#biome variation
howgalling · 1 year
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am I making a big alien OC YES OKAY . God. Anyway I’m getting jiggy with it and doing a cave system based aquatic na’avi.
Also Any other nd people absolutely fascinated with the body language /eye contact conversations that happen in avatar way of the water?? SO MUCH DETAIL,..
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puphoods · 9 months
i keep thinking abt mc and like what i want from the updates + new content i know at some point im going to get "you are looking for a different game" but i really wish they would update older stuff and add in more and broader (?) content rather than just small things...
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quixlebug · 2 years
I know Mojang JUST announced the cherry blossom biome and I’m sure they aren’t done with it yet, but I’m really hoping they make the biome look a little more... wild? Some tall grass and ferns would go a long way in making it a little more visually interesting, imo. Block variation (like the mega taiga or wooded badlands) would also be nice! I can easily imagine patches of coarse dirt or sand breaking up the monotony of the grass. (Actually, I think sand would be very nice: it would keep with the current garden/grove vibes very well.) Stone or andesite boulders would be cool too!
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glowstone23b · 1 year
screaming thank you for the love on my piglin hoard 😭😭😭 they love you too!! ive actually been thinking about them again and have a ref for one of my brutes in the works
screaminf i love these kinds of tags thank you you made my day better
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Cursed drawing, but fast enough to get my point across, I think. If there's one or two you'd like art of... just saying, I could use some practice hehe.
Please do tell me about them if you ever feel like it, you have a heck of a lot of piglin OCs and I love that!!! I mean I'm kinda biased (I mean... piglin blog...) but still!
I try my best to add tags to art when I can because I know it's fun getting them in return. I'm glad it has the intended effect!! I stand by those tags through and through!!! I hope you have a good rest of your day :D
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basaltbutch · 2 years
they should add more shiny mobs to minecraft. like how there's (natural) pink sheep, brown pandas, blue axolotl, etc. like i wanna be wandering around the nether and come across a bright blue magma cube
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trebuchet151 · 23 days
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Art dump ?: background study from a photo I took in Utah that got turned into Suli looking majestic running around the hissing wastes.
Art from mid 2022
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heartspark · 2 months
Have you ever wanted to play a cute monster taming game with lots of love and heart put into every inch and corner of it by a Team of fantastically talented artists?
Me too!! Too bad it got cancelled literally a few weeks before it was going to be anounced!
Artist Nicholas Kole on twitter along with many other talented artists have been sharing their work of nearly 4 years on this game. I cant imagine the heartbreak of working so hard on this project only for it to get canceled right before Release and everyone on the Team to get laid off.
It was meant to be an open world, minecraft inspired builder, with all sorts of unique creatures with various skins, variations depending on biomes, and even petting animations. That you could tame! It also had a large amount of beautiful and unique character customization. Here's some of the art ( NOT MY ART ) for the project!
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Apparently alot of this game was near finished, coded, etc! ( ART ABOVE IS BY NICHOLAS KOLE , JOHANNES FIGLHUBER, INES MARSAL, AND MARIA LOBANOVA )
I dont know if the artists can look into crowdfunding ( the Studio still may own the IP ) , but myself and a few others have been trying to get the hashtag #bringbackprojectdragon get some traction on twitter! Maybe if the internet raises enough stink, the Studio might pay attention. Im not sure how likely that is but I desperately want thus game to exsist, it would be a dream game for me and many others im sure. So please consider joining in if you have a twitter.
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warriorend · 1 year
there is a note on my desk somewhere that has an idea for a minecraft modded biome and. well. can you guess what it would be
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modgod200 · 1 year
What if Earth’s biomes are considered stupidly diverse by galactic standards?
You often see in science fiction planets having one biome with little to no temperature variation (forest worlds, snow worlds, desert worlds, ect.), so from their perspective Earth is a chaotic clusterfuck of wildly different worlds all stitched together into one planet. You can’t even go 100 miles on the planet without shifting between like 3 different biomes. The desert aliens could live in the Mojave Desert, but would freeze to death the moment they went north, and the ice planet aliens would feel right at home in Siberia, but anything below upper Europe and they die of heat exhaustion. The fact that humans can not only survive these extremes, but thrive in them blows their minds. We would be considered the galaxy’s expert survivalists, able to drop onto any planet with an atmosphere we can breath and dominate it like it was our cradle world. This would also terrify them to no end, because these durable, hyper-intelligent, apex pack predators could invade any one of their worlds if they wanted to. Everyone is super relieved that we pack bond with anything, and try their absolute hardest to elicit that instinct in us.
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meanbossart · 2 months
Seeing baby Drow made me wonder, how did he get to the Underdark?? Did Bhaal "birthed" him there? Did he chose to manifest him there where other drow could find him? Or did Sceleritas took him?
PS: I'm loving your art and lore
The nature of The Dark Urge's birth is pretty vague, and that's the kind of unsettling mystery that I like preserving. He's found just as he is in the art I posted in a puddle of blood and placenta with not much to indicate he didn't just spawn right there, like he either fell from the sky or sprouted out of the ground.
So, logistically, I'm not interested in coming up with much of an explanation. But- as far as intent goes I would say Bhaal meant for his child to appear and grow under some the least beneficial circumstances possible. Had DU drow not been found by the gnome slaves, he would have certainly starved to death with no godly intervention to speak of, and his childhood was one where he had to learn to fend for himself almost as soon as he could walk.
All of the evil gods of the realms seem burdened with a constant cruel streak that renders some of their actions almost totally illogical - why not make sure your prodigy is brought up in complete comfort and safety instead of putting it in a situation where death was nearly inevitable? Why risk wasting your precious flesh and blood like that? Because it would be too easy, that's why. You want to see your son conquer, but he must suffer first, lest he become attached to this plane he's destined to burn down.
So I don't think Bhaal ever did anything with the intention to facilitate DU drow's upbringing. Being his child wasn't enough, he had to prove himself worthy of the title by surviving every odd and hopefully become thoroughly cynical of humanity in the process. Sceleritas only appeared to him at around age 10, and even then he couldn't tell him what he was or what he was capable of, only offer vague guidance towards a final, grandiose goal.
Not in the question, but I guess adjacent to it - he only looks like a drow because of where he spawned, too. Like how certain trees only grow in certain biomes. And the variations (physique and slightly odd skin and hair coloration, specially for a male) are due to the fact that he most definitely isn't one, really.
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prokopetz · 2 years
A lot has been said about roguelikes where every playthrough feels basically the same because the procedural map generation fails to produce meaningful variation, so in practice you're just playing a conventional action RPG with bad area design, but I think we also need to start giving roguelikes a hard time for offering the illusion of flexible character design because everything beyond the first biome has only ever been playtested with one specific build. I can't count the number of indie roguelikes I've played where the first biome permits a wealth of options in terms of how to approach it, and then you reach the second biome and immediately get torn to pieces with no meaningful ability to respond because you didn't spec ranged DPS.
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
I'm starting to think that minecraft needs a general update to forests honestly. Just look at the difference between the mangrove tree vs. classic oak and birch trees—mangroves are like 3 times as tall and have so many different variations, they're very complex.
If there was a new tree added to the basic forests, maybe maple would be a good option? It could open the possibility for maple syrup :)
I do think apple trees should be added and there should be an "orchard" biome that is basically like a very old overgrown apple orchard.
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frogletscribe · 3 months
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Im back with more biodiversity rambling!!!
Went for a simpler style to doodle these guys out a little faster bc i have MANY thoughts always (warning this may or may not be coherent, i apologize in advance)
IMPOARTANT NOTE: the only thing even remotely canon here is the Forest and Reef Na'vi (debatable bc they are still my own interpretations), everything else is just my own musings and personal need for more variation among Na'vi.
In previous posts i think i mentioned the insane venn diagram that lives in my head of forever overlapping and endless combos of Na'vi yadayadayada, this is (LOOSLY) that.
SO, if you have seen my initial post (here) some of these guys might be familiar, but since then, i added Wetlands, Highlands, Glacier and Ash? people! And I have Thoughts ™️
Now I'm gonna hold off on Ash? people for the most part here, mostly because i am a creature that likes at least some level of "Canon Compliance" and we really won't know anything about them until the next film, so i have yet to form any solid headcanons. That being said, I do have a couple quick things:
The name 'Ash People' leads me to think that their generally building lives/evolving around volcanic areas, grey/darker skin tones from evolving around ash?
Thicker/rough skin (volcanic rocks are sharp!) and less fur/fluff on their tails.
Wetlands I imagine as clans that have evolved as a combo or River and Reef, but also Plains, as wetlands (at least as I understand them, i know that there's more to them than this but I am simplifying here) are effectively big wet fields.
I liked the idea of how if River Na'vi developed 'armor' due to swimming in constantly moving water with lots of rocks/fish/debree/etc, that Wetlands might be similar, but not quite on the same level.
Comparatively, Wetlands have no claws, and a thinner more paddle-like tail, more similar to Reef Na'vi.
Highlands I see as Plains Na'vi that evolved for colder biomes, so they keep the builds, maybe in general larger on average, closer coloring to Plains Na'vi and the longer tails, fur and claws of Mountain Na'vi.
Lastly Glacier Na'vi is the Mountain + Reef combo to create the giant spotted seal people of my dreams. I did not show it well here, but I think both Mountain and Glacier hold more fat in their bodies than other Na'vi, as well as Reef Na'vi being physically larger as well. That combo probably makes Glacier Na'vi massive (like 12-14 ft tall). Living in significantly colder climates, they need to be able to hold more heat in their bodies too, so they are physically much larger all around.
All of these are still just loose and I continue to be vague about a lot of it bc biodiversity and cultures that evolved around a given biome are two separate things to me. I like that these can be used as like umbrellas that the actual clan cultures can be born under, but not 'rules' or anything.
(I do have at least 1 (possibly 2) fan clan situations cooking in my noggin that i am slowly working on, but that's also something i want to be very conscientious about as I build it out.)
Anyways! Thanks for reading if you made it this far! Let me know your thoughts, I love talking about this sort of thing, hearing people's feedback and building off of it!!
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gayconstruct · 8 months
Humans are Weird — Fever
We literally heat up to cook our bodies when we can't ward off things with our immune cells, and there's a VERY slim margin for what's healthy vs what's not. If you'd like to skip the context portion scroll down to the second set of emdashes
For some quick context, I use some consistent concepts and variations of time words under the impression there's a unified, simplified time scale in an intergalactic universal community
Shifts are 10 hours with hour lunches
There's 3 parts to every species day — Work, Relax, and Sleep — all 10 hours
Diurnal aliens including most humans are working in the mornings, relaxing in the evenings, and sleeping at night
Crepuscular aliens are working in the evenings, relaxing at night, sleeping in the morning
And Nocturnal aliens are working at night, relaxing in the morning, and sleeping in the evening
The clock is from 01:00 — 30:00 (simple 30 hour days for an even number and more leisure time) and rolls over to 01:00 from 30:59 with 01:00 being the roll over from night to morning
Time Increments
Seconds = Instants
Minutes = Moments
Hours = Periods
Days = Cycles
Weeks = Phases
Months = Stages
and Years = Terms
Temperature Rising
Diverse biomes and work sectors began to stir to life, as the many species stationed upon the Integrated Vessel Ro’Vanna responded to the coming shift change. The Universal Timepiece, standard across the known universe, finally struck 0100 Cycles, the nocturnal species like the Umborra and Nostro eager to spend their recreational hours peacefully, while Diurnal species like the Shal’Dorei and newly integrated Humans were waking to begin another productive morning. 
Qin, the most well known Troqir aboard and one of its select Charters, rushed to his station in the hub of the Astrometry Center, cranial crests flaring with an eagerness that to most of his crewmates would otherwise go unnoticed. Ready to start his shift as soon as his posterior hit the chair, the rather tall and muscular humanoid gracelessly plopped down, emitting quite the noise as he got started. Other species present had their full attention focused on their tasking at hand, not a single thought or care thrown to his quite hasty entrance to his station. Several crystalline scales in the crook of his neck iridesced at the thought of his companion joining him soon, his thoughts anywhere but the latest mapping data coming up on his Virtual HUD. Time passed quickly at first, the sturdy man pointing metallic fingers to different notifications that needed immediate attention, adjusting calculations to chart the next few thousand Cargo routes as he went. After roughly 14.5 moments, though, he turned to search for his oddly quiet coworker to notice that the Human had made no attempt to join him this morning, the thought causing a darker color to glisten across his crystal scaling.
He’s late.
Why is he late?
He specifically stated last night he’d “see me soon.”
He’s never this late.
For the first time in his life, Qin was completely out of focus. Several happy-go-lucky phases — human parlance, not his own — had enveloped him, exchanging his stark Troqir logicality for Human whimsy and curiosity. His work tempo was slower and uncoordinated, an unfamiliar feeling coalescing into the turbulent color shifts across his luminescent scales. Every instant that passed on the cargo vessel's timekeeper seemed to lurch at an uneven pace, a deepening pit forming at the base of his abdomen. For four and a half painstaking periods, Qin swallowed his personal thoughts to gain some form of traction on his workload, swallowing emotion as all of his people were taught and opting for diligent productivity, until - finally - the release of his allotted Nutrition Period arrived. There was no moment spared as his dense footfalls rushed towards his companions quarters, his focus unbroken as the ceiling dropped from 4 meters to a much tighter 2.4m. Qin, at just under 2.2 meters, absentmindedly ducked to overcompensate, having quickly become accustomed to this section and its many distinctions after quite a few visits. 
There at last, the tall, silvery man reached what was worth looking for, a door which read in standard human language,
Room 152
Aspen Wright
With the slightest shake in his hand, Qin formed his digits into a fist to knock. 
Knocking… he thought, quite the odd custom, but like many human practices, this was the most respectful of his companion’s personal space and time. For several instants, the silence in the Human Sector’s Hall allowed him no sweet mercy, the lone alien man uncertain what to do as his weight shifted back and forth between his feet, a metal clang ringing out with each motion. Thankfully, a digital projection finally slid across the width of the door, Entry Permitted, displayed in large English typeface.
Thank the Fathers and Mothers for universal translation.
With the invitation obvious and a rather low duck through the smaller door, Qin entered into the darkened room — the simulated window turned off, the curtains drawn, clothes strewn across the floor, and strange devices and pill capsules laid upon the table — not even the so-called “fairy lights” lit the quarters he had become so accustomed to. The Troqirian’s own voice came quieter than he expected, as he rasped out, “Aspen? Are you there?” A strange groan followed, then silence, then- a weary voice.
“Q-,” a cough, “Qin?”
“Y-yes… it is I, I am present,” a facepalm.
“Oh, this is a-” more coughing, “a surprise. Aren’t you on Lunch Break sweetie?”
For a moment, the light from Qin’s Luminescent Scales - ones at his nape, a few at his crests, even the ones on his exposed digits - shined brighter than before, a rainbow of colors flowing across their surface at the thought of being a “sweetie”, before taking a dim, solemn purple. “I- yes, but when you did not show up promptly 15 moments late after last night's recreation I- I began to worry. Lateness? Normal to an extent. Absence??? Abnormal, even for you… Did I… do something wrong? Did our meetings and leisure time make work uncomfortable for you?”
For his first time that entire cycle, Aspen bolted upright with a purpose, but immediately regretted it as a wave of dizziness caused the room to spin around him before he fell the wrong direction, right out of his bed into the floor.
The sight startled Qin, having no frame of reference where the human man was until now, “Fathers and Mothers! Aspen, are you injured!?”
With a weak chuckle and the groan of even more pain, he responded in turn, “I’m fine, I’m fine… I’m sorry to worry you, you never make me uncomfortable dear, I’m just a bit [under the weather] today.” Another small laugh came, and then he continued, “I was trying to tell you that, and I- I must’ve moved too fast… everything is- ugh everything is spinning. Could you help me back into bed?”
Frantic to assist, Qin’s larger form - clumsy in the smaller space, helped lie the smaller, lighter human in his nest, placing his head upon the pillow. Once situated, he covered the small man, as many human’s liked, and noticed his skin far hotter to the touch than normal, homeostatic balance oddly off. “Damn translator…” a joyous light crossing his scales as he used the human swear as he’d been taught, “for whatever reason the English to Troqirian dictionary hasn’t found a suitable translation for your imprecise speech… Could you please explain?”
“Ah, thank you for the lift, love.” Settling for an instant, eyes closed and his head on the pillow, Aspen pondered with a clouded, slow mind, trying to search for the words as his body ached and caught a chill. “... uh- an English idiom of common use in my native tongue… it’s like… to feel sick, to be unwell. I didn’t go to my work shift today because I’m too sick to go… I’m- I’m sorry I didn’t contact you to say something, this fever is really kicking my ass.”
Fever? What in the Cradles was a Fever? 
“Ah… Fever- yes. Hmm, and that is… The translator states you have an elevated temperature? You were hot to the touch, hot because you’re currently ill, or ‘under the weather’ as it were?” Pondering his line of thinking, Qin couldn’t help but attempt to puzzle it together, his evolved logic center placing presented data together to reach understanding. 
Why is his temperature so elevated? He… he’s too hot… His temperature felt at least 311.8°K through my temperature cells… Humans are on average 310.2°K and their species exhibits signs of death at temperatures of 315°K or more… Fathers and Mothers that’s far too close. That is far too close.
Startling Aspen’s tired eyes open, the large metallic man started in with question after question, “How are you okay? You were perfectly normal yesterday. You’re temperature is far too elevated! Are you dying? Do you need emergency services? I can call the Human Physician on board! I can, I can, I-”
“Stop. It is gonna be okay. This- uh this is a normal human response to various pathogens our immune system is unable to combat with its defense cells, so we get hotter and hotter to try to kill the invader before it can do too much damage. I’ve already spoken to the captain and the doctor and I was given some things to bolster my strength while I attempt to naturally ride out my fever. It’s gonna be okay Qin, I’m gonna be okay. The fever just has to kill the pathogen and it’ll break on its own.”
For several quiet moments Qin sat in disbelief at such a process. Actively breaking their delicate homeostasis for an illness? Their specialized cells unable to do it on their own??? He found himself running his digits through his smaller companions' hair as he pondered. He looked so weak, so small, so… precious. 
Breaking the deathly silence with a few coughs, Aspen shuddered from his fever chills, squinting to the light of Qin’s scales before smiling to himself, “I can see your scared glow through my eyelids, Qin, I promise I’m okay… though the comforting touch is nice.”
“Well your eyelids are thin layers containing Keratin and Collagen, it's a miracle your species is alive…”
A laugh, somewhat stronger this time, escaped Aspen’s lips as he smiled again, “And yours have thick metallic plates and the most beautiful glowing scales I’ve ever seen. What about it?”
A hot reddish-pink overtook the Troqir’s luminescent features as he realized what power the smaller man held over him. The power to care. The power to worry. The power to be emotionally honest, something found few and far between his own people. 
The power to be bold.
“Th-they’re beautiful, you… are beautiful, Aspen… I’m sorry I haven’t said it sooner. You always try to make advances on me, and I always try to deflect them with feigned ignorance.”
Slowly, the small human man scooted to leave some room next to himself in the bed, the blanket moving and leaving him even colder than he already was, “Please… could you stay with me a while longer… could you… could you cuddle me to keep me warm?”
The pink glow wouldn’t cease for some time, as the giant of a man laid down on the small bed and wrapped his warm silvery arms around his companion, a small humming noise coming from deep in his throat like a pur. Aspen snuggled close to stifle his chills, overjoyed to know his feelings were reciprocated. Feeling the radiant heat from his alien partner, he drifted into peaceful sleep for the first time that awful sick day.
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officialclangen · 1 year
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Clangen has updated! Cat and Sprite Changes: - New sprites for paralyzed, sick/injured, and newborn cats. - Separated vitiligo and points from white patches. It's now possible for a cat to have all three! - New vitiligo patterns: PHANTOM, MOON, and POWDER - New white patch pattern: PETAL - New eye colors: SILVER and BRONZE - New accessories: Nylon Collars (in all colors), and INDIGO and WHITE collars of all types! - New mask-based tortie system! Tortie patches can now be any color/pattern. - New tortie patch patterns: REDTAIL, DELILAH, MINIMALONE, MINIMALTWO, MINIMALTHREE, MINIMALFOUR, OREO, SWOOP, MOTTLED, SIDEMASK, EYEDOT, BANDANA, PACMAN, STREAMSTRIKE, ROBIN, ORIOLE, BRINDLE, and PAIGE. - Rare "Wildcard Torties", which bypass the normal rules for tortie patch color/pattern to allow for wacky combinations. - Smoke pelt colors have been slightly tweaked for consistency. GHOST smoke has been given lighter points. - New separate tint that is applied only to the white patch and point markings. - You can now favorite cats! You can toggle favorite cat indicators on the list and patrol screen. - Pregnancy is now a condition that may prevent cats from patrolling. - EXP limit has been increased, and the EXP levels have been renamed. - Apprentices now graduate based on EXP, rather than age. This can be turned off in settings, if desired. - Cats can now retire any time between 110 - 140 moons. - New prefixes, suffixes, and loner names! - Some prefixes and suffixes are now specific to your biome. - You can now override special rank suffixes for particular cats. - New randomize buttons on the change name screen. - Moved list of possible names to a .json for easier customization in compiled versions. - The code handling relationship events have been rewritten, and new types of relationship events are now possible. Relationship and Moon Events Changes: - New system for accessory moon events, alongside many new accessory events and possible "congratulatory" accessories after a cat gives birth. - There is now more variation in relationship initialization, which allows cats to have more varied relationships with their family. - Lots of new relationship events! - Group relationship events have been added. - Affairs have generally been made more common. - Lots of fun new moon events, including special events for medicine cats and elders with certain skills. Thoughts Overhaul: - Thought code has been reworked to be way more specific. - Cats can now have thoughts based on their status, age, backstory, and even permanent conditions! - This should also have fixed those pesky bugs where cats would think about dead or lost cats as if they were still around. - In light of this update, A TON of new thoughts were added. Other Significant Changes: - New auto-updater! The game will now alert you when a new version is available, and will update without the need to re-download. - New re-designed family page! More family relationships are now shown, and it's easier than ever to browse through a cat's lineage. - Save files are now stored in an OS-specific data directory. You will no longer need to move save files when updating. - Added a button in the settings menu to open the save data location in your file-explorer. - New backgrounds: Shipwreck and Crystal River - Revamped background: Gully - Overlapping cat sprites on the clan page has been reduced. Once two cats are on a single spot, that position is considered "full." - You can now choose the starting season when creating a new clan. - Most backgrounds have unique cat placements. - The appearance of the allegiances page has been changed, and descriptions have been updated to flow better. - On the allegiances page, kits will now be listed with their parent, if they have one. - Lots of new patrol artwork! - New error screen when saves fail to load, which gives more in-depth failure messages. - New custom cursor (it's a little paw!) - Lots of bugfixes and QOL tweaks!
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crigeartist · 5 months
Piglin headcannon stuff
This is a special interest not an English essay, if you comment on my spelling or sentence formulation I will blow you up with my mind.
Netherrack has different 'variants' depending on other substances its exposed to and mixes with. Netherrack near the lava oceans melt very slowly, (like, over thousands of years years slowly) which has caused them to condense into a sandstone like mineral that is much more fire resistant. It's darker in coloration (similar to that of nether brick) And a little more malleable than regular netherrack, its used a lot in heavy armor and shields as a result. The presence of different minerals also affect the features of netherrack. when near a lot of soul sand, netherrack will take on a noticeably paler shade of red, while being cold to the touch. it melts much easier and quicker than regular netherrack and is generally weaker than it too. however it makes good armour for piglins that are living in higher altitudes or near the lava oceans. Netherrack exposed to gravel will be deeper in hue. It will crumble like sand in one's hand. When mixed with magma cream it becomes a gooey almost wet clay like substance. hardening like clay when heated. It acts as an amazing insulator and thus is used a lot in making houses and layers within the bastions.
There is weather, kinda. Since the nether is another dimension entirely the laws of physics and gravity don't work quite the same. all this to say that, the lava oceans have 'tides' even without a celestial body to affect them. these lava tides affect the heat of nether. particularly, it affects the higher altitudes and the areas at sea (lava?) level. because heat rises, the more the lava pools raise the hotter those areas get, meanwhile valleys or depressions in the terrain retain relatively cooler and more stable temperatures throughout tide changes. There's a pattern to these tidal changes, most easily comparable to seasonal changes in the overworld over a longer period. high tide can last ~5 human months, low tide lasting ~6 and between the two is an 'unstable season' where it can change dramatically from high to low quickly. this lasts ~3 months
like other aquatic(?) animals, striders have a mating cycle. bi-yearly (once every time the tide cycles finish twice) a massive congregation of wild striders make their way to the highest elevation near a warped forest. they then spend the time grazing and mating for ~2 human weeks.
they have their own version of the aurora borealis during low tide. when the tide goes out, lots of ash, netherrack, blackstone, basalt etc. particles go into the air, raising with the temperatures until they reach the highest point they can. Its here in which the particles can interact more freely between each other. If they reach perfect temperature and conditions, a reaction will happen that will ignite some of the particles, causing fire to 'dance' around the sky. this fire will be a wide variety of colors depending on the contents of the mineral particles in the area. a lot of tribes call it something like 'dance of gods' with a lot of religious beliefs and rituals being connected to it. It can go by a wide verity of names depending on which group of pigfolk you ask
There are variations within the species depending on the climate or biome they live in. for piglins that are in valleys or farther from the lava lakes their fur will be shorter but thicker. the hair naturally keeps them cool and resistant to lava/fire with an oil it produces, kinda like ducks, without the need to be fire resistant, a lot of valley residing tribes have shorter hair since it just weights them down. It thickens to keep them warmer since they're not so close to the heat of lava lakes. they also tend to have darker, more spottier coloration to keep them blended in with the netherrack. Species near lava lakes have longer fur, particularly on the top of their heads, on their chins, and occasionally, top to middle of their backs. They're a lot more resistant to lava and bathe in it using magma cream to keep them xtra safe from burning alive. (like sunscreen but for showering) A lot of these tribes tie their longer fur into braids and fit gold rings on it. the style depends on the tribe that they belong from. Their colors are typically brighter and more smooth between the changes of fur color. this helps them blend in with the lava and bright surroundings. Their eyes are noticeably darker, ranging from brown, purple, to full black. The reason is to protect their vision from the harsh light from the lava. a lot of these piglins are larger and bulkier than the rest. the rare few tribes that make their homes within soul sand valleys or wastelands are a little shorter and thinner than the rest. With speed unaffected by the soul sand and eyes a soul-like blue. These piglins are typically not seen out of their enviornment and often used as the boogymen in stories of piglits so they don't wander off. These piglins can go pretty long without food or sleep within their own biome. outside of it though they get more sluggish and tired. Those who venture off outside of their biome take small jars of soul sand with them in necklaces as a sort of charm to keep them from getting these tiredness spells. Okay its 1:30 and I got class in six hours so this is all yall get for now Feel free to use and modify these for your fics if you ever wanna :D
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