#blood on tiles
muchomago · 1 year
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linecrosser · 4 months
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Febwhump 2024 - Day 14 - Blood-stained tiles
Shen Qingqiu (the original goods) having a minor qi-deviation (probably following right after a visit of Yue Qingyuan)
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moonstandardtime · 2 months
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lil thing from my fic TRY IT AGAIN, CHEATER! nothing to see here just fantasizing about normal things
(Reblogs are VERY appreciated!! <3)
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Danny and Frank
(They've found you OH NO)
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i think. i need to go for a drive and get myself a tasty beverage
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skyward-floored · 4 months
Febuwhump collab day 14 — blood-stained tiles
Shhhhh don’t even look at the day this was technically supposed to be posted on okay (I’ve just. given up on posting them the correct days I think XD but that’s okay, I’m still having fun)
This one was suggested by the lovely @thepinklink! Some Legend angst for you <3
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This is set after supers are legal again btw. Legend and Wild are both about 15 here.
Warnings: blood, and injury, but not described in too much detail.
Today’s lovely art
Ao3 link
Wild scanned dully across the book page in front of him, holding back a yawn as the words smeared under his tired eyes. It was an interesting book, but it just wasn’t enough to keep his eyes from trying to close, lids heavy with exhaustion. He wanted so much to just drift off and sleep, but the nightmares had been bad again, and he knew if he closed his eyes they’d be upon him with a vengeance.
His pillow was so soft though, and his blankets were nice and warm, and resting his eyes for just a second or two couldn’t hurt...
Wild jerked himself awake from the doze, shaking his head and pressing his palms to his eyes. Maybe he needed some water. That would wake him up, right? Getting out of bed to get it would at least.
He sighed and threw back his blankets, slightly relieved he didn’t have to be quite as quiet as he normally would. Twilight was off at their grandpa’s farm for the week, and while Wild sort of enjoyed having their room to himself, he missed his brother’s snoring, and the solution and comfort he would doubtless give if he knew about Wild’s current problem.
It’s only for another few days, get a grip, Wild huffed to himself, then padded quietly out into the hallway.
He was nearly to the bathroom when he heard a small thump from inside, and Wild paused with his hand inches from the knob. The door was mostly closed, but the light wasn’t on, and Wild had assumed nobody was inside.
Maybe Four was in there? Sometimes he didn’t turn on the overhead since there was a nightlight inside, but he always shut and locked the door. Maybe it was someone else in there.
Or maybe it was something in there?
Oh if it’s mice again Mom’s gonna lose it, Wild thought. Or cockroaches. Though I really hope a cockroach didn’t make that thud.
Wild braced himself for any number of nasty things, then bravely pushed the door open and clicked on the light.
And was treated to the sight of Legend halfway out of his hero suit, leaning heavily on the counter, a hand clasped at his side, and a generous amount of blood dripping onto the floor.
Wild stared, Legend blinking in the sudden light, and it was a solid minute before his voice finally came back enough for him to speak.
“Ledge!” he gaped, and Legend glared at him, though the effect was diminished by the wearied look on his face. “Legend you’re bleeding—”
“Keep it down!” Legend hissed. “Do you want everyone running in here?”
“Maybe I do! What happened?” Wild whisper-shouted back, and Legend shushed him again before letting out a heavy sigh.
“I just... went out and ran into a little trouble, okay?” he bit out, leaning a little more heavily on the sink. “Don’t worry about it.”
Wild kept staring at him in disbelief. “Legend, we’re not supposed to go heroing out by ourselves. Dad said that was the rule until we’re older, you know that—”
“Right, and you’ve definitely never broken that rule,” Legend scoffed, and Wild faltered a second.
Admittedly, Legend had him there.
“...okay, but I’ve never come back with a great gaping hole in my side,” Wild pointed out, and Legend flicked his eyes away from him. Wild crossed his arms when Legend didn’t say anything further, and his brother sighed, giving a great big roll of his eyes.
“Okay, okay. I’m an idiot, and I learned my lesson, hooray. Now will you get out of here and leave me alone?” Legend snapped.
Wild shook his head. “No way. I’m getting Hyrule, don’t—”
“Wild don’t you dare try to wake up Hyrule, he’s been sick all week,” Legend hissed.
“You’re bleeding all over the bathroom!” Wild hissed back, “I kinda think that’s something he’d want to help with!”
Legend opened his mouth to say something equally snarky in reply, but his entire form suddenly flickered, and he closed his eyes, face drawn with pain.
Wild watched some blood drip onto the floor, and exhaled through his nose, anger fading away to be replaced with worry.
It was true Hyrule had been sick the past several days, nauseous and tired, and it was likely he wouldn’t be able to handle healing Legend up much at all. And even if he could, he really shouldn’t, since it would just wear him out further. Even if Legend was doing his best impression of a leaky faucet at the moment, and they’d all heard the stories their uncles would tell about how dangerous blood loss could be...
“Okay. Whatever,” Wild said more softly, and Legend looked at him, trembling a little. “At least let me help you bandage it up.”
“...Fine,” Legend murmured.
Wild came forward, stepping around the blood on the floor, and pushed Legend down to sit on the toilet lid. His brother did so with a pained grunt, and Wild began rummaging for something to help stop the bleeding. He pulled out some clean towels, and kneeled back down by Legend, studying his injury with nausea and worry swimming in his gut.
“Geez Legend, you really did a number on yourself,” he murmured as he looked at him.
“It wasn’t me. Some idiot with a knife just managed to guess where I was standing,” Legend muttered, hissing through his teeth as Wild pressed a towel to his side. “‘S not my fault.”
“I’m sure Mom and Dad’ll take that as an excuse,” Wild said dryly.
“Mom and Dad don’t need to know,” Legend muttered, and let out another hiss of pain as Wild shifted his grip. “Just my luck the guy got me while I was a rabbit.”
“You were in rabbit form?” Wild asked worriedly, and Legend looked away. “Didn’t changing back hurt? I know transforming is painful if Twilight’s injured, isn’t it the same for you?”
“Yeah, w-well he’s him and I’m me,” Legend shrugged, and squeezed his eyes shut again as Wild shifted the towel.
A few moments passed in silence, and Wild pulled the towel off a little, still concerned at the amount of blood coming out of Legend’s side. The towel was becoming rather red, and Legend only seemed to get paler, his hands shaking where they were gripping his middle.
“Legend... this looks really bad,” Wild said quietly. You look really bad. “I... think we should wake up Hyrule now.”
Legend immediately shook his head. “No.”
“Legend, you’re really...” Wild began, and Legend glared at him.
“No. He needs his rest and I’m fi—”
At the third voice, Legend and Wild both turned to stare at the doorway, where Wind was staring back at the two of them, his sleepy expression morphing quickly into one of shock and confusion.
“...am I dreaming?” Wind asked in a bit of a dazed voice.
“Yep, better go back to bed,” Wild said quickly, and Wind blinked at them another few seconds, then shook his head, his eyes focusing a bit more.
“I’m not dreaming! Legend you’re hurt!” he gasped, and Wild and Legend both shushed him, Legend’s ears twitching as he listened for anyone else coming.
“We’re handling it Wind, go back to bed,” Legend said in an exhausted voice.
“Does handling it usually involve blood all over the floor and Mom’s good towels?” Wind asked with a raised eyebrow, and Wild winced as he realized he had, in fact, grabbed Mom’s good towels.
“...yes,” Wild said, but Wind sniffed out the uncertainty in his voice better than even Twilight could.
“Riiiiight. What happened?” Wind asked as he walked over to Legend, skirting around the blood on the floor. “How exactly did you— Oh geez— Legend that looks really bad, what did you do? Wait... you snuck out, didn’t you!”
“Genius deduction there Sherlock,” Legend growled. “Now that you’ve figured everything out, go back to bed.”
“Like heck I will, if I left you and Wild here alone you’d probably bleed out,” Wind huffed. “Haven’t you woken Rulie up yet?”
“He’s sick,” Legend hissed again, and Wind crossed his arms as he stared at Legend.
“Yeah and he’ll feel even worse if he hears you hid this from him and didn’t let him help,” Wind pointed out, and Wild blinked. He hadn’t thought about it like that. “And... it looks like you got stabbed Legend, that’s kind of a big deal?!”
“Well it’s really not,” Legend bit out, and sat up, as if to prove it.
His face went white though, and he slipped off the toilet, Wild letting out a panicked noise as he shot forward and grabbed him. Wind darted forward as well, and they both stared at Legend’s face, screwed up in a grimace. His eyes flickered back open after only a few seconds, but Wild was already falling firmly into panic mode.
“Legend?!” he asked frantically.
“Fine, I-I’m— I’m fine,” Legend got out, but the pain in his voice spoke otherwise.
“That’s a lot of blood,” Wind said quietly, sounding much more concerned then before, and Legend squeezed his eyes shut before dragging them open again.
“I... m-maybe you’d better get Hyrule,” he said in a small voice, a thin thread of fear coming through in the words.
Wild swallowed. Legend very, very rarely sounded like that.
Forget trying to avoid nightmares, Legend is trying to give me more.
“Wind? Can you get Hyrule?” Wild asked, and Wind nodded. “Do it quietly though, the last thing we need is Four waking up, or Mom and Dad.”
“Would it really be so bad if that happened?” Wind murmured, but he slipped out of the bathroom without barely a sound.
He returned a few minutes later, Hyrule shuffling quietly behind him. Their other brother seemed like he was only half-awake, and as Wild looked at the dark circles under his eyes, he felt a sting of guilt at having to resort to waking him up.
But Legend was only getting paler, and between waking up Hyrule, or waking up their parents and worrying them both and getting a lecture of some kind, Wild figured Hyrule was the safer option. Plus his parents would probably wake Hyrule up to help anyway. This just cut out the middle man.
Though if Legend loses much more blood, we probably’ll have to wake them up...
Hyrule quietly took in the scene, sniffling and wiping his nose on his sleeve as he eyeballed the blood all over the floor, then he frowned, looking intently at Legend.
“Why is it always you, Legend?” Hyrule murmured with a hint of both amusement and annoyance, and Legend looked down at his feet.
“Almost always,” Wind corrected. “There was that time with Wild and that tree, remember?”
Wild glared at him. “Not the time, Wind.”
Hyrule ignored them both, and sighed as he finished looking over Legend. “Okay. Hold still.”
“Don’t do too much,” Legend said as Hyrule kneeled on the floor beside him, Legend shakily grabbing his arm. “J-just stop the bleeding, don’t... don’t push yourself.”
“I’ll do as much as you need,” Hyrule said patiently, and lit up his hands with a soft blue light.
He pressed them both to Legend’s side, his eyes closing in concentration, and Wild and Wind watched in silence as the gouge in Legend’s side began to slowly shrink away. The glow from Hyrule’s powers lit the bathroom up in an almost eerie way, and Wild noticed Wind slide a little closer to his side, worry bright on his face.
Legend kept his eyes closed while Hyrule worked, and several quiet minutes went by before he raised his head and squeezed Hyrule’s arm.
“That’s good. You can stop.”
Hyrule dragged his eyes open and stared at Legend, the increased exhaustion on his face doing nothing to lessen the firm look in his eyes.
“I’m not finished.”
“Yes you are,” Legend said firmly, his face still pale, but much less so then before. “Rulie you look like you’re going to keel over, you’re in no shape to keep using up your energy on me.”
“What, cause of this l-little cold?” Hyrule smirked, but Legend didn’t return it.
“The sound of the faucet dripping earlier almost made you throw up,” he replied flatly.
“The bathroom is covered in blood,” Hyrule shot back, arms crossed.
“I’m not still bleeding!”
“You could easily reopen it! I’m not done!”
“You guys are both dumb, and need sleep,” Wind interrupted, and Wild couldn’t help his snort. “Let’s see how bad it looks now before you keep arguing, huh?”
Hyrule pulled back and moved the towel that was blocking Wild and Wind’s view, and revealed a shallow mark on Legend’s side. The skin was still bloody, but the injury itself didn’t seem like it was bleeding much at all, and was much less scary-looking then before.
Wild sighed in relief. “I think it’s good, ‘rule.”
“Yeah, it looks way better, I don’t think he’ll pass out now,” Wind said cheerfully, then hesitated. “Well, not from blood loss at least.”
“My own blood doesn’t make me pass out,” Legend grumbled as he began to clean himself up, but Wind ignored him.
“I think it’s good enough for now Hyrule, thanks,” Wild said, and Hyrule nodded, his eyes drooping tiredly. “We can look at it again tomorrow. You should go back to bed.”
“Legend too,” Hyrule murmured. “I can’t really fix blood loss. He needs rest.”
Wild nodded, and as soon as Legend was as clean as he was going to get and had his injury wrapped, Wild and Wind helped him and Hyrule back down the hall and into their beds. Legend didn’t even bother with his own bed, merely collapsing next to Hyrule in his blankets instead, and Hyrule snuggled up to him. Both were asleep in seconds, and Wind and Wild exchanged smiles as they shut the door.
“Finally. Makes me wonder who’s the older sibling sometimes,” Wind huffed as they walked back to the bathroom, and Wild quietly laughed.
“Well you’ll have plenty of time to think about it,” he said as he opened the door, and gestured to the mess they and Legend had left behind. “...We still have to clean all this up before Mom and Dad get up.”
Wind grimaced. “...Right. I Don’t know how we’re going to fix those towels though.”
Wild thought for a moment, then sighed. “...you think Four would know?”
“I was afraid of that.”
Wind and Wild exchanged tired looks, though after a moment both of their faces cracked into smiles, followed by quickly muffled giggles. It really wasn’t that funny, but Wild at least had reached the point where it was so late and he was so tired that everything was at least a little funny.
Plus... he was still riding the wave of relief that Legend was okay.
Finally their giggles ran out though, and Wild and Wind both wordlessly turned out of the bathroom to go wake up Four, and see if he could help get the blood off of the towels.
It wasn’t the excuse Wild would have picked, but between this and lying in his bed trying not to have more nightmares... cleaning up blood and shushing Wind when he made a stupid joke was much more preferable.
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serickswrites · 4 months
Warnings: captivity, torture, restraints, blood, aftermath of torture, unclear character status
Team Leader was like an approaching storm as they raced to Whumper's compound. They had, of course, been lured to the wrong location. Whumper had tricked them, confronted them far away from where Smallest Teammate was. From where Whumper had tortured Smallest Teammate for days.
Fortunately, Team Leader knew that it was a distinct possibility that Whumper would send them in the wrong direction. And so they had sent Teammate One and Teammate Two to where they suspected Whumpee was being held.
"Where are they? Where are they?" Team Leader shouted as they ran through the hallway to where they could see Teammate One was waiting for them. Where was Teammate Two? Where was Smallest Teammate?
Teammate One held up a hand to stop Team Leader. "I...I can't let you in here, Team Leader." Teammate One's voice was careful, their eyes tight.
Team Leader tried to get around Teammate One, but Teammate One grabbed their shoulders. "Team Leader, please, listen to me."
"Where is Smallest Teammate? Where are they?" Team Leader couldn't keep their fear out of their voice. They could see blood stained tiles in the room just beyond. Could see Teammate Two's back as they knelt near the bloodied tiles. Teammate Two's broad back obscured most of Team Leader's view. What had happened here?
"Team Leader," Teammate One's voice broke, "we need to talk about Smallest Teammate."
At Teammate One's words, Team Leader froze. They froze and stopped trying to escape Teammate One's grasp. Froze and couldn't breathe. Froze and couldn't stop their heart from trying to pound out of their chest. Team Leader opened their mouth, but no sound came out, their tongue drier than dry. They swallowed once, clearing their painfully dry throat. "Where is Smallest Teammate?"
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whumpinthepot · 4 months
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@febuwhump 2024, Day 14. Blood-Stained Tiles
Happy Valentines Day folks 🤗❤️🩷❤️
Mature art tag list: @frogkingdom @coppercoyoti (let me know if you’d like to be added)
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jacarandaaaas · 10 months
“the most unrealistic part of encanto is the magic” NO. The most unrealistic part of encanto is how mirabel only whispers “ow” during this scene:
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like that looks so painful and she’s like “oh it’s just a cut” GIRL LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT CUT😭 I’m so sorry but my dramatic ass would be crying and screaming that looks so sore!! Like that’s not a small paper cut that’s a full on sharp cut from a tile!?
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em-writes-stuff · 4 months
blood stained tiles
day 14 of @febuwhump
whumpee and caretaker
584 words
warnings: cursing, stabbed character, caring for a wound, mild cursing
Whumpee stares at herself in the mirror. Her lip is busted, eye bruised, and cheek cut. No wonder she feels like she was run over by a bus. 
Caretaker pounds on the door and tries to turn the handle. “Come on, Whumpee! You need to let me in!” 
Whumpee ignores his shouting and peels the back of her shirt up, revealing a nasty stab wound. She sucks a breath in through her teeth and pulls her shirt off the rest of the way, discarding it on the floor. She takes her pants off and throws them on top of the shirt. 
Caretaker’s pounding had slowed down enough for Whumpee to think that he’d forgotten all about it and had gone to make dinner. But, just like the rest of the day she was wrong. 
The door pushes open and Caretaker barges into the bathroom. 
Whumpee covers her chest with her hands and backs up against the wall. “What the fuck?!” 
Caretaker stutters for a second before taking in the blood slowly trickling down her leg and rushes over to her. “What happened?” 
Whumpee pushes him away and takes her towel off the wall and wraps it around herself. “Nothing I can’t handle.” 
“Bullshit.” he says, digging around in a drawer. “What happened?” 
She ignores his question and takes the gauze he holds out to her and presses it to the wound. She hisses and pulls her hand away quickly. 
Caretaker glares at her and she sighs dramatically, “I ran into an old friend. Turns out she isn’t as fond as she used to be.” 
He rolls his eyes and spins her so she’s facing the wall and he can address the wound. “I just can’t believe that after all the work you’ve done to get…better you just go back and get stabbed.” 
“Right. Because it’s my fault that she stabbed me.” She waits for a response and feels his annoyed expression boring into her. “Ok, fine. I’m not not to blame, but she found me with a knife, so why’d she have it if she wasn’t planning on stabbing me in the first place?” 
Caretaker sighs and shakes his head, deciding to stay quiet while he wipes away the last of the blood on Whumpee’s back. He rubs a salve into the wound and covers it with gauze. 
“Get me some tape?” He asks, motioning to the open drawer. 
She makes a show of taking it out of the drawer while saying, “Sure, I’ll get it. Not like I have a stab wound or anything.” “It’s shallow.” Caretaker snaps. “Barely deep enough to warrant worrying.” 
“And yet…” Whumpee says, handing him the roll of tape. 
He takes it from her and tapes the gauze down, “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” 
He finishes with the tape and tosses it on the counter, exchanging it for a small washrag. He runs it under warm water and starts to clean the blood off of Whumpee’s back and leg. 
She stands there awkwardly as he rubs the rag in circles against her skin, gently working the dried blood off. Before too long, he’s scrubbing on her heel and she lifts her foot up. 
He pulls away, tapping her back to let her know he’s finished and she takes a small step forward. She looks back and sees the red-stained tiles. 
“Sorry about the floor,” She says tentatively. 
He almost laughs and dismisses her with a hand wave, “Nothing to worry about. I’ve been thinking about adding a splash of color.” 
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uniquevoidflowers · 4 months
Legend laughed and started dancing freely with Wind, watching the kid throw his arms around the air even though it was formal music playing. He didn’t mind the looks thrown his way. Soon, Zelda-or Fable now, came over and tapped him on the shoulder. “Have you come to join the fun?” He asked, grinning.
She shook her head mutely and made a gesture for him to come. His grin disappeared. “Everything okay?”
Febuwhump 2024, Day 14: Blood-Stained Tiles
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ktzart · 1 year
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you’re gonna ruin your stitches like that
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psychologeek · 4 months
Lab Rat (pt. 4)
FEBUWHUMP - DAY 14: blood-stained tiles
Tw: undercut, little gore (mention of blood and implied vivi/dissection
It was a strike of luck, that's all. Just a second to look aside. Just a short gaze, and she would have missed it.
Jason's bed is comfortable, but she can't sleep.
She didn't really get the chance to pack properly for the weather, but this hoodie is thick and warm and that's enough.
She checks the time –
She's been in bed for three hours now, but she can't sleep. Every time she close her eyes -
(Green on the stairs, and she went upstairs to tell Danny to clean it–)
Every time she stops moving -
(Glowing-green ropes by her brother's bed)
She just try to stop
(In a closer look, she could see the way they were tied to the bed.)
Just stop thinking
(Going down to the basement)
Just stop seeing
(Scattered green and blood-stained tiles)
The house is quiet
(It was quiet. Just casual talks. No screaming.)
They are safe. They are not there. They are states away.
(The surprised looks on their face. Suprised that she told them to stop.)
She's giving up. Better get up and make herself–
(“Here, dear, make yourself useful - we have a suit for you!”)
It's a good thing J made them a tour when they arrived. She make it to the bathroom right on time. Not like she has anything to vomit, but the tears and stomach acid and pain aren't something she wants anyone to see her.
(Like it? I have more mini-fics in this au. And full size fics on ao3. please vote in my update poll! And the one for next week! Bc I try to work ahead LMAO)
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nade2308 · 4 months
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Nothing like some good blood stained tiles for a Valentine's Day prompt.
A03 link
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helloyesamwoman · 1 year
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The World Looks White The World Looks Red
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I actually don't have a lot of headcanons written down for non AU stuff or ship stuff cause i suck at writing down my thoughts so this is all I have rn
-my and my friend came up with the headcanon of him doing wood sculptures sometimes, like small figures etc
-he makes bouquets using victorian flower language
-wakes up super early he's always the first one awake
Rip Coffin dhmis you would’ve loved 5 hour energy
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