#big believer in digital ownership
medicinemane · 1 year
So, I decided I wanted to check out this modpack that had looked interesting, so I go and download the curseforge app (cause modpacks are kind of a pain to launch without a launcher... as in I'm not sure how you even do it)
Dear god, which a fucking monster. They've got fucking ads running all over the fucking place
Instadeleted it, you do no get to serve me ads under any circumstances, if you do fuck you, I'm not using you. You're not a website, you're an app, and if you're pounding me with ads regardless of what I'm doing, then I don't think you're secure (and even if you are fuck you)
So I've had to track down an alternative one called uh... GDLauncher. Can't say for sure, but so far seems much much better... seems like an opensource launcher that's just a launcher and that's it
Not that any of you play modpacks so not that this matters, but that curseforge shit was just so bad I had to complain
#also I'm having opinions at this point about having to sign in to a 3rd party launcher in order to run minecraft with it#it's striking me just how much minecraft is kind of... the ultimate drm game and we've just kind of put up with it cause it's good#you know how I got into minecraft?#piracy; pirated a copy of it right when the nether had first been released and decided it was worth being able to play with other people#do no like the fact that you can't do single player minecraft without signing in#in it's defense; you can do offline stuff so long as you're signed in#but uh... part of me wants to pirate shit just from a moral standpoint with it; literally only not doing it cause it's easier tojust sign i#rather than figuring out how to make it work#and also once again; I get it; the launcher is free and anyone can get it; so in order to gate access and make sure they're paid#they need a different gate#but uh... yeah... I guess this is my real point#I don't actually own minecraft#I own all my world files; I have direct access to them#but I don't own a copy of minecraft#and say what you want about pirated stuff; but you do own it#because all the files are contained on my computer; in digital terms that's ownership#true digital ownership is when it runs in a black box setting; no input; no output; just what's on the machine it's on#and when you can put in a hard drive; copy it; and plug that hardrive into something else to have a full copy of it#so minecraft is pissing me off a little cause I don't own it and that always annoys me with anything digital#big believer in digital ownership
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carriesthewind · 1 year
Since I have wadded into the discourse, a few clarifications (below the cut b/c I've taken up enough of people's dashes):
I am not on the side of the publishers in this case. They suck too; in general, the IA is a good organization and the big publishers are the bad guys! In fact, the publishers are also (a) bad guy in this case - they are and will ABSOLUTELY try to use this case to increase the limits on libraries and digital lending. They are profit driven monsters who would destroy every library on earth if they could.
That's actually part of why I'm so mad about how this case is being talked about! Because by their own actions, the IA has put this case in a position where the IA literally cannot win unless their "National Emergency Library" (aka just stealing books) is held to be legal. That doesn't mean it's worse case scenario if they lose their appeal - for example, an appeals court could issue a narrow ruling on the facts of the case. It just means there is no good scenario where they outright win. But, if they appeal their very bad case with its very bad facts, that increases the risk of creating precedent that limits libraries and digital lending. If you think it's worth the risk, that's fine - but ignoring the actual risks and likelihood of success isn't "supporting libraries;" it's acting based on ignorance (at best).
Digital publishing and lending, as it currently legally exists, really really sucks. There is a reason why, although many authors and author organizations dislike the IA's "Open Library," other authors like it and have written in support of it!* There is a reason why, although I have linked to author criticism of IA and of its "Controlled Digital Lending" and stated that I think it clearly violates existing copyright law, I have not stated (and will not state) a personal opinion on whether I think CDL (as it exists in the one-to-one, owned to loaned theory, rather than how it was implemented in practice) is less undesirable as a copyright schema than existing digital copyright law. The IA and its supporters are right that current copyright law doesn't allow for the real ownership or preservation of e-books! They are right that publishers greedily limit libraries' and patrons' access to e-books, and they are right about how bad the current system is! (I do not endorse any praise for library e-reader apps and lenders in the notes of my posts. While I enjoy and support using them, from a library perspective, they also suck - specifically, the predatory charges for e-books lending suck libraries dry.) The IA is broadly on the right(er) side of this issue: but they still did a shitty, dumb thing, and they are deliberately misrepresenting the situation in an extremely offensive and potentially harmful way!
I already emphasized this in the original post, but just in case: I do not hate the IA. I do not want them to go away. I very much like a lot of the things they do and want them to keep existing! (Although I would add: if they actually believe their principles they should absolutely have set things up to preserve - at minimum - their archival functions as much as possible if they - as an organization - cease to exist.) But! I would also like, at a minimum, for them to stop deliberately misrepresenting the situation. Their stated mission is "universal access to all knowledge." If they cared about that mission - or if they really see themselves as librarians, and not just a database of products - they should maybe start making sure the public is getting accurate, useful, and meaningful knowledge about this case, instead of propaganda to inflate their own egos.
*Although I would be VERY curious to know what kind of briefing of the actual factual and legal situation some of the authors who signed onto that open letter received. Based on the snippets I read, some were clearly well-informed; many were just talking broadly about how great libraries are; and some indicated a serious factual misunderstanding of how both libraries, the IA, and digital lending in general work.
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"Far from being exceptional in American history, gun-control regulations are the default. If 'Bruen' was designed to nullify the constitutional basis for many gun laws, it ought to fail."
--Robert J. Spitzer, political science professor emeritus at SUNY Cortland
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Robert J. Spitzer, professor emeritus at SUNY Cortland outlines the early--and plentiful--history of gun regulation laws in early American history. Consequently, Clarence Thomas's 2022 Bruen decision might not be the disaster for gun control that some people have thought. Below are some excerpts from the article.
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In the summer of 1619, the leaders of the fledgling Jamestown colony came together as the first general assembly to enact “just Laws for the happy guiding and governing of the people there inhabiting.” Consisting of the governor, Sir George Yeardley; his four councillors; and 22 elected “burgesses,” or representatives, the group approved more than 30 measures. Among them was the nation’s first gun law:
"That no man do sell or give any Indians any piece, shot, or powder, or any other arms offensive or defensive, upon pain of being held a traitor to the colony and of being hanged as soon as the fact is proved, without all redemption."
After that early example of gun control came many more laws placing restrictions on the ownership and use of firearms. If guns have always been part of American society, so have gun laws. This fact might come as a surprise to some gun-rights advocates, who seem to believe that America’s past was one of unregulated gun ownership. That view received a big assist in 2022, when the Supreme Court declared in "New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen" that the constitutionality of modern gun laws depends on whether they are “consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.” In other words, the constitutional standard for any modern gun law boils down to whether you can find a good precedent for it back in the 1700s or 1800s. The advocates’ assumption is that such precedents are few and far between, but thanks to the work of researchers and the digitization of archival material, thousands of old gun laws, of every imaginable variety, are now available for reference. Far from being exceptional in American history, gun-control regulations are the default. If "Bruen" was designed to nullify the constitutional basis for many gun laws, it ought to fail. [...] Throughout this long period in the history of the republic, up until the beginning of the 20th century, gun laws placed conditions or restrictions on weapons access for a wide variety of citizens—in particular, indentured servants, vagrants, non-Protestants, those who refused to swear an oath of loyalty to the government, felons, foreigners, minors, and those under the influence of alcohol. Numerous laws regulated hunting practices, as well as firearms’ carry, use, storage, and transportation; regulated the manufacture, inspection, storage, and sale of firearms; imposed gun licensing; and restricted dangerous or unusual weapons. Despite the Thomas opinion’s claim that “the historical record yields relatively few 18th- and 19th-century ‘sensitive places’ where weapons were altogether prohibited,” some local authorities outlawed the discharge of firearms in or near towns, buildings, or roads, as well as after dark, on Sundays, at public gatherings, and in cemeteries. In some jurisdictions, any use of a firearm that wasted gunpowder was also an offense. [...] In the post-revolutionary 1800s, as rising violent crime led more people to arm themselves, a total of 42 states (plus the District of Columbia) enacted laws against concealed carry. Three more did so in the early 1900s, so that the total included almost every state in the Union. As many states from the 1700s to 1900s also enacted some form of weapons-licensing law. That’s not all. Over that same period, at least 22 states restricted any gun carrying, including of long guns. Moreover, across the entire period, three-quarters of the states had laws either against “brandishing”—waving a gun around in a menacing or threatening manner—or merely having a weapon on display in public. [...] In addition, even though for much of its history America was an agrarian country...its lawmakers and enforcers were inventive and determined about ensuring public safety. When they perceived a threat to that order from firearms, they passed laws to restrict or prevent them. And back then, by and large, no court struck those laws down. That is what is truly consistent with this nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation. So if we accept the originalist premise of "Bruen," the actual result should be to render a broad array of gun regulations constitutional. [color emphasis added]
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luigiblood · 8 months
Game Ownership
In sort of a response to the Ubisoft director of subscriptions where he said that we need to get more confortable not owning games...
Well, reading that interview from GamesIndustry.biz, turns out he never really said that. It's more of an observation of the gaming subscription services, and comparing different views. It's actually a pretty interesting read.
But the negative response to the more clickbait part where the gamers went very much against this from the get go was something that particularly striked me as how I really just didn't feel like I was part of those who responded like this.
I do not care about owning games that much. I may be a owner of retro consoles, games, and about 50 Switch physical games, but the reasons ranges from passion to just practical and economical.
Taking the example of the Switch, what currently makes me attached to physical games are more of how it's usually cheaper in my country (like, first party games day one tend to be 25% off brand new), and the practicality when you live in a household with 2 Switch systems, it's just easier to share the games that way with your family. If I could just buy digitally with the same advantages, I'd just do that.
This view on game ownership has mostly to do with my past of a guy who pirated games and movies like crazy before we got a little more comfortable paying for stuff. But this past also comes with a deeper importance on the presence of data locally. Cloud gaming is something I hate on passionately if the industry keeps going on that as a means to play games exclusively. It would be the kind of thing that would make my heart broken about modern gaming as a whole, but thankfully we're not even close to there, and I suspect we'll never be.
But I could also not need to pay for the games, I don't really see a lack of ownership as a problem on its own. The only thing that matters is if it's practical or not, and that's the part that feels like it tends to be skipped when explained. That's how it went about movies and music.
That practicality is critical, and that is the part that's the most in danger. The big reason why is how companies can decide on a whim what is accessible to suit their needs. That WILL be completely in the process of enshittification due to how companies have to keep growing until it makes no more sense. You don't even need to look very far to understand this, video streaming services are already very good at doing absolutely this, but I also dare say the Game Pass and PlayStation Plus are on a similar boat to a different extent, though.
One of the recent examples of how bad shit is HBO Max's removal of a huge amount of content just for a massive tax write down. There is financial incentive to fuck us all, and I consider the future to do absolutely that in the long term for gaming.
That kind of thing SUCKS. That is what we're actually scared of as a consumer. I hate seeing art being considered as a throwaway product.
I even saw a french article that was so complacent with this and kept saying complete bullshit things like "oh if they remove that game from the service, just take it as an opportunity to play another one" just, fuck off. That's not how I see this kind of service.
I love Nintendo Switch Online, despite a lot of its flaws, and hate on Virtual Console's overall legacy personally. I'm all for ways to allow discoverability and pick the curiosity of people. That's the kind of shit that I love in having some ease of access to catalogs, despite not owning them.
Wasn't it the dream to just access to everything with less money though? Don't tell me otherwise because I wouldn't believe you. I do think there's something nice in this kind of service, but we also need to figure how to keep companies from the inevitable enshittification that will ensue on the constant need for growth beyond any reasonable sense.
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pizzaronipasta · 1 year
Hey, I just wanna say that, as a disabled person who at first vehemently disagreed with you, reading your pinned post really helped me understand your perspective and I can't, in good faith, say that I entirely disagree with you. AI art could be a very good creative resource for people, and I also disagree with a lot of art snobbery surrounding 'real Art' anyway. BUT if AI art programs were trained on datasets comprised of only the art of consenting artists, I don't think this would be as big of a debate. The only thing I have an issue with is you blaming the proliferation of data scraping on 'bad actors' when it feels like, at the moment, that 'bad actors' are intrinsically tied to what AI art is, and that those "bad actors" are controlling the entirety of neural network learning. Imo as of right now AI art is just data theft and if/when we reach the point where that isn't the case the conversation that you're trying to have can be expanded upon, but until then I don't see the majority of artists agreeing that copyright theft is a valid way to help the disabled community. And I personally disagree with stealing other people's art to further my own creative abilities.
First of all, thank you very much for being polite and presenting your thoughts in good faith.
I understand where you're coming from; the AI industry as a whole is deeply fraught with ethical issues. However, I don't think that art theft is one of them. You see, digital art only exists as abstract data. This means it could only be "owned" as intellectual property under copyright law. Intellectual property is purely a legal construct; it was invented for the purpose of incentivizing innovation, rather than to uphold the philosophical principles of ownership. I find that it makes very little sense that people should be able to own ideas—after all, it's seemingly human nature to adopt others' ideas into our own viewpoints, and to spread our ideas to others. In fact, there is an entire field of study, called memetics, dedicated to this phenomenon. So, I don't think that data scrapers are guilty of art theft. There is, however, an argument to be made that they are guilty of plagiarism. Scraped AI training databases generally do not credit the original authors of their contents, though they do disclose that the contents are scraped from the internet, so they aren't exactly being passed off as the curators' own work. Make of that what you will—I'm not really sure where I stand on the matter, other than that I find it questionable at best. Either way, though, I believe that training an AI makes transformative use of the training data. In other words, I don't think that training an AI can qualify as plagiarism, even though compiling its training dataset can. Rather than art theft or plagiarism, I think the biggest ethical problem with the AI industry's practices is their handling of data. As I mentioned in my pinned post, the low standard of accountability is putting the security of personal and sensitive information at risk.
Feel free to disagree with me on this. I acknowledge that my stances on IP certainly aren't universal, and I know that some people might not be as concerned about privacy as I am, but I hope my reasoning at least makes sense. One last thing: a lot of AI development is funded by investments and grants, so refusing to use AI may not be very impactful in terms of incentivizing better ethics, especially considering that ethics-indifferent businesses can be a fairly reliable source of revenue for them. That's why I think seeking regulation is the best course of action, but again, feel free to disagree. If you aren't comfortable with the idea of supporting the industry by using its products, that's perfectly valid.
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audio-luddite · 8 months
Right and Wrong.
Mr Guttenberg the "audiophiliac" keeps spinning videos. It's his job. Sometimes more than a grain of salt is needed to listen to this stuff. Every new and different product seems to be better. He has a new best.
This is the "best planar magnetic" speaker and it is from France. It is not inexpensive.
He does go on about the basic superiority of dipoles that fill the room with sound. His current reference speakers are cone dipoles. Recall I believe this is a major flaw in the concept as all those extra sound waves careen around the room. They are not in the original signal, they confuse things. Yet he praised the imagery and clarity of these things. How are all those extra bits not confusing? Its the old brain thing of prioritizing the initial signal you hear and consigning the other things to something else.
Is it not better to put out just the signal on the recording into the room?
Two things I want to emphasize about his opinions.
First is that these are "push pull" magnetics with magnets on the front and back so they are more linear. Errr, not so much, but more magnets make a more uniform field strength. They do not mean these are linear as the diaphragm is under tension so excursions are fought by the membrane tension. But sorta yes they are more linear, but not actually linear.
Second is his experience of always shifting and moving them as each recording he played sounded different. Phase cancellation dude. One of the true evils of of dipoles. Each position gives a different frequency response. That is not a good feature even though he enjoyed it.
Arguably these are very much like Magneplanars if they decided to go really upscale. Maggies are made from MDF which is a crappy material that has one good behaviour. It damps vibration. It is cheap made from glue and wood waste. The French product has steel front and back faces with MDF in between. That means they are heavy and have more inertial mass to resist motion from the vibrating air. It can push harder. Newton says the air will push back. These will work better than maggies.
Big Planar speakers have one really good parameter. They move a lot of air. They have good acoustic impedance matching to the room. That makes the sound more immediate and "alive" which is the effect of simple efficient transfer of energy from the speaker to the air.
Horn loaded speakers do the same thing, just with the added distortion from being a horn.
Each has its problems.
So here is another flavour of the week. Tastes good, but it is not audio nirvana.
In other news I listened to my "Kind of Blue" LP.
I first did some searches for info about the label Jazz Wax. I have another of those I like. Talk about a rabbit hole. Internet forum wisdom is that my copy may be a legal pirated version. A privateer version? One forum decried the label Jazz Wax as stealing masters that had expired copyrights. Some bastards in Europe are cutting LPs from CD copies say these paragons of justice.
Interesting and maybe true, certain no. Copyrights do expire on published works. But I think the property rights of the physical media product do not expire like that. Miles Davis' work is Public Domain if he has been dead long enough and his estate did not renew it. But the ownership of the masters I think remains with the company who produced or purchased it. That is why Universal has all those underground vaults with master tapes and digital files squirreled away. No point if someone could just copy an old CD. Whatever, I am not a lawyer.
It was interesting the intensity and vehemence of the discussion. Really calm down people. Kind of Blue is a work of performing art. If I want an LP and it is legally for sale in a store in my city why complain.
As far as quality it is pretty good. New York Columbia recordings from 1959 can be fine. And Jazz does not get processed to sound good on AM Radio. This one is half speed direct metal mastered. One forum guy screamed that DMM sucked and had no Bass. Not my experience. Be that as it may it is a musical Icon work. Some consider it to be the most important Jazz album ever. I do not want to go looking for ancient and rare LPs in bins. Fresh heavy vinyl is better.
There are some interesting effects in the recording. I have to listen again to track them down. The original was three track tape. I am pretty sure there are overdubs in there. Whatever it is good music.
That is the point right?
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airishie234 · 2 years
Web 3.0 - The newest version of the Internet
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Whether you’re a tech geek or someone with no background in the technology world, the chances are high that in recent times you must have encountered the terms such as blockchain, cryptocurrency, and NFTs. All of these ‘’Buzzwords'’ are related to what we call the newest version of the internet: Web 3.0
People from all over the world have a varied take on this new technology, some believe that it is the future while others feel it’s just a fad.
If you’re a millennial, you probably remember the first version of the internet: Web 1.0. It was just a ‘read-only web’ as quoted by English computer scientist Tim Berner-Lee.
Later on, from the early 2000s till the present, people are using the Web 2.0 version of the internet, which has ‘read-write’ capabilities. The content became user responsive where users could contribute content and interact with other users. It was Web 2.0 which gave a massive rise to social media and content creation.
Now, as many people believe, comes Web 3.0: The newest version of the internet.
What is Web 3.0?
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In reference to the previous context, Web 3.0 is the version of the internet that doesn’t only interact with users' data and information, it also allows users to own a portion of the internet. It is the ‘read-write-own’ version. Ownership is orchestrated and regulated by tokens and cryptocurrencies.
Web 3.0 is designed in a decentralized manner which makes it highly secure in terms of data privacy. It is backed by a blockchain security system that keeps user information secure.
Advantages of Web 3.0 over 2.0
Web 2.0 indeed changed the lives of mankind forever. People had such a powerful tool, which was never even imaginable in the past. It gave users the power to interact with anyone sitting in a completely different part of the world. However, it does have some shortcomings and drawbacks.
Let’s take a look at how Web 3.0 solves the shortcomings of Web 2.0!Web 2.0Web 3.0‘Read-Write’ version of the internet - Information is taken away from the user.‘Read-Write-Own’ version of the internet - Allows users to own a part of the internet in the form of tokens and cryptocurrencies. Organization Focused - In this version, personal information and data of the user are stored in databases of big organizations to fuel their business. Individual-focused - Users get ownership of their data. Focuses on the trust of the users. Example: You are the owner of the content you publish on Web 3.0. Your content is your digital asset, and you must secure it. Centralized - Control is with an individual authority. They have complete access to user data. Decentralized - Web 3.0 is blockchain-backed which makes it decentralized. No single entity can have control over it, and all the intermediaries are eliminated. Very limited use of Artificial intelligence. Significantly powered by artificial intelligence for faster and more accurate results. Doesn’t offer much visually engaging experience (VR/AR) to the users. Developments in the metaverse, 3D-NFTs will fade away the boundaries between physical and virtual worlds. Users can have a more engaging web experience. Multiple profiles are needed for different platforms as it is centralized by different entities. Users only need to create one profile, which can be used for different platforms. We are in a world where users appreciate the privacy and security of their information. It is evident that Web 2.0 has certain flaws and drawbacks, which have been resolved by the new internet - Web 3.0.
Web 3.0 will revolutionize the internet experience by improving privacy and security with a more enhanced visually engaging web experience. It allows the users to have complete ownership of their data, which is possible because of blockchain technology.
We, at Seaflux, are Blockchain enthusiasts who are helping enterprises worldwide. Have a query or want to discuss Blockchain projects? Schedule a meeting with us here, we'll be happy to talk to you!
For more details visit our blog - https://www.seaflux.tech/blogs/get-to-know-about-web3.0
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dankusner · 1 day
Lemon talks religion, other big issues in latest book
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Don Lemon is looking for answers. But
is he going to find them? The former CNN host tangos with many questions in his latest memoir, “I Once Was Lost” (Little, Brown and Co., 222 pp), on sale now.
The book centers on religion and Lemon asks readers to go on a spiritual journey with him.
He peppers the pages with anecdotes from his church-going childhood, his decadeslong run on CNN and the aftermath of his firing from the network.
It also includes thoughtful commentary on scripture, gun control and Elon Musk, whom Lemon has since sued following the cancellation of a planned partnership deal with X, the social platform formerly known as Twitter that Musk bought in 2022.
“It’s about politics, it’s about religion, it’s about life,” Lemon, 58, says about the book over a Zoom call from Chicago, where he’s just waking up ahead of a day covering the Democratic National Convention for “The Don Lemon Show,” his millennial and Gen Z-staffed digital upstart.
“There’s racism in there, there’s homophobia in there, there’s hypocrisy in there, there’s white nationalism in there.”
Lemon invites readers to question their own faith – something he believes could counteract the echo chambers many Americans can’t seem to escape.
“If you don’t (question), then your beliefs are so concrete and strident,” Lemon says.
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“You become so strident that there’s no room for anybody else’s beliefs but your own.”
Lemon talks about Democrats, Republicans and religion
If you haven’t read the Bible before, Lemon recommends starting with an open mind and at the very beginning.
“The Bible isn’t really a book more so than a library of parables and insights on how you live your life,” he says.
And don’t trust those who say they “fully understand it.”
“Anyone who claims that they do, I think you should bust out a grain of salt and ask yourself about their agenda if they claim to think that they understand everything about the Bible. No. No,” he says.
Lemon, who does not claim affiliation with either major political party, compared what he saw regarding religion at the Republican National Convention and Democratic National Convention.
At the Democratic convention, “they offered a different relationship from God, very different from the judgment and self-righteous stance of the RNC, where God was used as this sort of giant inflatable stage prop, and I found last night that it was just more inclusive, that God was used in a way to make people bigger and more forgiving and more open and less judgmental.”
He doesn’t understand the Christian nationalism of it all.
“It’s an odd thing for me, this whole idea that the Bible and the Constitution and our country and who we are and patriotism. There’s this sort of odd connection and ownership that they feel that they have of that. It’s disturbing.”
Lemon also hopes people consider what religious freedom actually means.
If you’re trying to put the Ten Commandments in U.S. schools for example, “what would you do if people wanted to put tenants from let’s say the Bhagavad Gita, the Torah, or any other religious doctrine in schools plastered on the wall? Would you be comfortable with that?”
He reveals ‘life changes’
Lemon has written on racism and religion, but would he also write about being gay, another part of his identity?
“I’ve been thinking about a lot about all of that, and about a lot of the criticism for me and how people view me is often rooted” through the lenses of being Black or gay.
“I’ve been thinking about all that, and why people have certain preconceived notions about me, or write what they write about me, or think what they think about me,” he adds, noting he’s “been sort of vulnerable, not in a bad way lately, but just sort of assessing life.”
Losing a prolific job after controversial on-air comments about politician Nikki Haley, getting married and starting a company – a bunch of life’s highs and lows all at once – would do that to anyone.
“Life changes,” he says.
“And I think people think that they always have to be in sort of an upward swing, and not realizing that there’s a rhythm and a flow to life.”
He says ‘I’ll always carry that with me’
Lemon has previously discussed being sexually abused as a child, and alludes to this in “I Once Was Lost.”
The pain is ever-present.
“I think that that always affects you, but you cannot let it make you immobile, and you cannot let it stifle you,” he says.
“So I think I’ll always carry that with me, with sometimes being an isolationist, sometimes wanting to retreat, not from my career, but just retreat from people.”
You might not think of him as a loner, “but I’m very much a loner, and I think that stems from that.”
Therapy and faith helped him through.
“Either you move on, or you get stuck in it, and I’m not going to allow it to let me get stuck.”
He adds, in a strange way, it’s helped him in his career.
“I would rather that have not happened to me as a child, but it did, and it made me, it’s part of who I am, and I think it’s made me more open, more candid. I think it’s given me more autonomy and it’s given me an authority on certain subjects that many people don’t have experience with. And I think that’s helped to make me a better journalist and a better person.”
He is ‘not going anywhere’
Yes, Lemon is reporting again even though he “could have done nothing. I could have just sat and not worked for the rest of my life.
But I just wanted to have a voice in this election.”
And don’t expect him to stop speaking up.
“I’m not going anywhere, and if I do, I’ll choose to do it. I don’t want to retreat. I still have many chapters left in me.
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904sadmonthly · 4 days
At this point, the scheme isn't the problem. Where are Doug Pederson's communication skills?
September 19 2024
Earlier this week, I shared a Facebook post of Mike Tomlin telling reporters he can't tell them how the hot dog is made because they might not like it. Knowing EXACTLY what he meant, I wrote a caption saying I would trade the entire farm to get that man in a Jaguars hoodie.
As many hardcore NFL fans know, the Steelers are driven by their coaching tradition. They've only had 3 since the late 1960s. While patience has been the critical soft skill used by Pittsburgh's ownership to accomplish this feat, the communication skills possessed by Chuck Noll, Bill Cowher, and Mike Tomlin helped the coaches keep their part of the deal as well.
Each of these three coaches were or are amazing communicators who could get the most out of the players given to them by their general managers (although, it should be mentioned that Noll controlled everything football related during his run). For evidence, Cowher is working for CBS as an in-studio commentator and Tomlin is widely praised for his realness and ability to keep players with "character issues" in check while other head coaches around the NFL cannot.
Last season, Tomlin's messaging should have fallen through the cracks completely. His team had no quarterback, a struggling run game, and wide receivers who were going into business for themselves every week. Along with that, the defense was aging and starting to get banged up. Unfortunately, the gradual wear and tear culminated with TJ Watt getting injured in the last game of the season when Pittsburgh beat the Ravens to earn a playoff spot.
Despite these challenges, Tomlin and the Steelers won 10 games. DOUBLE DIGITS. In contrast, Shad Khan publicly stated that he believed the 2024 Jaguars were the best team ever assembled by the franchise. After 2 weeks, it feels like their season is about to fall off the rails going into a Monday Night Football game against the Buffalo Bills.
When Trevor Lawrence took the podium after the Jaguars' Week 2 loss against the Browns, he flat out said the team sucks right now. He's right, but it's troubling that the franchise QB who just got the big deal is the one who has to light a fire under his teammates two weeks into the season.
I am NOT a fan of coach speak and cookie cutter public relations statements, but I also feel like certain things and sentiments should stay in house when there are still 15 games left to play. Ultimately, the players are going to mirror the personality of their head coach, and this is why I'm very concerned about Doug Pederson's performance as a communicator right now.
Lately, Doug Pederson's press conferences have been flat and uninspiring. It seems like he's leaning more on the players' execution instead of evaluating the collective elements of a successful football team. Good clock management. The ability to bounce back from huge mistakes. Outplaying bad play calls because your man can beat the other man. These are things any football team can do regardless of the personnel; and Mike Tomlin's Steelers seem to do it every year.
The Jaguars' performance in the 4th quarter this season reeks of a squad that can't get punched in the mouth and swing back. The entire 2nd half of the Miami game also showed that the team doesn't know how to be a front runner for all 60 minutes either. While we love to bash Press Taylor and Trent Baalke, Doug Pederson's tendency to put everything on the players' mistakes instead of what he can do to keep them focused during games is a significant problem.
In his September 19th press conference, Doug highlighted the players' lack of execution again and said the game plans are player driven. If that's the case, who's the one allowing the players to underperform? And what sense does it make to keep putting things in the players' hands if they've shown they aren't ready for the responsibility yet?
I don't have an issue with the Jaguars being a coach driven franchise. We can put Doug Pederson on every billboard in Orange Park and give him a used car dealership in Atlantic Beach as a signing bonus. However, Coach Pederson has to embrace the uglier elements of being The Man if he's going to take Jacksonville into the upper stratosphere of NFL football.
Coach, these losses are on you. Coach, any culture that allows losing is a bad culture. Coach, constant collapses in the 4th quarter are a sign that your in-game communication needs work. Coach,
What is your actual mission statement?
You want to win a Super Bowl. Great, every team wants to do that. But HOW are you going to do it, Coach Pederson? What will be the competitive advantage that separates the Jaguars from everybody else? What or who are you building around? How will you communicate this to the players? How did you communicate this to Shad Khan during your job interview?
These questions need answers, Coach - YOUR answers. Believe it or not, a lot of fans are willing to accept whatever those answers are. However, the good faith has to be rewarded with a tangible and transparent message that we can understand. Scratch that, that the PLAYERS can understand.
Communication is a soft skill that has prevented wars, taken companies to the New York Stock Exchange, made kings, and, yes, won Super Bowls. The greatest coach in Jaguars history, Tom Coughlin, didn't win his championships in Duval, but every player he worked with says the same things about him. Coughlin time. Discipline. Professionalism. It wore a lot of dudes down (and probably wasn't the best approach to managing a bunch of millionaires), but it also gave a wild card Giants team the confidence needed to beat the 2007 Patriots in a game nobody thought they would win.
In life, business, and football, the ability to properly communicate the message of the day is a high value skill. Hopefully, Coach Pederson recognizes this before it's too late.
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riverproperties · 5 days
Real Estate Company in Chennai - River Properties
River Properties has become the prime best real estate in Chennai with a commitment to the motives of quality, transparency, and customer satisfaction. With over 10 years of expertise based on a foundation of satisfied customers, the company is poised to evolve alongside this ever-changing real estate landscape. The new vision, mission, and goals of progress, create an environment for growth and trust for the people who would make better decision-making regarding the ownership of property.
We envision ourselves as the leading online destination for land property and real estate information, seamlessly connecting buyers and sellers throughout Chennai while developing a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that provides expert guidance and legal counsel in addition to detailed and accurate property listings.
What we will major in would be the accessibility of all necessary resources for making better, more informed decisions for our clients - whether individuals or companies - regarding either buying, selling, or investing in property. Of course, taking into perspective how technology is slowly being applied to transactions, we intend to digitalize customer experience through various means of digital tools and platforms. It will be the first digital approach that allows for easier, faster, and more efficient property transactions with the highest degree of transparency.
We will set the bar high, not only to grow as a company but also to make big contributions to Chennai's real estate landscape; that is, easy and accessible property buying and selling for all.
Our mission is born from the basic principle that the journey of property should be easier, more reliable, and transparent for all clients. It reaches out through the most accessible online interface while remaining user-friendly in its approach to cater to the multifaceted needs of today's Chennai property seekers. It will truly strive to create an environment that promotes trust and cooperation core with which we can build a thriving community of property enthusiasts.
We believe in the benefits of teamwork and knowledge exchange. We create an ecosystem of real estate professionals, legal experts, and customers that can pool rich insights and resources. We are not just a platform to buy and sell property; we are a reliable ally throughout your real estate journey, beginning with discovering that special property and finally completing the legal processes.
As a dynamic real estate company, our goals are centered around continuous growth, innovation, and customer empowerment. Our primary goals include:
Since the firm is dynamic and a leading real estate company, our' objectives entail an ongoing trend of growth, innovation, and empowerment of the customer. The key goals are as follows:
1. Chennai's most trusted real estate platform
We have set our ambition to be the go-to website as well as the destination for all property-related queries and deals in Chennai. We will be able to build a reputation with our customers on the grounds of verified listings, expert consultations, and legal counsel. We want our buyers, sellers, and investors to perceive it as a name synonymous with transparency and reliability.
2. Empowering Property Buyers and Sellers
The commitment to empowering both the buyer and the seller remains strong. From agricultural lands to farm plots and residential, and commercial land for sale in Chennai. we provide the tools necessary for you to navigate the real estate industry with confidence.
3. Legal Support and Transparency
The cumbersome complexities that usually accompany real estate transactions make us dedicated to offering robust legal support for all clients. We aim to make the legalities of property transactions streamlined by transparent document-handling processes, expert legal counsel, and compliance with local zoning regulations. So long as every single transaction is established by good legal checks, then our clients can enjoy peace of mind.
4. Streamlining Property Buying and Selling
We want to make the entire property process of selling and buying land in Chennai as smooth as possible. Right from spotting the desired property to finalizing a deal, we would help customers with effortless living by minimizing hassle. Since we maintain strong bonds with law experts, property developers, and financial institutions, we ensure that our clients' transactions are hassle-free and smooth.
5. Customer Experience and Satisfaction Enhancement
Customer satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do. We continue soliciting feedback in improving our service delivery to heighten the user experience on the site. We aim to create a customer-centric website where client needs and preferences enjoy primacy, personalized solutions are used.
We remain at the top of the best real estate company in Chennai being dedicated to vision, mission, as well as very defined goals. Our innovative, transparent practice, aimed at empowering customers, is one place that we need to focus on.  River Properties is a one-stop, all-inclusive real estate solution service that can help with buying, selling, or seeking proper legal advice. Moving forward into the future, our vision, mission, and goals will guide what we do to build a trusted, accessible, and reliable platform for the property seekers of Chennai.
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shosiblog · 17 days
How do brands use blockchain technology in digital marketing?
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Blockchain technology initially used to be the very foundation of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Today, it finds its place in a wide variety of industries, and digital marketing is no exception. Blockchain, because of its decentralized, highly transparent, and secure nature, provides opportunities for marketers to add value by fostering a trusting relationship with the consumer. In 2024, blockchain technology will allow brands to invent more authentic, secure, and data-driven ways of marketing. Let's dig deeper into how blockchain will find its place in digital marketing and what advantages it will be able to bring.
1. Better Data Privacy and Security Data privacy has become big business-a huge concern for consumers and businesses alike. In the ever-changing landscape of regulations surrounding data, from the recent GDPR to the CCPA, security within customer data handling is of paramount importance to brands. Blockchain decentralized data storage can guarantee that no one entity owns the data and protect against data breaches by not putting all the data eggs in a single basket.
Why it matters: Blockchain can enable brands to win customer confidence by making data handling more transparent and safe, thereby developing better relations with customers and, eventually, loyal customers, too.
2. Better Ad Transparency
Especially, ad spending represents one of the greatest pain points throughout digital advertising. It's pretty simple: too much ad fraud and bot traffic, along with too many middlemen who act opaquely, get in the way of brands tracking their spend. Blockchain can deal with this by creating an immutable ledger of transactions, enabling brands to track every ad impression, click, and spend in real time.
Why it matters: Blockchain allows brands to cut out ad fraud, ensuring that ad budgets are spent. It creates complete transparency, and thus it is more responsible and more believable in campaigns that bring bigger ROI.
3. Authentication and Counterfeiting
Authenticity is the name of the game for brands in the fashion, luxury goods, and pharmaceutical industries. Blockchain can offer tamper-proof digital records of products so that customers can confidently know their origin and authenticity. With a simple QR code scan or other blockchain-enabled tools, customers can see everything from the manufacturing process right through to sale.
Why it matters: Blockchain improves brand reputation by ensuring product authenticity-meaningful trust that reduces counterfeiting. It protects not just the brand but ensures customer satisfaction.
4. Blockchain Loyalty Programs
Most brands allow loyalty programs for customer retention. However, such programs face lots of issues related to a lack of transparency, limited interoperability, and complications during the redemption processes. Blockchain makes such loyalty programs seamless by developing decentralized ledgers to track points and rewards. This enables customers to earn and redeem their points across different platforms seamlessly while making sure that points are tracked accurately and securely for the brand.
Why it matters: Blockchain simplifies loyalty programs by making the experience smooth for customers and a very transparently secure way for brands to keep track of the rewards their customers earn.
5. Content Ownership and Monetization
Some of the most common problems that bloggers, artists, and social media influencers have to deal with are unlicensed usage of their materials and not being fairly compensated for them. Blockchain technology allows the development of decentralized platforms where owners keep ownership of the content and get paid directly every time their work is used. The smart contract, as a self-executing treaty where the terms are directly written into lines of code, can thereby automate payments in ways that properly compensate the creators.
Why it matters: Blockchain empowers content creators and brands through transparent and equitable monetization models; it incentivizes collaboration and reduces friction around ownership of digital content.
6. Improved Targeting Thanks to Decentralized Data
The traditional way of digital marketing relies heavily on third-party data when targeting consumers. In this regard, however, brands look for alternative methods of capturing customer information due to the rising concerns on privacy and deprecation of third-party cookies. Blockchain can provide decentralized marketplaces in which users are owners and sellers of access to their own data; brands will be able to interact directly with customers while still respecting their privacy.
Why it matters: Blockchain ensures that brands get access to more reliable data for targeting purposes, also in compliance with privacy, while the consumers benefit from sharing their data. This leads to better-targeted campaigns and more ethics in marketing.
7. Smart Contracts for Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing has been an OK option for many brands. The problem arises when having to manage the payments and see that the obligation that was stipulated within the contract the influencers sign is met. Smart contracts run on a blockchain that automates the execution of an influencer agreement-for instance, 'Release payments automatically when an influencer delivers content or when certain engagement metrics are met'. This adds an element of transparency and trust between brands and influencers.
Why it matters: Smart contracts facilitate the process of influencer marketing by ensuring that both parties in such a deal will fulfill their respective ends of the bargain. This minimizes disputes and makes the collaboration process more efficient.
Blockchain technology is revolutionizing the entire process of how brands do digital marketing: more security, more transparency, and a lot of efficiency. Want to give your marketing strategy a push using blockchain? Collaboration with a progressive agency-a must. Digital Marketing Agency in Tamil Nadu can help you explore blockchain solutions crafted for your needs. Contact us today to elevate your marketing strategies and stay ahead of the competition in the digital age!
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ear-worthy · 3 months
How To Know What’s Real Podcast: Exposing Misinformation, Deepfakes, Illusions & Conspiracies
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Two generations ago, print magazines existed as a primary form of communication, cultural exchange, and social commentary. The advent of the digital age has issued a terminal notice to print magazines with only limited methods for recovery.
 The Atlantic is an American magazine that has an exceptionally long and storied history. It was founded in 1857 in Boston as The Atlantic Monthly, a literary and cultural magazine that published leading writers' commentary on education, the abolition of slavery, and other major political issues of that time. Its founders included Francis H. Underwood and prominent writers Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and John Greenleaf Whittier. James Russell Lowell was its first editor.
On July 28, 2017, The Atlantic announced that billionaire investor and philanthropist Laurene Powell Jobs (the widow of former Apple Inc. chairman and CEO Steve Jobs) had acquired majority ownership through her Emerson Collective organization, with a staff member of Emerson Collective, Peter Lattman, being immediately named as vice chairman of The Atlantic. David G. Bradley and Atlantic Media retained a minority share position in this sale. In December 2020, former Wired editor-in-chief Nicholas Thompson was named CEO of The Atlantic.
Like many legacy print companies -- New York Times, Conde Nast --  The Atlantic has developed a podcast strategy. Its signature podcast -- Radio Atlantic --"road tests the big ideas that both drive the news and shape our culture. Through conversations—and sometimes sharp debates—with the most insightful thinkers and writers on topics of the day, Radio Atlantic complicates overly simplistic views. It will cut through the noise with clarifying, personal narratives. It will, hopefully, help listeners make up their own mind about certain ideas."
Radio Atlantic says: "The national conversation right now can be chaotic, reckless, and stuck. Radio Atlantic aims to bring some order to our thinking—and encourage listeners to be purposeful about how they unstick their mind."
 The Atlantic's How to Know Series podcast continues the framework built by Radio Atlantic with this smart, probing, and often prescriptive podcast. Started in late 2021, this podcast offers listeners a different focus for every season. The podcast began in 2021 with a series called How To Build A Happy Life.
  In this season, How to Know What’s Real co-hosts Megan Garber and Andrea Valdez explore the proliferation of misinformation and the rise of deepfakes and even illusions, hoping to understand what’s real and what’s not. Now that the internet, social media, and AI are integrated into much of our lives, it’s easy to lose our grip on reality.
 What is “real life,” now that the internet and AI are integrated into so much that we do? In the new season of The Atlantic’s How To series, the podcast explores the web’s effects on our brains and how narrative, repetition, and even a focus on replaying memories can muddy our ability to separate fact from fiction.
How do we come to believe the things we do? Why do conspiracy theories flourish? And how can we train our brains to recognize misinformation online?
In the May 13th episode, the podcast focuses on how social media has made it easier to build more parasocial relationships with celebrities and influencers. What impact are those connections having on our relationships IRL? And how do they shift our understanding and expectations of intimacy and trust?
Florida State University assistant professor Arienne Ferchaud defines parasocial relationships and discusses how new technologies are changing the role of entertainment in our lives.
Check out How to Know What’s Real. The previous seasons on time, happiness, and expectations are worthwhile, informative, and thoughtful listens.
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tokenlauncher · 3 months
Can Memecoins Be Your Ticket to Early Financial Freedom?
Remember all those hilarious doge memes that flooded your social media feeds a while back? Believe it or not, those playful pups have morphed into something much bigger: memecoins! These are digital tokens inspired by internet jokes, funny animals, and viral trends.
At first, memecoins were seen as just a silly fad. But here’s the surprising thing: some of them have actually skyrocketed in value, making their early investors a ton of money. Now, whispers are spreading: could memecoins be the key to early retirement? Let’s dive into the world of memecoins, exploring their potential, limitations, and whether they can truly be a part of your financial freedom journey.
The Traditional Retirement Path: A Long and Winding Road
Traditionally, achieving financial freedom and retiring early involved saving diligently for decades. You might have invested in stocks and bonds, hoping for steady, but often slow, growth. While this approach offers stability, it can feel like a long and slow climb to reach your retirement goals.
Enter the Memecoin Craze: A Playful Alternative?
Memecoins offer a more playful (and potentially faster) alternative. They tap into the power of passionate communities built around shared humor and internet culture. This “meme magic” can drive up the value of a memecoin quickly, attracting new investors and leading to significant gains (or losses). Imagine turning a small investment in a funny cat memecoin into a nest egg big enough to retire early — that’s the dream some memecoin enthusiasts are chasing.
Solana: The Playground for the Next Generation of Memecoins
The memecoin landscape is constantly evolving, and platforms like Solana are leading the charge. Solana is a high-speed blockchain platform that provides a breeding ground for innovative memecoins. Solana’s lightning-fast transaction speeds and incredibly low fees make it ideal for creating and trading memecoins. Several promising memecoins built on Solana, like $SAMO, are already gaining traction. So, while established memecoins like Dogecoin might not be built on Solana, the platform is fostering a new wave of memecoin innovation.
For Solana meme coins, SolanaLauncher <== Just visit this amazing platform, Here you can generate your own solana meme coins tokens in less then three seconds without any extensive Programming knowledge
Can Memecoins Really Help You Retire Early? Not Quite Yet
While the potential of memecoins is undeniable, it’s important to be realistic. Here’s why early retirement solely based on memecoins might be a gamble:
Volatility: Memecoins are notoriously volatile. Their values can fluctuate wildly, making them a risky investment. What’s worth a fortune today could be practically worthless tomorrow. This volatility can be exciting, but it can also lead to significant losses.
Speculation vs. Utility: While some memecoins are exploring real-world applications, their primary value currently lies in speculation. You’re essentially buying a digital token hoping its popularity will increase its value. This is different from traditional investments like stocks, which often represent ownership in a company with a proven track record.
Limited Track Record: Memecoins are a relatively new phenomenon. Unlike established investment options with decades of history, memecoins have a limited track record. It’s hard to predict their long-term performance.
However, Memecoins Aren’t All Fun and Games: Here’s Why They Matter
Despite the risks, memecoins shouldn’t be completely ignored. Here’s why they might play a role in your financial future:
Innovation Hub: The memecoin space is brimming with innovation. Platforms like Solana are fostering the creation of memecoins with real-world utility. Imagine a memecoin that grants you access to exclusive content or functions within a play-to-earn game. This could change the perception of memecoins beyond just speculative assets.
Community Power: Passionate memecoin communities can drive up a coin’s value organically. Imagine a large and enthusiastic group of fans all buying and holding the same memecoin — that kind of community support can have a real impact on its price.
Accessibility: Memecoins are often cheaper than traditional investments, making them more accessible to new investors. This can lead to wider adoption and potential long-term growth. Getting started with memecoins might be easier (and more fun!) than traditional investment options.
The Future of Crypto: A Diverse Landscape
The future of cryptocurrency is likely to be a multi-faceted one. Established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin will likely remain a dominant force for their stability and established reputation. However, memecoins, with their focus on community, innovation, and accessibility, could carve out a significant niche within the crypto ecosystem.
Best of Luck for Your Bright Future
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mirrikhinfratech · 4 months
Title: Smart Cities, Smarter Solutions: The Role of Mirrikh Infratch in Urban Development
Urbanization is transforming cities at an unprecedented rate, presenting both opportunities and challenges. As cities expand, the need for efficient, sustainable, and resilient urban infrastructure becomes paramount. Mirrikh Infratch stands at the forefront of this transformation, leading the way in smart city development with innovative solutions that promise to redefine urban living.
Leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT)
At the core of Mirrikh Infratch’s approach to smart city development is the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT involves embedding sensors and smart devices throughout urban infrastructure, creating a network that collects and transmits data in real-time. This interconnected system allows for the seamless management of city services. For example, smart traffic management systems utilize IoT to monitor and control traffic flows dynamically, reducing congestion and improving commute times. Dholera sir By optimizing traffic signals based on real-time data, cities can significantly cut down on travel time and decrease vehicle emissions, contributing to a cleaner environment.
Harnessing Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Mirrikh Infratch also harnesses the power of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance urban planning and operational efficiency. By analyzing vast datasets, AI can uncover patterns and insights that inform better decision-making. Predictive analytics can forecast urban growth, infrastructure needs, and potential bottlenecks, allowing city planners to proactively address these issues. Furthermore, AI-driven public safety systems can analyze surveillance data to detect unusual activities, enhancing crime prevention and emergency response capabilities.
Sustainable Urban Development
Sustainability is a cornerstone of Mirrikh Infratch’s vision for smart cities. The company is dedicated to integrating renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, into urban infrastructures. Green building practices,Dholera smart city including the use of energy-efficient materials and designs, help reduce the carbon footprint of new developments. Additionally, smart grids manage energy distribution more effectively, balancing supply and demand to minimize energy wastage. Water management systems equipped with IoT sensors monitor usage and detect leaks, ensuring efficient water distribution and conservation. These measures collectively contribute to creating urban environments that are not only technologically advanced but also environmentally responsible.
Enhancing Public Engagement and Inclusivity
Mirrikh Infratch believes that the success of smart cities hinges on active public participation. To this end, Dholera international airport the company develops digital platforms and mobile applications that allow residents to engage with city officials, provide feedback, and participate in decision-making processes. This inclusivity ensures that urban development projects align with the needs and preferences of the community, fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration. By involving citizens in the planning and development phases, Mirrikh Infratch helps build communities that are more cohesive and responsive to the needs of their inhabitants.
Building Resilient Infrastructure
Resilience is another critical aspect of smart city development. Mirrikh Infratch focuses on constructing infrastructure that can withstand various challenges, including natural disasters and climate change.Dholera international airport Advanced materials and innovative engineering techniques ensure that buildings and other structures are durable and adaptable. This resilience is essential for protecting residents and maintaining the functionality of urban services in the face of unexpected events.
Mirrikh Infratch is playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of urban development through its innovative approach to smart cities. By leveraging IoT, AI, and sustainable practices, the company is creating interconnected and efficient urban ecosystems that enhance the quality of life for residents. Through its commitment to public engagement, resilience, and sustainability, Mirrikh Infratch is not just building cities of the future but ensuring that they are smarter, more inclusive, and environmentally friendly. As urbanization continues to transform our world, Mirrikh Infratch's smart solutions provide a blueprint for cities that are better equipped to meet the challenges of tomorrow.
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Is Real Estate About to Become the Next Gold Rush? This YouTube Video Might Change Your Investment Strategy
Imagine a world where anyone can invest in a piece of a multi-million dollar skyscraper, a luxury beachfront property, or even a sustainable community development – all from the comfort of their phone. This isn't science fiction, it's the future of real estate, unlocked by the revolutionary power of blockchain technology. ️
"Blockchain and tokenization are going to be as disruptive to the traditional financial system as the internet was to communication." - Tim Draper, Billionaire Investor [Source: Forbes]
According to a recent report by Deloitte, a whopping 80% of real estate professionals believe blockchain will significantly impact the industry by 2 [Source: Deloitte], with estimates suggesting the global tokenized real estate market could reach a staggering $1.8 trillion by 2027 [Source: Cointelegraph Research].
This isn't just about big numbers. Blockchain is poised to democratize real estate investing, making it more accessible, transparent, and efficient than ever before. Here's how:
Fractional Ownership: Traditionally, investing in     high-value real estate required significant capital. Blockchain allows     properties to be divided into digital tokens, enabling anyone to invest in     a fraction of a property, lowering the barrier to entry ([Source: Investopedia]).
Increased Liquidity: Selling a property can be a     lengthy process. Blockchain streamlines transactions, allowing investors     to buy and sell tokens representing real estate on secure, digital     marketplaces.
Reduced Costs: By eliminating the need for intermediaries     like banks and lawyers, blockchain can significantly reduce transaction     fees associated with buying and selling real estate.
The Rise of Private Equity and Sustainable Investments:
Private equity firms, family offices, and hedge funds are already taking notice. A case study by the University of Cambridge: link to be added found that 72% of surveyed institutional investors are actively exploring opportunities in tokenized real estate, particularly those focused on sustainable developments.
This presents a unique opportunity for investors seeking not just financial returns, but also a positive social and environmental impact. Skyline Property Experts, a leading real estate investment firm focused on sustainable development, is at the forefront of this revolution.
Ready to learn more? Watch the groundbreaking new YouTube video by Sustainable Investing Digest in collaboration with Skyline Property Experts, entitled: "Blockchain Revolutionizing Real Estate." In this video, you'll gain insights from industry experts on how blockchain is transforming real estate investing, the potential benefits of sustainable development, and how to get started on your own investment journey.
But wait, there's more! Schedule a free consultation with a real estate advisor at Skyline Property Experts today to discuss your investment goals and explore how you can leverage blockchain technology to build a more sustainable and profitable future.
Click here to schedule your appointment using this link: https://calendly.com/slp-zee
**Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity! Subscribe to the Sustainable Investing Digest YouTube channel and LinkedIn newsletter for more cutting-edge investment insights.
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaDQoKBNfoGrPuK2lGDb-7w?sub_confirmation=1
Linkedin newsletter: https://www.linkedin.com/build-relation/newsletter-follow?entityUrn=7053058780464345088
Watch some of our popular youtube movies like:
Green Bonds: Financing a Greener Tomorrow
Growing Magic: The One-Acre Farm
  #blockchain #realestate #investing #sustainability #futureoffinance #SustainableInvesting #ImpactFinance #ESG #GreenFuture
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harrybradleyusa · 8 months
Jake Seal Black Hangar Studios Innovative Tactics For Low-Budget Film Marketing
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In the fast-paced world of filmmaking, where big budgets often dictate success, indie filmmakers face the daunting challenge of marketing their creations on a shoestring budget. However, Black Hangar Studios, under the visionary leadership of Jake Seal, is rewriting the rulebook with their groundbreaking and cost-effective marketing strategies. In this blog post, we'll delve into the innovative tactics employed by Jake Seal Black Hangar Studios to navigate the competitive landscape of low-budget film marketing.
Embracing the Power of Social Media
In an era dominated by digital connectivity, Jake Seal recognizes the unparalleled potential of social media platforms for reaching a global audience at minimal cost. Jake Seal Black Hangar Studios leverages the power of platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok to create buzz around their projects. By engaging with fans, sharing behind-the-scenes content, and running targeted ad campaigns, they've successfully built a loyal online community that eagerly anticipates their releases.
Crowdsourced Marketing Campaigns
Jake Seal believes in the strength of community collaboration. Jake Seal Black Hangar Studios has implemented crowdsourced marketing campaigns, turning fans into active participants in the film promotion process. Through contests, challenges, and user-generated content initiatives, the studio not only amplifies their reach but also fosters a sense of ownership among their audience. This not only sparks enthusiasm but also generates organic word-of-mouth promotion.
Strategic Partnerships with Influencers
Recognizing the impact of influencers in shaping audience opinions, Black Hangar Studios strategically partners with influencers who align with the ethos of their films. From popular YouTubers to Instagram influencers, these partnerships extend the reach of their marketing efforts, tapping into the influencer's dedicated follower base. This approach allows Black Hangar Studios to bypass traditional advertising costs while creating authentic connections with potential viewers.
Guerrilla Marketing Tactics
Jake Seal is not afraid to embrace unconventional methods to capture attention. Black Hangar Studios employs guerrilla marketing tactics that surprise and captivate their target audience. From eye-catching street art installations to flash mobs in unexpected locations, these attention-grabbing techniques create a buzz around their films without breaking the bank. The element of surprise ensures that their marketing efforts stand out in a crowded digital landscape.
Interactive Virtual Premieres
In the era of social distancing, traditional film premieres have taken a backseat. Jake Seal Black Hangar Studios has adapted by hosting virtual premieres that transcend geographical boundaries. These interactive events not only allow filmmakers to connect directly with their audience but also provide a unique viewing experience. Incorporating live Q&A sessions, interactive polls, and exclusive behind-the-scenes content, Jake Seal Black Hangar Studios transforms the virtual premiere into a memorable and shareable event.
Jake Seal Black Hangar Studios are setting a new standard for low-budget film marketing. By embracing digital platforms, crowdsourcing, influencer partnerships, guerrilla marketing, and virtual premieres, they've demonstrated that creativity can thrive even in the face of financial constraints. As indie filmmakers continue to navigate the challenges of the industry, the innovative tactics employed by Black Hangar Studios serve as an inspiring testament to the power of ingenuity and strategic thinking in the world of film promotion.
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