#block‚ report‚ and move on
honey-coyote · 2 months
so i heard @dasylveonrosen has been harassing therian and age regressor blogs, stay safe gamers 👍
(for some reason they don't show up when @'d so i had to link them)
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muffinlance · 4 months
Do you get the impression the live action is treating us like utter morons?? Like I thought that making it aimed at an older audience would open the doors for more subtle story telling, but no, they're just using monologues to tell us eveything! Like in the second episode Katara's like 'oh his power isn't that he's the avatar, it's that he ~connects~ to people'. Girl we're not idiots we can see that!! And the first episode with Aang's goddawful 'I don't want this responsibility' monologue
THIS, YES. The word that keeps coming to mind is definitely "subtlety". The show for literal children? Had it. The remake for adults? Not so much.
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inf3ct3dd · 2 months
the tlou fandom having the same argument over the same thing for the 50 billionth time
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autismswagsummit · 10 months
Getting a lot of terfs reccomended to me by tumblr's shoddy algorithm so let me make this one thing clear:
This is a blog run by a proud queer and trans gender freak and no amount of attention will be given to the people who hate me for being alive as I am. You do not deserve my time or my attention and my blog has never been and will never be for you.
Goodnight everyone.
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taviokapudding · 7 months
Protestors consistently ruining the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade footage is actually really great & keep boosting their footage when you see it
Every company featured in the parade sets up a contract (similar to the super bowl) where they buy a spot to then get a l a r g e endorsement via placing their ad on a float or in a balloon. Within the line up this year McDonald's, one of the biggest pro-genocide donators, got a large balloon rather than a float. This is important because balloons gets more air time than floats because of their size. On top of that floats may not have guests performing & paying for someone to perform; ideally McDonald's wanted to have a longer air time with their balloon without paying an hourly cost for performers. More air time = more ad revenue = more eyes seeing them = more customers.
The move by pro-Palestinian protestors to jump in front of McDonald's does 2 things:
1. McDonald's is getting less air time than what they were contractually promised, it'll be up to them to request what is owed (because it depends on the agreement made) by Macy's to them
2. And it messes with NBC's obligations with Peacock as the 2nd most important party of the parade + 3rd party in all contracts
So while McDonald's loses money and Macy's is scrambling to figure out how to loophole their way out of not losing money to owe McDonald's, NBC gets fucked too.
Since Oct 7, 2023, NBC has been one of many US news media outlets who actively lied to the US masses. But why do they matter for the parade? Their job is to be the main outlet who records and then uses their main platform, Peacock, to stream the parade. If protestors are seen throughout all your footage, delay large portions, and cause enough disruption to the footage being aired- that means they don't and won't immediately have their show footage ready to go.
Peacock does an offer every year to new customers to watch the parade for a $1.99 USD (not including taxes) monthly plan that can be canceled at any time with the first month free; but in the last 4+hrs after the parade aired people aren't going to stay for the year because their is no footage as promised. I actually have been checking throughout today and it's not available at all.
So not only is McDonald's going to be hemorrhaging alongside with all the other companies whose footage got cut or edited out to match the contractually obligated run time & censor protestors, but both NBC and Peacock will be losing money with each minute they don't have enough footage and a full stream to air- which is money that Macy's was also supposed to get a cut of. Which btw it's now 5pm cst the same day and there's still no footage - which is a $ problem for Peacock & NBC when folks prioritize now finding a service to watch the Superbowl > Parades.
Do not be surprised if Macy's stuff becomes more expensive and the possibility they'll change which news media outlet + streaming service covers the 2024 parade occurs. And yeah, McDonald's is going to become more expensive than it already is long term. Everybody who were financially complicit in the death of 14,000+ Palestinian men, women, and children will have a financially shit end of the year and rough 2024.
In short, despite the arrests, the protestors who sat & glued themselves to the parade route and those who stayed in the crowd to hold up flags and signs throughout really won. A 4 day cease fire for a very obviously one sided genocide isn't enough & tons of rich people are learning the hard way (as I post) that this is the beginning of their punishment by the universe for the actions.
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the-black-bulls · 4 months
Okay, so this is tied to a certain troll in this post (which you all should read if you haven't already). I wanted to make my own post however, because I wanted the black clover tumblr community to see and read this:
[dailyasnoel] is NOT an Astelle shipper.
This is very important because what they are is the opposite. I can't speak of their real intentions, but I have seen them in twitter before they acted like Astelle shippers - back then they jumped from many ships like Asta/Mimosa to Asta/Lily to Asta/Harem-Without-Noelle all with the mindest to insult Noelle and stalk/bully/insult fans who ship her with Asta. They did it with fanartists, fanfiction writers, and even other fan creators. They had their many accounts bombed out of twitter so many times they started blocking people so their recent account didn't get reported.
And they have been at it for four years!
[dailyasnoel] is NOT an Astelle shipper; they're acting as such to set up people against the ship. It's just obvious: they target astelle fans first, steal and edit arts from astelle artists, leave hate comments under astelle stories, then go for other ships and make it a point to repeat the astelle's name over and over again while leaving all these hurtful dm's and replies.
You know, typical troll behaviour.
So please, do NOT associate one troll (a homophobic, an art theft, an attention whore) to a ship, cuz the Atelle fandom do NOT claim them, hasn't been for FOUR YEARS, thank you very much.
And please, when you think of Astelle, think of the ARTISTS, the WRITERS, the ACTUAL FANS who supports this ship genuinely without hating other ships.
Here's a friendly reminder to block and report [dailyasnoel] if you support Astelle 👍🏻
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moogmooggggg · 20 days
got followed by a fuckin proshipper the other day.
so here's a not so friendly reminder that just because I am very supportive of and engaged in self-ship and oc x canon communitie, that does not mean I support or tolerate people who are proship.
you will be blocked immediately.
anyways, to anyone who's an oc x canon or self shipper who ISN'T proship, you're extremely valid, you're doing amazing, and please keep posting about your ships and f/os <2 /p /pos
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r0semultiverse · 3 months
In the shadows of conflict and despair, the people of Palestine cling to hope, their spirits buoyed by the possibility of a brighter future. Today, I humbly ask you to be a beacon of light in my darkest hour. Your compassion, your generosity, has the power to ignite hope, to restore dignity, and to pave the way for a future where every Palestinian can live in freedom and peace. In your hands lies the power to make dreams a reality, to turn despair into hope, and to leave an indelible mark on the hearts of those who yearn for liberation. Thank you, dear friend, for considering this heartfelt plea and for being a source of light in a world that too often feels consumed by darkness.
Maybe the real power to make dreams a reality was the friends we made along the way.
Only responding to this so people can see what scam blogs look like. Account literally made like 1 day ago. These are a constant on tumblr lately. Bro changed his icon & blog name like twice but the profile image is the same, just desaturated & cropped more now to hide whatever child’s face he was using.
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that-dumbass-rabbit · 6 months
Randomly scrolling like:
Bunny post
Bunny post
Drawfee post
Bunny post
Cool art
Bunny post
Adhd post
Bunny post
Bunny post
Cool art
Bunny post
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blueisboi · 6 months
telling myself that my family needs the food more than me works wonders when I'm trying to get myself to fear eating again.
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keeganmantle · 5 months
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Good afternoon. Advice for you Tumblr weirdos, don't ship real people please. I'm still sickened, disgusted, and disturbed from what I saw. No more mishaps! No more crazy people! I'm just gonna ignore you weirdos and report you. I did warn you people. Mess with me, you'll just get karma.😐
I moved on. You morons need to as well. Tumblr, are you ok? Guys, is this a common mishap on Tumblr? Somebody may get mad at you for some reason and threaten you in DMs? And then eventually somebody comes across what you documented and has a weird fetish about it?😐
Because that really scares me. I'm kinda having trust issues on Tumblr right now so as I calm down and forget about that creepy girl especially since I blocked and reported it, could you try to comfort me in a way or so? I need to feel safe on Tumblr again. I'm just trying to make good content for everyone. I'm just doing what I love. I just wanna make people happy. I did nothing to you lowlifes! What'd I ever do to you?😔
If I deny an art trade, then so be it! If I don't like you doing a creepy ship thing, then respect my boundaries and my privacy! I'm respecting yours! Why can't you?! You don't do that stuff especially without consent and of course I'll never let you do that. It goes against my vision and I feel violated just looking at it. I'm having suspicions. I have questions for Tumblr now. Why are there people here who are just so freaking weird? Thank you to those who know how disgusting it is. Thanks for having my back.😊
As for those people who are out here supporting that girl's creepy behavior, I already see you as a registered s*x offender. Because you might as well be.😐
I ain't stupid Tumblr. I know what goes on in the deep dark abyss of the internet. Try to terrorize me, you're just getting what's coming.😐
Please block and report that blog. You know the one. Rant over. Thanks for the love guys. I am very disappointed at society right now. Remember the good old days of the internet where we could do whatever without some idiot yelling at us? Good times. Tumblr, why are some people like this? Is there anyone left who has decency? I'm just really shook.😔
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diet-cokette · 4 months
if youre on anonymous platform like Tumblr, creeps and pornbots in your dms and following you is inevitable
Yes, it's nasty. Yes, it shouldn't happen. Yes, it's bad.
Regardless, it will still happen. Don't expect creeps to be kind or considerate of you and simply leave you alone bc you're a teenager/you have triggers/you have a DNI. They're CREEPS - if they behaved like civilized beings they wouldn't be creeps.
Block, report, move on.
Don't waste any energy worrying about them or wondering why they're bothering you. They are bothering you simply bc their creeps and it's an anonymous platform where they can't be held accountable UNLESS you block, report, and move on.
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moxx-n-angel · 10 hours
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fishthegenderwitch · 4 months
Some people forgot to give some of the younger generation the advice on not feeding the trolls, and now those internet slimers are fat and sassy with all the attention they've been given, and they've infested all our favourite spaces
Do not feed the trolls, do not give them the sweaty attention they seek;
Let them starve in the wastelands of their own festering impotence.
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empresstress13 · 8 months
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drifloonz · 9 months
dear pesky porn bots,
the strangled red tag is not a tag for your kink
- love, wispy
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