#bones tv rant
luv-loo · 2 years
I’m gonna rant on some faves because boredom and so my mind doesn’t explode. SPOILERS AHEAD !!!
Max Mayfield — MY QUEEN. If Ryan Reynolds is every straight mans crush than Sadie Sink is my straight girl crush 😻 I remember watching season 2 and seeing her for the first time and felt SO HAPPY !! As a girl who has guy friends and (at the time) only hanged with them she made me so much less insecure about that fact. Her acting was on POINT season 4 and my fave thing the whole season and SHE STILL GOT THE END OF THE STICK. But season 3 Max doesn’t get enough love imo because let’s be real, she’s the real mpv for helping El to get in her own skin. Max & Sadie are my queens and I’ll make sure they are treated as MUCH.
Lance Sweets — HONESTLY WANT HIM TO BE MY OLDER BROTHER OKAY, or that cool uncle. I love him to DEATH. His dokiness, his smarts, his awkwardness & his weird as way of being a therapist to Bones & Booth but yeah know— I’ve already spoiled myself and I’m just SAD. I love Booth as well, but whenever he or Bones talk down to him pisses me right off. NO. HE IS APART OF THE FBI FOR A REASON YOU BABOONS. I love him with Daisy (even if she can be a bit overbearing at times) but I also low key ship him with Fisher simply by the fact there both high class NERDS. Anyway, love him.
Chrissy Cunningham — Unpopular opinion, but I felt Chrissy death more than both Barbs AND Eddies. Let me explain. Barb because she wasn’t really a fleshed out character imo, beside being Nancy’s smart and overly safe friend, but honestly Steve and Nancys relationship in S1 was cute imo and didn’t deserve half the shit it got from Barb. ANYWAY. I loved Eddie a lot, like all ST fans, but his death felt so rushed and so unsatisfactory to the plot and the end talk with Dustin & Eddie’s uncle just made me hate it more. Chrissy got character development from the moment she was on screen until her untimely demise. Her trauma was so real, something I kind of related to in my own way. I just loved her and it was the only time the season I actually shed a tear.
Rudy Wade — Probably the most unrecognisable name on the list, but Rudy is from S3-S5 of the British TV show Misfits, about powers and crap and it’s GREAT. Anyway, Rudy’s power is what I like to call “Emotional Doubles”. He basically has a double of himself but is all his bottled up emotions in that double. He’s a character I relate to way to much, mainly in the aspect of hiding emotions to the point it’s unhealthy. I’ve loved him since he appeared. He’s cocky, he’s hyper sexual (like a lot of British characters tbh), WAS depressed (I’m not sure if he still is) & basically dubbed himself the uncle of Finn (another character). I just love his personality, as well as his double, Rudy Too. The guy who plays them is SUCH a good actor because the two (plus a third, but we don’t talk about the ukulele villain) are the same person but he plays them so well that you can just tell in their faces which one is which. He’s just great and I love him OKAY?!
Neville Longbottom — I had my Harry Potter phase in and out for like 3 years now and every time I go back to Neville and I just can’t believe he was treated like THAT. My boy doesn’t deserve that shit man. Let him enjoy plants and kick some BLOODY ASS. He’s probably the one character I enjoy both in the movies and books that I didn’t have any complaints about (expect his thing with Luna, idk I’m very picky with ships when it comes to certain characters). He’s GREAT. He’s AMAZING. I just wanna give him a hug so much omg. Snape can die all over again by me for what he put Neville (and Harry and EVERYONE) through.
Ginny Weasley — I WILL NOT STAND GINNY SLANDER. She was done so dirty in the movies I’m still PISSED. She was basically my favourite in the books and than the movies royally pissed me off. The stage play was good though, Australian Ginny actress was great in it. I hate how they did all the Weasley dirty in the movies, but I can’t change anything so I’m just gonna rant. In the books she was the girl I wanted (and honestly still want) to be. She’s sporty, she’s pretty, she can talk to anyone and doesn’t take shit from anyone and we LOVE TO SEE IT. Her romance with Harry was kind of rushed at the end of the books, but better than the movies lol. She’s the best and I’m honestly slaty she really only got to name one child with someone she liked, aka Luna as her only daughters middle name.
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jeffersonianintern · 3 months

Angela: *aggressively throws water bottles*

Booth: Uh... what's up with her? 

Zack: she’s trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us.


Sweets, crying: It's working.
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bonefall · 5 months
could fern leaf be a former park cat or something that clear sky sends to spy on tall shadow & then defects? or, since she’s important to the rescue of star flower in the books, maybe she could be involved with one-eye somehow…? even though star flower is totally different now, so she doesn’t really Need rescuing from any situation she’s in that you’ve talked about so far. guess it depends on which aspects of the character best serve the story, and whether she would work better as part of DOTC proper or thunder’s SE
i also genuinely can’t remember if bb!clear sky’s original M.O. for his group is Tribe Cats Only, or if he is willing to take in anyone who kisses his ass enough. could make sense if fern leaf (or more accurately, any tom willing to vouch for her) appeals to clear sky enough. hell, maybe she could be a mole on one-eye’s behalf instead?
(Follow up ask to this post)
The new rub to the formation of the groups in BB is that there is two distinct cultures in the forest: Park Cats and Tribe Cats. They're divided by a language barrier, with the Park Cats speaking Parkmew and the Tribe cats speaking what we now call Old Tribemew.
So Clear Sky doesn't have the same "options" like canon. These ""rogues"" don't speak his language and he simply would not learn even if the chance was offered to him. It doesn't even really cross his mind that these are full people to reach out to; in his mind they're intruders. The flavor of bigotry in the modern era hasn't quite evolved yet, so he has the most straightforward kind of xenophobia you can imagine.
He only starts changing his mind after the First Battle, after his revelation, when he's back on his bullshit in Thunderstar's Justice. In my head it's kind of like... a mockery of Thunder Storm's way of life, that allowed him to live in defiance of him for so long. "See, now I do what you do. Since Gray Wing approved of you so much." kinda thing
There's two park cat groups; The River Kingdom, and The Wind Coalition.
The first conflict the Sun Trail Pioneers run into is with WindCo up on the moor, who chases them down into the forest! The Park cats who lived in the forest weren't united, just various individuals that had little "homestead" territories.
The conflicts with them start after the Shadow/Sky split that follows the death of Jagged Peak. Shadow's Clan moved eastward into the caves at Snakerocks, where no one bothered them, but Sky's Clan started getting hostile towards the little homesteads and pushing cats westward, back to the River Kingdom.
SO with that recap out of the way...
I have two and a half-ish cats already that I'm heavily interested in using to turn on Clear Sky for Thunder's Clan. So I'm not sure how to slot Fern Leaf in there.
1: Snake. Snake is the only cat in-canon who said that maybe Clear Sky shouldn't be their leader after letting One Eye into the Clan against all warnings, and then he gets DOGPILED for it, and the very next book shoves him into the arms of Slash to undermine the fact that they accidentally gave him a good fucking point.
I'm RIDICULOUSLY fond of him because of this. I love him out of spite. I've spoken before about how I plan for him to be a Tribe-descended cat, and a lot of that is because I want to keep his goon roles serving Clear Sky. One of which is that he is going to badly injure Sunlit Frost in the First Battle.
So thinking about it... it makes the most sense for Snake to turn on Clear Sky in Thunderstar's Justice. Still unsure when. But if I have any roles where a cat needs to get help, stop a battle, or call Clear Sky out for making a really bad decision, it's gotta be him.
I'll keep him in my hand for a while; this feels like a piece that will fall into place.
I'm also unsure of what family he's going into. I keep waffling on it. I'm leaning towards the Claw family and possibly the son of Fox, since he's going to be living a bit longer. He's going to be about the same age as Thunder Storm, maybe a bit older.
2: Red Claw Since Acorn Fur is now Acorn Swoop, and she's not nonsensically going to go join the guy who killed both of her parents because it would be too sad to go home where they're not alive, her love interest has to end up in Thunder's Clan.
I'm already pretty committed to making Petal into Petal Claw and Fox into Fox Claw, so it follows that Red Claw would be in the family. Thinking about it, maybe Red should be the son of Fox instead...
Especially because he could defect earlier. Moth Flight's Vision is totally overhauled anyway and I'm planning to shift a lot of the original plot to something for another character anyway...
Plus, enemies-to-lovers is fun and I haven't really had a chance to do it yet. Acorn Swoop is absolutely the kind of punk who would nab one of her worst enemy's best soldiers, and the type of nerd who would frame it like her biggest catch yet.
And most relevantly... this is leaving Fern Leaf's backstory up in the air. Him leading a dog pack into the heart of camp and getting Beech and Frog killed is what kicked off the Bunny Bones plot of the original MFV that I like so much, and I feel like it's an important part of Fern Leaf.
So not only am I here planning Red Claw as a high priority for being someone to turn against Clear Sky, but also, he complicates Fern Leaf a bit.
Maybe I should step back a bit on the two and start from scratch with them, and replace their backstories with new ones that preserve the "emotional core." I'll have to think about it.
That 1/2 Cat: Alder or Birch The kits that are stolen from Misty, that queen who was murdered by Clear Sky and whose kits are given to Petal. In BB, that's something I want to examine for how fucked up it is. It becomes the basis of Kit Stealing later, an awful practice that the Clans will struggle with for many generations.
These ones are SUPER important, but I say 1/2 because it doesn't have to be Thunder's Clan they turn for. But I do want one of them to eventually learn their origin, and end up finding their family in River Kingdom or the Wind Coalition.
I mention them because I keep going back and forth on if they're going to get combined with other characters. Basically imagine me next to a big conspiracy chart and I'm connecting a big red line between possible plot threads back to Fern Leaf. Maybe her? Maybe she can be one of the stolen kits?
I could even make it so Birch is actually an older sibling, or a half-sibling, or one from the same litter who was saved... maybe even end up making it a litter of 4. Slots in well with her canon story, too, where she mentions her mother abandoned her.
The truth can be that it was a lie. Her mother didn't abandon her. One of them was murdered and the other was chased off.
And, of course, I could save her to be a "One Eye Cultist." None of my drafts so far have brought in any extra followers of One Eye who will follow him from place-to-place besides Star Flower herself. I would like to add some, and that's a fine place for Fern Leaf, but somehow I feel like I can do her better.
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multi-fandom-bi · 9 months
I'm going on another rant, but this time I have a backstroy to it:
I was watching SoC content on tiktok (as one does) and I came across a video and in the comment section of that video somebody said that El Tango De Roxanne is Kanej coded (like Kaz's pov of Inej's time in the Menagerie) and I was intrigued so I went and listened to it and oh my god.
If you want you can go ahead and listen to the song on Spotify so you can draw your own conclusion, but this is my conclusion ( I have basically postponed this post cuz I was shocked at how well this song fits with Kanej)
In this post I wanna focus on two lines from the whole song:
"You're free to leave
Just don't deceive me"
because they are the most Kanej thing I have ever heard
Basically, if we are looking at this song as Kaz's thoughts/pov of Inej's time in the Menagerie (wich it totally is) we are hearing Kaz's thoughts on Inej's time as a slave and basically showing that Kaz is aware how bad that year was for Inej and how bad Inej wants her freedom.
The "You're free to leave me" part shows that Kaz is willing to keep true to his words: "I'm not going to be another person who will mark her (Inej)" (I don't actually know if this is the quote, cuz I couldn't find it). This part is just Kaz saying that he is going to give her the independence she deserves and the means to reach that idependence telling her that she is free from Ketterdam's shady businesses. Free from him. He's trying to tell her that he won't blame her of she chooses to never come back
The next line "Just don't deceive me", is a cousin of sorts to the saying that keeps getting thrown around in the books and that (in my opinion) is very important in Kaz's and Inej's relationship: "Better harsh truths than kind lies". This line kinda reads to me as Kaz begging Inej to just tell him the truth. If she really is going to come back in Ketterdam and that she isn't just saying that and then she never does actually go back. Kaz doesn't want to keep waiting for her, hopefull that she will come back to him and then she never sets foot on Ketterdam's docks again. After all, hope is dangerous. He doesn't want to get his hopes up, he'd rather be told straight up that she hates him and hates that city rather then being told whatever kind lies Inej may come up with. Kaz loves Inej, that's a no brainer, but he will let her go if she says that she doesn't want anything to do with him.
If you ever heard the saying "If you love someone, let them go" then these lines are basically the same thing. Kaz lets Inej go, get her freedom back, not really expecting to ever see her again because he loves her. Yes, his feelings are hurt as hell (even tho he will never admit it), but Inej is happy and when you love someone you put their happiness in front of your own. Letting them go when you know they need to be let go, hopping and praying that they love you enough to come back.
While Kaz might say he's a demon, and while that's true in some cases, as we've seen in the books, his humanity isn't completely extinguished. Especially when it comes to Inej.
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treblrebl · 9 months
Cam - The Unsung
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Booth should add Cam's name to his list of saints. That woman has one HELL of a thankless job as the administrator of the Medico-Legal lab. The irony of her position is that the better she does her job, the less it looks like her position is needed. And being the calm, steady one in a team full of highly individualistic, radical personalities means that her own specialized intelligence often gets ignored. When you have 'works-on-a different-plane-of-thought' Brennan, affable-yet-utterly-mad scientist Hodgins, and queen-of-lateral-thinking Angela on your team, your astute leadership skills and pathological expertise are not given their due importance.
Which is a bloody travesty. The Medico-Legal lab's job is not only to determine the truth, but also to make certain that the analysis can be utilized and presented successfully in court. Before Cam, the team was essentially a group of genius scientists working on individual remains on an as-is basis. Booth was correct in Season 2 when he told Brennan that Cam's objective is to ensure a successful prosecution. And in order to safeguard the findings of the team from being thrown out on a legal technicality, she is bound by the rules of the Justice Dept, the FBI and the Jeffersonian board. It sucks that time and again her team chastise her for doing so.
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I mean the poor woman was treated like a traitor by her team for not lying to the authorities when Brennan was framed by Pelant. I mean, sure Angela, Cam should just lie about the evidence implicating Brennan. It's not like evidence in murder cases has a long chain of custody, and any fudging would be soon discovered. It's not as though Cam wouldn't immediately nuke her career and possibly her freedom by actively sabotaging a Federal murder inquiry.
And look - I love Hodgins but I'm surprised how fans of the show either ignore or simply brush over the times he blatantly uses his financial privilege without considering the ramifications to other people. I mean seriously, do we really think he would be so free to full off half his shenanigans if he wasn't the last scion of the Cantilever group, and thus enjoyed donor privilege? He regularly swipes items from other departments and exhibits, often without approval. He brews alcohol in Jeffersonian owned instruments and sets off minor explosions. His intentions are never ever malicious, and he is genuinely an adult version of the boy who loved to take everything apart to see how things worked. But let's face it - ANY other person would have faced severe consequences for these actions. Remember the Founder's Day party? It would have been Cam's job to take the heat for the decimated Mexican succulents and unauthorized drinking in the workplace. I wonder just how much she's shielded her team from - and whether she's ever been acknowledged.
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Gods even in the episode where Wendell comes back after his chemo and lets Cam know that he takes medical marijuana to deal with the pain - did she have ANY recourse but to let him go? She stuck her neck out for Finn but Caroline bulldozed her, and with justifiable reason. She was stuck between the same rock and hard place with Wendell. And wow, the way Angela and Hodgins immediately painted her as a moustache twirling villain laughing at Wendell's pain infuriated me. They should realize how hypocritical their stance is - after all when Brennan left for Maluku and Booth for Afghanistan they had a proper cause and mission. Hodgins and Angela left simply because they could, and because they didn't want to put in the effort of breaking in a new team, however temporarily. Cam was left in the dust.
So here's to Camille Saroyan - woman of infinite patience, empathy and the ability to handle rambunctious adults. May she one day get the recognition she deserves.
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eeeeereer · 2 years
Bones is the best tv show. I’m talking good lgbt rep . Good POC rep. God trans rep. Respectful discussions/debates about culture and religion. Appreciation for all cultures even Wiccan and others that are labeled as “unclean” in most of society. Everyone was so respectful about everything and it was so good. They talked about really difficult subjects and it was just arghhh and I am so glad this show has 12 seasons because any less than 10 would be a crime and I have so many feelings about this. And I absolutely love Temperance and I relate to her so much and I lived Zach but I especially love how he betrayed everyone because it was written so good. And Angela being queer and not liking labels. And booth being a good catholic but having a kid out of wedlock and Hodgins being a total conspiracy freak but working for the government and I could write a full ten page paper on this show and it bot be enough
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squintern-supremacy · 10 months
is lance sweets rly queercoded in the later bones seasons or is it just me (its just me)
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sxndxyy · 3 months
i feel so fucking bad for him dude this episode is making my heart wrench im so upset,
the way his voice quivers and how he was just sitting there alone in that room replaying the gravedigger’s last words that were demeaning him is so fucking sad
i try to only watch the serious story based episodes when im at home so i have a lot to watch help butBUT IM GONNA STOMAHC THIS ONE I CAN DO IT.
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shiningsuki · 6 months
ah ha ha i just finished crooked kingdom and in lieu of the shadow and bone series cancellation, no one talk to me
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cosmxc-ars3hol3 · 4 months
netflix has prematurely cancelled shadow and bone and the six of crows spin off! please sign the petition to get it back! even if you havent watched the show, please sign! we are so close to the goal and we can do this, it has been done before!
please share the link everywhere, and if you can, stream the show as much as you can! good ratings get shows renewed
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loneswaggingranger · 1 year
snb season 2 spoilers below!
Kaz Brekker revealing that he knows Jesper is a Durast after Jesper notices his weakness/aversion to touch is such a Kaz thing of him to do. That tit-for-tat, 'protect me and I'll protect you' mentality because he genuinely can't feel like he owes Jesper something for trying to relieve him in that moment of panic, or even knowing that he has a weakness and not choosing to use it against him. Insurance against his friends. oh kazzle dazzle.
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local-diavolo-anon · 5 months
I am this fucking close to start writing a mock up Bones x jeff the killer crossover episode oneshot
Stop me now
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jeffersonianintern · 3 months
While watching ‘Bones’ I had told my mom that I am very much attracted to ‘smart guys’, she was all like : “ooohhh Booth and his smart-“
No. Mother.
I mean Vincent Nigel-Murray and his cute ass face and funny hair. I wanna listen to this man rant about any facts he wants to while he dissects bones or some shit. sue me but that’s HOT. Tall lanky men that look like wet cats are my weakness.
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yousignedupforthis · 7 months
I've said this before but now all the more reason why we should go back to really popular books being made into absolutely iconic movie series because there's just a Vibe there that is not replicated in tv shows and also now there's the fact that tv shows are under constant threat of cancellation
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sleepless-crows · 2 years
I was always confused how they were going to portray the Crows' backstories in the show because they aged them up and I wondered if they were also going to age up their backstory character age.
Like are they going to make Kaz 10 when Jordie died? Was Inej still 14 when she got kidnapped and sold?
And I was just watching the show again and show!Inej said she was taken when she was 14. So I think we're getting the same timeline backstories.
But now I'm confused as to what happened in the gap because they aged the characters up, shouldn't they be more experienced or at least in the same level as they were in the first book? Or are the actors playing teenagers?
I don't know anymore.
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kazbrekkerfast · 1 year
ok so I was rewatching episode 4 of season 2 yesterday and my mum ended up arriving back home at the start of the whole kaz taking down pekka scene and she was so invested but because she has never watched the show she thought kaz was the bad person and had killed alby and I had to pause it right after and explain how no he's not a bad person he's just very traumatized and has a lot of anger and everything about him and his backstory and then I skipped to the wesper scene and my mum was just say there looking so happy like she has no idea who these characters are aside from my lil rundown of their first meeting and stuff but she sat there doing the "these are now my children" look and it made me so happy
I did then dump my entire hyperfixation on her and rant about the crows for a solid hour but I think I've concerted her
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