#bomber man 94
smbhax · 1 year
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Bomber Man ‘94 (PC Engine HuCard)
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s intelligence ministry on Thursday identified a top suspect, described as ringleader and bomb-maker, in the twin suicide bombings last week claimed by the Islamic State group as the death toll from the attack rose to at least 94, state media reported.
The Jan. 3 attack, in which two suicide bombers targeted a commemoration for an Iranian general slain in a 2020 U.S. drone strike in Iraq, was the deadliest in Iran in decades as the wider Middle East remains on edge.
One bomber first detonated his explosives at the ceremony in Kerman, about 820 kilometers (510 miles) southeast of the capital, Tehran, then another attacked 20 minutes later as emergency workers and other people tried to help the wounded from the first explosion.
The official IRNA news agency carried a statement by the intelligence ministry saying the main suspect who planned the bombing was a Tajik national known by his alias Abdollah Tajiki.
According to IRNA, the suspect had entered the country in mid-December by crossing Iran's southeast border, and left two days before the attack, after making the bombs.
The report also identified one of the bombers by his family name of Bozrov, saying the man was 24 years old and had Tajik and Israeli nationality. It said he also arrived in Iran by crossing the southeastern border after months of training by IS in Afghanistan.
The report further said authorities were still trying to identify the second suicide-bomber. In its claim of responsibility, the Islamic State group had identified the two bombers as Omar al-Mowahed and Seif-Allah al-Mujahed.
Iranian authorities have so far arrested 35 people across several provinces with purported links to the bombings, the report added.
Meanwhile, the death toll from the attack rose to 94 on Thursday, from the previous 91 fatalities reported on Sunday. Iranian media said 14 of the dead were Afghan nationals who were participating in the commemoration for Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who led the paramilitary's expeditionary Quds Force.
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julez-fiction · 1 year
Top 10 Movies : Stuck in Time with You.
This list is made up of those movies that have two people(sometimes more) usually romantic interests, but could be friends or family, that are stuck in an extraordinary time travel or time loop situation together. Movie night just got better. Read on below for this interesting top ten 10 list.
1. Passengers, 2016
Sci-Fi / Romance
IMDb: 7/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 30%
Director: Morten Tyldum
Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Chris Pratt, Laurence Fishburne
On a routine journey through space to a new home, two passengers, sleeping in suspended animation, are awakened 90 years too early when their ship malfunctions. As Jim and Aurora face living the rest of their lives on board, with every luxury they could ever ask for, they begin to fall for each other, unable to deny their intense attraction until they discover the ship is in grave danger. With the lives of 5,000 sleeping passengers at stake, only Jim and Aurora can save them all.
2. Palm Springs, 2020
Sci-Fi / Fantasy
IMDb: 7.4 / 10
Rotten Tomatoes: 94%
Director: Max Barbakow
Starring: Andy Samberg, Christin Milotti,Camila Mendes, J. k. Simmons
Stuck in a time loop, two wedding guests develop a budding romance while living the same day over and over again.
3. The Fare, 2019
Romance / Thriller
IMDb: 6.2 / 10
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
Director: D.C. Hamilton
Starring: Brinna Kelly, Gino Anthony Pesi
When a charming woman climbs into his taxi, a taxi driver finds himself entranced until she disappears without a trace. When he resets his meter, he is brought back to the moment she first climbed into his cab, starting an endlessly repeating loop.
4. 6:45, 2021
Psychological Thriller / Thriller
IMDb: 3.9 / 10
Rotten Tomatoes: 69%
Director: Craig Singer
Starring: Augie Duke, Thomas G. Waites, Shasha K. Gordon, Ray Mancini
A romantic weekend getaway turns into a demented cycle of terror when a couple find themselves living the same horrific day over and over again.
5. Enter Nowhere, 2011
Mystery / Thriller
IMDb: 6.5 / 10
Rotten Tomatoes: -
Director: Jack Heller
Starring: Scott Eastwood, Sara Paxton, Katherine Waterston
Three strangers arrive one at a time in a remote cabin, and learn they have been brought together for a reason.
6. Edge of Tomorrow, 2014
Sci-Fi / Action
IMDb: 7.9/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 91%
Director: Doug Liman
Starring: Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton
When Earth falls under attack from invincible aliens, no military unit in the world is able to beat them. Maj. William Cage (Tom Cruise), an officer who has never seen combat, is assigned to a suicide mission. Killed within moments, Cage finds himself thrown into a time loop, in which he relives the same brutal fight -- and his death -- over and over again. However, Cage's fighting skills improve with each encore, bringing him and a comrade (Emily Blunt) ever closer to defeating the aliens.
7. Source Code, 2011
Sci-Fi / Action
IMDb: 7.5 / 10
Rotten Tomatoes: 92%
Director: Duncan Jones
Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan, Vera Farmiga
Helicopter pilot Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) is part of a top-secret military operation that enables him to experience the last few minutes in the life of Sean Fentress, a man who died in a commuter-train explosion. The purpose of Colter's mission is to learn the identity of the bomber and prevent a similar catastrophe. As Colter lives Sean's final moments, he becomes more certain that he can prevent the first tragedy from occurring -- as long as he doesn't run out of time.
8. The Endless, 2017
IMDb: 6.5/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 92%
Director: Aaron Moorhead and Justin Benson
Starring: Aaron Moorhead, Justin Benson, Callie Hernandez, Tate Ellington
Synopsis: Two brothers receive a cryptic video message inspiring them to revisit the UFO death cult they escaped a decade earlier. Hoping to find the closure that they couldn't find as young men, they're forced to reconsider the cult's beliefs when confronted with unexplainable phenomena surrounding the camp. As the members prepare for the coming of a mysterious event, the brothers race to unravel the seemingly impossible truth before their lives become permanently entangled with the cult.
9. The Map of Tiny Perfect Things, 2021
Romance / Fantasy
IMDb: 6.8/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 76%
Director: Ian Samuels
Starring: Kyle Allen, Kathryn Newton
The Map of Tiny Perfect Things is a 2021 American science fiction romantic comedy film directed by Ian Samuels, from a screenplay by Lev Grossman, based on his 2016 short story of the same name. It stars Kathryn Newton and Kyle Allen as two teenagers stuck in a time loop.
10. Repeaters, 2010
Thriller / Sci-Fi
IMDb: 5.7/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 20%
Director: Carl Bessai
Starring: Amanda Crew, Dustin Milligan, Richard de Klerk, Benjamin Ratner
Three people find themselves in an impossibly confusing time labyrinth, where each day they wake up to face the same horrors as the day before.
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crossoverquest · 1 year
For @geckosquid and @bergeronprocess
Pretty Cure and Crossover Quest All-Stars: Judgement Scanner Soundtrack
Donkey Kong Battle Theme from Donkey Kong 94 for the Nintendo Game Boy
Verdict: Guilty
Boss Buildup - Intro 03 by Jake Kaufman
Verdict: Not Guilty - SPD Rangers, Dekarangers
Mega Man: The Wily Wars: Mega Man 1 Game Over Theme
Verdict: Not Guilty - SPD affiliated Cook Fighters, Bomber Girls Cures, Neon J
“Glory to King Knight!” by Jake Kaufman
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the-killer-queenie · 2 years
hiiii, for the game ask: 11 - 14 - 28 - 34 - 43 - 64 - 67 - 73 - 94 you don't have to do them all, so pick as many as you want 💖
I'm answering all! I'm not used to receive plenty of asks so I'm making the most out of it (?
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
bold of you to assume I have breakfast lol but when I do, I usually have either tea or chocolate milk and toast or rice crackers
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
probably vauquita (dulce de leche candy) or dorins (fruity sugar pills) (ik you probably know about them but describing it for non-argentinian people (?
28. five songs to describe you?
marry the night by Lady Gaga // oh no! by Marina // don't you forget about me by Simple Minds // treat people with kindness by Harry Styles // what's wrong by Blind Channel
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
anything by mamá luchetti (you know the ones) they're so iconic and I used to know all the words and would act them out with my sister
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
hoodie all the way
64. favorite website from your childhood?
oh man, anything with games, like juegos.com or the disney channel website
67. good luck charms?
I think I don't have any actually 🤷‍♀️
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
Is pineapple on pizza considered a weird flavor combo? If yes, that then (fight me)
94. favorite season?
i just love summer and all that comes with it. I rather be hot than cold (fight me x2)
Thank you so so much for the questions 🥺💜💜
weird asks that say a lot
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herosone111 · 7 months
❶Super Contra(超级魂斗罗)
❷热血时代剧(ダウンタウンスペシャル くにおくんの时代剧だよ全员集合)
❺帝国战机(Crisis Force)
❻Summer Carnival '92(烈火92)
❼Bram Stoker's Dracula(德拉克拉伯爵)
❽小美人鱼(The Little Mermaid)
❾脱狱(Prisoners Of War、P.O.W)
❿龙珠Z外传-赛亚人灭绝计划(ドラゴンボールZ外伝 サイヤ人絶滅計画)
⓫孤独战士-惑星戒严令(Isolated Warrior、Max Warrior)
⓬怪鸭历险记(Dark Wing Duck)
⓭西游记世界Ⅱ天上界的魔神(西遊記ワールド2天上界の魔神、Whomp 'Em)
⓯Jurassic Park(侏罗纪公园;英文,很难)
⓰雪人兄弟(Snow Bros)
⓱敲冰块(Ice Climber)
⓲松鼠大作战(Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers;有一代二代)
⓳气球大战(Boalloon Fight)
⓴Snake Rattle 'n Roll(双蛇城)
㉑航空小英雄(Tale Spin)
㉔Solomon's Key(所罗门之钥)
㉕七宝奇谋(The Goonies)
㉖迷糊蛋(へべれけ、HEBEREKE、Ufouria:The Saga)
㉗Cosmic Epsilon(宇宙战机)
㉘Hard Drivin'(超级赛车)
㉙Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge(比尔艾略特之云斯顿赛车锦标赛)
㉚RESCUE-The Embassy Mission(救援-大使馆任务)
㉛無賴戦士(Burai Fighter)
㉜口袋里的魔鬼(Monster In My Pocket)
㉟热血新纪录(びっくり热血新记录 -はるかなる金メダル、Crash'n The Boys Street Challenge)
㊱8 Bit Music Power(8Bit音乐力量)
㊲奥瓦的觉醒(Alwa's Awakening)
㊳Splatter House(腐尸之屋)
㊴魂斗罗力量(Contra Force)
㊵恶魔城传说(Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse)
㊶Solomon's Key Fire 'n Ice(所罗门之钥火与冰)
㊸大金刚JR(Donkey Kong JR)
㊹忍者茶茶丸(忍者じゃじゃ丸くん、Ninja Jajamaru Kun)
㊻超越地平线(Over Horizon)
㊼突袭班戈灵湾(Raid on Bungeling Bay)
㊽Fire Hawk(火鹰)
㊾碰碰车(City Connection)
㊿双截龙(Double Dragon;有一代二代三代)
51 Cabal(勇士们)
52 Bee52(小蜜蜂52)
53 Commando(戰場の狼、战场之狼)
54 Kickle Cubicle(迷宫岛;推冰块)
55 Super Mario USA(超级马里奥USA、梦工场ドキドキパニック、Yumekojo DokiDoki Panic)
56 Super Mario Bros3(超级马里奥兄弟3)
57 月宫桌球(Lunar Pool)
58 天使之翼2(キャプテン翼Ⅱ Super Striker)
59 冒险岛(高桥名人の冒險岛;有一二三四代,有的有汉化版)
60 アルマジロ(Armadillo、仙人掌)
61 Startropics(热带之星;游戏内信件密码747,有一二代)
62 Metal Slader Glory(メタルスレイダーグローリー)
63 火炮(GUN-DEC、Vice: Project Doom)
64 重力装甲(Metal Storm、重力装甲メタルストーム)
65 Bat Man-Return Of The Joker(蝙蝠侠2)
66 剑王(Sword Master)
67 圣铃传说(聖鈴伝説Lickle、Little Samson;密码5555)
68 Power Blade2(Captain Saver)
69 忍者蛙(Battle Toads)
70 蝙蝠侠(Bat Man)
71 Dragon Fighter(龙战士)
72 Zanac(银河号)
73 加纳战机(GUN-NAC;在片头长按AB键进入作弊模式)
74 Q版沙罗曼蛇(Parodius)
75 鳄鱼先生(The Adventures Of Bayou Billy)
76 赤影战士(KAGE、Shadow Of The Ninja)
77 忍者猫(キャッ党忍伝てやんでえ、Samurai Pizza Cats)
78 炸弹人(Bomber Man)
79 B-Wings(B计划)
80 Mappy Kids(少年快乐鼠)
81 The Lone Ranger(独行侠、长枪手传奇)
82 Felix The Cat(菲力克斯猫)
83 双翼人(Legendary Wings)
84 特救指令(Shatter Hand)
85 马里奥拆屋工(Wrecking Crew)
86 Rampage(大猩猩拆楼、怪兽拆楼)
87 SD快打旋风(Sd Final Fighter、Mighty Final Fight)
88 星之卡比梦之泉的物语(星のカービィ_夢の泉の物語、Kirby)
89 Chack'n Pop(拯救爱心、流行恰克)
90 ELITE(精英、银河侵略者)
91 彩虹岛(Rainbow Islands)
92 泡泡龙(Bubble Bobble;有一二代)
93 Double Dribble(二次运球、篮球)
94 迷宫组曲(Milon"s Secret Castle)
95 杀戮战场(Combat)
96 超级中国人2龙之子(Super Chinese 2: Dragon Kid、Little Ninja Brothers)
97 弹珠台(Pin Ball)
98 Batman Returns(蝙蝠侠3)
99 Thundercade(雷电节奏、摩托车特殊部队)
100 影子传说(影の伝説)
101 Flappy(顽皮精灵、フラッピー)
102 Paper Boy(送报童;有一代二代)
103 ココロン(Cocoron、魔法世界)
104 唐老鸭历险记(Duck Tales、わんぱくダック夢冒険;有一二代)
105 超惑星战记(超惑星戦記メタファイト、Blaster Master)
106 踢王(Kick Master)
107 龍牙(Ninja Crusaders、龙牙)
108 激龟快打(Turtles Tournament Fighters)
109 上尉密令(Captain America and The Avengers)
110 红巾特攻队(Sky Destroyer)
111 梦之勇士(Little Nemo - The Dream Master)
112 Rock man(洛克人、Mega Man;有1到6代)
113 Exerion(火凤凰、凤凰战机)
114 Silk Worm(中东战争、联合大作战)
115 前线大作战(Front Line)
116 CLU CLU LAND(金鱼、克鲁克鲁世界)
117 魔法门之英雄无敌(Heroes Of Might & Magic)
118 嘉蒂外传(The Guardian Legend、ガーディック外伝)
119 绘描衛門(描绘卫门)
120 Super Spy Hunter(超级间谍猎人)
121 Devil World(恶魔世界)
122 重装机兵(Metal Max)
123 阿尔戈斯战士(Argos No Senshi、阿格斯战士、未来战士)
124 忍者龙剑传(有123代,很难)
125 希特勒复活(トップシークレット ヒットラーの復活、Hitler no Fukkatsu: Top Secret、Bionic Commando、生化尖兵、希魔复活)
126 魔道士阴谋(リトルマジック、Little Magic)
127 龙珠英雄(半熟英雄)
128 天神之剑(God Slayer - Haruka Tenkuu no、Crystalis)
129 WILLOW(威洛之旅、风云际会)
130 Daiva(DAIVA Story 6: Nirsartia no Gyokuz、超人迪瓦)
131 Shadow Gate(暗影之门)
132 Joy Mech Fight(快乐机器人)
133 ミッキーマウスIII 夢ふうせん(米老鼠3梦幻气球、Mickey Mouse III - Yume Fuusen、Kid Klown in Night Mayor World)
134 外星战将(Bucky O'Hare、バッキー オヘア、宇宙野兔)
135 G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero - The Atlantis Factor(特种部队2亚特兰蒂斯行动)
136 特种部队-一个真正的美国英雄(G.I.JOE - A Real American Hero)
137 Puzznic(连锁方块)
138 成龙之龙(ジャッキーチェン、Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu)
139 Wizards&Warriors(巫师与武士、巫师与战士;有多代作品)
140 Gimmick!(吉米克)
141 Star Soldier(星际战士)
142 双鹰-乔兄弟的复仇(Twin Eagle-Revenge Joe's Brother)
143 The Flintstones(摩登原始人;有一二代)
144 六三四の剑(六三四之剑、Musashi no Ken-Tadaima Shugyou)
145 AbadoX:The Deadly Inner War(阿贝道X)
146 Terra Cresta(神鹰一号)
147 The Immortal(不死传说)
148 えりかとさとるの夢冒険(Erika To Satoru No Yume Bouken、绘里香与悟的梦冒险、少年梦冒险)
149 Ikari Warriors II - Victory Road(怒2-胜利之路)
150 西武ロードリスト蘭のチップチューン地獄(Seibu Roadlist Ran no Chiptune Jigoku、Seibu Roadlist Ran's Chiptune Hell、Run's Chiptune Hell、Chiptune Hell、西武大道_清单兰花之芯片音乐地狱、西武路单兰奇普顿地狱、西武路清单兰花芯片地狱;日文。有体验版(Trial版)但未找到正式版ROM,出品公司ProgressiveGames)
151 Iron Tank:The Invasion Of Normandy(Great Tank、铁坦克:入侵诺曼底、铁胆坦克)
152 Nespeccy(演示DEMO,用点的改变做出方格旋转)
153 Tokumaru Raycaster01(演示DEMO,可控制,德军总部)
154 Heoh Demo(演示DEMO,做假旋转场景)
155 High Hopes By Aspekt(演示DEMO,多种效果,模拟器未必支持)
156 AxelayNesMusic(256ko)(演示DEMO,假地平线扭曲)
157 BladeBuster(刀锋战机)
158 Race America(上下分屏双人赛车)
159 Bio Force Ape(生化猿人、生物力量猿人)
Celeste Mario(蔚蓝马里奥)
RockMan 4 Voyage(4代之前没充分使用FC机能所以123代claw和2Bm和7Ep都不收录)
RockMan 4 Miuns Infinity
RockMan 4 Burst Chaser X Air Sliding
Blazing Blocks(炽热方块)
Salamander_Arrangement Chronicle(沙罗曼蛇高画质版;是日版,日版有三个子机,美版只有两个)
Gradius_Arrangement Chronicle(宇宙巡航机高画质版;有一代&二代)
Prisoners Of War-2Players(脱狱双人版)
◇〓坦克大战过关版4.0_Zeng Ge Hack 2012.12.24
〓Binary City(坦克大战双子星_2009_Shederv.Org.Ru)
Rockman 6 Unique Harassment(洛克人6稀世侵袭)
Over The Moon(月亮之上、非常高兴;银河战士改版)
〓Balloon Fight-4Players(气球大战四人版)
〓Super Mario Bros-2Players(超级玛丽奥兄弟双人版)
Bad Apple(演示视频,作者未知)
〓Battle City 4Players(坦克大战四人版)
〓Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2-4Players(松鼠大作战2四人版)
◆生化危机(精卫填海、Bio Hazard;从Game Boy移植并修改剧情为1代)
Gemini Wing(捉虫敢死队;盗版商台湾人从街机移植,Rom已遗失,特色是拿到的炸弹都拖在机尾,还可以互相飞过自己或敌人机尾截获对方拖着的炸弹,FC版没大威力炸弹还只能带三个炸弹,不好也不可玩)
〓Street Fighter Zero 2(StreetFighterZero97 2、少年街霸2;)
〓Sterrt Fighter Ⅲ(街头霸王3、九人街霸)
◇快打旋风3(Mighty Final Fight 3)
Street Fighter2010(街头战士2010阿木一坑改版)
Hell Fighter(地狱战士)
Rockman6 Spirits Of Hackers(洛克人6黑客精神)
Rockman Install Metal(洛克人5安装金属)
Megaman In The Mushroom Kingdom(洛克人在蘑菇王国)
SteinsGate(命运石之门,Steins Gate (U) (IRQ scanline fix);英文版,修复IRQ问题,让实机游戏中对话框不再随着DPCM鼓点抖动,这是因为DPCM的DMA会占用CPU周期,以及将PPU帧中写入调色盘的操作带来的杂信尽量移动到屏幕边缘)
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xolta · 1 year
recommended games list Part 2
Xolta's Big old recommended games list Part 2 gen 4 edition
Gameboy: Pokemon Red, Blue, yellow(Monster raising rpg) Dargon Quest monsters(monster raising rpg) Adventures of Lolo(puzzle) Tetris(puzzle) Centipede & millipede(arcade/ the music goes so hard) Donkey Kong 94(arcade platformer) Donkey Kong Land(platformer) Game & Watch Gallery 1-3(mixed bag) Kirby's Dream Land 1&2 (platformer) Pokemon trading card game(tgc) Quarth(shoot em up puzzle hybrid) Revenge of the 'Gator (pinball) Super Mario Land 1&2(Platformer) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue (metroidvania) Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3(GREED) Metroid 2 samus returns(metroidvania)
Game gear: Devilish(arcade) Gunstar Heroes (run and gun) Pengo(puzzle) Power Strike II (shump) Sonic Triple Trouble(platformer) Tails Adventure(metroidvania)
Lynx: Battle Wheels(combat racing) S.T.U.N. Runner(racing)
Genesis/megadrive/Cd/32x: Alien Soldier(run and gun) Alisia Dragoon(Platformer) Beyond Oasis(Action adventure) Burning Force(rail force) Castlevania Bloodlines(platformer) Enteral Champions(fighting) Columns III(puzzle) Comix Zone (beat em up) Contra: Hard Corps (run and gun) Crusader of Centy(adventure/ zelda like) Decap Attack(platformer) Sonic Cd(platformer) Android Assault(shoot em up) Lords of Thunder (shoot em up) Shining Force CD (Srpg) Snatcher(Adventure/interactive comic movie thingy) Dynamite Headdy(platformer) Elemental Master (shoot em up) Gunstar Heroes(run and gun) Jurassic Park and rampage edition(dinosaurs/dumb fun) Landstalker (action rpg) Mega Turrican(action platformer) Forbiden worlds( shoot em up) M.U.S.H.A. ( shoot em up) Outrun 2019 (raceing) Phantasy Star 3 (prg) Phantasy star 4(rpg) Sonic 1-3(platformer) Punisher (beat em up) Mortal Kombat 1-3(fighting) Road Rash(combat racing) Rocket Knight Adventures (platformer) Streets if rage 1&2(beat em ups) Strider (platformer) Super Hang-On(racing) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist (beat em up) Shinboi 3(platformer) Thunder force 3(shoot em up) Virtua Racing (racing) X men(platformer) king of the monsters 1 & 2(kaiju fighting)
Super Nintendo/ Super Famicom: F zero(racing) Super mario world(platfromer) Crono Trigger(rpg) Terranigma(rpg) Breath of Fire(rpg) Congo's Caper(platformer) Mortal Kombat 1-3(fighting) The Lost Vikings (puzzel platformer) Primal Rage(fighting) Evo Search for Eden(rpg) ActRaiser (god sim/ action platfromer) ActRaiser 2 (action platformer no god sim sadly) Arkanoid: Doh it Again (barkeout clone) Axelay (shoot em up) Batman Returns (beat em up) Biker Mice From Mars(racing) Contra 3(run and gun) Sparkster(platformer) Demon's Crest(platformer) Donkey Kong Country 1-3(platformer) Mega man X `1-3(platformer) Megaman 7(platformer) Doom Troopers (run and gun) Doom (fps) Illusion of Gaia(action rpg) Joe & Mac (platfromer) Judge Dredd (i am the law em up) Killer Instinct(fighting) Kirby's Avalanche (puzzle) Kirby's Dream Land 3 (platformer) Kirby super star(platformer) Super mario rpg(rpg) Marvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems (beat em up) Metal Warriors (mecha action) Yoshis safari(light gun) Battle Clash 1&2(light gun) Jacki Crush(pinball) Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers(beat em up) Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Fighting (Fighting) king of the monsters 1 & 2(kaiju fighting) Pocky & Rocky(run and gun) Secret of Mana(action rpg) SimCity (sim) Sonic Blast Man II (beat em up/ kinda trash but fun trash) Star Fox 1&2(3d rail shooter) Stunt race fx(racing/kinda lag fest) Sunset Riders(cowboys) Super Bomberman games (bomber man) Super castlevania 4(action platformer) Castlevania Darcula X(action platformer/botched port) Super Mario All-Stars (collection) Yoshis island(platformer) Super Metroid(metroidvania) Super Punch-Out (boxing) Super Street Fighter II turbo(fighting) Street fighter Alpha 1&2(fighting/impressive port for the system) Tetris Attack (puzzle) Tmnt 4: Turtles in Time(beat em up) Magical quest staring mickey mouse(boner wizard em up) The Legend of the Mystical Ninja (adventure platformer) Zelda Link to the past(adventure) The Ninja Warriors (beat em up) Wild Guns(run and gun) X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse (beat em up) Der Langrisser(Sprg) Dragon Ball Z - Hyper Dimension(fighting) Front Mission: Gun Hazard (rub and gun) Godzilla: Monster War(kaiju fighting)
Turbo Graph 16/pc engine/cd: Air Zonk (shump) Alien Crush(pinball) Blazing Lazers (shump) Bonk adventure(platformer) Devil's Crush(pinball) The Legendary Axe (platformer) Castlevania: Rondo of Blood(platformer)
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peepeegamer · 2 years
217 Classic Fantasy Computer Games That I’m Gonna Laugh If You Don’t Know Them
1. Red Skull Awakening
2. Low Key Theft
3. The Strange Case of the Pope Hat
4. Title Town
5. Holi-nomics
6. Good Girls Don’t Work at the Good Girls Club (Final Continuation)
7. Don’t Touch The W.O.l.l.d.s
8. S-K-I-L-L-I-N-G
9. Coloring Screen Dream
10. In the Eye of the Starer
11. Dance’s For People Who Don’t Have Times
12. You Have To Pee In The Bathtub
13. Bump
14. Let’s Make an Art
15. Felt, Soap, Wax & Washing 2
16. Temple of the Unkillable Horseshoe Crab
17. The Dream of the Red Mansion
18. Sandwich Recovery Bingo
19. Trouble in Science
20. I Know I Am I Know I Am
21. Super Garbage Truck
22. Sympathy Carl
23. Distractor
24. M.O.M.O.N.T.O
25. Super Bags
26. Dirt and Vinegar
27. Steve Wosniak’s Breakout
28. Rise and Shine or The Swing Show
29. Super Secret Cyber Lab (A Whole New World)
30. I Love Happy
31. Nancy Drew: The Clues are in the Clues
32. Hell is for Horses
33. What the Baby Knew
34. Fancy Home Cookin’
35. Friday Night Pirates
36. Niceboy
37. I Know I Am I Know I Am Part 2
38. The Second Coming of the Golden Time
39. It Wasn’t A Robot
40. Wife’s Friend Finder
41. Bloodscream: Burdened
42. TelevanD?
43. Hello Man
44. Do Something
45. Ugly Even Then
46. The Onion Bites
47. Cat Hole Blues
48. The S-L-O-V-E D-R-I-N-G O-N
49. Screams of the Invisible Mouse
50. Alien Hominid Viruses I (and II, III, and IV)
51. Anakin and Padme in the Crib
52. Plastic Crimewave and the Pinball On Fire
53. Hot Hot Hot Hot
54. The Oldest Man in the World
55. The Hum
56. Don’t Touch the Guitar
57. The Bizarre Dog Party Song #1
58. Unlimited 4
59. Do Not Open Door 10 with a Bunch from a Hole a Bunch
60. Trash Breaker Billion
61. A Ride from a Gun from a Dead Gun – You Should Give a Ride from the Handlebars of a Dead Man – Ride Into the Unknown
62. You are a Fuckin Bitch
63. The Big Bang of Now There Were 4 Million Bouncy Balls on the Floor
64. Dial Jus Pop
65. Big Man in Town: Total Bastardization
66. There’s no Way to Hide a Hole Like There is Nothing
67. Pepper Crush
68. Mind Shake
69. Big Score: Fun and Profit
70. You Ain’t Had Good Times in a Long Time by Elton Dean
71. Crunching Bag
72. Whoa!
73. The Pregnancy Experience
74. Paper Clip Splitter
75. Mission to Malfius
76. The Room Where You Live
77. Mayor of the Apes
78. The Legend Reborn 1-5
79. Slip through The Keyhole
80. The Case of the Happy Smiling Bomber
81. Watermines
82. Fruit Chain
83. Micrograms
84. Power to Kiss
85. In The Bizz
86. Don’t Ask The Bear (A Story with Heart, or A Story about Bears)
87. Just Friends: Just Friends
88. Hold On For A Second!
89. Attack the Weird Eyeball
90. International Zone
91. Dupe Corner
92. Soundproof
93. Flirter
94. T.R.A.I.T.
95. Butterfly Screening B
96. Sunday Never Knows
97. Deeply Creepy Poltergeist Activity
98. Sesacrozt
99. Grand Theft Scrooge
100. No Joy At All
101. Yapper
102. Chalk Dust Torture
103. Monkeys are Beating U
104. A Good Job
105. Spoonfight on the Beach (The Boneyard, Part 8)
106. Odd Jobs Done Urka
107. Stilettinian Lingerdictions
108. Claw of Cassadar
109. The Voodoo Show
110. Witch’s Deliverer
111. Freshman Orientation
112. Neon Baby Shower
113. C’est la fin de la saison amoureuse
114. Completely Normal Guy
115. Chantez le Faisant Peau or French Joke
116. From the Body Up (Again)
117. Tears of a Dog
118. My Bic
119. The Saturday Morning Experience
120. Never Give Up
121. Invisitrek
122. Bitch
123. Why Wanna Be a Mousy Bouncer
124. History is Watching You
125. The Man Friday and His Friendly Songs of Good Fortune
126. Charmy Vs Godzilla
127. No One Likes You! No One Likes You at All
128. The Night Of the Bully Bus
129. Is This What You Call Music?
130. Redises
131. Cubes
132. Sesercockatoolz
133. Real Fake
134. Magia Contra
135. S’il Suffis
136. Suffer Now – Be Clean Forever
137. Norman Vandervoort
138. Free to Go
139. The Baking Factory Goes to...
140. The Story of Uncopyrighted Material
141. A Fuzzy Concept
142. The Man Who Cried I’m A Pigman
143. Keep On Bringin That Bad Medicine
144. Judge of the Precious Youngster
145. Character Assassination Smackdown
146. Alien Loves Company
147. Shrink to Fit
148. We Have a Long Story to Tell You: A Musical Story
149. Calling All Cars
150. I Won’t Apologize for Anything
151. Super Secret Cyber Lab
152. Evilution
153. Embalmer’s Rules of Engagement
154. Artesia’s Doom-a-Vision
155. Power Surge 3
156. Cash Taker
157. Faylean Pond
158. You Could Be Mine: A Budweiser Story
159. Black and White in the Red and Green Jungle
160. Don’t Ask Me
161. Have a Nice Day (If You Can Get There Without a Nuclear Missile)
162. Bobcat Trench Run
164. It Is Wrong to Ask the Dead Things What They Want
165. There’s Only a Spoonful of Sugar Left in the World
166. Discover Tams
167. I’m So Lucky
168. UFOMIN at the Carnival
169. Do Not Eat the Grub!
170. The World of Steven Cohen
171. Donut Donnie’smelodeloesverytime
172. From the Body Up
173. Forbidden Games 2 (aka The First Time Part 1)
174. SuperSecretCyberLab
175. Laundry and Other Pleasures
176. The Empire and the Search for a New Emperor
177. Welcome to Holi-nomics, a Place Where Zombies Dance on a Plane Crash Site
178. In the Clink! by Elton dean
179. Redisesuit
180. Scratch the Surface
181. The Hallway Scene
182. Quest for the Magnetic Stylus
183. Passion of the Ranger
184. The White Stuff
185. The S-L-O-D-Watcher
186. Your Pain Is My Personal Broadway
187. Tomorrow Never Knows
188. I Will Become A Raptor
189. Under the Tarp
190. A Fuzzy Concept 3
191. Proctology Class 2 with Professor Zing Zangzong
192. Cars Are Forever
193. The Warm Fuzzy Wuzzy Warmer
194. Butter Mack Dash
195. Refraction Academy
196. Hyena River Files
197. The Very Best of Data Libel
198. Eat It While It’s Hot
199. Lenticular Target Practice
200. S-H-E-E
201. A Fuzzy Concept 2
202. War Man
203. You Can’t Make Friends On Earth
204. The War of Art
205. Cisphallate
206. For the Love of R-rated Batman
207. Trouble in Sunshine
208. Intersecter
209. Dead Handsome Zombie
210. Polygon Man
211. Captain Contessa’s Bullpen
212. Desk Time
213. The Last Laser Dog
214. Sucks on Eggs
215. Chimes
216. Who do I have to Say Fuck to
217. Shift From Painted Black to Pink
0 notes
skyfire85 · 3 years
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-Mockups of the two final American SST concepts, the Boeing 2707 and the Lockheed L-2000. | Composite Photo: Justin Gibb
Various programs to develop a supersonic transport in the US stretched from the middle 1950s until the early 1970s, but no aircraft ever resulted.
The first recorded supersonic flight (the speed of sound is 767mph at 20°C/68°F at sea level) was on 14 October 1947, when the American X-1, piloted by Chuck Yeager, reached Mach 1.06. By the 1950s, supersonic flight became a more regular occurrence, though it was still almost exclusively restricted to military pilots. Around this time, various projects around the world began to develop airliners that could break the sound barrier too. Designs like the Sud Aviation Super-Caravelle and Bristol Type 223 were sketched, but technical limitations as well as a lack of funding stalled those efforts.
Research continued however, and by the early-1960s a new round of programs were started, with BAC (later BAe and BAE Systems) and Sud Aviation (later Aérospatiale and Airbus) joining forces to produce what became Concorde, while the Soviet design bureau Tupolev developed the Tu-144 (NATO reporting name "Charger"). Numerous American carriers placed orders for Concorde aircraft, but spiraling costs and a desire to develop a domestic SST saw those orders canceled in the early 1970s. In the end, only Air France and BOAC/British Airways operated Concorde, while the Tu-144 was exclusively flown by the Soviet state airline Aeroflot.
The FAA estimated in the early 1960s that there would be a market for 500+ SSTs by the year 1990. Fearing Anglo-French domination of the airline industry, the US Congress began funding various research programs, and President John F Kennedy announced a National Supersonic Transport program on 5 June 1963. Requests for proposals were sent to Boeing, Lockheed, and North American for the airframes; and Curtiss-Wright, General Electric and Pratt & Whitney for engines. The request stipulated a cruise speed of Mach 3, and a passenger capacity of up to 300. Preliminary designs were submitted on 15 January 1964
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-Line drawing of the Boeing 733-790 SST, which initially featured swing wings. | Illustration: Boeing
The Boeing 733 model featured a large blended wing root with variable geometry outer panels, resembling an enlarged Rockwell B-1. The proposal included optional fuselage extensions, potentially increasing capacity to 227 passengers.
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-Line drawing of the the CL-823. | Illustration: Lockheed Corp.
Lockheed's CL-823 was functionally an enlarged Concorde, though the wing shape was a cranked arrow rather than Concorde's ogival delta.
The North American NAC-60 was the smallest and slowest of the competitors, potentially transporting 187 passengers at Mach 2.65.
In 1965 the FAA downselected the NAC-60 design, as well as Curtiss-Wright's engine work, freeing up funds for Boeing and Lockheed on the airframe side and P&W and GE for the engine development.
The FAA scheduled a final selection in 1966, and requested detailed proposals from Boeing and Lockheed. Boeing had gone through several iterations of the Model 733, with the 733-390 being presented in September 1966. The aircraft was one of the first wide-body airliners, with 2-3-2 seating. In the 30-seat first class section, small tv's were to be integrated into a console between the seats, while in the 247-seat tourist class section larger retractable tv's would drop from the overheads every six rows. Externally, the engine pods had been moved back under the tail, and the wings, when swept back, would form a delta with the tail.
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-Illustration of the 733-390, with one at maximum sweep and one at minimum. | Illustration: Boeing.
Lockheed's CL-823 had evolved as well, with the L-2000-1 design having changed from a cranked arrow to a delta wing, with the engines separated into individual pods. In order to speed production, the L-2000 was projected to use a derivative of the J58 engine that had powered the A-12 OXCART and SR-71 Blackbird. New requirements from the government saw changes to the wing and fuselage, and the engine pods were redesigned to accommodate either the P&W JTF-17A or GE4 designed as part of the SST program. The final design presented to the FAA was the L-2000-7A/B (the B was 20 feet longer), which had a passenger capacity of 230.
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-Advertising image of the L-2000-7A. | Illustration: Monsigneurhulot
The final designs, complete with full-scale mockups, were presented in September 1966.
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-The full-scale mockup of the 733-390, in a striking white-over-yellow paint scheme. The size of the plane is evident from the man standing near the third jack. | Photo: Boeing
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-Appearing no less impressive, the Lockheed L-2000 mockup. | Photo: Lockheed
FAA review of the competing SSTs took until December, with the Boeing design being announced the winner on 1 January 1967. The L-2000 was judged to easier to produce, but it was also thought to be less risky and advanced than the Boeing entry, and thus the latter was more in the spirit of the design mandate. Also, the Lockheed craft was anticipated to be louder with the JTF-17A engines, as well as being slower.
Boeing anticipated construction of the 733-390 prototypes, now referred to as the 2707-200, would begin in 1967, with first flight in 1970. Construction of the production models was expected to commence 1969, with first flight in 1972 and FAA certification anticipated by 1974.
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-The public enthusiasm for the SST program was initially high, with scale models and toys of the design being release by multiple companies. Seattle's NBA team, formed in 1967, was initially named the SuperSonics. | Photo: oldmodelkits.com
Almost immediately, Boeing began encountering problems with the design. Canards were added to improve flight characteristics, but this added weight. The swing wing mechanism were also much heavier than anticipated, with one pivot section being an eleven feet long, two-and-a-half feet thick piece of titanium weighing 4,600lbs. All of this added weight was eating into the plane's range and lowering the speed, and in October 1968 the company made the decision to delete the variable geometry wings and utilize a fixed delta instead. Fabrication of a mockup of the new design, the 2707-300, as well as two prototypes, commenced in September 1969. Despite these issues and delays, by October 1969 Boeing had orders for 122 2707s from 26 airlines, including Alitalia, Canadian Pacific Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Iberia, KLM, Northwest Airlines, and World Airways.
It was during this period however than organized opposition to SSTs became more pronounced. During the first half of 1964, the FAA conducted Operation Bongo II, under which Oklahoma City, Oklahoma was subjected a total of 1,253 sonic booms. Up to eight booms were scheduled, beginning at 7am and ending in the afternoon. Various aircraft were used, from fighters like the F-104 to bombers like the B-58 and XB-70. The results of the experiment were encouraging, with only 9,594 complaints of damage to buildings, 4,629 formal damage claims, and 229 claims for a total of $12,845.32 ($108.983.34 in 2021). 73% of subjects in the study said that they could live indefinitely with eight sonic booms per day, while 25% said that they couldn't. Approximately 3% of the population filed complaints or lawsuits. The FAA's handling of the program and response to the claims completely undid the public's acceptance of supersonic flight however. The program was undertaken with minimal engagement of the local authorities, and afterwards the FAA dismissed 94% of the claims received, attracting the ire of state and national leaders. Class action lawsuits were filed against the government, and public opinion turned against the SST. This culminated in a national ban on supersonic flight over land. Another source of concerns was the exhaust from the jet engines, specifically nitrogen oxides, which were found to damage stratospheric ozone. A fleet of 500 SSTs was calculated to cause a drop in ozone of 1 to 2%, though changes in fuel and engine technology would help mange this.
The mounting environmental concerns, souring public perception, continuing technical hurdles and competing projects saw the funding for the SST program drying up. Both the House and Senate voted in 1971 to end funding for the program, spelling the end of American SST. Whatever work completed on the prototypes was dismantled, and the one completed 2707-300 mockup was sold to the SST Aviation Exhibit Center in Florida, which displayed it from 1973 until 1981. Hard times saw the closure of the museum, which was then sold to the Faith World Church in 1983. For the next seven years, the Osceola New Life Assembly of God held services beneath the wing of the only remaining example of the US' supersonic airliner program.
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-The 2707 mockup some time in the 1980s. Sunday school classes were held under the port wing for nearly a decade. | Photo: Boeing
In 1990 the remnants of the mockup were sold to Stan Hiller, helicopter pioneer and owner of the Hiller Aviation museum. In 2013 the forward 90' section of the fuselage, now all that remained, were shipped to the Museum of Flight was part of a transfer between the two museums. What's left of the 2707-300 is now under restoration; the last remnants of a grand dream to move air travel forward at Mach 3.
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-The remaining segment of the 2707, now 50 years after the program's termination. | Photo: Boeing
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241 songs bangers for any occasion
1.MASTODON - Blood and Thunder 03:48 2.RED FANG - Wires 05:43 3.DYING FETUS - Second Skin 04:42 4.OBITUARY - Sentence Day 02:49 5.DEATH - Pull The Plug 04:26 6.AMORPHIS - Black Winter Day 03:50 7.MYRKUR - Leaves of Yggdrasil 04:00 8.NOTHING - Say Less 04:15 9.TORCHE - Admission 04:00 10.BARONESS - March to the Sea 03:11 11.THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN - 43% Burnt 04:31 12.PIG DESTROYER - Trojan Whore 01:34 13.NASUM - Scoop 02:21 14.NILE - Cast Down The Heretic 05:45 15.SUFFOCATION - Catatonia 03:55 16.INCANTATION - Entrails of the Hag Queen 04:33 17.NEUROSIS - Through Silver In Blood 12:11 18.HIGH ON FIRE - Blessed Black Wings 07:43 19.YOB - Ablaze 10:13 20.WINDHAND - Diablerie 05:20 21.MONOLORD - THE LAST LEAF 05:14 22.BONGZILLA - Amerijuanican 06:46 23.GATECREEPER - From The Ashes 03:59 24.EXHUMED - Ravenous Cadavers 01:49 25.FULL OF HELL - Burning Myrrh 02:12 26.INTEGRITY - Hymn, For The Children of the Black Flame 02:16 27.GISM - Endless Blockades For The Pussyfooter 03:46 28.CONTROL DENIED - Expect The Unexpected 07:16 29.NECROPHAGIST - Only Ash Remains 04:11 30.OBSCURA - The Anticosmic Overload 04:16 31.REVOCATION - The Grip Tightens 04:10 32.GRUESOME - A Waste of Life 06:00 33.ZOMBI - Breakthrough & Conquer 03:46 34.GENGHIS TRON - Board Up The House 05:54 35.SURVIVE - A.H.B. 04:25 36.THE ALBUM LEAF - Ambo 04:53 37.CEREMONY - Turn Away The Bad Thing 04:02 38.BORIS WITH MERZBOW - Away From You 07:35 39.ROYAL THUNDER - Parsonz Curse 06:57 40.KING WOMAN - Hierophant 07:59 41.CLOAKROOM - Seedless Star 07:37 42.AUTHOR & PUNISHER - The Speaker Is Systematically Broken 04:14 43.DISFEAR - Deadweight 02:52 44.IRON REAGAN - A Dying World 02:24 45.TOXIC HOLOCAUST - Nuke The Cross 02:47 46.CANDY - Super-Stare 04:01 47.RINGWORM - Death Becomes My Voice 05:19 48.INTER ARMA - Citadel 06:40 49.PRIMITIVE MAN - Menacing 08:00 50.UNEARTHLY TRANCE - Famine 06:14 51.LYCUS - Solar Chamber 10:41 52.DEVOURMENT - Cognitive Sedation Butchery 04:53 53.SKINLESS - The Optimist 05:42 54.DEVIL MASTER - Black Flame Candle 02:46 55.OUTER HEAVEN - Bloodspire 04:15 56.GENOCIDE PACT - Conquered and Disposed 04:37 57.COFFINS - Hour of Execution 04:55 58.MAMMOTH GRINDER - Superior Firepower 02:38 59.LIVING GATE - Heaven Ablaze 03:35 60.REPULSION - Maggots In Your Coffin 01:45 61.AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED - Agorapocalypse Now 02:25 62.MISERY INDEX - Fed To The Wolves 03:47 63.MORTICIAN - Rabid 02:01 64.BRUTAL TRUTH - Sugardaddy 02:36 65.HUMAN REMAINS - Rote 03:31 66.-(16)- - Me and the Dog Die Together 03:05 67.ALABAMA THUNDERPUSSY - Motor-Ready 04:21 68.ASG - Avalanche 04:17 69.CEPHALIC CARNAGE - Endless Cycle Of Violence 04:14 70.CHERUBS - Sooey Pig 04:44 71.COUGH - Haunter of the Dark 07:50 72.CRIPPLE BASTARDS - Non Coinvolto 02:04 73.DISEMBOWELMENT - Your Prophetic Throne Of Ivory 07:40 74.EX EYE - Opposition/Perihelion; The Coil 12:29 75.GADGET - Pillars Of Filth 01:20 76.GRAVES AT SEA - The Curse That Is 11:14 77.HAEMORRHAGE - WE ARE THE GORE 02:15 78.HORSEBACK - Mithras 05:04 79.ILSA - SHIBBOLETH 02:39 80.INDIAN - The Impetus Bleeds 06:40 81.INVERLOCH - Distance Collapsed (In Rubble) 08:39 82.IRON MONKEY - Crown of Electrodes 04:21 83.JOHN FRUM - Presage of Emptiness 04:47 84.LOCRIAN - Arc of Extinction 07:16 85.MARUTA - Hope Smasher 02:19 86.MIRACLE - Light Mind 04:49 87.THE OBSESSED - Sodden Jackal 04:23 88.PINKISH BLACK - Concept Unification 05:13 89.PUBLICIST UK - Slow Dancing To This Bitter Earth 03:36 90.RWAKE - Leviticus 07:17 91.SUMERLANDS - The Seventh Seal 03:46 92.TERMINAL BLISS - Clean Bill of Wealth 00:51 93.TRAPPIST - Victims Of A Bomber Raid 01:38 94.TRUE WIDOW - Four Teeth 06:16 95.WEEKEND NACHOS - Jock Powerviolence 01:23 96.WRONG - Culminate 02:33 97.USNEA - Lathe of Heaven 09:44 98.VICTIMS - The Horse And Sparrow Theory 03:41 99.ZEKE - Two Lane Blacktop 01:37 100.ZONAL - System Error -ft. Moor Mother 04:06 101.ARCADEA - Infinite End 03:28 102.BLACK SALVATION - In A Casket's Ride 07:03 103.BRAIN TENTACLES - Fruitcake 02:35 104.ABSCESS - Naked Freak Show 01:15 105.ABYSMAL DAWN - Inanimate 04:15 106.AGENDA OF SWINE - Gethsemane 01:08 107.ANAL CUNT - Radio Hit 01:11 108.ANATOMY OF HABIT - Radiate and Recede 20:11 109.ANTIGAMA - Pursuit 01:16 110.ATRIARCH - Entropy 05:53 111.BEDEMON - Child Of Darkness 04:12 112.BENUMB - Once And Never Again 01:00 113.BIRDS OF PREY - Hustling the Coroner To Overlook the Strychnine 03:27 114.BLACK ANVIL - May Her Wrath Be Just 04:25 115.BLACK TUSK - Bring Me Darkness 03:05 116.BLOOD DUSTER - Porn Store Stiffi 01:33 117.BLOODIEST - BROKEN TEETH 07:31 118.BRIAN POSEHN - Cuddling 03:55 119.BROUGHTON'S RULES - Reversers 03:50 120.BURIED INSIDE - IV 06:07 121.BURNT BY THE SUN - Soundtrack To The Worst Movie Ever 02:32 122.BURST - Where The Wave Broke 03:36 123.BUZZOVEN - Mainline 05:30 124.CALL OF THE VOID - Bottom Feeder 01:42 125.CAR BOMB - Gum Under The Table 03:27 126.CHRIS CONNELLY - Wait For Amateur 02:05 127.CIRCLE OF ANIMALS - No Faith 04:21 128.CHRISTIAN MISTRESS - Over & Over 02:41 129.COALESCE - Have Patience 03:11 130.COLDWORKER - The Interloper 02:38 131.COLISEUM - Defeater 02:01 132.COLUMNS - Mudfucker 01:18 133.CRETIN - Ghost of Teeth and Hair 03:54 134.CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER - Lowlife 02:32 135.CULTED - BROODING HEX 19:13 136.DAVIE ALLAN - Buzz Saw Effect 02:36 137.DAYLIGHT DIES - Four Corners 08:11 138.DEAD WORLD - The Machine 08:06 139.DEATH BREATH - Death Breath 02:55 140.DEKAPITATOR - The Storm Before the Calm 06:39 141.DISRUPT - Domestic Prison 02:00 142.DON CABALLERO - Railroad Cancellation 05:16 143.DUKATALON - ZX 06:23 144.DYSRHYTHMIA - Appeared at First 03:06 145.EAST WEST BLAST TEST - Magnetic Field 00:51 146.ECSTATIC VISION - Don't Kill The Vibe 05:00 147.EMBALMER - There Was Blood Everywhere 01:51 148.ENEMY SOIL - Sentencing 01:39 149.EXIT-13 - When I Get Low, I Get High 02:36 150.EXPULSION - Altar of Slaughter 01:43 151.FACEDOWNINSHIT - NPON 04:19 152.FATHER BEFOULED - Sacrilegious Defilement of Deranged Salvation 03:20 153.FLESH PARADE - Backstabber 01:14 154.FUCK THE FACTS - The Wrecking 04:39 155.GENERAL SURGERY - Slithering Maceration Of Ulcerous Facial Tissue 01:11 156.GENOCIDE SUPERSTARS - Hatestomp 03:08 157.GOD MACABRE - Lost 04:01 158.GOBLIN REBIRTH - Requiem for X 04:16 159.GRAVES OF VALOR - Suffocation of the Last King 03:45 160.HAIL! HORNET - Beast Of Bourbon 03:11 161.HARVEY MILK - The Anvil Will Fall 07:34 162.HALO - Buried In Light 04:37 163.HEMDALE - Delicious Gory Fun 01:11 164.HERO DESTROYED - That's An Axe 03:27 165.HOODED MENACE - Elysium Of Dripping Death 11:33 166.HOPE DRONE - Riverbeds Hewn in Marrow 10:39 167.HOWL - Horns Of Steel 03:26 168.HUMAN REMAINS - Weeding Out The Thorns 02:37 169.INEVITABLE END - The Severed Inception 04:04 170.JOEL GRIND - The Invisible Landscape 02:12 171.JUCIFER - Blackpowder 02:16 172.KARABOUDJAN - Den Svarta Ön 07:32 173.KILL THE CLIENT - Vicious Slaughter 01:06 174.KINGDOM OF SORROW - Enlightened To Extinction 03:47 175.KRIEG - CIRCLE OF GUILT 05:20 176.LENG TCH'E - The Fist of the Leng Tch'e 01:50 177.LIBERTEER - Build No System 01:34 178.LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER - Tapias De Cementerio 02:07 179.LORD DYING - POISONED ALTARS 03:47 180.LULL - Moment 1 01:08 181.MAGRUDERGRIND - Sacrificial Hire 01:32 182.MAN MUST DIE - Kill It Skin It Wear It 04:18 183.MANTAS - Evil Dead (Death By Metal Demo) 03:22 184.MERZBOW - Woodpecker No. 1 06:43 185.MINDROT - Anguish 07:11 186.MINSK - Within And Without 07:57 187.MORGION - The Serpentine Scrolls 10:33 188.MORTA SKULD - Sacrificial Rite 03:26 189.MOSE GIGANTICUS - The Left Path 04:13 190.MUMAKIL - Brothers in Slavery 01:20 191.MURDER CONSTRUCT - Compelled by Mediocrity 02:44 192.N2K2 - Mourning 03:54 193.NOISEAR - Inevitable Extinction 01:00 194.NUM SKULL - Ritually Abused 04:27 195.NUX VOMICA - Sanity Is For The Passive 12:40 196.OBLITERATION - Goat Skull Crown 04:40 197.OPPROBRIUM - Voices From The Grave 03:23 198.ORIGIN - Finite 03:08 199.PAN.THY.MONIUM - The Battle Of Geeheeb 11:55 200.PENTAGRAM - Forever My Queen 02:25 201.PHOBIA - Rehashed 01:05 202.POISON BLOOD - The Scourge and the Gestalt 03:40 203.PRIMATE - Draw Back A Stump 01:26 204.PUTRID PILE - The Satisfying Dead 02:50 205.PYRRHON - Balkanized 04:46 206.RABBITS - A Tale Of Tales 04:44 207.RAZOR - Hypertension 03:19 208.REGURGITATE - Putrid Serenity 01:44 209.ROTTEN SOUND - Superior 01:28 210.RUMPELSTILTSKIN GRINDER - Grab a Shovel (We've Got Bodies to Bury) 04:51 211.SATAN'S SATYRS - Succubus 03:40 212.SAYYADINA - Their Control 01:04 213.SCOTT HULL - Il funerale di Bonnie 03:47 214.SACRILEGE - Shadow From Mordor 04:50 215.SERPENTINE PATH - Essence Of Heresy 03:47 216.SOILENT GREEN - It Was Just An Accident 04:12 217.SPAWN OF POSSESSION - Apparition 08:24 218.STEVE MOORE - It's Complicated 02:41 219.SUBARACHNOID SPACE - A 09:16 220.TERMINAL SOUND SYSTEM - Silt 06:43 221.THE COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS - Morgagnic Anatomics 04:14 222.THE END - Throwing Stones 03:29 223.THE GREAT TYRANT - Closing In 07:42 224.THE HIGH CONFESSIONS - Chlorine And Crystal 09:35 225.TITAN - Wooded Altar Beyond The Wander 08:00 226.TOMBS - Merrimack 03:56 227.TRIAL OF THE BOW - Father of the Flower 04:07 228.TRIBES OF NEUROT - Primordial Uncarved Block 06:24 229.ULCERATE - ABROGATION 05:50 230.ULTRAMANTIS BLACK - Prescription Culture 01:04 231.UNKIND - Vihan Lapset 02:45 232.UPHILL BATTLE - Ripped Off Face 03:29 233.VVEREVVOLF GREHV - Audio Processor 04:45 234.VIDNA OBMANA - The Insane Brightness 05:33 235.VIRAL LOAD - Methlab Machete Massacre 03:07 236.VOIVOD - God Phones 05:07 237.WEAPON - Vanguard Of The Morning Star 04:19 238.WOLVSERPENT - Within the Light of Fire 16:24 239.BASTARD NOISE, SICKNESS - Death's Door 16:09 240.PSYWARFARE - Au Regal Des Voraces 20:02 241.THE SOUL REBELLION ORCHESTRA - DOLEMITE 03:01
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smbhax · 1 year
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Bomber Man ‘94 (PC Engine)
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doctordiscord123 · 3 years
1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 23, 26, 17, 28, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67,, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98
I'm very sorry, I don't why I keep doing this
 ....Well, here we go XD
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Considering I’m mostly looking at cans rn on my desk, gotta go with that XD
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
Cotton candy!
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Quiet but smart
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Boho looks really nice....
8. movies or tv shows?
TV shows
9. favorite smell in the summer?
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
I wasn’t good at anything in P.E. sfkdjgnsdf
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
I don’t
12. name of your favorite playlist?
V i b e s, spaces and all XD
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Whatever the things are called, the caramel circles with the powdery cream stuff in the middle? Those
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
....A pair of bright lime green crocs XD
18. ideal weather?
If I don’t have to go anywhere? Thunderstorm. If I gotta leave the house? Sunny
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
23. strange habits?
I don’t think I have any strange habits??? 
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
I will go outside and lay in the driveway like a sunning snake skdjfgsnd
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Nothing, I don’t go outside when it’s cold, I don’t like the cold ksjdfgd
28. five songs to describe you?
Oh God, uh -- off the top of my head, just looking through Spotify, we got
‘Dance Monkey’ by Tones and I
‘girls’ by girl in red
‘Don’t Mess With Me’ by temposhark
‘Je T’aime’ by Kelly Sweet
‘Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked’ by Cage the Elephant
Really though these are just some of my favs XD
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
Bro I wear t-shirts and sweatpants 24/7
32. top five favorite vines?
Ngl, I never payed attention to Vine when it was alive and I don’t care enough now XD
35. average time you fall asleep?
Somewhere between 12:00am-1:30am
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
38. lemonade or tea?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Someone stole a sink and someone else stole a toilet within days of each other
41. last person you texted?
My brother
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
Anything fruity really skjfdgnskjd
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
Just a nightgown, or a t-shirt
47. favorite type of cheese?
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
I don’t really live by it, but it’s a favorite quote of mine
‘In the end, we’re all the same; all we take to the grave is our name.’
idk who said it
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
....What does it say about my current mental state that I can’t remember the last time I laughed?
51. current stresses?
My programming class
52. favorite font?
I’m boring, but Times New Roman
53. what is the current state of your hands?
I’m cold and pale ksjdgk so there’s like purple splotches all over my hands, also a bunch of scars and my nails are kinda fucked a little rn
54. what did you learn from your first job?
People suck
55. favorite fairy tale?
I dunno! Aladdin and The Little Mermaid were always my favorite Disney movies as a kid skjdfgs
56. favorite tradition?
We don’t really have traditions that are like -- out of the ordinary? idk
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
Middle school, high school, 2020, and physics XD
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
I can sing, write, I think I’m a decent actor, idk about a fourth
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
Among my friends, my catchphrase has become ‘I hate you’ since I say it so much so sdkfngksd
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
Bro I don’t watch anime
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
This ask game is pushing my memory
62. seven characters you relate to?
Luna, Hiccup, the Host, Dark, Bim, Amethyst, Adora
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Club? If I had a club I would just play electro swing skdfgnsd
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
Oh plenty
66. favorite flower(s)?
67. good luck charms?
Don’t got any
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
I don’t like grape, so --
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
I don’t know man! My brain is a void
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
Stripes skdjfn
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
I am a very picky eater, I don’t think anything I like is weird???
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
I am weak, like a 3 or something skdjfn
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
Bro I don’t remember sjknfdkgj I think I was 5?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
88. your greatest wish?
I dunno?
90. luckiest mistake?
Bro I don’t know 
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
Fairy lights
93. nicknames?
Unless you count Doc/Disc, I don’t have any
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
Currently my phone says it’s Klondike ksdjfgsd
96. desktop background?
I have a slideshow of like 100 different things
98. favorite historical era?
The ‘20s I guess??
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the-quiver-of-aros · 4 years
i have no idea if this is close to the list i originally picked. as promised, A LOT OF QUESTIONS.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
21. obsession from childhood?
23. strange habits?
24. favorite crystal?
28. five songs to describe you?
29. best way to bond with you?
35. average time you fall asleep?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
41. last person you texted?
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
47. favorite type of cheese?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
52. favorite font?
54. what did you learn from your first job?
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
62. seven characters you relate to?
65. any permanent scars?
66. favorite flower(s)?
67. good luck charms?
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
70. left or right handed?
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
87. your greatest fear?
88. your greatest wish?
89. who would you put before everyone else?
90. luckiest mistake?
93. nicknames?
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
96. desktop background?
98. favorite historical era?
apparently asks don't seem to have a character limit anymore? i'm very sus of tumblr's new ask system. if it fucks up the formatting i'm sorry (and maybe just ask me to resubmit it)
These are amazing! Thank you for these Ghost!
15. Of Mice and Men and Fahrenheit 451.
21. Webkinz and My littlest pet shop.
23. Everytime I pass a dragon toy or stuffed animal, I must pet it.
24. Moonstone, amethyst and tigers eye
29. As far as I know, just be nice to me and I’ll start calling you my friend.
35. Lately around 2-3am after my cousin tells us a story of his crazy life.
40. In middle school, a man was running from the police and crashed the van he was driving into the schools fence. In high school, someone crashed into the school. It was into the band room at an off hour so no one was hurt. At my first college, they shut down in the middle of my sophomore year. And at the college I’m in now, there was a path of muddy, bare foot prints leading from the school and into the street.
41. Last person I texted was my nana (grandma) 43. Hoodie all year. Even in 120°f weather. 44. My favorite smell of soap is probably Irish spring I guess? 46. I sleep in sweats or shorts and a T-shirt so that probably. 47. It’s pretty hard for my to choose my favorite cheese but either provolone or white cheddar. 49. A quote I live by is “the measure of a man is not what he proves to others, but what he proves to himself.” 50. Time I laughed the hardest 52. I’m pretty partial to serif fonts but I think times new Roman is the nicest but it isn’t the nicest to read. 54. Something I learned from my first job is that if you act like you belong in a space, no one with questions you about why or how you got there. I look very young and would be questions like if I was lost and needed help finding a parent more times then I’d like to mention. 58. I’m very proud of my artistic talents, that I can read pretty quickly and absorb the information, my photography (I know I mentioned art twice but it’s a huge part of my life) and I don’t know if it’s a talent but the ability to keep a relitively level head in stressful situations. 61. During shark week one of the divers was talking to a scientist who said he was nervous. The diver said, “anything worth doing makes you nervous.” 62. 7 characters I relate too. 65. I have many, many scars. Mostly accidental and one surgery scar. 66. I don’t have a favorite flower but I like to draw sunflowers cause my cousin loves them. 67. I wouldn’t call them good luck charms but I have items that help me cope with my anxiety and that give me confidance to do the thing. Right now it’s my arrowhead necklace and last week it was a random d20. 69. That there are pink dolphins. I don’t remember where I learned this but I’ve known for a long time. 70. I’m right handed but I used to be ambidextrous. I’m actually trying to teach myself that again. 76. My favorite potato thing is chips or roasted potatoes. 85. Yes. I love fairy tales, they’re an escape from reality. I love mythology for close to the same reason but it feels weirdly more reality based. 87. I have a couple of greatest fears. The first and most prominent currently is losing Gwen, my dog because I’m not home to protect her. 88. My greatest wish would probably be to be excepted for me and not others perseption of me. 89. My dogs, friends and family. 90. Luckiest mistake. I can’t think of one off the top of my head. 93. I have a lot of nicknames. Tweet, sweet pea, ninja, nerd, art and a short version of deadname 94. Winter and fall. Winter cause chilly and fall cause halloween. 96. My desktop picture is marvels Hawkeye 98. I love the renaissance for the art and myths.
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route22ny · 4 years
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By Chelsia Rose Marcius New York Daily News
Over the past several weeks, more than 500 U.S. military veterans have been buried at Long Island National Cemetery in Farmingdale and Calverton National Cemetery in Suffolk County without the customary ceremonial honors due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Here are eight of their stories as we honor their service on Memorial Day:
Edwin Garrison, 94 — Army; Calverton National Cemetery Edwin Garrison had written to his mother from England in the fall of 1944. The 18-year-old Army serviceman had heard World War II was coming to an end, and told her he would soon be home. Within three months, Garrison found himself in Vianden, Luxembourg, at the Battle of the Bulge — Adolf Hitler’s last major offensive campaign on the Western Front. “When we were youngsters, he never talked about the war,” said his daughter, Alice Garrison. “All we knew was that it was very cold and dark in those woods.” Garrison — a father of four, the husband of Elaine, and a member of the 1255th Engineer Combat Battalion that liberated Vianden — died May 7.
Keith Atkins, 59 — Private, Marine Corps; Calverton National Keith Atkins had walked proudly with his Marine Corps platoon at his graduation in 1979. He had just completed basic training in South Carolina, and Atkins, then 19, was in his formal dress blues featuring the Corps’ globe and anchor insignia. “We all piled in the van and drove down there to see him,” said his sister, Nicole Atkins, 51, who traveled with her family from Long Island for the big day. “I was a little kid, but I remember him having really shiny shoes. I thought he looked so handsome.” Atkins, of Mount Vernon, Westchester County, a father of four, stepfather to three, one of eight children and the husband of Adrienne Atkins, died May 11. “He loved life,” Nicole said. “His last days were some of the happiest, and that [gave us] peace.”
Jack Conyers, 94 — Sergeant, Army Air Forces; Long Island National Jack Conyers met his wife, Nohora, on a blind date four decades ago. A friend had set them up, and the pair — formerly married with children of their own — had not put much stock in finding love. That all changed when Nohora saw Conyers — a tall, dark and handsome man with a smile that made her melt. “Since the beginning, it was chemistry,” she said. “[It was there] until the end.” Conyers, of Valley Stream, L.I., died April 19 from coronavirus. He served in the Army Air Forces, the precursor to the Air Force, in Alaska during World War II. “The virus took my man away from me,” said Nohora, 81. “He was my best friend. I miss him every minute. I feel him around me.”
Beverly Cobbs Jr., 96 — Staff Sergeant, Army; Calverton National Beverly Cobbs Jr. sat with his son-in-law Barry Jackson on the Virginia Beach boardwalk about 20 years ago and told him about a time when he had to swerve out of enemy fire in the South Pacific. “His entire unit was driving down the road. The vehicle in front of him got shot, the vehicle behind him got shot, and all that was left was him,” said Jackson, 69, a Vietnam vet who had exchanged war stories with his “Papasan” — Vietnamese for “head of the family.’” “He saved the 10 people in his vehicle that day,” Jackson said of Cobbs — a World War II Army quartermaster sergeant from Charlottesville. “He was amazing … a totally gregarious, social Southern gentleman.” Cobbs, the husband of Geraldine, a father of three and one of six siblings, died April 16.
Alphonsus Apuzzo, 99 — Corporal, Army Air Forces; Long Island National Ten days after he tied the knot on May 17, 1943, Alphonsus Apuzzo left Manhattan for England to join the 8th Air Force 100th Bomb Group. Apuzzo, then 22, worked as a radar and radio operator on a B-17 bomber, flying 50 missions over Europe during World War II. When he returned to New York in 1945, he reunited with his wife, Anne, finished school at Fordham University and worked as a chemical engineer in the aviation industry. Apuzzo, a father of two from Uniondale, L.I., died May 12 — four months after the death of his spouse, and five days before their 77th wedding anniversary. “He called out my mother’s name, and then he died,” said his son Keith Apuzzo. “He had no desire to live. He just kept saying, ‘I want to be with your mother.’ ”
Cleveland Jessup, 73 — Specialist Fifth Class, Army; Long Island National Cleveland Jessup was drafted into the Army in 1966 as war raged in Vietnam. At only 20 years old, he had left his home in rural North Carolina and trekked to Georgia before heading to Virginia, Washington and finally to Germany — a journey that changed the life of this small-town Southern youth. “Coming from that part of the country at that time, it was a big deal for him,” said Jessup’s son, Kevin Jessup, 44. “He loved the entire thing — the traveling, seeing the world, the lessons that it taught him.” Jessup, a father of five and husband to Joyce Jessup, died April 19 from coronavirus.
Stephen Patti, 93 — S1, Staff, Navy; Long Island National Stephen Patti had watched his older brothers Paul and Sal head off to fight in World War II. At 17, he was too young to be drafted — but not too young to join. “He had to have his parents sign him in,” said Patti’s son, Stephen Patti. “He wanted to go.” Patti enlisted in the Navy in 1944 and sailed off to Normandy, France, as part of the D-Day invasion. Patti, a St. John’s University graduate, father of three and the husband of Joyce, died April 19 of coronavirus at his home in Brooklyn. “As a kid, I was proud that my father served,” his son said. “He believed in our rights, and he was willing to fight for that.”
Hyman Forte, 101 — Technician Fourth Grade, Army; Long Island National Hyman Forte had lost the will to live after his wife of 78 years died in April. He had married his sweetheart in Central Park before he left for World War II on his beloved’s birthday, Sept. 9, 1942. Forte had traveled to Fort Dix, N.J., and later to Hawaii, where he worked as a cook serving up chow to the troops. He returned to his wife, Mary, after the war, and stayed with her until her last breath. “He always used to call her ‘beauty.’ He’d say ‘that’s my gal,’ ” said Forte’s daughter, Monique Forte. “He just couldn’t live without her.” Forte, of Harlem — a father of five best known for his collard greens, honey glazed ham hocks, sweet biscuits and tender deboned turkey — died May 11.
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meta-squash · 4 years
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Journal For Plague Lovers part 6
Me And Stephen Hawking
“I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We have created life in our own image.” – stephen hawking –
1/ Underground car park born at Stonehenge Rivers Wyle, Bourne, [blacked out] destroying Queen mother stuffed for exhibition Three strikes yr out – execution – pizza 2/ Dante III, spider robot, Mount Spurrr Increased plastic surgery for pubic hair Sanitation police, crime of proportion. [blacked out] 3/ Paisleyism and ecumenism and cenotaph bombers [blacked out] wearing policing Soviet labour medals sold for Coca Cola [blacked out] 4/ [blacked out] 82 million watch Gorilla Meets Whale [blacked out] [blacked out]
Herman the bull and Tracy the sheep Transgenic milk containing human protein Their bacteria cheaper than lab baby food Attention, today it’s a cow, tomorrow it’s you
African Punch and Judy shows only rice price 100,000 watch Giant Haystacks Bombay fight Oh the joy, me and Stephen Hawking we laugh Missed the sex revolution when we failed the physical
hahahaha (joke)
[The image on the facing page is a marble sculpture titled St. Teresa in Ecstasy, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, finished in 1652. It is in the Roman church of Santa Maria della Vittoria. It features Theresa in a state of ecstasy as an angel descends to plunge his hands into her heart.]
Reference explanations:
Most of these references are based off of news articles Richey read in 1994, either general summary-like references or nearly direct quotes from articles, mostly from The Indepedent.*
The Stephen Hawking quote is from a speech he gave at Boston's Macworld Expo quoted in the 4th August 1994 issue of the Daily News. A similar quote is in his 1996 lecture Life In The Universe.
Stonehenge is a prehistoric ring of standing stones. It’s managed by English Heritage and owned by the Crown. It is associated with death and burial, and bodies have been excavated in the area around the site. It is aligned to the sunset of the winter solstice and the opposing sunrise of the summer solstice. The “underground car park” line is a reference to proposal made in 1994 to close the A303 and turn the road into an underground tunnel that will pass directly under the site of Stonehenge itself. (Apparently said proposal was approved November 2020.)
I think “Wyle” is a misspelling of “Wylye”, which is a river in south west England. River Bourne is nearby; both go through Wiltshire county. Said county contains the Salisbury Plain, which also contains Stonehenge. The Rivers Wylye and Bourne are both part of the Hampshire Avon catchment. In August ‘94 the county was granted a multi-million pound package to protect the catchment from pollution and monitor buildings developments and water flow rates.
The “queen mother” line may refer to the Queen Mother’s 90th birthday parade in 1990. The Queen mother celebrated her 94th birthday in 1994, and a few informal photos of her were released in The Mirror in an article about it.
“Three strikes yr out – execution – pizza” is a reference to the “three strikes rule” proposed in California. A rule was proposed 1994 and passed in 1995 that allowed someone to be sentenced to life in prison if it was their third repeat offense, and if they had a previous conviction for a violent offense. A man named Jerry Dewayne Williams was arrested July 30 1994 for stealing a slice of pizza and due to this law was later sentenced to 25 years to life.
Mount Spurr is an Alaskan mountain. Its last volcanic eruption was 1992. Dante II was a spider-like robot from NASA that explored Mt Spurr’s volcanic crater in order to gather information and entered the crater in July 1994. It managed to gather information but on the way out of the crater, got stuck in the mud and fell back into the crater. Not sure if “Dante III” is a mis-type.
Dante’s Inferno is about the main eponymous character entering Hell and traversing its rings in order to reach purgatory and then paradise to find his lover Beatrice.
“Increased plastic surgery for pubic hair” is a reference to an article in the The Independent on 27 August 1994 which talked about men getting plastic surgery and liposuction. (The article is titled “Men who want a perfect body,” which certainly hits upon one of Richey’s preoccupations.) It mentions that there are “more and more images for men to look at, in much the same way female images have been pushed for years.” In a paragraph about penis enlargement surgery, it mentions that a complication from said surgery can be ingrown pubic hairs.
“Sanitation police, crime of proportion.” is likely a reference to an article by Zoe Heller called “How I fell foul of New York’s sanitation police.” The Sanitation Police in NY are responsible for dealing with things like theft of recyclables, littering, illegal dumping, improper disposal of solid waste, etc. They can issue summonses for citizens who mix recyclable and non-recyclable materials (which, from what I can gather, is what the Heller article is about).
Ian Paisley was a loyalist politician and Protestant religious leader in Northern Ireland. He promoted a form of Biblical literalism and anti-Catholicism, which he described as “Bible Protestantism” In the mid-late 1960s, he led and instigated loyalist opposition to the Catholic civil rights movement in Northern Ireland. Throughout the Troubles, Paisley was seen as a firebrand and the face of hardline unionism. He opposed all attempts to resolve the conflict through power-sharing between unionists and Irish nationalists/republicans, and all attempts to involve the Republic of Ireland in Northern affairs. A retrospective article about him was published in The Independent in September 1994.
Ecumenism is any effort aimed at the unity of Christians throughout the world. Most often, it specifically means the visible unity of Christian churches in some form.
“Cenotaph bombers” is a reference to the Remembrance Day Bombing that took place 8 November 1987 in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland. An IRA bomb was detonated near a war memorial during a Remembrance Sunday ceremony. 11 people were killed and 63 injured. The IRA’s target had been soldiers parading to the memorial, not civilians. In August 1994, a ceasefire was announced by the Provisional IRA. In reaction to the ceasefire, Ian Paisley claimed that Northern Ireland would plummet into civil war.
“Soviet labour medals sold for Coca Cola.” The Soviet Union had medals for labour to honor workers for many years of hard work in the national economy, sciences, culture, education, manufacturing, healthcare, government agencies and public organizations. It was established in 1974 and stopped being awarded in 1991 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. There was an article in The Independent on 5 April 1994 about a new British embassy being built in Berlin. It mentioned that the Russian embassy was next door, and that Russian traders would sit across the street from the embassy and sell post-war bric-a-brac like Lenin flags and Hero Of Socialist Labour medals.
“82 million watch Gorilla Meets Whale” is a reference to Godzilla, because the original Japanese name “Gojira” is a portmanteau of the words “gorira” (gorilla) and “kojira” (whale). By 1994, over 82 million people had seen the first 20 Godzilla films. Richey got that figure from an article  in The Independent about the cultural history of the films and their critique of environmental and economic problems. The other thing I could find was a reference to the fact that Godzilla represented Japanese fear of nuclear testing etc: On March 1, 1954, the U.S. conducted a hydrogen bomb test called Bravo shot at Rongelap Atoll in the Marshall Islands. As a result of this nuclear test radioactive dust fell not only on many Marshall Islanders but famously on a Japanese tuna fishing boat called the 5th Lucky Dragon, irradiating all twenty-three fishermen. The effect of these nuclear tests on Japanese, a who had previously experienced the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the heels of the destruction by bombing of virtually all other major cities, was to strengthen anti-nuclear sentiments, giving rising to a powerful anti-nuclear movement that spread across Japan in the form of a citizens’ petition initiated by women opposing nuclear tests. The petition, the largest of its kind ever, was signed by 32 million Japanese. That August, the first Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs was held in Hiroshima. The 5th Lucky Dragon became the model for the boat called “Eiko Maru” attacked by Godzilla.
Herman the bull was the first genetically modified bovine in the world. Scientists injected the embryo with human gene coding for lactoferrin. Eight calves were born from Herman in 1994. All calves inherited the lactoferrin production gene.
Tracy the sheep was a transgenically modified sheep in Scotland, made to produce alpha 1-antitrypsin, which is a substance that was regarded in the 1990s as a potential pharmaceutical for the treatments of emphysema and cystic fibrosis. Alpha 1-antitrypsin comprised 50% of the total protein in Tracy’s milk.
“Attention, today it’s a cow, tomorrow it’s you” is an almost direct copy of an anti-genetic modification poster from the Dutch society for prevention of cruelty of animals, which portrays a topless woman with udders in place of breasts over the caption: 'Today a cow, tomorrow you.”
Punch and Judy was a traditional puppet show. It was usually very violent, with the characters of Punch and Judy (or Punch and another character) fighting and hitting each other. It is handled by a single puppeteer, and audiences are encourage to participate a la panto. It comes from commedia dell’arte.
“Only rice price” may be a reference to a 1976 film called Network. I may be making connections where there aren’t any, though. “What’s that got to do with the price of [blank]?” is a well known phrase (usually it’s “the price of tea in China”). In Network, “the price of rice” is the phrase used. The main character is a new broadcaster whose channel is failing, and he threatens to commit suicide on air. This causes the channel viewing to go up, so the heads of the channel decide to exploit this and allow the character to say whatever he wants and generally spew angry tirades. Eventually he is killed. But the “rice price” line comes from a monologue in which the character berates those watching the show, and tells them that they never read books or newspapers and that television is not news, it’s entertainment and amusement parks. Television is described as being able to make or break people, and as “indifferent to suffering, insensitive to joy. All of life is reduced to the common rubble of banality.”
Giant Haystacks was a wrestler in the 70s. He was 6′11″ and weigh 638 pounds. There’s no info about him ever being in a fight in Bombay. The “Bombay fight” line could be a reference to the Bombay Riots that occurred in 92/93, but again there doesn’t seem to be any connection to Giant Haystacks.
Stephen Hawking is a theoretical physicist and cosmologist. He suffered from ALS or motor neuron disease, which left him paralyzed and necessitated the use of a speech-generating communication device. He worked with theories on relativity and black holes (which I do not understand and could not explain because I am not a scientist.) In 1988 he wrote A Brief History Of Time. He died in 2018.
The sexual revolution was a social movement started in the 60s and continued through 80s which challenged certain sexual and relationship norms/conventions. It argued for freedom to sex before marriage, right to abortions and the pill or other forms of contraception, normalization of pornography, homosexuality, other forms of sexuality, and public nudity.
*Many, many thanks to a reddit user who messaged me with all of this new information!  They did a ton of research and found all these references in old newspaper archives and 80s/90s BBC documentaries, which I never would have thought to check.
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dallas-owns-my-ass · 4 years
43 + 94 :)
thank u so much for asking :)
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
oof thats a hard one man bc i always be wearin a hoodie with a jean jacket. 
94. favorite season?
summer. i just love that feeling of walking the streets with your friends in the summer and the heat bc it reminds me of my home country
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