#blorbo interaction (evil kind)
zhouxiangs · 8 months
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if i succeed, you must let me race in the red racing team.
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Loser Round 1: Damian Wayne (DC) vs. Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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Propaganda below the cut
Damian Wayne:
Damian is a kid who was raised as an assassin and because of that when he first appears he has some really messed up ideas of how to prove himself to his father by being aggressive with the criminals they capture and attacking his brother. Because of this people act like he is the most evil character ever and refuse to give him any grace. They make him out to be this awful irredeemable monster who just wants to kill his brother and hurt people. If the fandom isn’t making his out to be The Worst(tm) then they are ignoring his existence all-together. He is a really interesting character who has done some not so great things but he’s grown and learned a lot through various character arcs (as much of an arc as a comic book character can have) and he deserves to be acknowledged for himself and not just as a villain so that people can woobify his brother.
HES JUST A LITTLE BABY GUY!!!!! Little baby man raised as an assassin and learning how to be a real person <3. But because he was kind of a dick and also a little stabby early-on, especially to the fandom's main "so sad uwu depressed baby" blorbo (and also he's not white), people treat him like he's satan incarnate
Aang is a kid who was thrown into responsibility against his will and when he ran away he woke up to a world where everything and everyone he loved was gone. A lot of the decisions he makes that people attack him for are either a result of his grief and attempts to keep his people beliefs alive or his immaturity because his is literally a child. Also he is constantly getting slandered in ship wars because of the way he interacts with Katara in canon because he is often selfish with her and obviously that makes him such a horrible guy! (No he is just a kid who is stumbling through his relationships like all of us do.) Everything he does makes perfect sense considering his age and circumstances and I’m tired of people saying he should have done things differently. God forbid a traumatized child not act like a perfect reasonable angel with the mental capacity and communication skills of an adult. 
People are really over there saying the 12 year-old boy is a horrible and selfish person for refusing to murder a man !! He's 12 !! He's the last of his culture, which valued life and pacifism, and wants to keep that alive !! HE'S 12 !!!!!!!
People also like to pretend he can't understand another character whose mom was murdered because he believes it's important to Not let yourself be consumed by revenge, and is being self-righteous for asking her to Not go on a revenge quest (often in the name of shipping wars) when
1) His Whole People Were Killed, and
2) homegirl is 14, asking her to not kill someone when she doesn't have to, for her own good is literally the right thing to do
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bougiebutchbinch · 2 months
What are your top The Boys ships? Are there any you haven’t drawn but that you still enjoy? I enjoy a good Frenchie/MM fic, but your art really got me on the Hughie/A-Train ship lol so it made me curious what other ships you have.
Ooooh, thank you for a wonderful ask! And it's awesome to know I'm converting folks to Hughtrain... WE GOT ANOVVA ONE BOYS
I had never considered Frenchie/MM but y'know what?? Yeah, I see it!
Honestly, my top ship isn't even Hughtrain - it would be MM/Train if I could find any lmao. Their interactions in S4 made my brain light up in a very 'bratty A-Train gets flipped by grudging but kind daddy MM' sort of way?? and now I cannot unsee it. As far as multishipping my favourite blorbos, I also really like Deeptrain (I cannot be convinced that they didn't explore each other's bodies at least once) and Butcher/MM (their whole 'shitty bastard dad and long-suffering malewife' thing really speaks to me!)
But I also LOVE Butchlander - I'm a batjokes shipper to my core, and you can't go wrong with two mortal enemies who are mutually obsessed with each other and kinda fucked up about it. Their toxic hatesex vibe is immaculate.
Also, big shoutout to Sagelander and Starcracker for altering my brain chemistry this season... I love Sage letting Homelander think he's in control while manipulating the fuck outta that pathetic evil (affectionate) bastard, and I love all of Starlight and Firecracker's past beef! I think Annie could fix her if she fingerbanged her up against a wall, personally
And, of course, I adore Frenchie/Kimiko with all of my heart. I loved them as platonic 'family'. I loved them as a couple. I just love them, and I want them to be happy!
There we have it: a rundown of every ship that makes my brain go brrrrr in The Boys!
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maridiayachtclub · 5 months
that reblog about an inhospitable dungeon sorta highlights one of the areas in which i myself feel the biggest divide with youth culture: the idea of TTRPGs primarily as a space for exploring emotionally complex stories about specific kinds of characters engaging in specific sorts of tropes. like they always had that capacity, but i feel like a lot of the people that got into the hobby in the 5E, critical role era think of TTRPGs as a storytelling medium first and a game second. which, that was kind of how things were set up, i guess. "the dice are there to tell a story" has been the line for decades and all. but now it feels like there is an expectation for personal narrative arcs, and that the campaign's primary purpose is to explore and complete those arcs; all mechanics and gameplay are in support of that goal.
i don't mind that mode of gaming, it can be fun. there's a place for it in the hobby and lots of people that enjoy it. i don't know how well-suited i am to like, facilitating it, though. it's not like i actually play a lot of games with strangers, and i'd never run a game for someone i didn't feel like i had a good fit with. but if there's "make up a guy to get mad about," there's also "make up a guy to have awkward interactions with." for me it's someone i saw making a post here that went something like this: "Oh, D&D? You mean group therapy with all my gay friends?!"
like I say "I wanna run D&D," and what I mean is "I wanna describe rooms in a dungeon and cool monsters and traps and treasure chests and have my players figure out how to defeat the Evil Wizard," and what some other people (a threatening, undefined Them) hear is "I'm gonna have all my fantasies fulfilled! I get to make up a blorbo and the GM will tell a story about them and give them a romantic sideplot and an opportunity to work through all their trauma and it'll be just like my podcasts~!"
what if someone like that shows up at my table? shit's gonna be awkward. i didn't sign up for that, but isn't that what a lot of people think is the DM's job? this isn't entirely based on speculation, either; i've had conflict with a player that felt like their storytelling expectations were not being met by the game on the table before them. it wasn't "this isn't gay enough for me," but there was a clear mismatch in expectations and it made things rough. (Thankfully, this was just a one-shot thing meant to see if a group of players got along well, so. we certainly got an answer to that!)
there's something Matt Colville said in one of his videos a few years back, about how his players characterized him as an "old school" dungeon master, and how he was trying to understand what that meant for him. i'm paraphrasing, but the answer he came up with is that, as a DM, he was only concerned with the external growth of characters. his adventures provided things for the characters to deal with and react to, and the experience and gold that allowed them to make their numbers go up and expand their worldly holdings, but it was up to the players to make a personal narrative out of their characters' experiences. i liked this interpretation; that felt like a good compromise. it is not up to the game world to provide meaning, or inspiration, or closure; you gotta find those things yourself. which you can; we gotta do that shit in the real world all the time, after all.
(disclaimer: i am just talking about -my games- that i want to and may end up running. this isn't telling anybody what they can or should do in their games. i don't feel like this sort of thing should be necessary, for a post on my blog voicing my insecurities about my relationship with the hobby at large, but i've seen the discourse! i have seen just how bad the faith can get!)
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ask-fgod · 1 year
A look at a self worse/better than you.
Ink, the God of Creation, was selfish although he refused to admit it to anyone. Prism, is the complete opposite. Let's see what happens when these two are allowed to interact. Kinda a gift to Im_Sorry_Buddy, kinda just me messing around with two blorbos. A crossover between the tumblr blog @/ask-fgod and the fic For the Forgotten Ones.
One-shot under the cut.
Ink had always noticed that mirror. Never interacted with it surprisingly enough, even though he's usually a curious kind of guy. 
And a kind of guy who wasn't really scared of anything, but something about it made him uneasy, even though it's just a mirror. Literally just a plain old mirror. 
Looking at it made him feel watched. Like someone was observing him, even though like he said, it's an object. He doesn't like repeating himself, but it's a stupid old mirror.
But that's the thing. It's a mirror that's been floating there for who knows how long. It was there when he first came to this place, which was when he was only a few days old.
And he's… uh… 
He doesn't know how old he is now, but it's a lot. A lot a lot. Tons. Hundreds. Thousands. He would even say it's like a millena or two. 
The mirror was there though. Throughout all of time. He didn't even remember creating it. Whichever being who brought him into existence might've left it for him as a gift or whatnot.
Well, it's not a good gift, that's for sure. It's just a mirror. A creepy old mirror. Curse whoever made him, that's the worst gift he ever could've gotten.
But it's been long enough avoiding it, he supposes. Might as well take a closer look at it.
Ink walks from universe to universe, taking his sweet precious time making his way over to it. The universes are close enough to where he can just walk from each to each, so he might as well.
With each step, the anticipation fills Ink's lack of a soul. It feels like someone is waiting for him, even though the mirror is just an inanimate object. 
Despite the mirror's lack of a brain or soul, that someone Ink feels seems like they've been waiting for quite a long time to speak with him. About what, he doesn't really know.
He's read stories about reflections leading to other universes. Hell, he's even made universes that have plotlines revolving around that. 
Hey! Speaking of that, he's on one of 'em right now! Hi mirror universe he forgot the name of! Ink waves at the door leading to the universe's inside. How ya doin'?
Maybe he should take a visit and see how everyone's doing there! Do a lil' check-up. 
But he was doing something, wasn't he? What was it…?
Oh, right! That mirror. He's pretty close to it now, enough to where he can see his reflection in it. He also waves at his reflection. The reflection doesn't wave back.
Huh. Maybe the mirror is like, a cursed item. If so, pretty uncool of his creator to give him that. He's just a little silly guy, he doesn't deserve cursed items. 
The guy in the mirror (that looks a lot like him but a tad different) is probably gonna come out and deck him in the face. Or try to. He isn't gonna give him the chance. 
Ink pulls out Broomie from his back. He has to be prepared for some evil doppelganger tryna steal his place. Or whatever the guy in the mirror is. 
Might be some evil clone of him that's like Roro and Berror that destroys stuff. His beautiful creations, his beautiful stuff.
"Hey, you!"
"Get over here, you greyed-out idiot!!!"
"You hear me, don't you!? I have alotta things to say to you!!!"
Ohhhh… That voice must be his evil mirror doppelganger ganger. 
Makes sense, it sounds so much like him but less silly and full of joy.
Also why did he call him greyed-out. He's been called an idiot before, but not greyed-out.
Maybe evil doppelgangers like him have their own weird insults. Doesn't make sense, but it's something.
…Oooh! Maybe he could use that for a new AU idea!!!
Ink approaches the mirror, waving one hand up in a greeting, and another hand wrapped around his dear Broomie, with a big ol' smile on his face.
"Heya there my evil mirror reflection doppelganger that I have just only checked out today! How ya doin'?" He asks his alternate.
The said alternate bangs on the mirror, a small paint figure walking out of it and kicking Ink's leg as hard as it can. Which isn't hard. 
"Are you insane???" The Ink in the mirror responds angrily. "How can you be like this when your whole world is falling apart!!!"
Ink leans on the mirror casually. "Doppel, bud, Doppel short for Doppelganger… I have no idea what ya mean."
"Of course." The other Ink, now dubbed Doppel by the Ink outside the mirror, "You would act like you don't know, because you're the one causing it!!!"
Ink just stares at him like an idiot, like he doesn't know what he's talking about. He does, though. "Who told ya that, buddy? Error? Blueberror? Nightmare? They're all wrong, ya know. Covering their own butts for what they're actually causing."
Doppel points a finger at the mirror, right at Ink. "Monochrome, you know exactly what I mean! I've seen your universe, I've been observing it for I don't know how long! You're making too much, and abusing that power most Inks don't have, and your place is going to die from it!"
Ink looks from the left to right and sits down next to the mirror, leaning on it still. "Whaddya just call me?"
"Monochrome, because that's what your universe looks like, and that's what you deserve to be called. You're an embarrassment to all Inks throughout the multiverse!" He responds.
"Ohhh…" Ink looks on with a thoughtful expression. "Wait, there's other Inks? That's cool! So this thingys like a communication device?"
"Yes, but-"
"Can I talk to an Ink other than you?"
"You're avoiding the topic, aren't you!" Doppel raises his arms up in frustration, exasperated. "Just admit it! It's not like there's anyone else here that's going to hear you!"
Hmm… Should he? Doppel is right, there isn't anyone here. And there never will be anyone else here, due to him being the only one that has access to this place.
Still, his pride though…
'What about his pride?' He thinks back to himself. If anything, he would have even more pride by showing Doppel how powerful he is.
It's only the other's fault that he doesn't see it the same way.
"Fineeee…" He says childishly. "Ya got me, Doppel bud. But 't's not really like you can do anything about it, can ya?"
Doppel sighs. "You're right, Monochrome. I can't. But I can at least warn you. Which you clearly aren't listening to, but at least I tried!"
"Warn me about wha?"
"Y- You-" He groans, exasperated. "Warn you about your whole multiverse dying! Your Error and Blueberror can't keep on going forever, y'know."
"Uh." Ink stares at him, looking behind from where he's sitting. "Ya they can. They're immortal. If I can create this much, then the two of them combined can surely keep up, you get me?"
"No Monochrome, I do not get you. I do not get you at all. I have to ask you a question, do you think they enjoy destruction as much as your creation?" He asks.
"Tell the truth."
"Tell. The truth."
"I said it, I think they do!"
"Monochrome, so stars help me." Doppel tiredly looks at Ink, an expression emoting his frustration clear on his face.
Ink makes a face similar to a cat, his ovalike eyes round with faux-innocence. "Trust me, I realllllly do think they like it!"
"You're me, Monochrome. I'm you." He pauses. "I think I'd know well enough when you aren't being honest. I think even you can tell that your Error and Blueberror are unhappy about what they're being forced to do."
"But Berror is pretty murder-happy i'nt he? He's killed me on multiple occasions." The other proudly proclaims. "So why wouldn't he be happy killing people other than me?"
"Because you suck. Next."
"I don't suck!"
"Yes, you do."
"No, I don't! I'm a cool little silly guy who has never done anything wrong or immoral in his life! Trust me!" Ink insists.
"I do not trust you." Doppel strikes back. "Anyways, how about Error? He rarely lays a finger on your smug little body."
"You're small too!"
"You're avoiding the question again. Answer it." He commands Ink.
"Well…" He pauses, thoughtful. Thinking with that little small brain of his. "Roro just likes me more, I guess!"
"I doubt that. Error's just more of a pacifist than anything."
"Then why does he-"
"He only kills because you force him to. I thought we already established this, Monochrome."
"Well… Hmm… How do I know that?" Ink laughs. It's hard to tell if he's laughing at the situation he's in, laughing at Doppel, or just laughing in general. It doesn't really matter, he's laughing anyways.
Doppel, meanwhile, isn't amused by this. 
"Hey, you greyscale little liar! This isn't a laughing matter! You wanna know how you know that?"
"Hm… hehehe… bet, I guess." He giggles.
Doppel inhales, then exhales, calming himself. He has to, or he will find a way to strangle this little self-serving… self-serving… stars, he can't even think of an insult.
Well, it's not like he deserves one.
He begins his question. "You know how Error fell into the void? Like, on purpose?"
"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything? He's back now, right?" He unseriously remarks.
"Well, I've looked at other multiverses… and some are very similar to yours. So similar, like they stem from the same concept."
"Your point being…?"
Doppel hovers over him, trying to look as threatening as possible. He has to get this through the other's thick skull that he could've had it worse. "Error could've dragged you in there with him if he was a quote on quote 'worse' person. You'd both be gone if that was the case. And I don't think in your multiverse a magical deity would be willing to save someone like you."
Ink stares, silent. He looks up at all the universes jam-packed together, stares behind him at Doppel through the mirror, stares at Broomie who is sitting right beside him. A thought crosses his mind. 
A thought of if that really could've happened.
But before he even has the chance to read through what Doppels statement implied, he laughs.
"You really think I'm gonna believe that?!" He giggles. "You gotta be joking me. I would never leave myself open to an attack like that, even if that ever were to happen!" Ink snorts, falling onto his back in laughter. "People love me, they'd protect me from getting dragged into there. And Error knows not to do that to me, cuz he knows that I'm the one in charge, y'know?"
Doppel just stares at him incredulously.
Ink continues. "Dream would defend me, all my creations would defend me, everyone other than Nightmare, his gang, Error, and Blueberror would protect me! It's like… uh… five? Six? Four? Against tons! I'm not gonna fall into the void, even if I did I know whoever made me would get me out, you do realize that, right?"
Doppel still stares.
"Are ya… huff puff… Wow that's a lot… Yeesh you gotta be… puff huff… More threatening and real than that to make me doubt myself!" Ink rolls over on the floor, onto his side, grabbing his non-existent stomach. 
"You're insane." Doppel states. "What are you even doing this for, anyways?"
"Cuz I like it, Dop-Dop! It's not gonna go downhill anytime soon, so why should I stop when I have all the support on this side of the multiverse!?"
"Because it's hurting people???" He says, incredulous yet again. Yet again? He's been incredulous for almost this whole conversation. "Is that all you care about? Fun? Attention? Being the hero?"
Ink sits up, finally gotten all the laughs and giggles out of his system. "I don't wanna say you're right, but I don't really wanna say you're wrong, either. Just leave, you aren't gonna change my mind."
Doppel glares at him. "At least I tried. It's your own fault if this backfires on you, one way or another. I hope I never see you again."
With that, Doppel disappears from the mirrors reflection, leaving Ink only to stare at himself.
Like he always is. Focused on himself.
Never even thinking of consequences.
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beevean · 4 months
addendum to the 'Hector is a misogynist' being a very weird read of his character because i don't really want to put that person on blast or derail the OP lol:
Hector being an out-and-out -ist of any flavour seems odd to me because he himself was shunned and hated by society for some perceived flaw he couldn't help - i think he'd be intelligent and sensitive enough to not want to perpetuate that same kind of mindless hatred, or he wouldn't have defected
you could argue being raised in a vampire's castle that is a hotbed of evil and godlessness might have put some funny ideas in his head, and, yes, the time period certainly doesn't help but if we're going with the idea that 'church bad' and is the sole cause of misogynistic thinking, then would't that same godless environment promote beliefs that's counter to any religious doctrine? isn't that cultish 'we're all equals here' part of the appeal that made Hector stay for so long?
plus, the way Hector displays having gentlemanly manners (apologizing and bowing to Julia before taking his leave) leads me to believe that he was expressly educated against that sort of thinking - maybe only because of his role as a servant, and possibly Lisa being the only woman he'd encounter up until meeting Rosaly, coupled with her role as Lady of the Castle, meaning Hector would have to act respectfully towards her at all times, so it sort of becomes his 'default' state when interacting with any women from that point on
the most misogynistic thing Hector's actually ever done is kill his own mother, but we both know that's because she was physically abusive towards him on whats implied to be a regular basis and not just because she's a woman lmao
like. i'm not trying to be 'my blorbo is more socially aware and morally cOrReCt compared to your blorbo' but this is just. not a facet of his character that exists in any way
Like. First of all, getting over your dead wife that quickly is certainly morally questionable, but it's not what I'd call toxic masculinity. Wikipedia gives this summary:
The concept of toxic masculinity is used in academic and media discussions to refer to those aspects of hegemonic masculinity that are socially destructive, such as misogyny, homophobia, and violent domination. These traits are considered "toxic" due in part to their promotion of violence, including sexual assault and domestic violence. Socialization of boys sometimes also normalizes violence, such as in the saying "boys will be boys" about bullying and aggression.
The topic of male hegemony doesn't belong in the series at all. The absolute worst you can say is that Hector reacted to his pain with violent rage, which is a stereotypically masculine response and yes, could lead to harm. But:
unlike Dracula, who spread his misery through all of Europe and involved innocents, Hector only targeted Isaac, the primary culprit of his loss. Aside from yelling at some people, he never harms anyone who isn't directly involved in his quest.
it's stated in the game itself that that rage was exacerbated by Dracula's Curse, and when Hector realized what was going on, he was horrified, and said textually that "this is not me". It's not the same as a man killing his gf in a fit of passionate rage, because that rage wasn't even his! He was being corrupted by the Curse!
he doesn't even end up killing Isaac directly. Death uses Isaac as a vessel, which kills him, and Hector understands that he can't fully blame Isaac for his evil actions, because both of them were victim of the same Curse and manipulations. Is that toxic to you?
Hector displays unmanly signs of grief as well. He's suicidal, cries when overcome by emotion, and thinks he has to pay for the right to be loved. This is the complete opposite of toxic masculinity, that teaches men that they are entitled to women's love and sexual favors.
fucking Isaac displays more toxic masculinity than Hector. My man killed Hector's new lover out of jealousy. Sure, he also did it out of revenge and to lure him for his plan, but let's be real here: he acts like a dumped boyfriend lmao.
I wouldn't even say that Hector killing his mother was misogynistic. Aside from the fact that he also killed his father, that murder had nothing to do with gender. There is a difference between, for example, a male robber killing a female cashier during a robbing, and a man killing his ex-girlfriend because she broke up with him: only the latter is considered a femicide and an expression of misogyny.
Hector displays a chivalrous attitude towards Rosaly and Julia. He helps the former even when he didn't know how, and is almost impeccably polite towards the latter (he yells at her when he suspects she's Isaac's ally, but when she explains herself he's quick to apologize). If you want to see this as benevolent sexism, be my guest, but it is not, in any stretch of the word, toxic masculinity. It's just, well, politeness and respect.
And no, even assuming that he and Julia do end up together post game, that's not toxic masculinity either. Disrespectful towards Rosaly? Sadly yes. Disrespectful towards Julia if the main reason Hector grew attracted to her was her resemblance with Rosaly? Also sadly yes. But it is not toxic masculinity, it's not about male hegemony, it's not about normalizing male violence.
Anyway, going into headcanon territory: while Dracula isn't certainly jugging Respect Women Juice lmao, he's not an outright sexist (especially not pre-Lisa's death), so he might have taught Hector and Isaac to respect Lisa and by extention the women in the castle (except succubi, no one likes succubi lol). And yes, it could be precisely to fight back the Church-influenced sexism of the time. I can imagine Hector seeing a bit of Lisa into Rosaly too, which might have influenced him to be more respectful than he would have been at that point in time.
i also find the idea of dracula teaching his boys to not be homophobic with the exact same logic hilarious. i mean the logic flows :P
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gffa · 1 year
One of the downsides of having an evil little skrunkly Blorbo that you love is that you spend a lot of your time making fun of them or talking about how terrible they are, so it looks like you really hate them or only view them as pathetic, that you don’t have any real sympathy for them, but what doesn’t come across is that you’re reading/writing a lot of fic for your Blorbo where their point of view gets explored in a way that you might not talk about in a more omniscient point of view meta piece, where you can get inside their head and show the pain they’re in, you can write a canon divergent storyline that gives them a happy ending, you can dip into characters being protective over them, in ways you can’t really do in the source material commentary because you’re commenting on what’s happened in the source material. So you look like you maybe hate this Blorbo, you have nothing kind or sympathetic to say about them, but to your perspective, you’re spending a ton of time in sympathetic spaces for them, you’re reading about all the good things they’ve done, you’re reading about how their loved ones love them in return, you’re reading about them getting help and healing and validation, so you feel well-balanced inside your own head. This is what it’s like for me as an Anakin Skywalker fan.  I read a comic or watch one of the movies, I’m commenting on the shitty things he does because that’s the greater themes.  But I’m not immune to him being my special little guy, the babygirl of my heart, the character that I identify the most with, the character I ache to find happiness, the character I admire for pulling himself out of a hole that, yeah, he dug it himself, but that was a climb like nothing else I’ve seen. I see the good in Anakin Skywalker constantly, because I’m reading a ton of fic about him.  But maybe others don’t see that good that I’m experiencing, because my blog is full of long meta pieces about the source material parts where he acts like a shitheel.  It doesn’t mean I’m not interacting with a ton of fic where he’s the bestest boy in the world and that I am there with my heart on my sleeve for how much I love my special little babygirl.
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quietbluejay · 5 months
Godblight 1
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What in the anime lightning crackling between eyes
OWO perhaps….Eldar spotted???
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guilliman: when other people use "the ends justify the means and doing bad things to get good results is based, actually" as an excuse, it's cringe guilliman: when i do it, it's fine
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I mean it was a more tolerant age the same way dying from salmonella poisoning is better than dying from lingchi
well idk maybe Ultramar back in the day was less xenophobic than the empire was in general oh lovely it's a tzeentchian daemon …man i love it when an author goes "hey, actually, consequentialism sucks"
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time for us to meet a normal human living on a Nurglite planet ….the main thing that being in the Imperium has over being in Nurgle's dominion is the possibility, however slim it might be, that things will get better for you and in general reading this makes it abundantly clear why Nurgle would be so popular on a hive world if your suffering is guaranteed, then at least you can have guaranteed happiness with it of course "get well soon" is a nurglite curse
oh its time for mortarion to commune through the fungus with typhus this whole conversation is just:
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back to nurgle demon shenanigans with ku'gath
he's so delightful for once everyone else is sad but he's not enjoying it also it's time for baby fights two with rotigus and ku'gath this is reminding me of interactions i had with my sister when we were both like 10 or under
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amazing incredible 10/10
(on the topic of blorbos where is Voiiiii I want Voi point of view why are the sisters of silence being slept on) psyker dude: it is physically painful being in the same room as guilliman because of his stress and depression
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see, the thing about a cult of reason is that you're turning reason into a cult
Donas: Humans don't need gods because all gods are evil and from the warp Natase: #notallgods okay this is interesting and is covering something i've been curious about which is how godhood and faith work and i was right haha! so, some gods are created from faith, some are completely faith-independent, some don't need faith but get power from it nonetheless
from what i saw in the other books it seems like the faith and the emperor's power were originally separate, which is weird well kind of like the power that came from people's faith in the emperor, was independent of the emperor himself and my theory was that it's got to do with humanity being a psychic species and the warp is "your mind makes it real" and then since the faith had a specific focus (the emperor) it became attached to him and became a self-sustaining cycle
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someone pick up the phone because I called it
it's entirely possible to become a god against your own will and then get shaped by what people believe you to be natase: the incident with the girl driving back demons might have been actually you all along
guilliman: it's not enough i have to deal with everything else, but this too guilliman: nope. i reject this. guilliman: okay. okay. guilliman: ok so if the Emperor really is a god now, what does this mean for our strategy? pffff typical guilliman also i am proud of him here he's actually using reason! rather than blindly turning "reason" into a dogma and avoiding uncomfortable truths.
and now back to ku'gath once again loving some of the imagery "the hospital walls slumped like corpses" actually thinking on the subject, could Shiki kill a chaos god
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tattleslug: look everyone knows you hate everyone tattleslug: it's not a secret at all
actually wait we're back to guilliman again and im cackling he's Done
custodes dude: this is a bad idea guilliman: k guilliman: i will walk you through my reasoning one more time custodes dude: you already- guilliman: since you're making me put up with you constantly bugging me, you will have to put up with hearing me repeatedly explain things guilliman: also my final reason is if i don't get to do violence to something i am going to snap
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good [insert time of day here] i realised i never thought to ask you amid my delight of you being the most interactive follower i have that isnt an irl friend do YOU have ocs or blorbos. i wish to know. for reasons.
OH hello yes thank you for asking!!! I have several OCs but most of the time I simply Do Not Explain on here; I have lots of ideas and doodles but I make it mostly for myself and don't think to share — doesn't mean I don't want to tho! exhibit A: this absolutely massive post I'm about to make lmao. putting it under a read more bc Oh Boy, the floodgates have been opened
most of my OCs are for two different projects I have: The Visitors and my D&D Dark Star Campaign.
The Visitors is just a lil worldbuilding project I've been chewing on for.... oh wow, over a decade at this point??? I love all the OCs I have in there very very much, but they're definitely never intended to go in an actual story, I just enjoy the speculative biology and character / world building process.
Val is one of my oldest OCs, and she's changed SO MUCH over the years! nowadays, she's a sort of insect/dinosaur mashup alien who uses gravity warping magic and a very large axe to hunt demons. a huge issue for magic users of her species is keeping cool, as magic generates heat and can literally cook you from the inside out, so you'll notice the multiple vent-like spiracles across her body for this purpose. she was born blind and so relies heavily on her best friend, Django, to be her eyes and keep her safe. fortunately, Django has Too Many Eyes. he's a dragon genetically engineered by those in Val's species to be the perfect vessel for storing and releasing massive amounts of mirror-based magic. this kind of magic gives him many abilities, including seeing around corners, creating illusions, or multiplying attacks when applied in different ways, and he acts as Val's seeing-eye dragon. in battle, she likes to get up in the action while he holds back and gives her cues on what's happening, only jumping in himself if she's in major trouble. she's very friendly and excitable, and loves to get into the culture of whatever planet they're visiting, while he's more interested in observing and snooping. there's a lot of espionage and hijinks.
these are some of my most recent sketches of them, tho I'm sure the designs will changes in the future. specific colors don't matter at all, it's all about vibes! not pictured in the halfway colored one is Val's big iridescent black cape thing that has a slit down the middle for her rigid tail, nor her weird arms since I wanted to figure out where the torso vents could go.
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Duke is another Visitor who visits planets and solves problems, but his path to get there was a whole lot different! I made him up as a coping mechanism when I was 12, and I'm still very fond of him.
he started life as a human video game speedrunner and modder prodigy. in a "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" situation, a devil (very distinct from demons!) struck a deal with him, challenging his gaming abilities with his soul as the stakes. he won despite the devil's cheating, but that's where the resemblance to the song ends. in this world, a devil winning your soul allows them to fuse with you and gain total control over your body, mind, and actions; but if YOU win, the control is reversed! and like any 14 year old who suddenly has the power to rival minor gods and a chaotic creature living in their head.... he goes off the rails for a while. Val and Django eventually find him and help him cope. his powers include electricity, glitching reality, flailing his glaive around, and being a menace to evil overlords.
you can't see it very well in this picture, but his eyes and the segments between his tail glow lime green! I'm not a fan of drawing clothes, but in my head he's relatively fashionable for a teenager and refuses to wear anything other than black. also, he decided to tell me he was trans a couple years ago, thanks for letting me know buddy 😂
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my other project does actually get to see the light of day, if very slowly — I'm running a homebrew D&D campaign for my irl friends called the Dark Star Campaign! none of em use tumblr so WHEEEE I get to post all the spoilers I want! there's a kinda staggering amount of lore behind it and a ton of minor OCs, but the two I rotate in my head the most are Anya the Timekeeper and The Master, aka Armageddon.
Anya the Timekeeper is a chronomancy lich from an alternate universe! she used to help Armageddon travel the multiverse and gain power, but she's decided she's tired of being evil, and now hides in a mansion on a tropical island where she breeds dinosaurs for fun. though she's now very determined to help the party, they'll eventually have to kill her past self to prevent a paradox. her familiar is a little archaeopteryx named Trix who steals hats!
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(I commissioned this art from @/goodlouse a while ago! highly recommend checking out his blog!!)
Armageddon is the BBEG and he's SO EVIL and SO MUCH FUN. he's an ancient amethyst dragon who, up until a while before the campaign's beginning, was steadily finding alternate universe versions of himself, killing them, and eating their souls to gain Unlimited Power™. unfortunately, his partner in time (hah) Anya told him to fuck off, so the quest for Unlimited Power™ has been kinda slow lately. fortunately, a D&D campaign started, and he cheated his way into existing at the players' table as The Master! my players can ask to talk to him sometimes, and I'll put on a mask of his head I made specifically for this purpose — very useful for not breaking character when the character is supposed to literally be the one sitting at the table talking to the players. I don't try to hide the fact that he's evil and they all know it, the fun is in giving them little hints and tidbits of lore to munch on. right now he's being very docile and helpful but things will get very very interesting eventually as more of his nature and plan is revealed..... =)
I'm still playing around with what he looks like as The Master, but I really like this recent design I did. his eye glows dark and menacing. I haven't found a design for his dragon form I'm really pleased with yet tho :/
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okay wow thanks again for the ask, I have many many ideas in my head and it felt pretty nice to get em out!!
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for the character ask: queequeg (until YESTERDAY i thought his name was QUEERqueg lmao) aaaand [drumrolls please] denethor! *wink* would it really be me if i didn’t bring him into every convo? i know he’s not exactly ‘popular’ in this fandom (HA! biggest understatement ever) but i want to see what u think of my guy! :)
Thank you my dear friend! Excellent choices <3
Queequeg: How I feel about this character Quee(r)queg is my absolute favorite Moby Dick character. He's just so incredibly cool and it's really interesting to me that Melville managed to write such a fundamentally good character while also being very deeply racist about him (Melville writing Queequeg is a constant seesaw between surprisingly not-racist and really racist but THAT'S A DISCUSSION FOR ANOTHER POST). Melville and 1851 notwithstanding he's my gay harpooneer blorbo of all time!
All the people I ship romantically with this character Ishmael OF COURSE. I have a very vivid memory of reading the first chapters of Moby Dick for the very first time and annotating all their interactions with "HUH? GAY???" I was expecting homoerotic tension but wow it really surprised me. They're married in canon and they're the best whaling husbands I know.
My non-romantic OTP for this character The harpooneer crew! Daggoo and Tashtego. They don't interact THAT much in canon (we're too focused on Ahab Happenings while at sea) but I've got some headcanons about them and how they're all besties.
My unpopular opinion about this character I don't know if it's really unpopular per se, but engaging more with Queequeg's fanon side is definitely more comfortable for me. Obviously Moby Dick and race have a fraught relationship and it's definitely worth discussing, especially in the context of fandom. I just think it's nice to take a break from the discourse and appreciate what we as modern readers can like about these very old characters, and add to them in ways Melville couldn't.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. Spoilers for a 173 year old book but uh. He dies. It would be very nice if he didn't die haha. I think Queequeg and Ishmael should have made it back to shore together and went on to live in a cozy cottage somewhere warm and dry, never to return to sea. Maybe they start a whale-themed publishing business after the explosive success of Ishmael's book.
Denethor: How I feel about this character As you know I am extremely supportive of your Denethorposting and blorbofication. I think the best Denethor media I've consumed was this one series of fics mostly focused on Faramir and Boromir growing up together, but it had some really wonderful characterizations (citing my source: The Tragicomedy of the Children of the Other Húrin by Hwestalas). It had some really lovely Denethor/Finduilas one-shots too! (I've seen some fic recs for that pairing on your blog that I REALLY need to get around to reading) So overall I think he's a really interesting character and I love when his relationship with Finduilas is explored.
All the people I ship romantically with this character As previously stated, Finduilas of Dol Amroth!
My non-romantic OTP for this character Not totally sure! His relationships with his sons are definitely the most important in canon, so I love different interpretations and angles of how he feels about them.
My unpopular opinion about this character Movie Denethor is much-reviled (feels like Faramir's character assassination dialed up to 11) and while I think that evil tomato man logically works as a narrative device in a time-constrained storytelling medium, I honestly think with a bit of tweaking he could have served a more better role. PJ didn't even give him a chance, smh.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. Kind of wish Finduilas had stuck around long enough to be an actual character and play off of Denethor's. LOTR has enough dead moms, methinks.
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serenpedac · 2 years
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My wife is the loveliest and made a GURPS character sheet for Yael! (Picrew can be found here.) Some general info: GURPS is a TTRPG sytem in which you roll with 3 d6 and have to roll equal or below a skill level to succeed. Yael’s template is based on the monster hunter Sleuth template, hence the high amount of points. My wife also wrote down some (a lot, lol) more explanation, because she wanted to “talk to your tumblr people” ^^
Hey tumblr friends of Seren, it’s me, her wife. We were talking a bit about our OCs and how they would interact with each other. They are in pretty comparable universes, hers in the Wayhaven Chronicles and mine in Gurps Monster Hunters. Both have a hidden supernatural world and both protect people against evil supernaturals, so I decided to make her a character sheet as a present. Here’s a little explanation on Yael and how I decided to represent her on a sheet. Hope you enjoy! She tells me a lot about all your blorbos!
Yael is already doing some monster hunting in her own setting of the Wayhaven Chronicles so I gave her some stronger stats as compared to an average person. All of her running and swimming made her a little over average Strong and Healthy but nothing to write home about, certainly compared to what's out there. She doesn't have much combat training, but despite that fact Yael is also not helpless in a fight so I gave her a significant boost to her Dexterity. Yael's main strength is using her head so making her a lot smarter than most was only fitting, with her Perception boosted even a bit higher.
Her position as Detective within Wayhaven and her position in the agency mostly comes forward in the advantage selection. To save some space I merged all of Unit Bravo into 1 Ally, they would appear separate from each other like they do in TWC too. The Agency acts like a Patron and all the Legal+Police advantages are there to make her a proper Detective.
Her position in Wayhaven and the Agency combined with her own social skills also allows Yael to get in touch with many different experts. I represented this with the ‘I have a Friend’ advantage that allows her to get into contact with a lot of different experts in their fields. Of course the main supporting cast has to make an appearance too with the important people in Yael's life being contacts (because Unit Bravo follows her into danger they are Allies). 
Yael is kind and most people like her so I gave her some Charisma and having seen her face claim, I couldn't help but give her a Beautiful appearance. 
Of course she wouldn't be THE Detective of TWC if she didn't have her special blood. Her being protected from pheromones and other supernatural mental influences was quite easily done with a broad immunity level resistance. I had to think a bit on how to deal with the fact that her blood buffs supernaturals and decided to invoke some genre conventions. Since Yael and her party are Good and using Yael as a blood bag to buff up the rest of the party would be Evil and anyone who would make use of it would be a bad guy™, so I didn’t have to stat it up (#copout). To represent the Evil that’s after her blood I gave her an enemy (Monster of the Week), which is also very fitting considering how TWC book 1-2 go. 
The other disadvantages made sense for her too. She’s a dedicated police officer who takes her uniform seriously and plays by the book for the Code of Honor and Honesty. Sometimes the Agency asks her to do some dangerous thing so Yael has a Duty there for sure! Impulsiveness because sometimes she just does things from her feelings without really thinking things though. Nightmares stemming from the Murphy incident. Pacifism because she just has a very bad issue killing beings, even the evil ones. Finally there is Selfless because she has a drive to help people around her. Quirks are minor disadvantages, so of course Bobby being a nuisance had to make an appearance there. 
Yael has two big main wildcard skills (skills much broader applicable than normal ones), Talker! and Detective! The first is to represent her very good awareness and reflection with whomever she talks. This can be used for any type of social skill and she even gets some tokens to turn Failure into successes (which is true for the Detective! too). Time and time again Yael shows how good she is at being a detective so having Detective! only made a lot of sense.
She barely has any combat skills and has to rely on the basic training she got a police officer, which against normal humans would be enough, but with all the supernatural around, she doesn't stand much of a chance. For example against the trappers she manages to hold her own a little bit but against Murphy she was horribly outclassed.
Being from Wayhaven she knows the area and what's happening, it’s a small town so people talk with her on the streets giving her the Current Affairs (Wayhaven) skill.
Of course spending so much time patching up antiques gave her quite a bit of skill on that end. Knowing how to clean that furniture also comes in handy when having to remove evidence of a supernatural, for example after an attack, for which the Housekeeping skill is used. Her athletic activities definitely warrant some points into the running and swimming skills too.
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necromycologist · 5 months
oh my god pleeease dr tempus lore who is she what is her deal
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING !!! im sorry this took so long to answer it kinda turned into My Wip 101 but i will talk about dr tempus i promiseeee
ok so. basically this story is called Deus Ex Machina which isnt just a good thematic nerd name it is also the name of a train on which the story takes place!! a train that, while obstensibly being a luxury sleeper train for the rich and famous, also acts as an undercover escape route for the downtrodden and desperate (a. a deus ex machina. if you will.). andddd it's crewed by an eccentric gang of queer misfits, aka our protagonists, aka the scrunklies <3. there is also one (1) misfit/protagonist/blorbo missing and this is dr trix tempus herself, the inventor of the tech that powers this train and co-owner of it.
dr tempus mysteriously disappeared a year or so after the construction of the train (about... 20-25 years before the story starts), but before that, her and her butch wife peregrine way built the deus together. dr tempus is/was a slightly mad scientist— fantasy quantum physicist is the best way i can think to describe it— while pere is an engineer so they made a good duo! it was a bit rocky at the start tho. tempus was hirin a henchperson to help with the evil lab cleanup and unfortunately instead of getting a bumbling hunk or an Igor (pratchettstyle) she got dragged into a weirdo friendship kicking and screaming. she's got that shrimp morality from moving a lott as a kid and hyperfocusing on science that makes her treat most things as experiments. not in a "people dont matter" sort of way but more in a "i must interact in the Correct Manner and Control the Variables and make sure its all ethics board approved (the ethics board doesnt apply to her)" way. she's not super comfortable staying in one place or really having a steady centre or any kind of home for the same reasons. she's very driven and very clever but not very good at taking care of herself or expressing emotions. then again neither is her wife so they ball together (they do not ball) (the whole plot is catalyzed by the lack of ball this causes) (whoops)
i also am a playlist lover so im giving u the top amvable song hits for dr tempus: sin triangle by sidney gish and the wanderlust by metric.
thank you again for asking sorry i went insane <3
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howlsmovinglibrary · 1 year
I ADORE your bg3 fics, and I really love your characterization of Astarion (and the entire gang really)! Has anything changed to you about him since the full release? Planning on writing more? :-D
Aww, thank you, this is a really kind message to receive!!! I'm dying at being outed as an Astarion-main on my main blog (I have a bg3 sideblog here if you are interested!) but this was such a lovely ask that I was like "fuck it, let's cross the streams!"
Adding a read more tag for BG3 spoilers and to avoid infodumping on people who don't care about BG3!
I am in Act 2 of the game so have not completed it yet, but I really like his full release characterisation! I kind of assumed he had a performative persona that he weaponised, so having that confirmed was really interesting, though I was not prepared for the extent to which it colours his interactions with Tav. Obviously, in my fic I assume he is manipulative but not disgusted by that, nor do I characterise it as a trauma response, and I also have him as falling for Tav in Act 1 when it is now implied that is not the case. But I don't mind that, even if I will maybe write it differently when I come to processing it through fic! In full honesty, as someone who is both Autistic and ace-spec, seeing my blorbo dismantle his hypersexualised performance and then ask me if I want to hold hands amounted more to a personal attack than anything. I love him more than ever, now.
I have a small issue with his approval, just in a mental gymnastics way (I complain about this on my sideblog). If he admits to performing his personality as a trauma response, why does his approval align with that performance? Probably so that he can accompany Tavs on an evil playthrough without issue, but still, it hurts my brain. In particular, the way he's so pro-slavery in Grymforge, when he was essentially Cazador's slave for centuries (At least, as is my understanding, in act 2)
And yes, I am already writing more! I have two chapters of Bleeding Heart pt.2, though I am going to hold off on posting it until I understand how the game ends so I don't trip myself up with any way off base guesses.
Follow my sideblog or subscribe to me on Ao3 if you would like to be notified when those go up!! :D
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loycos · 2 years
twitter is literally evil. like who cares they're just BLORBOS that ARENT REAL
i usually stfu when i see these types of posts (the "you can only headcanon this character as x!!!" type) and not interact bc that's kind of my internet presence motto (let people do their thing an ignore what you dont like) but i've seen legit harassment this morning. it's getting out of hand.
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zapsoda · 1 year
sorry to be so felixpilled but i'm thinking about blorbos (my oc I. E. Plaureur (aka Étienne) and felix) interacting since etienne is a doctor and felix a nurse-to-be...
so i was wondering!! how does felix behave socially? how does he react upon meeting new people? and how does he treat fellow medical professionals? (i love felix)
hmmm i havent thought as much about this sort of thing since his world kind of revolves around the other characters (thus ive only fleshed out his interactions with them, which are all very cartoonish and personal and exaggerated since its just his close friends and family. eheh).
i thinkk normally with strangers hes pretty chill. a little awkward and cringe (he lacks self awareness) but he still connects with people hes pretty likable. hes very caught up in his own interests but i think hes still pretty extroverted. anyways because of that i think hed try a little harder to be extra normal (thus, overcompensates, still coming off a little strange) around other medical people because he is genuinely very interested in what they do and in making a good impression. i think as a result though hes like. accidentally manipulative lmao. not in an evil conniving way hes just vaguely aware of the idea that saying certain things will bring him towards a desired outcome
anyways that so so so awesome you should tell me about étienne......
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kagejima · 1 year
Addressing Some Things
At the end of the low interaction discussion awhile ago, I said some closing statements to attempt to bring some comfort, and I would like to do the same now as this discussion of feeling lonely on Tumblr comes to a close.
I know I said I would not tolerate callout posts in this event, and while this is not a direct callout post itself, I desperately feel like the following needs to be said. Three types of groups that I have seen in my time here will be addressed in this post.
I’m going to be completely honest when I say this. This community (as in the anime writing / content creating community) has changed. It has changed, in my eyes, wildly for the worse.
Maybe I was blissfully unaware back then. Maybe it was always like this. But I don’t think that I’m alone in saying that the community has changed and is going in an incredibly bad direction.
To many of us, this was a safe space to us. It was a space for us to yell unhinged about our blorbos to escape real-life stress. But now, to many of us, this space is no longer safe, and that saddens me to my very core.
Some people on here are wonderful. They are beautiful and lovely and they bring so much light and happiness into the world. And unfortunately, a large chunk of people in this category have left completely due to how toxic it has become. I can only hope they are out there living their best life. Some of you who fall into this category are still here, and if you are like me, you are hanging by a thread, continuing to stay here for interactions with those that you love.
To the above group, whether you decide to stay or leave here, I need you to listen to me carefully. It is hard, I know. It is hard to remain caring. It is hard to remain open-hearted. It is fucking hard to see so much evil in the world and still try to remain optimistic and trusting. But your kindness, your caring nature, and your big heart is what is needed most in the world. Do not let others turn out your light. Your light is needed. You are needed.
There are also those on here who are the reason the community has gone sour. Their bullying, in many different forms, goes completely unchecked, and it has made this space unsafe for many. And while some get caught, there are some who are better at hiding how terrible of a person they really are.
And if you feel like this is me calling you out, it is.
As Kesha says in “Praying”,
Sometimes I pray for you at night. Someday maybe you'll see the light. Some say in life, you’re gonna get what you give. But some things, only God can forgive.
While I am no longer a religious person, these lyrics best sum up my feelings towards you. I hope that someday in your life, you will learn to heal from whatever it is that is causing you to suffer. But bullying on tumblr, making others feel unsafe, weaponizing your followers, will not heal you. Being a mean girl will not heal you. Deep down, you know that.
To those that see these sorts of bad things happening and are afraid to speak up about it, I would also like to say something to you. I’m not saying that you have to call these people out on their actions. You need to do whatever is necessary to protect your peace. Your peace, your mental well-being, is incredibly important. To some, protecting their peace comes in the form of leaving it be and never interacting with these people. I understand. You are completely within your rights to do that. Again, you need to do whatever you feel is necessary to protect your own peace. But to those that indulge those that perpetrate the bullying or hate – People that do not take responsibility for their words and actions and constantly put the blame on others are people you should not be around. As a fan or as a friend. Period.
I would love for this community to go back to the way it was, but if all of the people causing the drama continue to go unchecked, I cannot see that happening. 
But as I wind down this post, I would like to leave you all with lyrics from the Frank Turner song "Be More Kind".
History's been leaning on me lately. I can feel the future breathing down my neck. And all the things I thought were true when I was young, and you were too, turned out to be broken, and I don't know what comes next. 
In a world that has decided that it's going to lose its mind, Be more kind, my friends, try to be more kind. 
To most of you, I wish you nothing but the best in life.
And to the rest, I hope one day you can heal from the pain someone else caused you and just be a better person.
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