#big finish or the comics use your magic and make them meet please
harmfulot · 4 years
Hi!! Before you read this or try to take this down please just consider reading this instead of being so hateful. I don’t mean to spread hate onto any shippers but I do believe that Inuyasha’s fandom has a major problem that needs to be addressed. Trigger warning for pedophila,child p*rn and grooming.
Why Sessrin is problematic.
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Sessrin is a very popular ship among the Inuyasha community. If you are a shipper of this pair you won’t have to worry for lack of content for it. Rin is a injured child character that is introduced in the original Inuyasha manga in issue 14. She meets Sesshomaru in the forest and even though she is going through a lot at such a young age her kind self still tries to help him out. Sesshomaru at first does not care for this child who is tending to him. He tells her to mind her business and has her leave. Soon after Rin is killed by Kouga’s pack of wolves and Sesshomaru with his demon power scented her blood and comes to save her with his Tenseiga. After this Sessshomaru decides to take in Rin and protect her even though he had a hatred for humans. A “similarly” shippers like to compare Inuyasha and Kagome’s relationship with but their relationship is not written with romantic tensions..
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The reason why Rin was written and VERY important in Inuyasha is because she is the reason why Sesshomaru became a better person. He no longer hated humans or wanted to go against his brother. This broken human child Rin looked up to Sesshomaru who was a powerful older demon. Sesshomaru grew a soft side and it was because of her caring innocence. You could easily see their connection as father and daughter or Sesshomaru as a guardian for her. Never did he have the thought of getting with her when she got older and Rin never developed a crush on him. Why? Because she is a child who lost her parents and now has this person who protects her like one. People may say that Jaken was the father figure for Rin but I don’t agree because unlike Sesshomaru he did not care for Rin and only handled her to please his lord. Jaken would call Rin many negative things and go off at her. Rin was annoyed by Jaken. He is certainly not a parent figure for her. Sesshomaru provided a stay aside him to lead for Rin which she followed. Rin was no longer alone. She had Sesshomaru’s company now. Even if he was not very good at taking care of her he never wanted her to get hurt or killed again. He is new to this “taking care of people” thing after all especially humans...young humans. Sessrin would destroy the growth of Sesshomaru because it can’t be denyed that their relationship represents this much more than a romance waiting to happen. When Kagura came along Rin told Jaken joyfully she bet Kagura had a crush on Sesshomaru this small moment reminds you she a is a child that lost her parents and could be seeing this as a opportunity for Kagura to become her adoptive mother. And most Sesshomaru cosplayers would use their daughter to cosplay for Rin. Usually making the picture taken seem like Sesshomaru is protecting Rin or having them both share a cute bonding moment. Why? Because that is how their relationship is meant to be established. For a Sessrin cosplay to work people would have to age up Rin and her design or else the cosplayers would receive negative feedback. Now moving on to how aging up Rin is not okay either.
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People claim they only would like to see these two get together once Rin is older but that is almost as bad as shipping Sessrin while she is a child. Sesshomaru saw Rin grow up. He raised her for a while as his own this needs to stop being denied in the fandom. For Sesshomaru to impregnate Rin is out of character. And seems like a sick fanasty. He is not that kind of character. He wouldn’t touch Rin in that matter. Even if she was in her late 20’s. He respected child Rin and would still respect her older. Sessrin is like if a babysitter got together with the person they use to take care of as a kid. It’s disturbing!! Not cute. Rin does not deserve to be fedished.
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It’s actually terrifying how much child p*rn there is of Rin. I feel so ashamed by even coming across one by mistake. Don’t use the excuse that Rin is a fictional character. Enough with that excuse. Let’s throw that excuse away. That excuse of “it’s fictional it does not matter..” only works for certain things like when someone assigns headcanons for their favorite character or ships a non-canon pair that isn’t problematic. Not when we are speaking of drawing nsfw of a fictional child. And fictional or not. Rin is a child and every grown person who has drawn smut of her should be ashamed and even arrested. If you see a fictional child in this matter what knows what could you lead you up to see an actual kid as this too. It’s a big problem because there are so many people who have gotten away with this. It’s so easy to find a image of child Rin without any of her clothes on or being r*ped by Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru would never r*pe anyone. It’s quite sad. Kagome was saved from being sexually assaulted by Mukostu because of Sesshomaru. People has even brought doujinshi comics of Sessrin making love or may I call it child p*rn in disguise? Be honest with yourself. It really is just that.
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Everyone finding out would be horrified. Excluding Hanyo No Yashahime which majorly changed the characters. Sesshomaru and Rin being together would make everyone uncomfortable even Miroku who has before asked a child if she would bare his kid. Which Inuyasha,Kagome,and Sango reacted very badly to. And was yelled at for it. They do not tolerate pedos nor grooming. Kagome especially would be against. She referred Rin as the girl many times and puzzled together that Sesshomaru took care for Rin. Many people bring up that Kouga proposed to Ayame when she was a kid but remember that was never in the original. Sunrise created Ayame and added this other plot in order for Kouga to have someone at the end. Which is sad because this could have worked if Ayame met Kouga and gained a crush on him instead. She was a cute character after all. In the manga Kouga remains by himself since Kagome stayed with Inuyasha. Now I am definitely not a fan of Kouga and Ayame. I despise the fact Sunrise only created her to be Kouga’s romance interest but having him tell her he would marry her once she was older was even worse. This was a choice Sunrise made not Kouga’s original character. The reason why Kagome does not call out Kouga on this is because she did not know Ayame was a child at the time he proposed. He never mentioned it but if he did I’m certain Kagome would have not tried to keep setting them up together knowing this information. And just a reminder that even in real life some Inuyasha voice actors such as Richard Ian Cox and David Kaye voice actor for Sesshomaru does not support Sessrin. Adding on shipping Rin with Sesshomaru is like shipping Shippo with Inuyasha or Kagome. Weird right?? In the Manga Sesshomaru’s Mother Inukimi says that Sesshomaru is like his father in the strangest of ways after saving Rin again. No this doesn’t mean that he will soon come to love her romantically because Inukimi did add “In the strangest of ways” and refers to Rin as a girl like Kagome. She means that Sesshomaru had now changed and that he cared about someone who was a human like his dad who also cared for them even though they are both demons.
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It’s funny how the sequel claims girl power but does not know how to treat it’s female characters. Kagome and Sango are both introduced as Inuyasha and Miroku’s wives instead of their actual character. Now if you not a woman please do not have a say in this unless you wish to agree but this is very sexist Sunrise. I’m not exaggerating how upsetting and disrespectful it is to see you introduce these strong main female role models like this. Inuyasha and Miroku were not titled as husbands of...so why were Kagome and Sango? I’m sure 99% of audience would know who is married to who. Women are not objects or tools Sunrise. Kagome is the main character of Inuyasha even if his name is on title. She is the reason why got to meet these characters. Sunrise has done female characters dirty many times like making Ayame obessed with Kouga when she could have been a neat character but what they did to Rin takes the cake. Rin is introduced as “The girl who adores Sesshomaru” but apparently now that girl is the mother of his children. Shame on you Sunrise!! We only saw Rin ever as a child even when series ended aging her up to become Sesshomaru’s wife without knowing how she is as a grown person is not a good example for your younger female audience to view. This could have been avoided.
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Even though I’m a minor who only been in this fandom for half a year I gather a lot of knowledge of how far this fandom goes. It was definitely most popular around early 2000’s and many say it was their first anime with their first anime crush being Sesshomaru. Inuyasha was an anime I did not look content for till later after finishing season 2. When I discovered Sessrin I was real confused and thought to myself it was just a small part of the fandom but I could have been more wrong. Many accounts I followed that involved Inuyasha shipped Sessrin. Even after finishing many Inuyasha episodes I was very confused on why this was a thing and how could have it gotten so big. I thought something magical would have happened like Rin turning out to be someone much older but that never happened. I was wrong. This ship is just pedophila and nothing else. And I’m sure if Sesshomaru wasn’t “attractive” Sessrin wouldn’t be big. Going back to people crushing on Sesshomaru when they were younger I’m sure the reason Sessrin is not more discussed about for how toxic it is online is because besides people being scared,people like to insert themselves as Rin but this has to stop. Adults should not pair a child and grown up together even if the child is now grown. Especially grown ups with kids. This is not good example to set for your kids. I’ve seen many minors being harassed online for disliking Sessrin by adults. Which is super immature and should be in trouble for. Netruals must know that is not a ship war because there have been people who have gotten horrible hate and were told very graphic things by Sessrin shippers. ( By the way I’m sorry to anyone who has been hurt online even Sessrin shippers. I do not support Sessrin but no one should be told awful things. ) Many Inuyasha fans which dislike Sessrin have left Twitter and Tumblr because of how much hate they have gotten. This is not okay. People should be able to voice their opinion on something without being told to commit s*icide or hoping they get r*ped.
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And your point? This sequel is being written in the 21th century. We could write it however we please not everything has to be “accurate” and also this state is just supporting the idea of children being wed with a grown up was okay before because the age of consent was different. Ugh..but this claim is just another excuse. Please stop using it. Many things in the past were allowed which wouldn’t be allowed today. So no this is not a valid reason to ship Rin with Sesshomaru.
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Sunrise should not be off the hook for using child Rin clips for the opening as the daughters are shown. It was a wrong decision to make them seem like “moments” since now many actual pedophiles will support this pair as well. Even before this continuing was announced Sessrin was a big thing and “adult Rin” was not. Sunrise should not be supporting Sessrin at all. Nor anyone in the Inuyasha crew. They have many young fans watching and supporting this anime and they are being influenced and will grow up to think grooming is okay when it’s not. Again in 2021 this can not be allowed and it shouldn’t have ever. This sequel was not necessary. The anime ended fine.
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If Rin is the mom I will no longer support Hanyo No Yashahime. I’m sorry but I will sadly have to drop it. There are a lot of reasons why Sessrin should not be a thing and Sunrise should know many themselves,because they have joined along these character’s journeys and seen through scripts who they are. And what Sessrin is pedophila and grooming that happened to get a lot of support which is why it is hard to find more people within online media discuss it. I sure do hope it does because I am tired of seeing only few doing it. We need more awareness of how problematic grooming pairs are in anime media. No more portraying children to grow up as romance interests for people they were raised by. Let’s keep Sesshomaru and Rin’s relationship wholesome. There is no need for them to get together. At the end of the day Rin owns Sesshomaru nothing and he knows that. Let’s start viewing them from a different point of view. Let’s see more fanart of them acting like father and daughter. I love that. Thank you and have a good day.
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amjustagirl · 4 years
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Chapters: one. ~ two. ~ three. ~ four. ~ five. ~ six. ~ seven. ~ eight.
Wordcount: 2.4k
Summary: Being with Miya Atsumu is like chasing a storm - equal parts exhilaration and danger. After all, it’s impossible to tame a storm.
AO3 Link here 
Masterlist here
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Their daughter enters the world squalling, tiny and pink and bloodied and somewhat wrinkled but healthy which is all that really matters), and Atsumu’s eyes widen before immediately filling with tears when the doctor places her in his arms.  
‘You did amazin’, darlin’ he whispers, running his finger against their daughter’s cheek reverently. ‘She’s perfect’. 
‘Make sure you count ten fingers and toes before you say that’, she manages to say before dropping her head back into the pillow, bone weary from her labour, and he laughs through his tears. 
They name her Shino, which means stem of bamboo. She reasons that if their daughter is going to take the Miya family name, she should in fairness have a name that represents her side of the family – and besides, she’d always been drawn to the whimsicalness of the tale of the bamboo cutter, but thought naming her baby ‘Kaguya’ might be a little on the nose. Atsumu’s grandmother isn’t terribly pleased, but her stoic father bursts into tears when they tell him, and immediately sends over a crate full of toys carved out of the bamboo from their family’s ancestral grove. 
The press has a field day when MSBY’s PR team releases news of their marriage and Shino’s birth, but thankfully the full weight of the team’s PR machine manages to twist the coverage to repackage Atsumu’s image as a wholesome family man, so the articles remain relatively positive. Still, they’re forced to sit through a number of photo shoots to keep the press happy, and she shudders at the office gossip she knows she’ll have to face when she returns back to work. 
His teammates crowd to greet Shino when she brings her out for one of their matches for the first time. Atsumu presents Shino proudly to his teammates - ‘look at what I made’,  he demands, dangling her in his hands so they can ooh and ahh over the little girl - ‘ I learnt it from one of  those kiddie cartoons I watched at night when she wouldn’t sleep!’ he tells her later when she scolds him for the precarious hold.
She has to shoo Hinata and Bokuto away when they try to hand Shino a volleyball, the ball looking comically big against the baby girl. Sakusa stands at a respectful distance away, but hands her an adorable onesie in MSBY’s black and gold, wrapped carefully in plastic. The corner of his eyes crinkle behind his mask when he tells her it’s so Shino can support them properly at their next game. 
‘Aww, Omi-omi! I always knew you liked me deep down inside’ Atsumu crows, bouncing on the balls of his feet and clapping his hands.
‘You’re insane to marry him’, Sakusa tells her, refusing to even acknowledge Atsumu’s tomfoolery.
‘Maybe I am’, she grins, warmth furling and unfurling in her chest. 
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Despite her initial fears, Atsumu falls head over heels for Shino, and continues to allow their baby daughter to wrap him around her tiny finger. He wakes up without complaint for night feedings, spends nights pacing their little apartment coaxing Shino to bed, and straps her on his broad chest for what his pronounces ‘daddy-daughter’ adventures during the off-season when she’s away during the day for work. On weekends, they bring Shino to the park to watch the birds and the clouds in the sky, to the aquarium to watch the fish in the sea, and to the museum to marvel at dinosaur bones from a distant past. 
It’s at the museum that Shino says her first word, sitting between Atsumu’s legs in the museum sandbox, digging her chubby hands in the sand in search of fake fossils. 
‘Say that again’, Atsumu laughs wetly, pressing kisses to the top of their little girl’s head. 
‘Oto-san!’, Shino crows, the look on her face so reminiscent of Atsumu’s expression whenever he’s pleased with herself that she’s torn between feeling pride at her precocious little girl - and horror that she’s going to have her hands full with a mini-Atsumu. 
‘You’re daddy’s little girl, aren’t you, princess?’ Atsumu says proudly, and Shino claps her hands as he cuddles her close to his chest. He later tries his level best to empty out the museum gift store of toys to commemorate the day and she has to slap his hands from tossing in  ‘just one more toy’  into their checkout basket.  
‘Are you happy, ‘Tsumu?’ she asks him later, after they put Shino to bed. 
‘Why wouldn’t I be?’ he asks with a puzzled frown. ‘I have everything I need.’ 
‘Just checking’, she replies, her doubts forgotten when he tugs her into bed. 
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For Shino’s first birthday, both their families squeeze into their apartment to celebrate by strapping a giant piece of mochi that Osamu made to her back, a tradition to rid young children of any impurities. Atsumu nearly trips over himself trying to capture a photo of the auspicious moment Shino falls over on her butt, and showers kisses on her proudly when she does not cry. 
They also carry out the erabitori ceremony, setting in front of Shino several objects symbolising the various paths she might choose in the future. Aside from the common items like an abacus, writing brush or books, her brothers insist on including a knife (sheathed, of course), earning raised eyebrows of Atsumus’s family. Osamu tosses in a kitchen spoon and Atsumu naturally places a volleyball right in the center of the spread. 
‘Cheatin’ pig’, Osamu mutters when Shino ends up picking the volleyball (attracted by its bright colours, he maintains), but Atsumu ignores him, tossing the little girl in the air in delight.
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‘Darlin’, come take a look at this! Kageyama-kun’s playing his first game in Rome, and it looks like - I can’t believe this, why does his technique look better than before?! What - is the water he’s drinkin’ overseas magic or something? How’s he getting so good?’ 
‘Tsumu, could you keep it down? I just got Shino to bed, and I really need to finish the work I didn’t have time to do ‘cos I took over her pick-up today’. She replies wearily, typing furiously at her laptop. 
‘Sorry. I’ll pop over to chat with ‘Samu then, be back late!’
She nods distractedly as she hears the door click behind her back. 
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‘I can’t believe I screwed up so badly at practice today’ Atsumu grouses, chin propped up on the wooden countertop of Onigiri Miya in between mouthfuls of food. ‘I kept missing my serves, and then that asshole Omi-omi dared to laugh when I ran around trying to get my head back into the game –‘ 
‘Tsumu’. Osamu cuts in, setting another onigiri in front of him. ‘As much as I want to listen to you complain about your no-good, very-bad day, could’ya help your poor wife out a little bit?’ 
‘Thanks ‘Samu’, she musters the energy to give him a distracted smile, juggling a bowl of rice porridge she’s trying to persuade Shino to eat and preventing said little girl from smearing rice grains all over the place.
Atsumu plops Shino onto his lap, and continues talking over her head. She takes the opportunity to stuff her face with food –  glorious food, and doesn’t notice when he maintains a sullen silence as they walk home. 
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A hush ripples across the stands like a tsunami when Atsumu gets substituted midway during the last set of the match. She isn’t surprised, not when he started playing badly during the set – there was a little kid that screeched just as he was about to serve, and he’d hit the ball way out of bounds. That had been the start of his downward spiral during the game – his dump shots got picked up, his blocks weren’t quite on point, and worst of all – he’d somehow managed to misjudge the timing of a toss to Hinata-kun, the ginger haired spiker looking confused when the ball missed his hand. 
He’d stormed off the court the minute the referee’s whistle sounded, frustration and anger written all over his face and she’d made a beeline for the locker room, tucking a sleeping Shino into her carrier. She can hear him yelling (at himself, most likely) and the distinct sound of flesh hitting metal, and is about to burst in to comfort him when Sakusa steps neatly in front of her to block her way. 
‘Sakusa-kun’, she greets him, eyes darting towards the door. 
‘Miya-san’, he nods at her, face already hidden behind his usual mask. ‘I don’t think it’s a good idea to disturb him just yet.’ 
She opens her mouth to object, but Meian Shugo, the team’s broad shouldered, good natured captain, plants a hand on her shoulder to gently steer her away. ‘It’s not a pleasant sight when he’s in a funk’, he tells her quietly. ‘Let us deal with it, we’re used to him. Do you need me to call you a cab?’
‘He’s my husband – I should be the one to deal with him’ , she wants to say – but doesn’t, because Shino jolts awake and starts to wail. ‘It’s fine’, she does say, hushing her little girl. ‘I’ll hitch a ride home with ‘Samu instead’.
She meant to stay up to wait for Atsumu, give him his usual kiss and listen to him talk about his day, but she’s out like a light when her head hits the pillow (it’s been a long day, in her defense) , and she has to leave in the morning for work before he wakes.    
‘Everyone has their off days, but you’re an incredible setter, you know?’ she does tell him that night over dinner. Shino squeals and smashes her hand into the bowl of food. 
‘Of course I am’, he frowns at her, almost as if he thinks it’s odd for her to even feel the need to say that, and turns away to ruffle Shino’s hair.
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She waits by herself in the lobby of her office building for five minutes before she gives in to her impatience and calls him. 
‘Tsumu? Weren’t we supposed to meet for lunch today?’ 
‘Oh shit – I’m sorry, doll, I promised Hinata-kun that I’ll come in for extra practice today. I’ll make it up to you some other day, ok?’ 
She sighs through her nose. ‘Ok – have fun dear’, she replies reluctantly, and he ends the call before she can say any more. 
She can feel the gaze of her colleagues on her back, and plasters a smile on her face before marching off to her favourite dessert place, comforting herself with a box of mochi. She buys an extra box for Osamu (they had a specialty flavour just for the season, and she knows he’s been dying to try that) , and drops it off on the way back home. 
Atsumu complains about only getting one piece of mochi when Osamu sends him a picture of her gift – she can imagine him gloating even though the picture is unaccompanied by any text. 
‘You don’t even like chestnut!’ she scolds Atsumu, and he sulks. 
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‘Tsumu! Could you come help zip me into my dress?’ she calls, checking her watch impatiently. The babysitter should arrive in five minutes to take care of Shino for the night while they’re away at the team’s annual gala party.
‘Yknow’, we’d get there a lot faster if you hadn’t sold your old scooter’, he tells her, as he steps into the room, immaculately dressed in his best suit. 
‘I told you – it’s not practical to keep a scooter around when we have a young child’, she answers, already weary of a conversation they’ve had multiple times before. 
‘I’m just sayin’, he says lightly. ‘Oof – sorry, darlin’, the zip ain’t budgin’. 
‘But it fit perfectly fine the last time I wore it’, she frowns. 
‘You must’ve put on some weight’, he says absently, the heat of his hand burning on her hip even after he walks away. 
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‘Tsumu, seriously? I told you yesterday morning that we’re out of milk powder and diapers!’ she growls into her phone, cramming her way onto the subway. ‘Fine – whatever, you go for training, I’ll deal with it myself’, she ends the call, dropping her phone like a hot stone into her pocket. 
She runs to the supermarket during her lunch break, cursing herself for wearing heels instead of more comfortable flats, picking up two packs of diapers, a double can of milk powder, and a pack of wipes on discount - all things Atsumu should have picked up last night, but he claimed he was too busy with training and club events to pay attention to a simple errand like this – 
She’s so lost in her thoughts she doesn’t notice when her foot misses the curb and lands on her knees in the dust, the contents of her bags spilling onto the road. There are scores of people on the street but no one stops to offer their assistance, so she ignores the searing pain to pick her precious supplies up before they’re lost in the crowd. 
The blood from the cuts on her knees drips down her calves, and she limps her way back to the office.  
‘Trouble in paradise?’ Yuna-san asks with a curious smirk on her face when she heads back to her seat, eyes red, knees wrapped with white bandages. 
‘No, nothing like that’, she answers the office gossip, keeping her voice deliberately light. 
Atsumu only grunts when she asks him that night how his day went, kneeling down to greet Shino with a hug. 
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‘Won’t be stayin’ for dinner, got a team event at night’, Atsumu calls out to her, one foot out of the door. 
‘What? You should’ve told me earlier, I’m already halfway through preparing dinner’, she shouts back, hacking at the vegetables on the chopping board with a vengeance. 
His only reply is a slam of the door, which startles Shino enough to cry. In her hurry to get to her daughter, her hand on the knife slips, and she cuts open her hand. 
The space beside her remains empty throughout the night, and she falls asleep pretending the only pain she feels is from the bleeding gash on her hand. She’s so exhausted she does not wake until her alarm rings, not even when the surge of rain overnight batters her windows and water floods the streets. 
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blankdblank · 3 years
Brother Dearest Pt 78
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Home a day early Norma exploded with anxious energy to be near her daughter who was confused to the meaning of the day, her first birthday. A cake was able to distract her mother and herself from that awkward energy for the beginning of their three day weekend together so Victor could take you to a stop at the studio to help with a possible new bout of ideas to refurbish the Cap comics. Still no one seemed to be able to come up with anything substantial except for a cross of the Howling Commandoes who would run into your animated family alongside Peggy’s alter ego. Which you all took off with that idea had came up with at least five different issues worth of them to mingle in the planned plot lines already animated and ready to be sent out when it was due to be printed. Quite gladly the guys had loved your pregnancy as now with these new ideas you had editions well through this year and into the next if anything should distract from the creative process.
Just past the hall with your last projects on display atop podiums you entered the workshop as people still milled around each choice inspecting each. Including yours which was a miniature town. Half a mine complete with a track for little carts and the other half a town encircled by a river. All of it powered by the waterwheel that moved the mechanics in the layer beneath the surface of the entire town. Streets between homes had lights on each corner with antique style lamp posts with two bulbs in them that switched colors at the filling and emptying of water tubes fed by that same wheel. Cars on tracks drove between the wooden homes to finish off the scene and impressed your Professor for how complex the mechanics were to the simplistic upper display.
Your place in the class came with questions but with ease at home in the shop the men around you relaxed at fears of tears or pestering questions to distract them. Now the main distraction came for the awe striking ways you got around the difficulties your size a half to a whole foot shorter than all of them to get things done and how naturally you knew various advanced tools and had no fear in using them. Today however you came with a spare bag of clothes that to the amusement of your classmates out of your heels you stepped and flicked unfolded at your side the trousers you brought. Pulling them on over the skirt of your dress you tucked that and the flannel you added into the top and secured the cloth belt you added next. Thick socks and your work boots came next showing much use to each press of your feet into the opposite knee to tie them and lower to repeat the step.
Unable to help it as you tucked your heels into your bag the Professor gave you a once over after having seen the others had swapped their dress shirts for thicker work shirts and as you wound your ponytail and bangs back into a bun underneath a bandana he greeted you all. “Good to see you’ve all come ready to get some grease on those elbows. We have a new project for you to finish off the summer semester. Out of solid steel each of you will be creating something that has a function. It must be a minimum of six feet tall and two feet wide, please no windmills, there will be a supply near each of your stations and in the supply room. I want you all to think long and hard about what you want to make and how you would create that function in hopefully an ingeniously new way. You will only have the time in class when we meet so no spare after class time or weekends. So manage your tasks properly and keep to a schedule as best as you can.”
His eye shifted to you as you raised your hand and he nodded your way in his usual signal to speak, “Does it have to do a job or just do something?”
Across his lips a smirk tugged and he answered, “It just has to do something, make it light up, make it move, be unique. I repeat no windmills.” He said and motioned his hand to the side for you all to head to your stations. Right away he and his aid chuckled at your usual pop up onto the counter that reached your ribs to reach the gloves and apron in your cubby assigned with your name on tape laid across the edge of it.
Sons of mechanics, car enthusiasts, electricians and builders filled the class on their way to get their Engineering degrees to join the family profession and to their amusement with your own ideas you seemed to be fairly at the same level of skill as the group who was used to building models and things since they were little. Once the spare layers were added and you had taken a few minutes to simply stare at the sheet of steel resting on the mount there to hold it upright to think of what to make. The smirk that tugged across your lips intrigued the Professor and his aid that something interesting was coming as your mind had come up with something. In the same stunning fashion your tiny self eased the sheet of metal a foot taller and two feet longer than your body off the mount and onto the cutting stand you had made the first week in for your shorter self. You knelt on top of that to use just a couple feet off the ground compared to the waist high ones the guys used with ease at possession of longer arms and legs.
With cutting torch in hand over the numerous chalk outlines the sound of metal falling echoed in your ears between sounds of the others at their own stations working with hammers or torches of their own who weren’t still on the design on notepads. Around each station the Professor moved with his aid in opposing paths to get a sense of what you all were doing, notepads in hand to make notes while students as usual stood outside the windowed wall to peer in at what you all were doing. That angle especially helped to add images of yourself and the guys for the yearbook the school had for even the summer semester as well. When the metal was spent and left to just outlines into sections you cut what remained with a smirk hidden by your face shield at the perfect alignment of metal shapes to be part of the body you required. Just one layer but as usual you strove to not waste an inch of the metal or supplies given and set those aside to begin on the mechanics.
Gears, rods, all fashioned down with sanders and buffers for a smooth finish and even on a few securing grooves to be used later to lock things into place all were wound together with or near to wires and conduits for pathways of motion. All the Professor could see but the end of the day was the sheets of metal in the cutout mount along the wall. Noted with tape to not be used for scrap by others and a clump of a motor nearly the size of your body with octopus like mess of limbs that he saw you link small switches and levers to the whirring core that after the charge from the center mechanics you had wound like a clock began to slow left no hint at all what any of it could be meant for. But that was it and for the next day he would have to simply steal glances at the chunks of your projects to try and figure out what they were meant to do until the next class when he could see some more progress on the lifeless piles of metal.
“You look excited,” Victor hummed as James took hold of your bags with a kiss on your temple.
James smirked saying to the scent of metal shards on your hair and skin, “You’ve been welding again.”
“I’m building a moose.” You said making them chuckle as you delved into the new project you had been given.
James said, “Well a moose will certainly be large enough for the size requirements. What are you going to make it do?”
“Walk and move around,” you said widening their grins. “It’ll be risky but I think I can pull it off even if I have to sneak in some magic to do it.”
“I’m certain you can, Pipsqueak.”
Ten days had gone and flew by as again before the crack of dawn tears came and the now the three spotted children showed the final steps of the chicken pox that had upheaved the household. And after a trio of oatmeal baths for 20 minutes the babies now with socks tied into their hands were put back to bed until they woke for the next round of baths and calamine lotion to soothe the itchy patches away until they were gone.
Mr Fenske again had your morning. And through the afternoon while you couldn’t work on your project you brainstormed and practically filled a notebook with diagrams and plans for what exactly to do when you got back to the shop the following day to hopefully get done with plenty of time to spare and polish the giant moose up for its big debut. Sleep wasn’t hard to gain with the rain. Though by morning said rain made it a bit difficult to want to leave your still groggy girls who barely made it through breakfast but you still did simply to get the next attendance points closer to credits to get you your Bachelor’s degrees by next summer and onto the way to your Masters then Doctorates. You made plans and in sticking to them you could only make a great example for your girls to be what they wanted to, even if it didn’t involve as much schooling as you were pushing yourself through.
Back inside the second Art History class notice of a change was evident on everyone’s faces to the lack of a model or item to focus on and the Professor’s place in the front of the floor to say when you had all arrived. “For your final projects there will be no model given to you. You will supply your own muse and in the style of a painting Master you will complete two paintings of at least 12x16 each that will center around a single memory. Something that is not well known about your life, a moment of unadulterated trust. They must be a pair and be supported by a description of the memory that you all will present at the gallery at the end of this semester where each of the pieces you have completed in every class will be displayed for others to view and comment. This is your final exam, take it seriously and do not disappoint me.”
Monet’s style seemed to be something you could adapt into whatever you decided to paint. Back to Monet’s paintings your mind wandered and in the various chosen models for each of those with people in them his main focus on landscapes had you think of something that would not be another copy of one of his works. Your brain however looped back to that brothel and onto the first sheet of your sketch pad to mock up what you would paint James with his coat over his head and cigar in hand made an amusing image with details of a plume of smoke along with the beams of light from the milky curtain coated window could make for something unique. And with it would be James in that bathtub with his boots and uniform on the floor still with hold of that cigar.
There wasn’t much of your private life you wanted to share, namely your courtship with James, but you hoped he wouldn’t mind having the back of his arms, head and shoulder blades in display for however many people would be attending this gallery showing. On major project turned to two and you just wanted to get this over with. Normally you liked your Professors but this class couldn’t come to an end soon enough even if you did get along well with those from your other courses. Basic details on the first scene with him against the door was begun on a fairly decent sized easel above the required size in a means to get what details you wanted included without compromise. Anatomy and Physiology was a welcome distraction and after Communication you were free to get back to your moose.
Once in your work layers to the side of your list of necessary parts you crouched with cutter in hand to add more body pieces to the pile to assemble later. Some you left flat while others made use of the rolling press the Professor and his aid enjoyed the glimpses of hidden strength you displayed in warping the metal to your needs, each rotation of that crank took a certain amount of strength to get the bend required. While others were slid into the other metal press that with a lever bent the sections at whatever straight angle possible with enough force. Every piece only added more mystery for how they blended together until from the mess after a bit of welding around the internal support rods and gears to work the joints properly and still be able to withstand the weight of all needed to in every movement.
With the internal mechanism and the cutting mainly done now it was easier, simply overlaying the outer shell. Carefully each leg was fashioned together and down every joint tested for smooth motion you required from the different swaying sections that while still seemed a whole piece until the motion began and every joint showed its purpose to shift and then come back to its place in smooth circular motion similar to how actual moose move in real life. Rope in hand once the supporting frame you’d worked out that looked more like axels on a car of simple rods fashioned together you stood tying a wrench to one end then looking up at the only higher form of support you had, the metal beams in the rafters. There was a pulley but the chain had snapped and it was too far up and too little used to warrant replacing it yet somehow a decade later. So this was what you were left to. One end of the rope was tied to one of the legs and with a good toss the wrench flew up and over the beam above your station to fall straightening the rope with it.
The motion and fall of the wrench helped to lift the leg a couple inches off the ground at one end and with a hold of the wrench with an easy pull the leg came upright off the ground and lured the gaze of the amused Professor at your self made pulley. Securely on the ground around the support rods, that balanced on top of a stool, the hoof was settled and with an easy loop of some twine from one of the cutouts through the holes drilled into the end of the support rod the hopeful anchor was tied with an easy to remove bow. Grip of the second front leg proved you were making a hooved creation and off your shoulder you moved the leg into perfect alignment and tied it off after a few confirming checks that it was straight.
Three legs soon grew to four and from the ground and from the leg the rope was removed to fashion like a noose around a series of hooked straps linked to the belly plate now welded to the inner mechanism that with a good firm grip what a woman your size shouldn’t be able to lift the three hundred pound motor and plate with ease was gradually lifted from the ground where you had left it to be. Once the rope was tied at the right height to the leg of your workstation it was wiggled into the right alignment to lessen the strain of the rope as each edge came to rest perfectly in the connecting mounts.
Both bolted and welded down into place the security was tested amusingly for those who looked over at your grips on each leg and end of the lower half of the body to give it several firm shakes to test the stability of everything with mental checks of how it felt to ensure it wouldn’t collapse or move in a way that anything would get locked up. Down the legs the mechanics were lowered and using long necked allen wrenches you secured the screws into place before you began to work the body frame up for the sides and back with a start on the neck mount to go around the support rod from the belly mount that the mechanics there were anchored to.
The basic shape of the head came to life and atop that came antlers that rather uniquely was where the controls there was mounted underneath to be closer to the ears that it would control. Kneeling atop the workstation that you merely used to house the next part up or the tools needed the head came to life widening the grins on the faces of the Professor and his aid. Both who were beyond amused at the creature you had chosen. Amongst the other students who chose things from a giant nutcracker to a mechanical hammer wielding figure that did little else than lift and lower said hammer opposite the rotating carousels and even a tree with branches that wiggled and could be used to hold items on the trays welded atop them you had chosen the boldest design. And the most curious. Surely you had to have something up your sleeve, there had to be more to the moose than what they were able to see.
“Well, well, well, it would appear you all are getting along swimmingly in just two days.” The Professor stated as you all began to clean up for the day, including yourself who accepted help from another taller student to cover your moose with a sheet as others had done for their own projects. Turned around when you released the end of the sheet in your hands you looked the Professor over seeing that he was clearly up to something with that spreading smirk of his. “And when we meet again you will find a fresh supply of sheet metal at each of your work stations. Those supplies will be pertinent in creating a second miniature partner of what you have already produced. Four feet tall and one foot wide minimum. It does not have to be an exact copy but it does have to be related to the initial creation.”
Groans from the guys however were muddled by giggles from yourself in a momentary rest of your head against the side of your moose out of the sheer amount of work that would have to go into making a second moose from scratch the next day you would be in this class. The day was over for you at least and when you got home you could focus on your girls again and simply leave the planning to the weekend while they napped for a game plan to get the ball rolling on a baby moose. Need for a good meal and a nap read across your face and had James ask, “Who am I punching?”
In a giggle you shook your head and melted into his offered hug. “I have to make a second moose.”
The pair chuckled and when James took hold of your things Victor gave you his own hug and he hummed, “We stole a glimpse at your moose. Well done. Have to be the same size?”
“Half the size of it. It doesn’t have to be a moose, just has to be related but the only thing my brain can think of moose related is moose.” The pair smirked and you said, “We’ve just got two more classes until semester is over and we have to present things.” You glanced up at James, “I can paint you in the tub, right?” That had an awkward grin split across his face and you said, “We have to paint a memory, I picked at the brothel that one time. But you won’t mind?”
“You can paint me however you like, Darling,” he said leaning in to steal a quick kiss. “I look forward to seeing it.”
“Two its, so I have to paint two paintings and build two moose. Then show them in presentations.”
Victor smiled asking, “Do we get to keep the moose?”
“I don’t know,” you answered in a giggle. “I don’t know what they expect them to be used for or if they will want us to destroy them.”
“We are not destroying your moose,” they both said.
Victor, “We’re gonna find the perfect spot for them in our home. Do we get your art too after the gallery or do they expect people to buy them?”
“I think so. We have to share a story for the paintings but I’m not sure if they sell them off, there hasn’t been any talk of that so far.”
Victor, “Hopefully we get to keep those too. And we have cake at home.” He said making you grin up at him, “Petal’s spots are gone. Herc’s giving her a full workup along with the triplets.”
You glanced at James who said, “Belly time tests, they’re doing well, necks are nice and strong, arms show signs that they are almost ready to roll over.”
“At least I haven’t missed that yet.”
James chuckled letting you into the car to sit between them saying, “Well you missed a hell of a tantrum from Teddy.”
“Aww,” you said and they both chuckled.
“He needed a nap. Just got too overwhelmed after his last bath and took a good seven minutes to climb down from that mountain. He has a set of lungs on him that boy. Dawn held firm but Eddie had to take a walk.”
“He always hated it when kids cry. Mama Brock used to joke he’d hate the terrible two’s, but so far he has been a little angel.”
“He has,” Victor hummed. “He calmed down and apologized for throwing his toy. Then said he just wanted to go to sleep and didn’t want to have his check up until after.”
“Well I’ve been on the edge of tears from a check up myself.”
James chuckled, “We all empathize, he spent most of last night up with those baths and calamine lotion applications. Even Eddie needed a nap. Dawn’s mom came over to watch him and Marigold for a bit so they could breathe. It does seem they are all in the clear.”
Tummy time was the beginning of your days off and as the trio of girls exercised their heads, necks and arms smiles spread at your nodding off on top of the quilt for a nap that afterwards gave you enough energy to delve into those plans of yours. Alone once the triplets had been put to bed a stolen grip of James’ hands had his smile spread then melt away in the ease of his hands behind your back to lean in and accept the kiss you rose up on your toes to claim. Up from his jaws into his hair your fingers worked in a blind tug to bed as you mentally closed the doors to the room his body followed you to the bed.
Three months had blew by and nearing the end of the summer for the first time since before your belly had begun to grow lost to muffled giggles and broken smile laced utterances of adoration fixed firm in your arms he remained. All night he refused to pull back and break the hold you had on him to savor the romantic return to amorous evenings that were mutually focused. Months you had focused on him as he held himself back to keep you safe and when he had ensured he had pulled on his pants and eased his shirt over you into his arms your body nestled to drop off to sleep. Safe in his arms to whirling dreams as he savored the mixture of his scent and that of his wife’s to the burrow of his forehead into the top of your head. That mixture that while you were in school he could catch hints of on those three girls that by the day improved leaps and bounds to one day be independent little people who would shake up his days to keep them all safe and content.
Herc already had shared that Beserkers never had babies back to back and genetically there would be little chance to conceive before the girls were two years old. Yet that doubt still lingered and pretending as if the same methods of the pill and sleeves that had failed to keep you from conceiving the triplets those methods were picked up again as a sort of call for hope that they might be able to find that goal of two years true before another baby or babies could be arriving. It was just one more year and you would be on the way to graduate studies to do with as you pleased. Seven years wouldn’t be that long for an entire estimate of time to earn them, and there were so many years after that could be quite indescribable for how many possibilities there were with freedom of no school to shuffle between. Even traveling the world could be possible any time you wished if that was what you wanted. He didn’t care as long as you were together and could end each day in one another’s arms.
Following final exams with Mr Yarbrough for your History, Geography and Religion courses at home Tuesday again brought on the next to last time you would be on campus. Both your paintings had greater detail and fed into a successful task of carrying out the beginnings of your smaller moose. Thanks to the ample planning the internal mechanism and basic body shape was fashioned on a smaller pallet beside its larger parent. Mother and child as you had intended now was swapped for father and child due to the antlers that were needed to help counter balance the body’s movements.
Followed by a long session with Mr Fenske to take the final exams for your Economics, Government, Political Science and Anthropology on Wednesday the rest of the summer here in Canada would be far simpler as the courses here were in their final week.  
On Thursday more exams however would be waiting for you. Art History came first and was a lengthy exam that let you out a bit early to head for your next Art class and mentally prep the plan for the finishing touches on the paintings. Anatomy and Physiology came next for another complex exam you felt a bit anxious for how you might fare on the few essay questions at the end. Communication came last before your final class that held you from freedom with a hefty exam of its own. And when that let out past freed students rushing to savor the end of their own summers with your classmates you walked to head for your Engineering course.
Once there the same Professor who seemed excited to watch the second sculptures come to life began this final class by his posture alone had the guys around you mutter, “No.”
The word making him chuckle and smooth his palms together. “I have one final requirement one final sculpture that is a foot tall or less to go with the previous two.”
Unable to help it you let out an exasperated giggle and hung your head to smooth a hand over the back of your neck for a pose that had one of the guys tease, “Come on Bunny, you can break out another moose.”
Which had his friend say, “Just a tiny one.”
After another giggle you answered, “I am not making another moose.”
Your eyes shifted to the Professor who said, “All your supplies are at your station and in the store room. Good luck.”
At the tall station you stood tapping your pencil to the notepad you had doodled up a few choices and decided on something a bit wild. Gears were the first to be cut again and the inner mechanics were worked out with the bodies to follow. An absurdly large duck was crafted and behind it on wheels that tiny feet were faked to rotate around each rotation and a mechanical chain three ducklings would follow after their mother that would waddle around to the command of the controller you had fashioned at the end of a long string of wires to connect to the inner mechanism.
You weren’t the only one adding smaller details in hopes to not be asked for more to add for the final grading. Each project that spread his proud grin for this latest batch of students who showed promise if they continued this field. All together when the final touches were completed every student cleaned up the stations and made certain all the projects on their pallets were coated with sheets to keep them protected for the following day when they would all be shown for all who chose to come.
Early home amongst the rest of your siblings and Erik Norma smiled widely in a stroll through the projects that lined a vast courtyard and surrounding halls the Professors took a stroll through to inspect each piece and took note son how they all worked. Out of sight the empty slot with a metal stand bearing a card with your name on it amongst your classmates’ steadily filling slots there was no trace of you, however Stark and Mr Jarvis both stood waiting for one. Both who smiled and greeted your family promising to be at the painting gallery show as well the following day.
“Ooh, there’s Pipsqueak,” Victor said in a turn after catching sight of you in your mint sleeveless sundress down an empty hall with a pair of men behind you who were pulling two pallets on raised jacks. Smiles spread in curiosity at notice of the familiar silhouette of moose antlers under the larger sheet. Right up next to one another the pallets were lowered and with a bit of help the sheets were removed enabling Stark to move closer and inspect the internal parts as best he could to guess what they could do. The task that had him locate the switches on the side he only got a smirk from you in response of his gesture their way while you listened to James and Erik in proud boasting of what you had built.
When the group of judges did arrive they each looked the trio of creations over and your Professor said, “Now, Mrs Howlett, if you wouldn’t mind.” Eyes watched as you moved a sheet of metal that was forged into a long ramp that had gone unnoticed and was hiding a trio of crank keys shaped like drills for ice fishing that had an outer handle to keep it steady and an internal one to rotate the tip, the largest of which you lifted. Over to the shoulder of the largest moose you inserted the tip into the key hole there and like a clock wound the mechanism until it wouldn’t wind anymore then removed the crank to stun those looking on at the sound of clanks and a growing hum as it powered up readying for movement. The smaller four foot baby moose was cranked next followed by the duck that with a simple flick of the switch started the chuckle luring first step on the pallet.
Back around the baby moose you moved having flicked the switch on its side as you did that on the larger one that turned heads when the front and back left legs lifted to start walking. Open mouthed the crowd looked on as you guided the larger two statues off the pallets to enter the cleared path on the courtyard. Simple toggles of switches had the heads move to turn the pair and another to wiggle the ears.
“Oh my,” one of the judges stated looking in awe over the functioning moose duo that around you as the duck led its ducklings around the path you followed to circle the nearby fountain.
“She made functioning robots…” Howard muttered to himself and glanced at Jarvis only to look back at the sound of the gears slowing down causing the outer plates shifting around the moving joints, back and limb until the pair began to come to a stop as the duck continued to wander around a few moments more.
“How…?” another Professor spoke and you answered, “Well there’s no battery, just crank powered. Since it’s made of hundreds of pounds of solid steel it doesn’t run very long, but I was inspired by Grandfather Clocks.” Another crank of the animals was called for so they could get to test the switches and get closer looks at the moving components inside until the group had to move on and simply the animals were up to being photographed some more back on their pallets that when the demonstration was through were loaded onto the trailer the guys had borrowed from a neighbor to bring the animals home. At least there you and Erik could make them work much longer and improve upon the designs at your whims to at least make the ducks run longer for the older children to play with. And when he sat down for lunch while you started to nurse your girls he asked, “And just how long did they give you to build those?”
The following morning wasn’t free of any nerves as the duo were amongst the hundreds who came to this museum sized gallery that had been chosen. Different days the gallery would be filled with each class the Professor instructed and today following the order of how your easels had been lined up you got a few peeks at the other student’s pieces until you found yours in the last section opposite the young woman’s artwork on display. Soon the numbers began to grow and while you tried to answer as many questions on they style as possible you couldn’t ignore the number of cameras being snuck in by those Eddie could tell were from papers throughout Canada. Chatter however in the distance had grown and waned in the path of a particular group.
Salvador Dali, Hemingway, T.S Eliot on a working vacation of sorts had made a stop here today having read about the show in the paper. More than a few pieces inspired by the famed painter got ample comments until saved for last the Professor slid into the room listening to their impressions of each students’ sketches and paintings. Every story shared of the final paintings were noted down and quietly you listened yourself as the other young woman opposite you spoke hers then listened to comments and was freed herself. Finally the crowd who had waited around stood in wait as the group asked you about each sketch that seemed to be more impressive than the last at the varied tries of each style. Including a sketch that was in Dali’s style that made him grin your way, “I just may have to convince you to sell me this one.”
The grin that eased across your face shifted to Hemmingway in his asking about your portraits, “You painted a soldier? Was the roof leaking, that why he’s hiding his head?”
Softly you chuckled and answered, “These are my husband James.” That turned his gaze to you a moment then back to the portrait as you said, “When we were in Europe we made more than a few stops in brothels along the way. This one James got stuck babysitting me and when he found a tub in our hotel next door we could take turns in a few of the guys came upstairs and there wasn’t a lock. So he sat against the door with his coat over his head in my turn, and while I dried and combed my hair he took his own turn.”
Elliot chuckled and said, “It is a striking memory to capture on an easel.”
The Professor asked as Hemmingway moved a bit closer as if to decipher which brothel neighboring a hotel this was, “You stopped in brothels often?”
“No secret men at war crave companionship. Most of the time when we crossed paths with other platoons their men were too distracted by the brothel to notice I was there.”
Hemmingway stated, “Must have been a harrowing trial in your lifetime to be thrown into war so young. We are all amply fortunate you do not exude grimmer angles of those experiences outside of what you publish in your comics.”
A statement which had your Professor state, “Those are fiction.”
A statement that had the author who had been there himself including your arrival at Normandy say, “No, they are not. Saw more than one Battle Bunny and Venom freed city myself. Every issue rings far truer than some might claim to believe.” His eyes locked on you and he said, “I have seen you tear planes from the sky and machine guns from those hill hidden bunkers. To not have chosen to show that is great courage to bear what you have on your heart rather than your wrist.”
Dali said, “And the care you have taken of these shoulder blades, no detail of his strength missed. Bold choice. A show of relaxation and hunched focus and tension, excellent contrast.” Around your back James folded as the Professor gave his own comments and took notes on his way to make another round of everyone’s art to hear what newly arrived people were saying. The artist when he was gone crept closer to your side making you smile as he said, “Do not mind his opinion. You have captured Monet’s style with ease and respect to his technique.”
A lunch after when the works were boxed up and taken to be locked in the trunks of your cars with the famous faces was highly documented. Including the signing of the sketch you passed over to Dali and the ones that Elliot and Hemmingway chose for their own collections to leave you the ones you preferred to your own tastes and the pair you had painted of James.
No shortage of people had claims of having met you and gotten signatures and moments to speak with you on various subjects slipped in between more thoughts on your work. These pieces of art gave way to more as riding on the tails of this showing of your artistic skills like that for Kodak before led into the release of your second photography book that exceeded the sales of the first and had four signings in Canada with two settled for when you would get back to New York just like the last time. Stops that would distract you until you would receive copies of your transcript to take back with you to Barnard on how you scored in your summer courses.
Pt 79
All –
@sherala007​, @mariannetora​​, @jesgisborne​, @knitastically​, @catthefearless​​, @theincaprincess, ggbbhehe4455, @lilith15000​​, @alishlieb​​,
Not nsfw(smut) - @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​
X Marvel-Cast - @himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​​
Brother Dearest - @thorinanddwalinsdwarrowdam​​, @swoopswishsward
11 notes · View notes
popculturebuffet · 4 years
Ducktales Shadow Into Light (Lena Retrospective): Friendship Hates Magic! (Commission by WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people! And welcome, and to some of you welcome back to Shadow Into Light, my fully paid for but gladly done Lena retrospective, covering everyone’s faviorite lesbian emo shadow’s personal jounrey through all three seasons and some brucey bonuses.
So this time we pick up in mid-season 2.. yes MID season 2. Though for once taking so long to adress things had valid reasons. It dosen’t make the 8 month wait for Lena to return and for Violet to show up, her concept art having been shown off shortly before Shadow War aired during San Diego Comic Con, any less aggravating, especially since the episode did air overseas before that but never leaked anywhere properly. So I knew she’d be okay but not HOW. 
As I said though.. they had their reasons. The episode was set for episode 8 in production order, right behind whatever Happened to Della Duck? which answered the other big cliffhanger from season 1, Della’s exile on the moon. So while this episode was back in the queue, along with Della’s, which had to wait till after the christmas episode to air because said episode takes place before it. So waiting on this episode was fair on the crew’s part even knowing it was a hiatus. 
It ended up getting pushed back by a week once the episodes started airing.. but as outlined last time, THIS TIME Disney actually moved it for good reason instead of just doing so because shut up. See the problem with moving episodes around in season 2.. is Della’s return. Several episodes that in theory could’ve easily been pushed back instead of this one, Depths of Cousin Fethry, Treasure of the Found Lamp... couldn’t because they take place BEFORE Della came back and it’d be weird to air them after.  One features Donald, the other dosen’t but still lacks Della and it’d be weird if it did> While this episode takes place before Della comes back or was at least meant to, no one appears in person, and Beakly mentoning “the boys and scrooge” at the bin could simply be her forgetting Della’s a part of things for a second. It’s not entirely in character, but it’s much easier than explaning why Della’s not there and Donald is. 
They also moved one episode ahead of this.. but it’s one I approve of. See from episode 7 onward the episodes were aired in week long duckbombs, woo-ooo. I I don’t fault disney for it or the reason I suspect they had for doing this: while it wasn’t the intended way of airing, they likely did this airing style to get shows on Disney Plus quicker for it’s debut and given they’ve sunk a LOT of money into the streaming service and it’s a key part of their future, I can’t blame them for wanting the entire series thus far on the platform at launch. It’s one of if not their most popular show at the moment. They wanted it front and center. 
So this one took an extra week to air, and an extra day as they aired raiders of the doomsday vault right after Della’s return in “Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!”.. which is also not a bad move. Fans wanted more of Della and her bonding with the kids, I wanted more of that so while the wait was grumble inducing, it was worth the tradeoff to get more of this character and her bonding with Dewey.. and let’s face it Glomgold.  You know what i’m about at this point. 
So there were delays but not the mind boggling ones that reshuffled the season last time and by next season there’d be zero reshuffling with both holiday episodes designed to go anywhere. So with the history and the agonizing wait out of the way join me under the cut as a snark knight returns, a new fan faviorite debuts and Beakly gets sucked into Launchpad’s awful fandom. 
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We open our story at the Duckburg Library. Man I fucking miss the library. I mean you can go by apointment and what not but I also have library card debt and stuff, and it’s just not the same. 
Anyways naturally Webby is going there to research the Shadow Realm in hopes of finding something to bring Lena back. Last week was “Children’s Card Games, Dark Magic and You! by Professor Yugi Moto which while enlightening got her nowhere. Next up is “Shadow Games on Motorcycles!: How a Crimson Dragon defeated a giant Shadow Monster and brought the dead back and I helped by Doctor Yusei Fudo”. 
But that one’s not in yet so she instead goes to the Librarian to get another book.. and it’s Quackfaster! Horay! As for why she’s working two jobs, she’s saving up for a retirement condo in BIRDDDBAAADDOOOSSSSS. I had to type it that way it’s ape law. 
But her next book “I Went there and it Sucked, My Time in the Shadow Realm by Mayor of New Jersey Joey Wheeler” is taken by “another strange little girl”. Quackfaster, you chase people around with a scimitar. Just accept your the weird one and live with it like me. You’ll be happier that way. 
And so we finally meet Violet whose introduced pitch perfectly. Webby gives out her usual “Hi I”m Webby”.. and Violet simply holds a finger up, finishes her page and gives a simple “Yes?” It demonstrates her quite nature, her love of reading and her lack of social skills all in one fell swoop. The ensuing dead language off is also pretty damn adorable reminding me of that scene from “Lisa’s Wedding” where she and Hugh fight over a book and reading it before making out.. minus the making out because these are children, no one wants that, and Webby is taken. .and even then again children. Most we get is an innocent peck and some blushing. 
So Violet, finding out Webby needs it and is researching the arcane too offers to research together tonight, bringing a sleeping bag just in case it goes on long... to Lena’s unheard objections as she’s rattled by the break in her normal routine with Webby, and the possibility of Webby falling for someone else. I mean this i framed as a friendship thing... but you can only say “friend” so many times in a work before you sound like a retired grandma in denial about their granddaughter. 
Later at the Mansion, Beakley is enjoying a nice quiet afternoon to herself. Turns out once a month Scrooge has “Binventory Day” where he and the boys catalogue the bin for hours giving her a night to herself and Webby. Webby loudly interuppts the peace as is Cartoon Law, but Beakley is pleased Webby is getting back on the friendship horse. 
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Bentina ends up ruining it a bit though by bringing up her previous slumber party disasters... which even Lena at her most jealous admits were her fault and only agrees to in the hopes Webby’s going to cancel. Instead Webby decides to make this the most normal sleepover ever! The one where her new friend is coming to specifically help her with magic. 
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 Bentina tries to back her grandaughter/daughter down from this insane logic, but Webby does, if innocently clap back well to her being the one to give her “Be yourself” advice.  “I’m not like you Granny, I need to have friends”
And while Webby quickly flees after Beakley tries to deny it.. she’s not wrong. She has exactly one friend who she works for and no social life to speak of.. and as far as I can tell she’s fine this way. Beakley is happy with her work and raising Webby and has someone to talk to in Scrooge. She has everything she needs, while Webby is a social butterfly.. a socially inept social butterfly. She needs people and loves meeting new people and needs friends and not just her family. One’s an introvert the other’s an extrovert. I’m both at times, and before you ask why yes it is a living nightmare thank you so much for asking. I get where both are coming from. And Beakley clearly had friends at one point it’s just a long war with FOWL and a sudden granddaughter probably whittled it down to just Scrooge. It’s okay to be yourself. 
So this is where the plotlines split off, so as usual, i’m splitting the up. 
Launchpad and Beakley in Getting To Know You And Getting Sucked INto Your Strange and Lovely Fandom
So Beakley naturally cries out “name one person I don’t get along with.. and in walks Launchpad , Nature’s Perfect Himbo, having destroyed the gate and at least being honest he probably will again. Why he’s here when the boys and Scrooge are all gone? 
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But I don’t care as this subplot is just.. a nonstop delight. Starting with Beakly inviting Launchpad to sup with her.. which just confuses him. Look Bentina you have to use small words.. it’s a miracle he gets up in the morning, dreses himself and hasn’t died in a tragic gasoline fight accident. You have to know your audience. Still funny.
And “not knowing your audience” continues as Beakly serves them pea soup but Launchpad is intimidated by the spoons and while she does offer to help instead tries to use all of them then a straw and then falls facedown in his soup. And this is the SECOND TIME Beakly’s left someone living at the mansion to die. I mean that’s not a lot but it’s still weird it happened twice. 
Finally they sit quitely, Beakly reading the Scarlet Pimpernell, and Launchpad doing a coloring book. And besides the odd couple energy what I really like about this subplot.. is that it fleshes Beakly out> This is one of her ONLY plots in the entire goddamn series, yes really. 70 episodes and she only got five spotlight episodes/plots. But it does at least show her off: her upperclass pedigree we really don’t see often, showing that while she applied to the job as maid out of necisity she knows her stuff, her love of classic literature and her being out of touch with the common person. It’s not a ton but it’s more than ninja butler or “stop having fun with your kids della and be a parent”. I mean she wasn’t wrong but she could’ve been nicer about it given the circumstances. 
So Launchpad, given Beakley’s never shown any interest in him as a person before, assumes she’s going to fire him and was just softening him up. I mean Scrooge himself outright said he never would and if he did he’d do it to your face, hard as it’d be. But that aside, he’s fine with getting to know her once he knows that no he’s not being fired she just wanted to hang out, he’s everyone’s friend. But naturally an upperclash british former super spy and a dumb as a bucket with a heart of gold pilot have nothing in common, not even aircraft as “plane go up, plane crash going down’ is about the extent of his actual knowledge on aircraft that isn’t instinct or dumb luck. 
He does manage to break the ice though, mistaking her book for a Darkwing Duck book and deciding to show her the show since it might be something they have in common. At first she’s as unintuhsed as you’d expect a british lady who never watches the telly watching a 90′s kids show would be.. but by the end she’s gotten all the way into it.
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 It’s really endearing, showning that two vastly diffrent people with nothing can common can be brought together by something as simple and glorious as liking the same show. I’ve had it happen with me. She naturally is all for filiming his fanscript after the finale provides no answers, being the one to suggest it and the two end the episode shooting it with her in full darkwing duck cosplay. I’ts a cute and entertaining subplot and a nice contrast to the main plot which while not super dark, does have a fog of tension over it. Speaking of which. 
Webby, Lena and Violet: In Two’s Company, Three Accidently Creates Monsters That Nearly Take Your Girlfriend Off Into The Shadowy Abyss So the slumber party gets underway with Webby shooing away Duckworth after clearing out her room to greet Violet herself and violet having brought pie... a great callback to an earlier joke where Webby wondered if pie was normal at a sleepover. No but it should be. So Webby welcomes her in to her totally normal room devoid of anything. Nothing suspicious about that. 
So Violet tries to get her into research, specifically Tulpas, an actual magical concept, a mental construct of some kind created out of desire, imagination or what have you. Gee I wonder if that will come into play this episode. Webby.. wants to play baggle or what have you or do makeovers and drags Violet along to do the second thing after Violet asks about Magica.  Lena then finds something glowing in Violet’s bag...specifically, her old amulet, cracked but still working and flowing with Magica’s power. 
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Lena assumes Violet is Magica and goes to warn Webby only to find her HORRIBLY MUTATED! Naturally it’s a misdirect, as it turns out Violet is just REALLY good at special effects makeup. It’s something I honestly forgot about her... i’m betting one of her dad’s is an effects artist. Just saying that’d be neat. But Webby gives the “i’m normal really even though I live in a giant mansion with my dad I don’t know is my dad and my grandma whose actually my adopted mom” game away by pointing out the demon’s fang is crooked and Violet is curious and heads to Webby’s room finding a picture from said demon. He signed it and everything. Good man that Rakshaka. 
Webby is worried Violet will be freaked out by all the weird but nope, she enjoys it. And it’s not a suprise: violet is actively researching the shadow dimension. Why WOULD she be scared off. The conflict was in Webby’s head all along.. and partly out of PTSD, but we’ll get to that. Webby still tries to get her to baggle but they settle on ancient rune dice baggle and summoning some spirits. Lena scoffs.. until it actually works. It does make sense though: As we’ll see in her last starring role, Lena is kinda like Wanda Maximoff: she has an extreme amount of power but she has no idea how to use it and is simply making up most of her magic as she goes along or took magica’s lead. But the spell means Lena can touch the dice so she spells out don’t trust her.. but forgets she’s dealing with two nerds who love unlocking puzzles and assume the message is on the dice themselves. 
Webby and Violet decide they need more clarity and resume the seance.. which summons mysterious white shadow creatures Lena saw before.. .some now taking Magica’s shape. And Lena’s panicked “Oh not again” says it all. So Lena tries the tried and true bedsheet ghost cliche, grumbling about it but showing up as a ghost without any abillity to speak or talk to webby dosen’t do anything and Violet tackles the sheet before deciding to grab the amulet to dispiate the spirit.. only for Lena to show up for a breif second before she does show making the panicked child look incredibly supscious. 
Webby naturally tackles and interrogates Violet wanting the full story. And it turns out the big secret is.. Violet is entirely normal. Nothing to do with Magica, no possesions or secretly being her or a minon of hers... she was just a logic obsessed 12 year old who thought magic was a myth.. until the Shadow War proved “Nope it’s real everything you know is wrong. Up is down black is white and short is long”. She just happened to be close to the bin and found the amulet when the remains of the staff fell near her and compacted back into it. 
It’s a brilliant reveal. See first watch around your genuinely unsure if Violet is a real person or not.. unless you went in knowing she is, but semantics. Point is most first time viewers didn’t know she’d be a beloved member of the supporting cast and didn’t know what to expect. But looking back... it makes no sense. If Magica had the amulet.. why would she need to infiltrate the mansion. Revenge? Possibly but she’d want Scrooge there too. Even being evil on her own Violet had valid opportunity to pilfer Webby’s magical items, she has an entire box of magic rocks right there and then simply zap her with the amulet. But she didn’t.. because Violet is a person.  When she DOES use it she’s utterly terrified, and we can see her breathing heavy, scared.. something Magica has NEVER been of Lena. To Violet it was just a ghost. Webby hadn’t told her about lena and any information she had about her was second hand from newspapers and the like. 
Webby is sympathetic, as Violet’s feeling of being sheltered from this greater world naturally resonates and while Lena is still supscious, having reincorperated, it’s clear Webby trusts violet and simply dosen’t want to loose another friend to magic. Here trying to hide it now takes another tone.. she knows Lena was behind it.. but is so afraid of it consuming violet the way it did Lena, she forgets almost ALL of the weird magic stuff in sleepovers was magica’s manipulation, and that Lena died because her creator was a monster, not because of magic. Magic is not inherently good or bad, it just is, and that will come back as a theme in a few episodes. It allowed Magica to ravage the town and kill Lena.. but it allowed Lena to exist in the first place and while the terrible events with Magica clearly shook her.. it also shook violet out of her complacency and got her to research a world she never would’ve considered. Good can come from bad. 
And it’s with this in mind that Violet.. does not give up. She’s stayed in her box enough.. and now she knows the spirit is a friendly one.. she figures they can bring Lena BACK using the amulet. After all it was lena’s and the source of her powers.. it might be the key to reiviving her. And while Lena, if invisibly as always, remarks it’s dangerous.. Webby, with no hesitation agrees to get her girlfriend back. It’s risky sure.. but what Lena hasn’t gotten is she’s WORTH the list. She’s so full of self loathing from both her manupations of webby and Magica’s gaslighting and abuse that she can’t see herself being worth anything even as Webby spent MONTHS trying to save her, clearly still loves her, and only didn’t want violet getting hurt because she misses her.  Webby still loves and needs her for who Lena is.. Lena just can’t it and it hurts to think about that. 
So the girls once again try to summon Lena and it starts to work.. but also summons the Tulpa’s back... this time taking Magica’s form and causing a suspcious lena to panic.. and suck both of them into the shadow realm. We get the reunion we’ve been waiting for as Webby tackle hugs her happily.
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But it’s soon cut short as Lena still thinks Violet is just manipulating Webby, lying to her and that “she’s mine!”
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For the record Joss Whedon sucks, not taking that out on Anthony Stewart Head  or the guys who actually wrote the episode. Moving on. 
I feel Lena’s jealousy comes from the aformentioned self loathing, mixed with a life of having to live just to surivive at the beck and call of a throughly awful person who didn’t consider her a sentient being worthy of anything especially love. She can’t fathom anyone else loving Webby the way she does because she feels once webby has anyone else.. she won’t need her. It’s toxic and wrong.. but it’s easy to see why that’d happen when sh’es only had one healthy relationship. She barely knows the boys, Beakly only grew to tolerate her and she was only friends with Scrooge for like.. a minute. Webby is the only person she knows, loves and trusts and she just can’t risk loosing that and can’t convince herself to share. 
In a realistic scenario Lena would have to simply learn to trust and let her girlfriend have other relationshps and that hogging her all to herself is inhernetly toxic and bad. And while she still does we’re talking about a living pile of shadows smooching a clone, so yeah instead the tulpas come out and drag her off..and take Lena’s form. While Lena tries to blame Violet, Violet has absolutley none of that and makes Lena see the hard truth: Lena is so worried about being forgotten, she created the tulpas by accidnet. As I said her power is raw and unfocused.. so she didn’t do it on purpose nor did she realize how toxic she was being. This finally snaps Lena back to reality, and see Violet geniunely cares about Webby and any ulterior motives were just in her head, so the two agree to work together, using a similar chant to the one from Jaws to destroy the Tulpas and save Webby.
So the shadow realm is disapated and our trio are returned to the human world.. but Lena, not being part of it and no longer having a tether.. starts to disolve, with a really heartbreaking scene of Webby holding her hand, as does violet. But.. then a miracle happens. Since the Bracelet was Lena’s link to Webby, and to her own magic, with it and the amulet close by.. both swirl around Lena, and the power of love.. for a new friend and a first love... revivies her. Mist parts.. and we get one heartwarming sign that after all this time  “I’m back?!” Lena is confused.. but once again part of this plane of reality. She’s free and WEbby triumphanthly hugs her with Violet joining in. By letting go of her hate.. Lena returned to who she loved. They also run into the end of the other subplot and Launchpad’s casual hey lena is just great. 
So our heroes are reunited and doing horror makeup and I really love Webby’s updo here and wish more works fan nd otherwise used it. WE get a final fakeout as Lena seemingly disovles and Violet reveals herself as magica.. only for it to be a prank and Webby to just be glad the love of her life and her new best friend get a long. We get one last hearwarming image and we close out.. with Lena finally having what she always wanted freedom. And while she may not know it yet in accepting violet.. she’s finally found family. More on that in a few weeks. 
Final Thoughts: This episode is excellent. It’s not the best of the Lena arc, that comes next and it does drag once or twice.. but overall it’s a really great character piece, with a nice ballance betwen the tense main plot and the funny and goofy subplot. It adds more to Lena’s character, finally brings her back, while giving us a new and throughly fascenating new character to rave about in Violet, as well as giving Webby her own personal squad. It’s a great episode.. and only leads to a better one. But we’ll get to that in a week or so. First we have a bit of a detour and my plug. 
If you liked this review, follow for more, spread it around, and join my patreon. It’s almost time for new patreons to pay up and if you hit my stretch goal i’ll review a darkwing duck episode next month and every month! We’re just five bucks away people! And if you’d like to just comission a review directly it’s just 5 bucks an episode and avaliable via my dms, ask or discord. 
Next Time on Shadow Into Light: We take a break from the last two Lena episodes to go to one of her sources as we head back to Ducktales 87 with Magica’s Shadow War! I know almost nothing going in so... Shadow betrayals and stuff? Yay?
Tommorow: It’s Fenton’s birthday! And since i’ve done a LOT of ducktales recently and can’t do super ducktales till I hit my next stretch goal at 25 bucks, we’re going back to ST Canard at long last for Gizmoducks second apperance.. which can’t possibly be worse than the first so i’m excited. Let’s get dangerous tommorow!
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mawwart · 3 years
Hello, I have noticed that you have made mc's for some of the boys in your Obey me monster au, and I was wondering if we were going to meet the others that have not been shown yet and if we were going to learn more about the ones we have seen, like for Belphegor's mc?
I know long questions, but please don't feel rush to answer it or to feel obligated to answer. I know in the past some people have rush/pestered you to make more content on this au but I really don't want my question to come off like that. Hope you have a lovely week and Happy Halloween 🎃.
Thank you for the consideration! The biggest issue at the time was my inbox was getting spammed and there was definitely a give/take imbalance which lead to lesser quality content...anyways I am getting a little back into obeymemon, but not too much since I'm focusing a lot of time and energy on a pilot for my comic PRISM but!! I do love some of these story ideas I had in my head which just dumps all of my favorite romantic/fantasy tropes into a big ol pile. As for the MC's TECHNICALLY almost all of them have been shown! I'll probably edit this later to have links or add little snips of them but for times sake I'll get this out of the way first. I've taked about this before but since all of the MC's I've used have just been recycled from other stuff I've done! Most of the OC/MC's are unnamed and generally are easily swapped out if writers wanted to do anything based off the designs or snippets of backstory I've given. Not all of them are finalized or as well thought out but that's the whole point of the placeholders. As for gender all of them can be whatever gender but most of these characters were originally female so I've just drawn them that way by default so! a quick list of the MC's the m/f is just what genders I've drawn them as Luci: Biologist/Engineer (shown, only when she was a kid tho so) Mammy: Treasure Hunter (not shown) Levi: Bard (shown but only nsfw? so not posted here, m) Satan: Librarian (shown, m/f) Asmo: Escaped Royal (shown, f) Beel: Totally-non-magical Baker (shown, m/f) Bel: Exile (shown, m/f) Dia: Knight (shown, f) Barb: Pirate (shown, f) Simeon: Shorefront Hermit (and artist) (not shown) Solomon: Nothing yet! Maybe a rival or smth? idk I'll add onto this later but for now I gotta finish up the halloween requests and then I actually wanna get a little more into their designs and maybe post em. I only got 4 more so the wait shouldn't be too long!! Thank you for the ask and have a happy halloween! And if you wanna go dig around and see the ones I have posted now look in #the mc collective tag!
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abnormallynice · 4 years
Confession By Proxy
Read it on AO3
Collab with the wonderful @kirbychan234​ to make a prequel fic/comic for the First Date Comic I made a whiiile ago because everyone was curious why exactly Neku was so beaten up. I did the pretty pictures and they did the amazing words and stuff! ;D
Go give KirbyChan some love on tumblr and AO3 for writing the fic portion and making me squee with their writing >:3
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Neku sighs as he drops his bag to the side, the door to his apartment sliding shut on its own. It’s late, he’s tired and sore and way too lazy to worry about unpacking right now. He’ll do it tomorrow. Or maybe never. Whichever one comes first.
Instead, he goes over to his closet and starts to remove his scarf and coat. Once those are deposited on the floor as well (he’ll hang them up later, he swears), Neku reaches to close the door. 
“Have fun?”
The voice makes Neku jump and fall into his still open closet. “JESUS-!” Very unmanly, and he can hear laughter behind him that makes his blood boil. 
Joshua looks as smug as ever when Neku turns around to glare at him. “Close,” he replies airily. “But not quite~” And he shrugs, like he didn’t just scare the living daylights out of him.
“For fuck’s sake-” Neku groans as he sits up. “Text. Doorbell. Knocking. PICK ONE. Seriously, that’s all you’d have to do.” 
Neku cuts himself off when he feels a familiar jolt of pain in his arm. He grabs it without thinking and feels a warm wetness, and when he pulls his hand away, his fingers are tinged with blood. “...Shit.” 
He doesn’t even see Joshua move, but suddenly he’s there, kneeling down beside him, and with a surprisingly gentle touch on his wounded arm. Neku feels his breath catch in his throat as Joshua looks over the bloodstain with calculating eyes. “What is-?”
The gentle hand is smacked away. Joshua’s pity is neither wanted nor needed. “Nothing,” Neku says while quickly getting to his feet. “It’s nothing.” 
“That doesn’t-”
Neku doesn’t give him a chance to say anything else before quickly darting off. He runs into the bathroom and locks the door. He can hear Joshua sigh exasperatedly but he hardly cares. There’s a way more pressing issue right now. He already aches all over; he does not need this. 
There’s a soft knock at the door. Oh so he does know how to knock. “What are you hiding, Neku?” Joshua asks easily. 
“I said nothing!” Neku yells back. “Just leave! Poof away, magic genie!”
He can practically feel Joshua rolling his eyes, but Neku ignores it. What he can’t ignore, however, is the sudden chill running down his spine. This sensation...it’s familiar, he’s definitely felt it before, almost like-
And then the sensation is gone as quickly as it appeared. In its place stands Joshua, inside the bathroom, having come from nowhere and looking none too impressed. Neku freezes, not only from surprise, but also because Joshua can see the stitches in his arm now. “Don’t DO that! Can’t a guy have some damn privacy? Go away!”
Joshua has clearly had enough. Neku can barely blink before Josh was in his personal space once more, grabbing his face and looking him over. Neku squirms, but Josh holds strong, appraising the bruise on his jaw and the bandage on his right eyebrow.
“Mm.” Josh hums and eventually lets Neku go. “Face is fine. Although it looks like one of the stitches on your arm came loose.”
“Huh?” Neku looks down to his arm. Well. That explains the blood. “Oh. Shit. Uh, I should really go to a hospital-”
Joshua puts a finger over Neku’s mouth, smiling pleasantly like usual. “No need for that, dear~”
Neku feels himself blushing, and he hates it, because he knows Josh isn’t taking this seriously. And he’s got that tone again, like Joshua knows something he doesn’t. Then again, what else is new? “Shut up,” he grumps. “I don’t need you revealing another improbable mystery that is Joshua Kiryu. Leave me alone.”
To absolutely no one’s surprise, Joshua doesn’t listen and instead gently takes Neku’s arm in his hands. “Now now, let’s take a look. I’ll be but a minute, and I’ll even do it free of charge.”
“That’s a lie.”
“No lies this time~” Neku resists the urge to groan. This time, he says. Ugh. “Won’t you tell me what happened though? I didn’t expect you to come home all beaten up.” 
He really doesn’t want to. But Neku gets the feeling Josh won’t let it go until he does. So…
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The room is quiet when Neku finishes, the only sound is the small rustling of Joshua rebandaging Neku’s arm. They moved into Neku’s living room while he explained what happened, Neku sitting on the couch and Joshua sitting on the nearby coffee table. It’s hard to tell what Josh is thinking; nevermind that Neku can barely see his face from where he’s sitting. It still annoys him, because more than likely, he’s smirking that smug smirk of his. 
“The fine line between bravery and suicide,” Joshura starts, and yep, that smirk is there. Neku knew it, and it annoys him even more. “You sure know how to tightrope across it, don’t you, Neku?” His tone betrays sweetness, laced with sarcasm instead. It makes Neku grit his teeth. “What would you have done?” He snaps, and then immediately regrets his question. Knowing Joshua, he’d probably take a video or something. 
Besides, no matter what Joshua, or anyone for that matter, thought, Neku doesn’t regret his decision. He doesn’t want to imagine what kind of injuries a six-year-old girl would get with an impact like that. “Ugh, nevermind. It’s just a scrape anyway, it’s not a big deal.” 
Joshua raises a brow at him. “Oh? “Just a scrape”?” He doesn’t look impressed, and Neku’s eye twitches at his tone. “One that needed twelve stitches?” Okay so maybe it’s a little more than that, but whatever. “Be grateful your little falling act only bumped it instead of tore it open even more. This’ll last much longer since, well, I bound it this time~” 
Neku rolls his eyes. “My savior. Yay.” 
The chuckle that follows makes Neku nervous. He jolts when he feels arms lean on his legs. Joshua is very close now, staring up at him from between his knees, resting on his haunches and leaning his arms on Neku’s thighs. Neku has to fight hard not to blush. “So snappy,” he says with another laugh. “Is the child still grumpy about the argument we had before he left?”
There’s that tone again. Neku’s embarrassment dies down quickly, and he sighs. “Would you stop? I don’t have the energy.” And he’s not lying, but he also really just doesn’t want to talk about this right now, not when Josh is being such an asshole about it. 
But...now that he gets a better look at Joshua, it doesn’t seem like he’s trying to be an asshole...at least not right now. He actually looks curious, like he’s actually bothered by the fact that Neku could still be upset. Which is stupid, because Neku knows better than to think Josh could be bothered by anything. 
Other than, you know, attempting to kiss him and then having him disappear for five years. But that’s neither here nor there. 
“I...was,” Neku finally replies honestly. “...But I get the reasons why you couldn’t come along.”
Joshua’s smile is, for once, soft. He leans his cheek on his arm (which is still on Neku’s leg what the fuck Josh). “Is not having me under your constant supervision that upsetting? Would putting a leash on me satisfy?” 
Neku tries to ignore that mental image and huffs. Well excuse him for being paranoid about his friend disappearing again for another five years. Really, Joshua has nobody to blame but himself for that. “Oh please,” he replies. “As if I could ever control you. I’d never want to, and even if I ever tried, I know I can’t. I just wanted…”
He trails off, looks anywhere but at Joshua. “I just...wanted my friend to come with us on a trip, that’s all.” And Neku curses his heart rate for speeding up at the word “friend”. “I don’t know why I got so upset that you couldn’t go. Of course you couldn’t have gone, I know that, but…” 
Joshua cuts him off with another laugh. “Aw. I’m touched, Neku,” he says, amused.
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Neku is frozen. What a time to remember what Shiki said, now, with Joshua so damn close to him. And with his heart rate betraying him even more, feeling like it’s about to explode out of his chest. Joshua is so close, Neku wouldn’t be surprised if he could hear the damn thing. 
If he does, Joshua doesn’t comment on it. He’s still far too close though. “Maybe it’s better that I didn’t go, seeing how you ended up,” he says lightly. “It seems like it was far too exciting a trip for my tastes-”
“Why do you keep touching me?” Neku interrupts him, unable to look at him, and wanting to get his rapidly beating heart to calm the fuck down, Jesus Christ. 
“Hm?” Joshua’s smirk turns playful. “What’s wrong? Afraid I’ll bite, dea-?”
Neku’s voice even surprises himself. But thankfully it does the trick; Joshua stops his tease and is now looking more serious than Neku has ever seen him. He sits back a bit, gives Neku a little more breathing room, but doesn’t stop looking at him. Keeps silent as if waiting for Neku to continue.
He swallows, nervous, and leans his arms on his legs where Josh just was. “Just...just stop dancing around my questions. For once, just give me a straight answer.”
Joshua keeps quiet, and Neku bites his lip, staring at the floor. “Why do you keep touching me so casually? Why only me? Why…” He sighs. “Why does my heart break every time you do?”
He grabs onto Joshua’s sleeve, still refusing to make eye contact. “Why did you come back? Why did you leave? Did our friendship mean nothing to you? Am I nothing to you?” With every word, Neku feels himself start to get choked up more and more, and it shocks him. Why is this just coming out now? 
Finally, Neku finds the courage to lift his head, and meets Joshua’s gaze.
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As soon as the words leave his mouth, Neku freezes. ‘Wh-what? Why did I say that? I meant *like*!’ His throat refuses to work anymore, and now there’s no way he can save this. He clutches Joshua’s sleeve tighter. ‘No! I fucked up! Don’t leave me…!’
“I don’t know.” 
Neku lets out a breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding. Joshua’s voice betrays no emotion; it’s impossible to know what he’s thinking. “You make me feel at ease. I think I might have some yearning, but then again, I’m probably not the best judge.”
He’s so matter-of-fact that it throws Neku for a complete loop. “Huh?” 
“I’m answering your questions, Neku,” Joshua replies patiently. “As honestly as I am able.” Neku’s heart jumps in his throat when Joshua takes his hand delicately. “I came back because I wanted to understand. I left because I didn’t understand. And no, you’ve been the best friend I’ve ever had. I’m not sure what you are, but “nothing” is far from it.” 
Then Joshua takes Neku’s other hand, looking so damn gentle. Neku isn’t sure how he’s even breathing at this point. He’s pretty sure his heart is about to pop out of his chest at any second. “And finally, I might have still left. I don’t know. But I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere. Not unless you want me to.” 
It takes a moment for Neku’s voice to work again. “Uh…” he finally manages to get out. “Wow. I’m...surprised that actually worked.”
As if the past few minutes didn’t happen, that smirk was back on Joshua’s face. “Better take advantage of my honesty while you still can~” he says, and presses Neku’s hand to his cheek teasingly. 
And shit, that’s actually really cute? Neku flushes horribly and sputters, a little miffed that Josh rendered him speechless far too many times in the short hour or so he’s been here. “Um - uh - what - what’s your social media password?”
Without missing a beat, Joshua replies, “dr0p_d3ad_g0rg30s.”
How the hell did he do that with his mouth??? “Did you let me win at Tin Pin Online?”
“Yes, but only the first time.”
“How old are you for real?”
Joshua laughs. “Old enough~” 
And just like that, honesty hour is gone. “That’s cheating!” Neku huffs. 
Even if Josh doesn’t bother with a response, that’s fine. There are other things Neku wants to say anyway. “Um so, one more question?” 
Neku bites the inside of his cheek, hesitates. “Do you...wanna date?”
Joshua hums, looks to be in deep thought, though his smile softens quite a bit. “Sure,” he replies. “I’ll go steady with you, Neku.” 
Holy shit. Neku can’t believe this is actually happening. Internally, he’s screaming. On the outside, however, all he can do is clear his throat. “Dope.” 
Okay that was lame as hell. But he can’t take it back now. 
“My turn.” 
Neku snaps to sudden attention. “What?”
“I have questions too,” Joshua adds. “I believe it’s my turn, if you’re done~” 
Uh-oh. Neku doesn’t like that look in Joshua’s eye. He takes a deep breath, willing himself to believe that the worst has already passed. “Uh...okay, sure.” 
“When are you going to stop asking dumb questions and kiss me?”
Neku’s internal screaming, which had calmed down in the last few seconds, suddenly shoots right back up even louder than before. It takes an absurd amount of self-control to not shriek like a giddy school girl asking out her crush. Instead, Neku manages to take a deep breath, cough, and finally answer. “I was getting to it, smartass.” 
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witchesoz · 3 years
After Oz: Legends of Oz
I hesitated before doing this one, because this movie is mostly based on the book "Dorothy of Oz" by Roger S. Baum, and I haven't read said book. It is something that tends to get on my nerve, when people actually don't care about the original material an adaptation was based on, and consider the adaptation as its own entirely original piece of work, when in fact, a lot of it was taken from somebody's else work. I mean, the perfect exemple is Shining. Some people praise Kubrick for being a pure genius for inventing this story from A to Z, and consider Stephen's King television series a "poor attempt at a remake of the movie", when... you know, King originally wrote the Shining and Kubrick merely adapted it. In fact, people tend to forget most of Kubrick's movies were adaptation. Dr. Strangelove? Loosely based on "Red Alert". Lolita? Everyone knows it is Nabokov. A Clockwork Orange? Anthony Burgess. 2001: Space Odyssey? Inspired by shorts stories of Clarke, the co-author. Eyes Wide Shut? A 1920s German book, Traumnovelle. And so forth and so forth...
  Hum. Sorry for the rant. I just needed to explain why I always want to take in consideration the original material when tackling an adaptation.  But since I haven't read and can't get this book, I will mostly rely myself on the Wikipedia plot and other reviews I read. If you wonder, yes, Roger S. Baum is Baum's great-grandson (or great-great-grandson?), and he wrote "Dorothy of Oz" as a direct sequel to the first book, "The Wizard of Oz", ignoring all of the others, and... apparently he is not a really good writer. But anyway... I still decided to do a little something about this movie, because... well just because I wanted    Oh yeah, another thing... an elephant in the room I have to adress right now. I only discovered it this year, by doing research about the movie (because before I only saw it at the time of its released and then forgot about it). You can know it, or completely ignore it - yes, I know that this whole movie was the result of a huge scam that robbed hundreds of people out of their money, and that the case has been even brought to trial. But... well the movie is still here, people still saw it, it is still around, will be for still quite a long time, and it is now part of the Oz inheritance, that you want it or not. Anyway, a lot of Oz movies had a dark and troubled production. It seems almost like a pre-requisite: if you do an Oz movie, you'll never end happy. Maybe it is a curse? Who knows.
       So... let's get into the subject. Is "Dorothy's Return" a bad movie? (I'll use this name, because "Legends of Oz" was the name of the intended franchise of three, maybe ten movies). I wouldn't say so. A lot of people said it was crap, or worthless, but I wouldn't call it bad. People also said that it is a bland movie, and I would say yes - but only partially. I think a good lot of the extreme bad reactions were caused because of 1- people who just disliked the idea of more Oz adaptations, 2- people too old for this movie, because you have to remember that this is a movie aiming at children and 3- people who are hard-die fans of the MGM movie and not so much of the original Oz books. It may also play in account that Dorothy's Return was roughly released the same year, and played as a "rival" to "Oz the Great and Powerful".
    Now, note that it isn't a memorable movie (except for a few bits). It isn't an excellent movie. It isn't a cult classic (even though it may become it with the whole scam background, who knows?). It isn't something I would watch again and again with pleasure. It isn't something exceptionnal or groundbreaking, it is even quite generic. But, it has some good parts, and it manages to be entertaining, and honestly as a child I could have sit in front of it and watch it with no problem. Because, yes, it is a children movie. The action is rushed, the characters lack depth, some moments are too sugary-sweet or even cringy (for exemple the song "We'll work together". Seriously, I just looked away and sped up a bit because that was too sickening-sweet for me.) As a result, as a child movie they missed things that could have been really good (the old tree agreeing to be use for a boat, which is played straight up as him being killed, the characters even say so, but then it turns out he is still alive as a boat? You could have had a great, deep, fascinating almost philosophical moment, but you just waste it for a happy ending). Anyway, what was I saying? Yes, a children movie. As a result, some people called the movie "too simple". On the other side, people called the story "too confusing".
  To an Oz fan like me, it isn't actually confusing. It isn't at all - but indeed, for someone with a limited knowledge of Oz, it will be confusing. Because, while they base themselves on an Oz book that re-uses many elements from the books (the Queen of the Field Mices, the Sawhorse, the China Country...) it also decided to include a lot of elements from the MGM movie (the Wicked Witch of the West is the one from the MGM, Glinda is also quasi-identical from her MGM counterpart, the Winged Monkeys work with the evil people...). As a result, yeah, it may be confusing. But the inclusion of the MGM elements actually managed to correct some flaws of the original story. For exemple, in Roger S Baum's book, the Jester was merely a normal jester possessed by the ghost of the Wicked Witch of the West, through her magic wand. Wait, magic wand? There wasn't any magic wand mentionned in the original book! But in the movie, to use the broomstick of the Wicked Witch makes much more sense.
      I'll take a short time here to comment on the character of the Jester, who is, I think, the highest point of this movie. He is a good villain. A cliché but interesting backstory cashing on the idea of Oz vilains as siblings, a clear shout-out to the Joker which isn't so bad, interesting plans. He is also the provider of many nightmarish elements (the fate of Dorothy's companions, which I think was a very good idea, or the people turning into puppets and being used for a creepy dance) that made this Oz movie feel... well Ozian. Because a good Oz work is a work that will traumatize your kids! I guess a bit part of why the Jester works so well is that he basically repeats and remakes all his sister, the Wicked Witch, did in the MGM movie, and let's be honest, she was a great villain. (And this again makes sense when you remember the Jester is originally supposed to be possessed by the Witch's ghost). But at the same time he has his distinctive signature and style, with his Jester persona, his circus-related punishment and his personal plots to conquer Oz. [People noticed obviously the sweet irony of things in this movie. You have a double-character that, on the Earth world is a cheater and criminal trying to steal people of their houses and using several fake identities, while in Oz it is a villain that turns people into puppets he can manipulate and relies mostly on cheating and misleading Dorothy to her doom. Which is eerily similar to what the creators of the movie/franchise did with their financers and investors.]
  Talking about the Earth side... The whole "earthly" parts are all bland and not memorable. Just like Dorothy, who isn't really... anything to be honest. The songs sung aren't memorable either. All of that is a fail. A lot of people also considered the Earthly animation uncanny, or even disturbing, but I personally wasn't bugged by it at all. I saw much more uncanny animation.
    When it comes to the Oz part, I actually think they managed to create a perfect "Ozian story". As in, the general schema of the girl entering in Oz through an uncommon mean (here a people-eating rainbow, that I have to say was quite a scary scene to look at), then passing through many small kingdoms, meeting new friends, forming a team, discovering the villain and fighting him off - this plot was repeated by Baum times and times and times again, and probably comes from the original novel Dorothy of Oz. But it still works, as simple as it can be. Plus, the use of the China Country and the Candy County (I think its their name?) was quite a good choice. The China Country was one of Baum's earliest invention, while the Candy County (originating from the Roger S Baum book) is eerily similar to the Bunbury village, an invention of Baum, inhabited by living baked goods that also get angry at the protagonists for trying to eating them. Yes, all in all, the characters feel really Ozian. As for the other member of the team, "Wiser the Owl". Well... he had the potential to feel an interesting and Baum-ian character. But it falls flat because he just becomes one living fat joke. I mean, fat jokes can be funny. But when the character is mostly the joke itself well... yeah, not really working. He had a much interesting role in the prequel comic book.  
   Because yes, there is a comic book associated with this movie! As I said before, originally the project was to create a franchise of several movies, with toys, goodies, applications and video games. (Or at least that was the project the scam used). The comic is however found under the original title for the movie "Dorothy of Oz". I don't have much to say about it, outside that is was quite pleasing (even though it sometimes doesn't make sense when put in direct relationship to the movie), and that it introduced one interesting idea: that the magic of the broomstick/Witch relied mostly on manipulating the weather and nature. The Jester causes a flood to destroy the Munchkin town, he causes an earthquake to break the China Country, he uses heatwaves to melt the Candy County... And another interesting point, the role of Wiser. Indeed, in the movie he is presented as a "motor-mouth" that keeps talking about everything, knows a lot of stuff and has the tendency to finish other people's sentences. But it gets quickly overshadowed by the fat jokes (cause a big part of his character is that he used to be able to fly but now, because of his love for candy, he is too fat to fly). However, in the comic book he has rather the role of the one voice of reason and intelligence that offers down-to-earth, simple solutions to problems where the other Ozians search for more extravagant and magical possibilities. Exemple (SPOILERS: when trying to create a rainbow, the team searches everywhere, thinks of asking witches, wizards and candy makers. Wiser has to remind them that anybody can create a rainbow with just a good crystal and some light. SPOILER ENDING.)  
   (I actually read the comic book before looking at the movie, which may explain why I consider it better than the movie.) To return to my opinion on the movie... Not the greatest Oz movie, but certainly not the worst. Average, but on the good side. Entertaining and interesting, even though bland and generic. They got the feeling of an Oz story but they just didn't found a way to freshen up or make the story shine on its own. A good villain for a heroine easy to forget. Simple. Ideal for children, or to kill time, or just to inspire one for more Oz work.
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otterplusharchive · 4 years
rey! do you have any recs for kdramas? i have never watched any, but i like lovable characters and romance ? thank you in advance!
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I DO IN FACT HAVE DRAMA RECS HII not all of these will be kdramas, but ill start with the kdramas ive watched and enjoyed and ill include all the warnings for them that i can remember off the top of my head and a brief synopsis for u!
1. weight lifting fairy kim bok joo
this was probably one of the first kdramas i saw people post about in like 2015 and i watched a little bit of it in 2016 but then only just got around to finishing it last year. the basic gist of it is its about a young sports college weight lifter, kim bok joo, centering around her navigating through her life and trying to figure out who she is and what she wants in life and what she wants to be. her romantic interest in the show is a swimmer and they have a sort of rivals to friends to lovers, he is SO in love with her and its adorable. i absolutely loved the side characters in this show theyre all so fun and kim bok joos best friends and weight lifting team are especially delightful. my main warning would be that this show addresses eating disorders and theres a lot of mention of both weight gain and weight loss, theres also a plot point early on where kim bok joo has a crush on her eventual love interests older brother but it gets resolved and the older brother literally goes "i didnt realize you had a crush on me and if i knew that i wouldnt have been so friendly with you, it would be completely innapropriate for us to be in a relationship". overall its a really sweet and emotional fun show but if you have issues with weight talk id skip this one
2. tale of the nine tailed
this one is really recent from last year and i didnt expect to be so hooked by it but boy howdy did i get attached to all the characters and the wild plot. it feels hard to explain the plot but basically a nine tailed fox named lee yeon is living in modern day seoul and is working for the underworld finding paranormal spirits/creatures/other rogue foxes that are causing havoc on the world, hes resigned himself to living this life while waiting for his girlfriend who died tragically 600 years ago to come back to life because he traded his status as a mountain god in order to ensure that her soul would one day be reincarnated. a plucky investigative journalist named nam ji ah figures out that hes not human and shenanagins ensue because she looks exactly like his dead girlfriend oooooo whatll happen. the plot beyond that gets really wild and its hard to explain and is easier to just watch. if u enjoy paranormal adventures this one is good. my one big complaint and issue with this is that the immortal mountain spirit meets his original girlfriend when shes a child and she continues to visit him off and on as she grows up which is Hm I Dont Like That! but thankfully the present time romance our female lead meets him when shes about 30 if im remembering right. also warnings for general fantasy violence, references to child abuse, animal death, and abandonment issues
3. extraordinary you
HUGE unreality warning for this. if you have issues with feeling unreal or have paranoia/delusions about not being a real person id avoid this one just because of its premise
ok i know i said tale of the nine tailed was a hard plot to explain but BOY extraordinary you is even HARDER to explain. because its so wild but so good. its about a girl who realizes that she is literally a side character in a comic book, and the story becomes her trying to change the story to save her character from dying but it becomes a lot more than that. the romance in this is literally tooth achingly sweet and the show itself is very pretty, i loved the side characters in this one and the show was engaging and interesting to watch it became really layered and meta. super reccomend this one honestly. my main issues/warnings that i can remember off the top of my head were just one character being the classic controlling boyfriend stereotype, bullying someone specifically for being poor, unreality like i mentioned before, and then at the very end there was this love interest for a side character who got reincarnated from a past piece of writing that they had been in and put in the comic but she was a student and he was the school cook which is weird but thankfully they like barely interact at all and theres no real romance he just like recognizes her and its barely a thing at the end of the show but its still weird
4. mystic pop up bar
big warning for suicide, sexual harrasment (which is framed as being bad and the guy whos harrassing the girl literally gets thrown off a roof)
i havent finished this one yet and thats mainly because im not emotionally ready because this one makes me soooo emotional. if you like found family this is a good one. its about a pop up bar run by a woman whos been tasked with solving the problems of a certain amount of people in order to atone for her crimes in the past before dying, shes able to enter the dreams of people and solve their issues using the information she gets in the dreams. paranormal shenanagins ensue, she acquires a son and a husband and it kills me its so fun and quirky and fun despite handling dark themes and peoples problems. also very sweet the found family murders me
5. kingdom (netflix original)
i literally am not going to be able to watch any other zombie media because kingdom and train to busan are the best pieces of zombie media ive ever seen. warnings for gore and violence and just general horror aspects.
i absolutely love this one its so thrilling and well done, i love the acting and the way that this show looks its absolutely gorgeous. a zombie plague breaks out in joseon period korea where the emperor has died and then was brought back to life by the queen and her father in a ploy to try and keep their family in political power, the crown prince must find answers. a lot more happens and its very dramatic and good i love the characters in this one
1. the untamed. if you follow me and you havent watched the untamed im begging you to watch the untamed. literally one of the most beautiful stories ive experienced in my life i am not joking when i say i cried multiple times over it. the main characters are canonically gay in love and have a son together please watch the untamed. handles a lot of dark themes, heres a tw guide
2. the sleuth of the ming dynasty
this is another one i havent finished but its fun so far, very gay, found family, food, and solving murder mysteries during the ming dynasty
3. hikaru no go (also known as qi hun)
havent finished this one, there is some propaganda about hong kong in the first episode but as far as i know thats the only instance of something like that in the show
this ones about the game go and so far its very sweet and fun, local boy awakens a ghost who was a master of the game of go hundreds of years ago and eventually is persuaded to learn how to play go with the aid of the ghost. im really liking this one so far its very cute and i love the characters in it. if youve watched the untamed nie huaisangs actor ji li is in this one!
4. the legend of yunqian
this ones very short and on youtube, all the episodes are about 5 minutes long and its a lesbian time travel fantasy adventure with a happy ending! funny and cute
1. cherry magic
please please please watch cherry magic. the premise sounds very much like a weird yaoi kind of thing but trust me on this. trust me. it is so heart warming and sweet and i was so emotional about it and the growth of the main character.
adachi gains the power to read peoples minds on his 30th birthday based off a urban legend that if youre a 30 year old virgin that youll become a wizard. after gaining this power he accidentally finds out that his extremely popular and handsome coworker has a crush on him, and shenanagins ensue along with adachi having blossoming feelings in return. this show was really refreshing in a lot of ways, adachi is a main character who like.. is unsure of himself and insecure in a very kind of realistic way, he closes himself off and is afraid to reach out to people and through the course of the show we see him slowly come out of his shell and realize that hes likeable and lovable and that people want to be around him and its so nice to see. my main complaint about this show is that i dont really like the background couple, but otherwise this is a very sweet and refreshing gay romance that has a happy ending!
some others that i myself havent seen but that ive seen people talk about a lot and that i want to watch eventually:
- the legend of fei (cdrama)
- the wolf (cdrama)
- gaurdian (cdrama, not the kdrama one called goblin)
- healer (kdrama, i did watch some of this one but it was in 2016 and i never finished it so i barely remember any of it but i do remember liking it)
- nobody knows (kdrama)
- its ok to not be ok (kdrama)
sorry this is so long but i hope youll be able to find a drama u enjoy!!
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harley-sunday · 4 years
The Draw [15]
Summary: The whirlwind starts at the 2018 ACE Comic Con in Phoenix but you’re not sure where it will end...
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x reader (f)
Warnings: Language. Smut. NSFW.
Word count: 4174
AN: This took me a little (lot) longer than expected, but it’s finally here. And boy, is it fluffy. So I hope you’ll enjoy :)  I’m not sure if I can manage to get everything I still want to write in one chapter or if there’ll be more, so something to look forward to, I suppose... Either way, please let me know what you think. Validation and all that. ♥
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“Not a good time,” you echo, taking a step back as a physical reaction to his rejection, “got it.” 
Pursing your lips to keep from crying you offer him a curt nod before you turn around and walk back through the corridor towards the elevator. It takes every bit of restraint not to start running and so you think you actually hear a woman’s voice coming from inside his room when you’re about halfway, which would explain why he wouldn’t let you in. The elevator’s quick to arrive once you’ve pushed the call button rather frantically, and when you step inside you keep your eyes trained on the floor, not particularly wanting to catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirrors lining the walls. 
The two girls at the front desk eye you suspiciously when you pass them, no doubt wondering if something’s wrong, but you ignore them. At least they’ll have something to gossip about, you think wryly. 
Are you surprised to find the taxi stand empty once you get outside? No, not really anyway, because that’s just the day it’s turning out to be. Not looking forward to hanging around until a car magically appears you try to remember where you came from and start heading in that direction. The drive over here was short so it can’t be that far, you reason. The sun’s hanging low in the sky and there’s a gentle breeze that makes it rather nice outside, but you’re too busy trying not to break down and cry to notice. 
You’re so lost in your own thoughts that you don’t notice there’s someone coming after you until you hear your name being called and realize it’s not the first time you’ve heard it in the past minute or so. You recognise the voice, of course you do, and for a moment you contemplate to just keep walking, but you know he’ll catch up with you anyway and so you turn around, a rather defeated, “What?” escaping you.
He stops a few feet away from you, holding up his hands to let you know he’s not here to harm you in any way even though the thought never even crossed your mind. He’s not like Mark. Thank God. He runs a hand through his hair before he looks up at you, “I’m sorry.” 
It sounds so sincere that you wonder what it is he’s apologizing for, because it must be something big and so immediately you expect the worst - he’s with someone else and sorry you had to find out this way. The tears that you have been trying to hold back finally spill over and roll down your cheeks. You lower your head, feeling such an immense sense of loss of what could have been that it physically hurts. 
“Hey,” his voice is soft and much closer, his hand under your chin then to make you look up at him. 
You want to tell him to make it quick, because there’s no need to drag this out any longer, but you’re sobbing uncontrollably and couldn’t get a word out if you tried. 
“Will you please come with me?”
The question surprises you and he must realize it too, because he quickly adds, “There’s someone I’d like you to meet.” Then, when he sees the confusion on your face, “I need you to trust me on this, ok?”
Trying to take deep breaths to calm yourself down, you nod, but then you point to your face, which is no doubt blotchy with streaks of mascara and eyeliner running from your eyes, and let out a humorless laugh. You must be quite the sight.
He smiles and uses his thumbs to wipe away whatever’s on your cheeks before he presses a kiss to your forehead, “All done.” He takes your hand then and leads you back to the hotel, the two girls at the front desk trying their hardest not to stare when you pass them for the third time in not even twenty minutes. 
The elevator ride is silent, but he doesn’t let go of your hand and it feels good to be this close to him again even though you’re still not sure what exactly is going on. It isn’t until he opens the door of his room and you see who’s sitting on a chair in the little lounge area to your right, recognizing her from pictures in his apartment, that you let out a sigh of relief.
“Dragă,” the woman says as she gets up, holding out her arms for a hug as she walks towards you. 
You can feel yourself starting to cry again when she holds you, quietly berating yourself for assuming the worst, yet at the same time very relieved that it’s his mother who’s in his room. Like Sebastian did earlier she runs her thumbs over your cheeks to dry your eyes once she’s pulled back, her kind eyes letting you know it’s ok. She winks at you and then gently pushes you to face Sebastian. 
You shake your head at him, “I’m so sorry.” 
“You kids have a lot to talk about,” his mother says then, before she steps around you and kisses his cheek, “I’ll get out of your way, but promise me you two will have dinner with me tomorrow?”
Sebastian nods, “I’ll call you.” 
“You do that,” his mother says with a grin as she closes the door behind her. 
“She always spends her summer holidays in Romania,” he offers once he’s turned back to you, “so she’s spending a couple of days with me before she flies to Constanta next week.”
You nod, still a little lost for words.
He grabs a bottle of wine and two glasses from somewhere and tells you to follow him outside. The balcony he leads you onto basks in the last of the evening sun, with a comfortable lounge set on your left and it’s there you sit down. He has the corner room and so there’s only one neighboring balcony, but it’s separated from his with a high stone wall and so it doesn’t really feel like you’re in a hotel, what with all the privacy it offers. 
Taking the now full glass of wine from him with a quiet, “Thank you,” you watch him as he sits down, keeping a little bit of distance between the two of you. You decide it’s best to just bite the bullet and so you shift in your seat, folding your leg under you so you can face him before you admit, “Listen, I fucked up and I’m really sorry.” Taking a deep breath, you allow yourself a moment before you continue, “I should have told my parents about you sooner and I get why it made you upset. I just- I’m sorry.” 
“Thank you,” he replies, the hint of a comforting smile playing on his lips. He clears his throat then, ��But I shouldn’t have run out on you like that. It’s uh- It’s not a very mature thing to do.” 
“Oh please,” you say, shaking your head, “I would have done the same.” 
He smiles, for real then, “You would have.” 
“I really don’t want to make any excuses-”
“Then don’t,” he says, his voice soft and kind. “We’re not teenagers anymore, you know, there’s no clean slate. There are things from our past that have made us the way we are and I think the challenge for us, maybe, is to try and not compare this to anything else. Accept that this is something completely new that we have a chance to shape into whatever we want it to be.”
“Hmm,” you agree, because it makes sense. Smiling you let your eyes fall to your lap, “It’s a learning curve for sure. I never- What you just said about us having a chance to shape this, I don’t know, I really like that idea because-” you look up, your eyes finding his, “-this feels different somehow. There’s something between us that I haven’t experienced before, like a push and pull that makes us work.” 
“There’s a draw between us, for sure,” he agrees. “And I know we have some odds stacked against us with the career I have, but I really think we can make this work.” He motions for you to come closer then, “I want us to make this work.” You sit down next to him, your back resting against his chest as he drapes his arm across your shoulder and presses a kiss to your temple, “We good?” 
“More than,” you say as you lace your fingers through his, softly kissing the back of his hand. God, it feels good to be this close to him again and so there’s a sly smile on your lips when you say, “You know what would make this even better?”
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“Oh, fuck,” you curse quietly, trying your hardest to keep your voice down, your hands bunching up the fabric of your dress that he’s pushed up over your hips not long ago. One of your hands lets go then, making its way in between your legs and into his hair, holding him into place, chasing a high that undoubtedly will follow soon. You throw your head back and realize it’s dark outside, a new moon high in the sky above you. 
His tongue is attacking your clit with vigor, sometimes joined by his teeth gently scraping over the tiny bud in a way that makes you want to scream out even though you know you can’t. He has one finger inside of you already and there's promise of a second, which you hope will join soon because you are right on the edge. 
Your legs have been resting on his shoulders all this time, but you push them further apart, digging your heels into the edge of the seat you’re sitting on, granting him more access. His second finger slides in then and you feel your eyes roll back in pure bliss, rocking your hips to make him go in even deeper. “I’m about to-”
You don’t get to finish that sentence, because it’s at that moment he curls his fingers just right while sucking on your clit with a determination that has you come so hard you forget how to breathe for a moment. Which at least helps you keep quiet. He pulls his fingers back and grabs onto your thighs, holding you in place as he laps at your juices, helping you get down from your high in a way only he can. You’re actually whimpering then, because fuck, it feels so good. 
Once your breathing is back to normal he lets go and pulls back, the lust still darkening his eyes. You grab the collar of his shirt and pull him in for a kiss, licking his lips to taste the sweet mix of you and him before your tongue finds his. You moan when he ends the kiss to take a hold of your hands, gently pulling you to your feet, and so you’re pouting a little at the loss of contact. 
He looks at you, eyes even more dark and his voice low and hoarse when he says, “You’re way too loud for me to fuck you outside.”
Fuck. You might have just come again just now, and so you press your legs together to try and relieve some of the tension but fail miserably.
He leads you inside and has you stand in front of the bed, where he makes you turn around so he can unzip your dress, his mouth trailing kisses down your back the further down the zipper goes. Once he pushes it off your shoulders the fabric pools at your feet with ease and you step out of it, your hands reaching for his jeans. He gently swats them away and mutters something that sounds like, “Bed. Now.” 
You sit down, back resting against the headboard as you watch him take off his clothes, licking your lips absentmindedly when he pulls down his boxers and his cock springs free. What you wouldn’t give to taste him right now, you muse, but you know from the way he pushed your hands away you know you will have to wait. 
He pumps himself a few times, until he’s completely hard, and then kneels onto the bed, leaning down so he can kiss you. Hard. His mouth travels from your jaw to just below your ear then, where he finds your pulse point. He nips at it, teeth scraping your skin before he puts his mouth to your ear and whispers, “On your knees, sweetheart. Ass up.” 
He’s never been like this, never told you what to do, and so you’re a little surprised and a lot turned on and you do exactly like he’s asked. When you look at him from over your shoulder once you’re where he wants you, he throws you a wink and grabs your hips, pulling you a little closer. One hand lets go then, grabbing his cock and guiding it towards you, the tip of it sliding through your folds in a way that is both a turn-on and a tease. When he’s sufficiently lubed up he lines himself up and then, without warning, thrusts forward, filling you completely. He holds still for a moment and just as you marvel at how big he is, he pulls all the way back before he fills you up once more. Both his hands are on your hips again, holding you in place as he finds his rhythm, no longer pulling all the way out, and you can’t help but moan because of how good it feels. 
One of his hands slides down your stomach to your clit then, his fingers expertly finding the bud and giving it some much needed attention. You can tell he’s close from the way his breathing picks up and so you start rocking your hips to meet his thrusts, wanting him to know you’re right there with him. He curses quietly and pinches your clit between two of his fingers just as he slams into you and then both of you come at the same time, you with a loud, “Fuck,” and him leaning down and softly biting down on your shoulder while he fills you.
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The sun is high in the sky by the time you finally make your way out of his bed, even though he’s been up for a while already. You vaguely recall Room Service being delivered at some point and as a result there’s a fruit salad waiting for you on the counter top of the kitchenette. Grabbing a fork from the drawer before you pick up the bowl you make your way outside and join him on the balcony. The shirt you’re wearing is his and barely covers your ass and so you made sure to put your panties on even though he mutters something about you looking even better naked, his fingers ghosting over the skin of your thighs as you pass him. You throw him a wink before you sit down next to him and turn towards him, letting your feet rest in his lap while you get some much needed vitamins. 
His hand strokes your bare legs absentmindedly, “They’re gonna need me on set this afternoon and tonight.” 
“Oh,” you nod, “ok.” 
“I called my mom already,” he smiles, “and she wants to know if maybe you’d like to have dinner with her instead? Just the two of you.”
You try to gauge his reaction, wondering how he feels about this, but he keeps his expression neutral and so you reply, “Yeah, I’d like that,” because you really do.
“Yeah?” His smile grows wider, “Good. If you give me the address of your hotel I’ll ask if she can meet you there at seven.”
“What time do you have to leave?”
He checks his phone and sighs, before he looks back at you, “They’re picking me up in an hour.”
“An hour, huh?” You raise an eyebrow as you put the now empty bowl down on the table, gently nudging his leg with your foot, “There’s a lot we can still do in an hour.” 
He grins, “I guess there is.” 
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You’re at the small desk in your hotel room, checking up on your email and answering what you can from here when your phone lights up, ‘Mr Smooth’ flashing across the screen as it rings. Sliding your finger across the screen you accept the call, smiling when you put the phone to your ear, “Hi.” 
There’s a lot of background noise on his end and so you pause the music you were playing and up the volume on your phone, “You ok?” 
“I was going to ask you the same thing,” you hear him chuckle. “How was dinner with my mom?”
“Really nice,” you admit easily. “I had a great time.” It’s true. You were nervous at first but already after a few minutes you felt completely at ease with Georgeta and loved hearing her stories of Sebastian growing up. 
“So did she,” he says, sounding sort of proud. “She really likes you.” Before you have a chance to reply he continues, “I’m going to have to keep this short, I’m sorry. I’m on set and they’ve changed some of the schedule around so I’m on location for the next four days-”
“Oh,” you pout, even though he can’t see you, but then you realize you showed up here as unannounced as it gets and so it shouldn’t be a surprise he has prior commitments and so you quickly add, “that’s ok.” 
“They gave me Friday off, though, so cancel whatever plans you had, ok?” He says something to someone then before he comes back on the line, “I’m really sorry, babe, they need me on set, but I’ll pick you up at ten Friday, ok?” 
“Yeah,” you smile, “you do that.”
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The sun’s out in full force on Friday and you hope that whatever he has planned for today will be an outdoor activity because at least there’s a slight breeze to offer some relief every now and then. You grab your sunglasses and purse, before you take your keycard out of the lightswitch and head out, excited to see him again. 
The girl at the front desk flags you over once you get to the lobby and tells you there’s a message for you, handing you an envelope with what you now know is Sebastian’s handwriting. You smile when you read the note inside
There’s a car waiting for you outside. See you soon.
When the driver sees you coming down the front steps he opens the back door and greets you with a curt nod as you get in. It’s nice and cool inside the car and you are curious to see where you’re off to, but this is Greece and so everything is new to you. You admire the olive trees lining the streets as the driver weaves in and out of traffic effortlessly even though the streets are narrow and it’s still quite busy. You’ve been driving for about ten minutes when suddenly you see the sea in front of you and it’s then the driver turns left before driving onto the parking lot of what you assume is a marina. He hands you another envelope before he gets out and opens your door.
“Thank you,” you say as you get out, smiling at him.
“Enjoy your day,” he says, nodding towards the docks, his English laced with the most wonderful Greek accent.
You thank him once again and watch as he drives off, waving when he turns onto the main road before you open the envelope he gave you. Inside is a folded up plan of the marina, dock A-12 circled in red ink, and you’re quick to find out it’s somewhere on your left. 
Of course Sebastian’s already waiting for you on the dock once you get there and you can’t help but smile as you walk towards him. He looks as handsome as ever, the moss green shirt he’s wearing, paired with jean shorts and white sneakers, looking very familiar. It isn’t until you remember you’re wearing a blue and white striped top and navy wide legged linen pants that you realize you both are wearing a summer version of what you had on during your first date. Which seems very fitting in this setting.
He holds his hand out to help you down from the dock onto the platform, pulling you close so he can kiss you once you’re next to him, “Hi.”
“Hey,” you reply before giving him another kiss. You pull back then and can’t help but laugh, “This all looks very familiar.” 
“It does,” he agrees with a wicked smile, leading you towards the thirty foot yacht that’s docked on his right. He steps on board, never letting go of your hand, helping you down the steps with ease. 
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Like Los Angeles, the yacht comes with a captain and a deckhand and so once again you find yourself on the upper deck, albeit much closer to Sebastian this time, your back leaning against his chest while he whispers sweet nothings into your ear.
It’s perfect and you wish you could stop this moment in time, enjoy it a little longer before you have to fly back tomorrow and start work again on Monday and even more so because you know you won’t get to see him for a long time. 
“Where’s your head at?”
His voice interrupts your thoughts and even though you don’t want to dampen the mood, you know it’s best to be honest, “Not seeing you for five weeks once I leave tomorrow.”
He kisses your temple, “it’ll be over before you know it.” You start to protest but he’s quick to continue, “l don’t have anything else lined up until early September, and I promise you to spend as much time as I can with you.” He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer, mouth next to your ear again as he chuckles, “Right until you get sick of me.” 
“Never,” you reply, shaking your head. You tilt your head back and kiss his cheek to make your point.
“Good,” he loosens his grip and puts his hands so he can maneuver you onto his lap, letting them rest on your hips once you’re facing him. He smiles at you, “We should spend some time together in Charlotte.” 
“Hmm,” you agree, your hands resting on his shoulders before you lean in and kiss him, “I’d like that.” 
“Yeah,”you give him another kiss, “you still have to meet my parents after all.”
He chuckles, hands now roaming under your top, “That I do.” 
A shiver then, when his fingers trace your spine with a featherlight touch. “Seb,” you hiss, leaning your forehead against his, grinding your hips to relieve some of the tension that has started to build up.
He just grins, a mischievous look in his eyes, continuing on like nothing happened, “After that some time in New York? Maybe book a trip out of the country the week before I have to leave?”
“Deb’s gonna kill me,” you mutter quitely.
“Oh, come on,” he counters, “Deb loves you.” 
“Not enough to give me four weeks off,” you reply with a sigh, although you’re already starting to toy with the idea of taking a few weeks of unpaid leave, “but maybe I can work something out.” 
“I’d like that,” he says, leaning closer so his lips find yours again.
The kiss is slow and comfortable and his hands are back on your hips then and for a moment, just a moment, time does seem to slow down and it feels like you got your wish. 
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Your goodbye on Saturday morning is cut short when he gets a call that lets him know he’s needed on set in an hour and so all of a sudden you have to rush and it makes you a little sad because you were supposed to have at least a few more hours together. 
He seems to understand your change of mood and holds out his hand once he’s finished the call, pulling you to your feet from where you were sitting on the bed and into him, his arms wrapping around you as he kisses your forehead but doesn’t say anything.
A ragged breath escapes you and it makes him pull you even closer and then you just stand there, holding each other, but for some reason it feels like the most intimate thing you’ve ever done. After a while you pull back a little and look up at him with what you hope is a brave smile, “I love you.” 
“I love you,” he replies before he leans down and kisses you, “and I’ll be seeing you.” 
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bonesaldente · 4 years
Caliginous I Darth Maul x Reader
Chapter 13: The Invasion of Naboo
previous chapter
chapter overview
warnings: SMUT, unprotected sex, little bit of biting otherwise no real kinks and I tried to refrain from using overly vulgar language
Disclaimer: please remember that this is fiction, and that you should always use protection when having sex and that you also probably shouldn’t bite unless you asked your partner beforehand idk man you get the idea
ALSO: long chapter ahead, I’m not sorry
words: ~4000
Nervously, you pace back and forth in front of the spaceship. Maul has been gone for well over fifteen minutes now, which in and by itself would be no cause for worry - the starship you’ve seen take off from his direction, however, is to be taken as a bad sign.
Something went wrong.
You can’t even get yourself to be annoyed by the heat, all that’s on your mind is Maul’s absence. What if he got injured? What if he is hurt and unable to get back to you, bleeding out somewhere in the desert? Or if the Jedi took him with them? What if, and you shudder at the thought, just now was the last time you saw him?
You flop down onto the ramp, hugging your knees while your fingers start to fiddle with a knife, spinning it - it’s an anxious habit that you’ve had for years, but ever since you were in Maul’s company you dropped it.
But now that he is gone, the urge to do it is right back, proving to you what you always suspected; Your biggest fear is of being alone.
You slowly sway back and forth, still holding on to your own legs tightly, anchoring yourself in the present.
‘He’ll come back’
You repeat it in your head as if saying it would make it true, as if your sheer willpower would be enough to bring him to you right now.
 A quickly approaching sound makes your head snap up from where it was buried behind your knees. There, on his speeder, is Maul. Unscathed.
The breath you release feels heavier than any boulder could ever be.
“You’re alive.” You rasp as he steps off the vehicle.
“They got away.” He is fuming, you can tell that in his mind, he is replaying everything that happened, where he went wrong.
“I thought they hurt you. I saw the ship take off and -”
“I wasn’t good enough,” He is shaking his head, face twisted in pain. “They escaped because I failed!”
“You’re alive,” You repeat, insistently, though you know it offers little comfort to him. “You’ll get another chance.”
“This was supposed to be my chance. I was meant to take them out today, but I was too weak, I-”
“Cut it out!” You snap. It would be borderline comical how offended he looks, if it weren’t for the seriousness of the situation. “You’re single handedly the best, most dangerous fighter I’ve ever encountered. They got away because they got lucky and there is no point in trying to blame yourself, because it won’t change a thing. Next time, things will go differently.” While you were talking you walked up to him, so that now, you’re close enough to rest a hand against his cheek.
His eyes are wide with astonishment, then they flutter shut as he takes a deep breath, leaning into the touch.
“They won’t escape next time,” he mumbles into your hand.
“No, they won’t,” you whisper back.
The familiar hum of the engine does little to relax you. You’ve given up on sleeping by now, and are just waiting for Maul to finish his call with his master, while your legs lean against the wall and your head hangs upside down from the edge of the bed.
You wouldn’t want to be in Maul’s shoes now - having to tell his master that he failed to kill the Jedi. Actually, you wouldn't want to be in his shoes in the first place; being an apprentice to Sidious seems dreadful enough.
The two of you took off only a few hours after the Jedi left, and as soon as you left the atmosphere, Maul contacted his master. He’s been talking to him in the cockpit ever since, for at least ten minutes now.
The lift doors opening makes you peer to the right, still upside down.
“We are heading- What are you doing?” He looks slightly perplexed.
“I don’t really know,” you admit, stretching out your arms to meet the floor and swiftly rolling off the bed to look at him from a standing position.
“Where are we headed?”
“Naboo. The Trade Federation is taking complete control of the planet and my master foresees that their queen will return there soon. For the time being, we will stay in the palace in Theed.”
“The palace?” You raise your eyebrows. “Not bad. Haven’t slept in a proper bed in forever.”
The corner of his mouth twitches. “It will certainly be a pleasant change.”
You wonder if you will share a room. You would like to. Are you two at that stage yet? What’s considered a ‘bed-sharing’ stage? You wouldn’t know, and you doubt it’s something that Sidious taught Maul.
Guess you will just have to let it surprise you when you’re there.
 You have to admit; Naboo does have its charm. From what you can see flying over the planet, there’s big lakes, torrential rivers and green forests as far as the eye can see. The settlements you have seen so far all looked small, but far from poor.
You almost feel sorry you’re partaking in the plot to take over their system. Almost.
The capital, Theed, tops it all off. Even you, uncultured as you are, are able to admire the stunning architecture as you close in on the landing platform, but your attention is quickly stolen by the two figures you can make out walking towards the ship, escorted by a group of battle droids.
“The viceroy, and his lieutenant,” Maul utters, still maneuvering the ship for the landing.
“So, on a scale from one to ten, how nice do we need to be to them?”
Maul snorts.
“Let’s put it this way: They need us more than we need them.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
 You can feel their eyes on you as the ramp descends, and you don’t need the force to know that they are scared; their postures give it away.
Both you and Maul have got your hoods on, and you hope it will be effective in keeping an air of mystery around you: You have no interest in anyone getting the idea that you are at least a little bit approachable - all of these dirty politicians can stay away from you. Most likely, Maul’s mere presence should accomplish that, but you still like to make your own impression on them.
“Lord Maul, it is our honor to have you here.” Nute Gunray speaks a heavily Neimoidian accented Basic, that is the first thing you notice. The second thing is the way he holds himself; basically cowering before Maul, his whole body language speaking of submission. It is not the appearance of a leader, in your opinion. But, then again, what do you know about politics?
Their gazes are lingering on you, before Gunray resumes speaking.
“We were unaware that you would bring company. Should we prepare another room- ”
“That won’t be necessary,” Maul brushes him off in a dark tone that allows no questions.
“Very well, my Lord.”
So you are at the ‘bed-sharing’ stage. That’s good to know.
Maul sets a fast pace to the end of the landing platform, and it’s entertaining to watch the two Neimoidians struggle to keep up with him despite their much longer legs (their fancy robes are holding them up).
They lead you inside to a lavish conference room, where they start briefing Maul on the situation of the planet. Time and time again you feel Gunray stare at you, his unspoken question up in the air: Is this woman to be trusted?
You just stare right back, almost daring him to voice his concern out loud and see what happens.
He doesn’t.
You have yet to say a single word, but the Neimoidian’s constant looks your way start to annoy you.
“Is there something you’d like to say, Viceroy?” You snap.
The man flinches visibly.
“Respectfully, madam, who are you?” He finally asks.
Good question.
‘Well I used to be a contract killer, but now I work for Lord Sidious and occasionally make out with his apprentice,’ may not be an appropriate answer.
Maul shoots you an amused glance that goes unnoticed by the others and speaks up for you.
“We work together.”
‘Oh, is that what it is?’, you think.
You didn’t expect to hear his voice in your head again, so his reply surprises you.
‘You’re feisty today.’ The corner of his mouth twitches subtly.
Gunray seems to take the hint to not push the matter any further, and continues to explain their moves against local resistance to the invasion. None of it is of much interest to you, so for the next hour or so, you mostly tune out, only listening up whenever the queen and her Jedi protectors are mentioned.
Finally, they seem to wrap it up.
“A droid will show you to your quarters.” The Neimoidian tilts his head as a sign of respect before retreating.
A silver service droid awaits you at the door and starts leading you and Maul through the palace with a low speed that you otherwise would have been irritated by, but it gives you a chance to appreciate your surroundings, so you’re okay with it.
The sun is setting outside, and its rays illuminate the high corridors gently, painting every wall in gold. The setting gives the place an almost magical aura, and it's easy to be entranced by the ceiling-high paintings and statues of queens long gone.
The droid slows to a halt before a large wooden door, its metal torso awkwardly bowing to you before it turns around and leaves you.
 The room that’s been designated to you is vast and extravagant, equipped with an ornamented desk in front of a high window, right next to a balcony with a view over the waterfalls that fall from the palace into a lake. A large table that could very well fit over ten people is decorated with an intricately embroidered tablecloth (though you’re not quite sure why anyone would want that many people in what is basically their bedroom).
A door to your left leads to a bigger refresher than you’ve ever been in your entire life, and to your right- Well, to your right, there’s the bed.
It looks more luxurious and comfortable than anything you’ve ever owned. Never have you slept in a bed that allowed you to spread out your arms all the way, and you’ve most certainly never slept on a mattress that even from afar looks this soft.
It makes you wonder how weirdly your life has changed.
“To your liking?”
Maul’s smooth voice snaps you out of your thoughts and you hum in approval, though your mind is not quite at ease yet.
“So the plan remains unchanged? You take the Jedi on by yourself the next time we encounter them?” You burst out, unable to contain the conflict inside you anymore.
“Nothing has changed. If it weren’t for their luck, I would have killed them already.” He sounds grim.
You grimace. “Waiting for you to come back on Tatooine was a nightmare, Maul. I thought you got hurt or worse and… I’m not sure I can do it again.”
“I won’t get hurt,” he says insistently.
You throw up your hands in exasperation.
“That’s easy for you to say! But when you’re out there, things happen so fast. And…” your voice becomes a little more timid. “isn’t my purpose kind of to … support you?”
“Your purpose,” he draws out the word as if it were an insult, “is to live. And when you’re there with the Jedi, I can’t ensure that.”
“Fine. Whatever,” you huff, still not content.
“You understand this is to your protection, right?” Maul takes a few steps toward you. “If you got hurt, I… I don’t know what I’d do.”
“Technically,” you give him a sheepish smile, “I’ve gotten hurt on multiple occasions already.”
Shaking his head at you, he retorts: “You know what I mean.”
He is close enough now to extend his hand and brush his knuckles against your cheek. Despite your desperate attempts to stay angry, you can’t help but lean into the touch.
“I knowwhat you’re capable of,” he whispers, crossing what little space there is left between the two of you. “But I worry.”
“You think I don’t?” Your retaliation sounds as weak as your resolution is.
“You shouldn’t.” He leans in to kiss you, his arms wrapping around your waist to pull you closer.
The feeling of his lips on yours makes you forget about the argument, forget about the approaching threat and all other problems. Slinging one arm around his neck, you try to elongate this moment, wishing you could stay like this forever and just ignore all your responsibilities. Your other hand flies up to the back of his head, moving around a bit before settling around a perfectly curved horn, your thumb circling around the base absentmindedly. You aren’t even aware of what you’re doing until the feeling of Maul’s lips changes, the tiniest of moans falling from them. Your eyes open in surprise, just barely catching the way his eyelids flutter in pleasure. Unintentionally, you freeze your movements, causing him to snap out of the haze, his eyes giving away his own surprise at the reaction to the touch.
Before he can say anything, you start rubbing the base again, all the while keeping eye contact, curiously watching for his response to your little experiment.
Canines flash as he bites his lip, seemingly trying to suppress any more unintentional noises. His breaths, short and ragged, fan over your face as he stares down at you with half-lidded eyes.
Your own breath catches in your throat at the sudden turn from romantic to sexual, making you painfully aware of the aching need you have felt for so many rotations now.
Maul leans in again, lips brushing over your ear, whispering:
“If you keep doing this, I may not be able to control myself much longer.”
You are trembling with anticipation, your own breaths getting shallow. “I’ll take that risk.”
His lips are back on yours in a heartbeat, the kiss filled with desire and need this time. His hands move from your back to the front of your body, applying just enough pressure to make you take a few steps back, until you are met with the wooden frame of the bed. Another gentle push sends you falling onto the mattress that you were fantasizing about just minutes ago.
You barely have time to lament the absence of his touch when he is already on top of you, lips attaching to your exposed neck while he uses one hand to hold himself up, the other digging into your hip. Hot fingers slip under your black undershirt, pushing it up and over your head, forcing him to briefly disconnect from your bare skin, only to return with even more determination as he starts sucking and leaving his mark on you.
This has been a long time coming and neither of you is willing to wait a second longer.
You bring your hand up to tug at the black robe that is still hiding his muscular body from your view, him taking the hint and taking it off at a supernatural speed, finally allowing you to admire the tattooed skin.
Your hand comes in contact with the hot skin on his chest, travelling down to feel each muscle rippling under it, while invisible hands pull on your already loosely fitting pants, getting them off without a problem. Very real and beautifully masculine hands work on ridding you of the thin strip of fabric covering up your breasts.
He takes a moment to let his eyes take in your now very sparsely clothed form, eyes lingering longer in some places than others. You are feeling a deep need you’ve never experienced before, writhing underneath him, desperate for him to just touch you again.
“How curious,” he remarks.
“What?” You ask, your voice breathy.
“A woman of so many skills,” he muses, “yet a novice here.” Your cheeks redden at his notice of your sexual inexperience.
“It’s never been -oh” You are interrupted by an involuntary gasp as his hand cups your breast, fingers circling around the nipple while he tilts his head, waiting for you to finish the sentence. “It’s never been a priority,” you struggle to form the words, but it’s the truth: Relationships were forbidden and you have never had much interest in going home with some Kessel dirtbag.
This is different, and already much better than you could have imagined.
“Do not worry, pretty girl,” his voice is close to your ear as he bows down. “I’ll take good care of you”
Goosebumps rise on your skin despite the heat you’re feeling as his hand trails down your side, his mouth right above your collarbone, nibbling and sucking and definitely leaving another well visible mark on you. The action, combined with the touch on your breast, elicits a delicate moan from you, a sound so intimate and sexual you never thought you could make.
His mouth dips lower, tongue replacing his fingers on your breast, while one hand disappears inside your panties. One finger drags between your folds, spreading the slickness over his digit and making you gasp at the foreign touch, then proceeding by circling his thumb right over your most sensitive spot.
Finally he inserts one finger into you, moving it in and out slowly, testingly. The sensation has you electrified with pleasure, inhaling sharply.
He looks up to you to watch for your reaction when he adds a second finger, curling them inside of you, letting out a satisfied hum when another gasp escapes your lips, while he makes quick work of ripping your panties off of you entirely, before suddenly depriving you of his wondrous fingers inside you, causing you to whimper.
“Why did you sto-“ Your jaw falls slack as unexpectedly, his face is between your thighs, his incredibly hot tongue going straight to licking a generous stripe up from your opening to the sensitive bundle of nerves, where it starts doing a circular motion, waves of pleasure making you fist the sheets beside you, and you can no longer fight the sounds coming from your mouth. You moan loudly, immediately clasping a hand over your lips to silence the sinful sound.
A guttural growl comes from the zabrak who snatches your wrist and presses it back against the mattress while his other hand grips tightly on your thigh. “Let me hear you.”
You become a moaning mess, gasping and twitching while his tongue is working you, applying pressure to your clit and occasionally going lower to plunge into you.
“Oh, Maul, I -ah- I’m gonna” A high whimper interrupts you as the feeling of an oncoming release makes your back arch involuntarily. You feel like you need to move, do something or hold on to something as your orgasm finally takes over your body, starting with a tingle in your toes and ending with hoarse moans in your throat, specks of white appearing in your field of vision.
His tongue doesn’t relent while your body shutters, letting the feeling of ecstasy wash over you while he is still sucking and lapping at your sex.
Your muscles relax and your body collapses back onto the mattress, still in a sort of trance after your climax.
Maul pushes himself up to sit back between your legs, scanning your nude body with hungry eyes, your heaving chest, flushed cheeks, ruffled hair -
His lips collide with yours once more when he moves back up, the taste of you on his tongue and one hand tugging down his black pants.
Despite your quickly recovering arousal, combined with the post orgasm haze, your brain still manages to conjure up one thought:
‘Are our anatomies compatible?’ After all, you’re human and he is a zabrak- Who knows what reproduction looks like with them?
His chuckle shows you that he has been listening to your thoughts again, and you don’t mind. Voice close to a purr, he responds.
“Oh, I’ll show you how compatible they are, my sweet.”
He has completely ridded himself of all clothing now, and he is a sight to behold; black tattoos spanning over toned muscles, not a single body hair and maker-
He is going to split you in half.
Arms braced on either side of your head, he lowers himself onto you until you feel his tip grazing your still sensitive core.
Automatically, you wrap your arms around his neck that is still hovering above you, partly to hold on to him, partly to pull him closer.
Slowly, and with such care one could think you are made of glass, he enters you. At first just the head, then a little bit further, a groan falling from his lips. Your head lolls to the side.
“This okay?” His voice sounds uncharacteristically throaty.
“Yeah” you whisper, wanting more despite the sting of being stretched out like this - lust has replaced any and every thought you could have.
You whimper when he pushes himself in deeper, filling you up until the skin of his hip touches yours. Head thrown back, you feel like you’re drowning in the sensation of being filled up to the brim, pleasure overwhelming your senses. He stills, allowing you to adjust, before he slowly starts moving again, one hand sliding down to hold your hips in place, as he fills you up again and again. Your moans become higher pitched when his tip hits such a wondrous spot inside of you that leaves your toes tingling and all bad thoughts and worries disappear from your mind. You catch yourself losing all awareness of the present, your entire focus on the coil inside you that’s getting closer and closer to unwinding.
All of a sudden he pulls out all the way and grabs your hips, flipping you onto your stomach, but keeping his hands in place and holding your hips in the air, knocking the air out of your lungs by thrusting from behind now, going faster, deeper, and now letting himself let out quiet moans of his own. One hand moves up and down your arched back in an almost soothing manner, and you are getting closer and closer to giving in to the crash wave of euphoria lurking in a corner of your mind.
You hardly even register that he is hooking an arm around your torso until your back is pulled flush against his chest and his body heat is enveloping you while your moans become more ragged and desperate as you close in on your second orgasm.
You can’t form the words to tell him, but you know he can sense it too, because his thrusts pick up speed and his own breathing is growing more erratic.
Your high is reached with a broken cry, a shockwave of pleasure shaking your body and making you tighten around Maul, in turn causing him to pull you even closer, if possible, and bite down on your shoulder, sharp incisors drawing a little blood but somehow only adding to your pleasure, while you - worn out and almost overstimulated - go limp, only held up by his steel grip on your torso and thigh, being shaken by every fast-paced thrust.
“Shit, where do- can I-“
“Yeah,” you’re completely out of breath, but your permission is quickly acknowledged.
He twitches inside of you, then hot liquid fills you up, testimony of his own orgasm. He still ruts his hips into yours two, three more times to ride out his high, before pulling out and allowing your tired body to fall back onto the mattress, collapsing right next to you himself.
For a few minutes, only the sound of your mixed breaths fill the room.
Then, tentatively, one strong arm is draped over your still nude form, pulling you against his warm chest. From behind you, you can feel his breath catch in his throat as he freezes, then proceeds to wipe his thumb over the place where he bit down, catching the small droplet of blood.
“I hurt you,” he states, shock and worry resonating in his voice.
“You didn’t. Really, I didn’t mind,” your words are laced with sleepiness, the heat his body is radiating making you feel safe and comfortable.
“I didn’t mean to hurt-“
You shift, turning to face him, or rather his chest from your position. Angling your head upwards, you do your best to look into his eyes.
“You didn’t hurt me. Stop worrying.”
He breathes out slowly, cradling your head with one hand and pulling it closer to his chest. Your legs entangle, and the position feels so natural, so right, that your mind just relaxes completely for the first time in months, in years.
The last thing you know is the sensation of Maul’s hand softly stroking your hair, then sleep takes over your body.
It’s warm.
Maul’s naturally higher body heat feels like a furnace when you wake up in the middle of the night, not used to sleeping for longer periods of time - Kessel used to have shorter days due to the speed of its rotations, so sleeping for one night only really meant sleeping five to six hours.
You are almost still in the same position that you fell asleep in, except for now, a very low rumble right where your head lies on his chest accompanies the silence. It’s a sound akin to … purring?
You hold your breath to take in the sound, and come to the conclusion that your zabrak lover indeed is purring in his sleep. Warmth blossoms in your chest at his response to just being… content. And to think you could have contributed to that state?
Needless to say, the purr feels like the most beautiful, sweet melody that has ever met your ears.
As carefully as you can, you untangle yourself from his embrace and pad over to the refresher, collecting your underwear on the way.
The woman you find staring back at you through the mirror looks… strange.
Your cheeks are an unusual rosy color, your usually tied up hair is ruffled and maker, you are covered in so many more hickeys than you remember him leaving during the act. There’s also a very visible bite mark on your shoulder that brings back the memory of the very moment that Maul reached his release and created the mark you are looking at right now. The tiny hairs on your arm stand up as you recall the feeling of him coming inside you, that moment of the deepest intimacy imaginable.
Both of you had been so wiped out afterwards that you didn’t really bother cleaning up, but now you decide it’s time for you to wash off the sticky substance that’s been leaking out between your legs.
The shower, too, is more spacious than the entire refresher in your old apartment on Kessel was, and you don’t even have to wait for the water to run hot. Besides that, you’re pretty sure it won’t suddenly switch from almost boiling hot to ice cold, which is definitely a plus.
You start washing yourself with one of the many soaps aligned on the shelf, enjoying the way it has an actually nice smell as opposed to your go-to soap that really only smelled… clean?
Perhaps you’ll swipe this one before you leave.
You haven’t even gotten to soap yourself up completely, when you hear the door open and close, followed by footsteps heading towards you, but it’s only when a gentle hand touches your back that you turn your head to greet your sleepy lover.
“Did I wake you up?”
He shakes his head in response, then mumbles: “I don’t usually sleep long.”
Still standing behind you, crimson hands slide down your arms to find your fingers, scooping up the soap and very carefully starting to spread it over your body, starting on the tattoos on your stomach and moving on to your sides, slowly drawing circles upward. His chin rests on your shoulder while his hands find your backside, moving lower again and snarking back around to your front, this time dipping further down and spreading the soap on the inside of your thighs, washing his own release off your skin.
The entire act is more domestic than sexual in its nature, but you can’t cover up the way your breath hitches a little when his hand travels just a bit further up, barely grazing your core.
“Oh?” He sounds much more awake suddenly, as well as more mischievous. “Should I keep going?”
“Please,” you breathe out. Your voice is barely audible over the noise of the water running, but he must have heard you because his arm pulls you closer to his chest and his other hand returns right where you want it, using his palm to apply slight pressure, then beginning to rub small and sensual circles.
Your head rolls back onto his shoulder as you allow yourself to be immersed in the pleasure, eyes falling closed when you sigh in bliss. The hot water makes the sensation spread through your entire being, one gratified moan escaping your lips when he finds the motion that has your knees give in and your toes curl.
“Ah, like that,” You are hardly even holding yourself up anymore, blindly reaching behind you to hold on to his neck for leverage.
Faster than ever, you feel your orgasm boil up in your belly while he just keeps on relentlessly rubbing your clit in the most pleasurable way, as if he was so in tune with your body that he knows what your specific, individual preferences are.
Maybe it’s a force thing.
Whatever it is, it’s working.
You open your eyes just as the high hits you, filling them with raw feelings, hips grinding against his hand while at the same time trying to push yourself closer against him.
His yellow eyes are still half lidded while he watches your entire body quiver in his embrace before your muscles relax again and you slouch against his chest, breathing heavily.
“I’ll leave you to finish in here now,” Carefully, he peels his arms from your form, setting them on your hips to steady you before eventually exiting the shower.
You lean against the wall, closing your eyes with the water running over your face and exhale slowly.
After tonight, there is one thing you are sure of: You trust Maul. You trust him to protect you, you trust him to see you in such a vulnerable state, and you would walk into a battle blindfolded if he told you that was necessary.
The realization is not as much a surprise as it is an understanding. You aren’t in love with him.
You love him.
notes: I have sinned,,,, but I don’t care cause I’m a heathen 😗✌🏻 literally though, writing this was so hard because i kept on zoning out lmao I don’t know if you can tell, but that last part was originally meant to be part of the next chapter, but I decided to add it to this one because I had the feeling it wouldn’t fit the general mood of the next one. hope you enjoyed this <3
@princessayveke @spaghetti-666 @noiralei @secretnerd00 @bagpipes606 @zabrak-show
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Patreon Membership Drive: Turbo Championship Hyper Fighting Edition!
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Hello all you happy people! For those wondering “who the hell is this.” I”m Jake Mattingly. I review animation and comics here on this tumblr 5 times a week, and love doing so. I do so by recapping an episode of an animated show or a volume of a comic piece by piece, how detailed depends on the work and how condensed it needs to be, analyzing the episode and sometimes throwing in some jokes because i’m a silly weirdo and tis my nature. 
 So far i’ve been able to scrape by with the help of my patreon’s kev and emma, with Kev suplimenting that iwth various comissions (I.e. paying me to review a specific episode of a show much like someone would comissoin). But I don’t want to place my entire finacial future in the hands of two people so last month I lauched my patreon membership, trying to get people to join my patreon to releive some of the pressure on them. And not a person signed on during the first month. 
But I realize a large part of that is I simply didn’t advertise propertly, not really explaning what it is I do, what they get, or throwing in any extra incentives for signing up apart from “If so many people pledge to my patreon i’ll do X review” Which is still the main thrust of my campaign but I realized I need MORE than that to give you all proper money for your buck, especailly with Tumblr trying to monteize in the most half assed way possible making people presumibly more wary of spending money on me. 
So for this promo i’m going into what it is I review exactly, how to sign up for my patreon and how any of that works, what you get out of it, and various juicy stretch goals i’m hoping ya’ll can help me reach so
As I mentioned above I review animation and comics, more animation than comics. My meat and potatoes are Disney Duck works, primarily the 2017 reboot and the Don Rosa and Carl Barks comics. For the former i’ve done retrospectives on Lena’s arc, the Della storyline from season 2 and ALL the Season 2 storylines, the last one currently in progress. I intend to review the entire series, the lackluster tie in comics, and the this duckburg life podcast, though the last one has some strings attached we’ll get to under my goals.  I”ve also been reviewing various Carl Barks first apperances and most importantly doing a complete retrospective on Don Rosa’s masterwork the Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck. 
I also review certain shows week to week, almost entirely Disney as aside from the True Colors Debacle they have the most reliable schedule and announce release dates farther in advance than Cartoon Network and Nick which just sorta pop up announce things. I covered all of season 3 of Ducktales and season 2 of amphibia (With season 3 coverage coming in october) and i’m currently reviewing Owl House every week till that hiatus hits. 
Finally i’m currently looking at all the Tom Luictor episodes of star vs the forces of evil tracking both Tom’s character arc and the show’s steady decline straight into the dumps. 
Comics wise i’m more sporadic but in addition to duck comics stuff, I’ve also been doing a retrospective on the Scott Pilgrim franchise: all 6 volumes of the comic, those reviews avaliable now and in two weeks from this post, just in time for  the video game and movie anniversaries to finish things up. I recently started another one for the comic book Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye, I intend to finish one I did for New X-Men, and I have a few in my mind’s eye I want to do soon on John Ostrandre’s Suicide Squad run, Justice League International, and Mega Man that i’m going to do pilots for to see if anyone’s interested. 
Finally recently i’ve started doing quick thoughts, quick reviews on recent stuff from trailers to full on movies I don’t have to cover normally. 
So What Is Your Patreon?
Patreon is a site where creators can get paid for work and can put up exclusive content and what not. You pledge anywhere from a dollar a month, and become one of my patrons and help me do this blog for a living. I genuinely love writing about media, analyzing it and making weird jokes, and this lets me do that as my job and my passion. I simply don’t want to put finacing that on the backs of only two people. 
So What’s In It For Me?
Unlike Tumblr itself I feel my supporters deserve to get the most bang for their buck. As such Patreon Membership starts at JUST ONE DOLLAR. That’s right for a dollar a month, 12 bucks a year so the price of a movie, you get access to my occasoinal exclusive reviews, exclusive poles once I get more than two members so that’s actually sensical to do to vote on reviews, and to pick a theatrical short when i review a bunch of them for character birthdays or holidays or just cause. 
In addition to these though i’ve decided to sweeten the pot. ON SIGN UP ANY PATREON OF ANY TIER GETS ONE FREE REVIEW OF ANY SINGLE EPISODE OF TELEVISION OR ISSUE OF A COMIC BOOK. That’s right for just one buck, you get a review of your choice. Whatever you want. You want to force me to watch something you hate so someone else can bitch about it for you? Go on about an episode yo ulove? shine a light on something obscure? Well i’m your man and for ONE BUCK A MONTH, you can get that. Whatever you want put on my schedule as soon as I have room and your payment’s gone through. 
And if you want me to review stuff on a more regular basis, five bucks a month gets you a review a month, same permaiters as above along with said free review. I will PERSONALLY make sure there’s a space on the schedule every month for your patreon review and review whatever you want no matter how good, bad or stuppid. 
But that’s not ALL. 
To explain these better than what I did next time: My stretch goals are goals on my patreon: if I hit a certain number of Patreons I will review (Insert Thing Here) And these are meaty projects too: full season reviews, retrospectives and what have you and something’s unlocked with each person who signs up, adjusted from orignally basing it on price. So your dollar a month not only gets you your own review, but also will get my solemn vow to review a bunch of other thigns, and the more people who sign up the more thigns I’ll add to my plate. Not only that but just for this pledge drive i’m adding a bunch of super neat drive exclusvie stretch goals that will VANISH AT THE END OF AUGUST. dosen’t mean I won’t EVER do these reviews, but it does mean i’ll probably sit on them a bit. 
TLDR: You singing up gets me to guarantee to review some extra stuff. 
I”m glad you asked. Each one is based on a person joining, so 
One goal for each new patreon so
1 New Patreon: Starting off light but still juicy, I will review the complete season one of Amphibia across two posts. I’ve already rewatched the season recently, so all someone has to do is sign up and i’ll get on it in septmeber in time for season 3! And that’s not the only show as i’ll also review BOTH seasons of the birdtastic show after my own heart Tuca and Bertie! 
2 New Patrons: This one’s a big lighter but you still get some neat things: for my scottaholics in the audience I will review the rest of Brian Lee O’Malley’s works so far: Lost at Sea (his first graphic novel) Seconds (his first post scott work) and Snotgirl (his first ongoing and first work he didn’t draw himself), which follow a girl trying to reclaim her soul/cat, an immature restrauntieur who discovers reality changing muschrooms, and an influencer who might of done a murder. For those who don’t really like Scott Pilgrim i’ll review a buch of paramount plus shows first seasons: Kamp Korral, the rugrats rugboot and iCarly. So if any of that sounds good get on the bus won’t you?
3 New Patrons: My juicest one and one that stands alone: I will review the complete first season of the Owl House across two posts. Every episode, every bit of lumity progressoin, every bit of foreshadowing in hindsight, all for you, all if three people join my patron. So if you want more bisexual magic, step up. 
4 New Patrons: Duck Goals Woo-Ooo! This one unlocks a review from Duck Master Carl Barks EVERY MONTH. Not only that I will be taking suggestoins from my patrons , meaning you can help decide which ones I do! And while tha’ts plenty i’m jucing this one up as getting me this far also nets a review of This Duckburg Like, the interquel podcast that’s given us our last ducktales content for what will likely be an eternity. 
5 New Patrons: Gravity Falls Retrospective! I”m not only talking both season of Alex Hirsch’s era defining masterpice, but also the side materials I have acess to: the shorts, Journal #3, and the lost legends tie in comic. I”d throw legend of the gnome gemulets in there two if I had a working 2ds or 3ds bu tas it stands this is what I got. 
6 New Patrons: Avatarverse Retrospective. No not James Cameron the Bravest Pioneer’s movie he wants to turn into a franchise despite NO ONE wanting this please stop James, we’re begging you. Of course i’m talking about Avatar the Last Airbender, the epic franchise that’s blowing up in size. This will include all three books of Avatar: The Last Airbender, All Four Books of the Legend of Korra, and all the juicy side stuff I can cover: the sequel comics for both series, the kioshi novels and the eye gougingly bad M Night Shamlyn Movie. Yes I really will   myself to that. I have not till now i’m happy that way but I will sufer for you. Speaking of suffering:
7 New Patrons: It’s a crapstravaganza!  If i’ve made it this far I clearly have enough fan support that I can fly into the eye of the crapstorm so i’m going to review some of the worst things I can think of:  * Chuck Austen’s X-Men the run that dared to ask the tough questions your coke addleed uncle you don’t let see your kids would like “What if Angel could cure AIDS with his blood and had sex with a minor while her parents watched?” “What if a rouge relgious sect tried to make Nightcrawler pope and then desingrate people with commuiion wafers in a scheme that makes no sense?” and “What if an x-man made a plant horny?”  * America: The comic that has the infamous and oft used by me line to compare it to other bad lines “What in the holy menstration are you doing here”. And it’s still not the most bonkers thing int his somehow 12 ISSUE SERIES tha twastes one of marvels best creations.  * The Prince: Aka that series HBO what farted out onto the service with no intention of renewal after realizing “Holy shit we greenlit this what is wrong with us” which is basically family guy but with the royal family. I’d say it was a somehow worse family guy but Famiily Guy once had an episode that was about 22 minutes of transphobic punchlines so as long as there isn’t an episode of that your good.  * Mordecai is a Bastard Man: Aka that arc of Regular Show that took a ship I really liked, Mordecai and CJ, and then destoryed it with cheating, attempted murder and saxophone.  *Star Vs Final Arc: Aka a look at how a once great show descended into a mess with unfinished plot lines, wasted characters and a finale so terrible it’s only topped by “Kids this is the story of how I really want you to say it’s okay to bang aunt robin” 8 New Patrons: Infinity Train, all four books and any finale movie if it happens. (Please let it happen) All aboard! 9 New Patrons: Two juicy disney retrospectives! The Incredibles (both movies and both comics series) and Darkwing Duck (Both the Boom! and Joe Books runs) Let’s get incredibly dangerous! 10 New Patrons: My highest tier for now and i’ts anothe rdouble feature and two big projects. If you get me this far, you’ve earned em: A She Ra and the Pricesses of Power Retrospective and a Bojack Horseman retrospective. The two greatest things Netflix has made back to back for life. 
And THAT’S NOT ALL... as I said I have some special stretch goals JUST FOR THIS PLEDGE DRIVE. 
These are a simple five extra projects for hitting the goals within the rest of the drive FROM AUGUST 1ST TO AUGUST 31ST. I will not add these to the regular goals for a full year if you do not reach them, so one buck helps you unlock projects that otherwise might not happen for YEARS. Like the other goals their measured by patrons but ONLY for this month sooooo
1 New Patron: Quack Pack series review! the most hated Disney Afternoon show in one big two part review. God help me. 2 New Patrons: Rise of the TMNT Retrospective: Both seasons, a movie and regular coverage on the offchance a third season hopefully gets greenlit.  3 New Patrons: Peanuts and Garfield Specials retrospective!: Retrospectives for the technicolor years long world of Peanuts specials and the shorte rlived but still neat garfield specails. All the specials plus all the animated movies for both!  4 New Patrons: Craig of the Creek-AThon: Rewatching season one and watching BOTH seasons i’ve missed since then with full reviews as well as reviews of each bomb of episodes as their released on teh app from here on out!  5 New Patrons: Steven Universe Retrospective! All 5 seasons, The Movie, Future, the comics, graphic novels and games. EVERY. THING. 
So if ANY of this sounds enticing 
And even if you can’t support it feedback on the goals, reblogs to get the word out and general words of encouragment are appricated so join me as I try to get at least one extra dollar a month in the span of this month. PITTER PATTER, let’s get at er!
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duhragonball · 4 years
Give me a character and I will answer:
Why I like them: Somewhere around 1998, Kurt Busiek took over as the writer for the Iron Man comic.   This was back when Iron Man wasn’t particularly popular and the last two attempts to reboot the guy had failed.   I read an interview in Wizard Magazine where Kurt promoted his upcoming run, and he explained the character this way: Tony Stark is a superhero, an inventor, a ladies’ man, and a billionaire.    You could have a blast writing a comic book about any one of those four things, but he’s all four.    I may have gotten those four items wrong, partly because it’s been 22 years, and partly because it was more famous when Robert Downey Junior echoed that pitch in 2012.    Take away the armor, and what is he?   A billionaire genius philanthropist.   
My point is that this is the appeal to Bulma as well.    When we first meet her, she’s an adventurer, but then we find out she invented the device that lets her locate the Dragon Balls.  And her mission is a romantic quest, so she’s like the heroine in a romance story.    Then we meet her parents, and it turns out she’s a wealthy heiress.    Well, I’m assuming Dr. Brief doesn’t plan on leaving his fortune to all of his pets, but you get the idea.  
There’s a lot of versatility to the character.   Some arcs barely make use of her, but others take full advantage.    You can plop her in almost any scenario and it works.    You want to write her at a fancy charity dinner?   She’d fit right in.   You want her teaching shop class in your high school AU?   No problem at all.   You want her to seduce a bad guy?     You want her to shoot a bad guy?    You want her to be the bad guy?   It all works.  
The main thing people dislike about Bulma is the way she treated Yamcha when they were together, and she’s kind of a jerk a lot of the time.    Fair point, but I think this adds to the character.   If she were sweet as could be and a rich, attractive polymath, she’d be downright insufferable.    Also, her attitude plays off of the compassion she shows through the series.   I can’t explain her behavior around Yamcha, but she did offer free room and board to the entire population of Namek, so I feel like that needs to be taken into consideration.
Why I don’t: In the first... hundred or so episodes of DBZ, Bulma doesn’t get a lot of chances to shine, despite all the screentime they gave her.   Early into my DBZ-watching experience, I found her to be something like a shriller version of TMNT’s April O’Neil, a sidekick whose job was to look cute and get into danger so the good guys could save her.   She really doesn’t get back into her groove until she returns to Earth, and once I saw those episodes, and her time in the original Dragon Ball, the character began to make a lot more sense.   Really, the Bulma in DBZ #1 through 108 was probably intended to demonstrate how out-of-hand the situation was.   She fixed the scouter and then it exploded.   She fixed Nappa’s spaceship and it exploded.   She fixed Kami’s spaceship and then Namek exploded.    She just couldn’t keep up with the crisis. 
Favorite episode (scene if movie):
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Not exactly any one episode, but one of my favorite bits in the Red Ribbon Army Sagas is that the RRA has their own Dragon Radar, but it’s not portable, or anywhere near as precise as the one Bulma invented.    It’s Goku’s biggest advantage during that conflict, and when it breaks, there’s literally no one else who can fix it.    Those magic babies from Arale could make a new one, but I’m pretty sure they only did that by copying the design or something.   And the RRA assumes that Goku must have an entire team of scientists providing him with logistical support, and that Master Roshi must be their leader, since he’s so old.  
Also, near the end of the arc, Bulma needs to call Yamcha on the phone, but Roshi doesn’t have one, and then Turtle suggests that Bulma should just build one from scratch, since she had just finished building a robot drone a few episodes earlier.    And she’s like “Oh, yeah, I forgot I knew how to do that.”
Favorite season/movie: The Androids/Cell arc is a big deal because it has two Bulmas, and her son is in it too.   
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And this is what I mean when I talk about versatility.    That Super Dragon Ball Heroes series has two Gokus and two Vegetas, and I have no idea why, because they’re exactly the same, except one pair does SSJ4 and the other does Super Saiyan Blue.   Bulma’s got more layers, so in a story like this, you can have 30-something Bulma care for an infant son and tackle logistical problems while she figures out her relationship with Vegeta, while the 50-something Bulma in the future can be this strong-yet-gentle post-apocalyptic survivalist, who hopes for a better tomorrow as she longs for her fallen friends.  
Favorite line: I’m gonna stray from the canon for a minute, because I’m having trouble coming up with something, but in DBZ Abridged, when she’s arguing with Vegeta during his training session, they just start shouting “Fuck you!” at each other.    Then she stops and says: “My room.    Ten minutes.” 
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And holy shit, the delivery on that line was incredible. I knew they’d try to do something to set up their relationship, but there’s no footage to do that with, so they did it all with one line and some killer VA work.
Favorite outfit: This is a big, big wardrobe to choose from, but I’m partial to the one she wore in the Imperfect Cell Saga.
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I can’t really explain the appeal, but I like this hairstyle and the clothing looks like authentic stuff you could actually buy at a store, which just makes it feel more real, even though it’s not any more detailed than her other outfits.    I’m not sure that makes any sense.    The trucker hat looks cute on her, let’s leave it there.
OTP: You know, there’s a lot of chemistry between Bulma and Yajirobe, and even though it’s kind of a rarepair, I can’t help but-- Okay, it’s her and Vegeta.   I’ll stop messing around.   
Brotp: Definitely her and Goku.  I’m imagining the set up to the DBS Broly movie going like this.
“Hey, I’m gonna invite Goku along on our trip.    That way you can fight him when you get bored.”
“Why do you keep asking him to tag along I can’t stand him.” 
“Yeah, but I like him and I paid for the resort, so I guess you gotta deal with it.” 
Then he shows up and she sends him on some ridiculous mission to search the ocean floor for sunken treasure or something.   
Head Canon: Future Bulma does tech support in Toki Toki/Conton City, because Xenoverse is canon and the Goku Black Saga can just bugger right off because it never happened.   
She shows up from time to time to check on all the Capsule Corp tech in the city, and she drops by just to say hi to her boy, and also she has coffee with my Mary Sue OC, because Future Bulma appreciates how tough and cool my writing is.
Unpopular opinion: The Vegebul ship probably gets way too much attention.  Not that it’s a bad ship or that it doesn’t deserve the attention, but it feels like a buffet where all anyone gets is ranch dressing.    They just ignore the rest of the spread and fill an entire bowl with ranch and head back to the table to drink it.   Then they come right back and line up for another helping.  
I’m not knocking it.   I have a Vegebul calendar in my kitchen.   But it reminds me of how the “comics fandom” in the late 90′s was really just an X-Men fandom that acknowledged that other comic books hypothetically existed.
They’re gonna come after me now, aren’t they?
A wish: A lifetime supply of strawberries does sound kind of nice...
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I hope we’re done with Bulma’s Resurrection F outfit for good.   The cowboy boots, no, we’re done with that. 
5 words to best describe them: Five would never be enough.
My nickname for them: Don’t have one.   Vegeta calls her “woman”, but I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t go over well if I started doing that.
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miss-choco-chips · 4 years
Young Just us college au
Rent a room, Dick said. It’ll be a nice experience. Don’t just buy a flat, that’s boring and lonely.
Tim had tried to tell his brother that maybe he prefered lonely to crazy, but Dick had insisted. And everyone knew just how difficult dealing with that could be, so he knew better than to resist.
At least, he had tried to comfort himself, he knew the people he’d be rooming with. They were all his friends, an odd assortment of assholes he’d picked up on school, summer camps, vacation trips, scientific events, even comic cons, and just… fell platonically in love with them.
Maybe, as Dick said, it would be fine.
No, it wasn’t fine.
-Jay -he whispered into the phone, hoping he wouldn't be heard by the others on the other side of the door- Jay, they are crazy. I need extraction asap. We could fake my death and I can go to University somewhere else.
The older man laughed in the other end of the receiver, the sound of pages rustling indicating Tim had caught him during his daily grading paper sesion. That was the sound of crying students dying over carefully demolished arguments.
-They are all your friends, Timbo. If you fake your death, you’ll need to start over again and meet new people.
Tim hissed.
-Exactly, babybird. Also, this is day one of sharing a house, how bad can it possibly be?
-Jay, they left the kitchen lights on. It’s daytime! Why the hell do they need the lights on? Aren’t they aware of how big the bill is gonna be if they are like this?
-...Timmy, you… you are a billionaire. I think that should be the last of your concerns.
-That’s not the only thing. It’s so noisy, Jay. I choose the attic room hoping it’ll be nice and quiet. It’s not. I can hear everything. What do I do if some of them pair up? I’ll be stuck here listening to them having sex forever!
-...I don’t know where to begin.
-You can start by contacting B for me. He was right when he said it wasn’t a good idea for me to live with other people. But I can’t call him to help me out of this, because I think Dick blocked my number in his phone, and my emails don’t seem to be reaching him.
-He said it because you are the purest of his children, and he knew college was corruptive enough without adding dorm sharing to it; that was his version of helicopter parenting. But Timbo, it’s moving day. You’ve been there for less than five hours. And you already emailed B?
-The first thing Slobo did when he came in was to fart. In the middle of the living room. I can’t live with them, they are animals!
-They are your best friends, you’ve known them forever.
-But I never had to deal with them in a closed space for an unlimited amount of time!!! I’m trapped here.
-...Are you hiding in a closet?
-...no. That would be stupid, in a three story house where I have my own/
-You are, ain’tcha?
-I am. Please help me?
Long sigh- I’ll meet you for coffee on the place near the Economics building so you have an excuse to be out for the evening while the others finish their moving. You’re done with your part, right?
-Yes! Thank you!
-You owe me.
-Next time Dick wants bonding time, I’ll sacrifice myself volunteering so you can run.
-And this is why you’re my favorite. Be there in ten.
-Tim? Tim! Here you are!
Blinking was a thing Tim suddenly remembered he needed to do, and he did it a few times as his eyes were dragged away from his book by a pair of hands on his cheeks.
-Kon? What are you doing in the library?
The other boy was panting slightly, flushed from what Tim guessed was a desperate run there.
-I was looking for you! You never came back after classes were done for the day, and you didn’t pick up your phone. We were very worried, dude. 
-I was just studying, chill.
-It’s almost midnight.
No, it couldn’t be.
-No, it isn’t.  I haven’t been here that long.
Serious and slightly worried, Conner thrusted his own phone in Tim’s face and… uh. Look at that. It was nearly midnight.
-Oh. Got distracted with research, sorry.
-It’s been barely two weeks, how much can you possibly need to study?
Unprompted, Kon started to help him pack his books and papers. He seemed utterly amazed by the almost illegible graphs and charts.
-No, this isn’t homework. I’m working on a thing for WE…
The rest of the way home was spent with Tim talking Conner’s ear off about shit he had absolutely no idea about, but didn’t complain, just holding Tim’s backpack with one hand while steering his sleep deprived friend back home with the other.
-Bart? -Tim yawned, getting into the kitchen and raising a confused eyebrow at his friend- It’s… three am. What are you doing awake?
-Stress baking -the smaller boy replied, never stopping stirring the bowl- You?
-Papers and presentations.
-Classes or WE?
-Bit of both. What are you making?
-Cupcakes. Want some?
-They’ll go great with coffee, thanks.
They spent the next half hour waiting for the oven to do its magic talking about video games, classes and evil teachers.
-Your brother is the worst. TA. Ever. He always grades my papers and he’s a bitch about them.
-He relishes in the pain. It’s what keeps him young. I swear he never grew  past fifteen.
-It’s scary, and honestly so annoying. Like, I get pointing out mistakes, but he doesn’t need to be a passive aggressive ass about it.
-I’ll let him know what you think.
-Please don’t. I’m afraid of him, and the power he holds in his hands. The power to make me fail Creative Writing.
-Why are you even taking that class? Actually, what even is your major?
A shrug, and before Bart could open his mouth to reply, the timer let them know the cupcakes where done.
-You can have one before bedtime, dude. The circles under your eyes look like make up at this point. 
-You are one to talk, mister Stress Baking at Three in the Morning.
-But unlike you, I don’t have to be up at the ass of dawn. C’mon, have one of these and back up you go.
-Bite me.
-I’d rather bite this peanut butter miracle, but if you insist…
-No! Bart, get away from me!
-Then go to bed!
-Go to hell!
-I AM in hell! I have Jason Fucking Todd as my TA!
-IF YOU DON’T GO BACK TO BED RIGHT NOW, I’LL KICK YOU BOTH ALL THE WAY THERE! -Cassie’s voice echoed in the walls, and they both blanched at the reminder that her room was, in fact, in ground floor.
A part of college Tim had never considered, let alone readied himself for, was the… party bit. 
-What do you mean, of course you’re coming -laughed Anita, clutches firm on Tim’s sleeve as she dragged him into hers and Cassie’s room.
-No, I have to study for…
-You don’t have any midterm or final this week. I know, because I checked. No papers due either. This is literally the perfect time for you to party. 
-I can’t, I…
-Suck at socializing? Yeah, cher, I’m aware. That’s why awesome me is taking you as my plus one for this party. No need to thank me, glad to be your social buffer whenever you need me.
Tim started to resist in earnest when they got into the room and he caught a glimpse of the clothing Anita had apparently chosen for him.
-There’s no way I’m fitting into those pants! Let me go!
-I’ve seen you squeezing your butt into the vent that one time when Kon threw the key to the coffee maker cabinet inside it. If you could get in there, these pants are a piece of cake.
-Don’t make me hurt you, Drake.
-Ugh! -she stopped, dropping Tim on her bed and crossing her arms. She averted her eyes- My ex is gonna be at the party. I might have been exaggerating a bit when I said I was over him, but I already promised my friends I was gonna be there. I… could really use your help here. I know it’s not your scene, but Kon and Bart have midterms, Slobo would straight up punch my ex with his astounding lack of subtlety, Miguel is away dealing with family stuff, and the girls are awesome but not really what I need right now.
A pause.
-Okay, but I’m absolutely not putting on that crop top. And we better not end up wasted, I have a reputation to uphold.
Spoiler alert: he did put on the crop top. And they had to call Conner to walk them home after the third time Tim walked into a lamp post and Anita fell into the campus’ pond.
They were walking back home late on a Friday when they were approached by a group of stupid, drunk dudebros. Tim was already dreading the moments to come before they even spoke, just by the way they kept eyeing Cassie’s legs and Anita’s rack. Cissie herself was wearing loose pants and a sweater, so she was safe from their disgusting examination. Not that it kept her from crossing her arms and looking down at the assholes.
-Heyyyyy, ladies. Wanna go clubbing with us?
Tim shrugged- He’s talking to you, girls. I’m out. Have fun.
Cassie caught him by his hoodie before he could take a single step. He heard her warning clear as day and sighed, defeated.
-Yess, you can go -slurred Dudebro number two, waving him away- There’ three of us, and three of those pretty things. You can get lost. 
-See, Cass? Hear the gentlemen. You don’t need me here.
Anita kicked him in the shin.
-No. We just got our nails done. You either solve this peacefully, or take care of it if it turns dirty. Why do you even walk us home if not to protect us from creepers like these?
A loud ‘hey’ came from the dudebros, but Tim ignored them. Silently, he pointed at Cassie’s legs (he had seen her crushing a watermelon between them once), Cissie’s arms (a thing of beauty that made multiple lesbians all around campus cry) and Anita’s katana (that she wasn’t supposed to keep on her person around other students, but who was gonna enforce any rules on the girl with the giant knife?).
-Excuse me? You three should be protecting me. I’m a rich, sheltered boy.
Apparently done being ignored, the three idiots decided this was a good time to throw the first punch. Which Tim dodged, without breaking eye contact with Cassie. She raised her eyebrow, not moving an inch. Cissie was examining her nails. Anita’s eyes promised hell.
He sighed, turned around, caught the second coming punch, and used the hand under his palm to force the dudebro to his knees. A knee to the face and then he turned to the other two. 
Next time, Slobo was walking with them.
Flip side:  the attic room had its own bathroom. Significantly smaller than the ones on the other two floors, but hey, no sharing. 
The downside: apparently, the bathroom vents all connected with one another, and because of their aligning schedules, he often took showers at the same time Miguel did.
Flip side: Miguel had the singing voice of an angel, and the acoustic was fantastic. Showers were rarely boring now.
Downside again: Tim often forgot himself and sang along, but his voice… wasn’t as pretty.
Flip side again: at least, judging by Miguel’s smile, he found it adorable rather than pathetic.
Downside number three: Greta and Cissie’s room, by some unsolved mystery, also had connecting vents to the bathroom, and the archer girl was… less charitable about Tim’s inability to sing.
Flip side: Greta liked him better than most of their house mates, and she had more than enough dirt on Cissie to keep her from sharing the secret of Tim’s awful voice. 
-Hey, baby bird. Sorry I’m calling just now, it’s been a while.
-Hey Jay. Don’t worry, you’re busy grading papers.
-How do you know?
-Bart was crying in the tub this morning. Completely clothed and eating nachos with whipped cream, I might add.
-What is that boy even studying? I know he has Chem classes, Roy is his TA, and Kory saw him in the designer’s building. 
-That is an unsolved mystery for the ages. 
-Hey, speaking of your housemates, how’s it going?
Tim stopped on his way out of the kitchen, eyes growing fond as he examined the group on the living room. They were fighting over that night’s movie choice. He didn’t know why they tried, Greta was gonna win. Nobody could resist her and Miguel’s puppy eyes. 
-It’s… it’s been great, actually.
-Uh huh.
-But don’t tell Dick. He’ll be unbearably smug.
-Of course I won’t. You still have that time I crashed B’s favorite car on me.
-Oh, Oh fuck! -came Slobo’s voice- TIM, BRING THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER!
A loud crash. Tim winced, eyes leaving his friend in favor of the wall. If he didn’t see it, it wasn’t happening.
-...what was that, Timbo?
-Don’t tell B.
-Gotcha. Going to save their lives?
-More like hiding in my room until they sort themselves out or die. Good luck on those papers.
-Good luck on surviving.
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Twisted Tristan’s Tormented Christmas
Fandoms: Buffy the vampire slayer, Angel, Buffy Dark Horse comics, Buffyverse and A Christmas Carol.
Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, its spin-off series Angel, its dark horse comics continuation series, or any of the characters created by Joss Whedon and others in the Buffyverse.
15 years +, Mild to Strong Violence, Sexual References. F/F, F/M, M/M, Other +
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“Have yourself a merry little…” The voice on the television began to sing with a campy Christmas cheer before the song was abruptly ended by Tristan switching off the television in the living room of the apartment, he shared with Faith above their bar Rogue’s. “Christmas is cancelled this year; we are drinking straight through to New Year’s.” A drunken Tristan declared, while wearing just a pair of tight white boxer briefs as he held a half empty bottle of whisky in his hands, before crashing on to the nearby couch. This year had been especially difficult for Tristan Summers, who had went from being a vampire who was possessed by a demon, to being killed, only to come back to life and find himself sucked into a twisted dimension where he and his parents Buffy and Angel worked together to kill the shadow demon that had once possessed him. Being back from the dead should have been reason enough for Tristan to celebrate Christmas, however, despite many pleas from both of his infamous parents he continued to decline, even going as far as convincing Faith to head to Los Angels for Christmas so he would not have anybody to remind him come the day. The earliest Christmases that Tristan could remember with his adoptive parents seemed like a perfect Christmas looking back which were probably heavily influenced by nostalgia and how much he missed them. Heck, even his Christmases spent with vampires Dante and Drusilla were fun for him, of course they were all crazy and there’d usually be humans on the table instead of turkey but it still felt like a family holiday, a deeply disturbed family, but family nonetheless and after so many losses, heartbreaks, and betrayals, Tristan was done with it all, especially Christmas. After everything him, Buffy, and Angel had gone through to get to a place where their relationship was somewhat healthy, or at least healthier than Tristan trying to kill his biological parents, he did feel guilty for rejecting both of their invitations but he just did not feel ready to open himself up to another form of family, especially not on Christmas Day.
As the hours passed, Tristan waited until his bottle of whisky was completely empty before passing out drunk on the couch where he sat but sleep was not something he would get much of on the night of December 22nd as he suddenly found himself being awakened by his old high school friend Mandi Jenkins, startling him to his core, considering Mandi was killed by Drusilla not too long ago. “Mandi,” Tristan mumbled as he rubbed his eyes, unable to believe what stood before him. “How is this possible? Your dead…I saw your body myself after Dru killed you.” “I believe the correct answer would be it’s the magic of Christmas, believe it or not that kind of thing really does exist but to be fair in a world filled with vampires, witches, slayers and sons of slayers is it really that far of a stretch that Christmas really is that special after all.” Mandi replied to her old friend. “Clearly, I am dreaming once again.” Tristan realized, as he stood up from his couch. “There’s only so many twisted dream scenarios one unhinged slayer can handle before he becomes completely and utterly tormented like…” “Drusilla…you were going to say Drusilla, right?” Mandi interrupted the slayer’s son, instantly noticing his guilt over mention the name of her killer to her so casually. “It’s okay Drusilla killed me, biggest surprise was it was not you who killed me…and I use the term loosely considering I am not actually Mandi.” “Are you the first? Please tell me you’re the first and not the shadow demon because I am getting sick of going up against the shadow demon.” Tristan complained. “I am the ghost of Christmas past.” Mandi revealed to him, only to be met by laughs of disbelief from Tristan. “Are we really doing this?” Tristan asked in between laughs.
Exactly one blink later and before his very eyes he was now standing next to Mandi on the snow covered grass of his family home in Riverborn looking into the dining room window to see his adoptive parents playing games, talking and laughing with each other and a six year old version of himself. “They loved Christmas so much, my dad used to dress up as Santa, I guess like most dads did but he really committed to the role either that or I was a really dumb kid because I was shocked when I found it was him.” Tristan admitted to Mandi, with tears in his eyes as he watched a beautiful Christmas memory before his very eyes. “Do you remember how our parents used to meet up on Christmas night and it would be like this big mash up of Christmas? And how you used to spend New Year’s with me every year?” “I know I look like Mandi, but I am not actually her remember,” The ghost of Christmas past reminded him. “I can see why Christmas is so difficult when it serves as a reminder of all you’ve lost but not all of which you have lost is bad…” “What does that mean?” Tristan wondered, before realizing. “Dante and Drusilla…I loved them like family too and the whole time they were the ones who killed my real family, first my parents, then you, well Mandi…” “I know how much Mandi Jenkins meant to you which is why I chose to take this form and I know the guilt you feel for not only her death but your parents’ too but all of that was out of your control.” Mandi of Christmas past explained to the son of the slayer. “Maybe not…but killing Mandi’s boyfriend was definitely all me, killing all those slayers, and all those innocents, that is all on me without any excuses and that is something I can never make up for.” Tristan admitted, never forgetting the horrors he had committed with his own hands. “I could feed you the line and play the role of a person endorsing your shit by saying you were manipulated by two vampires, one whom you were in love with, but the truth is you chose that path and you killed all of those innocents and that is something you should have to live with for the rest of your life without a doubt!” Mandi made clear to Tristan. “However, that does not mean you should resign yourself to the shadows, if you truly want to redeem yourself and be the better person then you need to learn the true differences between the past you, your present and what your future may look like.”
It was December 23rd the eve before Christmas eve and Tristan had all but regulated his experiences the night before as nothing more than a drunken dream as he pulled himself together, showered, washed, and put on some clothes before opening up his and Faith’s bar Rogues which they opened during the day despite the fact most of their customers couldn’t step out in the day, however, one particularly loyal customer only showed up during the day, Miss Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins, a former vengeance demon from an alternate world who had found herself annoyingly human and in New York City. “So, you spend a thousand years give or take with the best gig a girl can ask for…minus all the bloody bunnies and then boom some shadow demon gives you an offer you cannot refuse although in hindsight I probably should have…” A drunk Anya Jenkins slurred while drinking her bottle of beer, sat on a stool, at the bar counter, within Rogues bar, which was empty barring her and her bartender Tristan Summers, who stood behind the counter, looking far from amused by his company. “Only to be beat by two humans and the worst part of it all is not only does the world suck a lot more than I hoped for but this world’s version of my boss tells me I have no choice but to stay human because this world’s me was given too many chances…” “You have told me this story every time you come in here in the afternoon, always drunk before the sunsets, forcing me to get you a taxi so you do not wind up some vamp’s dinner…” Tristan complained to her. “You need to get over it already and find yourself some kind of life you do not totally hate living.” “Oh, I am very sorry if my life’s problems bore you!” Anya said with great sarcasm. “It was you lot who did this to me…it’s only fair you have to wallow in my misery with me.” “Hey, do not get uppity with me because you were bested by a broken key and a halfwit.” Tristan mocked the former vengeance demon, and by doing so also mocked Dawn and her boyfriend Xander. “You are almost as bad as Sid for the complaining, but the guy is a freaking puppet who cannot drink…real problems, unlike yours!” “Remind me again why I keep choosing to come back here to a bar which service is severely lacking?” Anya asked, while digging at Tristan at the same time. “Because this is the only place stupid enough to let you have a tab!” Tristan replied. “Which was definitely more Faith’s idea than mine considering I know for a fact you are never going to find a way of paying us back nor do you want to look.” “You make an excellent point,” Anya responded before finishing her beer and placing the empty bottle onto the bar counter. “Where is your fellow slayer anyway?” “Spending Christmas in Los Angeles with everyone including the two humans who brought you down to your knees.” Tristan informed her, all too happily. “If I knew you were this much fun during the holidays I would have told her to take you with them although considering you’re an alternate world version of the girl Xander almost married I do not think Dawn would be too happy…saying that I am not too sure if I care about her not being happy.” “So, you turned down being somewhere for Christmas so you could serve me alcohol all through the holiday and yet I’m the one who needs to get a life?” Anya said blatantly, as she stood up from the barstool and began walking towards the bar door, ready to leave Tristan alone to think about her latest insult.
Later that very same night after he was finished closing up Rogues, the only male slayer Tristan went straight to bed, avoiding any drinks in an attempt to avoid further dreams about Christmas past, but alas the ghost of Christmas past and had come and gone and it was now time for the ghost of Christmas present and who better to represent it than Drusilla, a vampire that Tristan had a lot of history with, history which continued to troubled him right up to this very day, and possibly in the future too. “My boy still looks like an angel when he sleeps but the things, he’s done makes his daddy angel weep and weep.” Drusilla tormented Tristan, as the male slayer awoke from his sleep to find her stood above his bed within his bedroom. “Considering you were not invited into this home this has got to be another dream,” Tristan reassured himself, as he climbed out of bed and stood up on the floor, ready to face the vampire who made him into the monster he once was. “So, are we still on the theme of Christmas or is this just another dream with you in it?” “Yes, I do seem to haunt your dreams on the regular…tell me what is worse for you? The dreams in which I am killing everybody you loved which serve more like flashbacks than dreams, or is it the dreams in which you’re happy, we’re happy, Dante, and Mandi too?” Drusilla, the ghost of Christmas present, questioned the man who once loved her like a mother, knowing the turmoil her mere presence caused him. “I cannot believe I am saying this,” Tristan admitted to both himself and the ghost of Christmas present, eager to avoid anymore talk of his troubling past. “Please tell me this is another Christmas dream…” “Yes,” Drusilla said after a sinister cackle, the Christmas ghost playing their part of the deranged vampire a little to well, before the two found themselves standing outside the front doors of the Hyperion Hotel, within the garden, looking through the front doors to see Tristan’s father Angel reluctantly decorating a large tree within the reception area of the hotel, under close super vision by the all-powerful witch Willow. “Hate to break it to you Dru but if this is what you have to show me then your seriously lacking in the sinister department these days…or this Christmas ghost version of you is way too much Christmas and not enough Halloween.” Tristan scorned Drusilla, as he continued to watch his father Angel decorate a tree with Willow, looking further to find Faith and Spike knocking back drinks at the counter of the reception area, while behind the reception area Giles, his mother’s watcher, was heavy into what looked like a game of scrabble with Dawn and Xander, the watcher looking justifiably frustrated by what Tristan assumed was the others lack of verbal intellect in comparison to Giles. As Tristan continued to search through the festive scenery before his very eyes, taking Drusilla’s silence as a hint to continue examining what lay before him, after a few more moments he found his mother Buffy Summers sat on the stairs playing dolls with her six year old niece, and his cousin, Joyce Harris, and for some reason that he did not want to admit to himself he began to feel a gut in his stomach, jealous not of Joyce or her child play, but broken by the sign of Buffy being motherly to a child, a child that was not him, a child that would never be him. “You are right in thinking she will never be like that with you, for you a neither a child, or remotely innocent…the days of that ever being likely for you are well and truly over.” Drusilla told him. “You are never too old to be somebody’s son but are you too far gone to allow anyone to love you like that?” “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” Tristan questioned the vampire, confused by her often-cryptic ways of putting a sentence together. But before the son of the slayer could get any answers from the ghost of Christmas present he found himself waking back up in his bed in his bedroom, only this time there was no sign of Drusilla to be found.
It was now December 24th, officially the eve before Christmas, and it felt to Tristan like this particular Christmas was on steroids, as Christmases tended to feel like during times people were far from feeling the festive spirit, and it seemed to Mr. Summers that he could not turn on a television, stream a song, or listen to the radio, without the message of Christmas being shoved down his throat, but as he opened up his bar for another day to night shift, he began to look forward to the distraction of Anya Jenkins, knowing she would be the last person to feel the festive cheer, or at least that is what he thought. As Anya strolled into Rogue’s dressed as a literal elf, holding a hot, sexy, and barely dressed, male Santa in her arms looking happier than she had ever looked before, Tristan could not believe his eyes, believing instantly some sinister magic was to blame for this ungodly sight before him. “I thought you hated elves why the hell are you dressed up like one?” Tristan asked Anya, as she sat down at the bar with her festive suitor. “It’s bunnies, it’s always been bunnies, bloody bunnies!” Anya corrected the male slayer, unnerved by mentioning the creatures she feared the most. “So, you hate Easter but not Christmas then?” Tristan wondered, before turning to examine the sexy Santa, failing to not notice his amazingly chiseled and seemingly oiled hairless chest. “Or do you just have a kink for Santa’s…which judging by this one makes a whole lot of sense.” “I like money, and lots of it, and I got myself as an elf at some shopping mall…can you believe shopping malls are still a thing on this world? In my world we enslaved all designers forcing them to make their designs exclusive to us which definitely wound up backfiring when they started stitching terribly and we got all angry and killed them all.” Anya revealed to Tristan, with a sense of fondness. “Now those were the days…” “Did you just say this world…as in you’re from another planet or something? Because that is super cool, everyone meets vampires and demons these days, but I never hear stories about aliens.” A clearly confused sexy Santa asked Anya, all too excited by the potential of her being an alien. “I knew by Xander that dumb was your type but at least this one’s hot.” Tristan told Anya, mocking both Xander and the sexy Santa without care. “Well aliens are from another planet and I am from another universe so yes, I’m technically an alien to this world anyways.” Anya replied to Tristan, before going on to say. “Also, I am not the Anya who almost married that lump I am the Anya that has only had the misfortune to meet him once.” “So, Santa what do you want to drink?” Tristan asked the man, eager to change from the topic of aliens. “Oh, I do not drink, I respect what goes into my body.” The sexy Santa, instantly losing all appeal to both Anya and Tristan within that one instant. “I’m cool with the whole not drinking thing but respecting your body? Is that really a thing when there is literally a fast-food joint on every corner? I mean I am all for self-love and stuff but keep your greens and I will keep my fats.” Tristan responded to the man dressed as Santa. “Tristan your bitterness over no Christmas date is starting to show, maybe you should hitch a ride to L.A. before it’s too late and spend Christmas with that god-awful family of yours.” Anya suggested to the male slayer. “I’d gladly tend to the bar for you…if I’m payed Christmas wages of course.” “No thank you,” Tristan scoffed, not willing to trust Anya, nor willing to go anywhere, especially not on Christmas. “I mean I know this place is just a dive bar and everything, but I would not trust you to take care of my stakes never mind my bar, and everything’s a stake if it’s wooden and you get creative…”
After spending his day shift watching Anya making out with the sexy Santa she brought to Rogues, and the night shift serving demon after demon, creature after creature, and the odd human who were very odd indeed, Tristan shut down the bar for another night before putting himself to bed once again, falling into a deep sleep, hoping the future was further away than what it would be…as before long he found himself awakening on the cold hard ground of his own grave. “Well this is definitely a little too much melancholy for even me…” He mumbled to himself as he stood up from the ground and walked off his grave, looking around the San Francisco cemetery, confused by how he got there. “Down here big guy!” Sid instructed the slayer, forcing Tristan to look below to find the living puppet stood in front of him. “In case you’ve not quite caught up on all of this, yet I am your ghost of Christmas future.” “I figured that much but why take to me to where Buffy buried me before the whole coming back to life via some powers that be meddling?” Tristan replied to the puppet man, made of wood. “Well where else were they going to stick your lifeless body the next time around?” Sid answered him. “They never got round to getting rid of the grave, not that they needed too considering you wound up back in it before long.” “What did I die of a severe lack of Christmas cheer?” Tristan joked, unaffected so far by this spiritual visit. “Or maybe a vampire staked me with a candy cane, the amount I’ve staked seems kind of poetic actually…” “Nope, after you went back to the bad way of life much to no-one’s surprise your mum Buffy stepped up and killed you…if memory serves right you were stabbed to death with way too many wounds for it not to be a little…you know…fun for her.” Sid revealed to the slayer. “But after all the work they put in saving you just for you to go back to being a bastard who would blame her…” “So, I go back evil? I wouldn’t do that…not after everything…” Tristan dismissed his claims, all while fearing Sid was telling the truth. “Yep, that’s what you thought too but after continuously pushing away the parents, then Faith, and even Anya got sick of you…well after all that you had nobody and before long you were back budding it up with Drusilla acting as if you did not know she and Dante killed your parents…or maybe you just really did not care anymore.” Sid continued to explain to a stunned Tristan. “I mean how are you supposed to be human when you haven’t bonded with any since you started playing with monsters.” “That’s not true!” Tristan snapped at the ghost of Christmas future. “I care about Faith she has never given up on me, and I care about Buffy and Angel, I mean sure the parents thing is a little complicated but I do care about them…and I cared about Mandi, Lucas, and the parents that raised me.” “If you really care about all these people, the ones who aren’t dead yet then why are you treating them like they are already gone?” Sid asked Tristan, already knowing the slayer’s answer. “Because you fear one day you might end up caring too much and losing them which will happen as nobody lives forever, thing is…if you don’t care, lose, get hurt, and let your heart break, then you’re not really human as much as it sucks, we got to feel the bad as well as the good because nothing is more dangerous than becoming numb to it all.” Tristan wanted to argue back with the man trapped within the dummy, wanting to prove him wrong, but Sid’s words were wiser than Tristan would like to admit, and even if he was not a fan of Christmas itself he was certainly a fan of those who did care about it, those who wanted to spend it with him and before long he started to realize that he had made a huge mistake by trying to skip Christmas….
As Tristan woke up in his bed within his room on Christmas Day, he was immediately met with guilt as he realized he had missed out on a chance to bond with his friends, his family, and potential loved ones. He was not suddenly a fan of Christmas itself, that would take some time, but he began to remember its message and how important it was for people, how important it once was for him, and as he climbed out of his bed, rising onto his feet, and walked over to his window to see the back alleyway, in between his building and several others, was covered in snow, as snow continued to fall from the sky, and for a moment, just a moment, he even considered opening that window and yelling Merry Christmas. Instead, he chose to get changed and then call up those who would answer to him, so he could wish them a Merry Christmas and admit to his regrets of not being with them on this special occasion but after he had got changed, and walked into the living room of his apartment, he quickly realized he had no calls to make as his living room was decked to the halls with Christmas decorations, including a fully decorated tree, as his mother Buffy Summers, his father Angel, his aunt Dawn, her man Xander, and their daughter Joyce, stood beside his friend Faith, the vampire Spike, his mother’s best friend Willow and the retired watcher Giles…all of them ready to spend Christmas with him whether he wanted to or not…but luckily for him he was more than ready to celebrate Christmas with them all.
Have a truly twisted Christmas that only torments you in the more joyous ways and a happy new year, a year which will hopefully be less chaotic than 2020, keep slaying slayerettes.
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tessmontyart · 4 years
2020 year in review
It’s funny, last year I never actually got around to doing one of these. I didn’t think it was overly interesting. Oh 2019, how I miss you so 😭Such an innocent time ....
I’ll do a quick recap, cause hey no-one but me reads these anyway. 2019 was a glorious time. I went to Italy for the first time, went on an awesome Hunter Valley trip with my friends, had a 100th birthday celebration for my pop, I got to see the show I worked on air on TV, we saw the Lano and Woodley apartment in Melbourne .... Good times!
I didn’t give a rats about being unemployed and took matters into my own hands by making loads of new merch and selling at the most conventions I’ve ever been to. I tabled at Sydney Supanova, Adelaide Avcon, Sydney SMASH, Coffs Nexus Con, Sydney Oz Comic Con and Brisbane Supanova! I did so much travelling and events, it became my full time job. It was exhausting, but it was loads of fun, it paid the bills nicely, and it was wonderful to meet followers and mutuals in person.
My partner was very invested in counting up the numbers of what was selling and what wasn’t, and taking note of what was inconvenient with my setup and how to make it better. He even made a powerpoint presentation on what I could focus on for 2020, what kind of merch I could focus on and adding more conventions to my list. We were both excited about the idea of trying out Armageddon in New Zealand, which would have been my first overseas convention!
Cue 2020.
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It started off uneasy. There were still bushfires everywhere and smoke hanging around, but I was optimistic they would die soon and the rest of the year would be fine. I booked a bunch of conventions early as usual. Got a whole bunch of new things made and ordered for the first convention of the year, Melbourne Supanova in early April. Some Acrylic charms didn’t make it in time because of COVID, but I thought that’s ok I still have a whole years worth of conventions to sell them at!
COVID-19 was just a spooky mysterious thing that was happening overseas at that point. I think there might have been 1 case in Australia, so all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer was sold out, but we were still able to do our usual travelling for the event. Little did I know, Melbourne Supanova was the first and last event I could do in 2020.
COVID hit Australia hard, Melbourne especially. There were lockdowns, quarantines, planes were grounded, airmail was halted, the cases kept multiplying, rules kept changing and changing and it was all so new and such a headache. Seeing every single convention I had booked cancel one after the other was hard to process. This was my main source of income in 2019 and now it’s up and vanished. Everyone were losing their jobs too, so the idea of getting a new job was completely out the window. 
I tried to cheer myself up by drawing ‘Toilet Paper Chan’, my new magical girl character who has the ability to summon toilet paper in a time of need 😅
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I made it into a Draw This In Your Style challenge, seeing as everyone was bored out of their minds in quarantine I hoped it was something people could pass the time and have fun making. 
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(here’s a handful of my favourites) I had a few entries which were all very adorable, but I admit not as many people joined as I expected. I don’t blame them though, this whole pandemic was very soul sucking and demotivating, especially hearing the constant stream of bad news when it all started.
I also made some lineart of a cute Easter girl, encouraging people to colour her in if they are bored in quarantine.
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That was really fun, and I planned to do more, perhaps whole colouring books for a small price to download. 
Then, out of nowhere, my friend from the last animation studio I worked at in 2018 contacted me. “Hey Tess, are you looking for work?”
“Um .... yes?”
Work? In 2020? What?
It turns out the animation industry is one of the only industries that are doing fine in the pandemic. Literally the only change is that animators have to work from home instead of at a studio. If you have the animation software and an internet connection you have everything you need.
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So my good friend had recently scored this job for a studio which outsources all their animation for their animated TV series. The role is just fixing up any animation errors inhouse to minimize the amount of back-and-fourth between studios. It doesn’t sound like much but it became too big a job for just one dude to handle, so he contacted me and 2 of my other animation friends to help out. We had a ball!
It was loads of fun, and the contract lasted the whole year! 
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It wasn’t just fixing up errors either, I got to animate walking/ running / jumping / flying cycles for the overseas animators to use, which was great practice for me, and we even had a whole episode to ourselves to animate from scratch which I really enjoyed.
And then ... the year just flew by, because I was busy working the whole time. It was really quite surreal!
There were a few highlights, such as being a bridesmaid for my best friend’s wedding and organising her hens party, which is one of those once-in-a-lifetime things.
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(Hens Party - it was yellow themed (her favourite colour) and High Tea.. it was adorable!)
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(The bridesmaids and the bride on the Wedding Day)
Unfortunately there were some lowlights too ... This was the last year I got to see my aunt. 
She was the craziest, funniest aunt, and still far too young to go. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever be the same without her.
As always, drawing is the only way I cope with anything. My family chose a plain wooden casket, encouraging everybody to write a message or draw something on it, before it would be sent to the crematorium. I drew Spotty, her awesome horse I remember from my childhood, surrounded by her favourite flowers. Monty draw Mingus, her awesome ferret we also remember from our childhood.
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That wasn’t the only bad news either. Pat’s Grandpa passed away later in the year, and a handful of my friends had relatives who either passed away or were diagnosed with cancer or some other horrible life threatening disease. A musician who collaborated with favourite artist collaborated passed as well, and even though I didn’t know him personally, it was still horribly devastating. Not to mention all my friends/relatives pets who didn’t make it through 2020. There was just so much loss this year, and I’m still grieving my cousin and my friend’s mum who both passed last year, it’s getting harder and harder to cope. It’s gotten to the point where I’m paranoid about who the next person will be because I haven’t finished grieving the last ... 
All I can say is I hope 2021 is a little kinder when it comes to my loved ones. The small light at the end of the tunnel is; any suicidal thoughts I used to have frequently have all completely vanished, because I’ve been faced with the reality of it all. You really don’t realise how many people love you, people you don’t even know.
That was very dark, but it’s definitely something I needed to get off my chest.
Lets go back to a much lighter note. 
More highlights: 
🌻Animal Crossing New Horizons came out this year! I used to play Wild World back in the day so it was wonderfully nostalgic, and me and Pat have made the cutest little town with all our favourite villagers. It’s a nice way to escape from it all ^_^
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(Monty’s island when we started)
🌻Speaking of games, the brand new Crash Bandicoot came out this year too! It was actually jaw droppingly amazing seeing all the awesome new ideas and mechanics they came up with while still keeping it classicly Crash. I loved it and I’m so excited to see if they give Spyro the same treatment!
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🌻2020 brought about new and interesting ways to still enjoy Live entertainment. Lano and Woodley did a Zoom show which was absolutely hilarious, and Lights did an amazing online Dead End show which had me so pumped!
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🌻Pat and I continued our anniversary High Tea tradition, this time trying it out at the Hydro Majestic hotel in the Blue Mountains!
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🌻Speaking of Pat, his sister got married this year too, despite the pandemic. Congratulations!
🌻Pat randomly bought a Miku figure for himself, out of the blue, completely unravelling years of unnecessary ‘shame’ I’ve inherited caused by a pushy mother and a crappy ex. I used to love figure collecting but was convinced by certain judgy people that it was stupid and I needed to sell them all. I kept my very favourites in a cupboard ‘just incase they increase in value’. But now I can finally display them all again knowing Pat loves them just as much as I do!
We also added a ton more to the collection to make up for lost time (and because there’s SO MANY CUTE MIKUS NOWADAYS)
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It’s a bit messy because we recently got new ones and need to make more space for them. The shelf with the Vocaloid nendoroids were my original ones hidden away in the cupboard, the rest we got this year ^_^ They make me so happy!
🌻Speaking of Pat unlocking things I’ve always wanted to do in the past: I am now planning to revive my old OCs Yui and Lotto! They were just characters of mine back in the day, but since I’m not good writing I never really came up with a story for them. But with Pat’s writer wisdom and my kawaii art style, I’m now planning a webcomic featuring the two cuties ^_^ It’s still in the very early planning stages but I’m super excited, and forever grateful for Pat, for believing in me ;w;
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🌻This year I drew 31 more Owl City songs in copic markers, to go towards my ongoing project to draw every song! I’m actually getting quite close to my goal now which is exciting! 
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🌻This year I went to a Drive-In movie theatre for the first time to see the new Bill and Tedd movie, it was glorious and now I wanted to try more drive-ins. Going out to see a movie on a big screen *without* being able to hear smart-asses or screaming babies? Yes please!!
🌻How could I forget, this was the year my idol noticed me!! Lights shared and retweeted my Deadend fanart! Life = made.
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What to to look forward to in 2021:
This is the first New Year where I actually have an idea of how 2021 will go! I managed to secure another animation job at a new studio starting January, ending January 2022 😊So thats the financial security for this year sorted! :P
As for general goals for 2021;
I’m hoping to have a decent plan, concept art, chapter ideas and hopefully even a script done for my new webcomic! I also wanted to make some cute simple animations of the characters just because c:
I’d also like to just do more of my own animation in general ... I animate every day for work but I never get to do my own animated projects. It will be hard with a full time job, so maybe this can be a 2022 goal ... but hopefully I can do at least one little animation of my own!
I suppose another goal is to make a social media accounts for my animation, too. Even if I don’t fulfil my goal, I still would like a page to showcase everything I’ve done so far.
And if all else fails .... Another goal is to draw more Miku. It’s crazy that I love her this much and haven’t drawn any fanart!
I think I’ll leave it there because I’m babbling now. 😅
I’ve done so many of these now o_o
[2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012]
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vsuvia · 5 years
Hi, could I please request some beautiful Ophelia/Asra content? Maybe life their together before the plague then their life together once she comes back?
mar you have my entire heart do you hear me
this isn’t exactly what you asked for bUT it’s something i’ve been thinking about writing for a pretty long time~ ophelia’s first meeting with asra, ft. cameos from muriel and @sad-arcana-au‘s vee
Stretching her arm out desperately, Ophelia tried to catch the apple that had escaped from the precarious pile in her basket, but it was no use; it tumbled off the stack and into the busy street, away from her. With a roll of her eyes, she followed its path, down a side street filled with merchant’s carts, until she lost sight of it.
Sighing, she took off her hood -- something she wasn’t necessarily supposed to do, but which would surely help her more than just peering around it -- and knelt down, setting her basket next to her, to look for the fruit. No sooner had she glimpsed it lying in a pile of leaves a few feet away than a hand snatched it up, bringing it in front of her face in a flash of shining green and brown skin. “Looking for this?”
She blinked and held out her hand. “Yeah.” Her eyes traveled upwards to look at the person who’d found her fruit. A kid, her age or maybe a little older, with wild curly white hair, brightly-colored clothes covered in patches, and startlingly intense purple eyes that crinkled into a wide smile as he passed the apple back to her. He looked familiar, though she couldn’t quite place him, as if he’d been in the background of some of her memories.
“I’ve seen you around before,” he said, like an echo to her thoughts, and reached out to help her up. (His hand was warm. Ophelia didn’t know why her brain noticed that.) “You’ve always got so much food with you. Big family?” There was an edge of wanting in his voice, barely masked by playfulness; she couldn’t tell whether it was hunger or loneliness.
She shook her head, dusting off her palms on her tunic and flipping her hood back up in a fluid motion, the same way she’d done it a thousand times before. “I’m an acolyte at the Temple of Light. This season it’s my turn to do the shopping for everyone.” A vague wave of her hand indicated the golden building, standing tall across the canal, the sun streaming through the stained glass windows.
“Ah.” He nodded, then swept into a bow, half-comically, half-gallantly. “Well, if I see you around again, my name’s Asra. And I hope I do see you again.”
There was probably some way Ophelia could have responded other than blushing violently, but as the sun shifted behind a cloud, it glinted in the hair of the person standing across from her, and she suddenly remembered where she’d seen him before: in the town square, near a side street next to this one, magic (real magic!) dancing back and forth between his hands as onlookers clapped and cheered. By the time she called her voice to her again, he had half-turned, though he paused when she managed to yell, “Wait!”
“Hm?” he asked.
“You do magic,” she said, feeling rather stupid.
Thankfully, he -- Asra -- didn’t laugh at her complete lack of tact, or the fact that she was blushing even worse now. (God, she’d really gotten terrible with interacting with other people.) “I do,” he acknowledged, and he put his palm out flat in the air and made purple sparks dance above it, like it was nothing. “Me and my friends Vee and Muriel.” In a graceful movement, he tilted his head towards his usual corner; a person, tall and willowy, with hair bursting out away from their head in wild blonde waves the same way Ophelia’s used to before she had to cut it, was growing flowers from between the cracks in the paving stones, while a much taller boy whose face was obstructed by dark hair sat in their shadow, behind a small leather bag open for coin donations. “It’s nothing serious. I mean--” and she caught a note of pride in his voice -- “I could do more. But that’s not what this kind of magic is for. It’s just a way to make some money.”
Before she lost her nerve, Ophelia looked over each shoulder, then let her hand float out to rest in front of her in a mirror image of Asra’s. A deep breath, the energy flowing through her focusing into a pinpoint, and then she opened her fist to spill a tiny galaxy of stars into the air above her palm. “I can do it too,” she whispered, urgent in a way she hadn’t expected to be, like the secret had a mind of its own and wanted to get out even more than she wanted to tell it.
The stars spun and whirled in the air, reflected in Asra’s eyes. “Wow...” he said quietly, letting his own light fizzle out as he leaned in closer. She could feel her heart hammering wildly against her ribs, adrenaline coursing through and tingling at the surface of her palm below the small display she was creating.
Then a loud clatter sounded from across the way, and Ophelia jumped, closed her fist, winking the stars into oblivion, nothing left but a crackle of magical energy that only the two of them could sense. “I don’t know why I told you that,” she said, picking her basket up with a movement that felt jerky and sudden after the breaking of the spell.
He shook his head. “Magicians... my mentor told me that their power can seek others’ power. Especially if they have a strong gift.” Smiling, Asra took her hand in his, and she felt a brief pulse of energy pass from him to her, filling her to the brim with light. “You never told me your name.”
“Ophelia,” she said, trying not to stare too hard at this person who had just turned her world inside out in a few moments.
“I’m sure I’ll see you again soon. There’s no way I could miss you now.” His grin turned just a bit mischievous as he dipped into a shorter bow again, then walked off towards his friends, sun still gleaming in the white whorls of his hair.
For the rest of the day, Ophelia could only think of those few minutes, as she walked back to the temple (hanging three wrong turns), finished up her daily chores (taking twice as long as usual), and even as she laid down to sleep. The magic that Asra had passed on to her had shocked her, given her insides a scrubbed-clean feeling, a hopeful expansion the same way she felt when she looked out onto the streets of the city from the bell tower. A knowledge that more was out there, more for her to see and do, and the sense of peace and resolve that came with finally accepting that.
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