#blind killer sans
mikimakiboo · 4 months
@unknownchoatic last but not least.. Killer !
He is... blind + has ASD (former Asperger's Syndrome) !
It's 1am and instead of sleeping I am making researches on ASD (I know very little about it so I might misunderstand some things sorryyyyy)
Just like Horror isn't fully mute, Killer isn't fully blind either. He still has some vision but the lower half of his visual field is covered with black blurry stains due to his leaking determination. He might see a little better when the determination isn't leaking but the great majority of the stains are permanent.
He has a cane but he almost never uses it since he can navigate in the castle with ease, even if he sometimes bumps into things, and when he is outside he says it gets in his way when fighting so he doesn't take it with him. He often fights with Nightmare about that because on one side Killer doesn't want to use his cane and on the other side Nightmare doesn't want to use his wheelchair so it's an endless cycle of "I'll use mine if you use yours" between them.
When outside without his cane he usually has someone accompany him so they can guide him. Also on the rare occasions he does use his cane he uses it to hit the others like a lightsaber (gently).
Now for the ASD Killer has quite a few traits:
- he struggles with emotions, his own (he has difficulties with understanding what emotions he feels and how to handle them, often shows a blank expression even when feeling empathy or another emotion) and other's (he doesn't quite get the clues, for exemple when he is monologuing he doesn't quite get when the person is annoyed and wants to change the subject or not, or when he says something that comes off a little mean he doesn't get why the person gets mad because it wasn't his intention to be mean)
- either too much eye contact or no contact at all
- Struggles with verbal communication such as voice tones, metaphors, irony, figurative sens, nuances... he doesn't always get it
- he likes to have a routine, to do some things the same way everytime, he doesn't like it when there are changes and struggles to adapt to unplanned things (only things he tolerates are the missions because even if they are different from each other they are relatively similar so he can have a sort of pattern)
- it is sometimes hard to understand him when he talks because he tends to change subjects easily, say things that only make sens to him, interpret things litteraly, doesn't always gives context or makes logical transitions, ... you need to be used to him to understand everything
- one of his special interests is cat behavior and evolution, he will ramble for hours explaining how cats domesticated themselves or how their meows are meant to imitate children's cries, he knows a lot
- he can get overwhelmed by loud noises or very bright light and will need some calm to calm down
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meimeikyu · 11 months
i need more blind killer things please send me any and all u have whether its art or fics or just ur ideas i am eating it up rn
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madbard · 18 days
You know what? Screw it.
Draw Error wearing glasses.
Draw Epic with the full Dust shadow over his face.
Draw Killer biting his knife.
Draw Dream looking like he could arm wrestle God.
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without-any-title · 7 days
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hehe :3 felt a little freaky
all of that freakiness is bc of you @howlsofbloodhounds
version without the eye below
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triglycercule · 29 days
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in a just kidding kinda mood. canon nightmare is so serious and then i made her. she's a total dweeb she thinks that she's allat just because she ate a black (rotten) apple once and it was so bad she thinks she she's a goopy monster. that's not actually how she got to this (she got bullied in elementary school and wants to express her true self now in high school) but the black apple was involved (she ate a rotten apple and it was so bad she remembered her embarrassing elementary school fantasy and realized she liked it).
she's totally goth but she doesn't realize it (and i CANNOT be bothered to draw a goth esque outfit combined with the jk uniform). the book club is her headquarters and whoever joins the club becomes part of her gang (friends! because she's terrible at socializing and this is a way of being more outgoing) and then they have to do usual stuff goons do like helping nightmare study for tests (so she can further her insatiable quest for knowledge) and going to the mall with her (carrying her bags obviously. a queen cant be seen with shopping bags.) her goons MUST call her lady night or else she'll get upset. god jk!nightmare you're such a goddamn loser how many more dumb ideas can i come with for you
comments from..... oeople??? here's dream. they're on good terms because i hate dreamtale angst and i want them to be happy and healthy siblings. nightmare also uses her gang to moniter dream and make sure she's not getting in trouble. but then she also gets to play villian with dream where dream is the damsel in distress. or the hero. depends!
"well, one day nighty just came downstairs for breakfast dressed like... that. she spoke in a different way and acted different and especially looked different. needless to say, the family and i were confused."
"but, after she explained it, it actually made a surprising amount of sense despite the... change. nighty used to get bullied back in our old elementary school, and she claims that now that we're in high school, she wants to "embrace the true self that's been whispering pleas of freedom". er... whatever that means."
"of course i support it, she's my sister and all! i'd even say this persona of nightmare's is much funnier to interact with, and she's even made some friends thanks to her new self of the sort. honestly, as her sister? i couldn't be more happy to see nightmare thriving compared to before."
"but my only concern... is her makeup safe for long-term use?"
all of the mtt (most of the school actually) did NOT fall for the little act nightmare's putting up. even killer. no matter how brainrotted she is from the internet even she wouldn't fall for that. nightmare invited them to the gang (club) and both killer and dust were on board to join. because killer found her funny and dust likes books. and then horror was dragged along because of course she was. live laugh love jk!mtt
"nightmare?? oh, you mean lady night! yeah, i know her. pretty well, in fact~ she's appointed me as her right hand woman, which means i get to do all sorts of cool things, like coming up with literature recommendations and organizing when the gang meets up! she's pretty cool, y'know? i just gotta make sure to stop laughing whenever she calls me a "goon", hehe..."
"nightmare's nice. she likes reading, i like reading, so obviously i had to join the gang. she likes more fantasy style stuff, but i prefer sci-fi. not that big of a deal though, considering we read a variety of books in the clu- i mean, her "gang". sorry. don't tell her i said that, or else i'll be sent on a "mission" to "battle her homework" or whatever."
"oh, "lady night", "queen of negativity"... she's hilarious. it's so funny seeing her act like she has magical powers and all the yada yada about "the black apple" and "multiversal conquering". i mean, not many people in the school really believe her little schtick she's got going on, but most humor her. 'sides, she's a genuinely good person under all that makeup and acting anyways, so i like her. all i wanna know is, why does she keep her shoelaces untied?"
this idea is SO DUMB IM DYING. feared multiversal terror turned into a high school girl with the worlds most EMBARRASSING delusion. what universe are we in (the jk!universe dummy!). anyways dream design in the works (i already have the design done just need to color it!) and then quite possibly more aus will be jk-fied. ink may possibly be the first sans to NOT wear a skirt. who know,,,,s,,,,,,
#SHES SUCH A FUCKING LOSER MY GIRLFAIL#girlfailure nightmare is real and this is what she looks like#i felt SO clever coming up with the tentacle shawl thing#that's a blazer she's got going on too btw#mama joku saw nightmare with the fishnets and was like nonono wear shorts. and begrudgingly she did#nightmare's gang but they really just read books and fuck around and hang out after school#the mtt are all fully aware that nightmare's just putting up a facade but they play along because theyre friends#dream design upcoming soon too btw. because i mentioned her now and i have to make her#she still has both eyes except she just covers up one. you can imagine how nightmare walks around half blind now#i didnt even intend on her coming out like this i was just like. how can i make her NOT have the right eye so itll work with corrupted form#and then i gave her an eye patch and it didnt make sense until i reached the legs and was like#what do i put here??? lace??? and then i realized fishnets. the eyepatch. CORRUPTED form.#canon nightmare was BEGGING to become a chuunibyou in an alternate universe i tell you#she's such a loser i cant stop giggling at this. she's so pathetic someone help her#multiversal domination but in the process she has to finish her homework and study for tests. its a wip for lady night#nightmare oldest sister that acts like a middle schooler while dream younger sister is the valedictorian. what a contrast#nightmare sans#dream sans#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#bad sanses#bad sans gang#nightmare's gang#utmv#utmv au#sans au#tricule art#jk fashion au
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howlsofbloodhounds · 4 months
Should Killer ever be triggered into ST3, and he doesn’t immediately start hacking through people or fleeing like a bat out of Hell, I’d like to think it just curls up somewhere in its little dark hidey holes—filled with soft warm things—and just gets so frustrated by all the goopy Determination clouding its vision it starts scrubbing and scratching as hard as possible. I don’t think it ever comprehended why it can’t see well, but too much goop gets annoying and confusing.
Growls and whines whenever its sharp-painful-pointy-whites (fingers, but writing ST3’s POV is like playing a word association game) dig too deep into the hard muzzle (face), when its safe to make noise.
Trying to stop or help him when he’s like that, in that state of mind, is just asking for three to claw your eyes instead. So you’d have to wait, outside of sight and hearing and smelling range.
Then once the pain becomes too much for his body he’ll snap back into stage two—a stage with more ability to think in complex processes. He’ll find himself hidden away from the world, his goop all over the shirts and blankets and pillows—and his face, mixing with tears and blood.
He’ll probably be walking around with claw and scratch marks around his eyes that only further damage the body’s sight, and while two certainly doesn’t mind the pain or the scars, losing even more of the ability to see would be..inconvenient. He’d rather not be rendered “useless”—in his eyes—to his purpose. And replaced, another failure.
I also like to think that while in stage three, Killer would definitely not like looking at Color or anyone with similar bright or flashy lights—such as Fresh. Bright, flashy, confusing and disorienting. Scary, painful, threatening.
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giser0 · 3 months
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I'm alive
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scribble-brain-aced · 11 months
random headcanons about legally blind Killer
okay so. i really don’t see how it’s possible for him to have good vision. i mean. he’s constantly crying black tears. think of when you cry NORMALLY- your vision gets all blurry, you can barely see. now imagine if those tears were magic pitch and oh yeah ALSO MADE OF LIQUID DETERMINATION. (in my au, corrupted magic, so-)
so imagine that. but CONSTANTLY. no way killer doesn’t have SOME issues.
but, Killer being Killer, probably doesn’t tell the gang. he’s a stubborn little shit, as he probably either decided to do nothing, or find the easiest, most discreet solutions possible.
so my headcanons about this headcanon:
-He uses stickers. Bright, neon stickers to help him find stuff. sticks em on EVERYTHING he owns.
-he is surprisingly organized. i mean… for Killer, anyway. at the very least, he puts stuff back where he found it, every item has its place where it’s supposed to be.
-as for his vision itself… i tried imagining what he might see, and came up with this: probably tinted blackish, definitely blurry, a little warped… i read a book on Stargard’s Disease, and they described a spot in the center of their vision, and i thought it made sense for Killer. probably has better peripheral vision. in my guess, if you wanna use medical-ish(?) terms, i’d say about 6/200. so. pretty bad.
-he probably downplays it a LOT. doesn’t wanna be seen as weak, or useful— he doesn’t see himself that way, he’s just scared that other people might— so if he ever HAS to explain, he’ll say something about how ‘ah, it’s just kinda blurry and dark, not too bad!’
-as for how he fights: killer’s pretty talkative guy. he probably talks to his enemies a lot so he can pinpoint them by voice direction, or baiting them into close-combat so he can see them better.
-he probably fell down the stairs more times than he cares to admit. he blames nightmare, because the castle’s too dim for him.
-literally had to be sat down by Nightmare and practically ORDERED to ask for help when he needed it.
-the only question Dust had was ‘can we make blind jokes’ and killer absentmindedly agreed, before waking up the next day to find his phone flooded with Stevie Wonder and Toph Beifong clips from Dust.
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blinddreams24 · 2 months
Lore Dump! (TroubleAU addition)
Cause I’m bored :p
The Bad Sanses homeschool Bean which leads to… complications…
Bean never thought anything was wrong. She was always a happy and smart kid, and she knew she was loved. The Bad Sanses took care of her, got her toys, played with her, et cetera. They would even sit with her and help her do her schoolwork.
She looked at the paper with confusion as Killer explained.
“See, it says it at the top of the page… ‘Find the odd one in the group.’” He pointed at the pictures on the paper. “So, what do you see right here?”
She leans closer. “A car, a boat, a bus, and another car.”
“So which one doesn’t belong?”
“……The boat?”
“Yes! Good job!” He offered her a high five which she smacked with a grin.
She looked back at the page. “But why can’t the boat be part of the group?”
“Well, it’s different. So it doesn’t belong.”
“Oh.” She continued to stare at the boat on the page. It was very different, but it was still part of the group.
…wasn’t it?
“You think you got this, kiddo?” Killer leaned forward to see her face, his eyelights barely visible in his sockets.
She nodded. “Yeah, I got it! Thanks, Kili!”
He smiled and walked around the table to talk to Dust which would probably end up with him teasing Dust and getting his butt whooped again. Bean turned back to the page.
Then she looked at her hands. Her hands were pretty small, especially next to Horror’s hands, but that didn’t bother her this time.
……Her hands didn’t look like her brothers’ hands. In fact, she didn’t look like her brothers. They were all made up of bones and magic but her? She was all squishy and soft. She was different, wasn’t she? The odd one. The one that… didn’t belong…
She looked back up at Killer and Dust. Dust had summoned a bunch of attacks and was sending them flying at Killer who expertly dodged them and countered with his own attacks. She couldn’t do that either. Summon attacks. Use magic.
The words on the paper glared at her. ‘Find the odd one in the group.’
“Well, it’s different. So, it doesn’t belong.”
She was different.
She didn’t belong.
After she finished her schoolwork, she locked herself in the bathroom and tugged at her skin for several hours. Nightmare found her and got her to open the door but she refused to answer any of his concerned questions.
So basically the poor girl has identity issues that leads to some very bad outcomes I’ll explain one day. But I kinda wanna leave y’all on a cliffhanger so this is all you’re getting for now.
Love y’all! Stay safe!
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passive-nightmaresans · 2 months
I call thine... RadioWave verse!! Or RW!Verse for short! Hehehheheehehehehehehh... anyways have more concept art!!!! Chara finally got a design YAYYY!!! (I'm not the best at drawing humans so I think Chara turned out pretty good)
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Hehehehehheheheh... more lore ig. Chara is often mistaken for a girl by their hair so they whack ppl with their ponytail =) and also Swap may appear tough buy he's crying himself to sleep every night /hj and Nightmare has two moods. Old grandpa who wants to make ppl depressed and little kid who wants his old powers back. >:3
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meimeikyu · 10 months
hm thoughts
killer having visual hallucinations that have a tendancy to cover up any blood/gore from his murders, partially hiding it from himself
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dinofelissnow1985 · 10 months
OMFG! I just realized how much longer than 'Egg-filled Oreo' one of my actual most popular stories is going to be. I posted Chapter 19 a few days ago and am writing in advance. I already have over thirty chapters completed, including the 19 already posted, and i'm not even close to the end i plan.
Curious? Read this!
Or visit me on AO3. 😘
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sooouth · 2 years
poor killer and nightmare during the winter.
I’m just imagining, like, nightmare’s goop gets super cold and almost freezes, which i can imagine is a bit of a problem. killer’s eye goop probably freezes to his face, but more keeps coming out no matter what. so it just turns into this mess of frozen liquid on his face.
don’t ask I just randomly got that thought LMAO
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zuszab · 2 years
They look similar
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giser0 · 10 months
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37,9° :3
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loveushijima · 2 months
devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes | matsukawa issei (mattsun) x reader
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where you want nothing to do with mattsun but he wants everything to do with you.
fluff, involved talks of religion but not serious at all, veryyy very very mild cursing | gender neutral reader
Despite the hot air coming in through the opened classroom windows with summer rearing its head into the Miyagi Prefecture, you were still left shivering and shaking sitting beside Matsukawa Issei.
You had hoped to be assigned sitting beside one of your friends in class — or just anyone but him for that matter — but of course God turned a blind eye on your prayers and the Devil himself interrupted with his own intercession and now here you sat, beside Matsukawa-san. For the rest of the year.
What a great way to start your final year at Seijoh.
To say you were scared of Matsukawa-san would be a dire understatement. He scared the absolute living shit out of you.
If the Devil had a son, his name would be Matsukawa Issei, and he’d be the scariest person you would ever have the pleasure of meeting. From his intimidating looks to his frightening blocks on the court, and the way his veins would pop out of his neck and forehead when Oikawa-san annoyed him a step too far, there’s no doubt at all that he is the living, breathing reincarnation of a demon from the underworld.
You wholeheartedly think that out of everyone in class, he’s most likely to become a serial killer after graduation just based off his look.
You wondered if today’s hot, summer air brought a sense of familiarity to Matsukawa-san, seeing as he had probably clawed himself up to Seijoh from the fiery pits of the underworld. You looked at him as he listened to the English teacher with a bored expression, head leaned onto his right palm as he lets out a small sigh out of boredom.
His eyes suddenly dart to you.
You let out a small squeal as you immediately turned your head to the front of the classroom. You feel heat rise to your cheeks as you pretend to write in your notebook. So this is how you die — at the hands of “voted most likely to become a serial killer after graduation”.
Issei stares at you as you feign innocence anxiously, as if you hadn’t just been caught staring at him. He hopes you were at least looking at the good side of his face.
He smiles to himself.
Issei thinks you’re an angel sent from above, the truest beauty known to mankind. He’s seen the way you help others. You never hesitate to initiate small acts of kindness. He’s seen you at the local food bank nearby his house, volunteering your time on the weekends there and never without a smile on your face. He’s seen you surprise your friends in class with handmade paper flowers and a small cake from the bakery nearby the campus whenever it was their birthday. He’s seen you rush from one end of the school to the other end just to catch your classmate who forgot their study materials under their table.
Issei would daydream about finally going up to you one day and striking up a conversation with you, maybe about your studies? Or how your volunteer work at the local food bank has been going? But then that would give away how he’s been observing you there and you might start to think he’s weird. Issei has so many ideas on how to start a conversation with you and yet none of them seem good enough. But alas, his throat dries up and the words die out at the tip of his tongue when you’re around. So he ends up chickening out anyway.
Issei has wondered if impressing you through his actions would’ve worked better. During one of his games, he saw you in the stands, awkwardly standing beside your friends as they cheer loudly (mostly for Oikawa).
He thought you looked absolutely beautiful, handcrafted by God and sent specially for him.
Issei has never played better than he did during that game, landing block, after block, after block — consecutively! Your eyes on him was all the motivation he needed to get through both sets victoriously and with a boosted confidence in his stride. After the game you were nowhere to be seen though.
Oikawa seemed to have caught wind of his little infatuation with you and started giving him shit for it. He really did live up to the crappykawa nickname. Iwaizumi was right. However, Oikawa has since learned to keep his mouth shut after a particular incident:
“Mattsun! Isn’t that your darling over there?” Oikawa exclaims as you walk past them one day on campus. Issei has never been more embarrassed in his life and started beating the shit out of Oikawa.
Anyway all this to say, Issei thinks you’re a saint. Though in a constant state of nervousness and for some reason always avoiding eye contact with him, he thinks it’s charming.
Now you’re sitting beside him in class, and Issei doesn’t know which God to thank or what kind of divine intervention was bestowed upon him, all he knows is that he’s feeling very very blessed.
You don’t know who to curse or what kind of karma this is supposed to be. Were you a war dictator in your past life? Why did you have to be sat beside the one person who looked like they would strangle you to death if provoked?
“Could I borrow a pen?” Issei blurted out suddenly.
You freeze in your thoughts.
Issei has decided that being desk mates in your last year together is a sign from above to pursue his infatuation with you, and he’s had enough of beating around the bush. He won’t let you slip away now — and even if you still do, it most definitely will not be because he’s too chicken to even start a conversation with you.
You gulp as you slowly turn your head towards the man sitting on your right, nodding your head benignly so as to make sure you’re not making any wrong or sudden movements around the scary middle blocker.
“Yes.” You reply curtly, your voice shaking and your hands trembling as you retrieve a pen from your pencil case.
Your voice sounded like honey. It sounded better than what Issei could’ve ever imagined it to sound like. Your eyes up close were breathtaking especially when you were finally looking at him and not at the ground. He takes the pen from your hand and smiles at you gratefully.
He smiled, you gasp.
It shocked you that someone who you once thought of as so petrifying and daunting would have a smile so bright and angelic that it could outshine even the brightest of suns.
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