#bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us
xdinaryheroes · 1 year
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pdflayn · 3 months
charles leclerc x max verstappen ! one-shot
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summary: charles leclerc, born and raised in monaco, a mama's boy, raised to worship the man in the cross who saved us from all our sins. and then there's max verstappen, a man who believes nothing but himself and also a good friend of charles and his family. a man who also made charles crumble into pieces by a mere touch.
warnings: (a bit of) smut under the cut ! mentions of alcohol, religion and beliefs, charles is not a racer in this fic, mention of cigarettes.
note: heavily inspired by false god by taylor swift ! for the past few weeks i have been completely obsessed with it and lestappen are my victims with this brainrot of mine.
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
It has only been 30 minutes since Charles sat down but it felt like years, it wasn’t always like this. His mind is clouded and distracted. Distracted with the question of who he worships. Is it the man in the cross? Or is it the man who pinned him against the wall of his bedroom last night?
“Charles! We’re over here!” Max screamed, hoping his voice could be heard against the wild crowd of Monaco’s finest club. It was obvious that the Monegasque did not hear his words, Charles was still wandering amongst the crowd, seeking for familiar faces. Max stood up from his seat, telling the rest of their friends he’ll just get Charles from the crowd.
It was loud. All that can be heard is the upbeat sounds coming from the blasting speakers and chatters of random people kissing each other’s faces. But Charles heard something more than the noise, he heard something calm. “There you are, Charlie.”
He felt Max’s hand wrapped around his arm with a smile in his mouth. He can smell the alcohol in his breath, that’s how close they are. He’s not sure if it’s a right feeling knowing damn well he didn’t have a drop of alcohol yet in his system. His heart was racing, his breathing paced with anticipation. “You’re the last one we’re waiting for at the table, let’s go?” Charles could only reply with a nod. His heart is in sync with the beats from the speakers.
"My god, will they ever stop playing Taylor Swift and start playing proper club songs?" Lando asked irritably while holding a beer in his hand. The rest of the group agreed and laughed. Meanwhile, Charles grabbed another bottle of beer as soon as he finished his first. He was annoyed, unable to sit still. He couldn't forget the warmth of Max's touch from a few minutes ago. They are very close friends, having been together since they were kids. But his touch from a moment ago felt different. His stare, his smile, it all felt different for the Monegasque. It wasn’t right, what he was feeling wasn’t right and the blue and red lights from the club hitting the godly face of the Dutch was not helping at all.
But we might just get away with it
Religion's in your lips
Even if it's a false god
“That’s your third beer already, you haven’t been here for a while. You good, Leclerc?” Max asked when he noticed Charles grabbing another bottle. Charles replied with a chuckle, “I’m good, this beer just tastes good.”
“Anyone wanna go to the dance floor?” Carlos asked excitedly, holding a beer in his hand and in the other is in Lando’s waist. I wonder what it feels to have Max’s arm wrapped around me, Charles asked in his mind. Quickly tapping himself out of his sinful curiosity. Soon enough the table was empty, it was only Charles left.
Charles and Max. In the same table. Drinking the same beer. Blank stares.
We might just get away with it
The altar is my hips
Even if it's a false god
Max chugged his bottle of beer and opened a new one. There was an unusual grin on his face. It was only the two of them at the table.
“You know, we actually didn’t think you were gonna come. You were never really the club type of person, Charlie.” Max uttered, trying to break the ice between the two of them. Ever since Max pursued his passion in racing, the only conversations he had with Charles was the good morning’s and good night’s along with the hi’s and hello’s whenever they saw each other in the streets of their homes.
“There wasn’t anything left to do at home so I decided to stop by. It’s not the usual crowd I like but there’s nothing to lose anyway. Plus, it’s free beer, Max. Who says no to that?” Charles leaned back in the chair, running a hand through his hair, hoping it could ease the tension between him and Max’s stare. He is intimidated, but deep down he loves it. Max noticed Charles’ continuous movements. Charles kept running a hand through his hair, chugging his beer once after every ten seconds, and licking his lips. Max knew it was all because of him. It was an obvious answer, it was only the two of them.
We'd still worship this love
We'd still worship this love
We'd still worship this love
“How’s your racing career? Maman always bothers me with the remote, asking me to switch to the channel that shows your race.” It was true. Charles’ mother loves Max dearly and treats him like his own son as well. They would always watch Max’s races especially when he’s free from work. “I’ve been winning races, I think you already know since you watch me drive.”
Charles chuckled, “I do.”
“Do you still serve at the church?” Max asked when he noticed a glimmer from Charles’ chest when the light struck him. Charles held his small cross and shook his head, “I haven’t been able to serve the church for a while now. I’ve been… busy.”
Max couldn’t help but raise a brow with his response. The religious boy missing church, it’s like hearing about the diligent student cutting classes. He thought to himself as he saw Charles hiding his cross inside his shirt.
I know heaven's a thing
I go there when you touch me
Honey hell is when I fight with you
“Charles,” Max called, earning a small hum from Charles. “Do you want to go somewhere quieter?” Charles smiled and nodded. Charles knew he needed to be somewhere quieter, Max knew the younger was already overwhelmed with the loud crowd. Charles was no stranger to Max, he knew him more than one could ever imagine.
Charles took one last sip from his beer and stood to follow Max leaving the club. They sat down in the cold ground of the parking lot, disregarding the thought that there were nearby benches under the trees blowing cold winds. It was awfully quiet, opposite to when they were inside.
“Do you smoke?” Max asked while holding a stick of cigarette in his hand. Charles shook his head and watched as the older lit up the stick and blew smoke from his mouth. Charles never liked the smell of cigarettes, that’s why he didn’t know why he’s suddenly okay with Max smoking. At some point, he might even want Max to blow smoke in his face. “You’re so quiet, Charles. Are you sure you’re okay?”
He didn’t know what to say. How could he say that it’s him who’s been bothering him since the moment he laid his hand on his arm without making it awkward? “I’m okay, it’s just a bit cold and I have nothing to say since nothing eventful has happened recently.”
“Then what’s keeping you busy to skip church? You’re one of the most religious people I’ve ever met.” Max asked in a curious tone. Charles didn’t know how to answer that question as well. He’s not himself lately, only Max noticed.
“Max,” Charles called. “Hmm?” Max responded.
“Why don’t you believe in religion?” Charles noticed how Max subtly froze from his sudden question.
“What’s with the sudden question about faith and religion, Charlie?” Max chuckled. Charles was already about to speak again, probably to take back his question but Max spoke first. “I wasn’t exactly raised in a religious family like you. My father is almost never home, my mother is also an atheist, and my sister, well, she’s the religious one in our family but we were never really close. No one really guided me in the religious part in life. And besides, I find comfort in what I can see and understand.”
“But still,” Charles started. “Don’t you feel lost at times?”
Max smiled, “I’d rather be lost than have an unknown entity dictate what’s right and wrong for me.”
“It’s not about dictating what’s right and wrong, it’s more like a guide from what’s right and wrong.” frustration was evident from Charles' voice along with his furrowed forehead. Max dropped his stick and stepped on it to kill the light. He gripped Charles’s arm and made him look at him. He felt the younger flinch within his touch.
“Charles, what’s wrong? Be honest with me, Charlie.” Max placed both of his hands on Charles' shoulder, closing the gap between them. Inhaling the intoxicating smell of alcohol mixed with cigarettes. “Max, I-”
“¡Hijos de puta, qué feo su comportamiento!” Both Charles and Max immediately distanced themselves from each other, seeing their friends getting kicked out of the bar, wasted as fuck.
“Ready to go home?” Charles snapped out of his thoughts when his mama tapped his shoulder. The mass had already ended and he didn’t even notice. “I’ll start the car, wait for me in front of the chapel so you wouldn’t need to walk back to the parking lot.” Charles said with a smile as he stood up and made his way outside the chapel. The thing is, he's not headed to the parking lot.
Tipsy. They were both tipsy from all the alcohol they drank. Especially since they decided to continue drinking at Lando’s house after being kicked out of the club. Everyone was already wasted. Charles wanted to be wasted too, but his very high tolerance in alcohol is not helping him. He wanted to drown his thoughts. His sinful thoughts of Max. He keeps on having flashbacks of how Max gripped him and how he sounded when he asked him the simplest question he couldn’t answer.
“That’s enough, Charlie.” Max said as he snatched the beer from Charles hand and moved away all the cans of beer left. Charles groaned, he wanted more. He forcefully grabbed the canned beer in Max’s hand which ended in the worst way possible.
“Fuck!” Max screamed in shock as the cold liquid drenched his shirt. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Max stood up and threw the can of beer in the nearest trash bin. Meanwhile, Charles ran a hand through his hair and left a frustrated groan before standing up and leaving the room.
“Charles,” Max called but to his dismay, Charles ignored him and went outside despite also being drenched with the cold beer.
“Charles, what’s wrong? C’mon mate, speak up-”
“For fuck’s sake, leave me alone Max!” Charles snapped. “Everything is wrong! It all started being wrong the moment you came back for good. I shouldn’t be feeling like this, Max. This is so fucking wrong!”
“Man is created for a woman, a man is not created for another man. I can’t have these kinds of feelings towards you, Max. I can’t. My faith tells me it's wrong, but my heart... my heart is betraying everything I thought I knew.”
Max froze from where he stood. He didn’t exactly know how to react knowing that the person he craves also craves for him but forbids himself because it’s against his religion. So he stepped forward, taking the risk, placing his lips against the lips he craves for.
A slap echoed in Max’s ears. He felt a sting in his cheek as he once again froze from Charles’ actions. “Max,” Charles was supposed to touch the cheek but was stopped by Max’s tight grip on his wrist. Max’s jaws clenched, still feeling the sting from Charles’ slap as he dragged the younger inside to a vacant room.
“Max, I’m sorry.” Charles’ kept on trying to remove his wrist from Max’s grip, “You’re hurting me, Max!”
Charles was dizzy from the alcohol but it wasn't enough to knock him senseless. He was aware of where he was. He was aware of Max's intentions. He knew why he heard the door locked. And he knew damn well it's turning the both of them on.
“It’s funny how it's forbidden for a man to crave a man because your Jesus said so. But isn't your Jesus also a man?” Max whispered in Charles’ ear. Pinning both of his hands on top of his head while the other hand rests on Charles' waist, gripping it from time to time. “And you people worship him so badly, craving for his attention.”
Max stepped an inch closer to Charles, closing the gap between them. Not even air could pass through them. Charles groaned at the friction caused by their hips touching. Max thrusted into Charles' clothed self, making the younger moan and close his eyes. Max placed his free hand on Charles’ chin, making him look up. “Open your eyes. Let me see those pretty eyes of yours.”
“Look at you, even your eyes crave for me, schatje.” Max buried his head on the younger’s neck, leaving sloppy kisses and bite marks. He can feel his pants getting tighter every time he would hear Charles whimpering against his touch. “Already such a fucking mess for me, sweet one?”
Max freed the younger's hands from being pinned against the wall and slid it down his pants. Charles’ hands immediately found its way to Max’s hair, tugging a handful as he felt Max’s cold hand against his cock.
“You’ve been worshipping the same man for years now, Charlie. Would you go to hell if you'd worship another? Let's say, me?”
“Father, I have something to confess.”
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thedivineden · 5 months
Bible Study
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pairing: tomura shigaraki x reader
Genre: smut
Tags: Fem!, Dubcon, religious themes, manipulation, sexual themes, age gap, no quirk, breeding, unprotected sex, dumbification
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“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” Matthew 6:24
“Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Over and over, you could hear the man in your ear. Whispers of the Lord’s Prayer embedded on your brain, you must think of something else, anything else. “Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” you could hardly contain yourself as you opened your eyes, the from the stained glass windows seem to illuminate the indiscernible halo perched on his head. “and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” He had you hooked, “Amen.”.
You could hardly contain your excitement as you marched out the door towards your parents. Your session with Minister Shigaraki had you on cloud nine. Even if you couldn’t interact with him for more than 10 seconds before someone else is running up to him, being in his presence is a blessing. Despite the initial annoyance, you understand the effect he has on the congregation. Not only is he incredibly handsome, but his words have a way of touching people.
“Come on sweetheart, we need to get home. We can’t be late to dinner.” responding with a quiet yes ma’am you trail behind you family. Shuffling down the corridor and out the door you could feel the July heat swell around you. Even with the barge of people you still manage to catch a familiar smell of spice and soft sage. He’s nearby. Whipping your head around you see priest shigaraki a few feet behind you with that dazzling smile plastered on his face.
His movements are so smooth, the way he weaves through the crowd halts you. It felt like time was moving slow, In a few strides he was in front of you, smiling from eye to ear. It didn’t matter what it was, you were always available to talk to Father Tomura. In a few strides he was in front of you. It felt like time stopped for you two, there was an undeniable connection and you know he felt it too.
“I’m glad I caught you, it seems like you leave something every Sunday. It’s almost a routine” he says with a light chuckle, you knew he would come running after you. He’s the reason this doltish crush continues. If he allows it, then the lord is truly on your side. “Apologies minister, I am rather forgetful.” Laying your hand upon the scarf you brush his hand lightly pulling away. “I do have a rather important matter to discuss with you. Can you meet me in my office after Tuesday night bible study.” Immediately a smile stretches across your face replying with a sheepish yes, “I knew I could count on you, have a blessed darling and stay out of trouble!” The moment he turns from you the world seems dull.
Sunday dinner came and went as normal, it was nice to spend time with family but draining when it comes to your older cousins. They made it very evident that the Priest is only reason to attend church. “I bet you he’s never even fucked someone before, he screams virgin.” Your cousin jasmine says passing the phone to your cousin Brianna. “ No girl, he’s definitely fucked before. You should see what he looks like under the robe.”
That statement alone makes you ears hot. How the fuck does she know what he looks like under his robe. As if she knew you were looking at her, she whipped around to face you smirking. “What’s wrong cuz? Got something you want to ask?” Flustered wasn’t even the word for you right now, you wanted to know. “H-How do you know what he looks like under his robe?” Without another word, jasmine is closing her room door turning the lock. “You have to promise to keep this a secret, we didn’t know he was getting undressed.” They were watching him get undressed?
Would God punish you for this? The pure terror you felt is all the conformation you need but the heat swelling below beckoned for more. “I only want to see because I don’t believe you.” Eyes rolling jasmine pulls out her phone, scrolling through her photos she throws her phone across the room at you. Landing next to you is a photo of the man himself.
Minister Tomura in the back room of the church, cerulean hair pulled back with his robe draped around his waist revealing his large carven chest. Your eyes were glued to the screen. Looking up at your cousin, cheek hot, you ask “can you send this to me?” Giggles and laughs erupt from the two as your throw the phone back to her.
The moment you arrived home you set to finish your chores and participate in night prayer. “Sweetie, can you lead the prayer tonight?” A feeling of shame seem to wave over you and disappear once the intercession began. “Now I lay me down to sleep” you can hear a voice in the back of your head. “I pray the Lord my soul to keep” maybe it’s a spirit trying to send a message. “Watch and guard me through the night” the voice whispering how they will watch over you fills you with warmth. “And wake me with the morning light.” Implicitly wishing father tomura would bless you with his presence, the image of his rope hanging off his waist fresh in your mind. “Father, you know my worries and care for my troubles.” Opening your eyes you can see your mother in front of you, eyes closed reciting the word unaware of your sickly desires.“So I give these heavy concerns to you, Amen.”
“Amen. Thank you sweetie, I love you. Goodnight”
Your night was far from over. It seems as if your knees are bolted to the floor, your ill feeling can only compare to shame and guilt. What would mother say if she knew I was calling out to our pastor instead of the lord. When you heard a ding come from your phone all shame null in your mind, you knew what it was and your mind was racing.
Getting up from the floor you close your bedroom door triple checking the lock before running over to your desk. Phone in hand you make your way over to your bed climbing under the covers. Your heart is racing the sound of it thumping in your ears.
Opening your cousin message eyes landing on the fatal image you saw earlier. Just the thought of him made you immoral, sinful thoughts plague your mind asking the lord for forgiveness before you’re rolling up your nightgown. You swear you can smell spice and sage as you trace shallow small circles around your clit. God, please forgive me.
What would he think if he saw you like this? Your finger speed up whimpering for the man craving for release. Chest heaving you can imagine him over you, praising you, fondling you. The thought of it all sends you over an intense orgasm strikes through you. Sitting up in your bed throwing your legs to the side you slide down to the floor on your knees and pray for your transgression.
Waking up on Monday morning was dreadful for you. Your body felt heavy and your mind is racing, thoughts of last nights dallying has you shaking you head. I need to get it together. Minister Tomura was a background thought as you went to class. Your day is as normal as it can be taking your exams, thinking about priest tomura, attending office hours with your professors, masturbating in the bathroom to his picture again, volunteering at the homeless shelter, and begging god for forgiveness in your driveway.
Mentally you were falling apart. Laying back in the seat you recount your day. The photo of your very own priest has plagued your mind. You were beyond forgiveness, there is no way you’ll be able to look him in the eye on Sunday. He would call you a pervert. What if your mother found out? The buzzing in your ears seems to increase with every thought. Your chest felt tight breathing becoming ragged and shallow. How could you be so disgusting?
Before you have a chance to spiral again a knock on your window startles you. Reclining your seat forward you see an all familiar cerulean head of hair. The universe seems to be playing a practical joke on you, why would your pastor be in your driveway. “Why are you sitting in the car?” Nope, this is definitely him, and you could hardly stop the disgusting abstractions from popping up. Punishment is due soon for you.
After having a short and awkward conversation with Minister Tomura in the driveway, you both made your way through the front door and towards the dining room. You didn’t even have a chance to ask what he was doing here. What if he knows about the picture? “Oh! Minister! I’m so glad you were able to stop by! Go wash up sweetie, dinner is almost ready.”
Palms sweaty you head up the stairs to your room. Your stomach has a mix of butterflies and ill. After freshening up you put on some comfortable clothes and head downstairs. your ears were practically on fire trying to hear the conversation from the steps. Rounding around the corner met with the eyes of your mother, father, and pastor seated at the dining table. “Hope the party didn’t start without me” letting out a nervous chuckle you take a seat next to Tomura.
The smell of spice and sage dance at the tip of you nose, his smell is intoxicating sitting so close to him makes you want to pounce. Who cares if your parents see. You’d suffer through the embarrassment if it means you can having him buried inside of you. “Did you hear your mother?” snapped out of your daze your eyes dart across the table. “Aah apologies Minister, my child has a tendency to daydream.” you can hear a small chuckle come from the man. It sent chills down your spine.
“This is the first time I’ve seen her like this. She’s so vocal in study, I don’t know what I would do without her.” in that moment you felt like your heart would jump out your chest. There is no way Father Tomura hand is resting on your thigh. You immediately put your hand on top of his offering a small smile. This is the best night ever. Once dinner is over you start clearing the table retreating to the kitchen placing the plates and pots into the soapy water.
The sound of the clanging pots drowns out the sound of your parents and guest laughing. You didn’t even notice a presence behind you until you felt hands on your shoulders. Tilting your head up you’re greeted with a toothy smile. “H-Hello Minister, is there anything you need?” disappointment crashed on you when his hand left your shoulder. “I just wanted to know if you need any help? It would be rude of me not to help my favorite congregant.” You were his favorite? It fell so smooth out of his mouth it made your knees weak
“Of course Father, I would never deny your help. You’re a good man.” You can hardly think straight. Why is he so silent? What if he thinks you’re gross or trying to hit on him? You can feel his slender finger under your chin lifting your head up to meet his eyes. “You think I’m a good man?” small shocks flow through your body, you were hot under his touch. “I do! I think you’re a good man. I’ve seen how you connect with people it’s like you get them not only physically but spiritually an-“ his lips on yours send you into overdrive.
“Thank you for your hospitality and the lovely dinner. I’ll see you at tomorrow night bible study?” turning to you, offering him a small nod, he wishes you and your family a good night. Heading to your room you close and lock the door. You can still feel his lips on yours, you would give everything to him if he asked. Tuesday morning came faster than you thought soon you were out the bed and on your way to work. Tomura being the first and only thing on your mind. Was he thinking about you too? Of course not. He has better things to worry about than some kiss.
It wasn’t just some kiss to you, thoughts about how soft his lips were and how your tongues dances with each other. Recalling how his hand slid around your waist holding the small of your back. His finger no longer under your chin but sliding through your braids. You were on cloud nine. How could he not feel the spark between you two, you belong together. Once you arrived at work your mind shifts between holding meetings and filling complaints out you had no time for distractions.
Only when your workload is complete and you’re in the car the excitement hits you. You have to know what the kiss meant. Your unwavering devotion and desire for him expands beyond the holy gates. He’s all you can dream of, who you touch yourself to — he is truly deserving of worship and praise. Upon arriving to the church you sat in the parking lot for ten minutes asking and pleading with God to lead you on the right path to guide you with strength and compassion.
The horde of teens and kids comes into view once you lift your head up, you were going to need to head in at some point. Exiting the car you make your way to the double oak doors, the moment you step in you notice the empty pews making your way to the back room.
Past the open doorway you have a clear view of an angel. Everything about him is heaven sent, from his slender jawline to his scarred lips. Every inch of him is perfect. “Good evening Minister” it’s so sweet and natural in your mouth your excitement dissipates the moment he opens his mouth. “We’re holding independent group sessions, you have your own. Good luck.” he didn’t even give you a chance to respond leaving you stunned as he sits at the opposite end of the room.
He avoided you the whole night, it felt like your heart was shattering. It’s infuriating. You actually thought he would be interested in you? Now you’re watching him laugh with members of the church. The quicker you can leave the better. Making your way out you exchange pleasantries with familiar faces. Standing right by the door is tomura, greeting him with a smile you ask “Is there something I can help you with father?”
“I hope you’re not leaving we having had our discussion yet.” his unwavering smile made you feel delicate, you didn’t even notice how he stepped forward backing you away from the door. All you want is for him to hold you in his arms and never let go. “No, I was just stepping out for some fresh air.” with a reassuring smile he steps aside holding the door open for you. “Head into my office when you get back, I’ll be done soon.” softly nodding you make your way outside.
Your mind is reeling the only thing that keeps you sane is praying. ‘Heavenly Father, thank You for Your great faithfulness in my life. I choose to flee from lust, because I know You will empower me to follow righteousness, faith, love, and peace with all who call on you out of a pure heart. Amen.’ once your mind is at peace you head inside gunning for the ministers’ office.
You hear the large double doors slam shut and lock the sound of his footsteps down the corridor. The hair on the back of your neck is raising your hands bunching the ends of your dress out of nervousness. Once the door opens he’s apologizing “I’m sorry I kept you waiting.” Taking a seat in the leather brown chair his arms immediately crossover his chest. “What we did last night was inappropriate. I have to apologize for my transgression” your heart is thumping so hard, if you don’t say something now you’re going to lose him.
“I have a confession father.” lifting his head up to look at you made you neurotic, “I-I haven’t thought about anything else since last night, if I must be frank, I think about you a lot even in the most shameless ways.”. Eyes bouncing between the floor and his gaze, his expression is unreadable a sigh leaving his lips he says “Confess your sins child and I can set you free.” Patting his lap you get out of you seat circling around the amber desk swiveling the massive chair around you find purchase on his thighs. You can feel his slender fingers snaking around your waist palming at your sides breath hot on your ear he whispers “what thoughts have been tormenting your pretty little head?”
All confidence went out the window the moment he spoke those words into your ear, “It’s too embarrassing to say, I don’t want you to think less of me.” The grip he had around your waist tightened “my sweet flower, I could never think ill of you.” planting a kiss behind your ear you body involuntary jolts forward. The friction between his pants and your cotton panties made you melt. God has answered your prayers.
“I touch myself whenever I think about you.” No words left his mouth he only hummed bouncing you on his thigh. Small whines escape you lips, your bodies were so close. He sighed at your naivety “Is that all, those th-“. “Even now as I sit here I can only think about your touch.” your mind is blank the only thing you can focus on is grinding. release is your only concern. The grip he had around your waist tightened halting your climax.
Tears fall from your eyes “I’m so sorry father, I-I didn’t mean to!” overwhelmed with shame and arousal trying to squirm out of his grip. “Don’t be disobedient. Let me take care of you, get rid of impure thoughts” picking you up bridal style he sits you down on his desk. “Lay back for me sweetheart” obeying his command you lay back on the desk holding the end of your dress over your panties.
A low chuckle follows this action your hand jerked away from your dress. “Don’t get shy on me sweetheart. You were just riding my thigh, confessing your sins. You feel no shame.” His words were harsh, but he only spoke the truth. Father Tomura is never wrong. His words were harsh but you knew he would never steer you wrong. “Be a good girl and I’ll make sure these thoughts go away.” standing in between your thighs you can feel his hands sliding up your legs.
Slowly he trailed caressing and massaging every inch of you. His touch is so soft and soothing the butterflies in your stomach, it made you feel loved. Working his way up your panties sliding your underwear off. You don’t see him bundle them up in his pocket as he brings your legs to his shoulders. Tomura bent down swiping his tongue through your slit without warning. Your thighs snapped around his head — your hands attempt to push him off, as the grip he had around your legs tightened he forces your legs open.
“Tomura~ please.” your pleas were null to him. “It’s Father Tomura, if you can’t get it right you won’t get anything at all.” pouting you relax your legs allowing him to dive in between you legs. He was gentle and reassuring at first. Tracing small circle on your clit teasing your hole with his tongue. Whimpers and prayers fall off your tongue fingers tangled in his hair. Tomura could hardly contain himself sucking and pulling at your clit. Tomura wants to see how far you can go, how much he can make you cum.
You were so sensitive, his actions were beyond making you cum. He wants to feel you around his dick moaning and screaming his name. Deciding to speed up the process his finger ghost over your hole trying to get his fingers wet with your slick before easing his fingers into your sopping cunt. His eyes are zoomed on you — he’s watching the way you grab the desk, the spit spilling out the corner of your mouth “Ahh~ Tomura, slow down.”. Completely disregarding your request he continued to pump his finger curling them to hit your sweet spots.
The pressure in you stomach is unbearable you were practically begging him to slow down. Just looking at you made hard. He wants to fuck you into the table, tears rising in your eyes he takes this moment to slide is fingers out and unlatch from your clit. Eyes wide you try to make an escape before he slaps your clit hard. “No! Please!!” all of your tension and shame is washed away letting the pleasure surge through you. You were soaking, wetting the minister and his robe pathetically covering your face with your arms.
The best part about this is he has full view of your cunt clenching around nothing.You’re practically begging for it. Untying his robe let’s it fall to his ankles pulling you to the edge of the desk. His juice soaked hand came up to you face slightly caressing it as he teases your entrance with his tip. His movements were so smooth — one moment he’s leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead, next he’s bullying your cunt with his cock. “Repeat after me, Lord, forgive me for I have sinned before you. Wash away my sin, purify me, and help me to turn from this sin.”
Your eyelids were heavy you reaching for something maybe some solace from his dick kissing you cervix. Eyes fluttering open you can see the furrow of his, the stern look he is giving you reminds you that silence wasn’t an option. His hand rose again coming down on your clit with force. A squeal erupts from you as your hips jolt forward, breathlessly you recite the prayer “Lord, f-forgive me for I have sinned before you. Aah~ wash away my sin, purify me, and help me to turn from this sin.”. The way your cunt is convulsing around his dick makes him feel invincible. The sounds you’re making alone sends him over. He’s only focused on release.
His dick jumped at the thought of desperate inexperienced girls opening their legs for him. You were the perfect vision of sin. “Father Tomura~ I can’t hand-“ you words cut off by his lips smashing onto yours. “Just push a little hard for me sweetheart, I know you can do it. Look at how easy you’re taking me right now” you response were incoherent and thats exactly how he wants you. His groans made the tensity in your womb crack. You wrap your arms around his shoulder and tighten your legs around his waist.
His kisses and stormed become messy and deep, it felt his smell is suffocating you. He wants to absorb everything you have. Feeling the way your cunt is fluttering and gushing around him it’s begging to be filled and defiled. “You’re such a good girl, I’m going give you a reward. A present from god.” Burying his head in the crook of your neck satisfaction is all you felt. Your orgasm takes a new form within you, nails digging into his back your hips are fucking into him chasing, pleading for relief.
His pace is brutal the thought of filling your lewd cunt made his mouth water. Drool coaxing the side of your neck a low growl causing your body to shake “cum f’me sweetheart~”. Fireworks exploded through your body, you can hardly formulate words as squirt cover both your abdomens. The corners of your eyes succumb to darkness as Father Tomura restlessly pounds into you. His teeth engrave your neck, praises and apologies fall off his tongue, “M’gonna fill you up. You’re such a good girl, squeezing my dick like this. M’gonna give you what you want”.
His grip is shaky the twitch of his dick is evident, he’s hooked your legs around his arms deepening the position. Tomura felt pure bliss being buried in you, his mind was hazy, the once relentless pace faltering as he fills you up. The only sounds in the room were shallow breaths, lifting his head you expecting pure joy across his face. Disgust. “You’re so disappointing. I thought you were better than this.” As he let your legs sliding out of you, he continued his verbal assault. “You seduced a holy man and allow a man who isn’t your husband taint you.”
The room feels cold. You rose quickly reaching out for him catching his arm. “I’m sorry father! I am disappointing! I-I can be better, I can do better! Snatching away from you he rounds his desk sitting in his chair, almost instinctively you were in front of him on your knees. One of his hands gently grasp the side of your face. Wiping the tears from your eyes. “Show me.”.
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wormswurld · 2 months
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lord have mercy. hold on lemme just our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. thy kingdom come. thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. give us this day our daily bread. and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. amen.
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astermagne · 3 months
“..our daily bread.. and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us- and-“
“Seeking forgiveness, are we, after those atrocities you committed, Father?” A cold voice spoke in Adam’s ear, though it felt more like it was in his head. “You..” the priest whispered. “What the FUCK are you-“
Lucifer’s finger went to the other mouth. “Shh shh..careful, you’re in a church..~”
“An abandoned church. No one will care.” Adam said , swatting the other’s dark hand away from him.
“Abandoned thanks to you, as you were~”
Adam went to his feet and turned to face the ex angel. “What the hell do you want from me..” he demanded with a hiss. “Whatever it is, you’re not getting it , you damned bird. Fool me once, shame on you . Fool me twice, still you.” He said, eyes narrow, a hand already reaching for his cross.
Lucifer put his hands up in defense. “Calm down, Adam. Although , in fairness, that was all you but ah, who’s keeping track? “ Adam opened his mouth in protest, but Lucifer cut him off. “I’m here to withhold you from enacting violence upon the townspeople. Your ‘heathens’. You will have a visitor later on today, a young woman.” He noticed Adam turning his attention away, looking always behind Lucifer, at the rafters, at a pew- Lucifer grabbed his chin and forced his head to turn so their gazes would meet.
“You are to treat her with a basic respect. You are not to harm a hair on her head,” he grabbed the other’s cross with his free hand and held a sharp end pressed up to the other’s neck, the golden white blessed metal turning the area it was touching lucifer’s hand slowly to red. “Should I receive the knowledge that you in fact did, then we shall see how much your Heavenly Father actually cares about you, Adam. And let me give you a clearer divine understanding : He doesn’t.”
Adam had been staring at the fallen angel fiercely, quietly. Yes, the cross hurt, but it probably hurt the other more. “Of course he does . He’s allowing you to burn , isn’t he?” Adam said with a smirk.
Lucifer responded with a wider one. “Just because this item has been blessed, it does not mean he has blessed it for you.”
He finally let go of the other. “Now, be a good boy, else you will find yourself on your knees begging for someone else to give you mercy, understood?” The angel said, adjusting his sleeve. “Good~”
He didn’t give the other an answer. And with a sudden strong gust of wind in Adam’s face, Lucifer was gone.
(Possibly a part one? Write in the comments if you’d like to read a part two, I’m going to go similar to the show’s story)
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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“Among all of the ritual prayers, the most powerful is the Pater Noster (Prayer of the Lord). This is a magical prayer of immense power.
“Imagination, Inspiration, and Intuition are the three mandatory paths of initiation.”
Our Father Prayer in English
"Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen."
Pater Noster in Latin
"PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen."
Kabbalistic Interpretation
"Our Father [Πτα - Ptah], who art in heavens. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our supersubstantial bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. And don't let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one [the Ego]. For thine is Malkuth, Geburah and Hod for ever and ever. Amen."
"It is necessary to learn how to pray the Pater Noster, to learn to converse with Brahma (the Father) who is in secret. A single Pater Noster, well-prayed and wisely combined with meditation, is an entire work of High Magic. A single Pater Noster properly prayed is done in a period of one hour or in a little more than one hour. After the prayer, we must know how to await the reply of the Father and this means to know how to meditate, to have the mind still and in silence, empty of all thoughts, awaiting the reply of the Father."- Samael Aun Weor, Practical Astrology
Pater Noster (Prayer of the Lord) by Talon Abraxas
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darkgodcomplex · 1 year
Reverend Wally
Wally X Reader
AO3 Link
Content Warning: Psychological Horror, Scopophobia, Religion and Religious Symbolism, Christianity, Demons
"Our father, who art in heaven-"
Hands clasped tightly together, you pray alone in front of the alter. It's far too late for anyone else to be here, but that is somehow more comforting in a time like this.
"-hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven-"
You stare up at the large pillars of the church, the tall sharp architecture and the stained glass windows. If it were day, the windows would show the stations of the cross, going through the entirety of the crucifixion. Now though, they're only dark and hollow, the reflection of the candle's light on the surface mimicking eyes.
"Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses-"
Are you speaking to no one? Will no one answer your prayers?
"-as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation-"
You feel a warm hand curl around your shoulder. They recite the last line of the prayer in unison with you.
"-but deliver us from evil."
You whip your head around only to see Father Wally Darling smiling down at you. You're used to seeing him in his mass attire, but now he wears more casual clothes. The only indication that he's a reverend is the small cross he adorns around his neck.
"Why are you here so late, my child?" He asks, tilting his head. His eyes are soft and kind, just as you always remember them.
"I-" You look at the floor, then back to the alter. "Father... have you ever performed an exorcism?"
He freezes, then chooses his words carefully. "Why would you be getting mixed up in such dark things?"
"I fear there is a demon following me." You tell him, standing from your kneeling position. "Or some dark energy, in the least."
Wally runs a hand over his chin, his eyes trained to the floor. "These things don't just appear. Did you-" His eyes flick up. "-invite them in somehow?"
"I swear, I have been faithful to you and our church." You bow your head. "But lately I feel as if I've been watched. Even now, I can feel the eyes boring into me." You glance around the dim chapel. The statues, the paintings, even the knots in the floorboards are eyes staring into your soul.
"Of course you have been loyal to me, my child." He grips your chin, moving your head so that you're staring into his eyes. "The only pair of eyes you have to worry about here are mine. This place is safe."
You grasp nervously at your hands, continuing to stare helplessly up at him. "Father, what am I to do?"
He lets go of your chin, running a hand through his hair. "We won't perform a exorcism, that is only for the most extreme of cases. We shall have a baptism of sorts."
"But I am already baptized." You tell him, confusion written all over your face.
"Of sorts, I said." Wally leads you up the steps to the alter. "It's bit different."
You let him take the lead, following his instructions as you set up the equipment. You've never heard of another type of baptism, but you trust that a reverend knows more about this than you do.
Once everything is set up, he motions with his hands, "Kneel before me, child."
You fall to your knees. It feels like worship.
He dips his hand into the water, bringing it to your face. You had watched him bless the water just moments earlier. He presses his thumb against your forehead, drawing some sort of shape. It doesn't feel like a cross.
"You've always been quite the dedicated follower." He whispers quietly, wet hand moving to now cup your cheek.
"Yes, father." You agree, unsure of where he is going with this.
"I wish to have you." He says, voice low. "What do you wish for in return?"
You blink up at him, "Have me?"
"Semantics." He brushes it off. "I merely mean to have you in the sense of a loyal worshipper of the church."
"Oh, okay." You pause. "I wish..."
What do you wish for?
"I wish to be safe."
"Oh, I would never let anything hurt you." He assures. Still, he extends his hand. "I wish to have you. You wish to be safe."
You're not quite sure what he expects from you, but you take his hand. He gives a large smile, holding your hand tight. "Thank you, my dear."
There's a gush of wind and the candles go out in the church, leaving you in darkness.
The eyes.
The only thing that is luminescent in the darkness are Wally's eyes. They glow, staring down at you. You yank away your hand, scrambling backwards as more eyes appear in the blackness. You have to escape.
You have the church layout memorized and move easily through the pews. The eyes appear everywhere, lighting your way. When you reach the door, you find that it's locked. You bang against it.
The window. Your hands scramble to find anything heavy. A small Jesus statue sits upon a table.
Sorry Jesus.
Taking the statue, you heave it against the window. Despite the statue's weight, the window doesn't shatter. It only stares down at you.
"Is this any way to act?" It's Wally's voice, but it's more distorted now. "I promised you that you would have your safety, didn’t I?"
"I didn't agree to this!" You protest, chest heaving. You feel cornered, the eyes are in every direction now.
"Oh, but you did." He laughs. "That's how it works, you shook my hand and made a wish. I'm keeping up my end of the deal."
Something grabs onto your ankle. You try to kick it off but it yanks you, making you fall to the floor.
"It's time to keep your end. Don't worry, I take good care of my playthings"
You're dragged further into the church, kicking and screaming.
This was never a holy place.
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nemzd · 2 months
Purification and Order in a plave no diffrent then hell~
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Part 02/??
(Think I be continueing the story nonethenless, idea is just to good to be thrown away)
... You were shocked,.. The Angel of Light himself.. Archangel Micheal... but.. he doesnt look really as mighty as many have said.
You:..But I am not dead... why am I in heaven now? I mean I wouldnt mind dying soon and met the Lord, just that a Angel? .. Took me by firstly hitting me unconcious I thought that was suposses to be diffrent..
Micheal just looked at you.. with his wings behind him and a cold glare on you... he then spoke..
Micheal:...Mortal.. are you in the knowledge of the current situation that we all find ourselves in?..
You:...No? I mean I regualry pray to God to stay up to day and keep myself in touch-
Micheal: Mortal, God has left heaven.
You just looked at him and were like.. what? How, this aint possible. God cant just disappear out of nowhere.You then spoke..
You:I.. disagree, who have I been talking to then in my prayers? I feel his presence... and I keep myself in touch with him every single day.
Micheal just continue to glare at you... but suddenly took his sword and tried to hit you with it... but you were once again protected by a blinding light..
Micheal:....How.. How is the creator of the universe with you?! I can cleary feel the power of God, going through your body.. it cant be but it has to be.. the Holy Spirit...
He fell down on his knees.. with his black hair and began to softly cry. You were astounished at the sight before you... I mean how couldnt you?.. The literal Archangel Micheal was crying before you! And told you that God left heaven... but.. you were so confused.. because you always were in his presence... but then you felt something.. he has gone up to your lap.. and cried the words.
Micheal:..Holy, Holy is our God...Lord have mercy on me.
Now you were just unfazed, what happend that a Angel would cry in your lap for the forgiveness of God?.. Oh boy.
You:..Why,what happend? It cant be just that the Lord disappears when I am constantly in contact with but you Angels arent? What happend?!
Micheal:God has left heaven! Do you not get it Mortal?!
As he said those exact words the cries have stopped and he had a tight grip on your tight.
Micheal:I cant think of even 1 good reason why God's presence is with you... The Holy Spirit of God.. within you .. but if the his presence is withhin you... you might be a key figure of finding out where he is....
At that moment he stood up and ripped your Shirt off.. he took his sword and sliced his hand and branded your chest.
Micheal: Dont even think of running away, for if you try to escape heaven all the other low ranking Angels wont hesitate to devour you... the only thing that keeps all of them away from you.. would be me.. so be a good little mortal and just listen to me.
And with that, he bowed slightly down and with a cold stare left and slammed the door and left you once again alone in that room of yours in which you still had a chain around your wrists... you were to perplexed.. and tried out but ... you thought..
You: I stil gotta pray..
So you went down on your knees and prayed the "Our Father in Heaven Prayer".
You: Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be 'Thy Name:
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass
against us:
and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Right when you finish your prayer.. the door was slammed open.. and another figure appeared...
???:...How is it possible?.. After so long.. has he finally appeared once more?
When you saw the now you know Angel.. he had.. blonde hair and red eye with badanges all over him, and one over his eye.He ran directly to you and began to tightly hug you and he started to softly cry.
???: OH Lord.. where has thou been.. let this humble Angel Raphael feel your presence once more...
As he hugged you... you werent really suprised no more...Another Archangel.. and this time its Raphael. But the Angels wings, wrapped themselves around your small figurtivly small body and he began to just let out everything out...
To say that now you were fazed would be a understatement, like WHATS GOING ON, WHAT HAPPEND HERE, WHERE IS THE LORD AND WHY IS A LITERAL ARCHANGEL IN YOUR ARMS...
But .. seeing him in a state like this you couldnt help.. but feel bad for this Angel, you wrapped your arm around him and hugged him,completly forgetting your shirt was ripped a second ago and that you were "branded" by Micheal the Archangel.. but you just looked at the one in your arms and said said..
You:...Psalms 34:18.. "The lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
When he.. Raphael heard those words.. his tears began to become even heavier... you took him onto the bed and simply held him while he just cried all his pent up stress into your arms and after some time.. he fell asleep in your arms... it was safe to say,that this whole situation.. is just to weird and now that he wont possible let you go now that he has you in his embrace, after some time, you also went to sleep with him in your arms. Oh well holding someone like Archangel Raphael in your arms was something you never thought of ever doing.
You simply never thought you would ever do this.. comforting a Angel.. a Archangel much less .... Ha.... will this be a big mess to fix.
So, the idea of this as a whole can be made into a story, which I naturally intend to do, but a little spoiler in my idea is. One day you be meeting the MC, of the game version for this is something I can assure you, MC and you are 2 whole entire diffrent people my dear readers so stay tuned as I plan to literal milk out this idea that I was blessed with.
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angeltreasure · 1 month
prayer request that I can forgive a man who emotionally abused me and blocked me without taking responsibility for cheating behind his partner's back. as soon as I found out that he did this, and called him out, he just didn't respond and i have been having a hard time healing from it.
When we have a hard time forgiving someone, we can be like Jesus on the cross who prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do”. This is what we can do too, we can ask our Father in Heaven to forgive this man that abused you and God always hears our prayers.
The Our Father
Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
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heldentenxr · 10 months
Things to never say to Jonathan who just came out:
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“Behold! The oracle spoke the truth!”
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“Hi gay, I’m dad!”
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“You’re so lucky you don’t have to donate blood now.”
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“Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”
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“In that outfit?”
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“I’m gayer.”
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“Would you like to go on record stating that for our organization’s diversity initiative?”
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“You still owe me $45.”
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heresylog · 2 years
Do you have any simple resources on learning how to pray the rosary? My family are all Catholic but never passed on any knowledge to me and I have not put much effort into learning before. I'd like to learn now. Thank you.
I was going to link you to a how-to but I’d rather just explain it.
I wrote this from mostly memory. For a more in depth explanation I’d recommend researching on your own. There are so many things I left out.
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You begin with the crucifix on the bottom and do the sign of the cross “in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit” and it starts on your forehead for father, your chest for son, and your left shoulder for holy and right shoulder for spirit.
Then you say the Apostle’s Creed: I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
Then you do three Hail Marys for an increase in faith, hope, and charity. I will include the prayers in the end.
You then begin with the first mystery (each set of mysteries corresponds for a day of the week) You will read the passage from the Bible and meditate on the fruit of the mystery. For example, the first sorrowful mystery is about Jesus praying the night before and becoming so stressed that beads of blood formed instead of sweat. The fruit of that mystery is obedience and you are meant to meditate on how that passage and obedience plays a role in your life.
You will pray the Our Father and then you will say 10 Hail Marys (a decade) while meditating on the mystery. Once you reach the tenth you will then pray Glory Be. After that you will pray Fatima’s Prayer (also known as the O My Jesus prayer) and then you will do the same thing with another mystery.
Once you reach the end of the rosary, there’s usually a connecting bead that corresponds. You will pray the Hail Holy Queen. Sometimes people end with a response, sometimes it just ends there. It just depends on you, your situation, or the group you pray in.
Hail Mary
Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Our Father
Our Father who art in Heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
Glory Be
Glory be to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen.
Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sims. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of thy mercy.
Hail Holy Queen
Hail holy queen mother of mercy. Our life our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then most gracious advocate thine eyes of mercy toward us. Show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, o loving, o sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us O holy mother of God that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
*all text in red indicates that it is meant to be said by everyone in a group setting. When by yourself, obviously you will pray both parts. When in a group, only the leader will say the words in white.
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Father's Dream
Father Adrian has had some... interesting dreams here lately. But what could possibly be causing them?
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CW // dubcon, cnc, monsterfucking, body horror, unreality? 
I am alone in the nave, tidying up after evening mass. The altar servers were already sent home, my vestments put away, and straightening up the last few misplaced hymnal books meant that I could leave too. But, not yet.
The atmosphere in the church at dusk is so calm and quiet, I take a few moments to breathe it in. The last rays of sunset set the stained glass windows alight, color beaming across the faint trails of incense smoke still drifting through the air. This church is my sanctuary, my second home, my passion project. One would hardly recognise it from the near-ruin it used to be in, and I couldn’t be more proud of the way this parish came together to restore it. I’ve spent so long in this building, so much of myself is poured into it: blood, sweat, and tears into everything here. It’s as close as I’ll ever come to Heaven on Earth, and I am grateful for the respite from the noise in my head within these walls. My soft footsteps are the only thing that breaks the silence as I walk back to the altar.
I place a reverent hand on the very edge, leaning down to place a soft, barely-there kiss to the cold stone before kneeling on the steps in front of it. I fold my hands together, resting on the edge of the altar, my head bowed between my arms. It's not the most comfortable spot or position to pray, but it feels apt. Maybe the strain in my muscles and the ache in my knees will keep any other thoughts out of my head. 
Which I can avoid no longer. Now that the church is empty, and I’m unlikely to be disturbed, I want to talk with Him.
“Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
My voice is barely a whisper, but it echoes off every wall and the effect is chilling: a whole choir of voices surrounding me, and I can only hope it's the voices of Saints and Angels, and not… well…
“Please, Oh Lord, lead me not into temptation. You know the strength of my spirit and I trust You not to test me to destruction, but… Please, I- I can't sleep. Deliver me from these… nightmares. Protect me from the demon that hides in my dreams, Lord. I submit to Your Glory and accept that I need Your divine intervention.”
My own whispers twist and echo back at me, like an audience discussing my ‘performance.’ 
I wish they were nightmares.
I wish I couldn’t say that for a brief moment, every morning I wake after one of those beau- Damned dreams that it is the most relaxed I’ve ever been. I wish I didn’t have to wake up loose-limbed and at-peace and smiling only to have it crash down around me as I remember who I’m supposed to be.
I wish I could say that I hated those dreams.
But even now, hazy images flicker through my mind, and I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks. And certainly nothing else rising. The guilt at thinking these things in a church, in my church, is almost too much. I’ve been staying up later and later to avoid sleeping, but someone is going to notice the growing bags under my eyes eventually. But mostly it’s the toll the stress has been taking on me. I’ve always been an anxious person, but I didn’t used to jump when parishioners knocked on my door. 
The shame is killing me, the eyes of God and His angels stare into me like red-hot brands, seeing the stain upon my soul. Hopefully He also sees how desperate I am for this to end, and I will be spared.
I stay in place for a long moment, willing the ache in my body to clear my head. It’s not as straining as I thought to sit like this, so I can stand to stay here as long as it takes to replace the thoughts in my head with the soreness of my knees. The church is so still and quiet, my eyes fall shut in silent prayer, breathing deeply and slowly. I don’t know how long I stay there, surrendered to the Lord.
I can hardly bear looking up toward the crucifix hanging on the back wall of the sanctuary. It's no sooner that I make eye contact with Christ that the hair on the back of my neck stands up.
I don't know how I know, but something in the air has shifted. I can't seem to move. Someone- no, something is behind me.
There's a faint whisper in my ear.
I turn suddenly, plastering myself against the altar, heart racing. There's no one there.
Obviously, I am being ridiculous, there can’t possibly be anyone there. There's no reason my heart should be leaping into my throat. Just an overactive imagination, I am jumping at nothing, again.
I'm glad I decided to opt for a clerical suit today instead of the cassock, I'd have made a fool of myself tripping over the skirts. I pick myself up off the step, embarrassed and ready to spend another sleepless night in my office, but I hardly get upright again when I can see movement towards the front door of the church.
The votive candles flicker, the flames guttering. They shouldn't be, there's no wind in here. My stomach drops when they go out entirely, the dim red glow from the windows and the few candles left on the altar behind me are the only lights in the church now.
For a long, tense moment, nothing happens and I think I might be able to just leave when there's a soft purring growl from behind me. 
Every muscle in my body tenses. 
I can't move, even when I can hear something huge shift its weight and the breath leaves my lungs when a large clawed hand lands softly on the back of my neck. The claws gently scrape my scalp as it drags its hand up through my hair. I shiver at the feeling of it, goosebumps breaking out on my arms. 
The hand abruptly grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls my head back, making me gasp and look up to see an inhuman face peering down at me. 
A wicked grin reveals sharp teeth in it's short muzzle, two pairs of bright mischievous eyes staring down at me from under elegantly arched horns. The same gilded eyes that have haunted my wet dreams nightmares for weeks now. It must see the horrified recognition on my face, because it laughs, a rumbling chuckle that I'm mortified to realize makes my pulse pick up for the wrong reasons. 
“We finally meet face to face, Father, and you look so scared? You never seemed so off-put before.” It’s voice is a seductive purr, and it goes through me like fire. 
“L-let go of me. I c-command you to let go of me,” My voice comes out so much weaker than I hoped, “In- In nomine Pat– mmpph!”
A hand slaps down against my mouth, cutting me off. 
“Oh, don’t be like that, priest. Let me have my fun first.” There’s a grin in its voice as it watches me struggle to pull its hand away and wiggle out of its grasp. The grip in my hair slowly tightens until it hurts, making me cry out beneath the hand on my mouth. It’s only when I go limp, stop fighting that they- it, loosens up.
“What a quick learner. Good boy.” It leans down and whispers the last two words into my ear, and the effect is immediate and devastating. I can feel the pull of arousal in my gut, and goosebumps down my arms. It just laughs above me, this close to it I can feel its chest rumble.
“There we go, just like in your delicious dreams.” The hand comes away from my mouth, but before I can say anything it wraps around my throat instead. My breath catches as it puts just the slightest pressure on my neck, the claws little pin-pricks against the skin.
“Are you going to be a good boy for me, Father? This doesn't have to be so difficult, sweetheart…” Its voice vibrates against my ear and I can’t suppress a shiver. 
“No… p-please…” I feel pathetic for begging a demon to spare me, but there’s nothing else I can do. I don’t want this, I can’t want this, I can’t convince myself I don’t want this let alone convince them. 
It still has one hand in my hair and the other wrapped around my neck, and I yelp in surprise when I feel two more land on my waist and glide up and around to my chest. I can feel the thing smile against the side of my face, amused by my every reaction.
The hands pull until my back hits the altar, my head bracketed by the monster’s knees, and it’s only then I realize it has the audacity to sit, kneeling, on the altar. I’m so stunned and instantly angry I forget what vulnerable position my throat is in.
“How dare you desecrate my church, the very altar, you foul monster–” 
The grip on me tightens in an instant, claws pressing into but not breaking the skin of my neck and my hair nearly being ripped out. I can’t stop a pained whine from pouring out of me, I can’t even move my hands to try to pull away, the other two arms holding them down by my sides. 
There's a low, menacing growl behind me, and their voice is rough and dark when they speak, a dangerous edge to it.
“I strongly recommend you shut your mouth, Father. I don’t think you’re in any position to be casting stones about desecrating a church.” They finally loosen their grip on my hair just enough that my scalp isn’t screaming in pain, but I still can’t move my head. The grip on my arms shifts, they catch both of my wrists behind my back and their newly freed hand presses softly against my stomach and slowly drifts downward. I nearly sob when their hand closes around my clothed erection, palming me through the cassock. 
“What were you saying about desecration, Father? Dirty little priest, are you hard for this ‘foul monster’?” They move their hand slowly along my trapped length, the friction is maddening even though layers of fabric. I can’t speak, just taking shuddering breaths and praying this is over soon. 
“You were never this shy in your other dreams, Father. Nothing to say to me now? Do you want me to keep hurting you, you masochist?”
“No! Please, no. Stop touching me…”
“I’d probably be more convinced by that pathetic attempt at getting me to stop if your cock didn’t throb under my hand when I said that. I can read your desires like an open book, Father. Give in to me and I’ll fulfill every single naughty thing you’ve ever thought about late at night with your hand under those robes.”
It’s getting hard to think about anything other than how good their hand feels. I have to focus to keep from rutting my hips forward into their agonizingly slow rubbing. I must have taken too long to answer, because the next thing I know I’m being lifted into the air and pulled back onto their lap. My body is arranged how they want me, my legs spread wide outside of their thighs and my hands trapped between my back and their chest. 
"N- no, I can't- I won't! Let go of me!"
I can feel the laugh rumbling out of their chest, their hands holding me close to their body- oh God, they're almost twice my size. 
"Oh don't worry Father, I know you can't. You're not allowed to, are you? But that doesn't mean you don't want it." 
Their lower hands drift downward, broad palms flat against my thighs. They squeeze my thighs at the same time a hand on my chest finds my nipple and starts rubbing it through my clothes. I bite my lip to keep from making any noise, but the demon won't have that. There's a soft rumbling growl next to my ear and they start palming me through the cassock again, slow but firm. 
"I'll take care of you, better than God ever will. Just give in and submit."
It's torture, I can't stop the shudder that rips through me and the gasp from my mouth. My thighs are tight with the effort of not rolling my hips into the touch. The incense smoke is heavy in the air, the heady scent making my head spin. It's getting harder and harder to stifle my reactions, to not give this monster the satisfaction of watching me crumble at their every touch.
The other hand slips behind me, groping my ass before lifting my cassock and suddenly I can feel short soft fur against the back of my bare thighs. 
Wait- what happened to my clothes, this isn't what I was wearing- 
Their hands move over me, adjusting my positioning, and I can feel- oh God, no-
They laugh when they feel my weak struggling against their grip, all it does is grind my ass against their cock, making the both of us moan.
"I'll give you what you need, Father, what you've wanted for so long. I won't hurt you anymore than you want to be hurt." 
Their cock rests against my entrance and with a shocked groan I can feel myself open for them, suddenly dripping wet like a cunt. Then it's pressing inside me and my mouth falls open at the feeling of being stretched. The demon presses in so slowly I can feel every inch of their thick cock spearing me open. They moan in delight, a purr rumbling up from their chest when they're pressed fully inside me. I can't do anything but hang limp in their grasp, panting heavily.
I can’t move or think, consumed by the feeling of the massive cock stretching me out. Mercifully they haven't moved yet, just gently arranging me to sit comfortably in their lap and caressing my thigh and chest. I can feel their smug purring through my back, their nose nuzzling through my hair and along the back of my neck. A forked tongue laves over the back of my neck, I break out in goosebumps as they slowly move down one side of my neck, licking and kissing. I pull my head away, refusing to allow the display of affection from this… thing. I can feel it’s disapproval, it’s lip curling in a silent snarl next to my face.
“Oh Father, would you rather I not kiss you? I thought you would appreciate a little romance, but you really do just want me to treat you like a cheap whore, don’t you?” Their voice has a dangerous edge to it, are they genuinely upset by my rejection?
“We’ll just get on with it then,” they purr into my ear as their hands move my body where they want it. 
A hand on my lower back and another on my throat push and pull in tandem to force me to bend in an arch, the movement rocking my hips over the cock inside me and sending sparks up my spine. The demon uses its new leverage to pull almost all the way out, and it pushes back in just as slow as the first time, letting me feel how much my body has to stretch around. I can’t let it hear me, I refuse to humiliate myself further, so I press my lips together to keep my mouth shut. Each slow thrust makes me shake and my breath comes heavy through my nose, but I can’t make any noise-
The demon pulls me back onto its cock with a hand on my hip and the change in angle makes the next thrust drag across something inside me that makes me see stars. I forget entirely where I am and what I’m doing, my mouth flies open with a shameless moan. Instantly my face is on fire, but I don’t have time to think about my shame because the demon’s thrusts speed up and start targeting that exact spot. Each one lights me up, driving all other thoughts out. I’m distantly aware of the pitiful little noises I keep making, but I can’t do anything other than hang on for the ride. It’s nothing like I’ve ever felt before, being stretched out and fucked mercilessly and each thrust hitting something incredible inside me… it’s almost too much to handle.
“There we go, that’s what you needed, isn’t it, Father?” The monster’s head rests on my shoulder, speaking into my ear. I can’t answer anymore, I feel like I'm coming apart at the seams, the intense sensation and incense smoke have me so dizzy. Is the room really spinning? It shouldn’t be, I know it can’t actually be. There shouldn’t be this much smoke in the air, mass ended ages ago… The whole sanctuary looks unfamiliar, the altar and nave warped together into one massive alcove with velvet curtains and gilded candelabras and enormous stained glass windows that bathe the both of us in blood-red light. The architecture in the room pulses like a heartbeat- in time with my heartbeat, like the ornate vaulted ceiling and pillars and carvings can’t decide what they're supposed to look like. Or maybe it’s me, my vision swimming as I lose focus on reality itself.
Looking up isn’t any better, the monster behind me seems to have changed too. Shadowed shapes flutter above us, I almost think they’re wings until it clicks into place- hands. Dozens and dozens of shadowy arms pour out of their back in the shape of wings. A tarnished, cracked ring hovers above the back of their head, spikes emanating from it at regular intervals as it spins lazily. I can’t look at any of it for too long, my eyes refuse to focus and slide off like water off a duck, leaving motion-trail after-images in my mind. 
I close my eyes to avoid the worst of it, whining and laying my head back on the soft fur behind me. One of my hands finds a horn above me and I hang on just to have something to anchor myself to.
My hips move on their own now, meeting each thrust from the demon. A coil tightens in my stomach, something building to a knife’s edge inside me. It doesn’t even occur to me to stop, solely focused on chasing that pleasure. Then that rumbling laugh comes again in my ear, and I remember where I am all at once with a keening whine. I still can’t stop myself from rocking backwards onto the thick cock, but now there’s a white-hot streak of shame burning in me, and I’m horrified to realize that it makes the arousal and lust burn hotter, too.
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“You’re so close, aren’t you, Father? Ready to cum for me?” The demon taunts. Their voice sharpens suddenly, their hand tightening around my throat, “Don’t you fucking dare. Not until you admit how much you love this, how good it makes you feel. Give in and say ‘yes’ to me, Father.”
I'm too breathless to speak, just a keening whine escaping me.
"No, please… I can't…"
I can't think, I can hardly breathe, too dizzy and overwhelmed to focus on fighting back or arguing. And the demon knows it, their voice a seductive purr in my ear.
"Don't be so difficult. You want this, Father."
"N-no, no…"
A hand creeps around to palm my cock through the cassock, I jerk in their grasp and sob at the pleasure of it.
"There, is that better? Say yes, sweetheart."
I can't- I can't move my mouth around the words anymore, oh God-
Please, I can't- I won't- I shouldn't…
Another pitiful whine, I can feel my resolve slipping.
"Father, are you alright?"
Oh God… y-
There's a hand on my shoulder, shaking me awake. My heart lurches in my chest, I jerk awake so suddenly I nearly jump off the floor.
I'm laying on the step in front of the altar, heart hammering and a concerned altar server hovering over me. Sunrise weakly peeks through the windows. The nave is as it was, no warped architecture or demonic influence.
"Father? Are you okay?"
"...No, I'm sorry, I… must have fallen asleep here last night. I haven't been sleeping well."
Every movement aches, my entire body is stiff and sore, and no wonder if I spent all night on the steps. I pull myself upright, wincing in horror at the warm, wet feeling across the front of my pants, thankful they're dark enough to hide the stain.
The altar server just stares at me, I can’t bear to meet their eyes and see the pity there.
They insist on canceling Mass to 'let me rest,' concerned I may be sick. I'm going to let them believe that, too exhausted and ashamed to argue. I find myself back in the rectory in a daze, re-dressed in casual clothes and dreading the heaviness I can feel pulling at my eyelids. 
I put myself to bed in a haze, rosary wrapped around my wrist and clutching my bible to my chest like a shield. I intended to read it, but I no longer have the energy for it, already drifting off despite my best efforts not to. 
I pray I can rest, I pray the Lord will shelter me, that I may sleep in His peace. 
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talonabraxas · 11 days
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“Among all of the ritual prayers, the most powerful is the Pater Noster (Prayer of the Lord). This is a magical prayer of immense power.
“Imagination, Inspiration, and Intuition are the three mandatory paths of initiation.”
Our Father Prayer in English
“Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen.”
Pater Noster in Latin
“PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.”
Kabbalistic Interpretation
“Our Father [Πτα - Ptah], who art in heavens. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our supersubstantial bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one [the Ego]. For thine is Malkuth, Geburah and Hod for ever and ever. Amen.”
“It is necessary to learn how to pray the Pater Noster, to learn to converse with Brahma (the Father) who is in secret. A single Pater Noster, well-prayed and wisely combined with meditation, is an entire work of High Magic. A single Pater Noster properly prayed is done in a period of one hour or in a little more than one hour. After the prayer, we must know how to await the reply of the Father and this means to know how to meditate, to have the mind still and in silence, empty of all thoughts, awaiting the reply of the Father.”- Samael Aun Weor, Practical Astrology
Pater Noster (Prayer of the Lord)
by Talon Abraxas
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tinyshe · 3 days
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Efficacious Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
“O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, ask and it will be given you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.” Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of [insert your intention.] Our Father*…Hail Mary**…Glory be to the Father***…Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.”
“O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, if you ask any thing of the Father in my name, He will give it to you.” Behold, in your name, I ask the Father for the grace of [insert your intention.] Our Father*…Hail Mary**…Glory be to the Father***…Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.”
“O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away.” Encouraged by your infallible words I now ask for the grace of [insert your intention.] Our Father*…Hail Mary**…Glory be to the Father***…Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.”
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of you, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, your tender mother and ours.
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears! Turn, then, O most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.”
St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us.
Saint Pio and Saint Rocco, pray for us.
Saint Pio and Saint Rocco, intercede for us
*Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
**Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
***Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
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angeltreasure · 12 days
Hey, how have you been?
I just wanted to ask if you could pray for me, as i'm struggling with mental health issues and unemployment, also i've been trying to get close to God and i don't know how, though i try to pray everyday. Only if you could of course.
God bless you and everything that you do.
Hey! I’ve been doing ok, I’m hanging in there. Prayer is a great way toward building a lasting relationship Him, it is our to a two way conversation, which builds the bond.
Good Saint Dymphna, great wonder-worker in every affliction of mind and body, I humbly implore your powerful intercession with Jesus through Mary, the Health of the Sick, in my present need for my mental health and finding employment.
Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
✠ Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
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cassianus · 11 months
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The Rule of St. Pachomius
This rule of prayer was given to St. Pachomius of Egypt by an Angel. The Venerable Father Pachomius was one of the great monastic fathers. He used this rule of prayer to consecrate every hour of the day or night. This prayer rule is one that is fairly easy to memorize so you do not need a prayer book.
Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us.
Amen. Glory to You, our God, glory to You.
Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, everywhere present and filling all things, Treasury of Blessings and Giver of Life, come and dwell within us, cleanse us of all stain, and save our souls, O Gracious One.
Holy God, Holy and Mighty, Holy and Immortal, have mercy on us. (Three times)
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever. Amen.
Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us of our sins. Master, forgive us our transgressions. Holy One, come to us and heal our infirmities for Your name's sake.
Lord have mercy. (Three times)
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever, Amen.
Our Father, Who art in the Heavens, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who transgress against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil.
O Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times) 2
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever, Amen.
Come, let us adore the God our King.
Come, let us adore, Christ our King and God.
O come, let us adore and bow down to, Christ our King and our God.
Psalm 50
Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your kindness; in Your compassion blot out my offense. O wash me more and more from my guilt, and cleanse me from my sin. My offenses I truly know them; and my sin is always before me. Against You, You alone, have I sinned and what is evil in Your sight I have done. That You might be justified when you give sentence, and be without reproach when You judge. O see, in guilt I was born, a sinner was a conceived. Indeed, you love truth in the heart, then in the secret of my heart teach me wisdom. You shall sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be made clean; You shall wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow. Make hear me hear the sounds of joy and gladness, that the bones you have crushed may thrill. From my sins turn away Your face and blot out all my guilt. A pure heart create in me, O God, and put a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and deprive me not of Your Holy Spirit. Give me again the joy of Your help, and with Your governing Spirit establish me. I shall teach transgressors Your ways, and the ungodly shall turn back to You. Deliver me from blood-guilt,O God, You God of my salvation; my tongue shall rejoice in Your righteousness. O Lord, You shall open my lips, and my mouth shall declare Your praise. For if You had desired sacrifice, I had given it; with whole-burnt offerings You shall not be pleased. A sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; a heart that is broken and humbled God will not despise. Do good, O Lord, in Your good pleasure to Zion, and let the walls of Jerusalem be rebuilt. Then shall You be pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, with oblation and whole-burnt offerings. Then shall they offer bullocks upon Thine altar.
The Creed
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten, born of the Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God; begotten, not made; of one substance with the Father, through Whom all things were made; Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man; He suffered and was buried; And He rose on the third day according to the Scriptures; And ascended into the heavens, and sits at the right hand of the Father; And shall come again, with glory, to judge both the living and the dead; Whose kingdom shall have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of life; Who proceeds from the Father; Who together with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified; Who spoke through the prophets. In One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I expect the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.
The Jesus Prayer
O Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. (100 Times)
Other suitable prayers may also be inserted here, such as a Canon or an Akathist.
The Dismissal
It is truly proper to glorify you, who have borne God; the ever blessed and immaculate and the Mother of our God. More honorable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, who a virgin gave birth to God the Word. You truly the Theotokos, we magnify.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever, Amen.
Lord, have mercy. (Three times)
May Christ, our true God, for the sake of His most pure Mother, of our holy and
God-bearing fathers, and all the saints, have mercy on us and save us, for He are good and He loves mankind.
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