#biker butch realness
voltaical-art · 4 months
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yaaa women!!!! trying to work out designs for them :)
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yardsards · 1 year
forgetting, for just a few brief seconds, that your OCs are not canon characters
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jack-owo-valentine · 9 months
I want like those security guards but like butch lesbians u know- like people who genuinely are in it for safety n won't abuse power
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Praying for scout to get a flannel shirt cosmetic to pair with the trucker’s topper so that he can serve butch realness
Girl he already serves butch realness he's a jock! This website's reduction of "butch" to "biker, farmer, and that's it" will be the death of me
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moonlightreal · 8 months
Reading The Secret Circle in 2023
I love this series. It was probably my first teenage witches series, it was YA before YA was really a separate genre, and LJ Smith is a solid writer. But I’m giving it a reread to see what I see, that my teenage self, who had read much less YA, didn’t see. And I’ll just write whatever comes to mind while I read.
The first thing and the main thing that made me twitch was Faye. The femme fatale of the coven, Hera the jealous goddess, boyfriend stealer and terrorizer of the school. In her first scene she’s pressuring a guy who has a girlfriend to take her out on a date, and since the whole school lives in terror of the coven’s powers the poor guy can’t say no. This is super uncomfortable.
Ms. Smith likes this femme fatale character type, she uses it again in one of the Night World books. I don’t think I’ve ever run across this kind of character in any other YA book. Faye is a very sex-positive character but also a sexual predator of unfortunate boys. She’s not a good person but she’s presented as wicked but still one of the good guys.
In the second book there’s a buck-wild scene where Faye, Suzan and Deborah play “Pizza Man He Delivers” they get the house done up like witchy love nest with candles, incense, crystals and music, and then they order six pizzas and if the delivery guys are cute they invite them in to seduce them. And I have so many questions. 1)did anybody do this in real life ever? 2)does Ms. Smith think anybody did this in real life ever? 3)how many adult films is this exact scene in? It’s straight out of a dirty video, with characters who are supposed to be 16! Ms. Smith is a much weirder writer than you might think lol.
Good girl Cassie decides this is wrong because the guys “don’t have a choice” even though they are enjoying the proceedings. The real life dangers of seducing and sleeping with random guys don’t seem to cross Cassie’s mind, so maybe their school has really bad sex ed.
But (back to slightly more serious thoughts) reading Faye it also occurs to me that she’s the femme fatale without ever being slut shamed. Her sexuality is scary but not shameful. Suzan, the voluptuous Aphrodite of the coven who barely gets a mention that doesn’t include mention of her chest size, is not really written as less-than because she likes seducing guys. In fact there’s a scene where Suzan helps the other girls get ready for the school dance and Cassie thinks, “She’d thought Suzan was just an airhead, but it wasn’t true. Suzan loved beauty and was generous about sharing it with other people.” and that is an amazing, amazing way to write the “fashion obsessed airhead” character type. Half my headcanons for Stella are based on that image that stayed in my head from the time I first read this series to the time I started watching Winx.
Each girl in the coven is based on a goddess, and they each have a signature color. This is not a bad writing trick to handle a bunch of characters and make them distinct! The third “bad girl” is Deborah the biker chick, based on Artemis the huntress. Deborah rides a motorcycle and wears itty-bitty tops and leather jackets and at one point has a leather hat with a chain on it. And she’s “not interested in boys.”
Ms. Smith was writing in the early ninties when there were “gay books” and ‘normal books” and she was writing normal books as directed by her publisher so all her characters are white-cis-het. But Deborah, while described as very pretty with a dainty face, is kind of butch. One of the boys, the cold and emotionless Nick, is described as not liking girls, but I don’t get any potentially gay vibes off him. If you wanted to read into it Nick could be ace and Deborah could certainly be a lesbian.
This made me wonder-- if she started writing again today when representation is the trend in YA literature, what would Ms. Smith think? We can’t ask her so I can only make a guess based on her writing, her blogs, and the fact that she’s no fan of Trump… I think she’d freaking love it. Ms. Smith’s jam is writing forbidden love, and now she’d have all these new kinds of couples to write and new reasons for their love to be forbidden. Thinking Night World here because that’s a series that could be expanded, what do all the supernaturals think of same-sex relationships? The witches are very traditional but same-sex relationships happen among animals so maybe the shapeshifters are chill with it. Who knows? Ms. Smith could worldbuild that stuff to her heart’s content and I think she’d have just a grand time.
LJ Smith mentioned somewhere that she put “everything I could find or make up about Wicca” into Secret Circle. There were BARELY any books about witchcraft in 1992, and I wonder what Ms. Smith could do today, when they’re everywhere and she could look up all different magical traditions. She’d have so much to work with!
So what did she have to work with? The girls use rhyming spells and lots of candles. They use herbal teas and homemade beauty products. There are circles and books of shadows. The elements and nature are mentioned a lot, but despite the girls reflecting goddesses they don’t worship the old gods.
There aren’t a lot of magic tools, interestingly. The girls use a lot of stones, each girl has a unique “working crystal” and a type of stone that they use most. Then there are the “master tools,” a set of regalia the leader of the coven wears: a bracelet, tiara and garter. Not a wand, besom or cauldron in sight! At one point one of the characters mentions typing up spells to make a “floppy disc of shadows” which is a phrase I think I read in a Silver Ravenwolf book, but I don’t think Ms. Smith read any SRW, she’d have pulled WAY more from it if she had.
But if you are, like I was, a young magic user looking for how-tos in fiction books, the Secret Circle is great. The main magical takeaway is the use of stones and crystals, which the girls use constantly. As jewelry, as pendulums, in spells, or just to hold to absorb their attributes. Each girl mentions her favorite stone at some point so whoever you are you’ll probably be inspired to use your favorite stones more often.
In fact I think I’ll drop the page from the old Circle Daybreak website here.
Finding your working crystal Each witch in the coven, male or female, also has a special stone, often of their color choice but not always. This is their working crystal, and is used to draw out their own special virtues and powers. Here are what different crystals can be used for and what they mean. You, too, can use your working crystal, in addition to wearing a certain color, to bring out these qualities in yourself.
The garnet brings circulation to normal, helps the blood clot, and purifies. It builds balance, awareness, and well-being, as well as preventing fears and insecurities. Garnets also draw out negativity, and can make one more attractive to others.
The ruby intensify love, compassion, and sexuality. It, too, brings circulation to normal, and purifies the blood. Also, rubies are high-energy stones for courage, boldness, and action. Faye likes to wear star rubies to increase her sex appeal to men.
Carnelian stimulates energy and appetite, as well as physical power and courage. It helps ground one to the physical plane, and promotes practical application of ideas. As Suzan’s crystal, perhaps this is why she has such a fondness for twinkies.
Citrine is Deborah’s crystal and may be the source of her energy. It provides a sense of stability and promotes practical application of ideas and a rational approach. Citrine also adds energy and emotional balance. It clears the body of toxins.
Topaz calms and cleanses. It relieves and balances emotional breakdowns. It aids in the healing of nervous fatigue, exhaustion, and extreme stress. Topaz also aids with headaches.
Peridot is used for clear sight and problem solving. It is a healer of the spirit and physical body. It provides protection from nervousness, and increases fearlessness and willpower. The circle uses it for dowsing. It helps with hurt feelings.
Melanie’s crystal is jade, and she uses it for mental clarity. It brings peace and calm, and has a stabilizing effect on the body. Jade also builds courage, clarity, and tranquility of the mind. It aids stomach problems.
The emerald strengthens memory, clear seeing, and wisdom. It enhances speech and creativity. Emeralds also increase intelligence, foresight, and prophecy. It aids heart problems and asthma, and eye problems.
Malachite purifies things on the material plane. Its bands provide protection of creative ideas. Malachite also promotes tranquility, success and good wealth in business. It is sometimes called lapis liguris.
Lapis Lazuli is used by vampires in The Vampire Diaries as protection from the sun. It illuminates the mind, and has purifying and healing properties. Lapis also promotes mental endurance, insight, and wisdom, as well as building good judgment and psychic abilities. It helps emotional healing.
Azurite aids in communication. It clears thoughts, and cleanses negative mental states. Azurite also aids in insight, vision, and hypnosis. It reduces stress and depression.
The sapphire aids in communication, as well as aiding clairvoyant perceptions, divine wisdom, and prophecy. It also cleanses negative mental states and disturbances. Sapphires help with nervous and mental disorders, and asthma.
Blue Topaz adds spiritual strength. It calms, sooths, and sedates. Blue topaz also brings a peaceful and natural healing state of consciousness. It builds mental clarity, and aids emotional healing.
The amethyst, Laurel’s crystal, has a calming and healing mental effect. It enhances the meditative state, and creates pure thoughts. It also adds spiritual insight and higher values, in addition to alleviating mental stress. The circle uses amethyst to ward off evil
Extra Secret Circle stuff: There was a sequel series written by Aubrey Clark. They are not very good. I did have them from the library but it was some years back so my memories are vague. Ms. Clark did her best but she just doesn’t have Ms. Smith’s gift for getting the characters right. She also killed off some characters, I think Suzan didn’t make it, which sucks.
Ms Clark brought two new things to the series: the concept of witch hunters and Scarlett, Cassie’s half-sister. My first reaction was, “Ha-ha, Mary Sue long lost sister!” but… it’s actually a pretty valid idea. Bringing in a child of Black John is a good way to add something new and connect to the original villain without bringing him back from the dead, and Scarlett can start evil and then be turned to good. Valid plot! I, uh, don’t remember if that actually happened in the sequel series, but the idea’s good.
There was a TV show. I was excited to learn this—but I learned it too late and could only find a middle episode and something I forget what about the plot annoyed me so much that I never tried to find the rest. I really probably should at least watch episode one, give it a chance, but the CW’s style is just so not my jam.
I’ve read that the show and the sequel books have similar plot points so that could explain some of the sequels’ events, if Ms. Clark was writing to tie in with the show.
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syn-odics · 10 months
at the risk of being a little blue on the go nuts show nuts website, i love that my boobs have gotten saggier recently. not even in like a “all titties are great xoxo self love” way. like i am so much happier and i feel so much better having a chest now that they’re not like. 18th century corset pop up perky. i feel just a bit more like those pictures you see of real rough and tumble leather biker butches from back in the day, fat and saggy and so so so dykey. i hope they get saggier
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sapphybandit · 2 years
I’m Here
Like a lot of folk, I figured having a backup social account Just In Case would be a good idea. So, Hi. Most of you kinda know me to some extent, but I figure maybe I can use this first post to share a bit more about what I’m trying to do. Which even me saying that feels weird. I’m not used to having a voice, not used to being heard. A majority of my life was doing what I could to blend in, not be seen. I truly believed I didn’t matter, that my purpose was only to serve others, nothing more. Then I transitioned. And I slowly started to listen to myself, understand myself. I saw value in myself. I found the parts of me that were real, and threw out the parts that were false and performative. And in turn, those who saw the true me, uplifted me in turn. Some old habits die hard. I’m still prone to being quiet, minimizing my needs for the sake of others, hiding away when those old thoughts come back.  But, I’m trying. And I’m gonna keep trying to Be Here.
I want to encourage myself to have a voice. To share what’s inside me. I’m a creative at heart. It’s why I make games for a living, it’s why I was drawn to voice acting and live streaming. But, I have concepts of worlds, stories, characters, formative moments & raw feelings that I want to bring to life. I just, struggle with the how. Its why I’m attempting to learn how to draw, so I can enable my inner self to speak and bring it to life.
However, I don’t want what I create to be purely for others. I don’t want to chase fame, to have thousands of eyes on me again. I had that before, and that was awful for my mental health. I know how easy it would be for me to be hyper visible again. I’d just have to show some pics of myself & pump out content every other day. It becomes performative, an obligation. I don’t need that.
What I need, is for the little girl underneath all these protective layers of isolation, I just want her to have a chance to speak.
If what I make resonates with others? Makes a difference in one person’s life? Then that’s a wonderful bonus. I love helping others. Doubly so if it prevents others from struggling like I have. But I gotta make something from myself. I believe that with my whole heart. Until that day comes, enjoy the ride. I’ll be as much of Me as I’m able to share; the passionate, goofy, empathetic, butch biker chick that’s a cinnamon bun underneath it all. And once I get another drawing tablet, I intend to show as much of the awkward learning process as I can, because this will be a heck of a journey. But we’ll have some fun along the way. Lastly, thanks for listening. You didn’t have to, but I appreciate it.
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fivedollarradio · 1 year
It’s hard to think of a prominent gay bloke embracing glam rock style, other than Elton, who was not even out of the closet at the time. Glam rock was too gay for the gays. Freddie Mercury -- the only real gay for miles -- dabbled, but in a butch biker way. The prominent blokes who careened into glam were disappointingly straight. -- Simon Doonan from Transformer: A Story of Glitter, Glam Rock and Loving Lou Reed
I remember a similar quote from Marc Almond about how glam let someone like Freddie “hide” while the straight (or ostensibly straight) guys playing with glam had the privilege of going back to their straight lives. It let Freddie, before he was actively seeking out other gay men, to play with gender. As he became more “out,” relatively speaking, he embraced the clone look of the time, which put him squarely in the style of his generation of gay men, no ambiguity whatsoever, but still over the heads of straight music fans. 
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ghostlypawn · 1 year
this 60s butch biker tv show of yours is the best idea i’ve heard in some time and i vehemently agree with your thoughts there, i too want to see emma d arcy in more leather. and i would also like to suggest kelly mccready is also a present in this show but ONLY in the priest pirate kinda-goth-cowboy look she had going on at that award show. you know the one.
emma darcy in leather #REAL
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but also. why not just straight kmck local priest.
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would they let a woman have that job in the 60s idk???? i also think she’d be a good (usually autistic-coded) ‘brains’ type based on what ive seen from that scifi show shes in
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Heaven's Demons, Chapter 21
Word Count:  1.4k
Warnings:  slight angst, jealousy, mentions of sex with an inanimate object, mentions of sexual activities, mentions of violence,
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“Man…you wouldn’t believe it, Butch…” Sam smirked, nudging Thor.  The blonde grunted in the direction of the enforcer and rolled his eyes at Sam.  But he couldn’t help but look at how blissful his friend looked with Alice sitting on his lap.  The normally stoic man was smiling, and looked like he was on top of the world, “this girl…had him acting like he was in high school again.  Had him-“
“Enough with the dramatics, Falcon,” Thor frowned, pushing his friend back.  Alice giggled at the interaction between the two friends and removed herself from Butcher’s lap, stating that she heard the bell for their food.  Thor looked at Jefferson, “your attitudes towards one another changed quickly.”
“Alice and I…” Jefferson smiled, watching his girl walk away, “we-we talked at the party the other night.  We got together and smoked…enjoyed each other’s company.”
“Did the mad hatter make an appearance?” Sam teased, nudging his friend while he forgot about the conversation with Thor.  The smirk rolled onto his lips even more at the mention of his dual personality that often made appearances when he smoked pot, “did you pull your old lady down the rabbit hole?”
I think I was the one exploring holes,” Jefferson teased lightly as he sipped on his coke.  A blush rose to his cheeks as he thought about the previous night with Alice, “but that’s between me and her…you perverts should be worrying about your own pussy.”
“I’m free as a bird,” Sam reminded his brothers, “me and her are done…and I ain’t ever looking back.”
“It’s about time,” Jefferson frowned, shaking his head at the man, “she wasn’t right for you, Falcon…she didn’t deserve you, brother.”
“What?” he asked, “you think Levs is better?”
“No…but he was a good way to get rid of her,” he sighed.  Sam bit his lip as he nodded, unhappy to hear about his friend’s real feelings about his relationship now that it was over, “find yourself a good girl…like my bunny.  The both of you should find yourselves a good old lady.”
“We both know that Blondie here just wants his old lady back!”
“What?” Thor asked, “I-I do not.  There’s nothing between Stevie and I.  She-she’s just back in town.  There-“
“Two burgers, loaded, and a basket of fries,” Alice said with a smile as she reappeared with the food.  She placed it in front of Thor and Sam and frowned at Jefferson, her hand reaching out to stroke his cheek, “you sure you don’t want to eat, Jefferson?  I can make-“
“Still early,” he shrugged, looking at the clock that sat behind the counter.  He gave her a smile, “and anyways…you know I’m waiting on you, sweetheart…shop’s closed today so you’re stuck with me all day while I watch your pretty self work.”
“Well look at you, making our good old brother a domesticated little biker,” Thor teased as he picked up his burger, “soon enough he’ll be wearing an apron and-“
“Oh…he was wearing my apron this morning,” Alice teased.  She bit her lip and a blush rose to her cheeks as she thought about how her biker had woken her up with breakfast in bed, “not much else though…”
Jefferson’s eyes went wide at her admission, and he nearly choked on his drink, “Bunny.”
Thor and Sam nearly choked on their food, surprised to hear the reserved business owner talking in such a way. 
“What?” she giggled, playfully pushing his shoulder.  He smiled and pulled her back onto his lap, “you always tell me I need to open up more.  What is it that you said when you were speaking in third person?  ‘Be as open as the books that line our shelves, and as free as the birds in the sky.’  Did you guys know that he sometimes refers to himself as the ma-”
“Oh…they know about the hatter,” Jefferson blushed, his cheeks tinging an even darker shade, the comment having been for something else entirely, which made her laugh even more, “I don’t think I meant being open like this, bunny…you’re making a guy like me blush, now.”
“Well now that you’re making our resident enforcer blush,” Sam chuckled, “anything else new going on with you two?”
“Just the copious amounts of s-“
But Jefferson cut his girlfriend off with his hand over her mouth.  She shot him a look and he removed it, “sorry…I just…”
“You really are a private person, aren’t you?” she asked after Jefferson had trailed off.  He bit his lip and nodded.
“Oh you have no idea,” Thor chuckled as he ate a fry, “we never even met his last old lady…and that was years ago...and they were together for a year.”
“She wasn’t important…”
“I know…you’ve told me about the queen of hearts.”
“More like the cunt of hearts!” Jefferson groaned, reliving a memory.   She frowned and kissed her boyfriend’s jaw. 
“I did get a tenant that moved in above the cafe…she and her boyfriend moved into the apartment just the other day!” Alice said excitedly.  Sam’s brow raised, and Alice grinned even more as the bell above the door went off, “oh…there they are right now…Natalie.  Loki…Over here!  Come meet my friends.”
“Oh fuck!” Jefferson frowned, his arms wrapping tighter around his girlfriend’s waist, “baby, that’s-“
Thor frowned at the sound of his brother’s voice.  He turned, and his frown turned into a burning feeling in his chest as he noticed his stepbrother holding his ex-girlfriend’s hand.  The smiles from both of their faces quickly faded. 
“Oh shit!” Stevie whimpered, looking at her ex-boyfriend and his friends.
“Oh shit!” Thor repeated sadly.
“Oh…I take it you two know each other,” Alice said sadly, “is h-“
“Alice…this is Natalie…my ex-girlfriend,” Thor said with a frown, “and this…is my stepbrother…Loki…”
“Big brother…” Loki said nervously, an awkward chuckle passing his lips, “it-it’s been a while…hasn’t it?”
“Clearly not long enough…”
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“Y-you have to forgive me…”
Hellcat frowned, seeing the man around her age with a large bouquet of flowers in his hands.  She felt a pang in her stomach as he stood asking for her forgiveness, “w-why are you here?  And with flowers, Johnny?”
“To apologize…I mean…I convinced you and Alice to come-but…”
Her frown deepened and she looked behind him, hoping to see Gearz.  But she sighed to herself when she realized that he wouldn’t be coming through the door.
“What are you apologizing for?” she asked, “You didn’t do anything…your weirdo biker friend was the one that busted down Gearz’ door…”
“That’s Fonz,” Johnny frowned, setting the flowers down on the counter in front of her, “he-uh…he’s Sweetie’s ex…”
“Why’d he attack Gearz?”
Gearz was fucking with Sweetie’s head,” he explained sadly, “he uh…they are both bartenders…and her and I had sex when Gearz started seeing this one girl…but he broke up with her because he’s got a thing for Sweetie…but-“
“You and…Sweetie…had sex?”
“I-it wasn’t anything important…we-we aren’t seeing each other or anything…it just…sort of happened…” he tried to explain, “when Fonz an her broke up, it was because she had feelings for him…but he got fucked up and he had fucked a stuffed animal, thinking it was her-“
Johnny cut himself off when he noticed the shocked expression on Hellcat’s face. 
“I-I’m talking too much…aren’t I?” he asked with a frown. 
“Yeah,” she nodded.  She leaned forward on the counter and bit her lip, “H-he really fucked a stuffed animal thinking it was a girl?”
“He had a concussion…and the drugs the docs gave him made him loopy,” Johnny chuckled, admitting to knowing that his one-time sponsor had in a daze fucked a large stuffed animal, “it was a giant teddy bear that he won for her last summer.  He kept it at his place because he forgot to give it to her at the end of the night, and she’d let her kids fall asleep on it when they visited him at his place…I came over the day after and there was cum all over it…and a giant hole ripped in the crotch…”
Hellcat cringed at the imagery, suddenly disgusted with how she almost slept with him.
“I-I guess I should thank that Fonz guy then,” she tried to offer jokingly, “you know…who knows what kind of things stuffed bears won at a carnival have…”
Johnny smirked, a chuckle pushing past his lips as he sat down at the counter, “can I…can I hang out for a bit?  You know…until you get busy?”
“I-I’d like that,” she admitted softly.  She reached over and took the flowers off the counter, “let me get some water for these…and I’ll grab your order?”
“Perfect!” he smiled dreamily. 
Chapter 22
Tag list:  @lohnes16, @elbell20-blog, @stockholmdolly, @terrormonster55, @dontbescaredtosingalong, @tenaciousperfectionunknown
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the-unspeakable-tsar · 7 months
X-Manson Chapter 4 - By Doctor Benway
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[Shot of a rangy, extraordinarily tough-looking woman with a black eye-patch. She looks like a biker chick who hasn't quite figured out that she's dressed like a stereotypical butch lesbo.]
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*Rudeness aside, that's a pretty accurate assessment.
[Caption: Callisto, Salem Centre, NY]
C: You don't use the word ghetto to describe this place, right? We got no rules. Anyone can live here.
Int: Is it not true that over 90% of your inhabitants are mutants?
C: Well, yeah, but the others aren't. This is an open Libertarian community, even to the Eloi who we name after the characters from HG Wells' novel the Time Machine.
*And you instantly lost me, Callisto.
Int: Why did you come to live here?
C: 'Cause it's cheap. Gives me a big kick to live in an Eloi house.
Int: Why do you call yourselves Morlocks?
C: We call ourselves Morlocks, just like the characters out of the novel the Time Machine by HG Wells. We do all the work so the nice Eloi can live out their lives in luxury.
Int: It was my understanding that most of you were unemployed.
C: You wanna be smart? You want me to kick your face in?
Int: I'm just making a point.
C: Well, we'd do the work if anyone let us. We're the ones who can't pass.
Int: So the Kelly Amendment had little effect on your lives?
C: Didn't give us 40 acres and a mule, if that's what you mean. Now if the cops and the feds come down here to kick butt we've got something to fight them with.
Int: Did you come here because of the School?
C: Kinda, but not really . We came here because it was cheap, and it was cheap because of the School.
[Shot of a portly middle-aged man in the world's last yellow and brown plain polyester sport coat worn as a serious fashion item instead of an expression of hipness.]
[Caption: William Loman Jr, Insurance Agent, Rye, NY]
*Reference to Death of A Salesman.
WL: I used to work in Salem Centre. Used to be a really nice town.
Int: What happened?
WL: Mutants. I'm not supposed to say that now, am I?
Int: Don't worry about it. Weren't there mutants in the town before the School?
WL: Well, sure, but if they were deformed, people kept them out of sight, sent them to a hospital or a residential school or something.
*is that why there has been no mention of Kurt?
Int: The School For Gifted Children was a residential school.
WL: Yeah, but it was where people lived, like as in real close. I mean like those schools that they've got up on the St. Lawrence or up by Lake Placid.
Int: The School had no obvious mutants.
WL: The point was that they came into town. We used to have 4 bars in town. Good family places where you take the kids. These guys from the School, Logan and Rasputin, start showing up and getting real drunk, even on weeknights. At first, they kept to themselves. Then one day the Russkie picks a fight with some guy up from the city who turns out to be like the hulk strength-wise and they take out the bar, the hair salon next door, and the front window of the supermarket across the street. I'd written the policies on all of them, but I'd been smart and I knew what was coming. I mean, Staten Island in 1955 was a great place to live, but today, it's all mutants. Just about every single one of them. I made all my clients take out riders if they wanted protection from mutant damage. No payouts at all.
*The second reference to the juggernaut in this story. This fight is a reference to Uncanny X-Men 183, but a key element of the fight is missing. Kurt Wagner is not here.
Int: What were the consequences?
WL: I got to see Xavier for the first time. He brought a suitcase of cash to the Town Meeting and paid for all the damages. He also brought lots of food.
Int: Good pate?
WL: Really great pate.
Int: Were any charges pressed?
WL: No, kinda weird that no-one did. Guess they just took the money and ran. Maybe he was fucking with their heads. Dunno.
Int: What happened after that?
WL: Didn't see anyone from the School for about three months. Then we lost two more bars. I made some money on mutant damage waivers for a while, but then people just decided to give up and move out. When the supermarket got hit in the middle of the afternoon, everyone started shopping in Bedford. They closed the supermarket, and by Christmas half the stores downtown were empty and the place was starting to look like Harlem used to look. I lost a ton of money, so I upped and moved to Rye. The only bar in the area was this biker hangout called Harry's, and he only kept his place open by letting S&M types know about it.
Int: People went there to get beaten up?
WL: Yeah. As word got out, so many people left that a quarter of the houses were vacant. Vanderbylt moved in bought most of them up on the cheap.
*Vanderbylt moved in after Xavier set up shop?
Int: Henry Vanderbylt?
WL: That's the one.
[Shot of Henry Vanderbylt]
HV: I didn't buy those properties. I'm merely a board member of a company that did.
Int: We have SEC documents here stating that you are the majority shareholder in the New Salem Housing Corporation.
HV: I was a passive investor. I sold out several months ago.
Int: Who owns the numbered company that bought it?
HV: No idea.
[Shot of William Loman Jr]
WL: He still owns the place, like his ancestors did. People were lucky if they got a quarter on the dollar for what they paid for their houses.
Int: New Salem then rented the houses?
WL: Yeah, to anyone who would rent them. In the hills, it was parents with mutant kids. In the middle of town, it was the kind that you didn't see a lot of in public. A lot of them were criminal types. We started seeing the FBI and the Sheriff in here all the time.
Int: How much does New Salem own?
WL: In town, everything.
Int: Everything?
WL: Every store, every house. Everything. Even the gas stations. They run the only food store in town.
[Shot of a grim looking middle-aged white guy who looks like he last smiled during the McCarthy administration.]
[Caption: Willard Whipple, Food Store Manager, Salem Centre NY]
WW: I run this store. Stop squeezing that.
Int: Do you own the store?
WW: I run it.
Int: Who owns it?
WW: The owner.
Int: Who is the owner?
WW: Salem Food Stores.
Int: You're listed as the managing partner.
WW: Yes.
Int: So you must know who the owner is.
WW: Yes.
Int: But it isn't you.
WW: No.
Int: But the owner decides on the prices?
WW: After a fashion.
Int: The milk here is more expensive than it is in Manhattan.
WW: I charge what the market will bear.
Int: But almost everyone here lives in deep poverty.
WW: I charge what the market will bear.
*Intense stupidity? Cold capitalistic stupidity? The result of psychic brain tampering? You decide.
Int: Why are five of the six aisles in the store filled with beer and wine and liquor?
WW: I don't like the tone of your questions. Get out.
[Shot of William Loman Jr]
WL: You used to see shops like that in Harlem, before the guaranteed annual income. This is one of the few places that still has them.
Int: Would you come back, now that the School's closed?
WL: You nuts? No way. No way I'd live anywhere near that place. Don't know how anyone could.
[Shot of Callisto]
Int: Do you enjoy living here?
C: Shit yeah, it's better than some places I've lived in.
Int: Like?
C: The sewer.
Int: Ah. I understand that you have some authority in Salem Centre.
C: I lead the Morlocks, who are named after the characters in HG Wells' novel The Time Machine. Nothing happens here without my say-so.
*that's twice now that she's repeated that. More psychic tampering?
Int: Then we have your permission to conduct the interviews in town?
C: Shit, yeah.
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beansandavocados · 3 years
idk why but I'm watching yes god yes and 1) it's giving me anxiety because of the whole jesus loves you but god's gonna send you for hell crap, 2) religious trauma of any kind isn't a joke and will haunt you, and 3) the beautiful butch biker/bar owner singlehandedly gave me so much comfort because yes I know what the protagonist is going through and she is like "yeah did the religious thing and it's anything better than what everyone else has"
#its actually a really good movie if you can stomach catholicism or christianity#btw im joking about religious crap obviously i respect religion and anyone who partakes in it#you guys have something that i don't that makes you in something you dont know is real so good on you#okay back to the movie: its good#and it does a good job emulating that everything you do is a sin and will send you to hell#just the anxiety of all of it makes you so uncomfortable and whoever worked in the movie did a great job#and like its totally released when the lesbian bar comes into play#seriously the lesbian bar was pog#and like the butch biker does an excellent job of saying that its okay to do things you think is wrong#no but yeah its a good movie#it does unfortunately bring up memories of me sobbing into my pillow while praying to god..#after being yelled at by my parents for not eating all of my taquitos and lying about#yeah i remember at one point in time wondering why i was like this and why god tempted me knowing id fail#sad but true#now im a bloody lesbian who doesn't really believe in anything and if they were to believe theyd believe the being was a failure#yeah no if there's something who truly created us to be in their image then why have so much shit in the world#and taint it even more by giving children whove done nothing wrong at all terminak cancer#or have people kill other people because they dont like the color of their skin or who they love and more#yeah no god's not a good guy so strike me down if youre so powerful anything short of that wont make believe#ahaha we like over sharing
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clementineskesh · 3 years
there are no butches that conform to the stereotype of a butch bc a stereotype is by definition oversimplified and 2-dimensional. The biggest, strongest, scariest looking biker mechanic butch who dates only femmes and drinks exclusively beer and gets in bar fights will still not be a stereotype because they’ll still have a rich inner life, hobbies, and feelings that are distinct from those of other people. real life people cannot be stereotypes because we are all complex multifaceted beings.
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straighttohellbuddy · 3 years
me, 23, at my real, serious receptionist job: okay but what if I cosplayed a version of the butch biker milfboss people are talking about
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insomniac-jay · 3 years
Oowada Brothers w/ Lesbian Moms Headcanons [But Much Better This Time]
Holy shit this list got long so I added a read more. 
@mondoism @keeppling
Being raised by two women taught them a lot about how girls, both cis and trans, work.
They’re also feminists thanks to their moms.
Both of their moms are girlbosses though Momiji is more tradwife than girlboss seeing as she’s the stay at home one.
Iroishi is butch and cis, Momiji is high femme and trans
They’ve basically adopted anyone their sons are friends with. Crazy Diamonds, adopted. Takemichi, adopted. Mondo’s entire class, adopted.
Class 78 makes it a joke to call Iroishi and Momiji “our moms” instead of just “Mondo’s moms” since they’re basically adopted by them.
Did I mention that both of them are rich af? Momiji works in real estate when she’s not being a stay-at-home tradwife and Iroishi works in fashion.
So Mondo and Daiya have places to stay at when they can’t get home from a gang meeting and they’re always fashion kings when not wearing their CDs uniforms.
Momiji also works with her father’s automobile company so Mondo and Daiya can always get shiny new bikes if they ever crash theirs.
Okay but listen: Mondo and Daiya were looking through old pictures of Momiji when they were younger and they saw she was a biker gang leader and they thought ‘wow that’s so cool’??? They found her old biker jacket in the back of her closet and wanted to be just like her??? Does that not make the perfect origin story???
Mondo and Daiya are mamas boys, I take no criticism.
Okay but tiny Daiya or Mondo or both in a baby sidecar??? How cute is that???
Mondo and Daiya wondering how tf Momiji used to be such an aggressive (she still kinda is unless provoked) and fearful biker gang leader and is now a soft high femme tradwife but they still love her nonetheless
Iroishi is the one who influenced Mondo’s personal style bc she looks so good in dark colored clothing??? Like she rocks open button shirts???
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t4tdykes · 3 years
3,4, 20, & 22?
hiiii thank you for this!
03. an item of clothing that gives you gender euphoria
oh MAN.... i love my clunky red docs. but i also love my giant leather biker jacket with the inner lining, it’s huge and old and sometimes hard to move in but ultimately really safe and so i love having that with some black jeans, boots, keys on belt loop. just the general Butch Uniform you see.
04. your favorite thing about femmes/butches
you literally cannot ask me this jhdkjhj i just! that feeling of Home. i’ve had it ever since i discovered i even could be a part of this community or use these words at all to describe my experience with gender and love, and i just? i feel like i say it better in real time when talking to you guys in the server but i love how many of us are in there and how some people figured themselves out THROUGH talking about it in there and how supportive we are of each other and i wouldn’t trade it for the world. irl community stuff is really extra hard to access right now and so having this makes me really :’-) happy, and i love how these qualities we love so much from reading about the history of it do shine through in how we treat each other with all that care and respect. bestie,,ilu
20. gush about your pets
BARBARA MY BABY BARBARA... she really is the only reason i survived college, honestly. i had needed an ESA and she wasn’t the cat we went to the shelter to look into but she crawled onto my leg while i was there and i fell in love instantly and she is just. she’s so perfect and stupid and dainty and hilarious and FAT and she loves this box on the table she just sleeps in it constantly but she follows me room to room because she wants company and she apparently walks up and down the hallway and Cries when i’m not home, and if i’m turned on my side she either sleeps On my hip or with her back pressed up against my back and she headbutts ren to demand pets and she just. is so affectionate even though she looks like she’s 2 seconds away from deciding to poison our dinner<3 love her resting murder face. barbara is everything to me.
22. flannel or leather?
i don’t actually wear my flannels very often anymore but then again it’s Summer and so the leather is on a shelf, too. i think my favorite is probably my leather jacket still because it just feels so much More and also looks cool with just t shirts under hoeheoheoehoehe
butch/femme ask game!
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