#blackwood and zelda
confusedvolleyball · 3 months
Looking for cool blogs to follow ✨️
Honestly I havent done this in years so idk of this still works but hey! I'm looking for some more blogs to follow so,, pls like this post if you reblog/post any of the following!
•The Magnus Archives
•The Magnus Protocol
•Dungeon Meshi
•Legend of Zelda; Tears Of The Kingdom or Breath Of The Wild specifically but any zelda is good tbh
•Our Flag Means Death
•Car Seat Headrest
•Queer art
Okay thats all! Pls dont feel obligated to interact with this post, or to follow me back if you do! My dash is just kinda dead and I'm really in need for some more cool people to follow 😎 Oh also pls feel free to leave any recommendations for any blogs you love in the comments if u wanna!
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end0r4 · 3 months
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Zelda Spellman, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina | Chapter 𝟙𝟞 : Blackwood
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caos-headcanons · 6 months
Parallels Between Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and other versions of Sabrina.
The Principal of Sabrina’s High School was a cowardly, incompetent jerk just like in The Sitcom.
Hilda writes a self insert romance novels. Hilda in CAOS wrote Buxom and The Beast and Hilda in the Sitcom mentioned that she used to write romance novels about herself using her magic typewriter, so she can watch her stories come to life.
Zelda dates an authority figure in Sabrina’s life and later dumps him after she realizes that he is an asshole.
Sabrina uses magic without considering the consequences, it’s actually a common trait of the character.
When Sabrina attends the Academy of Unseen Arts, she befriends a warlock named Nicholas and in the movie based on the animated series Sabrina attends Witch Academy and befriends a witch named Nicole, who was an outsider and a bookworm.
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lynelovespopculture · 6 months
With only months from her 16th birthday, Cordelia Spellman is   plagued by nightmares.
PLEASE ENJOY AND COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Cordelia Spellman was still asleep when she felt a cold breeze brush against her shoulder. Without even thinking twice, she covered herself with a blanket and tried to push her body deeper within the mattress, seeking heat.  It was only when a rough winter wind rushed right past her ear, did Cordelia open her eyes. It was then that Cordelia grew confused. She was in her own bed, alright, but she was also outside, in the snowy Greendale woods.
Where am I? Where is my room? My house?  Cordelia wondered.  Oh, where are my slippers? Cordelia got up and walked around, barefoot among the snow.  She wrapped her arms around herself, Cordelia looked down to see that she was wearing a short, silk nightgown with spaghetti straps, which was odd because Cordelia didn’t even own a silk nightgown.  As she looked around, Cordelia felt a strange feeling of déjà vu.  Then, all of a sudden, it hit her. The reason why this all felt so familiar was because she had done this before. She had this dream before.
“Oh Hecate, not again.” Cordelia muttered, slumping against a tree.
Cordelia didn’t even have to look up to see that 2 men that were lining up on each side of her, 5 feet apart.  The man on the left was tall, with white hair and dressed as if he dressed like he belonged in the court of Marie Antoinette. The guys on the right was shorter, plumper, had red hair and beard, wore a bowler hat and a brown overcoat.
“Can we not do this now?” Cordelia sounded more annoyed than anything else. “I just want to wake up.”
Quicker than lighting, the old man moved so he was right in front of Cordelia, holding her tightly and roughly by the arm. This never happened before.  Cordelia gasped when she realized that he had a knife in the other hand. With the other man at her back, Cordelia had nowhere to go.
“Well, if you’re so anxious, why don’t you hurry up and die then?” Instructed the white-haired man. Despite what he just said, the old man was in no rush. He was smiling as he ran the cold steel of his knife over Cordelia’s   bare skin. He also took his sweet time until he got to the crescent moon necklace.
“Your so-called goddess can’t help you now!” He tore the necklace off her throat and tossed it to the ground. He then took lines of fabric off the front of her nightgown before stabbing her in the shoulder. Cordelia wasn’t sure if magic would work in a dream but she was trapped.  So Cordelia closed her eyes and muttered a few words in Latin and whoosh, she was instantly a few feet away and her captors looked almost like they were hugging.
Cordelia smiled. “Ha! That should teach you to mess with a witch’s dream.” Cordelia turned and ran into what seemed like a million tree branches. The pain of the branches hitting   her body was enough to wake her up. Cordelia’s eyes popped opened and she found herself   back where she started, right back in her bed. Only this time, Cordelia was so grateful to see her room around it. Once she had composed herself enough, Cordelia sat up. When she looked down, she was shocked. While the nightgown Cordelia was wearing was cotton and much more modest than the 1 she was wearing in the dream. However, it was slashed exactly like it was in the dream!
“What the-“
Cordelia jumped out of bed to check it out more closely in her full length mirror. Sure enough, there were cuts and bruises under her ruined clothes and her shoulder had bled right where she was stabbed. It was only then that Cordelia noticed that she wasn’t wearing her necklace. She turned her head to see the necklace was resting on her desk, exactly where Cordelia left it every night before going to bed.
“What on earth is going on?”
An alarm sounded and Cordelia jumped out of her skin. Only to become annoyed to discover that it was her clock radio. Sighing, she turned it off on her way to the bathroom. Thankfully, the stab wound wasn’t that deep so Cordelia was able to wash and bandaged it along with the cuts on her chest. Then she dressed in a wool pullover and simple jeans, perfect for the cold January weather. Cordelia left her room after grabbing her necklace, and headed for the kitchen, where she heard her father’s voice.
“So, Zelda, are you going to be mistress of the hunt again this year?”
“Why do you ask, Faustus? Do you want to come join me?”
Cordelia made sure she put on a happy face before entering.  “Good morning, beloved parental units.  Planning for Lupercalia already? It’s still more than a month away.”
 Zelda sighed and smiled longingly at her husband. “It’s never too early to plan.  Besides, Cordy, with you joining the academy next week, you will be more than welcome to join in the activities.”
Her love life, or rather her complete lack of one was not a subject Cordelia wished to discuss with her parents. Thankfully, Faustus had already bought in the morning mail.
Cordelia picked up a colorful postcard.
Look, this is from Sabrina and David. I hope they’re enjoying their honeymoon in Greece.”
Cordelia’s attempt to change the subject worked as Zelda smiled. “You know, it’s funny, isn’t it? Sabrina’s 1st love was Harvey, a mortal who came from a long line of witch hunters. Then all those on/off years with Nicholas, who could have foreseen that Sabrina would have met, fall in love and marry another half-breed?”
“Hecate works in mysterious ways.” Cordelia smiled as she grabbed a muffin and her backpack.
“Sabrina and David aren’t the only couple that should have gotten married this past year.” Faustus muttered.
Cordelia couldn’t help but smile again. “Oh, Dad, are you trying to push Ambrose and Prudence down the aisle again because she’s pregnant?”
“Call me old-fashion, but I believe when a couple is expecting a child, they should get married.”
Cordelia had once made the mistake of pointing out that Faustus hadn’t married Prudence’s mother when she was expecting.     All that had gotten her was her father’s deadly glare and a muttering that “it’s wasn’t the same thing.” So Cordelia knew better than to open that can of worms again. Cordelia put the last piece of the muffin into her mouth. “Well, I better get going. I’m going to be late for school.”
Zelda arched her eyebrows. “Are you?”
Cordelia sighed as she turned back to the kitchen.  “Mother, if we’ ve discussed this once, we’ve discussed it a thousand times. As much as I am excited to join the academy and I am, I also told you that I have no intention of quitting Baxter High. Besides, if Sabrina can do it, why can’t I?”
“Because Sabrina has ties to the mortal world, you don’t.” Zelda pointed out.
“I’m sorry, Mom, but I disagree. I may be a full blood witch, but I have many mortal ties. My friends, this town. Things have changed since you were my age. Things have changed since Sabrina was my age.
Besides, I’ve already went over both schedules with the Baxter counselor and Aunt H. I won’t miss a thing! Besides, I still want to go hang out with my girls on any random weekend.”
“Well, you can still do that.” Zelda said.
Cordelia shook her head. “Not if we tell people that I’m at some boarding school in Maine or whatever the official story is.  No, they’ll stare at me and wonder why I’m not enrolled at Baxter.”
Zelda opened her mouth to say something else but closed it when Faustus softly laid a hand on her arm. “Cordy, are you sure you can handle the pressure of 2 schools?”
She smiled and shrugged.  “I’m an overachiever, Dad. You   know that, I’ve always been.”
Without another word, Cordelia turned, walked out of the kitchen and then out of the house. Luckily, she was just in time to catch her school bus. Once she got to Baxter, she knew exactly where to find her friends. She turned off the main hall to the left and at the end of that hall, there they were. Emily, Erin and Erica were    hurled together at Erin’s locker. Cordelia had no idea how to start this conversation so when she got to her girls, she just spit it out.
“I had the dream again last night.”
Erica looked up. “What dream?”
“THE   dream” Cordelia gestured wildly.  “the dream I’ve been having off and on for weeks now.”
Erica was the 1st to catch on. “You mean that dream where you’re running in the snowy woods in basically nothing but a slip with those 2 creepy dudes who do nothing but stare at you?”
Cordelia nodded. “Only they’re not just staring anymore. 1 told me he would kill me and then he even stabbed me. What’s really weird is that the stab wound was still there after I woke up.”
“Are you sure you just didn’t fall asleep while watching A Nightmare on Elm Street?”  Emily asked.
The other sisters laughed as Cordelia tipped her head and glared at her friend. “Guys, this could be serious. I need help.”
Erin got serious. “Well, what do your parents say about all this?”
 Cordelia shrugged. “I haven’t told them anything yet.”
“Oh? Why not?”
“Because I’m not even sure that there is anything to tell.  I am only dreaming, after all. Besides, I’m not even sure that ‘dream magic’” Cordelia used air quotes “is even a real t
“Cordy, may I remind you that you were stabbed in a dream and still had the wound after you woke up? Call me crazy but that” Erin lowered her voice, “sounds like magic to me.”
Cordelia remained unsure. “I don’t know. Maybe, I need more information.  Perhaps I’ll go visit Ambrose after school.”
Just then, Cordelia’s phone dinged. She   shut it off quickly but not before Erica saw the message.
“Why is our mother messaging you?  And why does she want to see you later?”
“I-I don’t know,” Cordelia moved a few steps away to open her locker in order to collect the right books for her first class.
Emily smiled. “You’re such a bad lair, Cordelia Spellman. This wouldn’t have to do   with our birthday being less than 3 weeks away?”
Cordelia shut her locker with a smile of her own. “You guys have been asking me that since before the holidays. Do you really think I’m going to   crack now?”
Emily looked back at her sisters and shrugged.   “Well, I guess she’s got us there.”
The foursome laughed and they   started to talk of other things as they moved down the hall. While turning a corner, they crashed into a girl who was coming the other way and school books flew everywhere.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I guess I wasn’t watching were I was   going!” The other girl stressed.
“Hey, no worries,” Erin assured her. “We always forget how much room we take up when the 4 of us walk down the hall.”
As they sorted out the books, Cordelia noticed that the other girl had thick glasses, long raven hair and pale skin.  It reminded her of Snow White.  Cordelia watched as the new girl disappeared down the hall.
“Cordy? Is
“I think I’ve seen that girl before.”
The rest of the morning was pretty routine. The girls were all   busy with homeroom and classes. Cordelia and Erin shared a lunch period, so they were together when they found that the girl that bumped into them that morning was eating alone at the next table. She seemed lonely,
o Cordelia and Erin invited her to sit with them, and the 3 got to chatting. They quickly learned that the     new girl was named Bridget Morgan, who had just moved to Greendale, with her parents, just after Christmas. She also just got a   new job as a waitress at Dr. C’s.
Cordelia smiled. “So, that’s where I know you from!”
Bridget seemed friendly and warm, but also shy, especially about her home life. All the girls could get out of her was that her mother was a lawyer and her father, a doctor. Anyway, by the time lunch was over, Cordelia had decided that she liked Bridget.
 The triplets usually met up with her by the back door after last period, which is exactly why Cordelia sneaked out the front. 1 secret birthday planning meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Warner later, and Cordelia transported herself to the house that Ambrose shared with Prudence. As soon as Cordelia got up on the porch, a chill went up her spine. The front door was ajar.  Cordelia moved slowly, opening the door just a little more.
She went in. “Hello?  Ambrose?” No one seemed to be home, yet why was the front door open? Something was off here.   Cordelia moved through the hallway and was half- way up the stairs before she called out again. “Ambrose!”
“He’s not here.”
Cordelia half-turned on the stairs and saw her oldest sister smiling up at her. “Prudence,” Cordelia now felt foolish as she went down the stairs.  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to barge in here, but I found the front door open and I got worried.”
“It is?”  Prudence went to check and lock the door. “Ambrose must have not close it right. He rushed out to go to the academy to finish up the library inventory. You know, to take full advantage of this extra week.”
Due to many teachers still needing to correct exams and students still tired despite their recent holiday, Zelda decided to push back the start of the school term for 1 week. Today had been so chaotic that Cordelia had almost forgotten.
Suddenly, Prudence made a face, drew in a sharp breath and placed a hand on her swollen belly.
Cordelia rushed to her sister’s side. “Pru? What’s wrong? Is it the baby?”
“Don’t worry, sister,” Prudence assured her “it’s only a kick. But thank Hecate it’s my last term.”
It’s just then that Cordelia noticed something. “Prudence, what’s that on your hand?”
“Oh? You mean this?” Prudence held out her hand to show off her new diamond engagement ring. “Ambrose gave it to me just this morning.  He said he didn’t want to steal Sabrina and David’s thunder.  Hopefully, Father will let up on his lectures now that we’re engaged.”
Cordelia shrugged. “I don’t know. He was just talking about it this morning.”
“Great,” Prudence muttered and then she put an arm around her sister. “Never mind that now. Come in, come in.”
She led Cordelia into the kitchen where the 2 sisters had a   pleasant chat over a cup of tea. Prudence   eventually asked why Cordelia was searching for Ambrose? After a brief moment of silence, Cordelia asked a question of her own.
“What do you know about dream magic?”
Prudence admitted that she had no knowledge on that subject and that her sister was right to seek out Ambrose. An   half hour later, Cordelia found herself at the Academy. She paused in the    main hall, taking it in. Cordelia had meant it when she told her parents that she was excited to start her classes next week. This school, after all, had so much history. Both in personal family lore and magical education. Cordelia found Ambrose in the downstairs achieve. Ambrose admitted that he knew very little about dream magic, but after a short time, Ambrose found    a thin book on the subject for his cousin.
Cordelia was not pleased to see Zander and his 4-year-old sister, Nora on her front porch. “What are you doing here?” Cordelia demanded of Zander when she reached him.
“I’m returning this half- breed.  I’m so over her!”
Oh Hecate, here we go again. Cordelia rolled her eyes. “Every time you get even the slightly annoyed with your little sister, you feel the need to ‘return’ her. If I told you once, Zander, I’ve told a million times. Just because my mother was her mid-wife, does not mean that Nora belongs here!” As Cordelia stared hatefully at Zander, they could both hear skipping on the porch’s wood.
“Hi, Cordelia!” Little Nora was as filled with sweetness and light as her brother with darkness and foreboding. Cordelia was   smiling as she bent down, opened her arms and swept up the toddler.
“You see; the half-breed is happy to be with you.”
Cordelia picked up and held Nora so 1 of the toddler’s ear rested against Cordelia’s shoulder and placed her hand over the other ear while playing with Nora’s hair. “Don’t insult your sister,” Cordelia whispered. Then she turned back to Nora. “Don’t listen to your meanie of a big brother. Some of the best people I know are mortals.”
Zander snorted and rolled his eyes just as hell’s minion appeared. “My prince, your mother said not to leave hell. She sent me to fetch you and your sister back.”
“Better go, before the queen herself appears.”  Cordelia warned   as she handed Nora to the minion.
Just as the hellish trio disappeared, Jake opened the door.  “Is anything wrong, sister?”
“Nothing, brother,” Cordhelia sighed. “Just another day in Greendale.”
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ebster777 · 4 months
Okay, so I've watched season 1 and 2 of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and I love it! Sabrina is for the drama and shakes the hell out of the table. I find most of the characters interesting. I absolutely love aunt Hilda and Ambrose. It's magical and queer and I just really like it ❤❤❤
Not gonna lie... I'm scared the next 2 seasons might let me down cause that's what usually happens
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edwaverley · 1 year
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YOU WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME || spellwood playlist
01. Isak Danielson | Power
02. Rosenfeld | Dangerous Woman
03. BLVKES | Nobody Else
04. EMM | Twin Flame
05. Leonard Cohen | It Seemed the Better Way
06. Lana Del Rey | Big Eyes
07. Lena Hall | Time is Running Out
08. Kovacs | The Devil You Know
09. XXXTENTACION | Revenge
10. Green Apelsin | Станцую на твоей могиле (I Will Dance Upon Your Grave)
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Obviously there was a lot wrong with CaoS S4 but one thing I felt was really off was the imp of the perverse. I honestly feel like it had the potential to be really quite scary but I feel like they did not commit to it at all, and the main place this was obvious was Zelda.
You expect me to believe that Faustus Blackwood just let Zelda run the academy with her GIRLFRIEND?
Can you imagine how much scarier it would be to have Sabrina and Ros trying to pretend that everything is normal and then Zelda walks in on Blackwoods arm clearly under the curse.
This is Blackwoods sick fantasy, it doesn't matter that he hates Zelda he would never pass the opportunity to control her and this would be the ultimate way to humiliate her.
There were so many missed opportunities throughout the whole series and especially S4 but I thought this whole episode was just wasted potential
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chaotic good video game snowy lodge vs. chaotic evil video game snowy lodge
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know-the-way · 2 years
I would LOVE to read anything by you, unfinished or not 🖤 if you’re still okay to share ofc!
lol Well, you’re very sweet, thank you. And okay! Not sure if this is one I’ll try to finish, but here’s one from my abandoned wips file:
It’s set just after the scene in 02x05 where they search for Ambrose at the Spellman house and can’t find him. On the car ride back to the academy, Zelda reflects on her wedding eve and all the events/emotions surrounding it. (tw: mentions of rape/attempted rape)
The silence is palpable as they head back to the academy, only the grit of the tires on the Spellman Mortuary driveway and the muted hum of the car motor. She’s had more to drink in the past hour than she normally does in a whole day’s time and her gaze is fixed on the retreating image of her childhood home. Faustus is idly tapping his fingers upon his cane next to her. Even though she’s set to be eternally bound in unholy matrimony to him tomorrow, and it should be one of the most exciting nights of her life, she finds herself turning closer to the window, her nose nearly touching the glass, glued to the last embers of light from the porch windows as the driver turns the corner and she loses sight of it completely.
The way Sabrina looked at her. The contempt, the disgust… the smallest bit of fear. She must hate her truly now, but the fact is Sabrina hasn’t known Ambrose as long as she and Hilda have. She knows little to nothing of what they went through with that boy. The amount of times she, Hilda, or Edward had to negotiate at great risk to themselves just to save his skin. It’s why Edward ordered his house arrest in the first place. For his own protection (and theirs).
While she’s certain that Ambrose wouldn’t kill his unholy eminence without reason, and that’d he’d justify it with some passion or virtue he’d swear was worth the risk - the fact of the matter would still be that he’d done it. Blowing up the Vatican, the palace of their enemy, was one thing; destroying the highest leader of their own religion was another.
Actually, she corrects herself, the true leader is the Dark Lord, and the encounter she nearly had tonight is an all too strong reminder of that. Her brows knit together as her eyes fall closed, recalling the flash of light that accompanied the opening of her chamber doors earlier and the dread that instantly dropped in her stomach. She’d spent her whole life devoted to the Dark Lord; enlightened by his word; humbled by his challenges. She was a Satan-fearing woman, through and through, and the menacing touch of his claws on her shoulder was an emphasis as to why.
She can’t help but wonder what he might’ve done with her. Surely, he wouldn’t have been gentle; she’d laid with far too many of his devout followers to think otherwise. Not that she was ever gentle herself; she had claws and teeth, too after all, but something tells her the rough play of the coven orgies and even more intense of her solo partners would have paled in comparison to the Dark Lord’s expression of lust.
Her younger self would chastise her for such reservations. For whatever the Dark Lord commanded was far more important than any individual suffering and she should be honored she was chosen. She remembers counting down the days to her dark baptism as a small child, fervently pledging her devotion to the Dark Lord, starving for the power that walking the path of night promised her.
But naïveté was never kind. There were phases of night, after all, and so there was within the church, as well. Sometimes she lived in the beauty of twilight; where she found warmth, community, and ideas that set the burning passion within her blaze. Then there were midnights - a constant battle for balance as the day bid farewell to its end in tandem with greeting its beginning again; it was equal parts power and danger. Last, there was deep night - the time where the cover of darkness emboldened the malevolent; where unwanted touches, painful possession, and invading hands - so much stronger and older than hers - always seemed to find her.
It served nothing to dwell on such things, but at times hiding the effects was like asking a poorly-built dam not to break, and it had only been an hour ago, perhaps two… Her head starts to feel fuzzy and she grips the door handle for support.
Her worries and uncertainty for Ambrose are easy to stave off; she knows he will be fine (she will make it so), but the Dark Lord is not so easy… The wretched sound of his husked breathing, his towering presence looming over her making her feel so small, and those rough, invading claws that had just gripped in tight and begun to turn her towards him… would he have touched her like the others did? Take his pleasure and then leave her in who knows what state? Tradition demanded that details of any witch’s visit remain between her and the Dark Lord, but did his chosen witches even survive to lay with their husbands the next night? Could he… could he still come to claim her before dawn? The thought of it mixed with the drink in her body causes her to let out a quiet, frightened gasp and she flinches hard enough for her fiancé to notice.
“… Zelda?” he asks curiously, steadying his cane over his lap.
She briefly closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and turns to him with a weak smile, “Yes, your Excellency?”
He gives her a pitying glance, one she’d find nauseating under the best of circumstances, and reaches over to gently grasp her hand into his. “I can’t imagine how hard this must be on you, darling.”
Oh, fuck off. Not only is he entirely unaware of what exactly has her distressed, but as if he has any care for her concerns in this matter with Ambrose... it’s laughable, really. He may think her a malleable little bride, but she’s no fool, and he should very much know that by now.
“There are far greater things at play,” she takes a deep breath followed by a placating smile, “Such a burden for you, your excellency, my sincerest apologies. But I’ve no doubt that justice will be swift with your leadership, and our wedding will hopefully be a balm for this unfortunate circumstance.”
Faustus considers her for a second - a surely noticeable flinch in her eyes as she attempts to remain convincing, but then he huffs out a pleased chuckle, reaching over to stroke her cheek, “I can’t tell you how pleased I am to have you at my side, my dear.”
She gives him another demure smile, leaning into his soft touch, and feigning the docile look of a submissive little bride that she knows strokes his ego and his cock in equal measures. She plays her part well by now and, as such, it’s no surprise that the crumb of admiration she’s fed him has him grinning ear-to-ear.
“Come here, my darling,” he whispers fondly, lifting his arm so that she can settle into his side.
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spellwoodmanor · 1 year
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state-of-being · 8 months
thoughts on the Calligari spell and free will
At any point, Zelda could have put a Calligari spell on Sabrina. Think about how much grief it would have saved her! Even from the beginning, when Sabrina refused to behave in court and almost took the entire family town. To literally every single time she almost took the entire family down. Sure, it's a terrible thing to do to someone, but there were points when the world as she knew it was about to end.
But she didn't. Because her philosophy - the original Church of Night philosophy - was free will above all for better or for worse.
Edit for @sabrinaandlilith: The philosophy the CoN purports to have.
And as she points out - in the caves, the weird sisters say you can't have freedom and power when a man is in charge. Oh how right they are.
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caos-headcanons · 26 days
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The Weird Sisters hated Sabrina, because her father married a mortal woman, but ironically in the Comics, they were the ones who told Edward that he has to marry a mortal woman in order to secure the Spellman Name in History and also because witches would have died out if they didn’t inter-mix with mortal, after two or three generations. (The Comic Scene took place in the 1950s, which mean that Witches would have been gone by the Time of Gen Z.)
Also the Netflix Series was originally supposed to take place in 1968
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sarahreesbrennan · 2 years
just popping in to say that even though it's been a year or two, the caos books continue to live rent free in my mind (and on my bookshelf). i didn't care much for the characters in the show until i read the novels and had the pleasure of understanding them on a deeper level. you've handled their characterisation with such care that i feel (weirdly) thankful for it. all i know is the only times i truly cried and laughed about these characters was whilst reading the novels. so thank you :)
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, my heart. I am so thankful for this message, and so happy those books live in your mind and shelf. They definitely live in my heart.
I loved those characters - Ambrose and Zelda! Prudence! Sabrina and Nick and Harvey! Theo! - so much. I learned all I could about them from every source and then badgered my kind sources with my ideas and theories for them. I love me some out-of-control magic, tangled family ties, kind people who want to be wild and wild people who want to be kind.
The great joy of books for me is that you can see inside characters, in-depth, so you know why they do what they do. Books offer an opportunity to sympathise with even the most strange to you. So I considered it my challenge to go all in on the characters, armed with the knowledge of the future and deleted scenes and intentions for them and my own dedicated overthinking about them, and I hoped others would come with me, all the way. I'm glad you did.
Sabrina was my very first tie-in. It was such a lovely, wild in all senses of the word, world. I felt lucky to be invited in and really wanted to do my best by those witches. I took to my bed when it ended and to be honest, sometimes I still wake up thinking 'time to write book four, surely, looking forward to writing the scenes with the dancing, the demon, the door and the declaration!' In September in Chicago I was talking to kind readers who inquired and telling them about a post-Part 4 epilogue set by the sea. 'This is how it can still work!'
I said recently that I'm like Dracula in a way. If I hear howling, whether it's my audience laughing or crying, I go 'my children of the night, what wonderful music they make.' It's the ultimate compliment and it's why I write anything.
Thank you for giving me music to dance to.
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littletayyswriting · 1 year
Writing vault open? Perhaps some unpublished snippet from CAOS could make a break for it? Or maybe the escapee would be Voyager? I'll be glad to see what you have, no matter what :D Thanks for offering!
Yes, it is! And thank you for asking.
This is a snippet from a CAOS one-shot I started tentatively named In All But Blood and features Zelda raising Letisha Blackwood Spellman.
Zelda thanked Satan when at 6 years old, Letisha showed no interest in starting at a mortal school. She’d kept the girl mostly away from the mortals of Greendale, though she was sure Sabrina’s mortal friends were curious. However, Zelda had other plans. 
She’d been teaching Letisha several languages since the babe had started to speak. Now, she felt, it’d be a perfect time to take Letisha travelling - immerse her in witch culture and other languages, just as she’d wanted to do with Sabrina. Before her niece had insisted on mortal schooling. 
“Mama,” Letisha exclaimed, bouncing slightly on the seat she was kneeling on. The girl had taken recently, to calling her mama and Zelda hadn’t had the heart to discourage her. Not when Letisha was her daughter in all but blood. 
“Don’t bounce Letty,” Zelda scolded, though not harshly as she came to stand in front of the chair. 
“When we going to Italia?” Letisha asked curiously, smile bright and eyes wide as she watched Zelda pack a suitcase. 
“Tomorrow, my sweet,” Zelda replied, smiling softly as she stroked Letisha’s curls gently. “That’s why we packed your suitcase earlier.”
“How long are we going to go?” She asked, climbing off the chair and scooting over to Zelda’s bed, leaning against the edge, peering curiously up at her mother packing. 
“A few months. It’ll help improve your Italian,” Zelda told her with a smile, continuing to sort and pack through her clothes. It wasn’t uncommon for Letisha to sit and watch her as she got ready or sorted through her attire. In fact, it’d become somewhat of a ritual for the two. 
“How come ‘Brina and ‘Brose aren’t coming?” Letisha asked, still bouncing slightly against the bed. The young girl was enamoured with her older cousins and Zelda was sure there’d only be mischief between the three in no time. 
“This is a special trip, my darling. Just for you and I,” Zelda told her softly, smiling widely at the young girl. “Just the two of us. Isn't that exciting?” Zelda coaxed, settling between two dresses and packing one away in the suitcase as the other was relegated back to the wardrobe. 
Zelda didn't pack too much for either of them, knowing that she'd have clothes tailored for the both of them while they were over there. If there was one thing Zelda appreciated, it was good clothes and she was hoping to pass that trait on to the child. Besides that, she could already picture the pretty clothes tailor made just for Letisha; a luxury she'd happily pay for her daughter. 
“Yes! ‘M so excited Mama! We never get to do things together,” Letisha told her dramatically, draping herself over the bed, pouting playfully up at her mother. 
Zelda chuckled at the child’s antics, rolling her eyes but a little. “Did we not just go to the market yesterday?” She asked the child, her own voice playful in return. 
Instead of answering, Letisha just giggled, knowing Zelda’s words were true. But in her mind, she never got to spend enough time with her mama. She had to run their mortuary and she worked at the academy - a place Letisha had never been and Zelda was determined to keep her away from. 
Zelda was about to speak again when she heard Hilda’s voice travel through the house. Letisha bounced up from where she'd been leaning on the bed, eyes wide. Lately, she'd had the strangest fascination with helping Hilda in the kitchen, and Zelda silently hoped she didn't get attracted to herbology magic. Letisha had powerful magic and Zelda hoped to one day channel it into more productive areas of magic. Ones that could protect Letisha if the need ever arose. 
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isingonly4myangel · 2 years
Realised I never actually posted this ao3 link, so happy anniversary to this fic fuelled by vodka and election stress
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fandom · 10 months
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Unexpected connections happen in two places: the Ships list and Feeld—a dating app for the curious. On Feeld, finding like-minded people is as fulfilling as finding yourself. In celebration of ships, here are this year’s iconic connections.
Ineffable Husbands +17 Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens
Steddie Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson, Stranger Things
Destiel Dean Winchester & Castiel, Supernatural
Byler -3 Will Byers & Mike Wheeler, Stranger Things
Wenclair Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair, Wednesday
Bowuigi Bowser & Luigi, the Super Mario Bros. franchise
Huntlow +7 Hunter & Willow Park, The Owl House
Avatrice Ava Silva & Beatrice, Warrior Nun
Hannigram +2 Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham, Hannibal
Buddie -4 Evan Buckley & Edmundo Diaz, 9-1-1
Vashwood Vash the Stampede & Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Trigun Stampede
Zelink +80 Zelda & Link, The Legend of Zelda
Lumity -6 Luz Noceda & Amity Blight, The Owl House
Ghostsoap Simon “Ghost” Riley & John “Soap” MacTavish, the Call of Duty franchise
Blackbonnet -11 Edward Teach/Blackbeard & Stede Bonnet, Our Flag Means Death
Wolfstar +8 Remus Lupin & Sirius Black, the Harry Potter universe
Merthur +12 Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Merlin
Jegulus +25 James Potter & Regulus Black, the Harry Potter universe
Bumbleby +48 Yang Xiao Long & Blake Belladonna, RWBY
Bakudeku -4 Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Boku no Hero Academia
Dreamling -1 Dream of the Endless & Hob Gadling, The Sandman
Soukoku +60 Nakahara Chuuya & Dazai Osamu, Bungou Stray Dogs
Firstprince Alex Claremont-Diaz & Prince Henry of Wales, Red, White & Royal Blue
Wesper Wylan Van Eck & Jesper Fahey, the Grishaverse
Wangxian -8 Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian, Mo Dao Zu Shi
Satosugu +23 Gojo Satoru & Geto Suguru, Jujutsu Kaisen
Imodna +8 Imogen Temult & Laudna, Critical Role
Kanej +44 Kaz Brekker & Inej Ghafa, the Grishaverse
Bubbline Princess Bubblegum & Marceline, Adventure Time
Ladynoir -17 Ladybug & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Twiyor +6 Loid Forger & Yor Forger, SPY x FAMILY
Loustat +43 Louis de Pointe du Lac & Lestat de Lioncourt, Interview with the Vampire
Zosan Roronoa Zoro & Vinsmoke Sanji, One Piece
Marichat -12 Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Serirei +65 Serizawa Katsuya & Reigen Arataka, Mob Psycho 100
Adrienette -21 Adrien Agreste & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Chenford +24 Lucy Chen & Tim Bradford, The Rookie
Petrigrof Simon Petrikov & Betty Grof, Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
Kavetham Kaveh & Alhaitham, Genshin Impact
Griddlehark +54 Gideon Nav & Harrowhark Nonagesimus, The Locked Tomb series
Raeda -13 Raine Whispers & Eda Clawthorne, The Owl House
Tomgreg -19 Tom Wambsgans & Greg Hirsch, Succession
Hanamusa Jessie & Delia Ketchum, the Pokémon franchise
Zolu Roronoa Zoro & Monkey D. Luffy, One Piece
Narumitsu -12 Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney
Sonadow +23 Sonic & Shadow, Sonic the Hedgehog
Ineffable Bureaucracy Archangel Gabriel & Beelzebub, Good Omens
Spirk +9 Spock & James Kirk, Star Trek
Ballister x Ambrosius Ballister Boldheart & Ambrosius Goldenloin, Nimona
Nandermo -42 Nandor the Relentless & Guillermo de la Cruz, What We Do in the Shadows
Jonmartin -15 Jonathan Sims & Martin Blackwood, The Magnus Archives
Punkflower Hobie Brown & Miles Morales, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
AkiAngel Aki Hayakawa & the Angel Devil, Chainsaw Man
Ronance -49 Robin Buckley & Nancy Wheeler, Stranger Things
Superbat -11 Superman & Batman, the DC universe
Shuake Ren Amamiya/Joker & Goro Akechi, Persona 5
Geraskier -48 Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier, The Witcher
Hualian -18 Hua Cheng & Xie Lian, Tian Guan Ci Fu
Sulemio Suletta Mercury & Miorine Rembran, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury
Sterek -5 Stiles Stilinski & Derek Hale, Teen Wolf
Gumlee Prince Gumball & Marshall Lee, Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
Shadowpeach Sun Wukong & the Six-Eared Macaque, Lego Monkie Kid
Drarry -29 Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter, the Harry Potter universe
Wilmon Prince Wilhelm & Simon Eriksson, Young Royals
Harringrove -34 Steve Harrington & Billy Hargrove, Stranger Things
Kazurei Suwa Rei & Kurusu Kazuki, Buddy Daddies
Lestappen Charles Leclerc & Max Verstappen, Formula 1 drivers
Zukka -5 Zuko & Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Codywan +8 Commander Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Solangelo -23 Will Solace & Nico di Angelo, the Percy Jackson universe
Catradora Catra & Adora, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Shadowgast -4 Caleb Widogast & Essek Thelyss, Critical Role
Stucky -43 Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes, the Marvel universe
Tarlos -18 TK Strand & Carlos Reyes, 9-1-1: Lone Star
Johnlock +21 John Watson & Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock
Sasunaru -24 Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, Naruto
Locklyle Anthony Lockwood & Lucy Carlyle, Lockwood & Co.
Lokius Loki Laufeyson & Mobius M. Mobius, the Marvel universe
Supercorp -67 Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Supergirl
Piltover's Finest Caitlyn Kiramman & Vi, Arcane
Helnik Matthias Helvar & Nina Zenik, the Grishaverse
Prohibitedwish Scarab & Prismo, Adventure Time
Klance -12 Keith & Lance, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Reylo Rey & Kylo Ren, the Star Wars universe
Hanazawa Teruki & Kageyama Shigeo, Mob Psycho 100
Cockles -44 Misha Collins & Jensen Ackles, Actors
Percabeth -46 Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, the Percy Jackson universe
Astarion x Tav Astarion & Tav, Baldur's Gate 3
Timkon Tim Drake & Conner Kent, Young Justice
Davekat Dave Strider & Karkat Vantas, Homestuck
Cynonari Cyno & Tighnari, Genshin Impact
Creek Craig Tucker & Tweek Tweak, South Park
Klapollo Apollo Justice & Klavier Gavin, Ace Attorney
Style Stan Marsh & Kyle Brovlofski, South Park
Korrasami -11 Korra & Asami Sato, The Legend of Korra
Bill x Frank Bill & Frank, The Last of Us
Nick x Charlie -51 Nick Nelson & Charlie Spring, Heartstopper
Dreamnotfound -50 Dreamwastaken & GeorgeNotFound, Streamers
Dinluke -33 Din Djarin & Luke Skywalker, the Star Wars universe
Rhaenicent Rhaenyra Targaryen & Alicent Hightower, House of the Dragon
The number in italics indicates how many spots a ship moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded ships weren’t on the list last year. Explore your desires on Feeld. Within a safer, inclusive space, you can feel free to connect more intimately to yourself and others. Choose from over 20 gender and sexuality options and explore solo, or with a partner. Curious? Download the app today.
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