#bl Café
lgbtally4ever · 1 year
Connor Tries His Hand (and LIPS), Working in a BL Cafe (Yaoi) in Japan!
It’s like a live bl series, performed right in front of you, just for you! OMG!!!
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pharawee · 2 months
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Do you want to do it your way or my way? It's your choice.
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abe-ma · 1 year
Another post with drama recs
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twdreamlife · 2 years
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【新世界狂歡╳FANFANS CAFÉ】 主人們能不嗨不去不買嗎!! 新世界狂歡一週年限定Café正式開幕🎉 👉除了線上活動外(免費50抽) 👉線下也準備在FANFANS Café 大尺度解放主人們的視覺與味覺體驗 →https://www.twdreamlife.com/?p=44901
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roxxie-wolf · 3 months
𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝒪𝓇𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓃𝓈 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒
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Pairing: Human!Alastor x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your parents want you to marry someone of their choice, but you already have eyes on someone else. Will you follow what your parents think is best for you or will you go with what your heart desires.
Word count: 2.0k
Warnings: human!alastor x fem!reader, slow burn, this story may contain mature sexual content. Your in your late 20's, Alastor is in his early 30's, you still live with your parents idk. If I forgot anything else please let me know.
Note: Hey guys I’m back, sorry for being MIA lately. I have been going through a lot and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to stop. I’ll try my best to keep posting and I’ll try my best to keep up with my writing.
By the way I’m not so sure about this chapter. Im a little burned out as well, but please let me know what y’all think.
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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟣𝟢
The morning sun filtered through the kitchen window, casting a warm glow on the worn wooden table. You sat there, lost in your thoughts, as if the weight of the world rested upon your shoulders. Your mother’s gentle voice broke the silence, pulling you back to reality.
“What are you thinking about, sweetheart?” Her words cut through the fog in your mind. You turned to face her, your gaze still distant.
“Oh, nothing, just here,” your voice barely audible.
“Alright,” her tone calm and understanding. “Richard is coming over today to speak about some matters.” Her eyes held concern, and you wondered how much she truly knew.
“That’s fine, Mom,” you assured her. “I’m going to town anyway.” You stood up, your chair scraping against the floor. “Take care, okay? And be careful.” Your mother’s voice spoke again as you walked toward the door. “I’ll be ok mom, thank you” you turn to face her before turning around and walking out the door.
As you stepped outside, your father sat on the porch, gazing into the distance. The concern etched in his eyes caught your attention. “Hey, Dad,” your voice carrying the weight of uncertainty. “I’m going to town. I’ll be back.”
His response was simple, yet it lingered in the air like a silent plea: “Be careful.” And with that, he turned away, leaving you to wonder. *Why did they both look at you with concern? Was it because Richard was coming over?*The unspoken questions swirled around you, like leaves caught in an autumn breeze.
Outside, the wind whispered secrets, and the world seemed both vast and suffocating. Richard’s impending visit weighed heavily on your mind. *What matters could he possibly discuss? And why did it feel like the walls were closing in?*
The sun climbed higher, its rays breaking through the canopy of leaves overhead, casting dappled patterns on the road. The town was not far, but with each step, the questions in your mind multiplied. The concern in your parents’ eyes was not just for your safety—it was as if they anticipated the turning of a page, the beginning of a new chapter that they were not yet ready to read.
The bustling streets of town enveloped you as you settled into your favorite café. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the lively chatter of passersby. You gazed out the window, watching the world go by, lost in your thoughts.
And then, there he was—Alastor—walking by as if he belonged to the very fabric of the city. Your coffee threatened to spill as you stood up abruptly, abandoning it on the table. You dashed out, your dress fluttering in protest against your haste. Alastor's long legs carried him swiftly, but when he walked with you, he deliberately slowed his pace.
*Was it because he was late? Or perhaps he was following someone?* You couldn't be sure, but you tried your best to keep up. As he turned a corner, you called out to him, breathless and determined.
"Alastor!" The man ahead of him slipped into a side door of one of the theaters. Alastor halted, turning toward you with a bemused smile. "You found me, dear," his voice a curious blend of frustration and surprise.
"Yes, I found you," you managed to say between breaths, your hand pressed against your chest. The sight of him had sparked an impulse within you, a desire to be near him that you couldn't ignore.
Alastor's presence filled the semi-darkness of the alleyway, his gaze holding yours with an intensity that seemed to pierce through the shadows. "Well, here I am," he declared, his arms sweeping open in a welcoming gesture before falling back to his sides, his smile unwavering.
Without hesitation, you closed the distance between you, your arms encircling his slender waist. The familiar scent of his cologne enveloped you, a comforting embrace all its own. He responded in kind, his arms wrapping around you, his back arching slightly as he rested his chin atop your head. You could feel him breathing in deeply, taking in the scent of your hair.
As you leaned back still hugging him, your gaze met Alastor's beautiful honey-brown eyes. The unspoken tension hung in the air, a delicate balance between desire and uncertainty. You wondered if he felt the same pull, the magnetic force that drew you toward him.
His smile remained, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken connection. And then, his voice—a gentle caress to your ears—pierced through the moment. "Should we go somewhere, darling?" his words both invitation and promise.
You hesitated, curiosity bubbling within you. "Sure," your heart fluttering. "Where should we go?"
Alastor's eyes held yours, and he leaned in slightly. "Let's take a little walk around town," he suggested, his smile unwavering.
You both let go of each other, Alastor offering his arm, you accepted, leaving the alleyway. Your fingers rested lightly on his sleeve as you strolled through the town. The storefronts were a colorful blur, but your focus was on the man beside you, the shared laughter and light-hearted banter making the time slip away effortlessly.
Finding yourselves back at the familiar café, Alastor chose a table with a view of the evening’s gentle descent. The world outside the window was awash with the hues of twilight, painting a serene backdrop.
“Would you like something to drink, dear?” Alastor’s voice broke the comfortable silence.
“No thank you” your voice was gentle.
Then realization dawned on you as swiftly as the setting sun outside the café window. Time had slipped away in Alastor's company, and now the day's end beckoned you home.
"Alastor, I gotta go," urgency lacing your words. "I know we haven’t been here that long, but I need to head home." Thoughts of your parents, their potential worry, added weight to your decision.
Alastor's response was as gentle as the evening breeze. "Of course, darling. Would you like me to walk you home?" His offer was a beacon of comfort in the growing dusk.
"Yes, thank you," you replied without hesitation. The thought of navigating the streets alone, especially with whispers of people going missing, sent a shiver down your spine. But with Alastor by your side, the journey seemed less daunting, the night less foreboding. Together, you stepped out of the café.
As the silhouette of your home loomed ahead, you made the decision to part ways with Alastor. You turned around to face him, the evening's memories etched in your mind. "Thank you, Alastor," your voice carrying the weight of gratitude.
His smile remained, enigmatic and captivating. He arched his back slightly, bringing himself to your level, hands elegantly clasped behind his back. "You're welcome, dear," his words a soft echo of the moments you'd shared.
With a quick peck on his lips—a fleeting connection—you stepped away, walking toward your house. The familiar door welcomed you, and you entered, the warmth of home enveloping you. You headed toward the window, glancing back one last time. Alastor stood outside, a shadow against the night, and as you waved, he returned the gesture. Then, like a wisp of smoke, he vanished into the darkness.
“Who are you waving to sweetie”
Your mother's voice, like a sudden gust of wind, pulled you from your thoughts. You turned to face her, her concern etched in the lines of her face. "No one, Mom," you offer a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes.
But her next words sent a chill down your spine. "Alright, well, we need to talk." The sadness in her voice mirrored the heaviness in your chest. *What could be so important?*
Together, you followed her into the living room. Your father sat there, his gaze distant, as if lost in a world beyond the walls of your home. You took a seat, your heart racing. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the truth to unravel.
"I don't know how to say this," your father began, his eyes avoiding yours, fixed on an unremarkable spot on the wall. "Say what, Dad?" Your curiosity was now tinged with anxiety. The air thickened with unspoken words, and you braced yourself for what would come next.
"We have arranged a marriage," your mother's voice was steady, but her eyes, those windows to the soul, revealed the turmoil within. "And you will be leaving this house in a week."The words hung heavy in the air, a suffocating blanket of disbelief and betrayal.
“You will be marrying Brian,” the name fell from her lips, a man that you didn’t love and now claimed a piece of your future. You sat, frozen, as the reality settled in your bones. Arranged to marry without your consent, without your heart's agreement. The question screamed in your mind, *How could they? Why?*
It was a betrayal of your trust, a disregard for your feelings. Your voice shattered the silence, a mix of shock and defiance. "What!" It was the cry of a cornered animal, of a child whose trust had been broken. You had believed in them.
Your mother's confession, her apology, it did little to soothe the sting. “We're sorry, sweetheart. We didn't want this, but we believe Brian is the right one for you." Her words were a lifeline thrown into turbulent waters, but your father remained silent, a statue of regret.
The revelation was a cruel twist, a transaction made in the name of love, yet devoid of its essence. The world you knew was crumbling, and in its place, a stark reality was taking shape—one where choices were made for you, and your heart's desires were secondary.
The confrontation with your mother was a clash of wills, a battle between tradition and the yearning of the heart. "No! I will not marry him," you declared, your voice a firm testament to your resolve. Your mother's stance was equally unyielding, her belief in the arranged marriage unwavering. "You’re all grown up, and it’s time for you to be married," your mother insisted, her eyes searching yours for signs of acquiescence.
"I’m in love with someone else," you countered, rising to your feet, a physical manifestation of your emotional stand. But your mother was immovable, her words a dismissal of your feelings. "What’s done is done, you need to stop seeing him and move on; you’re going to be a married woman soon."
The words stung, a betrayal that cut deeper than any knife. "I trusted you," you whispered, the hurt evident in your eyes. The tears threatened to spill, but you held them back, a show of strength amidst the turmoil. "I didn’t ask for this, you should’ve spoken with me first." Your plea was a last-ditch effort to reach your mother, to make her understand the gravity of the situation.
For a fleeting moment, your mother's facade softened, a crack in the armor that suggested a mother's love still lay beneath. But the moment passed, and the walls came back up, leaving you standing in the wreckage of her trust, your heart racing with anger.
“Did you accepted money?” The silence was deafening, a tacit confirmation of your worst fears. The question hung in the air, unanswered, yet the truth was clear in their avoidance. They had accepted money from Richard, a price tag placed on your future, your happiness bartered away without your consent.
The realization hit you like a wave, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place with a cruel clarity. Richard's visit to your home was not one of mere acquaintance but a transactional prelude to the life they had chosen for you.
With a heavy heart, you ascended the stairs, each step a reminder of the life you were being forced to leave behind. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you lay in your bed, the soft fabric of the sheets a stark contrast to the turmoil within your heart. You wanted to run, to escape the reality that felt like a vice around your future. Alastor’s image danced behind your tear-filled eyes, his kind eyes and gentle smile that had always been your solace.
You were leaving this house in a week, a house that was no longer a home but a prison of expectations. The walls seemed to close in on you, suffocating you with the weight of tradition and transaction. *Why did they do this?* The question circled in your head, each one a sharp jab to your sense of worth.
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🌸𝒫𝓇𝑒𝓋𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈🌸 🌸𝒩𝑒𝓍𝓉🌸
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list so you be updated every time. I do try to proofread but if I missed something please let me know.
Also I sometimes tend to make minor changes to the chapters.
Thank you! For reading I hope you enjoyed it.💖
TAGLIST: @magictoebean @little-slyvixen @bitchywitchygardener @diffidentphantom @catticora @cloverresin20 @phoenix666stuff @minamilinaqueen
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aajjks · 2 years
Scream, Baby. (m)
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synopsis. He had a lot of victims but unfortunately, you became the victim of his love.
pairing: yan!ghostface!jungkook x fem!reader.
warnings: YANDERE, extreme themes, horror, mentions of bl*od, killi*gs, m*rders, d-ad bodies, self h-rm, obsession, unstable behaviour, possessiveness, unhealthy way of “loving”, manipulation, triggering themes.
part of @taetaecherub’s fear festival! ^^ please check out the other fics as well, all of them are a treat!!! 😭🙏
note. HAPPY HALLOWEEN GUYS. the collab finally comes to an end 💔 I had so much fun with all of the girls and the fics???? Oh my gosh. I had the chance to work with so many amazing writers. thanks neon for hosting the collab. I Hope you all will love this, leave feedback please? ENJOY.
wc. roughly around 3k
*not edited*
taglist. [will be added later]
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Spending his time with you was his favourite part of the day, Jungkook adored you so much, you were his favourite, his favourite person, You were his only best friend.
“Jungkook! Not again, seriously?!” You whined, your voice like honey to him, Jungkook turned his head to look at you sitting on the couch right beside him.
He smiled. “What Y/N?” He knew but he just loved to hear your voice, so much.
He watched you as you rolled your eyes at him, Jungkook couldn’t help but smile.
You were just so cute.
“Another horror movie?! Gosh! JK, I seriously don’t get your obsession with them!” Jungkook clicked his tongue, looking at you with a lazy gaze.
“You know I love them almost as much as I love you, sweetheart.” He winked, flirty tone dripping from his lips.
You suck your teeth in. “Ehh you’re so bad at flirting,” laughing, you grab the remote from his hands.
Catching him off guard.
“But first… I want to watch the news.” It was Jungkook’s turn to roll his eyes, not at you though, never you.
Just at the upcoming situation.
Jungkook sighed, watching you change channels after channels until you come across your favourite one.
“One body has been found at the downtown Derryviles alley, the victim has been unable to be identified due to the disfigured face.” The news reporters voice echoed in Jungkook’s ears, his eyes glued on the T.V screen.
He remembered that so clearly. How could he not? He never forgot.
“This is the 34th victim killed with the same pattern. An unknown knife type used to stab the victim 17 times in the gut and disfiguring of the face.”
You gasped.
“JUNGKOOK?!” The man almost jumped from the couch at your loud voice. He turned his head towards your direction.
Your E/C eyes filled with fear and shock, you look at him like he’s the one who’s done this.
He is the one.
“W-What Y/N?!” Jungkook stuttered, avoiding your eyes. It was like you could see right through him, it was like you could see all of the things he’d done that night.
“I-It happened near the café…kook.” Your tone was wavy, Jungkook’s eyes softened, you were scared.
You were scared of him.
“I-I can’t believe this…. Th-This psycho killer is absolutely nuts!” You bite your lip, if your expression wasn’t so lovely, he would feel a little insulted.
You wouldn’t understand him even if he told you.
“O-Oh my god…. W-What if that killer kills me next!!?”
“ARE YOU STUPID?!” Jungkook cut you off. He grabbed your body and shook your shoulders, his eyes were wide.
How could you even think that?
Jungkook stared deeply into your eyes, his gaze filled with a dark glint, he chewed on his lower lip. You noticed a change in his demeanour.
He was being weird.
“I’ll always protect you! N-Nothing will ever harm you- I-I won’t let it! Don’t worry!” He sighed deeply.
“Are you okay, kook?”
He blinked, “I-I just don’t want you to be scared, Y/N.” Jungkook smiled, his shoulders relaxed, you noticed. 
He was always a weirdo, you loved him for that. But his reaction was quite actually weird. But then again, it was your friend, jungkook.
“And didn’t you notice? Most of his victims are men anyways…. If anything? You need to protect me!” 
“literally shut the fuck up!” you both giggled together as the news anchors voice faded under the loud sound of your laughter, you punched him playfully and his giggles only became louder.
“UGH STOOOP!” You cried as he tickled you. “I-I UGH NEED T-TO TELL YOU SOMETHING PLEASE!” You giggled from the sensation.
“What?” He breathed heavily, his eyes crinkled from his expression. “Did you know a creep tried to hit on me at the coffee house?”
Jungkook stopped laughing.
“But y’know that coworker of mine? y’know the one I think hates my guts? Come on! You know his name is Yoongi!? He saved me and shooed the creep away….” You stretched your arms, getting up to sit on the couch.
You felt your friends gaze on you. “Ahhh don’t worry kook, Yoongi is pretty good at intimidating people…. He can be pretty scary…”
No response.
“Also shit!!! I have to meet up with Do-il! Come on let’s finish the movie so you won’t whine about how I don’t give you time anymore.”
“Y/N?” After what felt like eternity, Jungkook finally spoke, you hummed, opening Netflix to put on Jungkook’s favourite movie.
“We’ve literally watched this so- You love me more right?”
You halted your movements, the atmosphere of the room took a turn, Jungkook wasn’t kidding around, he sounded so serious,
Scared even.
“Of course kook, you’re my number 1.”
He’s my boyfriend, and you’re my best friend.
“Can’t you stay with me… tonight?”
“No I can’t, kook.”
Jungkook’s brain itched. He couldn’t see you with that loser any longer. That prick had to die.
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Jeon Jungkook, your best friend hated your boyfriend, Do-il.
He was an insecure man, deeply so, he was naturally territorial of you, he didn’t like sharing his anything with anyone but you.
You were always the exception. You never could truly understand your friend, why was he so attached to you? Maybe it could be because of his childhood?
You didn’t fully know it but you knew that Jungkook had some trauma because of it, as you finally walked out of Jungkook’s apartment, the cold breeze almost left you breathless.
It’s cold.
Unlike Jungkook’s apartment, you wondered as you walked. Today was awfully cold, and now you were going to meet your boyfriend at a random coffee place.
And tomorrow was Halloween. That was the only good thing awaiting you. You loved the season so much.
Your phone vibrated, taking your attention, you quickly took it out of the pocket of your coat and saw your aunts name flashing brightly.
Pressing on the green option, you pressed the phone into your ears.
“Aunt Hae-Soo!” There was some sniffling noises when you spoke into the phone, the sound continued and you were starting to get concerned. “Are you okay???”
“Y-Y/N! Dae and Han haven’t come home since almost a week! I-I even filed a police complaint b-but I’m so worried!” The woman on the other line cried as you walked to a quite spot,
Your heartbeat immediately dropped as you heard her.
they couldn’t-
“Aunt!! Please calm down….. I’ll try to call Dae… he always picks up…. Please don’t cry…” you almost cooed with a heavy heart.
How could this not be a big deal when there was a literal psycho serial killer on the loose?
“Please I-I am so worried, Y/N are you safe?!” Your aunt lived in another town, you didn’t want to worry her more.
Maybe she had seen the news.
But you were safe right?
“Y-Yes absolutely! Aunt Hae-Soo don’t worry… I’ll call dae but you please please take care of yourself!” You looked around to see some people on the road walking.
It was almost 7 pm.
“Okay dear but please let me know and you also stay safe… I saw the news about your town… oh Jesus…. What is wrong with this world.” Your aunt exclaimed.
You let out a laugh at her sentence.
“Don’t worry!”
The line finally went dead and you quickly made your way to the cafe.
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Jungkook was almost losing control.
He couldn’t bear to look at the ugly asshole any longer, even behind the mask, it made his eyes itch just to look at his covered unconscious face.
His basement was dark, eerily so. Park Do-il was a shady man after all. Do-il didn’t deserve you, his best friend.
You deserved someone who worshipped you. Not an unfaithful ugly piece of shit guy.
Jungkook worshipped you. He loved you so much. He was so much better than this guy who lived in a shitty apartment with a creepy basement.
You deserved so much better than him.
“What does she even see in you?” Jungkook scoffed, talking to your unconscious boyfriend. He sucked in his breath,
Jealousy was burning inside him like an erupting volcano.
“first of all, you are ugly, you don’t like scary movies and…. You are an unfaithful asshole to my Y/N!”
He took out the familiar knife.
His beloved after you.
The buck 120 shined so brightly every time Jungkook used it. The silver was so beautiful, pointy.
It went into the guts of people so smoothly. He cherished it so much.
“Ahhh finally I can kill you and have my Y/N all to myself.” Jungkook giggled, “you can’t even protect her, unlike me. You know what I did to that bastard who tried to harass my girl?” Jungkook glanced at the knife, lowering it to do-il’s abdomen.
Twisting it so deeply inside his gut that it made a cringey noise.
Seeing the way the knife pierced directly into his skin made jungkook feel so excited, it was the first time he was killing one of his victims without his mask.
“I twisted the knife so deeply into his heart almost like this. that fucking asshole screamed so loud, gosh!” Jungkook continued.
He bit his lip as he pulled the knife out and in, repeatedly. so fast that the blood slashed on his face.
Jungkook hated messing around but right now? This was almost orgasmic. He was thinking about you.
Ways to console you, his plan was almost complete. You were going to be his forever.
“I’d love to ruin your fucking face but then my Y/N would get suspicious…. She’s so smart… my precious girl….” Jungkook cooed to the unmoving body.
“Fuck yes! You are finally dead.” Jungkook checked his wrist and sighed in delight.
“I never wanted to give you a quick death but to have Y/N… I had to.”
“Now I’ll just have to wait for her to reach your apartment.” He kissed the knife, the blood stained his lips.
“As she should be, by now.” Jungkook aimed the knife towards his arm. “Now to make my plan successful, I’ll have to stab myself.” He swiped the dangerously pointy knife across his right arm.
“It doesn’t hurt that much, surprisingly.” He shrugged, repeating the same thing right across his abdomen, making sure to look convincing for you to believe his,
Bullshit story.
“Baby…. You will finally be mine…”
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You felt like crying.
Being stood up for the sixth time by your boyfriend was embarrassing to say the least, there was a serial killer on the loose, your cousins were lost and It’s Halloween eve and you are crying while standing at your joke of a boyfriends door.
“Open the door, do-il!” You softly knock on the door, trying to control your emotions. Your heart broke, how could he do this to you?!
You knocked again and again.
Until it opened. A hand came out of the door and pulled you in before you could even say anything.
“Do-il you ass! What are you doing!?” You cried as the hand pushed you into his home.
The light bulb made it easier for you to see the man standing so close to you and you gasped.
“J-Jungkook?!?” You almost screamed but the guy hushed you. You looked up and down to take notice of his appearance and a shriek left you.
You were so confused now, what the fuck was wrong with today?? “Y-Y/N hush! Come on. I-I have to show you something!”
Jungkook took you towards the staircase to your boyfriends basement, this was beyond freaky, “where the hell is Do-il?” The man didn’t leave your hand. You looked at Jungkook’s dirty clothes, dirt everywhere. His arm was bleeding furiously.
Just what the hell had happened here?
“Jungkook you’re bleeding!” This was concerning, your heartbeat was dropping as jungkook and you entered the basement.
His hand left yours as you stood in the dark until jungkook turned on the light switch.
The light was bright on your eyes, you blinked twice.
“What the hell.” You cursed as you tried to open them. Your eyes were sensitive, as your vision cleared.
And your knees started to shake, the view infront of you made your world crumble.
“W-Who’s that…” you saw a body in a black cloak, the face was barely covered by a weird face on the mask.
“Go ahead, and see for yourself.” Jungkook didn’t look at you but his gaze was set ahead on the body.
“Go Y/N.” Jungkook urged you on, taking your hand in his once again, your feet taking you near the body.
There was blood oozing out of it.
“J-Jungkook…” you stuttered with fear, the bile in your throat was rising, “this is the serial killer.”
“Park Do-il aka the psycho killer who killed so many people.”
Your brain registered his words, but your body paralysed with shock, goosebumps on your skin rose.
“I got a text about two hours ago… with an unregistered number with this address and a question from a horror movie quiz.”
You listened and listened, your lips sealed, this was crazy, this couldn’t be true.
“I came here because I knew this was your boyfriends house… but as soon as I entered? He attacked me.”
Jungkook stole a glance at you, you were petrified, the colour from your face disappeared.
He felt bad.
“B-But hes t-the one that’s d-dead!”
Jungkook chewed on his inner cheek to stop his frustration from building up, you were so annoyingly smart.
He loved you for that.
“Exactly. He attacked me- he was acting crazy he was going on about how he thought you were cheating on him with me- h-he wanted to kill me and you!”
Jungkook made sure to conceal his tone into one of fear. “H-He even confessed to killing that guy you told me a about! He’s crazy Y/N,
It was all his plan… he was going to kill you- I-I had to protect you.” Jungkook was a good actor. The tears came out so easily as he hiccuped.
“H-How could not have known that he was behind all of this?!” Jungkook grabbed your busy, his hands on your shoulders.
His heart hammered so loudly. “I-I c-can’t believe this…. D-Do-il was the killer all along?”
Jungkook wanted to kiss the tears away from your eyes, his plan was almost successful. “Y-Yes! Even I was shocked! I had to kill him before he could kill you Y/N!”
“Don’t scream, baby… it’s okay… I got you. I love you Y/N… I’m sorry I had to kill him.” Jungkook pulled you in for a hug.
Breathing so deeply into your embrace.
“I-I…. thank God you’re safe, kook.” You wrapped your arms around him. “Let’s g-go from here…”
“You did the right thing by killing this psycho bastard…He deserved to die.”
Yes, my 35th and final victim.
Your eyes traveled towards the silver bloodied knife, it was the same one from Jungkook’s apartment.
A buck 120.
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sn00pism · 5 months
"Do you have a heart? Within."
WC! Kunigami Renskue x reader
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He was handsome, that you'd give him.
But oh God was he an asshole.
You really hated his guts, at least you thought you did, maybe annoyance was the word for what he made you feel? You couldn't stand rude or mean people, you really didn't get what his problem was.
However, when you asked Chigiri, the Kunigami that Chigiri described was with him in the Blue Lock program was a completely different person than the one you had interacted with the last few weeks in class. Maybe somehing happened to him? You didn't know exactly what but it must have been terrible for him to do 'a complete 180' as Chigiri described. You really wanted to stop paying attention to him, stop interacting with him, yet you couldn't help glancing his way when he entered your shared class.
Something that drew you to him, maybe you were kind of a masochist? Those BL manhwas were starting to get into your head. Daydreaming about this rude guy, built like a brick, mean to everyone but you, traumatised by something terrible. You could fix him. And as much as you wanted to convince yourself you could, it was anything but realistic.
Kunigami looked down on everyone and mostly stayed out of your way when you came over to study with Niko or Chigiri, yet, you found your eyes never leaving his figure when he exited his room, eyes glued to his toned arms and, dare you say, pretty face. Maybe you were delusional, always bringing stuff to share with them and without realising it, getting him something too even if you knew he wouldn't take it. You couldn't help being kind to him even if he proved to be indifferent to you gestures.
Seriously, what the everloving fuck was wrong with you? You'd be better off liking someone like Yoichi from your mandatory sports class or even Yukimiya from english literature, but you had to get your eyes on the rudest, most insufferable guy on campus.
In an effort to completely put distance between you and Rensuke, you stopped studying over to their dorm, opting for going to a small café near campus and changing your seat over to the far back.
As a few weeks passed by, you kind of forgot about your small infatuation with Rensuke. After all, I seemed it was nothing short of a crush.
In this past weeks, you began speaking with a guy in your class, doing some paper on the hero's journey in fiction books, you grew closer quickly and before you knew it, you had a date.
This of course prompted you to talk about it excitedly with your friends, during a break you had from class. And later on, bragging about it to Ryusei, who complained about not scoring a date with Rin's brother of all people.
And as the day came, you found yourself waking up slightly earlier to get ready, your make-up and outfit casual but sweet, nothing too big or flashy.
Once you got there, no one had arrived at the place you were supposed to meet in.
He's probably late, after all you're thirty minutes early. You'll wait.
After twenty minutes had passed from the time you'd agreed on, you began getting anxious, checking your phone for any messages or calls you might have missed from him but none arrived. Deciding to call him up, immediately noticing he had been online a few minutes ago. The call went unanswered, a simple 'sorry, I think we are not a good match.' following up in the message app you had been checking for the last twenty minutes.
Are you serious?
You began to feel stares on you, couples whispering to each other while looking in your direction. Maybe it was your anxiety, but you couldn't shake the sadness that washed over you like a wave, drowning you in self-doubt and insecurities.
Was something wrong with you? Was it that you came on too strong? Were you boring? Weird?
Sighing and preparing to leave, ego bruised and tears of humiliation begining to appear in your lashline, someone sat right in front of you.
A voice you recognized apeaking up over the chatter of the place.
"Come to laugh at me, Rensuke?"you bit you lip, tears threatening to fall. "Really not in the mood now," you looked down, the first tears sliding down your cheeks "Please just go.." you spoke, your voice was barely above a whisper. You seriously felt like just going home and crying while playing a funny Ryan Gosling movie to cheer you up slightly.
"Now why would I do that?" You stared at him dumbfounded, "I'm here to keep you company while I rest." He flagged down a waiter, ordering a piece of your favourite cake and a glass of water, "Besides, really needed some water, forgot mine."
You scoffed softly, although it sounded more like sigh, "You don't eat sweets, what are you really doing?" You looked up at him, drying your cheeks and looking down at you hands. You didn't want to look at him more than necessary, each time you looked at him, your heart began to beat a like faster, but you didn't want to make assumptions that he was here for you, besides, the pain of being rejected and stood up was still fresh in your chest.
Rensuke looked at you, seemingly bored, but never taking his eyes off you.
"Are you done interrogating me?," he thanked the server gruffly, taking a fork and a small piece of the cake. "I was just on my run and happened to see you." he psuhed the fork near you, motioning for you to take the utensil, "Heard you talking to Shidou the other day, weren't you supposed to be on a date?" you took the fork and took the bite, it made you feel a little better.
You looked back at him, immediately noticing that his hair was slightly damp and there was some sweat sliding down his neck and face. "But this place is far from your dorm, you're telling me you went out of your route to get some water?" your heart raced in your ribcage, hoping he had done that romantic thing the main leads do when they realise they like the protagonist and chase after her, but you didn't want to get you hopes up, look where that got you. That was fiction after all, this was real life and the facts are that you got rejected because of whatever reason and Kunigami probably hated you along with ninety percent of the campus population. Your shoulders sagged in dissapointment as another wave of sadness rushed out of nowhere.
"I did, yeah." He looked away, sighing at you defeated state. Maybe this was his fault, maybe he should've said something sooner to avoid this mess. He took a swig of his water.
You looked at him with a small frown, motioning to his half empty glass, "You're free to go then, won't keep you hostage any longer." Kunigami shook his head, looking out the window next to you, "It's fine, I'll wait for you to finish up."
He turned his head towards you bored, emotionless eyes staring directly into yours. There was something different on his eyes you had never noticed before, did he want to say something?
Kunigami found that he couldn't stop the words from leaving his mouth, the feeling of almost losing you because of this stupid date, the fact that his chest ached when he found you sitting far away from him in class, the way he wouldn't see you in the dorms, studying or watching anime with Niko. Before he knew it, he had to come to accept the fact that he liked you. Every small glimpse he could get of you around campus felt like a breath or air on his strained lungs, he longed to find you waiting for his football practice to finish, looking towards the bleachers hoping to see your figure waving at him, but he never got the courage to even accept these feelings. He wanted to erase them, go back to the machine they had designed him to be, cold-hearted, mean. A wall had erupted between everyone and his feelings, yet you broke through it like it was made of glass, and all it took was a smile. Whenever you went to study, you'd buy them snacks, you got him something everytime, even if he never showed any affection to you. Before he knew it, you had him completely hooked. The old Kunigami resurfacing, soft, firm but gentle.
"I came here, because I was worried.. I just.." He ran his fingers through his disheveled hair. "You probably hate me, and won't want to hear what I have to say... but please just hear me out, you can tell me to piss off if you want after I finish." You sat looking at him stunned, you had never seen Kunigami act so different, he seemed almost desperate to say whatever he wanted to tell you. You nodded at him to keep going. This was weird.
His eyes softened "I like you." He dropped his head into his hands, the weight of his words and feelings sinking into his heart, thoughts of you leaving him there, rejecting him, distancing yourself from him even more had his chest thightening. He found it hard to breathe. The glass wall broke, his feelings flooded him like a wave, had you created a gap between you and him because you hated him in the first place? Had he said something wrong? Mean? Had he pushed you away the way he pushed his friends away? The thought made hot tears line in his eyes, breath shaky. He swallowed, trying to calm his racing mind and heavy heart, "I'm sorry, I never wanted to be mean or rude to you, I like you so much."
You blinked, you had never seen Kunigami cry. You reached over to grasp his hands buried in his face, gently peeling them away from his cheeks, warm and wet with tears, your heart raced and a small smile made its way into your face. Kunigami looked up at you, misty eyes looking into your softened eyes, waiting for the blow that would make his heart break again.
"I like you too." The words stunned Kunigami and he shook his head, heart stuttering in his chest against his will. "No you don't, I know you don't..." his eyes watered again, looking down to you joined hands as you reached one to cup his face, "Yes, I do" Kunigami looked up at you, seeing the smile in your face, warm, sincere.
"Then why-?" you didn't let him finish his question, shaking your head and looking down. "I was being stupid, should've told you how I felt since the start instead of playing around." You smiled at him, gripping his hand again, "How about we go and watch a movie? I think that'll be a good first date, don't you think?"
Kunigami stared at you for a second before his lips broke out into a slight smile, eyes full of warmth, heart sighing in relief and happiness. How long has it been since he felt this at ease? Always looking to be better, pushing his limits, withdrawing from connecting with others to avoid getting too close, letting them get too close.
"Yeah, I'd like that."
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it's been a hot minute since I wrote anything in english, let alone fiction. I'm sorry if the pacing is kind of weird, I'm kind of used to slow burn and I kinda rushed this one, I'm sorry!
Thanks to @pinksodacan for being my beta reader and editor! Eternally grateful bub.
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lutawolf · 1 year
My Personal Weatherman and the D/s element Ep 3
If you haven't read my other episode break-downs, please do so here.
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Let me just say, I love Segasaki. Oh, so much. He works hard to read Yoh. There is a lot of respect there, it's just there is also a lot of miscommunication. He commands Yoh, put that aside and come eat breakfast with me. And Yoh immediately obeys. While saying, he hates Segasaki in the most sappy inner voice ever. Leading us to believe that I hate you, is code for, I love you.
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I really like you, is big dialogue? I mean, even porn should have some kind of plot asshole. I wanna beat his boss. Oh, Yoh is eating out. Change of scenery. Then surprise, Segasaki shows up. I adore it. He knows Yoh enough to know that he would be doing café sketches, so he came by. Um, good thing Segasaki missed seeing him with the girl. hahahaha. Are all Doms jealous? I get this question a lot. The answer is no. However, all Doms are possessive. That's not to say they can't also be jealous, but I personally am known for my possessiveness with damn near zero jealousy.
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Their friendship is cute though. She got some brains there. She does. Why isn't he drawing BL! Um, he likes to draw breasts. Okay, I respect that.
The indecisiveness of a submissive. It's a thing. The more submissive, the less they like to make decisions. I however, want to make all the decisions unless I'm hungry, then I short circuit and sound like any hangry female. Segasaki asks if Yoh is working, Yoh says it doesn't matter. So Segasaki says they are going out, and he still asks again if Yoh has plans. Very respectful. Segasaki has way too much respect for any of Yoh's boundaries for anyone but dumbass Yoh to think he is a slave. That little smile Segasaki gives! Ahhhh!
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They're on a date! So cute! I love how Segasaki just stares at Yoh and waits for him to notice. You are looking at a Dom with a strong primal instinct. The hunt, the chase, and outwitting his prey.
So much went down at this scene. Okay, so first, notice that Segasaki orders for Yoh. When I talk about a Dom serves food, this is what I mean. Everyone wants me to explain the difference between a Dom and sub serving food, and it's hard to. I can't just say, well one is a Dom and one is a sub, but that is it. The attitude involved with food is different. Segasaki and Yoh are a great example of this. Can you see the difference in how they both serve the food? How one is an act of service while the other is providing? Even in the way Segasaki takes a bite from Yoh's bun, he asks, but he is already going in for a bite and Yoh is already offering. The asking is simply Segasaki being soft with his commands. There is a reason why Brat Tamers are often called charming. Now, also notice that Segasaki purposely brought up the price, he also made sure to say that Yoh doesn't need to worry about it. This is him saying, no matter what, I can provide for you. Which is very important. A sub does not want a Dom that can't provide security. Think about it, a submissive is giving all of themselves, of course they need to feel secure.
Look at the difference in how Yoh asks for a bite. Look how he double-checks that it's okay. Totally different vibe. They felt like only Gyaru could have it? Like only females?
Oh, the ride is giving me My Accidental Love vibe. Yoh honey, this is a date. So cute!
Segasaki pushed that sales lady right out of the way. He wasn't rude, but he clearly indicated that Yoh was his. Poor Yoh is clueless. Man is cute but dumb. Seriously dumb. Thankfully, Segasaki is all about this idiot. He really does get him. OMG, the sheets!!! This is going down as my favorite. HAHAHA
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Segasaki teases until Yoh admits. He teases, and then he praises. Ah, now Segasaki is calling him out. He continues to push. Causing Yoh to retreat, but Segasaki won't let him. He then calls Yoh an idiot. Fair enough because he is.
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The kisses though! The kisses!!
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See, Segasaki knows Yoh. Aw, the way Yoh curls in on him. So cute!
These two are killing me. I need more. Now! I'm looking forward to the next one. Hopefully you guys are too. If you enjoyed this. Let me know. 💜💜💜
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bengiyo · 8 months
Love for Love's Sake Ep 6 Stray Thoughts
Last time, we picked up with the boys’ date, and things took a turn when Myunha wanted to avoid an interaction with his mom in her café, and then the amusement park was closed. Myungha also disappointed Yeowoon by telling him they were just friends. Later, Myungha soundly rejected Sangwon, and then further disappointed Yeowoon by telling him to love someone else instead. Thankfully, Shi-a teamed up with Yeowoon and is rooting for him. Myungha had to save 3,000,00 won, and learned that Yeowoon is being abused by an older male relative (perhaps his father). Thankfully, Kyunghoon is excited about his boyfriend coming back from Canada, and this gave Myungha the push to face Yeowoon properly. We left on the two of them having their first kiss. Also, the game is glitching.
Yes! Give him kissing lessons! No more stiff kissing in BL! Lessons start immediately!
Episode 6: Love
I like that at least Myungha is interrogating the ethics of dating under these circumstances. Sure wish another show was doing that.
Yeowoon is so earnest. I love this boy. I can’t wait to see all of Shi-a’s advice.
Myungha cries after watching what sounds like a Godzilla-King Kong-zombie film! I love him!!
He is 18 and he wants to kiss! I feel that, Yeowoon!
Shi-a! You interrupted the date!
Now we have to make him an idol? I don’t know that Yeowoon wants that kind of scrutiny.
Yes, go on and kiss the boy!
I’m with Sangwon. This IG thing seems like a bad idea.
Oh shit! We’re glitching!
I like the big wave Yeowoon does when he sees Myungha now.
Okay, that street scene was cute.
Oh ho! Is the writer trying to reach Myungha inside of the game? How did he put him here in the first place?
It’s super trippy that Myungha can see these notices from the game.
I love the idea of a character rejecting fate in a game world where the options are predetermined by the designers.
Tae Myungha better not die!!!
My precious boy is being stalked, too? It’s always something, goddamn.
This dude really ran up and snatched Myungha’s phone. I’m glad Sangwon checked him on this behavior.
Oh, a breakup flashback. He’s bi, girls.
Yeowoon definitely thinks he just got invited over for a night of intimacy. I hope Myungha realizes that.
Ah, the classic cruel video game choice: choose which person you love to die.
That’s a good cliffhanger.
Things are starting to move really quickly with the plot. It works well because they show the game itself falling apart, like the devs are dealing with a project spiraling out because of too many player choices to accommodate. Throwing an element of major danger into the story narrows the field back to make the players focus on the biggest issue. I feel like there’s going to be a lot to discuss about the structure of this story when we’re done. I remain deeply-compelled.
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kamapon · 4 days
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Panda Emporium Café is my first BL manga volumen in Spanish.
Working alongside @Fandogamia has been so fun and I've learnt so much! The road's been so long but it's finally here. I poured all my love in this one, guys, I hope it shows!
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rifki16 · 5 months
Love is Better the Second Time Around the Finale
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Picture credit : Love is Better the Second Time Around Promotional Twitter account | https://x.com/koi_nido/status/1777532279985668281?s=46
I think I want to have a new tradition in adding a tagline or summary of my analysis immediately underneath the title, for this one is a rushed hollow sweet cake finale.
Of course, spoilers ahead!
During the 5th episode, @respectthepetty told me that some of Tumblr BL watchers deemed the episode was too rush, and filled with unnecessary plotlines. Well, if they were disappointed by the pace of the last episode, I bet you my bottom dollar that they will be less amused by the finale. Although, I still think that the episode is sweet – of course that’s my emotional part of the brain talking, not the rational one.
In terms of the plotline, I have several huge plot holes which you, my dear reader(s) might maybe find an answer which can help me love this episode even more.
Okay, Hiro and Takashi broke up. Then, Takashi sent flowers to Hiro’s workplace. Sure, still heard of, not that out-of-character for Takashi. Hiro became buried deep in his own “sad boy house” dirt. You know what, as I have written in the analysis of episode 5, great plotline, I have never seen it in a Japanese BL work before. But then, after Shiraishi “slipped” his tongue, during a conversation which I really could not foresee happening between love enemies, and told Hiro that Takashi was at his family’s place. Huh? My confusion is wouldn’t Takashi family’s place be the first place that Hiro would go or check on after they broke up and Hiro found out that Takashi already emptied out his place? Takashi and Hiro broke up right after Takashi’s sister came to Takashi’s place with Hiro present and told them both that Takashi was needed at his family’s place – an event which Hiro was made like such an outsider. This is not The Pornographer: the Film (2021), in which Rio left his place with no explanations and left Kuzumi without any explanations and Kuzumi was practically going door to door with his suitcase trying to find that s.o.b. Takashi is from a very well-off family. He wouldn’t go to a brothel-café-Karaoke joint to just avoid Hiro or recuperate from his breakup. You know what I forgive – give the writers some leaps into faith on the events preceding Shiraishi telling Hiro that Takashi at his family place: the fact that somehow Hiro broke his depression – sad cycle and actually took an initiative and went to Takashi’s place, that then pushed him to take even riskier steps which was contacting Shiraishi or, even the fact that Shiraishi somehow entertained the question that Hiro asked not only through some faceless email, but actually having a meeting with Hiro and ended up having the slip of the tongue moment. I mean I know that Shiraishi has the cut-throat personality inside him, the fact that he did not tell Takashi about the deadline in episode 3. Sure, let’s take another leap right, maybe, the fact that Shiraishi said during the meeting with Hiro that he has conceded his loss to Hiro, maybe he wouldn’t just do something shady like sending Hiro into a wild goose chase or something but still. It’s just that we didn’t know more of Shiraishi’s motivations. Okay, we know that he fell for Takashi, one-sidedly, but is he then a type of the ex-unrequited lover who will support his lover no matter what or not? Okay now I’m dwelling into something that I have promised I would take a leap for.
Okay sure, Takashi finally confronted his mother about being abandoned. Takashi’s colours are now more understood right? He needed to conceal himself from the world because once when he did, his mother shunned him off, hence why he “did not soak his pillow in his tears” when Hiro and himself broke up, hence why every time Takashi did some grand gestures or even said some sappy lovey-dovey thing to Hiro, Hiro always felt like he was in the uncanny valley: something was not right. Takashi might say or do the right things, but Hiro always had, in mine opinion, gut feeling that Takashi-san was not sincere, which was why Hiro-kun kept questioning his love to him. Sure, I accept the line of logic, and the late dot connections which made me kept questioning what was wrong with Takashi’s actions that made Hiro kept pressing Takashi on his sincerity. But then, Takashi had the confrontational conversation with Kyosuke and they conversed well about how Kyosuke leaked a picture of Takashi or was it Hiro – I do not dare to take a look at that scene at all. Props to the writers for emphasizing what Kyosuke did was a criminal act, regardless of the intention. Takashi then explained why he bet on Hiro for not coming. Takashi’s words were: “I didn’t think that our relationship would have worked”. My confusion is this why on god’s phallic dick did Kyosuke conclude that statement by calling Hiro and telling him that Takashi loved him? Huh? Was Kyosuke just being a rascal? Again, Kyosuke CALLED Hiro! Not the other way around. Maybe it was just the way that Takashi delivered the line? That Kyosuke knew it was just a broken guy [Takashi] telling himself what he thought he needed to hear to just feel a little bit better. Maybe the call was to indicate how close Kyosuke was to Takashi, that he knew when Takashi was lying to himself – even when he didn’t know that he was doing it. You see how many leaps into faith which I took to make those rationalizations?
Before moving to the other confusion – plot hole, let me gloat. I WAS NOT WRONG BIATCHHH. Hiro did not know the bet from some overhearing unseen scene. It was Kyosuke ACTIVELY undermining his own relative’s relationship. My brain itch was justified. Also, huge side note, where is the queer struggle pov in Kyosuke’s pov? I mean, okay, what was exactly Kyosuke’s motivation in not making Takashi left by agitating – blackmailing Hiro? Kyosuke liked Takashi, okay. But why outed Takashi? Wouldn’t it be better to just poison’s Takashi’s perspective on Hiro so that you could have Takashi all for yourself without making him be disowned and ergo making him far away from you? Sure, let us assume that Kyosuke never intended to out Takashi and that it was just a huge negative externality that he never wanted. Still tho, there are other BETTER ways in making Takashi all for yourself. Let’s move away from this pivot, because I have a bigger bunion that I want to excise.
Okay, Hiro went to Takashi’s family place. Okay, I accept that Hiro’s determinism in meeting his lover was the thing that made Takashi changed his mind from “… wouldn’t have worked” to confessing and telling his mother that he wanted to spend his entire life with him. I tweeted that this mental leap of Takashi was confusing – but now I accept that maybe it was Hiro’s daring and just mind-boggling action that made the mental leap. Sure, okay I accept it. This may be a cultural confusion Why didn’t Takashi just leave his family’s place? His first conversation, in the episode, with his mother was just not connecting at all – as I tweeted: all she needed was to accept that Takashi has a husband she might actually have a business successor – why did he stay then? Was the basement scene just a scene of Takashi preparing to go home? Are we not allowed to leave the hostess’ place if we have not been dismissed by her? Or was it just a plot device in making Takashi and Hiro actually met at the family’s place so that Hiro could say all of those brave things in front of Takashi’s mother? Yabai.
Side note: I have also tweeted about how I hated that Cherry Magic the Anime didn’t have the Kurosawa and Adachi’s meeting each other parents’ scene. However, seeing my Hiro, my precious Hiro, saying all of those sentences – not about being the troublemaker, like bro, it was not your fault – in front of Takashi’s mother, AS WELL AS, the lake mouth scene which really had numerous resemblances with Kurosawa-Adachi’s exchange of the rings during the beach live-action film scene, I think it really compensated my disappointment. 😊
With all the rationalization left, all that’s left is how proud I am of these two characters. I’m so proud that Takashi now can lift his mask and actually be true to his husband, yes I’m calling them husbands despite the absence of a wedding scene. I’m so happy that my Hiro was so brave in making steps so that Takashi doesn’t see him as an “outsider” anymore. I will miss this couple so much.
Japanese media companies now have a responsibility of not tangling us, fudanshi – fujoshi and all BL fans, with a meager 6-episode run. Heck we have proven again and again to be a huge driving force for a show’s popularity. How many times have this show, this show alone, become the most popular show on certain platforms, like come on!. This 6-episode trick is really taking and sucking all of the qualities away. I mean, I will meet these media execs halfway, I can accept a 12-episode run, but they might not be ready to make a 24-episode run like American media used to make in the past, or even a 10-episode run with one hour each episode format like Turn to Me Mukai-Kun. Come on, I’m so fed up seeing the quality of my beloved BL work(s) being tarnished and seeing the great couple blossoming before my eyes taken away too soon.
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the-golden-comet · 4 months
✨One to Five tag✨
Thank you for the tag, @marlowethelibrarian !
I will do this for my WIP, Your Wish Is My Command
✨1 word to describe WIP✨
Genies 🧞‍♂️✨
✨2 lines that are my favorite✨ (I’m including the line before for context):
“ALI!!!” Noah griped. “Get out! I’m showering!!”
“Oh? But I can’t see you through the steam.”
“THAT DOESN’T MATTER.” Cauldwell huffed. “I don’t want you to see me naked, dude. Can we chat when I’m done?”
✨3 times I wanted to laugh while writing✨
During the moment Ali picks Noah up in his arms and takes him on a journey around the globe, all while Noah is screaming in terror.
When Ali spits out his coffee at a café for being too sweet and unintentionally offending the baristas while Noah apologizes profusely
When Ali drives Noah around recklessly and avoids MANY accidents while Noah is screaming and trying not to die of fright.
✨4 feelings from characters:✨
Hopeful, Humorous, Afraid, and Romantic
✨5 tropes featured✨
Slice of Life, College Life, Magic In the Mundane, BL Romance, “And They Were Roommates” 😂
Thank you for the tag again! I’m going to tag (no pressure): @wyked-ao3 , @zackprincebooks , @theverumproject , @gioiaalbanoart , @fortunatetragedy , +open tag ✨
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ryansjane · 1 year
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axelle judges bl shows > Bokura No Shokutaku
summary: Yutaka lives a lonely, boring salaryman life, which lightens up once he meets little boy Tane and his older brother Minoru, who bring him into their lively family life.
where to watch: dramacool
grade: 8,5/10
this is SUCH a heartfelt show. it's quiet and subtle, but talks about trauma quite extensively & truly allows its characters to FEEL. which makes it immediately in the best jbls I've seen bc it is a love story but it's also more than that & is highly relatable just for that. the writing truly is beautiful & near perfect in my opinion!
the acting is excellent, and I truly felt everything the characters were feeling on screen & much more. minoru's actor has some serious heart eyes on him!!! the kid who plays tane also did an amazing job & was adorable!
similarly, the chemistry was really, really good, and didn't feel awkward at all (unless it was needed, that post-confession conversation in the café still haunts me with how good it is!)
the pace is really good! I feel like some of the episodes kinda felt similar in the beginning, being just yutaka going over to minoru's place for a hang out with tane, but apart from that I think the show utilized its screentime almost perfectly & it was a really engaging show from beginning to end, even with its slower, more contemplative quality!
the characters are so fucking endearing AHHHHH!!! I also was really glad to see there's not that many characters & none of them is truly horrible or "the villain" (even yutaka's brother who gets redeemed eventually), bc they got to be developed quite a lot & really made me attached to them.
the first episodes aren't super deep or focused on the love story which makes the second part of the show more powerful to me, but at the same time I didn't feel too bored or like I'd stop watching, and in fact only made me want to keep watching even more.
would I rewatch it: yes!
I'm gonna be honest, I started this show expecting it to be very mediocre, but instead I absolutely enjoyed every second of it & it way surpassed my every expectations! I honestly couldn't recommend it more, it's not too long, sweet, extremely well written, heals its characters' trauma & has an absolutely beautiful love story!
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megumi-fm · 10 months
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4th to 7th Dec || 129 - 132 of 150dop
and thus the semester ends 💗 it was a long, long five months but it is finally done!!! just striked out soo many completed tasks from my schedule, I feel alive xD
🎧 The holy trinity of Taylor Swift heartbreak songs (aka, Labyrinth, Say Don't Go and You're Losing Me, and also this mashup of the three)
📆 CCT Finals // 5th Dec ↳ prep [4/4] 💻 Final Project // 7th December ↳ hard bound report ✅ ↳ presentation ✅
📺: started this new Thai BL called Last Twilight!! it's such a cute little love story and I'm super invested in these characters god I hope the new eps come out soon
🎨: went out to an art café with friends today ^=^ we painted cute mugs to gift each other (a little secret santa idea hehe) which we'll collect after glazing next week
21-24/final 42 // time for applications, passion projects and hobbies
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blorboscran · 2 months
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毛玉ココア/Kedama Cocoa
was a drink with a cartoon pomeranian face available from March 6th to April 3rd 2024 at 3 locations of the café franchise "and GALLERY” for 850 yen.
The dog themed beverage was part of a promotion for the second movie of the BL series “Given”.
Kedama, meaning fur-ball, presumably refers to the puppy character of the same name, as canines were not listed as one the menu’s many allergens. However, it is unclear how the drink got its appearance.
Consuming cocoa can be fatal to dogs.
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The Sweetest Hunt [Tyler Galpin x fem!reader], chapter 1
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Pairing: Tyler Galpin x fem!reader
Fandom: Wednesday (TV 2022)
Rating: Explicit.
Warnings: Cursing. Manipulative Tyler. Suggestive language. Characters aged up. (Eventually) Smut. Loss of virginity. Dubious consent. Fingering. Vaginal sex. Oral sex.
Tyler’s on the run after escaping his imprisonment in Jericho. Assuming a new identity, he gets a new job at a small café near your college campus, where he sees you for the first time. And you – Rowan’s sister, still desperately seeking truth on her brother’s disappearance – could have no possible idea that a murderer was lucking beneath the barista’s curls and kind smile.
Tyler used to think there wasn’t anything that could give him pleasure and satisfaction in the same way that killing did.
He was wrong – his hunt for you would prove most delicious of them all.
Chapter: 1/5
It’s a few years after the incident in Jericho. Tyler had managed to slip away from the police within one week of his incarceration; since then, he’d stayed on the run, changing names, jumping from place to place, and working jobs where he could be paid under the table.
Him being the Hyde had never been made public information; as far as the media was concerned, those deaths were still the crafty work of some “bear”. A wonderful result from the town attempting to avoid bad press, which also allowed for him to travel without being widely recognized.
Working at a small family-run café near your college campus was where he first saw you.
The obsession was nearly immediate, though he couldn’t understand why at first.
He was thankful for his inherent ability to maintain a calm demeanor under any sort of pressure or inner urges. Suppressing the urge to grab you by the hair and throw you over a table any time you came in over the next weeks – it was overwhelming, he could feel it physically vibrating through his muscles.
Then, one day when you paid with a credit card, he glanced at your name: Y/N Laslow.
He’d heard the name before… you were the older sister of that telekinetic freak he’d slaughtered back at Nevermore. He could see the similarities… your hair color, the likeness in your eyes, and when he looked into them, he could almost feel it again. He could taste what it had been like to slash into those same eyes when he’d murdered Rowan.
So, he had to have you, in some way or another. He stayed under the radar and started stalking you on his days off. It was so enticing… the idea of being the monster in the closet, the hunter lurking in the shadows, and at the same time, being that quiet kid from the coffee shop that you would never suspect. And on top of that, being the one who killed your brother, the one that you were actively searching for.
He pondered how he’d eventually take you.
Maybe catching you walking to your car from your class that ends around 7pm tomorrow?
Or, he could catch you when you went on one of your afternoon weekend runs; most of the route ran through campus, but there was a half mile or so that hugged some nearby forest, with no roads and no security cameras.
Or maybe at random, in broad daylight, for the thrill…
Then you approached the counter, snapping him out of his daydreaming.
“Hello.” You said cheerily, always so polite. So innocent, and assuming the best of everyone.
“Oh, hey.” Tyler responded, blinking a couple of times to ensure the intentions behind his eyes weren’t as sinister as his thoughts. “What can I get for you?”
“Could I please get a large latte, with a shot of peppermint?”
“Sure thing.” Tyler smiled kindly, even looking away shyly.
“Thank you so much.” You said genuinely, pulling out your cash to pay.
“Actually, don’t worry about it.” Tyler offered, pushing your cash back towards you. “This one’s on the house.”
“Are you sure?” You furrowed your brows, not comfortable with, or used to, handouts.
“Absolutely.” Tyler smirked and started grinding beans for your latte. “This is what, your fourth drink today? Makes me think you just wanted a reason to talk to me.” You blushed when he glanced up at you but responded playfully.
“Or maybe I’m just addicted to caffeine.”
“Either way, I’m not complaining.” He said over his shoulder while continuing to prepare the drink with ease. Admittedly, you admired the way his T-shirt hugged his toned back muscles, the way the tied apron emphasized his impressive physique, and the way his hands expertly worked the equipment. “I’m Jake.” He introduced himself as his current false identity reflected on his uniform’s name tag.
“Good to know. I’m Y/N.” He gazed at you only briefly, but when your eyes met you felt an undeniable jolt of excitement run through you. Like butterflies, but stronger, more… electric. As he turned back to the drink, you took a moment to catch your breath.
Not knowing that he could hear your heart racing, feel your temperature increasing, hear that sharp inhale when your breath hitched that you were trying to hide… he knew what he was doing to you without even looking. And the idea that he could do this to you, that he could deceive you, making you desire him, even… it was a rush unlike any other.
He thought he’d experienced this with Wednesday at Nevermore, but it wasn’t the same. You wore your heart on your sleeve, you were hopeful, and optimistic. You didn’t deserve this. That only made it more appealing.
It was then that he decided on his end game.
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