chaoticrei · 3 months
Like/reblog if you think that you don't need to medically transition to be transgender
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noahsfault · 3 months
Queer 👏 people 👏 are 👏 not 👏 all 👏 fucking 👏 activists 👏
Stop quizzing us on queer history and asking us questions we aren’t qualified to answer about the world and about politics and about our identities
Stop trying to back us into a corner so you can justify your discrimination on the basis that we don’t know what we’re talking about or can’t “defend” ourselves to you
Stop treating every queer person that stands up and says “I want to be treated like a person” as if they’re an activist
Cut that bullshit out
Marginalised people just want to exist and be happy
I don’t know everything, and that doesn’t make me undeserving of your respect or my human rights you fucker
I don’t even owe you the stuff I do know- I still am entitled to basic fucking respect
TLDR; Queer people shouldn’t have to be historians or scientists for you to not be a fucking dick
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"homosexuality is unnatural! there's only two genders! it's a sin-"
I'm sorry, have you seen NATURE???
ALSO THE ARTIST IS HUMON, FIND THEM AT HUMONCOMICS.COM!! was so sure I had included that but apparently I forgot, so sorry!
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and there's so many more species than this that exhibit homosexuality, varying genders, etc. SO! MANY!
it's very much a natural thing. it always has been. unfortunately, while homosexuality is found in many species, homophobia is only found in one
EDIT: added a keep reading cause this is a long post lol
EDIT: everyone in the comments needs to shut up or I will turn comments off, stop arguing, jeez
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satisfiedskye · 3 months
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i made stan get blinded by the whole community
(please credit if you use for whatever <3)
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i propose that instead of pride month, we have queer year (queer people are treated like actual people all year long)
edit: @ilackhumanqualities wins best addition to this post
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moreover-clover · 3 months
Tag yourself! I'm somewhere between F1 and F2!!
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!!!EDIT!!! Plz read before sending hate:
Look, I genuinely get that this graph doesn't have every gender on it. I know that it is labeled weird, I know that female & male and nonbinary/genderqueer & agender are on opposite sides of the chart. I know that this isn't inclusive to xenogenders, bigender, genderfluid, and a bunch of other genders. I know that people are upset about male being blue and female being pink. I know this graph is not inclusive for every gender out there. I really really do. I never claimed that it had all genders. Hell, I didn't even say it was a great graph! This photo is a screenshot of someone's random Twitter post that I found on pinterest and thought was neat. It was my first time seeing a gender graph that was something more besides male and female and it made me excited. I just wanted to share it with others. If it doesn't fit you, just say so. If your gender isn't on there, just say so. If you want to say how it could be improved or critique it's flaws, then by all means please do so! I have enjoyed scrolling through and seeing all the reblogs and people educating me and sharing better graphs. I love the discussions! I love the battleship and bingo jokes/games that have started. But I would really really appreciate if people would stop sending hate and shaming me for a graph I didn't even create. I am really really sorry for anyone I offended or hurt, it was NOT my intention. That is never my intention. I genuinely didn't think this post would even get more than like 5 likes, I was just sharing something that I thought was neat....
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totallycirclek · 4 months
Trying to prove a point to my transphobic parents
And finally, because it's a part of my argument for this point, and also because they are,
Reblog if nonbinary and genderqueer people in general, are REAL, VALID, AND GORGEOUS PEOPLE, NO MATTER HOW THEY PASS
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amisscreant · 1 year
With @staff 's recent post saying 1/4 of this site is LGBTQ going around, I'd like to see what the actual demographic is
Please reblog for bigger sample size!
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existential-squid · 3 months
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genderqueerdykes · 10 months
I've been seeing a disturbing number of "queer safe spaces" describe themselves as things like "femme & them" and even worse "she+," conflating femininity & nonbinaryhood. cease this immediately. say it with me: nonbinary people are NOT women-lite and it is extremely violent and straight up incorrect to imply that all they/thems are fem adjacent. this is erasure and this verbiage does nothing but make gnc and nonbinary spaces unsafe for masc and male nonbinary people. nonbinary, genderqueer and other third gender people can be and are masculine and men, we can be hes as well as shes and theys, stop allowing yourself and your peers to view nonbinary as woman/femme-lite, signed a butch nonbinary person.
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punk-pangolins · 6 months
no "other/see results" option bc JUST CHOOSE ONE
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ratbastarddotfuck · 10 months
is this nonbinary person actually "male presenting", or did you just decide that based on your arbitrary idea of maleness?
is this nonbinary person actually "female presenting", or did you just decide that based on your arbitrary idea of femaleness?
perhaps they're just "presenting" as themselves and your binary biases are clouding your judgement?
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rottingwithers · 1 month
I wish boobs were detachable. Because sometimes I want to look like a genderless being, other times the outfit needs boobs.
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prideknights · 3 months
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PRE-ORDER: Only available until June 30, 2024! Shipping from the United States and Europe to: US 🇺🇸, EU 🇪🇺, UK 🇬🇧, Canada 🇨🇦, Australia 🇦🇺, and New Zealand 🇳🇿 Thank you everyone for voting on the polls and helping shape these pride dragon pins together. It is been so much fun making these! You can get yours here:
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 9 months
Wow, this "gender free" fashion brand sure doesn't have any AMAB models.
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yuribeam · 7 months
for whoever needs to hear this:
starting HRT doesn't have to be a huge momentous all-or-nothing decision. you can just try it like you would an antidepressant you've been informed of the risks of.
there won't be any immediate irreversible changes overnight. you can always stop, change your dose, change your delivery system, decide it's not the right time. you can even microdose if you want to.
you don't have to tell anyone. you don't have to announce it if you don't want to.
stop waiting for a perfect time in your life because it won't come.
stop waiting to reach a mythical level of certainty that never comes to anyone, for anything.
you've been thinking about it long enough. if you have the opportunity, just give it a shot. you're worth the courage it takes to make a change in your life.
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