#black lives matter petitions
Free LaKeith Smith
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Vice's Documentary About LaKeith:
(would not let me embed because it is age restricted)
Link to LaKeith Smith's Gofundme:
https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-me-bring-my-son-lakeith-home?utm_campaign=m_pd+share-sheet&utm_content=undefined&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer&utm_term=undefined In 2015, LaKeith Smith was charged for the murder of his friend A'Donte Washington, who was shot by a police officer. LaKeith was 15, and charged as an adult. He was sentenced to 55 years, for a crime he did not commit. For 8 years his family has been fighting to free him while he has grown from child, to adult in prison. During the 2020 George Floyd protests, they were able to hire a new attorney with the money raised from LaKeith's Change.org page.
On December 2nd, 2022, LaKeith will be attending a post conviction hearing. This may be the only chance he has to escape imprisonment for the rest of his life.
Please, watch Vice's documentary about LaKeith and A'Donte.
If you live in Alabama, please contact your DA, there is a pre-written email and link to the DA's email in the above link.
If you live anywhere else, please sign LaKeith's Change.org. That is in the above link as well.
LaKeith should be living his life right now, he should be spending time with his family and loved ones, he should not be behind bars. Please, help him.
UPDATE (2/12/2024)
On March 21 2023, Judge Sibley Reynolds re-sentenced LaKeith Smith to a total sentence of 30 years. Since then, his family and friends have been working relentlessly to free him.
Recently the Alabama attorney general's office agreed that judge Reynolds' order was confusing, misleading and hard to understand,
Please spread the word, LaKeith is so close to being able to live his life. Here is the official Free LaKeith Smith Instagram page which is run by his Mother and updated frequently:
https://www.instagram.com/justice4lakeithsmith/ Here is the linktree with ways you can help:
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blackpearlblast · 3 months
Kevin Keith's 27 day hunger strike and the censorship around it
(most post body text copy-pasted from Death Penalty Action news email)
From prison, Kevin planned to manage a publicity campaign to call attention to his hunger strike and his demand for a just resolution to his case, however... the day he started his hunger strike, he was moved to solitary confinement. A prison executive came to see him... 
First she demanded that he hand over all of his documents, his paper, stamps, envelopes and his pen. Then she informed him of a policy change: Prisoners on a hunger strike are not allowed to communicate with the outside world.
Kevin had told his lawyers and some members of the media of his plans, but that was it. I certainly had no details, and Kevin's brother Charles also had no details. Worse, there was no way to contact or even visit Kevin, because he was in the hole (solitary confinement).
Kevin held out for 27 days.
His lawyers came to check on him once a week to make sure he was OK, but that's it.  No media responded to his plea. No celebrity supporters tweeted about his plight. We at Death Penalty Action had no information, and could therefore do nothing.
Even as Kevin drank copious amounts of water, he still was dehydrated. Kevin received intravenous hydration ten times, on the following dates:
February 7
February 12
February 14
Twice on February 16
Twice on February 18
Twice on February 22
And we had no idea.
Kevin says he found a spiritual benefit to the experience, but he stopped when the prison doctor warned him that he risked damaging his kidneys. They threatened him with being transferred to the hospital, restrained, and force-fed. At that point, he decided to end his hunger strike.
Kevin Keith is still waiting for Governor DeWine to act on his request for executive clemency. As you may recall, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against him back in November. It is unclear what additional legal avenues he has available to him.
to support kevin keith, you can sign his petition, send him money so that he can buy food to help as he recovers from his hunger strike, and watch his brother charles keith's 6 minute video on his experiences fighting the death penalty.
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tim-the-rat · 1 year
Jim Crow laws were laws enforced in the United States that promoted racial segregation and discrimination. They were outlawed in 1965, but Mississippi is trying to reinstate them. Sign this petition and spread the word. The bill has already passed through the house, but this petition can prevent it from passing through senate.
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awetistic-things · 3 months
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fantabulisticity · 27 days
On March 21, 26 year-old Dexter Reed was surrounded by five plainclothes police officers in unmarked cars and shot and killed in a barrage of nearly 100 rounds of ammunition in 41 seconds — all because of an alleged seatbelt violation. The officers who murdered Dexter Reed were on a police tactical team, an “elite” squad of plainclothes officers who usually patrol Black and Brown communities and use pretextual stops as an excuse to look for a larger crime. Such units exist in police departments across the country. There have been national calls for them to be shut down. Whenever and wherever such tactical teams are used, especially for pretextual stops, situations end in violence. These teams target people in certain populations and they have a habit of brutality. The officers who murdered 12 year-old Thomas “TJ” Siderio in Philadelphia in March 2022 and 29 year-old Tyre Nichols in Memphis in January 2023 were a part of such tactical units.3 Black people in Chicago deserve better. Members of the community are demanding an end to pretextual traffic stops and for the dismantling of tactical teams that operate like death squads within the Chicago Police Department. Police Superintendent Larry Snelling vowed to prioritize accountability but, instead, he has been following the same war cry of law and order, making excuses for police violence and feeding into blaming the victim. The City of Chicago has the power to hold these officers accountable and reinforce that this kind of violence against Black people has consequences. Demand Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling immediately fire the five officers involved in killing Dexter Reed. Below is the letter we will send to Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling:
Here is the Petition: Dear Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling, Not wearing a seatbelt is not a capital offense. Yet, on March 21, 26 year-old Dexter Reed was surrounded by five plainclothes Chicago police officers driving unmarked cars and shot and killed in a barrage of nearly 100 rounds of ammunition in 41 seconds — all because of an alleged seatbelt violation. You vowed to prioritize accountability but, instead, you have been amplifying harmful "law and order" narratives, making excuses for police violence, and feeding into victim blaming. This has created a culture that empowers officers to aggressively target and harm Black people like Dexter Reed while never announcing themselves as police officers. Dexter Reed never should have been stopped. There is no justification for the devastating police violence committed against him. We demand that you make good on your promise for accountability by immediately firing the five officers involved in killing Dexter Reed.
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jondoe297 · 4 months
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mysticalamity · 1 year
Hello everyone, today's call to action!
Please sign the above petition to tell Novo Nordisk and Sanofi to lower their prices on insulin.
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alice-is-a-kitty · 2 years
Watch "An Innocent Man On Death Row [ When The System Fails You ] - Mystery & Makeup GRWM | Bailey Sarian" on YouTube
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personal-blog243 · 2 years
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lifestylestv · 1 year
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tealmasc · 2 years
8 year old Fanta Bility was murdered by police officers recklessly firing their guns outside a high school football game. Sign the petition to demand that the charges against the officers responsible are not dropped!
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rusuga · 2 years
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troythecatfish · 8 months
Here’s my personal recommendation of a petition to sign:
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Guys, this is getting really scary now. According to Senator Blumenthal they "rewrote the bill' (they didn't change anything actually) and the bill now has bipartisan (both democrat and republican support) with 62 co-sponsors now and could hit the senate as early as next week.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, KOSA (the Kids Online Safety Act) Is a strait up fascist mass internet censorship and serveillance bill that if passed, will force you to upload your government ID online in order to verify your age and give not only the government to track everything you do on the internet, but also the pwer to censor and erase anything or anyone they deem a threat to their power all by using the vague wording of the bill to deem it "a danger to kids"
both of the co writers of the bill, Senator Blumenthal, and Senator marsha Blackburn have fully admitted that they will be using this bill to wipe out any anti-isreal content as well as (in Blackburn's own words) "eliminate transgender content"
This bill WILL be used to end modern activism as we know it.
anything related to Free Palestine, Free Congo, Free Sudan, Black Lives Matter, Stop Cop City, LGBTQIA Rights, will be censored and wiped off the face of the internet.
we are looking at Farenheit 451 and 1984 COMBINED. And I still see almost NO ONE talking about it since my initial post I made talking about it last year. Every single one of you need to interact with this post and spread the word. contact your reps. sign petitions (all of which will b linked at the end of this post) AND MAKE SOME GODDAM NOISE. This is the fate of the internet as well as the fate of modern activism and literally the entire internet.
Resources for learning about KOSA:
Petition and Call Script for contacting your senators and reps
Sign the open letter against KOSA
Stop KOSA Movement Linktree
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crystaljuice · 1 year
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kittymama01 · 1 year
Justice for Jaheim McMillan!! He was 15 years old and was shot point blank in the head and then more in front of a Family Dollar store. He was unharmed, had his hands up, but shot anyway. There was a witness that saw the whole thing when he was passing by.
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