#better than 16 hours in a car though??
bulbagarden · 1 year
i get to fly to IRL orre (utah) tomorrow wish me luck :(
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zeestarfishalien · 10 months
Unwanted Farewells
[Day 5 DPxDC Week: Jason Todd // Soulmate AU // Funeral Rites ]
• Anger Management ship (Jasmine Fenton x Jason Todd) No relevant warnings beyond the usual DP stuff
Jazz has always had it the worst. Danny might have been the one to die but Jazz is the one who lost not only her soulmate, but her little brother too. It doesn’t matter that he’s still around, he knows the grief weighs on her sometimes. She overcompensates by being a massive mother hen and general pain in the neck but he tries not to get too upset with her about it.
With Dani with an “i” fresh out of high school and Jazz’s birthday coming up soon, he wants to do something special. He spends a lot of time bribing Ghost Writer in order to research his idea out.
It’s probably the most time and effort he’s put into a project that wasn’t about space.
Proposing the idea to her is the one big thing this all hinges on. He’s not 100% sure she’ll be on board with this but he’d like to try.
And trying is what kicks off the first part of his plan. It’s a little awkward to bring up the fact that he doesn’t have a grave and would like one. It’s almost physically painful to see the grief it brings to Jazz’s eyes. She tries to hide it but Danny has always been able to read her better than he lets on. It’s part of the process though. He needs her to see how this goes and feels. How it’s a celebration of life and honoring those who have passed and not just a somber reminder to the living of what they’ve lost. He needs her to see what it means to him. And what it would mean to her soulmate.
He makes the grave marker of course. They’re not about to buy one when he has the strength and abilities to carve it out himself. He makes sure that it’s vague unless you know him. No names, no identifying markers like age or dates. It’s simple and meaningful for him.
{May he rest here between walks among the stars, our friend and brother beloved}
From there it’s pretty much all fun and games. Literally.
Same brings the games while she has Tucker pack out the food. It’s a combination of some of Grandma Ida’s homemade desserts and various junk foods. Even Tucker brings some cookies his mom helped him figure out how to make.
Jazz is in charge of the drinks while Danny and Dani handled all the decorating. It’s a combination of solidified ectoplasm, his ice, and various flowers they’ve gathered and strung together in a flower chain.
It’s a smashing success and he sees something in Jazz release. Some niggling worry or grief she carried that is no longer there.
Now, he decides, it’s time for part two.
What throws part two for a loop is when Dani with an “i” brings up that she’d like a grave and proper funeral rites as well.
It’s not a setback. Definitely not when he sees how much more relaxed and content Jazz is at Dani with an i’s wake.
It’s only a couple days from her birthday when he brings it up. The funeral practices for soulmates are as varied as they are sacred. He proposes her options via a PowerPoint he put far too many hours into.
By the time he finishes rambling, she’s got this sort of startled look on her face.
He twists his shirt in his hands as he stands awaiting her judgement. The longer she’s silent, the more convinced Danny is that she’ll reject the whole thing and not talk to him for a month.
Okay, maybe a week but still a week is a long time.
Suddenly Jazz is crying and oh ancients he’s really messed up this time. She’s not even mad just straight up upset by his offer.
But then she’s hugging him, telling him she loves him, and thanking him.
It’s not as hard as Danny feared to actually track down the location of a Jason Todd who died before Jazz reached 16 (she never wanted to look him up before, didn’t want to know what she was missing) and the day before her 25th birthday Danny, Dani, and Jazz all pile into her little car to make the drive to Gotham, homemade foods in tow.
Danny and Dani made sure to swipe one of Vlad’s special rich dude credit cards to fund their trip and the stop at multiple flower shops to get enough flowers to make flower chains and crowns for all of them.
It’s closing in on evening, the day of Jazz’s birthday when they finally roll up and upload everything. They didn’t bring any lights, but none of them really need much light to see for eating food and drinking sodas. Jazz brought some jasmine tea and an extra cup to place on Jason’s grave. They make a funky, dark evening of it, but finally Jazz grows more somber and keeps taking long looks at the gravestone so Danny and Dani decide to make themselves scarce.
They’re about halfway across the cemetery when out of the shadows steps the looming menace of Red Hood.
“The fuck are you doing at that grave?”
It’s not his voice or his tone, but the sub vocal ghost speak that makes Danny and Dani freeze up ramrod straight.
That’s a revenant and they’re trespassing on his resting place without permission.
So of course like any sane person, Danny says something stupid. But he just can’t believe out of all the ridiculous coincidences to exist in the world, that Jazz’s soulmate is undead like him seems just too far to believe.
Almost late despite having the day off work bc I had to go shopping and bc of where I live, shopping is essentially a full day affair. This is shorter than I’d like it but I also kinda enjoy where it ends XD imagine their next moments however you please or feel free to add onto this.
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theblackestswan · 11 months
Silent Desires | #1
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Synopsis — There was a time when you pondered how you'd ever let it be known how much you desired Jungkook. But now? He’s back. And he’s not being silent with his desires anymore.
• Jungkook x F!Reader
• Brothers best friend, childhood friends to somewhat strangers to lovers, smut, fluff, and a bit of angst
• explicit language
• word count: 1.5k+
"God fucking damnit!"
You screamed as you tried to calm yourself down. Was it working? Absolutely not. But it felt good, right?
The phone rang a couple rings before the person you were not looking for, answered. "Hello sister!" Gross. The sound of anyones happiness, pissed you off right now.
"Jimin, is dad home? I really need him." You said exhaustingly. Please let your dad be home. You need him right now.
You sighed, "It's... just my car. It stopped and won't go into gear..."
"Hey, everything's okay. I'll come get you and check it out. I have someone who might know a thing or two about cars... we'll be there soon."
"Jimin who is-?" Before you could ever ask, he hang up. Probably one of his buddies or a coworker. You honestly didn't care. You just needed to get you and your car home.
You just sat in the drivers seat holding back tears. This car is a piece of junk. Honestly. It's old, lots of miles, but you've done your best to take care of it. The thought of being without a car was scary. How are you gonna get to work? You guess you could rent a car. But that's a lot, and who knows how long you'd need one for. You could buy a new one, but that's even more money. Everyone in your family has jobs, and needs their own car. So you couldn't borrow one. Fuck.
Fuckity fuck fuck.
You didn't have much time to overthink more before you could see Jimin's car pulling up behind yours, off the side of the road.
Curse your brother for having tinted windows, and curse the sun for starting to set, because you had no clue who was in the passenger seat.
You hopped out of your car and popped the hood. You could at least do that much.
"Hey sis! You okay?" No. No I'm not.
"Yeah I'm fine, cold and anxious, but I'm fine." Not a total lie.
You walked Jimin to the hood of your car and gave him a play by play of what happened. He checked all your fluids, and looked at the engine as much as he could. He knew a little about cars, but not as much as your dad did.
You totally forgot about the person in the passenger seat. "Chim, who did..."
Oh fuck.
"Hi Y/N. Car troubles I see?"
You knew that voice anywhere. The boy you befriended when you were 9. The  boy who eventually became better friends with your brother, than you. The boy who moved away when he was 16, but still kept in touch with Jimin, at least.
The boy who turned into a hot fucking man, who is now standing in front of you.
You were sure your jaw was on the ground. The last time you seen him, in the flesh, was 5 years ago at Jimin's 21st birthday dinner. Sure, you'd see his pictures on social media, and what not, but not in person. Holy shit, is he even real?
Of course he is. Jimin talks all the time about him. Even though he moved, him and Jimin still hang out all the time. Usually they meet somewhere in the middle. He only moved two hours away.
"Ah, you still remember my nickname?" There was that stupid bunny smile. Stupid. Stupidly cute.
"Of course I do. How could I forget?" You flashed him a smile right back. How could you ever forget Jungkook? You only crushed on him for half your life. He was cute. He had always been cute. But once he became more of Jimin's friend, you knew your chances were out the window.
Jimin had one hard rule for his friends. "Leave my little sister alone." He loved being a big brother. He loved being your big brother, even more. He would do anything for you. And that includes keeping you safe. Especially from his friends.
As you got older, you understood that rule, more. Especially when Taehyung was around. Another cute friend of Jimin's, but an absolute flirt, and dare you say, playboy. All of his friends would flirt with you from time to time. Although, you didn't know if it was them actually flirting, or just trying to rile up your brother.
Before you could daydream even more about he man in front of you, Jimin caught you out of your thoughts.
"So, Y/N. Tell Jungkook what happened. He knows cars more than I do."
Suddenly you forgot your words. Jungkook was intimidating. He wasn't the boy you once knew. "I- uh... it was going down the road just fine, t-then, it started j-jerking and I pulled over and it wouldn't switch gears. And now it won't d-do anything."
That felt like it took you 3 weeks to say. You just explained all of this to Jimin in 15 seconds. Pull yourself together.
He just nodded at you, and then started looking over your car more.
God he was hot. You were kinda glad your dad didn't answer.
"It looks like it's your transmission. I'm guessing it probably went out, and you'll need a new one. I can look at it more tomorrow when I can get it off the ground and have more light." He looked at your softly. Surely that's not news anyone wants.
"I'd appreciate that. Thank you."
Jimin rubbed your back to calm you down, "Let's call a tow truck and get it home. Kook can look at it in the morning. He's staying over this weekend."
You sat inside your car while you called your insurance company to see if they could get a tow truck for you. Thankfully they could, and it was on it's way.
Jimin had walked back to his car to call your parents and let them know what was going on. You were just left with the sexy man in front of you.
Do you speak? What is there to say?
"Thank you again for coming with Chim. I really appreciate it. I was hoping my dad was home but... I guess you're okay too." Now what the fuck do you call that?
He chuckled as he looked at the ground, "I'm glad I could help. I'm sorry about all this. Car problems suck."
"It's all good. Had my fair share with this car..." You really didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of him. Anyone with a brain would have gotten rid of this car a long time ago. "So uh... what are you doing all the way down here?"
He stared at you blankly. God his eyes alone could ruin you. It was like he was in a trance. He didn't even blink. "Jungkook?" He stared a few seconds longer before he snapped out of whatever it was he was in.
"Sorry, uh... why I'm here... oh! I moved down here actually. Closer to work and I miss you guys." If there was any day light right now, you would see his ears are red. Something that happened when he's embarrassed. Kind of his way of blushing.
"Miss you 'guys'? You mean Jimin?" Surely just Jimin. He had long forgotten about you.
"No, you too."
Huh? 'You too'?
You gulped. There was two ways you could go about this. One, you could tell him off about how he obviously didn't miss you when he left and never really spoke to you. Ever. Or you could play into it and see what exactly he means by that. Before you could even tell yourself which one to go with, your mouth already spoke for you.
"Didn't seem like you missed me too much." You couldn't do this. You didn't even want to continue this conversation. You walked over to Jimin in his car and just listened to the phone call he was having with your parents.
Soon enough, the tow truck was there, and before you, yourself could greet the driver, Jungkook already had it handled. He gave the driver the keys and told him your address. He grabbed your stuff out of your passenger seat and waved the driver off.
"Here, thought you might want these." Again with a soft smile that could destroy you, and he handed you your bag, and jacket.
What the fuck was he doing? Trying to make it up to you?
"I could have done all that by myself. I'm not the little girl you once knew." You gave him the tiniest smirk. What the fuck were you doing? Surely he couldn't see that, this late at night. You walked off and left him while you got in the back of your brothers car.
Thank god it was dark, and you were out of distance, otherwise what Jungkook said would end it all.
"Guess I should find out exactly what that means, Miss Y/N."
He had the same smirk you had, only a lot bigger.
next chapter
A note from our sponsor: OMGGEEEEE you guys it’s finally happening!! I’ve always been a writer and wanted to post my own fic, but there’s just so many incredible ones on here already and I didn’t think I could bring anything good to the table. Buttttt I got in the mood to write, and came across this fic that I started 2 years ago. I got the first 10 chapters wrote out, and so I’ve gone through and edited and will be posting my first fic!! Since I started this on Wattpad, that’s where I’ll be posting chapters first. A few days after I post on there, I’ll post them on here. I just enjoy writing on Wattpad a bit more, but Tumblr is my favorite place to read fics. If you’re interested in my Wattpad, it’s hokookin (also linked). I hope you enjoy reading 🖤
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Best Friends Older Brother
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Pairings: Charles Leclerc x Reader / Arthur Leclerc x Best Friend! Reader
Summery: You have been Arthur's best friend since you guys were 3 and 4 but how does he react when he finds out about his friend of 16 years little crush??
warning!! I only speak British so google translate will be used
Arriving at the Leclerc household, I message Arthur telling him I'm outside, not a minute later Arthur comes jogging up to the car.
"you do know you can knock" He says laughing "I know but that's scary" I say in a jokey way "come on" He pulls me out of my car and leads me into his house.
When we entered the house, Pascale was the first to say hello,"y/n your finally here" She says giving me a hug which also caught the attention of Lorenzo, Arthur eldest brother, "Y/n! thank god your here, Arthur has been talking non stop about how bored he is" I laugh a little "hello Lorenzo" I say giving him a hug as well. "wowwww so everyone gets a hug but me" I turn to Arthur "yes" Everyone laughs Except Arthur obviously.
"soo Pascale what's for tea" "I'm going to make my homemade pasta that you love" "Yesss, thank you" Her pasta is honestly so nice I cant even explain it.
We are all talking in the living room when Charles finally arrives "Maman?" "were in here Charles" Pascale gets up to greet her middle child "well now that everyone is here I'm going to start the food" And with that she left to make the pasta
"Y/n I haven't seen you in ages" Charles says as he comes over to give me a hug "nope Arthur decided he didn't want to invite me round anymore" "wow so everyone really does get a hug except me" Arthur states I say nothing only smirking at him in which he smiles back.
As were all talking I cant stop staring at Charles, he was right I haven't seen him in a while and wow does he look good. His eyes you could get lost in, his brown hair...
"Y/N" Arthur snaps me out of my trance "What?" " I just said your name like 100 times" " oh did you, sorry I was-" "staring at Charles?" I turn to him giving him a look knowing Charles and Lorenzo heard that as well as I can here them laughing "I actually hate you" I say putting my head in my hands "Foods ready" we all hear Pascale yell from the dining room "Oh thank god" I mumble more to myself as I'm walking out but they all heard it, Charles laughs to himself watching me leave getting up himself following Arthur and Lorenzo to the table.
After dinner me and Arthur are chilling his room until I have to leave.
I open the bedroom door having just used the bathroom, walk over and flop stomach down onto the bed "you did NOT tell me Charles is so much more good looking than the last time I saw him" "Y/n what the actual fuck" " whattt it's true have you seen him" "actually I have and I just don't see it I'm clearly better looking than him" "HA, if you say so Arthur" I think for a minute "would you approve if I ask him-" "no" "what the, I didn't even say anything" " yes but you was going to" "I wasn't but whatever" I say jokingly rolling my eyes.
A couple hours later I decided it was getting late and maybe I should get home.
"are you sure you don't want to stay its getting dark and I'm sure Arthur wont mind" "I'll be fine Pascale, thank you though" I say giving her a hug "okay but message one of us when your back home so we know your okay" "she will be fine maman, but do get home safe" "I will thank you Lorenzo" giving him a hug "Au revoir mon amour" I look over to Charles and smile at him also giving him a hug trying to ignore what he just said "bye Charles" Arthur grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door "okay that's enough of that I'll walk you to your car" we all laugh at him and I quickly shout a goodbye before Arthur dragged me out the house over to my car
Arthur opens the car door for me "thank you" I say pulling him in for a hug also, "what are you doing tomorrow its my friends birthday and were all going out" "I'm not doing anything after 5pm then I'm free" okay well I'll pick you up tomorrow at around 8:30?" "yeah that's fine I will see you tomorrow then bye tur" "bye y/n/n" (your nickname)
I pull up to my apartment that I share with my older sister and park my car in the garage. "Eliza! are you home??" no answer, I'm home alone. I decide to watch some vampire diaries until I have to start getting ready.
It is now 8:50 I'm showered, dressed, hair done, my sister is now home and still no sign of Arthur.
At 9:02 I hear a knock at the door, finally.
I open the door and without actually looking who it was I spoke "what the hell took you so lo-Charles hi" I realising it is not Arthur but Charles instead, Wide eyed I apologies "I'm so sorry I thought you was-" "Arthur yeah I figured, he was running late and asked if I could pick you up instead, saves being anymore late" "yeah I guess it does urmm come in while I get my bag and put my shoes on" I say holding the door open for him "thank you" he says walking past me. I close the door mentally cursing myself to check who is actually behind the door before talking.
I put my shoes on and grab my bag and see Charles sitting on the couch "okay, I'm ready we can leave now" Charles don't say anything instead just looks me up and down "you look beautiful mon amour" I blush not knowing where this nickname came from but I'm not complaining "thank you" I say he takes my hand leading me to the door "Eliza can you come lock the door please" I shout to my sister "okay have fun, don't stay out to late" "okay mom, bye"
Charles takes me to his car and opens the passenger door for me "thank you" I say as I get in.
"Are we going straight there or to Arthur?" I ask him "Arthur wants us to pick him up, said why take more than one car" "okay"
When we get there Charles messages Arthur telling him we are outside. He walks out the house and into the back of the car "you look nice Y/n/n" "thank you Tur wish I could say the same about you" "you saw that Charles, I didn't even do anything ACTUALLY I was nice and complimented her and get that back" Charles doesn't say anything instead he laughs at mine and Arthurs playful manner.
once we arrive, Arthur opened the door for me in which I thanked him and followed both of them into the bar.
I have had a lot to drink like a lot lot and I'm starting to feel really dizzy, I look around to fine someone I know but cant find anyone, as I'm looking a hand grabs mine, "Y/n are you okay" "Charles! no I feel really bad" I say as I put my head on his chest, he puts his hand on the back of my head come on I'll take you home" "okay" he grabs my hand leading me out the bar to his car "okay Y/n stay here for two minutes while i go and look for Arthur okay?" "okay" he puts his hand on the side of my face, smiles at me, closes the car door and goes to find a also very drunk Arthur.
I apparently fell asleep because i am woken to Charles shaking me awake telling me were at my house I'm looking in my bag trying to find my keys "Charles my keys are not in here" "what?" "ugh i must of left my keys in the house" soo i walk up to the door and I start knocking when that doesn't work i tried calling her also no answer, look at Charles "what do i do Arthur is probably asleep already" "okay lets go" i look at him confused "what? go where?" "my apartment" "what, no it's fine i don't need-" he cuts me of "well I'm not going to let you stay on the streets of Monaco drunk and alone am I you can stay at my apartment for tonight" "mmmm okay" a night in Charles apartment. Arthur is NOT going to be happy. oh well.
Still being drunk I fall back to sleep the second i got back into the car.
I look at the girl passed out in my passenger seat and smile she looks so pretty and peaceful.
I had met Y/n the same day Arthur had met Y/n, Arthur and Y/n were the same ages and they clicked just like that, Eliza was more mine and Lorenzo's age but we didn't really get alone that well . Y/n is a very easy person to get along with well. As long as she wants to get along with you don't get me wrong i love her but she can be a bitch if she want to be. i hadn't seen her in a long time due to my work and things, I have been quite busy recently. She's grown so much since i last saw her, she has these big beautiful blue eyes, long brunette hair, her body is amazing especially in this dress it just fits her amazingly, and her features on her face are perfect.
I pull up to my parking spot and look at Y/n i honestly don't want to wake her but a bed will be much more comfier than this Ferrari, So i gently shake her awake.
I am having this amazing dream were i was married to Chris Hemsworth, I don't even know why it was random but amazing, when i got shook awake by Charles "Charlessssssss i was having the best dream" i pretend to be annoyed "oh yeah what was it?" i look at him "i was married to Chris Hemsworth" he looks confused "you know the guy who plays Thor in the marvel movies?" i say baffled that he doesn't know who Chris Hemsworth is "oh yeah okay well were back and i thought you would prefer to sleep in a bed than a car but by all means sleep here" Charles says jokingly "okay lets go" i say opening the door getting out of the Ferrari Charles laughs but also gets out following me to the door "you have your keys don't you" "yes Y/n i do I'm not stupid enough to leave them inside my locked house" i gasp and put my hand on my heart "Charles" I look away from him my hand still over my heart "you hurt my poor heart" he looks at me and laughs "I'm sorry Mon amour" there it is again the name that makes me get all flustered in which he noticed and laughs at me "come on lets go to bed" "okay" i say quietly
"you can take my bed I will sleep on the couch" "what Charles no its fine I can sleep on the sofa its your house" he walks up to me, turns me around, places his hand on my shoulders and leads me to his bedroom, places me on the bed and starts looking in his draws i just sit there and say nothing, I drank a lot tonight. I'm still a drunk. "here you go Mon amour" i just look at him he tries again "there for you to sleep in" i then look at the clothes "oh thank you Charlie" he smiles "its okay" and he hands me his pyjamas he found out for me i smile at him, he goes to leave so i grab his hand "can you help me please?" he looks at me confused so i turn around and i think he gets the memo because he goes to pull my zipper of my dress down "OH, yes of curse" he pulls the zipper down so slowly. I'm not going to lie I'm soo turned on right now.
"can you help me please?" i look at her confused at what she needs help with and when she turns around my question is answered "OH, yes of curse" so i pull the zipper down slowly, and when it's at the bottom i also take the straps off of her shoulders which leads to her dress falling to the floor but i take no notice as cant stop staring at her bare body or back of her body right now.
My dress falls to the floor i close my eyes for a second when i feel gentle kisses on my shoulder "Charles" i barely whisper he then kisses my neck and says "get dressed Mon amour, I will go get you a glass of water" i don't say anything as he leaves. I stand there for a few seconds after he left then start to get ready for sleep. Charles returns and I am still standing not just wanting to get in the bed "honestly i can sleep on the couch i don't mind Charlie" "shh just get into bed Mon cher" "okay" he walks over to me and kisses my head "goodnight Y/n" and he stars to walk away i look at the bed and there's so much room so i grab is hand and ask "can you stay please" he looks at me and smiles "are you sure?" he asks i just nod my head and he takes his top off and puts on some pyjamas bottoms and gets into bed next to me. I turn to him and put my head on his chest. I'm still drunk if you was wondering where this boldness came from. He puts his arm around me and starts lightly scratching my back. he kisses my head and says "goodnight Mon amour"
The next morning i am woken by someone stirring underneath me, i stretch my arms and turn the the bedside table grabbing my phone
Elize 21 Missed Calls Arthur 20 Missed Calls Pascale 4 Missed Calles Sophia 25 Missed Calls
I quickly sit up "shit" Charles looks at me "what's wrong Mon amour?" i show him my phone, he just laughs and picks up his phone and laughs again and shows me his phone i also laugh "i think you should call your sister back" "i should but I'm soooo tired" i say flopping back down onto the bed Charles laughs and hands me my phone that is already calling Elize i just look at him with a joking look of betrayal as he lays back down.
"Y/N,oh my god, are you okay" "yes I'm okay i forgot to bring my keys out with me and i tried knocking on the door AND calling you yet still no answer so Charles told me i can just stay at his apartment for the night as he was the one who bought me home." "ohhh you stayed at Charles" i hear Charles laugh beside me so i give him a look saying shut up "yes" i say in a dull tone "okay well as long as you are okay, but i really need to get back to work now oh and the door is still locked so your gonna have to keep yourself busy until i get back at around 7" "7!! what do you expect me to do for" i check the time 11:25 " 7 and a half hours" "you will figure it out, maybe spend time with the boy that your in bed with" "how the fu-" "Love you BYEE" and she ended the call
I look at Charles with a pout on my face to which he just laughs "you can stay here if you want i have literally nothing to do and i know Arthur has that thing he has to do today" i just smile and flop back down on the bed for a second time "my head hurts lets go back to sleep" i turn to my side hugging Charles putting my head in his neck falling straight back to sleep Charles falls to sleep shortly after. If anyone was to walk in the room right now they would 100% think we are a couple.
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lea-russo333 · 9 months
Arsenal x Teen-Reader
hi! this is the first fic that I've ever done so it's probably not going to be the best, but I still hope that some people like it! i will do a pt2 if people enjoy this one 😊
warnings: angst! eating disorders, mentions of throwing up, mentions of body shaming (pls let me know if I've missed anything)
please don't read if any of these things will trigger you.
proofread: sort of
You had to be up in a few hours for an early morning training session, but here you are on your phone scrolling through the endless rabbit hole of nasty Comments directed towards your appearance, especially your body.
You had only just come back from an ACL injury that had you out from playing and the public eye for nearly a year, and in that year, you had been working hard to regain your strength making your body stockier than you use to be, and people had noticed.
“She looks like a man.”
“that’s not attractive.”
“She looked better before.”
Your eyes started to sting, a few tears slipping out of them. You turned your phone off and turned around, you tried to stifle your sobs not wanting to wake up Beth and Viv who were sleeping in the room next door.
You had been living with Viv ever since you joined arsenal at 16 as she was your national teammate, so it was only reasonable, Viv and Beth had both taken you under their wing becoming a mother figure to you. Now at 19
You took a deep breath and squeezed your eyes shut holding the teddy bear that Katie had giving you for a birthday present, tears were still streaming down your face when sleep found you pulling you into a deep sleep.
Your blaring alarm startled you awake, you looked towards clock feeling as though you had only just shut your eyes.
You groaned, you had to be at training in an hour. Waddling your way to the bathroom, you could hear Beth and Viv both talking down the hall; more than likely in the kitchen making coffee and breakfast for all of you. When you reached the bathroom and took a look in the mirror you froze taking in your appearance, your eyes were puffy and red, swollen face and hair disheveled.
“Liefde” Viv's voice echoed through the house “do you want to have breakfast here or at the training ground? I’ve made pancakes for Beth and I if you want some?” you heard her gently knock the door. Panicked, you quickly splashed cold water on your face and patted down your hair, hoping you didn’t look too much of a mess as you did be for.
You heard her knock again.
“Are you okay sweets?” it was Beths voice speaking now.
“yeah” you took a deep breath, opening the door, they both looked at you, taking in your disheveled form, looking at each other with a concerned look.
“Are you sure Liefde? You look like you’ve been crying’’ it was Viv that spoke this time, her hand reaching out to touch your face. You moved away frowning.
“I'm fine I was just watching some sad videos last night” you brushed both the girls off, giving the two women a half-asked excuse. You heard Beth laugh under her breath, putting her arm on your shoulder.
“Now why would you do that to yourself love” she laughed while patting your back, both girls seeming to believe your lie. “Now how are you feeling about pancakes?” the older women asked whilst dragging you and Viv to the kitchen. You stomach turned and you pulled your hand back shaking your head.
“I'm alright thanks, I think I'm just gonna have breakfast when we get there” you said whilst slowly making your way back into your room to get ready for training.
The car ride to training was fast and you quickly got your training gear out of the car before thanking the two older women and heading for the change rooms. Viv and Beth watch you walk away from them with worried looks on their faces.
“I'm worried about her” Beth turned her head towards Viv.
“I know, so am I” Viv spoke while putting a comforting hand on her girlfriends should, the two heading into the training facility.
When you got in the change room, only a few girls where in there, Steph, Manu and Katie. You quickly said hello before rushing towards the showers, not wanting to change in front of them.  You had been changing in the showers for the past few weeks, knowing that if you changed in front of everyone that they'd see how much weight you’ve lost in a short amount of time, and you’d be caught. You waited in the showers until you heard the girls leave for breakfast. You let out a shaky breath that you hadn't realized Youd been holding and sild out of the change rooms and making a bee line for the gym; wanting to get in some extra exercise before practice started. You knew everyone would be at breakfast, so you weren't fussed with anyone catching you. What you hadn't anticipated though, was for your skipper Leah to be in the gym as well. you would never admit it out loud, but Leah intimated you. She was a good captain, hardworking and stern, she always tells it how it is and wasn’t afraid to call someone out when they were acting out or not putting in the effort.
As soon as you entered, she turned to look at you, eyes scrunching in confusion. You mumbled a quick apology and went to leave when she spoke up.
“You alright y/n? why aren't you at breakfast?” she was walking towards you.
“I'm sorry I didn’t realize anyone one was in here, I just wanted to get some extra time in before training” you said rather quickly, eyes looking anywhere but at her.
“Why would you need to do that when we already have an hour gym session today?” her eyebrows still furrowed “you didn’t tell me why you aren't at breakfast” her tone was stern and unwavering as she kept her hard gaze on you.
“I ate breakfast at home” you told her “Viv made pancakes” she looked you up and down almost scanning your body before her gaze turned back to your face her eyebrow rising slightly as if telling you she didn’t really believe you. She looked away as you gulped. That was another thing about Leah, she always seemed to know when you were lying to her, and right now didn’t seem to be an exception.
“Right well trainings about to start anyway” she said while turning your body in the direction of the door “lets head out to the field” she pushed you forward, a silent way to tell you to lead the way. You rolled your eyes and shook your head, speeding up your movement so you didn’t have to walk with her.
As training progressed you could feel your body getting tired, you hadn't eaten anything this morning and thrown up your dinner from last night. You knew it was bad, but you couldn’t stop…it was an addicting feeling.
By the time lunch time had rolled around and training was finished for the day, you were absolutely exhausted and wanted nothing more than to go home and curl up in your bed and sleep. Your body was sore, and You hobbled slowly towards the changing room, your breathing was uneven, and your head was pounding.
You were the last to make it to the changing rooms, you could her Alessia and Katie making dinner plans for tonight and was asking people if they'd be able to make it. You mentally rolled your eyes as Beth excitedly said that you three would be attending.
“Hey, you alright mate?” you groaned at the question, having heard it one to many times that day for your liking. You turned to see Caitlyn behind you.
“Yes, I'm fine” you huffed out, slowly growing agitated.
“Are you sur- “you cut her off before she could finish.
“Yes, I'm fine! I’ve already said it about a thousand times” you huffed grabbing your stuff and storming out of the room, not even bothering to change, leaving behind shocked Caitlin and confused teammates.
“I’ll go talk to her” Beth muttered after a few minutes of awkward silence. She grabbed her training kit, as did Viv, and walked out of the room. They looked in countless empty rooms before heading to the car park where they found you waiting by the car scrolling on your phone once again, they had noticed you had been doing that a lot recently.
As soon as you heard the car door click, you jumped inside, not wanting to have the conversation you knew was about to take place. Both Beth and Viv entered soon after having a short conversation outside. No one said anything throughout the drive home, the two women sharing glances with each other every now and then while you opted to stay on your phone, scrolling through your Instagram comments.
When the three of you got home you headed straight for your room, closing the door behind you. Both the women sighed as they watched you. They had both noticed a change in you, they had noticed how you went straight to the bathroom after dinner, telling them you needed to “shower”, they had believed you at first until Beth had overheard you vomit in the bathroom 2 nights in a row. They had noticed that you weren't eating the snacks you love anymore or that you weren't eating breakfast in the mornings with them anymore, they had also noticed the mass amount of weight you had lost in such a little span of time. Of course, they had noticed it, practically the whole team had noticed it, with some voice their worries for you every now and then.
“She needs help” Beth stated as she stared at your bedroom door.
“Yeah…I know.”
Thank you for reading!! pls write some feedback if you have any :)
and if people are interested then I will do a pt2 💕
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Pick your favorite robo girls/Angelina! I’d love to see an imagine of them reacting to their S/O falling asleep on the transport back home, and what they do from there.
I can see the more… caring? Motherly? Girls picking their S/O up like a child who fell asleep in the car and bring them in, lul.
(GFL) S/O falling asleep on the way back
RO635, ST-AR 15, M4 SOPMOD II, AK-15, RPK-16, Angelia, HK416, G11, SPAS-12, WA2000, Gager, Hunter, Architect, and Scarecrow
Not as much as my favorites, but the gals who need more love this time around! Might do more if asked again for the others.
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RO felt her core start to heat up when S/O leaned into her shoulder, clearly exhausted from the operation.
S/O and some other human personnel were required to go out, and Anti-Rain had successfully escorted them, thankfully being an uneventful patrol.
Regardless, they humans were required to do lots of repairs and physical labor to get it working and most were tired like S/O.
Though she was embarrassed since S/O was getting too comfortable in front of her squad, RO still smiled and gently put one hand on their head.
Her good mood quickly vanished when she saw M16, her eyebrows going up and down with a smirk growing. RO frowned at her squadmate, her voice barely going above a whisper as to not wake S/O up.
(RO635) "Wipe that smirk off!"
(M16A1) "What, you gonna make me with S/O on your lap?"
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STAR started to fidget when S/O's weight started to increase on her shoulder, not really knowing what to do.
Should she wake them up? But then again they looked so...peaceful.
A small smile forming, she instead just holds their hand but remains awake and quiet, waiting for the Black Hawk to get back to base.
(ST AR-15) "You look cute when you're sleeping."
STAR quietly commented to herself, making her own head lean onto them, but not feeling too tired. She wouldn't rest just yet.
At least not until they were back in their own dorm.
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SOPMOD pouts when she realizes S/O fell asleep when she was in the middle of talking.
She was just about to show them some really cool souvenirs she found on the field too!
Sighing a little too loudly, SOPMOD's head bangs against the Black Hawk as her lips flutter in bordeom.
Now she had to wait until they woke up, which was gonna be HOURS from now!
(M4 SOPMOD II) "Hmph! Fine, I guess I'll wait..."
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15 knew S/O was fatigued the moment they got onto the Black Hawk.
15 didn't blame them, even she was feeling a bit drained, and she didn't even need to sleep.
Her voice is quiet enough for only S/O to hear, but she knew they weren't awake.
(AK-15) "Good work today, S/O."
With one hand gently brushing against theirs, she makes sure they're fastened in their seat so they won't lean out.
After doing so, she quickly enters into a sleeping mode herself, joining S/O in getting some peace and quiet.
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(RPK-16) "Aw, how cute."
16 chuckles when she sees S/O sleeping next to her.
Well, at least they were comfortable enough to do so around her and DEFY.
That, or they were too exhausted to care, which was fair enough.
Part of her wants to poke them awake or tease them, but decides to do that later.
They at least earned a little bit of a break, but she certainly wasn't going to wake them up when they got back. She wanted to see AK-15 or AN-94 do that.
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Angelia had gone out into the field, accompanied by S/O.
She rarely needs to follow her own squad out, but since this specific patrol required a human, it'd better for her to do so than the Commander.
But it was annoyingly long and uneventful.
So when S/O fell asleep, she didn't chastise them for it.
What she did mind was the fact their head found its way onto her shoulder, making her sigh.
(Angelia) "Couldn't even wait 'till we got back home, could you?"
She was going to have words with S/O for doing this in front of DEFY.
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416 rolls her eyes and groans when S/O is asleep.
She moves to wake them up, but stops at the last second as her hand grabs their arms.
Blushing slightly, she saw just how at ease S/O was. Doubly so when they were sitting closer to her than needed.
(UMP9) "Aw, how cute!-"
(HK416) "Shut your trap, not a word."
(G11) "...How come you let them sleep-"
(HK416) "Because S/O doesn't sleep nearly 24/7."
(UMP45) "Psh, talk about boyfriend/girlfriend privelege.-"
(HK416) "Quiet you little shits."
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G11 is not far behind in joining S/O in sleeping.
(G11) "Hm...comfy."
She quickly falls asleep herself, resting on S/O's lap, leaving no one in 404 surprised.
HK416 moved to yank her off S/O, but UMP45 stopped her.
(UMP45) "Let the love birds be, HK. They've earned the rest."
(HK416) "My ass. G11 is always asleep."
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SPAS panics a little when S/O starts leaning towards her as they're asleep.
She frantically moves her equipment out the way so S/O's head didn't collide into armor plates.
Barely getting it out of the way in time, she breathes a sigh of relief when S/O is resting comfortably on her chest.
...Wait, her chest?
Now she's panicking for a very different reason, all the while trying to stay quiet for their sake.
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WA mumbles something under her breath about S/O being a blockhead, but not loud enough to wake them.
Instead, she just blushes and continues her line of "insults" in her head, wrapping both arms around S/O's and holding them close.
(WA2000) ...Idiot. You should have gotten better rest.
It was only the two of them in the Black Hawk since this was just an excursion into Griffin Territory, which she didn't mind letting her guard down a bit more than usual.
Something she quickly regretted when the doors opened and Kalina, the Commander, and G36 all saw her asleep with S/O.
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Gager didn't know how to feel, seeing S/O asleep on her shoulder.
On one hand, it made her proud that they felt that safe around her. Of course they'd feel safe, she was superior to any Griffin Doll.
But at the same time, were they an idiot? Here was a former enemy, and they were literally just on her, without a care in the world.
Gager's fingers intertwine with S/O's thinking to herself.
(Gager) I wonder...what do you see in me?
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Hunter quietly chuckles to herself, slightly tilting S/O's head off her gently.
She was a T-Doll, they really shouldn't be sleeping on them. Plus if something were to happen, Hunter would be ready to spring into action.
She couldn't do that if her lover was occupying half her space.
(Hunter) "Hm, maybe later, S/O."
She at the very least makes sure they're comfortable on the ride back, thoughtfully glancing at their sleeping expression with a soft smile.
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Architect groans at S/O falling asleep, knowing she'd have no one to talk to on the way back.
...Granted, the other Coalition Forces with her were there, but they could only make beep-boop noises, or speak binary.
Sure she could translate that instantly, but that was too much work!
(Architect) "Come ooooon, we still got another hour! It's too quiet without you speaking!"
She shakes them awake, though being careful enough not to hurt them.
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Scarecrow's eyes shift to the right, seeing S/O fall asleep.
She simply hums audibly as she doesn't move an inch, much like her namesake, remaining still.
Were humans always this trusting of former enemies?
Whatever, it made no difference to her.
...Is what she told herself, yet her "emotions" from the Protocol Assimilation were going haywire, unsure if she would wake them or leave them be.
(Scarecrow) "You remain constantly to be illogical, S/O..."
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gotham-ruaidh · 5 months
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Chapter 3 (Dancing On Glass)|| Chapter 4 (Merry-Go-Round)|| Backstage (1) || Backstage (2) || Chapter 5 (Danger)|| Backstage (3) || Chapter 6A (Love Walked In) || Chapter 6B (Without You) || Backstage (4) || Chapter 7 (Stick To Your Guns) || Chapter 8 (Time For Change) || Backstage (5) || Chapter 9 (Take Me To The Top) || Backstage (6) || Chapter 10 (Home Sweet Home) || Backstage (7) || Chapter 11a (Nightrain) || Chapter 11b (Nothing Else Matters) || Chapter 12a (Handle With Care) || Chapter 12b (I’m So Tired of Being Lonely) || Chapter 13a (Angel) || Chapter 13b (She’s My Addiction) || Chapter 13c (Patience) || Chapter 14a (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14b (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14c (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 15a (Dreams) || Chapter 15b (I Sing A Song of Love) || Chapter 15c (You Can Do This If You Try) || Chapter 16 (Let That Feeling Grab You Deep Inside || Chapter 17A: Never Tear Us Apart || Chapter 17B: It’s Tough To Be Somebody, And It’s Hard Not To Fall Apart  || Chapter 17C: I’m Wishing, Lord, That I Was Stoned || Chapter 18: Turn The Page || Chapter 19A: When You’re Alone, Do You Let Go? || Chapter 19B: Heading For A Spin || Chapter 20A: I Don’t Need Nothing When I’m By Your Side || Chapter 20B: I’m Walkin’ Down This Rocky Road || Chapter 20C: You're The Only One Who Gets Through To Me ||| Also posted at AO3
Chapter 20D: Together We Can Make It A Dream
What you need is what I want So don't be afraid, let it show Don't be afraid, just let it explode We have got the power to build the highest tower Standing with our feet on the ground We've got what it takes, together we can make it Together we can blow the house down…
 -- “Blow The House Down,” Living In A Box (1989) [click here to listen]
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North Carolina || February 1989
Dinner was delicious. They all consciously kept the conversation light and fun.
Claire was particularly interested to hear Raymond’s impressions from walking around the property – about twenty acres in all, including woods and a pond. Jamie eagerly discussed the barn, now home to their vehicles (Jamie’s black 1965 Corvette, Jamie’s cherry red Dodge Charger, Jamie’s Harley-Davidson, and Claire’s powder blue Datsun that proved to be the perfect, practical go-to-town car) for the winter.
“I’m thinking of making it a proper home studio,” he said, scraping the remnants of chili from his bowl. “With a sound board and everything. Will give us more space in the house.”
“And it won’t be so loud,” Claire smiled, sipping her ice water, left hand entwined with Jamie’s under the table.
“It’s beneficial to have a little separation,” Raymond reflected. “When I started my private practice, I was given very good advice to rent an office space. There was a higher up-front cost, but patients certainly didn’t want to see me in my living room.”
“Speaking of which…”
Raymond immediately turned to face Claire. Encouraging.
Claire smiled softly, before continuing. “I want to get back to medicine – after we get back from Europe.” She paused. “My license transfer finally came through from Massachusetts a few weeks ago. I don’t want to open a private practice – it wouldn’t be fair to patients, if I’ll be on the road with Jamie, or here at home with children. But there’s a clinic in town where I can start picking up hours. I’ve already talked with them about it.”
“That would be wonderful, Claire.” Raymond’s smile was genuine. “And good to have that day-to-day interaction with patients again. You must not have had that too frequently in your last job.”
She shook her head. “By the end, my only direct interaction with patients was to consult their surgeries, before I would cut into them. I was very far removed from the daily grind. So incredibly different than at the very beginning right out of medical school.” She darted a smile at Jamie. “Though all those hours in the ER did come in handy on tour. I stitched and bandaged up quite a few wounds, splinted a few broken fingers. Jamie doesn’t understand when I say it, but I truly enjoyed doing that.”
“I just don’t get why she’d ever get excited at the sight of blood,” he smiled. “But it makes her happy.” He paused, and turned to look at her straight on. “It would make me happy, Claire, for you to spend more time at the clinic. Even now, in time we have left before it all gets crazy again. I…” He swallowed. “I want you to make something of your own, here in North Carolina. To get back to your roots.”
She beamed at him. He darted in for a quick kiss, feeling no hesitation in front of Raymond.
“Remind me when you’ll be in Los Angeles?”
“Two and a half weeks until we leave.” Jamie helped himself to another ladle of chili. “I’ve got three weeks of rehearsals – the band hasn’t played together since October. While we’re there, we’ll be meeting with the label, and maybe book a day or two in the studio. Probably a show or two, something small.”
“And then a week home here in April,” Claire added, “before flying to England to kick off the tour.”
“120 dates and counting.” Jamie sighed. “We’re booked two, three dates in most cities, though fortunately we’ve got at least a day in between cities to travel. We’re headlining all kinds of festivals. And then in August we have two weeks off – ”
“Three,” Claire chimed in.
“…and Claire and I are torn between coming back home, or going for a European vacation somewhere.”
“We don’t need to decide now,” she said softly. “Plus, if I’m pregnant by then…”
Jamie kissed her temple.
“I’ve been thinking about how we’ll work together on this tour.” Raymond pushed aside his empty bowl and pulled a small spiral notepad from the inside pocket of his blazer. He pushed back the cover, made a quick note with the pen tucked behind his ear, and looked across the table at Jamie and Claire.
“We’re open to whatever you suggest,” Claire said softly. “I hope you know that about us by now.”
“I do. I’ve been going back and forth between whether to do something in a structured way, especially given the logistical challenges and the travel. But I think that in order for both of you to get the support you need from me, we’ll need to aim for as much structure as possible.”
“I agree,” Jamie nodded, wrapping an arm around Claire’s shoulders. “Consistency will be key. Claire and I – this last tour, we tried to stick to the same schedule every day.”
“For show days, anyway,” she added.
Raymond flipped to a new page, pen poised. “And I assume that would be roughly the same, this tour?”
Claire nodded. “Wake up call at 830 or 9 AM. Wake up, love each other, order breakfast to the room, shower. Limo to the venue at 1130. Get to the venue, have lunch, band does soundcheck. That’s done by 2 PM. Then free time at the venue. Sometimes Colum meets with the band. Sometimes the band hangs out together, plays music – that’s where a lot of new songs come from. Sometimes I’ll spend time with Angus’ girlfriends, or reading in Jamie’s dressing room, or just being alone with Jamie and enjoying the quiet. All of us use that time to catch up on phone calls. I try to call Uncle Lamb and my friends Joe and Gail Abernathy a few times a week.”
“And to think that a year ago, she’d never been on the road like this,” Jamie smiled.
Claire blushed prettily. “Dinner usually at 6 or 630. Then the band gets dressed, sometimes does fan meet-and-greets or press interviews. The opening act starts at 8. About 45 minutes of the opener, and then it’s showtime.”
Jamie pushed back his empty bowl. “And after the gig, we do a quick band huddle to talk about the show. Sometimes with Colum and also our road manager. Claire and I are usually in the limo back to the hotel by midnight, if we’re not traveling. If we are, then sometimes we fly after the gig and sometimes it’s first thing in the morning.”
Raymond scribbled on the pad. “It’s good to have so much structure. Did you feel the same way?”
Jamie nodded. “Definitely. Claire?”
“Yes,” she agreed. “Especially when we’re in a new place every few days.”
“And when during the day would you have the panic attacks, Jamie?”
Jamie frowned. “After dinner. Sometimes during the free time in the afternoon.”
“One time in the hotel room, after we got back from the show,” Claire added gently. “And a few times in the morning, when we were waiting for the limo. Once, in the limo.”
“Do you see that with your other patients, Raymond?”
Raymond looked up from his notebook. “That panic attacks come at any time, without a particular pattern? Yes. Though especially with the combat vets, something in their environment acts as a trigger. Do you ever feel anxious to perform, Jamie?”
Jamie shook his head. “I fucking love it, Raymond. To play my music, with my band…to hear thousands of people singing the words I wrote, and so into the music and the whole experience we give them…there’s really nothing else like it. It’s a high, for sure. Better than any drug.”
Jamie squeezed Claire’s hand. “And the only feeling that’s better than when I’m on stage, is when I’m loving Claire.”
Raymond set down his pen, and flipped back a few pages in his notebook. “So it’s not triggered by the performance itself. And I assume you don’t get anxious or claustrophobic on buses or airplanes?”
“Nope. I’ve never had a problem with that.”
“And were your days so consistent before? When you were using?”
“Yes and no. The broad strokes of it, yes – though add ‘whiskey’ and ‘coke’ and ‘girls’ to any of the time I had to myself.” He paused, thinking. “After the show most nights, I wouldn’t go back to the hotel right away. I’d celebrate with the roadies and some girls, usually hit up a strip club, not make it back to my hotel until dawn. Obviously I don’t do that anymore.”
“You’re just an old man who likes being tucked up in bed with his lawfully wedded wife,” Claire teased.
“You know it,” Jamie smiled.
Raymond scribbled on a fresh sheet in his notebook. Absently running his hand through his hair. Clearly thinking.
“All right,” he said, after a while. “Before I walk you through my plan – I need to ask you something. Both of you.”
To be continued…
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ywpd-translations · 11 months
Ride 751: Hakogaku's preliminary inspection
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Pag 1
1: Plunging into a new chapter!!
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Pag 2
1: The rivals standing in their way in the Inter High!!
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Pag 3
1: Kanagawa Prefecture, Hakone city
3: Huh, a preliminary inspection
4: for the Inter High!?
5: Yeah... well... it's a usual thing
Now, really? Really?
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Pag 4
1: Gwaaa hoii!!
2: I'll go, I'll go, I'll go!!
4: Huh, preliminary inspection? I might be a little interested
He's suddenly acting cool!?
5: Ah
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Pag 5
1: Coough
He's suddenly vomiting blood!?
2: He definitely bit his tongue while jumping around in excitement earlier....
3: 'm ohey
It's obvious that your tongue hurts....
This guy is always injured....
4: If nohing!!
I get it, I get it!!
5: 'en u we 'eave? (When do we leave?)
In thirty minutes, before the clubroom... you'll take a car to the train station
6: It's so obvious he's happy about it
7: Was that right? They didn't give us details
I guess, it's what Manami-san told us
First year Tobirama
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Pag 6
1: Last month, in the club's tournament he won the F-group climber race
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Pag 7
1: Yeah, I see, and he's gonna run in this year's Inter High as the sixth regular member of Hakogaku!!
2: Seriously, I
3: I want to be considered cool by everyone!!
4: What's up with him, he looks so cheerful
Cool, cool, Kyuushu~
That Tobirama is so festive
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Pag 8
5: Huh!? It's just me and Manami-san!?
Isn't- like, Doubashi-san coming!?
6: Hn.... I told Jou-kun and Yuuto, too, but they had their practice menu, so they said “no”
8: They said no!?
Huh!? But it's a preliminary inspection!?
9: For the Inter High!! A preliminary inspection, right!?
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Pag 9
1: A preliminary inspection for summer's great battle, right!?
2: That's right... the place we're going to now it's the biggest “mountain”.....
3: A mountain we absolutely have to overcome
4: And yet the other members didn't come!!
Ah... Manami... I'm seeing now that apparently the train stopped because of an accident
Should we just go there directly?
Is that okay? Thank you
5: Directly!? By car!?
6: To Kyuushu!?
7: The Inter High is in Kyuushu, right? How long will it take from here....
Hm? Around
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Pag 10
1: Two hours and a half
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Pag 11
4: Yeah... we arrived in two and a half hours, but- this is Chiba, isn't it!?
5: Where is Kyuushu!? Ah!? Is there a theme park like the park in Kyuushu here too?
And what abaout the splendid nature!? The big volcano...!!
6: Ah
7: Where will he have the preliminary inspection?
If you hurry up and get ready...?
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Pag 12
1: We'll do our practice menu here, today
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Pag 13
2: Our menu.... did you want to practice here just for a change of mood?
3: It's here, right? Where they do tournaments and stuff
It's Chiba's
4: Minegayama, right?
5: Hakone is better though
6: I wanted to go to Kyuushu
7: Ah, by the way, speaking of Chiba, an acquaintance of mine lives here
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Pag 14
1: You know, I was in the basketball club when I was in middle school
Ehh... I didn't know...
2: A good senpai of mine meddled with their basket club....
3: And apparently he was a good friend with my club's teacher advisor, and so they often organized practice matches with Chiba's middle school
4: I got injured a lot back then, too
So I often got injured and that guy from that middle school took care of me
5: He was so good at treating injuries that in my school they called him the “super manager”
6: I guess he's still in the basket club?
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Pag 15
2: Ah, by the way, what's today's practice menu?
Fifteen minutes at a fixed output... three or something?
3: Since they'll probably come, it's “do your best to win against that guy”!!
3: Huh!?
Who's gonna come!? You organized this with someone?
4: Any time now... probably
But we didn't
5: Organize it
6: Huh!?
The sound of wheels.... from behind us!? A bike!? …. no, more than one
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Pag 16
2: They're here
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Pag 17
1: Last year's champion, Sohoku High School!!
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Pag 18
5: Teh!?
7: Yo
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Pag 19
1: It's been a while, Sakamichi-kun
2: Hakogaku's captain, Manami Sangaku- why is he here!!
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Pag 20
1: Wearing their jerseys and riding their bikes, there's no way they came here to sightsee!!
2: Manami-kun!!
3: The Inter High is next week already, isn't it? Bu before that.... I thought we should cross that “mountain*” once
(*NdT.: here, the kanji say “mountain king”, but the reading says “mountain”)
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Pag 21
1: “Mountain”.....!! “That we absolutely have to overcome”- so this is the “preliminary inspection”!!
2: How about... that summit over there?
Your team... we're at an overwhelmind disadvantage, but
3: We don't plan on losing
It's a “preliminary battle”!?
5: Manami-san's concentration.....
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Pag 22
1: it sprang up!!
Sounds interesting, doesn't it!?
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Pag 23
1: A preliminary battle!?
He wants' to challenge us!?
2: Now!?
3: You came here... on purpose... for this?
4: Yeah
5: I came here for this only?
7: Uh!! Sohoku's captain's.....
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Pag 24
1: Onoda-san's concentration sprang up too!!
Got it!!
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Pag 25
1: Onoda!!
2: Onoda-kun!!
3: Seriously!?
4: Waaa
5: We're starting a race against those two!? Teh!?
6: Oh, oh oh?
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Pag 26
1: Really?
Those jerseys
2: It's Hakone Academy and Sohoku!!
#yowamushi pedal#yowamushi pedal translations#yowapeda#yowapeda manga#yowamushi pedal manga#yowamushi pedal spoilers#ride 751#THERES SO MUCH GOING ON IN THIS CHAPTER OH MY GOD#WATANABE YOU ABSOLUTE MADMAN WHAAAAAAAT#okay okay in order: let's start from Tobirama who is sUCH AN ADORABLE DORK I LOVED HIM SINCE THE FIRST TIME HE APPEARED BUT NOW HE'S!!!!#ANOTHER ONE OF MY BABIES!!!#trying to act all cool when hes actually just a giant excited dork asdhaksfasjhdk now this is a kind of character that hakogaku missed#and he knows rokudaiiiiiiii the way i screamed when i read that page omg#d e s t i n e d r i v a l s im telling you#and theyre both climbers !!(i mean it was pretty obvious already that theyd be rivals and the new ge onoda and manami BUT!!!#it still makes me so excited#then!! Manami just straight up going to chiba and challenging onoda sadgjasf#he really said 'i want to have a nice chill race against you and if we cant have it at the IH then we'll have it here and ill take things*#*into my own hands' and i respect him for that#also excuse me my shippy sansaka heart but when onoda said 'you came here just bc of that'#and manami said 'yeah i only came here to do this'#and then onoda made that face- looked to me like he was kinda offended that manami didnt go there just to hang out with him asdasdghj lmao#AND THEN THE END OMG THEY WAY I YELLED WHEN I SAW THAT LAST PAGEEEEE#KIJIIIIIIIII MY LOOOVEEEEEE#i swear watanabe loves him more than we do he never misses a chance to make him show up#everybody say thank you watanabe!#is he gonna meet manami next chapter???? pleeeaseeee#at first i thought he would join the race but then i noticed he's riding a mtb and not a road race#soooooo :eyes emoji:
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raineandsky · 2 years
The hero has never had too many problems concealing their identity. The agency took great care to arrange their schedule around the people in their life – how they did that they’ll never know, but it’s managed to keep questions and suspicion to a minimum. The lack of worry about anyone finding out about them means more room to think about their job.
Their hero job, at least. The agency picked them up when they were five months deep into a job at the local grocery store, and to keep up appearances they’d suggested the hero keep their old job and take up the hero work part time. It’s fine for the most part, until the agency thinks it a good idea to let them go to work at the shop all day, only to do several more hours with the other heroes at the end of that, well into the evening.
Today is one of those days. The agency finally lets them out at two in the morning, and they do the maths on their hands as they say goodbye to the receptionist by the main doors. They started at the store at ten this morning, a thoughtful half hour break thrown in, and they had an hour after leaving before they had to come here. Their day has been going for almost sixteen straight hours.
They can feel every single hour weighing down on them as they throw their car door open, getting in with an exhausted sigh. They couldn’t even be bothered to take their outfit off at the end of the day, and they scowl in annoyance as the tightness somehow makes sitting even more uncomfortable than their usual fighting.
The roads are near silent at this time, and their street appearing on the horizon is a much needed relief. The hero lets themself into the house as quietly as possible – they assume their roommate is probably asleep by now, and they’d feel bad waking them. They’ve had a lot of early starts recently, and their bedtime has been slinking earlier and earlier into the evening.
They drop their bag on the floor as quietly as they can manage, fully prepared to just sleep the day off and worry about how bad they smell in the morning. They can’t ignore the uncomfortable grumble of their stomach though, so they take a detour to the kitchen to grab a snack before they pass out for the night.
The kitchen light is already on, the extractor humming quietly. The hero frowns as they reach the threshold, any plans they had to eat eradicated at the sight before them.
A pan is sitting on the stove, steam billowing out the top as the water inside bubbles ferociously. Several cupboard doors are hanging open, abandoned, various contents of such sitting haphazardly on the counter below them. In the middle of it all is their nemesis, the one they’ve been hunting down in vain for days, the villain, happily rooting through their bags of food and making themself quite at home. 
As if to add insult to injury, the hero’s roommate’s dog – who the hero themself has spent hours of their life desperately trying to make like them to no avail – is cuddled up quite comfortably to the villain, sitting at their feet with his tail thumping rhythmically against the tiled floor.
The sight is so odd that common sense is not the first thing that comes to mind. “What’re you doing in my house?” the hero demands, and it’s only once they’ve said it that they realise it’s probably not good to let on that this is their most vulnerable place. Especially not when they’re living with an innocent citizen.
The villain jumps at their voice, whirling to meet them with equal amounts of confusion and surprise. “Wh–” is all that comes out momentarily. “Your house? Get the hell out of my house!”
The hero laughs humorlessly as they stalk further into the room. “I think you may be a little lost, [Villain]. You had better get out before I make you leave in pieces.”
“I’m not leaving my house for you.” The villain jabs their knife at them, the sharp side lined with multicoloured shreds of vegetables. “Come back with a goddamn warrant.”
The hero pauses at the phrase, wide-eyed. On the few occasions they’ve caught their roommate in the bathroom, they always jokingly demand the same thing when they knock on the door – “come back with a warrant!”
“[Roommate]...?” the hero asks uncertainly, and the villain’s expression morphs into disconcertion at the name.
“You don’t know me,” they spit defensively. “Where’d you get that name from?”
“You, dumbass.” The hero tsks shortly, the situation too bizarre to truly register as dangerous. “You told me. We live together, don’t we?”
“You…” The villain’s face scrunches up ever-so-slightly, the face the hero’s roommate always makes when they have to think about something. “I’ve been rooming with you? You’re a hero!”
“I could say the same thing!” the hero exclaims.
“Has… has it been like this the entire time?”
“I got picked up by the agency, like, three months ago.”
The villain’s brow dips into a frown, their gaze turning back to their food boiling in the pan. “I just wanted a snack before I headed out. I didn’t expect this.”
“And I just wanted a snack before I went to bed,” the hero adds. “If we promise not to kill each other before tomorrow, we can figure this out in the morning.”
They get a short nod in response. “I don’t have time to kill you anyway. I have to go in five and I’ll be going to bed as soon as I get back.”
“We have similar schedules,” the hero comments, and they butt past their nemesis to haul the fridge door open. “Enjoy committing felonies that I’ll have to fix in the morning.”
“Awh, I feel so bad,” is the sarcastic response they get as the villain pours the contents of the pan into a tupperware. Once the lid is on they throw the kitchen window open, pulling themself onto the windowsill with the dexterity of someone who hasn’t exercised since school. “Enjoy being boring and following the law.”
“Why’re you going out the window? We have a perfectly working front door.” The hero manages to fish out some leftovers, slamming the fridge with a tired sigh. 
“I avoid following legal laws and general laws of life,” they offer with a nonchalant shrug and a typical criminal grin. “I don’t use doors. See you tomorrow, roomie.”
The villain disappears out of the window, leaving the hero on the tail end of a sixteen hour day, holding a bowl of cold leftovers, in the company of a dog that doesn’t like them, with the newfound knowledge that they’re living with one of the city’s biggest criminals.
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This is up until the current timeline of the story
> Apollo, that isn't his birth name but he didn't like the name he was given. He found it boring and way too common for someone such as himself, strong, smart, someone worth remembering. No one knowa what his actual name was besides his family and his best friend, June, and lord knows that they knew better than to tell other's that information.
> The boy grew up in a small town, one that had a lot of other poorer family's. So, the town wasn't as good as others. Not many people complained though, as they had enough to survive and live. It was worse of for those of bigger families, like Apollo's family. There were 5 kids all living under the same roof with both parents working to support it. The eldest of the siblings would work alongside their father as well as hunt for some decent animals and meat. The second eldest were to look after the younger ones, make sure they got to school and came back just fine.
> And this is how Apollo met June. In school.
> Long story short, they got on well. Inseperable. There was barley a time that they were seem away from eachother, and to others it was nothing dhort of a miracle as Apollo typically was snarky or just cold towards others, not liking to interact with people. But with June, he was happy. He was also chaotic, sure, but happy. When they were both late teens, around 16 (Apollo) and 17 (June), they went a few towns over to go check it out, and saw how it was a more well off town than theirs, as well as the fact that one or two people owned cars. Nice cars, big too. They exchanged a look and they both ended up stealing one of the cars. It took a bit, but they got it running. Bad news though, the sheriff noticed and as they drove off, the sheriff followed. The were eventually caught, but June lied and told the sheriff that Apollo didn't do a thing to help, and that June had done everything and dragged him along. They were both sent to jail, but for different times. Apollo got 6 months, while June got 4 years. Pretty unfair, but June didn't mind, he was just happy that he saved his friend the time in jail that he would've got.
> Apollo was forever grateful.
> 6 months later, Apollo was let out of jail, and he made his way home to his parents. Parents, who chewed his ear off for a good 2 hours straight about how stupid it was to go stealing a car. That wouldn't stop him though, as the next few months, Apollo continued these crimes and everything as he went on to successfully steal a car, and start robbing places, getting the money to dress nice and support himself. He also ended up moving out of his parents house. He didn't buy a house, didn't want to. He just spent time in his car, going from town to the jail June was held in, visiting his friend once a month.
> It got quite... lonely by himself. He didn't have June to hang about with, and god forbid he have any other friends. He didn't like that idea, but one day when he was collecting some fruit from the farmer, he decided to actually strike up a conversation.
**"Hey, what's this ranch for for? It doesn't look like you're usin' it for a whole lotta storage."**
> The farmer had laughed from where he was sat on a hay block, resting from the days work he had done.
*"It ain't used for storage, you're right. It's used as a stage, rehersal room. There's this... girl that uses it to practice. Darrel here helps 'er."*
> He gestured to the chicken that was pecking idley at the hay block that the farmer was sat on. He picked up the chicken and held him comfortably in his arms.
***"Tell me how she'd doin'. I might wanna meet lil' miss moviestar some day."***
> And then Apollo left. That was how the start of their friendship. Atlas knew that Apollo robbed others, but they had a mutual agreement that Atlas wouldn't snitch if he didn't steal from the farm and actually buy the crops and animal products.
> Moving to a while later, Apollo had been away from the farm for a while, as he was out of town, but that day he had to seek cover in the farm. He had been in one town over and saw a dog being mistreated, sand beinf kicked in its face and probably some other horrible things, so when the owners weren't looking, he hopped the fence and took the dog off its leash, taking it to the car and running off. The owners saw though, and chased him all the way to the farm. When Apollo got to the farm though, pulling up to a stop by the fence gate, there was a problem. A huge problem.
> The ranch was on fire.
> Now, Apollo was usually one to think quick on his feet, but in that moment he froze. He stares at the ranch and how it was up in flames and prayed that Atlas wasn't inside. Hoping to whatever god was out there that he didn't have to lose a friend, like how he lost June temporarily.
> After what felt like an eternity of just watching the flames burn the ranch, he ran inside the place, looking for any sign of Atlas. There was nothing but smoke and flames inside, evident by the fact it was like Apollo was coughing up his lungs. He spent what seemed to him as an eternity looking for Atlas, knowing that the man had nothing else to do besides be on his farm working all day, so he must be here, right? Well, he had to leave the ranch before finding out due to the smoke getting to him. He'd check though, every day after. For now he just has to get to a safe place where the fire didn't get him.
> It's a few weeks before he actually goes back to the farm, people were saying no one wa allowed near there, and they'd have to get their food other ways until the ranch was rebuilt. During the rebuilding time, Apollo visited, seeing the wooden frames and ladders, people working on the ranch. They were getting things done in a good time. And Atlas was there, outside the ranch with Darrel under his arm as he leant on a cane (Well that was new) watching the men working on his ranch.
> And life went on as normal from then on out.
> Until the day Apollo met someone new, of course.
> He drove up to the ranch like he did every week, but on a different day than he normally headed up there. He humed as he walked into the ranch, looking as Atlas seemed to be setting out some wooden planks on the floor.
**"Wha's all this for then?"**
> Apollo asks, confused as all hell.
*"A stage."*
> Is all the farmer had given in response as there were footsteps in the ranch. Apollo turns, then smiles.
**"So you're the famous lil' movie star Atlas has been talkin' 'bout?"**
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Since my prom is tonight :p
Also to make it less weird, the members are all like 16-18
blackpink x reader (high school au?)
Prom w/ Blackpink as your Date
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Prom with Jisoo would be regal. You guys would definitely look and be the prince/ss and princess of the night. In the pictures you guys are even wearing crowns, at the insistence of one of your friends, since you guys literally look like royalty. You guys would definitely have pictures taken at a majestic place, and there would definitely be a limo, nothing but the best for you two.
Dinner would probably be at some fancy French restaurant nearby. There’s a little bickering over the bill, but you relent and let her pay. But don’t worry, you guys definitely buy ramen to eat after the whole event.
When you guys arrive at the venue, to say you turn heads is an understatement. Everyone’s eyes are on you. You both just look so magnificent, it takes breaths away. The pictures at prom though, are even better, in your opinion, goofier than the ones you took earlier. At the first slow song, Jisoo pulls you onto the dance floor. You guys are on the dance floor for the rest of the night. Until inevitably you guys leave to go to a chill party at one of your mutual’s house and eat the ramen that you bought earlier. It is the best night of both of your lives.
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Prom with Jennie would be relaxing somehow. You guys would probably wait and do an outfit reveal. And wow, are you glad you did, she looks amazing and so powerful. Little do you know, she thinks you look stunning, like she has to fight to keep her mouth closed because of how beautiful you look. Let’s just say the pictures came out amazing and the shock on your faces in the beginning is real.
Dinner would be one of your favorite restaurants. Probably the one from your first date, depending on how long you guys have been together. You guys would probably feed each other. The conversation would definitely be a look back at how far you guys have gone, and future plans career-wise.
You guys would probably drive there in a Cadillac, loaned to you from one of your parents. Not too much, but classy nonetheless. When you guys get to the venue, you guys go straight to the photo booth to take all the goofy photos and of course stolen kiss pictures that you can. You guys would end up getting separated, having to mingle with basically everyone. However, when your favorite songs come on, you meet up again on the dance floor. She will definitely dance with you on any and all the songs you want to.
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Prom with Rosé would be lyrical, like it came right out of a song. You guys would probably end up going in a group with some other couples in a limo. However, you guys are definitely the best dressed. The pictures are good, you guys manage to get some good ones, despite the place being in a random field.
Dinner would be at a nice restaurant, the conversation flows easily. The food is mid in your opinion, but that may have just been what you ordered. Rosé seems to really enjoy it. Inevitably someone in the group spills their drink and everyone gets involved in cleaning it up. You all have a good laugh about it later.
When you guys get to the venue, it’s nice. You guys take pictures in the photo booth and have a good time with everyone else. Of course you two dance to all the songs, and for all the slow songs, she would pull you close and sing the lyrics softly into your ear. You’d steal a few kisses while you two danced too.
After you guys get dropped off at your place though, the night is far from over for you two. You guys get into your convertible and drive to the nearest big city and 24 hour karaoke spot, belting all your favorite songs on the way, specifically, ‘Teenage Dream’ by Katy Perry. You end up retaking pictures on the roof of the car garage you park at, that overlooks the city’s twinkling lights. At the karaoke bar (and eventually hotel room that you guys end up staying at), you can’t help but think to yourself that this is what you really wanted, a nice night with your one and only. Rosé would definitely end up writing a song in the hotel room about this night after you fall asleep.
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Prom with Lisa would be chaotic but in the best way possible. You guys definitely get ready together. And will definitely end up looking drop-dead gorgeous anyways. In the pictures, you guys are intertwined in all of them, she just can’t keep her hands off of you. There are definitely more than a few pictures of you guys kissing… each other’s cheeks of course.
Dinner would wind up being at a local diner, since you guys both forgot to make a reservation, which was fine with you guys. The food was good and the company was even better. Lisa would definitely end up driving that night, a rented Rolls-Royce is the vehicle for the night. You guys roll down the windows and shout/sing the lyrics to every chorus that comes on.
When you get to the venue, let’s just say you better have good stamina. You guys are dancing to every single song of the night. At some point in the night, somebody tries to start a dance battle with Lisa, which she obviously wins. As your reward you give her a kiss and pull her away to the photo booth to take some pictures. As the night winds down, Lisa would drive you guys to a local hotel, and let’s just say you lose a little more than your clothes that night.
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peacesells-imbuying · 1 month
Angst you say.... Izzy Stradlin but when he was still heavily addicted to drugs promising he would get sober for his 4 month pregnant fiance who he proposed to a month ago and she finds out he lied about getting sober because she catches him doing heroin in their house. So she leaves and doesn't speak to him until like 5 months later when Duff (he seems like he would do this) calls Izzy to be like "uhhh hey so she's like giving birth" and so Izzy, who is like dying because he went cold turkey so he would be a good husband/father shows up LATE and sees his fiance had a daughter. You can choose on whether this ends well or badly :3
Idk if there’s angst but im way to busy so wont fix it after I post. This took me 3-5 days bro crying who wants to sleep? Me 🙋‍♀️ masterlist
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Izzy had three things he loved the most in his life. Drugs, his beautiful fiance, and his 4-months(old soon to be born)baby. He proposed four months ago, not only that but came clean. He was clean for two weeks, unfortunately the drugs were calling his name and couldn’t resist . 
Didn’t have the guts to tell you about it. So he kept it hidden as long as he could. It worked wonderfully, even acted “normal” so you couldn’t tell. Until he got caught at night. You see with drugs he felt completed but knew something was missing.
It was a Wednesday, you left to be with your family and friends for the day. Izzy didn’t mind, of course he would miss you but that meant more time with drugs. 
4:45 pm - 16:45 pm
MTV was playing in the background of Izzy’s living room as he was mixing up his drugs for his daily intake. Only two would last him for three hours, he didn’t mind as long it worn off by the time you got back. 
7:55 pm - 19:55 pm 
After waking up from blacking out, he did it again. Another two hours and it would be gone. No sign of your arrival. Izzy knew this was going to be a long day. 
9:20 pm - 21:20 pm
He was preparing to do it again, but was caught red handed and ashamed. “I know you’re not doing drugs after saying you would be clean!” His brain couldn’t comprehend anything. “Why didn’t you tell me and asked for help?” He looked at you then to the ground. Time went by, packing everything you could carry. Izzy tried but couldn’t fight his current state. With that you left. Neither saying a word to each other. 
Over 5 months, you moved on but still had love for Izzy. You’re daughter could pop out at any moment.
As you and Duff were hanging out, your water broke. “Duff! Drive me to the hospital right now!” Duff rushed to get the keys and helped you to the car. 
“Hello?” Izzy adjusted his blurry vision as he rested against his bed. “Izzy, uh she went into labor.” Duff couldn’t help but be awkward knowing their history. “What’s the address?” Izzy stumbled across to the desk grabbing a pen and paper. After Duff gave the address he hanged up. “Izzy’s coming. I gotta leave now, just call.” Duff gave you a warm hug. “Thank you, I owe you.” 
Izzy tried his best to look presentable. “Hey..” you couldn’t help but cry. “Izzy. What do we name her?” Having a daughter was unbelievable to Izzy. “Um Iris. Can I?” You nodded, Izzy carried her at that moment it felt better than drugs. Iris was everything he ever wanted. 
Though you both didn’t get back together, you both worked together to give Iris her best life.
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quaranmine · 11 months
letters from the lookout #2: last seen
(HC Firewatch AU snippets)
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June 8, 1988
Mumbo has loaded his bags into the car, shut the door, and checked the ties on the bike rack for the third time when he heads back up the stairs to say goodbye to Grian. The morning is cool and dark, and the streetlights are still on outside. It’s still. The sun isn’t up yet. 
He steps inside and closes the door as quietly as possible. He already slammed it by accident again on his first trip outside, and he’s trying his hardest not to upset any of their neighbors at this hour. 
Grian is sitting at the table under its warm ceiling light and has, kindly, looked better. He’s wearing an oversized university t-shirt and sweatpants, and looks like he might fall asleep again at any second. Grian is not typically an early riser, only incidentally so—thrust into the unwanted world of early alarms by the usual dread and horror of being an adult with a job. But this morning is still earlier than he normally wakes up. 
There’s a cup of coffee, mostly full, sitting on the table in front of him, which Grian regards with bleary eyes. Grian also typically drinks tea, not coffee, except on mornings where he decides he needs some extra strong caffeine. Mumbo’s not sure the coffee has any extra caffeine than the tea does, given how strong he’s seen him brew it. He loves coffee, however, and his roommate knows this. 
“I made that for you to take with you,” Grian says. He squints at the cup again. “I did drink a little of it. Sorry.”
“Erm, that’s alright mate,” Mumbo says hastily. “I’ll just stop by someplace on the way and get something for myself.”
“Oh, okay,” Grian says, immediately taking another sip. “So you’re off now I guess?”
“Yeah,” Mumbo says. “Just came back to say goodbye and do a final sweep of anything I’ve forgotten.”
“Good.” Grian nods, and then appraises Mumbo, up and down. “Are you driving all the way today?”
“If I can.”
“Ugh,” Grian says. “That’s way too far. You should rest. It’s like, one state over, why is it eight hours?”
“Because America is big,” Mumbo says. 
Grian wrinkles his nose. “Don’t like that.”
“I’ll spend the night when I get there before I go do anything,” Mumbo says. “I have to get the backcountry permit at the office, anyway.”
“Fine,” Grian says. “Drive safe. Call me when you get there. And when you get back. When do you get back?”
“Uhhh, if all goes well, then June 15. But the last part of the trail might be tricky and I’m not sure I’ve broken up each day into a reasonable enough distance to cover. So I think I might end up staying another night, in which case I’d give you a call on June 16.”
The information is already written down on the calendar stuck to the fridge, but Mumbo knows Grian wants to hear it again, just in case. Mumbo’s going by himself, after all, so it’s best someone knows where he’ll be. 
Especially since he’s going to be really in the wilderness this time. There’s mountain trails, and then there’s empty mountain trails. Shoshone National Forest has plenty of the latter, and it’s precisely that solitude that is drawing Mumbo. Everything in his life is busy, busy, busy and stress, stress, stress. He’s sick of it. It feels like his brain is being squeezed out of his ears every single day and he needs a break if he wants to get out alive. 
Grian’s brain is also being squeezed out of his ears, but he seems to be at an earlier stage in this process where he’s still mostly okay with it all. It makes sense, though, and Mumbo can’t fault him for it. While he got a jumpstart on a career right out of university a few years ago, Grian has been sifting through apprenticeships and half-jobs for a long time to build experience. His architecture license is still shiny and new, and he isn’t jeopardizing that to follow Mumbo on his last-minute trip. 
Mumbo hugs Grian, and they say a brief goodbye. Grian reminds him to call him, and to buy him a postcard somewhere, and proclaims he’s going back to sleep for at least another hour. 
Mumbo steps out into the cool predawn air once more, and a shiver runs down his spine. Is it the cold, or the anticipation? He gets in the car, and just sits in the seat for a minute before turning on. He takes a deep breath. It’s okay right now. He has nobody to report to but himself (and sometimes Grian) for the next few days. He’s free, even if it’s just briefly. 
He turns the key in the ignition, and drives. Every mile bleeds away more stress.
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an-annyeoing-writer · 11 months
bloodline. - ch. 2/5: anathema.
Story info:
Pair: Byun Baekhyun x Reader
Rating: +16 for mentions of violence, death, chronic illness, kidnapping
Genre: mafia!AU, angst, action
Chapter info:
Release date: 21st October 2023
Word count: 4 402
Warnings: mentions of death & violence
Bloodline Masterlist || Fanfiction Masterlist
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Previous Chapter
There were different ways in which this situation could possibly end. During the hours spent traveling through the forest, Baekhyun was certain he thought over the most possible ones.
It didn’t mean, however, that he could find solutions to those that weren’t too optimistic. If the weather got any worse and they lost all their strengths, he maybe could have called someone, but what if that someone betrayed him? With what happened that day, he didn’t feel like he had anyone left to trust. Should he kill the person he was traveling with to provide himself with their warmth and clothes? Or should he be the one to, like a gentleman, die to give them the opportunity to find safety? From the objective point of view, he realized, he was more likely to survive in the weather, with his body obviously stronger.
Yet, he didn’t find himself able to make the choice anyway. He was fully aware that neither him, or you, would be able to kill the other person, and neither would he be able to end his own life.
And so he spent the hours pondering on different scenarios, growing aware, however, that his influence on the outcome of your situation was marginal.
With all of the above considered, your family being the ones to find the two of you first did not surprise him. With the tragedy that fell upon his own, he doubted anyone would be looking for him this soon. The one that attacked them, on the other hand, probably wouldn’t assume that he managed to escape the burning building, for as long as they didn’t rummage through it to see who was left inside, which would require the fire to be put out first.
In the meantime, your family must have been currently in pursuit anyway.
And he knew, he very well knew, what it meant, when the door of the black car opened and your father stepped out, a man whom he hated with his whole existence, far more than he ever hated you, even despite your origins.
If only he was in a better state, he would risk running for it; the forest was thick, the snow was everywhere. But he was too tired, too exhausted, freezing. The longer he thought about it, the more he realized how useless would that be; he could be tracked so easily in the snow, and the sun was shining so bright that he wouldn’t be able to hide. His only hope would be that your family wouldn’t care enough and just leave him there, and then maybe, just maybe, he would find a way to the town, and survive.
But, with the events prior, with how his family put a hand on your bloodline, he had no doubt that letting him go would require a special kind of mercy that your father was not known for.
Maybe, just maybe, if he had any kind of weapon, he would take you hostage, put you in between him and your father and trade his life for yours. He felt so awfully weak and helpless though, and when you walked toward your family, finally finding your safety, he knew he’s left alone.
Yet, he hid the emotions behind a mask of indifference, glaring straight into your father’s eyes as if it didn’t bother him at all, and as if the nearest moments wouldn’t decide his fate.
He didn’t have the guts to look after you when you disappeared behind your brother. It was only when you were far away, that your father nodded at the driver, and the man disappeared in the car for a few seconds.
“Your family has finally gotten what they deserved for their unloyalty, or so I’ve heard” he spoke. The driver came out of the car, handing your father a black, polished handgun. Baekhyun refused to respond. “It was about the time you bow to those who you depend on.” His voice was ridden off emotions, tearing through remains of Baekhyun’s confidence. “I said, bow.”
With a movement lacking an ounce of hesitation, the man raised his hand and shot.
Pain shook Baekhyun’s body, originating in his ankle. The boy all but whimpered, falling to his knees. He didn’t want to pretend he had any strength left. The pain, although almost paralyzing, didn’t matter anymore; his body was too numb. He breathed heavily.
He saw the man lift the gun again, aware that the short conversation was already over.
But that was when he noticed you, pushing the door of the car open, in the corner of his vision.
That’s nice, he thought. You found it in himself to try and save him, after all that happened. But it didn’t matter, your father would not change his mind.
His thoughts started to slip away when another gunshot tore through the air. He thought for a second, was he dead? How come he didn’t feel it? Why did he not feel anything at all?
He heard a scream. And it was a masculine voice, yet, not his own…
He looked up. His eyes widened.
Your father was leaning against the car, fingers pressed into his bleeding arm. The gun fell out of his grasp and now laid discarded on the road. And to the side, stood yourself… with a gun as well. Your brother was already behind you, shock displayed on his face as much as on yours.
Did you… really? In any other circumstances, he would have laughed.
“Holy shit” your brother gawked, but only for a moment. He registered you freeze in shock for a few moments, and carefully pulled the gun out of your poor hands, noting they were starting to tremble, and then quickly hid the thing in the holster by his own belt. Your father’s loud cursing ripped through the air, making you flinch. You clenched your fists, forcing yourself to stay put.
And then ran.
To Baekhyun.
“Get up, quickly” you commanded weakly, your body shaking so much Baekhyun silently wondered how could you make a step without tripping over.
You helped him to his feet and then started pulling him toward your brother’s car. He didn’t say a word, still almost as shocked as you were, the thought of refusing the wordless offer not even crossing his mind.
Your father’s driver stared at the scene helplessly. Maybe you’d find it in yourself to be sorry for him, suspecting that your father will put part of the blame on the poor man, but it was the least of your worries at the moment. The truth was, he had no power to stop you even if he tried.
Besides, your brother already managed to get Baekhyun in the backseats.
The man fall onto the cushioned surface with a heavy thud. Chanyeol started the car, pulling you by your sleeve to stop you from staring behind and get in.
Tires screeched.
Still a bit stunned when he revved up the engine, the realization slowly sunk in. Increasing speed mirrored Chanyeol’s immense need to leave the entire scene far behind. He was only starting to grow aware that it could certainly not erase the eventual consequences of what just occurred.
In the backseats, Baekhyun laid almost motionlessly, eyes fixated on the silhouettes of people he not so long ago considered his sworn enemies.
“What the hell did you just do” he finally muttered, although not as firmly as he would like to. The warmth seeped through his body along with pain of his limbs un-freezing. His vision blurred.
“I… I don’t know” you admitted. You sounded as if you were crying, but your worn out body refused to shed tears. You managed to retrieve the first aid kit from underneath the seat, and tried to shakily wrap a band around his injured leg. “I-I panicked…”
“He’ll be fine” Chanyeol spoke, looking at the two in the mirror. “He honestly deserved it. Really. But he’ll be okay.”
“What do we do now…”
“I’ll get us somewhere safe until this all calms down.” Baekhyun could tell, he was forcing himself to stay strong for his dear sister. He somehow wished that he could be this strong, too.
“Chanyeol, I’m sorry, I dragged you into this…”
“Don’t apologize. I will keep you safe.”
They seemed to keep talking, but Baekhyun couldn’t care less. The warmth surrounding him was comforting, and he didn’t feel much pain anymore. Although the sensation of peace had to be short-living, he decided the best he can do is let himself succumb to it for the time being.
Besides, he didn’t remember the last time he felt this safe, as when your tender, cold fingers catered to his wound. He briefly thought that he could just stay like this.
“Did you know what dad did?”
Your voice was rather quiet as you sat in the front seat, next to your brother who drove the car. There was a blanket wrapped around you, but you couldn’t fall asleep, glancing at the silhouette resting motionlessly in the backseat. Although you managed to get his temperature right and the bleeding wasn’t serious, you just worried. But his breath was steady and his face was calm whenever you looked back.
Chanyeol glanced at you. His brows furrowed in concern at your own state.
“Yeah. I found out when you were taken. That’s why… I wasn’t that surprised when you stood for this Byun. I had a feeling you’d also find out one way or another.” He let out a deep sigh. “I was worried for you, really, but being on his side feels just… disgusting. I don’t know, it’s our dad, but it just doesn’t feel like it.”
“Did it ever feel like it?” you muttered, bringing your knees to your chest and wrapping yourself tighter with the blanket. Maybe you were overthinking – maybe you were just looking for excuses, as if it was obvious for years that he was not the father you deserved. Anything to make it easier to justify what you’ve done. “What do we do now, Chanyeol? I just shot our dad. To save someone he wanted dead. He came all this way to save me and I shot him. My dad.” Your hands shook as you buried face in your knees, realizing that tears finally started running freely down your cheeks, and, after all you went through, the emotions simply took over.
“You hurt him to save someone’s life” Chanyeol corrected calmly. “You didn’t do anything irreparable, but he tried to. And he’s the one who made all of this happen. He’s the reason you were kidnapped. Looking for you was the least he should have done anyway” he huffed. His words sounded sensible even to you, and you felt that if you don’t believe him, you’ll lose your mind. “How did it happen, though? I’ve heard what happened at the Byuns, but actually, why did you go with him?”
You shrugged, but memories of the last evening, so irrelevant from where you were now, came back to you.
“I was locked in the mansion when the fire broke out… He got me out to run away.” You pondered on it for a few moments. “He… saved my life. He didn’t have to, it wasn’t even his responsibility. He could have gone to help other people, too, there for sure have been people to help, and his family was there… But he saved my life.” You sniffled.
“See? So you did the right thing by saving his.” Chanyeol reached his hand and ruffled your hair comfortingly.  
“Chanyeol, what will we do now…”
He let out a sigh.
“I know some people” he announced calmly. “I hope you realize we’ll need to hide for some time if we don’t want this guy tracked. Best to stay away until it all calms down, anyway.” You nodded with understanding. “So, I have a spare car, since this one is probably easily trackable. And I have friends who will help us hide and take care of the guy. So, just trust me.”
That all sounded reasonable, but you frowned at his explanations, threads just not matching in your mind.
“Why do you have a spare car? And who are those… friends?”
Chanyeol glanced at you, raising his eyebrows as if the answer was obvious.
“You’re not the only one who’s trying to escape this farce.”
You didn’t know how long you spent in the shower of a small apartment in the most rusty area you’ve ever seen. You were certain half of the buildings should have been demolished long years ago, and you would attract more attention by arriving here with the expensive, black car your brother owned, than you ended up doing by carrying a man with shot ankle. Fortunately, your brother’s “new” car was covered in more rust than actual paint.
Your body finally managed to warm up, but fatigue was taking over and you barely found it in yourself to get out from underneath the hot stream, drying yourself with a towel you were given and putting on some sweatpants and a big flannel shirt that belonged to the apartment’s owner. The clothes were cozy and dry, and that’s all you needed them to be.
You walked into the living room, sitting nearby the man who was carefully tending to Baekhyun’s wound. You found out his name was Yixing, and he was Chanyeol’s old friend. As for a medic, his apartment wasn’t too fancy, although certainly clean and well-organized. You suspected he may have been an illegal immigrant, and you wouldn’t be surprised if the case was similar for many other inhabitants of the suspicious district.
“Will he be okay?” you asked unsurely. Baekhyun’s eyes were half-open, and he seemed to be conscious again, but certainly in no shape to answer or join the conversation. Chanyeol took off most of his wet clothes, and the man still shivered slightly, even despite blankets wrapped around him and a heating pad at his feet.
Yixing glanced at you.
“Surprisingly, yes” he announced calmly. “This” he pointed at the injury “is nothing big. The frostbite would be a bigger problem, but it miraculously doesn’t seem like he’ll be losing toes anytime soon. Lucky of him. But it will take some time before he can walk. For both reasons.”
You nodded, relieved. You closed your eyes for just a brief second and it somehow led to almost falling off the stool. Yixing eyed you cautiously with a small, polite smile appearing when you looked back.
“You should rest. I’ll need to check on you, too, but it needs to wait. My bedroom is on the left. Sorry, I didn’t have the time to change the bedsheets, but feel free to sleep there. Don’t worry about anything. He’s in good hands.”
You couldn’t express the gratitude you were feeling at the moment. No matter how suspicious this area felt, you were already certain that Yixing was a real angel living there. You thought of all the things you would do to return the kindness, but your mind started dozing off, and as soon as you arrived in the small bedroom and laid down on the bed, wrapping the duvet around yourself, everything became irrelevant and the comforting darkness swallowed you fully.
Chanyeol stood in the grocery store, in front of the rice aisle, staring at the boxes in front of him with thoughtful consideration, whether “premium rice” was any better than “rice”, considering that they both costed almost the same. He felt like a child; all his life, there was always someone to do grocery for him, to cook for him, and at some point he discovered that he never really considered how those simple daily tasks are relevant to survival.
He stared at the grocery list, written messily by Yixing and left for him to tend to. But how could he know which type of rice will be good? He knew of different types of it, obviously, but the list literally just said “rice”. With time, it got to him how much about real life he will have to learn if he decides to leave the comfort of his house and wealth.
He left the store with a huge stack of everything that he thought Yixing could need, either now or in the future, trying as well as he could to return the favor that his friend was doing for him and others right now.
The snow was falling in thick clusters, and wind had picked up, the weather becoming way worse than the day before, and he could only imagine how bad would it be, was his sister and their new acquaintance to stay in it for hours. In the old, rusty car, the heating somehow worked, but it took quite a while to warm up the space around him as he sat behind the wheel. His black car, now left behind for anyone to find, had the ability to warm up almost instantly.
He was about to start driving, when his phone rung and he glanced at the device, considering for a short moment, whether it’s something he should answer. But he put the phone by his ear.
“Chanyeol? Are you okay?!”
His voice broke when the caller’s identity became known. He felt his hands tremble when he turned the car’s engine back off.
“Are you and [F/n] okay? I’ve heard Byuns took you two hostage…!”
Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows.
“Who told you that?”
“Your father, obviously…”
The woman’s voice was clearly tense, but he had an impression that more than an expression of care about your wellbeing, she demanded explanations. He needed to admit that both of your parents were quite similar in their nature; business like theirs couldn’t leave people unimpacted, and at this point, he learned not to expect too much.
“It’s not true. I shot him” Chanyeol announced, as if it was the most obvious thing. It was almost not a lie; he was the one who gave you his own gun. Upon your request, of course, but it was his choice to help you.
“You didn’t” she stated sternly. The man kept quiet for a few moments, taken aback by the answer. “The kid of Byuns’ took your gun, overpowered you and your sister. Everybody knows that.”
Her voice pressured him, and he finally got the hint; all sins could be forgiven, it said. No one needed to know what happened. Her children wouldn’t put a stain on her family’s name. That’s what it meant.
“No” he finally spoke and his voice broke once again. “That’s not what happened. What happened, is that our father tried to kill someone innocent just because that person belonged to the family he doesn’t get along with. And we just couldn’t look at it.” He felt his anger grow and he dug his fingers into the car’s steering wheel. “The truth is, he’s a ruthless murderer who doesn’t care about his family, and only about his image. And that your bloodline will die off, because you will be all left alone” he snarled.
There was a silence on the other side for quite a while, and neither of them decided to soothe it. His mother’s breath was calmer than he expected it to be. His own breaths came out ragged, yet not even an ounce of him wanted to take his words back.
“Are you certain of what you just said, Park Chanyeol?”
The weight of the situation fell onto him, but there was still nothing that would convince him otherwise; maybe just fear, crawling in him, the fear of being the one left alone in the end, of losing what he got so used to in his life. The wealth, the opportunities, the endless security that his family could provide – there would none of these be left for him. Or for you.
“I’ve never been more certain” he confirmed, his voice finally calm.
“Then don’t call yourself a Park anymore. From now on, you’re on your own. From now on, none of us will help you, care for you, shield you, because you’re not the heir of Parks. Go and live the life you chose. Wish you all the best.”
The line went dead.
He sat in his car, observing the snow fall down and gather on the hood. It would melt easily as the car was still heated up, but Chanyeol felt the stillness surround him, as if he would just bury himself in the snowflakes if given enough time.
But the stillness couldn’t last forever; not yet, not now. He still held the phone in his hand and he knew he needs to act. It was just a matter of time before his family-owned bank account would be suspended. He would be a fool if he didn’t expect that to eventually happen, so he spent the last years gradually transferring money to another account that he owned without his parents’ knowledge. Never too high amounts, knowing that there were no questions he could answer.
Now was the time to see if his efforts paid off.
There was one thing that pumped his adrenaline high, bringing him back to life after the fears and terrors of the past days. Because for the first time in his life, he felt like he was in charge of what was happening; no longer a puppet to his family’s politics, but someone who planned ahead further than his relatives did, and therefore, capable of adjusting to the situation at hand before they could make their steps known.
So, for all he had, with the banking app in his phone, he transferred all that he could without exceeding the imposed limits. That should be enough, right? He could go on with his life. His pride told him, that maybe using his parents’ money after what he’d done was not the right thing to do. But then, he realized, they had no remorse before using his whole life, his emotions, for their business. So maybe there was nothing wrong in taking what they owed him.
And, he promised himself, it would not be the last thing he would take.
Sending a single message with his phone, he turned it off, took out the battery and opened the car’s window, launching the device into the nearby trashcan.
He may have not had anything to do with his family now, but it didn’t mean he had no interests left with them. He had no doubts that the phone could be tracked, and he couldn’t have that.
He arrived back at Yixing’s flat about twenty minutes later, with his arms full of heavy bags and a wide, excited smile on his face that he just couldn’t wipe off.
Yixing was in the kitchen cooking, and his eyes widened at the sight.
“Oh, that’s… more than I asked” he muttered shyly.
“Don’t mind it” Chanyeol shrugged. “I’m trying to repay you for all… that. And, besides, I’ll need to ask you to let us stay over for a few days. I already messaged Junmyeon, but I had to throw out my phone, so he’ll probably text you instead” he spoke while placing down all the bags and starting to cautiously put items in the spots of the small kitchen that he found appropriate. Yixing observed him a bit awkwardly, clearly taken aback by the display of kindness.
“Don’t worry about it” he spoke after a moment. “But, if you don’t mind me asking, I understand that you want to stay with your sister from now on, but what about… you know… him?”
Chanyeol froze with a six-pack of milk in his hands.
“Honestly, I have no idea. You know.”
Yixing already heard some of the story, but Chanyeol trusted him like no one else.
“I really had no idea what would happen. When we found out that they’re together, I was confused too, but dad told me that he took her hostage and was probably planning to blackmail us. And I believed him. Heck, they kidnapped [F/n], of course I believed they’re bad.” He slowly put the six-pack in the fridge, although it would barely fit on the shelf. He only hoped there’s enough space for other things as well. “But then when we got her back, I took her to the car, and she just… When she realized our dad’s going to kill him, she looked completely broken. I mean, who knows, maybe it was Stockholm syndrome or something like that, but hey, they did spend the entire night in that forest, with that nasty weather, and somehow survived. If she didn’t want him dead, why would I? And besides…” Chanyeol hesitated. “It was just easy to believe they’re our enemies, but then I thought, like damn… He’s Baekhee’s brother. How could I let him die?”
“I might just get sentimental.”
They both turned their heads at the sound of a new voice.
Baekhyun stood in the kitchen’s entry, leaning against the doorframe and trying to put his weight on the uninjured leg, but his face was terribly pale and he looked like he could collapse any second.
“You can’t get up” Yixing protested right away, but it wasn’t him that Baekhyun’s eyes were fixated on. Chanyeol stared back, his face a bit tense, but it was as if some kind of mutual understanding started growing between the two. It was Baekhyun that broke the silence.
“Baekhee told me about you. She once sneaked out of family dinner to meet you. My parents were so mad” he spoke with a small smile appearing on his face. “I covered for her, though. You two are close, aren’t you?” Without waiting for Chanyeol to confirm, he continued. “You want to save her.”
“Don’t you, too?” Chanyeol asked. Although the answer was obvious, the question carried much more weight – it wasn’t meant to negate Baekhyun’s bond with his sister. In other words, it meant about the same, as: do you want to save her, together?
“We will save her” Baekhyun replied without an ounce of hesitation. “And we will all get out of here. All four of us. No more old money, no more of this cruel theater. Are you in, Park Chanyeol?”
Chanyeol couldn’t help but smirk a little, although he knew that the offer is fully serious.
“No longer a Park. But I’m in. Let’s do it.”
Please, reblog if you enjoyed, it’ll help me a bunch!
Author’s note: Ahhhh this felt so good to finish up! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and still have the patience to wait for the next ones~!
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The First of Us - Chapter 1
My sister tried to eat me
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Joel Miller x f!reader (no use of y/n)
Series summary: you and your father meet Joel and Tommy 6 years after outbreak day. You join their group trying to make it to the Boston QZ not realizing all that joining would entail. You eventually make it to the QZ but not without suffering many losses. Tommy decides to join the Fireflies and you and Joel are left with your smuggling partner, Tess, when years later you meet a teenage girl that will bring you and Joel across the country, and maybe together.
Summary: You're 14 years old on September 29th, 2003 living in a small village in Kentucky with your parents and little sister on a farm. You couldn't have imagined how the day would go and the people you would meet 6 years later.
Warnings: death, outbreak day, friends to lovers, reader has a sister, minor physical descriptions of reader, grieving, FFM threeway (does not include reader, cannon typical violence(if I miss any please lmk)
a/n: this is my first fic! I'm super excited and also super nervous... the first three chapters are backstory and then chapter 4 and on will be pretty similar to the show! I wanna say thanks so much to @who-has-my-green-banana for helping me proofread and spellcheck and everything. Hope anyone who reads this, enjoys!
word count 6.2k
Ch2 masterlist
Friday, September 26th, 2003 Hazel, KY
It was a beautiful day. The clouds perfectly covered the sky to make it so that it wasn’t too bright outside but it was still sunny. You still had to walk down your mile-long driveway to the bus stop, so you were able to appreciate the weather every morning. Dad said that as soon as you turned 16 he’d let you drive to school, even though the area you lived in was so small that some parents were letting their kids drive at 15 when they just had their permits, but your dad is a stickler about laws, rules, and safety. He isn’t strict per say, but a protector and chronic worrier. 
The small village of Hazel, Kentucky, where your family farm resided, is home to only 450 people, meaning you had quite the long bus ride to school in the next town over. Hazel is known for its antique malls that dot main street and the “Hazel Day” celebration. Hazel Day was coming up actually and the town was getting ready and getting excited, but no one was more excited than your baby sister, Hazel. Your parents named your sister after the village because it was quite literally a community effort to get her into the world. Your mom’s water had broken in the middle of the local market and she somehow managed to progress so fast that there was no time for hospitals and only time for a sweet old woman's 5 minute car ride to her house and Hazel came not long after in an all natural tub birth. You’d never heard your mom scream so much. 
Hazel Elizabeth was born on September 30th, 1995. You were 6 years older. Your parents had tried for a very long time to get pregnant again after you. Your Dad really wanted a boy but after Hazel essentially arrived with a bow already in her hair it was clear that wasn’t happening and you were his only option, so he decided to teach you the ins and outs of farm life in hopes you would either take over one day or marry a man to take over, you couldn’t quite figure out which. That was another thing about the town of Hazel, people frequently got married right out of high school since the town was so small and was so incredibly old fashioned. Your Dad however never let you watch or do any of the butchering, he always said “killing is a man’s job, no woman should have blood on her hands.” But you didn’t care because you frequently named the animals and you slept better not knowing which of your pet chickens was in your mom’s chicken noodle soup. 
When you finally arrived at school and sat at your desk for your first hour, groaning internally when the usual ruckus broke out from the junior boys. They seemed to have no problem that they were still taking sophomore level English. You, however, were taking classes a year ahead. You were something of a smarty pants thanks to your mom’s ever present hand in your education. She worked part-time at one of the antique shops so she was often home to help with your studies or let you out of chores to go read. Her parents couldn't afford college for her so she wanted the best chance for you to get a good scholarship and be able to go. 
“Well aren’t you all extra fidgety today?” Mrs. Charleson said, “But it’s Friday, so pop quiz time to make sure you’re all caught up on the reading.”
Madison smugly raised her hand and you visibly cringed before the smart ass remark you knew she was about to make made its way to the surface. She’s your “neighbor” because her family is the only people who live within 6 miles from your house. “If you give us a pop quiz every Friday, is it even a pop quiz anymore?” She said and the Junior boys giggled. Gross.
“And yet some of you are still surprised,” Mrs. Charleson replied, smiling just as smartly. That made you and many other students laugh, proving why she was without a doubt your favorite teacher.
You aced your quiz. When the final bell rang you couldn’t wait to get out of there. Something was just off with everyone today but you couldn’t quite decide what it was. You headed to your locker to grab your snack of raisins and peanuts and then started walking in the direction of the local dress shop where your sister would be getting the final alterations done to her dress for the Hazel Day pageant.
“Hey Hazie!” you shout as you walk in and see your adorable baby sister. Her blonde curls somehow so effortlessly laid across her shoulders.
Hazie shrieks your name in excitement, “Come look at my dress!!” You walk further into the dress shop to see your sister in her Barbie pink pageant gown that you’d guess weighed more than she did soaking wet. It had everything a girl like Hazie could ever dream of, pink ribbons, ruffles, and even lace.
“Well aren’t you just the prettiest princess!” You said giving her a twirl.
“Oh don’t move so much I haven’t taken out the last pin!” Mrs. Vivian said. She was the owner of the dress shop and also the old woman from the market who took your mom to have a baby in her bathtub. She gave your mom a discounted rate for alterations for your sister’s endless pageant dress collection which helped your parents be able to support her pageant dreams. It was still a fucking expensive hobby and your parents definitely had more financial strain because of it, but whatever to make your little Hazie happy. 
Once alterations were done, Mrs. Vivian promised to have it done by October 1st which was 3 days before Hazel Day. “And don’t worry about this round of alterations Lillian, this one’s on me,” Mrs. Vivian said.
“Oh Vivian I couldn’t possibly allow you to do that,” your mother frantically replied. She absolutely hated accepting help from anyone.
“No, no, I insist! It’s a birthday present for our future junior pageant Queen.”
“Well, thank you, could I still at least give you a tip?” Your mother began bargaining. Mrs. Vivian along with everyone else was obsessed with your sister. Disney Princesses may not be real but they came to life in sweet Hazel Elizabeth. She deadass would have squirrels and birds and whatever else following her around, it was bizarre. But you couldn’t deny the fact that the effect of the sweet beacon of innocence and joy your sister had on people affected you too. Hazie was your everything, there’s not a single thing you wouldn’t do to protect her, not that she needed it. She may be pretty and cute, but she had quite the stubborn head on her shoulders.
“Momma can I have one more cookie before we go?” Hazel asked with the biggest doe eyes you ever did see, in what world would your mother ever be able to say no to her?
“You’ve already had two… how about half if you split it with your sister?” Your mother replied. 
“Okay!” Hazel grabbed the chocolate chip raisin cookies Mrs. Vivian had made and split it mostly in half and handed you the other piece. You were still a little hungry, but you’d just had your snack of raisins and decided that your daily tolerance of their texture was up, so you slipped Hazel the half she gave you on your walk back to the car.
“Shh,” you smiled at her, winking and watching her sweet blue eyes brighten at the sight of what would complete her third cookie. You tossed your backpack in the trunk next to Hazel’s homeschool books and popped in the front seat next to your mom. Your parents decided to homeschool your sister when the pageants and travel started affecting her ability to attend school. Plus it was one less thing your parents would have to pay for, so most of Hazel’s school supplies were just your old school supplies. It seemed like your mom kept everything you or Hazel ever touched. 
“Mommy? I feel a little funny.” Hazel piped up from the backseat, interrupting your looking-out-the-window-music-video-vibe you had going on while listening to Beyonce’s newest hit “Crazy in Love.”
“Honestly me too Hazie. Now yours may have to do with the three- yes, three- cookies you ate today. I saw you trying to be sneaky,” your mother glanced at you for a second, “but I think the weather’s changing so it may have something to do with that too.”
“Yeah it’s probably just a bug going around. People were weird today at school too,” you added, trying to ease Hazel’s worries.
“A BUG?? I don’t wanna be sick for my birthday Mommy,” Hazel pouted.
“Oh you won’t, love. It’ll pass, I promise. Do you have any homework today?” 
“No, just a test I need to study for in science.” You saw an opportunity and decided to take it. “So I’m not sure I can go to the pre-banquet tonight.”
“WHAT?” Hazel shouted from the backseat.
“Your sister’s right, the banquet won’t be a good use of her time if she needs to study. She’ll be at the pageant though, don’t worry.” Your mom’s obsession with your studies increased once your parents pulled Hazel from school, so you couldn’t be happier to study for your science test. Sitting in a stuffy room all dressed up eating stale food and surrounded by a bunch of snobby girls and their mothers was not how you wanted to spend your evening. You liked dressing up for church on Sundays and special occasions and you wore a little makeup every day, but you certainly were no pageant girl.
“Gosh it’s already 5:00. Help Hazel get ready will you? We need to leave in 45 minutes if we wanna make it there by 6:20…” your mom got out of the car rambling. If your dad was a chronic worrier your mother was an incessant worrier.
“Come on Hazie, let's get you all dressed up,” you said. You were no makeup artist, but for only being 14 and hardly wearing any makeup, you considered yourself pretty good. It was probably due to having done your sister’s makeup for so long. You may not like doing it very much, but you loved making Hazel happy and this definitely made her happy. 
“Stop jittering so much. I can barely get this eyeliner on straight and you know I’m no good at eyeliner anyway,” you said.
“I’m sorry, I think I’m just cold," your sister said softly. You immediately felt terrible and grabbed a light pink blanket off her bed and draped it over her shoulders.
“Maybe you are getting sick?” You took your hands to her forehead, but she was cold. “Huh no fever, though.” You more or less got her eyeliner on and started to touch up where her natural curls had flattened. Then you pulled the front bits back into a half up half down look and applied just a touch of tinted lip gloss. She may be required to wear makeup for these pageants but you still wanted her to look more like herself. 
“Thank you sissy,” Hazel said and gave you a big hug.
“Of course. And always remember you’re my favorite princess and you’re so so beautiful no matter what anyone says about you,” you said. You’d always been worried about what the effect of pageant life would have on her. You’d seen how deathly skinny some of the older pageant girls are, but you’re just glad Hazel still wants a third cookie.
“You better go. You know what mom’s like when she thinks she's gonna be late,” you warn your sister.
“I don’t know why she thinks we’re gonna be late, right now we’re still getting there 25 minutes early.”
“Ah, but,” you start.
“Early is on time, on time is late, and late is just unacceptable,” you and Hazel quote your mother perfectly. 
“HAZEL!” Your sister's eyes widen as she gives you a kiss on the cheek and then runs out of her room. You hear your mother shout love and goodbye, but leaves you no time to respond before the door slams and you’re met with silence. 
Just how you like it.
When your dad came in from the fields to find you at home, he wasn’t at all surprised, but that did mean you had to help him out with a few final things he wanted to get finished up today. When you tried to fix up something for dinner you realized your mom has been so preoccupied with Hazel and the pageant next weekend that going to the market must have slipped her mind, so you both settled on popcorn for dinner. 
“Now if we’re having popcorn for dinner, we have to watch a movie,” your dad said, shrugging.
“I think you’re right.” You could study for the test later. “What do you wanna watch?”
“Hmmm, how about Harry Potter?”
“Sorcerer's Stone or Chamber of Secrets?”
“Chamber of Secrets for sure. I wanna watch the scene of Hermione as that nightmarish cat” your dad replied. You started searching the DVD cabinet for the movie. “By the way, when’s the third one supposed to come out?”
“Uhhh sometime next summer I think? Ya know, you could just read the books to find out what happens.”
“And spoil the movie?! I would never,” your dad dramatically puts his hand out in front of you, reminding you where Hazel gets all her sass from. You, on the other hand, were more like your mother- empathetic to all, but protective of those you care about. Always a silent watcher and observer, thinking and planning what the correct response or move should be in a situation. It’s why your dad refuses to play board games anymore because either you or your mom would destroy him and Hazel and then it was just a battle between the two of you to see who could outsmart the other. You’d only beaten your mother once. She always seemed to be one step ahead of you. She claims it’s what happens when you become a parent, you’re too mentally prepared for any option to be surprised when something happens. Your dad would always say that’s bullshit because it’s never helped him out, which then turns into your mother scolding him for cursing around Hazel. You work with him in the barn so you’ve heard all the profanities, thanks to his frustrations, so she's not worried about you. She’s under the impression you just filter it out and have the vocabulary of a saint, but in reality you just don’t do it around her and your dad graciously hasn’t told her. 
About thirty minutes into the movie, your dad is passed out on the couch so you head upstairs to study for your test on Monday. Whatever made your teacher decide a test after the weekend was a good idea needs to be reevaluated. You plopped down at your desk, opened your textbook and notes, and began to go through them. You had stayed up late the night before studying the reading for the “pop quiz” you took today so your eyes started drooping a lot faster than you thought they would and before you knew it you had passed out on your desk reading your notes.
It was 11:30 when you heard it. A strange, croaking noise coming from down the hall that awoke you from your impromptu nap. You were a little disoriented from falling asleep at your desk. Your desk lamp was off, so you assumed one of your parents had shut it off before they went to bed. You turned the lamp back on and realized you had drooled on your notes. Shit. You had only smudged the ink a little bit and decided they were legible enough before you heard it again. Is there a fucking frog in the house? You tried to reason with your very sleep clouded brain when the croaking got closer and you heard a door creak. You got up from your desk chair to peek out your door and saw a small shadow had appeared in the darkness of the hallway. Assuming she also heard the freaky croaking noises and got scared, you called out to her in a whisper.
“Hazie? Are you okay?”
She tilted her head at you and you heard more croaking.
She jumped at you, and an inhuman sound came out of her–a shriek or scream or something you couldn’t even begin to describe. Before you knew it she was on you, clawing, snapping her teeth, and scratching. You were quite a bit bigger than her, and Hazel has always been quite small for her age so you could overtake her physically, but the mental hurdle of trying to understand what she was doing was a battle.
“Hazel? Hazie? Hazel? What the hell is going on, stop it!” You were wrestling with her at the top of the stairs and were starting to get scared she was gonna take you both down them. She kept croaking and screeching and suddenly the light was turned on. Your father stood at the bottom of the stairs, not croaking thankfully, but looking confused. When your mom and sister came home they must have left your dad on the couch and shut your lamp off.
“What the fuck are you two doing? Get off her!” You didn’t know who he was referring to but you didn't have time to ask before you heard more shrieks and inhumane croaks coming from your parents room. The door was shut but it was shaking like someone was pounding on it.
“Dad, something is wrong,” you said, starting to panic now at the possibility your mother would come barreling out of the room acting just like Hazel, or worse. Your dad started moving up the stairs, causing Hazel to suddenly stop attacking you and fly at your father, straight down the stairs. Hazel, or this creature that looked like Hazel, missed your dad completely and basically just flung herself down the stairs. That fall should have killed her or broken a bone at the very least, but she hit the bottom and just got straight back up, then turned to look at the two of you. The croaking and shrieking coming from your parents room was now partnered with sirens and helicopters outside. You didn’t know what was happening but you knew everything was changing much too fast for your liking. 
Hazel stood there, staring at you and your father, and started twitching. Similarly to how she had while you were doing her makeup, but more violent. She opened her mouth and in the light from the lamp in the living room and the one above the stairs you could see that there was a tendril-looking plant coming out of your sister's mouth that was moving on its own. You almost thought you were hallucinating. Something compelled your father to move. He barreled down the few stairs he’d come up and grabbed your sister by the neck like he was about to choke her, moving her head up to immobilize it. He studied her for a second before throwing her in the kitchen pantry and shutting the door. She started croaking again. But now she was also screaming. Not the shrieks from before, it sounded like the Hazel you knew. Screams she’d make when she saw a bug or got dirt on her hands. Screams she made when she fell off her bike. Screams like how she should have screamed when she flung herself down the stairs. 
Your dad calling your name brought you out of your daze. “I need you to grab something heavy that I can put in front of the door,” he shouted over Hazel and your mother’s screams. You’d never heard so much noise. So much unpleasant noise and it was loud. Loud. So, so loud. You couldn’t think. You could barely will yourself to move from the top of the stairs. Your arms stung and were sticky with blood pouring from where Hazel had scratched you. Could you even say that was Hazel? A more concerning bang from your parents door made you run down the stairs much faster. You could take Hazel in a fight like that, but definitely not your mother. Thankfully, the door held through. You don’t know where you found the strength to push the DVD cabinet in front of the pantry door. Just a few hours ago you were searching through it to find Harry Potter, and now you’re using it to trap your “sister” in the pantry. 
“What is happening?” You frantically asked your father. More like yelling at your father over the noise. You just needed it to stop being so loud so you could think. 
“I don’t know.” Your father moved from the pantry door that was barely holding on due to your sister trying to break through it. She isn’t that strong. She can’t be that strong? Your dad turns the TV on to see news reports of towns and cities on fire, people killing what looks like other people before cameras could cut away. The signal was barely pulling through, but you could see enough. When the signal was fully cut out, your dad moved to the radio, where they were talking about people who were acting similar to your mom and sister, and how they’re not safe and people need to run or kill them. Then there were croaks and screams and the signal went out and all you heard from the radio was static. Static, screaming, shrieking, your father’s heavy breathing, you couldn’t comprehend what was happening.
“Go to your room, shut the door, lock it, and stay in there until I come get you,” your father moved over to his desk in his office and took his gun out of the drawer and loaded it.
“Dad…? What the fuck are you doing?” You followed him, but suddenly heard gunshots in the distance and more sirens and you both looked out the window. It was rare to hear sirens all the way out where you lived, so you both knew that if you could hear them, it didn't mean anything good.
“What everyone else is,” he said, turning from the window to look at you. He moved to where you were at the front of his office and you could see the conflict in his eyes when he looked at you. “I don’t want this on your conscience.” You couldn’t hold it in anymore. You started to cry. You cried, the shrieks blending in with your sobs. You so desperately wanted to wake up from this nightmare.
“I know sweetheart, I’m sorry.” You looked up and your father was crying too. In your 14 years of life you had never seen your dad cry. That scared you even more. 
“Go in your room,” he said sternly, trying to hide his emotions and tears. You wordlessly followed his orders, taking one last look at the pantry, the pounding on the door was going to be the last thing you saw your sister do alive. Your father was about to kill your sister, and your mother. And you were not only letting him, you almost felt thankful. They won’t have to suffer anymore. At the top of the stairs, right before the door to your room, you watched the pounding on the door to your parents room too before slipping into your room and closing the door, locking it, and staying there. Just as you were told. You’d always been a rule follower, but you just never thought it would be something like this.
A few minutes passed before you heard the DVD cabinet get moved and the pantry door finally break open. You assumed your dad had to talk himself into what he was about to. Then you heard it. Bang. A set of croaking stopped and you heard your dad’s sobs as he climbed up the stairs. You sobbed into the pillows of your bed. Then you heard the same thing as before, the door opened, and then the gun went off.
And you’re met with silence, but this time you don’t like it.
6 years later, date unknown, year 2009
It was a beautiful day. Sunny with a soft breeze. You stood at the two matching headstones with the wildflowers you’d gathered, taking the dead ones out of the pot and adding the new ones. You and your father had stolen the headstones a few weeks after outbreak day. You couldn’t even really say stolen. The owner had gotten infected, and no one was really around to stop you. You and your father carved their names into them that night and wheelbarrowed them over to where you buried them the next morning. Lillian Rose and Hazel Elizabeth. You saw their bodies, for closure purposes. Both with a bullet in the head and cordyceps, you now knew, in their mouths. They didn’t look like them, which helped only a little bit because it didn’t help any with the fact they were dead. 
Your father and you drove into town the morning after and got a little bit of information. What law enforcement had told them to do in town, none of them apparently cared enough to go out to the countryside assuming we were all dead. Then what we knew so far about the people being dubbed “the infected,” it passed through bites so you were okay since you only got scratched but you and your dad were both on edge for a few days. And that the town leaders left were calling for a meeting to see who was alive and who wasn’t. 
Out of the 450 people in Hazel, 25 people remained. Two of which being you and your father, so 23 others. Most of them were the only ones of their families to survive. It seemed like if you didn’t get sick, a family member bit you before you could do anything or register what was happening. That seemed to be what happened to your neighbors. Your dad killed a lot of infected people that day, including Madison and her family. It seemed like her parents had gotten sick and attacked her because she had a bite mark and they didn’t.
 The general consensus of the meeting was that you can try to make it to what eventually became the Nashville QZ, at the time it was just a government support station, because it was closer than the Frankfort one or you can stay here and play survival. Most of the older people decided to try to make it to the QZ, but you and your dad decided to stay. You both felt safer in your own hands rather than someone else’s. After some cars were stocked with people, gas, and food you sent over half of who were left away.
You started playing adult that day. Your father asked for your opinion on every decision setting up this new version of your father-daughter relationship as partners and equals, knowing the two of you were really the only ones you could trust. You’d gone through everything the two of you did that day, why hadn’t you two gotten sick? You figured it out before the authorities did that it was probably flour. The only common thing you and your dad had done was not eat something with flour. Even six years later you think about what might have happened if you had eaten the cookie and gotten sick or if you and your dad had decided to order pizza instead of just eating popcorn and got sick. 
You raided the market for non-perishable goods first, then houses. You stepped over bodies, infected and not. You gathered a hell of a lot of gas and stuff for your farm animals. Living off of your land and what you could find was hard, but after you heard about what was going on in the local QZs you were glad you and your father decided to stay.
You were already pretty outdoorsy, but your father taught you even more. You had your own gun now, you practiced throwing knives in your spare time, and you helped with the butchering now and again. You tried to stay good, it’s what your mom would have wanted, so the occasional straggler was given a meal and a place to sleep for the night before “gently” being told to get on their way. You rarely ran into infected, but when you did, you killed them with ease. Your dad hated when you wouldn’t let him do it. He was still trying to preserve some kind of innocence he thought was left in you.
You can’t lie to yourself, the apocalypse and the world shutting down requiring you to work more combined with the fact you had just gotten older had given you the looks you wished you had at 14. You could tell by the way men looked at you when they stopped by your house, and because you weren’t blind. You were 20 now, your body was now fully developed, your hair was long, you’d gotten slightly taller, and your body was thinner and more toned. 
You and your dad decided to do one of your rare visits to town to find some cars to get gas out of and maybe check in with the people and make sure they’re doing okay. Out of everyone left in Hazel, you were significantly better off than most people because of the farm and just being more able bodied. There weren’t a lot of families in Hazel, most of them were in the next town over, so it was a lot of middle to late aged people just doing what they could and trading with you and your dad for food. You certainly weren’t living luxuriously or comfortably per say, but your worries were certainly less than others.
Your dad headed into one of the antique shops on main street to see if they still had anything of value. You both ignored the fact this was where your mom worked, and that you’d searched this one hundreds of times, rarely finding anything, and you were only here because it made you feel closer to her. Then you saw them, straight in front of you. A group of people you’d never seen before. They’d just walked out of what used to be the local bar and it looks like they found a stash the other people in town had either been saving or hadn’t found yet. The man at the front of the group noticed you first then said something to the others that made them look your way. It immediately made you worry, you’re used to taking one, maybe two people in for a night but not… 8.
“Dad?” You called softly trying not to give off that you were scared but with enough urgency that he came out immediately. He too noticed what you had seen and that they were headed right towards you.
“Fuck,” he said taking his gun out from behind his back and holding it down at his side, as did you.
“Well hellooo there,” the man who was in front said with a bit of a southern accent, “who might we have here to bless us?”
“Mike, how about you?” your father said and you smirked.
“Well I’m Ryan, and we’re just a group of people trying to get by, you think you could help us with that?” You scanned over the group of them, out of the 8 only 2 were female, but they all looked set to kill you and your father at any second. But there were two men in the back, however, who looked uncomfortable. They looked similar enough to be at least related, maybe brothers. One was taller and more well built than the other who was only slightly shorter but skinnier and with more defined muscles but you could tell they could both pick you up one handed and throw you down with ease. The taller one definitely caught your eye the longest, he looked like he’d seen some things.
“That depends, what exactly do you want from us?” Your father did the talking and like always you did the observing.
“Some food to start, our location, and maybe something fun for later,” Ryan said, eyeing you. Bold. Now you had to speak up.
“I don’t know what you had in mind but I can guarantee my idea of fun and yours may not be the same,” you said softly but not unstrong. You can sense that he doesn’t like hearing no so you’ll at least be gentle about it.
“Oh please enlighten me,” he said, taking a step toward you. You took a step toward him.
“I like to throw knives, and I can think of a target I could practice with, if it's not too small,” you say, giving him a sweet smile. The other members of the group giggle and this Ryan guy backs off.
“Aren’t you just a sweet peach,” he said sarcastically.
“Now, we can help with the food and location, but if you’re going to stay here you’re going to follow our rules. Got it?” You said.
“Now what makes you think we’re gonna wanna abide by that?” Ryan says.
“Because you wouldn’t be asking us for help if you didn’t need it, and looks to me like this girl over here is coming down with something so you need medication too. I can also tell that you all are longing for a good night's rest and haven’t eaten well in a few days, so if you want any of that, you're gonna listen to us.” Your observations seemed to sway them because soon enough they were in the bed of your dad’s pickup and you were headed back to your house.
You all exchanged information and food. They snarfed their meals and you couldn’t blame them. You learned most of them were from Texas but a few were from Louisiana and Mississippi. They were traveling north, apparently the QZs in the bigger cities like Boston and Philadelphia were doing better than the Kentucky ones so they were trying to make it there because life in the open was getting harder and harder. You learned that the FEDRA people had finally developed a test for cordyceps that pinched you in the neck and the reader would light up green or red. But the most thought provoking thing you learned was about raiders and FEDRA raids. You and your dad had thought the FEDRA raids were over, but apparently they were still going out on random raids to try to collect people. Not things or supplies, people. And then killing them because dead people can’t get infected. But the sound of raiders just terrified you. You figured the people in front of you were raiders of a sort but they seemed to be on the better end of what’s out there.
“We only kill if they attack us first, raiders kill first,” a woman named Sasha said. You looked at your dad and you could see the thoughts crossing his mind. We won’t be safe from any of that. 
“If you think it would be best, you’re welcome to join us. Your food supplies should get us most of the way there and if we can ride in your truck it would help us get there faster. Try to find better lives for all of us,” another guy whose name you haven’t been told yet said.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea Blake, but we’ll have to let them think about it,” Ryan said in response. 
You looked at your dad shrugging your shoulders slightly, “It’s not a bad idea, we’ll eventually run out of things here and one dry season and that's it.” Your dad looks at you slowly and you try to communicate with your eyes what you’re really thinking. It’s an opportunity to get out of here with actual able bodied help to maybe find somewhere easier.
“Okay,” he says to you first, “okay,” he says again directed at Ryan.
You picked up some of the dishes and headed into the kitchen to start washing them. You quickly grabbed the extra soap from the pantry and a common thought of yours crossed your mind, that you didn’t have to open the door anymore. You heard footsteps behind you and who you expected to be your father was actually the two men you had guessed were brothers, carrying the other dishes. 
“Oh, well thanks…” you said, a little surprised.
“Yeah, no problem,” the younger one said with a real southern drawl you hadn’t heard in a long time, “I’m Tommy by the way. And this is my older brother…” 
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umgeorge · 4 months
george russell is interviewed after fp2, imola - may 17, 2024 (transcript under the cut)
Interviewer: "So, George, plenty of upgrades to take a look at today in FP1 and FP2. How are you feeling about the first day of running here?" George: "Yeah, the car's feeling great today and I think Lewis and I both had a really good feeling behind the wheel, which was really nice, and we look reasonably competitive; slightly closer than we showed in Miami. I'm sure everybody will find out, come qualifying, where we truly stand. I think McLaren are still probably looking the favorites at the moment and probably the quickest again. They've been so fast since China, so… Nevertheless, the team have done a great job to bring these new parts to the car and it's a step forward." Interviewer: "And what about the initial feelings in the cockpit once those new parts had been added to the car? It's a very different circuit to Miami, but the work that's gone into the package that's arrived this weekend; how's it feeling so far?" George: "I mean, the team have been working so hard to bring these parts sooner than they probably ordinarily would have been coming, and that's so great to see the motivation within the team, and everyone is just pushing forward. Even though we've had a tough couple of races, everybody wants to make this better, everybody wants to improve, and, as I said, the car was feeling really good today. So we'll find out tomorrow where we end up in the pecking order. It looks pretty close. It's obviously a short lap around here, one minute, 16, so I'm sure it's gona be fine margins." Interviewer: "How helpful is it to have two full practice sessions on a Friday, rather than jumping straight into qualifying?" George: "Yeah, I mean, I personally have been really enjoying the sprint format, but sometimes in a sport when you have no testing… We're not allowed to practice; we can't just take the car and try new things. We're the only sport in the world that you're only allowed sixty minutes of practice before you do your competition, so we feel fortunate this week to have three hours of practice. Still not a lot, but it's, yeah, definitely come at a good time for everyone."
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