Eddie?” It’s Jeff.
“Y-yeah?” He croaks.
“I know you’re probably dropping a deuce but we’re waiting for you to order, man.” Jeff smacks the door.
“I’ll be right there. You know what Taco Bell does to a guy!” Eddie sighs as he slips down the wall to the floor. His phone vibrates again.
A picture from Steve. His hand splayed out over his stomach, a thick patch of hair on his chest, the splatter of his release on display.
Eddie’s face flushed pink.
/Eddie/: fuck, Steve. This was… what’s tonight gonna be like? 😳
/Steve/: you got another round in ya?
/Eddie/: let a man recharge, would ya? Lol
/Steve/: tonight it is then. 😉
Eddie pockets his phone, washes his hands, situates himself in his jeans and makes sure he looks presentable before leaving the bathroom.
An older gentleman stares at him over his reading glasses. His judgmental glare follows Eddie all the way to the table. As he sits he glances at the menu, makes a quick choice, so he can pen another text to Steve.
The server stops by their table.
/Eddie/: nothing more damning than an old man staring you down because he knows you’ve been doing impure things in a public bathroom.
He grins to himself as he taps send.
“Earth to Eddie!” Gareth snaps his fingers. The server taps a pen on her order pad. Eddie looks up at her.
“Fair maiden. I apologize for my negligence.” He flashes his cheeky grin at her. “I’d like to partake in a stack of your cinnamon roll pancakes and a side of bacon.”
He hands her the menu. She rolls her eyes with a faint smile as she walks away. The guys eye him. He shrugs.
“You’re not as charming as you think,” Gareth snarls.
“He’s landed Steve via long distance.” Jeff shrugs as he sips his soda. “That’s something.”
“Steve hasn’t met him in person yet. Give it time.” Grant sticks his tongue out with a grin.
“I…” Eddie sighs. “I haven’t landed anyone. Like Grant said, we haven’t even met in person. I could annoy him or maybe I’ll despise him. You never know."
“Nah.” Grant elbows him. “I see the way you are when you talk about him. I haven’t seen you happy like this since Chrissy.”
The group groans.
Eddie holds up his hands. “Oh shush. I’m fine.”
Steve really has woken something deep in him, something he thought he had lost. Trust doesn’t come easy and falling for someone has been something he’s avoided since--
“Good sir.” The server was back. “Your stack of confection.”
She sits the pancakes in front of Eddie, the rest of their food follows close behind. They all dig in and cheers to the last few days of tour. This whole trip has been a whirlwind of emotions and Eddie wouldn’t change any part of it.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7 - our boys finally have phone sex and the promise of my personal favorite kink - ✨emotional intimacy✨
My Twitter.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
Babe, I just took the best nude of my entire life, like I was just taking them for fun, after a spanking, like literally just some for myself, and oh my, my little ass is so cute and red I love it
So anyways, what Ed is finding your nudes and what’s their reaction?
I’m so jealous of you rn. I’m in heat rn (ovulating) and I can’t stop thinking horny, nasty thoughts. I love that this is universal thing tho bc my eyes only is full of post spanking, post sex selfies from when I was with my ex lmaoooo. I look so good in them I don’t even care (still hate him the most tho).
I don’t know if any of them would ever “find them” bc I feel like you’d send him nudes pretty regularly lol. but maybe like one that’s shocked that you keep them documented like that, especially post spanking, would be mafia!eddie. I think he’d be surprised but also insanely turned on. you think he’s gonna mock you for being weird for keeping them or something, but he’s just insatiable looking at it. loves them. starts taking videos and pictures for you of him spanking you or post-spanking.
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bleubrri · 2 years
pervert!armin pt3
contains- dubcon, yandere-ish armin (foreshadowing), blackmail/manipulation, stalking, hacking, mention of nsfw, brief timeskip below the cut
[mature content]
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pervert!armin who thinks long and hard about how to deal with your ex, porco. that meathead has to suffer- armin will make him suffer. he’s careful. calculated. he watches him for a month straight, learns his schedule down to the most seemingly pointless details. he knows his practice schedule, even the out of town games. he knows which of his equally dim friends’ houses he parties at on the weekends. he knows that he fucks the head cheerleader pieck in the third floor science lab at thursday lunchtimes. it’s not until a particularly dull evening of watching porco through his window literally measure his dick with a ruler that armin knows what to do. his eyes light up as he sees the flash of a camera as porco aims his phone at his crotch. oh yes, he knows exactly what to do.
pervert!armin who can already hear the muffled moans as he walks down the third floor corridor the following thursday. the buzz of his phone makes him pause, only to see that you’ve sent him a selfie, smiling over your sandwich in the park and wishing him fun at AV club. he shoots an i love you back and silences his phone. he hates being apart from you, but he has to do this- for your sake. he slips into the science lab and rolls his eyes at the sound of the beakers and glassware inside the storage cupboard rattling in time with each thrust behind the door. he spots a familiar backpack thrown haphazardly across a desk and gets to work.
pervert!armin who finds it oh so easy to install the malware and clone porco’s laptop and phone. he’s in and out in all of five minutes- he’s not top of his coding class for no reason. a smug smile is painted across his face later that night as the blue light from his PC reflects off of his glasses and illuminates his room in a sinister glow. he’s giddy with how much material he has to work with, can practically feel his neurons firing at lightning speed as his fingers flash across the keyboard. he makes the file and exports it to his laptop for safe keeping; you never know, that slimy bastard might need to be dealt with again. he’ll keep an eye on him. he finds the result is pretty instantaneous- the next morning the campus is alight with gossip. turns out the school board don’t offer scholarships to lacrosse captains who send unsolicited nudes to the entire school. word has it that he’ll be off campus by the end of the week. when he asks you about it, you furrow your brows and sigh. you’re muttering in disbelief about how you can’t believe it. he reaches out and laces your fingers together, assuring you he’s just a manipulative asshole who can’t hurt you anymore. you give him a half-hearted smile and hum in agreement.
pervert!armin who’s never been happier in the months that he’s been with you. he’s like a whole new person because of your time together. the final semester’s coming to an end and he wants to ask you to move in with him next year- he rarely leaves your apartment anyway, it’s the smart choice really. you bring out the best in him. he barley has to look at the folder of your.. candids on his computer anymore. once a week tops. he only reads your texts when it’s a number he doesn’t recognise, only takes one pair of panties from your laundry a month.
pervert!armin who can’t wait to wake up to you like this everyday, groggy and clinging to him as if he’d ever let you go. he loves mornings like this, loves lazily suckling on your clit as you weakly grip his hair, still shrouded in your sleepy haze. eventually you’re sat opposite him at the kitchen island as you both prepare to submit your final assignments of the year. with two clicks, a flurry of mutual congratulations and a sweet kiss to your pretty lips, armin grabs his keys and begins walking to the cafe to pick up a celebratory breakfast for you both. he smiles and tips the barista. he’s practically skipping back to your apartment, bagels and drinks in hand and vision hazy with the rose coloured glasses he seems to view the world with. he’s vibrating with anticipation- he’s gonna ask you the big question as soon as he gets back. a syrupy smile takes over his face, he can practically hear your honeyed voice chanting yes yes yes.
and pervert!armin who’s smile drops and heart plummets to the core of the fucking earth when he enters the kitchen to find you curled up on the floor. there’s a glass of water shattered next to you as if your arms went limp and legs gave out where you stood. he tries to swallow the lump in his throat as you look up at him with trembling lips and tears gushing down your face as you turn his laptop towards him. he releases a shuddering breath, a barely audible whisper of your name escaping him as he sees- as you’ve seen- the folder he has of you. every photo he’s ever taken in one convenient little compilation on his fucking laptop. his jaw locks and his fists clench as you sniff and open the file he has on porco. your whole body is shaking now, and you choke down the bile rising in your throat, your voice hoarse from the scream that ripped through your chest just five minutes before he came back through the door.
“what have you done armin?”
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fairytail-whathesays · 7 months
Could I ask for some StingxLaxus or StingxCobra sfw/nsfw headcanons?
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You absolutely can.
We're gonna start with Sting x Laxus but just know the exact point where these two ships are identical is that Sting could be talking, rambling on about something holy this, holy that about his powers, and Laxus or Cobra--interchangeably--would interrupt with "have you ever fucked in a church?" deliberately to just throw him off his rhythm. They're pests like that.
Actually I lied, there's one other area in which Laxus and Cobra have identical reactions:
Sting: [telling about how he Literally Killed A Man i.e. that time he put a hole in Jiemma's chest] Laxus/Cobra: [thinking 'that's hot' to themselves]
Sting encourages the worst of Laxus' dress sense. All of the sensible clothes he's been wearing since Fantasia? Gone. Suddenly leopard print is back in style and everyone groans when they realize why.
Laxus' ascension as guild master comes after someone (Makarov) notices him and Sting chatting about problems Sting is having in that position, and Laxus unexpectedly having good advice to give him.
Sting is a respected patron at all the best gay clubs. Laxus is actually kind of impressed at the places he's got access to.
Sting is technically a part of Sabertooth's S-Class, and frequently takes jobs as such. Laxus' protective mode kicks in when he learns of this and he often has to be deterred from interfering.
Sting often introduces Cobra with a variety of adjectives that are painfully on the nose. "This is my venomous boyfriend, he bites." "This is my ex-felon boyfriend, he's aggressive."
Sting is unused to loving someone like Cobra, who shuns affection. Even Laxus and Gajeel, by comparison, are easier to show affection to and have it well-received, whereas Cobra will actively deter it if he can. It's a difficult time, because when Sting is in a romantic relationship, he channels [BOYFRIEND]ness and he emphatically wants the world to know he is that person's boyfriend.
He learns very quickly how to recognize a specific kind of smile on Cobra's face when the latter is about to cause trouble, and is often torn about whether to assist him with it or stop him.
Sting is a subject of (gentle) bullying by his snek boyfriend constantly. It's just how Cobra is.
Also, let's just get it out of the way for all future NS/FW sting-related endeavors: yes, he can power up by eating [REDACTED]. He does not, but he can.
Sting x Laxus:
The first thing you need to understand is that Sting and Natsu are very alike in that they are 50/50 verse until in close proximity to Laxus and then their bottom brain is like:
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Which is not to say that Laxus won't bottom for them, just that he's very good at topping in general. He has this effect on people.
Here's the song that plays in my head conceptualizing them.
Unlike other potential romantic options for Laxus, Sting is a bit of an attention whore, and will instigate public makeout sessions with Laxus. What's Laxus gonna do, rebuff him? No. Bystanders can deal or gtfo.
Their phones are a constant back and forth of horny selfies sent to one another. Sting will casually look at nudes in guildmaster's meetings. Even Makarov (who is horrified) has more shame than him.
Very enthusiastic about 69ing.
Sting x Cobra:
This is where a lot of the tension actually comes from because Cobra is Mistrusting and Doesn't Like Being Touched whereas Sting is used to dating people he probably had sex with before asking them out, he's very sexually active. Sting finally complains one day only for Cobra to drag him to a bedroom or other secluded area and literally fuck the stupid out of him. Sting got enrolled in college that day, he was dicked so thoroughly.
Cobra, breathing raggedly and still annoyed: so, still wanna fuck me after all that? Sting, dreamily: Y e s Cobra: ???????
Cobra is a very very very jealous kind of boyfriend (actually more than a little insecure) but it just doesn't work with Sting, because Sting's too obvious about trying to rile him up. Tries using his "face card" to pay for drinks at the gay club and Cobra's just barely paying him attention. He knows Sting ain't interested in other dick.
Cobra was not actually kidding. He fucks Sting in a church at least once.
Speaking of, Cobra's and Sting's sex life doesn't really start to take off until Sting starts embracing his kinkier side. Cobra's not into bloodplay on a regular day, but it looks really good on Sting, so Sting occasionally gets treated to a good romp in the sheets if he comes home bloody from a fight.
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feralbeeast · 2 months
- What I *want* to know if how to get to your home/when you're your most vilnerable but I'll settle for what's your favourite toy?
- I think I already followed you and can't remember why other than non-binary horror fan sexy. But I turned on notifications bc you reblogged something with me with cute tags.
- I'm thinking about how to disguise my erection in this skirt. (More SFW answer: what I want to change my middle/surname to)
- Compliment: you'd be an excellent protagonist in a horror movie.
- This or that: Never have (any kind of) sex again or get stuck in a 48 time loop (let's say Early November midweek)
- Advice: How do I take better nudes/make use of filters?
- Secret: (Always hate this question because I don't tend to feel shame/hide things) I have no idea what I'm doing with my life and just want to do dumb shit/enjoy myself before I die (but I can't help wanting to help others).
- Things I associate with you: violent sexual depravity, gothic vibes, semi-sexual cuddles.
- Anything! Unionise! The only way we're getting out of this is together so go help yoir neighbours, love one another, and remind your local politician that they work for you, not the other way around.
A long one 💜 here we go
- I'm definitely not stoned enough to fully answer that but damn, hot, im basically vulnerable 24/7 but I will say when I'm super sleep deprived and toked up late at night / super early mornings would be the best time to sneak in and take advantage of my pliability / my fav toy is someone's mouth ;b
- awww im honored I made it to notifications on status haha 🥰💖
- you shouldn't disguise it, in fact you should show it off either in a post or in the dms ;>💜
- I gotta say one of the better compliments I've ever received 🥰 I like to think I'd look pretty hot running/fighting for my life while covered in blood
- this or that : I'd definitely go with the time loop honestly I think it'd be kinda fun to fuck around with and that time of year has the best rainy cold weather where I live, plus I'm h y p e r sexual so I'd probably implode if I couldn't cum or make someone else cum ever again
- honestly Idk why I get compliments about how I take nudes/selfies cause I just take a shit ton from different angles then pick like 3 I kinda like and play around with the filter settings 😅 all I can say is experiment with every angle possible, prop up and set a timer for photos and if your phone doesn't have that option snapchat and other apps do !
- i totally understand that and can relate maybe a lil too much haha (except for the shame part, thanks to anxiety and cptsd I feel shame just for existing 😮‍💨)
- well shit 😅 thank you that's very accurate but way to call me out lmfao
- Hell ! Yes ! We're all here for a good time not a long time and I'm always gonna wanna spread as much love and kindness as I can no matter what 💖
Thank you lovely for the ask 💜
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hoes4dylanobrien · 2 years
Colin, paparazzi, angst+fluff, outside, woman in early 20s
OKKKK toxic!Colin is best Colin imho ;)
One thing Colin prided himself on were his looks. Being a social influencer with a massive follower count and an entourage, it was only natural.
Having a girlfriend was new to him.
He never saw himself settling for any one chick when he could have his pick of hunnis. But there was something about you that he couldn't resist. His friends said he was whipped. Honestly, he was, and it disgusted him. But he learned to use it to his advantage. He'd dress you up in sexy outfits, made sure your make up was done and you had the trendiest hairstyle so that he could parade you around both on his insta and wherever he went. You became like an accessory to him, a possession that he alone could have.
He'd done pretty well for himself online, but with you on his arm he was blowing up. It got a little annoying to be honest with how many DMs he'd received asking about you, if you were really taken or if it was all for show. Asking for other types of pics from you, like he was supposed to be your pimp or some shit.
One day you were out seeing the sights and shopping in Soho, Colin wanting to take you to his usual designer go-to's to find some new thread for a party you'd be his plus 1 at when you were swarmed by a sudden group of paparazzi.
"Yo, back up," Colin growled, tucking you into his side as he called on the black SUV to meet you on the next street up. If he was alone, he would have delighted in the attention but he felt uncharacteristically protective with you there. The paparazzi were hardly deterred, shouting out all kinds of probing questions. You were steps away from the car when one question stilled you both:
"Is this y/n? What is she doing on OnlyFans?" The man held up his phone, showing a nude selfie of someone who looked a lot like you.
Colin ordered you to get in the car, waiting on you to get inside before turning around to knock the phone out of his hands, smashing it under his heel. "That shit's a fuckin' lie. Say shit like that again and expect to get sued!"
They closed in on him as he climbed in beside you, the car edging away from the curb. The silence was tense and he wouldn't look at you. "That wasn't me," you insisted.
"I know, babe," he placed his hand on your thigh. "You wouldn't embarrass me like that. Know if you ever did, you'd regret it."
You swallowed hard, trepidation seizing you. "Those pictures you took of me that one night...you said they were for when you were traveling and we were apart and you wanted something nice to look at?"
"They are," he grinned, winking at you. "And that's all they ever have to be...if you listen to me, babygirl." He pressed a kiss to your temple, pulling out his phone.
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