#blatant hypocrisy
Principles that so-called "leftists" have abandoned since October 7th
Being against religious fundamentalism: You guys used to think that fundamentalism was a bad thing. Don't get me wrong, you still believe that OTHER religions that are fundamentalist are bad, but Muslim right wing religious fundamentalism is very much okay with you. When you express support for religious fundamentalist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, or the Islamic Republic, you are supporting suppression against women, LGBT people, and Jews (though the latter doesn't bother you at all). These are not resistance groups, they are terror groups.
Anti-racism: Mocking Israeli accents is suddenly funny to you. Jews aren't oppressed any more and antisemitism isn't as important as other forms of ethnic hate. It's okay to discriminate against people based on where they're from (the treatment of twenty year old Eden Golan is a particularly disgusting example). Indigeneity expires if you're Jewish. You support land back efforts for everyone but Jews. You employ the noble savage stereotype against Palestinians, because "That's just their way!" Holocaust inversion and even denial? NBD. Jews are trying to take over the world and are bloodthirsty monsters who support genocide. And the blatant tokenization is horrific. Some of you have even used the expression "Good Jews".
Being against ethnic cleansing: You bleat about the non-existent "genocide" in Palestine (and it is NOT a genocide according the the actual definition of the word), but your only solution is to ethnically cleanse Jews from the Middle East instead of supporting the two state solution.
Anti-nationalism: Jewish nationalism is bad. Arab nationalism is good. There are 22 Arab states and over fifty Muslim states, but even the two state solution in which there would be 22 Arab states, over fifty Muslim states and one Jewish state isn't enough, because Jews bad. Arab and Muslim conquest and imperialism? It's a good thing, ackchuyally!
Belief in science: Genetic studies prove that all ethnic Jews (yes, that includes Ashkenazi Jews) are indigenous to the Levant, but you guys seem to believe that we fell out of the sky. Archaeology proves that Jews were there first, but those findings are "fake" according to you.
Once again, I am asking why are you guys willing to sacrifice your principles for Palestine?
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schizopositivity · 4 months
A large part of the Internet: You can't make jokes about minority groups you are not a part of! Punching down is not just joking, it's bullying! Mental health matters! Mentally ill people deserve to be treated like anyone else!
A large part of the Internet also: *my friend disappearing when I take my schizophrenia pills memes* She's so delulu!! *memes designed to specifically trigger paranoia in people with a mental illness that includes paranoia* Lol schizo whips!!! *memes about lobotomies* Omg this murderer must be PSYCHOTIC!!
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redysetdare · 10 months
A character looks straight into the camera and says "I'm not interested in romance" and people will still say "No, it's not confirmed they're aromantic!!!" "They could change their mind!!!" "it's a challenge for them to overcome!!!" "They'll have character development that makes them fall in love"
It's like they are given the most blatant answer to a character romantic orientation and they actively ignore it. all the while all it takes is subtext for people to speak as if it is fact for a character to be any other sexuality.
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emptyportrait · 11 months
the hypocrisy of asoiaf/hotd fandom
it's actually quite funny to see how the self proclaimed "targaryenphobics" here loves aegon ii and aemond so much despite of how these two quite literally embodies every single problematic traits y'all claim to hate every other targaryen for.
they're are greedy feudal royals who started the deadliest war of westeros history because they couldn’t stomach watching a woman accending on iron throne on her own rights, commited a coup to put a serial sexual assaulter on the highest position in the realm while killing multiple lords for simply being loyal to their oaths along with numerous innocent smallfolk, violently misogynist who cannot speak of rhaenyra without calling her a whore, war criminals who murdered hundred of thousands innocents without any consequence, brutally murdered their own kin and the rightful queen in front of her son and instead of getting bashed i see people glorifying them for doing such atrocities. they are truly the inherent evil everyone accuse every other targaryens of being and are the worst targaryens of history and yet somehow they don’t get the same backlash as others.
i'd also like to point out how so many of people like to pretend as they're not targaryen or they're better than all other targaryens combined but in the next breathe the same people brag about how special the green's bond with their dragons are, how no other targaryens come close to it, nevermind that sunfyre's ashes wasn’t even cold when aegon ii disregarded him completely, demanding he must have another dragon, I'd expect different reaction from a person who as team green supporters like to say had the strongest dragon-rider bond in history. i saw some saying not even daenerys stormborn the goddamn mother of dragons can match it.
not gonna lie i'm quite surprised to see other targaryens, especially the women character such as daenerys, rhaenyra, visenya constantly being labeled as satan incarnated over the silliest reasons but never these two despicable man, they don’t even get half the hate as these ladies gets and i wonder why...
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midnightrose77 · 7 days
Doctor kisses Jack and Rory
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River Song just existing
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Funny how they never complained before. But now that the Doctor, as a man, flirted and was attracted to another man, and it wasn't just 5 seconds of screen time before being dismissed, it's suddenly a HUGE problem.
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menlove · 3 months
pack it up everyone dylan mulvaney jumped on the "girl dinner" type of tiktok humor w a silly song about Girlhood and now all the cis girls who were eating it UP from other cis women are demonizing her and saying she's evil for mocking womanhood and doesn't understand
I'm absolutely sick of it. that culture was Bad to begin with, but any time it was critiqued the response was "WE'RE COPING WITH WOMANHOOD of course we understand!" & you were branded a Misogynistic Self Hating Woman for not finding it funny. but the SECOND a popular trans woman jumps in on it? it's think pieces about "does she really understand womanhood at all? people need to know that she understands and this song misses that" as if they wouldn't be gobbling it the fuck up if a white, blond, cis woman made that song.
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tumblingxelian · 7 months
There is something really weird about people who bailed on RWBY because they felt it wasn't queer enough for them. Only to go and stan a series with like, literally one canonized gay character and very limited story but act like its the gayest thing in the world.
Like what you like.
But I think in this case its pretty clear they were more interested in having something akin to a toy box or sandpit to play with; rather than an actual story.
But they don't want to admit that and so have to pretend there's something wrong with RWBY's queer rep to justify their interest in the new thing because media engagement is a contest I guess?
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tribalchiefroman · 5 months
and people say roman was over pushed 🙄🙄🙄🙄
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I hate this trend where there is a queer show with a lot of diversity, including an on-screen same sex couple. And the creator openly talks about how this was very difficult to accomplish and something they have to fight for. And then the fanbase says that the show is queer-baiting or has “forced heterosexuality” because there is one canon m/f couple in the supporting cast. 
Never mind that bisexual/pansexual opposite sex couples exist and that there are trans people who are heterosexual. Never mind that the heterosexual couple is healthy and equal and doesn’t adhere to cisheteronormativity. Never mind that the creator openly had to fight for a diverse cast and queer representation, and got a lot of hate from alt-right groups. Never mind that the “forced het couple” is interracial and diverse (because everything is about shipping).
Nah, it’s all queer-baiting, you see, because I don’t personally like this ship and don’t want to ship it. And you can bet that I’ll never be this hard on my favorite sitcom with no queer representation made by a bunch of cishet men. In fact, I’ll even praise my favorite cishet white showrunners for doing the bare minimum, and treat queer showrunners like they’re the incarnation of Satan (/s).
Bonus points if the queer showrunner is trans and they constantly get misgendered by the people who hate the show.
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skyandpeople · 9 months
An avg.army support goes to: (had to post this, imagine jm saying it they would have used these words everytime pjms questioned their support 😂😂)
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and how some view him when it comes to jm:
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Well finally they are This!
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They are exhausted seeing fightings and all..but aren't exhausted fighting with ggs and some biggest bgs fandoms since years and bringing hate to members especially jimin??
They only fight for unnecessary shit and always do pityparties when someone points out their craziness and now i understand why they want jimin to go MS becz they think pjms will not be anymore 🤣 girlies, lemme to tell you even if we won't be as active as on sm apps we do cb when he releases music becz we are here for music lol, well we can't say same for them.
Seeing as non-biased as possible, I actually started feeling they always want to be on side of bigger artist(s)/group so they can brag? It's funny to even say this but yeah that's why they are silent on one member getting most privilege thing by downplaying others in disguise of oh he is whatever fits in USA market lol and successfully made many people into accepting it.
Anyway, pjms who are following me vote vote vote!
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Like I don't think I'm saying anything a lot of other people haven't said already about this but the way the same people who have spent years accusing "woke" universities of stifling freedom of speech are now demanding that universities stifle freedom of speech is something else
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hayatheauthor · 7 months
Possibly the most bitterly ironic thing ever is watching celebrities who said "If I lived during the holocaust I would have done ___" actively support and aid the genocide we are witnessing and have witnessed for the past 75 years.
If you were like me and sat in history class wondering how could anyone have just supported or turned a blind eye to the holocaust, here's your answer.
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linddzz · 1 year
Me (octopus tattoo. sawfish necklace. coral stickers. zero self awareness): idk man I think a lot of the terrestrial zoo keepers make their job their entire personality, where's the work/life balance ya know?
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inkbirdie · 6 months
Just listened to Conan O’Brien’s podcast interview with Biden. I think he has admirable ideals but fails to live up to them. He says, and maybe believes, that he cares about human connections and lives, and declares that the U.S. can and should help around the world (we are the “essential nation”) but he is clearly unable to see when people truly need help. Biden lives in a past where the political parties had more shared values and could reach across the aisle to achieve common American goals. He is still able to ignore the terrible things other politicians (friends and the people he admires/respects—ex. the Bushes and Mitt Romney) believe and have done in the name of unity. He is an eloquent and warm speaker with optimistic ideals and capacity for sympathy and compassion. It is true that other politicians do not possess this. However, Biden never goes far enough for the values he claims to have, and he prefers vague statements on friendships, camaraderie, and a better future to doing the right work to make that better future (and better present) happen. I implore him to do as he says and speak directly to the people who need help. To see the world from the perspective of the oppressed and the poor. To look into the eyes of a person who has lost everything and understand how they truly feel and what they truly need and want. He knows all too well the power he holds and the ability he has as the U.S. president, but he refuses to use it to stop genocide and save thousands of lives. I implore him to meet with the Palestinian people as he did with the Israelis and to look them in the eyes and know their pain and their need. Live up to his grandiose statements and work now and hard for positive and tangible change that improves and saves the lives of the suffering. Do not forget the pain that is felt when family is lost. The idea that all who go through it are heroes. That is their every day. We don’t need any more heroes. We need to save lives, now. This is a defining moment. The world is watching. Free Palestine. 🇵🇸
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top 10 funniest moments in verdi has to include the time a guy went to go break up a fight between two other guys in a cemetery because it was sacrilegious and then almost immediately proceeded to challenge one of the guys involved to a fight upon finding out from the other guy that the first guy was having an affair with his wife (which was why the original fight happened in the first place)
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dancingisdangerouss · 2 years
Like y’all wanna bother people shipping a fictional adult with a fictional adult, but you’ll look the other way when people do literal pedophilia on here?
No. Get the fuck out. You’re welcome to come bug me here, but only if I also see you going after the real predators. If not, be on your way and be ashamed of yourself.
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