#breaking out this old meme for the occasion
gaydelgard · 1 year
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who else readin by a silver thread
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sant-riley · 2 years
[Task force 141 + others with Gen z!reader] [pt3]
A/N: Some of these you /may/ have seen on tiktok, that is me who posted them on tiktok. I am green haired bitch so no I didn't steal anything LMAO. I hope these live up to yalls expectations.
The last two of these my lovely friend gave me inspiration for <3 @frogchiro
Warnings: She/her pronouns swearing, age gaps, tiktok memes (like always lmk if I miss something!)
You steal Prices hat on numerous occasions bc its a fashion abomination and you refuse to let this man wear it around you. You hide around base as frequently as you can.
Jokes on you though bc he will literally wait til it's your birthday and buy you a matching one and will laugh at your scream of disgust.
Gaz one ups him by gifting you a matching hat as well, putting it on your head as he flicks the brim.
"Thanks Gaz! I love it!
"And not mine?"
"You're on thin ice, old man."
Price gets gifted a set from manscaped by the guys as a gag gift. He uses it for his beard bc he never bothered to look into why everyone was laughing around him.
Price takes your phone when you try and show him memes, squinting hard as fuck like a dad 💀
Soap, if yall have the time off takes you to scottish football games and it's a whole thing. You sitting there while he gets drunk out of his fucking mind, hollering and whooping and you're there trying to sink into your seat.
Chances are someone's gonna shove you and you're gonna trip and fall bc everyone's so amped up and Soap threatens to beat the shit out of them. It's a miracle y'all don't get kicked out 💀
If you have tattoos, Soap is the first one to take a marker set and color them in and adding his own additions. If you were ever to get them actually tattooed, he would tear up and pretend he isn't emotional about it.
"You like me that much Bonnie?"
He would get something of you too, so it evens out. This also makes Ghost in turn get a tattoo for you bc he refuses to be out done and he's just as attached
Neither of them get your call sign or your name, but they get something personal to what each of them associate you with.
The first time you meet Alex, you're across the room doing something that has your focus and didn't realize this is actually your first time meeting him. You ask him for a hand only to look up and see him extend his prosthetic at you with a smile and you scream.
"You asked for a hand but best I can do is a Leg." Price comes running and he sees the scene and rolls his eyes.
Everyone single one of them are the definition of "my girl can wear whatever she wants bc I'll break your jaw." meme btw. You can take care of yourself but you never need to bc they will beat a bitch up.
Laswell invites you constantly to come over and meet with her wife, esp if you don't have a mother figure. She always always tries to come on base to see you and always has a birthday and Christmas present on it's way to you wherever you may be. Her wife loves you to death and they've pretty much adopted you and you cannot escape it, oh well.
Gaz buys you whatever your little heart desires, especially if he's deployed away in a country where they sell exclusives of whatever you enjoy. It's a pain in the fucking ass to try and ship a anime figure to your place from Japan but he's gonna try his best.
Ghost doesn't share his food, or at least it was before you came along. He groans and grumbles about having to feed you but he wouldn't do it if he truly didn't want to. Soap asks and Ghost tells him to fuck off.
If you watch anime, please imagine trying to get everyone in the room and trying to explain who Dabi is. They're all so fucking old they keep thinking you're referring to the elf from Harry Potter and it infuriates you to no end.
Soap and Gaz know better but it's funnier to see you mad.
Being the youngest, they absolutely force you to do the jobs they don't want to. Whether it be cleaning the barracks, to cooking dinner when able, it doesn't matter bc they'll all pull rank on you.
"You're the new kid, get to it then."
"Don't Ghost me."
Soap is the kind of motherfucker to play the fifa games and doesn't understand that he's stupid for buying it every single year bc there are no changes oncesoever. He will not listen to you about it and you've given up.
Ghost will see you talk about your etsy list and will ask for your phone, you trust him so of course you hand it over. He hands it back to you and it's just, all purchased. He says nothing while he sips on his tea while you scream at him asking why he did it. He won't tell you but it's because he knows it makes you happy and it'll keep your mood up, giving you a reason to be motivated to get through missions. It's also because he knows that retail therapy is a thing for your generation.
Soap, if you do any, is actually really good at doing your makeup! He knows how to do everything and he refuses to elaborate. (As a kid he'd do his mom's makeup when she went out for dates) he's the one who helps you doll up if you're going undercover.
Ghost, Gaz and Price find you unfunny whenever you make a "wow I wish British people were real." You say it so often and it gets annoying but they also just accept it's a part of life.
Soap personally enjoys the "SCOTLAND FOREVERRRRRRR" meme and will scream it with you. Ghost threatens to cut yalls tongue out.
Other parts can be found under #Kayla writes <3
@devilsfoodcake22 @simon-rileys-princess
@stupid-ninja @milkmily
@lune-la-chanson @tamayakii
@teacupcollector @sweet-as-an-angel
@perilous-pasta @ihatethisappsomuchitpains
@marsbar127xx @baddump
@xncasi @king-cookiex
@palomaxaxaxa @amatchasky @wolfyland07 @diejager
@hailstrum18 @pretty-little-bunny382728 @mzfandom
If you'd like to be tagged, go to my pinned post and comment there :)
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blacknedsoul-blog · 9 days
I think the Deans are fucking Lovecraftian gods
If you're a regular reader of my nonsense, you may have noticed that on more than one occasion I've referred to the Deans as "Nyarlathotep Tumblrsexymen": no, I didn't have a stroke on the keyboard, this is a reference to an entity that appears in the stories of Howard Phillip Lovecraft. A writer who is widely known because there were even people who thought that the Necronomicon, a fictional text part of his work, actually existed (and because he was such a recalcitrant racist that it has become a meme about how extremely racist he was).
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And since I'm still going through my pile of papers on Gothic fiction, let me take a moment to talk about Lovecraft's work, why I have reason to believe that the Deans have something in common with these creatures, and what that might mean for the development of Nevermore.
A Little About Lovecraft's Gods
To understand a little bit about the kind of creatures we are talking about, I have to stop at a brief (seriously brief) description of cosmic horror: This is a type of horror that takes elements from the scientific publications of the time (which makes it close to science fiction) to give it verisimilitude, it has at its core a deep nihilism, the breaking of scientific canons, the fragility of the human mind and societies contrasted with the vastness of the universe, an enormous fear of "the unknown" for the white man (fed by his racist paranoia), and seasoned with tentacles and creatures that remind us of sea creatures, because Lovecraft had an enormous fear of the sea.
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The gods in these stories represent, on a symbolic level, the vastness of the universe, the terror of the unknown, and the fragility of the human mind: they are entities older than time itself, contact with them tends to shatter the mind, and humanity must be very, very grateful that most of them are locked away or incapacitated in some way. Also, the way to access them is through very specific rituals that have been lost over time, so thankfully they're not very easy to contact either.
Similarities with the Deans
Let's start with the most obvious: the Deans, like the Lovecraftian gods, seem to operate in their own plane of existence, beyond what humans understand as "life" and "death": Nevermore is a kind of limbo, but we know, thanks to the Raven, that these guys came from another place and had enough power to kick the crap out of psychopomps without any problem.
However, just like Lovecraft's gods, these enormous powers don't make them able to do whatever they want; as I said, these entities are usually locked up or incapacitated in some way and can only have contact with humans under certain circumstances (like being summoned in rituals), and getting out of their prisons usually requires vague events like astral alignments that are completely out of their control.
The Deans, like Lovecraft's gods, seem to be subject to rules that are above them, and while they can bend them a bit to achieve their goals, it's not like they can do much about it.
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Another thing they have in common with Lovecraft's gods is the ability to create servants that function as extensions of them to fulfill their designs. There are many creatures that follow this line in the stories that speak of The Myths, but the best known are the Shoggoth that appear in the novel At the Mountains of Madness: artificial beings created by the Old Ones to rule the Earth, described as amphibious, amorphous masses similar to amoebas.
Although the Deans prefer their minions in the form of animated dolls. I suspect this decision is based on the story The Sandman by E.T.A. Hoffman. I have no proof, but no doubt.
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Now for the joke that brings this essay to life: the creature in Lovecraft's universe that most resembles the Deans is a being called Nyarlathotep. This creature belongs to the category of "Other Gods" (not the old ones like Cthulhu) and gets very nice nicknames like "Crawling Chaos".
Nyarlathotep is a being who enjoys causing chaos, death and madness wherever they go. They can communicate with humans, which they use to psychologically torture them and make them lose their minds. Something they seem to enjoy quite a bit. In the same way that the Deans view this sadistic battle royale, they have set up a fun game.
Then there is the ability to manipulate and alter the human mind, which is called into question in stories like Nyarlathotep and The Rats in the Walls (where it is apparently Nyarlathotep who messes with the protagonist's mind so that he tries to kill his friend).
This is something we've seen manifest in Nevermore in two different ways: the ability to trigger or unlock memories.
And the ability to change them. While we can't know if what was shown to Annabel is 100% real, we do know that showing her the end of her life caused a permanent change in the way she retrieves her memories: from the end backwards. If this memory is somehow altered, we also know that the Deans are capable of photoshopping people's memories.
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Finally, Nyarlathotep has the ability to shape-shift, which allows them to appear as humanoids in several stories, such as The Oniric Quest of the Unknown Kadath or Dreams in the Witch's House. His human form is considered "unnatural", "strange" and "disturbing" by those who see it (remember that Lovecraft was extremely racist, so he always presents himself as a black man). As a pharaoh in the Randolph Carter cycle and as a charcoal humanoid figure in the second story cited).
Here, the human form of whatever the Deans are is also quite atypical: not only are they ridiculously tall (7 feet), they have heterochromia with a white-colored eye (which I would venture to say may be a reference to the cataract eye mentioned in the story "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe), and their synchronized movements are amusing on paper, but possibly strange to look at for the characters.
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Otherwise, there are two other entities in Lovecraft's universe whose descriptions can be loosely associated with the Deans: Yogg-Sothoth and Azathoth. Both are beings of dual nature.
The former is an entity associated with omniscience and appears in stories such as The Strange Case of Charles Dexter Ward and The Dunwich Horror. and is described as "the key and the door".
Azathoth represents omnipotence, is the center of the universe, and is described as "the beginning and the end" or "the alpha and the omega.
Implications for the comic
The fact that the Deans have elements in common with Nyarlathotep brings up an interesting point: although Nyarlathotep has far greater freedom than other beings, they is a servant of Azathoth. In other words, them powers are subservient to a more powerful being whose plans they must follow. They may amuse themselves in the process, but they is still essentially a butler.
On the other hand, the Azathoth connection might be vague, since this creature is a lobotomized god, so he can't do much. But if the reference is to Yogg-Sothoth, it gets a little more interesting, because that entity is the one who is supposed to release the original gods when the time is right.
And I don't know about you, but these references have me wondering if the Deans are working for something much more messed up than they are, or if they're using the souls of the students to bring back something much more sinister.
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assassinschaoticcreed · 6 months
Can we get some headcannons about the BOYS? (thats what im calling them)
I like it, from here on out they are the boys.
since you didn't specify for what exactly, I chose random things that I have thought of, too many times before.
Altaïr 🦅
• more than once this man has walked into a glass door, and on a few occasions broke said door. he walked away like nothing happened.
• I've said it once and I'll say it again : this man is terrible with technology. like, the only stuff he's good with is old time, back in the day kinda stuff. keyboard? can't use it for shit. typewriter? this guy is like a damn journalist. laptop? the thing is destroyed because he got so mad when he couldn't figure out where the mouse was, even when desmond showed him where it was. old desktop that's built like a t.v.? perfect, everything makes sense now.
• when checking out at stores and the cashiers say "have a good day" on multiple occasions, an embarrassing amount of occasions this man has responded with: "what's so good about it", "thanks.", "you have good days?", "I didn't even want to get out of bed this morning.", "im leaving now"
• due to the last one: this man never uses a credit or debit card. cash only.
• before he broke the pasta noodles in half in front of ezio, he's thought about doing it way too many times. the reason he finally acted on it was because ezio brought up the many fires, explosions, and overall chaos that has happened when he "cooks". Altaïr internally said "fuck you, AND your pasta noodles"
• has set the microwave on fire before, blown out the front of it. cue desmond and arno running into the kitchen frantically putting the fire out, taking out what was inside it. there was a can of green beans. cue des and arno asking him why the hell he put a METAL can in the microwave. "oh you're not supposed to put metal in the microwave?"
• he is NOT a morning person. if you go to wake up this man and he's in a deep sleep, he's waking up swinging. Jacob has been slugged in the face a few times.
• I feel like Altaïr would like to nap in the sun/warm places.
• believe it or not, he was the weird kid that ate dirt.
• as a kid he was gifted an bald eagle as a birthday present from his dad, he was gifted a little yellow parakeet as his birthday present from his mother. he named her sunflower and the eagle apollo. he came back from training one day wanting to spend time with apollo and sunflower. apollo was there but sunflower wasn't, but there were yellow feathers everywhere. his dad told him apollo ate sunflower. Altaïr plucked all of apollos feathers on his head out. "you really are a bald eagle now aren't you, you little shit" vengeance for sunflower was served.
Ezio 🌹
• this man is a 5 star chef when it comes to authentic Italian food. don't ask him to make American food. anything other than Italian food he can't cook.
• after becoming great friends with Arno, ezio too is now a hopeless romantic.
• ezio and arno send each other memes either during conversations or as conversations.
• doesn't hesitate on the intrusive thoughts. just does them.
• has worn both his mother and Claudia's make up before, and he is flawless when putting on eyeliner. he doesn't go all out, he's more of the natural beauty kind of guy.
• this man can take one look at a person and correctly guess their clothing size.
• he and arno like to get together and have gossip sessions with a nice (few) bottles of wine.
• I whole heartedly believe that ezio is an amazing artist. he and leonardo bonded over painting, sketching, drawing etc. and on more than one occasion has joked with Arno with the whole "paint me like one of your French girls" gets a smack to the back of the head everytime.
• loves teasing Altaïr, he's so easy to rile up and ezio gets a laugh out of it. that is until Altaïr breaks pasta noodles in front of him. fists are up and ready to go.
• hates horses cause they have a long face, it makes him uncomfortable.
Arno 🥐
• has punched both edward and Jacob multiple times for pronouncing "croissant" wrong.
• gossip time with ezio is one of his favorite days of the week.
• when having conversations with ezio its either with memes in it, or how the conversation is being had.
• will not hesitate to roast you. loves roasting people, in fact he deep down hopes that someone will piss him off enough to roast them. even though he doesn't really need a reason.
• is very protective over the boys. (this man has trauma, can we blame him)
• an amazing singer. ezio has asked Arno for tips/lessons and once Arno heard him sing he said "can you hear yourself? no? good, cause trust me, you don't want to."
• he's really good at writing: poetry, songs, stories and even plays, but he's self conscious so he'd never try to get them to actually be put out there. ezio and desmond are his #1 hype team.
• I can see him being a great figure skater. don't know why, but I do.
• is a great baker, another 5 star chef when it comes to making authentic (french) food.
• he and Altaïr like to people watch and judge them like Simeon Cowell.
• this man has a petting zoo of animals, from childhood into adulthood.
• calls animals fur babies, change my mind.
• is another one who is protective over the boys
• believe it or not, he's more in tune with his emotional side like Arno and Ezio.
• loves wearing flannels, not only are they comfy but he likes the way they look.
• wants to build himself a cabin, like the ones you see some youtubers do. chop down the trees, use them to build it and all that jazz.
• wants to have a timber wolf as a pet, it's his dream pet. he truly wants just a wolf, but knows it's not a good idea.
• brought a turkey into the house as a kid, Ziio was not a happy camper. but she didn't want connor to be sad, so she said he could keep it as long as it stayed outside.
• the turkey and Connor were playing outside of their village. it was November. there was a loud bang, Connor turned around and turkey had been shot...and he was shot by none other than Charles Lee. another reason he hates the man so much.
• (for this one we're gonna say Haytham and Ziio stayed together) whenever Charles Lee came over to visit, Connor never liked him. when his parents weren't looking he would do this to Charles Lee; bite, kick, pour salt in his food and drink, make faces etc. Haytham knew, but it also amused Haytham so he said nothing.
• cried while getting his first tattoo, like sobbed.
• Mary on more than one occasion has gotten him (when he's drunk ofc) to cross dress (like she does as james)
• is a huge fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie series.
• sings sea shantys when doing things around the house.
• has slept outside many times while drunk. doesn't remember how he got there, when he got there, or why he stayed.
• has wanted to try those swimming like a mermaid trend.
• wants the boys to get a pirate themed tattoo with him.
• he and Jacob like to go out drinking together and watch each other get drunk because of the way they act. unfortunately while doing this since the both of them are drunk neither knows what in God's name is going on, until they wake up outside half naked wondering why they're wearing lipstick.
• has said many times "im never drinking again" yet is holding a cup filled with alcohol.
• has pushed Jacob off the side of the jackdaw when he pissed him off.
• being evies worst nightmare is his favorite passtime.
• teases evie for having a crush on 2 of his best friends, she tells him if he ever told them his manhood will be missing when he wakes up.
• woke up on a roof one time after drinking escapades with Edward the night before. Edward was on the roof across from him.
• has worn his shoes on the wrong feet all day long to annoy evie, but also was too lazy to put them on the right feet.
• he tries to trip evie whenever the two of them are going up the stairs. jokes on him he actually trips himself.
• is the king of intrusive thoughts.
• 95% of the time he gives into those intrusive thoughts, that small 5% is evie being able to stop them before they happened.
• got a drunk tattoo with Edward once, it's a tramp stamp.
• he's the one filling Edward's cup whenever Edward says he's never drinking again.
• even though he's a jokester and does stupid stuff, he's honestly one of the most trustworthy people the boys know. "he may be an idiot, but he's our idiot" and evies like "go ahead and have him. I should have killed him in the womb"
• was adopted by the Auditores when he left the farm.
• when he first started bartending, he broke over half the glasses they had.
• debated on becoming a therapist about a year into bartending, he sure as hell felt like one. might as well get paid the right money for it.
• he doesn't like to drink alcohol very often due to how he's around it so much while he works, and sees how people act. not a favorite pass time, but he does enjoy having a glass of wine with Arno and Ezio.
• he's really good at playing guitar, he and Arno like to do little karaoke sessions, ezio is there but isn't allowed to sing.
• is good at cooking all types of foods, just don't ask him to bake. he's not good with precision so the sweets always come out messed up. leave that to arno.
• wants to get more tattoos, and has tried talking the boys into getting the brotherhood/creed insignia tattooed.
• I see desmond as a piercings kind of guy. what they are, who knows.
• Desmond is the golden retriever friend, everyone loves him.
• Desmond is the epitome of "I didn't want to wake up today, im tired you're lucky I dragged my corpse out of bed today"
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littleladymab · 2 months
Cast Introduction/WIP Q&A - Knights of the Round Table
I've been tagged in several memes from @mysticstarlightduck and so here's a cast introduction (well, half the cast) for KNIGHT LITE (as we affectionately call it). This is a project that @bottlingsound and I have been leaving in the back pocket since like, 2010. Just recently we suddenly started working on it in earnest and we have having a BLAST.
The memes I'm responding to from Anya are an OC Picrew and the OC Fun Facts! The Picrew can be found here.
This post will also count as an open WIP Q&A Invitation for you to ask us about this project and the characters (even Arthuriana that we don't have listed here, because YES we do have an Arthur and Merlin we just have to find a picrew that does old people). Please ask us about our blorbos and this project!!
Project Summary: (as written by Cara!)
The original roundtable defeats the Nine Witches of Caer Lloyw, nightmare beings of warfare and magic who terrorized and ravaged Britain, unknowing that they had since been cursed. They are doomed to tear themselves and their world apart. This ended the first time with the roundtable turning on itself. They are reborn again and again, and they have spent lifetimes mostly apart, but they are always doomed by their circumstances. Now in 2024, the knights are drawn together again in Los Angeles. The more of them that are together, the more terrible monsters begin appearing. The knights must first discover who is behind the disasters and then break the cycle!
Meet our Knights of the Round Table beneath the cut!
Dakota Avery
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31 | They/Them | Film Tech
Born in Oxnard but moved down to LA with their mom when their parents split at the end of their Sophomore year in HS. Moved in with their grandparents, aunt, and two cousins. 
Met Bridgette in the drama club in their new HS. Wouldn’t exactly say they became instant best friends, but she was the easiest person for them to get along with. 
Loves to surf. Learned when they were very young, and has kept up with it through everything. Over the summer, if they don’t have early set call times, they’ll always make an effort to go out in the mornings for a few hours. 
A huge fan of the Lord of the Ring movies because they are “a masterpiece in filmmaking”. Will watch the extended edition special features constantly, and has movie marathons with Bianca.
Has been told frequently they have a “face that cameras love”, but they got over the desire to be on stage after high school and focused a lot on theater tech through college. They love the production side of things, and making sure others can shine. And also ensure that sets have decent lighting. 
Always has the right ‘fit for the occasion no matter the weather or the vibe. They have gone to several production sales but also just know lots of people in costuming and are always owed a favor by one person or another. 
Will always be stocked up on excellent homemade food after they visit their family, but when left to their own devices, it’s dumplings, dino chicken nuggets, and rice. And kimchi. They also have the local thai and bibimbap places on speed dial. 
Hard kombucha person through and through, though if that’s not available then it’s beer or extremely fruity cocktail. 
Favorite color is chartreuse (they’re mid on the liqueur tho)
Song: "Hungover in the City of Dust" by Autoheart
Bridgette Blum
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28 | She/Her | Disneyland Character Actor / Summer Camp Counselor
Born in Salem, OR and spent her childhood there. When her parents passed away in an accident, she and her sister were taken in by their aunt Imogen. She’s lived in Los Angeles since was 14 and definitely prefers it for her chosen career path.
Originally met Dakota in High School when they were in drama club together. She was definitely not okay after losing her parents, and acting has always been a healthy outlet for her. She enjoys the spotlight.
Also enjoys LARPing. She currently works at Disneyland as a character actor, usually playing either Tinkerbell or Chip, but she takes time to work at a LARP camp in the summer. She loves working and being silly with kids.
Barely got through college, because it just wasn’t for her. She has an Associates degree in Theatre Arts.
Would regularly get into fights in Elementary School, but she got better at not immediately jumping people who bothered her. However, talk shit and get hit. She will absolutely still fight you if you stir the pot.
Taught Bianca how to throw a punch and gave Bianca one of her old IDs. She figures that if Bianca is going to get into any trouble, she might as well be well prepared
Has a stuffed chicken in her car named Sir Robin.
One word: tequila. No further notes.
Favorite color is orange.
Song: "Haunted House" by Sir Babygirl
Logan Carver
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27 | He/Him | Tech Startup CEO
Originally from the Silicon Valley area where his parents work in the tech industry.
Went to UCLA and majored in Business Economics. He has been into cryptocurrencies since the beginning and continues to brag about his success on the crypto market. He went on to create his own business, a new tech startup. He’s the CEO and the “ideas” guy.
Had studied Mandarin briefly in college and will tell people he can speak it, but he absolutely can’t beyond simple phrases. He also cannot read it.
Likes his steaks well-done and does not like sushi.
Drives a Tesla because it is much better for the environment, but he refuses to use public transport.
Has been dating Gael on and off for 6-7 years. Has occasionally dated other men, but they have been much less willing to stick around for long.
Plays tennis and golf every now and then, but prefers snowboarding over other sports. His parents have a second house in Tahoe where he enjoys going on vacation.
Claims to have several celebrity friends who he’s invited to parties on his yacht.
Will drink anything that gets him shitfaced, but prefers to bring out the top-shelf liquor when he’s trying to impress someone.
Favorite color is black, he thinks he’s really cool for that.
Song: "The Prayer" by Bloc Party
Gael Ingram
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25 | He/They | Museum Curator
Born in Colorado and spent a lot of his childhood going to different national parks, and fell in love with archeology that way. He wanted to dig up dino bones when he got older! 
Went to UCLA intending to get into paleontology, but took a class on archeology in ancient civilizations and decided to switch his area of focus. Now he wants to dig up old roman streets! Got his Bachelors in history and a masters in archeology and museum studies. 
Loves hiking, camping, and skiing, which he did a lot of at home in Colorado when growing up. Doesn’t have many opportunities in SoCal, though he would always take the opportunity to go to Tahoe with Logan for the sake of being in snow (even if it’s more often snowboarding than skiing).
Currently working at the Getty (more at the Villa) for a year or two before he’s thinking about going back to get a Doctorate. Would love to go work on a dig site, but for now is content with the museum side of things. 
Has been dating Logan off and on for close to 7 years. Has never had any real serious relationships outside of that, often claiming that he’s too busy with school to really give it a go. Resorts mostly to the occasional hookup or a dinner date here and there via apps.
Loves vodka-based drinks/cocktails. When he’s feeling fancy he’ll go for a vodka martini; when he’s feeling the opposite of fancy he’ll knock back some shots. 
Favorite color is dark green
Song: "Second Child, Restless Child" by The Oh Hellos
Joseph Liam Barker
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22 | He/Him | Paralegal / Studying for LSAT
Alternated between Scotland and France while growing up, though all of his schooling took place in Scotland to make it easier. 
Was made a Prefect his last two years in school; could have made Head Boy but rejected the nomination. Did act as a Deputy Head Boy, though, to help with assemblies and fundraisers, student committees and community projects, etc. 
Speaks fairly fluent French though he is out of practice. People in Scotland think he talks with a French accent, people in France think he has a Scottish accent, people in America just think he’s British. He doesn’t bother to correct them. 
Got a degree in medieval history at University of Edinburgh, much to his mother’s delight, then decided he wanted to go into law, much to his father’s delight. 
He is either the best or worst person to watch any period dramas with. He’s not going to pick on the costuming (too much, he didn’t study historical fashion) but he will absolutely comment on other historical notes. 
Was named Joseph because of Joseph of Arimathea. You can imagine how confused he was when he found out he was Galahad; he wondered for a long time if his mom knew, but she was just being a medievalist and thought it was a good name. Decided to start going by Liam when he was 15 because there were two other Josephs in his school year. 
Loves kids a lot and enjoyed his duties as a Prefect in school that let him interact with all the younger students or kids in the community. He doesn’t know if he would want to be a father, but he’ll at least accept cool uncle duty (which is made harder by not having any siblings of his own).
While he does enjoy a good Scotch, he prefers wine. His mother is horrified by this concept and blames his father/the French. He has signed up to a wine of the month club once moving to LA, though he has yet to go on any winery tours. He has never had a cocktail in his life. 
Favorite colors are gold and dark green
Song: "Tell Me How It Ends" by David Wirsig
Mateo Canul
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21 | He/Him | Chicano Studies Major / Disneyland Jungle Cruise Attendant
Is a third generation Mexican American, born and raised as a laidback SoCal jock in the Inland Empire. He enjoys football, soccer, and skateboarding. He had a few hackysacks at one point, but his older brother ended up with most of them.
Middle child of the family with three older siblings and three younger. Half of his wardrobe is hand me downs by choice, having either asked or sneakily taken clothing items from his older siblings. He enjoys to thrift for clothes, but he also loves getting himself a new hoodie or hat every now and then.
Originally decided on UCLA because he wanted to play football for the Bruins. Despite some occasionally bad choices, he’s not a bad student and does maintain a high enough GPA for his scholarship requirements. He hasn’t settled on a future career, but wants to use his degree to support his community somehow.
Is absolutely a member of a fraternity and is a typical frat boy in many ways. He’s charming, outgoing, and someone who will and can make friends with absolutely anyone. Though he doesn’t actually date often, he’s also a notorious flirt.
Raised Catholic, but he stopped going to church as soon as his parents stopped making him.
LOVES telling really lame jokes both as a result of his part time job and a genuine desire to make other people smile. His infectious charm helps him get away with it.
Enjoys swimming and will never turn down a trip to the beach or a lake!
Not picky about drinks, but he really prefers IPAs over other beers. He usually has zero opinion on wine, but does enjoy sangria.
Favorite color is blue.
Song: "C'mon C'mon" by The Von Bondies
Temple Rhee
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20 | She/Her | Photography Major / Disneyland Photographer
Named after Shirley Temple, her grandmother’s favorite movie star. Her family will always call her Temple, but she prefers Temmy.
Is a second generation Korean American, and undeniably Texan having been born and raised in Sugar Land, Texas. She speaks with a Texan accent, she loves cowboys and barbecue, and she will argue that the Houston Texans are the best football team even when they are losing. She owns several pairs of cowboy boots in different colors.
Was and is decidedly an outgoing horse girl. She never owned a horse, but did take riding lessons when she was young and still tries to go riding whenever she can.
Bounced between Taekwondo and Hapkido lessons from ages 6 to 17, and really loved it. She finally quit to spend more time goofing off with friends during her senior year of high school and just never got back into it.
Did not want to go to college, but was coerced to do so by her parents and friends. She spent two years completing most of her general education courses at a community college before aimlessly settling on photography and transferring to UCLA to complete her degree. She’s not sure what she wants to do with her degree, but she’s happy with her major and her decision to transfer.
Likes taking photos and making really ugly scrapbooks. She has several cameras and has been gravitating toward polaroids more and more for scrapbooking purposes.
Before she knew she was Gawain, she thought she might have been a horse. She had no memories of being Gawain, but remembered things about the other knights, especially Lancelot.
Enjoys really terrible and cheap beer. Booze is booze, she will drink the things you do not want to drink.
Favorite color is green.
Song: "Even In the Dark" by Company of Thieves
Bianca Blum
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19 | She/They | Mechanical Engineering Major
Originally born in Salem, OR, but doesn’t really remember it well. Their parents passed away after a bad accident, and she and her sister moved in with their Aunt Imogen when she was very young. She has lived most of her life in Los Angeles. She does think she’d like to move back to Oregon one day out of some sort of romanticized whimsy.
Created her first robot at 9 using a LEGO Mindstorms kit and used it to wake up Bridgette as a prank by having it repeatedly poke her. At 13 she started learning programming to restructure her Mindstorm into more of a nuisance.
Had difficulty choosing a college, but settled on UCLA when her aunt insisted she at least try to stay close to home. She had scholarships at better colleges, and has given more thought to completing her Masters degree at a different school after finishing her Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. She is on the Dean’s Honor list.
LOVES the lord of the rings and it was the highlight of her LIFE to go see them in theaters with Dakota and Bridgette this year (since she couldn’t when they first came out). Will have marathons with Dakota constantly.
Enjoys science fiction shows and films, especially Star Trek and Doctor Who. Dakota has also supplied them with many sci-fi cult classics to watch. Their favorite Star Trek captain is Janeway.
Is mostly a very responsible young lady, but she also enjoys her fair share of youthful adventures. She’s kept Bridgette’s old IDs so that she doesn’t get left out when her other nerdy college friends decide to go get an occasional drink or two.
Is a cider girl at heart, but she’s always happy with a good cocktail.
Favorite color is coral pink.
Song: "I am not a woman, I'm a god" by Halsey
Tag List: (and always, let me know if you wish to be added/removed)
@krisseycrystal @rkmoon @jadeoxfordrose
@sentfromwolves @ybotter @luukeskywalker
@scribble-dee-vee @redtailedhawk90
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no-m4gic · 2 years
HII!! How are you!! Hope your well^^ i hope you wouldn’t care if I requested this but may I request Mondo Oowada, Hajime Hinata and Chiaki Nanami with a GN! or Fem!S/O who has a VY2(Yuuma) Personality from Vocaloid? Thanks^^
i don't know vocaloid so the personality may seem a bit wonky hope i didn't ruin it for you though! i don't know if you wanted the reader to also have a pocket weapon so i just included it because i have my own personal scissors i use as my pocket weapon also i just followed everything off the personality category off the source you provided...
also i did headcanons for this, sorry if this isn't what you wanted!
sorry if it's bad and short- i'm rushing to clear my inbox.
thanks for requesting!
~ mod sitaya
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chiaki is a-okay with all that, especially that whole wakizashi thing...
she thinks it's pretty cool, mostly the fact that you're brave enough to have a weapon on you at all times.
though sometimes whenever you guys get into childish little arguments, she'll be half-expecting for you to threaten her with your wakizashi.
but you would never hurt her.
you guys have a secret base in an old janitor's closet whenever you were hiding from nekomaru, akane or kazuichi or when you guys were just skipping class.
it took you both 2 weeks to decorate it with colorful and bright LED's, fluffy pillows and blankets, posters that may or may not be inappropriate, and a nantendo gamegirl charging dock for chiaki to well... charge her nantendo.
if you do sing vocaloid (or any other song), chiaki would always beg and persist to listen, even if you'd say no a hundred times.
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well... not really good, but also good.
you guys would definitely argue a lot, since you both lose your tempers easily.
but then again after awhile it's either him or you finding the other crawling back to each other, begging and apologizing.
mostly it's hajime since you're stubborn.
if you guys find yourselves at a school event or a party, you would ditch hajime or drag him along to the drink bar to order well... 'drinks'.
and you'd call hajime a pussy for not wanting to drink any of it.
anyway... other than the arguments and parties, you guys get along pretty well. it's always you and him defending each other whenever hiyoko got a little too annoying.
whenever you decide to kick yourself out of the class or the school to sit alone, he'll join you. even if the teacher gets super mad and gives him detention, he doesn't care.
sometimes he'll come over just to seek comfort from you... and also seek for a place to break down and cry on, your shoulder.
you'll rub his back and comfort him whenever that happens.
on rare occasions, you'd teach and train him on how to use a wakizashi properly instead of randomly tossing and turning it.
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i don't have a header for mondo yet 😭
at first he'd be surprised on why you'd be so warm and nice to him?
especially after monokuma exposed his whole brother secret. don't ask how he's alive.
however, whenever he got too aggressive or too close, you'd pull out your wakizashi and point it at his throat, of course at a certain distance, saying nothing but plastering an innocent smile on your face.
"what the fuck s/o?!"
but overall you'd guys get along, especially by bullying toko and making spooooky jokes around her, which causes her to run to byakuya screaming "master byakuya!!!!"
you recorded mondo teasing toko and her running to byakuya and sent it to the whole class as a mean joke.
soon enough it became a meme.
sometimes during group activities, you would have screaming matches on whose idea was better.
mmmmm good ol requests. again, apologies if this was bad.
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gctchell · 4 months
If they had a kid: Niffty/D'Zuko and Niffty/Drekavac if you want!
If they had a kid meme // 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌
-> Niffty/D'Zuko!
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Name: Bannie "Ban-Ban" Split (Niffty was craving banana splits like CRAZY when she was pregnant and they worked together to come up with a cute name for a girl and.. well, they got this)
Gender: Female.
General appearance: This girl gave both her parents one *HELL* of a scare simply due to the fact that her head was dripping and oozing from birth. Turns out that was just her hair. No one knows why her hair is like this! It's goopy, it's droopy and it drips perpetually. Alastor's guess is it's a weird punishment from Hell because Niffty is driven nuts by mess and now she & D'Zuko have a baby who is always dripping all over the place LOL. // picrew
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Personality: Unpredictable. Nice enough and can just stare off into space for a while, but you never know what kind of mood you're going to catch this girl in - she can be hyperactive and wild, violent and brutal, and chill as a cucumber who will happily make you a sandwich when you're hungry. She keeps people in the Hotel on their toes, and only Niffty & D'Zuko can really get a sense on where the winds are blowing when it comes to her. They manage her well and can settle her down better than anyone, but she has butted heads with them on occasion.
Special talents: Her hair is very sticky, like the most sticky stuff you will ever come across. It works better than most adhesive and binding materials due to the hell magic in her system. She patches breaks and cracks with ease.
Who they like better: D'Zuko. She just feels more relatable with him, no offense mom.
Who they take after more: Both, straight down the middle. Niffty's more vibrant and hyperactive side, and D'Zuko's more reactive and short-temperedness make her quite the volatile personality, but capable of being quite sweet as well.
Personal headcanon: The wings on her back mirror the insect wings from Niffty's demon form, except more fairy-like, oddly enough. They do have an insect look, however.
Face Claim: N/A.
-> Niffty/Drekavac
Name: Josephine, "Jojo" for short.
Gender: Female.
General appearance: Takes heavily after Drekavac, but there's no denying those touches of red and the wide, big eyes she gets from Niffty! Plus the cute little dots on her cheeks. // picrew
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Personality: Sweet as anything and helpful, very laid back in spite of one parent being a Wrath demon and one being.. Niffty. Very calm, very in control of herself, and she sees that as a great deal of importance. She medidates frequently and enjoys it, and likes to take walks in the evening before the sun is up in the sky (PMs are morning hours in HH!Hell, AMs are Night Hours). Very tranquil aura that many at the Hotel like to simply be around. She loves to read, as well. She's a bookworm, but the sort who can pick up dozens and never completes them for months. Fatal flaw lmao.
Special talents: The angrier she gets, the more hot the gaze of her eyes becomes. She is able to blast beams of fire from her eyes, it just needs time to warm up.
Who they like better: Mom wins this one, she tails after Niffty and has been clinging to her skirt ever since she was little. She still loves Drekavac a LOT, of course! She loves him! She's just more clingy to mom.
Who they take after more: I think Drekavac. I think she's more leveled like he is, way calmer than her mother.
Personal headcanon: There's a good deal of fire magic in her that has yet to be tapped into outside of the eyes. Drekavac is still trying to figure out how they can potentially tap into it so she has access to that part of herself. It'd be dangerous if it suddenly burst to life one day and desolated the Hotel. She also has star-shaped scar in the middle of her face. She was not born with that and still has not old her parents how she got it.
Face Claim: N/A.
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blot-squisher · 1 year
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It's nice to see Evan getting some love ❤️ Thank you @ninthsheep and @theamazingfire1 ❤️
SFW Alphabet Ask Meme for Surviving the Game the Trapper
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) It's very hard for Evan to show affection in a non-aggressive way. Generally any kind of soft displays are kept private or are quickly followed by more of the same gruff attitude. Generally, he'll give the person he cares about a nickname that only he's allowed to use. Anyone else tries that and something's getting broken.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) Evan is an... interesting person to be friends with. There's only one person in the Realm he really considers a friend, and it's not Danny. He'll still snap and snarl, but he's usually not as harsh as he is towards people he doesn't like. Which is generally everyone...
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) In constant pain from the shrapnel embedded in his bones, it makes cuddling difficult. Not to mention he was raised to believe such displays were a sign of weakness... That being said, if he can find a way to cuddle his partner comfortably, he will. But only in private.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) Evan has never been the settling down type. He was raised to run a business with an iron hand. That took up all his time, and finding a wife was... out of the question. He can cook pretty well but usually doesn't. He tends to eat on the go and if that means gnawing on a raw deer leg, so be it. Despite his outer appearance, Evan is a clean freak. Obviously mining and hunting is dirty work, but that shit stays outside.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) Bluntly. The man is not subtle at all.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) Evan has avoided marriage like the plague. A wife was a burden he knew would out him, and a husband was something he knew he couldn't have (at the time). Now days, he's content to know he does have someone he loves, that loves him back. That's good enough.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Gentle was beaten out of him before he could walk. Learning how to be gentle now is a long and oftentimes difficult thing, but he's trying. He's not always good at it, especially with words, but he's doing his best.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Evan is not a hugger. Much like cuddling, it's hard for him to touch people due to the constant pain in his body. It doesn't help that physical affection was simply not allowed growing up. On the rare occasions he does hug someone, it's like being grabbed by a grizzly bear. Is he going to rip your head off, or just hold you? Guess you'll find out!
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) It'll take a while. Affection, physically or verbally, wasn't something he was used to giving or receiving for most of his life. Once he's sure you have is genuine, he'll say it. He won't say it often, but when he does you'll know he means it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they���re jealous?) Evan isn't generally a jealous person. It's a weak man's emotion, and he was taught to be better than that. If he wants something, he works hard for it. Better to earn what he has then envy another.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss their partner? Where do they like to be kissed?) He prefers to bite. Hard. If he can draw blood, he will. When he does kiss, it's aggressive and demanding. Now that he has you, he plans to keep you.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) If they're old enough to walk, they're old enough to work. Children are good for getting into small spaces, but that's about it. He's not fond of them, really.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Up early. There's work to be done and if you aren't up before the sun, you're a lazy bastard and a boot in the ass is going to be your wake up call.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Once the work is done, it's time to get cleaned up and get dinner. Lately things have been a bit more lax, with no mine to run or Trials to keep up with and he's started allowing himself to take some time to unwind and relax.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) If it becomes relevant, he'll talk about it. Otherwise, he's not one to share about himself. He values his privacy, but he'll still talk about things if you're respectful and don't pester him about it. (looking at you, Danny...)
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) The man has a hair trigger. You breathe wrong and he's going to snap.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about their partner? Do they remember every little detail they mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) If he finds something interesting, he'll remember it. If he likes you enough to so much as consider you a friend, he'll remember.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in their relationship?) Realizing there was someone who could actually love him. Who could see past the person he was and help him become a better person.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect their partner? How would they like to be protected?) Like many Slashers, he'd fight god for his partner. He knows he's capable of great violence and acts of brutality have never bothered him, rather, he enjoys it in most cases. Evan doesn't feel the need to be protected, and would probably find it rather amusing if you tried. As long as you didn't get hurt, he'd probably be kind of proud of you for trying in the end.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) It would take him a while to realize those dates are actually important. He never actually celebrated his birthday and almost forgot when it was... For his partner, he'd probably ask them point blank what they'd like or if they wanted him to do anything, because he genuinely has no idea how to go about that kind of thing.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) He can be very demanding, expecting people to do as they're told without really considering how his tone or wording comes across.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Although he often quietly laments the loss of his hair, he's accepted himself and his looks for what they are. He worked in a mine. Vanity had no place there.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without their partner?) Although he never thought the answer would be yes and it would be incredibly difficult to get him to admit it... Yes. Yes he would.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) Evan actually has terrible eyesight, which is part of why the Entity heightened his senses of smell and hearing.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) Disobedience, laziness, uncleanliness, and disrespecting someone in their home/being disrespected in his own home.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) Evan barely sleeps, especially when he's alone. It's hard to do when he's constantly in pain and can only sleep on his back or one side. He's destroyed too many mattresses to count by sleeping on the wrong side...
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oddmawd · 5 months
Hey Mawd, is it okay to ask about "The Wife" from The Hunt in these OC asks or not? Just curious! Nway, sending 🎂,💯 and ☕️ for Rei!
hmmmm, The Wife...that should be fine! i left her somewhat abstract for the reader-insert lovers but she has a distinct personality i could use for this DETAILS ABOUT OCs ASK MEME...(also i did base her closely on Rei LMAO so i can kind of default to Rei's characterization for the ask game too!)
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
You put me through my paces with this one because I hadn't actually done any birth chart stuff for Rei, and I'm not very good at astrology stuff! I'm basically just picking stuff that fits the personality I gave her. Her birthday is April Fools Day! This makes her an Aries, and I like to think she was born only a few minutes after midnight, putting her on the cusp of being a March and April Aries. As for her signs... She is an Aries Sun, Virgo Moon, Scorpio Rising. This gives her Aries' ambition and drive but Virgo's desire for order while pursuing her goals, and Scorpio's strong intuition and ability to read emotions. Does she fit these signs? Sometimes, but her past has cooled some of Aries' famous temper, and her Sun and Rising signs further quell some of the impulsivity Aries are known for. She looks before she leaps, unlike the typical Aries, and she's not a selfish person as some people believe of Scorpio. She IS, however, very much a Virgo in how critical she is of herself (especially her appearance). I don't know enough about Tarot or numerology to answer the other questions, but I hope the above is enough. <3
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Fun Fact #1: Rei's favorite emoji, coincidentally, is the 💯 emoji. Followed closely by the ✨ emoji. You'd THINK it would be the winking emoji, but nope. She saves winks for in-person shenanigans. Fun Fact #2: She owns no fewer than 50 wigs. Yes, that's a lot of wigs, but not all of them are top-grade, human hair, hand-tied, or even natural-looking wigs. In fact, the majority of them aren't. Human-hair, hand-tied wigs are extremely expensive, and she only owns a handful (collected over the course of many years) for special occasions. She breaks down her wig collection into four distinct categories: The Queens (her best wigs), the Classy Ladies (high-end synthetic wigs), the Party Girls (mid-tier synthetic wigs), and the Hot Mess Ma'ams (the cheapo costume wigs she happily beats to hell and back). Every category has its time and place. The purple wig she wore to the club in The Sight Unseen was a Hot Mess Ma'am she got on Amazon for like $15. (Bonus Wig Fact: She prefers NOT to glue down her wigs, though she used to do so for ballroom competitions and burlesque routines. Her skin is sensitive and easily irritated, and she enjoys changing up her look on an almost daily basis.) Fun Fact #3: Rei loves reading, and she loves reading nonfiction especially. She volunteers are her local library to read books to kids. She typically dresses up in a costume or fancy outfit that fits the theme of the day's book. Rei is QUITE GOOD at acting out children's literature, and kids love her because she's willing to meet them on their level and never talks down to them. She's very good with kids in general. (That may have been more than one fun fact for this last entry...)
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
Today, Rei is a double espresso kind of person. She drinks it for utility in the early mornings and to power late-night study sessions. A quick slam of caffeine is just what she needs to power through the day. BUT when she wants something she can savor and isn't in dire need of instant waking up, she goes for a London fog with a pump of lavender syrup. That's her cozy drink on Sunday mornings, curled up in bed with a good book in her favorite bathrobe. Please note that in her club-scene-visiting and dance-competition-dominating and burlesque-performing youth, however, she would down sugar-free Red Bulls by the case. Those were darks times characterized by youthful idiocy joie de vivre and complete disregard for the health of her kidneys.
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bunnysblanc · 1 year
heather macnamara as your girlfriend
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warnings: fluff, slight food mention
picnic dates with the sunshine girl !! she loves to take a break from westerburg and spend time out in the sun with you.
she sits in your lap and does your makeup before parties. think like that old meme. that's her.
dancing with you to mixtapes she's made of songs that remind her of you.
she blushes really easily. sometimes all it takes is for you to look at her to make her flush.
you have a tradition of sending each other flowers on special days for your relationship. anniversaries like your first kiss, confessing to each other and making your relationship public all get special, personal bouquets. all of the flowers match the meaning of the occasion too.
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
Please Read Before Interacting! (RULES)
I’m a multimuse account. I play mostly OCs, plus a few canons.
This is a blog for people who are 18+. I write NSFW (smut, violence, alcohol) content on occasion. I’m 24.
Triggers: AI/robots or horror/eldritch themes!
All of my muses have multiple character forms, usually one per verse. Look in their headcanon tag (linked on the muses page).
I no longer tag smut.
Please trim your posts. If not, I might still write with you, just not follow. Long, uncut posts can give me anxiety.
If you get to the point where you want to block me for some reason, please tell me. I'd like to try & talk it out. Otherwise, just LMK so I'm not thinking something bad happened to you.
I can't interact with any other Rogue/Anna Marie's OR Eraserhead/Shota Aizawa's. I have 1 of each who I interact with & I can't imagine getting used to another. Sorry.
I frequently use "hon", "bruh", and/or "guy" to refer to people (singular or plural) in a gender-neutral way. LMK if those bother you at all.
If you don’t respond for 2+ months (including updates), I will unfollow. This doesn’t mean I won’t be open to interacting again. If we've been writing for a while & you need a break, just LMK & we can do something else when you're ready.
Here's a list of FCs I love to see!
Here's a link that leads to all of my D&D muses specifically!
assorted tags: memes // wishlist // muses // ooc content
mobile muse list under the cut:
Jayn: heir to a vast fortune, fighter. Verses: DC Comics, Royal/Regency, Queen of the South, Grishaverse, Western, Suits. generous, creative, faithful, loving, bossy, nosy. FC: Tessa Thompson.
Naela: she just wants adventure and love. Verses: canon GoT/ASoiAF, Rhaegar Lives AU, D&D. optimistic, honest, philosophical, careless, restless. FC: Tristin Mays.
Achilles: the Hellenic/Greek hero from The Iliad (canon). Verses: Mythology, Modern, Call of Duty, D&D, X-Men/Marvel. courageous, confident, quick-tempered, protective, moody. FC: Taylor Kitsch.
Jasmine: a young woman on her own. Verses: Marvel, Shadowhunters/TSC, The Covenant, John Wick/Assassins, D&D, Suits. practical, disciplined, overcritical, perfectionist, grudging. FC: Kat Graham.
Skadi: half-Jotun, half-Asgardian. Verses: Marvel, Call of Duty, D&D. compassionate, inventive, independent, blunt, distrusting. FC: Olga Kurylenko.
Oraia: daughter of Poseidon and Nebet-Het, goddess. Verses: Marvel, SPN, Urban Fantasy, The Old Guard, Pirates of the Caribbean, Shadowhunters/TSC, D&D. flirtatious, easygoing, sociable, impulsive. FC: Hannah John-Kamen.
Hestia: sweet, badass martial artist. Verses: X-Men/Marvel, Hunger Games. witty, lively, inquisitive, anxious, accepting. FC: Kristin Kreuk.
Rose: John Constantine’s space-time magician of a daughter (canon). Verses: DC Comics, The Mummy/historical, D&D. loyal, intelligent, protective, intuitive, hardworking, manipulative. FC: Antonia Thomas.
Aurelia: a Gryffindor who chose Slytherin. Verse: Harry Potter (Marauders or Golden Trio era). persuasive, amusing, loyal, protective, bossy, jealous. FC: Precious Lee.
Rela: Twi’lek Jedi. Verses: Star Wars, D&D. modest, curious, compassionate, eloquent, indecisive, responsible. FC: Rachi Sitra (or Gugu Mbatha-Raw depending on verse).
Zehara: the daughter of a Water Tribe father and a Fire Nation Colony mother. persuasive, adventurous, adaptable, compulsive, patronizing. Verses: Avatar: TLA, D&D. FC: Jhené Aiko.
Eugenia: Bonnie Bennett’s second cousin. Verses: Vampire Diaries. loyal, determined, practical, vengeful, secretive. FC: Kylie Bunbury.
Shayera: she's got wings & a mace. Verses: DC Comics, Historical. brave, loyal, adventurous, determined, compassionate, self-critical. FCs: Juliana Harkavy & Freema Agyeman.
Mu Lan [穆岚]: "my duty is to my heart." Verses: Regency/Bridgerton. restless, loyal, intelligent, outspoken, kind. FC: Thaddea Graham (& Ming-Na Wen when she's older).
on request, I can play:
Fantomex (X-Men canon; FC: Warren Christie)
Renée Michele LeBeau (OC daughter of Gambit from X-Men; FC: Janel Parrish)
Rhea Livia Agresta (OC shifter niece of Alan Deaton from Teen Wolf; FC: Jessica Sula)
Lady Gotham (personification of Gotham City; DC Comics; FC: Death - Marvel v Capcom)
Caleb Danvers (The Covenant canon; FC: Steven Strait)
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marimelwrites · 9 months
“🌿🍒” / honestly, I would take this for anyone, but can you imagine how cute ava and emir would be? (also, taner and liliana/henrik and mediha if you're feeling it)
From this Mistletoe Christmas prompt meme here!
>>>Emir & Ava
Whenever the holidays came about, Ava always loved the change of pace that came along with it. Was she the sort of person who would take all of that time off without seeing the ice? No, but she did know how to scale back ice time and allow herself a moment to enjoy the holiday with the people she loved and cared about most. An added bonus? This was a time that she even still got to spend with Emir.
A part of her considered that maybe they needed a break from each other every now and again, but she never needed it. She never wanted it, if she was being completely honest with herself. Emir was the person she could always guarantee she'd never be sick of. On this particular occasion, Ava's parents invited Emir and his family over for their annual holiday party. Family came, friends, plenty of people Ava had seen countless amounts of times over the years.
With the party in full swing, Ava snuck away from the commotion in hopes of a little quiet. Despite participating in a sport that was televised, and had a decent following, particularly during the Olympics, she never had handled crowds and attention well. That was why Emir was so vital to her. He had always been her stability, her calm, her strength. Stopping in the middle of her parent's home, a place she hadn't lived now for years, she took in all the beautiful decorations with a smile all while breathing in a sigh of relief.
The sound of another person joining her caught her attention. Perhaps it was the years spent with one person, that she was able to know exactly who it was from the sound of their footsteps. The realization that it was Emir only made the smile on her face grow before she turned around to face him, and held a hand out for him to take.
It had always felt easy, being around Emir, excluding their moment of difficulties. Things were better now. Wonderful. And even with that familiarity, she still had a shyness to her, as if everything were always new. Her cheeks flushed, and she felt the same butterflies in her stomach that always appeared at the sight of him.
"Look up..." she whispered, looking up after he did. Her gaze fell to his and she touched a hand to either side of his face to guide him towards her gently as she lifted up on her toes so she could kiss him softly before pulling back just the slightest bit and adding, "Merry Christmas, Emir."
>>>Liliana & Taner
It had been no secret, Taner's interest in Liliana. He wasn't the sort of man to hide something like that, confident as he was. Some would say, obnoxiously overconfident. In fact, when he thought about it, he was pretty sure that "some" would be Liliana. Still, that never stopped him from trying. After all, she had always been worth it. He'd known that from the moment he'd met her.
Taner assumed that, at some point, Liliana would understand that his attention towards her wasn't fleeting. Maybe then, she might want to give him the time of day. No matter what, he never turned his attention elsewhere, he couldn't.
Despite that, he wondered if his little plan for today might take things a little too far. In fact, it might end up with him being smacked. It was worth a shot. After all, it was the holidays and sometimes a little good cheer would help things along. Maybe. Possibly. Probably not, but he was still going to try.
He had effectively dragged Liliana outside with him, and he'd been shocked to hear her agree. Nevertheless, he stopped with her in front of the outdoor decorations that had been set up for all the tourists to see and grinned. "You know, the sight never gets old," he muttered as his eyes took in the giant tree all lit up and decorated.
Turning to her, he stuck his hand in his pocket, "That's not all though, I've got a few more stops to see, but before that..."
He pulled out a piece of mistletoe and held it above their heads. "Gotta keep up tradition, right?" Not wanting to get himself thoroughly beat for taking too many liberties, he bent down to place a kiss on her cheek.
As he pulled back, he held out the mistletoe for her, "Here, I'll even let you have it in case you wanna pull that trick on other people. Either way, Merry Christmas. Thanks for joining me out here." What he didn't say is that sometimes it got lonely when he couldn't really go back home and visit his family for whatever reason, and that having her company today meant more than he could say.
>>>Henrik & Mediha
As far as holidays went, Mediha had never really felt much of the spirit. Her family had never included her much, which was no surprise, considering the number of them that there were. She wasn't even close to the favorite, but she'd never complained. Being in a whole different country with another family was an entirely new experience. In some ways, it was so much better. In other ways... worse. It didn't matter that her betrothed was almost never at events, parties, dinners with her. In the end, she had Henrik's company, even if a part of her was sure it was likely solely out of pity. He had always been kind to her, and for that she would be grateful.
With the celebrations winding down, she found herself strolling through corridors beside Henrik. Glancing over at him, she felt herself flush at just the mere sight of him, and quickly turned her attention to the corridor ahead. It always surprised her how her heartbeat would speed up around him, or at the sight of him. How she felt flushed every single time she was near him.
Gathering up the courage, she said, "That was a lovely dinner... I think everyone was enjoying themselves with the celebrations." She tried not to cringe at the silly conversation, and slowed them to a stop.
After a moment, she spoke again, "Thank you for your company today. I hope that I did not stop you from enjoying the festivities." Her eyes went from him, to all the decorations around them, catching sight of the mistletoe hanging above them. She wondered if she should simply ignore it, and move on, but when her gaze found Henrik again, she realized he had noticed it as well.
Mediha stood quietly, considering her options. She could wait for him to do something, she could ignore it, or... she could act. There was a certain level of propriety that was expected of her when she was around the brother of her intended. Her own feelings were unimportant. Despite that, she couldn't help but wonder, for the millionth time, if things would have been different if she had been promised to him.
She stepped towards him, placing a hand on his arm gently before leaning up to kiss his cheek softly, lingering for just a moment before pulling back. She blushed as she pulled back and then looked in the direction they'd been walking before taking a couple of steps and pausing again. "We should probably continue walking... and Henrik..." She looked back at him once more, "Thank you for a beautiful Christmas..."
>>>Bonus because It's Christmas! Joel & Derya
The holiday party for the rink was always a good time of the year. Everyone from athletes of all the sports, to the coaches, to all the staff and trainers who worked there. People were encouraged to bring friends, family, or dates and it always seemed incredibly more chaotic than any other time of year. It always surprised her, how well the staff were able to decorate a place they spent every single day of their lives.
Derya, being a figure skater who wasn't paired with a partner, always found herself alone for this party every year. Her parents never came, and she didn't have friends who weren't already other athletes, really.
She had just come from a quiet room where she had tested her levels to make sure she wouldn't have some sort of episode while trying to enjoy herself. No matter what, she always had to watch for her health, that had to come first.
As she exited the room, however, she ran directly into a very solid body, causing her to stumble for a step back before she looked at who she had run into. "Oh my gosh, Joel. You're like running into a whole brick wall," she teased with a soft laugh. Their height difference left her looking up at him in order to see his face, that line of sight showed her an object hanging over the both of them. Something that caused her to gasp.
Her gaze immediately fell back to Joel's face. Her face was red, showing her embarrassment before she could register any other emotion. "Is that mistletoe... or did I imagine it?" She asked, pointing above their heads, and waiting for him to verify. Derya didn't actually need him to verify whether it was, or not, but when he did, she felt as if the floor below them had dropped out.
Okay. That was fine. It was okay to have to kiss someone you had a crush on because of mistletoe, right? It wasn't a big deal. This might be her one pass where nobody tried to read more into it than she was sure Joel would want. The last thing he might want is for her to kiss him, but she could make it quick.
"I..." He was tall, so much taller than her, and even with her wearing very high heels, she still noticed the height difference between them. Still, the added height allowed her a chance to reach up, touching the side of his face opposite from where she placed a quick kiss on his cheek before drawing back and clasping her hands together before her. "For the sake of tradition," she breathed out.
Her eyes chanced a look up before dropping when she lost her nerve to see what his reaction is. "Um... Merry Christmas, Joel and... uh... sorry, about the whole. I... maybe we should get back to the party?" She bit her lip. "You look really nice, by the way..." With that she spun around and rushed away before she made a bigger fool of herself.
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phantomarts · 2 years
The beginning of Art and Friendship
With the return of @askthecookies​ in full swing (and seeing as these pieces arnt currently available anywhere since my old account got deleted) I figured this could be a fun time to go over my journey of not only my relation with the mod for cookie blog but the beginning of my journey into art in general, at least on the digital side.(Prepare for a LONG post)
So having gotten invested into the series a good few years into the series, what might have been the first item to act as the metaphorical spark towards this eventual friendship and starting of digital art? MEMEs!
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Very simple stuff at first, cutting out the heads of cookie characters and posting them onto memes, some of you who have been around a while might remember the remake of one I made a few years back.
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By here my OC had showed up a handful of times in the cookie verse from all the ask interactions, so some talking had started happening. As time went on, ideas for various extra gags came to mind that would require a bit more then just cut out heads, so I began to make very simple stick figures completely ripping off similar in style to cookie chibis seem at times.
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Some of which not even being original backgrounds. As they began to get a bit more complex the model for the chibis evolved to be a bit more flexible and gags became more elaborate, even stemming into full blown comics at times, and by this point the mod and I were tossing ideas back and forth both for my gags, and their blog, some idea which even made it in as side gags, or even some story details. On some occasions even making some elaborate comics which worked as filler for when cookie mod needed some extra time for updates or long animations.
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Art stuck to these figures for quite some time, I always thought they worked well for gags, but if I ever wanted to do a bit more serious or complex work they might not do the job. So at some point further in the future, I decided to make them a bit more complex, and this was just in time to make some larger scale side stories which ended up turning into a long running mini series to fill time as cookie mod took a break.
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This simple gag somehow ended up turning into a long running strange side adventure involving Tangerine breaking out of the forth wall into Anon space for wacky misadventures, including meeting the @the-green-anon​ , @askbananapie​ an alternate tangerine from another universe! It was half way through this series where I would evolve the style a final time to polish it up a bit.
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This series continued for a time until Tangy Mod had the series of incidents leading to their time away. This series continued for a time before falling off with its original purpose now gone. But with it fading out, the empty slot eventually made way for the series that was teased a few times throughout the fourth wall break series.
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And thus began the run of the @askdarkriders​ . Even with Cookie Mod away, I would frequently update them with the adventures and gags made in this series, which seemed to have helped in eventually resparking their interest in finishing the cookies story again.
And there you have a short look at my fun little journey. Thanks for reading, and a big thanks to Cookie Mod for sparking the art journey and being a close friend, as well as all askers and interactors for helping all these stories and gags move along over the many years.
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thenightmarerealms · 2 years
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Bee. 21+. She/her. I’m a fandom old, and have been in and out of RP'ing for many years. Minors DNI.
--- I abide by the Three Laws of Fandom, and expect my followers to do the same. All ships, potential triggers, etc. are tagged. Please filter/blacklist according to your interests. Users who send and/or promote hate for ships will be immediately blocked without discussion.
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The Corinthian - created as a nightmare three thousand years ago, the Corinthian was made to serve as the dark mirror to humanity. His primary function is to hunt and terrorize dreamers, before removing their eyes and consuming them with his own.
He is an old nightmare, one of the Dreaming’s major arcana, and his lust for blood and death makes him an ideal weapon. 
Subsequently uncreated during his century-long rampage through the waking world, he was recreated three years later after Lord Morpheus made several small alterations to his psyche.
*The Sandman show!canon is my primary characterization, with adapted comics canon beyond season 1. With mortal OCs, I generally write him appearing to them in their nightmares or during his escape in the waking world. If you’d like me to write him in another canon verse, kindly DM and we can plot.
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Dream of the Endless - I write both Morpheus and Daniel, and use show!canon as my primary characterization, with adapted comics canon for storylines that go beyond season 1.
Morpheus - Though many view him as cold, Morpheus holds himself distant from most because he must bear the weight of the collective human sub-conscious. On the rare occasion that he allows someone in, he always holds part of himself back as an act of self-preservation.
Daniel - The polar opposite of Morpheus, the newest aspect of Dream is humble, kind, and affectionate. He gives freely of himself and cares deeply for his subjects, and is unafraid to show it. His main flaw lies in his naivety, and though he has all of Morpheus’ memories, he is somewhat detached from them, and often has to stop and sift through ten billion years worth of memories before deciding on a course of action.
While he was borne from Daniel Hall’s essence, he does not answer to that name and does not consider Lyta Hall his mother.
*I generally only write Dream in the Sandman universe. So much of his characterization is dependent on his function, so please keep this in mind. I am open to AUs/other canons as long as I can still write him as the Sandman/the king of dreams. 
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STARTER TAG - open to all. No need to be a mutual to send; if you’re not sure of a plot, this is a great way to break the ice between our muses.
MEME TAG - open to all. No need to be a mutual to send.
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1) Semi-selective and Open - Semi-selective due to real life time constraints, but if you’d like to write with me, please feel free to ask! Being Open means you can send in starters and memes without being mutuals. I don’t always follow back, but don’t let that stop you from reaching out via DM’s. I’m always open to ice-breaker plots to try things out. :) You can find my starter tag here.
2) We do not have to be mutuals before you message me. If you’d like to plot, please  send an ask or a direct message, and I’ll be sure to follow back then!
Also, please note that this is a side-blog, and I follow back with my main blog: @exastrisad
3) I prefer plots that are both romantic and plot-heavy (give me angst, action, suspense and I will love you forever). I write nsfw*, but can also fade to black if my partner prefers.
*When it comes to nsfw scenes, I prefer to write my muses as the top/dominant partner, (yes, even Daniel!Dream) but I’m open to discussion.
4) I write adult threads with dark and/or mature themes. I will not write nsfw scenes with anyone below the age of 21. No exceptions.
5) I multi-ship, but in canon I enjoy Dream/The Corinthian and if the chemistry is right, Dream/Hob. I am happy to write with canons from other media, and I am very OC-friendly.
6) I only write para, multi-para, and novella threads. (Short para exchanges are completely fine, though!)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: ALL canon-typical warnings apply. The Corinthian is his own warning, so please tread carefully.
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ooc-miqojak · 2 years
Sinful or Sweet: What is the sweetest thing done for her? What is the sweetest thing she's done for someone else? What is the sweetest thing she's done for herself?
Sinful or Sweet Meme ((This was a good one! I have really got to get better at coming up with these for others for these meme-days, myself...)) The sweetest thing done for her... She was incredibly close with a Death Knight named Jericho - they came close to dating a few times, even. But when it came to love... well, most of the people who would have been good for her in a relationship? She ended up being 'ships-in-the-night' with... neither of them either ready, or available when the other was; whether it was a fear of commitment and ruining a good thing on one's part, or the other being in a relationship... but their friendship stood the test of time, and all the ups and downs between them. And in a display of as much, he once froze an actual lily in ice, and made a nice display out of it - not unlike the way the rose is displayed in Beauty and the Beast - in a bell-jar. He... taught her a lot about enduring, when things are bleak - when you think you can't last any longer. And just like that frozen flower... she, too, can endure - just as their friendship has! It's a little bittersweet, these days, since the player isn't really around - and so neither is he! The sweetest thing she's done for someone else...
It's been so long since I played her and she actually had like...real OCs around her, I had to ponder this. And really, I think I'm realizing that while she's not opposed to giving gifts when they feel right and suit the person... she's a lot more action oriented. She's gone out of her way to go all the way to Shattrath on multiple occasions to try and drag an old friend out of his alcoholic depression... against his wishes. She's yet to succeed, but... not for lack of trying. Or, really, probably the time she responded to her old friend group when they needed help - even after her fel-corruption... even after one of them made it abundantly clear that he loathed her now... Lily went back and helped them save his lover - someone she's actually never liked even a little (though she did respect her). He broke an oath to Lily - but 'Once Crew, Always Crew' was practically writ on her soul. She's just a loyal person, once she's given her word - and it didn't matter that the main two people that this high-stakes mission revolved around (against someone who once tortured her, as I recall, back when she was a paladin) were people she didn't like - or who didn't like her - but just because they may not be true to their word... didn't mean she had to spit on those words, herself. (They actually still mean a lot to her, even now. Even bittersweet as they are.)
The sweetest thing she's done for herself...
She... isn't terribly kind to herself. She used to push herself far too hard before the fel, and in a way it's been better for her to be fel corrupted, because her body won't take that punishment so harshly now; doing drugs won't get her high more often than not (And can't hurt her), exercising a little too much can't hurt her, and the food she eats doesn't really affect her weight one way or the other all that much - granted, the fel has its own side-effects that aren't great, but it's stopped her from punishing herself so much physically.
I don't know if I have a solid answer to this one - I guess she's started to forgive herself for the mistakes she made a decade or so ago? That's progress - being more gentle and forgiving of herself, or...her past self. She's starting to let herself break out of the self-destructive habits that others reinforced - that it's always your fault. Someone she loved dearly essentially wrote her off, after her corruption - something she had no control over, and desperately fought. Alone. Because he wouldn't help - and nor would anyone else she'd helped prior. And... the way in which he broke off from their relationship dynamic was immensely cruel and dismissive, and made it seem like this violation of her body and soul was something she invited and deserved, and now she deserved only revulsion - but when bad things happen to you? When bad people manipulate you? (Or abandon you.) That's not on you. That's on them. And... that makes him a bad guy, too, in her mind. Letting herself grieve what was, accept who her friend(s)/lover(s) became, and forgive herself for trusting the wrong people (and therefore accept who SHE has become) is... a lot of progress. It's harder than it seems, even now.
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secondhandmckie · 2 years
“ you’re tapping your fingers. what’s wrong? ” (from Sophia)
In the Meme Vault
An anxious habit, and one her uncle had tried to break her of when she was little. Her knee bounced in accompaniment, like her drumming fingers were providing the tune. Molly's eyes scanned over the older map, then the newer one next to it, shaking her head and mumbling to herself on occasion as she marked this and that. She hadn't even heard Sophia's question at first.
"Hm?" She hummed again, and finally drew her eye from the page to meet Sophia's. "What? Oh." Molly flexed her fingers, the tapping finally ceasing. "How'd you know--nevermind. It's nothing wrong, really..." She frowned as she shifted for Sophia to join her on the bench. "This is the one we've been using, right? Old Faithful." Her hand tapped the new map. "This is the one we picked up yesterday. The bridge we were heading toward? It's not there anymore."
"I'm looking for another way around, but it's all gonna add a bunch of time we don't have. Unless you've got a jet pack you've been holding out on."
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