#brainwashing girls to hate boys
wolfieloveswade · 2 years
so I was watching the first episode of Wednesday, got through the first 26 minutes and I had to turn it off because she had to complain that a male rescuing her is “sexist”  I WILL NOT be watching anymore of that
oh yeah and she hates her mother because she’s a stay at home wife for crying out loud, Morticia Adams is an icon, she loves her husband and children and is loved by many generations fucking hollywood 
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thatpurpledudetrey · 10 months
me when i realized the archeron sisters never had a happy ending
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terfs kys challenge
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sasquotch · 7 months
the whole "trans men just have sexual trauma" thing absolutely infuriates me, as someone who was practically brainwashed into believing i was raped by conversion therapists as a kid.
i have been an obvious transsexual my entire life. i told everyone i was a boy. i was just told it was normal and nobody wants to be a girl. i told my mom i wanted a dick and balls and she said, "no you dont."
i was put in conversion therapy, diagnosed with autism, despite not having many of the symptoms, and put on Risperdal. an anti psychotic drug that was not meant to be used in children as young as i was, that also "just so happens" to cause out of control breast growth. (it also caused me to become obese and struggle with my weight for years even after i stopped taking it, despite never having weight problems before.)
therapists and my parents would constantly tell me that i was hiding something and try to hypnotize me into remembering it, i had no idea what it was, i was told something horrible happened to me and i had to remember it, i kept telling them i dont remember, and they told me i had memory problems. they kept telling me i had a memory locked away somewhere and i had to recover it, i had no idea what they meant by this.
i have no idea how to describe the way that i felt because of this. the feeling didnt go away when the therapy ended. it stayed with me for YEARS. my entire childhood and most of my teenage years i felt like i had a dark and evil secret that i couldnt even remember. it stuck with me, i didnt even know what it was. they marked me socially and mentally as a "rape victim" without it even happening, without me even understanding what they had done.
i didnt find out until i was a teenager that the therapists were telling my parents i had been raped. based on nothing. you know what happened in these therapy sessions? i played with animal toys and told the therapist i didnt want to go to school and that i wanted to be a boy. i told them i hated my name. and wanted to be called by a different name. they told me i had a deep dark secret i needed to remember and confess to them.
because marking me as someone who had been raped would emasculate me.
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eff-plays · 1 year
I'm in the middle of Act 2 and here's my opinion of all the companions so far.
Lae'zel: I didn't like her at all first, but then she told me she loved how I stink and I realized she's just an angry little guy. She's so pissed at all times and I like how she hisses at me. Girl you are fucked up. 10/10, will romance her at some point.
Shadowheart: Ngl she was a little bland but very easy to get approval with so she was my bestie early on. Now that she's revealed her religious trauma I think she's a poor little meow meow. She should be a tumblr sexyman. 10/10, will romance her at some point.
Astarion: Went in hating his ass thinking he was overhyped. Got brainwashed quickly by the horny voice and the laugh lines. Hated him again when he kept being a little bitch. Hugged him oh so tenderly. He likes it when I tell people to kill themselves. 10/10, will romance him again.
Gale: Was considering romancing him until the ex reveal. Big turnoff for insecure bitches (me). Act 2 started and I got interested again because of the angst. He's funny and his dialogue is the best written/wittiest out of all the companions. Accidentally led him on. 10/10, will romance him at some point.
Wyll: Thought he was a bit bland at first ngl. Very standard backstory. Probably the best-looking companion out of all of them. Got extremely easy approval with him despite not bringing him around often. Then I realized he's charmingly silly but deeply genuine with his heroic aspirations. 10/10, wyll romance him at some point.
Karlach: Best girl, no contest. Loved her from the start. Big, fun, funny, good heart, and boy she can do a LOT of damage on the battlefield. Absolutely waifu material. Touchstarved and gorgeous? I'm straight but she could get it type shit. I want her to split me in half with a single pelvic thrust. 10/10, will romance her at some point.
Halsin: Liked him from the start. He's fucking massive. My Tav looked at him with lovesick puppy eyes in every early custcene so I was considering romancing him in the beginning, but he's way too nice for them lmao. No notes, he's literally just a giant teddy bear of a man and I love him. 10/10, will romance him at some point.
All in all it's pretty impressive how Larian got jackpot on all of these little freaks. I can't say I dislike any of them.
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isaacthedruid · 1 year
(spoilers for the Barbie movie)
As a trans-masc non-binary person, I saw myself in Allan. I’m a boy but not a Ken, I'm Ken-like but not quite.
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Allan’s role of being awkward, unsure and a little out of his element but still trying to help the Barbies through the chaos and events caused by the Kens, is how I feel as a trans-masc person who is still trying to advocate for women and discuss the issues they face.
I don't identify as a woman anymore but I still grew up as a girl, I lived as a young woman for 14 years, and people continue to be misogynistic towards me when they think I am one-- customers will talk to my male coworkers instead of me, when I’m the person with the answers
I wasn’t expecting to see myself, in terms of gender, in the character often described as Ken’s boyfriend, though it is said in a more playful, joking way rather than any attempt at representation. I’m gay and this version of Allan is definitely queer as well. Yet, that’s a separate story which has already been written, here’s an excellent article about that. [LINK]
Allan isn’t Ken, and he isn’t Barbie either. Allan is simply Allan, an idea with both masc and femme traits. He doesn’t fit into anything specific, he just is. Allan can wear Ken’s clothes but also Barbie’s pink jumpsuit-- but when he's not doing that undercover mission with the Barbies, we only ever see him wearing his own clothes. A set of clothes worn only by him, that iconic striped outfit that is signature to the real Allan doll.
Additionally, notice the horse patch on the front of his shirt, he never changed his clothes unlike the rest of the Kens when they discovered the patriarchy and a new version of masculinity, a toxic and destructive one. Allan only added something to his clothes to “fit in” or act as if he did, but he hated what the Kens did to Barbieland. He also wasn't brainwashed and never acted upon those destructive abilities that were laid out for him. He could've just joined the Kens and broke stuff and drank copious amounts of "brewskis" but he didn't.
Allan is different and it's constantly stated, "there's only one Allan" in this world of Kens (and Barbies).
I will never be Ken nor will I ever be a Barbie again, I’m not happy in either. I’ve tried both, neither is my style (or title). I wear Ken’s clothes as well as Barbie’s, and sometimes I wear Allan’s.
But, I like Allan’s clothes best, they fit me well.
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radhyena · 1 year
My dad went off about trans athletes in sports at a family thing last week because we were talking news and he hates that shit, and privately I was taken aside to be told my father might be falling down the alt right rabbit hole and I should educate him.
Like first of all I agree with him on that but more importantly…. He came to that conclusion because he actually used to coach female sports. He’s told me on many occasions there were times where he knew his girls were better than the boys, but if they played the boys they’d lose because of sheer strength, speed. It doesn’t matter how much technically better a girl is, in most sports a man will still beat her because of bio advantages. He didn’t need to be told what to think, he saw one headline with that trans swimmer and went “no this is fucking wrong and women will miss out on scholarships”
Anyway this post is mostly to say like… TRA’s think their ideology isn’t ideology and it’s actually just fact and above reproach, if you don’t agree you must be a bigot or brainwashed. But no we can just look with our eyes and see that it’s wrong.
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punkeropercyjackson · 10 days
Punk Percy moments
Getting kicked out of 6 schools by age 12 because he refused to stop being a bully beater
Telling the gods to fix how they run their shit with his whole chest no hesitation as soon as he thought to and them listening due to a mix of fearing and respecting him
The leadup to it being his bully beating manifesting/escalating in him fighting against an entire pantheon as a system for four years straight and continuing to afterwards too
Gifting Nico a The Ramones shirt
Insulting his classmates in Som for being 'a bunch of rich white boys' and carrying on his anti-capitalist mentality from the start and the franchise as a whole,including refusing to ask Poseidon for or accept riches
Confirmed to be psychologically immune to selling out in one of the Tkc crossover short stories as a god tried to use their powers to brainwash him but they had so little in common with an emphasis on want for positions of authority/OP abilities Percy was able to defeat him
Participating in Rachel's charity events and protests during their time at Goode High
Instantly riding for Hazel harder than anyone and nurturing her as an older brother figure and pseudo-dad as he does Nico
Disliking Annabeth flirting with him as she uses white girl tactics so he found her attempts gross and completely flew over his head as he couldn't comprehend how all That could be expressing romantic attraction
'The sea does not like to be restrained'Translation:Percy is an anarchist
Going on a quest to prove himself as completely unlike cis men to an arcaic group of young abused by the patriarchy girls and succeeding because he IS completely unlike cis men(read:transfem gender fuckery)
Sympathizing with victims of the system fullforce and in general(instant forgiveness and understanding towards Silena for being groomed to the bad side/eagerly speeding to save Chris from the Labyrinth/gentle treatment towards Ethan even as they fought and worrying over him at time with Luke)
Unstoppable brutality when it comes to fighting
His sense of humor as a whole
His Rbf is implied to reflect his anti-societal mentality
Not caring about his image in favor of being his authentic self no matter what happens or how much he hates himself at the moment as he always does
Compared in a contrasting way to Luke,who's fash trash yet constantly talks down to by him for not being as radical as him despite Percy knowing a lot more about and doing a lot more to do what's good for the people than he does(which is to say:Nothing except self-justfied violence against them and lying about doing good things for them only to never followup on them,as irl white men in authority pretty much are always like)and for not having it as bad as him despite Luke growing up sheltered in a fantasy land where everybody worshipped him while Percy grew up hurt nonstop in the real world and also taking Percy's rightfully earned title of 'The Gods' Martyr' for himself even in death like the attention seeking manchild he was when the gods barely did anything to him compared to Percy and tons of other demigods
Instantly clocking the gods as bad in Tlt thanks to his own past experiences with authority figures
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daegutowns · 7 months
your enhypen hogwarts boyfriend 
tags: hogwarts au, gn!reader, this is the grind rn
gryffindor: heeseung, niki 
heeseung: quidditch team chaser 
secretly (not so secretly) an attention seeker
please expect to hype him up and fawn over him on quidditch match days -- especially on matches with slytherin (he always has a bet with jay) 
“babe i need you to boo jay if he ever comes near you.” 
and he is so serious about this 
mcgonagall claims she doesn’t like him but he’s just lucky that he’s actually really good at quidditch (bc his transfiguration grades are not sexy) 
excels in defense against the dark arts AND potions but snape hates him 
he swears up and down he didn’t do anything this time to get detention but you know better. and he’s always begging the captain to not kick him off
“please, you know snape wants my left buttcheek!” 
talks shit before the match (especially to jay) and then feigns innocence if he’s asked about it 
this is the result of years of watching quidditch matches with his dad (their favorite team is the montrose magpies -- and he WILL badmouth puddlemere united if that team is mentioned) 
likes to sleep next to you in the library after practice while you study 
riki: quidditch team beater  
rebellious, passionate, and playful -- riki is a gryffindor through and through
always getting caught up in pranks. denies ever being inside zonko’s even though that’s the first place he goes in hogsmeade 
like okay ????
claims mrs. norris (filch’s cat) is best friends with him, but he has no real way of proving this 
shy about pda because of his friends, so he likes meeting up with you in secret and passing you notes in class 
…until he gets caught and has to read them out loud
then he decides that fuck it! it’s better to just air it out anyways. not his problem what they find disgusting! 
straight up livin’ that thug life y’all #getrekt
lowkey getting brainwashed by heeseung (go magpies!) 
makes up all his dreams for his divination dream journal but always makes it about you so he can pretend to be offended if someone says it’s fake
hufflepuff: sunghoon, jungwon 
sunghoon: prefect (head boy) 
this hard-working and kind-hearted boy is a true hufflepuff through and through
everyone thought by his looks that he’d either be in slytherin or ravenclaw, but it’s more obvious when he opens his mouth 
he’s kind of like cedric diggory -- super well-liked, popular, good-looking, and smart
he’s got all the hufflepuff girls and gays giggling around him n shit 
“first years follow me to the common room” and the new hufflepuffs are tripping over their feet trying to ask him questions 
it’s okay because he only has eyes for you <3 
haha jk sometimes he’ll tease you and say “are you jealous? you look jealous~” and then backtrack and say nevermind that he’s sorry and he doesn’t actually know what other people look like. in fact he only knows one name and it’s yours. 
he doesn’t really need to be doing all that but it’s fun messing with him 
goes around humbly (not so humbly) bragging about you until he gets smacked by snape for messing around during (but that doesn’t stop him) 
he likes taking you to cheesy date spots, like madam puddifoot’s tea shop or the covered walkway near spintwitches sporting needs where everyone else had their first kisses 
jungwon: quidditch team seeker   
well-rounded, responsible, and dependable -- these are all traits of a hufflepuff that describe jungwon perfectly 
to be honest, he’s really just here for the vibes
his favorite pastime is collecting chocolate frog cards 
(he is specifically looking for the gold and silver albus dumbledore cards that have been out of circulation for years)
he’s a very talented seeker, but everyone else’s praise doesnt mean anything. he needs YOUR praise specifically and will pretend to not like it just so he can hear it more (but you know better!) 
please help him study… he is definitely getting that quidditch scouting from a professional team but jungwon said he might get a T (troll) in history of magic 
he has a black cat named dooly that terrorizes him before he sleeps
you like dragging him to the kitchens to eat chocolate snacks with him before bed, but he gets nervous sneaking out sometimes
likes sitting underneath the big willow tree near the black lake with his head in your lap. please run your hands through his hair! 
ravenclaw: jake 
jake: quidditch team beater  
everyone really would’ve expected that he would’ve been in either gryffindor or hufflepuff just based on personality alone 
the sorting gave him a choice, and he just went with the house that had more of his friends that he made on the train 
he loves it when you show up to practice because now it’s even more awesome! now even more of his favorite people are in the same place
“babe look at this!” while he does a flip ??? 
if he falls off, now both you AND the rest of his team can laugh at him 
loves it even more if you show up to his games fully decked out (beyond his imagination) in his house colors, even if that’s not your house
he never expects this from you but he’s soooo happy when it happens that it motivates you to keep doing it 
self-declared next quidditch captain (and flitwick will give it to him) 
he’ll even tutor you in transfigurations (his best subject) for kisses, because despite being an athlete, he’s also got good grades???? sometimes god has favorites 
“if you think i’m a cool boyfriend, give me a kiss” 
his favorite type of date is sneaking out to the kitchens with you and sharing a pudding cake
slytherin: jay, sunoo
jay: quidditch team keeper  
unsurprisingly, jay comes from a long line of other slytherins
he’s pretty laidback compared to the rest of his family, but always insists that you go with him to family functions (because “baby they’re too boring without you!”) 
you two always end up at the snacks table gossiping with his cool cousins anyways 
flexes by buying you all your snacks on the train + of course covers all the dates 
pretty popular within slytherin house, but only because he’s good at quidditch and also has pretty good grades (in everything except herbology) 
hates the keeper pickup lines and jokes but likes 
lined up to be the next captain! 
claims he wants to work for the ministry of magic’s department of mysteries
“i got an image to keep”
whatever you say babygirl ^^
expects to be holding hands whenever you’re walking the halls with him
requires a good luck kiss before every quidditch match
sunoo: prefect 
a lot of people expected sunoo to get into hufflepuff! he defies expectations 
seriously, he made a name for himself within the house
with as ambitious as he is, it’s not that surprising to see that someone has confident and charming as him is in slytherin 
he’s someone with friends in every house, probably in every year too
he’s got an “in” with every club on hogwarts campus, so take your pick bae. the world’s your oyster! 
he flexes like jay, but instead of galleons, he takes you to restricted areas of campus using his prefect badge 
would actually help you break the rules if you wanted to
“you want to break in where?! okay, wait, let me get--” 
likes it when you compliment his thoughtfulness or talent in these areas 
his best subject is charms ;) 
his favorite pastime is watching quidditch practices with you, but all you do is yap together
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sunnysideprincess · 11 days
Steve goes back to an era he has long since forgotten how to be a part of. He goes back because it's too painful to be a part of the future without both his anchor and his home. Their ghosts which follow him through time and keep reminding him of all the things he has lost. Her gentle touch on his shoulders, acting as a reminder and as a tether. And his laughter echoing in the quiet night, letting Steve know his heart's deepest desire.
It's not easy being back in the past, carrying the ghosts of the future and the prophecies of advancement. And for this reason, Howard's warm exuberance at his appearance has morphed into great disdain. He hates the slight touch of mockery in Steve's awe. He hates the kind of man he has turned out to be. Unimpressed by the limitations of Stark's tech.
He hates that Steve seems more enamored with the boy in Maria's arms than the news of more versatile set of guns and ammo. He hates that Steve and Peggy never rekindled their stolen fire, and instead, Peggy was with Sousa, anchored in a way no one had ever seen her.
He hates that Steve disappears one morning and returns with a gloomy red headed girl and pushes her in Maria's open arms. He hates that Steve dives deeper and deeper into shield and fishes out terrible secrets to surface. He hates that this new Captain America brings home a brainwashed soviet soldier wearing the face of their dead friend.
He hates this Steve who so readily accepts Tony's gentleness and dismisses Howard's ideas of an ideal man.
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justjams2003 · 1 month
The Saltiness of Flesh-3
Pairing: 1968!Elvis Presley x fem!reader
Summary: After Elvis' divorce fell through and the constant non-stop touring, he finally gets a moment alone on the beach. He finds a doll, shy and almost stand-offish and things suddenly bloom between them.
Warnings: Absolutely no hate to Priscilla, I love her so much, she is mother <3 In this story, they got engaged but broke up before they got married. Barely legal reader, flirting, talk of brattiness, spanking, manual drive (I know that sacres Americans) I would say grooming but she's 18 so not? 14-year age gap. Talk of being middle-class. Smut, fingering, masturbation.
Word count: 3k+ unedited
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics and @luvcsbn
Taglist: @marvelobsessed134 @atleastpleasetelephone @i5uckersblog @i-r-i-n-a-a @dontfeedthebigbadwolf @iwaizumisbtch @archerxnn @sloppiest-of-jos @indiatuck @gatheraheart @that-hotdog @toebeansforbreakfast
Part 1 - Part 2
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Brown eyes, wide and big peering up at him, nervously, shyly, wiping off her mouth with a napkin. Her pink tongue darting out to taste the barbeque sauce left on her lips. The burger looked almost impossible for a little thing like her to finish, but she did. He should've expected it from a country girl like her. Now she sits, idly sucking up the last bits of milkshake. 
"How haven't you been snatched up yet?" Elvis says it out loud and he scolds himself for it, but he just has to know. A cute thing, so eager to be told what to do, any man should be eager to take her. "18 years old and this is my first date...if this is a date...?" A chuckle, or is it a sigh? Or is it both? The sound falls from his lips, his brows pulling together almost in sympathy. 
His hands reach out, grasping the small one clenching the milkshake glass. She doesn’t even know how much any girl would skin someone for this chance. "Oh darlin'...of course it's ah date. Why else would I be all over yah like I am?" A shy shrug, so uncertain. "Uh wouldn' know, I haven' ever even held hands with ah boy." His eyes flash down to his hand holding hers. He's the first, her innocence too much for him. 
"Yah serious? Yah ain't jokin' with me now?" He asks, sitting up straighter, as if he needs a better angle to address the situation. "I ain' jokin'. I'm serious." And the way her southern tongue struggles with the words makes it just so much better. As if she wants to sound all big but her mouth just won't let her. "No boy at school ever see how pretty yah are?" 
A gulp, as if she's mesmerized. A shy smile, "No boy..." She confirms for him. "An' you ain't ever even kissed ah boy? At your big girl age?" Cheeks red and her tongue moves before she can even think about what it's doing. "I ain't even even touched-" and then her mind catches up and quickly shuts her mouth. But he heard it and he needs her with everything in him to confirm what he thinks she's gonna say. 
"Haven't ever what, yittle one? Can't leave me hangin' like that." He makes sure to use the nickname that makes her pink like a peach. She bites her lip, scolding herself for ever saying anything. "My mama says I'm too young for that typa thing anyways." He says, his eyes go hard and with one look forces her to say what she was going to say. 
"I haven't ever even touched myself before..." A guttural groan of such utter revelation comes from deep his belly up and out his mouth. He smiled, wider than he ever has before, he's sure of it. "Sweet girl...did I hear yah right? Ain't never touched yourself before?" Her cheeks go bright red and she hides her little face from him. 
A shrug and then a peak through her fingers. "Yeah...I don' wanna sin." He can't help but laugh. Of course he had to expect it. A sweet innocent girl like her, from the most religiously strict state on the map had to be completely and utterly brainwashed. Manners instilled from the very beginning of her life. Everything bodily from a human has to be such an utter sin. Unaccepted to even look with lust. That must be why she's so easily flustered.  
"Oh, yittle one...it's not a sin tah touch yourself. Yah ain't gon' go tah hell for it." She gives him this blank look like the words he says just won't enter her head. "The pleasure of the body is only meant for reproduction.” She quotes her bible scripture. Elvis can imagine her on her knees every night before bed. Her little hands clutches, head bowed. 
He’s certain he could so easily get her in that position for him. With her mouth open instead of shut. Begging to him, he’ll guide her. Show her the wonders of the human body. “I promise yah, sweet girl, I read my bible, I go tah church same as yah do. But I’m older an’ wiser now aren’t I? I know, I talk tah my preacher. He tells me it ain’t a sin.” 
Pudgy bottom lip stuck between front teeth. Fawn eyes slightly droop showing thoughts filled with things unholy and unbecoming of a religious little girl like her. “I couldn’t possibly.” She mumbles, shaking her head, it’s as if the whole restaurant is closing in on her and she can’t run from him, this conversation, or her mind. 
“An’ why not? I promise yah that He won't smite yah down if yah enjoy yourself a little. In fact, my preacher tells me, lovin’ your body, brings yah closer tah Him. No need tah be so shy about it. Everyone does it, even the pastor.” He tries to course her, convince her, corrupt her. Pull her from this little bubble she lives in and make her a part of his world. 
Her eyes go from him, down to the plastic table. Picking at the peeling laminate, working through it in her mind. “You’re a big girl now, girl. Yah gotta do what big girls do.” He knew well what he was doing. Elvis knows she’s away from her Mama and Papa, he knows she ain’t never had to make a real choice in her life. They chose her school, in turn her friends. 
Now, she’s all alone in California, in with a guy much older than her. Elvis knows she misses her Papa, she sees his dominating commanding nature in him and craves for it. For the guiding hand. Do just about anything he’d ask, if he really did ask. “I don’t even know how.” Her lips part, her sheep’s eyes peer through her long little lashes. 
That iconic Elvis grin crawls across his lips. “There ain’t nothin’ wrong with not knownin’ yet. You’re just a small girl in any case, aren’t yah?” He leans forward, taking her hands. He caresses over the knuckles. “That’s why yah have me, baby. Someone a yittle older, a yittle wiser, huh?” 
When you’re around someone like Elvis Presley, when he grins, you grin. Even if slight, she does smile. She’s seen sound of music, one of the only movies approved by her strict parents. She knows, “Sixteen Going On Seventeen.” Her tongue darts out, licking over her lips with she sings slightly.    
“You need someone older and wiser. Telling you what to do~” She recites the lyrics to him, he grins, shifting in his seat. Scootching closer, hell, he’s upset at the table for being in between them. He looks so giddy hearing her sing. “Yeah, exactly like that, baby. Yah get it now.” Then he reaches out, his thumb gliding over her lips, wiping off some sauces. 
His thumb goes back to his mouth, licking it. Tasting the saltiness of his skin, his eyes seeing the way she wriggles in her seat. “Will yah let me help yah, baby?” He asks and then shakes his head, knowing that he shouldn’t even give her the choice. “I’ll help yah, yittle one.” He lets go of her, his hips buck forward as he digs out his wallet. 
He throws some cash on the table. The girl’s eyes go wide, she’d never seen that much cash in her life. He stands up, grabbing her by the arm. There’s no time to gawk, no time to wait. A new play thing, something so exciting for him. A break from his usual every day in life. Her legs drag behind him, struggling to keep up with him. 
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“Sit down, girl.” He shoves his own blazer jacket off, throwing it onto the nearest chair. He then realises his tone when she doesn’t move. His hand rests on her lower back, slightly pushing her towards the bed. “Right there, on the edge of the bed, sweet girl.” She does comply, shuffling forward and sitting down like he asked. 
Her pink church dress puffs out around her. The leather jacket contrasts the pink so harshly, so gorgeously. She fiddles with the little frills of the dress. Elvis crouches down in front of her, on his hunches. He looks up at her, his large hands resting on her knees. She can hear his breathing and it feels like he’s eating her alive. 
Elvis’ hands slide under the hem of the dress. Warm against cold. Her skin is tan like his, used to spending all that time in the sun on her farm. Not used to the luxuries of an air conditioner. Her breathing hitches, her teeth cage her lower lip. The sound comparable to a growl comes from his throat. 
“Stop doin’ that.” His one hand reaches up, pulling her lip from her teeth. “Stop it. If ya keep doin’ that I’m gonna have tuh kiss yah, yittle one.” Again, she sucks in breath at the thought of that. He grins slightly, his eyebrows raise. “Yah like that? Yah like the idea o’ me kissin’ yah?” A laugh threatens to come from him.  
She’s so sweet, really. Wanting to be kissed but too scared to say it. Or too innocent to even know it. He raises himself, his face close to hers. So close, one lean forward and their lips would touch. He threatens it, toying with her like this. He knows how a girl idolizes their first kiss and he wants to be the one to make those dreams come true. 
But now isn’t the time that that’ll happen. He stands up, his crotch now replacing where his face was. She can feel the coldness of his rings when his hand slides under the leather jacket wrapped around her shoulders. “Mind if I...?” He doesn’t say it, he knows if he says it, it’s all too real for her. This should stay a haze, a fantasy in her mind. He knows she’d be far too scared of the reality of what’s really happening. 
A nod, too far from there in the mind. He makes sure his movements are slow, like a scared little deer. Any sudden jerk might break this daze she’s in. He shoves the jacket to the side, it slides off the bed. His large hands grasp at her back, keeping her still as his other hand gently slides down the zipper. The dress opens and her guides it off her shoulders. 
Then lower, guiding her to lift her little bum, then letting it pool down on the floor. She blushes, looking away. “Ah-ah-ah, none of that now. I’m just’ teachin’ yah somethin’. Nothin’ tah be ashamed of now, my yittle lady.” He says, guiding her to look back at him. “Much better now, look at yah, so pretty,” he coos, softly caressing her cheek. 
Elvis then takes her by she shoulders, carefully guiding her so that she lays down. Her hair splaying out. He takes a pillow, carefully sliding it under her head. Then he just stands there, seeing her. The matching frilly white bra, panties and socks. Smooth skin, slight stretch marks from a young girl’s body settling after puberty. 
The little blonde hairs trailing from her belly button down, lower. Unkept curly hair, her mother likely forbade any grooming of that sort too. Wide hips that hid under the dungarees and church dress. And a waist that curves, like his own little porcelain doll. Her big round eyes looking up at him makes him think of a play thing even more. 
His breathing is heavy, yet controlled, effort into each thing he does. He hunches down again. His fingers hook under the pink frilly panties, her breath gets suck in her throat and he instantly notices. “It’s alright, baby. It’s okay, yittle one, you’re okay.” He coos, the cold air hits her when he slides the panties down. He holds them up for her to see. 
“Isn’t that the cutest little thang?” She’s bright red and goes even redder when he takes a deep sniff. “God, baby, yah smell divine.” She’s forced to remember how much he distastes it when she hides from him when his lip pulls up disgust when her hands come up. He shoves the panty into his back pocket. Then, in one swift motion, he pins her hands down by her sides. 
“What’d I day? Huh?” He grips her hands tighter, grabbing her attention. “Tell me. What did I tell yah?” She whimpers, her voice shaky from shame. “No hidin’. Nothin’ tah be ashamed o’.” He nods along with her as she speaks. “Come on now, I thought yah were a good girl? I thought yah’d do as I say.” Fear spawns behind her eyes and Elvis revels in it. 
She nods her head frantically. “I am. I am good.” Everything in her, from the way she was raised, her faith and her heart commands her to be obedient. To follow instructions from her elders well. From a man, well. And he is both of those. And if she knew the authority he held, she’d likely be even more submissive than now. 
“Are yah? Prove it tah me. Do as I say.” He challenges her, raising his brows as if he doesn’t believe that she would. But he knows he picked just the right girl. “I will. I will.” Still so eager to please, frantic that he won’t give her the attention she craves so far from her parents. “Good...good...” He slowly lets go of her hands. 
His grip holds her like a prize, a stack of books, like you would a burger that you’re ready to stuff into your mouth and simply devour. Elvis’ thumbs caress the skin, his breathe tickles her. “I’m gonna show you what tah do then I want yah tah copy me alright?” Restless to gratify she replies with a: “Yes, sir.” He can’t do it anymore. He just can’t tease her like this. He needs her, now. 
Thumb traces down, hand slides down her slit. She gasps, her hips snapping up. His other hand holds her down. Then his thumb presses against her sensitive nub. She huffs air out, trying to comprehend this new experience. He makes small circles, absolutely loving the noises that escape her. Elvis takes in just how soaked she is for him and gladly slides a finger inside her. 
She’s so wet and warm and tight around his finger. She whines, clenching around his finger and sucking him in deeper. “You’re so tight, baby, oh lord forgive me.” He groans, beginning to pump into her. She mewls and gasps and makes just about any noise she can. Then, he pulls out, leaving her gaping and feeling empty. 
He grins, licking his finger clean. “Fuck, sweet girl, yah taste so fuckin’ good.” She blushes, whining and her thighs rub together. She’s looking for that friction again. “No, youngin’, it’s your turn now.” He takes her hand, guiding it down to her fur. “Do it, yittle one, jus’ like I showed you.” The girl huffs, small, slender hands copying the motions of Elvis. 
“There yah go, darlin’. See, now, doesn’t that feel good?” She can only reply with gasps and whimpers. “Does that feel like a sin to you?” He grins, knowing that her body is rewriting the brainwash of the south. Screaming at her that this is good and it doesn’t matter what anyone but Elvis says. “It does~ Feels so good~” 
Elvis’ grin can’t be wiped away. He watches as her fingers, on instinct, slide inside herself. Just like he did. She’s chasing that high and she’s at her most vulnerable now. He leans down, thumbs hooking under her bra, lifting it so that her pink little nips spring free. He flicks against the hard bud, he gasps and he chuckles. 
“So good, huh?” He knows the first time that edge comes so quickly. The body experiencing this amount of pleasure for the first time, is quick to crumble. “Say you’ll be mine, youngin’. Say it. I know you want to. Don’t fight it.” He whispers in her ear, his tongue dragging from her collarbone all the way up. He lowers his hips, grinding himself against her wiggling stomach. 
She replies with a gulp. “E-elvis. S-somethin's wrong. Somethin’s happenin’.” She whispers, her voice shaky. He looks down, her fingers so quick that it makes a lewd wet noise. “That’s gon’ happen, baby, just let it. You’ll see, feel so good, jus’ keep goin’ like this.” He guides her through it, making her even more dizzy when his lips attach to her nipple. 
“I-ah~” She gasps, moaning as her body spasms, shaking, the pleasure wracks through her. Like boiling water burning your skin. So quick and sudden and then it spreads all through you. Everywhere, nothing but over sensitive pleasure. “Say it, I wanna hear yah say it.” He coaxes her, knowing nothing will make sense now. Her brows furrow, “Huh?” 
He pretends to be upset that she doesn’t know, convincing her that she should. “Come on, yah said yah’d be mine. Don’t change your mind now. Not after what I just taught yah.” He makes sure to scold her and not comfort her, like she really needs now. So needy to keep him happy and to be held. “No, no, I wouldn’t- I-I'll be yours, Elvis, I’ll be yours.” 
He grins, big and wide and peppers her face with kisses. “That’s my good girl, such a good little girl, aren’t yah? Jus’ for me?” She preens under his praise, a dazed smile overcoming her. “Jus’ for you.” He coos, coddling her close against his body as he lies down next to her. 
“My poor baby, mus’ be so tired, aren’t yah?” A mumble, always agreeing with him. “I know, I know, poor girl. A lot for a youngin’ like yah?” He soothes, caressing her hair, peppering kisses, hugging her close, overwhelming her with him and him only. “It’s okay, baby, it’s okay yittle one. Yah can sleep, I’ll watch over yah, baby. Yah can sleep in my arms.”  
And like always, she does what Elvis asks of her. And as Elvis grins, holding his new pet close, he can’t help but notice how that sea saltiness lingers on his tongue...
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The End?
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I once had a idea of a couple of villains which are everything ladybug and cat noir aren’t
The boy is the well mannered and destructive person who’s always honest, The girl is the chaotic and overwhelming person who always has a plan
Yet both hate Ladybug and cat noir for their own reasons
The boy doesn’t hate cat noir but hates liars and abusive people, and when he discovers monarch was Gabriel (threw my kid through Paris) agreste and how the heroes never defeated him, he goes off and accidentally ruins Adrien’s life (also Felix’s life for stealing the miraculous, lying to kagami about it and trying to ruin Adrien’s life, he would break the bird boy’s spine), and even his hero life by using cat noir has a example of a bad hero (abandoning Paris a couple of times, letting his emotions get in the way, never taking things seriously, always flirting and always getting brainwashed for he’s incompetence). None of it is personal for the boy but he admits he doesn’t care if Adrien gets hurt since the boy believes himself to be a bad person and being a villain is his punishment so he acts accordingly despite his intentions of revealing a lie and making a true change to destroy the status quo being quite heroic, Adrien gets a burning rage towards the boy
The girl hates ladybug for how she has everything (friends, family, fame and power) yet when she sees how she treats Adrien (lying to him under the excuse of not hurting him when it’s actually just hurting Adrien more by praising he’s abuser, being superficial since she’ll fall in love with anyone who acts like Adrien/cat walker, and the constant stalker behavior) she’ll make sure to hurt Marinette thinking she doesn’t deserve her perfect life when she was all alone before being turned into a villain and meeting the boy, she’ll at first seem like a pure evil character but she’s just someone trying to survive, she’s actually someone pretty sweet and friendly (at difference of the boy which is quite shy and closed despite it seeming otherwise, she helped him go through his traumas and he’s doing the same for her) and when she sees someone like Marinette having a perfect life and treating her partner like that would be enough to make her into a venom like for who’ll do anything to bring justice while knowing justice is the wrong word since she’s breaking several laws while making a teenager suffer
And the best part is how the two constantly emotionally support each other properly and are better working together than the bug and the cat, they talk about their problems, always talk and go out together, help each other train their powers and everything, a genuine healthy relationship built on trust, care and partnership
The point of the arc against them could be A-fixing Ladybug’s and Cat noir’s flaws and problems and make them a genuinely healthy couple, B-break them up because after everything, is there any chemistry at this point? They are the water and bread of relationships and the only good about their relationship has civilians is the “Will they Won’t they” the writers have exploited for 5 seasons and may keep going for another 5, and after everything they’ve done to each other in and out of the suit I can’t ship this two in the show anymore
But we all know Adrien will never know the truth, they’ll probably never question what happen to Gabriel, ladybug won’t ever be on the wrong and cat won’t ever suffer the consequences of his immaturity while being a hero for fun who doesn’t care about the consequences
That's a pretty interesting idea. We really need more villains with their own non-Butterfly Miraculous in this show.
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yourgfdgirlfriend · 1 year
can we talk about how toxic this whole “that small thing gives me the ick” narrative is?
like, girl, him using a basket at the grocery store or bringing water to the airport gives you ‘the ick’, but him never doing a single chore or believing women are inherently better at cleaning, like it’s some instinctual level ability is fine!? you’re gonna deal with him actually thinking he’s superior to you, but don’t he dare pick up a ping pong ball or you’re out?
wanna know what gives me ‘the ick’? rudeness. sexist behaviour. selfishness. masculinity, that is so fragile wind could knock it over. being unable to give a genuine apology. those are things that make me wanna drop someone; not normal human actions.
can we stop picking on any even slightly feminine perceived behaviour in men and just let them live without this ginormous expectation to always be this strong masculine picture of a man that no one is ever gonna be able to fulfil? you’re creating the same pressure on them we as women get all the time. you’re feeding into toxic masculinity. stop. make an effort to end this thinking instead. all the ‘icks’ I see on social media are so fucking stupid and misogynistic in their core; usually accompanied with sentences like “well, if he’s gonna cry about a birthday gift, he’s not my alpha anymore” no, he’s not. he is a real person with feelings, you fucking brainwashed-by-the-patriarchy monster.
give me a fucking break; i’m so sick of seeing people pressured into these roles their whole life and being so unhappy and hold so much resentment. just stop. let men cry. let men think kitties are cute. let men dangle their feet. let men giggle and be silly. let men have genuine moments of happiness without thinking about whether or not they seem masculine enough. cut them some fucking slack. and maybe there will be fewer men hating women, because they always had to be a certain way to be accepted. every woman knows the feeling of all these expectations and rules you have to follow. we know how much it sucks; how suffocating it is. so let’s stop repeating this narrative and start breaking out of it. reflect on where you’re coming from before criticising someone’s behaviour. we’ll all be happier for it.
and don’t anyone dare to use this as anti-feminist. this is inherently feminist, because it breaks with the tale of women being poor innocent damsels in distress unable to harm anyone or anything; always the victims. perfect little dolls. we’re not. women are cruel and flawed. women are offenders. women are judgmental. women are cold hearted and shortsighted. women are petty. women are misogynistic. (not all women of course *cough cough*) women are not perfect. we are human. of course the “women are capable and smart. women are superheroes” side of feminism is widely preferred. let’s be honest no one wants to hear bad things about themselves, especially when fighting against your own oppression; but it’s therefore no less true. both are legitimate; they’re two sides of the same coin. deal with it.
and if I see anyone hurting a sweet boy’s feelings, because him owning a stuffy or something adorable like that gave you ‘the ick’ I’m gonna personally bitch slap you so hard, that looking in the mirror will give you the ick for the rest of your life. savvy?
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getodrools · 6 months
UR TAKE ON NCEL CHOSO URE SO REAL he just seems like the perfect type of person to be brainwashed down the incel road.. plus the whining in the dialogue you added?? HAD ME WHIMPERING TOO. plus the breathy “ask gojo to buy you more” CHEFS KISS ! but if you have no ideas on what to write for him i have PLENTYYY
coughs EMO INCEL CHOSO coughs
im just saying itd be kinda hot for a loser like him ESPECIALLY as an emo boy to have his first time with a bimbo big tiddy reader and him not knowing what to do and the reader is js so ditzy it makes him freak out n get so carried away 😻😻😻 he probably doesnt even know what pulling out is .. plus who doesnt love an emo loser (thats prolly a perv)
but yk its js a thought… i think this ask is too long for a request but if u wanna get carried away i VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE !!! (in the art of fangirling)
— pearl anon <3
EMO CHOSO ??! alright now we're talking. ‘cause the contrast of ur pink and girly lifestyle filled with actual love and little to no brains… is perfect for him ! ! he could easily fill that stupid, empty little head up with his own thoughts— EEK!
he just likes how ur the brightest, cutest… pure thing to ever step into his room. which is absolutely sickening… for MULTIPLE reasons ! ! mysterious liquid, laundry loaded up – so is his small garbage can with wrappers and monster cans, even the unknown polaroids of u jammed in his desk doesn't top the filth…
just being a clutz MAKES HIM NERVOUS cause he's also fumbling around but in a wreck of shocked nerves :(( all that blood is only going straight to his dick; he can't focus while ur crawling all over him, kissing and touching him in places he thought his own slimy hands would only make best friends with ;((... i like to think, when he's groping u back, he's a little shakey. like, mouth wide and watching u SO CLOSE either to smell all the pants u breathe out or to see if u still even like him touching you… he gets so nervous if u’d back away he wouldn't know what to do, maybe he'd get really upset… gaslight, and manipulate u to draw u back in… too stupid anyways but that's down another whole road and deeper into his incel behavior >.<
emo choso deff has black, chipped nails too ! ! he only notices that urs are pink when u reach down to grab at his hand – which is working into ur pretty cunt and squeezing at fleshy tits ! — or either squeezing at ur throat ‘cause he hates and loves u ( more incel behavior sob ),,, he just can't accept someone like u is actually fond of him. not to just make fun or trick him :( but a pretty girl he'd usually sulk about in the corner of his room late at night, just scrolling and scrolling and— actually liking him let alone touching his dick is a DREAM !
choso gets embarrassed and he'd cum too quickly before u could even pull him out his damn drawls... but when he's springing back up, he can't help but embarrassingly whimper– ur working hands are just so warm and gentle compared to his ! ! he wouldn't be able to warn u either when he's about to cum AGAIN… just lodging all of his sticky goo down ur throat, some even flying out in arcs when u’d gag and pop him out, yet he'd try and push ur head back down, desperate and unknowingly… even ruining freshly done lashes while he's at it ! !… sigh…
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startaee · 1 year
reo mikage . angst
interactions appreciated <3
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reo’s the type of guy to hate his parents for their superficial relations and standards. he notices every fake smile the elders at the parties throw at him and his parents, but he smiles back anyway. 
reo’s the type of guy to excel in anything he does, almost immediately. whether it's academics or sports, reo knows how to do it, and he does it well. 
reo’s the type of guy who has girls and guys around him at all times. all the girls want to be with him and all the guys want to be him. but they don’t just want reo, they want mikage reo. they don’t know reo. they don’t even want to know him. because, who cares for the boy when there’s more than a billion on his head?
reo’s the type of guy who realises that he doesn’t need to love anyone. that love is just a marketing strategy anyway. brainwashed by his parents, he accepts their first choice as his wife. they like the same things. he likes lavish things, she likes lavish things. he likes throwing parties, she likes throwing parties. he likes eating out all the time and so does she. 
except he doesn’t like any of those things. he’s actually a homebody when no one’s looking. he enjoys homecooked food as he has a sensitive appetite and not much suits his stomach these days. sure, he likes the occasional long drives in his luxury cars and traveling to far away places but that’s just to get away from all the lies he hears every day.
but he doesn’t mind. he just wants to nod to whatever his parents say and get this life over with.
reo’s the type of guy to not know what genuine emotion is till he meets you. 
a beautiful soul who offers the last piece of candy to him because he looks like he needs it. 
he forgets everything he had learned about ‘how to conduct yourself in public areas’ crap and immediately sobs. he reaches out for the candy and your reluctant hand gives it to him. ‘thank you’ he tries to say. but there’s too much pain to be able to be thankful.
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gilverrwrites · 2 months
But IMAGINE it. Sucking Roman's cock while Jason is lapping up your pussy (He's tied up). Roman making him lick his cum off your body and then edging him with YOUR pussy 🥵 I have so many thoughts
DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT,  non-con/dub-con, daddy kink, public humiliation, probably more.
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Oh, I’ve been imagining it.
But to start with you...
Imagine Roman edging Jason with your pussy, as part of the brainwashing. He’s bloodied and bruised, tied down as you ride tip to base, as slowly as possible. “Isn’t she so warm and tight? Good boys and girls get to play together, wouldn’t that be nice. I could untie you, let you fuck her however you want. Don’t you want that baby? Don’t you want to be a good boy? Or would you rather keep acting like a brat? Either way, I’ll get mine.”
“I see the way you looked at her, isn’t this what you’ve always wanted?”
Or Roman having you hover over Jason’s face, just close enough for him to taste the remnants of your wet pussy dripping down onto his face while Roman’s playing with you. “Don’t you want a taste kid? Just say ‘Daddy, I’ll be good for you. Daddy, I’m all yours’ and you can eat to your hearts content.”
“Doesn’t it feel so good to do as you’re told? Don’t you worry that dumb head of yours, I’ll do the thinking, just keep behaving and I’ll make sure you get what you need.”
And then, the things I've been stewing on...
Been imagining making out to Jason, real sloppy and wet while Roman slides his cock between both your lips. Taking turns seeing who can fit more of his cock down their throat. Imagine Jay whose never sucks a dick before using your lipstick marks as goalposts, his eyes watering, feeling Roman’s cock throbbing against places Jason never thought possible. It’s a moot point tho, he’ll make sure the whole thing is buried in each of your throats in turn, right up until your noses are crushed against his wiry pubic hair, making you choke around it when he’s good and ready.
Whoever isn’t sucking can occupy themselves by lapping at his balls, or even his ass if he’s feeling real nasty. He's always feeling nasty.
Imagine him having you compete, who can get off from riding his legs, and nothing else first. One on either side, humping like the good, mindless little sluts you are. Loser has to lick the winner's cum off of his leather dress shoes, while the winner gets to ride his cock.
Jay would look so beautiful, bouncing on top of Roman, taking it in the ass for the first time while you're slobbering on his dick. Muscles taut, skin pink, brainlessly babbling, telling his tormentor how he's never felt so good before. Thanking Roman over and over again for breaking him.
Imagine Jason, with all that size and strength bending you around yourself and holding you in position, treating you like a ragdoll, holding you like he’s a pedestal. Who needs ropes and chains when Jason is more than sufficient.
And a side note, when he does crack. Imagine Bruce's reaction when he sees some trashy tabloid headline: ‘WAYNE CHILD JASON TODD SPOTTED ABOUT TOWN WITH CRIMELORD BLACK MASK’ Accompanied with a photo of Jason in something Roman has picked out, something meant to be humiliating; Like a cop top, short shorts. Maybe even some cross-dressing?  A leash and collar, on his knees.  
Not only would Roman fucking love to publicly humiliate Jason Todd, who he already canonically does not like. But for it to also be a big fuck you to Brucie, who he hates, he’s in heaven.
I have many, many other thoughts also, but please anon, feel free to share more. I am foaming at the mouth. PLEASE
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