#bg3 head canon
graysparrowao3 · 6 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Fic Masterlist
Last updated Sept 16th 2024
Hi there, I'm Gray (or Sparrow!)! I didn't really want the 'ao3' to be always at the end of my name, but I got the username and title mixed up when I was making the account, and here we are lol.
I really enjoy writing Baldur's Gate 3 fanfic, especially based on Rolan, Cal, and Lia but most anyone really, especially NPCs (and, apparently, an unexpected series featuring Rugan and Aradin).
I've loved finding so many friends and talented folks in the fandom, please feel welcome to connect 💛
[Fic list under cut]
Multi-Chapter fics - Mature & Explicit
What if Rolan was a Companion. Complete. Mature Follows the game with Rolan as a companion and gn!Tav.
What if Rolan was a Companion... and Everything Went Wrong. In progress, on hiatus, Companion piece to the above. The game with Rolan, angst, and pain.
The Elturian Prodigy - Currently In progress, Explicit due to violence. A story of Rolan, Cal, and Lia, or 'What Baldur's Gate 3 looks like in my head'.
What if Kanon Lived. In progress, not published. An alternate timeline of the game in which, you guessed it, Kanon lived.
Rolan, Cal, & Lia One shots - General/Teen
A Perfectly Reasonable Exchange. General. Rolan and gn!Tav go on a romantic walk, then Cal and Lia ask how it went.
The Bet. General. Cal and Lia try to keep romantic liaisons secret from Rolan.
Distraction. General. Lia must distract Rolan and Cal so her lover can sneak away.
Our Turn. Teen and Up. Cal and Lia take care of Rolan after he defeats Lorroakan. Emotional hurt. Inspired by this art by @dreaminginpencil.
Aradin & Rugan (guest star Zevlor) - Explicit
What if Aradin pushed Zevlor too far. Explicit sexual content, dubious consent. ZevlorxAradin. Aradin is a piece of shit. Zevlor puts him in his place. Secret Santa.
A One Night Stand at The Blushing Mermaid. Explicit sexual content, dubious consent. RuganxAradin. Rugan finds a way to shut Aradin up.
A Second Night Stand at The ElfSong Tavern. Explicit sexual content, dubious consent. Aradin hasn't learned his lesson. In appreciation for @benicemurphy.
A Third Night Stand Under the Stars. Explicit sexual content, dubious consent. Aradin hits rock bottom. Rugan reluctantly tries to help him get his shit together. In appreciation for Merdyr.
Fourth Time's A Charm. Explicit sexual content. Rugan is tasked by the Zhent to kill Aradin. It doesn't quite go to plan. Requested by @fangbanger3000
Five Times Too Many. Explicit sexual content. Rugan and Aradin would've been best if they never met again. But they did. In appreciation for @lizziemajestic.
Six Times to Say Goodbye. Explicit sexual content. Rugan and Aradin meet for last time (lies). They've a few things to get sorted out. In appreciation of everyone's support.
Seven Times at Night, Once in the Morning. Explicit sexual content. Rugan and Aradin reconnect with actual mature conversation and sex. Rugan catches feels. In appreciation of Octoberskyies.
Oneshots with Other People's Tavs - Various Ratings
The Night at Last Light Inn. Explicit sexual content, Rolan and M!Tav, Nox, share a passionate night, belonging to and in collaboration with @bihanny.
Memories of Clover. Explicit sexual content, drama & romance with @azrielsbbg's F!Tav, Clover, winner of a Rolan fic giveaway.
Touch of The Tempest. Mature. Rolan tries to teach f!Tav, Nuelith, to control her magic, and triggers a terrifying loss of control. For Mandi.
A Wizard Keeps His Word. Mature. Atop the Elder Brain, Gale sacrifices himself for his lovers f!tav, Kira, and Astarion. For @callmesimplyflo.
Happily Ever After. General, Astarion and Ghost (m!Tav), in domestic bliss. Secret Santa for Eddie.
Despair. Deliberation. Defiance. Mature. The Dark Urge is confronted and comforted by Jay, f!Tav, after slaying a tiefling bard. For jayofthenorth.
Rolan Lore / Head Canon - General
Rolan romantic line suggestion
Descent into Avernus / BG3 theme
Player-is-evil Rolan ending suggestion
Letters from Rolan
Auntie Ethel Vicious Mockery 1
Auntie Ethel Vicious Mockery 2
Rolan, Cal, and Lia react to Ramazith's Tower bathroom
Environment in Ramazith's Tower post-game
Ramazith's Tower post-game part 2
Rolan 'dating service video script'
Rolan's Hair
Cal's Hair
Cal post-game
Other Oneshots - Various Ratings
What if Lorroakan was Named Larry Pickle. Mature, Comedy with a lot of silliness and 4th wall breaks.
In Memory of Kanon. General, Kanon, no!
Commissioned and Gifted Art
Commissioned art for The Elturian Prodigy by Alvin Asiaten.
A beautiful three panel sexually explicit comic based on the intimate scene in Chapter 35 of the 'What if' fic by Lexindre.
A favourite scene from the 'What if' fic, Lexindre drew this incredible piece from Chapter 36 as a birthday gift.
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tallymonster · 7 months
Memories of Us Chapter 16
AO3 Link || Masterlist
Tags: @justporo @satanicspinosaurus @sleepy-timaeus @davenswitcher @wayward-hel @hereliesblackdragon @misscrissfemmefatale
Slowly getting my updates out lol sorry for the shitty upload schedule. Blame my depression 😘
Thanks as always to @cheesy-cryptid for blessing me with their permission to use their art as the launching pad to this fic that has helped me deal with my grief. Also to my besties @micropoe10 and @tragedybunny for indulging me and for being my main support system when the sadness takes my mind over. I owe you guys my life. 🫂❤️
Anyway, enjoy!
In the evening, Astarion takes his leave. They part with a kiss as he departs in the cloak of growing darkness. Octavia sits alone in her house, the dull cracking of the firewood soothed the ache she felt. She meant to tell Astarion her secret, but he instead surprised her with one of his own.
Octavia could have never imagined the dinner with Astarion ending in an even more complicated situation. As she takes it all in, she notices the mess around her.
The wine bottles and glasses are still on the table, there are cushions upturned on the floor, and her underwear is still on the armrest. She takes a second to chuckle at the entirety of these last two days. How quickly the tables had turned.
Octavia begins to collect the confetti of garbage around her when she hears a knock at her door. “Oh shit, please don't tell me he came back for something.” she groans. Tying her hair back, she exhales and swings the door open. She's surprised to see Gale of all people, in front of her with a bag.
“Good evening! By the look on your face, I gather you forgot about you asking me to come over a couple of days ago? Maybe you even forgot about the whole ‘showing me the journal you were bequeathed by your mother and revealing more of your past to me’ that you mentioned?” Gale finishes with a smile.
After a few rapid blinks from Octavia, he holds up the bag and says “I brought booze?” Octavia smiles and opens the door wider, allowing him to pass her. “Come on in friend, you and I happen to have a few interesting things to talk about.”
Gale steps through and sees the small disaster area that she calls a living room. He grimaces and turns to her, “This is not what I remember it looking like in here? Are your living quarters usually this disheveled??”
Octavia scoffs and feigns offense. She picks up one of the cushions near the coffee table and throws it towards Gale, missing him. “Damn it!” she laughs, playfully stomping on the ground. “I was hoping I smacked you so I could tell Astarion! He would never let you live that down.”
Gale pours himself a drink, “Haha yes laugh it up at my expense, but when I do things like this-” He snaps his finger and within seconds Octavia’s living room is perfect. “You would be a right mess without me. Admit it.” Gale smirks with a playful laugh, he was right, though.
Octavia grabs Gale’s glass and drinks it, “You wizards and your magic cleaning spells. Show off, probably don't even know how to clean your dishes properly.” He stares at her with a challenging look, he lifts up his hand and places his thumb and forefinger together.
“Please, if you want to antagonize me, I could revert it to your previous standards?” Gale’s eyes turn mischievous, he glances at her waiting for a reaction.
“You wouldn't dare, then I can't show you the book that you wanted to see.” Octavia says teasing his need for knowledge. Gale opens his mouth to say something, but does a double take when he notices Octavia’s bra peeking out of the corner of the couch.
Gale lets out a scandalized laugh, his head thrown back along with his eyebrows. “Wow, with the way your undergarments are stuffed in the cushions, you’d think you had sex with Astarion!” He reaches down and grabs the piece of forgotten clothing and holds it out like a freshly caught fish. “Gods, you couldn't even bother to grab this? If I could have seen it, my spell would have picked it up for you, oh well.”
Octavia snatches her bra back and throws it towards her bathroom. Her face fully flushed, she ignored Gale’s question and walked towards her bookshelf. “Oh GODS! You did, didn't you, Octavia?” Gale followed behind her, dropping the bag softly at the end of the coffee table.
“Octavia, talk to me… what happened between you two?” Gale asks with a softer, yet suspicious tone. Octavia continues to look through her bookshelf picking out a brown, worn leather bound book. She turns back to Gale and sighs.
“Gale…” she starts and grimaces. “Octavia…” he answers. The two of them stay locked in a stare, neither one wanting to crack, until Octavia begins to giggle. Her cheeks flush and her eyes remain closed. She places the book on her forehead shielding her face from Gale.
“Took you long enough. I was wondering if it would happen soon or if two would just keep pining away for another six months.” Gale laughs as he pulls the book away from Octavia’s grasp.
He turns to sit on the couch as Octavia grabs another bottle out of Gale’s bag. She joins him, sitting down calmly and says, “Do you have more in there? I have a lot to talk to you about, in particular…” Octavia opens the bottle and takes a long drink from it, exhaling loudly once she swallows the alcohol. “How long have you known about Astarion being a vampire?”
Gale's eyes widen in shock, he turns to Octavia, his face is completely blank aside from the giant frown on his lips. “WHAT? I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN?” Gale nervously looks around, gripping Octavia’s book tightly in his hands. His eyes darted back and forth trying to focus on something other than Octavia.
“Gale, please don't keep lying to me. Besides, Astarion already told me himself.” Octavia takes her time pouring the wine into the other empty glass on the table. There's so much she wants to know, but Gale isn't the person to ask. “Why didn't you tell me? I thought we were friends, I opened up to you about my family. The least-”
“Stop. Stop right there.” Gale holds up his hand, “That was not my story to tell you, Octavia. You know damn well I wouldn't dare cross any of Astarion’s boundaries. This was something he explicitly told me not to tell you.”
Gale places the book down, giving Octavia the look a disappointed parent gives their delinquent teen.
“Why do you insist on testing boundaries? I get that you feel lied to, but I can't risk my friendship with him for you. He and I have an understanding that I have never had with anyone else. I can't really explain it, but it feels like he and I have been friends in another life. Who knows?” Gale shrugs, and leans back. “Anyway, I'm happy you two are doing well. Next time please grab your underwear before I come over?”
Octavia is quiet, she looks down at the book on the table, she picks it up along with the glass of wine. She hands the book to Gale and takes a sip of her drink. Gale’s eyes linger on Octavia’s wrist before she remembers the two puncture wounds on it. She retracts her hand and covers it up under the knitted cardigan she wore.
She could feel her face flush, how the hell would she be able to explain that away?
“You know what, I’m not even going to ask nor do I care. What you and Astarion do when you two are alone is entirely NONE of my business.” There was a brief pause, Octavia was about to say something before Gale cut her off. “How did it feel though? When he bit you?”
Octavia smirked and shot him a playful look, Gale swallowed and laughed, “You can't blame me, I'm a lover of knowledge, and well….can't say I haven't been a little curious…not many people remember what happened to the vampires in the Underdark. By the change in your expression I'm guessing you don't either?”
Octavia shakes her head, she heard stories from her family about the runaway spawn that were freed when her great grandmother was out on her adventure. Their plight at the hands of that evil bastard Cazador. The way they looked at her with hunger and fear. “I only know a little from stories my grandmother told me, what do you know?”
Gale looks at her with a forlorn stare, he bites his lips and his brows knit in a sorrowful expression. “Those people, the thousands of victims of such cruelty, a lot of them died when they were on their trek to the Underdark. Astarion has told me stories from when he would visit them. He has friends, family, people he knew who didn't make it. You and I were lucky and fortunate enough to have parents, a home, friends, the luxury of a life well lived. He doesn't. At least not one he remembers fondly.”
Octavia is shocked at what Gale tells her, she had no idea the type of horrific events that would have led Astarion to where he is now. “Gods…” she breathes out, her heart aching at the images being conjured in her mind.
“Please believe me when I tell you that I've been pushing him to try to open up to you and trust you. He’s not the type of person to put it all out there immediately.” Gale places his hand on Octavia’s shoulder, “Give him time to feel comfortable and you will get your answers. Now please, can I read this incredibly interesting journal you told me about??”
Octavia laughs softly, she leans over, grabs the book on the table a hands it to Gale. She sighs and takes a drink. Her mind is still buzzing, she can't think about those things and place Astarion in the middle of it. He's such a guarded person and now it was all making sense.
Gale leafs through the journal carefully, stopping and throwing his head back a little. His eyes flit back and forth for a few moments before he glances back at Octavia.
“Quote ‘Gale is nice enough, but he talks way too much. He and I shared a moment in the Weave earlier tonight. I felt this wonderful power flowing throughout my body . Like I was being held in a blanket of pure magic and ecstasy. My mind couldn't help imagine Gale kissing me. I mean he is pretty good looking, not gonna lie, he has these beautiful brown eyes that just seem to burn with his emotions….it's just…I don't really see myself with him…not when there's others who are capturing my attention much more ardently.’”
Octavia and Gale sat in an awkward silence for a few moments before the both of them broke out in a fit of laughter. The irony of Gale hitting on her at the night of the fundraiser coming back to them. “Guess it runs in the family then?” Octavia manages to say in the middle of her giggles, she wipes a tear at the corner of her eye and presses her hand to her cheek.
“That's so embarrassing, I'm so embarrassed for my great grandfather. What do they call that? Secondhand embassment?? Oh gods, have I apologized enough for that? I'm so sorry, I was so drunk.” Gale laughs and flips through the pages some more. He takes a drink and points out another passage.
He pushed the book onto Octavia’s hands, pointing to the paragraph in the middle of the page. Octavia begins to read it as Gale adjusted his reading glasses. “ Tonight, I had a little run in with the newest member of our little group. Turns out he's a vampire!” Octavia almost drops the book in her hands as Gale stares at her.
“Oh my GODS , no one ever mentioned a VAMPIRE in the party? Do you think Astarion knows who it is?? Do you think it could be someone connected to Cazador? I can't believe this..” Octavia’s hands tremble slightly as she looks down at the page.
“Octavia, there's no way he wouldn't know who it was, we could-” Gale begins to speak excitedly, but is cut off by Octavia who curtly responds, “No. We can't open up that old wound. You literally just gave me a whole lecture about respecting his boundaries, it seems very hypocritical of us to go prying into things when all we have is speculation.”
Gale nods and takes the book from her hands again. He flips for a minute until he lands on another passage mentioning the vampire in the group. “Here's another one..’ Tonight he seemed more distant…I figured that he was hungry again, but he didn't want to feed on my blood like the last couple of nights. Maybe I'll see what’s going on when he comes back.
I truly think there's something else going on with him, there's no way he can survive on the little he's been eating lately. Even with the abundant livestock and wild animals around. It seems that after Moonrise he's been pulling away from me more.
I thought it was just the whole thing with that creepy Drow lady or just being in the Shadow-cursed Lands messing with his head but…
I just don't know what to say or do anymore, we have to find out what this all means for him. I love him too much to let him down. We can figure this out together, I know we can.’ Huh, seems Tav was letting this vampire feed on her blood? Sounds like a terrible idea.” Gale passes the book back to Octavia, she places it on her lap and lets her mind wander.
She plays with the edge of the cover, letting the texture of the old leather ground her some. She starts to scratch at the corner with her nail, flicking the material until she feels it crack. Octavia gasps and stares down at the book.
“Octavia? What's wrong? Something else in there?” Gale looks back at her with concern. Octavia holds the book up as the cover separates from the corner. She glances back at Gale who throws his hands up in the air. They both stare at the book before Octavia rips the old leather cover off.
Gale gasps as if someone just slapped his mother, he clasps both hands on his mouth and shoots up on the couch. “What have you done?? That's a piece of history! We could have put that in the museum! I cannot believe you just destroyed-”
Octavia shoots him an annoyed look “Gale, I can destroy as many of my family heirlooms as I want. If you want to scold me on the historical integrity, you can do so after we solve this mystery. Now shut up and look at this!!”
She places the cover face up on the table, the crackled leather has evidence of I'm being tampered with previously. She placed the book cloth lined shell next to it and stared at the symbols and notes drawn all over both pieces.
‘eyes like knives that cut deep from within me. they sunk into me and never let me go. You must find out. I know that if you figured this out, you can find him and put this longing I've had to rest.’
Gale and Octavia stare at each other. In trying to solve one mystery it seems like they've uncovered possibly two more? From trying to find the subject in the paintings, the log book Astarion gave to Octavia, and now this secret that was hidden deep within the roots of Octavia’s family tree.
Octavia grabs her wine glass and throws back the rest of the liquid, swallowing with a hiss. Gale was preoccupied with the book cloth shell, he had his hands clasped together with two fingers sticking up in front of his lips. He had a look of quiet contemplation, serious and determined.
Gale hums and sighs, he sucks his teeth and leans back. “Something fucky is going on with this book…give me a little room.”
Suddenly he lifts both hands, placing them parallel to the table surface. He takes a few deep breaths, closes his eyes, and speaks words in a language Octavia has never heard before.
As he speaks, a faint lilac light surrounds the book and cover. The light begins to glow and pulse as Gale continues to speak. Octavia has no idea what the fuck is even happening but she's too stunned to speak. She watches as some faint words begin to rise up from the paper and cloth.
Gale finishes the spell and exhales shakily, he rolls his shoulders and places his hands down. He opens his eyes and looks at Octavia. She notices little bits of energy crackling along the tips of his hair. He shakes his head and she watches as the sparkles fly off and land in various places along her living room. “Sorry, I still haven't gotten the hang of controlling the energy blasts.”
Gale and Octavia laugh as he blows a little spark off the tip of his nose. He blinks rapidly and smiles at her bashfully. “Let's see what we uncovered, eh?” Octavia nods and turns to look back at the book.
On the spine of the book there were some glyphs drawn, Gale carefully picks up the book and inspects them. His brows shoot up in surprise, he looks at Octavia, his eyes wide as the plates in Octavia’s kitchen.
He turns to look at her, his expression completely astounded. “You have to see this.” He hands her the book as she looks at the cover. Along the spine she sees a string of words written in quick succession.
In this book, I have hidden my truth.
The words are there for you to find him.
I need to know what happened.
My star, my heart.
I await you in death.
However long it takes.
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llamamamarisen92 · 20 days
All of His Fury and Rage
Setting: Defending the portal at Last Light Inn as Halsin retrieve's Thaniel.
Warning: violence, smut adjacent, angst, really intense fluff(?)
Basically Johim is at a bit of a breaking point.
Karlach x Named Dark Urge
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Just a short little blip to stir the writing juices.
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Creatures came at them from the shadows as Halsin retrieved Thaniel. All of Johim's rage. The despair. Struggling to puzzle out his identity. This retched urge. Everything inside him grew into a deadly frenzy as he flew across the battle ground. Roaring as he sliced through as many creatures as possible.
The others in their strategic places as he rushed head long with Minthara in tow. The beauty of their fury painted crimson across the ground. Tears sprang forth and all of his composure was lost. Letting all of his wild instincts finally rise to the surface. This wasn't their calm charismatic leader. Not the unhurried, salacious man who arrogantly approached his foes as one does to swat a fly.
They were watching a tiger unleashed after being starved for far to long. They had seen small moments of his temper, but nothing to this extent. The battle was over and he stood above a dead Githyanki warrior. Bringing his blade down over and over. Karlach walked over and placed her hand on his shoulder to steady him. He whirled around and nearly took her head off. But as he stared at her, eyes glazed with murderous rage she leaned in and cupped his face in her hands. Kissing him deeply. Providing him a path back to them. He dropped his sword and wrapped his arms around her. Drawing her roughly against his body, letting her feel all of his hot blooded hunger. He tripped her so that she was on the ground beneath him.
"The rest of you have three seconds to find somewhere else to be lest I take more heads tonight." Gravel lacing his rich velvety voice.
"You heard our mighty general." He didn't wait for their response. Driven by the full force of his passion as he kissed Karlach slinging her leg onto his shoulder.
The rest of them were long gone and he didn't hesitate as he claimed her over and over deep into the night.
Johim's demeanor changed. All he wanted to do was strip Ketheric of his flesh. The rest of the group kept a careful eye on him. There were no jokes. No casual comments. Just Johim staring intensely into the fire each night as he imagined all the ways he would have Ketheric crying out for mercy by the end of all this. Sanity holding on by a thread.
Side Note: I CAN'T wait to write out a snippet with the full fury of my angst as He and Karlach show up at Gortash's coronation. Because in my world they were lovers before Orin took him out.
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pocket-dragon · 4 months
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Oh to be a tiefling fresh out of Avernus, surrounded by gorgeous, older, elf-ish women.
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tiny-huts · 1 year
I like to think that if you pick random food items to camp with Gale has to figure out how to make a meal with them Chopped style. Today's Box has three lemons, a half eaten apple core, two whole chickens, and a beholder eyestalk. Good luck
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lilaeleaf · 1 year
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Wyll, my love
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coreene · 24 days
I know it's the popular opinion in fandom that Astarion was a corrupt magistrate, I like to think he was the opposite.
I think he was lawful to a fault. An idealist and a dreamer. He was born in a secluded elven clan, not much contact with humans but once he got a taste of the outside world, it was impossible to keep him there. So, despite his family's protests - he left. He made a good life for himself in Baldur's Gate, enjoyed the diversity the city offered and lived his life as fast as humans did, until when he got beaten to death and was saved by his tormentor.
Slowly, he lost that spark within himself. Ideals, dreams, doing the right thing, obeying the law - all was lost, replaced with the primal need to survive.
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aerynwrites · 11 months
Thoughts on Gale and/or Halsin's reaction to Tav using a pheromone perfume?
Ooo this is such a fun little idea! I hope you’re okay with me doing some quick little headcanons for these? I wanted to do both of them so I figured that would work best!
He’d probably react almost immediately but not really know why lmao
He’d notice you smell a little different but it’s so subtle he just chalks it up to a new perfume (he’s close) or maybe a new soap you started using.
What he doesn’t actively notice is how much more he starts to seek you out - despite being together already, he’s constantly seeking to be close to you.
And when he is close, whether it be reading together or sitting by the fire or getting ready for bed, he’s constantly reaching out to touch you.
A hand on your waist, fingers brushing your cheek, a hand on your thigh.
Mostly he just finds himself wanting to kiss you tbh.
Cheek kisses, kisses to the palms of your hands, but mostly he leaves them to the exposed skin of your shoulder, his arms wrapping around you from behind as he nuzzles into the space between your head and shoulder.
TLDR: Gale gets handsy haha
Halsin is very similar to Gale except for the fact that he KNOWS what’s up.
This man knows pheromones when he smells them I mean - come on he spends a lot of his time as a bear.
I could honestly see him being slightly teasing about it, pretending not to know at first before finally revealing his knowledge.
He already loves touching you but like - with this stuff??? Yeah it’s even worse (or better??)
This man cannot keep his hands to himself and he doesn’t care who sees lmao.
Gathered around the fire, he has you tugged closed to his side, hand splayed wide against your hip/waists as his fingers toy with the hem of your shirt, seeking the skin beneath.
And when you are away from prying eyes…let’s just say he leans even more into his natural desires than usual.
He’d take pretty much any chance or excuse to sleep with you.
I could even see him eventually telling you he knows about the perfume/cologne and is like -
“I know what you’re seeking to do, my heart, but believe me when I say I do not need man made mixes to make me crave you.”
You just chuckle and are like “well it worked didn’t it?”
Overall he’s just more…Halsin. Maybe his wild shape is a little harder to control 👀
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arczism · 3 months
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commission for @/rororomanroy on Twitter
+ patreon reward :D
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Can I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, and Halsin being jealous of some guy is flirting with their female s/o although she's oblivious that he's flirting with her? He's so possessive that he even took her back home to have a heated make-out while holding her close!
Sorry for how late this is. My state has been having major bad weather, and it's been hit or miss if I can write!
I love this, Anon. I know you have to be the exact one cause it is worded similarly. I want you to know you are my day one, and I appreciate you <3
~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~
Jealous Astarion, Gale, Halsin w/ oblivious Reader
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ThE pLaN wAs SiMpLe. All jokes about Astarions' cut scene aside, he simply tried not to like you.
He tried not to notice your smile, laugh, or radiant personality that felt like the sun.
He fell, though, and you were everything to him, but he was afraid to lose you. To push you too far, you to abandon him like all others.
He tried oh so hard not to think about how that tieflings stupid tail was getting dangerously close to you.
You were so naive and unique, so headstrong but so so clueless. How could you spot an ambush a yard away but couldn't tell this creature was hitting on you.
Astarion chose the safe route of just sitting there and watching like always.
A burning fire lit within him, the usual cold tempered vampire became lit with something. Jealousy? No, it couldn't be.
Then that damn tail wrapped around your leg; why, just why couldn't you be simple? Why couldn't he just not care who you sleep with?
Before he knew it, he stood before you, the tiefling behind him. Why?
He turned on his charm, and before he knew it, he was wooing the Tiefling, convincing him to go on his married way in hopes of bedding another.
Astarion looked at you as the tiefling left, and the fear of losing something so good ate at him. Gripping your arm, he took off as quickly as a fox through the forest you close behind.
Once safely away from prying eyes where he could be vulnerable, show you how much he cared and how scared he was of losing you, and he kissed you deeply.
You two had bedded in the forest many times before, but today, your connection was so passionately different.
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Gale liked to imagine he was a simple man who didn't need much, especially after all that happened with Mystra.
That was until you came along, with your well everything; Gale couldn't find anything to hate about you.
The fear of messing up again and entering a new world of troubles ate him alive—almost as bad as the orb resting in his heart.
That's why anyone getting close to you, even a fraction of romance hinted or thrown your way, killed him.
He knew his place, though. Trying to woo a woman got him into the mess he is in now, so he just stood by and watched as people flirted with you.
Every instance though filled him up like a bottle, soon the pressure was going to explode but he didn't know how to inform you of this.
That night at Sharess Caress, though, when the twins propositioned you, the bottle overflowed.
Gale couldn't handle the pressure building or how you just laughed at the twins even though he could tell you were uncomfortable by their touch.
Before he knew it, he pulled you into him and used his ability to travel the astral plane to escape.
You were his and his alone to look at, adore, and love. No outside force or group could take you. Here, he ravaged you all night and early in the morning.
From that day on, Gale never hesitated to steal you away to his private hiding place to show you his more jealous side.
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Halsin was one with nature, so sharing with you wasn't horrible.
He knew that people would come and go, but he would be your one rock, always present and always there.
That made this evening at camp so much more confusing for him.
Halsin knew the wizard, vampire, and legend were all seeking your companionship, especially since they all brought it up to him before this month.
However, watching them flirt with you repeatedly, you just accepting the advances and taunts ate at him a little.
Halsin tried to go on nature walks, work with the land, and even speak to the great oak father about this; however, he turned up blank.
Tonight at camp was exceptionally hard. Though you had turned down Wyll and Gale, you never quite turned down Astarion. Halsin didn't know why this tore him up.
As the vampire asked you to take your life force once again, Halsin grew irate. You were simply too oblivious to realize this was an addictive habit, so you always stayed by the cold man's side.
Anger consumed him, and Halsin went to your side. Grabbing your hand and dragging you along, Halsin allowed nature to take its course.
Once you two stopped in the middle of a clearing, Halsin sighed. "Oak father's blessing, I know I always said nature can take its course, but Petal, I do not think I can stand this any longer. Let's just stay us, me, you, and no one else."
Once his profession came to light and you agreed, no questions asked, Halsin couldn't wait to enjoy the combination of you two as one. Oak Father's blessing on you both.
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ryuzumisama · 7 months
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Went to ECCC yesterday and I made this Cullen sibling gang gang print just for the occasion 😅 Got Alice (Ashley Greene) and Jasper (Jackson Rathbone) to sign it!
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graysparrowao3 · 1 month
Ramazith's Tower Post-Game Head Canon, Part 2
As before, reposted from Twitter/X fun discussion, this time regarding the legality and possibility of the trio keeping the tower after moving in. CW: Discussion of anti-tiefling racism in the context of BG3/D&D lore.
I feel like there may be wider lore I'm missing that could say otherwise… but my intuition is that taking over the tower "just like that" doesn't seem to be that much of a problem, at least, Lorroakan managed to get away with it pretty easily and he’s a transparent idiot.
I wonder if the problem long term for the trio is less about taking over the tower per se, and more about bigotry over who they are as people. They’re tieflings and refugees – some Baldurians couldn’t handle them getting food, never mind inclusion and opportunity.
Using wealth in the tower and rebuilt shop and making any plans regarding ownership, taxes, etc., Rolan would be shrewd enough to make it all work – though perhaps drowning in red tape and paperwork is one of those things that has him working exhausting late nights.
I can see the interaction of the two: Rolan finding out that Lorroakan managed to weasel his way around any bureaucracy, and having to both deal with the consequences of that as well as never being given the leniency and breaks that were afforded to the human.
Lorroakan wasn’t well liked and, yes, the Heroes of Baldur’s Gate helped in his demise, but I imagine there’s going to be some racist Aradin types harassing the front of the store for a bit, especially in the immediate aftermath as things rebuild and people look for scapegoats.
You’ve got the local populace who just lost loved ones and homes, and Rolan appears with suddenly more resources than he knows what to do with and one of the fanciest homes and businesses around. They aren’t going to care about him, his story, or anything else, they’re just going to be pissed at him getting "a handout".
Assuming Hero and Co are around, maybe that’s something they could help with, leveraging their power as a more central role in saving the city to publically endorse the new owner of the tower or do a “quest”, so to speak, to help him out regarding city politics & procedure.
I don’t think it would be easy, but I think the three would keep the properties and be successful in it. If nothing else, it’s a massive fuck you to Lorroakan and everyone that wanted them to fail, though of course it’s more than that also.
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itsafreetrialofdeath · 8 months
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-1 to all Wisdom checks
-1 to all Intelligence checks
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ceeridwen99 · 9 months
Durge: Randomly says something wholly violent and completely out of pocket.
Most of the party: OAO
Astarion: Tee-hee! Oh, darling! You're so funny!
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nim-arts · 1 year
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“It’s time to try living again. With everything life has to offer.”
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kelsh · 10 months
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I have no excuses for this,,,, I was initially drawing them with their hair down then it became a tits out kind of moment,,,,
Bonus: my Durge’s own bird’s nest under her hood
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