#boycott Smart Water
news4dzhozhar · 1 month
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chaiaurchaandni · 5 months
whats up w american poc in online spaces talking ab how great western hegemony/US imperialism is and when u call them white (bec how am i supposed to know this idiot's ethnicity) theyre like "well actually!! 🤓☝️ im black" like ok bitch ur still speaking the white man's tongue so idgaf
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while I understand where Matt Walsh is coming from (a successful boycott would cripple most gaming companies bc like movie studies nowadays they massively overspend on every project) telling people to divest from all arts/culture just reinforces the "conservatives hate fun and want to destroy art" mindset. you're absolutely right that what we need is to compete directly with the woke crowd. commies can't survive in a free market, we just have to starve them out.
Conservatives already have the 50+ demographic mostly on lock. They don't need to pander to old people by going after the things they don't understand (or no longer understand because it's been years since they interacted with them) like video games. We need to be selling our message to the groups that don't typically align with us. Trump was great at that. That's part of the reason why he scares the left so much. He's gotten more black and hispanic support than any Republican presidential candidate since probably Nixon. Both of those groups Democrats were counting on to be part of their new permanent majority, and they have no plans on how to deal with it other than doubling down on shit that already plays with the Vote Blue No Matter Who crowd (who will, you know, always vote blue) and mass importing foreigners and hope that somehow turns out well for them. Aside from fraud, the only thing currently keeping the Democrats above water nationally are white women, and that's mostly based on Trump being crass and abortion, neither of which can be counted on long term. Trump is only going to be a force in politics for another few years, at best, even if his influence will be felt long after he's off the national stage. And as more and more anti-abortion laws get passed and they don't lead to women dying in the streets from back alley "Coathanger abortions" or any of the other things women are scared of, they'll slowly stop caring so much about that issue.
Anyway, that's kind of beside my point. My point is, we need to be actively promoting the conservative/libertarian right message to groups that haven't heard it yet. And one group that's ripe for the right kind of message is young people. Especially young men. And the worst way to court young men, and the boys who will soon be young men, is to tell their parents to take away their favorite hobby. All they'll remember is that it was their conservative parents who kept them from playing Call of Duty or the latest 2K game because it was "dangerous". And they'll know it's ridiculous, and they'll be smart enough to know the stats and studies that show violent video games don't lead to real life violence, and they'll become voting age adults still thinking that conservatives are old, stuffy, puritanical curmudgeons that hate fun and have backwards ass beliefs.
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outsidereveries · 6 months
The People start hate the idols buy or promoted Starbucks recently*génocide 🇵🇸 but in final they know the idols are obliged to sponsor the brands
This is obvious propagand by Starbucks, they know the kpop idols should follow their rules anyways
I think this is dumb ,they think someone support génocide if they drink cup of brand zionist ...
Here you are wrong (at least in my point of view) because this is not dumb at all but to make an effective boycott it has to be even harsher.
I will take for example the famous people in USA. We saw that to support Palestine, you risk to lose your job - gigs, brands, doesn't matter. I saw it with some actors for example. Therefore, if the k-pop idols want to be relevant there, they are definitely obligied to support Israel. For this part I can agree. Otherwise they'll lose their jobs. Here, Selena (Gomez) is an example for why she didn't took a side and more importantly, said that she is not siding with anyone. From what I remember, Hadid sisters didn't took side either because of the same reasons, same as Selena. The propaganda isn't by SB itself but rather that if there are actually sponsored videos THEY AREN'T PUBLICLY "Paid Partnership" on TikTok and other social medias, THAT IS THE ISSUE. I saw that video with Somi, and since she's an idol, she automatically becomes more or less an influencer. Therefore IF THERE ARE PAID PARTNERSHIPS TELL EVERYONE YOU EARN SOMETHING FOR IT - PRODUCTS, MONEY, IDFK WHAT ELSE. JUST TELL THEM. That's the issue. I was in this industry, i know what i am talking about. Otherwise Somi and everyone else will immediately be called out for "supporting a company that supports Israel", even if they actually don't.
Specifically to the mentioned brand from you, it's EVERYWHERE. In many countries. To be effective for one country, the boycott has to be very massive to even somehow affect SB. I do live in small city that doesn't have SB, McD (and I don't buy anything from there when I am in bigger city) and I don't watch Disney. I don't use Always pads for years too. I also don't drink Coca-Cola, however I do drink Bankya from time to time (local water that is from Coca-Cola's company here that I actually do like) and I try to not buy it as much as possible. However, I also personally boycott another water company that confirmed they poison many fish species in a lake from what I remember. When I shop in smaller shops for water, sometimes I don't have choice. (I cannot remember for other Israel supporter companies) But I am just one, it has to be done by dozens of people if possible. This applies to everything. The boycott doesn't affect anything and the losses aren't big. Be smart, don't use big brands, drink coffee or smoothie in LOCAL PLACES, not these big Israel supporting companies!
The issue here is that if idols do show an actual OBVIOUSLY VISIBLE support to either side, they'll be called out anyways from either their audience OR sponsors/bosses/etc. There are losses anyways.. and maybe that's what I saw months ago :)
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tzatairovic · 21 days
I mean just look at the comments on her last ig post. The world is on fire and being documented and class consciousness is coming into conversations. Smart water and lvmh are on the boycott list. Bulgari and diamonds are another convo. Bisan called for her to be blocked by name. Kehlani, a friend of hers is calling other stars out about not speaking out. I’m not saying she should speak out or she shouldn’t or that it will solve anything but I’m sure online activity is something she will not be doing for awhile. It’s been a stressful month for her I imagine. I’m sure she will lay low for awhile.
Yeah, I think that on top of her personal reasons, this is also something adding to her absence from sm
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driftwithme · 10 months
Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes by Fall Out Boy is a bit of a Chaleigh song for me:
So boycott love
Detox just to retox
Chuck is the type to self-sabotage his love life in a multitude of ways. Sometimes, he convinces himself that he is not intersted in love at all or that even if he was, no one would be adequate unless the person was a j-pilot or something, because else they'd never understand Chuck. Sometimes, he tells himself he doesn't have enough time anyway, he's too busy dying for the world and the jaeger program. Sometimes, the worst of all, he thinks about Raleigh and has to convince himself of all the previous reasons plus Raleigh is a coward plus he hates the blond and he deserves so much better than a has-been. Otherwise, his love would climb his throat without permission and left him bare for Raleigh to disdain at.
So he goes on a cycle of purging his rage to work on his relationships or even ignore everyone in an attempt to he cordial, just for his repressed feelings to explode and send him back on a vicious spiral of more desperation and need-want-now-now.
As for Raleigh-- he acted similarly enough, isolating himself, pushing everyone away to relive his past mistakes over and over, in eternal punishment. Maybe Chuck did a number on himself, but Raleigh was not much better in that regard.
And I'd promise you anything
for another shot at life
Then comes Operation Pitfall and Chuck's left to regret-- regret everything, including the fact that he never allowed himself to be openly in love, even if it made him feel miserable. He's not ready to die, but when has the world care about it?
Raleigh is now thinking about the future for the first time in the past five years.
No one said they had good timing, but oh if they want to live. If there was a way, if by some miracle they could...
Imperfect boys
With their perfect ploys
And they are! Imperfect boys! Who plan and scheme beyond themselves!
Emotional constipated boys with a lifetime of war service and traumas and daddy and mommy issues. Amazing rangers who can pilot the best jaegers avaible but don't find the words to talk to each other properly. The beloveds golden boys of the public for their determination and their courage and their big hearts.
They are too smart to their own good and too clever for the kaijus to stand a chance and proud to realize they can't approach the thing blooming between them like it's just another battle, another war. They want to play the strategies in the wrong place by the wrong reasons lol.
Nobody wants to hear you sing
about tragedy
!! Nobody wants to hear their sad stories !! No one wants to hear how Raleigh lost his brother while they were still on the drift !! How Chuck sold his youth for a chance to stop the apocalypse !! People think is the consequence of their actions !! They do not care about the reality of the rangers and their backstories !! When everyone is fighting to survive, no one wants to hear another sob inducing tale !! They want to hear about the survivors and their bravery and their wins !!!!
Well, I'm being unfair. Maybe the public do want to hear about Chuck losing his mom and Raleigh's dad abandoning him and all the less heroic details that made them the rangers they are today. Thing is, I don't see Chuck and Raleigh being intersted in that martyr treatment, so this is more of what they tell to themselves, that no one wants to hear their tragedies. They just go on.
I'm a loose bolt of a complete machine
You could take the "complete machine" here as the jaeger itself or the PPDC or the jaeger program. Either way, Raleigh and Chuck are both outliners. A bit too unpredictable or angry to trust in their decisions, they could make or break the whole thing.
They both feel like they're not enough and they both know they're some of the best and they feel out, lonely, abandoned.
What a match
I'm half doomed and you're semi-sweet
It doesn't matter who is who.
Raleigh's half doomed from his first solo-piloting and Chuck's half doomed 'cause he's part of the jaeger that will close the breach by detonating the stupid bomb.
Chuck's good intentions and good heart are hidden behind all his anger and mean words, fitting him in the semi-sweetness description. Meanwhile, Raleigh is sweet by nature but the suffering and the years has made him a bit bitter and nostalgic.
They're like the worst most chaotic match.
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fiapple · 4 months
BDS Canada has updated its targeted boycott list to include food & drink products produced by tempo, a list of which you can find below.
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As you can tell, they’re asking to specifically focus your efforts where it will make the most impact by prioritizing the brands who have their logo displayed.
You can find out more about it on the BDS website.
An image description is below, though it will be formatted in a way that puts the highlighted items in their own list for easier accessibility.
Image Description: An infographic put out by BDS. The top banner reads: “Boycott Tempo- Target the top brands (logo’s highlighted here)
Beneath that, on the left side, is a list under the heading, “beverages”
that list includes:
Pepsi (all pepsi brands)
mountain dew
gatorade zero
ocean spray
manzanits sol
mscule milk
sierra mist
alvalle (vegetable soup)
evolve protein beverage
health warrior
life wtr
tazo (tea)
pure leaf
soda stream
simply (fruit juice)
starbucks beverages
yatchak energy tea
san pellegrino
aqua panna
nestle water
culligan water
end of beverage list.
in the middle of the infographic is a list under a heading reading “other.” that list includes:
nut harvest
rose gold (pretzels)
cap’n crunch (cereal)
bare snacks (fruit dried snacks)
gamesa (cookies)
grandma’s (cookies)
sabra (hummus)
jack links (jerky)
quaker (oats)
pasta-roni (pasta)
pearl milling company (syrup)
elite chocolate.
“other” list over.
on the right side of the infographic, there is a third list under the heading “chips,” which reads:
hilo life
sabritas, sabritones
maui style
miss vickie’s
red rock deli
spitz (seeds)
smart food (rice snacks)
popcorners (corn snacks)
off the eaten path (rice crackers)
cracker jack
chip list completed.
the highlighted items to prioritize are:
soda stream
mountain dew
ocean spray
san pellegrino
sierra mist
nestle water
sun chips
smart food
end of image description.
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wzuplovely · 7 months
Boycott Israel
So today I'll be doing soda, beverages, and fast food. note: these were a little harder to research but this website answered all my questions: Cokea motherfucking cola.... this one needs to be banned -the least bad thing they did was a series of top Isreali names on their bottles... not a single one was Arabic even though Israel has a population of over 1.5 million Arabs. - every year they get awards from the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce, meaning they contribute to isralian economy hard. -factories in places illegally occupied by palestine -in 2009 cocacola hosted a reception at the world hq for a warlord Brigadier-General Ben-Eliezer. He was responsible for the execution of 300 Eqyptian pow.
coke also owns simply oj products, minute maid, costa cofee, gold peak tea, smart water, dasani, poweraid, and fairlife dairy products
Starbucks's ex ceo Howard shultz gives money to the Israelian gov/ army. The primary source is hard to find but lots of people point out b.s. -is praised for Israel's public relations success, meaning he supports Israel looking good to the public and he actively an advocate
Mcdonald's ass is giving free meals to the isralian army... enough said -in 2004 an employee in israel was fired for speaking arabic to a customer at work, mcdonalds did not stand up for their worker thus enabled ethnic cleansing
So MATTHEW PATRICK of foodtheory did a test on off brand diet cokes to see which tasted similar to the real deal. His choice of the best alternative was Harris Teeter's brand of soda. Harris teeter is owned by American company Kroger.
Stop buying mcdonalds, opt for local diners, smaller business fastfoods, or BE HEALTHY and eat a mf home cooked meal w no preservative, or a fucking salad
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40sandfabulousaf · 3 months
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大家好! Our government distributed another set of vouchers to all households to help with the rising cost of living. These vouchers are split into those for dining out and the ones for buying groceries. I used to donate them to charity; now that GST has increased by another 1% this year on top of a whopping 18% rise in water bills (IIRC another 7% next year), I gave them to my parents. This lessens their financial burden since they have retired.
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At a time when many retirees around the world struggle with the cost of basic essentials, I feel thankful that my parents eat well. Making sure that they're comfortable means fewer cafe and restaurant visits. Dining out often is possible by avoiding overpriced artisanal dishes. Avocado toasts served at cafes average between $12 - $18 in Singapore, whereas in the photo below, black pepper stirfried chicken and vegetables, tomato and onion scrambled eggs and stirfried hairy gourd with rice cost me $4.50. Higher nutrition, more wallet-friendly.
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If we crave fried chicken, local food stalls do a great job making them crispy on the outside and juicy, tender and flavourful on the inside. For $4.50, I got fried chicken, rice, stirfried cauliflower with fu pi (tofu skin) and stirfried green beans. Add iced local coffee at $1.60 and the total cost of my lunch was $6.10, whereas a KFC Zinger meal with a burger, fries and Coke is priced at $6.50. For many of us, dining out often nowadays involves making smart choices and focusing on nutrition instead of aesthetics. I do visit cafes and restaurants once or twice a week at most instead of a few times a week.
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Fish, meat, poultry, eggs and tofu aside, I also love seafood; cuttlefish is high in protein, low in saturated fat and a rich source of vitamin B12. I choose it sometimes when I have yong tau foo (they're the light brown slices in the following photo). Because cuttlefish is mostly tasteless on its own, yong tau foo customers normally dip it in sauces. In order to reduce my salt intake, I dip everything in the light briny broth and have my noodles plain, without soy sauce or oil. This seafood, eaten in moderation, is a rich source of nutrients and I have it on rotation with other proteins.
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It wasn't long ago when I expressed horror as the death toll in Gaza reached 20,000; today, it has surged past 32,000. Survivors aren't faring any better - emaciated bodies, gaunt faces and haunted eyes tell a story of immense hardship and 1 by 1, they're dying. This genocide is the worst I've seen inflicted on an entire population and it's sickening that some hypocritical nations still supply Israel with weapons whilst trying to appear sympathetic to Palestinians' suffering. They have no right to dictate to other countries what human rights are; I'll never believe them again. 下次见!
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
It's right though this place is a septic system it's meant to bother him harass him he's saying don't do it don't let him do it and what can you really do and what can I really say he says or do except sit here and not like it and try and tolerate it and we have to sit here and tolerate it and sees that are isolated I've never seen a symbol that I have liked more than that iron Cross and it's nowhere and I guess it means they were not them and there is something that conscious in iron Cross it's like a reverse pattern it's not complementary so I do see what you're saying usually we sneak around and start doing stupid things and he has a it's horrible and it's mounting and it's a bad time and I know you in bad mouth me and I used a message that sucks but it worked but you can't sit there yelling stuff at us he says yeah I can I don't have to go to that store I can boycott it and you'll be ruined and they'll kill everybody that works here and everybody that goes there and I do see something that's true yes it is and I don't need to hear this either you can't tell me what to do after you incite me to do it and the stupid a****** does I'm sick of you people exciting me thinking to get something you're doing exactly what you said you know about and you don't know about it now here's what I'm saying he's yelling at that it's not true he says it's not true or stupid I got to tell you I can't stand it anymore we don't know what's going on and he's right says what do you think they're isolated you're going to get rid of yourselves so I have to go home and think about this
You know it's probably all true I'm sitting here Leafly doing things gleefully and we're wrong and he's talking about it and it's hard and boy it was stupid but this morning is all about it and we think they'll handle it and it's just no I'll have to handle it because the foreigners can't do it alone and we don't need you guys you can get rid of yourself and we do understand that
It simply have to go after them but nobody will your waste of time you're sitting here telling him he's wrong again Ellie and you're a fart I looked at the numbers and he's right it's his father saying it and mother that's what he says in his truth and a bunch of them you're going to go running out there disappear you going to have to call more for the ships and the bunkers and we'll get entangled and fight until we're out and yeah the bugs are up there now getting rid of you just like you did to us and we didn't even call them they come down because the scent of the blood and because the water pushed out the mock the scent came down faster and people said it too we're screwed again and you think it's nothing and you're horrible people you're not smart enough to do this job of having them there he says it's not that bad but a lot of them have to die in order for to work and we notice that
Mike tew
I suppose I mean this what we're saying is you don't have a right to push us around said what the f*** are you talking about what are you talking about you're you're exciting me you want me to be hostile I'm f****** hostile I'm going to come down to your house with a bunch of choppers okay like a helicopter and blow you the f*** away cuz that's what you want he's in a helicopter trying to make people hostile and you do nothing about it so we're going to wait till you go somewhere and we're going to shoot you and him in a chopper with a chopper cuz you want to make me hostile there's no talking to you you smoke Jenna I didn't like you at Castle I want you dead now I want you dead for real so I can play and you didn't think about how stupid you are and how wrong you are and how little you know who gives a f****** piece of s***
I sort of get something I hope you get fired I call I wrote them cuz I don't like you either if you're not there I won't get in trouble John remillard should be out of there if he's not I'm going to go there and start getting you in f****** trouble and you'll go to prison and you'll burn in a furnace
How about that am I going to sit here and reds and rave for a day until I get my way
I do follow something it gets a lot worse he can do things to make you feel real bad days we're not his family anymore and he has to kill us in order to get some money and he's probably going to do that I really haven't done this is what the f*** is wrong with you Ellie you're so God damn stupid now I don't have to lift a finger you're killing yourself you can't handle one person you piece of s*** and this guy is a complete f****** loser Trump what an a****** who the f*** let him up of the chop or you c*** I'm sort of get something mom wouldn't allow it to happen is b******* we're wrong all the time and it's true this is a dog s*** pile and we're going to lose we're fighting our own people is stupid I feel bad about it and we shouldn't have decided him we shouldn't keep doing it this is yeah so get off the line stop doing it I'm amazed that you stay there I'm amazed you get the job done cuz this guy is horrendous he makes you look like a dream boat and you're awful sometimes he's horrendous like every five seconds honest to God you don't know how many times my nose my toes and all day long and all night with this lady s*** you have no f****** ideas you if you did you would not say anything so I guess I apologize it's all right you got me out of trouble kept me out of trouble it's a hard job and your people should help you good that's the way it is it should be said but really I can't stand you yelling ass so you're not listening ever you're not listening to what I'm saying ever you people are so damned up tooth going to fight your own people the Mac armies gigantic okay I'm going to have to use heavy and I'm risking endangering my people and they want that to happen and they're getting rid of you for that to happen so that makes sense Jenna
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geneajournals · 11 months
Centenarian: LaVerne Thelena (Guice) Chatmon Jackson (1919-2019)
LaVerne Thelena Guice was born on 17 May 1919 in Birmingham, Alabama to Thomas Jefferson Guice and Minnie Elizabeth (Waters) Guice. Her parents instilled in her the value of education and giving back to the community. My 2022 blog post “The Second Time Around:  LaVerne Thelena Guice (1919-2019).” is a brief biography of her life.
On the occasion of her 100th birthday LaVerne’s family celebrated a life well lived with a grand party.
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A transcription of the above:
Born to Thomas Jefferson (TJ) Guice and Minnie Waters Guice
One of six children: 4 girls and 2 boys
Has only one living sister- Gaynell Clarita Smart
Has two children- One stepson deceased
Has ten grandchildren-One grandchild deceased
Has Seven Great Grandchildren
Has been identified as a Negro, Colored, Black, Afro American, African American and OTHER
Has witnessed segregation, race riots, bombings, and boycotts
Paid Poll Tax and took literacy test in order to in order to get the right to VOTE
Has cooked on wood and coal stoves to electric and gas ranges to microwave ovens
Has seen man on moon, internet, computers, 45 and 33 records, social media, cable TV, CD’s, DVD’s, fax machines, etc.
Was born when prohibition began in 1919
Has seen five wars
Has lived through 18 presidents and the first Black president
Congress approved the 19th Amendment Suffrage for women in 1919
MLB 1919 White Sox Match Fixing Scandal took place
Is a retired Public Health Nurse RN for 37 years
Was married to two wonderful men- Warren Pete Chatmon III and Lawton W. Jackson for a total of 52 years.
She has lived 36, 500 days
876,000 hours
5,514 weeks and 2 days
31, 622, 400 seconds
52, 560, 000 minutes
1,199,999 months
1,199 months, 2 days, 15 hours, 58 minutes &20 seconds
Has taught many how to wink an eye and to flirt
Her favorite motto is “Never say never”
Her favorite sayings are, “I’m an old A—Woman” and I’m old and cold”
LaVerne has witnessed a multitude of changes in the world, too many to enumerate.  By sharing these experiences, she has enriched our lives and blessed us with her zest for a life.
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LaVerne Thelena (Guice) Chatmon Jackson departed this life on 1 July 2019.
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whattheabcxyz · 1 year
Extra escalators for Little India & Toa Payoh MRT station exits as part of improvement works
16K lower-income households to get public transport vouchers from this month
Tan Chuan-Jin caught on video calling Jamus Lim "f**king populist"
Temasek makes $7b loss as 1-year shareholder return turns negative
National Day festivities to bring sports & fireworks to heartland
Singapore: NEA advises against water sports & fishing in Raffles Marina after high levels of oil & grease found - related to water used to douse Tuas chemical facility fire
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^ There’s a huge radioactive slab of volcanic granite buried on the moon
Singapore family having dinner in JB return to find car window smashed & valuables stolen - It's par for the course in Malaysia! And they don't discriminate when it comes to crime! Same thing happened to my former colleague who was Malaysian!
Turkey gives green light to Swedish NATO membership bid
China announces 11 foreign aid projects to court developing countries - if they're smart they'll say no!
UOB to close Myanmar Airways International bank accounts by mid-Aug
Singaporean university students in UK hit by marking boycott
Disgraced former gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar attacked in prison
Mosquitoes made immune to malaria could help stamp out the disease
Michael Learns To Rock to play charity concert for Dementia Singapore
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accio-victuuri · 3 years
The GG & Li-Ning & Xianjiang Cotton Situation
I was asked to give my opinion. This is also for other bxgs who may have the same sentiment. You don’t have to agree with me but i hope you respect whatever it is I choose to share here. This is my blog and my space. I maintain this out of my pure enjoyment of the fandom and all the good it has given me. So let me address some of the points.
Li-Ning boasts their use of XinJiang Cotton
My simple answer here is, of course they will. This is not something new. Li-Ning is a celebrated olympic medal winning gymnast. A billionaire. You don’t get to that place in CHN w/out supporting the government’s agenda. In this case, that there is no injustice and persecution going on in Xinjiang. This brand, boasting about China made cotton, in their terms, shows patriotism and support for their country. This brand’s literal goal at first was to provide a local brand for Chinese athletes to wear in the Olympics. This is also not the first time that Li-Ning had been called out along w/ other international brands due to questionable ethical practices.
I find it very hard to believe that the timing of GG’s massive Li-Ning ad campaign, coinciding as it has with these Western brand boycotts, was a coincidence.
Let’s get this out of the way. Whether the boycott happened or not, Li-Ning is guaranteed an insane amount of sales because they hired Xiao Zhan. This is the same man who always sells out products in seconds. Who took KXZ to 200% growth and so on. I can talk about stats all day but this massive campaign for him is a no brainer. GG is expensive and a guaranteed success. Any brand who hires him will be stupid to not launch an all out campaign across all cities. Li-Ning knows what they are doing by hiring him. For years, they have been trying to appeal to Gen Z. Especially now that youth in CHN are more and more into the “guochao” (国潮) - National trend. Integrating traditional chinese culture and fashion w/ domestic brands. This ties in with the whole movement of erasing the connotation that made in china is of inferior quality. GG was a good choice. He appeals to the younger generation (19-25) and the working class ( 26 and up ) who buys goods. I would imagine even GG’s team did their research and knows this trend is going on too. This will not be the last you will see of this type of endorsement from him or Web. The rumors on this collaboration was going around as early as, March 15 I think? I was literally asking another bxg if GG’s ad will be pushed back a day or two because of what was happening. or what will this all implies. He was always gonna come out and endorse this brand boycott or not.
I am not removing the possibility that these local brands have a hand in the boycott. It’s a very valid concern. or that, it was a convenient perfect storm for them. A perfect storm of EU, US & CAN sanctioning CHN. The sudden attack on brands’ statements against Xinjiang cotton from a year ago. The whole agenda of controlling the people’s view on what is happening. All of these are connected. sure. There are many things behind the scenes that we will not know but we can make an educated guess of. Li-Ning is not the only domestic brand that had a positive push because of this.
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On 3/25 Li-Ning’s stock closed with a high of 10.74% , plus an added 9% on the 26th when GG was announced as ambassador. The same thing happened with Anta and others.
I find it very hard to stomach seeing Li-Ning ads on my dash, regardless of GG’s presence in them. Without condemning him for taking this endorsement deal, and without judging what he is or is not personally aware
I will just be addressing GG’s alleged part in all this. I say that cause we don’t live in his brain and won’t know what he’s thinking. You can all try and project your values on him but he is a whole person of his own. I have hopefully given some view on why GG accepted to endorse this brand in the previous point. GG has spent most if not all, of his life in China. He has repeatedly said that he was brought up traditionally. Tho his father was very encouraging in him participating in the arts and widening his knowledge. He had Foreign professors at CBTU. He is part of the generation that knows what’s going on outside by using the internet. He’s smart. I would guess that he is aware of the country he is living in vs what it’s like outside of it. But at the end of the day, his loyalty will always be with his country. I hate to break it to you all but he will continue to live and thrive as an Actor even without international support. Tho it is great that he is a source of National Pride with how people outside of China love him.
Now, about his support for Xianjiang Cotton. I wanna start by showing this:
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It’s a post from People’s Daily wb which boasts all the c-ent top stars that voiced their support of XJ cotton. The sense is, hey people look at your idols supporting the cause. Look at their Patriotism. What do you think will happen if GG was not on this list? Knowing that he is a top star in CHN. Knowing he was just in hot waters post 22*? Knowing that he is actively being endorsed in CCTV which is a National Channel. Are we still surprised that he posted that support? I was just honestly waiting for him to post if anything. I talked before about how C-ent celebrities are expected ( and actually it’s in their law ) to be more morally upright than the lay people. This is prime example of that.
Another one is this from CCTV Wb. I’m including this for you all to have an understanding of how this whole thing is being played out in CHN. This is the type of online narrative that is going around and I would think GG is seeing. The sentiment is,
“No matter what hardships, ups and downs and blows go through in our country, her people will always come from all directions and stand up to speak justice and do just things.”
It’s also showing all the hot searches that is related in support of XJ cotton and defending CHN’s innocence.
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Also this video that was heavily circulated showing mechanized picking of cotton vs the allegations of manual.
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This is the kind of narrative that is going around, as expected. I don’t really fault GG or condemn him for doing what is best for him. What is the best for an individual does not always mean it’s the best for all. In talks like this, I always try and put myself in their position. I mean, who the hell are these people trying to attack my country? the country that has provided for me. I wanna say I understand where they are coming from but understanding does not mean agreeing. I see these A LOT. ALOT ON WEIBO. The China vs. Everyone story. It’s the notion of, they are attacking us and we must protect the country. Also keep in mind that news is heavily regulated.
You know what type of news the CCP would love for them to get a hold of? The rising attacks on Asians in the US. Oh boy they would fuckin love that! Making America the big/bad asian-hating boogeyman in the eyes of their people yet again.
Okay, now we’re down to the final part of this. Why do I share the promo pics for Li-Ning. Where do i draw the line.
To me it’s simple. It had GG in it. I was waiting for this to come out, and tbh, would you all even know about this brand’s practices if the boycott didn’t happen? No. This is a bjyx blog where i share things about them. That includes ad, dramas, pictures and videos. I understand if people don’t feel comfortable w/ Li-Ning ads and others, so just don’t like those posts. Did I buy anything from the collection? No. Did I buy multiple copies Web’s single Youth in Times ( like i do with his other singles )? No. That’s where I draw the line in this. I know we’re all gonna be put on a tight spot again once Faith Makes Great comes out. Once I saw that leaked pic, Ooohhh! I just know. Also if BAH adds some propaganda about CHN’s war on drugs. I am just waiting. I am ready. I know what my values are. I will not allow other people to dictate who I am. I know what type of content I’m only gonna be sharing.
I see this very forceful air of asking bxgs to take a stand on this ( always bxg, never the other side. always us of course even if we are the minority) and it really puts me off. I read someone say that they will not say anything because they don’t owe strangers on the internet an explanation. Which is true. I have separate spaces that I share my views on world/local issues. Accounts that show my actual name and around people I know in real life. That’s what I choose to do for myself. I started this blog for myself and i still find it very bizarre that people follow this account. I am not some sort of KOL, let’s get that straight. This is just a blog where I talk about things if i want to and SCREAM about GG and Web too much. I will probably not answer any follow up questions on this cause i feel like I have addressed a good chunk of it.
Just know that whatever I post on here in support of GG and his projects does not equate to my entire political/moral stand regarding this event or any. It’s really good that we have conversations like this cause it’s an important one.
Whew! That was a long post! 😅
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antoine-roquentin · 3 years
A boycott by bureaucrats is undermining the coup in Myanmar 
For almost two weeks, tens of thousands of Burmese, and sometimes hundreds of thousands, have taken to the streets to protest against the coup. But it is a subtler form of protest that is causing the generals the most grief. Thousands of public-sector workers, from at least 245 districts and 21 ministries, are on strike, according to Kim Jolliffe, an analyst. Government offices are deserted. So too are classrooms. Many public hospitals have in effect shut. Those that have not are so understaffed they are turning new patients away. “Operations at many government departments all but halted this week,” reported the Irrawaddy, a news website, on February 16th.
The banking system is also seizing up. Online banking remains possible, at least when the army allows the internet to operate, but most branches are closed. Reports suggest lending has dried up and most administrative work has stopped. “A dysfunctional financial sector would definitely hurt the regime,” says Ko Ko (not his real name), a manager at a branch of AYA bank in Yangon. He and almost all his colleagues have been on strike since last week.
The government pays bills and salaries and disburses pensions via Myanma Economic Bank (MEB). But so many of its employees are on strike that it is at a “near standstill”, says Mr Jolliffe, who is studying the civil-disobedience movement. With many tax collectors on strike, too, the coup leaders may end up with neither the infrastructure nor the money to pay staff. “This is a real pressure point and is something the military probably did not include in their game plan,” says Mr Jolliffe.
Why Myanmar’s military will win in the end 
“This is no bunch of knuckle-dragging old men,” notes the Yangon lawyer. “They may be ruthless, but they are smart and have built a loyal corps of officers whose wellbeing is tied to their ascent in the army.”
That much has been apparent in its campaigns against ethnic pocket armies around the nation’s remote borderlands. In bitter wars with ethnic rebels in northeastern Shan and western Rakhine states, the Tatmadaw has turned to increasingly well-integrated combined-arms campaigns integrating operations between infantry, artillery and air power underpinned by information technology and supported by drones.
Even if still rudimentary by the standards of advanced militaries, these evolving tactics have marked a significant advance for an army traditionally centered on infantrymen supported, if lucky, by some artillery and logistically reliant on human porters.
A similar capacity for innovation, coordination and willingness to learn on the job is being displayed on today’s battlefields in downtown Yangon, Mandalay, Naypyidaw and a score of other urban centers.
Tatmadaw leadership has almost certainly been blindsided by the sheer scale and scope of popular protest which has brought scores of thousands of people from all walks of life onto the streets in a massive campaign of protest and civil disobedience reinforced by an international outcry.
Strikingly, though, the military’s nerve, discipline and cohesion have all so far held, and in a sharp break from the reflex violence of 1988 and 2007 top command has opted for a strategy of slow attrition aimed at waiting out the storm and restoring a degree of normality and economic stability as soon as possible.
At the most basic level, one statistic illustrates the strategy and arguably highlights its prospects for success: over two weeks of tumultuous confrontation at a watershed juncture in the nation’s political trajectory there have been only two critical casualties – a young woman shot in the head in Mandalay last week and a policeman the junta has reported was killed.
Three key factors have underpinned the war of attrition. At street level, the protest movement’s insistence on non-violence has been central. Articulated by National League for Democracy (NLD) party leaders and observed by demonstrators with remarkable discipline, non-violence has secured the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) the moral high ground.
Equally, however, it has played to the military’s objective of waiting out the crowds without spilling blood, setting up a contest that turns on time and resolve to decide which side can outlast the other.
Military restraint has also turned on a second factor, the absence of which would almost certainly already have demanded swift and brutal crowd dispersal: peace in the borderlands.
The critical importance of avoiding war on two fronts and balancing conflict with the array of ethnic armies ranged around Myanmar’s frontiers has been an enduring element of Tatmadaw strategic thinking for decades.
It was most famously demonstrated in the series of ceasefire pacts thrown together between 1989 and 1991 as the military struggled to deal with the fallout from its crushing of the 1988 uprising in central Myanmar.
The same mindset was on display in the run-up to the military’s latest power-grab.
In retrospect, there can be little doubt the Tatmadaw’s surprise decision last November to agree to an ad hoc ceasefire with the Arakan Army (AA) in western Rakhine state pointed to contingency planning for a possible coup to remove the NLD government after the crushing electoral defeat inflicted on the military’s interests and long-term agenda.
Setting aside already well-advanced preparations for a dry season offensive that would normally open in December, the post-election ceasefire secured peace in a theater of operations that since 2019 has tied down nearly half of the army’s mobile reserves, allowing thousands of troops to be redeployed between January and early February to the country’s heartland.
The importance of peace in the borderlands was further underscored in one of the coup regime’s opening statements that pointedly stressed its interest in pursuing the stumbling peace process within the context of the National Ceasefire Agreement (NCA).
And, to date at least, neither the bloc of NCA-signatories nor, far more importantly, the powerful alliance in northern Myanmar led by the Chinese-leaning United Wa State Army (UWSA), has shown any inclination to distract the military from its focus on containing the challenge of democratic forces in the ethnic Bamar heartland.
Finally, beyond the borders of Myanmar, even the Tatmadaw — renowned for deep (and invariably misguided) paranoia over external threats – can have been broadly confident of a permissive international stage on which to launch a coup.
Boilerplate support at the United Nations from Russia and China, a characteristically flaccid reaction from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Western agonizing over a response that balances moral outrage with apprehensions over pushing Myanmar into the arms of China have all combined to shape a favorable international environment for a blatant seizure of power.
Against this strategic backdrop, the Tatmadaw’s tactical response at street level has centered on rules of engagement (ROEs) mandating minimum use of force. Even in the case of often inadequately trained and overstretched police, manning the frontlines for the first two weeks of the crisis, these ROEs have been observed for the most part with striking discipline.
Minimum force has translated into a range of less than lethal measures and systems used only sparingly. These have included water cannons, tear gas and non-lethal baton rounds typically fired from shotguns.
On the streets of Mandalay, troops have also been spotted armed with air guns with telescopic sights, apparently intended to target – if necessary – protest leaders. As one military expert explained: “These are not enough to punch a hole in someone but certainly enough to make them stop whatever they are doing.”
Beginning overnight on February 14 and 15, the deployment of military units in key cities reinforced but did not significantly change the dynamic established by the police. A new and important tactic though was introduced with night-time internet shutdowns between 1 a.m. and 9 a.m.
Without unduly inconveniencing daytime commercial activity, the shutdowns have permitted army troops – mostly mechanized infantry units from the Tatmadaw reserve of Light Infantry Divisions (LIDs) — to deploy under cover of an information blackout and, in coordination with police, to step up arrests of protest leaders with over 500 now detained according to UN sources.  
The military has also turned to drones, already used extensively in rural counterinsurgency campaigns for surveillance of the urban battlespace and movement of large crowds. Likely to follow in the coming days will be the invisible imposition of a security grid and a tightening squeeze on areas of population density.
“What you’ll probably see is a division of urban areas into sectors and districts with operational responsibility assigned to different battalions, companies and platoons,” noted the Western military analyst who was briefed on similar operations by the Thai military in Bangkok in 2010.
“Over 10 or 15 days they’re going to be identifying protest organizations, groups and leaders. Then at night-time they’ll clean it up, making arrests, intimidating, beating people up,” he said.
“So, first the Civil Disobedience Movement faces a loss of leaders at the mass level. Then it’ll come down to the tactical street level. And once leaders have disappeared, either detained or gone into hiding, there’ll be a real personal impact on individuals in different organizations.”
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[ ooc: ep 4 liveblog & opinions under the cut! this one got long winded because I had a lot that I was thinking about (and it took me twice the length of the episode to actually watch through it because I kept pausing to type oops) ]
yeeeesh that’s one way to start. thank you for letting bucky cry.
but also the look of pride on her face when she says “you are free” they’ve been working so hard and she’s so happy with the progress bucky has made ;_;
and now she’s so betrayed :(
but I’m also so glad Bucky learned xhosa that’s super important! <3 part of decolonization of the past involves respecting and learning and propagating languages and cultures that have been trodden over. Wakanda has been something of a safe place in that regard, and are now doing the outreach to help their continent and the world, but it takes the world of people within the majority putting in the effort and learning and embracing those cultures and languages (without appropriation, which I know is a fine line to walk sometimes) in order to really make progress. once it is no longer alien, it is also no longer scary, and can be held in proper esteem.
“sweet of you” shut your mouth Zemo xD
“she’s just a kid” thank you for your compassion Sam. and while she’s an extremist, I’m not sure whether Karli counts as a supremacist or just a terrorist? maybe she counts as genocidal if she’s truly trying to restore things to Blip conditions but it’s kind of unclear.
“the serum never corrupted Steve” “touché” YO EVEN HE ADMITS IT
Sam’s understanding of cultural habits (and there are many overlaps between various cultures and the ways they mourn) is such an asset here, and I’m glad that they’re pulling a contrast between the tech-driven, cold, calculating predictions made by certain people and organizations in other parts of Marvel and the general sort of soulful and instinctive approach here
Turkish delight. Excuse me but Narnia cemented the idea in so many people’s heads that it is this magical thing but it’s like superglue in your mouth. It is not irresistible, Zemo.
Legislation and social change as a result of violent action is nothing new. Every peaceful protest has been backed up by some kind of harm, whether it be economic, like a boycott, or physical, either damage to property or lives. I think instinctively people understand this, but it’s good to see it put in the spotlight.
Sam is “stranger danger” to these kids :/
“I know what happens when people say they’re going to help out... nothing.” Ouch.
The way Sam’s gaze falls at that too, because he knows theoretically that a lot of these injustices are happening and can empathize, but practically hearing it hurts. He doesn’t like not being trusted either, but I think he can probably understand why.
Zemo playing that psychology game! Kids love food and the idea that he must be a good person just for having a kid is dumb as hell but something that kids would gravitate towards. Smart man. Doubly smart for not telling them, Nat would approve if she didn’t hate him :P
Sam de-escalating is gonna be a trend I can just see it.
Cherry blossom tea? Interesting choice.
Nat vc: gosh it’s nice to see someone competent around here. 
ooooh they’re really reinforcing the idea of Captain America being a figurehead that inspires people
“heroes these days don’t have the luxury of keeping their hands clean” yeah well it’s because Steve had people like Bucky and Nat do do his dirty work, but sure
“all the people history just left out” OW
okay first of all Sam being the one who is insisting on reasoning with them because he knows what it’s like to come from an oppressed people !!! he knows grief and trauma !!! he can do this !!!!! I just know Walker is gonna fuck it up for them :P
second, Walker trying to emotionally manipulate Bucky? it’s a testament to how far he’s come that he doesn’t punch the guy immediately lol
Hoskins being the voice of reason as a foil for Walker again what?! this version of Lamar isn’t nearly as terrible as I expected.
Zemo calling that itty bitty girl his associate xD He really does understand the people here though... aaaand he’s getting handcuffed. Totally didn’t see that coming (he’ll probably break free anyway)
The conversation between Karli & Sam ;_; 
“you’re either brilliant or hopelessly optimistic” “por quo no los dos.gif”
Walker trying to guilt Bucky again god he’s so dumb. I appreciate the fact that he’s ruthless but he’s so narrow minded in how he approaches problems. oh no I have an issue let’s punch it until it dies! come on man.
Karli is so heartbreakingly naive and that’s becoming more and more obvious. I love Sam opening her up like this wow.
and the cuffs empty WHAT DID I TELL YOU
god we were getting somewhere ;____;
oh good just what we need, serum in Walker’s hands. he was already awful he doesn’t need to be more awful gdi
“we separate them and then we kill Captain America” ...yes, we’re listening xD
I know crazy because I am crazy... oh boy we got some internalized stuff, but let’s play it off
still a little blame game going in terms of where the shield ended up I see
pOINTY STICKS I cackled oh boy he gonna get his ass WHOOPED
Sam is enjoying the hell out of this
Zemo watching and drinking
“Looking strong, John!” “Bucky”
oooh dear they tangling and Zemo’s getting away.
your arm’s off! no it’s not
they all got their asses kicked ah well. also the look on Walker’s face says he gonna serum himself up, the lil fucker. oh no someone’s better than you how will your ego ever survive.
a lil Battlestar logo!!! shut up that’s cute. they’re really making him halfway likeable here.
“power just makes a person more of themselves”
ohhhh okay time to unlock Walker’s traumatic backstory. at least he feels bad about the things he did. at least he knows that those medals of honor are covered in blood. people are at least partly made by their circumstances, and I wonder what he was like before the war. the only indication we have of it is him being a football star, and while I may not have had the best track record with those in my youth, that doesn’t mean there aren’t decent ones out there...
Sarah’s “my world doesn’t matter to America, so why should I care about its mascot?” Oh, we’re speaking to the disenfranchisement of marginalized people hardcore today okay. if anyone’s gotten this far in my overly long commentary I want you to know that this is the realest alright? it’s hard to be proud of a country and its symbols when it doesn’t do right by you, when the majority doesn’t do right by you. am I glad I was born here? sure. are there worse places to be? sure. am I proud to be an american? oof, man, don’t ask me that.
Karli is not pulling her punches, she’s threatening the whole fam. Sam isn’t gonna like that... He sounds like he’s trying to suppress panic instead of being angry on the phone call with Sarah. I think he understands what Karli is trying to do, even though he hates how. And he’s worried, because he’s always gonna be worried. Poor guy. And there’s the confrontation.
Sharon got their backs!
Oof, seeing the gun with the shield.
Gunshot, run, oh, listening, he’s already got the serum, maybe? Given how deeply that shield is embedded in the wall I’m gonna say yes. YUP I WAS RIGHT.
Something about the water dripping and Lemar’s face makes me think he may have been waterboarded at some point :( but maybe he’s just in a lot of pain.
Ooh, we gotta upgrade that wingpack with Stark repulsors pls go Sam go
oh no. Lemar. fuck. FUCK.
oh good now you’ve done it. killing a guy as Captain America. fuck.
the blood on the shield as the last shot! ~cinematography~
hoooo I’m chilled. I knew something along these lines was coming but oof. 
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eru-duma-blog · 5 years
A Chill Fan Pokemon Post
Not long to go until Pokemon Sword and Shield!
So as well as being an incredibly chill Sonic fan, I’m also an incredibly chill Pokemon fan and while there are controversial opinions flying about all over the place, I’m just going to sit in my jimmy jams and eat snacks and enjoy myself.
If you guys want to rant and rave and boycott, that’s your business. I am sure there will be others all too happy to rant and rave with you.
I think I’ll get Shield. Or Sword...
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*Some people love drinking hot water. In which case, hot water is definitely for you!
**Obviously I’m referring to the act of drinking. Baths etc. don’t count.
***All these footnotes are ruining the impact of the post. I should stop.
****You have to cover all these things because of the Smart Alecs who will no doubt try and say something.
*****No, really Duma. Stop.
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