#both awesome characters btw
bibyshitsuji24k · 1 year
Undertaker cosplaying Undertaker
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My friend and I were joking about confusing Undertaker with the WWE wrestler Undertaker. It was so funny that I decided to draw UT cosplaying him.
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btw, our UT will definitely be a part of this haha
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pigidin · 6 days
I know well it won't ever happen, but it'd be great if on FIRST (official) Hazbin (as a show, not a pilot) pride, Al's finally confirmed to be AROACE.
The rejection of Al's orientation in this fandom is crazy and I'm not speaking of fanon, but CANON.
I'm SO tired of people saying "but he was just confirmed to be asexual!", "but the moment with rosie!", "what amir said was incorrect and he apologized for it!", "what faustisse said isn't canon anymore!" COZ-
Viv literally heavily implied on one of the streams Al's aroace, saying:
Oh no, I'm going to destroy the ship. I can't say. I don't want to ruin the fun for everybody. That's why I've been very quiet on whether or not Al is aromantic.
If I give a real canon answer [..] I don't wanna ruin anyone's fun
She knows the CANON answer to that question but doesn't say it aloud coz the canon somehow ruins fanon fun.
I really don't get why viv was then so eager to give everyone right to do whatever the hell they want but never confirm Al as aroace in the same. damn. fear. to ruin shipper's fun. Like? Bro if you gave the opportunity to do everything why hide what will change nothing? People will still ship, people will still play with his orientation (which is valid as long as you're respectful), but you know what it will give instead? Damn REPRESENTATION, damn CONFIRMATION, the damn thing your show is supposed to give.
Not to be rude, but then Husk being pan is non-canon as well (that's faustisse who said he is). And then media literacy is dead once again coz it's obvious Rosie was talking about dating Charlie not bout Al f=cking her. I might sound like overreacting but it's viv herself who is the reason of the war.
Screw fanon, canon should be stated by you, as a creator, giving the canon answers, coz you provide the show, you provide the characters, you provide the plot and lore and you are the one who created the characters the way they are. You can't really affect what people do with them, how they interpret them and how they create stories of them, but you are responsible for giving clearly defined information especially if it plays part in representation of the repressed group of real people.
Coz having actual confirmed aromantic IS a big achievement for us. Forcing him into the closet and taking away the bits of rep we could have is, honestly, a highly unwise choice. Saying fanon is a wide playground on which canon can have minimum influence but never giving specific canon statements is just utterly hypocrite. Aaand hiding the fact that someone is meant to not have any relationships for the sake of fanon (which is somehow much more important than real-life issues of literal erasure of aromantics) is pretty aphobic ngl.
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soullessjack · 8 months
it genuinely kills me very slowly to think that some people can only ever think of jack as the destiel kid and not like an actual person with a myriad of maladjustments or silly funny personality quirks. like he has a whole special red and white fleece lined Christmas jacket and is canonically acknowledged as looking like a stupid hot white boy without any thoughts behind his eyes. He killed a whole fucking archangel and then decided that he really wanted to try making some friends like a week later. they wanna be normal and nice so bad and pretend to be some normal small town boy next door all the time but they were literally so angry once that it took three gunshots fired in the back to make him calm and reasonable.
he stress eats and stays in their room for weeks on end when they’re depressed or upset. they line their shoes up and fold their shirts and wear bright yellow vans and red hi-tops. he’s narratively paralleled to Anakin but his favorite character is Ahsoka. he pretended to be a coke addict and pretended to be a pretty new boy next door again to flirt with a hopelessly romantic girl. women want him and he’s absolutely clueless about it. women and men and probably fish fear him too. he dresses like a combination between an elderly man and a 70’s sitcom hippie. he was literally called Bieber and Suite Life. they like stripe patterns and Hawaiian pizza and movies and computers.
they’re literally an autistic person who just explodes shit when they get overstimulated. They watch riverdale and constantly sweep their hair back in a specific stylistic choice bc he likes looking like that. he fucking decapitated a whole Gorgon and then stole the guy’s snake as a trophy. he says shut up when he’s mad and calls things stupid and says they suck. he’s a teenage girl. he’s. A Teenage boy. He’s non-binary. He sat on the throne of god in grass stained jeans and clunky grandpa sneakers and left it all behind without even blinking as soon as his shitty bunker home called out to him. He sticks his tongue out when he’s focused on something and his left eye pulls up into a squint when he smiles reallt wide and his smile is crooked and he has sleepy eyelids . They decided to defy death herself just to rescue someone he mildly remembered caring about once and then blackmailed a reaper into helping with said rescue plan.
He got turned into the tiniest ugliest dog ever and got a thermometer shoved up his ass in the same episode where he’s narratively symbolized by the ouroboros symbol and makes the deliberate choice of destroying his soul just to selfishly keep his family bc he legitimately cannot handle thinking about losing them without going insane. his nicknames are sweetheart and darling boy and pal and buddy and Jackie Boy and slugger and he apologized to a girl for upsetting her like two episodes after ripping a man’s heart out and eating it raw. He literally actively wants to be a silly little guy that everyone likes but he’s so insane and unwell at the same time. he’s the best character ever and I need the entire world to understand this and to see him as more than just the destiel baby or I will also explode. .
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reggiestein · 11 months
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ugggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh dies. dies. dies. dies. kisses him on the mouth. dies.
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arohuacheng · 6 months
as a pei ming sympathizer and apologist i of course believe that he did the best that he could in that situation and is at no real fault. however as a believer in both women's rights and wrongs i also believe that xuan ji is very hot and extremely correct and did nothing wrong and should have been worse. this is called nuance
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lesbiangiratina · 7 months
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Thats a weird “1” it must be the font idk testament most popular character forever thats so cool goodnight
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div-divington · 4 months
Not to be cringe but...
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Tall-ass tower manifests in city without any logical explanation
Interior has nonsensical geometry and architecture. Building shifts constantly. Seemingly alive.
Shady organisations have tried to manipulate the structure to their own ends.
Linked to an extra-dimensional godlike entity that wants to use the tower to bring about their own goals (Nix and The Board respectively)
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Protagonists unlock their powers by pointing a "gun" that isn't actually a gun at their own heads and pulling the trigger (the Service Weapon is obviously very different to an Evoker but the symbolism is there I think)
Both do this without being certain they'll survive.
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Protagonists have manifestations of their inner selves and their willpower living in their heads. These manifestations are sentient beings that serve as both an extension of the protagonist and a separate character.
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Both of their inner selves also serve as extensions of a separate entity (Thanatos (the Persona) is a remnant/extension or something of Ryoji. Polaris is an offshoot/remnant of Hedron)
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Protagonists are guided and assisted by otherworldly beings who take the forms of older men in service roles (Ahti, who presents himself as the janitor of the Oldest House, and Igor, who acts as the host of the Velvet Room)
Ahti and Igor both appear to exist in a way distinct from humans and can perceive other planes of existence easily.
Ahti and Igor both speak in manners that the protagonists find confusing and aloof but ultimately are trustworthy and good-natured beings.
I've run out of picture slots, tragically, but do you see the vision?
I think a very fun crossover fic or something could very easily be made here.
Additional things for the Oldest House and Tartarus:
Filled with monsters that feed on human consciousness and leave people as husks of their true selves (Shadows and the Hiss)
Filled with fun little lore documents left behind by researchers.
Directly connected to planes that exist between dream and reality (the Velvet Room and the Astral Plane)
Heavily based on mythology (Tartarus is obviously named after, y'know, Tartarus. The Oldest House is heavily implied to either be Yggdrasil or at the very least be an ancient tree that potentially somehow inspired the myth of Yggdrasil/took its form from said myth).
You Are Going To Get Lost In These Funky-Ass Towers.
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llatimeria · 1 year
Someone reblogged that dnd uquiz from me and their result was warforged druid which made me go "wait, what? aren't warforged the robot-looking guys? how can a robot be a druid??", but then i realized i know exactly how a robot can be a druid:
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e77y · 30 days
My mom finally helped me clean out my hoarder car lol :’) Embarrassing but she was so sympathetic and sweet and helpful waaa. Happy Mother’s Day to my mom ☝️‼️💪
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goldensunset · 2 years
neku 🤝 riku
‘tHe cHoSen OnE’ but the one who chose them was just some guy who most certainly did not have his life together so i’m unsure if it’s really something to brag about
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i love how flexible the concept of a roleswap can be. if i swap reigen and serizawa, am i changing which one is psychic? which one is a liar? which one is mob's mentor? which one went viral on twitter? which one used to be a shut-in? a terrorist? a water cooler salesman?
what roles do they occupy that i want to study like a bug under my magnifying glass?
but also: what is "role" and what is "character"? if i swap all of these things, what if anything is left of the original characters that makes the swap interesting? is it just aesthetics left at that point (i.e. only visually distinct) or is there still something different about the story you'd tell with them?
what is it that makes reigen essentially reigen, that you couldn't replace without making him unrecognizable? is it the same type of quality that makes serizawa essentially serizawa?
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
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i watched the pilot of brba the other night and it occured to me then that there is a specific kind of guy that i become obsessed with turning over and over in my head like observing a coin shine in the sunlight:
a tragic adult male figure that ends up hurting those closest to him (and/or) everyone around him, because of his own crumbling to society's expectations and pressures of him as a man, leader, patriarch, or simply as a person, and a slow succumbing to self-loathing, insanity, addiction, curse, evil, or just long-suffering... and the tragic consequences of his instability and harmful behaviors affect his family first, perhaps the ones he loves most, or the only ones which love him, before it finally gets around back to him and he begins to suffer tenfold. sometimes they are dads (biological, or adoptive), or they are something like an unofficial guardian to a child, or they *would* have had a child had it not been for their behavior. sometimes there's a redemption arc or redeemable qualities, and sometimes there's just a slow demise.
#THISSS is what my mind revolves around. this is what i think everyone else should be obsessed with and no one seems to be#from top to bottom beginning with the good guys: emiel regis | geralt of rivia | simon petrikov (ice king)#for 'decent': odysseus | agamemnon | nandor (i put them in 'decent' by their ancient standards. obviously the war + pillaging isn't great)#nandor i gotta be real with you was a last-minute addition to this because wwdits is a comedy but i realized he fits this formula#despite the 'stay dead' mention. i forgot about wwdits#and i also forgot that he fathered a bunch of children soooo i edited it to put him in the father area#the 'awesome / decent / stay dead' ranking is by my own personal judgement of them btw and how much i like them#im sorry to put simon so (relatively) low but who didn't hate the ice king in the first few seasons of AT...#i actually really like odysseus... he's my academic poor little meow meow... but... problematic fave#agamemnon and nandor i like but they are just stupid#and below that i just have hate and contempt in my heart for them. like i hope they die and suffer greatly#i would have put emhyr but the thing is that emhyr was evil (power-hungry and selfish) since the beginning and he didn't really become#corrupted or anything he just continued being a horrible person. like just read a question of price basically lol#i dont need to explain geralt or regis. or do i. maybe i should. idk#basically for geralt i just think about sword of destiny and something more and how he left ciri in brokilon and condemned the both of them#and also how he wouldnt take the child when he went to see calanthe in something more like just real dumbass tragic hero behavior#regis. he's not a tragic hero but he destroyed his life catastrophically. he suffered a lot and made it everybody else's problem#so if you have any recs on other characters that are like this maybe i will become obsessed with them idk.#i think they have to be at least somewhat likable. learn from their past actions and try to make things better. even if they dont succeed#actually if they dont succeed thats even better (see: geralt)#but if they just suck for real then i just don't even want to watch or read more like damn get some help or k*ll yourself#i should honestly make my OC's dad like this. he already 90% is. honestly.#i like it when they are good on the inside :> and try to turn things around and save ppl they love but they meet a tragic end anyways :')#except odysseus i think he should get to live happily ever after on ithaca i'm honestly kind of glad we lost the telegony#men who are thiiiiis close to commiting s*icide from the extreme pressure society places upon them#but instead they chicken out and instead stab their wife or child. OR BOTH#txt#cw domestic violence
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kuramirocket · 2 years
I knew it was coming because I accidentally spoiled myself on the series finale, but that series finale of Bates Motel was so heartbreaking. Why couldn't Norman and Norma just be happy together 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
And another topic, I knew it was going to happen because I know my mom; I watched the series when she was in the room while she was on her tablet watching another show, cause Bates Motel starts off so interesting and strong in its first ep, so ofc, I wanted to keep watching to know what happens. And mom being mom was like 'What you watching?'
Before this btw, she had come into the room like the day before I started watching Bates Motel, while I was watching Psycho the 1960 version and after I told her what the film was she was like, 'Oh, I saw this movie a while back.'
So, going back to me watching Bates Motel when she was in the room, ofc, she got interested in the series because she didn't know a series based on Psycho existed. And what with the craziness of it with already murder or something, it ofc, caught her interest (she likes movies and shows with killers. Lol. I get it from her); from there we started watching it together. I translated for her.
And so, that is how I binged watched nearly all of Bates Motel with my mom in just like 10 days. Whoo. I think she started watching it with me like a few eps in. I think she didn't see the first 3 eps besides the scenes that caught her attention while in the room when I was starting to watch the series.
She be like that. I'm watching tv and she be on her tablet looking at both screens. Lol
And now we are going to watch all the Psycho movies. We got the movie collection. So yayyy!
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jesterwaves · 4 months
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so glad i checked this before going back...
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antimony-medusa · 5 months
*I emerge from scrolling tags to avoid writing an essay about learning styles, staring madly and with my hair torn out of my head*
okay so btw, Phil is the top requested QSMP character for the exchanges I run, usually followed by Chayanne (and then spiderbit/parrot duo, usually only like one or two votes behind).
Pissa is the 7th most popular QSMP ship, with 299 fics of this writing, and Phil & Chayanne is the 10th most popular ship, with 265 fics. Phil is the single most popular QSMP character on Ao3, tagged in 2,354 fics.
Speaking as someone who regularly goes into both the Phil and the Etoiles tags to queue art, Phil has tons of awesome art. People liveblog his lore streams. I personally saw the Cellbit discord doing a primer on his hardcore lore the other day because someone had the theory that it was going to be applicable to general QSMP lore. If I see a cool moment on stream, I can open up the tag six hours later and there's art of it.
Do you know how many fandoms would absolutely kill for that?
Phil is not sidelined by the fandom. He is doing FINE. That is the opposite of the problem we are having, we are having the problem where Phil is popular enough that people show up to other people's lore like "let me make this about my guy" and I scream and claw my face and apologize for them. We are having the problem where while MOST people in the tag are well behaved, just by laws of percentages, even a very small portion of the fandom acting badly makes fans of other characters clutch their blorbos to their chest and mutter darkly about "phil fans".
It might seem a little less if you're used to DSMP at its peak, but I assure you, DSMP at its peak was a megafandom. We are a healthy midsized-to-large fandoms and Phil is one of the big characters. I promise you.
Let me put this in DSMP terms. Phil crows? We are the inniters of QSMP. We are doing FINE. I assure you. Trust me.
Do I agree with the characterization everyone is bringing to the table for my blorbo? No. Popular characters get misrepresented. Is every fic in the tag a masterpiece? No. Baby writers get to have fun too. Do I sometimes go "aw I'd love to see more art of phil and [x] because I love their dynamic"? Yes. The nature of being human is to want more of your blorbo and for your takes about your blorbo to reign supreme.
But if you were kind of going "I want to see more of my blorbo :(" and thinking that represented that the fandom was not paying attention to the blorbo, I assure you, I've run the numbers, Phil is not being sidelined.
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touchoffleece · 27 days
Apology in Advance for the probable incoming Sulemio v Destiel Poll posts.
There are layers to why the dumb ship poll has me feeling so passionate, some are: -Sulemio more or less checked off a Bucket List Want I thought I would die before seeing it become a reality. That being: a Sapphic Anime couple where the main focus and story doesn't revolve around discovering or accepting their sexuality and showing it can be a successful story public perception wise and money wise (G Witch has some of that self discovery stuff but it's like a D or E level plot). And having it so the gay relationship can't be perceived away as besties or sisterhood or with a Bury Your Gays end. -wlw/GL ships constantly getting overshadowed by mlm ships or get played down to hype up mlm ships because "there can only be 1 lgbtqi+ ship" mentality in fandoms. -Sulemio fandom was vibing and more or less quiet until this rewoke us up here on Tumblr. We are all once again speaking and writing deep analytical lengthy posts about how deep, well written and portrayed the love between both characters were not only in subtext but throughly explicit sentences in dialogue or actions of Suletta and Miorine, and the world around them. I am very happy to join in and revisit the awesomeness that their story was since I can't truly replicate the journey that was watching their story as it developed in real time. (Shout out to my 2 het cis male acquaintances who nagged me to give G Witch a shot back when only ep 0 and 1 were out you guys freaking amazing. Bros gave me unforgettable memories.) -But a big one I see not getting talked about a lot is how this match up is giving a big and much needed reality check to western-media-live-action-only-consumers/fans that: Just because something is an animation it does not make that type of art/storytelling/show/whatever you want to call it inferior to live action. A few years back I saw so many west live action tv fans shit endlessly and mercilessly on Magical Girl Utena because of a similar ship poll where it had come down to live action fandom ship vs canon anime ship. (iykyk, I don't want to restart that shit up again since it hurt a lot to watch as someone who liked the ship that was leading but didn't watch Utena-I'm too weak for that hurt- see the show and its contribution towards actual wlw/gl representation get shit on) A lot of the criticisms and punchlines of statements were mocking people for getting attached to cartoons as "grown ass adults"; a criticism any animation enjoyer probably knows all too well. Post so many animation shows in western streaming sites get cancelled or be erased and locked behind vaults because the CEOs think there is no fanbase or value in creating animation, this sentiment more towards animated shows with depth in their stories. I think back to that poll and the ensuing shit show. To think about that back then and see a reflection of that situation with the Ship (Sulemio) that has been stated to be inspired by the ship from Utena (Utenanthy) that was shat on so much by similar media consumers back then who perceived and said animation is a lesser form of storytelling-after seeing so many animation shows I enjoyed get cancelled because of this same sentiment from people thinking no adult wants animation as entertainment- to see Sulemio beat "the greater known" ship from a western live action media show that didn't even want the gay representation associated with itself, it feels like properly bandaging a seeping wound that you were letting "dry out". This all still feels like ship war with ships and fandoms that shouldn't have reason to beef, but the catharsis of seeing such a: powerful, moving, and overall amazing story that is Gundam the Witch from Mercury (free on Youtube to watch btw) and Sulemio's love story get recognized when it still feels like animation as a storytelling device gets looked down upon and has partially been erased, is making me cautiously optimistic that maybe in a few years we can get our amazing in depth animated shows that got taken away because animated storytelling is "just for kids" or "isn't good enough".
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