#block that tag for these long ass rants
nyukyusnz · 7 months
so am i the problem or nautttt (warning: rant in the tags)
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collinnmckinley · 1 year
Did you play the fucking game or did you just assume his persona is just that cause you only got to know him through fanfics?
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And why does it even matter what the fandom is doing if you like the character enough? Like I LOVE Price, he is one of THE comfort characters I have, and I HATE the interpretations this fandom pushes towards him.
You're saying that his character only falls into this category and nothing else in your eyes, but what the truth is that his characterization is much deeper than just 'daddy taking care of reader' or whatever filth that is.
Just because writers in this god forsaken fandom interpret him like that, does not mean he is that. Do better.
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pixiesnooze · 2 months
why can’t ppl be normal about things like im allowed to talk about things i don’t like on my blog and keep it on my blog i’m not flooding the tag with vitriol and hate or anything (this isn’t about me i’m just giving example)
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thesketchystar · 7 months
it is okay to not like something. it is okay to be made uncomfortable by something. this DOES NOT MEAN that something is bad/traumatizing/should be gone. it means YOU should go out of your way to stay away from it- not that the ENTIRE REST OF THE WORLD needs to go out of the way to keep it from you.
i am so, so deeply tired of the violent push for online censorship in recent. its also been prevalent in media production (everything is being watered down to be 'acceptable to all', and its KILLING media)
not everything is for/about you. curate your own online experience. curate your own real life experience, too. the world will not cater to you- that does not mean it is harsh/cruel. it is impossible to cater to EVERYONE. one mans yuck is another mans yum. you have to keep the yuck away and attract the yum.
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mementoasts · 2 years
oouughgh i'm suffering so many ideas can't draw anything oouguugughhgh
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(Just FYI this is fandom in terms of it being about a fandom, not like, fictional and also is NSFW in premise but no actual NSFW content.)
Okay so: AITA for getting annoyed with someone for not wanting to do an NSFW RP despite having an NSFW prompt?
I legit feel insane for asking this and I'm aware its very much stupid and an "online thing" but also I kind of want proof/validation that I'm not a rampant asshole for this.
So basically I was trawling an RP ad post and saw one for a ship and fandom I like. I don't usually go for the NSFW RPs because I feel like I'm kinda shit at it but this one was pretty interesting. I reached out, we start the RP.
The other person was kinda avoiding anything "building up" to NSFW stuff happening and was very dismissive/vague when replying to anything of that kind when I tried, which I thought was odd but also like maybe they want this to be a super long con RP so whatever.
Except after a while they created the perfect opening for some NSFW so I took it. Immediately they hit me with a brackets direct note asking me to delete my reply and reply without any NSFW stuff. I'm like ???? And after some back and forth to understand basically they wanted to use the NSFW prompt for "feels" and "plot" and not any actual NSFW. Like at all.
So I just stopped replying and was like whatever.
They messaged a few times over the course of like a month asking if I was there, why I was ignoring them, why I hadn't deleted my reply, ect but I ignored them, except now I'm tagged in this whole ass rant about how I'm an asshole who abandons "co-creating" and is only interested in using people for smut???
They've blocked me so I can't reply unless I make an alt but I'm so mad and confused because like if you don't want smut, you don't use a smut prompt and not tell people you don't want smut. Basic maffs.
What are these acronyms?
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vankaywie · 24 days
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pairings : bigby wolf x gn!reader
tags : fluff , stinky bigby , uh I don't know
summary : helping bigby groom himself !!
an : SOMEONE REQUESTED I SHOULD MAKE A FLUFF OR A SMUT FIC OF BIGBY BUT I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED IT !!! also hiii, i am so sorry if I haven't been posting for so long, i had a writers block and basically lost motivation to do anything. i sincerely apologise😭 sorry if this is inaccurate bigby, i haven't played twau in a while and my memory sucks. also sorry if this isnt smut, i kinda wanted to do fluff... (theres an unfinished bigby smut in my notes) ANOTHER APOLOGY!! sorry if this sucks because i just wrote this and it's currently 4am..
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you've noticed bigby has been itching his chin alot, he was probably getting uncomfortable on how long his messy stubble is. bigby has been incredibly busy these past few weeks so his hygiene was... a mess. so you took it upon yourself and decided to help him.
bigby comes home exhausted, immediately sitting on the couch to relax... he didn't even realise you were sitting next to him. "oh fuck—" he flinches slightly. "I didn't see you there, bub.."
a frown forms on your face. "bigby... you stink."
he raises a brow. "i am?" he sniffs himself.. good god that stench. "fuck—"
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you forced bigby to take a bath, helping him wash his hair and his back, using your cherry blossom shampoo on him and your lovely soap so for once he'd smell nice. after that, you let bigby dry himself with a towel as you look for the razor.
"you're not going to shave all my stubble off, are you?" bigby chuckles, towel wrapped around his waist, his hair still soaking wet.
"oh, i will if you don't dry your hair and then get your ass on this chair." you threaten him.
he grumbles, drying his hair with a towel and sitting down on the chair infront of you. grabbing the cheap electric razor on the sink, turning it on. you gently hold bigby's chin, turning his head on an angle so you can start trimming his stubble. as you trim him, he looks at your face, admiring you.
your cheeks flushes as you feel his gaze. "don't stare..." you whisper, making him grin.
"and why shouldn't i?"
"it's distracting.."
finally, you were done. he checks himself on the mirror, satisfied at the results. "nice one, doll."
you smiled softly, putting the chair and the razor away. "thanks, bub. I've also washed some of your clothes, they're probably dry by now so you can wear 'em."
he placed a hand at the back of your head, slowly pulling you closer to place a kiss on your forehead. "you're the best."
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bigby decided to have a drink at holly's bar, the trip trap bar. he was extremely stressed. but then grendell's ass started bitching at bigby, ranting about how much of an asshole bigby is... but then... "and that bitch [name] looking right pass me, then ushering me out the fuckin' door. who do they think they are to fuckin' kick me out?!" grendell groans.
the unbothered bigby suddenly whips his head to glare at the man, quickly standing up and walking towards grendell. "i wouldn't call them that." he growls, his hazel eyes turning bright yellow, hinting his transformation. "it's happened before and it doesn't end well."
a fight begun, both grendell and bigby transforming, beating the hell out of each others. bigby was clawing at grendell's back, and grendell was trying to shake him off. eventually, grendell threw bigby across the room, the wolf crashing down at the tables and chairs at the corner. "fuckin' pause!" grendell yells, panting.
bigby growls, sitting up from the floor and glared at the monster infront of him. "what?"
"why the fuck do you smell like flowers and shits?!—"
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luna-rainbow · 1 year
Hello, hello, long rant incoming
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When I reposted this on AO3, I had intentionally minimised tagging and summary because I wanted to archive it rather than attract readers. I didn’t even tag it Steve/Bucky because there just wasn’t enough mention of Bucky in it. Importantly, P*ggy was not tagged.
The user calls themselves “Rebuttal” and their only work is another essay rebutting someone else’s post on Civil War, which they had to post separately because I guess the OP blocked them. So we have a serial offender with too much time on their hands going around to directly suck the joy out of other people’s fandom experience.
They begin with this:
Although I don't particularly care for Steve's ending, this essay does not offer support for a different one.
*Inhales* Honey, can you please Google analytical essay and narrative essay before you unload your drivel on other people? This "essay" is a fic - while there's some character analysis, the emotive language should be sufficient clue that the focus is the story. It’s like reading The Fifth Elephant then writing to Sir Pratchett to argue his “essay on Discworld” is factually incorrect because it offers no support for the idea that the Earth is flat.
Steve is self-sufficient. He is not shown as requiring Bucky as foundational to his being. (…) We do know Steve was willing and expecting to go it alone after Sarah's death and that he is fully confident in his own abilities; he can "do this all day." Bucky's offer at the apartment earns a small smile, not a great overcoming.
I enjoyed how you, at multiple points in your essay, pick at certain turns of (evocative) phrasing while ignoring actual canon mentions. Explain why you deliberately omitted my mention of the canon phrase "Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky". Sure, Sarah was Steve's touchstone, but Steve's words clearly indicated that upon Sarah's death, that touchstone role shifted to Bucky.
Steve's "I can do this all day" is said a total of 4 times during all the movies. Each time he says it to a bully (one time he specifically says it to protect Bucky), and never in relation to his emotional turmoil. Also just, factually, he never references "I can do this all day" when Sarah dies can you be real for a sec.
It's mighty rich of you to say a grieving person who had JUST BURIED HIS SOLE LIVING RELATIVE that a) "he is willing to do it alone" - I can guarantee no one who has lost their sole beloved family member feels "willing" in that situation; and b) downplaying the smile that took all of Steve's energy to muster. All I can conclude is you know nothing of grief. (And since you love the word "disservice" so much - your interpretation of the scene is a fucking disservice to CEvans' acting.)
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Steve's choice to go to war has nothing to do with Bucky. Steve has tried five times to enlist and stated his reasons, which have nothing to do with Bucky and everything to do with not liking bullies.
Because, you know, saying “I want to join the 107th cos I’m gay for my best friend” is going to go down real well in the 1940s military *snerks*
Can you get your head out of your ass for one minute and consider that people make decisions based on multiple factors? By acknowledging that Bucky is an important factor in Steve wanting to join the war DOES NOT MINIMISE STEVE'S MORAL COMMITMENT TO FIGHT BULLIES.
Steve is also not aghast at hearing Bucky's assignment. - Back this up.
Bucky does not believe in pre-serum Steve as much as pre-serum Steve believes in himself. - Right. *In Bucky’s tired voice* Because simply ~*♫~believing in yourself~*♫~ is going to stop you getting killed. This is a fucking war, not a back alley. Do you know the death rate for US soldiers in WW2? 1 in 40. For perspective, the death rate from coronavirus is currently sitting at 1 in 70.
Whether Bucky went to war or not, Steve wanted to go. - Again, back your ass-umptions up.
Steve was told Bucky was dead. He was going to try to rescue the rest of the 107th. Again, to suggest that Steve's courageous act is about Bucky is a disservice to Steve.
So not only do you remember fuck all about the movie where it doesn’t involve your fave, you apparently remember fuck all about the scenes where YOUR FAVE APPEARS.
P*ggy: “What do you plan to do, walk to Austria?” Steve: “If that’s what it takes.” P*ggy: “You heard the Colonel. Your friend is most likely dead.” Steve: “You don’t know that.”
Also, Steve wanting to rescue his best friend is a "disservice" to his character? Condolences to your friends and your character, I guess.
It is strange to ignore Steve's interactions with people other Bucky. Okay here we go, we’re finally getting to why this steaming trash heap landed in my inbox. It's Peggy who - I knew it. I fucking knew it. Of course it came from someone who likes Miss I-need-to-make-everything-about-me - appreciated pre-serum Steve at the flagpole - Oh you mean the appreciation she showed by not uttering a single word to him?
Peggy and Erskine supported pre-serum Steve's drive to do his part when Bucky did not. It seems truer to say that they more likely "kept Steve afloat" during his basic training, of which Bucky had no part.
Hold on. *walks off to cackle* *walks back, wheezing*. P*ggy kept Steve afloat? Miss-never-said-a-single-word-to-Steve-P*ggy, “supported” Steve during his basic training??
Again, I urge you to actually watch CATFA, where *checks notes* your fave has her biggest movie role. AFTER STEVE FINISHES BASIC TRAINING, the two of them sit in a car and exchange the infamous lines:
P*ggy: “You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you?” Steve: “I think this is the longest conversation I’ve had with one.”
They have, by their own admission, not had a conversation before this, so which bull’s ass did you pull the “P*ggy kept Steve afloat during his basic training” shit out of?
There is nothing in the scenes to suggest he finds it a great miracle. The whole assumption of Steve's reaction seems to be a Bucky-centric projection rather than Steve-centric.
No, honey, I think you are just blinded by your Bucky hate. You looked at a scene where 2 characters (including your fave) claimed that Bucky is no longer alive, and Steve himself said, "I thought you were dead" - and Bucky was, against all odds and expectations of at least 3 different characters, found alive...and said, NAH NAH NAH NAH there's nothing here! There's nothing~here~to~suggest~it's a miracle.
Honestly I think you're the one living in a different plane of projection.
When Steve awakens in the future, his line to Fury is "I had a date." With Peggy, not Bucky.
Pfft he said “I had a date”, not "I had a date with P*ggy". So your interpretation is just as invalid.
And just, realistically, do you really think Steve is deluded enough to expect he’d wake up in time for a dance? And...do you really think Steve is desperate enough that he'd go for a woman who blasted him with live rounds for locking lips with another woman? When in your own words you said he hates bullies?
We do not know what Steve thought as he died, so saying he is content with death is not supported.
How about this -- "we do not know what Steve thought as he died, so saying he is not content with death is not supported". It’s my conjecture against yours and you’ve come onto my turf to be a presumptuous prick.
He has Peggy and Natasha. To ignore these two relationships seems to do a disservice to both characters.
Ah yes, the great relationship with P*ggy, who in 5 minutes of her screen time is characterised by: 1) mocking Steve as “dramatic” when he asks for guidance, and 2) her florid delirium in which he had to pull the emotional labour to placate her, and 3) her being grateful that she's led a great life without Steve.
If oldwoman!P*ggy was such an important relationship to Steve, he wouldn't have lamented to Natasha that "it's not easy finding someone with shared experience".
If there is any lesson Steve should learn in the modern day, it is that Steve sacrifices and Bucky leaves. Once involuntarily with the Snap, but twice voluntarily.
WHO THE FUCK HURT YOU AND MESSED UP YOUR BRAIN. I don't know how you can look at those scenes and pretend that the sole victim is Steve.
(Actually I can, because it's a common refrain from certain shit!stans who can't deal with the idea of Bucky being morally good)
Bucky sacrificed his own freedom and lived time in order to protect other people from getting hurt. And Bucky being involuntarily "Snapped" only counts as "Steve's sacrifice"?? The one who actually dies/gets Snapped isn't making a sacrifice? My gods the logic in this one is strong. (Also by referring to Bucky's death as Steve's sacrifice you have inadvertently acknowledged just how important Bucky is to him but I guess that flew over your head like the rest of this story)
It also ignores that Steve lived five years without all of those people. He had accepted the loss and changed into someone they would never truly know or understand.
Do you hear yourself…
Steve lived TWELVE YEARS WITHOUT YOUNG P*GGY. He had ACCEPTED THE LOSS (although, in my mind, it's really no big loss) and BOTH OF THEM HAD CHANGED INTO COMPLETELY UNRECOGNISABLE PEOPLE, not to mention they never truly knew or understood each other to begin with. So if your logic is that Steve has changed too much in 5 years to be around his old friends, why the fuck would he want to be around a woman he last saw 12 years ago and who he knew got an entire happy married life with another man. Eww.
I mean if NTR is your kink that's fine but no need to flaunt that on my turf.
The fun thing about fandom is that canon is open to different interpretations. You could read the tavern scene to say P*ggy is inviting Steve to be her right partner, just as I could point out that Steve’s pointed silence is a resounding rejection of that invitation.
But there is incorrect fandom etiquette, and that’s when you stomp into an innocuous narrative musing and start a ship war.
And I beg of you to learn another word from "disservice".
(The whole pile of horse shit for anyone needing to have their blood boiled)
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Sorry, I'm pissed by ZKs, so I'm here. Thank you so much for creating this space. Really. It's a blessing. I need to swear a lot.
So, some post on tumblr about something related to Zuko. Zuko only. It has literally nothing, zero to do with Katara. At all. Just... ready? It was about his first season hairdo. I like it and I will not apologise for it.
Seems like a good post, I agree with many points, I am happy to find someone who shares my thoughts and expresses them quite nicely.
And then Katara is brought up! Out of the blue!
Is this post tagged "zutara"? Fuck, no, of course! Zutara is not it's main topic, why should it be tagged as such?
Do I immediately find plenty of prozutara and antimaiko posts in "zuko" tag in this person's blog? Fuck, yes, of course! Just as I expected.
(Btw, antimaiko analysis was outright horrible and dumb as fuck - the author just made up some bullshit in their head and treated it as an objective reality; and I'm not even starting on "stating one thing and completely forgetting about it a couple paragraphs later because it would have been in Mai's favor" bullshit here. I used to be a genuine, though silent, maiko and Mai hater, for fuck's sake, but damn, dumb ZKs do an excellent job of making me tolerate, respect and even enjoy these pairing and character in my twisted way. I wonder if they will make me ship maiko eventually. Good job, guys, and fuck you very much. Why can't you be like normal, sane ZK shippers?
Prozutara posts suffered from the same "it's an objective fact, right from my head where I made it up" problem, although sometimes there are some worthy thoughts. But only sometimes. And there were lots of "focus on Z-K interactions only and give them tons of meaning while ignoring or dismissing the same interactions with other characters".)
I HATE it! I blocked the fucking tag, I was so happy, and yet they need to just shove Katara into the topic that is not about her in the slightest because she once said "what's wrong with ponytails, ponytail" (when it wasn't even about her thinking ponytail Zuko is hot or sth like that, at all, it was about Sokka talking of ponytails while having a kinda similar haircut - freaking context, guys, please, it's not that hard)! Do they have zutara diarrhea so it just leaks out of their asses anywhere they go? They just can't hold it, it seems! They just had to bring zutara up! If it wasn't for one tiny remark, I wouldn't have guessed that this person is a crazy ZK. But the point is - they just had to make this remark!
Gosh, that's why I hate zutara. At least they generously set up red flags like this so I can still try to stay far away from them.
Sorry for the long rant and all the swearing. Have a good day.
Damn, anon, how long have you been needing to get that off your chest? XD
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tommykinard6 · 5 months
I’ve said I was done venting and truly, I would rather keep the vibes positive. So if y’all want to skip a rant, feel free to scroll. I’m going to put a cut here.
This is a very specific and very tired rant.
I’ve been heavily in the 9-1-1 fandom since 2020. I’ve watched the show since 2018. I’ve shipped Buddie the entire time Eddie has been on the show, even during the time I didn’t really like Buck all that much. Eddie has always been my favorite character. I’ve been writing fanfiction since I was a child. I’ve posted it since I was 18. I’m not new to these spaces. There’s a lot I’m willing to put up with for this show and Buddie.
And now that we have BuckTommy, a beautiful ship that’s soft and precious, I’m even happier. Tommy is already in my top three or four favorite characters. We’re experiencing a love story real time.
But ao3 has become a minefield.
I already had stopped visiting the Buddie tag often. This isn’t new. Even as long as I adored Buddie, there is only so much infantilizing Buck I can take. Y’all really forget he’s a grown ass man and always has been. If I see another fic with the lawsuit arc, I’ll actually scream (remember my takes on that one are unpopular and piping hot). Now that, I can probably filter out that tag and be happier. But I can’t filter out infantilized Buck or ab*sive/obsessive Eddie.
There’s so much I’ve grown to genuinely hate on the Buddie tag so I’ve stopped going.
But then there’s BuckTommy, shiny and new and beautiful. I’m eating up the fics with them until-oh no, there are now hundreds of fics flooding the tag with Tommy being cheated on so Buddie gets together, Tommy stepping aside so Buck can find his “true love”, Tommy being used and stepped on, and then, because of course if they did it with Eddie they’ll do it with Tommy, turning him into an ab*ser.
So I’ve blocked the Buddie tag from my BuckTommy search. And I’m sure I’ll do the same but reversed when I eventually venture onto the Buddie tag again.
Idk man, I’m not trying to say anything bad about ao3 because it’s a place where people can write whatever they want. I guess I’m more just ranting about the mentality of the fandom.
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bitchy-peachy · 3 months
[mostly queue operated : 15 posts per day]
Tags of stuff you might want to blacklist under cut as well as other things (check before following me. ):
[ #noodity and/or #smutty (if you don't want to see artistic nudes or smutty art reblogs. I have a good reason for not tagging these #nsfw)
#spoilers (I tag anything new for any fandom coming out as #spoilers to keep you all spoiler free.)
#fandom, #fandom discourse (if you don't wanna see me complain about fandoms)
#horror, #tw blood, #body horror and #dark art (if you don't want to see fun splatter or spookiness that may be triggering since some people er... don't like it as much as me.)
#personal, #personal pics #ramblings, #rant, #rant in tags, #!!! (if you don't want to see the most random ramblings ever along with pics, long winded tag rants and me boosting things... although I would want you to boost things in the #!!! tag)
As well as #witchy things (if you don't wanna see me talking my "evil hocus pocus" stuff)]
#politics, #news, #SA mention, #true crime are also recommended to blacklist if you don't like such subjects (and my ranting violence at criminals and hating on the injustice system. I'm a huge pig with badges hater especially since I see 97% bad shit)
#me being blasphemous is pretty self explanatory.
Things That Will Get A Block
Associating with people that have hurt me and my friends
Content thieves. Art, fanfiction etc. Plagiarism and art reposts without credits to get attention on yourself with other people's work is a no.
People that start fights over literally nothing. People that are overly reactive and see "something bad" in anything and start drama about it.
Homophobic, transphobic etc people get blocked.
Right wing conservashits and western commie shits (which are just as bad as conservatives) get blocked. I grew up in a conservative family and I've heard your kind of nonsense repeatedly. None of you are creative and bring nothing new to your "arguments" so I see no point in searing my damned eyes with your uninspiring stale bullshit.
Racist twats get blocked. I ain't gotta see your dumbass. Nobody does.
Porn bots, empty accounts, business accounts, weird content that gives me ick (poop, diaper and piss play, necrophilia, age play, etc... all which I don't want to see and properly filter. Like I've got weird fictional interests and personal but even I've got my limits and people ain't even tagging it to avoid getting banned in random main tags that has nothing to do with it.)
Even at my married grown hag age I've had guys act inappropriately towards me almost immediately after I made the mistake of following them back. Block, reported. I'm too old for that shit.
Don't waste your time sending me asks or DMs asking for money. Some of you spam this shit to the point of becoming overwhelming. Fuck outta my asks and dms with this. You're obnoxious and its too damn much. Tired of having 30 asks begging for money and dms from fake ass accounts asking me for money cos I made the mistake of thinking they were a legimate follower. Sincerely fuck off and away to my block list.
If I block you for any of these things you'll probably stay blocked forever.
Random Things About Me
[Status: Taken 💍 but we share each other with fictional characters]
[🧿🔮Ecletic Bruja. Some of my stuff is closed practice but I do share generalized info. Just not closed ancestral matters..]
[Horror/Gore movie/book obsessed: I also reblog a lot of dismemberment and innards which explains the #body horror or #tw blood tag.]
[A bit of a classical art snob. I love old art, the darker and more tragic the better. You can find pretty things of this nature as well as fandom fanarts in #art]
[I ain't 100% "politically correct". I can drag both left and right and my politics can fluctuate between center-right or center-left depending the issue. Example: I support the death penalty (as long as there's no reasonable doubt) and abortion. I also support guns but not everyone having them and there being some more restrictions/background checks etc. That was just some examples of my stance on some subjects. (Made bold for emphasis)]
[LGBT+ safe space🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈 (if you don't like that gfy]
[I have writer's block on everything sorry]
[Dark Humor galore💀]
[Perverted Humor galore🥵]
[🗡 I will only follow back if I like your content and aren't a shitty p0rn bot or some money begging bullshit. I want actual mutuals to interact with and fangirl with, not a bot or a one post blog that only wants money🗡]
[Hablo Español and can understand spoken/read Deutsch and Portuguese]
[My blog is for me. Don't tell me how to run my shit unless you're a masochist.]
[Account is monitored with statcounter]
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rab1darachn1d · 5 months
Name: Ozzie/Sunday + anyname from my url
Pronouns: he/they pref but idrc
Agender, bi, aroace spectrum
TVhead robotkin and spiderkin💥💥💥
Special interests are spiders(specifically tarantulas) and psychology
Dyslexic!!! Sorry for spelling mistakes/reading stuff wrong and please don't use super small or hard to read fonts when talking directly to me!!! Typing quirks are fine but if you can control them or add translations thats greatly appreciated
MINOR!!! idc if ur over 18 and interact or if we are mutuals but dont be weird please I will just block you
I help with the @bungostraycreatures gimick blog acc go look at it its run by my bestest friend :3
@sundazeing is my icons/npt/moodboard blog!!! Requests are always open, read the rules and dni if u you have anything you want me to make B)
@queenofthecafe is my Lucy bsd rp blog >::)
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(user box made by @/absolutelymadoka)
-I type in caps a lot
-Im not very good a tw tagging things tho I try my best !!! If you get triggered by anything I post/rb lmk and I'll tag it
-I swear a lot !!! Like way too much !!! I do not give a damn abt slurs AS LONG AS YOU CAN CLAIM THEM !!! IF I FIND OUT YOU USE SLURS YOU CANNOT CLAIM I'LL CALL YOU A BIGOT AND BLOCK YOU
-Anything suggestive is a joke and do NOT make jokes like that to me if we are not friends I will call you a freak
-I like to give people nicknames/ shorten people's names(mainly if ppl have a long ass name/url and it fucks me up tryna type it) but if that bothers you lmk
-Not good with tone so I use tone tags, you aren't forced to use them but if you'd like it'd make communication easier
-I have a bad habit of randomly disappearing for a few days for whatever reason, so if I accidentally ignore you sorry, please don't take it personal
-If you are a shithead to my mutuals I will be a shithead towards you <3 also blocked <3
-DMS ARE OPEN !!! FEEL FREE TO TALKS/RANT/VENT ABT WHATEVER !!! however I'm not very good at socializing and if I seem rude, standoffish or awkward I'm so sorry💀💀💀
-i am the host and this is my acc though they post shit on here too
-their posts will be tagged with ***postinghours(sakepostinghours for an example)
-I love answering questions!!! However I am not a medical professional and I cannot diagnose you or speak for other systems!!!
-^ Don't ask abt triggers, alter roles or trauma I will ignore you or call you a dumbass nosey weirdo
-fictive heavy(dont be weird about them or theyll block you and idk probably call you a freak)
-^ don't bring up source trauma unless they make jokes about it first OR if they are friends with you
-^ First to treat any of them like a fictional character gets their limbs ripped off<33
-if ur another fictive theyd like to say hi but dont be weird and understand they might see you differently then how you remember them
-if you say "Can *** stop fronting/can you switch with ***" I will throw rocks at you and you will get blocked
-^ if u wanna talk to someone or have a message for someone we are happy to tell them
-basic dni(homo+transphobe, racists)
-"radqueers" and "transids"
-Proshippers and zoophiles(YALL R FUCKING NASTY GO AWAY)
-"radfems" and "terfs" (fuck you go away)
-Pro Israel mfs
-Endos/Tulpas/Willows/Mixed Origin, we will not participate in any syscourse but yall make me uncomfy
-^supporters of those
-"*** personality disorders are absuive" go away die go shoo get OUT(ily people with personality disorders)
-people who are against others with "scary" disorders fuck off you aren't helpful
-pro ed/"thinspo" mfs... wth are yall doing
-NSFW ONLY blogs (nothing against yall but im a minor)
-people who are shitty towards therians, otherkins, xenogenders, etc
Bungo Stray Dogs(Dazai, Verlaine, Fyodor and Lucy) is my main fandom and hyperfixation BUT here are some other fandoms of mine I still like
☆ = I still actively look at/take part in
♡ = not as active but I will scream abt if given the opportunity
♤ = I like it but I'm not updated with the fandom
favorite characters r not in order
-Jujusitu Kaisen(Gojo , Megumi , Itadori and Sukuna)☆
-Deadplate(Vincent) ♡
-Genshin Impact(Baizhu, Xiao, Diluc, Childe and Dottore) ☆♡
-Honkai: StarRail(Boothill, Sunday, Clara, Sparkle, Natasha and Aventurine) ☆
-Hollow Knight(Grimm and Quirrel) ♡
-Pokemon(EMMET AND INGO💥💥💥)(Also Galvantula, Reshiram, Gallipede and Eternatus) ♡
-Madness Combat(Deimos and 2BDAMNED) ♤
-Guilty Gear(Robo-Ky, Zato, Chipp, Ky and Happy Chaos) ♤
-Wuthering Waves(Scar and Lingyang) ♤
-Cookie Run(Espresso Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie and Rougefort Cookie) ♡
-RWBY(Qrow, Phyrra, Blake and Emmerald) ♡
-Project Sekai(Rui and Shizuku)♤
-Castle Crashers(Blacksmith)♤
-No Straight Roads(Neon J)♤
-The Property of Hate(RGB)♡♤
-Stardew Valley(Sebastian, Sam and Hailey)♤
-Omori(Captain Space Boyfriend, Hero and Kel)♡♤
-Howl's Moving Castle(Howl, Calcifer and Markl)♡
-Punishment Gray Raven(Wanshi)♤
-Danganrompa(Kokichi , Keebo , Gonta , Nagito , Miu and Celestia)♤
theres others but those r irrelevant we dont talk abt the dark ages
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alkaisen · 1 month
ALSO, since i've already begun ranting anyway and in regards to my previous post. can we maybe not ,,, be negative(?) towards people i guess for their likes and dislikes?
just a thought idk lololi've been on this app for a year and something-something months (i think) and i've come to terms with the fact that you will find posts that are for you, and aren't for you. the posts that aren't for me, i block the tags and the keywords and simply scroll.
it would be nice if we all do the same rather than just clash for our varying opinions 😭
im all for debate, but as long as it's, y'know, positive and in good sense AND we aren't at each other's necks for things that align with our interests and things that don't align with our interests. me personally, im not a fan of sherliam. (i DO understand that their meeting was important and they've helped each other grow and thrive, don't get me wrong. i love you sherliam shippers) hell, my embarrassing ass used to even get jealous when i saw posts related to it 💀💀
but, like i said, i've understood that it's not for me — which is why i've blocked the tag and just don't interact with them in general. maybe everybody else could do the same?
see, i'd prefer not to see arguments like that if i could, but i can't cause mtp is one of my main interests and blocking the tags would mean blocking mtp content altogether. and i don't really want to lose it in the process :(
i don't think im the only one who shares this view. so maybe for people like us, if some of you are going to debate nonetheless, you could create a separate tag for it and not put in 'moriarty the patriot' in the tags? maybe like, 'moriartythepatriotdiscourse' and stuff idk im just frustrated, mb guys. have a good day or night ahahadjfjf
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roxiezsxx · 20 days
I have not posted here in a hit minute but God do I have things to say
Whatever happened to idk, just not interacting with fics you don't like, whatever happened to fandom rules.
People nowadays complain about real people fics yet when MCR and one direction were at the height of their popularity and got fics about the band members it was different.
I dislike spreading hate as much as the next person I am civil as I can be however the amount of disgusting Twitter DMS I get from writing RPF is astounding.
I'm not going to name any names as I don't want to start a witch hunt, but this is why I have in my bio, "don't like? Block!" that's there for a reason, I also only primarily tag real person fics tags so you have to search for them.
Anyways if we have to go back to the basics of teaching people fandom rules I will lose it, no matter how hard you try people will write stuff you are discomforted by and that's normal, all you do is block and move on. Don't harrass them,
SOS for the long ass rant I just had to get this off of my chest, requests are open and remembe I write for more than joost!! Just give me a fandom and a character and I'll write it lmfao
Edit: fixed spelling errors
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ashsostrange · 1 year
hey y'all so i wasn't initially planning on talking about what rashad posted earlier today bc it's literally all bullshit, but i might as well! i’m not actually tripping over anything that’s going on. if anything, i’ve been laughing my ass off all day at this foolishness.
this is gna be long as hell, so don't even grab popcorn, i suggest a five course meal.
for some background, rashad became mutuals w this girl. right off bat, he’s making hella race jokes ab this girl being white. i b doing the same, but with my FRIENDS. people i am CLOSE WITH. and i don’t over do it because that’s lame and annoying. anyway, she eventually stated that she was uncomfortable and rashad blamed his behavior on the fact that he was on pain meds. she eventually blocked him and told one of her mutuals, and to rashad, that’s her “spreading rumors” about him. he did the most on his page and in ppls inboxes crying and complaining, saying he was gna eat glass and shit.
so now let’s look at his fuckass post:
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number one, how can a rumor be started about you if nobody.. knows you? like, you are not a celebrity. nobody talks about you. and nobody was talking about you “being on drugs” other than the girl you made uncomfortable and her two mutuals. i know you send yourself anons too. you make it seems like anyone actually cares about your “hot takes” for some strange reason. don’t even try to deny it, bc there’s no way you’re getting more anon msgs than my friends with larger platforms than yours.
you’re also messier than a mf, sending your own mutuals anon msgs. me and lia know you were the one sending her anon msgs bc she blocked you, and you know it too! talking ab how her username is “corny” then reblogging the posts of her clocking your ass??? acting like it wasn’t YOU.
you tried to turn two writers who were already arguing against each other even more. we sat there and defended your ass even though you were the anon the entireeee time. you made a post saying “war has begun” to try and get us to attack bree’s friend. your weird ass stayed in that girl’s inbox after i told you to block her instead of doing the most. you’re lame and you’re bored.
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it doesn't matter if you tagged her or not, you still said it. sliding into sb's inbox and telling 'em you're going to eat glass bc you made someone else uncomfortable is ABSURD. it doesn't matter if it isn't my drama, if i see bs ima say something, and there isn't a thing in the world you can do about it. your "rants" are a form of guilt tripping/manipulation. you're trying to victimize yourself and make us feel bad for you. well, we do not! i checked you once on discord. you said thank you. you said you were going to make an apology, but in that same “apology”, tried to justify your actions. i clocked that and unmutualed you. you then went to lia talking ab some "tell ash i said thanks for checking me" nd now you switched up. your thanks was revoked. all of a sudden, you're the victim again. all of a sudden, i’m ableist?? okayyyy niggaaaaaa 👎 boooo
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you say you're "blocking me for your safety" when i wasn't even planning on talking ab your lame ass again. i won't baby you about your behavior because you're not a goddamn baby! and yes, you CANNOT be the victim every time. you bitch and whine on your page when you get into it with somebody, and unless we're defending you, you don't want us getting involved! it doesn't work like that. nobody else was calling you out, so me n my girls did.
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idk why my name stays steady coming out of your mouth. my "daily activities" that i "broadcast" are what i ate for lunch/dinner and complaining about school. you run your mouth about all sorts of mess. you put every aspect of your life on your blog. we are not the same, so don't even try to make it seem that way. the people on my blog that i don't talk to outside of tumblr don't know everything about me. you cry in people's inboxes unwarranted and say explicit shit with tw's in your TAGS. i'll say what we're all thinking, NOBODY IS TRYNA SEE ALL THAT!!! coming from someone who struggles with mental health, venting on tumblr will not do anything for you. these people are not licensed professionals. invest in a diary, don't you have a boyfriend to vent to?
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you are quite literally the only one looking for drama. we never defended that girl bc we don't know her.. we know you though. and you were venting about catty, but i never said ALWAYS, so don't lie in my face like i'm stupid bc i'm not. ion know what you thought you were doing with the last part, but god bless.
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i am a good person my nigga, i don't need confirmation! i know who i am. if you're debating suicide because you're confused about something, you just need to get off the mf internet bro. it’s never that serious. you're not gna sit here and tell me you were debating suicide bc me n my girls put you in your place. you made your own mental worse by refusing to take accountability.
he also made an edit saying he has nowhere else to go… if you have nowhere else to go, then i'd be happy to buy you a damn journal so you can write in there and leave the rest of us the hell alone. and there isn't shit to be sorry about bc you're not putting jack shit on me, all of it is on you. you wna be everything but wrong. 🚶‍♀️should’ve just kept it cute and kept it quiet.
allat being said, good riddance, r*shad. leave me and everybody else alone! and if you fw him, then there’s the door 👉🚪 good riddance to you too.
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twistedsocials · 3 months
Thank you for explaining! I was in a situation where someone I knew was a proshipper and I didn't know what that meant before they explained that they were for all ships. I thought that meant that they didn't comment under people's posts 'ur ship sucks mines better' and not that they were okay with incestuous ships and such. Their defense was that people should spend time defending real people instead of pixels. I'm no longer in contact with them but it was an interesting experience for sure, I was unaware that shippers like them existed in the Twst fandom though. I was used to it being only around me and a couple of my friends. I encountered someone on here who openly ships Idia and Ortho... Honestly I can't tell if getting tumblr was a good idea or not... Thank you again for reading, keep posting and have a great day :D
Nppp :3
Yeah the tumblr side of the fandom is weird, a lot of freaks inhabit it but there’s a few good people on here I know (some are even some of my close friends!), plus I’d say it’s more tame than the Twitter side of the fandom. A lot of fandoms have weird sides on here though so I’m not just gonna knock TWST (coughs I am looking at you danganronpa fandom)
All fandoms are gonna have these kinds of people so I don’t think TWST is/was an exception at all so I’m sorry you had to witness all of that 😭
I’m glad you cut contact w them too, that’s a big step to cut off contact w someone like that :D
There’s a good side to tumblr if you know who to block and what tags and sides to stay on, just like be careful on tumblr and know what to avoid and what to do (the blocking system for side blogs is ass tho tbh)
Sorry for the long rant but I’m glad I could help ya :3
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