#bleach challenge day 14
lixenn · 4 months
I have some questions for Dave this time hehe
What was his first meeting with Chief like?
What was his original hair color?
I wonder if he gets along with Bel?
*crawls out of trenches, bloodied and covered in mud*
"I-" *huff* "I have fought in war and it was close but! I HAVE WON! The evil snippet has not defeated me!"
So now, I can finally answer this!! I'm sorry that it took so long Ein 🫠🥺🥺please forgive my tardiness 😣
Let me satisfy your curiosity!
Original hair color
Dave's hair used to be this really mousy brown and it just wouldn't do! No! He refuses! It was boring and common and absolutly clashed with his vibe so it needed to be adressed immediately. He bleached his hair the first time when he was 14 and it turned out horrible but he was still happy with his shitty dyejob because at least it was unique!
Dave and Bel
Do they get along? Ohhh boy, honey they get along like a house on fire! Dave and Bel often team up for pranks and mischief (Levi is one of their regular victims lol). Surprisingly Chief doesn't actually mind this relationship mostly because Dave tends to curb Bel's more ... homicidal tendencies. Dave prefers leaving his victims alive (though there's no guarentee for their sanity) mostly because killing them would limit his options for pranks. So when Dave and Bel plan mischief Dave puts his foot down about murder.
First meeting
As for that question....
Have a snippet!
The world is undoubtedly cruel. Criminally unjust. Life is filled with hurdles and hardships, with unimaginable challenges and dreadful chores.
Dan has been kicked out of his own office by an overly worried Lussuria.
(Honestly, the audacity of his doctor, the inhumanity. He is seriously considering a lawsuit.)
Apparently working for ten months straight without a break is “unhealthy” and “terrible for the skin, just look at those wrinkles Dani-boy”. Which is ridiculous in his humble opinion, he doesn’t have wrinkles. His skin simply has more character, more definition, that’s all. No wrinkles here, just a well-developed background story edged into his outer shell.
Nevertheless, Dan is left with no other choice than take the day off since he doesn’t want to deal with Lussuria drugging his tea again. One time was more than enough.
Well, at least he can use this opportunity to finally get some shopping done. His sister Is going to skin him alive if he shows up empty handed to her birthday again. Finding the perfect jewellery set to make up for his blunder took him some time but now he can at least cross that off his list.
He is slandering down the empty streets, enjoying the sunshine on his face, when his peaceful musings are interrupted by a body landing right in his path.
Dan must have committed war crimes in his past life, it’s the only explanation. His former self probably kicked puppies for fun and slaughtered babies in their sleep because he can’t even take a stroll in the city without someone throwing bodies at his feet.
Puzzled and slightly annoyed Dan takes a closer look at the young man sprawled in front of him.
The first thing that catches his eye is the absolutely garish shade of neon green decorating the top of his head. Whoever did that dye job needs to be fired. His hair isn't the only thing that needed fixing though. He’s covered in bruises and dirt, blood is dripping from his nose and - Dan squints - is that a tooth on the pavement? Yes, it is. … Gross. Hopefully the guy knows a good a dentist.
The sound of footsteps alerts him to the arrival of even more people. Dan inspects the newcomers in irritation. There are three of them, all clad in ill-fitted suits, hair slicked back and fake gold rings on their fingers, making them look like stereotypical comic mafia goons brought to life. It would have been funny and something to laugh over with Squalo over coffee if said goons hadn’t interrupted his quiet afternoon with their petty disputes.
What a drag.
“You have five seconds.”
“Hah?” Goon #1 sneers at him, somehow turning even uglier in the process. “What do ya want, shrimp? Don’t ya see we’re a little busy here.”
Only sheer willpower prevents Dan from inspecting his nails in disinterest. Instead, he crooks an eyebrow, giving the idiotic trio his best deadpan fish stare.
“Three seconds.”
Goon #2 spots the Varia emblem on his hoodie and the Cloud clocks the moment he recognises what it stands for. He shakily points at Dan’s chest. “U-uhm… boss?”
“What?” Goon #1 snaps, but his gaze follows his friend’s finger and all colour leaves his face. “V-v-varia?”
Dan puts his hands in his hoodie pocket and smiles. “You rang?”
The way they freeze like a deer in the headlights. How they start quaking in their knock off designer shoes when realisations dawns upon them. The fear in their eyes.
Ah… making grown men piss their pants with a single look never gets old.
“By the way,” Dan drops his smile, his voice turning ice cold. “Your time is up. Better start running, boys.”
One would think that the Vendice are on their heels with how fast they scrammed.
Now, with that sorted.
Dan looks back the stranger who’s still lazing on the street. “You okay?”
“U-uhm yes…” he stutters with wide eyes that are filled with something uncomfortably close to awe. “Thank you so much.”
Feeling slightly awkward now, Dan avoids his shining gaze. “Don't mention it.”
“Seriously don’t,” Dan interrupts him, combing a hand through his hair. He wishes this interaction was over already. He’s no good with shows of gratitude. “You should let a doctor check you over.” That should be enough polite concern, right? “I will be on my way then.”
Dan tries to speedwalk away to avoid further socialising but is hindered by a surprisingly strong grip on his hoodie.
Only his ingrained manners (thanks Mom) prevent him from breaking a hand and escaping anyways, which is probably for the best, the poor guy has enough injuries, no need to add broken bones to the list.
Dan turns around and sighs. “What is it?”
The young man gives him a solid try at puppy eyes. “What’s your name? I’m Dave by the way! You can’t just rescue me like a knight in shining armour and then disappear off into the sunset. That’s not fair at all.” He adds a pout to his pleading expression, which – in Dan’s humble opinion – just makes him look even more pathetic.
“Have you suffered head trauma recently?”
Dave cocks his head, confused. “I mean, one of them kicked my face for a bit but that was nothing, I’m good! They mostly focused on my upper body and limbs.” He lets go of Dan’s hoodie and lifts his shirt up to point at his battered torso in demonstration. “See?”
“Then, why are you spouting nonsense?” Dan takes a step back after he is freed from Dave’s clutches. “Run along and try to avoid getting beat up by shady men in the future.”
The puppy eyes start to fill with fake tears. “But they keep on finding me.”
Dan is suddenly overcome with a desperate need for coffee.
“And that’s my problem, how exactly?”
The responding grin sends shivers down his spine. It reminds him of Bel’s smug smile after he caught another one of his employees in his wire traps.
“Well, all your hard work would go to waste if they came back, wouldn’t it? So, how about you help a buddy out?” Dave winks and it would have been charming if his face wasn’t covered in dried blood. “You can start with your name and we will go from there.”
Dan barely lifted a finger, is this guy on crack? In fact… Is he trying to con him? This feels like a con.
Why did I even bother leaving my room today?
“Look, Dave,” he begins trying to salvage the situation, “if I tell you that Varia Housekeeping is always looking for new members, will you go away and let me enjoy the rest of my day off in peace?”
The other man’s jaw drops like Dan got on his knees and proposed instead of throwing in a job offer as distraction tactic.
Dan takes his surprise as an opportunity to exit the premises once again. This time he isn’t stopped physically but a broken “W-wait” still gives him pause and he reluctantly glimpses back. Dave has dropped his cocky façade leaving behind only shattered pieces and a tiny fragment of hope.
“Please. Tell me your name?”
His voice sounds fragile compared his confident tone before.
Dan has always been a sucker for the broken ones, hasn’t he?
Fuck it, in for a penny, in for a pound.
“You can call me Chief.”
Hope you liked the little sneak peak into Dave's mysterious past 😊! Honestly the delay was mostly because that meeting was fighting me with tooth and nail but I managed to get it done!
I feel like I wanted to add something else but I forgot because goldfish brain lol
Anyways keep being awesome like the legend you are Ein!! Hopefully I could brighten your dim days in study hell 💕✨😊
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rainisawriter · 1 year
Pumpkin Spice Fluff (Flufftober 2023 Masterlist)
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🍂 Introduction 🍂
So, for the past few years I've been doing this set called Frightful October but I wanted to do something different this year. I have decided to try my hand at @flufftober this year!
I'm quite nervous because I only found this challenge last month and, as of posting this, I've only completed one lmao I really want to try and get all 31 but I'm not promising anything, knowing how I struggle to finish shit.
I originally planned to make this entire event original fiction however, then I changed my mind and decided to do half original and half fanfiction. I then changed my mind a third time and have decided to go with all fanfiction lmao
This set will be tagged with #RFO - PSF and #RFO - PSF23. You can see this set posted on AO3 and WordPress.
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Ficography under the cut!
🍂 Week 1 (October 1st – 7th) 🍂
Day 1. Cowardly San (San, Ateez) | 3k | fluff, angst, non-idol au
Day 2. To Be Family (Yamato, High&Low) | 4k | fluff, family
Day 3. What Changed? (Jaemin, NCT) | 1k | fluff, college au
Day 4. The Ugly Duckling (Amagai, High&Low) | 7k | angst, fluff
Day 5. Stood Up (Reo, Generations) | 3k | fluff
Day 6. The Sun & Moon (Bernie, High&Low) | 6k | angst, fluff
Day 7. Together-Forever (Woozi, Seventeen) | 7k | fluff, supernatural, romance
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🍂 Week 2 (October 8th - 14th) 🍂
Day 8. Strange One (Takeshi, High&Low) | 3k | fluff, comedy
Day 9. Luck of the Draw (Wooyoung, Ateez) | 2k | fluff, friendship
Day 10. Made With Love (Shibaman, High&Low) | 5k | fluff, romance, slice of life
Day 11. A Helping Hand (Cobra, High&Low) | 2k | fluff, slice of life, romance
Day 12. One Day, You'll Be Mine (Hitsugaya, Bleach) | 5k | fluff, comedy
Day 13. You've A Lot of Explaining to Do (Yamasho, The Rampage) | 3k | fluff, supernatural
Day 14. Hyuga & the Three Kittens (Hyuga, High&Low) | 4k | fluff, slice of life
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🍂 Week 3 (October 15th - 21st) 🍂
Day 15. Missing & Cursed (Choutarou, Prince of Tennis) | 6k | fluff, supernatural, magic
Day 16. A Halloween Miracle (Ice, High&Low) | 5k | fluff, romance slice of life
Day 17. Accept Me As I Am (Ryu, the Rampage)
Day 18. To the Hot Springs (Tsuji, High&Low)
Day 19. I'll Never Leave (Renato, Dead by Daylight)
Day 20. To Care for You (Murayama, High&Low) | 5k | fluff, angst, slice of life
Day 21. Welcome to the Realm (Nic, Dead by Daylight) | 3k | fluff, friendship
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🍂 Week 4 (October 22nd - 28th) 🍂
Day 22. My Beautiful Captain (Futa, High&Low) | 4k | fluff, angst, comfort
Day 23. Little Starfish (Floyd, Twisted Wonderland) | 3k | fluff, soulmate au
Day 24.
Day 25.
Day 26.
Day 27.
Day 28.
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🍂 Week 5 (October 29th - 31st) 🍂
Day 29.
Day 30.
Day 31.
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Friedrich the Profane
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"Gluttonous" © Lennart Verhoeff, accessed at his ArtStation here
[The basic concept of this NPC--a demodand who writes to discredit the gods--has been kicking around in my head for at least a decade. But the name, and the title of his most notorious tome, are recent innovations. I just read a book about the Treatise of the Three Imposters, a book that existed for centuries as a rumor and slander before actually being written. It was originally used as a rhetorical weapon by Pope Gregory IX against Emperor Fredrick II, hence the name of our villain for today. ]
Friedrich the Profane CR 20 CE Outsider (extraplanar) This humanoid creature has sharp teeth and bat-like wings. Its skin appears to be bleached and fits poorly on its obese frame—it has torn away in some places, and hangs in flaps in others. It wears a set of simple robes and carries a long iron rod, which it uses like a walking stick.
Friedrich the Profane is a powerful demodand who has taken an intellectual approach to the demodand’s quixotic quest to overthrow the gods. He is an author of great skill, and has written many tracts and discourses designed to convince their readers that the gods are not worthy of worship, being frauds and exploiters of the highest order. His masterpiece is the Treatise of the Three Imposters, which argues that the Test of the Starstone is a trap designed to kill anyone powerful enough to challenge the gods. Iomedae, Cayden Cailean and Norgober are the titular three imposters, who were granted divine power directly by Aroden to maintain the Starstone ruse, and then murdered him in order to cover up their secret origins. Friedrich poured some of his own quintessence into the creation of seven special copies of this book, which warped his body and left him a broken soul. He has seeded six of these copies in Golarion in order to spread mayhem and maltheism, but keeps the seventh copy for himself.
Friedrich now lives in seclusion and semi-retirement. His joints have locked up and his pallid hide is perpetually rent with seeping wounds; he treats his ailments with baths in warm acid and by sewing his skin in place. His manor is an imposing, gothic structure carved into the cavern walls of Sekatar-Seraktis in the Abyss, trusting to the war-torn nature of that plane to keep away intruders. He maintains a small household staff of lesser demodands, but despises the company of all other creatures. Friedrich the Profane walks with an iron rod to assist his movement, which can unlock into a deadly three-section staff should he need to defend himself (or punish an underling).
Treatise of the Three Imposters Although heavily redacted copies of this book can be found in a dozen or so libraries, and more in the ash piles of censors, the seven magical copies of Treatise of the Three Imposters are all currently extant. Any creature that carries a Treatise of the Three Imposters treats the damage reduction and spell resistance of all extraplanar outsiders as if they were five points lower. A creature that actually reads the entire dense text, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of 6 days, gains the heretical soul special ability of a demodand. The book is cursed. Anyone who carries a copy of Treatise of the Three Imposters cannot cast divine spells. Anyone who reads the entire book to gain its benefits can never cast divine spells again, nor gain levels in a divine spellcasting class, unless they receive an atonement spell, followed by a limited wish, wish or miracle spell. Having the curse lifted in such a way removes the heretical soul ability from the creature. CL 20th; School strong abjuration; Weight 5 lbs.
Friedrich the Profane    CR 20 XP 307,200 Broken soul shaggy demodand CE Medium outsider (chaotic, demodand, evil, extraplanar) Init +11; Senses blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., detect good, detect magic, Perception +28, see invisibility Defense AC 37, touch 14, flat-footed 25 (+4 Dex, +19 natural, +4 armor) hp 362 (25d10+225) Fort +22, Ref +14, Will +17; +4 vs. divine spells DR 15/good and magic, 5/-; Immune acid, poison; Resist cold 10, electricity 5, fire 10, sonic 5; SR 29 Offense Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) Melee +2 unholy sansetsukon +36/+31/+26/+21 (1d10+15 plus 2d6 unholy), bite +29 (2d6+4) or bite +34 (2d6+9), 2 claws +34 (1d6+9) or tortuous touch +34 (2d6 plus 1d6 Dexterity damage) Special Attacks agonized wail, baleful gaze (DC 27), faith-stealing strike (DC 27), torturous touch (DC 27) Spell-Like Abilities CL 20th; concentration +15 (+19 casting defensively) Constant—detect good, detect magic, see invisibility At will—detect thoughts (DC 17), fear (DC 19), gaseous form, greater dispel magic, invisibility (self only), magic circle against good 3/day—empowered cloudkill (DC 20), fog cloud, quickened ray of enfeeblement (DC 16), stinking cloud (DC 18)1/day—blasphemy (DC 22), chaos hammer (DC 19), mass charm monster (DC 23), summon (level 6, 1d6 tarry demodands or 1d4 slimy demodands 60%) Statistics Str 29, Dex 18, Con 27, Int 21, Wis 16, Cha 20 Base Atk +25; CMB +34 (+36 vs. disarm); CMD 48 (50 vs. disarm) Feats Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Diehard (B), Empower Spell-Like Ability (cloudkill), Endurance (B), Great Fortitude (B), Greater Vital Strike, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Intimidating Prowess, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (ray of enfeeblement), Toughness (B), Vital Strike Skills Bluff +27, Craft (writing) +30, Diplomacy +27, Fly +22, Intimidate +46, Knowledge (arcana) +30, Knowledge (planes, religion) +33, Linguistics +10, Perception +28, Sense Motive +28, Spellcraft +27, Use Magic Device +27; Racial Modifiers +8 Intimidate Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal, Necril, Senzar, two regional languages SQ heretical soul Gear +2 unholy sansetsukon, bracers of armor +4, Treatise of the Three Imposters, wand of scorching ray (CL 11th, 50 charges), 200 pp, 500 gp Special Abilities Agonized Wail (Su) As a standard action, Friedrich the Profane can emit an agonized wail that inspires terror in those who hear it. All creatures within 120 feet must succeed at a DC 27 Will save or become shaken for as long as they remain within 120 feet of Friedrich. A successful save renders a creature immune to Friedrich’s agonized wail for 24 hours. This is a sonic mind-affecting fear effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Baleful Gaze (Su) Any creature within 60 feet of Friedrich the Profane must succeed at a DC 27 Fortitude save or take 1d4 points of Strength, Constitution, and Charisma drain. Whatever the result of the saving throw, the creature cannot be affected by the same broken soul's baleful gaze again for 1 minute. Demodands are immune to this effect. The save DC is Charisma based. Faith-Stealing Strike (Su) When Friedrich the Profane’s natural attack or melee weapon damages a creature capable of casting divine spells, that creature must make a DC 27 Will saving throw or be unable to cast any divine spells for 1 round. Once a creature makes this save, it is immune to further faith-stealing strikes from that particular demodand for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based. Heretical Soul (Ex) All demodands gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against divine spells. In addition, any attempts to scry on a demodand using divine magic automatically fail. The caster can see the scryed area normally, but the demodand simply does not appear. Treatise of the Three Imposters (Su) By carrying a copy of his cursed tome, Freidrich the Profane is able to treat the spell resistance and damage reduction of all extraplanar outsiders as if they were 5 points lower. Torturous Touch (Su) Friedrich the Profane can make a touch attack to cause hideous, painful wounds to rip open in the target's body. This touch deals 2d6 points of slashing damage and 1d6 points of Dexterity damage, and causes the touched creature to fall prone in a fit of convulsions and be dazed for 1d4 rounds. A successful Fortitude save negates the Dexterity damage and the convulsive fit. The save DC is Charisma based.
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lerya-fanfic · 2 years
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I posted 120 times in 2022
14 posts created (12%)
106 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 41 of my posts in 2022
#one piece - 14 posts
#fanfiction - 11 posts
#writers of tumblr - 5 posts
#marco the phoenix - 4 posts
#writing - 2 posts
#portgas d. ace - 2 posts
#fanfic - 2 posts
#this - 2 posts
#bleach - 2 posts
#writers - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 37 characters
#i keep thinking someone else wrote it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello. I'm here to ask for your permission to translate A grandfather's gift to keep the family together from One Piece to Portuguese-Brazil, I really liked the story and I wanted other Brazilian fans to read it, I'll give all the credits and if you allow I'll be translating on wattpad with the user of ET-Black.
Hi, I don’t mind. I already have someone who translates to Portuguese but she doesn’t do One Piece, so you can go ahead. Please send me the link after you finished so I can link it in the original. And give propper credit :) Otherwise have fun ^^ 
2 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
A solitary ask is now in your box!
Do you have any WIPs?
I have a lot of WIPs to be honest. Right now I have 5 WIPs in progress, that are being posted weekly. 7 WIPs that are being written, but aren't finished yet. 6 WIPs that have been written, but aren't published/posted yet. And 37 WIPs that the Plunny dropped on me that I haven't started on yet.
3 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
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Can I brag about this?  I’m just going to do it, but I’m almost as 1K user subs on AO3 - and for some reason that feels like a milestone!
4 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
Fic Writer Wrapped - 2021 edition
I was tagged by @theladygia (thanks for that btw!) on main, so I hope they that I do this on my fanfic account xD
How many stories did you complete?
In total? Over 100, but 93 of those are from October challenges, so I don’t think those count xD 
Full lenght, or multi chap ones; 25
What is your total word count for the year?
1.3 Million 
What fandoms did you write in this year?
One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Harry Potter, MCU, Teen Wolf - I think those are the main ones.
Did you write more, less, or roughly about what you expected?
More, a lot more. I kept getting attacked by my muse and couldn’t just leave well enough alone.
But I enjoyed every moment of it, and am very rpoud of the things I did pyblush this year.
What’s your favorite story of the year?
I can’t believe this is how I fell in love
It’s a sugar daddy/suger baby MarAce fic that just popped up and wouldn’t let me go. I loved writing it, and going from reviews people loved reading it too. 
What is your most underappreciated story of the year?
I don’t know to be honest, I think I’m doing rather well overall. I think my stats are amazing, so I don’t think I have one really.
Biggest fanfic-related disappointment of 2021?
Spelling mistakes, I have this annoying habit of reading over my own mistakes and as such don’t always notice that I left glaring errors in my fics.
People are pointing them out to me, and I go and correct them. I also have someone who is looking over the fics for me, even if I don’t know if I need a beta-reader per se (I just need someone who points them all out).
Biggest fanfic-related surprise of 2021?
The amount of writing I got in, and the suprising easy way I could get them in.
Not to brag or anything, but if I put my mind to it I could get a chapter finished in about an hour. Given that I write at least 2 hours idea, it isn’t that much of a surprise that I can hit 2.5K words a day, on avarage.
Something you look forward to working on in 2022?
My prompts, I want to explore more about what I can do. With they way there are so many prompts lists out there, as well as the option of readers to send some ine I feel like I’ll accomplish a lot this year!
I’m gonna tag… @know-it-all-hermione, @chromiwrites, @phoenixkaizen and @arielxlazarus
6 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Davy Back Fight!
@phoenixkaizen, @aspiringtrashpanda, and​ Shadow (no tumblr) completed our fic for the @davy-back-fight; which you can read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41315799 
 It was really fun to do, especially with such amazing writers! <3
8 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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xxmoonxsisterxx · 2 years
Day 14 Bleach (anime) Challenge: A Scene That Made You Sad
The scene that made me pretty sad was when Rukia was being taken back to the Soul Society to suffer punishment for giving her powers to a human. How she treated and spoke to Ichigo and how heartbroken and upset he looked as she was acting this way towards him just made me want to hug Ichigo and tell him everything was going to be alright 💔😭
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meeeemilfyway · 3 months
So this is a tribute // fanfic?? Of an old thread “life hacks to adult effectively” by i believe deadly little Kate
Anyways i could only find screenshots of this thread so lets make a updated list and start f*cking life for once!!
() who its by
[🛸] my update , purple writing
I think numbered makes it easier to keep track of list
1- 32 is deadly little Kate
1. Even if you get along with family you’ll be even better after moving out
2. Generic is almost = to name brand
Exception :
- peanut butter [🛸] you can make
-ketchup [🛸] you can make
-Liquid NyQuil
-chips a hoy chewy
-spaghetti sauce [🛸] you can also make this
3. At least once your card will decline for something as little as 20$. No one will judge its okay to have 3$ in your bank we’ve all been there
4.thrift stores
[🛸]esp for books
5. Everyone also is anxious, too anxious to worry about you boo
6. You will screw up a lot. Live & learn . What’s done is done move on
7.do dishes before an ecosystem grows
[🛸]even if you soak in hot soapy water walk away, you did something
8.dawn cant go in dishwasher
9.cart surfing is cool anywhere anytime
10.15% tip
11.easy way you might be able to get food is by parents or grandparents
12. endure the sucky days of life
[🛸]i write a vent diary , then write either
-> positive from it
->transmute (transform) that energy
13.in lightbulbs 60w is not interchangeable w/ 40w
14. $ store batteries = any brand
15. Reward yourself
Pay a bill? -> go to coffee bean [🛸]its way better than Starbucks, trust
16.buy bulk food:
- rice
[🛸] get wheat berries, and buy a cheap mill so the flour wont rot
[🛸]brown sugar is white sugar + molasses , store with a piece of bread to keep from hardening
[🛸]get quail!! Eggs are more nutritious and they are small enough to keep in a laundry bin also apartment friendly super quiet
-frozen fruit & veggies
17. Rice can be cooked on stove 2:1 water to rice
18. Keep a PHYSICAL calendar of bill due dates
19.take time to eat even when you feel like not eating
[🛸]also chew food till smashed to prevent bloating & indigestion
20. Scrub & rinse dishes before dishwasher
21.the works is an excellent toilet cleaner
22.magic eraser work
[🛸]pls buy the 100 pk on amazon off brand instead of the 2 sponges for 3$
23.keep bleach around bu if you clean dilute it
[🛸]never clean dog pee , its mustard gas
List of no no
25.if you drink don’t take meds
[🛸]also don’t sun bathe
26.check dosages on bottles
[🛸]when disposing prescription, peel off tag it has numbers that trace to ur medical ID
27.uterus humans, heating pad is a life saver and ginger tea for nausea
- diy heating pad: rice in a sock microwave 30 sec
- cinnamon tea helps w/ cramps
28.buy a first aid kit
29.turbo tax is a good tax online
[🛸]idk about anyone else but my highschool accounting class offered free services to the public so students can get extra credit
30.yeast infection info:
-cranberry pills for when you feel even the slightest of discomfort
-Cranberry juice at least weekly to prevent
-chamomile tea cooled to rinse, and ease any pain
31.petroleum jelly replaces chapstick
32.antibiotic ointment should be kept in first aid
Hilarious side note i took a break and lost the thingy but wrote 9 as a note to not waste any further time and stress ill continue with others
33.mewing - a technique for a better jawline
Tongue posture
34.warm water and cold exit in shower
35.read 5 pages a day
36.75 day hard challenge
Or soft ?
37. Journaling everything
~shopping list
38.set sort term and long term goals
39 gym
YMCA is super cheap
I saw on a website that the YMCA is offered free on EBT
Or try the family plan
40.for low confidence keep promises to ur self even small ones
41.don’t write off short workouts
20 min consistently is better than 60 min and burning out
42. Buy a liter water bottle
Goal:once a day then
2x a day
43.try to clean your bedding weekly as a habit
~invest in bedding you that sparks joy
44.organize room in a junebugging way to avoid burnout
45.invest in self care especially shower time
46.rosemary oil in roots & hair nightly massage
~so many benefits
47.push yourself to walk daily then 2x morning & night
48.YOLO srsly be cringey if its you <3
49.message old friends personal jokes and try to catch up
50.become your dream person
Compliment people
Talk sweetly
51.sunshine exposure in the am regulates ur sleep schedule
52.vitamin c in the morning and make sure you wear sunscreen after also, avoid ur eye area
~for acne scars
~dark pigmentation
53.Korean sunscreen > us sunscreen your eyes wont burn
54.sunscreen your chest!!!
55.witch hazel > tea tree oil , coming from sensitive skin gorly
56.those back braces for posture don’t work , strengthen back muscles
57.some people say coconut oil is clogging but for me my skin was glowing plump and hydrated
If acne prone ~castor oil or almond oil
58.shea butter raw is really thick and putting on ur skin kinda pulls it
-use a mixer
-hand mix with a lotion till softened
59.castor oil your lashes nightly
60.don’t be afraid to thrift
-but maybe wear some gloves cause I saw that you can get hand foot mouth disease from searching bins
61.don’t be afraid to dumpster dive
ESP Best Buy , Ulta , Sephora ,tech places
62.DONT DRINK ALCOHOL , that ages you and dries you up if you do wine is good for your heart everything else kinda makes ur body shutdown
-alcohol addiction is deadlier than meth esp getting trying to quit kills you
there’s psychedelic fizzy drinks
63.if you get a traffic ticket , go to court dispute it
-> ask when last calibrated, with evidence
Most of the time cops neglect to re calibrate as often as supposed to so it’ll get dropped
64.HR is only good for a paper trail sending 2-3 complaints with no resolution & unanswered is enough to send to OSHA / EEOC
speaking of email every conflict to urself as a paper trail
65.got a mole you don’t like ? Tell ur doctor it itches (sign of cancer ) could possibly get paid off , max 3 times
66.ever recorded without consent ? Play Disney music its copyrighted
67.open a high yield savings acct ASAP , that interest builds up
-> as of 2023 , discover has the highest
68.follow at least 1 finance YouTuber and watch their uploads every update
69.quit p0rn.. srsly life is too short & makes you tired on top of the other downsides such as body image (any and all genders )
70.bad people can try to sue you, even if they hit your car
-> make sure you call the cops & find a witness
Record exactly front back their vehicle & yours ,, best if you have a camera both sides of vehicle
Record the conversation & ask if they are ok ,,,make recording of them admitting !!!! , even if they are “nice”
71.so when renting a car & you need 3rd party insurance ; for progressive it covers rental
Check if your big insurance also covers & don’t only go with first pressure
don’t be pressured & advocate by doing research ~TikTok ,, divolvere (I tried to simplify her story to like what the advise part was )
72. Casino vist
A. Pick loudest machine in most populated area
B. Find a machine with smallest max bet & bet the max
C. Don’t hit feature within 5 spins move
I don’t recommend gambling but to each their own
73. If theres gonna be a draft get “fuck you “ or etc on ur right pinky outside hand ,, itll disrespect ur officer
i want “faggy” in cursive super y2k thick bold (im bi & fae )
74. (By a financial advisor on reddit )
- save 10% of every paycheck into reitrement account
~dont touch this account until retirement , or able to live off 4% the rest of your life
~invest majority into lowrisk and some into higher risk stocks or upcoming businesses
- FDIC insured savings account
~after taxes emergency fund with 3 months of savings
include : car , car emergency , home , home emergency
75. Never consent a police officer searching your vechile or house vecause a search warrant provides a lot less area where they are allowed to look
- your consent is to only hurt you, politely ask for a search warrant
76. Never do more than one illegal thing at a time
77. Always surround yourself with people who believe in you
0 notes
therk900 · 10 months
🎄December TC Challenge (Day 1-31)🎄
1. Have you ever had any TCs before? If yes, describe them very briefly Yes. I have 4. S is tall and really cute. He is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. B is taller than me but not as tall as S and is handsome. He is there when you need him and he is so lovely. M is so fun he teaches. A is just so sweet and adorable.
2. What is the main thing that attracted you to them? Their personality and looks
3. In an ideal world where you’re similar ages, they’re not your teacher and they return your feelings, how far would you like your relationship with them to go? (Friends, dating, marriage., etc.) MARRIAGE ALL THE WAY 
4. How much of your attraction to them is sexual, romantic, platonic, aesthetic or admiration? Great question for my birthday! In the middle of sexual and romantic
5. Have you found them on social media? If yes, have any of their posts caught your attention? I have found S and M on lots of different social media pages but it’s all private. I haven’t told both of them yet that I have found them. I may ask to follow them when I graduate though. i am still on the hunt to find A & B's social media. i know they have it!
6. What is one song that makes you instantly think of your TC? A song that reminds me of B is “here with me” by d4vd. For S, that song would be “Enchanted” by Taylor Swift. For A, maybe “Hard for me” by Charley. For M, it would be “Somebody Told Me” by The Killers
7. At this current moment in time, what is your relationship like and how close to them are you? With S, we are SO FUCKING CLOSE to the point that I know I can’t turn back now. With B, We are close but not as close as S and I. M and i are also really tight! It's the same with A
8. If they hugged you, how do you think you would react? I would definitely hug them back while my heart would be absolutely melting, and i would be going feral
9. Have they ever said or done anything which gave you the ick? S decided to cut and bleach his hair at the start of the school year. My friend didn’t even recognise him. That didn’t stop me loving him though since it's back to normal now!
10. How do other students generally see your TC? Are they well liked or seen to be disliked a lot? S, M and B are liked by students. Some students even give S nicknames (This includes me. I have a little nickname for S and I call him by it all the time. He doesn't mind at all!). If A taught at my school, i'm guessing he would also be liked by students!
11. Have you ever felt jealous when you saw them with another student? If so, why? No. I know it's their job to help other students
12. How do you think they see you? Do they appear to have a good opinion of you? Hopefully they all see me in a positive light. They have a good option of me, I think. A said that i was his favourite student. i also think that M sees me as a good student since i participate in his class lots!
13. If your TC had to teach something else, what subject would you choose for them? I feel like B would teach Humanities and S seems like the guy to teach some sort of art subject
14. What do you think a typical evening looks like for them? S plays a sport outside of school on some nights, so he plays that then goes home to do some marking or chill. For B, I think it would consist of him marking work. A seems like the type of person who would go to a bar sometimes with his mates. M may just be sleeping or spending time with his family
15. Has your TC taken any holidays which you know about? If yes, where did they go and what did they do? I know that S recently went to Tokyo. I think he went to Disneyland while he was there. I recommend that he went there during Halloween since it’s all Halloween themed. He also went to Cairns in Australia. He visited the Great Barrier Reef which he said was really cool!
16. If you got the opportunity to have a date with them, where would you go and what would you do together? B: Going down to the beach when there is a sunset S: Out to a fancy restaurant most likely A: Watching a movie at a cinema M: Chill out at a park maybe
17. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve had about them? this is the weirdest one i've had so far, i guess. So, S and I were somehow riding a Penny-farthing together and we went to this massive fair thing. I then saw a teacher I had for 2 years in one of the tents. He yelled “what’s that?” While running over to it. He ran behind a wall of a tent and then I yelled “there’s this instead” while pulling out a pineapple. He crazily ran back while grabbing it. He then walked out as if nothing happened. Later on, we witnessed B fall down a MASSIVE staircase and just walked off like nothing happened like the other teacher. S and I wondered how in the world he didn’t die. Then we just chilled out for the rest of the time and sadly that's where the dream ended
18. What do they usually sit like while teaching? S sits with his back completely straight and his legs closed while he is mostly on his laptop doing work. B was more chill. He leaned back in the chair and sometimes his legs would be open a tiny bit. A is kind of similar to B, but the only difference is that we sit closer together! He also does the leg bounce thing like i do! I personally haven't seen M sit down that much while teaching since he is always up and about, but i have seen it once. He usually leans in while he lets his head rest on his hand!
19. If known, how long have they been teaching for? B taught at my school for 2 years and S has teaching for 3 years. M has been doing it for 4 years at my school.
20. Have you got any pictures of them? If yes, how did you get them? i have got pictures of all of them and I get them from our school website and social media pages
21. If you could tell them one thing with no limits, what would it be? i would tell them all that i like them!
22. How are you dealing with your feelings for them? Are you pulling away or getting closer to them? I’m getting closer with them in some way. But now that B is gone, i feel like i'm semi pulling away from him, but there will still be that part of me that will still like him
23. If you heard your TC was now famous, what do you think it would be for? For B, he may be working in politics. For S, maybe a scientist and maybe curing something. A and M would most likely both be mathematicians
24. If you could get them anything as a Christmas gift, what would you choose and why? I would most likely buy chocolate for all of them, since you can't go wrong with that 99% of the time.
25. Does your TC like Christmas? Merry Christmas everyone! I’m pretty sure they all like Christmas!
26. If known, what are your TCs political beliefs? I have no idea about their political beliefs
27. Does your TC set much homework? B and S did set a tiny bit of homework. M kind of did! A doesn't
28. Do you know if any other student has a crush on your TC? I’m HOPING that no other student likes them the way I do 
29. Is your TC currently dating anyone to your knowledge? Well, i know that M is married. i'm not sure of the others
30. If your TC was a colour, what colour would they be and why? B would be green because green is a calm colour and B is calm 99% of the time, and green is known to be a calming colour. I feel like A, M and S would be yellow because they are bright!
31. In the new year, how would you like your TCs class to progress?  In a positive way, I guess
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I remember the first time I hurt myself. It wasn’t intentional, or at least I wasn’t intending to hurt myself in the way I want to now.
I was fourteen years old. I had transferred to a new school because I was being bullied by my friends at my old one. That ended up being a bit of a monkeys paw because I had no bullies or friends at this new school. Everyone had already known each other since kindergarten in my class of 40 people, and they were pretty set in not changing their friend groups in 8th grade.
But they were all friendly. They just didn’t include me.
I wasn’t self aware to know at the time that my personality was too much for a lot of people. I hated small talk, I was overly friendly, I had odd interests, and overall I just couldn’t fit in.
So 8th grade was a lonely year for me.
It was also the year my body started changing, and not in a way I wanted it too. I was still clinging to my long bleached hair, while my hips started to grow outward disproportionally to my modest chest. It didn’t feel fair. All the other girls remained stick thin, while they experienced the last growth spurts that determined their height for the rest of their lives.
It was the year I started to hate looking at myself.
In any case, I was 14 years old and this day I was taking one of my extra long showers. The ones where I sat on the floor and just forgot everything while listening to the waterfall pattering against the tiled wall.
I was a bit bored but didn’t want to leave the shower’s warmth yet so in my indecision I created a dangerous game.
I started scratching at my chest with one finger, in one spot, and the challenge was to scratch as long as I could withstand.
This was very difficult but I lasted until the spot started to bleed and the pain made me want to jump on up and down on my toes.
The next day the place I scratched turned into a scab that I felt immense satisfaction in picking and in my next shower I scratched two more spots at the center of my chest. The three scars formed a triangle that looked exactly like the battery in iron man’s chest, to my nerdy delight.
From there I thought I would take my dangerous game up a notch. Instead of my fingernail, I rubbed the head of a razor on one of my breasts, tearing up the skin in four bloody rows.
That’s when the game turned into a nasty habit. One that has left my boobs entirely covered in scar tissue, with bumps and lines like a lace bralette covering the body parts I hate most. It looks a lot like Deadpool’s skin. “Topographical map of Utah”
Since I have hurt myself everywhere but my stomach, head, and feat.
It has long since been a game and more like a drug that I can quit for about six month but always come back to when things get too tough.
I know I will hurt myself again.
But I barely remember when I do anymore.
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shroudcore · 3 years
Would you look at the time?
Deuce x GN!Reader, set pre-NRC. Written to “We’re Not Just Friends” by Parks, Squares, and Alleys. I recommend giving it a listen after reading this if you want :)
It was seven in the morning. You tried to rub the sleep out of your eyes as the school bus moved past the near-identical houses of your new neighborhood. Your hand reached for the bag pocket holding your earphones, but froze mid-way when you remembered your promise to Mom. Make friends on the first day. Surely, you couldn’t do that by listening to music by yourself in a corner. 
He came in—shaggy bleached blond hair, scarred lip, ripped jeans, leather jacket, and a glare directed at no one. Ah, one of those delinquents. Why’d he take the bus today? Bag slung over his shoulder, his green eyes searched the bus for an empty seat, eventually landing on the one beside you. 
You could almost hear Mom’s voice warning you about hanging around such people.
The seconds slowed into minutes as he settled into the seat next to you. The next few moments would consist of you trying to get to know him. Gone was the permanent glare for a millisecond until it returned. Still, you took note of that crack in the mask. 
Whatever you asked, he answered with one word. After it became clear that you’d be the only one making an effort, you shrugged and put your attention back to the view outside the window. Oh well, at least you tried. 
When the bus stopped, you both stood and waited for those in front to file out. You stare at the back of his head, eyes then wandering to his single earring and trailing down to his dusty leather jacket. It was as if he’d rolled around in the dirt.
And once you were out, a loud call for someone named “Spade” pierced your eardrums. The bleached-blond boy turns his head to the direction of the sound.  He sprints away towards them: a group of boys sporting the same bleached hair, covered in scars and bruises, clothes dustier than his. 
Spade, huh? 
That was the first time your paths crossed.
He’s a problem—that’s what Mrs. Rosenthal called Spade. 
Because you were the transferee who managed to prove their academic prowess so early on in the school year, you were added immediately to the Mentors Group. In the hopes that he would do better if tutored by someone his age, Deuce Spade was made your mentee. 
It amused you, seeing how hard he tried to appear disinterested. Once you’d started discussing the Seven Stages of Alchemical Processes with him, he was hanging onto your every word. His empty notebooks were soon filled by messy scrawls, which made you smile at your success. No student was hopeless; you just needed to find the method they learn best with. 
“We’re done for the day,” you told him. 
You tried to ignore the way your heart skipped a beat at the question. A potential friend? No. He wanted to learn more, not spend more time with you. Stupid. You weren’t the type of person Deuce would want as a friend, were you? 
“Yeah, we covered a lot today! It’s time we both take a break,” you reply with a little laugh. As you packed up your notebooks and pens, your stomach growled. Since morning, you’d been craving that new burger on Twilight Diner’s menu. It was right across school. 
Suddenly, you get an idea. Before you could think it over further, it spills out, surprising even yourself at the sudden burst of courage.
“Say... d-do you wanna get burgers?” 
The answer was immediate, much like the question. “Sure.”
Maybe you shouldn’t sell yourself short. Making friends may just be another challenge you’d triumph over, and your mentee would be a good place to start. It’s okay to take small steps. You had all the time in the world.
Please sit with me. Please sit with me. Your eyes followed Deuce Spade as he entered the cafeteria. You should probably call his name or wave him over, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. What if you call him and he ignores you? Besides, aren’t those his friends over there at Table 14?
Not once did he look your way, as if you didn’t laugh over burgers and fries last Friday. He may not have seen you at all, but it bothered you just the same. 
Table 14 calls him over. He nods in their direction and starts making his way to their table. 
You weren’t friends, just acquaintances. Who were you to expect? Of course he’d sit with his friends, not his tutor! 
Table 8 was empty except for you. It would’ve been nice to have someone. You try to picture Deuce sitting across you like he did in the diner, smiling at a joke you tried to crack. Making an expression of disgust as he picked bell peppers off his pizza slice. 
But he sits there at Table 14, where the boys huddle and erupt in laughter every minute. 
Remembering your promise to your mother, your shoulders slump. You haven’t made any friends at all. People only stopped by to talk when they needed you, and you did the same. 
You stabbed your fork into your chicken breast. It’s fine, you tell yourself over and over. It’s not like you were disappointed. You’ll survive. Biting into the dry meat, you prepare to force it down your throat. You throw a glance at Table 14. 
Maybe next time.
He just started...crying. You sat there awkwardly, open notebook forgotten in your hand. This tutoring session sure was different from the rest. No matter how many times you proposed a break, Deuce would tell you to go on ahead while he stayed.
Do something! You desperately racked your brains for things to say, running through the regulars: Do you wanna talk about it? It’s going to be okay. What’s wrong? I’m so sorry that happened. I’m here for you.
“H-hey... Spade? D-deuce?” His first name was new to your mouth. 
Who did he have right now except for you? Of course you had to make an effort.
You sighed. “Cry it all out.” 
That was always the best solution before anything else. You must first let it all out. Release your emotions into the aether until you’re empty. Then, you can start feeling again. 
“If it makes you feel better, I’ll forget this ever happened,” you whispered. “as long as you cry it all out ‘til you can’t anymore.”
He had a reputation. It must be painful to uphold such a reputation. 
“I don’t want to make her cry anymore,” he told you. You don’t ask any more questions, but you hum and nod to show that you understood. He told you how he regrets causing her so much pain. He said he wanted to work on himself and change for the better. He wanted her to glow with pride instead. 
You told him he could work his way there. It wasn’t going to be easy, no. But the important first step is setting a goal. Knowing what you want.
“It’s good that you let it out. Anyway, wanna get oyakodon with me? My treat.”
You’d do it for anyone in despair, wouldn’t you? You’d give anyone your time. 
Closing time was about fifteen minutes away, and you sat on the floor thinking, “Not yet, please.” A big, old, musty history book big enough to kill a man was open on your lap. Someone had doodled on a portrait on page 59 only to be found by you and Deuce. You shushed a chuckling Deuce as you looked around for the librarian. 
The gallant fae soldier on the yellowing page now sported a mustache, monocle, and buck-teeth. It was a silly, silly thing, but your tiredness and the fact that you were with Deuce made you laugh along. For the past hour, you’d been taking every single opportunity to look at him. You hoped it wasn’t obvious. 
Deuce always looks good when he smiles, you thought. Also when he’s focused, when he’s confused, when he’s smug, when he’s... 
He turned to meet your eyes, making your stomach plummet at the realization that you’d been caught. 
“I-is there something wrong?”
“Ah, no. It’s nothing,” you say too quickly for it to be natural. You immediately cast your gaze down to the doodled-on photograph. 
As you stared into the poor old fae soldier’s eyes, you thought of something to say, anything that might interest Deuce. You knew it was counterproductive, since you both were here to study—not have chit-chat. 
But you wanted to talk to him more. See him smile and hear him laugh. Watch the way his handsome face animatedly changed expressions as he listened to you. Oh, if only you could stop time. 
One foot forward into the classroom, you heard someone calling your name. Deuce was running to you, a wide smile on his face. He waved a paper around in the air. Is that his test paper?
The sight made you smile. Waving back, you closed the classroom door and waited for him to get to you. 
Finally, while panting, he brandished his Pre-Alchemy test paper, and the red ‘B’ written on the score box. “I did it!”
You took the paper from him and scan the test. He explained the Seven Stages of Alchemical Processes well, borrowing some of your own wording. The problem-solving part boasted perfect points, his solutions showing you the process you taught him step-by-step. 
You looked back at him, overflowing with pride and... something else you couldn’t quite name. “I’m so, so proud of you, Deuce!”
He scratches the back of his neck and looks away. “I couldn’t have done it without you, you know.” 
You knew what this improvement meant. You would be given a new mentee. A new face to spend your after-schools with. Though it was a bit sad, you were very proud of how far Deuce had come. 
Even so, you couldn’t help but overthink. Would your friendship continue even after you’re no longer mentor and mentee? Or was your time with him running out?
Wasn’t it so silly to think that he would suddenly write himself out of your life? Even though Deuce was no longer your mentee, he stayed. 
He always walks with you on the way home. He gets burgers (egg sandwiches in his case) with you at the diner across school. On some days, you’d go for oyakodon. He offers to carry your bags as the romantics watch in envy. He listens to you complain about the dry meat as he sits across you at Table 8. 
Rumors were spun around the two of you, but you couldn’t care less. People will always talk, after all. 
Sometimes, you still couldn’t believe this turn of events. Who would have thought that the delinquent boy you encountered on the bus on your first day would now be your closest friend?
You were no longer alone. He was with you—all the time.
You should never have attended that school party. 
Deuce thought it would be a good idea, so you agreed. After all, aren’t parties one of the best events to meet new people?
A bunch of fifteen-year-olds couldn’t have a party without a Truth or Dare game. You wanted to stay out of it, but you and Deuce were dragged into the circle. He wanted to be part of the fun, you thought. Not wanting Deuce to think you were a killjoy, you grit your teeth and opted to participate. 
After the first victim chose Dare and was forced to drink a horrid mixture of condiments, you planned to pick Truth. 
Misfortune targeted you that day. The second victim to be selected by the bottle was you. Instead of shouts and whistles, you were met with silence. You understood; you never put yourself out there after all. No one except Deuce really knew how to act with you.
“Truth.” It was fine, you thought. They’d never know if you were lying.
Little did you know, that the question they would ask would ruin everything. 
“Who do you have a crush on?”
The answer was clear in your head. The answer was sitting just across you, peacock green eyes watching you intently. 
So you lied. You gave them a different name. The guy whose name you uttered stared at you in shock. Better him thinking you liked him than Deuce finding out the truth and rejecting you, right? 
It was painful, but you had to take a look at Deuce. He was no longer watching you. The rest of the game went on like a blur, but you felt like you screwed up. You did something wrong. The feeling wouldn’t let you be until the game ended. 
Deuce told you that he’s leaving the party. You asked why. There was no response. His eyes were glaring at the floor, similar to the way he glared when you first saw him on the bus. 
You let him go off on his own and ask no further questions. He needs time. 
Deuce’s natural navy roots were starting to show. You tried picturing him with an all-navy head of hair as you stared at the back of his head in the dark classroom. 
You haven’t talked for almost a week ever since that school party. 
Could he feel your gaze on him? Your eyes wandered to the empty seat beside him, which you would have taken if everything were fine. How can things become fine if no one makes a move? 
That was why you decide to swallow your pride and walk to the seat right beside him. I’ll fix this today. You can’t lose him. And over something you weren’t entirely sure about too! 
At the sound of you clearing your throat, he looked over to you. Stormy green eyes concealed a sea of emotions. Wordlessly, you took the empty seat. You wanted to tell him, “I’m sorry, it was you.” But how do you know if that’s what he was really mad about? You couldn't just assume, could you? You’ll only make a fool out of yourself. 
But deep down... you knew, didn’t you?
In the end, you couldn’t say anything. Getting up again and leaving would just be embarrassing. He turned his attention back to the projection on the whiteboard. Thick tension hung over the two of you as you sat in silence, making the remaining twenty minutes feel like sixty.
This was not the right time.
One week turned into a month. You see Deuce with a new crowd now. You were alone again. You wonder how he’s doing when you eat at the Twilight Diner by yourself. You pick the bell pepper slices off your pizza as some sort of tribute to him. 
When your mom told you that her radio broke, you thought of asking Deuce if he could fix it, then remembered your very complicated, awkward status. Your mom asked if you were okay. 
At night, you write about him. Vignettes—to relive memories you made together. Poems—an outlet for your miserable longing. One night, you get the idea to write him a letter... or maybe a poem? You’d apologize for this rift you didn’t try to fix, and then you’d tell him everything.
I’ll give it to him on graduation, you told yourself. You’ll tell him how you felt—you just needed more time. 
The poem was still in your pocket. After everybody tossed their graduation caps up, you crane your head around to spot him in the venue. You find him with his new friend group. 
Whispers say he’d gotten into Night Raven College. You were so unbelievably proud of him. You wanted to tell him that as soon as you two start talking again. That will be soon.  
“Dear, your dad’s waiting in the car!” your mother said for the fourth time. You, however, kept telling her to wait for you. You told her there was something you absolutely needed to do first. 
“I’ll be quick, promise!” Eyes on Deuce, you sprint to where he was standing, muttering soft “Excuse me’s” to people you would bump into along the way. Your heart thumped in anticipation of seeing him again. Talking to him again.  
You take the poem out of your pocket. Just as you were about to shout his name, he and his friends began to walk away. A girl, part of the friend group, clung to his arm, talking animatedly about Seven-knows-what. You could see the way Deuce’s ears turned pink as his other friends whistled. 
That was when your fist closed around the special scented paper you wrote the poem on. Watching them go, you tossed your feelings away into a nearby bin. You didn’t see him turn around and watch you run away. 
When you returned, Mom and Dad were concerned. Occasionally, one of them would throw you a worried glance from the rear-view mirror. You hid your tears as you sat back in your seat. You accepted that it would be the last time you saw him. 
Deuce Spade never left your thoughts. Though he no longer took center stage, pieces of him lingered behind—ghosts of happier times and split-second visions of what could’ve been. 
Ten months later, you found yourself standing in a crowd, watching him perform a song alongside Vil Schoenheit. Deuce didn’t know that you’d be coming to the VDC. After hearing from a former schoolmate that Deuce would be participating, you decided to make a surprise visit. 
The words you had for him could no longer go on unsaid. You thought of rewriting the poem you threw away on Graduation Day, but soon realized that there was no need. You could tell him everything yourself, face-to-face. 
After casting your vote for NRC, you went to search for Deuce. Déjà vu gripped you as your heartbeat thumped against your ribs, much like it did on Graduation Day. You hoped for a better outcome this time around. 
You find him in the crowd—full head of dark blue hair and neatly pressed uniform. He’s really changed, and you looked forward to meeting this new Deuce Spade. 
Moving on wasn’t an easy process, but you survived it. There was no more contempt in your heart. All you needed now was the closure which time apart prepared you for.
He sees you approach. Recognition turns into surprise, finally melting into a gentle and knowing smile as he waves at you. His companions turn around to look. 
Even with several pairs of eyes watching you, your chest feels lighter. If I’ve moved on, then so has he.
After all, ten months was enough time. 
Partly based off a true story aha um...
Thank you for reading. I wasn’t sure about posting this at all. Hope you enjoy, anyway.
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bleachbleachbleach · 3 years
I ended up once again falling down a blogging rabbithole looking for something, and although reading things you put on the Internet 14 years ago is very embarrassing (the language is different, the social media conventions were different...) I am charmed by how consistent my Bleach takes were, especially given that I have almost no memory of having had them.
Summer/Fall 2008, I:
expressed plans to try writng Hitsugaya fan fiction (friends, I did not)
did not mention Bleach again until Renji’s birthday, a national holiday
watched a raw copy of DiamondDust Rebellion, which I described as “an absolutely hilarious movie,” though I was disappointed that Hinamori wasn’t in it and that Hitsugaya and Matsumoto’s interactions in this movie ostensibly about Hitsugaya were not as interesting as Byakuya and Renji’s (proto-feelings for my zeal for Detective Byakuya in this film, clearly)
announced my intention to drop everything going on in my life in favor of hyperfixating on Hinamori’s appearance in Bleach 334
I would still co-sign all of these things in 2022. I may have no organic memory of 2008 but that all tracks, ahahaha.
This same summer, I also talked a lot about a Fullmetal Alchemist fan fiction exchange that Present Day Me had absolutely no memory of, so I clicked on the About page to read the rules, only to find that FUCK, I WAS A MOD. I WAS A MOD FOR LITERAL YEARS. THE CHALLENGE RAN SIX TIMES A YEAR, FOR YEARS. And apparently spent a not insignificant amount of time designing banners for other people’s fics?? 
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thekitchensnk · 4 years
and the spider lilies bloomed in the fall (chapter 23)
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Rating: T Warnings: Violence - sadism, murder Pairing: Gin/Ran Part 1: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12 Part 2: Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21 Part 3: Chapter 22, Chapter 23
“They say that lovers doomed never to see each other again still see the higanbana growing along their path, even to this day.”
A girl collapses on a dusty road one day. A boy takes her home.
The girl lives.
(The boy doesn’t.)
What kind of beast are you, Ichimaru Gin?
What are you becoming?
(What could drive a man to kill a god?)
Aizen played white. Gin played black. 
He held territory on both corners of the board, but it wasn't enough. He could see the tide beginning to turn against him, white beginning to eat away slowly at his lines. Aizen was closing in. There could be no escape.
The board and the pieces were finer than any he had ever played on. The stones were not, in fact, stones at all, but rather perfectly carved pieces of bleached and blackened lacquered wood. They felt smooth in his hands, hands that had once been rough and calloused from the filthy work of keeping himself alive.
It was quite the step up in the world, he thought idly, to be playing on an actual wooden board, and not some scrap of cloth on which he'd had to draw clumsy lines - and quite something to be actually playing someone who as proving a challenge to beat.
He was going to lose, he realised distantly, and on his first time playing on an actual board as well. He hadn't been playing his best, but it still rankled him to be beaten. He frowned in concentration at the board, and seeing no path to victory, chanced a quick glance up at his opponent.
That was a mistake - Aizen caught his eye and held his look, and there was a glint of casual, entertained cruelty there.
He knows, Gin realised, brows furrowing only slightly. He knows he's got me beat. An’ worse, he knows I know he knows. What does he want? Where do I go from here?
There were four games going on; the game of go, with all its exciting swapping of pieces and setting of traps; the game of minds which had always existed above the game of go, the manipulation above the game at which Gin had always excelled, and then -
Aizen's game. Gin's game.
He’s won the first game, and probably the second. But they don’t matter, he thought with a hard stare. This one does. This matters. I’m beat, but - 
“I forfeit.”
Something dark lit up in Aizen’s eyes, like an ember suddenly come to life in a breeze.
“You’re very good,” he said appreciatively.
Gin shrugged carelessly. “An idiot could have seen it comin’.”
Aizen gaze was dark and his tone mild. “Could they, though?” he murmured. “You’d be surprised at how much an idiot does or does not see. You played well, for what it’s worth. Up to the point where you didn’t.”
The man paused, and he leaned forward.
His eyes were brown, Gin couldn’t help but notice; a warm brown, like honey, like rich wood. There had been a Rukongai girl with eyes like those, once upon a time, and Aizen had killed her. Her essence had faded into the air like tea in hot water.
“Why did you kill the third seat?” Aizen asked, the look in his eyes searching.
A lie came to him easily. It came easily because had it been any other person he had murdered, it might not have been far from the truth.
“Jus’ felt like it,” Gin said simply.
That seemed to entertain Aizen. “Oh?”
“Ain’t no ‘oh’ about it. That’s it. I killed him because I felt like it. Because I was strong. Because he was weak. Because I was bored.” Gin waved a hand abstractly in the air and stretched out.
“And that’s all?”
“Yep. Sounds about right.”
Aizen considered it a while, and then he smiled patiently.
“Are you a beast then, Ichimaru Gin? Is that all you are? A creature that blindly follows its impulses? Nothing but a creature of nature? An animal that eats when its stomach growls, kills when the impulse befalls it, and defecates when its bowls tell it to?”
Is that so far from the truth? Gin wondered.
He let himself fall backwards towards the tatami mat with a delighted laugh. There was still blood on his eyelashes and under his nails.
“I think that’s exactly what I am, Vice-Captain Aizen.” Gin informed the man, grinning. “I see that the armband of yours ain’t just for show.” He rolled over onto his stomach, and let his chin fall into his hands. “Yes. I’m a beast. Let me be a snake,” he said playfully, and the words rang with truth. “Cold of flesh and devoid of heart. My tongue flicks back and forth, always in search of new prey, and if I like what I find…” He caught Aizen’s eye and grinned for him this time. “…I swallow ‘em whole.”
He sighed theatrically. “Poor old Mr Third Seat.” The words rang with menace, and the grin was like a sickle. “Poor, poor third seat. I did like him. Best be careful, Vice-Captain. I might end up take a likin’ to ya’ too.”
Aizen looked down on him, and smiled strangely.
“A snake...” he considered, weighing up the notion. “A snake. Yes. Slithering through the mud on its belly, rising to strike; vicious, poisonous even...” His voice trailed off. “But a small snake yet. Sit back up.”
There was a command as strong as iron in that voice and so Gin dragged himself from where he had been lying. Aizen took a slow, thoughtful sip of his tea.
“You were messy. I can’t help but wonder at that. You were not so far removed from the fifth division barracks that no one would stumble upon you at work. Like a beast indeed, to kill so openly and without thought. Strong, to have bested a third seat. Skilled, to have graduated in only a year. And clever...” He looked down at the go board. “Without a doubt, clever.”
He looked Gin straight in the eye.
“It will be a shame when I tell Hirako what you’ve done.”
Gin’s eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly, and he bared his teeth.
“Ah,” Aizen said, a dark gleam in his eye. “Were you labouring under the impression that I wouldn’t turn you in? That we’d play a while and I’d let you go on your merry way? I’m afraid not. They’ll send you to the Maggot’s Nest for this.” He paused. “It will be an absurd waste of talent, don’t you think? Verging on criminal itself. But they must have their justice. And it costs me nothing to give it to them.”
The irony was not lost on Gin as he gritted his teeth. It had been a long shot, he knew, playing to Aizen’s hunger for knowledge, his sense of intrigue, in the hope that he would take him on.
But it was not over yet. Black still had pieces on the board.
“Must they? Why? Why bother?” he asked lazily.
“‘Why bother?’” Aizen said in imitation, a small, victorious smile playing about his lips. “Why am I going to turn you in, you mean?” he said casually. “Because you’ve lying to me, and it would offend me to let you think I hadn’t noticed it from the instant we began this conversation. Trying to lie and failing, for what that’s worth, though you surely must realise that now. I’ll ask once more, and only once: why did you kill the third seat? Lie again and I’ll know.”
Gin was silent for a long moment.
“Well?” Aizen said, triumph in his eyes.
Let him see something of the truth. Let him see what kind of beast you really are.
All of a sudden, he felt his muscles relax. He let himself fall forward again onto his forearms, slouching comfortably again on the floor.
“I wasn’t lyin’,” he objected. His voice sounded half a whine, but at least it didn’t tremble. “Got caught up in a passin’ fancy when I saw Mr Third Seat out and about walkin’ so late. But ya’ right, Mr Vice-Captain - very forgetful of me, would forget my own head if it wasn’t stuck on my neck. Missed a bit out of my story, didn’t I?” He paused dramatically, grin back on his face.
“I wanted ya’ to see me, Vice-Captain. Wanted ya’ to see me with your own eyes so that ya’d know what kind of beast ya’ve got on ya’ hands, so that when the moment came and I asked, ya’d know.”
He leant in conspiratorially.
Aizen’s brow darkened. “I’d know what?” He asked dangerously, patience running thin.
“Aah. What a helpful boy I can be.”
Aizen paused a moment, his eyes searching Gin’s face intently.
“You know?” he said, realisation immediate, words fraught.
“Bingo,” Gin said, delighted.
Aizen gaze was soft with menace. “Oh,” he murmured. “But of course you know.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Gin confirmed with a grin.
“And I take it you’ll take no pains to divulge to me how you learned of such things?”
“Ya’ a smart man, Vice-Captain.”
“A smart man would not let you live long, Ichimaru-kun,” Aizen said, and the threat was delivered levelly.
“Maybe, maybe. But there’s more than one way to gut a pig if ya’ a creative sort, and I think ya’ know that.”
Aizen leant back and considered him in silence. His chestnut hair hung about his face and his glasses gleamed in the lamp light. He made no move to speak further. It was a dangerous silence flung at him.
Gin shifted impatiently where he sat.
“I want in,” he said bluntly. “Don’t throw away a tool ya’ can use, Vice-Captain. Mr Third Seat wasn’t even third rate. He was trash. His guts were on the floor before he even thought ta’ suspect me. He was shit on someone’s boot. You want me quiet, then keep me quiet – but I think ya’ve got more about ya’ than to resort to somethin’ as borin’ as killin’ me, not when ya’ could try me out.”
Aizen’s silence was heavy and threatening.
Nothing from him. Nothing at all.
Let him see something of the truth. Let him see what kind of beast you are.
“They’re weak,” Gin said suddenly. “All of them. Worse than weak. They prate and they shuffle about to do your biddin’ and they bleat “Aizen-sama, Aizen-sama” like sheep. When they kill, they don’t kill for you. They don’t even kill for themselves. They do it because they’re nothin’ and they want to be somethin’ so badly and they’re so – so small that they can’t even grasp the kind of something they want to be, how pathetic what they desire is, how little they know how to become it. They’re so pathetic that they’re not even worth hatin’. They’re just… Nothin’. I don’t understand that. I’ll never be nothin’.”
It took Aizen long moments to speak. An expression began to pull at his lips. His smile was slow and predatory - and yet something of an alien humour danced in his eyes.
There was nothing gentle about the look. Gin had never seen its like before, and had he no knowledge of the man, he might have called it a kind of respect.
Riding high for a moment, he did not anticipate the question that came next.
“Nothing? Really? If they’re all so small, then why do you kill them, Gin? If they’re nothing at all, then why bother? Why even notice them? If they’re so small... Why do you do what you do?” Aizen asked softly.
He’d said too much and realised it a second too late. Panic began to creep up his gorge and sweat pricked at his skin.
Because that was the heart of it, wasn’t it? The suffering he inflicted – what it revealed – it was interesting. It was fun. They... were fun.
But no one else could know that. They would kill him if they knew.
The question pried at places that were too secret, too intimate to see the light of day– warm, dark places into which light had never shone, places so murky that they would swallow up the light. He had never before let himself be uncovered as blatantly as this, allowed himself to be so exposed - not to someone he then hadn’t gone on to kill.
There had been one time – a time long ago – when he had killed four men in town and had trudged back to Rangiku doused in their blood and smelling of their burnt flesh. It had ruined his yukata and the blood had settled into his shoes, never to be washed out. He had trembled to think of what she might say to him, certain that she would leave. She hadn’t.
But she hadn’t acknowledged the truth either.
Here and now, the question could not be avoided. Not if he wanted to see her again. Not if he wanted to make her whole again.
The price of tangling with the devil had always been to stake your soul. He knew, down in his gut, that he could never have expected to escape unscathed. But for a moment, he let resentment boil up in him.
For a moment, it was aimed at her too.
“What I-“ he stopped, and he drew in a deep measured breath. He found that despite his immense self-control, he could not keep looking Aizen in the eye. When he found the breath to speak again, his voice was low. “When I kill I – I see somethin’ true. In their eye. Ya’ see them dance. Ya’ see the truth they’re always hidin’.”
Aizen’s expression was warm. It was appreciative. The hair on Gin’s arms raised in a shiver of disgust. “That was the most honest thing you’ve told me all evening, Gin,” he murmured. “I appreciate your honesty. Truly.”
He rose slowly from where he sat and moved to look at the moon still hanging overhead in the sky, bloated and corpulent like fruit gone foul.
“Mutual bondage in co-conspiracy, you and I,” Aizen said slowly. His voice was low and rich. “No detail that you could divulge for fear that it would stick to you too. For every finger I drag through the dirt, a corresponding trace on your fingers; a stain for every stain of my own. An elegant, symmetrical solution. You know that your age will stand as no defence were you to betray me, and you know that I know where the bodies are buried.”
Aizen turned to him, and Gin knew suddenly that the wage had been deemed paid.
(Everything that happens now happens because you made it that way.)
Black was still on the board.
“The position is yours. We start again tomorrow.” Aizen smiled. “I look forward to working with you, Gin.”
And just like so, he became a shinigami and apprentice to Aizen Sosuke.
And for a time – the first time, in fact – Matsumoto Rangiku began to fall slowly from his mind.
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smorecakes · 3 years
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I posted 595 times in 2021
107 posts created (18%)
488 posts reblogged (82%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 4.6 posts.
I added 158 tags in 2021
#bleach - 30 posts
#my art - 26 posts
#bleach fanart - 24 posts
#grimmjow - 14 posts
#grimmjow jaegerjaquez - 14 posts
#ichigo kurosaki - 11 posts
#kurosaki ichigo - 11 posts
#grimmichi - 10 posts
#ichigo - 9 posts
#grimmjow x ichigo - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 100 characters
#someone thought it would be a good idea to make me an adult that is old enough to buy my own alcohol
My Top Posts in 2021
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Colored this for @backwardshirt because I’m just a little bit in love with them
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Related: how come I can draw for 24 hours with no problem but I can’t focus on writing an essay for 20 minutes
128 notes • Posted 2021-06-01 00:01:13 GMT
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I’m slapping y’all with a wip bc i have no idea when I’ll get to finish him - its finals week, i have to go back to work, fall semester starts in three weeks, I have an fuckload of fic left to manifest and this has already taken me like 34 hours so here’s a lil snack
I’m trying to give us the manga panel phone background redraw that we all deserve
The canvas is like 2160x3840 so definitely click for detail - One day he will get colored
135 notes • Posted 2021-07-19 14:20:35 GMT
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In an effort to make myself a more consistent artist, i did 9 million sketches of Grimmjow on what I’m now calling the “Grimmjow Challenge Board” which is just a regular bunch of sketches but i wasn’t allowed to use the eraser
In hindsight, that maybe wasn’t the best idea if i was going for consistency, but it was fun as fuck so i have no regrets
Tumblr’s image compression really isn’t kind to my art so some of the details have been lost but they all look like Grimmjow so I’m calling it a success
169 notes • Posted 2021-05-26 03:00:58 GMT
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Step 1
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I’d like to thank the blend tool for singlehandedly carrying my art on its back
See the full post
179 notes • Posted 2021-05-29 23:02:45 GMT
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@chujellies colored my lines for me and !!!!!!!!!
holy fuck look at him he’s so goddamn gorgeous
304 notes • Posted 2021-09-05 05:14:58 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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lemonade-of-gods · 7 years
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Bleach 30 day challenge:
Day 14: A scene that made you sad (1. Gin’s death; 2. Ulquiorra’s death)
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Hi, so i have come up with an au of sorts because i was listening to candy store from heathers and it just, kinda, happened. It’s a super angsty God!techno au, Anyways, so
(This is long and wordy, just a warning. I basically planned out an entire fic.^^’) also, trigger warning for death, violence, and manipulation.
Techno and tubbo are biological brothers, both of their parents die while they’re both pretty young (like tubbo is 6 and techno is like 10) so they run away from society
Techno somehow learns to fight, and starts fighting to provide for him and tubbo while they live in poverty. They move place to place, techno taking harder and harder jobs, until Philza finds them one morning sleeping in the woods.
He talks to them and ends up adopting them, because dadza. They’re about 13 and 17 now respectively. Anyways, Phil introduces them to Wilbur and tommy, his other adopted children (he adopted Wilbur and tommy at 9 and 4, they’re now 19 and 14)
They live a quaint life on a farm for a while, techno mostly working in the potato fields (because its techno) while tubbo takes care of the bees. Phil, tommy, and Wilbur do the rest. They sell their crops at the market every week and all in all, its a simple life (the angst is coming give it a minute)
Tubbo seems to be enjoying the farm life, but techno has started to get bored. he was so used to fighting all the time to survive. In a sick way he missed it. So when they all go to market one day, techno stumbles upon an underground fighting ring, but before he can investigate further he has to go.
That night he sneaks out of the farm and goes to the underground fighting ring, he’s amazed by the fighters, analyzing their every move. He watches for about 4 hours before he realizes that he has to get up really early for farming and its really late, but the ring sticks in his mind until morning.
The next day, he gets out his old sword and practices. He uses some new moves he saw from the ring, finding them easy. He trains until Phil calls him inside for dinner.
He sneaks out again that night, and the next, and the next and the next, until one night, he decides to go down and fight. He hides his face with a bleached red bandana that used to be Tommy’s and that was now a soft baby pink
He’s paired with a regular, techno knows his fighting style and so he utterly destroys the man. By the end of the fight, his blood is pumping and he feels more energized than ever. There are whispers among the crowd about this kid, he seemed to have come out of nowhere.
Techno defeats a couple more opponents before deciding to head home. The spectators are shocked by his skill, they wonder who he is and where he came from.
He wakes up at the farm and is much more motivated and focused than usual. He gets his chores done in record time and goes straight to training. Training till dinner again. Then he sneaks out to fight again after everyone has gone to bed.
He works his way up the ladder in the ring, he gets fans, and a better mask. His mask is a leather pig face dyed pink, and he gets a nickname. “The blade” (in this au his name is just techno, and blade is a nickname)
One night, he goes down to fight, and the stadium is unusually quiet. His apponent walks out, he wears a bright green cloak with a leather strap, but the most prominent feature was the ceramic mask, a simple white mask with a haunting smile on the front.
It’s dream vs. technoblade, the announcer calls, and dream immediately begins on the offensive, swinging his axe as techno dodges with all his might. Coming back to reality, techno begins to swing at dream, dream moves quickly though and tries to get techno. Techno dodges. They go like this for another couple of minutes before techno uses a move he learned when he fought some bandits in the forest, he curls around a pillar in the arena, knocks dream to the ground and points his sword at the smiling mask.
The announcer calls it in technoblades victory. Techno tries to shake dreams hand but dream just stares at him with the blank mask.
Dream leaves the arena intrigued. He leaves back to his world, unbeknownst to techno, dream was a god, the god of trickery, illusion, and dreams.
One day, while techno is out in the farmers marrket with his family, dream approaches him, mask still on. They sneak away to an alley where dream congratualates techno on his victory.
Dream asks if he wanted to train with dream. Techno agrees and asks Phil if he could go to a friends house later, Phil says yes to it because this is the first time techno has asked for anything like this. Dream tells techno to meet in the woods in an hour with his stuff.
Flash forward to the woods, techno walks into the forest with his training armor and his old sword. Dream appears behind him and invites him over to a small cottage. They walk through the door and techno suddenly finds himself in another world.
Dream explains that this is the spirit world, where he and the other gods spend most of their time. Techno is high-key freaking out, gods?!
After techno gets over his initial surprise he gets to training. Dream is really good and they spend a lot of time sparring, however, in the middle of one of the matches, techno’s sword breaks under the pressure. The sword was a good 6 years old, and it had seen a lot of battle recently.
Dreams gifts him a new, diamond, sword. Explaining that being a god has those kinds of perks.
Techno goes home to his family. Everything was turning up. He had a friend. Who was a GOD.
Techno and dream hang out more, train more and eventually dream introduces him to the other gods dream is friends with. George, sapnap, and fundy.
One day, while the squad was hanging in the spirit world, they get a message that there is going to be a fighting competition for humans hosted by the gods. Every god would choose one human to enter into the comepetitin, so of course dream enters techno.
I don’t wanna write the whole event, but basically, its a close call but techno wins.
He gets a lot of congrats and cheers from the squad, but before he leaves, dream pulls him aside and tells him that dream could make him a god too, but he would have to do a series of challenges.
Techno doesn’t hesitate for much longer than 2 seconds before he agrees. Becoming a god would be the biggest accomplishment ever.
Techno heads home to his family, and they are waiting in the kitchen for him. Phil smiles at him and tubbo sprints over to his brother and hugs him. Techno smiles.
If he became a god, he realized, he would have to leave this behind. He didn’t want to do that, but he could still visit right? Yeah, he would still visit, he’d help them with his god abilities. He’d protect them. He hugged his brother tighter.
He met up with dream later and started the challenges. I don’t want to write them all out, but imagine Hercules tasks.
It takes him months, but he finally comepletes all the challenges needed to become a god. Dream congratualates him, but said there’s one final challenge before he can become the blood god.
He must kill his last living relative.
Techno says he can’t and dream turns on him, (this is where candy store comes in) saying that he spent all this time and energy to become a god, and now he won’t because he won’t kill tubbo? Dream says that he has no trouble killing others, why should he care about one boy. Gods don’t get to play favorites, especially the blood god.
Dream hands him a knife and says its his choice.
Techno walks home, his head spinning while he contemplates his choice. Kill tubbo, become a god, get infinite power. Or save tubbo, and waste all his potential and time.
Phill, tommy, and Wilbur are all out in the fields but tubbo is in the house. That’s when techno remembers its tubbo’s 15th birthday. He grips the knife tighter
He walks inside the house, tubbo greets him with a smile and technos heart drops.
“Hey tubbo. Happy birthday.” He tried his hardest not to let his voice shake.
Tubbo sprints over to him and techno hides the knife behind his back. Tubbo wraps his arms around techno.
Techno starts crying, and lifts the knife above his brothers back. And plunges it into the back of tubbos neck, killing him quick and painlessly.
He picks up tubbos now lifeless body and walks to the forest. He lays the body down in the flowers and starts laughing.
Dream touches techno’s shoulder and congratulates him. Techno stands up and faces dream.
He was the blood god. But at what cost.
This is probably riddled with grammatical errors and I apologize but I will not be fixing them
Please give me validation I’m now behind on schoolwork Q^Q
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velkynkarma · 3 years
@scribeofred tagged me for this and I figured, why not?
1. What fandoms have you written for?
A fair few. Let’s see...Fire Emblem (various games), Bleach, Samurai Champloo, One Piece, Digimon, Avatar the Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, Young Justice, Supernatural, Voltron: Legendary Defender, and Castlevania
2. How many works do you have on AO3 &/or FFNet?
There are 35 stories on FF.net and 54 works on AO3. Seven of those are posted on both accounts.
3. What are your top 3 fics by kudos on A03 &/or Favs on FFNet?
AO3 has the most (the highest fave count on FF.net is only 904). All 3 are Voltron fics:
Routine Maintenance, by a landslide 1678
Pillar in the Dark, at 1037
Parasite Knight, at 962
4. Which 3 fics have the least kudos & Favs?
Some of my very old Fire Emblem fics are the ones that have the least, but those are all on FF.net. For AO3, the lowest 3 are all Voltron fics, tied at 71:
Genesis, understandable since it’s a niche fusion AU
Coin Toss, again understandable since it’s the most recent fic in a very long AU/Canon Divergent series
Team Tactics, sadly understandable since it’s a niche fic about Allura and Zarkon
5. Which Fic has the most comments and which has the least?
On AO3, the clear winner is Premium Pandemonium (Voltron), with a whopping 550 comments (and I love everyone of you that left one!) The fic with the least comments is A Test of Faith (Supernatural) with a whole 5.
On FF.net we actually have one that beats out even AO3 for max comments: Asteria Nightmare (One Piece), with 613. 
6. Which complete fic do you wish had gotten more attention?
Either A Thousand Burning Eyes or Glass Half Full. Both are Voltron fics I put a lot of work into (especially Thousand Burning Eyes) but only had a handful of dedicated readers. It’s understandable though, since they were both about relatively unpopular or niche characters. 
I’ll admit I was also a bit disappointed with the response to Forced Respite (Castlevania) especially since several people requested I post it and expressed interest in it, and then didn’t actually leave any kind of feedback. But the fandom in general also seemed very unresponsive, so I’m not really surprised. 
7. Have you written any crossovers?
It’s practically one of my calling cards at this point. Especially Fusion AU’s. I’ve also done a couple fic crossovers between two different canon divergent AU series with @bosstoaster
8. What is the craziest fic you’ve written?
Crazy in what sense? If most ambitious/time consuming, undoubtedly Premium Pandemonium. 
9. What’s the fic you’ve written with the saddest ending?
Hmm...I generally do bittersweet angles more than pure sad. But the ones that seemed to hit people the hardest emotionally would be either Paying Respects (Voltron) or One Day Late (One Piece).
10. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
“Happiest endings” isn’t really my forte, but I guess if I had to pick one, Personal Growth (Voltron). It’s just generally a nice, relaxed vibe about a character enjoying his new hobby.
11. What is your smuttiest fic?
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Yeah I don’t write smut. Not my thing.
12. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I did years ago on one of my One Piece fics. At the time it upset me, but now I look back on it and laugh at how petty the commenter was.
13. What is the nicest comment you’ve received?
I can’t pick just one! I’ve had so many lovely comments!
14. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I’ve had fics pulled onto those other fansites, yeah. It happens.
15. How many fics do you have marked as incomplete?
Only one! From years and years ago in my early Fire Emblem days. I also specifically stated the fic might not ever be finished, too. 
As a general rule, I don’t post fanfics at all until they’re fully completed. Then people can safely invest their time in my stories and I don’t leave them hanging. 
16. Which of the WIPS will most likely be finished first?
Well the one fic above never will be. I have a WIP currently in progress for a new/old fandom, but it’s going quite well and should be completed soon. It’s also not actually public yet (and likely will not be for a while).
17. Which WIP are you looking forward to finishing?
The aforementioned new/old fandom one in #16.
18. Is there a WIP that you’re considering abandoning?
I’ve got quite a few fic skeletons that probably will never be completed in all kinds of fandoms. None of them have ever been posted, though, so nothing public has ever been left unfinished.
19. Which complete fic would you consider rewriting?
I don’t know if I would completely re-write any, but there are a number from my One Piece and Young Justice fandoms that I wouldn’t mind giving a little polish to. I plan to do that one day when I eventually get off my lazy butt and transfer them to AO3 from FF.net. 
20. Which complete fic is your favourite?
This is always changing, honestly. I’m really proud of a lot of my work. Currently Premium Pandemonium is the one I’m most proud of, because it was such an investment of time an energy and planning. I’m still extremely fond of Prince of Memory though, because it practically wrote itself and it still feels powerful even years later.
21. What’s your total published word count?
On AO3: 1,442,436
On FF.net:  1,118,411
Bear in mind, there is some crossover between about 7 fics for those counts. I also have a couple assorted fics posted to tumblr only for prompt challenges that I think I still haven’t cross-posted to AO3. I should do that at some point...
Thanks for the tag @scribeofred and anyone else can feel free to play :)
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ignorancelive · 3 years
@whitedeadflower​ |  pick my favourite albums for bill clinton to enjoy
not necessarily my favorites but i always pick the same 5 albums for these so i just put 4 albums i like a lot and have been listening to more recently <3
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@opossuwu​ | 15 questions
1. What is the first song you remember hearing?
english songs: either learn to fly by foo fighters or human by the killers, i really cannot remember which one but it was around the same time im pretty sure
spanish songs: ALL the songs on/by rebelde, my sister was super into it when i was a baby so i heard so many of their songs right as i was learning to become a human
2. What is the first band you got into?
mmmmmmm probably one direction? if we’re not counting rebelde lol
3. Do you collect music on any physical format?
i collect almost all cds i know and like on CD and have recently started buying vinyl but i think im only going to get albums i really like on it since its more expensive
4. What is your favourite piece of music-related memorabilia/merchandise?
SO many things. i really like my nirvana and red hot chili peppers shirts because they make me feel cute! im also IN LOVE with the in utero angel sticker i bought on redbubble that has a transparent border so its JUST the angel, i stuck it on my record player and i love it so so much
5. What is your favourite concert you've been to?
i have not been to a concert yet :/ i went to a little student festival thing my university hosted for us and saw hunny + hayley kiyoko which was pretty neat
6. If you could see one artist (or band) who is no longer alive in concert, who would it be?
nirvana :(
7. Have you met any musicians?
i went to a cd signing for little mix when i was like 12-13 ish but thats the closest ive gotten lol
8. What is your go-to song/album when feeling sad?
i actually have a playlist of comfort songs to listen to when im sad, but i think the song i most consistently go to is encore by red hot chili peppers
9. What is your go-to song/album when feeling happy?
this one depends. probably hump de bump also by rhcp cause it SLAPS and always puts me in a better mood than when i started
10. What is one music-related documentary you love?
EYE only watched a few minutes of funky monks but im sure if i sat down to watch it now id love it. this is the worst question to ask me because i watch a ton of interviews on youtube so i cant even remember which ones were legit docus as opposed to just youtube vids so this question is gonna be basically unanswered. i do want to watch bob and the monster though
11. What is one concert DVD that you love?
i listen to it more as an album on spotify than watch it but Nirvana’s MTV Unplugged is so good
12. Do you prefer listening to playlists or full albums?
usually playlists! but occasionally ill play the albums i have on my player
13. Do you tend to listen to albums in order or on shuffle?
in order, shuffling them is rare
14. What is your favourite deep cut song by your favourite artist?
favorite artist is rhcp and honestly im? not fully sure. quixoticelixer slaps. and i like almost every song on im with you. but i think im gonna have to go with storm in a teacup cause i checked its streams and its not that popular </3
15. What is your favorite CD/vinyl/cassette that you own in terms of packaging?
THIS ONES SO HARD I LOVE PACKAGING DESIGNS. i love how rhcp’s im with you disc looks like because it has the track list on it but it doesnt look bad like other discs who do that do. booklet design i love vices and virtues by panic at the disco and american idiot by green day. idk what this would fall under but i also love how stadium arcadium’s booklet is held in the case and how when you take it out you see a picture of the band. and there are too many albums whose art i love so i cannot elaborate on that without making this 5xs longer lmao
@garbanz0​ & @dailywilliams​​ | top 5 songs ive had on repeat recently
according to spotify’s on repeat playlist:
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but also according to my last.fm:
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so basically red hot chili peppers own my ass
@badhe4d​ , @garbanz0​ , & @catts-world​ | 10 songs you like, each by a different artist
1. Monarchy of Roses - RHCP 
2. Back and Forth - Foo Fighters
3. Heart of Glass - Blondie
4. Omission - John Frusciante and Josh Klinghoffer
5. Dance with Me - Sir, Please
6. Henrietta - The Fratellis
7. Breed - Nirvana
8. Mary - The Happy Fits
9. Girls and Boys - Blur
10. It’s All So Incredibly Loud - Glass Animals
@psychoticbreak​ |  suppose you’re being sent to a deserted island for the rest of your life, and you can only choose 10 records to bring with you and those are the only albums you can listen to for the remainder of your life; what albums are they
oh GOD ok
1. in utero - nirvana
2. stadium arcadium - RHCP
3. nothing personal - all time low
4. red - taylor swift
5. after laughter - paramore
6. wasting light - foo fighters
7. im with you + im beside you if you count them as the same album - RHCP
8. so wrong its right - all time low
9. american idiot - green day
10. inside of emptiness - john frusciante
@mark-hoppuss​ |  shuffle my playlist and list the first ten songs that come up
1. New Invention - I Don’t Know How But They Found Me
2. Thanks to You - All Time Low
3. Por Que Me Haces Llorar? - Juan Gabriel 
4. Torture Me - Red Hot Chili Peppers
5. Speak Now - Taylor Swift
6. Prayer of the Refugee - Rise Against
7. Going Away to College - blink-182
8. Time-Bomb - All Time Low
9. DNA. - Kendrick Lamar
10. Heaven is a Place on Earth - Belinda Carlisle
@frafru1​ , @whitedeadflower​ , & @psychoticbreak​ | make a playlist with the letters of my name
Lithium by Nirvana
Universally Speaking by RHCP
Pool by Paramore
Eye Opener by Dot Hacker
@badhe4d​ |  post my lock screen, the last song I listened to and the last picture I saved on my phone
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friends name blocked out but. an interesting screenshot. yes i have flea’s tweet notifs on and use twitter for absolutely nothing else. yes i have email notifs on 
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if screenshots count:
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if they DONT count and you mean purely just saving:
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my icon and boyfriend <3
@badhe4d​ | 7 questions to get to know me better
three ships: not romantically because i dont believe in shipping irl people but i love everyone in rhcp’s gay polycule energy. specifically john and anthony in the 80s. romantically tho mickey and ian in shameless. i dont think i have a third one? me and my bisexual mutuals <3
last song: i shuffled a ton of songs and skipped for some of these tags but before those i was listening to the album weird kids by we are the in crowd as a tbt, specifically the song manners
last movie: inside by bo burnham but if you dont count that, hereditary 
currently watching: it is very difficult for me to watch shows so im currently just watching youtube lol
currently reading: nothing. i cannot read :( bc of attention issues not bc im illiterate
currently consuming: banana bread :3
@the-replacemints​​ |  top 10 favorite debut albums
NOT in order. also it took way too long to come up with this list lol
1. Concentrate - The Happy Fits
2. So Wrong It’s Right - All Time Low
3. SOUR - Olivia Rodrigo
4. Strange Desire - Bleachers
5. RAZZMATAZZ - I Dont Know How But They Found Me
6. Hot Fuss - The Killers
7. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
8. Bleach - Nirvana
9. Costello Music - The Fratellis
10. WALK THE MOON - Walk The Moon
because theres so many of these im not gonna tag people for each individual prompt but if you tagged me in one of these i tag you in whichever ones you wanna do <3
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