#bobby drabble
cod-dump · 1 month
The Shadows had their own culture, Price had accepted that by this point. His boys had theirs so he wasn’t really surprised. Just… they are a bit much.
“What… is that?”
One of the Shadows had walked right into Graves’ office when they were trying to form some vague impression of a plan to present to Laswell. And in that Shadows arms was-
“That’ll be the US of A’s majestic possum. With an ‘O’, might I add. Opossum.”
Price stared at the grey creature that had the darkest eyes he could only compare to Ghost’s. Graves wasn’t fazed, just reached behind him to the fruit bowl that Price kept wondering about and grabbed a banana. The Shadow, without a word, accepted the banana and left with possum in hand.
Price silently looked to Graves who just shrugged, “Boys found the thing when it was a baby and what they do with their paychecks ain’t my concern.”
Price blinks, “Ah… so how many-?”
“How many unusual ‘pets’ do the Shadows have? The weirdest I saw was Bobby. An alligator. But he’s wild. Though he likes to come over for pets.”
Honestly, what was he to say to that?
“You have it worse than me.”
Graves grinned, “Oh, this is an ‘us’ problem now.”
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talktonytome · 2 months
Bobby picks up on the third ring.
“Bobby, do you know where they sell the saffron Evan likes?”
“Why hello to you too, Tommy. I’m fine, thanks for asking,” he mutters, amused.
“Sorry, hi Bobby. It’s just, I’ve been to like five different places and none of them have the one he prefers,” Tommy sighs.
Bobby chuckles and Tommy thinks it’s kind of mean to be laughing at his agony like that. This is serious business!
“Tommy, he’ll be okay if you bring him some other saffron. It’s not a big deal. A good cook can make it work with what he has, and I taught him well.”
Tommy can almost picture him nodding proudly.
How does he explain it without sounding ridiculous?
“I know, I know but-”
“But what?”
Tommy sighs, knowing he will never hear the end of it, but oh what the hell? “You’re right, he can make do and he won’t complain and his food will taste amazing, but he gets this adorable little smile and twinkle in his eye on the rare occasion he can get his hands on it. And I love seeing it. So.”
The line is silent for a few seconds and Tommy thinks Bobby might have hung up on him.
“I- I’m here,” Bobby coughs and Tommy can hear Athena’s muffled chuckle in the background.
“That’s really sweet, Tommy,” Bobby says. “And I get it, I’d do the same for Athena.”
“So you’ll help me?”
“Of course. I know a place. It’s a little ways out though,” he warns.
“Doesn’t matter. It’s worth it,” Tommy says decisively.
“You know what, I better go with you. The owner is a tough old lady and I just got her to like me. I’ll sweet-talk her for ya. Pick me up in thirty?”
Tommy laughs, because he can hold his own and he’s sure Bobby knows that, too, but he appreciates the gesture. Besides, he likes spending time with Bobby. He smiles, thinking of their inevitable dad rock jam session on the way there and back.
“Thank you, Bobby,” he says softly. “See you in thirty.”
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castiwls · 5 months
"uh-oh, i'm falling in love."
being Bobby's adopted daughter and falling in love with Dean... [requested - anon]
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You were around 15 when your parents were killed in a hunting incident and as a result, Bobby ended up taking you in.
You’d spent the first few months sulking around the house, something which began to worry Bobby as months passed and your behaviour seemed no different.
He knew he had to break your behaviour somehow but he was completely stumped. That was until one day he woke up to John quickly shoving his sons in the door before running off to do go knows what. 
Silently cursing the man out he quickly invited the two boys inside before continuing with breakfast (now for 4 people). 
“Who are they?” You looked up from the book you’d been reading, frowning in slight confusion at the two boys who were currently standing in the doorway. The younger of the two smiled brightly before almost tripping over himself to see what you were reading while the older silently gapped in the doorway. Since when did Bobby have a daughter?
After this, you quickly found friends in both the boys. 
While Sam was someone who you could talk to about lore and any other books you might have been reading, Dean was someone who you were able to fully confide in.
Over the three weeks the boys stayed you and Dean quickly became inseparable and for the first time in months, you didn't feel grief-stricken constantly. You actually felt happy.
Over the years Sam and Dean became a constant in your life. As you grew older Bobby began letting you go on hunts with the Winchesters (something which Dean enjoyed more than he would admit.)
Over time though you felt a slight shift in your feelings towards the older boy. Every time you saw him or even heard his voice butterflies would swarm in your stomach and your cheeks would quickly grow hot.
The shrill ringing of your phone pulled you from your book. A small frown played on your lips as you noted the name on your screen. “Hello?” Placing your book down you crossed your legs sitting up properly on your bed. “Hey. I didn’t wake you right?” Dean sounded sheepish almost as he spoke. At the sound of his voice, a small burst of butterflies exploded in your stomach. “no..no I was awake.”
Late-night phone calls quickly became an almost daily occurrence whenever you weren't together, and when you were together these phone calls were exchanged for late-night diner trips just the two of you.
Every day you felt yourself falling harder and harder for Dean Winchester and little did you know he felt the same. 
After Sam had gone to Stanford Dean had showed up on your doorstep only hours later, his eyes red as he’d quietly asked to stay the night.
He’d ended up staying for a few weeks after that. You’d spent every day together over that time simply listening to him talk about what had happened between his dad and brother and how he was scared for Sam being on his own.
As happy as you were that Sam had gotten out it broke your heart slightly to see how Dean was handling the situation.
Over this time you’d found yourself more than once falling asleep beside him (something which Bobby wasn’t too happy about) and you’d also felt yourself grown closer and closer to him.
He’d allowed himself to be vulnerable around you, something which you knew was hard for him. The idea that he trusted you enough simply left your heart fluttering in your chest.
During these few weeks, Dean quickly found himself falling further and further in love with you. He’d known for a while now that he had feelings for you but the way you’d allowed him to unload onto you and made him realise how utterly in love with you he truly was.
One night when you’d both been sat on one of the old cars in the scrap yard he finally felt his feelings bubble over.
The world was quiet as you and Dean both sat watching the stars above. You knew he had to leave soon, his dad had been relentless with his calls saying that Dean needed to come back to his job and that he’d had enough time. Truthfully you didn’t want him to leave. Over the last few weeks, you’d grown used to the warmth of him beside you. “My dad’s coming in the morning.” Dean turned to face you. “He insisted this time.” He frowned, rubbing his thumb over your hand. “What time?” You asked quietly turning to look at him. “He didn’t give one,” Dean answered. You both fell slightly for a moment, simply gazing into each other's eyes. As if being pulled in by a magnet you felt your body move on its own until you met Dean halfway. As his lips pressed against yours you felt his hand cup the back of your head while your own moved to his knee.
After that night your relationship changed. Neither of you actually asked the question but the unspoken promise was there. Dean Winchester had stolen your heart and it seemed you had also stolen his. 
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exhuastedpigeon · 4 months
Eddie getting more and more reckless the longer Chris is away.
Eddie throwing himself into dangerous situations because without his son he isn't sure what the point of living is.
Eddie slowly figuring out who he is outside of being a dad and starting to be more careful at work because Chris will come home and he needs to be there when Chris is ready.
Eddie going missing during a natural disaster and Buck loses his mind trying to get to him as he's swept away.
Buck spending the days following Eddie going missing looking through hospitals and morgues trying to find him.
Buck telling Gerrard he needs to be the one to tell the Diaz parents and Chris that Eddie is missing/presumed dead and Gerrard just rolling his eyes and saying something mildly homophobic about Buck and Eddie.
Buck calling and Chris knowing immediately that something is wrong by the sound of Buck's voice alone.
Bobby having to balance his own guilt of not being the captain and thinking he would have noticed Eddie being more reckless and trying to support Buck and Hen and Chim and Ravi through the grief of losing a team mate, a family member.
Bobby taking up the mantel of searching hospitals for Eddie when Gerrard won't give Buck more time off.
Bobby picking up the Diaz parents and Chris at the airport and telling them they haven't given up yet.
Chris feeling grief and confusion and anger that his dad is missing and maybe dead without them getting the chance to make up.
Chris realizing he didn't tell his dad he loves him when he left and that the last thing his dad said to him was how much he loves him and the last thing he said was 'okay'.
Buck getting a call at two in the morning four days after Eddie went missing from an unknown number only to have it be a hospital in Newport Beach. They finally managed to get Eddie's phone unlocked and Buck is listed as the emergency contact.
Eddie washing up on a beach miles and miles away from where he was swept away with a head wound, internal bleeding, and a broken arm. The paramedics and rescue team are shocked it isn't worse.
Buck calling Chris and rushing to the Diaz house to pick him up and take him to the hospital.
Eddie waking up from a medically induced coma with Chris and Buck in his room.
Chris tearfully telling Eddie he loves him and even though he's still mad he wants to come home.
Buck tearfully telling Eddie he's never allowed to do that again because he doesn't think he'll survive Eddie actually dying.
Eddie tearfully (and high on painkillers) telling Chris he loves him more than anything and Chris can be as mad as he wants to be - Eddie will love him no matter what.
Eddie turning to Buck when Chris leaves with his grandparents a few hours later to get breakfast and telling him he dreamed about him.
Eddie telling Buck he's sorry he's too late, but he loves him and thought Buck deserved to know that.
Buck telling Eddie's he's a dumbass and he's not too late.
Chris walking back into the room an hour later to find Buck and Eddie both crammed into the bed, sleeping together.
Helena and Ramon being a little confused about their son being cuddled by his best friend, only to turn around and see the rest of the firefam arriving and smiling fondly, like they were waiting for this to happen.
Eddie and Chris taking time to get to know each other again, but doing the work to rebuild their foundation.
Eddie telling Frank three months after he went missing that he never wants to scare his family like that again, but going missing like that might have been the best thing to happen to him since Chris came home and now he has Buck as his partner in every way imaginable.
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
A kind of sex education ( platonic cas x winchesters x reader)
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summary : when castiel curious nature after watching adult movies leads to a strange string of questions and learning of their sex lives . 
warnings well there is really none just awkward sex talk . this is more a drabble   
What was supposed to be a normal ass day of research ended up more strange then any hunt well it definitely up there . She wanted to prove dean wrong but walked in on castiel doing his own research . eyes locked on the screen , while head tilted in confusion and a woman's moans filled the room making the two freeze to their spot. 
" is he watching..." her voice trailed off .
" porn yeah , we've got an angel watching porn " dean shook his  head .
" erm cas buddy that stuff is not for the communional area's more privacy of your own room " she winced as the sound of skin slapping got louder.
" if the pizza man truly loves the babysitter why does he keep  slapping her rear ?"  he turned to the red faced  hunters standing before him .  " perhap she has done something wrong" he added. 
" cas turn it off please" she asked quicker and louder ,making cas stand and her to gasp . " oh my ,dean does he have " she turned to the man .
" A boner yep " he snorted .
" Cas why are you watching this " she asked sitting across from him noticing his eyes trail to her chest.
" You can't watch porn in a room filled with dude's and Y/N " the older winchester chuckled wondering would sam believe him .
" I was bored and bobby told me to borrow a video out of his room" he looked even more confused what was wrong .
" Well good to know i can never look bobby in the eyes again " she felt her cheeks heating up giving the situation.
" Is sex like this in real life " he asked making her wishing she went on the supply run .
" no never , i mean the girls finish for one  and those moanS so fake " she snorted making dean shoot her alook .
" A Man never made you finish " he asked curiously.
" Cas you can't ask a chick that ... but yeah what "he said  turning to Y/N for some help .
" No they have not anyway's  cas sex is nothing like these movies their just fantasized version  that people mainly watch to well get off " she explained awkwardly again wanting to leave the room as soon as she could. 
" Alone so don't whip it out " dean added seeing the angel looking down at his crotch .
" Do you watch it " cas asked looking straight at her.
"  i mean yeah i do sometimes " she smiled weakly seeing deans face light up .
" That's hot sweet girl " he winked .
" that made it move " Cas looked down at his crotch .
" Oh kill me now " she cried as dean doubled over laughing .
" Do you like your rear slapped " Cas asked still filled with questions.
" ok ok why is this aimed at me " she stood.
" I mean trench coat baby has valid questions so sweetheart does spanking get you going " dean teased finding the whole thing amazing . 
" wouldn't you like to know " she winked before leaving the room before the angel curiosity killed her . 
" Hey i wanted to know " dean yelled just as sam walked in almost dropping the bag of groceries  when he had seen what was on the screen .
" Why are you and cas watching porn " he arched his brows .
" Cause he found it in bobbies room  and was curious and just to clarify he was watching it not me " dean snorted.
" Does Y/N like her rear smacked she wasn't clear on her answer " castiel asked standing and to full attention still .
" Ithink i'm going to go back to the store , maybe never come back " sam walked back out the door.
"damn it cas go fix that or have a cold shower" dean huffed leaving the angel standing confused to what was going on  and why everyone was so uncomfortable .
To say dinner time in the bunker was filled with tension was an understatement . all eyes on their plates to bobby's confusion , hell Y/N hasn't looked at him once .
" Ok what the hell happened here  did you walk in on those too having sex or something " he gestured to dean and Y/N .
" No Y/N has never finished in sex " cas said easily .
" someone seriously just shoot me " she groaned.
" i'd let you finish princess " dean winked.
" Erm cas may have gotten his hands on a special movie from your room and it lead to some interesting question mainly aimed at our female hunter " sam explain.
" Pizza boy and babysitter really man " dean asked as bobby's eyes found his plate really interesting all of a sudden.
" I'm going to eat in my room and never talk to you guys again except sam " she ran out the room with her plate.
" Hey want me to join you for dessert" dean called .
"  Fuck off " she yelled back .
" Thank god we don't have a HR department " sam muttered. 
" She never gonna talk to any of us again " bobby face was beet red knowing his niece now knew what he had in his room .
" Who even has porn  dvds anymore " .
" I fixed my boner earlier alone like you said " cas said as the other  dropped their forks . 
" I'm joining Y/N , you guys deal with this " sam ran down the hall . 
" is he going to smack her rear ?  ".
" Ok no more porn questions ever watch it in your room in private and never tell us again and stop asking y/n sex questions before she  leaves us altogether" dean deadpanned.
" We're definitely going to hell for getting an angel hooked on porn " bobby mumbled. 
part two
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starrystevie · 1 year
it's 2004 when steve finds himself back in hawkins for the first time since he moved away for good. he has a master's degree under his belt, a mortgage on a house outside of st. louis with a dog and picket fence, and a rockstar that wormed his way into his heart next to him in bed every night. he's closer to 50 than he is to 20 and life feels good, life feels settled, figured out in a way he never thought he'd get to see.
"you gonna tell me why you're shakin' like a leaf?"
but sitting across from wayne munson and his sharp gaze is enough to make him feel like a teenager again.
steve takes a sip from his glass of water before setting it down on the end table next to him and watches the way wayne's finger taps against the side of his coffee cup. it's like he's keeping rhythm with something that steve can't hear, like a drum beat in his head that proves that he's the reason eddie has musical talent.
"i'm fine," he responds back to wayne, a stilted smile crossing his face. wayne's gaze deepens like he he doesn't believe him. "i'm fine!"
there's a clock ticking somewhere in the living room and the faucet in the kitchen is dripping quietly and it makes the silence that falls between them even more deafening. steve takes in a deep breath and nods absently as he rubs his palms over his denim clad knees.
"is he in trouble?" wayne asks in a gruff voice, low and to the point. steve shakes his head immediately, stutters out something that sounds like no, and wayne looks at him with his eyebrows pinched together. "are you in trouble?"
"no, it's not-" steve stands up and paces out some of his nerves, hands shoved into his pockets so that he stops waving them around. he sighs and looks back at wayne. "it's nothing bad."
"if it ain't bad, then just say it."
steve groans and runs his hands through his hair. it's harder to do this than he thought it would be, quite possibly the hardest thing he's done in years and that's including having to admit to eddie that he does indeed like the stupid beard he grew as a dare from jeff. wayne is still staring at him with a determined look, like he won't let steve get away with any of his usual charming bullshit, and looks so much like eddie that it makes something in his heart explode.
"fine! i'm asking eddie to marry me and i need your permission or something. happy old man?" he finally says, or well, shouts. it's too loud in the quiet house and he can see wayne wince from the decibel he reaches but it's out. it's off his chest and he's finally said it.
and wayne is smiling.
seeing him smile is strange, not because he doesn't look good with a smile, but because it's not often that steve gets to bear witness to it. it starts off slow, clipped at the edges before it spreads to his cheeks and crinkles his eyes. steve's breathing hard when wayne stands up and wraps his hands around the tops of his shoulders. he can feel himself shaking under wayne's grip and from this close, he can see the tears that he knows wayne is fighting against.
"it's about damn time, boy. took you two long enough to pull your heads outta your backsides."
getting hugged by wayne is almost weirder than seeing him smile. it's short, to the point, with pats on backs and chuckles that break loose from steve's too tight chest. part of him wishes eddie were here to let him be a part of the moment, but it would ruin the surprise he's so carefully planned, so he revels in the rare time between just the two of them.
"had to wait for somewhere to allow it first, wayne," steve mutters as they pull apart and he feels hope unfurl somewhere within him when he says it.
"well, alright, i guess you're off that hook then. but y'know," wayne's sitting back down in his arm chair and steve does the same, matching grins plastered on their faces. "you don't need my permission. that boy is crazy over you and if you think you ain't a part of this family already, then you're crazier than he is."
steve looks around at the pictures on the shelf behind wayne's head. sees young eddie and wayne with arms around each other, sees a makeshift graduation picture, an out of focus one of the two of them outside their house in missouri, one of all three of them around the chritmas tree in '99 when they had wayne come down to see them, and he thinks, yeah. they're already a family. at least now it'll be paper official.
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typicalopposite · 4 months
And so maybe I have been thinking a lot about the clipboard!118 proposal… and looking at it from the other side of things.
Tommy has had the ring a couple months now. He maybe, sorta, kinda impulsively bought it after their last date left him 100% sure Evan was the one. He just hasn’t figured out how to go about popping the question.
Logically he knows he could just casually ask him over a morning coffee, and Evan would be as speechless and emotional as if it were the most extravagant proposal to ever be proposed. But as much as Tommy would prefer a more casual approach, he still wants it to be something special. He wonders what would be most special to Evan.
And then the idea comes so easy.
The 118.
He goes to Eddie, spins the idea of getting everyone to help with the proposal. Eddie thinks it’s an amazing idea and he FaceTimes Hen and Chim to share the idea. Hen is the one to suggest the clipboard. Tommy has questions, but they all just vaguely insist its an inside joke that he will definitely get and Tommy leaves it at that.
He goes to Bobby and Athena’s next. Bobby isn’t Buck’s dad — Tommy has already set aside a day to speak with him and Buck’s mom regardless of the tension in theirs and Buck’s relationship — but he is extremely important to Buck and Tommy (hell anyone who watches their interactions) can see the feeling is mutual. Bobby couldn’t give his blessing fast enough.
The day comes and Eddie is off to start what will be a chain reaction of Buck being bounced around from person to person. After Hen takes him from Maddie and Chim’s, Tommy comes out from the room he’d been hiding in to ride with them to the station.
“You ready?” Chim asks, eyes turning soft as he straightens Tommy’s tie.
“Of course,” Tommy replies. He is, he really is. Maybe more than he has been for anything else in his life, ever.
“You got the ring?”
“Right here.” Tommy pulls the box out of his pocket.
“Is the ring in it?” Chimney asks, face now serious.
“Uhhh… yeah, it should be,” Tommy laughs.
“Have you checked…”
Tommy blinks, but Chim’s eyes are focused on the box. Tommy opens it and reveals the band inside.
Chim’s face softens once again, a big smile spreading across it and he pats Tommy on the shoulder. “Alright then… let’s go get you engaged.”
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dianawinchester03 · 2 months
Series Masterlist
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Summary: F/N and John left their kids at the Singer residence once again to go on a hunt. Boredom strikes the youngest in the household and since Y/N is growing up, the Winchester boys have become her guinea pigs. What's gonna happen when she convinces Sam, Dean and Bobby to let her give them a makeover so they can too feel like 'pretty princesses'.
Y/N is 9 years old, Sam is 9 years old and Dean is 13 years old.
The Old Testament Series.
Genesis Primis: A Supernatural Rewrite (Dean Winchester x Reader) by @dianawinchester03
Third Person POV
"Hey Uncle Bobby??" Y/N peered through the side of the door into Bobby's living room. He was sat on the couch, nursing a glass of whiskey. Sam and Dean were watching Looney Tunes on his crummy old TV. All heads turned to her, "What's up kiddo?" Bobby asked the little girl affectionately.
Y/N hid her makeup kit her daddy bought for her for Christmas behind her back, a cheeky smile on her face.
A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth at the look on her face. He couldn't help but have a soft spot for the girl, and he could tell that look meant she was up to no good. He leaned back in his chair and folded his hands in front of him, watching her with a mixture of amusement and suspicion.
"What are you hiding there, kiddo?" Bobby asked, raising an eyebrow at her. "Can I do your makeup?" She asked them sweetly, blinking her eyes slightly. A sweet smile spread across her face as she moved back and forth on her heels and toes. The color drained from Sam and Deans faces.
Both Sam and Dean's heads snapped up at her request, their eyes widening in a mix of horror and reluctance. They looked at each other helplessly before turning back to Bobby, silently pleading for him to intervene.
Bobby chuckled at the reactions of the boys before turning his gaze back to Y/N. He stroked his beard for a moment, contemplating the request. "Eh, why not?" He said, giving in with a shrug.
"Yayyy!!" She exclaimed excitedly, running into the room. She ushered Bobby to the ground, flat infront of the couch, doing the same for the boys. "Now sit still, I don't want to poke your eyes out" She warns the Winchesters.
Bobby chuckled and perched himself in front of the couch, trying to keep his face straight despite the amused twinkle in his eyes. He looked over at Sam and Dean, who were both sitting on the couch, looking like they were about to be tortured. Sam was tensing up while Dean was eyeing Y/N's makeup kit skeptically.
"Great, just what we need. Y/N/N turning us into doll faces," Dean muttered under his breath. "Watch it, charming. Before 'accidentally' I smear lipstick on your eyes" She narrowed her eyes at her friend warningly. Unzipping the bag to get started on Bobby's face.
Bobby couldn't help but chuckle at Y/N's sassy response. Reminding him a bit of her mother. Dean held up his hands in surrender, trying to look serious but failing miserably. The corners of his mouth were betraying him, threatening to break into a grin.
Meanwhile, Sam was trying hard not to laugh at his brother, who looked as if he was about to faint at the prospect of being turned into a 'doll face' by a y/n.
After she was done with Bobby's face up, she grinned proudly. The old man's beard was now covered with black eyeshadow, lips painted a rosy pink and his eye lids coated with messy purple dust. She then moved over to Sam. "Your turn" She smiled menacingly. Holding up the eyeshadow brush and lipstick.
Bobby's face was a work of art, a masterpiece of colorful chaos. He couldn't help but laugh at the sight of himself in the mirror, taking the good-natured teasing like a champ.
Sam, on the other hand, was looking like he would rather face a horde of demons than allow a his best friend to touch his face with that makeup brush.
His eyes widened as she turned her attention to him next, a mixture of fear and resignation on his face. He glanced over at Bobby, who had a look of amusement plastered all over his face, clearly enjoying the boy's predicament. Sam gulped and reluctantly sat in front of her. But he knew better than to argue, so he reluctantly sat himself in front of her.
Dean, on the other hand, was having a field day. He was sitting on the couch, watching Sam squirm with glee, a huge grin on his face.
Sam's look didn't take too long, she topped his mop head with a pretty pink bow to the side as the finishing touch. His eyelids sported an orange eyeshadow, his lips smeared with the red lipstick. Sam's face was now a canvas of colorful chaos, courtesy of Y/N's ‘artistic’ skills. He tried to look offended, but the pink bow in his hair was ruining the effect.
She smiled proudly again before turning to Dean, hands on her hips. "Ready, charming?", Dean, who had been watching Sam's transformation with a mixture of horror and amusement, was now dreading his turn. He looked at Y/N with a mix of fear and resignation, knowing he was next in line for the makeup chair.
He put on a brave face, trying to look like he was ready to face whatever Y/N was going to do to him. "Bring it, princess". He challenged. And boy did he regret it.
Y/N smirked at Dean's challenge, knowing full well that he should never have challenged her. She grabbed her kit and approached him, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. She sat down in front of Dean, eyeing his face with a critical eye.
He swallowed hard, realising that he might have bitten off more than he could chew. But there was no backing out now, and he knew it.
Within minutes, Dean's faces was transformed into exactly what he quoted earlier, a doll face. His cheeks her compact with dark pink blush, his eyelids coated with sparkly (emphasis on sparkly) light pink eyeshadow. His lips smeared with her brightest shade of pink lipstick. The teenage boy looked with he came straight out of a Barbie doll collection.
But it didn't end there. Just like Sam, she topped his head with a white bow before handing him the hand-held mirror.
Dean was stunned into silence as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He then let out of the cartoonish scream his lungs could muster up. He looked like a character straight out of a Barbie movie, a far cry from hunting monster and fighting for his life.
The pink eyeshadow and blush on his cheeks were so over the top it was almost comical, and the bright pink lipstick on his lips made him look like a clown.
His brother, Sam, was trying his hardest not to burst out laughing. The look on Dean's face was priceless, a mixture of horror, disbelief, and a touch of 'oh God, why me?'.
Bobby, meanwhile, was having a hard time holding back his laughter. He had tears in his eyes as he tried to keep a neutral expression, but the sight of Dean looking like a Barbie doll was almost too much to handle. He let out a snort of laughter before catching himself, trying to maintain a serious facade.
"Oh man, you look... interesting, son" Bobby managed to say, his voice cracking with held-back laughter. "Who's the pretty princess now?" Y/N smiled widely, a twinge of mischief but also victory on her face.
Sam couldn't hold it in anymore. He burst into hysterical laughter, falling back onto the couch, holding his stomach as he laughed uncontrollably at the sight of his big brother looking like a Barbie doll.
Dean, on the other hand, was at a loss for words. His face was a mixture of anger, embarrassment, and shock. He looked like he wanted to retaliate, but he couldn't find a single way to defend his 'pretty' appearance.
Bobby was enjoying himself, laughing heartily at the boys' predicament. Dean scoffed, "You two are just jealous I look prettier" He retorted sassily, aiding to the act. Putting on a high pitched voice, snapping his fingers in a ‘Z’ formation.
Sam's laughter got even louder at Dean's sassy response, tears streaming down his face as he tried to catch his breath. Bobby, on the other hand, was nearly rolling on the floor laughing, his face turning red.
Bobby was watching the scene unfold, clearly enjoying the show. He had a smile on his face, watching the banter between the three kids. He chuckled, wiping away a tear from laughing so hard.
He was happy to know that even with everything these children had gone through and are still going through. They still found a way to make each other, and him, laugh.
"Well I'll be damned, you actually pull off princess look, Dean" He teased, watching the boys try to act like tough hunters while looking so pretty. "You're darn straight, Robert" Y/N sassed back, earning a joking glare from her Uncle Bobby.
Dean rolled his eyes at Bobby's comment, trying to play it cool despite the embarrassment. He crossed his arms, still maintaining the high-pitched voice and the sassy attitude. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, you two. Just remember who can still kick your asses in this doll face."
Sam was still giggling on the floor, trying to catch his breath from laughing too hard. He wiped away the tears from his eyes and tried to get himself together. "Seriously, man, you're like a Ken Doll come to life."
The creaking of the front door opening caused them all to freeze in place, eye wide with fear when in walked their fathers, F/N L/N and John Winchester.
Their fathers stood in the doorway, staring at the spectacle before them. There was silence in the room as both men took in the scene before them. Bobby, Sam and Dean all froze, unsure how to explain the situation.
John and F/N scanned the room, their eyes falling on each person. Their gazes landed on the boys, and they froze as they took in the sight of both Sam and Dean wearing makeup and bows in their hair.
"Daddy look, I made everyone pretty" Y/N said excitedly, running into her fathers arms.
Both fathers were stunned for a moment before they snapped out of it. John's eyes were wide as saucers as he stared at his sons, struggling to digest the sight in front of him. F/N, on the other hand, was holding back laughter, trying to keep a straight face.
As Y/N ran into F/N's arms, he picked her up with a chuckle and held her close. "Yeah, I can see that baby." He replied, the corners of his mouth twitching in amusement.
"What do you think, Uncle John?" Y/N asked John feigning innocence, while internally praying he wouldn't burst into a fit of rage. She knew if she put on her puppy dog eyes with John, he'd take it easier on the boys.
John's eye twitched as he stared at the two boys, his face a mixture of shock, anger, and disbelief. Sam and Dean tensed up, waiting for the inevitable outburst from their grumpy dad. But then Y/N piped up, feigning innocence and hitting John with her puppy dog eyes.
His face softened a bit, the anger in his eyes replaced with a mixture of resignation and annoyance. As F/N shot his friend a warning glare, not to yell at the kids or his little girl as they were only having fun.
"It's... colorful" he said, his voice strained as if he was trying hard to keep his cool.
Sam and Dean exchanged glances, relieved that John hadn't erupted into a fit of rage. But they were still bracing themselves, expecting the worst. They knew John was old school and expected his sons to be tough, masculine hunters.
Meanwhile, Bobby chuckled internally, knowing that John's reaction could have been a hell of a lot worse. He watched the scene unfold, enjoying the chaos.
A hint of a smile twitched on John's face as he leaned down infront of his eldest son to get a better look, "Is that glitter?" He couldn't help but snort with a cocked eyebrow.
This made everyone burst out into laughter, including F/N and himself as Dean's face flushed with embarrassment.
Authors Note: I know I promised everyone a new chapter on Genesis Primis soon but I'm having so much fun with the prequel😂
This one was actually not my idea, it was requested by @karrah89 so a big thanks to you love.
Croatoan should be out tomorrow, Monday for the latest. I hope you guys liked this one! Enjoy the cutesy stuff for a bit because unfortunately not all chapters in TBOTD is gonna be like this *hint hint* ;)
Hope you guys loved it! Feel free to message me with any requests, I'd love to add some stuff you guys would like to see in here. I'll do the most I can.
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19
@deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @globetrotter28 @swimmingmakerathletedreamer @mrsjjkwinchester
@juwu-theliciosa @magiccliopleurodon @nesnejwritings
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5sospenguinqueen · 7 months
Bobby: Is anyone going to tell me what’s going on here?!?
Eddie: Well, it’s kinda complicated, but Buck-
Bobby: Got it. Forget I asked. Don’t want to know
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newobsessionweekly · 1 year
Let me help you
Main masterlist | 9-1-1 masterlist
Eddie Diaz x Reader Fandom: 911
Summary: Eddie keeps secrets from you and he doesn’t let you help him.
Warnings: Mention of injury, angst ?
A/n: Good to be back in town, after a two years break I think. Don’t be so harsh on me rn, i’m a bit rusty.
Requested: No
Words: 1.4k Requests are open for Eddie / Buck! GIF not mine, credits to the owner.
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The night life of the never settled Los Angeles just began when you carefully caressed Christopher’s hair.
“Mom, can you tell me a story, please ?” it was one of those nights when Eddie would come back late, take a shower and hit to bed, avoiding your eyes before he’d kiss you goodbye in the morning. It was one of those lonely nights again, when the light Christopher bought into your day would fade away with just a blink.
Calling you ‘mom’ wasn’t something new, but it made your smile grew bigger and bigger every damn time. Christopher is a very special kid despite his problems and has a very special place in your heart. You love him just as much as it was yours and mainly because you love Eddie so much, the good with the bad, together.
“Aren’t you a little bit old for bedtime stories ?” you raised your eyebrow and smiled when he started laughing mischievously. “Alright then, hm…” you paused trying to come up with a story for him despite the fact you suck at improvising. “Once upon a time, there was a little red truck parked in a drive-through along with his family. The daddy truck was so mad at the little one because he didn’t want to become a transport truck just live everyone in his family, he wanted to be a fire truck and help the firefighters save lives. But daddy truck didn’t understand him and grounded him for being a naughty truck, stopping him from going to the fire truck school-“
“There’s a school for fire trucks?” Christopher’s eyes lights up with joy and he chuckles excitedly for you to carry on with the story.
“Of course there’s a school for fire trucks. And the little truck really wanted to go to that school, but when his father came between him and his dream, he drove off to Los Angles first thing in the morning. And he became a fire truck helping the 118 station save people. His father was very proud of him after all. “
“Mom, is dad mad at me like the daddy truck was mad at little truck? Will dad ground me for being a bad kid?”
His question concerned you. “Of course not, kiddo!” you jumped, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. “You’re the best kid in the world and your dad loves you so much. You didn’t do anything wrong, you didn’t upset him at all!”
“Why he’s not playing with me anymore? I haven’t seen him since yesterday before he left for work.” his excitement fade away as his eyes filled with nothing but sadness.
“Your daddy is working hard lately, that’s all. Today he’s helping Buck move in a beautiful big house with a barbecue grill.” you tried to cheer him up with a little lie that won’t hurt anyone. You couldn’t just tell him you didn’t know where his father was spending his days.
“Will Buck invite us over for barbecue?” his million questions per day were driving you insane.
“I’mma kick his ass if he doesn’t!” Christopher laughed and you tucked his blanket under his chin. “Now you go to sleep and tomorrow we’ll gonna punish dad to make us pancakes for breakfast!”
“Yay!” Chris cheered. “Good night!”
“Nighty night, kiddo!” you were ready to close the door when his words took you by surprise.
“I love you, mom!”
“I love you too!”
It was half past midnight when the front door opened revealing Eddie dressed from head to toe in black clothes, a black hoodie darkening his features.
His eyes searched for you under the pale light coming from the hallway, slowly making his way to the bathroom. You stopped him halfway.
“Uh-huh. This time you’re not walking away from me like that.” you stood up this time after countless of nights where he either slept with his back facing you or on the couch.
“Y/n, please, I really need to take a shower.” he tried pushing you away, but you were faster uncovering his head. Red and purple marks were painted all over his face especially around his beautiful brown eyes.
Your eyes flooded with tears as your hands covered your mouth by instinct. Your body started shaking in fear of what might’ve happened to your boyfriend and the words couldn’t find their way up to your mouth. Not sure if your brain was arranging the words into a phrase.
“What the hell happened ?” you whispered though all you wanted was to yell and mark him with another purple spot.
“It’s nothing, I just got into a fight.” you took his face into your hand to inspect it and before you rush out searching for first aid kit, you took a second inspecting other vital parts of his that could’ve been injured.
A warm liquid covered your hand as you reached his lower left side of his abdomen. Your eyes went wider as you looked at him. He looked back at you trying to push away from you.
“To the bathroom, now.” you demanded.
You let the water wash out the blood that strained his body before inspecting him little by little. A bandage now covered his fists as you prepared to stitch the cut on his stomach.
“I can take care of myself, you know?” he finally broke the deafening silence that had come upon you. Eddie knows you’re pissed off, he could hear your thoughts and all of them are either calling him names or yell at him.
“Would you shut up and let me help you?” you ducked at him.
“I don’t want you to clean up my mess!” Eddie argued.
“Shut up and let me take care of you, not asking this time.” you cleaned up the wound as you were instructed by Eddie a couple of months ago. “Or if you’re so eager to speak, please do tell me what in the world happened to you. I stopped waiting for you a couple of nights ago, but Chris didn’t.”
“I’m so sorry, Y/n.” Eddie’s voice cracked as his eyes filled with tears, an image that broke you once more, you now ready to forgive and forget. “ It’s been really hard for me. Paying for Christopher’s medication and then for school and after that for someone to look after him when i’m doing shifts. I can’t handle it financially or psychically.”
“Babe, you don’t have to worry about that anymore.” you caressed his head, placing a kiss on his forehead. “I’ve got you. I’m helping you with Chris, don’t worry about it.” you wiped away the tears that rolled down his cheeks.
It broke you seeing him losing hope and refusing every help he’s receiving. It pains you even more seeing him break down in your arms, unable to take away all of the suffering that’s been darkening his mind.
“I don’t want you to help me with Christopher. I don’t want you to have to pay for anything. I don’t want you to lose another night taking care of him instead of having fun-“ you cut him off.
“I would do anything for you and Chris especially to help you quit those illegal fights. What would you do if you’d lose your job because of them ? How you helping Chris if you don’t have a job?” Eddie eyes went bigger as he lifted his head to look at you. He felt ashamed, weak, powerless.
“Know about that ?” he asked.
“Of course I know about that. Buck was concerned about your bruises, called in to make sure I’m not abusing ya.” Eddie’s shoulders dropped a little bit of the weight they’ve been carrying and he allowed himself to giggle. “It’s a stupid thing that’s not only hurting you, but Chris, me, everyone around you. If you don’t wanna quit for yourself, at least do it for Christopher.” you looked once more at his wound and the beautifully arranged stitches.
“I’m doing that only if it’s for Christopher and you.” you rolled your eyes at his mischievous smirk.
“Fine.” you mouthed. “But you’re grounded for at least a week to make us pancakes every morning.”
“That’s not punishment, that’s torture!”
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dallianceangel · 1 month
Join In 🫦🥵
Enjoy 😏
🫦 comments, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated 🫦
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You’re on the kitchen table, legs spread as Bobby’s head rests between your thighs, him sucking and licking at your clit. The pleasure is intense, and you moan softly.
The door swings open, and Tig walks in, eyes widening at the scene. “What’s going on in here?”
You look up, breathing erratically but managing to smile at him. “Tig, join in.”
Tig grins, stepping closer as he pulls down his pants, watching Bobby shift your position by helping you off the table and bending you over it, kneeling on the floor as he continues to suck and lick at your clit, finger fucking you as well. “No need to ask me twice.”
You gasp as Tig enters you from behind, adding a new layer of pleasure. “Holy fuck.”
The door opens again, and Chibs walks in. He takes in the sight, then approaches. “Room for one more, lass?”
You nod as you eagerly open your mouth, and Chibs enters you.
Your moans become louder, overwhelmed by the sensations from all three men. You were only too happy to oblige, enjoying every moment of this encounter, knowing that life is too short and you’ve just got to do crazy shit once in a while.
From a distance, Clay and Gemma walk out of their dorm room and into the bar area. Clay smirks, nudging Gemma having noticed the scene. “Looks like they’re having quite the time.”
Gemma looks shocked, shaking her head. “Oh, Jesus. I hope they clean up the kitchen afterwards.”
Moments after Clay and Gemma exit the clubhouse, pleasure overwhelms you, and you let out a cry as you squirt, the sensation hitting you hard.
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babygirl-diaz · 5 months
Follow up pls 🥹https://www.tumblr.com/babygirl-diaz/748632409563611136/chimney-why-do-you-look-like-someone-kicked-your
Here ya go, anon:
**118 gets called to a scene** Hen: Where's Buck? Eddie: He wasn't feeling well this morning so he took the day off Chimney, looking through binoculars: Uh... If he's not feeling well then what's he doing hanging off that hotel? Eddie, taking the binoculars from him: What? Eddie: Shit! What the hell is doing? Chimney: Who knows with him? Come on. Let's go save your boyfriend before your birthday turns into a tragedy Eddie, glaring at him: Thanks, Chim Bobby: So what happened? Hotel Manager: We remembered him as one of the firefighters who saved lives during the 2018 earthquake so when he asked if he could use the place to propose to his boyfriend, we said yes. We didn't know he would try to jump off the building! Bobby, looking at Eddie: Did you know about this? Eddie: No! Of course not! ***After they save Buck*** Buck: Well, this is embarrassing. This is not how I imagined this would go. I thought I would emerge a superhero, not a damsel in distress. Eddie: Shut up! What the hell were you thinking? What was your plan even? Buck: I was going to call you here and then jump off the building with the harness, land in front of you, and then propose. Didn't count on the harness getting stuck. Eddie: What? Hen: That's such a stupid plan Eddie: Exactly! Don't you realize you could have gotten seriously hurt? What if the harness had broken instead of getting stuck? What if we hadn't gotten here on time? Did you think of any of that? Buck: I just wanted to make the proposal special. This is one of those places where discovered how well we worked together. Eddie: We discovered that the day we took out the live grenade cap from that guy's leg. Thankfully you didn't go around blowing up an ambulance. Chimney: Are we forgetting the part where he is trying to propose? Buck: Yeah, lemme do that at least! Eddie: No. Buck: What? Eddie: The answer is no. I am not marrying you.
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brotheramberland · 1 year
Firefighters as fathers with a child!reader.
Firefighters include: Evan Buckley, Howard Han "Chimney", and Bobby Nash.
Summary: The firefighters reaction to coming home to their child/the reader after a rough, saddening shift at work.
Please keep in mind: All character and reader interactions are purely platonic. There is NO romance. The reader is somewhere below the age of twelve and is portrayed as non-binary. These drabbles are meant to be platonic, fluffy and comforting.
Bobby Nash
Bobby loved his job, but getting home to you was his favorite part of the day. The relief, joy and peace he felt when he got to embrace you in his arms after all the atrocities he faced at work made him feel whole. His guilt and his shame for his own past sins would mildly subside, and he thanked God with every fiber of his soul that he still had you.
The past forty-eight hours at work had been stressful and frustrating with not a lot of success. Everyone was quiet and emotional, especially Bobby who couldn't quite handle the loss of children as well as others. It broke his heart and made him hate himself for being unable to save their innocent lives.
When he got home, you came sprinting out of the living room, the sound of your cheerful, excited voice instantly enlightening his dark mood. "Daddy, daddy," You giggled, racing to him, "I missed you!"
Smiling warmly, Bobby set his bag down and knelt to scoop you into his arms, "Hey, sweetheart, I missed you too. How've you been?"
Soaking up his warmth and loving attention, you nuzzled into the long-missed safety of your father's chest and giggled, "I drew more pictures for you. Wanna see?"
Bobby kissed your cheek and said happily, "I'd love to. Why don't you go ahead and grab them for me, huh?"
"Ok, daddy, be right back," You cheerfully agreed, speeding off when he set you down.
With you temporarily out of sight, Bobby took the chance to drag himself over to his arm chair. Plopping down, he sighed heavily, rubbed his forehead and closed his eyes. The stress, disappointment and guilt these past two days brought still sat upon his shoulders like a tortuous barbell.
On your way back from retrieving your pictures, you saw the way your father was sitting and the expression on his face, and you slowed in your movements. From past experience, you knew that your father did not always have the funnest job, and some times he would come home sad. Your nanny once told you that Bobby could not be everyone's hero all of the time. And that may be true, but...
You could be 'his' hero.
After over five minutes passed, Bobby lifted his head in concern and hollered, "(y/n)? Everything okay? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, daddy," And then you came running into the living room.
"Hey," Bobby chuckled at your enthusiasm as you ran up to him with a blanket, a plushie, and his favorite pillow. "What're you doing, sweetie? What's this?"
"You're sad," You stated, covering him with the blanket and placing the plushie in his lap, "So I'm gonna make you happy! Nanny is heating you up some soup, and I'm gonna go get you your pictures and your favorite soda- I know soda makes you happy, hehe! Be right back!"
"W-well- hey-" Bobby tried reaching out for you but you were too caught up in your own priorities. Priorities that revolved around him. At first he scolded himself for allowing his emotions to show, but then he clutched the blanket, his pillow and your plushie, and he couldn't help but to feel a sense of happiness, relief and gratitude.
He tried so hard to help everyone else. He tried not to ever ask for help himself. He couldn't always succeed in helping everyone. And sometimes he wanted help for himself... even though he didn't deserve it.
But here you were. You, his little, amazing, considerate, kind angel. His guiding light and soul reason to live. You were here and you cared about him and loved him even though he felt it wasn't what he deserved. It was something that put pressure in his chest and tears in his eyes.
Running back with a can of your father's favorite soda, you smile and hand it to him, "Here you go daddy. I made sure to grab the coldest one I could find and I-daddy?"
Before you could finish talking, Bobby set the can aside, leaned forward, wrapped his arms around you and pulled you sideways onto his lap. You hummed in confusion at first, but you were always happy to have cuddles so you happily accepted and leaned against the safety and warmth of his chest. "I love you, daddy."
"I love you too, baby," Bobby had to keep his voice from breaking as he held you tightly, his teary face slightly hidden against the top of your head, "I love you so much. You could never know how grateful I am to have you in my life."
Every time Bobby lost people on calls, he lost a piece of himself, but you gave those pieces back to him, and he loved you so much and he was so grateful for you, you just had no idea.
Howard Han "Chimney"
He came home while you were still asleep, briefly conversing with your nanny before bidding them a good evening and some appreciation for their patience. Then he sauntered into the kitchen where he made himself a glass of water and cooked some low-effort food.
But he didn't eat the food.
No. Instead of eating, Chimney just sat there at the table, mindlessly staring into the abyss while thinking about their failed calls these past few days. Did a worthless failure like him even deserve to eat? Gosh, just thinking about the sad, stricken look of horror on those poor parents faces, it just...
"Daddy Chimney?"
Sniffing and rubbing a hand down his distressed face, Chimney quickly cleared his throat, turned around in his chair and smiled big in greeting, "Hey, little oven. What're you doing awake?"
You frowned at him while walking closer, your blanket held close as you mumbled, "Why are you crying?"
Chimney made a silly face, pretending to be shocked, "W-who? Me? I'm not crying."
"Yes you are," You frown even more.
The last thing Chimney wanted was to drag you down into the same sad pit as himself; that is why he tried his hardest to tease you and make you happy, "Hey, look, I'm not the one who's crying. You are. Don't think I can't see those fat crocodile tears running down your face. Geez, kinda rude of you to call me out like that, you know... Hypocrite."
You giggled at his teasing and made adorable whines of childish yet endearing irritation, "Daddy...."
Chimney smiled, the aching pressure in his chest subsiding a bit. Gosh, he had missed you. Getting to see your face and hear your adorable voice was like stepping into a comforting light. "Come here, oven," He smiled, lifting out his arms.
Setting down your blanket, you walked over and sat down in your father's lap, humming in content when he leaned down and gave you a playful eskimo kiss before kissing your forehead. You whimpered joyfully at his affection and hugged him tightly.
"Want some cold eggs and pancakes?" Chimney asked, "Though I think the pancakes have turned into a deliciously frozen mush by now. Might need a spoon to eat it if I'm being honest..."
"Yucky..." You grumbled at him.
Chimney chuckled and patted your head, but even though he was being affectionate and silly, you knew him well enough to know when he was sad. "Daddy Chimney, please tell me why you're sad," You look at him, pouting hopefully.
Chimney looked at you, observing the concerned, hopeful expression on your face and thinking about how sometimes it felt like no one knew him better than you. "I uh... I just had a rough couple days at work. That's all," He rubbed his lips together tightly, nodding stiffly, "What about you? You do anything fun this weekend?
"What happened?" You asked, twisting around in his lap to better see his face.
Chimney paused, stared at you and sighed. He didn't want to project his own burdens onto you- not in the slightest fashion, but you were always so determined to fish them out of him, and he felt guilty for denying you. But he would also feel guilty for telling you how he felt. When failures at work happened, everyone departed with a measly "we did the best we could", and usually they never spoke of it again.
Over the months, a lot gets bottled up. Guilt, sadness, fear, anxiety and hopelessness. Like right now, Chimney could not stop looking at you and imagining you in the same place the people they couldn't save had been. He could lose you so fast and so easily, and it terrified him. Not to mention how awful the victim's family must feel.
"I just... They were... There were just some people I couldn't save." He softly admitted, gazing away regretfully, "Yeah..."
This wasn't the first time your father had admitted to losing people on the job. Bobby and Hen had explained to you how not every person in the world can be saved. Sometimes outcomes are unavoidable. Trying their best is all that they could do.
Gazing around in thought, you shuffle forward and wrap your small arms around his shoulders in a warm hug, "Thank you."
Chimney twitched a little, confused as he hugged you back, "For what?"
"For trying to help those people," You explain, "They can't be here to thank you anymore, so I'll thank you for them. Thank you, daddy Chimney."
Immediately Chimney's eyes watered and his heart throbbed. His arms around you tightened and his lips wobbled. He sniffed and shook his head, unbelievably grateful that you were his child, "Ugh-gu-gu. There you go again with those crocodile tears. Man, you really gotta slow down with those. I'm drowning over here."
"It's okay to cry, daddy," You giggle, still hugging him.
And finally, Chimney relaxed. "Yeah," He sniffled again, bowing his head, "It is."
Evan Buckley
It was late at night when Buck finally made it home. He was exhausted and yet far from being clear-headed enough to go to sleep. Thousands of thoughts plagued his mind while sadness, guilt, and regret pulsed through his body. He was anxious and ashamed and haunted by his latest shift's failures.
After politely sending your nanny home, Buck quietly wandered into your room and gazed upon your peacefully snoozing figure. Relief from your assured safety engulfed him and had him sighing softly. Seeing you after such a difficult shift was a sight for traumatized eyes.
Unable to avoid the protective urges inside him, Buck walked further into your room and carefully sat down on the edge of your bed. You were in your pajamas, wrapped up in a blanket and snuggling your pillow. It had Buck smiling with loving endearment. You were so precious.
Reaching out a hand, Buck gently caressed your face, delicately moving loose stands of hair out of the way and brushing your warm cheek. "Mm?" You stirred at this, however, but Buck had been anticipating your awakening, "Daddy?"
"Hey monkey," Buck said almost shakily for he was still emotional from his shift, "Sorry, I-I didn't mean to wake you, I just... I just really wanted to see you is all."
"Oh," You yawn cutely, stretching your arms out before lifting them up, "Hi daddy."
"Hi baby," Buck encompassed you in his big, incredibly safe arms, and he inhaled your comforting scent when you hugged him back, "I missed you."
"I missed you too, daddy," You mumble tiredly, feeling cozy enough in his embrace to easily be lulled back to sleep.
But, as childish and immature as it may seem, Buck couldn't stand to be by himself right now- not while he felt like this. He needed you. "Hey," He smiled cheesily, "I was thinking... Why don't you and I go out and get some ice-cream?"
"Hm?" That peaked your interest, and you leaned back to blink at him in confusion, "But... All the ice-cream places are closed..."
"W-well, they... There's gas stations," Buck shrugged, chuckling a bit, "And gas stations have lots of ice-cream. At least I think they do, ha... Do they?"
You yawned again and nodded, "Ok, daddy."
Feeling slightly guilty for waking you up, Buck reached out, scooped his arms around you and hauled you against his hip, "There. Ready?"
Holding onto his neck, you nod and go to rest your head against his chest, listening to the comforting sound of his heartbeat as he carried you through the house and out to the car. He was so warm and cozy and safe.
Buck drove you to a nearby gas station, carried you inside, picked out some frozen desert and took you for a drive down old roads. You had woken up just enough to enjoy your ice-cream before nodding back off in the backseat. It was then that he went back home and carried you inside.
Instead of carrying you to your room though, Buck carried you to his room. He couldn't help it. His feelings and anxiety were driving him insane and he needed to know with utmost assurance that you were safe. So he laid you down on his bed, tucked you in, and went to the restroom to change in his own pajamas.
By the time he went back, you were sitting up in bed blinking groggily at him, "Daddy?"
"What's up, monkey?" He asked, sitting down in the spot next to you.
"You can't sleep?" You ask in a very adorable yet concerned tone.
Welp, Buck knew he was bound to get caught. This was kind of a bad habit he had; like a child who needed a toy to sleep with for safety- only this way it you he was trying to keep safe. By now you had experienced loads of his breakdowns, and that normally included late-night snacks, games, movies, and/or drives that ended with you sleeping in his arms.
Come to find out, it was a habit Buck started because he was scared.
"Uh..." Buck took in a deep breath, "Yeah- well- no-I... I can sleep, I just... I just really wanted some ice-cream... a-and a roommate, ha."
Crawling over to your father, you snuggle against his side and look up at him, "What happened?"
Buck held one arm around you, his heart clenching at the thought of you being in the same place as the kids that they had lost yesterday. Tears pricked at his eyes, his throat swelled and his body stiffened. "I'm- I just... I'm just so grateful that you're here, (y/n)."
"Huh? But I'm always here, daddy," You say, smiling, "So everything's okay. You don't have to be sad. Please don't be sad.
Buck briskly wiped his eyes and nodded, his smile crooked but grateful, "You're right. I love you so much, monkey."
Brightened by his positive response, you hugged him back and whimpered happily, "I love you too, daddy."
Buck held you long after you fell back asleep, simply needing you close so that he knew that you were alive, safe, healthy and happy. He loved you so much that the thought of losing you made sleeping during some nights to difficult to face alone.
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midnightstar-90 · 2 years
Ready Whenever You Are
Evan Buckley x Reader
Taglist | Request | Wattpad
Main Masterlist | 9-1-1 Masterlist
Summary: Buck comments about having a baby, which shocks the reader.
Warnings: Mentions of Sex, Fluff
A/N: Just a cute little fluff drabble.
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Buck and I lay in our shared bed. I sat against the headboard on the right side of the bed, reading my favorite book, Y/F/B, while Buck sat on the other side, scrolling through his Instagram feed.
It was a quiet night. There were little to no sirens. No sound from the neighbors. It was just me, my book, and my loving boyfriend. It felt like the two of us were the only ones in the world. But the silence didn't last long.
Buck broke out laughing, watching some video on his phone. "Babe, look," Buck demanded, shoving the device between me and my book. The video showed a baby dancing around before falling on his bottom. I cringed at the video as I watched it and gave Buck a fake smile and a nod before going back to my book.
"Isn't that adorable?" Buck asked, pulling his phone away. He began to scroll through more videos. I nodded once more, knowing Buck hadn't seen me. "Yeah, Buck. Really adorable," I said, emotionless as I continued reading the page's words.
Buck continued to scroll through his phone as he casually said, "Don't you just want one of your own?" I instantly stopped everything I was doing. I just sat in bed, wide-eyed. The room was filled with an eerie silence.
Buck turned to look at his girlfriend. "You okay, babe?" Buck asked. He erased the smile from his face and replaced it with a look of concern.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and slowly nodded. Buck chuckled, "Wait... You didn't really think I was serious, did you?" I turned to Buck and grimaced. "I don't know. We've been together for a year. And you just donated a piece of yourself to help an old friend of yours and his wife have a baby. Maybe all of that got to you, and you really meant what you said."
"Y/N, if you told me right now that you were pregnant, I would be ecstatic. But if you aren't ready, I am totally fine with that, because I love you. With or without a child, I will still love you. All I need is you," He said, whispering that last part.
"Really?" I asked, looking at Buck with a smile. "Wait..." I finally realized what Buck said. I smiled wider as I quietly asked, "You love me?"
Buck grabbed both sides of my face. Pulling me towards him to where our lips grazed together. His body hovered over mine as he whispered, "I will always love you" against my lips.
I looked Buck in the eye lovingly. My voice lowered as I seductively said, "I'm not ready to have children. But if you wanted to practice for when I am ready, I wouldn't complain."
Buck slowly began to lay me down on the bed as he pecked my lips. He softly began to leave a trail of kisses before he got to my neck, where he. "Oh, I'm definitely fine with that."
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deanscherrypie420 · 3 months
Demons Blood - Part 2
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A/N : Hi guys! I literally forced myself to write this because I WANTED TO WRITE but I woke up like.. twenty minutes ago.. ermmm.. ANYWHO, I hope you enjoy! I recommend reading PT1 before PT2
Characters: Dean Winchester, Reader Y/N, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Bobby
Pairing: Dean Winchester X Reader
Warnings: Angst, arguing, physical fights, supernatural hunting, over-consumption of alcohol, drinking, crying, suggestive dialogue, demons, blood, scarring, insecure about weight, SH reference. (Let me know if I missed anything!)
Summary: You were born a demon. You never found out why, but you have demon blood in your veins. Your father left when you were young and you've lived with Bobby ever since. Now, the Winchesters are living with you and Bobby and you hate it. You being and demon is the only thing Dean knows about you, and you and him can't stop fighting. Thankfully, Sam and Castiel are your safe place..
It had been weeks since Dean slapped her. Now, they pretty much ignored each other, not wanting to start anything in front of Bobby. She would still bring it up sometimes, finally getting payback for the torment Dean has put her through.
"C'mon, Sammy, it's not like I'm hurting him. He deserves it and you know it." She whined. She didn't understand why Sam was so hell bent on her and Dean getting along. "He's my brother, and you're like my sister! You two should really just.. I don't know, maybe stop being stubborn and apologize to each other?" Sam suggested cautiously.
She groaned and kicked him off her bed. Truthfully, just rolled with the kick and she knew that. "Stop defending him, Sam! He's an asshole and I hate him, and I'm starting to hate you right now. Get out." She huffed as she gestured to her door. He got up off the floor and walked to the door. "I'm just saying, maybe you two could be friends." He prodded with his signature puppy-dog look. "Get out." She demanded back, and he obeyed with a sigh.
A little bit later she left her room and went to the kitchen. She grabbed her water bottle and filled it with ice, the cold crystals clinking as they fell into the metal stomach. Dean came around the corner and watched her for a second, a small smile playing on his lips. He cleared his throat to get her attention, and she turned towards him, an immediate frown appearing on her face.
"What do you want?" She questioned. He rubbed the back of his neck and walked over to her. She stepped back and gave him a look that clearly translated back the fuck up or I will kill you. He did so and leaned against the kitchen table. "I just wanted to see how you're doing, I guess." She rolled her eyes at his statement. So annoying, she thought.
"I'm doing great actually. Life's been good knowing I'm not the only monster under this roof." She remarked casually as she filled up her water. He jaw ticked and he glared down at her. "Can you drop it already? I don't get what the fuck your issue is with me."
Her brows raised and she scoffed, her eyes wide as if what he just said was fucking hilarious. "You don't get my issue? God! You are so pathetic, Winchester!" She shook her head, utter rage bubbling up in her stomach.
Fortunately for Dean, Bobby and Sam came in just in time to prevent the conversation from going further. "You guys wanna go out and get some food? There's a diner nearby." Sam said, knowing exactly what he walked in on.
At the diner Y/N was chatting with a guy, making small talk by the bar. Dean couldn't stop staring. He didn't know why, he hates her. But damn, watching her sit there with that glowing smile.. He wished it was him.
Suddenly, Sam nudged his brother under the table with his foot, making Dean's knee bounce up in surprise. He slammed his leg against the underside of the old table, causing the contents on it to rattle. "Seriously, Sam? The hell is your problem?" Dean hissed. Sam just chuckled and shook his head. "Dude, you've been eyeing her for like twenty minutes." When Dean shot Sam daggers with his eyes, Sam put his hands up in surrender. "C'mon, why are you staring at her so hard?" The younger Winchester teased. "Sammy, drop it." Dean demanded as he saw you approaching the table.
Y/N nudged Sam over with her elbow and he scooted down the booth. She sighed happily and leaned her head back, a smirk playing on her lips. "I'm the shit." Sam cocked a brow and tilted his head, "How so?" Dean interrupted the brief conversation when he cleared his throat.
"That guy seemed like an ass." He muttered before a sip of beer. Y/N groaned, rolling her eyes back, not bothering to respond to him. Dean just chuckled, "That was hot." He said casually, and her jaw dropped. "Excuse me?-" She started, but Sam cut her off. "Dean, seriously?" Sam said with an eye roll of his own. He gestured to the side with one of hands, "Porn," he began, now moving his hands to the other side, "Real life. There's a difference."
Bobby had come back from the bathroom now and laughed as he heard their conversation. Y/N just sat there, feeling a pleasant sense of comfort at all of them being together, even if she didn't like Dean.
Maybe she liked him a little more than she let on.
"Jesus Christ, it smells awful in here." She murmured, covering her nose with her wrist as she stepped over a mysterious liquid. Sam laughed and Dean shook his head, an amused smile growing on his face. "Get used to it, Sweetheart." She didn't have to turn around to know he was grinning. Whatever, moron, she thought to herself.
They were in an old ranch. The group assumed that it was being used as a werewolf hideout. They ended up splitting up somewhere along the lines, she wasn't exactly sure when she had started going her own way, but she had a feeling she would find something. She heard something behind her and she turned around swiftly, her eyes quickly turning into black pools at the possibility of a threat. Her foot landed on a metal pool, making her slip and fall back. She tried to reach for something behind her to catch herself, but failed.
An arm quickly wrapped around her and hoisted her up right. She pushed whoever the hell grabbed her back, and then pulled out her gun. Castiel put his hands up in defense, something he saw Sam do often. Y/N let out an airy laugh, her eyes returning to normal, and pressed her gun to his chest. Not in a threatening way, but just a teasing way to push him back. "Jeez, dude. Way to scare me." Her cheeks were flushed and she was panting, adrenaline still coursing through her veins.
Cas shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck, something he picked up from Dean, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." He said quietly. She put her gun away and patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, you're fine."
She then turned and gasped, another imaginary threat appearing in front of her. "Dammit!" She said as she realized it was just the brothers. She rolled her eyes and stepped out of the imaginary box the boys had made with their bodies. "You guys planned that." She shook her head and scoffed, still a bit startled by the double-scare.
Sam wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gave her a squeeze, "Relax, Y/N. You're too tense." She wiggled out of his grasp and rolled her eyes, "Shut it, moose." They both let out a laugh before Cas felt like he was missing something.
He cleared his throat and slung an arm around Y/N, copying what Sam had done, "Yeah, shut it moose." He echoed, and Sam and her burst out in laughter. Dean shook his head with a laugh, enjoying the stupidity of their humor.
After a moment of silly remarks and nonstop laughing, Sam finally announced that they should get back to the car. With a groan of compliance, Y/N and Dean agreed and began walking to the car, not realizing that Sam had pulled Cas to walk behind them.
"Hey, are we alright?" Dean asked, glancing over at her. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Dean, don't ruin my mood right now." He bit his lip and nodded. "Sorry." Dean stated quietly.
She felt air get caught in her throat as she realized what he said. That was the first time he ever apologized to her. She cleared her throat and bumped him with her arm, "Thanks. I'm gonna go walk with Sam and Cas." Dean nodded and gave a small smile.
When they got back to Bobby's after the case, Dean and her were at each other's throats. Sam had to deal with it on his own during the car ride because Castiel chickened out and left.
"You are such a fucking idiot, I did the right thing! You could've gotten hurt if I didn't!" Y/N screamed at Dean once they got inside. Dean slammed his hand down on the table, which made her flinch. "That son of a bitch could've killed you because you did that!"
She groaned and tossed her head back as Bobby walked in. "What's goin' on?" Bobby probed. Y/N gave him a look that could've killed, and Dean scoffed. "She put her life on the line! She used herself as bait when she knows damn well we don't let her do that any more!"
She rolled her eyes and slammed her freshly opened beer bottle down, immediately snapping back, "It was not bait! I lured the goddamn thing out so you could kill it!" Dean started walking towards her, towering down in front of her. He glanced down at her beer and took it from her hands.
"You aren't even old enough to drink yet, I don't know why we keep you around. Too immature." He growled at her. Bobby cleared his throat and leaned over the table, grabbing the bottle from Dean's hands. "Her birthday was a couple days ago, don't disrespect her like that." Bobby declared, and she laughed at Dean.
"I've been twenty-one for two days and I've been hunting since I was sixteen, don't you dare call me immature." Bobby gave her a look and her shoulders slumped, "What?" She muttered. "You were acting irrational on the hunt, you should know better than that. You keep yourself safe first, always." Bobby lectured to her and she rolled her eyes.
It was Dean's turn to laugh now, a small chuckle bellowing from his throat. She turned on her heel and stormed out of the room, heading straight to Sam's.
She was laying upside down on Sam's bed, venting about how frustrated she was to Sam and Castiel. Castiel was sitting in a black spinning chair at a desk that occupied the corner of Sam's room. He spun back and forth while listening, oddly fascinated with the way the chair moved. Sam was sitting on the opposite side of the bed, rubbing her leg in an attempt to soothe her. His head rested against the headboard and his eyes were closed as he listened to her rant.
"I don't understand how Bobby agrees with him! I was in the right! I did the right thing, I didn't even get hurt!" Sam cleared his throat at this, tilting his head down to look at her. "You got a pretty good scratch on your back. I understand that's not your point but you can't leave out details.." She hit his leg, biting her lip as she thought of what to say.
Castiel chimed in before she could think of anything. "I healed her though, and she knew I was there. I think you are correct," He said as he nodded his head towards her, "She did the best thing she could in the moment." Sam processed what he said and reluctantly agreed. "Yeah, okay. I just don't think we should hate Dean for being worried."
She laughed and moved to look over at Sam, using her elbows to hold her up. "Are you serious? I hate him for many more reasons than that." Sam shook his head and Cas shrugged.
A knock on the door took them out of their conversation. She flipped over onto her stomach, now resting in-between Sam's legs. "Come in," she ordered, and the door opened slightly.
Dean came in and immediately focused on the two. He cleared his throat and his brows furrowed. "Cute," he said, motioning towards Sam. Before Sam could respond, Dean continued. "I was just comin' to apologize." He murmured, now looking at her. She nodded and propped her head up on her hands, elbows digging into the mattress. "Go on," she urged and he did. "I'm sorry for yelling at you.. And uh, being rude, ya know, how I called you immature."
She nodded and gave a small smile, "Thanks, Dean." He nodded as well and rubbed the back of his neck. The room fell silent as they just stared at each other for a moment. He swore her eyes were a brighter shade of Y/E/C. They were beautiful.
Sam cleared his throat and Dean snapped back to reality. "Uh, I'm gonna go.. Probably gonna go watch a movie or something, if any of you wanna join." Y/N nodded and smiled and so did Cas.
Once Dean left, Sam nudged her with his leg. "You got something you wanna tell us?" He said, his tone was teasing but she was confused. "What do you mean? He apologized, that's a good thing." Sam nodded with a chuckle and Castiel stopped spinning, intrigued by the conversation at hand.
"What I mean is that look. You guys were staring into each other's souls." Sam said with another laugh. "I don't know what you're talking about." She muttered, moving to sit up.
Sam shook his head and crossed his legs on the bed, a rather awkward position for such a tall person. "I think you two would be cute together." Sam remarked, making her tilt her head. He put his hands up and began rambling to defend himself, but she was already lost in thought.
Maybe we would be...
A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed! I was really unmotivated today but I wanted to post another part. I wanted to write but I couldn't grasp the motivation so I hope this is good lol
Feel free to reblog, like and comment! I really hope you guys like it! Message me if you have any requests!
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"I know you've been havin' some disagreements with those two idjits. They're yer brothers. It's only natural for them to drive you goddamn insane," Bobby said. "But they are just so doggone afraid of somethin' bad happenin' to ya. Y/N, ya gotta understand—most of the people they have cared about the most are gone. If they were to lose you, I don't know what the hell would happen—but it's possible even those two couldn't bounce back from that."
"I know. But they're stopping me from living my life the way I want to," you said, finally looking up. "I'm not gonna sit on the sidelines while they keep flinging themselves into danger. How is that fair?"
Bobby sighed and nodded pensively. "Yeah. I know. It ain't. I don't have all the answers," he said gently, "but you know you're welcome to stay here as long as you need."
You gave him a tight smile and got up to grab him into a hug that surprised him. "Thanks, Bobby."
Happy Supporting Character Saturday!
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