#bro can sue you for anything
ethanharmonia · 11 months
Espurr my beloved creature i love it so much i just wanna squeeze it and take care of it like a baby and hold it like a burger
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just look at this baby
(all the footage here was taken by me yes i did the pics here i play pokemon x leave me alone /j)
(i remember the time i caught my first ever Espurr and named it this)
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This is very disbinguish this is my fulltime lawyer /j
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tariah23 · 2 months
How do you have kids and don’t make them do chores. I’ll never get it, man. They grow up to be one of those ppl who’s never washed a single dish before and are usually dirty and of privilege mind. Parents essentially sending their usually annoying kids out into the world to be an even further nuisance just because they don’t know how to do simple, everyday chores when they are fully capable of doing so and are able bodied.
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autisticmushroom · 2 months
The Book of Bill Provides Evidence to Prove that Bill and Ford are Toxic Exes: An Essay
Before we get into anything, let me add. 1. This is an actual essay. 2. I hated billford at first, but I have become similar to the very thing I have sworn to destroy because of the Book of Bill. It contains a lot of billford subtext- and hell, if I can see it and *I don't* ship them, then it's gotta be there. 3. This will have both evidence for and counterpoints against each side, mirroring my thought process. 4. I will not be including evidence from Elsewhere (any interviews, Gravity Falls merch, Journal 3, the show itself). 5. If you know of anything that's not on here, feel free to reblog this post with added photos! You can also add evidence from Elsewhere if you feel like it lol. Oh, and spoilers under the cut for Gravity Falls and The Book of Bill. obviously.
Now that we've got that out of the way, let's get to The List! Strap yourselves in, folks, this is a long one. Evidence FOR Bill Cipher x Ford (with Counterpoints)
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Image 1: Evidence for the ship: Yk the quote "My ex-wife still misses me… BUT HER AIM IS GETTING BETTER?!" So this implies that Bill is Ford's ex. Counterpoint: The Pines bros could've used that phrase before the ex-wife part was added.
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Image 2: Evidence: The whole thing. Mabel refers to bill as a "super needy ex" who needs to "[get] over Grunkle Ford". She tells him to get "breakup bangs" and "go crush on someone else's uncle." Counterpoint: She loves matchmaking, and she has a whole page in the Gravity Falls coloring book about "Future Matchmaking Projects", the vast majority of them (read: all but Dipper x Pacifica, really) having no basis in the show. She's a 13 year old girl who could just be making a joke out of it because it's fun.
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Images 3 & 4 Evidence: To have people fall in love with you, "leave real dead mice" (Bill's love advice) *Bill proceeds to leave dead rats spelling Ford's name.* As a birthday present, on Ford's birthday, that he surprisingly remembered. Counterpoint: Bill said to leave dead mice but left dead rats for Ford. Two different animals. Also, he could just be doing this to creep Ford out.
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Image 5 Evidence: "And then one thing led to another." This leaves a lot to be implied... including gay shenanigans. Counterpoint: It could mean anything.
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Image 6 (Ha! Sixer!) Evidence: "I know sixer loved our will they wont they destroy the world relationship". "One sixer please" "I ordered an 'I'm Fine Juice' " Like bro is obviously going through The Breakup. From what little I know about Homestuck, this also seems like a kismesis [romantic relationship built on hate, simply put?] relationship (Homestuck fans don't sue me!!) Counterpoint: This could just be him mad that Ford's not a willing pawn anymore.
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Image 7 Evidence: Bill wanting Stanford to make him look pretty. Counterpoint: This could just be Bill being vain.
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Image 8 Evidence: Bill actually trapped Stanford in a massive stone pyramid during Weirdmageddon and restrained him. And he was actually going to sing a song that got cut- "It's Gonna Get Weird." Counterpoint: We don't know if the Fearamid was made out of stone; and it's possible Bill didn't aim to seduce Ford in the Fearamid; just intimidate him.
Additionally: Evidence: Bill having the idea that love basically is the same thing as fear makes sense because he used fear to control Ford a lot. Counterpoint: Bill being mean could be just... that. simply put.
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Image 9 Evidence: Dictionary.com defines "holic" basically as someone with an addiction/obsession. He was obsessed with Bill. Counterpoint: This could've been just platonic, or as admiration.
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Image 10 Evidence: "This is what a partner looks like". Bill, referring to Ford. Counterpoint: Again, unclear as to whether he is being romantic or platonic.
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Images 11 & 12 Evidence: This could absolutely be read as flirty. "Guys as smart as you come along once every other century." "I see you on the cover of the right magazine someday." "You can call me anything except late for dinner. (Bill)" "You can call me anything except late for dinner. (Ford, echoing Bill). "I think I'm starting to like you, Sixer." "I think I'm starting to like you, Bill." Counterpoint: Bill could just be saying this to impress Ford to get him to help. Unclear as to platonic or romantic.
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Images 13 & 14 Evidence: Bill suggests telling the date a sob story, and then trap them in the love cage. Then he tells Ford this sad story about his dimension; and later traps him in what could be a love cage (see: Image 8) Counterpoint: The sob story should be about how "*you're* tragic and misunderstood, no one can possibly relate to you." This isn't about Bill being tragic as a whole, this is about one terrible event. --- So far, we have mainly evidence for Bill Cipher and Ford being a couple, with some rebuttals. Now, it's time for evidence against them being a couple, with some rebuttals. Evidence AGAINST Bill Cipher x Ford (with Counterpoints)
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Image 1: Evidence: This could imply Ford is aroace. Or at the very least, Bill, being Chaotic Evil (D&D alignment) isn't Ford's type. Counterpoint: You can fall for someone that's not your type. And that's what he *usually* writes- what does he write the other times? And what you do in a dream doesn't always reflect what you do in real life.
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Image 2: Evidence: Bill doesn't pass the Harkness Test. (For those unaware, it's a test to see if you can have sex with a creature without it being immoral (bestiality/p*dophilia). He has at least human intelligence and can communicate with language (considering he wrote a book), but he is not of sexual maturity, as he's a preteen. Counterpoint: Preteen =/= not sexually mature applies to humans, but we have no idea if that would be correct for a triangle. It only makes sense to assume he is sexually mature. Dogs only live 10-13 years (source: American Kennel Club), and so they have babies when they're preteens or younger.
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Image 3: Evidence: Bill states he has no exes. Counterpoint: We both know he's lying. Look at the list of crossed out names- most likely exes.
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Image 4: Evidence: Bill says he couldn't care less about love. Counterpoint: For the second and third questions, he's dodging the answer. That's not a direct no, it's just him attacking the reader. And for the first, he could be lying.
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Image 5: Evidence: Bill wrote this book, and we know Bill isn't to be trusted. How can we be sure any of what Bill says is true? How can we be sure that what Bill says is "Missing Journal Pages written by Ford" is 100% accurate, and not just- made up or altered by Bill? Bill literally says "Truth is open-source code and anyone can edit it" Counterpoint: Why would Alex Hirsch do that to the fan base though? --- Conclusion The amount of Bill x Ford evidence outweighs the evidence against it. Despite the fact that much of the evidence *for* Bill x Ford is ambiguous and can be read as romantic or platonic, or just Bill intimidating Ford, it only makes sense to conclude that it is romantic because of the sheer amount of it. This has turned me; previously somewhat of a Bill x Ford hater, to believing that Bill x Ford was an important part of Ford's story.
However, if you've read all of this and still hate the idea of Bill x Ford, that's perfectly valid! You can choose to read the evidence as purely platonic & later, Bill intimidating Ford, or Bill just twisting the truth- either aligns with canon. --- Disclaimer:
I am not saying you have to believe in Bill x Ford. I am not saying they had a good relationship either, or idealizing it. It was definitely toxic and manipulative and abusive. Ford is likely still healing from that abuse. I believe Ford and Bill both pass the Harkness Test. I am not shipping Bill with anyone besides Ford. Yes, I know this is basic, but I don't want ppl yelling at me for small things. Better yet; if you disagree with anything in the disclaimer- tell me *why* in the comments, civilly. --- Final Thoughts
If you've made it here, thank you so much for reading! This is my first essay of this length posted on Tumblr! I stayed up till like 1am to write this.
And I encourage you to repost/comment instead of just liking it, if you choose to engage. This helps better spread the post around. Thank you!
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englishsub · 2 months
book rec by me
so you want to get back into reading books but have no idea where to start and disdain booktok (if you get me started on this however i will become an unskippable cutscene so that's for another day). understandable. there is so much out there and it is all so overwhelming and you don't even know what you like now that you've been a decade out of the game. again, understandable. it does not have to be scary. i will help you. below i have created some categories that can get you started.
i want to read Literature
literary fiction, with crossover from historical fiction and magical realism
THE VASTER WILDS by lauren groff
THE FAMILY CHAO by lan samantha chang
OUTER DARK by cormac mccarthy
SEVERANCE by ling ma
IDENTITTI by mithu m. sanyal
PIRANESI by susanna clarke
i want to read sci-fi/fantasy that won't break my brain
sci-fi and fantasy that is gentler on the brain cells. easier to grasp magic systems with multiple but not an overwhelming number of overlapping plotlines
KINGS OF THE WYLD by nicholas eames
THE JASMINE THRONE by tasha suri
THE CITY OF BRASS by s.a. chakraborty
A RIVER ENCHANTED by rebecca ross
BLACK SUN by rebecca roanhorse
THE FINAL STRIFE by saara el-arifi
THE BONE SHARD DAUGHTER by andrea stewart
i want to read sci-fi/fantasy that forces me to lock the fuck in
i would not recommend picking these up as your first foray back into books after many years of not reading recreationally, but i'm not your mom.
JADE CITY by fonda lee
THE FIFTH SEASON by n.k. jemisin
THE RAGE OF DRAGONS by evan winter
A MEMORY CALLED EMPIRE by arkady martine
GIDEON THE NINTH by tamsyn muir
THE ART OF PROPHECY by wesley chu
horrify me!
there is far more to the horror literary canon than stephen king and dean koontz, i promise. consider looking up warnings for these.
TENDER IS THE FLESH by agustina bazterrica
THE RUINS by scott smith
CONFESSIONS by kanae minato
EPISODE THIRTEEN by craig dilouie
REPRIEVE by james han mattson
MARY by nat cassidy
DEAD SILENCE by s.a. barnes
AUDITION by ryu murakami
THE SALT GROWS HEAVY by cassandra khaw
don't care, i want romance
some of these feature crossover genres, like fantasy and horror.
VAMPIRES OF EL NORTE by isabel cañas
SEVEN DAYS IN JUNE by tia williams
HAPPY PLACE by emily henry
ONE DARK WINDOW by rachel gillig
i want QUEER romance
again, a mix of historical, fantasy, and contemporary crossover genres.
WE COULD BE SO GOOD by cat sebastian
IN MEMORIAM by alice winn
MOST ARDENTLY by gabe cole novoa
A MARVELLOUS LIGHT by freya marske
SPELL BOUND by f.t. lukens
SORRY, BRO by taleen voskuni
ONE LAST STOP by casey mcquiston
DELILAH GREEN DOESN'T CARE by ashley herring blake
i haven't felt anything since i read percy jackson/the hunger games in middle school/high school
adventure is still out there.
SCYTHE by neil shusterman
WE HUNT THE FLAME by hafsah faizal
SIX OF CROWS by leigh bardugo
GEARBREAKERS by zoe hana mikuta
i'll read anything that's not straight or white
many books in the above categories fit this, but here's even more, across a variety of genres.
BABEL by r.f. kuang
WHEN THE RECKONING COMES by latanya mcqueen
THE UNBROKEN by c.l. clark
IF YOU'LL HAVE ME (graphic novel) by eunnie
THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE THE TIME WAR by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone
SHE WHO BECAME THE SUN by shelley parker-chan
"all ya books suck"
like any other genre or book age group, there are duds and there are standouts. ya is not special in this regard. try some of these!
DIVINE RIVALS by rebecca ross
THE RED PALACE by june hur
EMPIRE OF SAND by tasha suri
LEGENDBORN by tracy deonn
i check out and read a lot of these books for free via my local library by using the libby app (you can even add your friends' library cards to gain access to libraries in places you don't live). when i'm feeling like reading via audiobook, i use libro fm!
look, no one HAS TO read diversely. no one is going to be reverse fahrenheit 451'd and locked in a room with no fanfic and only books and not let out until they work their way through the entire literary canon. but reading, and reading widely, and reading diversely, is what teaches people to form their own opinions and question the things they are told. it's why they hang up stuff like "READ READ READ!!" in grade school classrooms.
we live under systems that increasingly benefit from going unquestioned. no, of course reading ASSASSIN'S APPRENTICE by robin hobb is not going to dismantle these systems tomorrow, nor probably even in our lifetimes. but doing it will help set up a world capable of doing it in the future. and until further notice, we are all part of this wretched world. might as well read a good story while we're here.
anyway, i'm reading THE WEST PASSAGE by jared pechaček and the new cmq book this week.
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what if i told you heaven's not a place but a feeling?
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Am I post blocked? -> Not yet bitches ^^
long intro below the cut
07/15/24 update: name + pronoun change :3
click here for follower event or search up # 100 stars join the sky
Finn/Quinn/Jess • he/she • audhd + madd + bpd • genderfluid + bisexual + polyamorous • minor • chronically confused I don't really care what names or pronouns you use, just mix it up please Nicknames include but aren't limited to: finnie boy, finnterest, shark finn, star, finn the human boy, finndus the crow king, finnie, finnalicious, finjestinn, jesserescogot, jessie, quintonton, quintum physics, and quinnie. (feel free to add more)
current hyperfixation: dead gay wizards spam sideblog: @hewhoswallowedthemoon i like to write, read, draw, and design things
gryffindor + cabin 11 + intp
harry potter
outer banks
hunger games
maze runner
high class homos
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dm me (unless we're mutuals or you have express permission)
dm me constantly
be hateful/rude on my posts
use passive aggressive tones/remarks
interact with my posts
talk to me via asks, reblogs, or comments
use tonetags (mostly during jokes)
send me asks for ask games
anything but the don'ts, really
sexists (especially misandrists)
anyone else who supports hateful/immoral things
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tagging system:
# the stars answer the call <- i answer asks
# the stars are rambling <- i shitpost
# the stars fade away <- i log off
# the stars aren't so bright tonight <- i vent post
# the stars find one of their own <- ask game
# the stars are musing <- random thoughts of mine
# the stars are writing <- my writing
love you all to bits and pieces but i'll just tag a few
@darrencrissishotasfuck <- my wife, lovely person <3
@themortalityofundyingstars <- my dad, favorite person on here
@aesthetic-writer18 <- my soon to be wife, james to my sirius
@murderous-butterfly <- my favorite dove here <3
@vivusmortuusexcrucior <- awesomesauce loser <33
@rheas-chaos-motivation <- shakespearan rival who has yet to sue me in court
@moon-sun-star-rat <- my favorite beta and lowkey aspire to be him
@tequilaqueen <- getting secretly unhinged older sister vibes from her
@picklerab23 <- not active rn but still a huge sweetheart <33
@jamespotterbbg <- I LIVE FOR HER MICROFICS
@prongspie <- feral dog vibes but he's cool
@ang3lic-t3ars <- supplies me with the foffers, pretty awesome sauce for that
@definitionoffuckup <- bro is ridiculously nice
@justaboymadeofhoneyandglass <- GAY (also cool)
@totalcharliespringsimp <- fellow richie tozier AND kit connor simp (he got me frfr)
sorry if i didnt tag you, you can ask to be added if you want
shoutout to my 3 lame ass siblings
luis (i forgot how to spell his name)
jarp who is Gender Personified
made by @gildy-locks
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made by @aesthetic-writer18
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made by @strawberryapologist
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made by @cheekyboybeth
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made by @moon-sun-star-rat
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made by @jamespotterbbg
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made by @wistfulenchantress
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made by @stars-on-my-bedroom-ceiling
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drawings of me
made by @definitionoffuckup
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67 notes · View notes
23fallencomets · 3 months
chapter four!
this took a while ngl and it’s a bit longer than usual but that’s because there’s a sliver of plot. enjoy reading and i’ll try to figure out when the next update will be 💞💞
user39: anyway do you guys remember the blackout of 2023
user40: babes i can NAWT do this rn
user41: the year-long blackout of logan sargeant
user42: wait what
user43: logan was being hella mistreated by his first agency that we genuinely had no way of knowing anything about him
user43: we knew he was okay when he briefly showed up in a reel Fred had posted towards the end of the year
user42: logan sued and won his case against the agency and we try not to bring it up
logansargeant made a new post
!los angeles
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liked by oscarpiastri, olliebearman and 125,490 more
logansargeant: back to the city i go
oscarpiastri: all the way across the country again
logansargeant: win in spain and i’ll attend the triple header
oscarpiastri: deal
user42: bro!??
olliebearman: pls take me with you
kimi.antonelli: aren’t you supposed to be asleep??
olliebearman: aren’t you??
user44: oh my god it’s loscar all over again
arthur_leclerc: can’t believe you didn’t want me to go with you
logansargeant: you have testing in italy
charles leclerc: is this why you were looking for flights to la???
arthur_leclerc: logan’s la apartment is really nice 😞
logansargeantoffical made a new tweet!
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user45: alright who are we fighting this week
user46: is it because of what that bitchass company is saying
user47: his old model agency?? didn’t he sue them or something??
user48: yeah, he sued them mid-2023 and won in december of the same year
user49: logan i beg you to go batshit crazy pls pls pls
logansargeant posted a story!
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logansargeant made a new tweet!
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logan snorts, only liam can grate oscar’s nerves like that. he’s thinking of a reply, wondering how far he can push his pr training. he doesn’t get to in the end, a message from his rep causing his heart to drop. the messages are half congratulatory and half concerned, but he’s more focused on the image.
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logan turns his phone off, sliding it across the table and sighing. was he excited for the event? sure, he loves being able to support his community, even if he’s not openly out, his support has never been quiet.
the last thing he needed though, the very last thing on top of a mountain of responsibilities, was a blind item about him. the last one nearly ruined him and the very new and fresh relationship he had been in. despite things turning out okay, logan wasn’t and everything seems to come back to the stupid fucking account that nearly killed him.
his phone goes off, a one-two buzz before the continuous buzz of a call. he debates letting it ring before deciding against it and grabbing his phone.
the smiling picture of oscar gets him to answer it, holding the phone up to his ear.
“are you coming?” is the first thing oscar says, voice still thick with sleep. something tugs at logan, fondness, contentment and the ever-consuming knowledge that he’s horribly in love with his best friend.
“you made pole didn’t you.” logan says back, keeping his eyes on the laptop in front of him. it had gone dim while he contemplated his existence, the email he was in the middle of replying to ignored in favor to talk to oscar.
“mhm, don’t accept lawson’s offer.”
logan laughs, “lawson. you’re ridiculous, piastri.”
he can almost see oscar roll his eyes, “he’s lawson until he apologizes.”
“did you have to threaten him.”
oscar scoffs, “it wasn’t a threat, lolo, it was a promise.”
logan taps the touchbar of his laptop, saving the email reply before navigating his way to mark webber’s email address, cc’ing oscar on it.
“there’s a blind item about me.” he says quietly, “again.”
the call goes silent and logan knows that any residual sleep oscar had has been wiped. there’s rustling on the other side, the ping of oscar receiving the email does nothing to calm logan’s perpetual anxiety.
“god, like the last one wasn’t enough.” oscar snarks, “nearly six months of court visits and questionings and fuck-all investigations.”
2023 wasn’t a good year, half of it being because of Emmeris, the agency logan worked under. the nearly murderous hours, managers and employees that treated their guests like dolls, something to break down and mold to their liking. the other half was about the blind item, that logan was dating an indy driver, a childhood friend of his. the thing was that he was, the relationship itself last three more months before logan called it off. kyle called it dumb, but logan knew it would only be a matter of when it could follow him onto track.
“it’s about us,” logan adds on, “you’re the only one of our friends on the grid, liam and fred don’t count because they are reserve drivers.”
he can hear the cogs in oscar’s mind turn, always trying to be one step ahead, to navigate himself out of a car crash. the car crash in this situation being logan, again.
“let them think what they want.” oscar said, “we can talk about it when you get here, and we can face it together, just like we did last year.”
“with or without liam?”
oscar laughs, “without him this time, please, i do not want him hanging all over you again.”
logansargeant posted a story!
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logansargeant made a new post!
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liked by oscarpiastri, liamlawson30 and 289,678 more
logansargeant: home
oscarpiastri: watch me win
logansargeant: literally sitting in the mclaren garage as i type this
liamlawson: when did you even take these???
logansargeant: said ‘cheese’ and you said to give you a minute and then you pulled out the guitar
arthurleclerc: i think you just hate me
logansargeant: always 💞
arthurleclerc: hope your fantasy team loses
logansargeant: you’ll wish ill on your brother
charles_leclerc: im on your fantasy team??
logansargeant: it’s ferrari
user50: so glad that logan has a support system
frederikvestiofficial: where’s my pic
logansargeant: in my heart (he kept throwing pillows at me)
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whyse7vn · 1 year
BRO? -
[ot7 x reader]
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y/n: bro
jimin: wys gang?
y/n: i just threw up in my mouth
jimin: you started it
on GOD 🙏🏻
y/n: stop
jimin: nah bro
what did you want dude
y/n: wanted you to pick me up
jimin: okay gang
on god i can do that for you
y/n: wanted
past tense
jimin: don’t even worry gang ur bros got you
y/n: ykw i’m so good gang 🙏🏽
jimin: wait no come back 🥺
y/n: lol gang you into me or something??
jimin: i might be gang…
y/n: bro…
jimin: bro….
y/n: bro????
jimin: no my fault bro i was getting into it
y/n: nah you always on that weird shit bro
jimin: i’m sowwy 🥺🥺🥺🥺
y/n: u tripping ong
bye again
jimin: dhmu only real bros would get it 🙏🏻😓
y/n: i’m real
jimin: real FAKE
y/n: ur real ugly
jimin: bro…
y/n: bro.
jimin: you’ve crossed the fucking line
y/n: sue me broski
jimin: how about i fuck you
y/n: this is why i distance myself from you
jimin: sorry nature takes over sometimes
y/n: ???
jimin: ???
y/n: tae core
jimin: we are not the same
y/n: i think you are
jimin: bro ong u tweaking
y/n: no bro ong i’m on to something
let me cook
jimin: cook me a orgasm lol
y/n: i’m blocking you lol
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y/n: dude
yoongi: wrong person?
y/n: no?
yoongi: i’m telling you you’ve got the wrong person
y/n: i’m telling you i haven’t
yoongi: ur not funny
y/n: i’m laughing
yoongi: i’m not
y/n: cheer up bro
yoongi: fuck off
y/n: bro you can talk to me about anything
it’s okay
yoongi: i want to break up with my girlfriend
y/n: OMG????
yoongi: i thought i could talk to you about anything
y/n: i’m ur girlfriend tho :(
yoongi: though we were bros??
y/n: sometimes
yoongi: that’s not how it works
y/n: you clearly know nothing about bro code…
yoongi: sometimes i think violent thoughts
y/n: tf is bro talking about 💀
yoongi: leave me alone
y/n: do you love me
yoongi: do you want and honest answer
y/n: dude is acting like he hasn’t almost proposed to me several times 💀💀
yoongi: what do you actually want leave me alone
y/n: brotha wants to be left alone 💀
yoongi: stop talking like that
and i am not ur brother that’s nasty
y/n: why won’t you love me for me
yoongi: you’re annoying
y/n: sighs i know what dream feels like now
that’s what the mask is
that’s what the point of the mask is…
yoongi: tf is dream??
y/n: sorry did i give you flash backs
i miss no more dream yoongi
bring him back!!!
yoongi: no
y/n: he can be ur alter ego
or like on a full moon you transform into debut yoongi
where you roam the streets spitting in peoples faces
yoongi: debut me did not spit in peoples faces
y/n: ok???
but you looked like you did
sorry for assuming geez
you were more of a biter those days i remember
yoongi: i bit you once
thinking about that day brings a tear to my eye
the shock the fear the betrayal it’s all coming back to me
yoongi: are you done?
y/n: yeah bro :/
yoongi: bye
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y/n: i want to chew on ur eyeballs
namjoon: that’s nice babe
y/n: i’ll crawl into ur skin
we will be one
namjoon: ok
y/n: god ur sosososos obsessed with me
namjoon: always
y/n: bro
namjoon: ??
y/n: ??
namjoon: i thought we were being nice to each other
y/n: that was nice
namjoon: you called me bro?
y/n: yeah?
namjoon: ok
y/n: do we have a problem?
namjoon: never
y/n: wow ur so obedient
namjoon: ok stop
y/n: why
namjoon: ur being weird again
y/n: again??
namjoon: you opened this conversation i want to chew on your eyeballs
y/n: and??
namjoon: i can only take so much
y/n: lame as hell bro
namjoon: why are you calling me bro?
y/n: it’s cute
namjoon: bro is cute??
y/n: no
namjoon: why do you chose to lie to me?
y/n: bored
namjoon: interesting
y/n: it’s not
i’m bored
namjoon: that sucks baby
go for a run or something idk?
y/n: are you saying i need to lose weight
namjoon: no wtf?
y/n: i think ur saying i need to lose weight
namjoon: ur putting words in my mouth
y/n: soon ur gonna start putting salad in mine
namjoon: bro
namjoon: ur seeing things
namjoon: i think i’m gonna go for a run
y/n: how about you run away and never come back
namjoon: oh
y/n: go “oh” with ur new bitch
namjoon: my new bitch?
y/n: bet she loves when you call her bro
namjoon: you called me bro first…
y/n: what’s ur point???
namjoon: what are you mad at me?
y/n: i’m so hungry
namjoon: what
y/n: what
namjoon: love..
are you ok?
y/n: what does ok mean in this day and age joon?
namjoon: should i come home?
y/n: dude just go back to working out with all ur little buddies
namjoon: you miss me??
y/n: ur insane
namjoon: i’m omw home
y/n: idc bro!!!
namjoon: so i can work out for 2 more hours then?
y/n: whatever come home bitch
namjoon: love u seen you soon
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y/n: bro jimin just threw a rock at me
hobi: oh no
do you need mouth to mouth cpr
y/n: i need more than cpr
in so much pain rn
hobi: wait
you just called me bro?????
y/n: why is that ur biggest concern rn
i said jimin just threw a rock at me A ROCK
a really big fucking rock
hobi: no you said bro jimin just threw a rock at me
what is wrong with you?
y/n: are you serious??
hobi: are you??
y/n: fine
hobi: fine
y/n: bro
hobi: it doesn’t even hurt me anymore
y/n: whatever you say buddy
hobi: carry on
y/n: k pal
hobi: 🙄
y/n: dude
hobi: i’m killing myself
y/n: you sound hurt
hobi: ok??
y/n: really that that deep bro…
y/n: pussy
hobi: am i a pretty pussy 🥺?
y/n: hoseok what the actual fuck
hobi: i’m feeling really insecure rn
can you please validate me
this is ur fault if we think about it
tell me i’m your petty pussy
y/n: ??????
ur fucking out of ur mind
why would i say that
why would you say that
wtf is wrong with you
hobi: plz
then i’ll like throw a rock back at jimin or something
avenge you
y/n: i’m not dead
hobi: ok ur just difficult then
say it pleaseeeeee
y/n: ew no go away
hobi: this isn’t love
y/n: it’s not
hobi: what happened to through sickness and health
y/n: so you admit you’ve got some kind of mental illness
hobi: why does it have to be mental
why couldn’t i have a physical illness
like being hot as fuck
hahahaha lol wow i’m so hilarious
y/n: u right u funny as hell cuz you ugly as fuck wow!!!!!!!
hobi: you didn’t mean that
y/n: bro
hobi: i’m gonna start crying
y/n: hobi…
hobi: babe
y/n: are you fr crying…
hobi: no lol
y/n: ur my pretty pussy
hobi: you mean it?
y/n: don’t push it.
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tae: why are you being so loud
y/n: ???
i’m not doing anything
can you hear tan?
tae: oh yeah
thought you were barking
y/n: why would i be fucking barking bro wtf???
tae: u could be trying new things
i wouldn’t judge you if you were
y/n: no
tae: shame
y/n: shame?
tae: bro?
y/n: what
tae: you called me bro by accident
y/n: ???
tae: babe you called me bro
y/n: ok
tae: by accident
why did you call me bro by accident
y/n: it wasn’t an accident
i typed it
on purpose
tae: why would you do that
y/n: ?
to communicate?
bro idk
tae: you did it again lol
why bro?
could of said babe
baby even
y/n: why does bro bother you?
tae: no lol ofc not wtf
you just don’t call me that
y/n: well i do now
tae: k
y/n: k?
tae: something wrong?
y/n: ur mad at me?
tae: no
y/n: upset
tae: never
y/n: ur not a child tell me
tae: bro does things to me
y/n: that sentence is crazy as hell
tae: PAUSE
y/n: paused
tae: don’t ever bro me again you slut
y/n: bro
tae: hey!!!
y/n: you do did not need to call me a slut
tae: was that not sexy
y/n: no
tae: i hate it
y/n: bro
tae: it’s gross
I’m your boyfriend
y/n: barely
tae: meaning??
y/n: i’m sure you can figure out the meaning
tae: i know what barley means!
y/n: i’m glad
tae: why am i barley ur boyfriend??
y/n: ur strange
no offence
actually all offence
u harm my public reputation constantly
tae: i think ur so in love with me
y/n: i’m glad you’ve taken the delusion route instead of the depressed one
tae: sometimes your funniest friends are the most depressed ones…
y/n: ur so right i should give jin a call ❤️🙏🏽
tae: i was talking about me
y/n: we are not friends and ur not funny
tae: ur right we’re dating and i’m fucking hilarious
y/n: bro…
tae: come kiss me on my hot mouth babe 😋
y/n: i’ll pass
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y/n: dude
jk: me?
y/n: yes
jk: are we fighting?
y/n: no why
jk: dude??
y/n: dude
jk: ok
y/n: are you crying rn?
jk: no?
y/n: i can hear you
jk: why would you ask then
y/n: wanted to see if you were a sick little liar
jk: i am
y/n: you are
jk: tell me you love me
y/n: lol
jk: i’ll throw up
y/n: make sure u clean it up
jk: babe
y/n: bro
jk: would you love me if i was a worm?
y/n: no
jk: but you told me you would last week
y/n: that’s cuz you were drunk and would of started crying if i said no
jk: i’m crying now
y/n: exactly
it’s 10x worse when ur drunk
jk: maybe you have a point
y/n: are you still crying?
jk: no
y/n: i can still hear you
jk: no
y/n: dude
jk: yes
jk: i told you
y/n: that’s not healthy
like at all
that’s really worrying actually
jk: i love you
y/n: clearly wow
that’s insane
jk: do you want to kiss me?
y/n: no
you just threw up
jk: or did i?
y/n: you did
jk: i did
y/n: it’s okay
jk: is it
y/n: no
jk: :c
i’ll clean it
y/n: it’s okay i’ll do it
jk: why
do you maybe like me a bit
y/n: no
jk: oh
y/n: go get comfy in bed
jk: but i have to clean
y/n: i said i’ll do it
jk: r u sure
y/n: no
jk: oh
y/n: i do not hear you moving upstairs jungkook
jk: i’m going i swear
sorry for throwing up
y/n: sorry for calling you dude
jk: fr?
y/n: no
jk: knew it
it’s okay tho
i’m strong
y/n: you just threw up cuz i called you dude?
jk: i can be strong sometimes
just caught me at a weak moment
y/n: you have a lot of weak moments don’t you?
jk: sometimes it’s hard to tell if you like me
y/n: i got the biggest crush on u fr
jk: 🫢
i’m in bed now
y/n: kk be with you in 5 bro
jk: stop it
y/n: 🫢
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y/n: bro can you order pizza pls i’m begging you
jin: normally i would be into you begging but the bro is throwing me off
y/n: wdym???
are you ordering or not
i’m hungry
jin: no
stop calling me those names
y/n: bro?
jin: i am not your bro nor dude
y/n: ur my dude <3
jin: adding a heart does not make it any better
dude is for like friends
idk if you have any but i am NOT one of those
y/n: um wtf i have friends
jin: the members don’t count
jin: ur sad
y/n: bro
jin: do you want to break up
y/n: lowkey
jin: wtf
y/n: look me in the eyes bro
jin: no
y/n: yes
jin: no
y/n: this is kinda hot
jin: lmao not surprised i have that charm to me
y/n: sorry wrong chat
jin: what
y/n: anyways ur were too slow yoongi ordered me pizza
and i’m not sharing
jin: i don’t want any of yoongi’s nasty pizza
i hope the pizza place spits on it
y/n: ur mad
jin: ur single
y/n: finally
jin: ?
y/n: ?
jin: i find our love so comforting ❤️
y/n: dude you have lost ur mind
jin: okay wtf
ur acting like you don’t want me
y/n: loooooooooooooooooool
jin: and people think i’m the mean one
y/n: i tolerate you
jin: what is the issue???
if you want to fight we can
i’m ready meet me in the ring at 6
y/n: don’t you have a military service to be serving??
jin: i will serve crack before i severe this country
y/n: yikes
i’ll snitch
jin: ofc you will
you rat
y/n: wow is that how you feel?
jin: yep
y/n: wow
jin: don’t act all nice now you started this
was mean for no reason
finish the battle rat
y/n: ur fucking old
jin: ok wtf
you can no longer send messages to this contact!
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agendabymooner · 10 months
𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 !!! 𝐥𝐧𝟒 — 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
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chapter summary: posting two instagram stories of her brother led the fans to make fun of lando as he continued to “try” and earn honey’s attention. the thing was that he already got it— he just didn’t know it.
OR being sat across from him led honey-sue to go on a tangent on her private twitter account.
content warning: nonsense, use of explicit language, ofc thinks lando’s hot, paris jokes (iykyk), wroetoshaw being a sack of shit brother
note: this isn’t much so i’m sorry 😭 i’ll try to add more into it as i go! in the mean time, if you’d like to get on one of my taglists, check this post out! enjoy xx
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
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uhm excuse me??? wyd??? 😐
going to piss. like i can do. because i’m an adult???
yeah like you’d actually do that
i will?
you’ve not drank anything throughout the lunch. sit the fuck down. i’m taping you to the chair and i’m calling mum about you not drinking water again
such a fucking snitch ☹️
yeah yeah cry to me about it later
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suemehoney posted a story !!!
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liked by maxfewtrell, landonorris and 42,201 more
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landonorris posted a story !!!
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maxfewtrell reacted with “😂” in the story
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you sound so miserable and sad idk how to explain it ☹️☹️
“oh you support chelsea, harry? that’s pre cool. and wbu, hannah?” only to be ignored by honey? 😭😭 bro just declare your love already it’s screaming desperate
fuck offfff i’m trying to be nice and genuine— i don’t want her to think i’m a fucking loser. she already thinks i am one
you got a better solution? not that you’re any better
idk actually talk to her? she’s not gonna fucking bite, you moron
what if she does bite and i’m actually gonna bruise my ego
which ones bigger— your ego or your audacity?
neither?! that’s why i’m keeping my ego protected
god you’re such an idiot, lando i pray for the next girl you come across to not that you’d want to have a next girl after honey sue
your dumb ass is literally sitting next to her 😭 STOP TEXTING IN FULL BRIGHTNESS AND OPENLY SHE CAN SEE IT
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grabowskibeepboop · 2 months
I love genderbending characters, but when it comes to hxh, I'm the most basic with it and I don't care
I think Gon likes cute stuff, and would like cute stuff if he was a girl. I think she'd have long hair (he already does), and she'd like wearing skirts. Sue me because everyone seems to think Gon is this this fucking gym bro (no offense you have the right but I disagree), and yea sure he does go to the gym but so many people do without letting it be their personality. So ofc she'd want to be strong, but pretty too. Not on like an omg I have to be pretty level, but she'd do her hair cute and wear cute jewelry and stuff. Enough about Gon because I could go on for hours about how much I disagree with everyone about him. Also one more thing because the TV's playing teen titans rn, Starfire vibes ig, feminine but a bro, and ofc a little stoop. Loves making faces.
I don't think Killua would be much different. Not because he's feminine (he's not that feminine imo, everyone crosses their legs), but because she'd be a tomboy. Same choice of clothing, maybe some piercings later on but I already imagine Killua getting piercings in the future. Same personality, maybe different hairdo because maybe it'd be a little longer but she'd be a feminist I.C.O.N., she'd always be like what a boy can do I can do better or smth. Idk. Massive girl crush on Gon ofc, thats just the default.
Leorio is a toughie, because he's traditionally masculine, so I'd want to make her traditionally feminine, but he's also a classic suit guy, so I't put her in a suit, but maybe with a skirt at first, then maybe she switches to pants as the hunter exam gets harder or smth. The other thing thats kinda tough for me is his flirty vibe. I mean it's not that impossible to recreate the same type of flirting from a woman to a man, but smth still hasn't clicked about it in my head. Anyways I don't really have that much to say about her, leopika is still on so let's move on to...
Kurapika is basicall the same. You can't tell if she's a guy or a girl, but if you misgender her she will correct you in a manner which says it's okay we all make mistakes, but in a tone which says if you do that one more time you'll never see the light of day again. A lot of people headcanon Kurapika as transmasc, and while I don't actively headcanon him as such, I don't disagree either, so it's similar for gendermend too ig. There already people who headcanon The™ Kurapika as transfem, without genderbending, so it's not impossible. People also headcanon Kurapika as non-binary, and while I don't, I'm in for anything, but I like his unconventional-traditional vibe, like he's feminine by birth but his values do seem to lie in tradition too. Anyways, genderbend Kurapika isn't that different, but she is pretty flat.
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kozumesphone · 5 months
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💌┊₊˚⊹꒷ TOO SWEET PT. 1 .ᐟ
⤷ leo valdez x fem!reader ‧₊˚ ⋅
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ᝰ. 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 . . . percy jackson and the heroes of olympus
ᝰ. 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬 . . . street racing au
ᝰ. 𝐤𝐞𝐲 . . . y/n: your name | y/l/n: your last name | n/n: nickname
ᝰ. 𝐰𝐜 . . . 946
ᝰ. 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 . . . y/n and leo are the queen and king of the shinjuku and shibuya street racing circles, respectively. they meet for the first time at the annual tokyo races to see who's better. (ft. best friend!percy fanboying over racer king!leo + an appearance by passenger princess!leo <3)
ᝰ. 𝐚/𝐧 . . . uhtgufshew tokyo + leo + street racing is such a fever dream for me,, and this one, I wrote bc of my love for leo and fast and furious (esp tokyo drift <3) and I totally based y/n's car off han's from td sue me I love him (: so, enjoy! i'll start working on part 2 soon (:
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✮⋆˙ y/n’s pov
'the next station is . . . shinjuku.'
I was busy icing the bruises on my forearm from last night’s race when my best friend barged into the bathroom without knocking.
“HE’S COMING TODAY, N/N!” he screamed, and giggled like a school girl.
“I could’ve been naked, you know,” I muttered, shutting the first-aid box and shoving it into the cabinet under the sink. “who’s coming?”
“percy, come on, not this again,” I groaned. “you’ve been fanboying about him for the past 48 hours, and I really just want to sleep. and besides, I really don’t see what the big deal about this guy is.”
“uh, hello? he’s the king of the shibuya street races!” percy exclaimed, following me as I walk out, and flop onto my bed. he stops at the foot of it.
“and the people have crowned me the queen of shinjuku’s. so what?” I asked.
‘ignis’, as the others call him, is someone called leo valdez. and apparently, he’s a pretty good racer.
“look,” I continued, interrupting percy before he started fanboying again, with hearts in his eyes or whatever. “if he’s that good, he can come and beat me at the annual tokyo races.” I declared.
“oh yeah, he probably will,” percy commented. I flung my pillow at his head, and smirked when I found I didn’t miss. “OW!”
“whatever. tell me more about him. what’s he like?”
it was almost as if I asked him to marry leo. and this time, he really did have hearts in his eyes, I fear.
“okay, so supposedly, he builds his own car, like you, and started racing at 17! isn’t that cool? I mean, you did too, but still. it’s cooler when he does it. anyway, he’s locally the undefeated champion of street racing, and oh my god, he drives a 1966 ford gt40, it’s so cool-”
“okayyy, i’ve heard enough. I guess it is going to be fun meeting him at the car meet for the races.” I smirked. “let’s battle it out on the roads, ignis.”
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
✮⋆˙ leo’s pov
'the next station is . . . shibuya.'
“jace, how much farther is the hotel?” I asked, knocking my legs onto the dashboard, and crossing them at my ankles. simultaneously, I pulled down my sunglasses.
“relax, passenger princess, just a few more minutes and we’ll be there.” he replied.
jason glanced at piper in the mirror and smiled.
I would never admit it, of course, but it was terrible being so good at one thing and horribly bad at another. honestly, who would ever believe that the king, ignis, had never been in an actual relationship? the one-night stands didn’t count, obviously. I’d never felt anything close to… love.
pondering my status of being single, I fell asleep in jason’s car.
“dude, bro, homie, my man, whatever, WAKE UP, WE’RE GOING TO BE LATE-”
“did you… did you carry me into bed, jason grace?” I opened one eye and grinned at him lazily.
“you were sound asleep, even worse than a log. I tried kicking you awake, but it didn’t work, so I had to pick you up, ufortunately.”
“aww, don’t sound so happy.”
“shut up. if you don’t get ready to get to the car meet, we don’t get a ticket to race for the entire next month,” he said.
“what- OH, I forgot about that. one ticket’s enough for all 23 races, right?”
“yeah, i’ll explain the details to you in the car, go get ready, dumbass.”
I grinned. “jason grace is cursing, the world is healing-” a pillow hit my face. “i’m going.”
“okay, the serious ones you need to look out for are python, shooting star, and tsunami.”
“shooting star?” I choked on my water. “what-”
“weird name, huh?” a girl chuckled behind me, and I whipped around.
“oh no no no no, i’m sorry- are you shooting star? uh, shit, I apologi-”
“nah, but it was funny seeing you get so flustered, valdez.” she smirked.
“do we… know each other?” I asked, confused. her smirk widened.
“not yet, but real soon,” she said, her smirk never faltering and confidence never wavering. she turned and began walking away, and I stood there, mouth open.
“she’s pretty, but she’s also tsunami,” piper commented. oh.
“who said she’s pretty? I didn’t. did you? I don’t know,” I rambled. whatever. “she’s my competition. she’s just in the way of me and my golden trophy.”
“there’s no trophy, dumbass.” jason reminded me.
“a 700$ cash price is equivalent to a trophy, man,” I corrected him.
“ok, well, listen up. she’s called tsunami for a reason. she’s vicious, takes everyone by surprise at every race, and is the queen of shinjuku’s street racing. and most importantly? she’s never lost a single race.” piper explained. I took in every bit of that info, and filed into a part of my brain labelled ‘dangerous and pretty competition, stay away’.
“what’s her ride, then?” I asked, a little curious.
“1997 mazda rx-7 veilside fortune.”
“damn,” I whistled. before I could find out more about her, the announcer on the stage started talking.
“welcome, racers and audience! today is day 1 of the annual tokyo races! here’s a quick rundown about it, in case you haven’t a clue: starting today, there will be 23 races for 23 days, each race held in a special ward of tokyo. we start here, at shinjuku, and end the 23rd race at shibuya!”
everyone cheered and whistled at the mention of shinjuku and shibuya, the two hubs of tokyo’s street racing.
starting at tsunami’s turf, and ending in mine, huh? this was going to be fun.
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tags! — @sunnitheapollokid @puffoz
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kozumesphone © 2024 | don’t repost my works onto other platforms, or edit and post them even on tumblr, without asking me first • don’t steal my works, steal my heart instead • reblogs and comments are more than appreciated !
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alornights · 1 year
⟢ push pop
➜ in which ! scott can't get enough of the naive new girl.
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🌷 ﹫scott tenorman.
✩ 🦩 warnings﹗suggestive, death threats & smoking.
🍧 ⟡ notes — ahah i’m back? ima bfr i was binge watching shows sooo yeah anyways here’s my fav of this series ever 🫨
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masterlist [ check mlist for details ! ] — previous | next
🏷️ taglist | @corpseinpink , @stephs-inluv , @cyberrmishh , @itszzmoon , @elizabethnightingale4 , @woahnotmecryingoverafanfiction , @venom-ology , @weird0o0 , @loopycorn1123 , @twwkk , @h-harleybaby , @hejjgillarbajs !
"Look at her- she's like god- but better."
"You're so overreacting," Scott murmured watching you and your friends walk over to one of the lunch tables outside.
One of his friends sniggered nudging him, "Scotty my girlfriend became friends with the new bitch in town.”
“You’re not setting me up with her if that’s what you’re trying to do,” Scott grumbled smacking his friend's neck loudly.
"Nah, I'm sure you're going to absolutely love her!"
he really didn't intend to go that far with you.
the only time he thought he would ever be talking to you is when the entirety of the friend group was around.
but somehow you always found a way to weasel into his life.
even when you weren’t there you just seemed to pop up into every conversation of his.
not to mention that whenever you saw him you’d latch on to him making yourself way too comfortable around him.
he was definitely pissed off in the beginning because who fucking cares that you were hanging around some freshmen dork.
slowly but surely though- he found himself listening to anything relating to you just to get the slightest information.
and sue him because anytime you’d walk into a room he’d be on you- talking and laughing like never before.
and lord, he’s trying his damn hardest not to just pick you up and take you away every time you even make the slightest suggestive motion.
even though you don’t notice the change in personality, his friends sure do.
"Don't even," Scott grumbled as his friends continued rolling around the floor laughing like never before.
One of his friends gasped for air, "You- Scott Tenorman FALLING for Y/N? Oh, this is fucking gold."
"Oooh she's so dumb, she's too girly, she's just a dumb bitch right Scott?" Another one teased before they all burst out laughing again.
"This has to be some sort of discrimination."
"Yeah okay, ginger." Another snorted holding out his fist to Scott.
"I hope you all kill yourselves." Scott smiled fist-bumping the guy back.
he surprisingly isn't that whipped for you. on the outside at least.
on the inside this guy can not stop feeling so fucking flustered, there’s not a second where he doesn’t feel butterflies.
his mind starts racing whenever you're around and it’s like no one but you exists.
he and his friends are playing baseball and you come over? bro is packing up his shit and leaving to take you out on a date
he sees you hanging out with your friends while skipping school? say bye-bye the two of you are going out to the mall or whateva.
you just make him do things that are just so uncharacteristic for him and he isn't sure how to feel about it. though- he isn't mad.
like the way he can’t stop staring at you as you're running around in gym, his eyes never leaving you just savoring your body like it was something only for him, something god created with his bare hands.
it's not that he’s obsessive or anything weird like that it’s just the urge to be around you whenever he can because he likes you that much!
maybe to the point where he might slip that he “wanted to crawl around your room like a spider and live in your walls”
but according to him, he never said such a thing.
"I didn't."
You smirked wrapping your arms around his as you clung closely to him. "Oh but Scotty, you did!"
"Proof?" He questioned looking at you with an innocent smile.
Your smile dropped as you began to pout, "I was going to say I'd so let you, just so you can see everything about me. Y'know, to be informed."
You let go of his arms before walking away as he laughed catching up to you, laying his arm around your shoulder, and bringing you in to kiss the top of your head.
"Aww, c'mon sweetie you know I was only teasin' you."
his dad was/is part of the denver broncos so you know that means hella lot of money.
and because you had made such a good influence somehow on his family, they already began treating you as their daughter in law.
his family is nice enough to let you go on vacations with them which is a beauty.
so you got to go to the bahamas or whatever just because your dating scott. for free!!
if he's feeling nice enough he might even take you somewhere you really wanted to go by just asking his parents.
he’s not very into pda in public he’d obviously hold hands and like little kisses but he likes to keep it private.
all for himself! :)
in the comfort of his own bedroom, he is very physical, often initiating cuddles or whatever. like a cat, but bitchier.
he enjoys these days!!! most of the time.
"Move bitch, I gotta pee oh my god-"
You shook your head wrapping your arms more tightly around him with a smirk, “Aaaah I would but ‘m too comfortable. I think ‘m gonna fall asleep.”
Scott groaned trying to push you off him, "Y/N, baby, please move. I’ll stay with you as long as you want afterward just gimme a second."
You shook your head sinking your head into the crook of his neck, “Nah, that’s not my problem.”
“I will just piss myself right now.”
scott likes to notice the little details about you instead of the bigger ones.
since he's not that big of a romantic he does try his best to make you feel loved.
if he sees you staring at a ring in passing when you’re walking around the mall, you’ll find it in your locker with a small bouquet of your favorite flowers.
you guys are walking at the park and he remembers you said you liked skipping stones? he'll make sure to have the best stones and the best view for you.
a bunch of guys flirting with you and making you uncomfortable? they’re going through a week of hell never to recover.
you're sick as fuck? for the next week, you get presents and gifts galore of health care and things you simply love.
also, i just feel like scott smokes which he thinks makes him 10x more attractive.
he’s obviously stopped whenever you didn’t like it or just plain out quit if you really disliked it because anything for you.
ahahaha make out session while smoking?
“Scotty…” You murmur laying your head on his lap as he looked down at you
“C’mere pretty girl…” He whispered as you moved up to sit on his lap facing him. “Need me to stop?”
You shook your head, “S’fine… just want you.”
He laughed lightly taking a hit of his cigarette before bringing you closely to kiss you- the smoke filling your lungs. You giggled a bit as he brought you closer by the waist.
“Y’know…” He whispered as you blew a puff of smoke out, grinding down on his lap, “I really think you’re gonna be the death of me with that whinin.”
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jojo-schmo · 2 months
For a while I’ve thought about having a Kirbysona, personally deciding between NESP and Poppy Bro, but I wanted to ask you something
Is it normal to have multiple sonas for a particular fandom?
Lemme ask, What is "normal?" A set of standards made by someone else?
I wonder how many people here were online during like the late 2000s, early 2010s- when I remember seeing "Mary Sue" discourse happening a lot in the Kirby fandom. It was so mean-spirited for no reason. There was a lot of pointing and laughing and gossiping about characters that didn't "conform to a certain standard of canon." What really was the harm of appropriately shipping OCs and canon? Giving them tons of cool powers or being best friends with their favorite characters and saving the universe a bunch? The existence of someone else's story and characters doesn't erase or overwrite anyone else's!
I'm really happy to see that negative attitude has faded over time and there are more positive celebrations of people's characters, like the OC Tournament or Artfight! :)
Anyway, sonas represent YOU! If you feel like an NESP one day, and a Poppy Bro another, I say be BOTH! Be a shapeshifter! Or just have multiple forms! That doesn't need to be logically justified! We are fluid beings, and allowed to change and feel differently as time passes! Don't make chains for yourself by conforming to what is "normal!" Break free! Keep your sense of whimsy! Especially in a universe like Kirby where basically anything is possible! The only rule is that there are no rules!! When it comes to your art and writing, you are your own boss! >:D
Also, I don't think I've seen Poppy Bros or NESP sonas yet. That sounds super duper fun and creative!! Everyone's Kirbysonas can hang out in Dreamland and eat fresh apples and take naps under trees and enjoy each other's company over a picnic. <3
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putaposyinyourhair · 1 year
Slowly but Also Like All at Once
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
noah diaz x mirage (boys who are friends aka boyfriends 🧍🏽➕🤖🟰❤️)
warnings: mirage being himself and optimus being unamused
ratchet’s in the building y’all
The towering, decaying walls and partially caved-in ceiling give the chapel an eerie aura— the only source of light coming from the rays of sunlight streaming in through the broken glass of the early twentieth-century structure’s rose window— and Noah’s positive that if his ma were here, she’d be handing out bendiciones every five minutes. But the atmosphere isn’t what’s currently making Noah shift from one leg to the other anxiously.
“You disobeyed a direct order.”
Just as Arcee had predicted, Optimus is not a happy camper.
“Does it count as direct if Rat-trap’s the one who told me I couldn’t leave though?” Mirage drawls, one digit held in the air as if he’s actually making a point.
Noah has to curb the urge to drop his face into the palms of his hands. It’s an easy feat to accomplish seeing as he’s trying really hard to not bring any attention to himself.
The newcomer— who Optimus had introduced as his chief medical officer, Ratchet— reaches out, past his leader’s shoulderpad, to deliver one hard thump to the back of Mirage’s helm with a heavy servo.
Noah flinches minutely— the sound startling him more than anything really— and he finds himself glad for both Arcee and Bumblebee standing at either of his sides. He doesn’t think Ratchet would ever try and hurt him or anything— he’d pretty much been ignoring Noah’s presence since their brief introduction down at the dock— but nevertheless, the comforting presences of the scout and sharpshooter instill within Noah a small sense of security.
Mirage stumbles forward a step from the force of the hit, shaking his helm like the whack’s made him a bit dizzy, before he straightens back up with a pout pulling at the mouth plates that act as his lips.
“Yo!” he cries. “Party foul, man!”
The mech looks up at Optimus and thrusts his servos out.
“Prime, bro, you gonna let him treat me like that?”
Optimus does nothing but stare down at the spy kind of blankly, like he can’t believe he has to deal with this kind of shit day in and day out. It would almost be funny, if it weren’t coming from the infamously solemn bot.
After a moment of silence, Mirage lowers his servos with an offended scoff.
“Oh, it’s gon’ be like that, huh? Alright, I’ll remember that.”
There’s no real animosity behind his words though and Noah gets the feeling that this stuff happens a lot around here; Mirage breaking the rules and Optimus having to deal with it like an exasperated father.
“We will discuss this further at another point in time,” Optimus decides, turning away from the smaller mech. “For now, there are other more important matters that require our attention.” He makes a vague gesture in Bumblebee’s direction.
“Show them, Bee.”
The black and yellow bot steps forward, whirring in a way that makes Noah think he’s excited to show them whatever it is. The mech reaches up to the side of his helm and a moment later a stream of light beams out of the very same spot, projecting an image into the middle of the room.
It’s… wow.
Noah contains the urge to rush forward and gawk like an idiot as the image shows something that, to him, looks like a meteor falling from blue skies and crashing into the face of a strangely vermillion yet still snow-capped mountain. He blinks.
“Where is this?” he questions, before he can stop himself. He inhales sharply and bites down into the corner of his bottom lip.
Way to go, dumbass.
He’s not even supposed to be here. Probably— more like definitely— isn’t supposed to be seeing any of this. He’s only here because of a fluke, because Mirage had snuck out to see him.
He’s not one of them. None of this is any of his business.
Still, the way the shimmery image loops is fascinating and Noah can’t help but be awed by it. Sue him, he’s an electronics nerd and the tech the autobots possess is all kinds of amazing to him. He’d love to find out how the projection works.
Ratchet— who is standing on the other side of the room from him, with Optimus and Mirage— snaps his gaze over at the sound of Noah’s voice and Noah watches as the medic’s optical ridges furrow, like the bot had legitimately forgotten all about his presence.
“The humans call it Pike’s Peak,” Optimus divulges. “It is located in the state of Colorado. At around ‘oh eight hundred hours mountain standard time yesterday, this, as of yet, unidentified object impacted at around thirteen and a half thousand feet.”
Colorado. The Rockies then.
“The United States Army and the Department of Homeland Security were on site quickly but all they found was an empty crater.”
Noah’s eyes widen.
“Meaning whatever it was, it’s long gone,” Arcee realizes, stepping forward and studying the image for a second, before her gaze snaps up to her leader. “Optimus… could it be one of ours?”
“It’s possible,” Optimus acknowledges with a small tilt of his helm.
“But there’s also a chance it could be…” Ratchet trails off, his optics lowering to fix squarely on Noah.
Noah starts, taking a small step back— closer to Bumblebee, who buzzes inquisitively at Noah’s proximity.
“It is alright, Ratchet,” Optimus advises, his gaze sliding over to Noah’s form as well— the large mech’s optics pulsing a bright blue. “Noah is…” The bot trails off for a second, his astute gaze settled firmly on Noah as he seems to think on it.
And Noah honestly feels like he holds his breath in that moment, awaiting his judgement.
“He is one of us.”
Noah’s breath rushes out of him so fast, it catches somewhere between his diaphragm and his throat, and he releases a small squeaking sound.
He’s what now?
Across the room, Mirage beams and stealthily thrusts a servo up into the air before Ratchet shoots him a brusque look, causing the silver and blue bot to snap to attention— servos fisted at both of his sides and chest plates held high— but with an impertinent, yet subtle, roll of his optics.
Noah’s stupid heart skips over a beat again.
He’s sure one day he’ll figure out why Mirage seems to like his companionship so much.
… and figure out where exactly Mirage had heard the word, ‘cariño,’ and decided it was the perfect term to use on Noah— along with the growing list of pet names he’d been dishing out all last night.
Ratchet huffs in response, both to the spy’s antics and their leader’s proclamation.
“It could be a decepticon,” the medic reports cautiously. “Before I crash landed on this planet, I was being hunted by one. I believe he calls himself Barricade. One of Starscream’s underlings.”
Noah frowns and, emboldened by Optimus’ unexpected vote of confidence, steps out from underneath Bumblebee’s shadow.
“What the hell’s a decepticon?” he queries boldly.
“Brutal, merciless warriors,” Arcee informs him, glancing down at him with such a disheartened look that it makes Noah think she’s probably got some painful history with these so called decepticons. “Obsessed with conquering our home planet, Cybertron, and expanding out into the universe. Last I remember, they were under Soundwave’s leadership. Are you saying Starscream’s taken control, Ratchet?”
Optimus lifts a servo again, towards Bumblebee, and the scout reaches up to shut off his projection.
The stream of light flickers out of existence, thrusting the furthest reaches of the chapel’s main area into shadow.
“Unfortunately, I can’t say,” Ratchet professes. “Ironhide and I were in hiding together for quite some time. But he wished to return home and make a stand. Whilst I knew that was a suicide mission. When he failed to return or even check back in, I decided I needed to make another attempt at locating Optimus. But as soon as I stepped out of hiding, Barricade found me. I’ve been running ever since.”
That sounds miserable, in Noah’s opinion. Always running, always hiding. Looking over your shoulder. He can’t imagine a life like that.
“Okay, so we go find out what exactly fell on that mountain,” Mirage pipes up. When all eyes and optics in the room turn to him, he cringes a little and adds on a tiny, “Right?”
Optimus takes a moment to glance around the room, scanning his team.
“I hacked into the communication network the humans are using,” he informs them. “They have received multiple reports of an unusual patrol vehicle in the nearby municipality of Cañon City, approximately 30 miles southwest of Pike’s Peak.”
“A patrol car?” Arcee queries, the tone of her voice hitching. She turns away after a moment, optics fixed on a splintered pew that’s been shoved into a corner, muttering to herself.
Noah thinks he hears her say, ‘It couldn’t be…’ but he could be wrong.
“As much as I hate to agree with the disrespectful little sparkling,” Ratchet gripes. “Mirage is right.”
“Whoa, pump the brakes, you half-clocked burnout—“
Mirage’s sharp objection is cut short by a sudden shrill squeal that comes from Bumblebee— a sound that causes Noah to flinch away from the mech, both hands flying up to cover his ears. The noise is quickly followed up by Ratchet attempting to once more reach past Optimus, servos clawing the air in Mirage’s direction.
“Enough!” Optimus booms, lifting his own servos to put distance between himself and both bots at either of his sides. “We do not have time for these infantile games. You are soldiers and I expect you to behave accordingly. Am I understood?”
Mirage, for his part, exhales softly and hangs his head shamefully, digits fidgeting at his sides.
Ratchet huffs and turns away, arms crossing over his blue and white chest plates as he grumbles beneath his breath.
Noah can’t help but feel a little bad for Optimus in that moment. It’s clear the mech could seriously do with a nice long vacation on a beach somewhere.
“Wheeljack is already inbound,” Optimus discloses with a suffering sigh. “We depart tomorrow morning at ‘oh five hundred hours sharp. Destination, Cañon City, Colorado.”
At this revelation, Noah finds his feet suddenly stumbling forward— like a magnet is attracting him— carrying him across the room, towards Mirage.
Mirage seems to be just as affected by the metaphorical magnet though, because he shoots forward as well, meeting Noah halfway whilst looking to Optimus with a look on his face that’s kind of indiscernible to Noah.
Optimus meets the shorter mech’s stare head-on.
Noah impulsively reaches out once he and the blue and silver bot are within touching distance and places a hand against Mirage’s thigh guard, watching as Optimus’ stare drops from his spy to Noah.
“Noah, having you along on this mission would be considerably beneficial,” Optimus establishes with an assured nod. “As I have said, you are now one of us. And it is our— my hope that you will agree to join us and continue to aid us in our plight.”
Noah’s brows shoot skyward, his eyes widening up at the bot.
“Are you for real?” he inquires abruptly, not even pausing to figure out how he feels about what’s being asked of him.
“Yes, I am… for real.”
“Aw, yeah!” Mirage crows at his side. “Road trip!”
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hinamie · 1 month
u should drop some songs that remind u of itafushi
haze, real cool, adonis - fv
haze: this fucking song feels like falling in love with your best friend to me. it feels like falling in love with your best friend who you’ve known forever and knowing that hoping for anything else is futile not out of a lack of reciprocity but because th world and circumstances are unforgiving. former vandal and lost youth go fucking hand in hand and it matches th doomed There's No Time To Love You Like I Want To nature of itfs SO well 
real cool: different flavour of falling in doomed love with your best friend. while haze was resigned and small town lonely real cool is saying fuck it let’s make the most of the time we have let’s go on adventures let’s love to spite our fates let’s repress the inevitable for as long as we can and it will sneak up on us in quiet moments but for now we’ll ride the high together
adonis: the odd one out in my itfs fv trio but the lyrics say it all. it’s just this is a boy that I Want and who wants me and this is us making out. he has a lip scar. plain and simple
honey - troye sivan
it's poppy and probably a niche pick so i can see if others do not share my vision but let me tell u the amount of times i have looped this song bc it is so megu pining over yuujicore to me is embarrassing. makes me think abt him agonizing over whether or not/how/when/where to confess and i EAT. also honey=yuuji is an easy association sue me.
radiohead - nightly
something about the 3 count something about the dark blue/black satin sheets on the album cover it makes me picture each of them sitting alone in their separate dorms Pining and i feel sick about it! the line ‘you’re lovely in ways that i just can’t explain’ echoes in my heart and i think of Longing i think of downcast eyes not quite able to look up i think of generally wanting More than this but not knowing how to ask for it
jesus christ 2005 god bless america - the 1975
similar to radiohead the melody feels like pure unadulterated Pining also the lyrics “I’m in love with a boy I know / But that's a feeling I can never show” make me want to tear my face off they make me think so much of the situation where each party is like “i’m fine with how things are i can be satisfied with just this” and it kills me dead i die
gold - crywolf
ohhhhmygod listen okay pls. pls. this whole song sounds like falling it sounds like time slowing down while memories fade in and out in a haze. it sounds like reunion it sounds like wind through grass in the winter when the drums hit and the tempo picks up it sounds like sun breaking over a crumbling cityscape it sounds like running to each other. but all that aside bro . bro the fucking. thfucking lyrics i cannot it makes me so genuinely upset. “Closer than my own heart / You beat in its place / Alone we lay / I’m so afraid of you / And the way that you want me” mr crywolf shut the fuck up right now.  “You were right / I was wrong / You shake my shoulders trying to wake me up / Good god, I've been so cold to you” MISTER CRYWOLF SHUT THE FUCK UPPPPPPPPPPPP
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abellmunsonmovie · 3 months
Steddie Headcanons 1.
Every once in a while steve will do a hair mask and will make eddie do it with him Steve has to tell eddie to put his seatbelt on  When they have to go to dress formal and wear a suit and tie they will do eachothers ties:( Eddie teaches Steve acoustic guitar Steve gets runs cold and Eddie is his own personal heater Eddie will make Steve coffee for work in the mornings They use “Man”, “Bro”, and “Dude” but romantically Eddie will slap Steves ass when he walks by  “Can you not” steve says slightly  annoyed “Can’t help it, you’re irresistible babe” Eddie says smirking
Steve will always get dressed to go anywhere, where Eddie will just go out in a tshirt he’s been wearing for 3 days and basketball shorts, and Steve will be like “You’re really gonna go out like that?” Eddie putting his hair up in a pony “Dude, we’re going to the grocery store” On days where Steve is off work, they’ll lay in Eddies bed all day and make dinner together Eddie loves head scratches and Steve loves back scratches  Eddie will make up little songs about Steve
Modern!Steddie would like Glee, SUE ME IF YOU DONT AGREE (eddie would like blaine and steve would like kurt…) I think Steve likes to have a camera on him and he’ll take cute polaroids of them tg Listen  I don’t think Steve is a skin care connoisseur or anything BUT I think he showed Eddie a few things like moisturizer and different face washes and they’ll do their skin care tg After Eddie got attacked by the demobats, Steve would help Eddie change his bandages Steve taught Eddie how to swim  If they get into a fight the next time they see eachother they’ll say “Edward…” “Steven…” If they bicker in front of Robin she’ll say  “Are you guys gonna get a divorce?” Modern!Steddie would love Chappell Roan Eddie HATES olives and Steve loves them  They’ll slow dance after cleaning up the kitchen together When Eddie can’t sleep, he will count Steve’s freckles The sound of Eddie’s heartbeat calms Steve down and makes him sleepy They both love the rain Steve has anxiety and Eddie knows just the right things to say to calm him down Also one of Steve’s anxious ticks are playing with Eddie’s rings
Steddie has my soul forever<3 -Bella
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 10 months
It’s time for another Fic Rec List fellow humans!!!
And boy howdy do I have a LOT this time lmao. A good chunk of them are Kyle-centric, bc I, like my son Stan Marsh, have been fixated on that guy. Also there are multiple from the same authors bc I find something I like and read EVERYTHING by them.
There’s a range of pairings on this list too bc I’ll read pretty much anything (still mostly style they do be my favorite) so hopefully if u see ur favorite ship or an intriguing concept this’ll steer you to somethin u like!
Here ya go!
* (rem)ember by boxwinebaddie. Ok we all knew I was gonna start the list w this one bc I am OBSESSED!!! Style holy shit! Crimson Dawn! Mentally unstable law student Kyle! RAVEN!!! The friendships and group dynamics! Rm lives rent free in my head dude plsplspls check it out!
* Painted In Shrouds by courtanie. Y’all want some Kysterion? This is one of my favorites! And NOBODY does Kenny like this author seriously. We got espionage! We got organized crime! We got overworked cfo Kyle! We got working together to take down the bad guys! We got blood and injuries and falling in love!
* Swansong by OrcaTimes. Fair warning this made me ugly cry. No one writes Craig like OrcaTimes YALL the Cryle destroyed me and doctor Craig always slays!!! It’s a beautiful story about love and grief, just GORGEOUS!!!
* Collector by cement_shoes. WHOLESOME STYLE ONESHOT!!! Them over the years, taking care of each other, Kyle handling bugs for Stan when he’s scared of them, growing up together and the trials of being human, but with someone always on your side. This one is SO sweet and gorgeously written, and a quick read too.
* A Ballad Of True Hearts by luckypoppies. Dude we all know I’m feral about SOT Style and THIS RIGHT HERE EATS!!!!! The history, the betrayal, the FANTASY VIOLENCE AND THERES THIS FIGHT SO FAR THAT SLAYS SO HARD! Being falsely accused of treason and subsequently exiled, tasked with escorting your prince to safety, GOD you just FEEL for the boys in this (plus we got them taking care of each other like yes yes gimme that fantasy whump) the world building is AWESOME I love sot AU’s and how different authors come up w the lore!
* Behind The Wall by Jwink85. Alright this one STARTS OUT nice, and is such an accurate representation of manipulative abusive relationships. Damien man holy shit. There’s so much going on in this, and the STAN PLOT OMG (yes style I love them) Kyle and Stan reconciling, Ike is my DISTRUSTING KING, high school angst, Tweek and Kyle friendship, Kenny being an icon, and I’ve said before but I love when Kyle’s written as generally wanting to see the good in people but still fiery in his own right, this is (a lot of jwinks stuff really that’s why I like their works so much) a great example of that!
* Simply Expandable by Kivea. YO WHO ORDERED THE MOB AU!!! Dude we got private investigator Craig, rival gangs, supernatural elements and mystery, conspiracy, fucking MOB BOSS KYLE?!?!? Kyle’s a bamf in this holy shit and bodyguard Stan, (this is Cryle btw and it’s fantastic) former k2, twenny, underground fighting rings, some KICKASS gang fights and the true antagonists bro the reveal was SICK! And when I say it’s a The Gangs All Here fic, I mean EVERYONE it’s wild and such a fun read it had me on the edge of my seat!
* And The Lightning Cracks The Sky by PastorCraigEnjoyer. Yeah yeah it’s cringe to rec your own shit sue me. But like Druid prince Kyle, Smokejumper Stan, forest fires, little mermaid but in the northern rockies ass plot, OVERLY PERCEPTIVE KENNY, mutual pining, magic, my beloved injury recovery (I gotta fuck Stan up ok) (I’m the worst)(giving Kyle chronic pain who me never) falling in love and saving each other’s lives, EVIL Cartman, I LOVED WRITING THIS ONE SO FUCKING MUCH it’s truly my baby.
* A quiet place (where I can scream how I love you) by sleep2thefr33zing. Coming of age style!!! So much emotional tension dude the pining is so fucking good, the first chapter is Stan’s perspective and the second one is Kyle and it’s BEAUTIFULLY PAINFUL WHEN THEYRE BOTH DOWN BAD BUT THINK THE OTHER ISNT!!! I love them being there for each other through all the bullshit of growing up, how resonant their falling outs are, it’s just so incredibly gorgeous and you really feel their emotions along with them.
* Knives by SparrowGrim. Ok so kyman isn’t my cup of tea but I’m putting it on the list bc some people do like it and this is an OBJECTIVELY FANTASTIC STORY!!! Tbh I only clicked bc I saw that it was Kyle centric (and that injury tag what can I say I eat that shit up) but I was HOOKED! Dark urbania, gangs running the streets, THE CODE NAMES SLAY SO HARD, we also got creek bunny stendy dip, the character relations are all so cool and the plot is WILD! Also Butters Kenny Stan and Craig are so badass jesus. Not even a ship I like but I loved the story.
* Peering Through Windows by Jwink85. C’mon I gotta have another jwink on the list and this one is SO. FUCKING. GOOD. K2 has been one of my favorites lately and THIS!!! We got dark cryle (my beloved) but when I say dark I mean CRAIG IS SO DEPRAVED!!! Like dude. But the story is THRILLING and artist Kenny is so kickass, Stan is a dad I literally cried over that small detail lmfao and I love jwinks Kyles and their idealistic nature (also I’m a sucker for any artist character) this story broke my heart and mended it again it’s incredible.
* Hunger Pains by Bellweather. Ain’t nobody doin Stan like bellweather MY SWEET PRECIOUS BOY UGH!!! The style is so great omg. The main four dynamic in this is wonderful, them trying to help Kyle through his ED (damn I really do read a lot of shit where Kyle’s suffering huh) all the characters are so well fleshed out and IKE I LOVE IKE IN THIS! The chapters have individual content warnings which is a great touch. Craig having prophetic dreams! Kenny dying multiple times! Chaos! Teenage camaraderie! There’s plenty of humor to make up for the dark shit but it DOES get dark. The mystery element in the beginning is really cool too I definitely have read this one multiple times.
* Find Somebody by hypercatt. STYLE!!! Stan-centric and so so so good, I love a platonic stendy team up too. some of the senior class goes “missing” and WHEN I TELL YALL I WAS so nervous that I read it out of order to make sure everything turned out okay lmao seriously this one had me WRITHING! There’s a gorgeous analogy throughout of physical hurts as a metaphor for mental illness and healing that just SPOKE TO MY SOUL!!! And there are so many beautiful moments, especially near the end, and the message of opening up and not running from your problems is beautifully written. Another one that occupies my brain lmao.
* To Have And To Hold by courtanie. Yes this is another one where Craig is SERIOUSLY DEPRAVED but hear me out!!! The plot, like I would DIE to adapt this to the screen, you feel like you’re watching a dark kidnapping race against time when reading this. And THE K2 IN THIS HOLY FUCK!!! Another one of my favorite Kennys ever and it’s so frustrating for the reader and the characters because WE ALL KNOW WHO TOOK KYLE BUT THE COPS ARENT DOING SHIT! The ending is unbelievably satisfying and the rest of the gang teaming up is so awesome STAN AND KENNY GOING FERAL OVERPROTECTIVE I live for that. But god the shit Kyle is subjected to, but he doesn’t lose that fire (Kyle ily sry)
* When The World Shakes, Hold Me by Bellweather & Blinkxs. The world building in this is PHENOMENAL!!! Post apocalyptic stuff, survival, STYLE!!! Some serious dark themes tho this is a heartbreaking read like damn check the tags frfr but the writing is MAGNETIC!
* -South Park- Style Sickfic/ Injury Fic Requests by AlwaysInSTYLE. Alright alright we all know I love my style hurt comfort and this is a request book/ oneshot series that’s JUST Stan and Kyle taking care of each other and I LOVE IT. you’d think it would get old but it DOES NOT. they’re not repetitive at all, and really fun reads! If you check it out, tell her PCE sent you we’re homies.
* Rookie Mistakes by espyonz. I love me some stenny and BRUH STANSTERION!!! Long oneshot that had me hooked. We got gentle hearted detective Stan who truly wants to protect and serve and is out of place in a corrupt police department. KENNY AS MYSTERION we know I love that shit, and he’s so awesome in this!!! The team up of Kenny Stan and Wendy to find missing people and uncover the truth behind their disappearances is AMAZING. We got Wendy as the tech girl which is SO slay (plus she and Heidi are together asjdhdks) and Kenny is hilarious in this, like he’s such a little shit and I adore this adaptation of his superhero persona. This one dropped LAST NIGHT and I’m so glad I didn’t make a red list post until now bc THIS NEEDED TO BE ON IT!!!
* Seven Candles by courtanie. Yep another one I’m tellin u, one of the best Kenny writers out there. So uhh Kyle in a Very Bad Situation again, like some of it was really tough to read. BUT!!! We got a war between heaven and hell!!! KENNY AS A FUCKING ARCHANGEL ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? (I live for courtanie’s overprotective kenny holy shit) this is legitimately my favorite Kenny interpretation IVE EVER READ HES SO FUCKING AWESOME!!! Plus we got satan being Done with Damien’s shit lmao and Kyle making friends with a hellhound which is fun. THE FINAL BATTLE WAS SO COOL TOO I LOST MY MIND!
* Why Remind Me by Kasen. One of the best style oneshots BRUH it’s so good with such a wholesome ending and the FEELINGS CONFESSIONS!!! The boys playing superhero, then later we got high school style and an accident that leads to a reminder of a kiss and UGH ITS SO CUTE!! Just- just read this one I love it sm.
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