#bonus garnet
murdrdocs · 5 months
College!Art Donaldson is making me go feral
genuienly ive never needed anyone more. he looks like the type of guy i would see in line for my campus chick fil a and he's wearing that exact outfit (backwards cap, red shirt w a white shirt layered under, shorts, slides w long socks) and he's laughing w patrick and his arms are crossed over his chest and he orders a #2 w chick fil a sauce and the entire time im swooning behind him.
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backburnerdio · 2 years
Bonus Scene
It's like that scene from Lilo and Stitch, except it's Garnet coming into Ryker's office with his bass guitar using Beau as an amp.
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trilobitepunch · 2 months
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I wanted to do a side-by-side of all the purple ink I have and did not realize I had so many...
Figured a fun way to do it would be in shades of Donnie so here's Mister Emotionally Unavailable from left to right:
Troublemaker Inks - Milky Ocean (I only included this one because it has a weird pink shading that makes it tend towards purple but it didn't show up too well here)
Birmingham Pen Co. - Huckleberry
Kala Nostalgia - Mongolian Sandstorm
Wearingeul - Verethragna
Wearingeul - Jane Eyre
Kala Gemstone Nostalgia - Star Garnet
Vinta Inks - Bodabil
Sailor Shikiori - Kazakiribane (weirdly showing more green sheening than Bodabil!)
Sailor Yurameku - Date Gokoro
Sailor Studio - 252
Ferris Wheel Press - Blushing Mushroom
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aaand bonus Donnie sketches in the last ink, not that you can see the shimmer but I still like the color!
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intotheelliwoods · 9 days
Ok, ok, hear me out…
Poptart and Sprout meditating, and they’re in like a mindscape, and it’s filled with butterflies, like in Steven Universe when Garnet meditates with Stevonie ^^
First and foremost, I got the best fanart of this idea from @leisi-lilacdreams which can be seen here!
BUT..... I wanted to try my hand at it thanks to someone on discord! Ended up doing this
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no context bonus:
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purplealmonds · 9 months
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Continuing to fire on all cylinders to make this Sky 🤝Mononoke collab a reality! 🐲⚖️🌊
Process GIFs and artist commentary below the cut. ⬇️
Left: Process GIF Middle: Just the background, cos I really like how it looks! Right: Illustration without the collab logo
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And here are my notes on my inspirations and references. There's a lot of 'em, so instead of embedding relevant images one by one I put them in a callout sheet! For accessibility, I also included transcript (with bonus ramblings) below each sheet.
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Ofuda circle modeled in Google Sketchup 2017, then lightly transformed in Photoshop to flare out. I tried my best to hand-draw these, but it the results came out really clunky and stiff. I figured if Mononoke shamelessly utilizes 3D in their show, I can too!
Krill and sky kid composition roughly inspired by the Ayakashi DVD cover illustration. On the surface level, the krill's black-and-red color scheme mirrored that of the bake-neko. Not to mention, in the world of Sky, the krill would be the best fit of a mononoke-like entity. The red background is also a nod to the red skies seen during a shard eruption in Sky.
Sky kid gesture based on the Festival Spin Dancer's Tier 3 poses and the Medicine Seller's iconic pose in the Zakishiwarahi episode as inspiration. This was the idea which springboarded this illustration into existence. I wanted to do my take of the Medicine Seller's pose, but in a more dynamic manner: rotate the pose to a profile position and set the ofuda in a diagonal, flared out arrangement.
Cape inspired by tenbin design featured in the 2024 Mononoke movie. This one's an interesting one - I wanted the cape to be a stiff material that doesn't "flap" when in flight - similar to the Aurora wing capes. It ended up looking like a kite of sorts, which I'm not entirely opposed to! I haven't had the opportunity to showcase the back view of this cape design, but I envision it having some mechanical aspects to it - the "wing" which are flared out in this illustration fold in like moth wings, and a little bell is attached to the "tail" part and it jingles a little whenever the sky kid flaps!
Bandana is based on the Scaredy Cadet's hairstyle from the Season of Assembly. Mask design utilizes the 2023 Days of Style mask and the Nintendo Pack mask as bases. Pretty self-explanatory. I basically went onto the Sky wiki and found the cosmetics that most closely matched what I was looking for. Then if necessary, I went to the Office space to do photoshoots to get the appropriate camera angles for them all.
Seasonal pendant inspired by the classic Medicine Seller's necklace and the eye motif featured in the 2024 Mononoke movie. Possibly the only one-to-one homage to the classic Medicine Seller design here, but his garnet necklace was too good of a match to the seasonal pendant. A side tangent: does the new Medicine Seller possess a necklace, let alone a mirror? So far all the shots of him don't feature it. Fascinating.
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Dark dragon krill anatomy references a custom figurine crafted by @/escaflowne_n07 on Twitter. Until I found this, I was honestly at a loss finding reference for this - be it on the internet or during in-game photoshoots. The lighting on the krill in-game focused on its menacing silhouette rather than its structure. And not to mention, getting a close-up shot almost always set off the dark creature's aggro. I have no idea how this guy found the references to put this model together - well done!
Mantas, elder constellations, and sun dog references murals in the Cave of Prophecy. Krill aside, the overall illustration was leaning a little too much towards Mononoke so I tried finding opportunities to insert more Sky into it. Added bonus is that now there's storytelling in the background: during a shard eruption, a giant krill rises from the frothing waves of dark water to hunt down a flock of mantas.
Clouds behind the sun dog reference the ones featuring heavily in the Umibozu episode. This illustration has a lot of ocean theming, so I figured this would be appropriate.
Rendering style of the background is lightly inspired by the 2007 Mononoke illustration. Mainly having a 2D inked style to contrast with the more polished render of the sky kid. Funnily enough, this was a tertiary inspiration, which lead to the discovery in the next point!
Dark water waves and sun dog composition heavily references Hokusai's "The Great Wave". The waves were modified to be bottle-green of the Golden Wasteland's dark waters. The sun dog is in the spot where Mt. Fuji is in the original composition. these were all hand-drawn by the way! I merely emulated the style of the source material. As a side note, I also borrowed the spotted sea spray rendering for the krill's red spotlight.
Background pattern taken from the ofuda design featured in the 2024 Mononoke movie poster. Mainly to add some gritty texture to the sky. I worked pretty hard to replicate this ofuda design as a high-res asset so I wanted to use it more!
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voidlesscreator · 5 months
Core Fusion AU
The people that live in the Infinite Realms are able to fuse like gems in Steven Universe. Why you may ask? It's because their body is made up of ectoplasm that comes from their core, which is very similar to how a gem's form is made up of light and comes from their gem itself.
Fusions occur when two or more ghosts share a similar strong emotion or obsession, such as protection, love or hate. The fusion is a state where the occupants share thoughts and work together to operate a single body, so a lot of trust needs to be present or a singular goal in both minds.
Core Fusions also merge unique powers together to strengthen or link them together more.
Due to this, core fusions are typically seen as a way to show trust in any form or bond between ghosts, and as a way to strengthen forces and power.
Danny is probably able to fuse with ghosts and humans but was never told that it was possible for him bc he's half-human.
Now, this could work for both Dp x Dc and Dp x BNHA.
Dp x Dc
Danny can fuse with people who have been touched by death or have been dead and came back (like Jason).
The fusion would be a physical form that mixes both or more appearances while their cores (pseudo or not) appear as jewellery they wear as the fusion, which changes depending on the fusion.
Since I'm fixated on the dead on main ship right now, let's say that Jason is the one to core fuse with Danny first, and there can be an in depth backstory on how they meet and leads up to the core fusion, and it helps with the pit rage. Danny takes them to either Frostbite or Clockwork to figure out what is going on and they learn about core fusion and how it works.
-possible plot idea ahead-
In Gotham, Red Hood has been MIA for several months from both being a vigilante and a crime boas, and the rest of the batfam are freaking out about it; especially since a new crime boss has come into play going by "The Monarch" or "JD Fent" (The Monarch plays into Danny being either Ghost King or an adjacent role in the Infinite realms, and the JD Fent is a mix of their names bc I think it's cool :D).
Meanwhile, Jason and Danny have been chilling together using core fusion to keep away from the batfam and have been improving Crime Alley with Danny's inherited chaotic mad scientist gene being used to harness ectoplasm as a renewable energy since Gotham has a large quantity of it (bonus points if the ectoplasm can be re-filtered to be safely used again for power).
The GIW or another ghost could show up in Gotham to hunt down JD and the batfam accidentally get captured since a lot of them have died (I think??).
Cue a garnet-style reunion and a "stronger than you" scene before escaping and telling the rest of the batfam the truth.
Similar to the other one, but quirks count as mini-cores and that's how people gain their powers. Quirkless people don't have cores and therefore don't have powers.
Danny could be able to fuse with the previous OFA users and just pull them out of Izuku or they could just fuse by Danny grabbing onto Izuku when using his quirk in a fight.
And I'm just imagining during one of the fights Danny grabs onto Izuku and a flash of light shoots out and once the light clears, Danny is gone and a person with three sets of arms with an appearance similar to Danny's and the other OFA users mixed into one before battling it out with the LOV.
Please let me know if anything doesn't seem like it works! And this prompt is free to use by anyone if they want to! :]
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satirn · 1 month
if Jimmy and Timmy get married, how would the wedding go? Who proposes to the other? how does the proposal go?
this is the best ask ever i forgot how much i love schmaltz <3<3. heres some quick doodles as a bonus <3
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as for the wedding and events proceeding, i think its go well! they deserve a little break from the stuff in their life, as a treat /q. Unless something like the syndicate crashes their party (i.. dont think theyd be that evil to do that tbh, i havent really dabbled w them story wise but idk, its a wedding im sure they'd be civil for once..) or some interuniversal threat pops up that needs their immediate action (something like garnet's wedding from su). which tbh would probably inhance the expirence for timmy, hes a straight menace and thinks stuff like that is awesome </3. but anyways
in general relationship stuff timmy may be the more forward one but i think jimmy would be the one to establish the milestones, plus that hes more traditional in my characterization of him. that being said, timmy would totally unintentionally propose or joke about marrying him and jimmy would 100% take him up on that with no hesitation.
now onto wedding stuff bc damn do i have a soft spot for this kinda stuff <3<3
the flowers i chose are forget-me-nots and pink / peachy orange aster flowers with a touch of roses in those same colors as well. i implore you to look up the flower meanings i had fun w em <3
I chose the color peach/a coral (is that what that color is ??) for the wedding because its a combo of timmy's pink and jimmy's redish orange (vermillion ?). i just think combining their colors when it comes to ships is just so so CUTE <3<3<3. this is also why that jimmytimmy painting i did a while back has primarily those colors <3. it didn't fit the theme but timmy wanted them so he gets a green, hot magenta pink, and purple flowers for his suit so his only family that loves him can be there.
this is uhh kinda angst implied but it wouldn't be something i made without a bit of angst <3. timmy's biological family would not be there, his mother would probably call once she heard that he got married but timmy decided to abandon that life and those people for good, and for the better tbh. the rest of the nicktoons unite crew would be there + maybe their plus one ig, but dib instead of zim, or maybe them both (zim wants to look normal so attends these events where its expected u show up yk, and dib follows bc clearly. hehe). cindy would probably arrive and agree to being a bridesmaid to show she isnt homophobic but would probably cry and/or drink in a corner the whole time </3, losing both of her boyfriend prospects at once /j
when they toss the bouquet danny is the one who catches it.. he looks over to manny and they share a flustered look while everyone else cheers <3
this is how id imagine it to go at least, there might be more sketches of this in the future i just gotta clean em up first </3. aaah this post is so long </3. told u i loved this kinda stuff SHHSHUSH !! <3<3<3
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styrmwb · 3 months
References to Previous Final Fantasies in Dawntrail
Or, how 9 + 11 + 6 = 14, somehow. (SPOILERS, OBVIOUSLY)
I've played every mainline FF, plus a few others, so one of my favorite things about playing XIV is seeing what they do with previous FFs, and how they incorporate it into the world/story. Dawntrail very very much did this, to the point that I could literally predict plot points before they happened. (THIS IS NOT A COMPLAINT I LOVED THIS)
So I figured I would put down my fanboying in text form, for people to read the insanity of a madman who has played too many JRPGs from a single series.
Note: I have not completed every single side quest, but I have done the entire MSQ, every dungeon, and 3/5 of the role quests. This isn't a complete collection, just what I noticed :)
Krile's "real name" is Maya. The original Krile in FFV was Krile Meyer Baldesion. (XIV might also have the middle name but I don't remember! I'm gonna put it here regardless!)
Valigarmanda is the first Esper you encounter in VI, right at the start of the game. Its summon attack is Tri-Disaster. I really liked how they kept it frozen in ice, just like the original, and because Tri-Disaster is a SMN ability, they changed it to Tulidisaster to fit the Tural location.
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Pictomancer was first in VI as well, being Relm's job. She even got to be in XIV as well, being credited as the Archon who created the art (HA). Shoutouts to the Relm reborn joke it needed to happen
One of the two most important games in this expansion. There is A Lot here.
The preorder bonus/deluxe edition had a Wind-Up Zidane and Garnet, the two main protagonists of FFIX.
Alexandria is lifted directly from IX. The name, the style of the buildings, and even the castle with the crystal popping out of the top, shown in the dungeon and in Yesterland in Living Memory.
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(This is the Dissidia NT version, but I wanted a picture that showed the castle and the roof architecture)
Solution Nine is named after one of Zidane's Dyne abilities. While not direct, Living Memory, the final zone, is very reminiscent of Memoria, the final dungeon of IX. I wonder if you can get a special sword by completing the entire MSQ in under 2 hours?
Living Memory also features quite a few locations from IX. The Canal Town looks very similar to Treno, and features a location called the Daguerreo Medical Collection, named after the city as well. Underneath Proto Alexandria in Yesterland, where the data terminal lies, looks very similar to the part of Alexandria Castle where Steiner can grind to level 99 (I don't know how else to describe it if you know you know). In the Windspath Gardens lies the Cleyra Museum of Nature, also named after the IX city.
Some quest text in Living Memory tells you about other locations in the Unlost World. Lindblum, the city that holds hunts and is very technologically advanced; Conde Petie, where the Dwarves are from (mentioned by a Milalla who said he was from there), and the Iifa Tree. There might even be more here, that I either missed or haven't done yet.
Another quest has you go on a treasure hunt for a password. This password? "I Want to Be Your Canary", the play from FFIX.
Solution Nine has a couple buildings with monsters from IX as signs. One building features a Mu (Which is also mentioned in Living Memory), and another building features Yans, both friendly and not friendly.
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Another monster that I noticed a reference to was the Gimme Cat, which is featured on the popcorn in Living Memory. It's also mentioned as an energy drink, but called a "Gimme Bat" instead? I guess it does have bat wings.
While XIV doesn't have any direct plot important characters from IX, the ones we do have are very reminiscent of its cast, and clearly are done like that on purpose.
Otis is Steiner (with maybe a little tiny bit of Beatrix depending on how you look at it). Captain of the Knights of Alexandria, he speaks in an older fashion, similar to Steiner, and is very loyal to his princess.
Sphene is an interesting mix. The most obvious one is Garnet, both being Queens of Alexandria, being named after stones, and loving their people. The other one, which might be argued isn't intended, is Garland.
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(No, not those guys. The other one.)
Garland in IX is an artificial being whose purpose is to continue his world's life. To do this, he would try to fuse Terra (his planet), with Gaia (the main planet), and control Gaian souls for Terra instead. What did Sphene do? Try to fuse her reflection with the Source, to use their souls for her own people. I personally think this is a very clear similarity.
In general, because of this similarity, the latter half of Dawntrail shares very similar themes with IX's plots, dealing with death and souls. I also think it's pretty funny that both start out pretty happy and cartoony, and end fairly depressing and existential.
Another plot point used in the MSQ is the play sequence. While IX's is based off love, and XIV's is the history of Alexandria, both feature a sword fight scene. (99 out of 100 nobles approve).
Finally, several songs from IX are used in Dawntrail. In the above mentioned play, Swords of Fury plays, just like the original. And a few scenes later, Vamo'alla Flamenco (previously used for the DNC quests) plays, though it should have been during the sword fight!! Prima Vista Orchestra and Fleeting Life are used in several scenes, usually involving Sphene. Something to Protect also appears, but in a scene I can't recall. Finally, the Court Jesters' theme gets a remix as the main song in the Strayborough Deadwalk.
There is a singular joke in Heritage Found made about dodging lightning bolts right before the flash so they don't hit you. The person who wrote this line wanted to induce PTSD in as many people as they could with only a single line of dialogue.
The other most important game in the expansion. In a way, Dawntrail FEELS like it could have been an XI expansion in another lifetime. I might be looking too much into it, but I feel as though this was foreshadowed back in the first patch of Endwalker, as Dawntrail takes A LOT from the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion.
In Endwalker, the Alzadaal's Legacy dungeon was based off of the Alzadaal Underwater Ruins in Aht Urhgan. The dungeon used many models from XI, such as the Rampart, the Xzomit (hell yes!), and the Acrolith. The dungeon had a visual similarity, as well as the areas in the dungeon being named after zones in Aht Urhgan (Bhaflau Thickets, Arrapago Reef, and Mount Zhayolm). I know this is Endwalker and not Dawntrail but trust me it's important for the foreshadowing.
Gulool Ja Ja was a boss in the Besieged mode of ToAU, leading the Mamool Ja Savages to assault Al Zahbi. Both incarnations of this character are VERY different from each other.
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Similarly, Gurfurlur was also a boss in Besieged, leading the Troll Mercenaries. It's very funny to me that both of these warmongers became such nice people in Tural.
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The Yok Huy as a whole are actually Trolls from XI. The different name I assume coming from the fact that Trolls are already an enemy in XIV, in Labyrinthos.
While this isn't direct, and is probably unintentional, the fact that the final boss in Vanguard was a naga/lamia like entity only makes me wonder if it was somehow a callback to Medusa and the Undead Swarm, the last remaining Besieged invaders.
Zoraal Ja is a Notorious Monster in the areas around Aht Urhgan.
To continue on with Mamool Ja facts, Mamook is an area in ToAU. They don't look very similar, but they do both share the title of Autarch as their ruler. Mamool Ja in general come from XI, so it's no surprise that in the expansion that well, expands on them, it uses XI for inspiration.
This next one might be a little insane. The general plot of Treasures of Aht Urhgan, is that after killing Promathia, a god that wishes to end all life, the Adventurer goes to a completely different area to have a relatively calmer adventure. Here, they meet a female member of royalty named Aphmau. Her brother, Razfahd, unable to rule over the country, has a conquering nature, and uses an Automaton body to control Alexander for his goals. This... can't be a coincidence, right?? We kill the Endsinger, who wanted to end all life, go to a completely different area to have a relatively calmer adventure with our female member of royalty, Wuk Lamat, and we fight against Zoraal Ja, her war hungry brother that is unable to rule, so he uses the power of Alexandria (a mech suit) for his goals. You... you see what I'm cooking here right??? RIGHT!?!?!
To piggyback off of this, Wuk Lamat very much fits the role of the XI heroine. A girl who is very clearly the main character of the story, and hangs around you more than anyone else.
Edit: one last thing that I forgot to put down before posting, one of the hunts uses the Magic Pot model from XI. We love Magic Pot.
I THINK that should be everything I found? I know for a fact we're going to get more since the Alliance Raids are based of off XI (I'm so excited)
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A couple enemy models were used from XIII.
The Silver Lobos in Urqopacha use the XIII model. I'm fairly sure they've never been used in XIV yet, but I could be wrong.
Similarly, the Strayborough Deadwalk uses the Gremlin/Ahriman enemies. I do not think they've been used before this, feel free to yell at me if I'm wrong :)
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While not like, direct, the concept of erasing the memories of anyone who has died (especially seen as a blessing) was a major plot point of Type-0's world.
I think that's everything? My memory isn't the greatest, so I'm sure there's something I noticed that I missed, and again; I haven't done everything, so there might be even more out there that I've yet to find!
Please, feel free to comment anything else that you may have noticed, and hopefully you enjoyed reading :)
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mamayan · 9 months
Okay imagine this - (you don't have to do it, you can delete this if it makes you uncomfy, I love you and you have done nothing wrong ever) - but IMAGINE okay?
Bakugo Katsuki, The Dynamight, number two hero, and his child with you is quirkless (bonus if reader is also quirkless)
Imagine the disappointed ambition - he was so sure the kid would inherit his quirk or something similar, he was so sure - especially since the kid looks like Katsuki - and yet...
I guess I'm in mood for hurt-comfort 😔
Honestly, I see this affecting our dearest mama here, as it’s likely for Katsuki to really fall for someone after being a bully/jerk to them.
Imagine his quirkless sweetheart, desperate to please and impress at all times because they’re just useless without a quirk (thanks to his bullying in the past) and realizing their child inherited their quirkless gene?
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Pro-Hero Katsuki Bakugo x Quirkless Fem! Reader!
Growing Pains
cw: SFW • Language (R) • Hurt/Comfort • Bully to Lovers • Child Care (tis the season) • Pro-Hero Katsuki • Fem! Reader • Marriage • Katsuki learns how to communicate a little better
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A child is a gift so precious one must always be careful never to forsake it.
That’s what his hag-mother always said at least. The endless joy though which his daughter brought truly lived up to her words though. A gift. A precious, incredibly tiny and fragile, gift he swore to never forsake as he held the bundle in his arms at the hospital.
You looked beautiful even after so long in labor. Joy painting your features and making his heart ache from the sugar being injected into his veins. The love and adoration in your eyes only making his resolve harden further, to protect you both and love you two till his last breath.
So what changed from that moment till now? As a normally happy rambunctious toddler sits in complete stillness with eyes wide in horror. You didn’t look any better, skin perspiration more than his own on a usual day, lip being chewed until the skin breaks and he’s forced to grip you tightly.
“Hey—,” his gruff voice wakes you up.
“I’m so sorry…” his brows furrow in confusion, your apology unexpected and odd.
“The fuck are you sorry for?” He feels the atmosphere in the room start to divulge, his child and you both acting as if you’d heard a cancer diagnosis and not something he’d already considered the possibility of. Of course he’d wanted his daughter to have a quirk, but it didn’t call for such a grave reaction.
“It’s all my fault… I’m so sorry baby…” the tears freak him out more, your tears flowing endlessly as you stare at him with such hopeless eyes he’s startled to his core. Dark garnet eyes widening as a sick feeling enters his gut, something churning he can’t even name. “I failed both you and our daughter, making her weak and worthless like me—,” He’s going to be sick for sure, the sterile little clinic room starting close in on him.
He’s Dynamight, number 2 pro hero, and only because shit for brains Deku was better with the media but still, he’s not sure what to do. How to fix it, as you hold your child and cry, asking for forgiveness from him.
It makes him remember every instance of the past he cringes and does his best to avoid thinking on. Every tug of your hair, every shove to the floor, every time he made you feel small for something so superficial as not having a quirk.
Your tears were endless, and they seemed to spur on his daughter as well, her little sniffles making him nearly enraged as the door creeks open at the worst moment and the doctor returns.
The woman’s sympathetic gaze make him want to punch her, the way she seems understanding and not offended as himself.
“It can be a hard acceptance Mrs. Bakugo, I’m happy to recommend some quirkless support groups for the two of you, then we can look at some family care plans—,”
“What. The. Fuck. Are you talking about? Support group? They don’t need a fucking support group, your raggedy ass bitch—!”
“Katsuki!” “Mr. Bakugo?!” “Papa?”
It didn’t matter, he wasn’t hearing words anymore, top blown and his tempter unleashed as he nearly blows the door off after throwing you both over his shoulder and storming out. Cursing the entire way, uncaring of the phones being pulled out and people whispering and recording. He’d get an earful from the agency but it hardly computed in his mind.
Your fault? It seemed clear enough it was his fault. When all he ever did was make you feel belittled for your quirklessness, small and weak because of it, and now what did it do?
It passed on to his own fucking kid. His fault. This was his fucking fault.
His own eyes were admittedly wet as he shuts you both up in the car. Making sure you both are buckled in safely before he nearly screams once he’s seated behind the wheel. He wants to scream more, yell and break something to deal with the flood of guilt and shame washing him like an old friend.
He never apologized, only pushed it all away like the bullying and harassment never occurred when he started courting you. He’d been in love with you, and that bullying was his sick revenge for making him feel so much adoration for a single individual.
His frame engulfs the seat, muscles taunt and wide chest heaving as he calms down slowly to your silent tears and wobbly bottom lip.
“Katsuki… can we not have any discussions with her in the car…? Maybe we…,” you lick your lips as you fumble over yourself like a nervous wreck in the passenger seat, eyes wide and pacifying as you give him a look filled with a plea. “—Maybe we could have her stay with your mother tonight?”
Because you think he’s angry at you and at her.
For being quirkless.
The most defenseless and precious people to him, the two he’d sworn to never hurt or mistreat, now looking at him with complete devastation and heartbreak. His daughter is never usually so silent and still, sitting like a little doll in her car seat.
He’d always been a confident man. Unshakeable and firm in his resolve because he refused to settle and let himself be anything less than the best.
For all he is though, he’s never felt more helpless and human.
You flinch when the first tear falls.
The sight just as jarring as the realization your child is like you.
Katsuki’s eyes widen before narrowing as he grits his teeth and bares them like a hurt animal, tears spilling as he slams his head on the steering wheel in frustration. The windows tinted and thankfully adding a touch of privacy he’s grateful for now.
“I’m sorry—!” It’s wobbly and hissed like a curse, his apology burning his throat as he forces it out. He can’t look at you as he wipes at his face, shaking his head as he clears it to focus long enough to repeat himself.
“I’m so fucking sorry—never, never did I think less of you ‘cuz you didn’t have a damn quirk—! I was an asshole, a piece of shit that didn’t know how to deal with my crush on you, so I fucking ruined it by picking on you.” His eyes are blood shot, kept wide to prevent anymore liquid spillage but the way his entire face and body scrunch up, it’s difficult to believe he’s able to stop himself on sheer will alone.
“Papa…?” It’s like a slap to the face when he looks over at his daughter to see a spitting image of you both in her, features more like him but personality following you in a way that makes him melt.
“Y’listen good,” he gathers himself up better as he addresses your daughter now. “You will never be less than anyone else, quirk or no quirk, y’hear me?”
“No buts. It’s not up for debate. A quirk doesn’t classify a person’s value. It never has. We just associate them with power when in fact, a bunch of useless quirk havin’ shit stains run the country. A quirk ain’t power kid, power is in will, and that’s all you.” He’s glad you kindly dismiss his slip in language, watching as her little eyes widen and well with tears too.
“So I’m not bad?”
“You’re the best damn thing that’s happened since I met your mom. I love your mom, don’t I? She’s great even if she doesn’t have a quirk. Strong and resilient, patient and smarter than I’ll ever be.” He’s gripping the steering wheel so tight it may break soon if he doesn’t release his grip.
Then he’s being met with you. Your arms wrapping around him, your own muffled cries in his shirt. His hands are around you just as quickly, pulling you into him as much as the small space in the vehicle allows, breathing you in and calming himself as he reaches out and unbuckles your daughter to pull her little body into the bear hug too.
“You mean it…?” Your whisper barely audible as he holds you both close.
“I don’t say shit I don’t mean.”
And that’s enough for this moment. While he’s not a great man, Katsuki truly never lies, sometimes honest to a point it’s painful.
This is a bittersweet pain though.
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Dividers/ @cafekitsune
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novantinuum · 3 months
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[Updated 9/1/24]
I've written a kinda ridiculous amount of content for this fandom at this point, so this post is intended as a fun way to organize all that content on this blog. I'll update this post periodically as I share more works.
Most of my works are gen fic- with a heavy focus on character study and "bridging the gaps" of canon with lil bonus scenes of what I feel certain characters might've been up to in between episodes. However, I do on occasion enjoy exploring the Connverse relationship dynamic... and actual ratings for my stories vary.
Ratings and pairings will be listed on this masterpost, as well as any particularly vital content warnings. For more thorough content warnings, please reference the tags on the linked AO3 listings.
Multichapter AUs:
Crack The Paragon Series
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Series Summary:
In the wake of an ill-fated discovery, Steven vies to pick up all the pieces. The Gems are in turmoil: Pearl can’t speak the truth, Garnet chose to separate, and Amethyst's confidence has hit rock bottom. Somehow, his mom is Pink Diamond. But what exactly does that mean for him? Why did his mom really choose to fake-shatter herself and obscure her identity? With the very foundation of his home life shifting around him, can Steven ever hope to find answers on his own? Or will his growing obsession with seeking this truth ultimately crack his world all over again? Canon divergent as of season 3 episode 20, Bismuth.
Crack the Paragon- 70,705 words, 14/41 chapters. Rated T. Light Steven/Connie.
In another world, he doesn't have his mother's sword or shield to hide behind when Bismuth lands her strike. The bubble pops. Steven falls apart.
Content warning: Major character injury.
Everything Is Different Now- 1,014 words. Rated G.
After her unfortunate exile, Bismuth returns to her forge to work, and to reflect on her mistakes.
Seeing Pink- 2,475 words. Rated G.
Following a video call with Connie, Steven reacts to the discovery that... his eyes aren’t always human anymore.
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Misalignment- 16,680 words, 20/? chapters. Rated T.
His family’s not present the third time he runs away... They never see the creature he becomes. Early corruption AU.
Content warning: Minor body horror.
Hollowed Moon- 8,046 words, 14/? chapters. Rated T.
Stevonnie doesn't crash the Star Skipper onto that jungle moon. Instead, they crash on a craggy fragment of rock suspended thousands of miles away from its associated colony, long forgotten. On that lonely hunk of rock is a domed garden. And standing in that garden, just as lifeless seeming as the rest of it, is a pink Gem.
Other AU/Non-Canon Works:
For the purpose of organization, this section contains two fics that have since had elements of it debunked by Steven Universe: Future. However, said fics were written to be "canon compliant" at the time of posting... thus, on AO3, they still are listed within my "canon compliant" series.
Shattering Atlas- 4,274 words. Rated T.
A boy can only carry an entire galaxy upon his back for so long before the weight of it all finally becomes too much. (Written about the Corrupted Steven Theory, long before SUF's airing.)
Content warning: Depression, body horror.
The Price of Freedom- 791 words. Rated T.
Even while sightless, even when she only exists as thin fingers of light rapidly spreading outwards from her gem, Rose can sense that something is deeply, dreadfully wrong. Written for Whumptober 2020, Day 1: Waking up restrained.
Bi the Way...- 2,886 words. Rated T. Steven/Connie.
Connie has a question, and also something to say.
(Originally written to be canon compliant after the movie, debunked by Steven and Connie not officially getting together until the end of Steven Universe: Future.)
Errands- 3,034 words. Rated T.
Steven has an endless stream of items on his to-do list, so many that he often forgets to properly take care of himself in between. Sneaking off into the woods on the daily to vent out his repressed emotions is merely one of them.
(Originally written to fit between Snow Day and Little Graduation, but the back half of Steven Universe: Future strongly suggested that Steven did not visit Jasper in between the events of Little Homeschool and Fragments, thus I consider it debunked.)
Canon Compliant Works:
This part of the list contains almost everything within my "Brandishing the Star: A Crystal Gem's Guide to the Universe" fic series on AO3. Fics are listed chronologically.
Tipping Point- 1,104 words. Rated G.
Garnet helps remind Rose of what she's fighting for.
New Star- 1,321 words. Rated G.
Organic life is a fragile, fickle thing. This much is true. What's also true is how the death and resurrection of a humble lion was enough to make Rose Quartz re-conceptualize everything.
On the Origin of Hybrids- 1,684 words. Rated G.
The question— incomplete, and yet bursting with long-held curiosity— emerges from thin air while he’s about to tuck Steven into bed in the back of the van one night. In retrospect, no parenting book could’ve ever prepared him for this one.
His Shield- 334 words. Rated G.
Greg attempts to comfort his son during a thunderstorm.
Donut Debrief- 1,578 words. Rated G.
And like a burst of sunshine emerging from between the murky grey clouds, the young boy swings the door open wide, face alight with a level of enthusiasm that before, she didn’t even think was humanly possible on an overcast Monday morning. Two days after their disastrous island adventure, Sadie and Steven talk about regrets, making amends, and discover something they have in common with each other.
Autumn Bliss- 546 words. Rated G. Light Steven/Connie.
Is there any better way to spend a crisp autumn day than playing around in piles of leaves? Written for Connvember, day 1.
Alienation- 1,151 words. Rated G.
“But... I’m human,” he whispers to himself, the words tasting more like a desperate plea for belief on his tongue. “Or at least, part human. Right?” - An awkward interaction with his dad and Connie leads Steven to realize that he's now too Gem to all the humans in his life.
Ramen Soup For the Soul- 263 words. Rated G.
Steven and Connie noisily slurp some soup at the dinner table.
Creative Outlet- 837 words. Rated G.
“Log date, 7 14 9. “Today, the hybrid creature Steven attempted to further secure my loyalty by introducing me to a concept he calls... ‘music.’
Taste of Ordinary- 12,756 words. 2/3 chapters. Rated G. Light Steven/Connie.
"Connie, can we talk?" When a much needed moonlight conversation with his best friend turns into an attempted (and failed) "spring break" from all his responsibilities as a half-Gem, Steven must finally come to terms with the full truth of his heritage and all six thousand years of its consequences. Takes place between The Question and Made of Honor.
Outer Strife- 4,282 words. Rated T.
Connie clenches her fists at her sides, envisioning a world where she still feels the safe, comforting weight of Rose’s sword strapped upon her back. But instead, it’s the Crystal Gems’ darkest, most forlorn hour... and she’s absolutely useless to them. Is there anything she can do to aid them in this struggle, anything at all? (Or: the beach fight in Reunited, but from Connie's POV.)
Content warning: Panic attacks
Ballroom Etiquette- 2,809 words. Rated G.
As much as it pains him to admit it amidst all the boring protocol, Pearl is absolutely right. There’s no room for imperfection at a Homeworld Ball. In which Steven is publicly introduced to the Gems of Homeworld as Pink Diamond, and he experiences the first true stage fright of his life.
Finally Free- 1,653 words. Rated G.
Lapis genuinely doesn’t know how many hours (Days? Months? Years?) have passed when light finally graces her eyes once again.
Vulnerable- 730 words. Rated G.
Three words. Three little words, and the intergalactic conflict he‘d been training his whole childhood to defend against was over. But the hurt... he's not sure the hurt will ever go away.
Fifteen- 1,607 words. Rated G.
Every year, on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, Pearl runs away.
Cycles- 1,216 words. Rated G.
Amidst their danger-fraught mission to retrieve Pyrope and Demantoid's prisms, Pearl and Steven take a much needed break.
Freedom to Dance- 382 words. Rated G.
Stevonnie celebrates the first anniversary of Era 3 with their friends and reflects on how Homeworld has already changed.
Stardust- 618 words. Rated G.
White Diamond is testing out new terms of endearment. But no matter White’s intention with this little nickname, Steven doesn’t want it.
Contact- 16,002 words. 4/4 chapters. Rated T.
The first (and with any luck, only) time it happens, he’s almost 16.
Content warning: Major character injury.
Disconnected- 993 words. Rated T.
“What’s going on—?” he croaks to absolutely no one (weakened, vulnerable, alone, pathetic—), a jolt of fresh panic surging through his entire system. He’s never seen a gem flicker before. He has no idea what this means.
The Shatter Wish- 1,045 words. Rated T.
You’re 16 years and 2 months old (give or take a few days) when you finally realize you want to die. - (Steven's POV, second person)
Content warning: Depression, suicidal ideation.
Second Skin- 9,272 words. 12/12 chapters. Rated T.
Steven can’t help but dread the undefined cocktail of emotions that trigger this newest power... 12 shorts, each delving into Steven’s developing opinions and feelings about his “pink mode” in SUF.
Content warning: Light self harm, panic attacks
The Brother on the Other Side- 2,978 words. Rated T.
Lars has no idea what he was expecting the moment Steven texted him in the middle of the night to ask if he could come over, but being immediately tackled in an intense vice-grip of a hug the second he opened the door probably wasn’t it.
White Noise- 1,766 words. Rated T.
In which Steven opens up to Peridot a little about his anxieties surrounding his recent “pink episodes.” Peridot thinks she can help him determine the root cause of this problem, but Steven— marooned amidst age-old insecurities and his fears of hurting those he loves— still isn’t convinced he wants anyone’s help.
Content warning: Panic attacks
Like Clockwork- 509 words. Rated T.
Connie's got mountains of studying to do. (It's not just an excuse to avoid reminders of old traumas, of course it's not! Everything's fine.)
Fight the Future- 3,604 words. Rated T.
She’s poofed, he repeats to himself like a dying man’s mantra. She’s poofed. She’s stuck in the rubble, but she’s only poofed. She’s fine, and I’m fine, a-and— Above the scars of Steven's wreckage, thunder claps like mighty titans colliding in the heavens. (Or: what happens in the moments after Steven and Jasper's rematch.)
Oceans- 5,358 words. 6/6 chapters. Rated T.
Her fingers clutch onto the folds of his blanket with a protective fervor, but they’re still trembling. Stars, they’re trembling. Wordlessly, he understands. His are too. - A series of shorts detailing what might've happened in the moments after I Am My Monster, told from six different points of view.
Memoir of the Marks Unseen- 6,786 words. Rated T. Light Steven/Connie.
Steven’s messy self-corruption has scarred him in a manner that transcends the mere physical. Battling through suffocating waves of self-loathing and relapse, the path towards healing and acceptance is set to be his most challenging venture yet… but in a unexpected twist of fate, he eventually comes to find a cathartic solace in the tangible marks left behind.
Content warning: Depression, light body horror.
Intake- 6,427 words. 2/2 chapters. Rated T.
Steven fills out an important form.
Content warning: Depression, suicidal ideation.
Fear of Falling Apart- 1,961 words. Rated T.
Maybe it’s a bit selfish to wish for conflict in a time of relative peace, but right now Connie would give anything to face an opponent she could physically fight. A battle she could win. Because the fact of the matter is, no matter how stubbornly she might try, there’s no way she can fight off Steven’s inner demons for him. - In which Connie receives a panicked midnight phone call, and rushes to Beach City with Lion to try and help.
Content warning: Light body horror.
Ticklish- 2,675 words. Rated T. Steven/Connie.
In which Connie’s subconscious, innocent touch helps Steven realize just how nice the sensation of gentle fingertips gliding across the surface of one’s gem can be.
No Escape From the Weather- 5,756 words. Rated T.
Amidst an unusually stormy late summer’s day, Steven finally amasses the courage to confide in his dad about one of his greatest traumas.
Content warning: Panic attacks
Just a Little Something- 1,486 words. Rated T. Steven/Connie.
Steven surprises Connie with a handmade gift. Written for Glow Week 2024, for the prompt "Casual or Surprise."
(Our) Shadows Before the Dawn- 957 words. Rated T. Steven/Connie.
It's their nights that are the most difficult.
Content warning: Panic attacks
Advocate- 5,472 words. Rated T.
There’s more to this story, Lars can feel it brimming in his very bones. He can feel it squirming around in the tangled coils of his guts, a primal, virulent rot that threatens to consume him from the inside out. Something is off with Steven, something is distinctly wrong. And oh, does he hate being right. - When an unexpected visitor tumbles through the magic portal in his hair long after hours, breathless and bright pink, Lars must amass the courage to weather one of the most difficult conversations of his life.
Content warning: Depression, mentioned suicide attempt, panic attacks.
Tides of Renewal- 2,559 words. Rated T.
Now twenty years old and living on the other side of the country, Steven spends his morning relaxing on the beach, musing about his past, and having a chat with his dad.
Nightlight- 1,364 words. Rated T. Steven/Connie.
“So, wait— what you’re saying is that you want me… to glow for you—?” - In which a drowsy, throwaway comment inspires Steven to— fueled by Connie’s implicit trust and encouragement— test the very limits of his self-restraint.
OC Works:
This subsection is the home for any fics I post in my post-canon OC-centric series, "Echoes of Chalcedony." It follows the story of a young half-Gem named Jean Maverick and their journey towards learning about the Gem side of their heritage.
First Impressions- 11,026 words. 3/4 chapters. Rated T.
A young human-Gem hybrid- a soul yet unknown to the rest of the Crystal Gems- takes their first brave steps towards greeting their heritage firsthand.
NSFW Works:
Fics in this section will be posted on my NSFW AO3 alt, Astraliies. I personally consider some of them "canon" to my own extended fic universe, but they will not be sorted as official entries in my "Brandishing the Star" series due to rating.
It Takes Two- 2,865 words. Rated M. Steven/Connie.
It’s possible. The timing lines up. What Connie fears is one hundred percent possible. The problem is, a potential pregnancy this early into their relationship was absolutely not in their plans.
Content warning: Contains frank discussion of underage sex. Connie is 17.
Love Handles- 7,178 words. Rated E. Steven/Connie.
In which a stray, innocuous comment from Connie pushes Steven to dedicate the bulk of his free time to ‘getting into shape.’ But when new stressors rise to challenge him, he begins to struggle to maintain this leaner, more muscular form for her. Not only that, but is this even the kind of body he desires for himself in the first place?
Content warning: Explicit sexual content, feeding kink
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ecoeclipselion · 2 months
Finally finished this little Project!
Little Refs for my silly Series (don’t have a name yet) for TSaMs Sun and Dazzle meeting my Bestie and I’s Sun and Harmony. :o
We already know about TSaMS Sun, Moon and Dazzle so no explanation needed for them.
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Little info about My Friend and I’s Sun, Moon and Harmony.
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Sun and Moon are Brothers. They are not at all connected to Sun and Moon Show at all when my Friend and I started RPing as them back in 2021 when Security Breach came out but doesn’t mean they have life easy. They are separate bots. Moon does everything in his power to keep his Brother Sun safe and protected. Even sacrificing himself to Vanny’s virus to keep Sun from being infected. Angst and Brotherly Relationship strain occurs. The final straw is when Virus!Moon goes on a killing spree and killed a little girl that Sun was trying to protect. This little girl is known as Harmony. Sun being fed up with the Virus seeks help from a trusted technician (that he and Moon do have a crush on—) to help Moon from the virus.
A fight and struggle later Moon is captured and his systems cleared from the Virus. Skip alittle ahead when Sun discovers that Harmony’s ghost lingers around with Vanny taunting the boys about her placing the ghost child into a animatronic this triggering Sun into his Eclipse mode a protocol that didn’t trigger against Moon to protect Harmony the first time. Moon unable to calm his brother down was calmed by Harmony which Sun thus adopts and takes care of himself.
The premise of TSaMS Sun and Dazzle meeting this Sun and Harmony will be through a Portal mishap where Shenanigans will occur.
Bonus Version of my Sun, Moon and Eclipse
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They are not Brothers
Eh. Decided to show my own Version of Sun and Moon and the Eclipse that they both as one looks like. They are not Btothers. They are Lovers stuck in one body that found out they can take on an Eclipse form as One fronting at the same time. Think of them as Garnet from Steven Universe. lol
I may not include these guys but they do eventually show up into mine and my friends RPs later on so they may make an appearance later or not. Idk but they are abit of a a newer models compared to the others with extendable limbs.
I just wanted to show them off too. 👉👈
Asks for Any of these Guys TSaMs, The RP vers or My own Versions of Sun, Moon, Eclipse even Dazzle and Harmony are OPEN
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this is an incredibly important question. would bot watch steven universe and who would their favorite character be ??!?????!?? me personally i’m betting they’d love the titular boy himself
C'mon, Bot is like sooo quintessential Steven Universe fan haha. That said, I'm not sure if their fav would be Steven. At least not at first. I can imagine them rooting for him increasingly more as the show goes on, especially once he starts really standing up for himself as the show goes on. That-said, I can see them really really looking up to Garnet from episode one. In that "wowwww she is so stone cold and kick-ass" sort of way. Not even based in the later realization of "oh wow they're cool AND their existence is a beautiful statement" - that part's just a very nice bonus.
If they were real, they'd be as captivated as the show as I am, and we'd argue because they're a little frustrated that the Diamonds didn't face a greater justice, whereas I'm aight on it.
Correct, incredibly important question, thank you.
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Some of these may be background ships, others may be canon by word of god.
Whoever gets second place will compete for third place overall in the finals against whichever ship loses in the other part of the semifinals.
Felix/Calhoun: Tall Queen and a short King for the win! They would not have otherwise gotten together but while they search for Ralph, they grow closer and eventually do get married. They come from two different worlds, but those things don't matter when the love is strong.
Rupphire: An adorable and mutually devoted couple! Though rarely seen outside their Garnet incarnation, they're an important part of the history and setting of the show. A classic Opposites Attract between elegant, reserved Sapphire and rough-and-tumble hot-blooded Ruby, they bring out a balance that benefits them greatly. In the meantime, Sapphire encourages Ruby to value herself for herself, while Ruby allows Sapphire to relax and live in the moment.
Bonus? They had the first LGBT wedding in a children's animated show!
Royai/Royza: No Propaganda Submitted
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ithinkthiswasabadidea · 11 months
Kenshi took this photo of Johnny while they're on their honeymoon in the Bahamas 😌🍹
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Bonus info because I think it's fun to point out -
Johnny's wedding band has a garnet in it, because red is Kenshi's colour
He's developed freckles from being out in the sun!! You can see them along his arms and face
He's drinking a 'Sex on the Beach' cocktail. I had zero second thoughts about that decision
(Also I swear to god this looked SO much better on the tablet I drew it on, and now on my phone all the colours are desaturated. The fuck.)
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setokaibapetty · 5 months
5 + 1 Fic Friday Roundup: Went Viral
Some fanfiction where social media plays an important role.
I have acquired a child. (AO3) - Din Djarin asks space Reddit for parenting advice.
The #ImmortalHusbands Conspiracy (AO3) - The Old Guard's power couple, Joe and Nicky, are a Tumblr conspiracy.
In Which Dabi's Tits Save the League and Dismantle Hero Society (AO3) - Dabi inadvertently becomes an internet sensation.
Reddit Posts of a Crime Alley Kid (AO3) - "A character study of a hot trashfire of a human being in the DCUniverse as told through his many many Reddit posts."
The GARNet AU (AO3) - "The Coruscant Guard decides to make use of their copious free time and create a clone-only holonet. This is very great for the clones and very bad for everyone else."
Bonus: Undead Lockpick Inc. (AO3) - "Danny is a Locksmith with a serious grudge against Master Lock. Superman thinks because of the name that Master Lock must mean it's a good lock. Shenanigans ensue."
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yourlocalchaoswitch · 11 months
Money/Prosperity Bowl
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Non-ingredient materials:
A bowl or dish
Green or yellow candle (can use white)
Spare change/cash
Money oil
Ingredients I use:
Alfalfa - prosperity, wealth
Aventurine - fortune, motivation, wealth, prosperity
Bay leaf - wish granting, catalyst
Cinnamon (powdered or sticks) - fortune, protection, wealth, attraction
Clove - wealth, attraction
Coffee - catalyst, speeds things up, amplifier
Dill - fortune, wealth
Garnet - catalyst, prosperity
Geode - fortune
Goldstone - wealth, luck
Malachite - wealth, fortune
Mint - protection, wealth
Money Oil
Pinecone - prosperity, wealth
Pyrite - wealth, luck
Clear Quartz - amplifier (can replace any other stone)
Rice - abundance, prosperity
Rutilated Quartz - fortune, wealth
Cleanse your space and materials however you see fit. I like to smoke cleanse with pine or corresponding incense, but do whatever feels right to you
Add your rice to your bowl. Visualize money and abundance coming your way. Imagine the different ways it can come to you; maybe you got a new job or a bonus on your check. Think about all the good things you would like to come your way
Add your herbs into your rice(except the bay leaf and cinnamon if using sticks). As you add each herb, make sure to set your intention and thank your herbs. I've found that showing gratitude makes a world of a difference. If you're using crystal chips, I would also add them at this time
After your herbs and possible crystal chips are added, stir it all in clockwise, while repeating affirmations or simply thinking about what you want to bring in. Concentrate on what it is specifically that you want, and feel that energy pouring from yourself into the bowl
Move onto your candle and bay leaf. Carve sigil to match your intention or currency symbol into the candle as well as your name and anyone else included within the spell. Write the same on the bay leaf. Then anoint both with the money oil
Place your candle in the center of the bowl. Then begin adding your crystals. Again, remember to take your time setting your intentions and thanking your crystals. After your satisfied with that, add the spare change if you have it and then, you guessed it, thanking it for the job it's about to do
Sit back and admire your work. You just made a money bowl!!!!
To cast, light the candle with intention.
Happy witching!!
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