spine-lux · 5 days
Spring Court🌹🏰 ACOTAR
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carolannt · 1 year
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E105 is up with the amazing Louise Kennedy! I had the absolute pleasure of hosting author @louise.kennedyy for her debut novel, which is taking the book world by storm, TRESPASSES. Set in Northern Ireland during The Troubles, Trespasses is a shattering novel about a young woman caught between allegiance to community and a dangerous passion. We talk about the inspiration for the book, a possible movie treatment, her award-winning short stories, her glorious orange cake, and so much more! This former chef turned author cooks up a riveting story of love and loyalty that is taking the US by storm. Don’t miss this book and don’t miss this interview! Thank you SO much Louise! TRESPASSES is the perfect choice for your next book discussion. Running time: 16 minutes #louisekennedy #trespasses #theendoftheworldisaculdesac @riverheadbooks #historicalfiction #ireland #thetroubles #debutnovel #bookstagram #books #bookstagrammer #podcast #bookpodcast #topshelfatmerricklibrary #topshelfatmerricklibrarypodcast #podcastersofinstagram #orangecake #bookdiscussion https://www.instagram.com/p/CkYxCDsLXrw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ancientroyalblood · 5 months
The Power of Reviews: How Feedback Shapes the Writing Process
Reviews, whether from critics or readers, hold immense power in shaping a writer’s journey. They offer invaluable insights, constructive criticism, and praise that influence not only the current work but also the writer’s growth. Let’s delve into the significance of reviews and their impact on the writing process. 1. Understanding Different Types of Reviews Reviews come in various forms, from…
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jenteranyala · 10 months
Seperti kita, anak adalah jiwa yang berdenyut dengan ciri khasnya sendiri
Pertama membaca buku ini beberapa bulan yang lalu, saya merasa ini buku yang ringan. Hahahaha, sombongnya. Awalnya karena saya membaca buku ini berbarengan dengan beberapa buku lain yang rasanya lebih susah dipahaminya, tapi buku ini sangat mudah dipahami, membuat saya tercerahkan tanpa perlu pusing apa maksud penulisnya. Wkwkwk
Karena buku ini akan bercerita (baca: membicarakan) tentang kesadaran, tentunya dimulai dengan menceritakan terlebih dahulu kisah yang menggugah kesadaran kita. Pikiran kita, seperti monyet yang senantiasa melompat-lompat dari satu dahan ke dahan yang lain. Karenanya kita perlu belajar untuk mengendalikan pikiran, tapi mengendalikan pikiran dengan cara kamu harus selalu memikirkan A dan hanya A, kadang tidak langsung berhasil. Kita perlu berusaha memahami terlebih dahulu arah “perginya” pikiran kita dan pola perpindahan pikiran kita dari satu hal ke hal lain. Dengan rutin belajar “melihat/ memperhatikan” pikiran, kita akan belajar bagaimana pola gerakan pikiran kita.
Diawali dengan cerita tentang uang yang dibagi dua sama besar, karena di era modern uang menjadi satu hal yang sangat sentral dalam kehidupan banyak orang. Ungkapan, “Uang memang bukan segalanya tapi segalanya butuh uang” menjadi tren yang diulang-ulang di sosial media selama beberapa tahun belakangan, dan tentunya ungkapan dari dunia maya itu kemudian berpengaruh pada dunia nyata.
Memilih contoh tentang uang sungguh menyadarkan saya bahwa memang di kehidupan modern ini, meskipun kita merasa kita tidak menghamba uang, pada kenyataannya uang menjadi alat tukar yang tidak terelakkan fungsinya. Tenaga kita dihitung dengan uang, waktu kita pun dihitung dengan uang. Cita-cita manusia pun kini diukur dengan uang. Jadi, ketika Ibu Shefali menggunakan uang sebagai contoh, ini sungguh dekat dengan kehidupan kita sehari-hari.
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Saya suka judul sub bāb pertama, Kita membesarkan sebuah spirit yang berdenyut dengan ciri khasnya sendiri. Anak bukan sekadar anak, tetapi adalah rūh Tuhan, sebagaimana kita semua manusia juga ditiupkan Rūh Ilahi dalam diri kita. Tapi apakah Tuhan berada dalam pusat kesadaran kita? Bahkan kesadaran kita pun seringkali terombang-ambing dalam kegiatan dunia yang tidak putus-putus dan ditambah dengan ego yang tidak juga terpuaskan. Saya juga sangat menyukai pembahasan Ibu Shefali tentang ego yang nanti saya ceritakan juga.
Saya lebih suka menggunakan kata bercerita daripada berbicara, karena bercerita membuat saya merasa lebih bersemangat. Walaupun kenyataannya terkadang kata-kata yang saya gunakan tetap membingungkan. Oke skip.
Membicarakan tentang spirit ini Ibu Shefali menceritakan tentang anak adalah pribadi yang berbeda dengan kita, orang tuanya. Bagaimana pun kita berusaha membuat mereka menjadi kembaran mini kita, anak tetaplah pribadi yang mandiri, ia memiliki jiwanya sendiri, kesukaannya sendiri, dan tentunya kehidupannya sendiri. Ada banyak orang tua yang membuat anaknya menjalankan kehidupan orang tuanya, anaknya menjadi pemenuhan keinginan yang dahulu tidak pernah dirasakan oleh orang tuanya. Dan ini terkadang bukan menyenangkan anak kita, malah meracuni mereka.
Dan kenapa ini bisa terjadi? Karena kita melakukan segala sesuatunya dengan otomatis dan tanpa pikir panjang. Misalnya ketika menghadapi anak menangis, hal otomatis yang kita lakukan adalah mencari cara untuk membuat anak berhenti menangis. Kita tidak terlebih dahulu mencari tahu mengapa anak menangis, tetapi kita malah mencari cara membuatnya berhenti; karena tangisan itu mengganggu, karena kita takut tangisan anak mengganggu orang lain seperti tetangga, atau bahkan (alasan yang mungkin kebanyakan tidak kita sadari adalah) karena tangisan anak mengingatkan kita pada puluhan atau bahkan ratusan tangisan kita di masa kecil yang tidak bertemu dengan jawabannya—yang sama seperti kita sebagai orang tua saat ini, orang tua kita pun terburu-buru mencari cara menghentikan tangisan kita dulu. Kita lupa bahwa tangisan adalah media komunikasi bagi anak, kita lupa bahwa ketika anak menangis ada yang berusaha dia ungkapkan tetapi tidak bisa, belum mampu, tidak paham bagaimana caranya atau apa kata yang tepat, atau dorongan emosinya terlalu kuat hingga ia tidak bisa berkata-kata. Ada banyak sekali alasan menangis, dan tiap kali menangis bisa jadi dengan alasan yang berbeda pula, tetapi kita lupa bahwa kita pernah menjadi anak-anak dan pernah menangis untuk membuat dunia bisa mendengar apa yang kita harapkan.
Saya menggunakan kata lupa untuk menggantikan kata tidak sadar. Dan Ibu Shefali menggunakan kata kesadaran untuk mengingatkan kita. Kita berangkat dari tidak sadar, kita berangkat dari lupa. Melupakan masa kecil kita menjadi jalan keluar terbaik untuk melepaskan kita dari luka-luka masa lalu. Saya pun demikian, melarikan diri dari masa kecil yang tidak menyenangkan dengan melupakannya. Kita lupa karena mungkin kita tidak siap menanggung lukanya yang hadir kembali dalam kehidupan kita.
Ibu Shefali mengingatkan kita bahwa kita sebagai orang tua, sebagai orang dewasa kita kehilangan kompas kehidupan kita. Seperti yang saya bilang tadi, kita tidak lagi menjadikan Tuhan sebagai pusat kesadaran kita. Sehingga kita kehilangan arah, kita terbiasa melakukan sesuatu tanpa menyadarinya, otomatis dan tanpa banyak berpikir. Padahal mungkin kalau kita mau meluangkan sedikit waktu untuk memikirkannya, kita bisa mengambil keputusan yang lebih bijak.
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Narasi I buku The Conscious Parent Chapt 1. 
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josephkravis · 1 year
Book Report Formula
chatGPT, BARD and other new tools help with research and development. Better than search engines in that it can provide more specific information that you're needing or interested in. #kravis #midjourney51 #chatgpt #bard #microsoft
chatGPT, BARD and other new tools help with research and development. Better than search engines in that it can provide more specific information that you’re needing or interested in. And, to help with that search and information gather you can build templates. Well sort of that is. Book Report Formula And Template BookReportTemplateDownload this formula is a comprehensive way to approach a…
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sistahscifi · 1 year
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In our opinion, Kindred is a really difficult book to read solo. Are you looking for a Kindred Book Club? You are in luck!! @shapingherearth and Octavia E Butler Legacy Network are hosting a virtual book discussion 12/30!! Reposted from @ayanajamieson repost via @instarepost20 from @shapingherearth It’s time to register! ✔️📚 The Shaping Her Earth Book Club highlights BIPOC women. This fall we’re exploring the provocative and prophetic legacy of science fiction author Octavia E. Butler. Join our discussion of Kindred on December 30th 4pm PT/ 7pm ET. #registernow #linkinbio This reading group will ask pivotal questions of this Octavia E. Butler work through a virtual discussion facilitated by Ayana Jamieson, founder of the Octavia E. Butler Legacy Network. The @oeb.legacy is a global community founded in 2011, committed to highlighting Octavia Butler’s life and work while creating new works inspired by Butler’s legacy. Ayana Jamieson, PhD is an assistant professor of Ethnic Studies at Cal Poly Pomona, a mythologist, and depth psychologist. She is the founder of the Octavia E. Butler Legacy Network, a global community founded in 2011, committed to highlighting Octavia Butler’s life and work while creating new works inspired by Butler’s legacy. Ayana’s essay, “Far Beyond the Stars” appears in the Black Futures anthology. She has also published at The Feminist Wire, 51 Feminist Thinkers, Uneven Futures: Strategies for Community Survival from Speculative Fiction, Public Books and elsewhere. She is also a contributor to Salome Institute for Jungian Studies, and a featured speaker at the New York Times “A New Climate” on climate change. . . . . 📚 📚 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🔖 📚 📚 📚 #sheisshapinghereart #bookdiscussion #womenofdepthpsychology #octaviaebutler #octaviabutler #kindred #parables #blackspeculativefiction #blackstudies #blackfutures (at Sistah Scifi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmhUlrSL-cA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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i-circe · 2 years
Book Reading October 27th
Book Reading October 27th
I’m excited and honoured to do a reading on October 27th. Please join us. Brainspired Publishing Register in advance for the “Book Club – Book Discussion” meeting (free): https://us02web.zoom.us/…/tZ0tcuGpqT0jGNwVQdgcVQsFq5HiI… After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. Canada’s LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce
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discoverhowitworks · 1 year
Book club activities - What to expect and how to get the most out of your meetings
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What do you do in a book club? If you're new to book clubs, you might be wondering what exactly happens during a typical meeting. Book clubs are a great way to connect with other book lovers, discover new books, and engage in lively discussions. Here's what you can expect to do in a book club: - Read the book: The main activity of a book club is reading a book and discussing it with the group. Members usually take turns choosing the book each month. - Discuss the book: The group will discuss the book, sharing their opinions, thoughts, and ideas. The discussion might focus on characters, themes, plot, and writing style. - Share your thoughts: Everyone in the book club has a chance to share their thoughts and opinions about the book. This is a great way to get different perspectives and interpretations of the book. - Analyze the book: The group might analyze the book in more depth, looking at literary devices, symbolism, and other elements. - Learn about the author: Book clubs sometimes invite authors to attend their meetings or discuss their work through video conferencing. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the author and their writing process. - Socialize: Book clubs provide an opportunity to socialize with other book lovers, share a meal or snack, and build community. - Explore related topics: Book clubs sometimes choose books that explore specific themes, such as diversity, history, or social justice. This can lead to discussions about related topics. - Compare and contrast: Book clubs might compare and contrast different books on the same topic or by the same author. - Watch a movie: Some book clubs choose books that have been adapted into movies, and then watch the movie together to compare it with the book. - Have fun: Book clubs are meant to be enjoyable and fun. They provide an opportunity to connect with others, discover new books, and explore different ideas. Book clubs are a great way to connect with other book lovers, read and discuss books, learn new things, and have fun. Whether you're a seasoned book club member or new to the scene, there's always something new to learn and discover in a book club. Read the full article
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shapedforfighting · 2 years
Video Game Character Agency in The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Erin Morgenstern’s The Starless Sea winks at the contrast between the perception of agency within the main character of a video game and that of a novel. #bookdiscussion #videogames
Disclaimer: the following article contains *SPOILERS* for the novel The Starless Sea and the video game Bioshock. Enter at your own risk. Erin Morgenstern’s The Starless Sea winks at the contrast between the perception of agency within the main character of a video game and that of a novel. Zachary Ezra Rawlins, the hero of The Starless Sea, pursues his graduate degree in Emerging Media Studies…
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solutionlab · 6 months
Book Review Services - Writing a Book Report - Prepare a Book Review - B...
Book Review Services - Writing a Book Report - Prepare a Book Review - Book Analysis
Welcome to our YouTube video, where we're thrilled to introduce our top-tier Video Editing Services! Are you a content creator, vlogger, or business looking to enhance your videos and leave a lasting impact? Look no further; we've got you covered. Our talented team of video editing professionals is here to transform your raw footage into captivating, polished, and visually stunning content. In this video, we'll take you on a journey through the world of video editing and show you how our services can take your videos to the next level. Ready to make your videos shine? Subscribe to our channel to stay updated on the latest trends and tips in video editing. Don't forget to hit the thumbs up button if you found this video helpful, and share it with your fellow content creators, friends, and colleagues who could benefit from our services.
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stacyalesi · 8 months
Spotlight Review: AMAZING GRACE ADAMS by Fran Littlewood
Spotlight #BookReview: AMAZING GRACE ADAMS by Fran Littlewood, an utterly charming debut novel! @_franlittlewood @HenryHolt #familyfiction #quirkyfiction #womensfiction #domesticfiction #bookgroupreads #bookdiscussion #mustread
Click to Purchase From the publisher: Bernadette, Eleanor Oliphant, Rosie, Ove . . . meet Amazing Grace Adams, the funny, touching, unforgettable story of an invisible everywoman pushed to the brink―who finally pushes back. Grace Adams gave birth, blinked, and now suddenly she is forty-five, perimenopausal and stalled―the unhappiest age you can be, according to the Guardian. And today she’s…
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Why I didn't like Mal in the Grisha Trilogy
#Bookdiscussion #BookTwitter Did you like Mal in the Grisha Trilogy? Why and why not? Check out why I didn't like him ⬇️
Hello readers! I wanted to write this post ever since I read Pages Unbound’s post on “when true love doesn’t conquer all in YA” which made me write a big comment expressing “why I didn’t like Mal in the Grisha trilogy”.I recommend you read Krysta’s post first as her post inspired me to write my own post with my thoughts. In her post, Krysta fantastically writes how Mal and Alina’s relationship in…
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trigger warning: this post will discuss s*xual ass*ult and p*doph*lia below the spoiler line as it pertains to the novels that i am reading. please read with discretion.
currently reading: Born a Crime by Trevor Noah -- Into the Wild by Jon Krakaur -- Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
pages: 179 / 289 -- 100 / 207 -- 311 / 389
hi all sorry for being gone for so long, i've been busy with life things. it seems that things never slow down so i never find a moment to read, let alone post, but i'm trying. i've also been writing lately as well, which makes me feel amazing. so hopefully i'll get back into the swing of posting soon, though i always say that so we shall see :).
the first two of these books is for school and the last i am reading for a book club/read-a-long. i have discussions of the books below. there are spoilers so please don't read if these books interest you.
born a crime
i have learned so much from this book about apartheid, the very first being that it happened, because i'd never heard about it until this point. i highly recommend this book because it's an excellent mix of coming of age, self reflection, and reflection on the government and political climates from around the world. there is so much to learn from this book, both in fact and from personal experience. i don't know anything about noah outside of this novel -- i don't watch his shows or his comedy or anything -- but i do recommend this book. especially if you are white. read non-white books and educate!
into the wild
this book is...it's interesting. it has intrigue. but it is definitely written as if alex/chris is a hero and he really isn't. he didn't do anything significant, he died because of a dumb mistake, and the author even admits to him not being the first or last person to succumb to the alaskan wilderness, so why is he being idolized? the journey is intriguing. i'm fascinated by the puzzle that krakaur pieced together in order to tell this story. the journalism and detective work is there. but the story...i don't know. i'll reassess once i've finished. it is mildly eerie though and i kind of dig that.
norwegian wood
trigger warning: discussion of SA and pedophilia below
this book is considered a masterpiece. it's, like, highly acclaimed, described as profound...
except the representation of mental health is poor, the representation of women is worse, the representation of lgbtq+ folks is downright offensive, and he...glorified p*d*phelia? and r*pe? i just...i am incredibly shocked, angry, and offended by this book honestly. i can't believe that it's still in print and highly acclaimed? it's not a coming of age love story but like an ego stroke for this Nick-esque, non-character who only thinks about sex and has not one single original or driving thought in his head?
and don't even get me started on the portrayal of women. they're all basically glorified sex objects, just there to be ogled by the men in the story. they have no personality or redeeming factors of their own. and when they don't get what they want they have mental breakdowns and have to be hospitalized. like that's how we're going to represent women and mental illness?
things i considered: this book was written in the 80s, based in the 60s, in japan, so there is an entirely different dynamic and expectation in literature then versus now in 2021 america. except -- except there is no excuse for anyone to allow writing a sex scene -- and a really detailed one at that -- between a thirteen year old and a thirty two year old -- and have that be an account of rape instigated by the little girl. because either way the 32 year old is at fault. also this encounter was between two females, and the woman feels guilty for being so turned on and shit by a woman, not offended by the fact that she was an actual child so i just don't? someone please help me understand.
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merrative · 3 years
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What's the largest amount of books you've bought in least price? Let us know your bookish hauls in the comments! These days books are $1-$2! Even cheaper if you buy second hand. . . . Discuss ideas from digital literature like books, news, articles, and research papers together at merrative. Join our community today ❤️ Link in bio! . . . . . #merrative #bookstagramindia #bookhaul #bookstack #bibliophilelife #bookish #litmemes #literaturememes #bookmemes #bookclub #bookdiscussion #bookgram #bookishmemes #readersofinstagram #writerslife #authorsofinstagram #writingcommunity #authorlife #writingsociety #poemcommunity (at Bookshop) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUZO9vXIv6T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bagusarisaputra · 2 years
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Join us tomorrow! From @ubudwritersfest: 👻Book Club is back this Sunday just in time for Halloween 🎃 Join Laksmi & Bagus in discussing The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood Bagus is a half Balinese & half Finnish poet, model & entrepreneur. He is part of the @neverendingpoetrykrew owner of @gayatrihotel & founded the @ubudbookclub Tune in this sunday to find out more about Bagus & our discussion on The Handmaid’s Tale! 🥀 #bookclub #booklovers #bookdiscussion #ubud #ubudwritersandreadersfestival #bibliophile #komunitasbuku #komunitasbaca #pemikirbebas #handmaidstale #margaretatwood (di Ubud, Bali, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVph30YvDGH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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does anyone just wanna talk about books long into the night?? like finding somebody who reads keats outloud and discussing how you never got over the ending of villette? reply to this if you feel like you’re my soulmate
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