#billy hargrove x jonathon byers
xspeter · 7 months
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chapter two ❣︎ cause i’ve got a blank space, baby (and i’ll write your name)
so, hey, let’s be friends
i’m dyin’ to see how this one ends
❧ warnings: none!
❧ wc: 4.9k
❧ Note: yayyy chapter two is here! don’t have much to say about this one… just that i’m happy she’s here! this one covers chapter two and half of three of the og book as well! and let me know if anyone wants a tag list! i’d also really really love to see your guys feedback on the chapters !
❧ masterlist
The rain was a light drizzle by the time you reached Steve’s house. You pulled your hood over your head and prayed Steve wouldn’t be an asshole for once in his life and would open the door on time.
You didn’t know how, but everytime you knocked on his door he always made sure to leave you hanging for longer than necessary. How he knew it was you, you weren’t sure.
You knock hastily, and then instantly shove your hands back in your pockets. It was nearing the end of february, but there was still an obvious chill in the air.
You're expecting to have to knock again, and groan and go to do so, but the door opens swiftly and a smiling Mrs. Harrington is standing in front of you.
You didn’t know Steve’s parents too well, but every time you saw them (which was rare) they seemed to be good people.
“Oh, Hi, Mrs. Harrington!”
Her smile grows, “Y/N! I haven’t seen you in years! You’ve grown so much..” She glances at your reddening cheeks, a direct result of the cold. “Oh, come on, come inside!”
You let her pull you in, a shiver running up your spine as she slams the front door shut. “Steve’s in the living room. I’m assuming he’s what you’re here for right?”
You nod, your eyes darting across the house to soak in as much of it as possible.
You'd only been inside once before, when you’d gotten a bad scrape on your knee and Steve’s nanny had to bandage you up. Back then, you’d been too concerned with the pain to even glance around. But now, you can’t help but notice the odd.. coldness to it. There aren’t many family pictures, honestly you didn’t know if there were any at all.
“You’ve got a lovely home.” You murmured.
Mrs. Harrington smiles gratefully, her hands coming up to clench at her heart. “Oh you’re too kind.” She leans in closer to you, “honestly, i’ve told Steve a hundred times he needs to get with a nice girl like you. He just never listens.” She huffs.
You nearly snort but hold back. Steve’s mom wanted him to get with a girl like you? That’s gold. You’d be teasing him about this for the rest of his life.
“Hey, mom, who was at the door-” You spin on your heel to look at him, and you watch as his forehead wrinkles in confusion. “What’re you doing here?”
The tone he says it with makes you roll your eyes. You cross your arms over your chest, “I have a proposition for you.”
He scoffs, “A proposition?”
Mrs. Harrington glances between the two of you before softly excusing herself. You watch her go, and then shift your attention right back to Steve.
“Let’s talk in the living room.”
Kate & Leopold was playing on one of those retro tv channels that only old people watched, and you couldn’t help but grin as Meg Ryan’s character attempted to evade the charm of a very British and very handsome Hugh Jackman. “Oh, I love this movie!”
“Of course you do.” He gave you a grin that made your stomach churn, a grin that made it seem like he knew things about you that even you didn’t. “What's your.. proposition, or whatever?”
Your cheeks flushed as you realized just what you wanted to ask him. Why would Steve help you? Who’s to say he won’t instantly go running to Jonathon and exposing you? You took a breath, sat on the couch, and said, “Okay. I need your help.”
He started smiling immediately, but you quickly shut it down by shoving a hand in his face, “I know you wouldn’t do something like that out of the goodness of your heart. So I have an offer for you.”
He pretended to grab his heart, shirt scrunching as he did, “Wow, like i’m some mercenary or something. That hurts.”
“No it doesn’t.”
He smirked, “No, it really doesn’t.”
“Look,” You forced yourself to not pretend like this had all been a prank and run with your tail between your legs, “Before I tell you what I need help with, I want to go over the terms of the deal.”
He crossed his arms - when had his chest gotten so wide? - and tilted his head, “Go on.”
“Okay.” You took a deep breath and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, “First and foremost, you have to swear to secrecy. If you tell a single soul about this it is void and you do not get payment. Second, if you agree, you actually have to fulfill your part. You can’t just do little and then blow me off.”
You paused, and he looked at you through narrowed eyes, “Well? What’s the payment?”
“The payment will be full twenty-four/seven access to the parking spot for the duration of our deal.”
“Whoa.” He walked over and plopped into the chair in front of you. “You will give me the parking spot?”
You didn’t want to. At all. But you knew how badly he wanted it, and if he was anything like you, he’d do anything to get it. “That’s correct.”
His smile went big, “I’m in. I’m doing it. I’m your guy.”
“You don’t even know what the deal is.”
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll do whatever it takes.”
“What if… I want you to run completely butt naked through the halls during lunch?”
You grabbed the throw blanket at the end of the couch and threw it over your body, “What if I ask you to cartwheel naked through the halls during lunch while singing Madonna?”
“Easy. I love like a virgin.”
“Actually?” That made you smile, even though you weren’t used to smiling at Steve of all people. “But can you even do a cartwheel?”
“Uh, duh.”
“Prove it.”
He groaned, “You’re so high maintenance.” He stood, shoved the coffee table out of the way, and did the worst cartwheel you'd ever seen in your life. His legs were all bent and his tongue poked out of the corner of his mouth, but still, he landed it like a gymnast. He gave you a confident smile before plopping right back down, “Now tell me.”
You coughed out a laugh you were trying to hold in and searched his face. You were looking for honesty, or really anything. But you were sidetracked by how dark his eyes were. They weren’t dark like Jonathon’s, they were almost lighter. More honey-like than anything. You thought of the time in seventh grade when he’d given you six dollars to stop crying.
Your dad and his new wife, Monica, had just gotten married a couple weeks before, and they’d decided to remodel the main level of the house. To prepare, Monica had cleaned out the closets and drawers and donated all of the old stuff. Including your moms VHS tapes.
When you had an emotional breakdown over it and your dad explained it to Monica, she’d felt so bad. She kept apologizing the whole time you sobbed. But all you could focus on was what Monica had said to your dad. “I just didn’t think anybody watched those cheesy movies.”
You were resourceful as a kid - still were in all honesty (exhibit A, your current situation at Steve’s house) - and all it took was a phone book and a phone call for you to find out where they’d ended up. You’d snuck out under the premise of seeing Robin, and ridden your bike all the way to the thrift store.
You had every penny of your babysitting money saved up, but when you got there it still wasn’t enough. “We’re selling this as a collection kid, you can’t buy them individually.”
You stared at the price tag, and still, you were six dollars short. The jerk at the store was unyielding and you’d cried all the way home. It felt like you were losing your mom all over again.
When you were almost home, you saw Steve outside bouncing a basketball in his driveway.
“Hey,” he tossed the ball into the grass as soon as he saw you, “What’s wrong?”
You remember not wanting to tell him because you knew he’d think it was ridiculous, but there was something in the way he looked at you that made you break down all over again. Through sobs you explained your situation to him, and instead of laughing like you’d expected him too, he listened. And once your sobs had been replaced with tiny hiccups, he reached forward and wiped your tears with his thumbs. “Don’t cry, Y/N.” He looked sad when he said it, like he wanted to cry too. Then he said, “Wait here.”
He turned and ran into his house, and you stood there - exhausted from crying and shocked by his niceness - and waited for him to come back.
When he did, he’d happily handed you a ten dollar bill. You remember looking up at him and thinking he had the kindest brown eyes, but your thoughts must’ve shown because he immediately scowled and said, “This is just to shut you up ‘cause I can’t stand listening to you bawl for another minute. And I want my change.”
Your mind jerked back to Steve’s living room. Jonathon. The spot. Needing his help.
“I swear on everything holy that I will hire a hitman if you blab about this.”
He sighed, “I very much believe you.”
You had to look at something other than his face, and your eyes shifted to his lap. Which you immediately regretted once you saw the gray sweats he was wearing. So instead, they just made purchase on the spot above his head.
“So, you know Jonathon’s back in town. And I was kinda hoping you’d.. touch base with him. We were close before he moved away, and I want that back again.”
“And I can help you with that how?”
You kept your eyes glued to the wall, “Well, I don’t have any classes with him, so there’s no way for me to talk to him naturally. But you and Jon are already friends. You hang out. You invited him to that party.” You gestured with your hands, “You’ve got the connection I want.”
He pursed his lips and shifted in his seat, “So you’ve still got the hots for Byers, and you want me to take you to the party so you can get him to like you. Am I picking up what you’re putting down?”
You considered lying for a moment, before you conceded and said, “Yeah, basically.”
His jaw clenched, “I heard he’s interested in Nancy.”
God, did everyone now about that? Personal vendetta aside, Nancy Wheeler was totally wrong for a guy like Jonathon. In fact, nudging him to fall in love with you would be doing him a favor by saving him from that.
“Don’t you worry about that.”
An eyebrow went up, “How scandalous of you.”
“Shut up.”
He smiled, “You can’t think going to a party is gonna make him notice you. There’s already gonna be a ton of people there - and i’m willing to bet Nancy shows too.”
An obvious shiver went down your spine at the mention of her being there and you shifted in your seat. “I only need a few minutes.”
“Pretty confident aren’t you?”
“I am.” You had a script ready. “I have a plan.”
He scoffed, “Your plan sucks.”
You tucked your legs underneath yourself, “And how would you know that?”
“Because i’ve known you practically your whole life. Your plan involves some “coincidental” meeting,” He put air quotes above the worse coincidental, “an entire books worth of silly ideas, and someone riding off into the sunset.”
He was nearly right on the money. “You’re way off base.”
He rolled his eyes at you, clearly not believing a word you said.
You sighed, “So…?”
Steve looked way too pleased with himself, “So…?”
“Oh my god, you’re torturing me on purpose. Are you going to help me or not?”
He sucked his teeth and pretended to think, “You know, I’m just not sure if The Spot is worth it.”
You scoffed, “Worth what? Allowing me to be in your presence for a few hours? You’ll barely notice I'm there!”
“What if i’m trying to hit it off with someone?” He retorted, “You being there might throw me off my game.”
You resisted an eye roll, “Trust me, King Steve won’t be thrown off his game by little ol’ me.” You batted your eyelashes innocently, and a scowled formed on his face at the mention of his nickname. “Don’t talk about my game, you perv.”
You groaned, “Are you going to say yes or what? Cause if not i’d like to be going.”
He smirked and kicked his feet up onto the table, “I do love watching you make the walk of shame from around the block, so I guess I'll drag you along.”
You glanced up from your math homework to see Robin climbing through your window, with Barb and her freshman buddy, Max. Robin had discovered years ago if you climbed the roof of the playhouse in your backyard you’d just be able to reach the roof and slide your bedroom window open.
“Hey guys,” You cracked your back and turned around in your desk chair, surprised to see them. “What’s up?”
“Me and Barb just got done with a planning meeting for the senior prank, and we ran into Max on our way out. Her curfews not for..” She glanced down at her watch, “another twenty minutes. So we’re just killing time.”
You hummed, turning back to continue your homework as the three of them plopped onto your bed, “It was basically, like, thirty people jammed into a Burger King saying things they thought were funny. Which they usually weren’t.” Barb snorted and Robin giggled with her.
Max shrugged, “I liked that one kids idea you guys were telling me about. The one that said screw it and just do something terrible.”
Robin groaned and covered her face with her hands, “He said it was ironically funny because it was so not funny and that it'll never be forgotten.”
Barb nodded, “He’s kinda right.”
Robin sighed, “You should’ve been there, Y/N.” She said. You prepared yourself for what came next, a lecture about how you were only seniors once. She was good at those.
But when you finally look up at her, she’s already moved on and started a totally different conversation. You can’t help but feel a tad bit grateful.
Robin walked over to your closet and sifted through it, “Where’s the red plaid dress?”
“It’s buffalo plaid, and it’s on the other side.” You pointed and said, “With the causal shirts.”
“I knew the layout, but I would’ve pictured it with the other dresses.”
“Too causal.”
“Of course.” She snorted and draped the dress over her arm, “So what’d you do tonight? Just homework?”
You blinked like a deer in headlights. But Barb and Max weren’t even paying attention, so you cleared your throat and muttered a quick, “Pretty much.”
Robin hummed and came over to you and began playing with your hair, “Why is only like.. the bottom half curled? Is this a new fashion statement or something?”
You’re reminded of your journey to Steve’s house and how the bottoms of your hair had been nearly drenched by the rain. “No, I just got caught in the rain after school.” A half-lie.
She smiled, “Maybe it should rain everyday.”
“Yeah.” You pictured Steve’s cartwheel and resisted the urge to roll your eyes, “Right.”
It was nearing seven thirty with still no sign of Steve. You tapped your fingers against the finding table anxiously, legs crossed over each other.
“Why don’t you just walk over to his house?” Monica suggests, craning her neck to see you from her spot in the kitchen. She’s washing the dishes while your dad stands besides her to dry them.
Your dad hums in agreement, “It’s just Steve. I doubt he’d care.”
“In all honesty,” Monica smirked, bumping your dads hip with her own, “Your tapping is driving your dad absolutely crazy and he thinks your date might’ve forgotten you.”
“It’s not a date.”
Your dad ignored your comment, “Actually, I just think Steve Harrington is capable of anything.”
Your dad and Monica began doing their bantering thing back and forth, and you had to fight back an eye roll.
They’d met in a stuck elevator, totally cliche, exactly one year after your mother had died. They’d been in there for two hours. One of your favorite tropes was forced proximity, but you liked to exclude them from that.
It was strange that they had the perfect meet-cute and seemed made for each other, because her and your mother could not be any less similar.
Your mom was sweet, a modern version of Doris Day. She was all baking and fresh cut daisies from her garden. She was the sweetest woman you’d ever known.
Monica was different. She was, I’m-too-good-for-rom-coms, and let’s-go-out-for-dinner and just nothing like the woman you cried for every night.
You glanced outside, no sign of Steve. He was nearing twenty minutes late and hadn’t even bothered to call.
Honestly he was probably already at the party dancing it out with Jonathon as he and Nancy Wheeler gazed longingly at each other from across the room. She probably waltzed over to him all sexy-like and grabbed his arm to drag him upstairs. The thought made you feel sick.
Your dad asked, “You’ll be home at midnight?”
“Not a second later, got it?” He looked more serious then you usually ever saw him and said, “Nothing good happens after midnight.”
“I know, I know.” You sighed, “I’ll call if-“
“No, you won’t.” He gave a shake of his head and pointed at you, “You will just not be late. Understand?”
Monica groaned half-heartedly and squeezed his bicep, her hand leaving a slight wet mark, “Relax, she gets it!” You both shared a look of understanding, and she easily shifts his attention to something you don’t pay any mind to.
Your dad was always tense when it came to curfew, and you’d always known it’d been because of what happened to your mom. And the only time you’d ever dared to push back he’d just said: If your mom hadn’t been out at midnight, that drunk driver wouldn’t have hit her.
And, well, he was right. So you never said anything about it again.
You practically jump up at the sight of headlights pulling into your driveway, and you’re quick to attempt to give a hasty goodbye and scurry away, but your dad stops you with a look. “I want him to come inside first. He doesn’t get to take my daughter on a date without talking to me.”
You wanted to scream. “It’s not a date!”
Your dad ignored your comment, “Bring him inside.”
So, very hesitantly, you walked outside to a waiting Steve. He was quietly bopping his head to whatever song was playing on the radio, and he instantly stopped once he spotted you. He reached forward and simultaneously turned the radio down while also rolling down the window.
“Hey,” He said, giving you a tight lipped smile. You smiled back, elbows resting on the window cill. He looked confused, “Aren’t you getting in the car?”
You bit your lip, unable to make eye contact. Would he find it weird your dad wanted to talk to him? What if he thought this was some elaborate scheme to date him? Because in all honesty, that was the farthest thing from the truth.
“Um,” You took a breath, “My dad wants you to come inside.”
An eyebrow went up, and his lips parted for a second. Shock flashed across his face, but he was quick to replace it with indifference. “Uh, yeah.” He slapped his knees, “That’s fine.”
You watched with a grateful smile as he stepped out of his car, it shifting a little with the loss of his weight. You both approached the door, you honestly thought you might be more nervous then he is.
“Sorry if this is weird,” you breathed out, placing a hand on the knob. “I tried to explain it wasn’t a date and he just would not listen-”
Steve tsked, hands shoved into his pockets. “Don’t worry about it, your dad loves me anyway.”
You side-eyed him, a small smirk tugging at your lips. “I’m not too sure about that one..”
His eyes went wide, “What are you talking about?”
You just shrugged and opened the door, watching with an amused smile as Steve nervously made eye contact with your father.
“Hello, Mr. L/N.” He said. He sounded way too serious, and it almost made you chuckle. Key word being almost.
Your dad narrowed his eyes at him, “Steve.”
Steve swallowed, adam's apple bobbing as he did. You made eye contact with a smirking Monica, both of you trying (but nearly failing) at holding back your eye rolls.
Your dad gestured to the dining room table, “Have a seat, son.”
Steve glanced at you, palms becoming sweaty. He wouldn’t say your dad was intimidating, no, he was more so just scary. And if there was anything Steve was sure of, it was that your dad would go to the ends of the earth before he let anything happen to you.
He remembers this one time back in the fourth grade, just a couple months before your mom died, and Carol Perkins had been picking on you.
Steve noticed it, but he just thought they were teasing, not full on bullying. No, he didn’t know that until he saw your dad storm into the elementary school lobby with a crying you in his arms. He’d yelled at the principal so loud people could hear it from across the hall. Talk about protective.
He sat at the table hesitantly across from your dad, leg bouncing as he stared anywhere but your dads face.
“What’re your…” Your dad glanced at you, “plans with my daughter?”
You scoffed, “You’re acting like we’re gonna go do drugs or something.”
Your dad glared at you, effectively shutting you up, but not without a few irritated grumbles from you. He nodded at Steve, silently telling him to answer.
Steve took a breath and straightened his shoulders, “I’m taking her to the party, which will be alcohol free by the way, and we’ll be back by midnight.” He swallowed and then threw in a sir.
Your dad leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest, “And who will be at this party?”
“Kids from school. It’s mostly just people in our grade. Uh, Jonathon will be there as well, Sir.”
They stared at each other for what you were sure was months, and you were starting to get antsy. Every second spent here was a second Nancy could be using to get closer to Jonathon.
“Um, this was really great and all,” you took a cautious step closer to Steve, slowly pulling him up from the seat, “But we really need to get going!” You practically dragged Steve across the dining room to the front door, hastily saying your goodbyes.
You opened the door, you were nearly outside, but of course, your dad stopped you. “Steve!” He yelled.
Steve paused, and craned his head to look at him. “Sir?”
There was a pause, and then, “If anything happens to her tonight, me and you will be having a long talk.” Could tonight get any more embarrassing for you?
Steve didn’t say anything, instead he just nodded solemnly.
“Okay, whatever, bye!” You huffed.
You slammed the door shut, finally able to take a breath. “God, he’s annoying.” You groaned.
Steve was silent, arms crossed as he stared at the ground. “No, he’s not.” He mumbled so quietly you could barely hear it.
“Uh, yeah, he is. Like it’s just a party, he’s so dramatic.”
Steve didn’t say anything, he just sniffed and walked to his car, not even sparing you a glance. You furrowed your brows. Why was he suddenly acting like this?
“What’s your problem?” You asked as you followed him.
“Just get in the car.”
You did as he said, silently sitting and shutting the door. You knew he’d be pissed if you slammed it, and seeing as he was suddenly in no joking mood, you didn’t.
The car ride was silent apart from the quiet stereo, and it made you uncomfortable. You and Steve didn’t like each other, sure, but you were never silent with each other. You always had some snotty thing to say to start some petty argument.
“Are you.. are you okay?” You asked hesitantly.
Steve didn’t say anything for a moment, knuckles nearly white as he gripped the wheel, “I’m peachy.”
He didn’t sound peachy.
“Look, if it was something I said, or-”
“You didn’t say anything, okay? Let’s just get to the party so you and Jonathon can.. I don’t know, make out or whatever.”
You scoffed, “There will be no making out. Not yet, anyway.” You mumbled the last part, silently smirking to yourself.
Steve scrunched his nose, “Ew, gross, please keep that to yourself.”
You just snorted, spending the rest of the car ride annoying Steve to the best of your ability. Whatever had bothered him before seemed to be forgotten about, and you were happy about it.
“Okay, we’re here.”
You looked around at the drunken teenagers outside, all of them making anything but good decisions. There was a keg stand with a bunch of boys from the football team high fiving each other, one of them you recognized as Billy Hargrove. What a total douche.
Next to them were multiple couples showing way too much PDA, and by PDA you mean practically grinding on each other.
You gave Steve a look, but he just smirked and pushed you out of his car.
You barely made it to two steps out before there was a wolf whistle sounding from beside you, and it didn’t take a genius to know who it was.
“Well, don’t you look nice.” Billy said, voice as smooth as honey. (If the honey had been grounded in a meat grinder and then dipped in glass.)
You glanced down at your dress. You’d gone with a red one to accentuate your features, hoping Jonathon would be impressed.
“Uh, thanks?”
Billy grinned, hand on his hip as he waltzed over to you. “That dress s’real nice, but…” he leaned closer into your ear, breath minty with a strong odor of alcohol, “it’d look better on the floor, don’t you think?”
You gasped, jaw hanging open at his crude comment. “You’re such a pervert!” You glanced to Steve, “Besides i’m… seeing someone.” You winced, and you hoped it sounded more convincing then you thought.
Billy laughed, actually laughed, and looked over at Steve.
He’d already gone up the porch and was talking to his friend, so he didn’t see the situation with Billy. But once he heard Billy’s sultry laugh, he turned and his eyebrows furrowed when he saw you.
He bid his friend goodbye and came over to you. “Is he bothering you?” He asked, chest puffed out as he tried to intimidate Billy.
Billy smirked, “Sorry, man. I wasn’t aware you two were.. a thing.”
Steve looked stunned for a moment, but quickly played it off. “Well, we are. So i’d really appreciate it if you’d back up.”
Billy put two hands up and did as he was told, “No need to get hostile,” He licked his bottom lip, “Jus’ let me know if you ever feel like sharin’.”
You scoffed and Steve just rolled his eyes, effectively pulling you away and to somewhere more secluded. “You okay?” He asked.
You nodded, but couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. “He’s gonna tell everyone we’re dating, Steve.”
Steve just shrugged, “So? We deny it.”
It was then that a thought came to you. Jonathon didn’t know anything about you anymore. Even if it hurt to admit, it was true. Which meant he wouldn’t know how good of a girlfriend you could be.
So, wouldn’t it be a good idea to show him? If you could show him that you were better then Nancy, then he’d obviously be drawn to you and want to date you. The only problem? Steve.
“What if…” You swallowed, “what if we didn’t?”
“I’m not following.”
“What if we let everyone think we’re dating? Then Jonathon would see how great of a girlfriend I could be. And Nancy, who I know you still have a thing for, will see that you’re a great boyfriend.”
Steve’s eyes widened a bit at the mention of Nancy. He didn’t know you knew about his crush on the girl. “I don’t like Nancy.”
“Yes, you do.”
“Okay, maybe I do.”
You swallowed, “If you do this for me, I'll let you have The Spot all the way up until prom.”
Steve’s eyebrows went up. This offer was too good to be true. Get The Spot, get Nancy, all just by pretending to date you?
How hard could it be?
“I’ll do it.”
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lillypad910 · 1 year
Requests Info!
There is no real limitation so far other than obvious no-no’s like pedophilia. I will write age gaps as long as all characters are 18+. Smut and fluff are both excepted! If a request is smut and is anonymous, I WILL NOT ACCEPT IT!! All smut requesters must have ages in bio (at least saying 18+). Fluff is open to anyone tho!!
All characters will be aged up to 18+!
Fandoms can hold different characters but it depends on requests, so feel free to still ask if your character is not lists!
Might add more later!!
Stranger things:
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathon Byers
Loki Odinson
Thor Odinson
Peter Parker (Tom and Andrew, but not Toby, I don’t think I’d do him justice)
Tony Stark
Quicksilver (X-Men/Evan Peters)
Natalia Romanova
Bucky Barnes
Lord of the Rings/Hobbit:
Pippin Took
Bilbo Baggins
Merry Brandybuck
Samwise Gamgee
Fili or/and Kili
Prince Friedrich
Voltron: Legendary Defenders
Katie Holt
Lance McClain
Mathew Holt
Tsuyoshi “Hunk” Garrett (didn’t know that’s his real name until just now)
Keith Kogane
Harry Potter/Wizarding World
Fred and/or George Weasley
Ron Weasley
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Luna Lovegood
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Charlie Weasley
Bill Weasley
Sebastion Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
I’m open to not just long fanfic too, like simple one shots, head-canons, etc. Those are easier to crank out than a full story, but stories are cool too!
The things I will write is a variety and varies request to request so feel free to ask anything!
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byergrove · 2 years
Is there even a point to watch Stranger Things s4 when you know the is no ounch of possible Byergrove action?
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goofygooberdays · 2 years
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Max Mayfield: Stranger Things
“There’s more to life than stupid boys.”
I found all these pictures on Pinterest.
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youre so cool,it makes me hate you so much
the older group reacting to you getting your period
[this is the stranger things hawkins high gang]
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robin :
>sits and reads to you in funny little accents
>buys you a bunch of junk food
>lets you sit in bed watching netflix and groaning
>then joins you
>makes you watch funny shows to forget the pain
>gets a hot watter bottle and tea (it tastes like dirt)
>if you ask for a tampon or a pad she'll hand you one and go on a rant about the comfortability of pads versus tampons
>cant say the proper terms without cringeing so she ends up saying some made up word for vagina
jonathon :
>is trying his best
>makes you food you like
>judges the positions you choose to sit in
>raids his moms cupboard for medicine and pads
>will drive to food places to get you your cravings
>plays music you like
>shows you wills drawings
>stressed but cares
nancy :
>had it marked on her calender
>has a cupboard full of pads and medicine
>makes sure you have your meds,eat and are comfortable
>gets you some books and a comfortable place to sit
>lipsyncs to madonna with you
>doesnt judge you and helps out as much as she can
>does some homework for you when ure asleep so you wont stress
argyle :
>offers you 🍃
>offers you snacks
>offers you a chess piece thinking its a tampon
chrissy :
>is super sweet
>bakes you something
>watches tv with you
>sleepover and gossips all night
>laughs and takes care of you
>shows you a funny cheer routine
>is basically an angel </3
>watches cheesy romcoms w you
jason :
"it doesnt hurt that bad,ive got hurt worse during basketball,go make me some food,i mean seriously just get u-"
steve :
>freaking out
>calling robin for help
>gets you a shitton of fast food
>puts on cheesy movies
>gives you lil massages
>says 'downstairs bits'
>passes out at the sight of blood
>calls you from the store freaking out
billy :
>puts on tv and live concerts for you
>dances with you
>lets you mess with his hair
>lets you cuddle with him but wont let you tell anybody
>steals meds for you
>has to ask max for help
>doesnt know much,doesnt care much
>hopes youre too hopped up on pain pills to remember
>traces little circles on your thighs whilst you lay down
eddie :
>them vampire eddie au's go crazy
>tries out the weird angles you sleep in
>eats junk with you and watches cartoons
>lets you braid his hair and paint his nails
>practices his guitar infront of you and lets you play
>"hey babe im at the store,what size is your coochie?"
bonus!!☆(my parents)
joyce :
>"ah sweetie cmere" and gives you the biggest hug ever
>has meds and pads ready
>makes you pancakes
>calls alot to check up on you
>gives you a bunch of hugs and hand squeezes
>comforts you and gives you forehead kisses
hop :
>stressed,confused,begging joyce for help
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tag : @annie-bby //thank you for motivating me to finish this😭
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Billy Hargrove X Steve Harrington
Billy, Steve, Robin, Nancy, Eddie and Jonathon all hanging out and playing truth or dare:
Billy: I had a crush on this guy in highschool but I didn't know how to tell him so I threw a paper ball at him that said 'Get out of my school'.
Steve: Wait thAT WAS YOU?!!!
Eddie: You didn't even pick truth.
Nancy: It wasn't even his turn.
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motherflippinaliens · 3 years
Billy Hargove x (f) Byers! Imagine
A/N: This is my first full length imagine.
Premise: Your brother Jonathon finds you and Billy on the couch. Told from Jonathon's/ 3rd person perspective.
The first ounce of respect Jonathan Byers ever had for Billy Hargrove was when he saw you two crammed together on the living room couch.
Under any other circumstances, he would have been livid. His sister snuggled up with Billy Fucking Asshole Hargrove was the worst thing his eyes have ever seen and unfortunately had to witness in his life... And he had seen the demogogs.
He saw you two together often. Fake innocent eyes and blushed cheeks. You both tried to hide it. But there was always a look in your eyes. Like you both knew more than everyone else. Hidden but smug. And Jonathan hated it. Throughout the last few months he has put up with your knowing glances a lot, only begging you to leave Billy alone around a million times. At breakfast Mom tried not to laugh at your obviously disheveled and slightly guilty state. When he voiced his concerns she always laughed it off with a she  "trusts Y/N" and "She's old enough. She's just having fun. You know, you and Nancy are having a lot of fun too-"
But here it is three in the god damn morning and he heard voices from the living room.
You've gotta be fucking kidding.
With bare feet he padded down the hall, still knowing to not wake Will or Mom. 
He breathed out a sigh, seeing the three forms cuddled onto the couch.
The old family dog, Chester, was sick. It was cancer. The large lump in dog's throat had only grown larger and larger throughout the years and his time, according to the vet, had come. He was a medium sized dog that, in your words, was basically built for snuggles. Chester had always been closer to you than anyone else in the family. He slept in your bed since you were little and would shake with uncontrollable eagerness at 3pm on the dot, knowing you would soon be home to give him a treat and afternoon kisses and cuddles.
When the vet said that sweet, graying Chester was suffering and needed to be put down as soon as possible to aleve its pain... You physically and mentally couldn't help yourself from the tears that ripped themselves from your heart. Looking into his big, sweet, innocent eyes... You broke down crying.
He laid on the floor panting, not aware of the situation around him. Not aware that by tomorrow night he wouldn't be sleeping in your nice soft sheets curled around his sweet owner. You pulled it together before you left the vet and had held it surprisingly well throughout the day. Not one more tear. But when Billy made his daily call, your voice shook.
"Babe... Baby, are you okay?"
Without your permission tears started slowly leaking from your eyes.
With a small, wavering, hoarse voice that cracked, you whispered into the phone.
"No... No, I don't think I am." You broke down, you told Billy that you had to put down your dog, your little guy, tomorrow. Max could hear the sobs through the phone and she was at the other end of the kitchen at the Hargrove residence.
Jonathon hadn't expected Hargrove to show up. Let alone still be at your house, at 3am holding you and snuggled up to your dog while you were silently crying your eyes out. He was the big spoon. You were the middle, and while his arms were wrapped around you, your arms were wrapped around your sweet, snuggly, smiling dog. His hands trailed up your sides, down through and petting your hair. His hands  swept over the dog in front of you, and occasionally wiped away your tears.
No one could see the lump in his throat he tried to swallow. Looking at you, so heart broken, yet so strong.
There was only one small lamp on in the living room, casting a cascade of light over the three individuals cuddled up on the couch.
Billy, with his stupid fucking mullet, you with your big, sad, fawn eyes leaking while silent sobs racked your body. And Chester, with his cute, angelicly furry face, looking so unassuming while he nuzzled into you. Chester didn't understand why you were so sad but he endeavored to do a good job and rectify the situation with small little licks to your chin to lick away the salty tears. He panted and smiled, tongue rolling out of his mouth as he laid happily with his human.
"I'm just-," you cracked out. Your voice shook and Billy visibly winced. He hated this. Loathed it. You were in pain and he... He felt useless. "I'm just gonna miss him so much."
His arms tightened around you as he kissed your hair.
"I know, baby." He didn't really. He had never loved anything like you have loved Chester. Not really. Not until he met you. "I know. I'm so sorry."
Jonathon couldn't hear very much, but looking at the Big Bad Billy Hargrove desperately trying to cuddle his heart broken sister, eyes already red and puffy from crying so much, and her sweet dog, that wouldn't be there the next night... Well, he couldn't be all that bad now, could he?
Reluctantly, Jonathan left the three cuddled on the couch while he heard Billy's deep voice attempting to sooth his baby sister.
She would be alright. She could get through this. Jonathon hated to admit it, but yeah, tonight he gained a little bit of respect for Hargove... Just a little though.
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beybeys-world · 2 years
HULLO!! So i already posted more stuff about requests but here is another confirmation post. Im lacking motivation to finish requests at the moment. I JUST GET BRAIN FOGGLED!! I hate to disappoint and keep those who requested waiting but, I would like to write when im held with more motivation so that the writes come out better and more enjoyable! Dont get me wrong I am still writing (im always writing) but I might publish some ideas of my own! So if your waiting on a request, its gonna take a bit, especially since there are multiple!  When I have bursts of energy I write for my requests! But I will try my best to do ATLEAST 2 writes per week. But i cant thank you all enough for the love and support for my reads! Seeing all your comments really warms my heart! Another update, I ADDED JONATHON BYERS TO MY LIST!!! I HOPE TO WRITE FOR HIM IN THE FUTURE! Im hoping you guys can be patient with me! But until they are published here are some sneak peaks on what im workin on (PLEASE COMMENT WHICH ONE I SHOULD FINISH FIRST)
10 Things I hate About You
Pairing: Steve x Reader
A heavily inspired fic by the amazing movie 10 Things I hate About You
The bruised boy
Pairing: Billy x POC reader (she/her)
Y/N plays hard to get with Billy, which only ignites a flame within Billy to keep annoying you. Which you shoot him down everytime. One day it changes after a tough night with Neil, y/n notices and wants to help.
My Prize Baby
Pairing: Billy X Sarcastic Reader
(Request: Happy Billy with him takin care of Max)
After asking for a ride to the arcade Max is surprised that you convince Billy to not only drive her, but come along too! Max gains a liking to you once you “help” her win the arcade games for prizes! Billy enjoys seeing the both of you connect
Those Godamn Russians
Pairing: Steve x Girlfriend Reader
Y/N being the getaway driver for when they are all undeground trying to run away from the russians, she is shocked to see Dustin with a VERY intoxicated Steve. Sadly your bumped to sit in the back with him (after constant pleading) And hes just all over you.
Blabber Boy
Pairing: soft Eddie x GF reader.
Almost breaking a bone trying to get to your window, Eddie sneaks into your room one night while your painting your nails. When offered Eddie mindlessly agrees but does NOT know how to stay still when the polish is drying. Making too many hand motions while ranting about dnd or whatever, you decide to hold him down, which ignites a VERY VERY flustered quiet Eddie.
Why so blue Billy?
Pairing: Billy x Partner Reader
Y/N just overall comforting Billy when he breaks down about Neil. 
Sharp Turn
Pairing: Billy x Streetracer crush
After seeing y/n at a stoplight with her flashy street car, Billy is determined to get to know you. The boy is just headover heels for the racer and she is not goin down all that easy.
Joy Ride
Pairing: Billy x Streetracer gf
(a alternate where the reader isnt playing so hard to get) Y/N is neighbors with Billy and wants him to cheer up so she takes him for a ride driving god knows how fast in the middle of the night blasting music.
Music Magnet
Pairing: Steve x crush who works at a music store.
While robin is pickin up some new casette tapes, Steve realizes how long shes taking. He walks in to be swept off his feet by the amazing y/n working register. Steve does not know much abt the music you listen to but he tries his best (even if he is lying) to impress you with his “wicked” music taste.
Drumstick Doll
Pairing: Steve x firecracker drummer gf
Steve comes to all of your shows and supports all your angry drummer antics! He adores the reader.
Lets Dance Pretty Boy
Pairing: Billy x Girlfriend
Reader taking aux to bump music at full volume while driving around with Billy. (I havent decided a song yet so request any ideas you have in my request box and  i’ll pick my favorite.)
The infamous hearthrob, eddie
Pairing: Eddie x Popular Gf reader
Y/N knows lots of people but Eddie was truly a gem. She never understood why he was so judged, afterall she thought very highly of him. Reader tries to hype up Eddie about how awesome he is.
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ghostdaichi · 2 years
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(Not my gif!)
Ahoy ladies, lads, and enby sailors who fall in between! My inbox is open for requests!
I will write for anyone in Stranger Things but I can’t guarantee I will do some of them (Peter/Jason) any justice. (I won’t write for Erica, she’s 11…)
So if you are interested in some nice angst, steamy scenes, tooth rotting fluff, or anything to distract you from the clusterfuck that was S4P2 because we are all living in denial, the rules are below!
• Rules •
I will not for any circumstances write smut about the children. None whatsoever.
I try to keep my fics as gender neutral as possible. (Usually writing in second person helps with that) If you want a specific gender for the fic, please specify that in your ask!
I do not tolerate bigotry, homophobia, misogyny, racism, or any other isms unless it is directly related to the story. (For example anything with Neil)
18+ If you are requesting smut, please be 18+. Once again, I will not be writing for anyone under age in this category!
18+ As for kinks I’m a pretty open person, I will not write for knife kinks or kinks having to do with human waste. Other than that, I would just ask first and if I’m not sure/uncomfortable writing one, I’ll DM you and work something out!
Happy Asking!!
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birdlungg · 2 years
Reminder that I’m still accepting stranger things requests for the adults of the show!
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forthemasses1789 · 3 years
Stranger Things Masterlist
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Fluff-💖 Angst-💢 Smut-🍑
Steve Harrington-
Beautiful- 💖, a sprinkle of spice, and angst if you squint, Oneshot
The events of S3 left Steve pretty banged up, having received the all-clear from paramedics, he begins to head home with (Y/N), who also faced the Russians and Mind Flayer. On the way home, they invite Steve over to clean up his 'battle wounds'. Confessions are made, hearts are racing, it's a madhouse!
Dustin Henderson-
Mike Wheeler-
Will Byers-
Nancy Wheeler-
Lucas Sinclair-
Billy Hargrove-
Jim Hopper-
Alexei Smirnoff-
Jane Hopper (11)-
Max Mayfield-
Robin Buckley-
Jonathon Byers-
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thecherrybombbb · 2 years
Eleven and Hopper
Eleven never had the opportunity to be a normal girl, she was very different compared to those around her. Her past was something which would forever define who she was as a person, but she wouldn’t allow it to dictate her future. The only chance she finally had to run away lead to a life of many exciting yet miserable events. From escaping she had found her bests of friends, and even her boyfriend Mike. They were one of the good things in life which she never ever wanted to be away from. Though she had also met a man much different from Papa, her dad, Jim Hopper. not her dad by blood, but her dad by choice. He had been willing to hide her and keep her safe, even when Eleven had been a brat Hopper had always been on her side. For 3 years she was haunted by her past, forced to face the reality of her actions. That being the entire situation with the upside down; she couldn’t imagine how Will had felt this entire time.
Everyone wanted to forget the tragedy of what their lives had become, the amount of loss and devastation they had experienced in Hawkins. Well, Eleven had suffered an unbelievable amount in such little time. Not only had she lost her powers, but she also almost lost her dad. The mind flayer in the mall was a rather eye-opening moment for the adults of the group as they merely survived the Russians attack. No one wished to continue in this spiral of constant turmoil from these attacks, and Eleven had used every last ounce of strength to close the gate between their worlds once and for all. Each moment felt like it may be her last, her body feeling as though it was being torn apart inch by inch. Leg pounding in utter torment from when she had just forced that creature out of it. Her screams were sure to haunt everyone’s dreams that night as they were so full of anguish and desperation. This was something no one should have been exposed too, especially not a scared 14-year-old who was trying to save the lives of everyone in Hawkins.
Eleven recalled very little of that night from that point onwards, all she could remember was how exhausted she was, that creeping anxiety engulfing her when she hadn't seen Hopper alongside Joyce. Though that momentary gut-wrenching pain of guilt subsided when Hopper came running from behind an ambulance and embraced Eleven not ever wanting to let go of her again. That’s when Eleven had passed out in Hoppers arms, being treated for the wound in her leg. For a few weeks she stayed in Hopper’s cabin away from most people as she was too distressed, especially the guilt over Billy. Eleven didn’t even think she could face Max again as she felt like a failure. Any good friend would have tried to save her brother, right? In Elevens case he had saved her, in his last moments he had redeemed himself to be a good man. She hadn’t told Hopper about the guilt eating her away, but each night Billy stalked her dreams. Her usual nice dreams turned to devilish nightmares of everything she regretted.
Max eventually came to visit eleven and they had a rather awkward minute of silence until they had begun to desperately embrace one another. That day they wept and grieved together, not many words spoken as they just allowed themselves to feel safe. A feeling they weren’t privileged to experience unlike anyone else in Hawkins. A very select few knew how it felt, and due to that the adults involved made a choice. A choice they had been deliberating for a while now. It started when Joyce and Hopper officially went on a date, and those feelings for one another were strong enough that they ought to be together. Of course, everyone was happy that they had such a beautiful ending from all this loss, that something good managed to come from it all. Then was the difficult news to tell their kids, that they were moving away from Hawkins. They all needed a fresh start in life, and the best way to do that was by leaving the past behind. Eleven had been so uncertain on how to feel about it all… she would be moving away from Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max, and the place she had finally found a family. She wanted so desperately to be by their sides, but deep down Eleven knew this was the best thing for them all. It couldn’t be that bad right? Especially now that Will and Jonathon were going to be her brothers! For once she was surrounded by a proper family, by people who loved her. Not people that wanted to utilise her powers, but people who saw her as a human.
When the day came where every box had been packed up into the van, her heart begun to sink lower and lower with this sudden feeling of uncertainty. Could she really move away and start a new life? No longer would she be Eleven, but instead she would be Jane Hopper… a normal girl living a normal girl life. Even so her face screwed up as she embraced Max one last time, a soft sob escaping as she only gripped her best friend even tighter. "we will call everyday El, I promise. It will be okay." Max tried her best to fill her with the courage, because it seemed Max understood just how much Eleven needed her by her side. The very last hug was from Mike, and at this point Elevens cheeks were already stained with tears, "You promise to visit?" Leaning back to cup Mikes cheeks between her hands, watching as he nodded to her question. With the final cherished kiss between the couple, Eleven found herself being guided to the van to get up into it. Looking back in the mirror as their friends waved them away. Even if she felt so alone swamped by this discomfort, she had Will and Jonathon. Her brothers were feeling the exact same way, and they shared a few glances among themselves, and that was enough for them to nod as a silent way of saying they understood.
Months had passed since they had moved into their new house, and life was different to how she had imagined. Eleven had expected many people to be her friends, she thought it would be easy to make friends. After all she had become Mikes friend within the first few hours of knowing him; they were all naïve and young. Now everyone had grown up and already had their cliques of friends. It didn’t help that Elevens knowledge was seriously undeveloped in comparison to her classmates. No matter how hard she tried to fit in, it seemed something or someone would always be in the way of her having a normal life. Of course, Will tried his best to help teach Eleven on the basics so she would feel somewhat okay, but he didn't realise just how less she had known. Though he didn’t judge her nor make her feel ashamed of it. He understood what it felt like to miss out on a bit of childhood, as he had been in the upside down and then for a while suffered with the entire hospital due to his episodes. He only missed out on a few years of childhood, but to him it felt like a lot more than that. So, Will understood that feeling, especially since El had never even been to school before.
Despite how desperate Eleven was to make friends, to fit in and have fu, she couldn't. The bullying wasn’t severe at first, when she was in the laboratory with Papa, she faced a lot worse. The people who used to bully her had powers which only made it physically tormenting. Eleven hadn't faced the taunting of verbal bullying and the amount of emotional distress it put her through. Words hurt a lot more than anything she had been through physically, and Eleven was even scared at times to go to school. Whenever Hopper asked how school was, she lied and had this big smile that didn’t quite make her eyes sparkle with joy, "It was good, I had a lot of fun at lunch with my friends." At first Hopper truly believed her, but the more he watched Eleven the more he realised that likely wasn’t the truth. He didn’t want to intervene with her life that she felt was rather private, but one night he knocked at her door with a soft, "hey kiddo. Can we talk?" When he was allowed into her room, he noticed a project on the floor and his lips began to twitch into a smile. "Is that me in the cabin?" His heart melted as he saw Eleven smile and nod, "Its for a project at school about heroes."
Now Jim Hopper would never admit he had a soft place in his heart for many things, but the one person he loved the most was his daughter. The way Eleven had always been so proud of him despite the difficulties they had with one another in the past. It almost pained him to see her so grown up," c'mere kid." He opened up his arms and was engulfed in a tight hug from El. "It looks amazing, you got my face done perfectly." About to reach for the figure until Eleven had guided his hand away. "Its still drying. what did you want to talk about?" Pulling back with pure curiosity as Hopper sat down on the edge of her bed. His fingers rubbing against his stubble in thought, feeling the bed shift as Eleven had join him to sit. "I uh, just wanted to ask how are you? I mean with the move, I know it’s been a while, but you seem a little distant kiddo. is everything alright? If its Mike bothering, you then-" His words were cut short by a quick interjection from Eleven.
"No- no Mikes been great. He sends me letters and calls me, so does Max." Thinking for a moment as she knew she shouldn’t lie, but Hopper already had so much on his plate from his job. El didn’t want to be some inconvenience. She didn’t think it was big issue, it was just people being a little rude… that’s all. "I’m okay. Just. tired. school keeps me very busy, so I am tired from all the hanging out with my friends." Even though Hopper knew it was a lie, there was nothing he could truly say to make her feel better without potentially embarrassing El. "Alright El, well have a good sleep. I can’t wait to hear all about your project Tomorrow." With a rather heavy sigh as he left her room, confiding in Joyce that very night to see what she thought he should do. Part of him wanted to find the kids name and give them a real bad scare for being so shit to El.
The next morning Eleven had woken up rather early to finish the last touches on her project, extremely proud of herself for what she had created over the past week. It made her wonder who Will had chosen, but it had probably been someone smart and a stranger. To Eleven she thought the person she had chosen was perfect, as her dad was such a known hero in Hawkins. Now she hoped her dad would grow to become a hero to everyone here in Lenora, so that when they were in danger, they knew her dad would always be there to save them and keep them safe. Jonathon’s funny friend -that reeked of the weird smoking plants- had picked them up that day. For the morning was so bright and it rejuvenated Eleven to feel refreshed and prepared to do the presentation. Nothing put her spirits down, even when someone spat a paper ball against her cheek, she was just quick to wipe it off. Clapping along with everyone else as Angela had finished her presentation, even giving her a smile.
Though each time her teacher went to pick a name she felt her hands become clammy, the very same feeling when Papa used to pick someone to use their powers in front of everyone there. The bubble of fear rising in her chest as she always chanted, 'please don’t pick me' in her mind, but it seemed to never work. Blinking a little in confusion when Will turned to look at her, forgetting for a moment that she was Jane. Gulping as she took the project from her desk and stood up, nibbling at her inner cheek to try calm herself down. A little quiet at first, she finally began to tell her entire class about Hopper. Confidence growing with each word, at least until Angela interjected. "My dad- my dad saved a lot of people." Voice trembling as she felt choked up, her eyes glossing over with tears. "He is a hero. He’s, my hero." By the time her presentation had even finished she was in tears, rushing out of the class with a sob.
People were cruel, especially Angela. It clearly hadn’t been enough for her to humiliate El in front of the entire class, as she decided to humiliate her in front of most of the school. In that moment Eleven had tried to use her powers to hurt her really bad, but to no avail did anything happen. Instead, the crowd erupted into laughter from how silly it had made her look, "I want you to apologise Angela." What Eleven was requesting was justified and should have been simple. Not for Angela. It happened so fast, but Eleven’s project was wrecked. Even Will wasn’t able to lie enough, Eleven knew the truth that it couldn't be fixed. When Argyle drove them home, her hands were gripping tightly into her thighs. A burst of rage bubbling in her, she wanted to teach Angela a lesson. Angela should have been thankful that Eleven didn’t have her powers, or else she would have gotten seriously hurt. What Eleven hadn't been aware of was the fact they had been filming her, trying to make a collection of videos from Eleven being upset.
The second they were outside of their house; she grabbed her project and ran upstairs. Slamming her door shut before she gripped onto her desk, taking deep breaths to try stop herself from chucking something. Self-restraint had been something hard to learn, but Hopper had coaxed her through all these new emptions before so that she wouldn’t break anything. As her anger dispersed; now miserable instead. The scowl on her face soon became a frown as her lips quivered, tears spilling down her cheeks. Curled up in her bed with her back to the door, she had not even heard Hopper announce himself downstairs. Nor did she hear his heavy footsteps as he came up to her room, knocking on her door. When she didn't reply he tried again, but the second her heard her muffled sob he entered the room. For a moment he glanced around, rather proud to see nothing was evidently smashed. At least until he saw her project, but he knew Eleven would have never smashed that. She had spent days on it and had been so happy to show it off in class.
Hopper sat down on her bed with a deep sigh, "Kids are cruel and stupid El." His hand smoothing over her hair, trying to give her any comfort. "You didn't smash it, right?" When he saw her shake her head his frown grew, knowing she wouldn't tell him who did it. "Why don't we go out for some ice cream? I know I’ve been trying to lose a few extra pounds, but you won’t tell Joyce. it will be our secret kiddo, what do ya say?" He could only hope it was a good way of comfort, and it worked. Eleven finally turned to face him, wiping away the tears that had rolled over her nose and down onto her pillow. "and some Eggos?" was all she had to ask, and Hopper let out a laugh. "Of course, kiddo, all the Eggos you could ever ask for." Fondly giving her a side hug, squeezing her arm for that little extra reassurance.
when they were in Hopper’s car, Eleven was a bit quiet, so Hopper rubbed his stubble in thought. Pulling out a tape for them to listen to, it had some of Els favourite songs such as 'Material Girl' and 'Girls just want to have fun'. Within minutes she had perked up a considerable amount as she sang along with Hopper to the songs, bursting into laughter when he tried to sound like Madonna. They had parked up outside of Elevens favourite ice cream parlour and went in to try some new flavours, and in the end Eleven settled upon a cone with 2 scoops of honeycomb and vanilla ice cream. Hopper had chosen rum and raisins ice cream - which sounded disgusting- and he seemed to be enjoying it a lot. Instead of getting back into the car, they started to walk to the nearest supermarket down the street which had Eggos. Though in their walk Eleven noticed Angela and her friends all bursting into laughter as they looked at the footage from their camera. At first Hopper didn’t so much as glance at them, until he noticed how Elevens usual bounce in her step faded. Almost like she was dragging her body to slow down and hide behind Hopper.
His gaze fell upon the group as he licked his ice cream, he knew Joyce would tell him off, but right now all he wanted to do was to protect his daughter. With that he began to stride over to the group of teenagers, leaning over them to see the video. The second he saw it was Eleven his heart shattered, "Delete that right now." Watching as the kids jumped from not realising Hopper had been there. "I said delete it. Hurry up." His patience felt like a ticking bomb, about to erupt at any given moment. Then Angela had the nerve to laugh in Hopper’s face, "What are you gonna do if we don’t hm? hit us?" There was a chorus of laughter from the group, which was quick to fall to silence as Hopper forced the camera from their hands and smashed it down. He stomped on it again and again. Not satisfied until it was just loads of tiny pieces. Hearing Angela scream an obnoxious, "Hey! You can’t do that! I’m calling the police on you."
No matter how much he tried, nothing could wipe that smug look of satisfaction from Hopper’s face, "Go ahead. I’m the fucking chief of this town, you have a problem with that? You hurt my daughter; don’t you dare go near her again. Do you hear me?" Having heard no response his tone only became more authoritative, and he could see the fear in their eyes. "Did I make myself clear?!" They all looked amongst each other for a second, even looking up to see Eleven giggling as she ate her ice cream. With that they all let out a very quiet, "yeah."
When they were out of sight Eleven was quick to high five her dad with a big smile, "I love you daddy. Thank you." And gave him the most bone crushing of hugs. It was the best feeling for Hopper knowing he had done something good for Eleven.
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superw3nch · 4 years
Charlie and Ship Dynamics
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1st we have Charlie and Jonathan
These two have been best fucking friends since the playground days
Charlie literally would beat up bullies for him to defend his honor
And Jonathan was just so timid when they were younger so she felt like she had to protect him
Especially from Tommy because fuck him
Season 1 & 2 she puts this poor man through so much shit
Season 3 is no better
I have this AU in mind for an alternative season 3 ending and it’s significantly sadder cause why not
Like significant worse LOL
He’s like constantly worried about her
it’s been that way since they were kids and he just kinda got use to it
He quite literally can’t tell her no
Sometimes though he likes to let her lose on the public because people really just piss them off
And it’s not like they don’t deserve whatever fresh hell she can release on Hawkins
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Next we have Charlie and Nancy and these two together are so so much fun
First they both like guns so some times they just go shooting cause why not
They leave Steve and Jonathon at home to do whatever it is they do and they pack a bag full of ammo and snacks to set up their own shooting range in the woods
And they have the best times out there
They just recently became friends again after like years of not speaking to eachother
Cause like pre season 1 Nancy and Charlie did not get alone because she hung out S1 Steve
And Charlie kinda hated Steve
they’re good now though
But she’s dating Jonathan now so they’re two peas in a fucking pod
They are like fericely protective of eachother and it’s like the sweetest thing
Charlie would definitely take a bullet for Nancy and vice versa
The season 3 hospital scene is just them taking turns fucking her boss up
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Now for Charlie and Steve LMAO
Season 2 and kinda season 3 Steve and Charlie and just—
Charlie comes up with the worst ideas and most of the time Steve just goes along with it like “omg she’s a fucking genius”
And everyone just goes “no????”
these two together are like so stupid????? Dustin gets a headache sometimes being around them
But like Charlie is actually a nerd so sometimes when they’re ‘babysitting’ Steve has no idea what’s going on he just likes being there
But when they’re together OMG they make so much noise
And the days when for whatever reason they’re not together Billy Steve literally walks around like a kicked puppy
It’s something the kids point out and he just goes
????? What no shut up
Even though it’s very obvious to LITERALLY EVERYONE that there is something there
Both of them are just too stupid
And they all wonder when he will figure it out but at this rate when they graduate college
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Next is my two favorite fucking morons
Charlie and Billy
Charlie is very much unaware of the effect she has on Billy and it literally gives him a heart attack almost everyday
And she’s kinda touchy??? Not that he minds but he just isn’t use to it???
He’s not use to someone being so open and honest with him 24/7 and it kinda throws him for a loop
But at the same time he can’t get fucking enough of it
And she’s so smiley and nice and pretty and everything he’s not use to and he just can’t tell her no to anything because of it
She makes him feel like she’s loosing his edge
But like that’s okay because it’s only every with her
Anyone else and he’d beat the living shit out of them
But also he finds her absolutely terrifying??
Because season 2 she like almost shoots him with a shot gun
Yes a fucking shotgun
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Then last but not least we have Charlie and Robin
There relationship is something I haven’t got to touch in yet with my fics but
The jist is they get along too well and Steve absolutely hates it
Whenever they’re together they just poke fun at him and he just feels betrayed
Also whenever Jonathon is not around she’s in charge of Charlie
“what did she do today?”
“Tried to push Tommy Hagen down the escalator”
“Ah, that’s actually not that bad”
But it’s not the worst job she could have like for example working at scoops ahoy
And Charlie always has bad plans but she figures if she’s apart it maybe less people could get hurt
never does this actually work but
Robin loves Charlie and just doesn’t understand the sorta thing she has with Steve
Because like Charlie is just too cool for Steve in her eyes
But whatever she’ll root for him because he maybe a dingus but he’s her fucking dingus
Artist, not in any order I found their at’s on Twitter
Bl00d Alchemical
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take me where the music aint too loud
stranger things x sick!reader (headcannons)
[i am sick n have a headache rn so if these suck shh]
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stressed tf out
thinks youre dying
tries to make you soup or tea and it makes you feel worse
will be at your side 24/7
puts on cartoons for you both to watch
will call steve and nancy asking for help
has a table full of everything he thinks you'll need
overprepared and overstressed
would google ur symptoms and think you have cancer
thinks its cute when you fall asleep in the million blankets hes wrapped you in
the moment youre better he gets sick
will make his mom make food you like
will get you what you need and eventually get annoyed cause youre asking for alot
has some stuff nearby to help but doesnt rlly know what he's doing
will sit and talk you to sleep
if he likes you he'll stay nearby and make sure youre okay
if he doesnt he'll carry on with the rest of his day and get to you here n there
has delt with sick ppl before so she isnt stressed
knows what to do
will read you to sleep
is nearby but busy with stuff
gives you the meds you need
has actually good,warm food and drinks for you to feel better
if you make like one groan she snaps her head around to make sure youre okay
also thinks youre dying
is stressed n rambling
constant panic
puts on a movie to help you sleep
freaks out and calls steve and nancy to come over
likes your sick ppl ramblings
makes jokes to make you smile
ends up catching whatever you have and has to be looked over with/by you
tries her best to keep the area around you clean but its always messy
holds your hand like youre dying in greys anatomy
takes photos of you to make fun of later
makes you good food
makes sure you have all the stuff you need without being all up in your space
has makeshift supplies
plays soft songs for you
hums to those songs and bops his head to make you feel better
has looked after will when hes been sick so he knows what he's doing
if its really bad he'll hold you and whisper that everythings gonna be okay
will tell you stories from when you guys were little
alot of fumbling to figure out what hes doing
thinks holding you will cure you
has to call the kids for help😔
when you tell him youre sick he puts a cold wet cloth on your head and thinks that will solve everything
has never been sick in his life and is scared he's gonna catch it and d¡e
but nonetheless he holds you and talks to you till you fall asleep
warms up leftovers for you
"im sick."
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makes me laugh every time
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flohamilton · 5 years
~~sorry if this is too vague but~~ Steve Harrington trying to hit on the reader while she’s ordering at scoops when Dustin comes in and embarrasses him, but instead of finding him cringey the reader finds it super cute and accepts his offer of a date ~~idk I just thought it’d be a cute idea but u don’t have to ok thanx ☺️~~
Ice Cream
Thank you so much for this request!! I love writing for our soft boy Steve and I had a lot of fun writing this! Sorry it took me so long, I was lacking inspiration for a few days! I hope you enjoy, anon! 
Summary: The reader stops by Scoops for some ice cream and meets Steve. Dustin swoops in and does not fail to make an embarrassment of Steve.
You were just getting done with your shift at Claire’s in the Starcourt mall, and after a long day at work you decided to treat yourself to some ice cream from Scoops Ahoy. You had only been there one other time and the ice cream was great, so you decided to go again. Making your way over to the ice cream parlor, you noticed the line was pretty short, and it wouldn’t be long before it was your turn to order. You dug in your purse pulling out your wallet, to get ready and pay the cashier, for some odd reason you always liked to have your money out ahead of time. When you looked up from grabbing a few dollar bills, you noticed the cute cashier was staring at you, a dazed look in his eye, while the man ahead of you was ordering their ice cream.
“I’m sorry can you repeat that again?” The cute boy said, and you giggled to yourself, noting that he must have been distracted from staring at you and missed the man’s order.
Once the man in front of you had gotten his ice cream and walked away, it was your turn. You took a deep breath, becoming a little nervous upon realizing how handsome the boy really was. He had gorgeous long brown hair, that stuck out from under his sailor’s hat and deep brown eyes. You noticed that his name tag read “Steve”  
“Ahoy!” He shouted excitedly, “What can I get for you today?” He asked smiling brightly.
“Can I get vanilla ice cream cone with sprinkles please?“ You asked.
He nodded, "Great choice. One vanilla cone with sprinkles for the pretty lady coming right up!” He winked, and you blushed.
“So you work at Claires?” He asked noticing your name tag.
“Yeah unfortunately,” You said rolling you eyes. “What’s so bad about it?” He asked, scooping your ice cream.
“It’s not awful, but piercing whiny little kid’s ears all day long gets a little irritating at times.” You sighed, “I’m sure you have a lot of whiny kids here too.”
“Oh that’s for sure. I’m Steve by the way, I probably should have introduced myself sooner.”
You smiled, “I noticed, I saw you name tag. I’m y/n.”
“Yeah I also noticed your name tag.” Steve laughed, “Nice to meet another normal person who works in this place. Here’s your vanilla cone with sprinkles, that’ll be a buck 25.”
You handed Steve the money, and just as he was about to speak, you heard the sound of a young boy screaming his name.
“STEVE, STEVE, I need to talk to you!” A younger boy, maybe 13 or 14 with curly brown hair shouted.
“What Henderson?” Steve snapped, rolling his eyes looking a bit frustrated.
“The advice you gave me for Suzie totally blew! It took for four days for me to convince her to not be mad at me!” The boy sighed.
“Geez, four days huh, was the advice really that bad?” You asked, taking a lick of your ice cream.
“I’ll have you know, my advice is solid, it always worked for me in high school.” Steve said proudly.
“And look where you are now buddy, girlfriend-less working at an ice cream shop.” The boy shot back defensively.
“Can it Dustin,” Steve said, glancing at you, his face red with embarrassment.
“I felt like Suzie and I weren’t spending enough time together and she has been really focused on school so I wanted to get her attention and Steve over here told me to play hard to get, and that by ignoring my lovely amazing wonderful hot girlfriend, that she come crawling back to me. And guess what? She didn’t. At all.” Dustin signed.
“Wow that is really awful advice.” you snorted, “If you wanted your girlfriend to notice you and pay more attention to you, you should have just told her. Girls love when guys are emotional and in touch with their feelings, I bet she would have loved it.”
“Wow that’s great advice! Thanks y/n!” Dustin said, reading your name tag.
“Of course, haha didn’t know I was going to be a love doctor tonight.” You laughed, remembering you were just here to get ice cream, but you had already been standing and talking for almost five minutes.
“Y/n, I might have to recruit you to be my new love counselor, Steve you’re fired!” Dustin said.
“It’s not my fault my advice didn’t work, like I said it worked on girls all the time in high school.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Dustin rolled his eyes, “You’re just mad because I get more girls than you do.”
“I am completely unbothered, and you need to deflate your big head, you’ve only had one girlfriend.” Steve argued with the young boy, causing you to giggle. You enjoyed the relationship between Steve and his young friend, it seemed as though Steve was an older brother to Dustin.
The two boys continued to bicker, and finally Steve spoke, “Enough Henderson, I was having a nice conversation with y/n until you rudely interrupted us, don’t you have to meet up with the party anyway?” He asked.
“Oh yeah! I should get going, were all going rollerskating! Bye y/n it was nice to meet you, I expect to find you here again for more girl advice. See ya Harrington. Oh and by the way Steve you totally have to ask her out, she’s awesome!” Dustin whispered to Steve, however his whispering skills weren’t too good, and you heard every word he said. “Bye!” Dustin said hurrying off, leaving Steve as red as a tomato.
“I am so sorry about him, he really has no filter.” Steve said, an embarrassed look on his face.
“It’s completely fine, in fact it’s the most entertainment I’ve had all day. It’s really sweet that you two are such good friends.” You said, trying to ignore the elephant in the room.
“And sorry if his comment about me asking you out made you feel uncomfortable, that was really stupid of him to say. Not that I wouldn’t love to ask you out on a date, I just didn’t want him being so weird about it.” Steve said nervously rambling at this point.
“No it’s not weird at all, I’d love to go out with you sometime.” You said, feeling confident.
“Wait really?” Steve asked in shock, and you nodded your head.
“I know I literally just met you but you give off such a good vibe.” He said “Maybe we could grab dinner and walk around town. How’s this Friday?” He asked.
“That would be great. And you give off a really good vibe too. I’m really excited.” You gleamed, feeling as though you were on cloud nine. “Do you have a pen and paper, I’ll give you my address.” You said, and he nodded going behind the counter and handing you a pen and an old receipt. You quickly wrote you address, and also your phone number, down and handed it back to him.
“Thanks!” He said, “I’ll pick you up at 7.” He said smiling down at you, his brown eyes gleaming with happiness.
“It’s a date!” You said, turning to walk away, “And I’ll definitely be back for more ice cream.”
Send in your requests!!!
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