#billing scam solutions
regular-lord-reckoner · 10 months
.....................i just found out that none of the payments i've been making for my therapy appointments have been going to my deductible
love that
#i know i should have checked on this sooner but it's just been hard to get around to#and now i'm just confused like...where have all those payments been going then?#how are claims supposedly being filed and yet...my insurance doesn't have any?#whose insurance is it going to then?#sucks because i've been paying in cash too and don't have any bills of service#so there's literally nothing i have to show on my end that i've been doing my part#i just...am i being scammed?#i hope to god not because i really like my therapist but like...this sucks#i know her accountant had some family issues and was out for a while#which is also why i wanted to give her a minute to get caught up#but like...at this point what the hell#like i should probably be halfway through or at least have put a dent in my deductible#and once i meet that everything's covered 100% which would help me out a lot but like#i have a bad feeling we'll get this sorted out and the solution will be i just have to start over again#i hope to god not#or i may just have to stop going to therapy because this....sucks#also as an aside i've been super depressed lately and thought i'd cheer myself up by dyeing my hair and it....#looks like absolute shit#i tried to just lighten it with powder and developer and all that instead of bleach because i thought it would be easier#and now it just looks awful and feels awful and i'm still probably going to have to bleach it anyway#awesome!#love that#love this situation#love being alive#love it all so much
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sleepynegress · 8 months
If you ever find yourself in the position of living in the home of a parent who is disabled and requires full-time care and you are their primary caregiver for at least 2 years, and they intend to leave their assets to you after they pass, make sure to transfer ownership of their assets, home/land in your name ASAP...or they will require you to pay back any benefits received and claim those assets even out from under you, as soon as your loved one passes. This is yet another way that generational assets /wealth are easily taken out of marginalized communities. It is a loan.
And the sharks circle as soon as your loved one passes. Here's an article about it:
Decided to add context. I don't like to talk about it here, because ehh, social media is for my vapid entertainment thoughts for me. It's a hobby/getaway/ place to get semi-social with strangers and online friends with shared interests, but I don't want anyone else to go through what I am... Of course, this applies specifically to the U.S.'s broken healthcare system. So, for those who don't know, my mom passed recently. I am an only child with no siblings or children. My whole life during that time was 24/7 care. She had insurance, but it wasn't enough to cover everything that she needed, so Medicaid was the obvious solution, right? The government takes care of our disabled elderly who have worked until retirement, right? It seemed like the routine thing to do, I had never heard anything during the process about having to pay it back,but sure enough, less than 12 weeks after her passing, I was hit with a warning (which I followed up on and was told I would NOT be charged because of my caregiver status) and then 2 weeks later the "bill". The lady I spoke to, totally changed her attitude from the first time I spoke to her to the point where I felt scammed. Out came a patronizing voice certain people use with children, that measured whiny thing (it's always a red-flag to me and makes me instantly dislike you if you do this even with kids, btw... speak to kids like PEOPLE). I feel like an idiot. I have been doing this for over a decade and didn't think to transfer any assets of hers during that time because it *was* hers. I wanted her to feel as empowered about that as possible.
Not a single soul said I should transfer those assets to keep this from happening and now I'm facing down what feels like some kind of weird conspiracy to take the land and house.
FYI, there have been weird inquiries, the census came to mark down my mother's death literally *immediately* after she passed...and odd timing called the day of the notice to "help", with all the southern Christian signifiers (bless your heart we'll be praying for you).... It feels so seedy. Anyway, all this to say if you find yourself in a similar position....
TRANSFER THOSE ASSETS INTO YOUR NAME 2 years into caregiving or they will take them from you, house etc..
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kp777 · 7 months
By Thom Hartmann
Common Dreams
Nov. 16, 2023
What baffles me is why a TV news personality who earns $2.9 million a year would go to such lengths to avoid even mentioning a solution that’s been signed onto repeatedly by virtually every Democrat in Congress for over a decade.
Why did NBC’s Kristen Welker use an incomplete frame for her question about Social Security at last week’s GOP debate, and why didn’t Lester Holt or anybody else correct her?
Here’s her question:
KRISTEN WELKER: “Americans could see their Social Security benefits drastically cut in the next decade because the program is running out of money. Former President Trump has said quote, ‘Under no circumstances should Republicans cut entitlements.’ Governor Christie, first to you, you have proposed raising the retirement age for younger Americans. What would that age be specifically, and would you consider making any other reforms to Social Security?”
The simple reality is that if a person earns $160,200 a year or less, they pay a 6.2% tax on all of their income. In other words, a person making exactly $160,200 pays $9,932.40 (6.2%) in Social Security taxes.
If you earn $12,000 a year, $56,000 a year, $98,000 a year, or anything under $160,200 a year, you also pay 6.2 cents of tax toward Social Security on every single dollar you earn. If you made $10,000 last year, you pay $620 in Social Security taxes: 6.2 percent. Like the old saying about death and taxes, you can’t avoid it.
BUT those people who make over $160,200 a year pay absolutely nothing — no tax whatsoever — to fund Social Security on every dollar they earn over that amount. After Warren Buffett or Mark Zuckerberg or Jeff Bezos pay their $9,932.40 in Social Security taxes on that first $160,200 they took home on the first day of January, every other dollar they take home for the rest of the year is completely Social Security tax-free.
If somebody makes $1,602,000, for example, it would seem fair that, like every other American, they’d pay the same 6.2% ($99,324) in Social Security taxes. But, no: they only pay the $9,932.40 and after that they get to ride tax-free.
If somebody earned $16,020,000 it would seem fair that they’d pay the same 6.2% to support Social Security as 96 percent of Americans do, but no. Instead of paying $1,004,400 in taxes, they only pay $9,932.40.
Hedge fund guys who make a billion a year — yes, there are several of them — can certainly afford to pay 6.2% to keep Social Security solvent. At that rate, they’d be paying $62 million on a billion-dollar income in Social Security taxes as their fair share of maintaining America’s social contract.
But, because the tax rate is capped to “protect” the morbidly rich while sticking the rest of us with the full bill for Social Security, those titans of Wall Street pay the same $9,932.40 as the doctor who lives down the street from you and earns $160,200 a year.
This is, to use the economic technical term, nuts.
And, while every wealthy person in America knows all about this because it’s such a huge benefit to them, I’ll bet fewer than five percent of Americans know how this scam for the rich works. (I searched diligently, but couldn’t find a single survey that asked average folks if they knew about the cap.)
There is no other tax in America that works like this. Most have loopholes designed to promote specific socially desirable goals, like the deductibility of home mortgage interest or children, but no other tax is designed so that anybody earning over $160,200 is completely exempt and no longer has to pay a penny after their first nine thousand or so dollars.
And here’s where it gets really bizarre: if millionaires and billionaires paid the exact same 6.2% into Social Security that most of the rest of us do (and paid it on their investment income, which is also 100% exempt today), the program would not only be solvent for the next 75 years, but it would have so much extra cash that everybody on Social Security could get a significant raise in their monthly benefit payments.
But because America’s morbidly rich don’t want to pay their share for keeping Social Security solvent, Republicans are having a debate about how badly they can screw working class retirees.
They ask:
“Shall we cut the Social Security payments?”
“How about raising the retirement age from 67 (Reagan raised it from 65 to 67) to 70 or even 72?”
“Or maybe we should just hand the entire thing off to JPMorgan or Wells Fargo and let them run it, like we’re doing with Medicare? We could call it Social Security Advantage!”
“Or how about turning Social Security into a welfare program by ‘means testing’ it, so rich people can’t draw from it and every budget year it can become a political football for the GOP like food stamps or WIC?”
Responding to Welker’s severely incomplete question, Chris Christie hit all four:
GOVERNOR CHRISTIE: “Sure, and we have to deal with this problem. Now look, if we raise the retirement age a few years for folks that are in their thirties and forties, I have a son who’s in the audience tonight who’s 30 years old. If he can’t adjust to a few year increase in Social Security retirement age over the next 40 years, I got bigger problems with him than his Social Security payments. “And the fact is we need to be realistic about this. There are only three things that go into determining whether Social Security can be solvent or not. Retirement age, eligibility for the program in general, and taxes. That’s it. We are already overtaxed in this country and we should not raise those taxes. But on eligibility also, I don’t know if out there tonight and if you’re watching Warren, I don’t know if Warren Buffett is collecting Social Security, but if he is, shame on you. You shouldn’t be taking the money.”
Christie was the only one of the five Republicans on the stage who even dared mention taxes.
Nikki Haley said:
“So first of all, any candidate that tells you that they’re not going to take on entitlements, is not being serious. Social Security will go bankrupt in 10 years, Medicare will go bankrupt in eight.”
Neither of those assertions are even remotely true, but, of course, this was a GOP debate. She continued:
“But for like my kids in their twenties, you go and you say we’re going to change the rules, you change the retirement age for them. Instead of cost of living increases, we should go to increases based on inflation. We should limit benefits on the wealthy.”
Her other solution, apropos of nothing, was to end government responsibility for Medicare and privatize the entire program by shutting down real Medicare and throwing us all to the tender mercies of the health insurance billionaires:
“And then expand Medicare Advantage plans. Seniors love that and let’s make sure we do that so that they can have more competition. That’s how we’ll deal with entitlement reform and that’s how we’ll start to pay down this debt.”
Ramaswamy’s answer was so incoherent and off-topic I won’t repeat it here. Suffice it to say he rambled on about the cost of foreign wars (Ukraine, Israel) “that many blood-thirsty members of both parties have a hunger for.” Apparently, Vivek doesn’t realize that Social Security isn’t part of our government’s overall budget but has its own segregated funds and trust fund.
Since it’s creation in 1935, Social Security never has and never will contribute to the budget deficit or influence any other kind of government spending.
Tim Scott said we should take a cue from Reagan, Bush, and Trump and just cut billionaires’ income taxes again because that does such a great job of stimulating the economy (not) and then claw back the inflation-based raises people on Social Security have received the past three years.
“Number two, you have to cut taxes. … So what we know is that the Laffer Curve still works, for the lower the tax, the higher the revenue. And finally, if we’re going to deal with it, we have to take our annual appropriations back to pre-2020, pre-COVID levels of spending, which would save us about a half a trillion dollars in the next budget window. By doing that, we deal with Social Security and our mandatory spending.”
DeSantis was equally incoherent, also refusing to answer the question about raising the retirement age and completely avoiding any mention of the sweetheart deal his billionaire donors get on their Social Security taxes. Instead, he said we needed to get inflation under control and stop Congress from “taking money from Social Security,” something Congress has never done and legally never will be able to do.
All this incoherence aside, Republicans appear to have a plan to deal with Social Security.
House Speaker MAGA Mike Johnson has been pushing a “Catfood Commission” just like Reagan’s 1983 commission that raised the retirement age to 67, reaffirmed the cap on taxes, and made Social Security checks taxable as income. He no doubt expects his commissioners will provide “recommendations” Republicans can run with to cut benefits without raising taxes on their billionaire donors, all while blaming it on the commissioners just like Reagan did in 1983.
When Johnson said that his “top priority” was creating such a commission “immediately” and that his Republican colleagues had responded to the idea “with great enthusiasm,” Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee responded on Xitter:
“A week into his tenure, MAGA Mike Johnson is ALREADY calling for closed-door cuts to the Social Security and Medicare benefits American workers have earned through decades of hard work.”
But back to the original question. I understand why Republicans refuse to even consider lifting the cap on Social Security taxes so their morbidly rich donors won’t have to start paying their fair share of Social Security to keep the program solvent.
What baffles me is why a TV news personality who earns $2.9 million a year would go to such lengths to avoid even mentioning a solution that’s been signed onto repeatedly by virtually every Democrat in Congress for over a decade.
I’ve been watching Kristen Welker on television for years, and she’s generally been a pretty straight shooter as a reporter. Ditto for Lester Holt, who sat right beside her. This, frankly, astonished me.
Were they afraid Republicans would exact revenge on them if they raised the question of the tax cap?
Or was it precisely because they’re making millions, just like most of the executives they answer to?
More broadly, is this why we almost never hear any discussion whatsoever in the media — populated with other news stars who also make millions a year, managed by millionaire network executives — about lifting the cap?
One hopes the answer isn’t that crass...
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odinsblog · 1 year
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of suckers
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Internet scammers are reportedly pushing “Trump Bucks” online which display pictures of the former president and promise MAGA supporters big profits. John Amann told NBC News he bought $2,200 worth of Trump Bucks only to discover they are worthless when he tried to cash them in. He is now warning other Trump supporters not to fall for the scam.
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NBC identified Patriots Dynasty, Patriots Future and USA Patriots as the companies behind Trump Bucks and found at least a dozen people like Amann who invested thousands of dollars after watching the misleading pitches on Telegram that suggested Trump was endorsing the products.
Invest in a TRB membership card “issued by Donald Trump,” the ads from Patriots Dynasty, Patriots Future and USA Patriots claim, and the purchaser who spent, say, $99.99 on a “$10,000 Diamond Trump Bucks” bill will be able to cash it in for $10,000 at major banks and retailers like Walmart, Costco and Home Depot.
“TRB system membership cards are official cards issued by Donald Trump to allow Trump Bucks holders to use Trump Bucks as legal tender and deposit them in banks such as JP Morgan Chase, the Bank of America and Wells Fargo,” a narrator identified only as “John” that appears to be a computer-generated voice says in one YouTube ad just moments after cautioning viewers that “Trump Bucks are not legal tender.”
It’s a get-rich-quick scam that is catnip to a certain kind of Trump supporter — including QAnon believers and others who believe the former president is the only solution to America’s problems.
👉🏿 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-bucks-promise-wealth-maga-loyalty-lose-thousands-rcna84965
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phyllisthefirst · 3 months
Standing here until you make me move or The One with all the Dates 
The "Plus One"-option on Bill's wedding invitations sends George into an existential crisis. His solution? Go on as many dates as possible to find someone to bring to the wedding. Which is ridiculous, because Joe is right here and has been in love with George for ages. The problem? He doesn't know if George knows, and he sure as hell doesn't know how to tell him. [Warnings: Mention of predatory behavior, lots of alcohol consumption, tooth-rotting fluff.]
The first time Joe asks George out, his friend actually laughs. 
Luckily for Joe’s pride, he wasn't really asking him out, not in a “will you go on a date with me”-sort of way. It was more like Bill trying to not-very-subtly hint that maybe George should come to his wedding as Joe’s date and George finding the mere suggestion hilarious. 
Because that’s how it all starts, with the Plus One-option on Bill’s wedding invitations sending George into a full-blown crisis. 
“Some of our friends are already getting married, and I can’t even get a plus one,” he laments into his rum and coke. 
“I didn’t even know you were looking to date someone,” Joe points out, very sensibly he thinks. (He should have known that George wouldn’t respond well to “sensible”.)
“You’re right, it’s no wonder I don’t have someone to bring to the wedding - I wasn’t even dating. But that changes now.”
And so it begins. 
Before Joe has had a chance to grasp the full meaning of George’s declaration, George is on his phone, registering for three different dating apps. The rest of the night, he’s busy uploading photos and writing quippy introductions and swiping right on what must be the entire gay population of Philadelphia. 
Joe tries not to let his face show how much it stings: Here he is, a friend who’s been through thick and thin with George, who’d do anything for him, and who can’t imagine anything he’d like more than to sit next to George at Bill and Fran’s wedding, to dance and flirt with him and take him home at the end of the night - but George would rather take a chance on an army of strangers.
With a sigh, Joe takes a long draft of his beer, turning his attention to the TV mounted behind the bar. It’s showing a hockey game he would normally be interested in, but right now, he barely registers the score. The only thing he’s aware of, out of the corner of his eye, is the regular motion of George swiping on his phone. 
He can only hope that this idea, like many of George’s stupider ones, fizzles out quickly. 
It doesn't. George goes at the task of finding a date with the single-minded zeal of a hyperactive pitbull. 
The problem is, George doesn't seem to be very good at dating people that would actually be a good fit for him (in Joe's humble though admittedly biased opinion). 
[Read on ao3]
Joe knows this because unfortunately, George decides to bring his dates to Currahee, the bar conveniently owned by their mutual friend Bill, where Joe helps out behind the bar a few times a week because Bill can't afford to hire an actual second bartender. George claims it's convenient because he lives just one block over, and as much as it pains Joe to watch the parade of losers George has decided to pick over him, at least this way he knows all those dates are taking place in a safe, public space. If a few shitty nights are the price Joe has to pay for that, so be it. 
And, it has to be said, the nights suck for both of them - because George's dates are terrible. 
The first date is with a guy who won't shut up about his crypto scam, and even tries to get George to invest. George is trying so hard to please the man - his first date in months, he confided in Joe beforehand - that he almost signs up for it. Joe has to intervene by accidentally spilling a glass of beer over the guy’s phone. The douchebag immediately starts yelling for Joe's manager and demanding he be fired or possibly stoned to death, until George gets to his feet, a hard look in his eyes, and shoves in between Joe and his irate and surprisingly buff date.
“Look, dude, you need to chill. It was an accident. I can give you my insurance details and we can get it sorted, if you really can't afford to replace it on your own.”
Joe has to hide a grin as the man huffs, murmurs something rude and strides out, sticky phone clutched tightly in his hand. George may appear ditzy sometimes, but he's got a sharp brain and a real knack for manipulating people. (A talent that would be suspicious if Joe wasn't so sure that George would only ever use it for good.)
“Thanks,” Joe says, gets behind the bar and pours George a shot of Bourbon, one of the good ones from the high shelf. Bill would give him shit for it but Bill doesn't need to know. He slides it over, noticing George's questioning glance. “For saving me from having to pay up for that stupid expensive phone.”
George takes a sip of his drink before he raises his eyes to look at Joe for an unnervingly long time. 
“I'm not sure if you weren't the one who saved me first.” Joe can practically hear the gears turning in George's head as he tries frantically to keep his face impassive. 
He's saved by the arrival of a particularly boisterous group of guests, some of whom are regulars who know George and pull him over to their table. Still, as he turns his attention to the bar and the glasses that need cleaning, he can still feel George's eyes on him. 
The next date isn't quite as eventful, but it's with another wildly incompatible person and George seems bored to tears. The third one goes similarly, which really makes Joe wonder why the hell people would ever try and find someone on those dating apps. Isn't the point of those that you can get to know someone a little bit before you meet, find out if you have similar interests? But the man on George's third date spends the entire evening talking about his camping trips and the long hikes he's planning, and Joe knows from painful experience that George hates anything outdoorsy that goes beyond lounging around in the park. 
On the fourth date, Joe nearly intervenes again. The conversation seems to be going fine, flowing smoother than on the other three dates, but Joe can't help but notice how George's date keeps egging him on to drink, keeps ordering new rounds. An hour into the date, George looks glassy-eyed and tipsy and his date keeps crowding into him, leaning into his space, putting his hands all over him. Joe watches from behind the bar, noticing with growing alarm that George seems more and more uncomfortable, repeatedly making it a point to lean back or try to subtly remove the man's hands from his body. The message doesn't seem to get through. 
Bill, who came by to relieve Joe, is watching the scene with equal unease, eyes glued to the two men before them. Somehow, he still notices when Joe sets down his towel and makes a move to get out from behind the bar and tell the creep to get out. Bill's hand on his arm stops him. 
“Don't. He can do this on his own. We'll keep an eye on them but you can't swoop in to try and save him.”
Rationally, Joe knows Bill is right. George may be small but he's by no means frail. It's just that he's also friendly and never wants to hurt anyone's feelings, and sometimes that translates into never telling anyone No. But on this evening, Joe's worrying turns out to be for nothing: not two minutes later, George abruptly gets to his feet. Even in the dim light of the bar Joe can tell how pale he is. 
“This isn't going to work,” he says, voice flat, before he turns and walks out. 
This time, Joe doesn't let Bill stop him when he strides out after his friend. 
George flinches at the sound of his name but turns around after a second. For an instant, relief flashes across his face, followed by something that looks uncomfortably like embarrassment. 
“That was bad, huh? Should have probably ended it sooner.”
“As long as you ended it.” Joe wants to comfort his friend, to tell him that he did the right thing and he's proud of him, but as always, the right words don't seem to find him.
“I guess you would have just socked him in the face.” George sounds bitter, and Joe just knows he's somehow coming to the conclusion that the other man's shitty behavior was his own fault.
“Maybe. Maybe I would have frozen up. I don't know, George, because I've never been in this situation. But it doesn't matter. What matters is that you got yourself out of it.”
George scoffs. “By running away like a scared kid.”
“By drawing boundaries and sticking to them. What you just did was brave, George. You should be proud of yourself.”
George doesn’t look entirely convinced but he also doesn’t protest. Joe hopes that his words have lodged themselves in George’s mind and that maybe, however long in the future, they’ll help him see himself the way Joe sees him. 
“You want me to walk you home?”
George shakes his head. 
“I think I need to be alone right now.”
“Alright. If you do want some company later, just call me, alright?” 
You’re not alone, he wants to add. You have people who love you. But George has a habit of helping everyone else and refusing help when he needs it himself, so Joe doesn’t want to push and risk that he’ll retreat further. 
“Thanks, Joe.” 
George still looks a little down, understandably, but before he turns to walk away, Joe notes that he’s less pale than he was just a moment ago. Tamping down on the urge to fuss over him some more, Joe watches his friend walk away, eyes tracking him until he turns into his own street, before he walks back inside the bar. 
George’s sleazy date is still inside, arguing with Bill about not wanting to pay for all those drinks he pushed on George. Joe retreats behind the bar, knowing there’s no need for him to intervene. Before anything else, Bill Guarnere is a stubborn son of a bitch - it’s only a matter of time until the creep realizes he’ll be lucky if an empty wallet is all he walks out with tonight. 
For about a week after that night, George doesn't have a date lined up. Instead, he asks Joe if he wants to hang out and watch a movie on Saturday and they do, just the two of them because all of their friends are busy, according to George. 
George, who came in looking like he hadn't slept in days, falls asleep twenty minutes into the movie and doesn't wake up until the credits roll, and Joe feels simultaneously like the luckiest and the unhappiest man alive. 
He doesn’t wake him up, just drapes a blanket over him and makes breakfast the next morning. 
Date five is another bust, though at least it's not as unsettling as the one before, just a rather short evening of lukewarm conversation. The guy bails out after less than an hour with a classic fake emergency and leaves George behind looking absolutely dejected. 
This time, Joe doesn't even bother to hide that he's taking the good Gin when he fixes up a drink and takes it over to George's table. 
George looks up and smiles at him, but it's a mere shadow of his usual 1000-watt-smile.
“I think I'll just head home. Thanks for trying to cheer me up though.”
George leaves and Joe returns behind the bar, pensively sipping the excellent Gin and Tonic he knows George would have loved. 
He's greeted by the smack of a towel across his thigh (the non-prosthetic one, so it really stings) and a glowering Bill.
“Hey! What was that for?”
“That was for being an idiot! Why don’t you just tell him you actually want to go out with him and spare us all this torture?”
“What would be the point? He’s obviously not interested.” 
“Why, because he’s dating a bunch of assholes?” 
“He clearly thinks that anyone would be better than me.” 
“Maybe he just doesn't know you're an option at all, have you thought about that?”
He has, but it doesn't seem likely. Sure, Joe doesn't exactly wear his heart on his sleeve, and George can be a little distracted sometimes. But surely after he's been pining after his friend for literal years now, George must have noticed something. He's good with people, almost creepily perceptive when it comes to all things social, so there's no way he doesn't know how Joe feels. Joe just always figured he didn't want to make things weird for them by bringing it up, which would be typical of George - always looking out for others' feelings. 
Joe doesn't reply, too afraid of what will come spilling out if he opens his mouth now, but Bill seems to get it and doesn't probe. 
“That Gin is coming out of your paycheck by the way.”
“What paycheck?”
Bill just flips him off.
The sixth date is the best for George by far, and the absolute worst for Joe. Because for once, George and his date seem to actually hit it off. 
They're talking and laughing the entire evening, heads bent together to show each other stuff on their phone. George's eyes are sparkling and he's smiling the whole time and he's never looked better. 
When the two of them leave together just after midnight, it's Joe who needs a drink - plucked from the bottom shelf but filled to the brim. 
Bill doesn't say anything. 
Oddly enough, despite their clear connection, date number 6 doesn't make a repeat appearance. 
“He was great and we had a lot of things in common, but we didn't click romantically,” George explains the next time they’re hanging out at Currahee (they really should find some other place to hang out. Maybe pick up a hobby other than drinking.). “I've invited him to my DnD group though.”
So George has made a friend but still doesn't have a date for the wedding. Joe feels a flash of relief, immediately followed by guilt because that's his friend and he deserves to find love. 
He pours George a drink and takes one for himself while he's at it. Despite George's cheerful tone, Joe can tell this whole thing is getting him down. 
Still, George won't be kept down for long. Three days later, he's at it again, and Joe finally reaches the end of his tether. 
He's witnessed a lot of deplorable behavior on those so-called dates, but date number seven  takes the cake. For the entire evening, George tries his hardest - makes conversation, asks about the other man's interests, and fires off joke after joke. 
The man doesn't laugh at a single one. And then he has the nerve to interrupt George halfway through a genuinely funny story to ask derisively:
“Do you always talk this much?”
That's when Joe sees red. Because yes, George always talks this much and especially if he's nervous, but that's one of the things that make him him. And if that guy can't appreciate that, or feels the need to put him down for it, then he has no business wasting George's time. 
George may appear like nothing more than a fun-loving goofball on the surface, but deeper down, he’s smart and warm and caring and able to be quiet when it counts. After Joe’s accident, it was Bill’s aggressive brand of tough love and George’s cheerful but never patronizing support that got him through the worst. 
In short, George deserves better than this asshole. 
Before he’s properly thought about it, Joe is standing by George’s table, glaring down at his friend. He’s pissed at the asshole sitting across from him, but more than that, he’s pissed at George for letting himself get treated this way. 
“I need to talk to you,” Joe blurts out. 
“Now? I’m kind of in the middle of something here.” 
George murmurs an apology, then follows Joe behind the bar. 
“What the hell is going on?”
“Why are you letting that guy talk to you like that?” 
“Like what?”
“You know. Talking down to you.”
“He wasn’t that bad…” George starts, but Joe is all out of patience. 
“He’s an asshole. And so were at least two more in your parade of morons. And yet you keep going out with them. So why do you do this to yourself?”
“I told you, I don't want to go stag to Bill's wedding.”
“Who gives a shit about Bill's wedding?” 
“Hey!”, comes a muffled protest from the storage room. Joe pulls George out the back exit - Bill has already witnessed too much of this shitshow.
“It's not just about Bill's wedding, okay? I just… I don't want to be alone anymore.”
“That's not a good enough reason to waste your time on assholes who walk all over you or try to take advantage.” 
George opens his mouth as if to protest, but Joe doesn't let him. He doesn't talk much, usually, but he figures it's about time he said his piece.
“Besides, you're not alone, alright? You've got me and Bill and all our friends.”
“It's not the same though. I want…”
“I know. And I'm telling you: You've got me.” George still looks confused. Joe’s never been good with words, he knows that, but it suddenly feels vital to really make himself clear for once. “If you wanted me like that, you could have me.”
“I… you… what?”
“I told you I'd go to the wedding with you. Hell, I'd go anywhere with you. And of course I'll respect if you don't want that, but you have to stop putting up with assholes who treat you like garbage. You're worth more than that.”
And then Joe witnesses something he hadn’t thought was possible until now: George is all out of words. He just keeps staring at Joe, mouth slightly open, eyes wide as saucers. 
Having to be the one to keep a conversation going with George of all people is not something Joe has ever experienced, but if he has to, he’ll do it. He’s on a roll anyway, after keeping everything in for so long.  
“I'm in love with you. And it's okay if you don't feel the same way about me. But I need you to know that you’re great, and…” 
Joe doesn’t get a chance to continue what would be a very long list of everything great about George, because he’s suddenly cut off by a pair of lips on his. 
George’s lips, to be precise. 
They’re soft but purposeful, and it’s gratifying though not at all surprising to find that they’re not just talented at talking a mile a minute. 
Now it’s Joe who freezes in surprise, but George seems to be recovering well from his initial shock. His hands, which were on the collar of Joe’s jacket to pull him in for that spectacular kiss, are now sliding around Joe’s neck and into his hair, fingertips scratching along his scalp in a way that makes goosebumps race along his skin. 
Belatedly, Joe realizes that that’s something he’s allowed to do as well, and he puts his hands on George’s waist, gently at first and then, when George pushes closer, digging in a little firmer. It’s a good decision, because he was still not entirely sure that this is really happening, that he didn’t just slip on the constantly wet floor behind the bar and hit his head (he keeps telling Bill he needs to buy some safety mats).
But no, this is real: George’s waist under his hands, sporting the tiniest hint of love handles because George always slacks off on going to the gym in the winter, George’s chest flush against his, his hands still running through Joe’s hair, his lips wandering from Joe’s mouth to the edge of his jaw and along his neck to catapult Joe right back out of his body. 
He moans and George’s breath hitches against his skin, his hips stuttering forward and God, he’s tempted to drag George back inside and straight to the bathroom to see what he might try to make him do that again… But there’s something they should be doing first. 
“George…” he pants. He should be embarrassed to be so out of breath, but then who wouldn’t be, in his place? George doesn’t react, still nuzzling into his neck and making it hard to think straight, and he just barely manages to repeat his name. 
Slowly - reluctantly, something inside Joe sings - George pulls back to look at him. He’s flushed, his lips red and puffy and if Joe thought he looked good the other night, smiling at the date that luckily just turned into a new friend, it’s nothing compared to how he looks now, slightly dazed and a little goofy and the most beautiful thing Joe has ever seen. 
“George, I… I need you to say something.” 
George shrugs. 
“What’s there to say? I’m in love with you too. I just had no idea you felt the same.”
“I asked you to go to the wedding with me.” 
“No, Bill told me to go to the wedding with you, and you just sort of grunted and glared at him. How the hell was I supposed to know you wanted the same thing?”
Joe lets his head drop forward on George’s shoulder, understanding only belatedly that he’s embarrassed. After all, if he had the guts to tell George how he’s feeling, they could have spared themselves a lot of terrible dates.  
“I guess I’m not good at talking about my feelings.” 
George huffs out a laugh. “Terrible. But you managed it in the end, and that’s all that matters.” 
He pulls back a little, ducking his head so he can catch Joe’s eyes. 
“Wanna get out of here?” 
Joe doesn’t have to be asked twice. He barely remembers to stick his head in the door to call out to Bill that he’s leaving early tonight. 
Bill takes one look at him, presumably looking just as messy as George, smirks, and makes a shooing motion with his hands. 
“Get outta here.” And then, because Bill can never resist being an asshole: “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” 
“That rules out practically nothing,” George comments with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, and Joe leans down to steal another kiss before they start making their way to George’s apartment, taking a lot longer than they usually would because they have to stop every few steps to kiss again. 
They’re halfway up the stairs to George’s apartment when something occurs to Joe. 
“Hey, if you felt the same way, why didn’t you say something?” 
George shrugs. “Because I thought there’s no way in hell you would want me. I mean, look at us.” He gestures vaguely at the space between them, and Joe stifles a sigh. 
Clearly, between his own inability to communicate and George’s criminal lack of self-esteem, they have some things to work on. 
But that can wait, at least for today. 
Later, after they’ve made out all over George’s apartment but they haven’t talked all that much - because like George put it, what else is there to say? - George draws back from yet another steamy kiss to look at Joe, studying him the way he’s been doing sometimes. For a moment, he just looks, his fingertips running feather-light along Joe’s jaw. Then he laughs softly and shakes his head. 
“I can’t believe I could have been doing this for weeks,” he says, almost to himself, with an awe in his voice that makes warmth unfurl inside Joe. 
“This?” Joe raises an eyebrow, hoping to make George blush, but the other man meets his eyes with no shame and smiles impishly. 
Joe barks out a laugh, then leans in to steal a quick kiss from George’s lips. 
“George? You could have been doing this for years.” 
Now George’s eyes widen and that coveted blush does appear. 
“Years?” He squeaks. Joe nods, and George lets his forehead thunk against his shoulder. “I’m an idiot.” 
Joe can’t help but smile again, too happy for his usual admonishment that George needs to stop calling himself an idiot. Instead, he hooks his finger under George’s chin and forces him to lift his head, only so he can dip down and kiss him again. 
“Yeah,” he confirms as he draws back, a little breathless. “But you’re my idiot.” 
George doesn’t protest. 
Joe feels like his heart is going to explode right out of his ribcage. 
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hallow-there · 9 months
Hi im terribly sorry! I just really need your help. I’m trying to raise some funds for little Olaf’s needs (my cat) as I brought him to the vet yesterday morning because of a really bad diarrhea and im trying to raise some funds as I cannot afford the estimate the vet gave us. 🥲Please help me share the post I made for him, I have pinned it on my blog. I’m hoping that you’ll consider, and sorry again for bothering you and for being this direct! Take care!
Wait, aren’t you apart of the wave of pet, specifically cat, veterinary bill scams????
And with further inspection, your account looks very suspicious.
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Your first reblog was made 2 days ago and immediately after that reblog, you put up your first ad and then proceed to spam reblogs to give off the appearance you didn’t just make your account 2 days ago. Also, that breed of cat looks expensive but I don't feel like bothering my dad over a Tumblr post.
Look, I get it, times are hard and you're only asking for $300 but I don't think guilt-tripping people out of their money is the solution.
If you need help spotting rent, and or utilities, your state may have an emergency rental assistance hotline you can access here.
If you need groceries you look can look for a local food bank you can search on this databse here and USDA nutrition services here. (Some food banks may be able to spot you toothpaste and diapers but everywhere is different)
If you need clothes I suggest garage sales, clearance isles (specifically at Walmart), sometimes dumpster diving can yield surprising results. And to wash those clothes, laundry mats usually require a few bucks or less.
If you can't afford a car, let alone, gas, if it is possible for you, I'd use bikes and become very familiar with public transportation. They're a lot more cost effective.
I personally have a serving center near me that may be able to supply all of these if not more and I highly suggest you look into your area as well. Those places usually have more information than I can provide to you on how you can survive in this system.
I don’t think you’re a bad person, I think a lot of people end up being angry at desperate actions from people who are just trying to survive. What I am is worried for you. Please stay safe and know this isn't the only option. Quick cash is convenient, but ultimately, temporary.
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featherlinnea · 1 month
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Well, first of all I'm still here haha I've taken a step back from my online presence overall, well mostly due to having a proper job and adjusting to working to it + ups and downs with mental health as always. Treating my online stuff as a hobby now, like my art/videos etc, as I should have instead of a desperate attempt at finding a solution to my extential crisis, (since I was unemployed until end of last year, and early this year started part time at the busiest of the stores times haha ah overtime to no end :')), is better overall. I'm not desperate pushing my stuff anymore to maybe have the chance to earn money with it. Nah, that stress point is no longer there. Have a job, and busiest months are over, so I actually have time for myself again.  
I've yet again ghosted some people, which I'll apologize for, and soon are gonna within the last day of April am going to reply too. I'm getting better with replying, but I do relapse at times where I keep ghosting, and this is still unfair. I'm working on it, it is not acceptable behaviour of an adult afterall. I hope to improve on this more in the coming months.
Ah also in general because I had quite a few ask me this in dms: -I don't do roleplays, I'm already not very social to begin with, with a habit of ghosting, but that aside I have no interest in rps of any kind. -I also have no interested in selling any of my art pieces, because frankly I believe that those dms are scams, and even if not nah no thank you
And also in general: -I do not do any requests, art trades or commissions.  -I may open commissions when I feel ready, but that is not happening for a while. 
Unrelated to the update: I had a triops as a kid, I'm planning on having them again, the biggest species 6cm minimum as adults, in a couple months when I'm certain I can afford these little guys. With all equiment I mean. Aquarium set ups etc. I don't earn much, and bills come first- and my impulse garden that needs soil and pots first. Trying to cut back on my impulsive behaviour, but I do want these little guys, but I can wait a year or two for those. 
Alsooooo: My progress blog FeatherLinnea Progress Blog (tumblr.com) I've deleted all old posts there and changed it more into me showing some art-studies or when genuine progress is made with like pics to show. So very rarely I may upload there, but I like this a lot better. Password to view the blog is: Cn#3xX?1n
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gabbagepatch · 2 months
Day by day ~ 3-29-2024
Since my last blog I saw my optometrist and my eyes have gotten a clean bill of health! Nothing "wrong" with my eyes except some surface dryness.
I still haven't received a call from any neurologist and my bloodwork is delayed because the lab technician is on vacation. I'm pretty antsy for answers, obviously, because this shit has really been difficult. If I can at least find out why, even if it's not "cured", I won't be so scared. It's scary not knowing. I asked my PCP to test my urine for gadolinium because the sensory symptoms onset two days after my MRI in February and I found some reports of people with near-identical symptoms after being administered MRI contrast. PCP seemed skeptical, but I haven't had any other obvious solutions presented to me.
I feel like a conspiracy nut a lot. Is it this? What about that? Should I get this test? I'm desperate for answers. I accessed my own MRI to check for Chiari Malformation (didn't have it). My family is telling me to step away from searching but how can I? I feel awful and I'm expected to wait patiently for months to see doctors that don't help. Who's supposed to be looking for answers when doctors won't?
Doctors act like patients, especially women, are trying to scam them into diagnosis's, like we want to be ill. I don't want this to be happening. ~shocker~ I wish I felt "normal", whatever that means. If I had one wish, I'd wish for health. I'm tired. Tired of waking up everyday to a life of discomfort, to headaches, to feeling restless, to pain, to uncertainty.
I know I sound depressed, I guess I kindof am. I started this year with tinnitus, and I'm heading into April with a laundry list of physical challenges and no answers.
I don't think anyone that hasn't had these symptoms understand the mental toll it takes when your body is never at rest. Always twitching, burning, stinging, buzzing, cramping, aching, ringing--I haven't felt truly relaxed since Christmas 2023. I can't even sit on my phone and scroll mindlessly because my own eyes turn everything into a lightshow.
I'm not normally someone who likes to pity party, but get the balloons because that's how I feel today. I'm sure I'll perk up, do an activity, watch something, and I'll feel a bit better by tonight. But then the high will fade and I'll crawl into bed and begin shaking and hurting all over. I'll wake up and do it again tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day. I'll keep going, even if it's miserably.
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 "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body." 2 Corinthians 4:8-10
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thdrama2 · 3 months
I’m an artist who’s been in an emergency situation before and frankly I’d rather have a few people wondering if I’m truthful or not than any of the other suggestions people have given. I’d rather lose out on a payment or two than give out my personal medical info— and buying “physical items” isn’t really an option for a hospital bill. And like other anons have said there’s ways to get addresses through that and lol I am not doxxing myself.
Like I’m sorry but I think the demand for personal info is a little concerning. Yes there are always the possibility someone is scamming you, but if you don’t want to risk that the simple solution is to not buy from them.
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I cannot stop sleeping. I went to bed at 10:30 and woke up at 7am, then back to sleep until 8:30. Sleeping so much is unnerving to my high-functioning anxiety, it is disordered thinking that keeps my body pushing even if its asking for rest. It’s like I don’t want to miss anything. 
I’m desolate like all of us. And, I think the system is really cracking now. Let it break. I can’t watch or read anymore right now, I need to set some boundaries. I’m dreaming of not participating in Corporate America anymore, what that would look like. 
My mind and heart have been marinating in fear, responsibility, obligation for so long - once we sell the house, I think I will cry for days, knowing the pressure of keeping their bills paid will be over with. I well up even writing that - I’ve been keeping this whole thing afloat for them since 2017 when their financial planner called us in a panic saying they would be out of money in three years if they didn't stop spending. After that it was this long, arduous process of manipulating, cajoling and at times being ruthlessly aggressive with my father who refused to see what we were saying and would not let go of control. His glaucoma turned out to be a blessing, as he couldn’t see the screen after awhile and couldn’t manage it. Even then, it was so difficult. Sleeping over at their house and waking up at 2am to sneak into his den, copying files over, cancelling crazy subscriptions, looking for where he might be getting scammed. 
Money is a complication, it’s been the currency of love in my family. The only one. The absolute priority. They made so many promises to my brother and sister about their kids college funds that never materialized, so everyone had to scramble. And that’s fine, part of the system is white people passing down wealth to their white families and that is a dirty secret none of us talk about. I felt that pressure to not have to dip into the equity they had in their home for my sister and her kids most of all but if I really examine this, I think I wanted our parents’ one promise to everyone to be kept. And I did it. 
So now what? I am going to be free quite soon. Taking care of my mom will be minimal and so much easier. Where will this energy go now? Now I want to marinate in hope and possibility. I want to be intentional about building a community here. Mike recommended a spiritual director and I am going to explore that. What do I want to do next for a career? The energy I am applying now is like throwing resources at a dead end road, we have these good ideas we’ve had for years that won’t ultimately get funded. New leaders have now shuffled in to identify exactly what we’ve all known the solutions to be - they’ll rephrase them in their own way, pursue them and then we’ll start the cycle again. I think I have some skills and gifts that could actually contribute more.  
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paydayquid · 1 year
How much may I borrow with a Short Term Loans directly from a lender?
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Short term loans request for a sum between £100 and £5,000 is acceptable. You can see how simple it is to customize a loan to your needs when you combine the amount's flexibility with the complete variety of repayment alternatives.
When money was tight, you might acquire a short term loans UK direct lenders on your income, and then your employer would withdraw the sum immediately from your paycheck. This is how short term loans direct lenders first came to be known. Payday loans are a logical development of this kind of lending, but they typically give you immediate access to the money.
A short term cash loan could be a lifeline for you if you are short between paychecks but have bills that need to be paid. Because of our brokers' speedy application process, you will receive a decision right away, and we will shop around for the best rate among their lender partners.
Your loan can be used however you see fit. However, the majority of people who apply for short term loans UK direct lender do so because they are in a difficult circumstance. This kind of loan can be ideal for you if you have an unforeseen emergency and need a little additional money to stay afloat.
You Just Need To Follow A Few Steps That Are Detailed Below To Get Short Term Loans UK Finances:
1) Confirm Your Capability to repay - To determine your capacity to repay the amount you are considering borrowing, you must first look in your wallet. To make sure you can make repayments without placing yourself in deeper trouble, it is crucial to assess your affordability.
(2) Narrow down the Legal Online Lenders with the Needful Service - After determining your capacity to pay back the short term loans UK, it's time to narrow down the legal online lenders who can provide the necessary service. To lower your risk of falling victim to a scam, it's critical to grasp the difference between legitimate lenders and dishonest ones.
(3) Compare the Quotes - Once the short list has been created, it is necessary to compare the same day loans UK quotes in order to select the most cost-effective service. To make sure you have chosen the cost-effective solution, compare the terms and prices at the same time.
 (4) Complete And Submit The Application - As soon as you locate the proper service, all you need to do is complete and submit the online same day loans UK application. Simply a few minutes will be needed for this as you simply need to submit some basic information.
(5) Sign the Agreement and receive the money. Your lender won't annoy you with faxing or providing collateral. Before approving you, they only verify the accuracy of your information and your capacity for repayment. If they think you might be a borrower, they will ask you to sign their electronic contract. You only need to read it and sign it in order to receive the same day loans UK in your bank account.
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noodledesk · 2 years
https://kouha.tumblr.com/ is most likely a scam. i hope one day ppl realize that asking ppl to pay your bills for YEARS isn't the solution.
thanks for letting me know!
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kp777 · 9 months
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
Aug. 22, 2023
"Calling hydrogen clean energy is a scam to prop up the oil and gas industry," said one campaigner.
More than 95% of hydrogen produced in the United States is made using fossil fuels, but that hasn't stopped its backers—including industry groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce—from touting the energy source as critical to the fight against climate change.
A diverse coalition of advocacy organizations on Tuesday implored the Biden administration to stop buying into the hype.
In a letter to officials at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), more than 180 groups called on the administration to abandon plans to invest in hydrogen projects, warning that "a large-scale buildout of hydrogen infrastructure will further exacerbate the climate crisis and disproportionately harm people of color, low-income communities, and Indigenous peoples."
Two recently enacted pieces of legislation—the Inflation Reduction Act and a bipartisan infrastructure measure championed by oil industry ally Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.)—include benefits for the hydrogen industry.
The latter bill authorized the Department of Energy to spend roughly $8 billion on developing Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs (H2Hubs), drawing outrage from community organizers in Colorado, New Mexico, and other states behind the Western Interstate Hydrogen Hub, a project aimed at expanding U.S. hydrogen production.
"We recognize that the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act directs DOE to fund these hubs, but we ask DOE to find a different path and reject this false solution. It's time for DOE to do the right thing," the groups wrote in their letter on Tuesday.
The groups behind the letter—including the Center for Biological Diversity and Food & Water Watch—note that hydrogen production generates significant planet-warming emissions.
"Hydrogen lifecycle emissions which use carbon capture and storage are 20% greater than directly burning natural gas or coal, and 60% greater than burning diesel oil, because of the increased fossil fuels required to power it," the letter states. "The process of producing gray and blue hydrogen is a major source of fugitive methane emissions from flaring, transportation, and other upstream processes—releasing even more potent greenhouse gases and exacerbating atmospheric warming over the next two decades."
"President Biden can't claim to be a climate leader while his administration continues to embrace the hydrogen climate scam and other policies that continue to perpetuate fossil fuel production and infrastructure."
As Nature explained in an editorial warning against "overhyping" hydrogen, "Most hydrogen is currently made by processes—such as steam reformation of natural gas (methane)—that produce large amounts of CO2 as a by-product."
"Although 'green' hydrogen can be made by using electricity from renewable sources to split water molecules," the outlet added, "this process is costly compared with more conventional production methods."
Silas Grant, a campaigner with the Center for Biological Diversity, said Tuesday that "calling hydrogen clean energy is a scam to prop up the oil and gas industry."
"The Biden administration's plans to expand this dirty energy will only increase oil and gas extraction at a time when the climate emergency demands the opposite," said Grant. "We need investment in affordable, reliable, community-supported renewable energy like wind and solar."
The coalition's letter comes two months after New Mexico-based advocacy organizations urged the Biden administration to reject funding for the Western Interstate Hydrogen Hub, arguing the initiative would "devastate public health, clean air, Indigenous sacred places, and the climate."
"The climate crisis poses a grave threat to all life on Earth," the groups wrote in a letter to the U.S. Energy Department. "DOE has the power to help lead a transformation to a more sustainable future. To do so, you must help phase out fossil fuels and reject false solutions like hydrogen."
But the Biden White House has yet to waver in its support for hydrogen, claiming in a brief last month that "clean hydrogen has the potential to play an important role in decarbonizing the U.S. economy."
Jim Walsh, policy director at Food & Water Watch, countered Tuesday that investments in hydrogen are "a distraction from real climate action that will cause more pollution, more strain on water resources, and more extraction of climate warming fossil fuels."
"President Biden can't claim to be a climate leader while his administration continues to embrace the hydrogen climate scam and other policies that continue to perpetuate fossil fuel production and infrastructure," Walsh added.
Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.
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seyedblogs · 18 days
Instant Bank Transfer has Made Peer-to-Peer Payments Easier 
The increasing availability of online services has certainly changed the payment sector. People from all walks of life have access to different types of payment solutions. Now individuals and companies may use their smartphones to send and receive money with a few clicks. Instant bank transfers and other features have improved the way money is sent. Cash was the only way we could lend money to friends and family in the past. But today, you can send money easily from anywhere in the US, despite time zones and the distance between people. Instant bank transfers have greatly improved peer-to-peer payments. Let us look at it more closely.
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Online Services: Online payment platforms have played an important role in making services like instant bank transfers accessible to everyone. Now, you can set up free checking accounts at zero costs and transfer money instantly. Both businesses and individuals can take advantage of such platforms to improve their financial operations. Compared to traditional transaction practices, this is a much more effective solution that allows users to make peer-to-peer payments. There is no need for visiting a financial institution in person either to set up the account or transfer money. 
Integration: Today, even mobile apps offer instant bank transfer options to users. As most people rely on smartphones, payments can be made easily from the comfort of their homes. Online payment platforms are also easily accessible and you can log onto a gateway from tablets or computers. This has certainly changed the way we buy goods and services and make bill payments. Being able to start quick bank transfers from your chosen device has given people the confidence they need to tackle emergency financial situations. 
Verification and Tracking: Usually, if we send bank transfers to friends, we have to wait days before we get confirmation if the payee actually received the funds. Tracking the transactions was also difficult due to a lack of updates or instant notifications. But tracking and verification have gotten a lot easier and more effective with instant bank transfers. Features for instant verification guarantee correct recipient information before completing the transaction, therefore lowering the possibility of mistakes or delays. Furthermore, users may trace their transactions in real time from start to finish. 
Improved Security: Online payment platforms always have the best security measures in place to ensure that the financial data of users are protected. Making instant bank transfers on an online platform usually involves adding your account details and other relevant information. Two security measures employed in peer-to-peer payments are multi factor authentication and encryption. Therefore, you should not fear your data getting into the hands of cybercriminals or getting scammed when you utilize internet platforms to conduct instant bank transfers. 
Instant bank transfer services offered by online payment platforms have certainly made life easier for common people. Now they can send and receive money faster and at their convenience. Instant bank transfers have also improved the peer-to-peer payment experience as verification and tracking is much easier. 
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bergmannliu93 · 1 month
Bookkeeping Services
Accounting Services If you are trying to find a bookkeeping service, you've involved the ideal location. Audit services vary from Accounts Payable to Tax preparation as well as Auditing. Whether you require aid with your books or just want to construct a schedule of advertisements, we've obtained you covered. In this article, we'll take an appearance at four of one of the most vital facets of audit solutions. Accounts payable Accounts payable, additionally referred to as payables, is a key element of any type of monetary declaration. It stands for the majority of the business's outward bound capital, such as payments to suppliers as well as bills. Without this information, a service can not determine its monetary security or prepare for future expenses. Accounts payable is an important element of the bookkeeping process, given that it aids keep an eye on capital and also updates the general ledger. It needs to be an organized procedure, and the account payable team need to have the ability to handle the process in a logical and constant way. Among https://apnews.com/press-release/kisspr/artificial-intelligence-9c98a7b97ce4ec3e8d13a51c07fbd9f5 of accounts payable is the process of evaluating inbound as well as vendor invoices. Hiveage calls these invoices "costs," as well as these must be refined properly as well as successfully to make sure payment target dates. Accounts payable helps an organization make repayments on time, which assists make its obligations a lot more transparent. This makes cash money circulation projections much easier and assists a company discuss with providers. Accounts payable are normally videotaped as quickly as an invoice is obtained. The complete accounts payable will certainly after that appear on the equilibrium sheet, however private deals will not be detailed. The accounts payable procedure needs to be created to fit the organization's growth method. It is much more effective to automate the accounts payable procedure than to perform it manually. Tax obligation prep work Tax preparation is a vital component of the accountancy procedure. The IRS site is a great place to begin as it includes useful pointers as well as publications for people and also organizations. They are required to know the client's financial circumstance as well as input numbers properly. The skills that are necessary for this role include evaluating financial information and also interpreting receipts. PTINs and also EFINs are essential for everybody in the tax preparation service. A PTIN is needed for all professionals, whether they are independent service providers or job for an audit company. Tax preparation is a vital component of establishing up a financial system. In enhancement, the type of business you have will certainly have a direct influence on just how you submit your tax returns. To become a tax preparer, you need to have a high level of ability as well as experience. Many preparers begin with little clients and afterwards go up to larger as well as a lot more complex matters. The first year entails finishing raw data and preparing a basic tax obligation return, yet the second and third years will certainly need a high degree of autonomy. Auditing An auditor's main responsibility is to examine a business's monetary documents and also explain mistakes. They additionally assist business stay compliant with laws as well as policies and secure them from scams. They can also give getting in touch with services to improve functional performance. While they function in a selection of abilities in various industries, the primary function of an auditor is to guarantee that economic statements are ready according to generally approved accounting concepts. Public firms are legally required to have external auditors evaluate their monetary statements often. A specialist that provides bookkeeping solutions will certainly take the time to learn more about a firm's distinct needs as well as culture. They will also make certain that they are familiar with the obstacles the business faces and also the monetary goals. They will certainly give year-round gain access to and also will function very closely with team member to comprehend and also assess any kind of issues and difficulties. Audit firms additionally offer a vast selection of other solutions, from organization valuation to fraud and forensic audit. These services can assist firms evaluate their monetary situation and establish how to upgrade their framework. If the auditor can not do so, it would certainly be tough for reasonable investors to rely on the outcomes of their audit. An auditor's self-reliance is more secured by numerous principles. Accounting Accountancy solutions include bookkeeping, which is the procedure of taping economic purchases. Bookkeepers additionally develop monetary records, which are beneficial to organizations. Companies can either contract out accounting work internal or employ a bookkeeping solution. There are many options readily available, consisting of regional accounting solutions, CPA firms, and customized nationwide outsourced accounting business. A spending plan is the roadway map for an organization's financial efficiency, and accounting helps establish a sensible budget plan. If the financial records are exact, the service can make educated choices relating to future expenditures. While accounting is frequently executed by an accounting professional, it can be done internal. Digital software application assists make accounting extra reliable. Credit Card Compare can additionally automate data entrance, which can save time and cash. Professional bookkeepers make use of accounting ideal methods to save time and also streamline routine processes. They can also aid services strategy for the future, such as preparing their tax returns. An accountant should be educated about bookkeeping and also have at the very least two years of experience. They have to also be really cautious to make sure the confidentiality of financial info. They deal with payroll earnings, document costs, and develop tax return. They need to have great mathematics skills and also interest to information. Most significantly, they must have outstanding communication abilities and also a strong work values. Accountants and also accountants both play important functions in an organization' economic wellness. Accountants assess economic information as well as make informed decisions based on that info. Accountants commonly help accounting professionals in harmonizing and organizing financial records and also are commonly thought about a vital part of the audit group. Forensic audit The need for forensic accountancy solutions is on the rise, many thanks to climbing white-collar crime prices and also tighter monetary policy. According to IBISWorld, industry profits will certainly expand 2.5% annually to reach $7.0 billion by 2021. The surge in cybercrime is a primary aspect driving sector growth, however COVID-19, an infection that spreads out swiftly over the net, is one more aspect sustaining need. Forensic bookkeeping solutions can be incredibly beneficial to business. A durable accounting system can restrict wasteful expenditures as well as secure a company's interests from fraudulent tasks. Forensic accounting is a self-control that entails the application of accountancy principles, data evaluation, and also bookkeeping strategies. Forensic accounting professionals are also often called upon to investigate financial statement falsification. Many people link forensic accountants with fraud examinations. A forensic accounting professional might likewise give insurance case aid. Insurance policy companies may ask forensic accounting professionals to determine the complete problems in a case. Normally, forensic accountants hold a bachelor's level in audit, money, or a carefully relevant topic. Coursework must include stats, business economics, as well as organization management. Forensic accountants have substantial experience in auditing and analyzing financial purchases. Their training is advanced as well as includes direct exposure to different kinds of accounting software and ideas.
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pareshyelekar432 · 1 month
Augusta Metals Gold IRA Review [2024]: Is It A Big Scam?
Augusta Metals Gold IRA Review [2024]: Is It A Big Scam?
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Hello guys and girls are you looking for the best Augusta Metals Gold IRA Review Then You Are at the right place. In this Augusta Metals Gold IRA Review I will tell you what Augusta Metals is? How does Augusta Metals Gold IRA work? What are the pros and cons of Augusta Metals Gold IRA? Is Augusta Metals Gold IRA Scam Or 100% Legit? FAQs And What Is My Final Opinion?
So let’s start the Augusta Metals Gold IRA Review,
Augusta Metals Gold IRA Review: What Is Augusta Metals?
Augusta Precious Metals is a family-owned company that has rapidly risen to prominence in the precious metals investment sector. The company prides itself on its commitment to transparency, integrity and high-quality customer service.
At its core, Augusta Precious Metals offers self-directed precious metals IRAs – with a particular focus on gold and silver. A self-directed IRA offers more flexibility and investment options than a traditional IRA, allowing investors to include assets such as precious metals.
Augusta's Gold IRA program is designed to provide individuals a strong and secure way to diversify their retirement portfolio by investing in physical gold. With their services, you can purchase gold bullion or coins, which will then be safely stored in an approved depository until you choose to take delivery.
Augusta's team of professionals guides you through every step of the process – from setting up a new Gold IRA account, transferring or rolling over funds from an existing IRA or 401(k), to selecting gold products for your portfolio. till. They also help with the ongoing management of the account, ensuring compliance with IRS rules and regulations.
Augusta Precious Metals bills itself as a comprehensive solution for those who want to enhance their retirement savings strategy with the stability and potential growth of precious metals.
Diversify your retirement>>>
Learn about Augusta's simple process and get answers to common questions about gold IRAs.
Get Zero Gold IRA Fees for 10 Years
Get The Link Below...
Here is the official website link of Augusta Precious Metals.
>>>Augusta Precious Metals Official Website<<<  Click On the official website to know more about Augusta Precious Metals.
Augusta Metals Gold IRA Review: Features of Augusta Gold IRA
Augusta Precious Metals has set itself apart in the crowded field of gold IRA providers with several features that specifically cater to the needs of investors looking to include precious metals in their retirement portfolios.
Personalized Customer Service: One of the key characteristics of Augusta Precious Metals is its emphasis on providing personalized, one-on-one service. The company assigns each customer a dedicated customer success agent who guides them through the process of setting up their Gold IRA and makes them available to answer any questions they may have along the way.
Gold and Silver Selection: Augusta offers a wide range of IRS-approved gold and silver bullion and coins to include in your IRA. They offer only high-quality, pure gold and silver, ensuring that your investment is of the best quality.
Transparent Pricing: Augusta Precious Metals operates on a transparent fee structure, with no hidden charges. They provide a clear description of their fees, including account setup, annual account and storage fees, and buyback prices.
Educational Resources: Augusta believes in empowering its customers with knowledge. They offer free educational resources to help investors understand the precious metals market and make informed investment decisions. These resources include webinars, articles, and guides on a variety of topics related to investing in precious metals.
Lifetime Customer Support: Unlike many other companies, Augusta Precious Metals offers lifetime customer support. Even after your Gold IRA is set up, you can reach out to their team for guidance and support. Highly Secure Storage.
All precious metals held in the Augusta Gold IRA are stored in one of several highly secure, IRS-approved storage facilities. Customers can choose between isolated or non-discrete storage options.
Ease of account setup and management: Augusta Precious Metals has streamlined the process for setting up a gold IRA. They handle all the paperwork, making the process simple and straightforward for the customer.
These features have helped Augusta Precious Metals create a Gold IRA offering that is user-friendly, comprehensive, and tailored to the specific needs of each investor.
Augusta Metals Gold IRA Review: Who Augusta Precious Metals is Best For
The following are reasons why Augusta Precious Metals may be the best gold IRA company for you:
Diversify your retirement>>>
Learn about Augusta's simple process and get answers to common questions about gold IRAs.
Get Zero Gold IRA Fees for 10 Years
Get The Link Below...
Here is the official website link of Augusta Precious Metals.
>>>Augusta Precious Metals Official Website<<<  Click On the official website to know more about Augusta Precious Metals.
Augusta Metals Gold IRA Review: Augusta Precious Metals gold IRA pricing
Augusta Precious Metals does not list prices for any products on its website, as the gold and silver markets are in constant flux. To find out the price of a specific bar or coin you will need to call and speak to an agent. The company does not charge management fees for gold and silver IRAs.
Opening an IRA includes a one-time set-up fee of $250 that covers custodian and storage costs, as well as a $200 recurring annual fee that also covers custodian and storage costs. However, the company covers these charges for customers for up to 10 years.
Augusta Precious Metals sets its own buyback prices internally based on the intrinsic metal value of the product. These buyback prices change regularly and vary depending on the market, current prices and whether the product is normal bullion or a premium product.
Augusta Metals Gold IRA Review: Augusta’s Customer Service Review
Superior customer service is one of the pillars of Augusta Precious Metals' operations, setting them apart in the crowded gold IRA market. The company is proud of its team of dedicated customer success agents who are highly trained and knowledgeable about precious metals and IRAs.
As an Augusta customer, you will have access to a Customer Success Agent who can guide you through the process of setting up your Gold IRA, selecting your precious metals, and answering any questions you may have. This personalized service has earned Augusta many positive reviews and high ratings on independent consumer review sites.
Augusta also provides its clients with extensive educational resources, helping them make informed investment decisions. It includes tons of online articles, webinars, and even a dedicated customer education department.
Beyond its dedication to education and personal service, Augusta stands out for its commitment to transparency and honesty. They take the time to ensure that their clients fully understand their investment options and the associated costs.
Customer service is extremely important in the gold IRA industry, with investors entrusting their retirement savings to these companies. The level of customer service offered by Augusta Precious Metals provides assurance and instills trust, which is an important factor when choosing a gold IRA provider.
Augusta Metals Gold IRA Review: FAQ's
Is a gold IRA any good?
A gold IRA can be a beneficial part of a diversified retirement portfolio, especially for those who want to hedge against economic uncertainty, inflation and currency fluctuations.
There may be a possible increase in their value in times of economic instability. However, like any investment, there are risks involved, including price volatility and storage costs. It is important to do thorough research and consult a financial advisor to understand whether it suits your financial goals.
Which gold IRA company is best?
While there are many reputable gold IRA companies, Augusta Precious Metals is highly regarded in the industry. They offer a wide variety of precious metals for your IRA, dedicated customer service, and transparent pricing. Always research multiple options before making a decision.
Are gold backed IRAs safe?
Gold-backed IRAs can be a safe investment strategy for those who want to diversify their portfolio, as the value of gold remains stable or even increases during economic downturns.
However, like all investments, they also come with risks, such as the possibility of market fluctuations and the possibility of theft if the gold is not stored safely.
Additionally, the fees associated with a gold IRA may be higher than a more traditional IRA. It is essential to do thorough research and consult a financial advisor before investing.
Does a gold IRA make money?
A gold IRA can potentially make money if the price of gold increases while you hold the investment. It acts as a hedge against inflation and currency fluctuations. However, like any investment, it is not guaranteed and is subject to market risks. It is important to consider your risk tolerance and investment goals before investing.
Augusta Metals Reviews: The Final Word
Gold IRAs provide investors with a way to gain exposure to precious metals, which can help them diversify their investment portfolio. Augusta Precious Metals offers impressive educational materials and customer support, which are factors we consider when naming one of the best gold IRAs.
The company could be a good choice for those who want to learn a lot about the precious metals industry and make informed decisions about investing in precious metals.
Augusta Precious Metals' $50,000 minimum investment requirement for a gold and silver IRA is higher than competitors, but it also offers options to purchase precious metals outside of the IRA.
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