#bourbon movie quotes
oldfilmsflicker · 1 year
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Dead Man's Eyes, 1944 (dir. Reginald Le Borg)
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bluevelvetea · 2 years
Bourbon: I sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Gin: I sleep with a knife.
Kir: Both of you are pathetic.
Bourbon: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with?
Kir: Vermouth.
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themovieboards · 2 years
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hakogyi · 5 months
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BREAKING: the most toxic duo is currently rotting your brain and you need to see more of them NOW!
keep reading for my very incoherent thoughts about these two
i'm crying idk why i'm so attached to ginkir suddenly but they are currently my guilty pleasure brainrot. i know gin is so so so toxic to kir (and to everyone else. what's new) but i don't ship them in the "i want them to fall in love and kiss" way i need them in the "gin is strangely and inexplicably obsessed with kir and the series will end with kir killing him with his own gun" way (incoming spoilers for movies 20 and 26 + the kir arc/the shuichi akai special collection)
i'm probably reaching with this but bear with me. gin is an impulsive, violent man. his first instinct when faced with anything is to take out his gun and shoot. he's shot kir multiple times - in the darkest nightmare, when she and bourbon were chained to a pole for being on the NOC list, then in black iron submarine, when she was standing in between gin and the eur•p•l agent he wanted dead. OKAY. but he's never shot her with the intent of killing her AND I KNOW THAT'S A LOW BAR BUT BEAR WITH ME.
gin kills as a safeguard!! he killed akemi because of her relationship with an fb! agent and she'd become a liability. he wants to kill haibara because she escaped and is a liability. but after kir gets literally captured by the fb! AND is suspected to be a NOC, gin doesn't...gaf?? gin goes through so much trouble to get her back alive when he could've just blown up all the fbi vans and gotten rid of not only kir, who may have become a liability at this point, but also a bunch of fb! agents to snipe their manpower?? ok gin
"she's an absolute beast when she's cornered" ok gin. ok. is it also because she's the only woman apart from vermouth who dares to manhandle you. is that it. ok gin. i'm nowhere near done with this quote yet i fear i've truly lost my mind. gin is so clearly impressed by the lie she told him about brutally murdering the c!a agents but from what he actually sees of her firsthand he knows she's doesn't like to kill. he literally has to keep telling her "don't hesitate". gin's not dumb! he should have caught on to her lie by now! he should already know in his BONES that kir is a NOC! AND SHE'S STILL ALIVE?? ok gin
the close-up shot of kir's hand on gin's in black iron submarine as she stops him from pulling the lever. people d!ed (me). on a side note i feel like i understand gin on a whole new level after these revelations. i mean have you seen kir
to conclude i think gin is really, really strangely tolerant of kir and i love thinking about him having some sort of weird confused one-sided obsession with her that he doesn't know how to express apart from doing what he always does and holding her at gunpoint. i want this series to end with kir shooting him dead because YES i know gin's true long-established rival (cough 恋人 cough) and the one who will probably actually do him in is shuichi but shuichi's not the one who's been subjected to gin's impulsive bloodthirsty whims as part of his little evil squad ok. rena deserves this just as much as shuichi does
ok about the actual art. sorry i probably could've translated all of my ginkir thoughts into a much better more intense and analytical comic but then i started giggling like a crazy person and this happened. sorry i made gin too babygirl. i need kir to kiss me
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ilikehaikyuu1 · 1 year
MW2 Characters headcannons!
Hello! I love all MW2 characters so why not do headcannons? Most of these are inspired by ones I've seen on Tumblr or TikTok!
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<3 You know this man SNORES
< 3 His beard has its own self-care routine like he takes better care of it than most things.
<3 He LOVES to be pampered after a mission and loves a nice shoulder rub with a fire going with a cigar and some bourbon.
<3 Lowkey feels like he would be really good at pool or any drinking game from when he was younger.
<3 Considers 141 to be family to him often uses the quote "Family doesn't have to stop at relatives."
<3 LOVES sleeping in with his partner, especially after a tough mission and just needs the love of his life and his comfy bed. (This man is absolutely a cuddle bug I DON'T MAKE THE RULES)
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<3 This man is every girl's DREAM (especially mine) He is such a gentleman opening doors for you, getting flowers, and paying for everything.
<3 Horror movie FAN. Loves a good horror movie/sex combo.
<3 Type of man to tease you but MELT when you do it back.
<3 Probably has a collection of weird things from when he was younger.
<3 loves listening to 50's songs with you in the early morning slowly swaying.
<3 Loves gossiping with you over anything.
<3 Every Friday night he goes drinking with 141 it's just tradition.
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<3 Just like Gaz this man is a GENTLEMAN.
<3 Type of drunk person to yell the most offensive shit.
<3 Can't smoke to save his life he'd lose a lung.
<3 Constantly cracking jokes and picks up lines.
<3 Speaking of pick-up lines THIS MAN says the most wild ass pick-up lines just to make you smile.
<3 Hm and Gaz are inseparable as if they were twins.
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<3 This man's love language is Physical Touch and LOVES being able to touch you. (Take that how you will.)
<3 Wakes up early even when exhausted to make you breakfast in bed.
<3 Type of man to make you bubble baths after sex.
<3 Him and Rudy are best friends which means they share. (ALSO take that information as you will.)
<3 Secretly listens to Doja Cat.
<3 Often gets insecure about his forehead.
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<3 Sweetest partner ever but sucks at flirting.
<3 Loves baked goods and loves them even more if you bake them together.
<3 Love dancing to Spanish songs with you.
<3 Service dom honestly.
<3 Loves a good ol' beer.
<3 Every time he goes out he ALWAYS gets you something your closet is filed with stuff he gets. (And fridge)
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<3 Can be possessive and gets jealous easily (You're just that beautiful/handsome.)
<3 Loves to go horseback riding with you.
<3 Shares you with the Shadows
<3 Is a SUGAR DADDY loves spoiling you but expects payment back.
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<3 This woman is POSSESSIVE
<3 Hides you from others only a few people know about you, especially your relationship.
<3 Secretly has a sweet side with you.
<3 Has a collection of valuable beanie babies.
<3 Can drink ANYONE under the table.
<3 Feeds stray cats
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<3 Strong but silent type
<3 Has a difficult time opening up but when he does shut up and LISTEN.
<3 Isn't used to physical touch but once he does he can't stop touching you
<3 Always asking for consent "Can I touch you luv?" "Does it feel good when I do this?"
<3 Loves a good story and tea time.
<3 Loves close and slow sex. (I wouldn't say he really likes rough sex but there are a few kinks here and there.)
This is the end! Thank you reading if you want me to do anymore or anyone please dm!
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keldjinfae · 3 months
I was tagged by the lovely @greyhavenisback, and I cannot for the life of me remember if I've already responded to this post or not, so...
In no particular order, my Top 10 Movies:
Inception - it has Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy, and Ken Watanabe. That would be enough if it didn't also have one of the most goosebump-inducing soundtracks of all... Time. It also set sail one of my all-time favorite ships with the creation of Arthur and Eames.
The Dark Knight - while this list won't be entirely comprised of Nolan movies, I can't not put this one on this list, considering how many times I saw it in theaters. Both Heath Ledger and Aaron Eckhart were mesmerizing as the Joker and Two-Face, and again, that soundtrack is fire (I'm sorry).
Saw (the entire series) - I went to see all of these so many damn times in theaters that it's a good thing I got to see them for free. Every weekend, provided something new hadn't been released, my friend and I went to see whichever Saw movie was still showing. And again, isn't it iconic?
Tombstone - yes, obviously there's Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday, but there's also Kurt Russell, Sam Elliott, Bill Paxton, Powers Boothe, Michael Biehn, Stephen Lang, Billy Zane, Thomas Hayden Church, and nobody's leaving it up to one man to carry the movie. It's also one that I used to watch with my father at least once a year, usually around the anniversary of his separation from my mother, and we'd pass a bottle of bourbon back and forth and rant about how insane it is that Kilmer wasn't even nominated for an Oscar.
John Wick (the entire series) - it's a thing of beauty to me that what should just be a bunch of "shoot 'em up" movies have such an insane amount of worldbuilding to them (and if anyone bothering to read this post knows anything about my writing, it's how much I build a world before I start writing the story in the first place). The action is gorgeous, the actors themselves are gorgeous, the development and usage of things as simple as slang is gorgeous, the soundtrack is gorgeous. You can also never go wrong with Ian McShane.
The Warriors - this was legit one of our family movie night features while my sister and I were growing up. Yes, there were animated movies and whatnot, but our parents were very lax about rating restrictions. We still regularly quote "CAN YOU DIG IT?!" and "Warriooooooooors! Come out to plaaaaaaaay!" Also, James Remar as Ajax was 🔥.
Interview with the Vampire - Tom Cruise may be an... interesting individual in real life, but the effort he put into portraying Lestat was sheer perfection. I used to watch this one all the time with my dad and my sister, and again, killer soundtrack.
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World - a movie that decided to bring together every single comedian of the time that they possibly could, as well as come up with relevant things for them to do. Sounds impossible "on paper," and yet this movie exists. I've been watching it since I was a child and I still laugh through the whole thing. Buddy Hackett is also basically my father in this movie, which makes Mickey Rooney both myself and my sister. "NO ONE'S FLYING THE PLANE!"
21 Jump Street and 22 Jump Street - I laughed so hard watching the first one that my vision literally whited out at one point. Everyone is fantastic in both movies, but 21JS is also the first time I got to see Channing Tatum's understated sense of humor.
Kill Bill (both volumes) - I could have just filled up most of these slots with Tarantino movies, honestly, because I do love just about all of them (and my dad had a particular fondness for Django Unchained), but my sister and I rewatch I and II at least once a year. They make up one masterpiece, and I may be in the minority but I hope III is never actually a serious prospect.
No pressure whatsoever tags: @dear-massacre @nerdherderette @vmures @renmackree @ephemeronidwrites
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sandsorghum · 2 years
Hollywood AU
With Oscars round the corner I wanted to explore a Movie Industry 'verse, featuring Screenplay writer Nanamin x Starlet Reader, with some messy Director Geto x Reader thrown into the mix cuz it's HOllywood so why not.
I don't have things fully fleshed out, this is only a drabble. It's just a fun little plot bunny I'm considering chasing down the rabbithole, so if you enjoy it, please leave some feedback! Thanks~
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Nanami toes the line he's sketched in the sand - and you keep scuffing it. Because it is sand, not cement, as much as Nanami would like to believe that. The grains keep trickling through the hourglass, and his throat gets ever more parched around you.
He used to be able to call you to the side of a sound stage in between takes to murmur his corrections. Now he just scratches them out on a clipboard, cursing PAs and sticky notes that aren't at all adhesive.
"I miss you."
Glue floods his throat. Nanami glances at your reflection, eclipsed by a bevy of stylists coiling your locks into perfectly tight, period-accurate ringlets.
"Bunkering down in that cramped trailer, discussing stories. Have you seen Sangsoo's latest by the way?"
You catch sight of him in the mirror and smile, but someone tuts at you to "stay still". Nanami watches your lips go taut as the gloss swipes over, but he knows where to look. Sure enough, there's a matching shimmer in your gaze, locked in on his. Nanami swallows, his eyes dropping to the papers in his lap.
"Been too busy," he grunts.
"Right Now, Wrong Then remains my fav, but you should make your own assessment. I wouldn't mind seeing his new film twice. Maybe over the weekend, we could-"
"I'll be holed up with the rewrites. Studio's orders. I'm leaving your new lines here."
Nanami doesn't so much hear you sigh, as glimpse a small corner of the glass getting fogged up. He feels your stare slide from the rear view to his retreating silhouette as he turns and walks away from your pout, from the memory of a puff of air tickling his mouth.
Every day you seem more like a mirage, less an oasis.
But these are the desert dunes he's chosen to trek through, grounds ever shifting.
Framed by ink strands, jet stone irises cut across steepled ivory hands, with a gleam that renders the lamination of the page redundant.
[And would you like to address the rumours-?]
[Talent's drawn to talent. That's all.]
[The final say?]
[Your next soundbite - until another distraction from our craft comes along.]
The black and white portrait rustles, a splotch of darkness seeps over those eyes, coloured grey as the super-sized quote [DRAWN TO TALENT] is imprinted across the ravines of cheekbones and deep recesses of sockets, now thinned with text.
He's well aware of your history with Geto, the inaccuracies of the accounts on both sides, the way the two of you are the darlings of the gossip columns, as cyclical as the seasons and heroin chic coming back in vogue, appalling as it is.
"How's the fluff piece for our auteur extraordinaire? He opt for self-flagellating or self-fellating?"
So, trouble in paradise then, Nanami thinks.
He shrugs. "The box office'll be happy."
"Oh, hooraay. Praise be for the ultimate - nay, the only metric and arbiter of art."
His tone is withering, but not enough to stop your belligerence from sprouting. Or spouting.
"Hey. Do you think I got where I am based on sheer luck, or looks?"
You're a few too many whiskey neats in.
"Clearly they weren't stumbling blocks," he says drily, gesturing for his refill. Normally you'd find his diplomacy coy. Now it's just tiresome.
"I expected more than this calibre of flattery from a BAFTA nominee," you sneer, fingers creeping along Nanami's taut wrist. He steadies his grip around his bourbon.
"I'm off the clock. You'll have to get your one-liners elsewhere. Union rules."
You lean in, the cloud of alcohol and your perfume shrouding Nanami.
"Such a stickler," you whisper, the taunt gusting warm and wet against his lips. Through the fog, just barely, Nanami telescopes in on the gleam of your maraschino-red mouth, the gimlet glint of your eyes.
Not chandeliers, but stalactites, the notion coalesces somehow, despite your distractions. Nanami's brain churns, scrambling for a deflective quip, only to short-circuit when he feels your other hand land on his thigh.
"You know, in these scenarios, the rulebook gets thrown out - if one even exists in the first place."
A rough palm clasps your hand, but your forehead brushes Nanami's.
"My point is, I don't give up. I always get what I want."
"Assuming you know what that is."
You freeze.
It's better this way, Nanami thinks, watching the shards twist in your eyes. There is still barely an inch between you and him, close enough for him to feel the breath and consequences you hold in the quiver of your lips. At arm's length, and a lifetime away.
At least like this, he has a front row seat to the fracturing story.
He was never meant to be the protagonist, let alone a hero.
"Are you really coming after me, or are you just trying to get away from Suguru?"
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oncasette · 2 years
✷ my mood themed spotify playlists
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ABSINTHE. dad rock $15.63
ARNOLD PALMER. lost & drunk on the beach $1.20
BLACK COFFEE. he’s an older man $40.50
BOURBON TOSCANO. smoky $5.21
BUBBLEGUM SODA. girly bubblegum pop $0.56
CEREAL MILK. just a girl in a coming of age film $7.13
CLEAR SALINE. grief $0.98
CRYSTAL PEPSI. live life like it’s an 80s movie $1.25
DIET MTN DEW. pretentious indie bitch $3.78
EGGNOG. christmas beats $13.12
GINGER SHOT. in love with a women in the 70s $8.08
GINGER TEA. lo-fi & movie quotes $7.21
HOT CHOCOLATE. warm $5.00
JACK AND COKE. permanent wave $20.56
JELL-O SHOTS. the era, the icon, the 2000s $13.31
LAVENDER LEMONADE. vintage love songs $0.99
LONG ISLAND ICED TEA. dancing w/out a man $42.37
MARTINI, DRY. mom, i am a rich man $1,843.00
MEAD. living in the mud $0.00
MILLER LITE. generic beer & truck country $21.00
MONSTER ENERGY. emo $15.21
MOONSHINE. country love songs $20.59
NEW COKE. my 2018 editing 80s era $1.99
A NICE CHIANTI. stuck in a horror movie $19.88
OLD FASHIONED. slow dancing to vinyl $19.54
ORANGE JUICE. lost love $14.70
PEACE TEA. relaxation $0.78
PROSECCO. songs that buzz $24.70
PEACH TEA. country for the plains $19.90
RED RED WINE. classic rock n roll $54.32
SALT WATER. cry your eyes out $0.15
SANGRIA. that woman’s the devil $10.55
SPARKLING APPLE CIDER. pretty princess $25.55
STRAWBERRY DAQUIRI. feminine felonies $12.30
SUNNY-D. growing up $1.49
TAP WATER. sad, but a bit drowsier $0.00
TWISTED TEA. summertime $20.99
VODKA REDBULL. 2000s tramp anthems $14.35
WATERMELON MARGARITA. hot girl shit $14.29
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altrxisme · 6 months
alias / name : bourbon birthday : nov. 15 zodiac sign : scorpio height : 4' 11" hobbies : writing, watching movies, listening/watching video essays on yt, crocheting favourite colour : blue, purple, and red but in deep jewel tones <3 favourite book : honestly it's been ages since i've read a proper book ;;; last film / show : 10 Things I Hate About You, watched it for a film and literature class and i liked it c: last show I watched was Apothecary Diaries recent reads : The Taming Of The Shrew inspiration : lots of trends, specifically sound bites on tiktok, quotes, dance and fight vids on insta, and video analysis essays are where i get a lot of specific inspo from, generally speaking i pull a lot of stuff from what i've personally seen and heard as inspiration as well story behind url : w/o the 'x' it's altruisme which is norwegian for altruism, which ain't too far off in the first place. i went with norwegian bc jackson was originally norwegian-irish instead of irish-american and johanne was a genderbent version of him initially. i made the change to have the two as separate and co-existing muses the more i rped johanne, but the two still have somewhat similar themes of altruism which is where the url came from. i debated taking out the 'e' at the end but the url stuck so that's what we got fun fact about me : i sang a solo for my kindergarten graduation
tagged by: @untales tagging: @tellemidied @holyguardian @fereldensheroes and whoever else wants to ^^
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oldfilmsflicker · 2 years
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I Love You Again, 1940 (dir. W.S. Van Dyke)
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sun-fyre · 2 years
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Thursday night Grinch Gang had to represent at Holiday Trivia. I held shit down and quite possibly watch too many movies 😂😂 Our team almost made it to the finals though, we missed some dumb ones (I hate quotes and directors). And since I was in the neighborhood I had to cop a bottle of bourbon and moonshine 🥃🌑✨if you never visited the bottle shop @toledospirits you’re missing out. #grinchgang #holidaytrivia #KieshaChronicles #maumeemoonshine #lowertownbourbonwhiskey (at HEAVY Beer Company) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmR-H5iOrA_xVesmVS4boxOw_oaMvvgLYCPwmU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 5 years
I've been seeing a lot of love for The Mummy (1999) on my dash recently, and it's reminded me of the time I rage quit a feminist movie review podcast on the first episode because they slammed this absolute work of art. They said it wasn't "good" and they're right-- it's perfection.
Come at me bro.
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incxrrect-dcmk · 6 years
Conan: I trusted you!
Bourbon: Well, that wasn't very smart, was it?
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karol-maverick · 7 years
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seaside-writings · 3 years
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(Part 1 of 3)
In celebration of the new year, I've made this prompt list made up of all my favorite prompts I've posted over 2021! I hope you all enjoy this list, and I hope it brings you some inspiration!
I'll see you all in 2022!
I hope you all stay blessed and safe throughout your day. Lots of Love & Wishes: Celia 💙
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
Prompt #1: “Put me down, dammit!!” “Not until you stop trying to get yourself killed,” - Prompt #2: “You wanna get married?” “What?” “Do you wanna get married?” “Like… Like right now. Like right now, right now,” “Yeah,” “… Sure,” “Great! I’ll start the car,” - Prompt #4: “If you keep being a dick I will unlife you! I mean it I will unlife you very slowly with a spoon!” - Prompt #7: “What the hell is going on!? What the hell is that!?” “I don’t know some kind of genetic fuckery!!” - Prompt #15: “Throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack,” “We get it you got bit by a werewolf! Now stop using that quote!” - Prompt #17: “Why are you on the floor?” “The carpet is really comfy,” - Prompt #22: “Is that blood!?!” “Don’t worry it’s mine!!” “Is that suppose to make me feel better!!!” - Prompt #23: “So it looks like we have a weird Romeo and Juliet situation,” “Yeah, I gue… “ “Whatever you do, don’t drink poison and stay away from daggers!” - Prompt #24: “Why are we looking at thread you don’t even sew? “I sew! … Just not with fabric,” “WHAT!?” - Prompt #26: “You’re fucking crazy!” “Maybe I am, but what does that make you?” - Prompt #27: “If you don’t let this go it will destroy you,” “It already destroyed me!” “That’s not true and you know it, it might have hurt you beyond what I can imagine but the fact that you’re still standing here shows that it hasn’t destroyed you,” - Prompt #31: “Did the lights turn red?” “If horror movies have taught me anything we’re about to be chased by something that wants to kill us,” - Prompt #33: “You really like my hands,” “They’re small and they fit perfectly in mine,” - Prompt #35: “Hey, some kids are climbing over the fence,” “What are you… Oh, shit those are my kids!” - Prompt #40: “Not everyone you love is going to leave you,” “You did,” - Prompt #44: “Modern problems require modern solutions,” “Now is not the time to be quoting memes!” - Prompt #45: “AAHHH!!” “What? What is it!? Is it a Gnome!?” “What? No! What is with you an Gnomes?” - Prompt #49: “What do you know about me!?” “More than you think!” - Prompt #56: “Fuck it, it’s been a long day so I’m making homemade ice cream and it’s gonna have a shit ton of bourbon in it,” “Cool, the ice cream maker is under the sink,” - Prompt #57: “You lied,” “What?” “You lied, this will never be over,” - Prompt #58: “You’re nothing without me!” “I’m everything without you!” - Prompt #59: “Will I ever see you again?” “If you’re lucky, no,” - Prompt #62: “Your wings are amazing!” “Thank you… Do you want to touch them?” “Can I?… I-I mean are you sure you’re okay with that?” “I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t trust you,” - Prompt #63: “What was that sound?” “Nothing good, I’m sure,” - Prompt #66: “Um… Why is there a child wrapped in your cloak?” “Because it’s cold, duh,” - Prompt #67: “What… What just happened?” “You just became the Alpha,” - Prompt #72: “Come on my little one, let’s get you home where it’s warm and dry,” - Prompt #79: “Hey, Little Bird, what are you up to?” - Prompt #81: “Breath! Damn it, breath! Please, just fucking breath!” - Prompt #82 “Don’t you want to dance, child?” “Yes, but… but I don’t know how to dance,” “Well, that’s an easy fix,” “It is?” “Yep, because all you have to do is take my hand and stand on my feet,” - Prompt #84: “You know, I never thought I’d have any of this,” “Any of what?” “Friends, family … love,” - Prompt #87: “You know before you and the others came along, I honestly thought that I would never smile again,” - Prompt #91: “We have to save the world,” “… Can we at least have coffee first?” - Prompt #93: “Get in the car we’re going on an adventure!” “Not again,” - Prompt #97: “I can’t believe you! What you did was extremely dangerous and stupid! Not to mention you could have been seriously hurt or worse!” - Prompt #98: “Here you go, a beautiful flower to match your beautiful eyes,” “You’re such a sweet talker,” “Maybe, but that’s one of the things you love about me,” - Prompt #99: “I don’t have anyone,” “That’s not true, you have us,” - Prompt #103: “What the fuck was that!?!” “What makes you think I know!!” - Prompt #107: “Hey, no, no, no, shh… I’m not gonna hurt you, I promise,” - Prompt #111: “Did you just bite me!?!” “You see the teeth marks, don’t you!?” - Prompt #117: “Don’t worry, I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep,”
“And you’ll stay after that?”
“Yes, And I’ll stay after that,” - Prompt #119: “What were you all doing?” “Certainly not trying to raise the dead!” “… “ “Smooth, real smooth,” - Prompt #120: “Here let me see the camera,” “What? Why?” “Because you’re never in your own videos and photos, you need to be a part of the memories too,” - Prompt #121: “They trusted you, they all trusted you, and they all loved you! And what did you do!?!” “Shut up!!” “You betrayed them and left them as if they were nothing!!!” - Prompt #127: “I’m not sorry for what I did, I’m not sorry that I ended your reign of terror, but I am sorry that I had to do it. I’m sorry I couldn’t stop you from becoming the monster you turned out to be.” - Prompt #128: “Did I ever tell you what happened the day that you came into my life?” - Prompt #132: “Is that a picture of me?” “Yes, yes it is, I keep a picture of you with me at all times,” “Really? Why?” “Because it reminds me to keep fighting,” - Prompt #133: “Please… I love you…” “You’re a day late and a dollar short, Hunny Bun,” - Prompt #134: “Buckle up, ladies and gentlemen! We’re going for a ride!” “Who the hell let him drive!?” - Prompt #135: “Keep up, Darling! This is the end of our story after all,” “No, it’s just the end of your’s,” - Prompt #137: “You’re a little rough around the edges, but you care and that’s what’s important,” - Prompt #141: “You’re better off without me!” “And who the hell are you to tell me that!?!” - Prompt #144: “Oh please, you’re a child, nothing more than a kitten,” “Kittens still have claws and canines,”
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arctickat2400 · 3 years
Gun <> Damon Salvatore
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I had “borrowed” one of Damon’s guns and I was just playing around. It wasn’t even loaded, and why does he even need a gun? He’s a vampire, he doesn’t need a gun.
He was in the living room, drinking his daily bourbon and most likely listen in to me being my stupid, tired self and waiting for the right moment to come and ruin my fun.
I held the gun in my hands, having it point up towards the ceiling, keeping it close to me. I looked each and every way as I walked backwards and sideways.
I tried to mimic the things spies did in those movies and stuff like 007.
But, I just ended up laughing. I kept a straight face for a minute, holding the gun in my hands like before as I backed up, looking every which way.
Then, I almost tried backwards as I pointed the gun out in front of me and saw Damon standing their, dodging the gun that almost hit him.
I just started laughing as I almost fell back.
Damon came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist as he held onto my hand with the gun in it and took it out of my hand, kissing the side of my head.
“Y/N, don’t play with this. It’s dangerous.” Damon told me.
“But, why?” I complained. “It’s not even loaded and why do you even need a gun? You’re a vampire. Your hands and your fangs are your weapons.” I added as I followed Damon into the kitchen.
I sat down at the island counter as he put the gun away in the box that he kept in the corner.
I turned around as he leant on the other side of the island towards me, leaning on his arms.
“Well, true. But, those weapons are special. They consist of vervain and wooden bullets. So, if there actually had been bullets in that gun and you had “accidentally” shot it,” he put air quotes around accidentally with his fingers. “It could’ve shot me or Stefan if he had walked in.” He finished.
“But it didn’t.” I put in.
“But, it could have.” Damon said again. “And my hands and fangs aren’t my only weapons.” I tilted my head in confusion.
“My eyes are killer for you.” He added and I smiled. He tapped my nose as I giggled, chasing him as he walked off as I jumped onto his back.
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