#bethlehem accounting
desanataxadvisory · 2 years
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static-scribblez · 10 days
if i had a nickel for every time people attempted to cancel or deplatform will wood over stuff blown out of proportion just before a big ww event i would have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice
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zoramones · 9 months
i would wish everyone a merry christmas today, but i can’t. not when yesterday on christmas eve, the IOF slaughtered over 70 people at a palestinian refugee camp with one airstrike. i can’t wish everyone a merry christmas when today on the birth of the son, christ’s birthplace of bethlehem was raided; with people being bombed and arrested. i cannot wish everyone a merry christmas when countless christian palestinians and palestinians of other faiths are being systematically murdered by an apartheid state who knows that people won’t care because they are too distracted by this holiday that has been hijacked by capitalistic greed.
I will not be wishing everyone a merry christmas and i will not forget about palestine this holiday.
info originally found on @/vecnas ‘s message board on wattpad
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ccamrryn · 1 month
Fun fact last time will went on tour I was devastated bc I couldn’t go bc I was freshly 17 and couldn’t go bc of age and now I’m damn near 20 years old and he’s touring again and I can’t go bc of location and money. It’s okay it’s awesome he’s touring again and more ppl get to see him im just bummeeeeeeddddd
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judahmaccabees · 5 months
silly perverts in Gehenna should keep quiet about serious things
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Want to travel to Hokkaido?? BOOK NOW!
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i just would like to quickly draw your attention to @noorabd-1992 's fundraiser. nour's old account was deleted recently and since then his campaign has been going really slowly
this campaign is vetted (more info here)
he urgently needs money to vaccinate his 2 young children who are 6 months and 2 years old and buy stronger tents to prepare for the winter. please share and donate, this is really important and his childrens lives could be at risk otherwise.
$17,942 raised of $45,000
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neechees · 5 months
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Historical Indigenous Women & Figures [6]:
Queen Nanny: the leader of the 18th century Maroon community in Jamaica, she led multiple battles in guerrilla war against the British, which included freeing slaves, and raiding plantations, and then later founding the community Nanny Town. There are multiple accounts of Queen Nanny's origins, one claiming that she was of the Akan people from Ghana and escaped slavery before starting rebellions, and others that she was a free person and moved to the Blue Mountains with a community of Taino. Regardless, Queen Nanny solidified her influence among the Indigenous People of Jamaica, and is featured on a Jamaican bank note. Karimeh Abboud: Born in Bethlehem, Palestine, Karimeh Abboud became interested in photography in 1913 after recieving a camera for her 17th birthday from her Father. Her prestige in professional photography rapidly grew and became high demand, being described as one of the "first female photographers of the Arab World", and in 1924 she described herself as "the only National Photographer". Georgia Harris: Born to a family of traditional Catawba potters, Harris took up pottery herself, and is credited with preserving traditional Catawba pottery methods due to refusing to use more tourist friendly forms in her work, despite the traditional method being much more labour intensive. Harris spent the rest of her life preserving and passing on the traditional ways of pottery, and was a recipient of a 1997 National Heritage Fellowship awarded by the National Endowment for the Arts, which is the highest honor in the folk and traditional arts in the United States. Nozugum: known as a folk hero of the Uyghur people, Nozugum was a historical figure in 19th century Kashgar, who joined an uprising and killed her captor before running away. While she was eventually killed after escaping, her story remains a treasured one amongst the Uyghur. Pampenum: a Sachem of the Wangunk people in what is now called Pennsylvania, Pampenum gained ownership of her mother's land, who had previously intended to sell it to settlers. Not sharing the same plans as her mother, Pampenum attempted to keep these lands in Native control by using the colonial court system to her advantage, including forbidding her descendants from selling the land, and naming the wife of the Mohegan sachem Mahomet I as her heir. Despite that these lands were later sold, Pampenum's efforts did not go unnoticed. Christine Quintasket: also known as "Humishima", "Mourning Dove", Quintasket was a Sylix author who is credited as being one of the first female Native American authors to write a novel featuring a female protagonist. She used her Sylix name, Humishima, as a pen name, and was inspired to become an author after reading a racist portrayal of Native Americans, & wished to refute this derogatory portrayal. Later in life, she also became active in politics, and helped her tribe to gain money that was owed them. Rita Pitka Blumenstein: an Alaskan Yup'ik woman who's healing career started at four years old, as she was trained in traditional healing by her grandmother, and then later she became the first certified traditional doctor in Alaska and worked for the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. She later passed on her knowledge to her own daughters. February 17th is known as Rita Pitka Blumenstein day in Alaska, and in 2009 she was one of 50 women inducted into the inaugural class of the Alaska Women's Hall of Fame Olivia Ward Bush-Banks: a mixed race woman of African American and Montaukett heritage, Banks was a well known author who was a regular contributor to the the first magazine that covered Black American culture, and wrote a column for a New York publication. She wrote of both Native American, and Black American topics and issues, and helped sculptor Richmond Barthé and writer Langston Hughes get their starts during the Harlem Renaissance. She is also credited with preserving Montaukett language and folklore due to her writing in her early career.
part [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] Transphobes & any other bigots need not reblog and are not welcome on my posts.
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tamamita · 25 days
welcome everybody
I am Nour from Gaza
.I need your help if you can
Please donate to save my life and the lives of my children
I'm asking for a small donation of $25 from each person. $35 will save my kids from death
Through the link (please see my CV) https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-help-nour-and-his-family-escape-the-war-in-gaza
My account has been verified by @90-ghost
This campaign is verified! Please support as much as you can!
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dadfathers · 2 months
Hello everyone
I am Nour from Gaza
.I need your help if you can
Please donate to save my life and the lives of my children
I'm asking for a small donation of $25 from each person. $35 will save my children from death and help me cover expenses and rebuild.
Through the link (please see my CV) https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-help-nour-and-his-family-escape-the-war-in-gaza
My account has been verified by @90-ghost
Nour of course I’ll share, I hope my share and small donation can help your loved ones to safety and peace 🕊️🇵🇸 Nour is vetted as a friend of Wafaa and Mohiy who have been vetted by 90-ghost
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desanataxadvisory · 2 years
Keep your important files safe and secure with DeSena Nickerson LLC's file transfer services in Bethlehem, PA. Our team of experts uses the latest technology to provide top-notch security for your sensitive data.
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gryficowa · 20 days
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And that's it, cats have taken over Tumblr
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Now that I have your attention:
(The father is injured and cannot move, and the family is dying of hunger, I mention this because, unfortunately, this is happening, his wife wrote about the situation they are struggling with, they need help, unfortunately, I do not have a bank account and no job, due to which I cannot donate to any of the collections, but I am trying to spread the word so that they reach people who have the option to help)
I have a pretty bad memory for names, so this explanation is why I avoid using them…
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zoramones · 9 months
we cannot forget about palestine this christmas, especially since there are people of all religions being killed RIGHT NOW in christ’s homeland. and to the christian zionists who are supporting isr*el or to the christians who are “staying neutral” as a shield to stay WILLFULLY IGNORANT and complicit in this colonial states listless acts of MASS GENOCIDE, do you think jesus would do this? is staying neutral and silent in the face of the slaughter thousands of people who have done nothing to deserve it , MOST OF WHOM ARE CHILDREN, what christ wants of his followers? do you think christ would support a fascist, terroist state built on colonialism? now, i’m no believer but i KNOW that christ would denounce all of the things stated above. jesus said, love thy neighbour and help one another. he preached kindness and love above all and we need to remember that when celebrating, especially this year when there are so many atrocities committed against so many marginalised communities.
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dinoserious · 2 months
Hello everyone
I am Nour from Gaza
.I need your help if you can
Please donate to save my life and the lives of my children
I'm asking for a small donation of $25 from each person. $35 will save my children from death and help me cover expenses and rebuild.
Through the link (please see my CV) https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-help-nour-and-his-family-escape-the-war-in-gaza
My account has been verified by @90-ghost
has been vetted by association here
this campaign only has $3,467 of $45,000, please share and donate if you are able
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Hello everyone
I am Nour from Gaza
.I need your help if you can
Please donate to save my life and the lives of my children
I'm asking for a small donation of $25 from each person. $35 will save my children from death and help me cover expenses and rebuild.
Through the link (please see my CV) https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-help-nour-and-his-family-escape-the-war-in-gaza
My account has been verified by @90-ghost
Verifications here
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Osaka Tour
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