#What is Bart even studying
legobatjoker · 1 year
funfact i never watched simpsons but i keep watching simpson clips on youtube becuase for some reason marges voice is very soothing and comforting to me. i just enjoy it :]
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totally-here · 1 month
dpxdc twins au except it's no-pulse flavored
Bart’s new roommate looks a lot like Tim. 
Like, suspiciously like Tim. 
Danny’s the same height, has the same shape of nose, same shade of hair, and even frowns like him. He would have been a perfect copy if he acted more like Tim, but Danny definitely holds himself looser than Bart’s ever seen Tim. 
But he still has his face. So, obviously, Bart has to investigate. Maybe he’s a clone, or a shapeshifter, or maybe one of the Gotham rogues decided to get facial reconstruction surgery to look like him, and this was all a ploy. 
Okay, probably not that last one. Bart doesn’t think Tim’s enemies know his identity. 
Anyway, investigation! Bart’ll figure this out himself, and deal with it if Danny needs to be dealt with. And the investigation will start right after he comes up with an excuse as to why he’s back in their third floor apartment when he passed Danny in the hallway a few seconds before. 
Danny stares at him, and Bart stares back. 
“Must’ve been a doppelganger!” Bart blurts out. 
Danny’s silent for a second before nodding enthusiastically and noting that everyone's supposed to have like seven in the world anyway and wow what a wild coincidence that there’s one in their building. 
Bart extends the same courtesy when a week later he walks in on Danny with an iced over pan on the stove. Danny says they should really get their freezer checked out and Bart agrees and asks if he can use the ice for a painting study. 
(They never get their freezer checked.)
Bart finds that Danny’s great at setting up fun things for him to draw, whether he knows it or not. Like the ice, or his collection of rocks, his astronomy textbooks with the pretty covers, his gestures as he rants about his classes, the excited glint in his eyes when he’s talking about his next repair project and how his eyes almost look like they glow in the right light. 
Hm. A good portion of his sketchbook is drawings of Danny, and yet he’s still having trouble with getting the right blue for his eyes. At first glance they’re Tim’s shade of blue, but when he keeps looking they seem to get lighter. Maybe greener?
He should probably stop staring into his friend’s eyes. 
Well, maybe not. Danny doesn’t seem to mind. 
Just like he doesn’t mind when they started regularly sitting very close on the couch, or falling asleep together, or Bart borrowing some of his jackets, or-
Okay, Bart’s kinda seeing a pattern. He and Danny should really have a conversation about if this is platonic behavior or not. 
But not right now, because Bart brought Danny across the river to raid Wally’s board game closet in Keystone. 
And Wally, who’s used to this, just passes by them with a, “Hey Bart, hey Tim.”
“Danny, not Tim,” Danny replies almost absent mindedly, then looks back at Wally, who’s also staring at him now. “Wait, you know Tim?”
“OhmyGod I was supposed to investigate!” Bart says, face palming. It just slipped his mind! And Danny was distracting him with his pretty face that he totally wears better than Tim!
“You know him too?” Danny asks. But he doesn’t look suspicious of them, more amused. 
“How do you know him?” Wally squints at Danny, eyes briefly catching Bart’s in question. 
“He’s my twin,” Danny answers easily. “The Drakes only wanted one kid, so they gave me to their friends the Fentons, who wanted a second one.” He shrugs and goes back to digging around the closet. “Tim and I were always in contact, though. Letters and phone calls and texting, you know?” 
He says it all so casually while Wally and Bart are sharing increasingly concerned looks behind his back. 
Do the Waynes know about Danny? Has Tim never brought him up? Why? Does Danny know about Red Robin? Does Tim-
“Holy shit does this mean Tim has ice powers too!?” 
Or: Tim and Danny are twins. Through a series of coincidences, the first people to find out that aren’t Fentons or Drakes are the flashes.
(This post was brought to you by me recently finishing the 1995 Impulse run, and wanting an excuse to share this panel:
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Look they both got called twinks clearly they're soulmates)
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catgrandpa · 20 days
I need a fic where Bruce realizes this kid who shoved his way into his sidekick roll will not be leaving anytime soon, and instead of emotionally distancing himself he becomes a combination Helicopter Mom and Shotgun Dad.
Tim: Bruce, I’m headed out to meet my friends at the mall.
Bruce: Is that Kent boy going to be there?
Tim, rolling his eyes: Yes, Kon is going. And so is Bart, and Cassie, and maybe Bernard if he can make it.
Bruce: Hnn. Do you have everything? Coat, scarf, keys, wallet, tracker, pepper spray, dagger, kryptonite shard, emergency beacon, first aid kit, fire starter, extra pair of-
Tim: Yes, Dad! I already went through the list with Alfred. I’ll be fine.
Kon: Hello Sir! I’m here to pick up Tim!
Bruce: Follow me.
Bruce: Sit down.
Kon: In your study? Is Tim on the way, or…?
Bruce: I just thought you might need reminding of the fact that I have a vault downstairs full of items specifically designed to take down a Kryptonian.
Kon: Whuh?
Bruce: You should probably ask your father about the time I was slightly annoyed with him for encroaching on one of my cases.
Kon: Why are you telling me this?
Bruce: Now just imagine what would happen if someone were to hurt my darling little boy.
*door opens*
Tim: Hey Bruce, Alfie said Kon was here, have you seen him? Oh! Hey, why are you two in here??
Bruce: Oh, hey sweetheart, we were just chatting. Have a good time at the carnival!
Dick, pouting: I don’t understand, you’re not this protective over who Jason or I date.
Bruce: Don’t be ridiculous, Jason and I may have our problems, but he would never betray me by gallivanting off with someone I disapprove of.
Dick, who covered for Jay sneaking out to visit Roy Harper just last night: Mhm yeah, sure. And you’re not worried about me?
Bruce: Chum, I’ve known who you were going to marry since you were 12 years old.
Dick: WHAT?
Bruce: I have the whole ceremony already planned. I’ve got Gotham’s best wedding planner on standby. You have a very nice house waiting for you both, 20 minutes from here. A modest 7 bedrooms on 5 acres of land.
Dick: I’m not even dating anyone?!
Bruce: I can’t wait to meet my 3 grandbabies:)
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
pleasseeee I need more for angel brat 🙏🙏🙏 it’s just too funny reading about Danny messing with the batfam
Jason regrets ever agreeing to babysit.
Logically, he knew that leaving Danny alone was a terrible idea. Not only was the little boy suffering from medical conditions, but if he were to discover they had forgotten him, he would zap himself out of the timeline.
Right now, Bruce and the others were working nonstop with the Flashes to try to figure out a way to anchor him to the new timeline they had created. Bart had a general idea of how to best go about this, but he warned everyone that it may be a lost cause.
Still, to keep their angel, everyone agreed to let the time traveler do his thing. Bart explained that he needed to get readings around Wayne Manor first to see if the Speed Force could help them anchor Danny to that location.
Once the anchor was dropped successfully, Danny would be free to move about their world without the fear of vanishing.
Since it was the one place Danny had been in the most in the old timeline and was planning on living in for the unforeseen future, everyone agreed to his idea.
That meant they needed to get Danny out of the Manor for a good amount of time. He couldn't see them working without answering some uncomfortable questions, nor could they just leave him defenseless in Gotham.
Due to Danny's medical conditions, the family had kept him mostly at the manor, but they didn't want to keep him locked up, which meant that there were some rumors about the boy.
The Bats used those rumors to verify that Danny existed before the timeline rest. They also studied them to get to know the boy before meeting him face to face.
It wasn't a lot, but enough to get a general idea of what the populace thought about Danny. It was an even split between people confusing him for Damian or thinking the Waynes were covering him up and not giving the people the explanation they "owed" them.
Jason wanted to know why random strangers on the streets thought they had a right to know their lives and couldn't keep their noses out of Wayne's business, but that might just be his Crime Alley upbringing talking.
There had been a few articles about Danny being seen around Gotham—mostly, the reporters thought it was Damian and speculated what happened to him. Jason noticed that Danny's previous outings seemed to revolve around two things.
Space and antiques.
Why? Jason was unsure but figured it would be the perfect cover to get Danny out. The rest of the family stayed behind to help with the tests.
"This is going to be awesome!" Danny cheered as Jason helped him with his gas tank. The two were standing outside the historical Gotham Museum.
It was a random Tuesday, so they and the staff were the only ones there.
Jason had figured that Danny had a love of history, which meant that he would be happy if Jason promised him a full day of riding around to see every museum the city had to offer.
It was disguised as Jason being bored and a spur-of-the-moment invitation, which was why no one else was free when asked to come along. Danny didn't seem to question it too much, running off to prepare for a fun day filled with historical retellings.
Jason wasn't that into history.
Still, he enjoyed reading enough period-era books to be willing to spend hours on random historical tours with Danny.
Danny was practically glowing as he leaned back and forth on his feet impatiently. He kept swinging his eyes to the building as though he could fly right in.
Jason's lips twitch. "It's going to be fun."
Together, they climb the stairway to the door. The museum is one of the biggest in the city. It has exhibits dating back to before Gotham's discovery, tracing all the urban legends and local myths from then to the present day.
Jason thought Danny would like to hear fascinating stories like Solomon Grundy's origins and the Wayne family's myths. Apparently, Bruce's family has always been a bit...strange.
He just wasn't prepared for Danny, already knowing that little fact about his bloodline.
"Do you think they'll have the Wayne witch burns!?" Danny excitable asks, causing Jason's steps to flatter.
"The what?"
"You know when they tried to burn three of the Wayne sisters in the town square on accounts of witchcraft? I always thought it was funny how the sisters managed to get away by setting the church on fire." Danny giggles, walking over to the lady at the counter. "It's one of my favorite exhibits."
"You've been here before?" Jason asks, entirely unprepared for that. In hindsight, it made sense for Danny to go somewhere of interest to him. Damian has visited the zoo at least thirteen times in his first year!
Danny quirks an eyebrow up at him. "Of course I have. You were the one who brought me here before, remember?"
Oh no.
"Are you sure?" he laughs nervously, looking up at the woman who is paying for two tickets—one adult and one child. She smiles at him sweetly as she stamps their papers—the museum liked to use Gotham's first original train tickets as passes. Danny pulls out his own for a collectible stamp, which makes Jason wince.
"Stop being weird Jason. No matter how much you pretend, I'm not going to let you get out of the photo," Danny tells him with a grin.
The photo?
"Is the booth available, ma'am?" Danny asks the woman with the politest tone he's ever heard a fourteen-year-old use. The woman, a twenty-something that was awfully pretty, smile grows wider.
"It is. What era would you like?"
Danny stops, pressing his thumb against his chin before asking, "What era is Pride and Prejudice set in? "
"It was The Regency period in England, but we knew it as the Federal," Jason responds instantly. "I don't know the exact number of years, though. Why?"
"I just wanted to check if Gotham was around then." Danny peaks up at the woman. "Gotham was founded in sixteen thirty-five, right?"
"Yes, but some argue that the Dutch founded it first, even if they moved on a few years before Captain Jon Logerquist." She says, giving Danny a wink. "That does mean we have Federal period outfits for you boys."
"Yeah!" Danny grabs onto Jason's wrist. "We can dress up as Mr. Darcy like you always wanted, Jay!"
The woman laughs as Jason's face starts to heat up. He has never been embarrassed about his love of classical books. It's the fact his little brother exposed his nerdier side to a girl he thought was sort of attractive.
She probably thought he ran around cosplaying or something.
"I'll go get it ready." She says, throwing her long red hair behind her shoulder.
"Thank you, Marie," Danny tells her, and Jason is even more surprised.
"How do you know her name?" Because Jason had checked. She wasn't wearing a nametag.
Danny looks up at him with far more confusion than before. At once, the outline of his body flickers in and out of sight. Jason's heart almost drops to his knees because, for a second, Danny actually vanishes from sight. "Dude, we've been here so many times before; it would be rude to know not her name at this point. Are you sure you are okay, Jay? Was your last night shift too rough? We can go home if you not feeling well."
"Yeah, no, I'm fine. I just think she's hot so I can't think straight around her," Jason blurts, wanting Danny to stop thinking about it before he is erased right in front of him.
There is a short gasp to his right, and with absolute dread, Jason turns to find Marie standing there, clearly having heard what he said.
No. Danny presses a hand to his mouth, not doing the best of jobs hiding his laughter.
Jason wants to melt onto the floor and die as she shyly informs them the booth is ready. She leads them over to a room with costumes tucked in the corner. A large camera is set up pointing to a lovely blue backdrop and various lights.
She tells them there are more backdrops on the racks, which they can change. She recommends numbers seven and nineteen since they were of old castle gardens, which would work best for Danny's vision of Pride and Prejudice.
The camera was set to send her the photos, and she would develop them when they were done with their resume walkthrough. If they wanted a different era, Marie could always come back and replace the costumes with something fitting.
The Gotham Museum had clothes from various periods that matched their exhibits. Jason is shocked to find they used Bruce's donation money for good use.
Danny is happily flipping through the coat rack, as Marie politely but obviously runs out of the room as fast as possible.
"We should re-do the same posses," Danny chirps, flipping through his phone until he finds a picture of him in a pirate costume, with one leg pressed on the small bench and raising a sword above his head. Next to him, Jason is seen sitting on the ground, one knee prompt up.
He was also wearing a pirate costume and holding a parrot on the tip of his finger resting over his knee.
Jason does not remember taking this photo, but it's clear as day that it's him smirking at the camera from two years ago. That should have been right around the time he first started to calm down from his Pit Madness.
Had he really brought Danny around here since then?
"Sure, kid." Jason cracked, swinging on a nicely done light blue gentlemen's coat that he could easily see Mr. Bingley. "We can react it."
Danny beamed.
They took a few photos, changing into almost all the outfits, because he can admit that he did have a bit of fun doing that before they decided to check out the rest of the museum.
Danny seemed to stop ever so often to ask why something had moved or where something had gone, and Jason needed to quickly distract him. He finds out that Danny may not be the only one erased, for the three Wayne sisters are missing, a giant battle between the British and the townspeople back during the colony days is gone, and the Wayne Manor light post legend is nowhere to be found.
Danny is devastated that they took down the light post, so Jason is quick to ask him to retell the tale. He makes a mental promise to have Bruce throw enough money at the museum to get it back up.
"Legend has it that the old head of the house, "Mad" Anthony Wayne, had fallen in love with a girl far below his family station. Without the approval of their parents, the two lovers were not allowed to wed. But he wasn't known as Mad for nothing." Danny chirps around his oxygen. He needed a moment to rest, so the two sat down and had something to snack on at the Museum's Cafe.
"He hatched a plan where they would meet at the far light post at the edge of the Wayne property every night to be together with only the stars as witnesses. Anothony would slowly pass along to her some wealth of the family that he smuggled out so the two could go and start new lives together. One night, while waiting for his beloved, Anothiny heard a scream from the swamp and raced over, but he was too late. He saw his love being dragged into the waters by something covered in scales and killing her. Some say it was alligators, while others claim it was a monster that roams the earth today. Devastated, Anothony would later marry the wife he had picked up for him by his parents. They say his love still waits under that light post, and if you see her, then she will either bless your love or try to kill you."
Jason blinks. "What makes her choose to bless you?"
"Only true lovers can be blessed. People would go over to our post to test their loves." Danny shrugs. "I wouldn't tempt an obviously violent ghost like that, but that's just me."
The older man nodded, thinking it was a fair thing to say and wondering if he had ever passed by the apparent light post from the myth.
He just forgot about it when the timeline changed.....or she never died thus making it a regular light post. How can he be sure he was missing something if he never knew it was gone?
Ugh, time travel gave him a headache.
"You should ask Marie to go stand under it with you," Danny grins, wiggling his eyebrows.
Jason sighs. "She's not even interested."
"Sure she is! Look, I'll prove it." Danny swung himself from his chair and marched to the greeting counter. Much to Jason's horror, his baby brother chats with her, twisting around to point at Jason and watching Marie's face turn bright red.
Jason grabs a menu and hides behind it mentally, telling himself this would be the last time he ever stepped foot in this museum again. Danny races back, clutching a piece of paper with a phone number. "She told me to tell you to call her,"
Jason's jaw drops. "What?"
"Here," Danny pressed the paper in his hand, and on it was a number with a heart. "She said she was tired of waiting for you to make a first move. You're welcome."
"How did you do this?"
"Please, if I could get Kori to give Dick a chance, I can get anyone to agree on a date." Danny boasted, puffing up his chest in pride. You can call me Cupid Wayne! I mean, how else do you think Cass and Steph got together? "
Jason wondered what else he had forgotten about Danny. Mystified, he wondered if Cass or Steph knew they were dating. Apparently, Danny had gotten them together, and he hadn't seen them act couple-ly since they found Danny making himself a sandwich.
Somewhere, Cass screams as Damian tells her the plan his brother hatched to help her with her crush. This was not the deal, boy! This was supposed to be funny!
Cass ain't laugh!
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grandline-fics · 4 months
Could i ask for a Law x FemReader with the “accidental kiss” prompt?, and if possible, could law have a crush on the reader if you decide to do this ask?
(Love your fics)
DESCRIPTION: Prompt: Accidental Kiss
WORDS: 1,270
A/N: Hi there, thank you for this prompt based request. I hope you like what I came up with for this one.
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The chatter among the crew at the breakfast table was as lively as ever. The meals on the Polar Tang were always savoured for everyone to connect and enjoy the time together before everyone resigned themselves away to take on their tasks for the day. You’d finished your meal but remained sitting, holding your mug of coffee close as you let the heat radiate into your hands, the thought of drinking it gone from your mind as you only focussed on your Captain. Your eyes remained on his and you smiled softly as you listened with keen interest before giving your input to the conversation with Law. 
While other chatter sounded around you, the pair of you were unaware of the looks you were receiving. Penguin and Shachi were trying to hold back their smirks, Bepo and Ikkaku stared with dreamy expressions while the others looked at the scene before them completely baffled. All of them saw how obvious it was you and the Captain shared a deep connection and held even deeper feelings for each other. Why hadn’t either of you noticed or tried to act on those feelings before? In the crew’s eyes the two of you were already a couple in all but name and acknowledgement from you and Law. 
When you finally brought your lips to you mug your gaze broke reluctantly from Law’s face and you caught sight of the time. As much as you could have easily spent the entire day talking to Law about anything and everything you knew your chores wouldn’t do themselves. With a sigh you finished your drink and began to rise, gathering the cleared plates and bowls close to you to take them to the sink. As you leant forward to reach for something just out of your grasp, Jean Bart spoke up to ask Law a question, causing him to turn his head. Then the chatter stopped instantly and the dining hall froze in its entirety, everyone taking in the sight of Law’s lips against yours. 
You didn’t even know how it happened, your mind couldn’t register the odds of this kind of thing happening. One second you were reaching for a bowl, the next your Captain’s lips were against yours and you were unable to move and the look in Law’s eyes told you everything; it was an accident and he seemed just as bewildered by the situation as you were. You couldn’t hold back the heat bursting against your skin or silence the heavy hammering of your heart in your chest. 
It felt like time had stopped when really the whole thing lasted a few seconds. You didn’t even know how either of you managed to find the strength to disengage but you did it. While Law quickly made his way to the safety of his study, away from the prying eyes and excited whispers. You however weren’t so privileged. You spent as long as possible standing at the sink, scrubbing the dishes for as long as you could, keeping your gaze on the water and not on the others of the crew you could feel were lingering in the room. When there was nothing else for you to clean you had no choice but to finally go to your assigned task for the day. Thankfully it was just you and Bepo doing the monthly stock check of the medical supplies which took most of the day and it was thankfully filled with silence due to complete concentration needing to be had. 
However you knew Bepo’s lack of comment on the morning’s incident was too good to be true because when it came to delivering the updated stock numbers to Law, the damned bear was suddenly overcome with one of his stomachaches and needed to lie down immediately. You muttered curses over and over as you made your way to Law’s office. Briskly you knocked on his door and entered when he called for you to enter. At first you thought you could pretend that what had happened never happened but when you walked in and met his gaze you faltered. You couldn’t help but glance at his lips while tightly pressing your own into a tight line. Quickly you inwardly berated yourself for your juvenile reaction. With a sharp clearing of your throat you continued into his office. All you needed to do was give him the papers and leave, it was easy, you’d done it hundreds of times before. 
“No Bepo?” Law asked, trying to find something, anything to speak about to delay talking about the kiss. 
“Stomachache.” You explained, slipping the papers into his hand and then you paused. Normally you would stay and chat but if you did this time would he be thinking you were staying for something else? But if you left immediately then that would be out of character and would make him think something was wrong, that you didn’t want to be around him anymore which couldn’t be further from the truth. What if he wanted you to leave because of what happened? Your mind was spinning and you couldn’t see an answer anywhere. Finally through your thoughts Law’s voice saying your name made you focus. “Yes?” You answered immediately.
“Was he okay?” Law asked, never forgetting his role as a Doctor even though he knew the bear would be more than okay. He highly suspected this was an instance that the navigator was lying, still he had to check. 
“You could offer to kiss him better.” Your joke came before your brain could stop you and you regretted it instantly, hands flying over your mouth as though you could force the words back. You always made jokes like this but given what had happened between you both this morning it just brought the memory and the feeling of his lips on yours flooding back. “Sorry, I’m sorry!” You rambled behind your hands. 
You and Law stared at each other and finally he broke the silence and the tension by laughing, all but relieved that you were just as much as a mess as he was about it all. Seeing him laugh let you join in and it felt as though the weight on your shoulders and anxiety of that accidental kiss possibly ruining everything between you disappeared. It felt like how it normally did and you could breathe easier now. As the laughter eased away you caught your Captain staring at your lips just as you had his when you entered his office. “Permission to say as unexpected as it was, it was a nice kiss, Captain?”
“Permission granted.” Law smirked at you. “Though you must be easily pleased if that impressed you.”
“Wow you’re so arrogant.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “I said it was nice, not that it blew my mind forever. I was just being kind.”
“Not arrogance if it’s fact.” Law replied smoothly as he rose from his seat to stand in front of you, his lips as close as possible without touching. “I can give you a real kiss now and ‘blow your mind forever’ as you phrased it?”
“You’re welcome to try, Captain.” You murmured, leaning your head back just a fraction and grinning in satisfaction to see him respond by leaning in again to maintain the infuriatingly close distance between you. There was a brief beat between you both before the space was closed and your lips met. You all but melted into Law’s touch and he was right. Compared to this kiss right now, what you’d shared in the dining room that morning was nothing but a happy accident.
TAG LIST (If I've missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Have you ever read a fic called A Medication On Railroading? Because I think you'll like it. Basic summery with no spoilers: Jack takes Tim on a trip to Atlanta and then leaves him in Atlanta so he goes train hopping to get home. Very hurt/comfort.
But it also gives me an idea that I'm not sure where to share. What if that wasn't Tim's first time getting home like that? Maybe the first time was just New York when he was say... 9 years old? His parents took him with them to a Gala and Jack thought Janet called him a car home and Janet thought Jack took care of it. Neither one did and Tiny Tim figured out how to get home on his own. It happens again when he's 11 so he already knows what to do, he studied up in case it happened again.
After the second time, anytime Tim is with his parents he keeps his camera bag on him at all times which has 300 dollars in it that he can use on getting home. Tim also discovers during the second one that trains are *way* better than busses and cabs. He's all alone, just him and the scenery and whatever cargo his car holds. He can Fully Relax. He doesn't have to be the perfect heir, he doesn't have to smile for the cameras, he doesn't have to be quiet or good or perfectly polite. He can scream and laugh and cry if he wants to and no one will ever know! He can sing and curse and throw rocks at things! He can be a *kid*.
After Tim becomes Robin, he never calls Batman for a pick up if he's abandoned somewhere and instead will make his own way home. Heck, after some missions with Young Justice he will turn off his trackers and ride trains home so that he can loudly vent about them without having to worry about anyone ever knowing what he said!
This does become a slight problem when he's 17 and Bruce needs him for something and finds out from Bart that their mission ended a day and a half ago. But Tim never called for pick up. And his trackers are all offline. And he never hit his emergency beacon and *no one can find him*. Bruce totally isn't freaking out. The other Bats totally aren't freaking out. Young Justice totally isn't freaking out. There totally isn't a panic spreading through the super hero community about Red Robin maybe being dead I a ditch somewhere and how both Batman and his team will react.
Tim meanwhile is straight vibing as he reclines on a stack of bags of rice like they're pillows, singing along to some sound track he downloaded onto his MP3 player, having turned the volume to max and nearly screaming the lyrics because it's the one time he feels like he can.
Yes! I love that fic you mentioned. It's really really good. Perhaps I should re read it since it's been a minute.
Also, I absolutely adore the little tidbit you've added. A few things to note that I love about it:
No one else knows/finds out until he's Red Robin
It's a semi-decent coping mechanism. He gets to chill out, vibe, and process. He's also in touch with nature and music during this.
Tim drops his various masks to simply exist for a bit
Tim chilling on some rice bags in a train cart with an MP3 player (not even his phone. This indicates he's fully offline during these trips)
A few additional notes to add. One, this could buff up the canon notion that pre-Robin Tim traveled far to go see Dick at the circus and convince him to become Robin again. If Tim had already done that twice unexpectedly, he'd do swell when he actually plans to do it.
Two, Tim probably created a white noise generator or something to give him totally privacy on his "me trips." This is why Kon and Superman freak out. They can't hear him.
Three, he probably gets covered in grime, dust, and dirt. He's no longer in the pristine environment he grew up in.
Gods. That sounds so nice and relaxing. I'm actually kind of jealous. Just the wind, music, and the slowly changing scenery? Fuuuck.
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blackbatcass · 2 months
you should tell us about bart allen
so what if you were a little boy from a thousand years in the future and you were born with the speed force in your veins like a terminal illness and you were kidnapped by aliens so they could experiment on you and your dad died and your mom had to go into hiding and the government rescued you from the aliens but instead of giving you back to your family they lied to your mom that you were dead and kept you in a lab and studied you like you were a thing and raised you in near complete isolation and you lived your life almost entirely in a VR simulation and the only person in the whole world who loved you was your grandma. and you were dying and that lab wasn’t helping so she took you away and time traveled to the past to find speedsters and they helped cure you. so you’re fine now but you can never ever ever go back home even though your mom wants you desperately and everything is unfamiliar and you can’t distinguish between fiction and reality and no one speaks your language and your grandma has to go into hiding to not disturb the time stream and you’re all alone and no one loves you. and just when you think everything is over you move in with a grumpy old man and his daughter and they love you desperately even if they don’t understand you. BOOM time to read impulse (1995) #1
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mysterycitrus · 9 months
hihihi! tim drake in college real?
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oog indeed mein freund
so ur tim drake, ur seventeen, and ur dad has just come back from the dead. u hollowed urself out until there’s nothing left and ur ribs are broken but you’ve never felt better. if u stop moving for more than a second the weight of the world hits u. there’s another kid wearing ur uniform and u have to watch as this new robin and bruce, the bruce u fought for, the bruce u left everything behind for, the bruce u nearly died for, debut as gothams dynamic duo. but it’s fine. u did what u had to do. u feel great, actually.
then ur brother who u love more than anything sits u down and tells u he’s enrolled u in college in california. ur so angry ur spitting. he trusts u and now he’s not even giving u the choice to stay. u want to kick and scream and hold on till ur hands are bloody, but he tells u that he’s worried. he’s been so scared for u since ur dad died. he thinks ur losing urself. he wants u to make choices for urself without bruce. he wants u to spend time with ur friends who are alive again and miss u. he wants u to take a chance to live ur life away from gotham, away from that burden.
he tells u: robin is never truly gone, alright? it’ll never leave. i need u to trust me that it’ll still be u no matter how many other kids wear the cape. i need u to trust that i love u more than what ur able to do in tights.
and he knows this better than anyone. he’s asking u to extricate tim drake from robin and batman and red robin. to remember what it felt like to choose. and after all these years u can’t say no, so u pack ur bags and leave for the west coast.
college is fine. u keep changing majors. u pick up photography as a joke, thinking about snapping photos of the boy wonder from a distance, to print in the basement dark room after school. it’s a laugh, and ur gonna drop it until donna troy finds out, and u spend a long time on the roof of the tower with her taking photos of the sunrise. it’s been a while since the sunrise was the start of ur day. it feels….. unfamiliar. she tells u about how ur brother became nightwing. she tells u about the heartbreak of having to move on. she tells u about choices.
kon’s right down the hall. he can hear u but u can’t hear him, so sometimes you’ll whisper a question for him to shout back. he obligingly poses for ur still life class. he and steph make fun of how u can’t decide what to study. it’s painful to become tim drake and nothing else again, but it happens in increments. u make friends with people in ur tutoriasl. ur less pale — u pinken under the sun easily, peeling flesh turning red and painful, but u look less like a corpse. ur hair is longer, and bart buys u a claw clip shaped like an avocado.
the new robin is growing up, and he explains colour theory to u for one of ur classes. he’s an asshole, but he’s trying. when asked politely, he draws character sheets for bart’s dnd group with minimal grumbling. red and yellow suit him, and looking at him in the costume feels less painful, and more nostalgic.
u brainstorm new ideas for urself, new roles, new ideas for the team, but there’s no rush. u have time. if u see bruce, u kno there’s someone else at his back, watching him through the night. dick texts u life updates, but they’re funny, not desperate. the world continues to spin. u, tim drake, are still alive.
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crazycatgirl420 · 8 months
Fuck Around, Find Out
Ghost King Danny tutors Impulse, Bart Allen, in Summoning magic after a horrible drunken Summoning disaster.
Part 1
Monday came much too soon. Danny had spent his weekend preparing his first lesson for Bart, considering he was so deep in his non-belief of magic that he nearly started a war, Danny decided they would have to start with the basics as taught to newly formed entities in the Realms.
Danny removed his pc and monitors from his desk, snapping on a white board attachment and putting several notebooks, pens, pencils, and markers in the drawers. He held his folder of lesson plans and his own notebook. At exactly four o'clock he put one hand on the desk and appeared right in front of his Contractor.
There was a crash sound behind him, and a wide eyed red-head on the couch, a game controller in his hand.
"We agreed on four to six for your lessons." Danny reminded him. "We have a lot to cover and I do not want to spend my entire existence teaching you."
Thee human grimaced but nodded. "What are we doing today?"
"You'll be learning to read and write," Danny said. "Magic is its own language, if you don't know it you can't effectively use it."
Bart spent two hours copying the Infinite Realms Dictionary of Magic into his first notebook while Danny read it aloud.
"There are six hundred and seventy languages used in this dimensions magical script," Danny explained. "As a living being born of this realm you only need to be fluent in those six hundred seventy languages, which is a lot less than what I had to learn as a being of the Infinite Realms-"
Bart paused in writing, glancing at the book he was copying from. '670 Alphabets, Beginning to End'
"I'll leave you with the Dictionaries to study in your own time. On Wednesday we'll go over grammar, and Friday we'll practice speaking. You'll have the weekend to practice as you wish and next week will be your first set of tests,"
"Tests next week?" Bart asked. "After only three days of lessons?"
"This is easy stuff," Danny said. "You're magical friends learn this as young children before they even choose a specialty."
Bart had a week to learn six hundred languages. He couldn't believe Raven or Zatanna knew all these languages, and only a week to learn them all was insane.
"Keep working," Danny said. "We don't have time for you to change your mind now. You signed a contract, I can't even explain what that entails until you understand magic script. The gibberish you scrawled on the floor in your drunken Summoning could've been the end of your deminsion and every deminsion that surrounds yours."
Bart kept writing.
Two hours for Bart tended to feel like an eternity but Phantom taught at the same speed Bart lived his life normally. There was no slacking off for milliseconds waiting for outside time to catch up. Phantom kept up, as soon as Bart finished a notebook another was handed to him. Phantom recited the dictionary and passages on culture, history, and traditions with ease, asking questions and having Bart read the passages as he copied them down.
"You have until I return on Wednesday to learn all six hundred and seventy languages here." Phantom said, pulling several stacks of books out of the desk. "Feel free to ask those magical friends of yours about magic script of you don't believe me, though your inability to believe them was what lead to this in the first place,"
Phantom left just like he has appeared, with a flash of light and an ice cold breeze.
Bart groaned, eyeing the stacks of books with regret. This was going to be a lot of reading.
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raina-at · 5 months
Warning: If suicidal thoughts trigger you, please proceed with caution.
It’s not the fall that kills you, it’s the landing.
Five minutes. From the time he got out of the taxi until he saw Sherlock’s lifeless body lie on the pavement, five minutes passed. At most.
John has lived through these five minutes countless times. Endless times. If you strung up every time he sees these five minutes play before his closed eyes - in dreams, in memory, in penance - you could reach the next century. At least that’s what it feels like. 
How did he do it?
How did I not see?
These questions haunt him, derail him, consume him.
He walks by Barts at every hour of the day, he studies the police report, he looks at the crime scene photos. 
How could I be so stupid? 
He was devastated when Sherlock jumped. He was traumatised and grieving and barely functional for so long. He pulled himself out of a deep dark black hole by the skin of his teeth and the ridiculous thought that he had to live on to preserve Sherlock’s legacy. That he needed the world to see how brilliant he was, how loveable. How human.
How deeply, bitingly ironic, then, that Sherlock’s return from the not quite as dead as you thought after all has derailed him completely. Sent him into a tailspin he sees no way out of.
He barely eats, he kips on the sofa in his office. He only notices Mary’s thrown him out because one day, all his earthly belongings are dumped in a heap in front of his office door.
He doesn’t care. More time to devote to the one thought he cares about. How? Why?
He replays these five minutes in front of his mental eyes so often. He takes pictures, he tries to find witnesses. He does all the things he should have done after Sherlock jumped, if he hadn’t been so stupid. So paralysed with grief. 
It didn’t even occur to him. That it could be fake. Because Sherlock wouldn’t. He would never.
What a fucking idiot he was. Maybe that’s why Sherlock did it. To get rid of him. To be free of the bumbling fool blogger running after him like a puppy.
Alex, his boss, puts him on medical leave when she finds him at the surgery at three in the morning, pacing his office, muttering to himself. 
He doesn’t tell her he has nowhere to go. He just shows up at Murray’s house, who lets him sleep on the sofa in the basement and doesn’t bother him otherwise.
It’s a grey December day when he stands on a roof, diagonally across the street from Barts. Mycroft told him about the snipers, and he imagines what it must have looked like, from way up here. 
He imagines watching Sherlock jump from this angle. Imagines the crosshairs of the rifle mark the place where the bullet would have entered John’s skull. Spends a visceral moment feeling it, wanting it. Wanting this all to end.
It would be so ironic, he thinks. If he actually did it. If he jumped. Like Sherlock did(n’t). Maybe then he would know. Maybe then he would understand. 
It’s easy to sneak up on the roof at Barts. Easier than it should be, after a suicide. 
It’s freezing up here. The wind cuts through his clothes. He shivers with cold and fear and a ringing sort of despair. What do you do when the only person you truly loved fucked you over this badly? What do you do when you’re not even worth a good lie?
He should have seen it. A thing like this isn’t easy to do. There had to have been cables, or a body switch, or some sort of catching device. He should have seen it. He didn’t, because he’s stupid and worthless and Sherlock never loved him, never wanted him, never cared. 
The windchill freezes the tears on his face. He steps up to the ledge. 
“Please don’t.”
Sherlock’s voice is raw and tired and rough with cold. 
John isn’t surprised. Not really. He knows he’s being watched all the time. 
He hasn’t spoken to anyone in days. He has to clear his throat before he can answer. “Why not?”
“Because I’m not worth it,” Sherlock answers. He sounds as hollowed out as John feels. As tired. As desperate.
John turns around. Sherlock looks like shit. He’s pale and wan and so thin, and John can see the lines the last two years have cut into his face. His nose is red from the wind and there are tears in his eyes.
“How did you do it?” John asks. I should make you watch, he thinks. Like you made me watch. Maybe then you would understand. 
“Does it matter?” Sherlock asks, weary and sad.
“Maybe, just for this once, I can decide what fucking matters,” John yells, his throat raw, the words like barbed wires, ripping him up from inside. “Maybe just this one time, I matter!”
“You always matter!” Sherlock answers, “Please believe me. You always, always matter.”
“Two years,” John whispers, unbelieving. “Two fucking years.”
“I know,” Sherlock answers, his voice as raw as John’s, holding John’s eyes. “I know.”
“What does that even fucking mean?” John yells. He’s shivering with cold and anger as he takes a step towards Sherlock. 
“Two years,” Sherlock says quietly, reaching out to gently touch the tear tracks on John’s face with ice-cold fingertips, his voice shaking with unshed tears. “I’ve missed you so much.”
John tries to bite down on a sob, but he can’t hold on anymore, he’s been biting down on that bullet for over two years, and he can’t do it one more single fucking second.
Sherlock’s there, wrapping him up in warmth and safety and that Baker Street home smell as John sobs out two years of grief and anger and sorrow into Sherlock’s ridiculously expensive coat. John can feel Sherlock lose control as he cries into John’s shoulder, muttering “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” over and over again, but John doesn’t need to hear it anymore. 
He can feel it.
He finally, finally understands. 
“Let’s go home,” he whispers into Sherlock’s hair. He’s done with this place. “Let’s finally go home.”
I promise happy fluff tomorrow to make up for the pain.
Tags under the cut as usual.
@calaisreno @peanitbear @meetinginsamarra @totallysilvergirl @jolieblack @keirgreeneyes @helloliriels @catlock-holmes @jrow @salmonsown
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mamawasatesttube · 6 months
49. “Who hurt you?”. Please.
Lightning flashes. The wind drives rain into the windows by the bucketful. The world outside is a blur, all the city lights in the night blending into a watery mess. To anyone else, it might even be beautiful, even if it is Gotham.
Tim scowls and draws the throw blanket around his shoulders tighter. It’s not beautiful; it’s stupid and annoying and loud. It’s the middle of the night, and the thunder keeps rattling him down to the bones, and Cass is out there somewhere wrangling the Penguin, and Tim is stuck on his ass on the sofa in a haze of painkillers and frustration.
The TV blares on, news coverage that doesn’t actually tell him anything about what he wants to know. He’s supposed to be resting, but resting just makes him antsy. Even with the meds, his ankle hurts, a dull throb radiating up his whole leg, and all the bruises on his back and ribs ache.
Another flash of lightning lights up the room, bright as day. Tim glares at the TV as if it can quell the storm. A low rumble of thumber rolls through the sky, distant and ominous. Then, closer—
The lamp on the table flickers; the TV blacks out for a second. Tim sucks in a breath. If the power goes out, he swears…
He glances at his phone again. Nothing—Cassie stopped texting back and went to bed hours ago. Even Bart is asleep. Just great.
Lightning flashes—
There’s a shape on the balcony, a tall, dark silhouette reaching for the door. Light glints from its eyes, focused directly on Tim.
Adrenaline surges through Tim’s body. He scrambles away from the back of the couch, grabbing for the collapsible staff on the side table. His right ankle can’t take any weight, but he—
Oh. Wait.
Kon lets himself in silently, hovering an inch or so off the floor. He’s completely dry. The door slides shut with a hiss behind him, and the locks click back into place on their own.
“Jesus fucking Christ, you’re worse than Bruce,” Tim groans. The adrenaline fades as fast as it came, and his busted ankle sends a wave of nauseating pain up his leg as he sinks back down, wincing. “You’re gonna give me a heart attack one of these days.”
Still, his heart lifts. Kon’s been in space for two weeks; he said he’d probably be back in three, so this is a pleasant surprise. Tim’s missed him.
Kon drifts around the sofa, oddly quiet. Tim looks up at him and sees that Kon’s studying his ankle, then examining his ribs; the distant look in his eyes is a dead giveaway that he’s looking through Tim, X-ray vision and all. There’s an unnerving stillness to him, and Tim frowns.
Kon settles next to him. Leans in, cups his chin. Turns his face to the light. Tim almost winces again; the bruise on his jaw is still swollen, even though he’s been icing it. Kon’s hand, by contrast, is delightfully warm. He leans into his touch with a sigh, letting his tired eyes close.
“…Who hurt you?” Kon finally asks, his voice dangerously calm. Something in the set of his shoulders makes him look unnervingly like Superman.
Tim’s mood sours. He doesn’t want to think about his mistakes right now. “Some of Penguin’s goons,” he mutters, tugging his blanket around himself again. “It was my own fault. I got cocky. And before you try to go be all scary at them, Cass is already kicking their asses, so don’t bother.”
Kon’s quiet for a moment. Then he sighs, scrubbing his free hand over his face, and all the tension in his body drains away. He doesn’t look like a terrifying alien juggernaut contemplating holy vengeance anymore; he just looks tired.
“I leave for two weeks—not even two weeks! Twelve days!—and come back to you in pieces,” he complains. His TTK wraps around Tim’s waist and hips, then down to his thighs, like a harness. He lifts Tim into his lap, keeping his leg stable, and gently wraps his arms around him. He presses his face into Tim’s neck, and Tim tucks his nose into his hair. He smells like the rain.
“I’m not in pieces,” Tim says belatedly, winding his arms around Kon’s neck. He’s missed this. “You’re being dramatic.”
“Your ankle is, to use the technical term, fuckenated, and you have two cracked ribs,” Kon says. His lips brush Tim’s collarbone.
“My ankle will be fine after a few weeks. And cracked doesn’t mean broken.” Tim slips his arms under Kon’s jacket, curls them into the fabric of his suit, warm from his body. It’s a lot easier to relax now, in Kon’s arms. “I’ll be fine.”
Kon blows out a breath. He presses a warm, tender kiss to the pulse point just below Tim’s ear, lingering. His lips are soft, Tim’s pulse fluttering under his skin, and a pleasant little shiver runs down Tim’s spine.
“I missed you,” Kon says quietly. I was worried about you, and it looks like I was right to be, he doesn’t say. I always worry when I leave you. Like you always worry when you leave me.
Tim tightens his fingers in the back of his suit. “I missed you, too.” He doesn’t need to say that he can handle himself, that he’s made of tough stuff, that he’s had worse and bounced back just fine. Kon knows. That’s why Kon didn’t say he was worried, even though they both know he was.
Besides, between the two of them, Tim’s not the one who’s gone off and died before, so there. That always puts an end to the conversation they aren’t having, in Tim’s mind. Lightning flashes outside; the thunderclap is loud enough that Tim winces, and poor Kon flinches in his arms.
“Must’ve been a long flight. You look exhausted,” Tim says, pressing a kiss into Kon’s hair.
“Yeah, and you should be asleep,” Kon murmurs, brushing his lips against Tim’s jaw. “It’s late.”
Tim shrugs halfheartedly. He should have gone to bed forever ago, yeah, but why do that when he could sit here, stare at the news, and seethe at the storm?
Bed doesn’t sound nearly as bad now that Kon’s back, though. He sighs, takes one hand from Kon’s back to twine his fingers into his curls. The shaved fuzz on the back of Kon’s head is soft under his palm.
“I was waiting for you to come home and carry me to bed,” he says. A tiny, wry half-smile tugs at his mouth. “Since, y’know, my ankle is fuckenated.”
Kon’s lips twitch against his neck. “Well, when you put it that way,” he says, and shifts Tim in his arms as he floats them both into the air. “Your carriage awaits.”
“Mm,” Tim agrees. It’s his turn to tuck his face into Kon’s neck. “…I’m glad you’re back.”
Kon lets out a soft sigh. “Yeah,” he agrees, leaning his cheek against Tim’s hair. “Me too.”
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providencehq · 2 years
Power House AU: I've absolutely loved all the additions and directions people took this post where Danny is captured by the Justice League and I wanted to share my general thoughts on where it would go after that but I'm also lazy so it's just this since I'm tired and don't want to draw.
The JL attempts to interrogate him but fails as Phantom is unresponsive for the majority of the time.
They struggle trying to identify exactly why he isn't responsive considering he has either fully ran from members or quickly attempt to fight them if they try to interact with him.
Somehow, someway, when they're moving Phantom to a new location in the Watch Tower to get a medical check since they're getting worried that after a few days, he's remained the same.
Phantom proceeds to freak the fuck out in the nicest of terms when he's taken to their medical wing and manages to slip out from whoever was taking him.
He's in full panic mode now and he NEEDS to get out even with the suppression cuffs on him so he's dashing blindly in the watch tower.
He manages to make way to the Zeta tubes and somehow manages to make them function and he's teleported away (not Danny's intention, he was just running and it went off at the worst time.)
He doesn't know where he's at on Earth but he's immediately running either way to get away.
Certain members of the League Zeta'd right behind him and are now looking for him.
Danny gets the suppression cuffs and collar and transform right before they can catch him.
They let him leave as they're informed by Batman that they have enough information on him that with a lot of leg work, they may be able to find who he really is since they have now both seen his human and "meta" side of him. Batman does reveal that due to something with biology, they won't be able to find any DNA matches and much of the video recordings of him are difficult to make out even if they're from the Watch Tower.
Danny escapes back to Central City and tries his best to return to a normal college life. He's slightly upset since they managed to pull him away, leaving him little time to study for an upcoming exam.
A few more weeks pass and Batman with the help of Flash manage to find out who Phantom is. A young college student in Central City and is funnily enough working at S.T.A.R. Labs as an intern. Bright future ahead and seems like no one who would have a potential in being a hero/vigilante but digging enough into his past they believe that if anything, it seems like another case of how the Flash came to be except a whole different set of powers.
They decide the best way to get Phantom is to corner him as a civilian in public.
Bart Allen, Hal Jordan, and J'onn J'onzz go as a group of civilians to intervene with Danny as he's leaving one of his campuses buildings.
They make themselves known to Danny and that it would be a mighty bad time to try to fight back or get away as they're all so exposed in public (not really, they're talking alone between some buildings). They make it known that they only want to ask questions and they have concerns about whatever is going on with him (being Phantom, his rogues, fighting the League, clearly fighting alone, etc.)
Danny decides the risk is worth it and tries to make a run for it before even speaking a word to them. Clearly doesn't work out as they expect him to either run or fight them. Barry manages to get to him and place suppression cuffs and collar back on him fairly easily before Danny could transform thanks to super speed.
They're not happy clearly with Danny still not cooperating but it's expected. The three inform Danny that he is now being held by the League until they can determine the best next step.
For the first time, Danny speaks to them and says "You can't do that! Finals are in two weeks! What the fuck am I suppose to do that? It's literally my second final semester!"
It doesn't work and Danny finds himself taken back to the Watch Tower to be once again interrogated. It's back to square one with Danny/Phantom. He isn't responding to any of their questions but this time rather out of a sense of protection of his self and mind, it's out of pure spite. They're making him miss his finals, of course he's going to give them nothing in return.
The most they're able to get out of him at one point is that why should he trust them? Why should he trust heroes who only care about themselves and their image? Even if he's young and inexperienced, he does his job and does it quick and they need to leave him alone.
It's implied he doesn't trust the older heroes in any regard and this is true, they only want to learn how he got his powers, where his rouges are from, and why he fought and ran from the League. Nothing else, nothing more.
Danny/Phantom doesn't trust the League in any regard so why should he even attempt to cooperate?
And that's all I have :)
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Home for the Holidays Ch.1
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Summary: Your family didn't take your coming out well....and instead of spending the holiday alone you join your roommate for Christmas dinner. While Aemond wishes you set your sights on his sister Helaena, your tastes skew much older. 
A/N: This is a modern!au milf Alicent x milf lover f!reader. It was supposed to be finished last December lol. It got really long so I broke it into two chapters. It will be smutty, so read with caution if that’s not your thing! Not really smut in part one though. 
A/N pt. 2: In this story two of Alicent’s cousins are her older brothers and Baela is not Helaena’s cousin. Not canon compliant.
You knew the holidays were going to be rough this year but had not anticipated just how hard seeing pictures of your family in St. Barts without you would be. 
They had not taken your coming out well. 
Sure they had promised to keep paying the tuition to your very expensive university until you graduated but that did little to soothe the hurt that their disapproval caused. Your family came from old money, some of the oldest of old in the country, and with that came old ways of thinking. They didn't care that you were gay, plenty of people in your extended family were some form of fruit, but they all stayed in the closet- at least publicly. That was what your family wanted for you as well. Anything to not tarnish their image. 
But you couldn't live that way any longer. You wanted to be free. 
To your surprise, only your estranged cousin Elia had accepted and even celebrated your coming out of the closet. 
Thankfully you had Aemond. The two of you had met in freshman history class. He argued with the professor over every historical inconsistency in his lectures and it drove the professor mad. It made you laugh though. Aemond also came from old money, so the two of you bonded over the pressures that came from families that expected you to be perfect. Sophomore year the two of you moved into an apartment off campus, and your friendship only grew from there. 
Aemond was your best friend, and you could not have asked for a better one. Aemond invited you to spend the holiday with his family. He didn’t love spending time with his family as they could be quite a lot but he always went for his mother’s sake. 
You figured it beat spending Christmas alone in your flat. 
So you got dressed in your very best and sat in the passenger seat of Aemond’s Porsche the whole drive to Oldtown. 
Aemond popped another piece of gum into his mouth. “This will be a great opportunity for you and Helaena to bond,” he said as he chewed. 
You rolled your eyes. “Not this again.” 
Aemond smiled mischievously. “Come on (y/n). You can’t tell me you didn’t feel a connection when she came to visit on my birthday.” 
“I can, and I am. She’s not a lesbian Aemond,” you replied.
Aemond was convinced that his sister Helaena was a lesbian. His evidence was that she never had a boyfriend, attended an all women's university, majored in Women’s studies, and only brought home girl best friends for the holidays. 
“She talked to you that night, which cannot be said for many other people. Helaena is very selective with who she talks to. You even made her laugh (y/n)! I saw the sparks,” Aemond argued. 
You sighed and shook your head. “Even if your sister was by some miracle into women, which I want to firmly state for the record that she is not, she’s simply not my type.” 
The light turned red and Aemond’s car pulled to a smooth stop at the intersection. He turned to you. 
“You don’t have a type. I’ve seen you bring all types of women home (y/n).” 
You smirked. “Ever notice they weren’t at all our age.” 
Aemond furrowed his brows. “So your type is older women?” 
You nodded. “Yeah, like your mom for example.” 
Aemond frowned. “Dude not that again!” 
You laughed. “It’s not my fault your mom is a total milf.” 
The light turned green. Aemond focused on the road once more. His face contorted in disgust. 
“Ugh, yeah you and my mother are not something I’d like to picture.” 
You let out another laugh. “Well I certainly have.” 
This time Aemond let out a small chuckle. “Do you have the hots for my mother (y/n)? Is that why you said yes to joining us for Christmas?” 
You shrugged. “Maybe I do, and maybe it is.” 
Aemond chuckled again. “Well if you can make my white, Anglo-saxon, catholic mother do anything untoward this weekend I’ll spend the first two months of the new year cleaning the bathroom every weekend.”
Another red light. The car came to a stop.
You turned to Aemond and put your hand out. 
Aemond turned to you and shook his head. “I was joking.” 
“I am not," you replied with a cheeky smile.
“Fine, deal,” Aemond said and shook your hand. 
The light turned green. Aemond sped off once more. 
You sat back in your seat thinking of Aemond’s mother, Alicent. You had only met her via Facetime when she called to check in on Aemond. 
She was a certified smokeshow. 
Alicent was beautiful and always held herself with poise. She was dressed impeccably in every photo of her online you could find when you first cyber-stalked her. 
She had lost her husband, Aemond’s father, three years ago. 
Aemond always skirted around the topic of his father. His father, from what you knew, had never really cared for Aemond and his siblings. 
Viserys Targaryen was in his second term as the state's governor when he passed away. The Targaryens were political legends in your state. Many of their family members had been mayors, governors, state senators, and they had even managed to have an ancestor in the oval office. 
Aemond’s father had always favored his only daughter from his first marriage, Rhaenyra. He had poised her to be the city’s mayor but his death led to a falling out within Aemond’s family. According to Aemond, they had never gotten along with Rhaenyra and her family but they had been cordial while Viserys lived. 
When he died, Rhaenyra (who according to Aemond saw his mother as nothing but a gold digging whore) fought Alicent on every asset Viserys owned and vowed to leave Alicent penniless. 
Thankfully Aemond’s mother had her family by her side. The Hightowers of Oldtown were an even older political force to be reckoned with. Their wealth dated back to the very founding of the nation. 
Aemond’s grandfather, Otto Hightower, had squandered his own inheritance as a young man. It was rumored his family had cut him off and left him to his own devices after he gambled his money away. So Aemond’s mother had grown up having to make a lot of things happen on her own as they didn’t have their family’s backing for most of her life. 
It wasn’t until Alicent married Viserys that the Hightowers welcomed Otto, Alicent, and her brothers back into the family fold. 
So when Viserys died Alicent had the army of Hightower family lawyers on her side. Alicent managed to win several of Viserys’ homes and the money the prenup she had signed promised her. 
Aemond never really spoke of his father, and when he did it was without warmth or love. So you often wondered if this was how all his family felt or if it was just him. You figured you would soon find out.
Aemond pulled up in front of the massive estate. 
You got out of the car and marveled at the impressive family home. It wasn’t bigger than the one your family owned but it did look older and felt more imposing. 
The estate was decorated from top to bottom in Christmas decor. It was done tastefully, the lights and decor didn’t look tacky, but it certainly conveyed a love for the holiday not many others shared by the look of the estates Aemond had passed by on the drive up. 
Aemond popped the truck of the car open and took out his overnight bag. Then he took a deep breath and walked towards you. 
“Say the word and we can still go back to the flat,” he joked. 
You raised your brows and gave him a sideways look. “And do what? Eat Chinese take out and get drunk?” 
Aemond smiled. “That sounds class to me.” 
You laughed and shook your head. 
“Aemond," said a voice that sounded as sweet as honey and as light as the morning sun. 
You and Aemond turned your heads towards the estate. 
Aemond’s mother stood at the door. She smiled brightly and waved. 
Gods she’s even more beautiful in person, you thought. 
Aemond put his hand on your shoulder. “Let’s get this over with then.” 
You and Aemond walked up to the door. 
Aemond’s mother turned to you and gave you a hug. 
“It’s lovely to finally see you in person (y/n)," Alicent said as she politely embraced you. 
You were surprised but you quickly recovered and returned the embrace. You noted how warm she felt. 
“It’s a pleasure Mrs. Targaryen.” 
Alicent pulled away and waved her hand dismissively. “Oh none of that. Call me Alicent,” she said with a smile. 
You nodded. “If you insist, Alicent.” 
She let out a polite laugh then turned her attention to Aemond. She wrapped her arms around her son. “I’ve missed you so much my little dragon,” she cooed. 
Aemond blushed as he pulled away from his mother. 
“Mom,” he chided. 
Alicent laughed. “What? I can’t call you my little dragon anymore?” 
You laughed and turned to Aemond. “Little dragon?” 
Alicent turned to you. “He used to love running around pretending he was a dragon when he was a boy.” 
You reached out and pinched Aemond’s now rosy cheek. “How cute, little dragon.” 
Aemond swatted your hand away. “That only happened when I was seven and it’s because the dragon is on our family crest.” 
“If it makes you feel better my nickname used to be baby cabbage in our mother tongue," you revealed, hoping to lessen Aemond's embarrassment. 
Alicent laughed. “Why baby cabbage?” 
You blushed under her gaze. “I was a very chubby baby.” 
“How darling,” Alicent quipped. 
Butterflies fluttered in your chest at the compliment. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed Aemond staring at you. 
He cleared his throat and pulled his mother’s gaze away from you. “Let’s go inside, it’s bitterly cold out.” 
Alicent nodded. “Of course come on in. Aegon is already up in his room. Helaena and her friend should be getting in any minute now.” 
Alicent stepped aside and Aemond walked inside. 
You followed after him and felt the butterflies in your chest multiply when you caught Alicent looking you over from head to toe with a small smile on her face.
Aemond and Aegon decided to smoke a joint before dinner. 
You weren’t against it but didn’t care to partake so you wandered downstairs and figured you’d ask Alicent if she needed any help with dinner. 
You knocked on the wall of the kitchen entryway. 
Alicent was stirring something in the saucepan but looked up when she heard you knock. She smiled. 
Butterflies filled your chest once more. 
“Hi there,” she said. 
You shoved your hands in the pockets of your jeans. Your palms had already started to sweat and you hadn't even spoken yet. 
“Hi...Uh I was wondering if you needed help with anything?” 
Alicent waved you off. “You’re a guest (y/n). I could never ask you to do anything,” Alicent protested. 
You stepped closer and leaned against the counter next to the stove. “Then it’s a great thing I’m asking you. Really, I want to help out,” you insisted. 
Alicent let out a small laugh. “Okay, you can stir this gravy while I check on the roast.” 
You stepped up to the stove and took over the stirring. 
Alicent went to the oven that was inlaid on the side of the stove, and took a look at the roast.   
“Did you decorate or did you hire someone to decorate your home?” 
Alicent stuck a meat thermometer in the roast and turned her head towards you. “Depends, do you think it’s too much?” 
You smiled. “Of course not. It’s beautifully done.” 
Alicent brightened at the compliment. “Then it was all me,” she beamed. 
“Do you always go all out on the holidays?” 
Alicent placed the roast back on its rack and closed the oven door. “Just Christmas. It’s my favorite holiday because I finally have my family all under one roof again." 
She took her oven mitts off. 
You continued to stir the gravy. “Well I hope it’s okay that you have a stray joining you at the table this year." 
Alicent approached the stove once more.“It’s Christmas, the more the merrier.” 
Then Alicent reached out for the spoon. You went to hand it off. 
But then your hand met hers. 
You didn’t move, and neither did Alicent. 
She met your gaze. 
You were too scared to even breathe. It felt as though if you moved even an inch the spell that kept her eyes on you would break. 
But it broke anyway. 
Alicent cleared her throat and looked away. 
You let go of the spoon. 
Alicent grabbed the spoon and resumed stirring. With her free hand she lowered the heat of the flame. “Besides, I’ll have two stays. Helaena is bringing a friend from school," she said, as though your brief moment of intense something had never happened. 
You took a step back and leaned on the counter. “Right, you mentioned that before. Do you know much about her?” 
Alicent continued to stir. She did not meet your gaze. “Not really. Helaena doesn’t share much about her college life with me. All I know is that her name is Baela, and that they’re spending Christmas day with her family.” 
You raised your eyebrows slightly. Was Aemond right about his sister being into women? 
Alicent noticed. “Why’d you make that face?” 
“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just something stupid Aemond said," your face suddenly felt warmer. 
Now it was Alicent who raised her eyebrows in intrigue. “What is it?” 
You bit the inside of your cheek, unsure if Aemond would mind you sharing his thoughts with his mother. 
Alicent noted your apprehension. “I won’t tell Aemond you mentioned anything.” 
You looked into Alicent’s eyes. They were a deep and rich brown. They were comforting. You realized that with eyes like that you would tell her anything she wanted. But her gaze was too hot so you swallowed hard and looked away from her when you told her what Aemond had said. 
“He thinks Helaena is gay, and is obsessed with getting her and I together. I’m ninety percent sure that’s the sole reason he invited me over today.” 
Alicent stopped stirring and stared at you.“Gay? Why does he think Helaena is gay?” 
You shrugged. 
Alicent placed a hand on her hip. "I think you do know." 
You dared look up. Alicent's attention was fully focused on you. You felt your stomach in your throat but you spoke anyway.
“According to Aemond, Helaena never expresses interest in men or in dating a man, only talks about women she admires, attends a historically women’s college and majors in women’s studies, and finally that she only ever brings girls home on the holidays.” 
Alicent chuckled and went back to stirring the gravy. “Oh gods. You know I’ve never known why kids today still hang onto outdated stereotypes about sexuality. I was the very same at Helaena’s age, she’ll grow out of it when she meets her future husband. I know I did.” 
You pushed yourself onto the counter and sat down, intrigued at the revelation of Alicent's past. 
“You were a women’s studies major at an all girl college?” 
Alicent tilted her head to the side.“Sort of. I majored in English literature at Vassar, and I only ever brought my girl friends home for the holidays. Until I met my late husband of course.” 
Aemond had never told you that his mother had gone to an all women’s university or that she had a BA in English Lit. It piqued your interest. You needed to know more. 
“How did you meet him?” 
Alicent returned her gaze to the stove and brought the heat of the burner even lower. “My father introduced us. He was Viserys’ chief of staff in his first term.” 
You knew there had been an age difference between them but had not imagined it was that big. 
Alicent didn’t reply but she glanced over at you. 
You hopped off the counter, awkward with the sudden silence. “What else can I help with?” 
Alicent smiled softly. “You really don’t have to (y/n).” 
You shook your head. “I insist. Have you set the table? If not I would be more than happy to do so.” 
Alicent turned the heat off and moved the sauce pot to a different burner. She looked up at you. “I laid everything out but I haven’t set it up.” 
You clapped your hands together. “Consider it done.” 
Then you raised your hand to your forehead and gave Alicent a mock salute. 
Alicent laughed.
You set the table as you had always been taught to. Spoons and knives on the right and forks on the left. 
Then, just as you were almost done setting the table you realized the salad forks were missing. 
You double checked the pile where Alicent had left everything, hoping they were under a napkin and you had simply missed them. But no dice. They weren’t there. 
So you walked back to the kitchen. 
Alicent was now working on the salad she planned to serve. She looked up when you entered the kitchen, a smile on her face. It seemed like she always had a smile ready for you. 
You smiled back, it was instinct around her. “Hey uhm- I’m almost done setting the table but I realized the salad forks are missing. I can’t find them.” 
Alicent furrowed her brow. “Really? I could have sworn I set them out with the rest.” 
She grabbed a nearby paper towel and wiped her hands of any residue. 
Then she exited the kitchen and walked towards her china hutch. 
You watched her from the kitchen entryway. 
While you waited for Alicent to find the forks you looked about the room. When you looked up you realized someone had hung mistletoe over the entryway. 
You smiled. 
Alicent walked to you, forks in hand. She stopped at the entryway. “I’m so sorry I forgot to set them out with the rest.” 
She handed the forks over to you. 
You reached out to take them and for a brief minute your hands met hers, once again. 
Your gaze met hers. “Don’t apologize. I honestly don’t know how you’re doing all the cooking and decorating all on your own. Aemond and I were barely able to put a tree up.” 
Alicent smiled. She didn’t pull away this time. “You’re too sweet (y/n).” 
You returned her smile. Your cheeks were starting to hurt but you wouldn't dare not smile back. “I do have to ask you something," you said, emboldened by the continued contact with Alicent. 
Alicent raised a brow. “Ask me something?” 
You nodded slightly then continued. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen mistletoe hung in the entryway of a kitchen before.” 
Alicent’s brow furrowed. “Mistletoe?” 
You looked up. Alicent followed your gaze. 
Her eyes widened a bit when she noticed the mistletoe. “Oh I- That Aegon,” she cursed. 
You looked back down at her and laughed. 
Alicent met your gaze once more, blush filled her cheeks. 
Then she pulled her hands away from yours. 
You took the forks and held them against you. “It's quite a funny placement isn't it?" 
Alicent walked past you, back to her salad preparations. 
“Oh yeah? How so,” Alicent replied, busying herself with her salad to avoid looking at you.
 “It reminds me of the old saying, love the meal and kiss the chef." 
Alicent stopped chopping the greens and looked over at you. She let out a small laugh. “Is that a saying? I don't think I've heard it before." 
You shrugged. “I swear I've heard it before, somewhere...Well if it's not it should be." 
Alicent shook her head, the smile still on her face. “Let’s see if you still want to kiss the chef after you’ve had my cooking.” 
Butterflies filled your chest. You stood up a little straighter. “Deal.” 
Alicent turned to you once more, her eyebrows raised. 
You twirled around and walked back to the dining room. You could feel Alicent’s eyes on you as you walked away.
You finished setting the table. 
Then you stepped back and admired your work. 
You hoped Alicent would like it. So you turned to head back to the kitchen but stopped in the hall when you heard the doorbell ring. 
You turned to open it but Aemond beat you to it. 
“Sister,” Aemond said and reached out to hug a familiar blonde.
Alicent walked out of the kitchen and went to the door. 
Helaena let go of Aemond and turned to her mother. Alicent wrapped Helaena in another hug. 
Behind her, a silver haired girl stood awkwardly in the doorway. 
Helaena pulled away from her mom and stepped back to the silver haired girl’s side. She slid her hand in the girl’s. “Mom, Aemond, this is my best friend Baela.” 
Alicent stepped forward and stuck her hand out. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Baela.” 
Baela shook Alicent’s hand. “Thank you for having me over Mrs. Targaryen. Helaena has told me so much about you all.” 
Alicent laughed lightheartedly. “All good things I hope.” 
You took note that she didn’t ask Baela to call her Alicent. 
Aemond gave Baela a polite nod. “Welcome Baela.” 
Baela smiled at him. “Thank you Aemond.” 
Then Aemond noticed you standing in the hall and he waved you over. You approached them with a smile. 
Aemond went to your side and put his arm around your shoulders. “Helaena look who’s joining us tonight.” 
Helaena smiled when she turned to face you. “(y/n), it’s nice to see you again.” She stepped forward and gave you a hug. 
Aemond dropped his arm and stepped away from the both of you. 
You returned Helaena’s hug. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Aemond giving you a knowing smirk. 
Helaena pulled away and held you at arm’s length. “I’m so happy you’re joining us for dinner.” 
“As am I,” you replied. 
Helaena gave your arms a squeeze before she stepped back to Baela’s side. 
You stuck your hand out to Baela. “Nice to meet you. I’m Aemond’s friend (y/n).” 
Baela shook your hand warmly. “Nice to meet you as well.” 
Then Baela stepped back and Helaena looped her arm around Baela’s. 
“We’ll be upstairs in my room. Let us know when dinner is ready,” Helaena said before she and Baela started up the stairs. 
“Okay,” Alicent said as she watched them leave. Then she turned to you and Aemond. 
“Do you need any more help,” you asked Alicent. 
Alicent shook her head. “You’ve been a tremendous help. Please go have fun.” 
Aemond put his arm around your shoulders once more. “Let’s go play some video games on Aegon’s new system.” 
Aemond led you to the stairs. 
You craned your head back to look at Alicent. “If you need any more help just let me know! I’d be more than happy to.”
 Alicent gave you another smile. “I will.” 
Then she walked back into the kitchen and you followed Aemond up the stairs. 
After about an hour of playing mario party with Aemond and Aegon (who you didn’t much care for because he could be crass but he had never been improper towards you so you didn’t mind him much) you heard the doorbell ring. 
“That will be grandfather,” Aemond said with a sigh. 
Aegon slumped down in his gaming chair on the ground. “I don’t want to go down.” 
Aemond clapped a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Sooner we go say hello the sooner we can say goodbye.” 
Aegon groaned. 
You turned to Aemond. “Oh come on, your grandpa can’t be that bad.” 
Aegon looked at you with an incredulous expression. “You have no idea." 
Then you all stood and made your way to the entrance. 
You trailed behind the boys. 
You saw Alicent at the door with an older man who you figured was her father, and three younger men who greeted Alicent with smiles and hugs. You figured they were her brothers. 
Aemond had told you he had three uncles on his mother’s side. He hadn’t mentioned much about them other than they were all still bachelors, which to you spoke volumes about them as two looked older than Alicent and only one looked younger than her. 
The older man turned to Aegon and Aemond, who were now at the door.
 “Boys,“ the man cheered before greeting each one with a hug and heavy pat on the back. 
Aemond returned the hug while Aegon went limp in his grandfather’s arms. Then their uncles greeted each one. 
You noticed that Alicent had straightened her posture and kept a more neutral expression. She greeted her father and sibling politely, with none of the warmth of earlier greetings. 
There was a lot that you didn’t know about Alicent and her family but you figured it was not all rainbows and sunshine by the change in her demeanor.
“You got here just in time father. Dinner is ready and served,” Alicent proclaimed. 
Her father nodded. “Very good timing Alicent.” 
Then Alicent turned to Aemond. “Would you tell the girls it’s dinner time?” 
Aemond nodded. Then he sped back up the stairs. He reached you and started to tell you but you told him you had heard. 
So he left you and went to tell Helaena and Baela. 
You made your way down the staircase and to the dining room. 
Alicent’s father and brothers seated themselves. Her father sat at the head of the table and insisted Aegon sit on the other end. Aegon did not protest. 
Alicent came out of the kitchen with the salad she prepared in her arms. 
You went to her side. “Do you need any help bringing out the food?” 
Alicent gave you a half smile. “It’s alright (y/n). I’ve set it all on the table. You just sit down and enjoy.“ 
You nodded and followed Alicent into the dining room. You sat down on the empty side of the table. You introduced yourself to Alicent’s family as you sat down. They all gave you various levels of appropriate greetings. 
Thankfully Aemond, Helaena and Baela came in and sat down next to you. Aemond sat to your right, beside his grandfather, and Helaena to your left. Baela sat on her left, with Aegon on Baela’s left. Opposite you sat Alicent. To her left sat her brother Gwayne (as he had introduced himself to you), beside his father. To Alicent’s right sat her brothers Lyonel and Martyn. 
You took in the sight of the absolute feast that was before you. “This all looks delicious, Alicent,” you said without thinking. 
Alicent gave you a small smile, blush tinting her cheeks once again. “Thank you (y/n). You’re too kind.” 
Her father, Otto as you now knew him, let out an indifferent huff. “The roast looks a bit overdone. How long did you leave it in for,” he remarked. 
Alicent’s smile fell from her face. She looked down at her hands. “I followed mother’s recipe to the letter father.” 
Otto let out another huff. “We’ll see about that.” 
Alicent frowned. 
Your focus was pulled away from them when Aemond gently ribbed you with his elbow. 
“You’ve got the perfect seat to talk to Helaena,” he whispered. 
You turned your head slightly to get a better look at Helaena. She was too busy chatting with Baela to even notice you. 
You turned back to Aemond. “It’s not happening Aemond.” 
Aemond frowned then turned his attention to his grandfather.
Otto rose from his seat and tapped his wine glass with a fork, calling everyone’s attention. 
“It warms my heart to see the family gathered for another Christmas. A man’s true wealth can be measured by the strength of his family...and the strength of his business. I am pleased to announce that your uncle Ormund has set up a donor fund for Aegon’s first mayoral campaign.”
Alicent’s brothers clapped and cheered for Aegon. Alicent clapped softly and gave Aegon a sympathetic look. 
Aegon’s face turned a sickly pale color. He didn’t meet his grandfather’s gaze. 
You had a feeling this was the first Aegon was hearing of his mayoral candidacy. 
Otto raised his glass. “To Aegon, first stop the mayor of Oldtown, last stop the president’s office.” 
“Huzzah,” Martyn cheered. 
You raised your glass alongside the rest purely out of propriety. Everyone could tell by the look on Aegon’s face this was the last thing he wanted. 
You turned to look at Alicent who had guilt written all over her face. Your heart softened. 
Otto set his glass down after taking a drink. Then he grabbed the carving knife and fork and got to work on the roast. 
The meal was going well. Until of course Alicent’s family set their attention towards you. 
Lyonel, Alicent’s eldest brother, turned towards you. “So (y/n), what’s your family do?” 
Martyn nodded. “Yeah your name sounds familiar.” 
You took a quick sip of your wine before you replied. “My family are mainly philanthropists now but our family used to own the majority of the railways in the country,” you confessed. 
“That’s right, (y/l/n) rail,” Otto chimed in. 
“Yes sir, but my father is focused on tech philanthropy now.” Below the table your palms started to sweat. Talking with Otto Hightower felt a lot like speaking with your grandfather as a child. They both had very imposing auras. 
“A pity,” Martyn responded as he shoveled another piece of roast into his mouth.
Alicent whipped her head towards her brother. “Martyn,” Alicent chided. 
Martyn shrugged. “What? Her family used to be major players in the nation.” 
Lyonel nodded, agreeing with his brother. But he didn’t stop there. “So why aren’t you spending Christmas with them?” 
You dug your fingers into the palms of your hands. You felt like something was stabbing the inside of your throat. 
Thankfully,  Alicent and Aemond came to your aid. “Lyonel,” Alicent reprimanded. 
Then she turned to you. “You don’t have to answer that (y/n). Please forgive my brothers.” 
Aemond nodded. “Yeah (y/n) you don’t have to engage my troublesome uncles.” 
Lyonel and Martyn rolled their eyes. 
Otto was silent but his piercing gaze remained on you. 
You swallowed hard before you put on a polite smile. You looked at Aemond then at Alicent. “It’s alright,” you assured them. 
Then you turned to Alicent’s brothers. 
“I came out to my family a few months ago and it's safe to say they don’t approve of my new ‘lifestyle’ as they call it.” 
Lyonel’s face went red. Martyn looked away. 
Internally, you smiled at the sight of them embarrassed. 
Alicent’s voice pulled you back to the present. “They’ll come around eventually (y/n). The love a parent has for their child is immeasurable.” 
You smiled at her. “I really hope you’re right.” 
Gwayne, who had not said much all dinner, cleared his throat. All eyes turned to him. 
He turned to Aemond. “So Aemond, how’s your fencing coming along?” 
And just like that the pressure was off you and onto Aemond. 
Many minutes later the meal came to a close. 
The men whisked Aegon and Aemond outside to play ball, leaving only the women inside. 
You, Alicent, Helaena, and Baela cleaned up the table. 
Alicent and Baela made their way to the kitchen with the leftover food while you and Helaena stacked up a pile of dirty dishes. 
Helaena looked over at you. “That was very brave of you,” she said. 
You set the plate you had picked up down. “What was brave?” 
Helaena stopped clearing the table. She turned to face you. “Telling everyone your family iced you out after you came out. Coming out to your family is incredibly brave, and you’re even braver for sharing that with practical strangers.” 
You smiled and felt your face warm. You weren’t attracted to Helaena but she had an otherworldly presence that made any attention she gave you feel special. “Thank you Helaena.” 
She reached out and squeezed your shoulder. “If you ever need to talk or need support, I’m here for you.” 
You put your hand on top of hers. “Thank you.” 
Then the two of you finished clearing the table. 
You finished bringing the last of the dirty dishes into the kitchen. 
Helaena trailed in after you and set her stack on the counter. “Mother, Baela and I will be in my room.” 
Alicent nodded, up to her elbows in leftover food that she was trying to shove into various containers. 
Baela and Helaena left the kitchen. 
You turned to Alicent. “Do you need some help with that?” 
Alicent struggled to secure the lid on the container as she had over packed it with food. Alicent shook her head. “I got it.” 
You continued to watch her struggle. “I don’t think you do.” 
Alicent stopped trying and stepped aside. “Okay then tough guy, you give it a go.” 
You smiled and walked up to the counter. You pressed the lid down on all sides until you heard it click. It was secure. 
Alicent clicked her tongue. "Lucky try." 
You turned to her. “Always happy to help.” 
Alicent took the container full of food and stacked it with the others. “You don’t have to hang around here (y/n). You can go see Aemond or Helaena.” 
You furrowed your brows. “Helaena?” 
Alicent turned to the fridge and started the game of stacking the leftovers. “Yes, I saw the two of you talking while you cleared the table. Perhaps Aemond was right after all. I’ve never seen Helaena take to someone new so quickly.” 
“You were watching us," you asked, butterflies forming at the thought of Alicent spying on you. 
“Why do you say it as if I was spying on you? I saw you from the window in the kitchen is all." She said with a lazy smile on her face. 
“Right....We were just talking. Besides,Aemond is out playing sports with your brothers and father and I am not a sports fan. And I would hate to interrupt Helaena and Baela's alone time,” you joked. 
Alicent chuckled. She turned to grab the rest of the leftovers from the counter. 
You stepped forward and grabbed them. You handed them to her, one by one. “Besides, I like being in your company,” you confessed. 
Alicent stopped arranging the leftovers and looked back at you. “Really?” 
You nodded. 
Alicent smiled shyly and returned her attention to the refrigerator. “I wish my own children felt the same. All but Aemond dodge my calls.” 
You shrugged. “If you ever need anyone to talk to, I’m always free.” 
Alicent turned to you and you handed her the final container of leftovers. “Thank you (y/n).” 
Her fingers lingered over yours. Alicent looked down at them. She stared at them for a moment before biting her lip. 
 “What’s your verdict?” 
You furrowed your brows. “I’m sorry?” 
Alicent looked up, and took the container from you. “About my food. Was it good enough to kiss the chef?” 
Your face went hot. “Oh...uhm I-” 
Alicent placed the container in the fridge then closed it. She turned back to you. 
You were still too stunned to say anything. 
So her smile fell and she shook her head. “Forget it, it was stupid.” 
“No it’s not stupid I-," you stammered then cleared your throat. “I was just caught off guard is all.” 
Alicent stared at you, not saying anything. 
So you continued. 
“The roast was cooked perfectly.” 
Her smile returned. “Thank you (y/n).” 
You stepped closer to her. “So I do believe I will kiss the chef after all.” 
Alicent swallowed hard, not taking her gaze off you. “Oh,” she whispered. 
You stood in front of her, and looked down at her lips. “May I?” 
The last thing you wanted was for Alicent to feel uncomfortable or coerced. So you waited for her reply before doing anything else. 
Alicent gave you an almost imperceptible nod. 
You leaned in, at first determined to kiss her lips, but as you neared her skin you thought better of it. 
She was just committing to the bit, you told yourself, she didn't actually want you to kiss her.
So you placed a gentle kiss on Alicent’s cheek, inches away from her lips but still in a chaste enough location. 
You noticed a small frown spread across Alicent’s lips as you pulled away. 
But it was quickly wiped away. 
Alicent blushed furiously. She looked away from you. 
You also felt your face warm. 
You heard footsteps approach the kitchen. So you stepped away from Alicent and leaned on the counter. 
Alicent must have also heard them as she busied herself with wiping down the stove top with a nearby rag. 
Aemond appeared moments later. He looked between you and his mother, slightly suspicious, but then he shook his head and turned to you. “Aegon wants another couple rounds of Deadly Fighter 5. You up for it?” 
You nodded. “Yeah, let’s go.” 
Aemond turned and headed towards the hall. 
You started after him but turned at the entryway of the kitchen. “It was a lovely meal, thank you.” 
Alicent nodded, her cheeks still rosy. “Of course.” 
Then you hurried after Aemond. 
A part of you wished you had been brave enough to kiss Alicent on the lips.
You mashed various button combinations as your chosen fighter threw punches at Aemond’s chosen character on the tv screen. 
He was currently beating you  in the second round. 
Behind you, Aegon took a hit from his bong and blew it out in perfect circles. 
“So let me get this right, you want to fuck our mom,” Aegon repeated. 
You grimaced. “Why must you say it like that?” 
Aemond’s character delivered the killing blow to you. You lost. 
Aemond turned to you. “Aegon’s crudeness aside, he’s not wrong. I’ve seen the way you linger in the kitchen alone with her.” 
You felt your face start to warm. You cleared your throat and tried your best to appear nonchalant. 
“I didn’t want her to think I was a rude guest. No one else was helping her,” you argued. 
Aegon took another hit before he spoke again. “You know, I always thought Mom was a lesbian,” he mused. 
Aemond turned to him. “You did?” 
Aegon nodded. “She never really liked Dad, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard her call a man sexy.” 
Aemond furrowed his brows. “Because Dad was a dick. Mother is a devout Catholic she would never call another man sexy. I don’t even think that word is in her vocabulary.” 
You turned to Aemond. “Your arguments for why Heleana is gay are just as flimsy.” 
Aegon turned to Aemond. “You think Helaena is gay?” 
Aemond shrugged. “What else could she be? She’s definitely not into men.” 
“She’s not into anything. She’s a freak like that,” Aegon said and laughed at his own joke. 
Aemond threw a pillow at Aegon’s head. 
It bumped Aegon’s head and knocked the bong out of his hands. 
“Hey,” Aegon whined. 
You and Aemond laughed. 
An hour later, the time had arrived for you to leave. 
You descended the stairs with Aegon and Aemond in tow. 
At the bottom of the stairs Alicent was already saying goodbye to her father and brothers. She finished giving each a hug goodbye. 
Then she noticed Aemond and Aegon. Alicent asked the boys to say goodbye to their grandfather and uncles. 
Aegon and Aemond did as their mother asked and gave their family a hug goodbye. 
Helaena and Baela came down the stairs and Helaena said goodbye to her grandfather and uncles. 
Once they were gone, Helaena informed her mother it was time for her and Baela to leave. 
Alicent gave Helaena a big hug. “I’ll miss you, my bug, she said as she gave Helaena a kiss on the forehead. 
Then Alicent said goodbye to Baela, another handshake. 
Baela and Helaena made their way out the door. 
You were the last guest there. 
Alicent and the boys looked towards you. 
You dialed your cousin Elia once more. Once again you got the automated message the call could not be connected.
“I’m having some trouble with my cell. Could I use your landline?” You asked. 
Aemond furrowed his brows. He turned to his mom. “Do we even have one?” 
Alicent nodded. “Of course we do.” Then she turned to you. “It’s this way.” 
She led you to a small alcove with the landline and a seat next to it at the end of the hall. 
You thanked her and dialed Elia’s number once more. 
This time you got through. It rang three times before she answered. 
“Elia, it’s (y/n). I’m calling from my friend’s landline. I couldn’t get through on my cell for some reason.” 
You pressed the phone closer to your ear. There was a lot of background noise and you could not hear Elia very well. 
“I tried to call you. I can’t make it out to pick you up. There’s been a freak snowstorm in Sunspear. They closed all the roads and aren’t letting anyone through. I’m so sorry kiddo,” Elia lamented. 
Your heart sank. 
One for the snow storm that was probably wreaking havoc in Sunspear. It was a town that almost never got anything besides sun. 
And secondly because now you had no way to get back to your flat. 
You swallowed hard before answering. “Stay safe Elia. Please call me with updates, okay?” 
“You got it kiddo. Is there anyone else who can take you  home?” 
“I’ll figure it out, Elia. Don’t worry about that,” you said. 
The line started to fade in and out. Elia wished you a safe ride home and a merry Christmas. 
You did the same then hung up. 
Then you walked back to the entryway where Alicent, Aegon and Aemond stood. 
You shoved your hands in your pockets. “Soo...a freak snowstorm hit Sunspear and Elia can’t pick me up.” 
Alicent frowned. “Oh no, is she alright?” 
You nodded. “Yeah she’s doing okay. Uhm, so I’ll try to call my family’s driver to see if he can make it out. It might take him an hour or two to drive from High Garden but I’m sure he won’t mind.” 
Alicent shook her head and approached you. “Nonsense, you’ll stay the night with us and you can leave with Aemond tomorrow evening.” 
She reached for your hands and held them. “Got it?” 
You flushed. “I couldn’t possibly bother you all like that.“ 
“You are no bother (y/n). Now come on, let me show you to the guest bedroom.” 
Then Alicent pulled you along the staircase and to the guest bedroom. 
Aemond trailed behind the two of you. 
Alicent led you to a beautiful room with ample space and a fireplace. She asked Aemond to start a fire as the room could get quite cold at night. 
Aemond did so without protest and soon a fire roared in the hearth. 
Then Alicent asked Aemond to fetch you a pair of his pajamas. 
Again, Aemond did so without protest. 
While Aemond was gone you turned to Alicent. “Are you sure this isn’t an imposition? I can still call the family driver.” 
Alicent waved you off. “You’re staying and that’s final. You got it?” 
You nodded. Her dominant tone ignited a flame of your own. “Thank you,” was all you could say without giving your desire away. 
Aemond returned with a fresh pair of pajamas in hand. He gave them to you. 
You thanked him. 
Alicent clapped her hands together. “Wonderful, we will leave you to get settled. Breakfast is tomorrow at 9am.” 
You nodded. “Got it.” 
Alicent reached out and gave your shoulder a light squeeze. “Sleep well,” she said. 
You smiled. “You as well.” 
Then Alicent turned and left the room. 
Aemond stepped forward. “We’ll try again with Helaena at New Years.” 
You groaned. “Please, no more of that.” 
Aemond chuckled. “We’ll see. Good night (y/n).” 
“Good night Aemond,” you replied as you shook your head. 
Aemond walked out and shut the door behind him. 
Finally, you were alone. 
You changed into the pajamas Aemond gave you and settled into the plush king sized bed. You closed your eyes and hoped sleep would come. You decided to think about Alicent, in hopes you dreamt of her. 
You smiled. 
Unfortunately, sleep did not come for you. You tossed and you turned. 
All you could think of was how much fun your family was probably having without you in St. Barts. 
Then you did the worst possible thing. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and pulled up your mother’s facebook account. 
She had already posted many photos of the family in St. Barts. They were smiling from ear to ear, tanned, and it seemed like no one cared you were not in any of the pictures. 
Your mom made no mention of your absence in the text of the post and none of the comments (mostly your mom’s pta and book club friends) asked about your whereabouts. 
You clicked through the many photos. It wasn’t until you clicked on the last photo that you lost it. 
It was a picture of your whole family (minus you), with a caption that read, “Family time is the best time. So thankful to God for allowing the whole family to join us for this Christmas getaway.” 
Tears welled in your eyes. They had completely erased you out of the family. You threw your phone across the room. 
The tears fell from your eyes and stained your cheeks. You could not stop the sobbing that followed. 
It was stupid. You were stupid. 
You should not have been crying for a family that clearly did not want you. You wiped your tears and tried to calm yourself. 
You struggled to do so but after a few minutes you were finally able to breathe normally again. 
You got out of bed and crossed the room to where you had thrown your phone. Then you picked it up. It was a little busted but nothing cracked. 
So you pocketed it and decided to go downstairs for a glass of water. 
As you started towards the kitchen you noticed lights were on in the study down the opposite hall. 
Aemond had briefly mentioned the study on the initial tour he had given you. 
You wondered who else was up this late as it was well past 2am. 
So you stepped closer. As you neared the study you started to hear small cries and sobs. 
You got closer and tried to peer inside. 
Thankfully the door was ajar enough that you saw who was inside. 
It was Alicent. 
The first thing you noticed was how low cut her nightgown was. 
It was a beautiful sage green, and it hugged her body pretty tightly. Then your gaze traveled back to the low cut top of the nightgown. You knew it was wrong to stare but you wanted to take in just how stunning Alicent was. 
You looked closer and noticed her nipples peeked through the fabric of the nightgown. You swallowed hard. 
“Fuck,” you whispered. 
Then Alicent sniffled and dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief. 
You shook your head. She was clearly upset and there you were ogling her. 
You stepped back and tried to leave. 
But it was too late. 
Alicent stood from her seat. “Who’s there?” She called out. 
You didn’t reply. You were far enough away that you hoped by staying quiet she would drop it and you could leave. 
You didn’t want to intrude on a clearly private moment. 
“Come forward,” Alicent demanded. 
You silently cursed yourself. You had no choice but to enter the study.
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starry-storms · 10 months
Bruce Wayne gets One Wish (tw Canon violence)
And he wishes that he made it in time.
He carries Jason away from an exploding building. He takes him home and nurses his wounds. The boy cries from the pain, from the fear, and the betrayal. Bruce holds him until he cries himself to sleep, then when Jason wakes up he holds him again.
Dick comes by to see if Jason is alright.
"I'm sorry," Bruce blurts out, determined to make it right this time, "I'm sorry that I took Robin from you. I shouldn't have."
Nightwing stares at him like he's grown a second head. "You've never apologized to me before."
"I hurt you," Bruce says, "And I'm sorry."
Dick doesn't forgive him immediately, but suddenly, Nightwing finds more excuses to be in Gotham.
Any free moment Bruce has he spends with Jason, doing everything with him he should have done before. He holds him and tells him how brave he is every day. Jason eventually decides on another superhero identity. When Batman returns to the field, it is with a little boy called Falcon.
Bruce knows about the Drakes. A few phone calls and a few greased palms and they're arrested for what they've done to Tim.
Now Tim is back in his home. He's younger than when Bruce originally met him, and he shows little interest in taking on Jason's position. Bruce makes sure to keep that curious mind of his entertained. He's happy to see that this version of Jason doesn't mind having a little brother in the house.
It isn't hard to track down Cluemaster'a daughter. It's even easier to adopt her. Stephanie is a lively child, and now his first daughter. She likes to play with Barbara often. Bruce keeps his secret identity from her until she is older.
Getting Damian from Talia is difficult, but he manages. Soon, he's putting his son in his crib. Damian is a bit of a fussy baby, which leads to some sleepless nights, but Bruce can't say he minds, especially when Damian holds onto his fingers. Dick has started visiting often. He hasn't taken back the mantle of Robin, but Bruce assures him it is his to pass down when he's ready. He assumes that the mantle will go to Damian when it's time, but that's for Dick to decide.
He regrets how long it takes him to find Cassandra again. When he does, her parents have already done some damage. She's not as quiet or reserved. Sometimes she even breaks things with Jason, Tim, and Stephanie by accident. He smiles every time they do. He still enrolls her in ballet.
He fails to save Duke's parents in spite of his best efforts. At least when Duke comes to the manor, it is to a house full of children who are all ready and willing to bring him into the family. Bruce is more than willing to lend an ear to him.
Sometimes, Jason still has nightmares. He comes to Bruce on these nights. Bruce promises to be there for him, no matter how old he gets. Tim eventually becomes a hero too, and Bruce introduces him to Bart and Kon. It takes some effort, but they become friends again. Stephanie trains, but takes less of an interest in heroics. She'll still come when needed, but she has a life to live. Cassandra laughs more often, and she gets a leading role in Swan Lake. She even joins some clubs at school. She decides to become a hero in her own time. Duke becomes the Signal just the same, but Bruce encourages him to lead his own path, whatever that may be. Duke goes to college, studying psychology. He still patrols and comes home on the weekends. Damian is now using water colors as he tells Bruce and Dick what he's learning in school.
Bruce Wayne gets one wish, and he decides to make it right.
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sosoribro · 3 months
what's bluepulse? (reffering to your description that says you ship it)
*pushes everything off the table to explain*
i'm glad you asked.
so first lets meet the characters involved.
this is DC comics' Blue Beetle. AKA Jaime Reyes. he is very cool. he looks like this:
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he has a piece of alien technology attached to his back called The Scarab, or Khaji Da, which gives him his powers. it was created by aliens called The Reach. it was first discovered by archaeologist Dan Garret, the first Blue Beetle. Then, Ted Kord later studied it further, the second Blue Beetle. but Jaime, the third Blue Beetle, is the only one to have access to its full power, because he is the host that the scarab chose.
this is DC comics' Impulse, AKA Bart Allen. he is also very cool. he looks like this:
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he is from the future, and he was born with superspeed. his character first came out in the 90s (i think? or 80s) and he had his own comics for a while.
jaime, on the other hand, was first introduced in 2006? i wanna say? and his comics are still being released im pretty sure. he also recently had his own movie come out!
BUT why do i ship them? well, in 2010, a show called Young Justice came out. the first season was focused on the protégés of the justice league. but the SECOND SEASON is what we're really interested in. see, that's when bart and jaime were introduced to the show. and even from a non-shipping standpoint, their friendship is my favourite part of the whole season. but from a shipping standpoint, their crushes on each-other are my favourite part of the whole season.
(...and no, they're not canon, by the way.)
i could go into more detail, but that would require me to explain all the events of season 2, which i don't want to do right now because 1: i don't wanna spoil anything in case you or anyone else are interested in checking this out yourself, and 2: it is midnight
hope that explains stuff a bit, though! i looooved getting to talk about it just now!!!!!!!
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oh-theatre · 1 year
I wamna hear about timbart
Why thank u I have so much about them I love them bart is my blorbo
Tim always notices when Bart is getting quiet or overstimulated in conversation or other such situations. He offers comfort or grounding, whether it’s a distraction, fidget or removing him from the conversation
Tim is Barts lightning rod, when part gets really in his head and is speeding around or talking too fast or blurring and he’s not really there Tim can ground him (he offers physical touch, if Bart needs/wants it)
Counter: sometimes bart needs to run or pace around and just exhaust himself but tim never leaves, he will sit and watch and wait he’s there for bart
Tim calls Bart goose and lightning bug and Bart calls him Timmy
Bart has a lot of nicknames for Tim actually, most of them funny (Timtam, Timbit, Timothy Chalamet)
Bart is just about the only person who can get tim away from his work, and he’s got a sense for it.
Every time they get spotted in public they make up a different role for Bart in Tim’s life.
personal assistant, chauffeur (does not have a car, should not drive), his chef, bag carrier, etc.
Bart mindlessly fidgets with Tim’s hands and fingers, Tim let’s him
Tim frequently falls asleep on Bart and he does not move, he also makes a point to make sure no one else disturbs Tim
Tim stocks his utility belt with new snacks for Bart every week
Tim will flirt incessantly with Bart on missions and he just short circuits
They!! Wear !! Each others!! clothes!! “Isn’t that Tim’s hoodie?” “Not anymore”
Bart will go all around the world to bring Tim food and when asked about it he lies and says it was just a restaurant in central, Tim knows he’s lying
Bart thinks alot more then he says things out loud, Tim notices this and coaxes his thoughts out
Tim loves Barts hair, he will consistently put his hands in Barts hair sometimes without knowing and Bart just lets him, sometimes he’ll find tiny braids that must have come from tim
Tim gets really quiet after a mission gone badly, he’ll isolate himself or pour himself into work. Bart will sit in silence with him, he can sit still for this, for tim. He waits as long as he needs until Tim reaches out he always doea
They are so smart and often on the same wavelength and on missions rarely do they need to talk they just know what the other is thinking.
Bart is one of the few people who can boss tim around or challenge him without fallout
They listen to eachother ramble and rant fully invested and offering questions. They are autistic and adhd <3
I think it takes a really long time before they kiss. It’s a lot of “we don’t like each other we’re just really close besties, pals even” but then they almost lose each other on a mission or one gets badly hurt and oh no they are so much more then best friends, this is their person, the mere thought of losing the other person makes them completely break
Bart is the type of person to come up with a wild solution to something and Tim lets him try it
They like to be in each other’s presence even if they aren’t talking, sometimes they can’t talk but they want to be in eachothers space. Tim will be reading or studying while Bart lays on him playing a video game
Bart has a warped sense of life and death, and he doesn’t see death as a bad thing but more of an escape (he has trauma from his past (time in the future)) but the thought of losing Tim will send him into a spiral
whenever Tim gets sick or injured (like needs bed rest) bart will stay with him at the manor or in his room at the tower the entire time
bart speaks so many languages and loves to call tim petnames in other languages, tim melts everytime.
they love to cook for eachother and together, alfred has banned them both from the kitchen however
bart loves forehead kisses tim wil cradle his face and its so gentle, tim can feel when bart speeds by him and gives him a kiss it tickles but hes gotten used to the feeling and loves it
Tim hates when Bart gets stuck in the speedforce but hes always the one to bring him back (lightning rod!!!!!!!)
Bart, on multiple occasions, has stood up to Bruce after him and tim have a confrontation.
With that, hes always there to combat everything Bruce has said and uplift tim and reassure him in very plain blunt words that he is enough, and he is a person worth the world
i have so much please keep talking to me about bart allen, timbart, bart allen **bart allen**
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