#bro the promo for the next episode took me out
soupforsoup · 2 months
Buck: *says Eddie's name three times in one sentence*
Buck: ah yes, it must be Tommy I'm in love with
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shine-of-aldhani · 2 years
Theory for episode 5 (the Daemon/Laena conundrum). Spoilers for promos/book. So these are things that we know have to happen before the time jump aka in the next episode:
- Daemon goes to the Vale and apparently kills his wife (promos).
- He then somehow unbanishes himself and is present for Rhaenyra's wedding (promo).
- Laena is revealed to have bonded Vaghar, which must come as a surprise to the Targaryens since only Laenor and Rhaenys flow to KL on dragons (promo).
- Daemon somehow manages to meet Laena, speed-wife her and leave for Essos (book knowledge + behind the scenes pics).
The wildest thing here is how Daemon manages to come back so quickly. It took him 4 years and a show of fealty the first time, for a lesser offence. Now he's sent away to the Vale to "regain what is left of his honor, or not, big bro is out of fucks to give", proceeds to kill his wife and prances back? WTF?
The second wildest thing is why would he bind himself to Laena at all. They've not shared any scenes/mentions, and they could have, since Daemon was fighting for Corlys.
Which got me thinking that he does to Laena the same thing he tried to do to Rhaenyra, aka seduce and blitz-marry, but not of his own accord. He does it at the service of the King this time, to remove Laena (and Vaghar) from the Velaryon camp.
Think about it. Laena bonds Vaghar and suddenly, the Velaryons have 3 dragons to Targaryens' 2, and they have the ultimate she-beast. Corlys is war-happy and holds a grudge. Rhaenys doesn't think much of Rhaenyra's claim. The situation isn't all that good for the House of Dragon anymore... Unless Laena (and Vaghar) run away to Essos and have adventures with Daemon and Caraxes.
I just find the possibility of Daemon getting free after 10 years and immediately marrying for duty once again too hilarious to pass up (also, parallel to Rhaenyra). Plus, it would be the good kind of twisty to have him do "evil" things all episode long, only to reveal that Viserys was in the known all along.
(For the record, I believe that after the jump, Daemon + Laena will be shown to have an unexpectedly happy marriage, since she seems to share his chaotic energy and taste in dragons.)
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scattered-winter · 5 months
ao3 wrapped !!
I've seen a few people doing this and thought I'd jump on the train lmao
1: how many words have you written this year?
uh. um. 319,614 lmfaooo
2: how many works did you publish this year?
just 5!! it's been a slow posting year but I have a LOT of WIPs I was working on in the meantime lmao
3: what work are you most proud of, regardless of kudos/hits?
bound like quintenary stars, without a doubt. it's the largest scale project I've ever done, and it's really forced me to grow as a writer
4: what work of yours has the most hits?
hold onto me has over 15k hits which is still WILD to me lmfao. if only i could write an update to that thang. and if we're talking just this year, then it's buckley siblings and their terrible, awful, no good very bad first dates at almost 3k
5: favorite title you used?
DEFINITELY buckley siblings and their terrible, awful, no good very bad first dates. i read that book as a kid and i think i'm hilarious
6: what artist have you pulled lyrics from the most:
probably bastille. tbh
7: pairing that you wrote the most for this year:
buddie LMAO. of the 5 fics i posted this year, 3 of them are buddie. I'm not counting quintenary stars in this because as of right now it's still mostly genfic and the romance won't come in until much further down the line
8: favorite pairing you wrote for this year:
only a few people know this but I wrote a LOT of adashi. I'm working on a side piece for quintenary stars that focuses on them pre-kerberos, and there are also a handful of adashi-adjacent aus i've been working on including leverage, agents of shield, and rwby. i'm obsessed with them lowkey
9: what work was the quickest to write?
walking out into the dark, cutting out a different path, led by a beating heart was uh. well. i wrote it in a matter of hours in a haze of mental illness in between the promo for 911 s6e11 and the actual episode dropping later that night. for those of you who don't have the context, a character got struck by lightning and subsequently was lingering on the threshold of death in episode 10, and when the promo for 11 dropped we realized there was going to be a coma dream episode in which the character would experience what should have been his Perfect Life but without all the things that led him to where he was, he never would have had an impact on his friends and family, and there would have been disastrous consequences. I distinctly remember skipping out on an entire day of classes because I was writing this fic LMFAO. and to this day I'm still very proud of it. incredible things come from sheer insanity it seems
10: what work took you longest to write?
seeing as quintenary stars is still ongoing, I'll say you're such a heavenly view. i had just watched prince caspian (again) and was feeling insane (as per usual) but it still took FOREVER to get this thang finished </3
11: what's your longest fic of the year?
quintenary stars is currently sitting pretty on 221,491, making it my longest piece of writing ever. which is pretty cool and also kinda scary because bro. bro i have no idea where these words are coming from
12: what's your shortest fic of the year?
buckley siblings !! it was short and sweet. angst and whump. u guys know what i like
13: favorite character you wrote this year?
oogh...i LOVED writing peter's pov in you're such a heavenly view. i actually would love to write more narnia fic someday. and i also love writing in pidge's pov in quintenary stars she is LITERALLY just like me fr
14: what's one pairing you want to explore more next year?
HEITH. i'm not putting them in quintenary stars but BOY do i want to explore their dynamic. and i am also always down for more caspeter
15: how many kudos in total did you get this year?
16: which work has the most comments?
quintenary stars! which statistically makes sense to me because it's a multichapter and the others this year are oneshots. but the fic that has the most comments overall is hold onto me
17: did you do any collaborative works this year?
nothing posted on ao3, but there was a lot of collaboration going on behind the scenes! the voltron leverage au in particular is a pretty elaborate project @frigidboy and i are working on together, and he's also been my soundboard for a lot of quintenary stars stuff. I've also been collaborating with various members of The Groupchat (@dauntingday, @soleadita, @xandromedan, @moonlightperseus) on various ongoing projects and aus including but not limited to some rwby aus with day, red and 13 stuff with leo, COUNTLESS aus, ocs, and wips with mads, and some leverage stuff with abby. I've also made some zombie apocalypse ocs with @0xy--m0r0n. and there are probably more things I've collabed with people on but I FORGOR </3
18: what's your most common category?
gen and m/m !! I tend to lean more gen with just a touch of romance most of the time, but more often than not my oneshots will be more explicitly romance
19: what do you listen to while writing?
it varies, but most of the time it will be some kind of orchestral/instrumental music. I have a list of favorite compilations on youtube from hans zimmer and some other favorites that I rotate through, and I also have some playlists on spotify for when I'm not as picky. it also depends on what I'm writing at the time: if I'm writing quintenary stars, I will usually go straight to the voltron soundtrack (or other space sci fi like interstellar or gravity) just because I need a specific vibe. and if I'm writing a battle scene, sometimes I'll pull up another tab and put some space battle ambience over the music, too
20: favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
oh god there are SO many favorites. but probably in the coma dream buck fic (walking out into the dark) when I used imagery to draw a connection to the Shooting Scene. like of all the literary things I've pulled over the years I think that one is hands down my favorite
"Shit's crazy here, man," Danny said as he stepped up to the sink beside Evan. "Did you know there was a sniper a few months ago? Some crazy cop was shooting firefighters out in the streets." A chill ran down Evan's spine, coldness settling in the bottom of his gut. Danny turned on the faucet. Water splashed in the bottom of the sink, flung up and out.  Droplets splattered across Evan's face. "Damn," Evan murmured, raising a shaking hand to wipe it away. "Was anyone killed?" "One was," Danny said offhandedly. "He got shot right after a call, middle of the street. Nobody even saw it coming.” Evan was shaking, all over his body. Danny just kept going, like he didn’t even notice. “His team was trapped by the sniper and by the time they got him pulled out, it was too late.” Stay there! I’m coming to you! “The news said his name was Diaz. Eddie Diaz." Evan dropped the plate he was holding. Shards of ceramic flew in every direction, pinpricks of pain prickling at his legs and bare feet. Gunshot in the street. Blood splattered on his face. Asphalt against his cheek. Are you hurt? "Evan?" Danny was looking at him, brows furrowed together. "Are you okay?" Evan swallowed, took in a shaky breath, nodded. He bent and began to gently gather the broken shards in his palm, but something made him pause. "Huh." "What?" Danny was looking at him like he was crazy. "I'm not bleeding." And he wasn't. His legs and feet were untouched; smooth, unmarred skin where only seconds before, he'd been so certain he'd felt cuts. "That's weird," Danny said, before shoving a broom in Evan's hands. "Your mess, your job. You get to finish the dishes."
overall that whole fic was just. probably some of my best work I think. I'm so proud of it fr
21: biggest surprise while writing this year?
i was NOT expecting quintenary stars to get as much engagement as it's been getting!! i feel like everyone's kinda trying to forget voltron ever existed (understandable) so i didn't think there would be much of an audience for it. but there is!!! and i love you guys!!!!!
TAGGING IF U WANNA DO THIS TOO: ppl i've already tagged above, plus @scorchedhearth, @ anyone else who wants to do it !! I'm so sorry I am totally blanking on mutuals/followers/friends who are also writers so if u see this and want to, consider urself tagged !!
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
The 'this is going to be hella chaotic bc its week 3 wee woo and week 4 tyler higbee please go off i need the points' reaction dump
Listen I'm like deadlocked this week in fantasy football and really need my guy Tyler to show OUT against the 49ers but I'm also invested in all things Bathena so this could not be a worse scenario for my mediocre focusing skills.
I've got so many screens going at once idk how this is gonna go lmao
Lord help me when its playoff baseball and NHL bc 💀
Anyway, gimme all the Bathena tonight PLEASE. I feel like we've only really gotten crumbs from them since COVID hit and Peter and Angela took a step back (also Angela filming BP2), and I'm so, so hyped for more1
The way the actress is playing Athena's mom is talking with her hands is soooo Athena. IDK if it was a conscious decision or not but I love that little detail.
Man, that had to be so terrifying and traumatizing for her
The fact that the foundation was so exposed is sus, but also the timeline is hella confusing. I feel like Jr's dad was only mentioning it so that Athena would question her dad more and not look at him, the guy who poured the foundation. Plus the odd looks Junior was giving his dad--the man knows something.
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Bobby being supportive husband ♥♥♥
my lil tyler bud out there doing tight end thins
Honestly, props to Athena for recognizing she really doesn't know who her dad is beyond her house. A lot of family members can't take the blinders off (literally happening in my family rn) or refuse to entertain the idea their family members might be a bad person.
Wait - they both snuck out ??? I mean, that explains the quick change from wanting to shoot Athena point blank and then inviting her inside, but yikes
Something definitely happens at this party, I can feel it. Then Junior and his dad cover up by hiding her body in the foundation. That's the reason for the girls hearing the truck...
Also, I'm still not convinced JR isn't a bit sus outright, especially after the comment about chasing Athena around. He's clearly older--old enough to be passable for drinking age, probably 15/16/17, so that's 10ish on Athena. It's a bit gross to think he was chasing her or however they worded it being that much older than her.
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Bobby is about to lose his shit. Like I can see why he'd take her in, but also I can't actually believe they're taking her in.
Is he going to try something ??
Well, actually he is but you don't know that yet
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Oh look Matty boy got sacked again lololol
oh christ woman why didn't you put it up?
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Unrelated but Kittle my guy, I'm gonna need you to get some yards here in the next 3 quarters okay?
Always with the villain monologue. I remember in the promo Athena clocked a dude with a shovel and I was pretty sure it was Jr, so like give it a little more oomph
I mean this dude is a fucking creep, right?
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kinda poetic it's going to end here though, she can get her peace while he gets justice where it all happened.
Okay, so I knew this was going to be a heavy episode but holy shit was this a heavy episode I mean ----
Holy shit there were more
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I'm just
holy shit that ending
I -
I need 3-5 bus days to process yall bc WHAT
Like, this was such a good episode. I know people will be booing because it was Bathena only "aNd noT tHe 118", but y'all this was fucking fantastic. The acting, the story, the execution. Like, the TWISTS. I knew it was likely to be a plot of this kind but the way they got there I was not expecting. Also, to get the supportive!Bobby and his dad-glasses moments ?? S - W - O - O - N
Plus bad ass Athena again? Clocking the shit out of that creep? Doing detective things with her hubby? In this economy??
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((tyler you're doing great sweetie!!!))
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mjfass · 2 years
I'm just imagining this but bear with me here.
Rampage. Promo segment with The Superkliq and Bobby Fish. Adam Cole tells the Bucks "Listen. Me and Bobby have been talking. I think it's time we stopped playing grab-ass with these dweeb tag teams like Jurassic Express and Best Friends. I think it's time we made our next move. I wanna call my next shot."
Now obviously, the Bucks support Adam's ambition to return to form, so they say sure.
Adam Cole goes "Leave it all to me. I'll let you guys handle Jurassic Express," which leads to the Bucks vs Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus at Winter is Coming. Winner is arbitrary, I'd say Bucks.
Also at Winter is Coming (Part 1, I'd assume since Winter Is Coming was a 2 episode special last year), in the main event, The Lucha Bros retain against FTR. FTR are walking up the ramp in defeat, when who should come out of the Heel Tunnel, but Adam Cole and Bobby Fish. There's a quick staredown between the two teams (referencing their BANGER match in NXT in the rare occurrence that The Revival worked face. Hopefully this builds hype for a rematch down the line) as Cole and Fish approach and stand on the apron.
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Penta and Fenix square up to the two holding up their titles when a hooded and masked figure rushes into the ring from the crowd and attacks Fenix (in a parallel to Adam Cole's NXT debut)
The figure takes off his hood to reveal, of course... a debuting Kyle O'Reilly. The three continue to beat down Fenix and Penta before the newly reunited reDRagon pick up the Tag Belts as Adam Cole claps the two on the back as the show closes.
Next rampage, Adam Cole addresses the crowd with Fish and O'Reilly.
"Who's ready for Story Time with Adam Cole, Bay Bay? Now you guys may be asking "Adam, I thought you and Kyle hated each other!" and you'd be right! For a good couple months this year I hated Kyle's guts. But Kyle and I? We're brothers. And brothers fight. And after everything that happened, I gave my brother a call. It took a while and a lotta kicking and screaming from both parties but Kyle and I ended up burying the hatchet. And after we had reconciled, Kyle asked me. "What's next?" and I told him. "Kyle, my brother, AEW is ripe for the taking. We can run roughshod over the AEW like with every other promotion we've ever run through. Whaddya say?" and pray tell, what was your response, Kyle?"
"When do we start?"
"HA HA! YES. So listen here, boys and girls... we are OFFICIALLY putting the Tag Scene on notice. Penta? Fenix? Keep those belts warm for us, because we'll be ripping them from your broken fingers soon enough. And as for the rest of the Tag Division? You can consider this... a Hostile Takeover."
Boom. Mic drop.
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we-rate-tmnt · 4 years
I request: Leonardo. Please and thank you 🙏.
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Idk if everyone loves Leo or if my header and avatar just remind everyone about this amazing blue boy. (This one’s super silly btw. I’m just sillier as time goes on. Character development I guess?) 
The iconic leador Leonardo (1987)
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Bro idk why but I loved this Leo. I have a tiny memory, especially with this version but I clearly remember that I thought he was the funniest and the coolest. I mean, he had swords, what was I supposed to do as a 7-year-old. NOT like him??? Anyway, while Raph was the best at insult comedy, I think Leo had the best puns and punchlines. I really like how nonchalant this Leo is compared to his iterations, going along with really silly ideas and having fun along the way. But because of this, his leadership is a little forced at times, he seems like such a chill and fun dude that when he gets serious, I have to squint and ask ‘are you Leo? Or were you just putting on act a moment ago?’ Or my perception is entirely warped over time. Either way, good turtle boy, could have used some work tho. 5.7/10
Here comes grumpy lad wooo this is all read very monotone btw Fearless Leader (2003)
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What. What the fuck happened. I was actually so confused when Leo turned really angry and serious and almost manic. I thought that episode when he popped into Casey’s window and was like ‘Hey bitch lets go beat the shit out of some lowlifes’ I was WOAH THERE BUDDY BACK UP BACK UP BACK TF UP. It was so sudden to me and when it was finally explained, it made some sense??? Like yeah, character development is great an’ all but this ain’t it chief. I can’t imagine what it was like having to wait for these episodes to release one at a time. Bc I watched every episode back to back on Youtube and I was genuinely bamboozled. But when you have an experience like that where guilt is weighing down on you from a situation you couldn’t control, it would’ve been HELLA HELPFUL to have at least a flashback, like a line saying ‘I was so useless!’ at BARE MINIMUM. Like right after Shredder is booted off to Planet Zula, Donnie would notice that Leo didn’t seem all that happy and would ask why and Leo would get upset and yell at Donnie saying that ‘You wouldn’t understand’, ‘You don’t know how I felt, how I feel because of that’, etc. Like you don’t even have to say he felt guilty or helpless, just give us something to grab onto. We’re merely six-year-olds who thought they could climb the YMCA rock wall in easy mode but instead the script riders harnessed us up on the hard one and wouldn’t let us come down until we rang the little bell at the top. I think that is the only problem I had with his Leo. The sudden change of calm and decisive to angry and irrational was so jarring that it felt unnatural without that crucial context. If you want a surprise reveal, at least hint at the reveal (like just about every Disney movie with their ‘twist’ villains) not wait until the very last moment. I think this might be my least favorite Leo and I think the season where he stood out the most and seemed the strongest was Fast Forward (Which was GOOD FIGHT ME), especially in scenes with Dark Leo, his clone. He sees so much of himself in Dark Leo but he also sees something he had once grasped (AKA the poorly written character arc, I CANNOT stress how bad I thought it was). Although, I honestly think he’s a really good character and he’s a pretty neat guy. However, this score is entirely held up by Fast Forward and his connection with Usagi, sword bros to the end of time. 3/10 (2 for FF and 1 for Usagi)
And now a Leo that makes me genuinely feel UWU Leo (2012)
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I cannot stress how much I like this guy! Like his design is so appealing, his dedication, his obsession with Space Heroes, like I FUCKING LOVE IT. And everyone knows, that shit with Karai, at first when they didn’t realize they were related, I can let slide but kajsdflksadf what even like why did the writers feel the need to add in more ‘love interest’ implications like yuck yuck yuck. The only two interactions with Leo and Karai that I really like are when Leo defeats her using the healing hands technique and when Leo has a goth/emo/punk/idk I’m new here phase and they team up and EXPLOSIONS. He was introduced to us as being incredibly naive and his idea of leadership is from some old cartoon that’s basically star trek but ethically questionable. After his fights in season 1, to the finale with the technodrome, you can see his growth. He’s able to formulate plans and make life or death decisions. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. When Leo got hurt, I felt like the oof sound effect mixed with some tears I normally shed at some Shojo manga bs. While the episodes following were super weird, it was a nice way to help Leo recover, not only physically but spiritually (Although I don’t remember the spirit arc at all except the epic Raph vs Fishface fight, so we’re skipping that). When Master Splinter really died, you could tell there was a huge impact on Leo, but he had to remain stoic and lead the family now. A lot of heartbreaking moments in this series came from Leo and I’m glad they took at least some thought into developing him. Tiny head Leo will haunt my nightmares, but the giggly fanboy will warm my heart constantly. 6/10
I only have one word for this Leo (Heroes in a Half Shell: Blast to the Past)
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This is a super crazy bad idea accent on the super crazy bad part have I mentioned it’s also a really terrible idea/10
Okay, spoiler alert, didn’t really think this Leo was that grand Leo (2014/2016)
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Painfully average. He didn’t stand out that much, Raph was part of the focus and had that touching scene at the end, Donnie was ICONIC and Mikey (with his weird-ass eyes) was super lively and funny! Leo? Uh, I don’t remember a single line he said. Because he never really grabbed my attention, I don’t have too much to say on this version. The Raph and Leo fight felt forced and the whole ‘keep this stuff that could turn us human a secret’ was pretty pointless and was added just to cause drama, I don’t even remember what that Splinter and Leo conversation was about. Design-wise, really neat! You can see some more traditional Japanese clothing/style mixed with modern (I’d feel a lot better about this assumption if some could tell exactly what the heck he’s wearing, but I get traditional Japan warrior vibes from it) in his look which was super neat! Other than that, if you like him, please tell me why because I don’t get. He was just kinda eh. 5/10
AHHH MY BOY YASSS WHOOO!! Neon Leon (2018)
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Okay, I loved Ben Schwarts already from Parks and Rec but like him being Sonic AND Leo, like DUDE. He’s super funny by himself but teamed up with this shows writing and animation, it makes it hilarious. I literally love this Leo so much, maybe because we’re alike but honestly, he’s amazing. I love his design with the red and yellow crescents accenting his skin and livening up his color pallet. He has a very healthy and natural dynamic with his brothers, he’s the first to know what’s wrong and tries his best to make up for his actions. This is really prominent in the most recent episodes, along with the episode portal jacked. In both, Leo is separated from his brothers. Portal Jacked is in a more literal sense, while Air Turtle handles in more of an emotional sense. While both are brief, Leo sees his error and tries his best to make it up to them. I love his dynamic so much and it’s so nice to see something like this compared to the unnecessary drama and tension between the brothers in the previous series. It’s refreshing and this is something a younger audience needs to see; instead of fighting, it’s better to work together and improve yourself along the way. Improvement is a big theme for Leo here. He’s a goofball, makes jokes at every opportunity and isn’t quite skilled at fighting or using his weapon. But he grows over time, he learns to manage his power and he’s working on mastering it. He’s trying to put aside his narcissism more and focuses on his family. I think the approach they took with him rising to leader rather than slapping it on his forehead was the goddamn best decision they could make. He’s making plans, finding loopholes, helping out and getting out of his comfort zone. I cannot stress how well this show has handled Leo, along with the other characters. I can’t wait to see more episodes about his growth and I am awarding him with one of the greatest honors I could give... 10/10
Storytime: I drew a super cute 2012 Leo, you should look at him. Shameless self-promo, but you should follow me on my main blog bc I’m nice and I draw pretty pictures. Also. I have a little 2012 Leo Happy Meal toy??? I think??? guarding my window and he’s been there for YEARS. I need to bring him in and refresh his paint job.
Wow! I didn’t expect this many requests for Leo, so the blog will be momentarily spammed with the requests, but it shouldn’t be too much! Up next should be the last turtle (Mikey) and then we can get to some REALLY great requests I’m eager to answer. As usual, please comment and reblog! I’d love to hear your opinion!
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number5theboy · 4 years
my liveblogged thoughts under the cut
Episode 1
·         Exhilarating! I love Ben
·         Ben already has more lines in these first five minutes than he had in the first season
·         This montage is good
·         ALLISON BABY
·         Luther yelled for Diego first I love this
·         Diego is immediately in vigilante mode…….hot
·         Vanya is a mess we love to see it
·         The shot of Five’s feet hitting the puddle? So aesthetically pleasing
·         The battle scene is such a smart way of reintroducing everyone’s powers and their Final Form™ succinctly
·         I love Hazel. So much.
·         The Umbrella Atomic Explosion™ is SO clever I love it
·         Oh Hazel and Five make me soft
·         Agnes and Hazel had a good life
·         Hazel is so dead
·         Welp that took no time at all
·         “How many times did I say bulletproof briefcases?” ily mister five
·         I love the Swedes they’re stupid
·         Are we ever gonna know what Agnes made Hazel promise?
·         Five is honestly world’s best character
·         “Well the truth is out there!” abkdkblhlkbkhl
·         I shouldn’t make quick judgments, but conspiracy nut guy is nice and I hope he doesn’t turn out evil, because I also through Harold was nice in the beginning
·         Diego got himself arrested already what an idiot
·         Asddjgflkflhfl Diego’s problems all put out
·         Okay, set-up for Diego’s character arc of self-actualisation we love to see it
·         Lila is awesome, but I hope they don’t make her crush on him excessively
·         Diego and Five is an underrated duo
·         Five is jut gonna murder him sometime along the way
·         Oof Vanya is so cute in that outfit
·         This scene perfectly encapsulates women having to listen to men
·         I cannot tell white men apart, does Carl look like conspiracy nut guy or is it just me?
·         As usual, Ben and Klaus are bad at everything
·         “neither does your beard” icon Ben Hargreeves
·         I support Ben pummelling Klaus
·         I passionately hate the beard and love the coat
·         Why do all the white men look alike, I thought this poker dude was a Swede
·         “Pick a better time to self-actualise!”
·         I still hate the beard, let’s see if it grows on me
·         Yusuf Gatewood………….hot
·         By far the hottest couple so far in TUA
·         Please tell me she’s not still hung up on Luther
·         Yes she is goddammit
·         The moon thing is cute though, I can appreciate that
·         Luther finally gets a well-soundtracked fight scene I love it
·         Oh Luther is pulling a Five in feeling bad about his excessive violence
·         I already hate his boss
·         Raymond marry me pls
·         Allison marry me pls
·         Sissy and Vanya have excellent chemistry
·         Oh I see the deliberate parallel with Vanya, Umbrella Academy, you aren’t fooling me
·         Do you think they’ll say a single word or?
·         Literally the only way this show knows how to signal danger is through flickering lights
·         Two bopping fight scene and Five hasn’t been in any of them
·         Lila and Diego have no braincells between them it’s beautiful
·         Alright, she knows how to fight……..supicious
·         If this show wasn’t so hellbent on making Luther and Allison a thing, he would be best ace rep
·         Lmao “I don’t give a shit” I love you Luther
·         Okay so Hazel and Cha-Cha are dead but that pestilence still runs around??? Bruuuuuuuuuh
·         Kate Walsh is still hot though
·         AJ??????
·         THE FISH SMOKES?!?
·         God the Commission is such a capitalist hellhole
·         Oh there we have 743
·         H E R B
·         Okay I am here to see her humiliated but please no redemption arc for her
·         I love the deliberate parallels between Five and the Handler
·         “Like a masseuse?” IDIOTS
·         Oh Five is so lost and vulnerable baby boy
·         Also the character developments in Luther!!!!!
·         “Dad should’ve left him on the moon.” Five is, simply said, an icon
·         Oof Sissy is SO cute
·         I’m already not ready for Five to find Vanya
·         Lila is so extra can we keep her
·         Great now I have sympathy for Carl
·         Luther’s new outfit looks so good on him
·         Well that was dramatic and didn’t lead anywhere
·         Alright two episodes in, Civil Rights plotline hasn’t been fucked up yet
·         “cousins on my robot mother’s side”
·         “Imagine Batman, then aim lower.”
·         Lila is great I love her
·         Diego is gonna throw both Five and Lila through a wall at some point
·         Five is so ready to throw Diego under the bus
·         Klaus Hargreeves, world’s worst cult leader
·         ……….did Klaus built a cult on pop lyrics?
·         Klaus and Raymond bonding I love it
·         This scene is so good
·         “You shouldn’t be the one to apologise.” I’M GONNA CRY
·         Tom Hopper and Ellen Page are so good in this scene
·         WHY DID HE LEAVE
·         What the flying fuck is up with the Swedes
·         Is Five ever gonna bring up the fact that he was supposed to kill Kennedy or?
·         Raymond is wasted on someone who doesn’t give him her whole heart
·         What the FUCK, Klaus
·         Why does she remember her name tho
·         The violin starting up when she talks about the callouses on Vanya’s hands
·         Brotherly bonding is my new favourite scene
·         Do the filmmakers know that your scene can be suspenseful and well-lit
·         Okay maybe baby Pogo is cute
·         There is gonna be no Five murdering spree, the blood is solely from Pogo
·         Next well-soundtracked fight scene
·         The choreography of this!!!!!
·         Man Reginald is a shitty dad before he even becomes a dad
·         Diego cannot catch a break poor baby
·         So far, all title card umbrellas have not disappointed
·         You are running in a straight line you really should hit her
·         Yep, Watchmen flashbacks
·         Luther remains cute and awkward
·         S E Q U I N S
·         FINALLY
·         A HUG  
·         Allison and Klaus are so cute
·         What in the goddamn Looney Tunes is this outfit lady
·         This spooky ghost show is great
·         Everyone going off on Five is great
·         @ this show stop ripping Vanya and Five apart and let them be soft
·         Diego is so naked this entire season
·         Diego and Lila are a good dynamic
·         Elliott is a babe I love him
·         The Handler continues to be creepy about Five
·         So much driving
·         Luther is baby and Raymond deserves better than to deal with all the baggage from all the Hargreeves brothers
·         Ouch this is awkward
·         I don’t get why they didn’t cast normal Dave to play young Dave they’re not that far apart in age
·         Oh he’s gonna have to let Dave go
·         Oh this scene must be so triggering
·         Oh shit’s bad and it’s only episode 3
·         PUPPY???
·         Oh my god the Handler is pure fucking evil
·         She learnt the fighting from her mom alright
·         Man I hoped that the antisemitism was gone
·         Vanya being protective of Luther :’)
·         Luther only has shitty father figures
·         I can’t believe they were better organised last season
·         Why do you hate the Vanya/Five dynamic so much, show?
·         Five got an extra dose of asshole today this season huh
·         Reggie is probably the twelfth
·         Oh boy Klaus is a trainwreck
·         That marriage is also a trainwreck
·         I understand Ray though
·         Why is there Styx on this soundtrack
·         Oh Klaus baby
·         Five is a smart young old man
·         Oh baby is eating his heart out
·         Oh the hug makes me soft though
·         Honestly, Tom Hopper and Emmy Raver Lampman have such cute chemistry
·         “Doomsday” *nervous chuckle*
·         Ballroom lessons as kids
·         This is an excellent dance scene
·         Reggie is gross
·         Diego’s mommy AND daddy issues are put on blast this season
·         Sissy is such a babe
·         Man we got budget BUDGET for this season
·         Alright, the white violin can revive people now cool cool cool
·         How different her powers are when powered by love
·         I love Elliott I hope he survives the eason
·         I am down for Luther and Elliott getting high together
·         God Allison and Klaus make me so soft
·         I am very supportive of Elliott and Luther becoming bros
·         You already shanked one son, go poker stick another one
·         They both?????? Just left him to fend for himself??????????
·         Ancient Greek??? Bitch what
·         This show is rated for violence and we have barely seen any!!!!!! What!!!!!!!
 Episode 5
·         Okay baby Pogo and Grace is adorable
·         Why is Pogo in space now
·         AGAIN
·         Hargeeves got a hug before Five did what the effing fuck
·         He might be a dick but his instincts are good
·         Haha old cowboy
·         Ben is so done
·         Vanya……..Sissy……..my heart
·         Wow Reginald continues to be a massive arse
·         Luther/Diego/Five are DUMB and I love them
·         “No, bro, he shanked your heart.”
·         God the Handler!!!!!!
·         We didn’t even see Five reunite with Allison and Klaus!!!!!
·         Allison and Diego rights babey!!!
·         Are the Swedes ever gonna say something or
·         The red-blue dynamic in Luther and Diego I live for that
·         Luther and Diego are gooooooood together
·         What is up with that
·         Klaus, Vanya and Allison are dumbasses and I love them so much
·         Alright where are the Swedes doing and why is that tree so creepy
·         Oh the youngest Swede just went tits-up
·         Please tell me Five is finally getting a fight scene
·         Excellent fight scene
·         Great, now I feel sad for the Swedes
·         They deffo have a cooler aesthetic than Hazel and Cha-Cha
·         This cover is beautiful
·         This wig looks better than Klaus’
·         Also Ben has barely been in this season where is he at
·         Oof Ray is so cute
·         The Handler and Five have such good chemistry holy shit
·         Diego, Luther and Vanya are a god-tier dynamic
·         We love the CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT
·         Wait how is this only episode six I feel like this is already the pensum of the first season
·         Clothing montage baby!!!!!
·         God they look so good together
·         Oh Allison can be RUTHLESS
·         Oh no no no no I didn’t think Klaus and Dave could be even more tragic
·         THEY TALK
·         God she is so fucking creepy stop lusting after a child
·         World’s most satisfying elevator shot
·         This scene is chaos I love it
·         God everyone just harps on Diego’s daddy issues jesus
·         Oh baby no
·         Oh babies no
·         Why are there so many antisemitic dogwhistles in this
·         This scene between Five and Reginald is good
·         NOT ELLIOTT
·         Oh no no no no Carl
·         Alright at least this promises a good fight scene
·         This polka music bops
·         Wait how did he get to 1982
·         HE SAID FUCK
·         Man Carmichael was out so quick
·         No fish-eating?
·         Awwwww Klaus and Ben have a heart to heart
·         Oh God, Diego and Luther have no brain activity between the two of them
·         That is a Look
·         Oh this montage of Ben rediscovering touch
·         The writing of this show was oddly prophetic
·         Oh wait Vanya’s gonna be incarcerated too right????
·         Oh this is heart-breaking
·         Really?????? Ben’s the dorky one???
·         Oh my god Ben is getting a hug and Diego is so soft
·         Man why are Five and Vanya so antagonistic
·         Dude a fight between them would have been so epic
·         Diego
·         You idiot
·         Oh Allison really loves him and he loves her
·         Oh I am so sad
·         Yeah this episode is infinitely worse than the day that wasn’t
·         What the fuck
·         Yo that is sadistic as fuck Allison what the flying fuck
·         This scene might ruin the song for me
·         There definitely was an easier way out
·         They fucked it up
·         I am not surprised
·         Oh she speaks Russian
·         Five just snapped and honestly deserves it
·         Yeah I feel for the Swede
·         What is it with commission assassins and axes this season
·         “Your vagina needs fresh glasses.”
·         Nepotism
·         Oh Grace is turning on him baby!!
·         Ha remember when we were all like ‘oh no they’re making Reggie sympathetic’
·         Yeah so much for that
·         Five and Luther are……..soft
·         What the fuck is up with that
·         Oooooohhhhhhh trippy kid scene
·         Also Reggie is bad at German
·         I love Luther and Five so much
·         We finally get to see older Five’s tie pattern
·         Alright Lila makes me uncomfortable
·         Man after the last rampage you’d think they’d upped security in this place
·         Herb for president!!
·         Some catch Diego’s ego is going berserk
·         Oh not again
·         Dot is a rebel now
·         Everyone is ragging on Five, even Five
·         This is so trippy
·         Oh yeah the brains. Forgot about those.
·         I……….sad
·         Oh my god oh my god oh my god
·         Of course it’s all the government’s fault
·         Love how they just walked into an FBI building
·         Bro what the fuck is going on
·         Allison is always there for Vanya and I love her
·         Hello Klaus and Diego are so cute
·         Oh my heart you go Klaus
·         So much for that
·         BUT BEN
·         Crazy Five is an idiot I love him
·         “I’m the daddy here” is not the gazelle, but it’ll do in a pinch
·         The 743!!!!!!
·         Oh God, Harlan is in danger
·         She loves him?!? You barely know the man!!!!!!
·         Oh it’s her file
·         This continues to be trippy
·         These visuals are so stunning
·         This is my favourite scene so far, this is so good, this is an excellent talk
·         NO
·         NOT BEN
·         NOT BEN
·         “I’m askin’, Carl.” You go Sissy, love you, you’re doing excellent
·         Alright, we have a mini-Vanya here
·         Oh I hate the Handler so fucking much she is the worst
·         What a plot-twist
·         Oh god so much is going on in this season
·         Oh we get fish-eating, but it’s not Five? That’s lame
·         Why are they all so hell-bent on making stupid decisions
·         Klaus you idiot
·         What the fuck what is on the dark side of the moon
·         What the flying fuck what the fuck what tebdjbdgkbjdsgkbjgsdjgnj
·         Oh the kids are back for Ben’s funeral
·         I hate this
·         Reginald is just. The worst.
·         My emotions are all over the place
·         Oh……..babies
·         OH MY GOD DIEGO
·         AND FIVE
·         It wouldn’t hurt to go to an abandoned farm
·         God this is a family of shitty choices
·         I don’t want Ben to be gone
·         FAMILY TIME
·         Oh shit I totally forgot about the last Swede
·         BRO THE STAKES
·         ALRIGHT Harland is gonna be alright
·         All these assassins have shit aim
·         HE’S MATRIXING
·         LILA’S ONE OF THE 43
·         Awwwwww they love each other
·         Oh great THEY’RE DEAD AGAIN
·         Oh now LILA will have to fix the timeline
·         Wait now they’re all dead
·         The swede to the rescue?
·         Please tell me she’s dead for good this time
·         We love a de facto protagonist saving everyone’s asses once more
·         Dot and Herb are precious dumbasses
·         This is heart-breaking, but I understand Sissy so much
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tirednotflirting · 4 years
happy prompt to cut in with the angsty ones! a rewind on bachelor host ashton when he was still hosting, of michael and luke watching the show and giving commentary? no pairing I guess, just guys being bros watching reality tv together
hey meghna ily. and i hope this is what you meant kfdlsjfkls <3
this is dumb and very silly but vaguely includes one of my favorite non-couple story lines that happened on Bachelor in Paradise. 
also this is a prequel of sorts to this
also here it is on ao3 bc why not
“What’s the drinking game rule with the bartender guy? Jack?”
“Okay so anytime Alex, remember that’s the guy in the purple shorts there, starts flirting with Jack, you have to take a sip. You take another any time Jack is ignoring another person trying to ask for a drink to flirt back,” Luke explains while pointing at the men he references before taking two sips from his wine glass.
“Jesus Christ,” Michael groans before lifting his can to take the sips as well. “These two alone are going to get me wasted and one of them isn’t even a contestant. Why did I let you talk me into this?”
Luke drops a piece of popcorn into his mouth and smiles at Michael’s entirely fake glare. “Because you love spending time with me and I love trash TV.”
“It’s definitely for the wine and snacks but just keep telling yourself that.”
Their attention drifts back to the screen then as the theme song for this week’s episode of Love in Paradise starts playing. It’s some corny intro sequence, this version of the reality show much more self aware than the other iterations that play throughout the year. Michael and Luke laugh at the silly poses and actions this season’s cast have picked to do and throw in random comments about different people as they pop up on the screen.
Luke loves Saturday reality TV night with Michael. Loves that he has a friend willing to watch week old episodes of Luke’s favorite show just to spend time with him. He had been worried when he took this night job that he started recently that he would lose contact with all of his friends that worked and went about their lives during normal times. Though he supposes that Michael doesn’t exactly go about his life during normal hours despite working during the day. Honestly he avoids ever thinking about it too hard because then he gets worried about whether or not Michael is sleeping at all, really. And Michael hid all of his hair-ties last time Luke called Michael’s mom worried about his health.
Luke’s pondering his best friend’s sleep schedule still when the theme song is wrapping up, the final person shown before the show’s title being their ridiculously good looking host. Luke really prides himself generally on not having too much of a crush on TV personality but ever since he got stuck on this show after watching the previous few seasons on Hulu with the girl who works the graveyard shift with him at the hospital, he’s been drooling over Ashton Irwin. Honestly, it’s a damn shame that Ashton is the host rather than the lead on the show. That would get Luke to sign up to be a contestant in a heartbeat and him and Michael both agree that Luke would make excellent TV on a program like this.
“You know,” Michael says while grabbing a handful of popcorn. “They’re totally only bringing this Niall guy on so they can make all of us swoon over him before breaking his heart and making him the lead on the next season. There’s no way that him and Harry make it to the end of this thing.”
Luke takes another sip of his wine while making a disappointed sound. “See that’s what I think they’re doing with this Alex situation.” He gestures toward the screen where Alex is once again batting his lashes at Jack. (Which prompts Michael to groan before taking another sip. This week’s drinking game really wasn’t messing around.)
“Like I’m telling you there is no way they would give up having Jack as the bartender, he’s fucking hilarious. Plus then we get a whole run of promo ads for the next season with Alex’s pouty face. Which, hate to break it to you, dude, is much cuter than Niall’s.”
“Take that back, Niall is adorable.”
Luke raises his hands in surrender. “Not saying he isn’t cute. Just saying he’s not as cute.”
Michael shakes his head. “Goddamn, what are you turning me into?”
They watch for a while with minimal comments back and forth. Jamie and Damon get into a fight over what he decides to eat for breakfast (he’s spent the season attempting to convince her he’s a vegan and she caught him red-handed with both bacon and cheese). Harry and Niall write songs for each other on the beach (“musicians have the best break-ups there is no way that’s not what’s going to happen, Luke”). Luke continues to make heart-eyes every time Ashton Irwin comes on screen to welcome a new contestant to the beach house or to address the audience about the structure of the show. Michael suggests that they make a drinking game rule for every time Luke zones out when Ashton comes on screen shirtless. Luke blushes and flips him off.
The episode is winding down, and Luke and Michael are slumped against the back of the couch (very well wine drunk at this point in the two hour episode) when an ad from the network sounds out providing details on how to sign up to be a contestant or how to nominate someone for the next season. 
“Hey,” Michael starts, his head rolling to the side to meet Luke’s eyes. “we should sign each other up for the show. That way I can actually meet a man and you can attempt to swoon the host. Their ratings would go nuts if a contestant rode off into the sunset with that god of a man.”
“As if either of us would ever have the energy to be a TV personality,” Luke scoffs. “Like everyone on this is totally expected to be an influencer once it’s all over and I just don’t think I could stand myself if my job was to try to get people to buy essential oils and supplements.”
Michael laughs as he stands to collect their empty glasses and snack bowls while the preview for next week’s episode plays. “Just saying, man, like with this new schedule you’ve got, what are the odds you’re able to date anyone?”
Luke rolls his eyes, though if he’s being honest, it’s definitely something he’s been thinking about. “Whatever, that’s a problem for another day. Now, what are your official finale predictions? Because I’m willing to literally put money down on a dramatic scene of Jack and Alex calling whatever they have off, sunset in the background and that new Selena Gomez song playing before camera cuts and they announce the new lead.”
Michael marches back into the living room and throws a $20 bill down on the coffee table. “Harry and Niall make it all the way to the overnight date before Harry gives some shit like ‘the music just isn’t there anymore’ and then they play that new Julia Michaels song while Niall cries.”
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bunnymcbunnister · 4 years
SPN Season 15 Spoiler Sheet, update 9/12
I waited until filming was over to post. Hopefully we will get some interviews in this next month before the show starts airing again. We also usually get episode an synopsis two weeks before airing and photos one week before airing, on Fridays. 
DISCLAIMER: This is gathered info from various sources. This is not confirmed information. Stuff in this WILL be wrong. Don’t take this too seriously. This is for fun. Also, if you use this info for another publication, please let me know as a courtesy. Don’t be a dick. It's all out there, but it hurts to see my same phrasing on other publications after all the work I’ve done to consolidate it…  
General Info (oldest to newest). This is a blend of pre-COVID and post COVID, so some might change. 
They are adding a whole extra day to filming to do the final scene. They will film the final scene last.  (Implies logistics- lots of returning people?) PRE COVID SPOILER  This no longer seems to be the case. 
In an interview, Kripe indicated that the series ending would have “peace” for Sam and Dean
Not much new at the TCA’s, but it was said it is “unlikely” Jeffery Dean Morgan will be back since his last appearance was such a good end note. There were some jokes about a Castiel spin off. 
There will be a special tribute ep airing the same day as the finale
Misha will be in 15 out of 20 episodes this season (he’s missed 3 so far and I suspect will miss 14. Not sure about 16, unclear about 19/20). 
Cas’ deal with the Empty may come up later in the season. 
Jack will be a critical part of the ending of the show
Dean and Amara’s connection will be explored
There will be a bunker themed episode (MarySue article)- episode 14
In one of his cookbook interviews, Misha used the word “we” several times when talking about the final scene of Supernatural. He said that would be the last scene they shoot. It seemed to imply that he was in the scene, but that could be open to interpretation. 
JaxCon/Vegas Con spoilers: 
Misha said the ending was “happier than he expected” but also had some sadness. He later used “sad and redemptive”
Misha mentioned that Claire will be mentioned on the show, but as of yet not appear. 
Dean says the line “stop killing my people” (to god?)
Jensen said he doesn’t see how the story could continue past this season, but Jared said its more of “a see you later”
Misha confirmed he’s in the final scene, but he also indicated he had one week of filming left (total?) PRE COVID SPOILER
Al Cal posted a pic of a “thrown away” call sheet that seem to indicate Micheal, Lucifer, and a character named “Betty” interacting in the bunker. Unclear as to the validity, could be from 19 based on the casting. 
There will be a flashback episode
Charlie (original flavor) will return
Filming will resume on Aug 18th. Per Canadian policy, they must quarantine for two weeks. Those quarantining seems to include:
Fairly Clear: Jared, Jensen, Jake Abel (Micheal), Rob Benedict (Chuck/God) Mark Pelligrino (Lucifer), Al Cal (didn't need to quarantine, but he is definitely on set), Jim Beaver (Bobby)
Unclear/Rumored: Misha (he is being deliberately cagey), Osric Chau (Kevin- but likely for another project, he was a week ahead of everyone else) 
Reasons Unlikely: Sam Smith (chemo treatment), Kim Rhodes (working at a camp during quarantine), Ruth Connell (she kept posting from Malibu the whole time)
No idea: Shoshannah Stern 
Jensen said sp 19 is more of a season finale, while 20 is a series finale. Repeated in interviews/livestreams. 
Megan Fitz. complimented both Dabb’s and Glynn’s writing on twitter. Not sure if it is in reference to rewrites or the special retrospective that is planned. 
Jensen indicated that the ending did change per COVID protocols. Unclear how much.
Misha is being very, very cagey about where he is. Some live streams seem to indicate he is not at home, but he has yet to confirm- his presence in 19/20 is hard to track. In an interview with Metaverse, he was in bed in a hotel looking space and you could see mountains in the background. He was not on set for the first week of filming, so he could be a week behind. He was at home on the last day of filming.
Misha has thrown around the words “final”  and “what he <Misha> would have wanted” per Cas’ ending. “Sad/Proud” and “poignant” were also used. 
The final episodes will premier October 8th. The finale will air Nov 19th in conjunction with an hour long special. 
A trailer was released on 8/27. Scenes included:
A moving speech from Sam to Dean
(Possibly from 18) A teary conversation between Dean and Cas
Injured Dean being helped by Cas in the bunker
Jack breaking some cuffs/bring thrown into a wall/saying he has to kill god
Dean and his grenade launcher and a purple nightgown 
Sam in a sweater vest getting a gun from under a pillow
A glimpse of a body with “Lust” written above it/a matronly woman (I think the villain from 14) saying “Boys”
Ghose Dean? Little Sam cutting off a hand
Some intermixed scenes from past episodes
A second trailer was released on 8/31. Scenes included:
A monologue from Billie about god coming to destroy the planet plus her banging on a bunker door (with her hand all gooey) and striking someone with her sythe
Jack continuing his speech about killing god but expanding that he has a ritual to do
Lots of red danger lights in the bunker/ 3 people getting tossed around in the bunker/Chuck in the bunker
Chuck saying he doesn't believe Sam and Dean can kill him
Young Sam and not ghost Young dean
Dean angrily driving the Impala then saying “its time”
Cas drawing his blade in front of an old truck to protect someone in a suit (Jack? I cant tell)
More Dean tears
A surprise appearance from Bobby
Some of the same scenes as before
Episode 15x14
Title: Last Holiday
OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS: MAKING UP FOR LOST TIME – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) discover a wood nymph (guest star Meagan Fey) living in the bunker who is determined to protect her family, at any cost. Eduardo Sanchez directed the episode written by Jeremy Adams (#1514). 
Written by: Jeremy Adams
Director: Eduardo Sanchez
Filming Dates:1/15- 1/24
Airdate: unknown- October 8th
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? eh… I don't think so Jack ? yes
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info:
Misha mentioned being at an airport the first day of filming, maybe he’ll miss this one
The director shared a BTS shot with AlCal’s chair in the background. He also posted on that looked like the statues in hell. Lots of filming at the bunker. A few impala shots were shared as well. 
In an EW article, a mysterious woman gives Sam and Dean every holiday they ever missed. Based on the title, I’m guessing this!
 Episode 15x15
Title: Gimme Shelter
Written by: ?? Davy Perez???? They seem to be keeping it under wraps for some reason
Director: Matt Cohen
Filming Dates: 1/27-2/5
Airdate: unknown. October 15th?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ?yes  Jack ? Yes
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info:
There was some filming done at the crossroads with only Misha. 
Alex and Misha filmed together
It seems as if J2 didn’t film at all the first week, Misha filmed six or seven days, this is a Cas centric ep
Episode 15x16
Title: Drag Me Away (From You)
Written by: Megan Fitzmartin
Director: Amyn Kaderali
Filming Dates: 2/6-2/17
Airdate: October 22nd?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? I think so… briefly? Jack ? not sure either. 
Guest stars: IMDB credits Lisa Berry (Billie/Death)
Other Spoilers/info:
Alex got a cast of his face around the filming of this- so this ep or the one after
Looks like we get Dean in a robe!
They filmed at Rooster’s Sunrise Hotel for 3 days/nights
This might be the flashback ep
Episode 15x17
Title: Unity
Written by: Meredith Gylnn
Director: Catrion McKenzie
Filming Dates: 2/19-2/28
Airdate: Oct 29th?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? yes Jack ? yes
Guest stars: Rob benedict and Emily Sparrow
Other Spoilers/info:
Chuck and Amara trailers were seen on set when filming in a garden
Jensen was in NOLA Friday, possible Monday
“Uriel” was around for filming (Post COVID update: Misha seemed to indicate that this was because the actor was nearby filming? Not sure if this is to cover up the spoiler or the truth)
Alex and Jensen filmed in the impala
Episode 15x18
Title: The Truth
Written by: BOBO
Director: Speight
Filming Dates: 3/2--3/11
Airdate: Nov 5th?
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? yes Jack ? yes
Guest stars: 
Other Spoilers/info:
Misha and Alex filmed near the impala. J2 showed up later that night. This was the source of the “last time they all filmed on set” photo)
An really emotional scene was filmed with Misha and Jensen. Jared was definitely not there, but Alex was on the flight they took with Rich, so its possible he was too. This was revealed at a con in which the four of them were on a plane that had an in-flight problem.
Filming watchers saw a bro hug
Tape Ball posted a shot of field that looks like were dean came back from hell
Misha indicated this was his “favorite episode” in a recent interview
Episode 15x19
Title: Inherit the Earth
Written by: bucklelimg
Director: John Showalter
Filming Dates:: 3/12-3/23/cancelled for COVID and then 8/18-8/27??
Airdate: Nov 12th
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? unknown Jack ? yes
Guest stars: Jake Abel (Micheal), Mark Pelligrino (Lucifer) 
Other Spoilers/info:
Production shut down as a precaution for coronavirus on 3/13, two days into filming. It is scheduled to start again on Aug 18th. 
Jensen indicated there might be some re-writes for this ep to account for COVID protocols.
When they started filming, they indicated they were on day two. So maybe they could only use some of the scenes they shot? Then they added an extra day all called it day 9. COVID protocols makes things take longer 
AlCal was definitely on set. 
Jake Abel is definitely on set, and he posted an instagram story with his trailer and Lucifer’s (Mark Pelligrino)
Some filming was done at a gas station called Showalter’s (name of the director) with Jared, Jensen, and Alex
Jake “Spoiler King” Abel filmed a video showing chairs for Jared, Jensen, and Alex as well as Rob Benedict (Chuck/God). They were filming near a lake with a mountain view (that looked similar to where Cas died in season 13)
Rob Benedict posted it was his last day in Vancouver, indicating we won't see Chuck past this episode? Or very very briefly in 20? Jake Abel posted a similar message, also baiting fans about Misha’s whereabouts 
Scene “28” took several days and seemed to go across both 19 and 20? So they might have done some combo filming?
 Episode 15x20
Title: Carry On
Written by: Dabb
Director: Bob Singer
Filming Dates: 8/28- 9/10  
Airdate: November 19th
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? maaaaybe? Jack ? maaaaybe?
Guest stars: Jim Beaver
Other Spoilers/info:
Misha is in the final scene, per pre COVID interviews. I think this changed after COVID. 
Jensen indicated filming would take two weeks, longer than usual (looks like a 9 day shoot, with a day off for Labor Day)
According to Superwiki, 9/3 was the last day on the bunker set, the final days are on location. 
Scene “28” took several days and seemed to go across both 19 and 20? So they might have done some combo filming?
Filming locations seemed to include a barn (pic with a stunt guy showed wooden walls and straw) and a lake (not the mountain lake from 19). Filming signs spotted at Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. 
Jim Beaver confirmed his appearance on Twitter
There was a pic of J2 with baby on a bridge. Baby had her original plates. They seem to be wearing the same clothes they were in the pilot. There may be grey (??) In their hair, but that could be lighting
Misha posted some creation videos, saying he had been on an impromptu camping trip. He was back in his house. They were posted on the last day of filming and he had pretty decent scruff. He also mentioned that is was the last day of filming and he wasn't up there. 
The show officially wrapped at 6:25 on 9/10
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wiz-witch · 4 years
DuckTales 2k17 3x03: Double O Duck In You Only Crash Twice
"The Lost Harp of Mervana!" So fun fact: all I know about James Bond is from the Mythbusters episode, that Jimmy Neutron special, and Goldmember. And I haven’t seen either of those in over a decade. So let’s see how many references fly over my head.
Also this is my second viewing but I’m going to try to keep my commentary as if this is my first
“Dew-ble O Duck” Dewey, sweetie, I will pay you to stop
Wait her name is Red Feather? Boo
Obviously evil guy is obviously evil
“What are you doing?” Being a theater kid with middle child syndrome
...Wait, Ben can sing??
Okay, that was impressive
Yay foreshadowing
Dewey: “Oh fuck, he’s messing up, this was a bad plan”
Daw, Dewey calls him LP
Also I cannot get over the fact the glasses they were wearing in the released screenshots were VR glasses
Hey, it’s the Phantom Blot! I can’t wait until you do something cool this season
My favorite House of Mouse shorts were the ones with him (and one where Von Drake tried to take Mickey’s heart. Yup, the show had more influence on Epic Mickey than causing the company to get Oswald back)
Aw, he sad :(
“Am I a joke to you, lad?”
“Uncle McDee”?? :D :D :D
Webby is a bro, and Scrooge is everyone’s uncle
Ball pits are terrifying, and this just proves it
I love how Heron’s welding mask is built to compensate for her mask. It makes her look like a plague doctor
Yes, intruders in the very public Chuck E Cheese knock off. Geeze, got Magica working there, got Phantom Blot as the mascot, got a FOWL lair underneath... Frank? Why is there so much evil in the Chuck E Chee--oh, wait, never mind
Are we ever going to get the full intro with Della?
Yeah, his kids come here all the time, why are you surprised at this?
He’s asking the important questions
She didn’t want to answer because she made it
I love Whack a Mole. I had a home version even
That is such a mood. I hate being in public.
...Ouch. Those things are heavy
...That’s all.
That legitimately looked like something out of the Carmen Sandiego choose your own adventure
Wait, how did they even know the passcode in the first place? It’s not like they were given a briefing or anything
Dewey has the brain cell at the table
I love the cutting between the game and reality. I also love how Steelbeak felt the need to put on the glasses to beat them up
Webby, that is not how you hold a skee ball
Himbo versus... Is there a term for a himbo who’s an ass? Is it just “attractive idiot”?
...Did I just imply that Steelbeak is attractive? Ew
Webby was right, it is a trap!
Okay, as someone who’s been hit in the face a lot and wears glasses, those glasses should’ve broken from that
Oh my gods...
Aw, sad baby
Ooh, are these the guys I have beat up Huey in my FOWL fics?
Did Steelbeak spend too much time with Quackerjack or something?
...Okay, part of me is actually highly disturbed at the fact Steelbeak changed their clothes while they were unconscious
Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip and Dale! Rescue Rangers...
they play the f*cking theme song...
Daw, he helped them, and they helped in return
Oh snap
Webby is DoneTM
“This department has worked 322 days without an accident” I feel like that’s a facility record. Would be at my work
I love how he didn’t know what the device did and knew it was a game and still sacrificed himself for Dewey. That’s adorable
Did you guys really get multiple lives in that game? Because it seemed kinda insta-lose
Also, are the glasses currently off or are they still seeing things differently than we are?
Oh, I think this is a direct Bond reference--it looks like something from Jet Fusion
Why is he British?
...Please give us our himbo back. Please. I will pay money for that.
Aw, he calls him Dewford now. I do not like this, please make it stop.
...was that English?
Me either
“Oh heavens, you don’t want them to think you don’t know what you’re doing” My constant monologue at work
that was epic
Why is he still wearing the glasses?
“They’re back?” Okay, those two words bring a lot of questions I want answers to
Huh. Guess I wrote the wrong triplet getting kidnapped by FOWL
Scrooge... Sweetie...
I love how Webby keeps wanting to kill Funzos employees... Oh, what if all of them secretly are part of FOWL?
...Except Magica. Maybe she was hired so they could see if she was FOWL material
Oh, I wanna break that innocence so much...
....... [slams head on desk]
Okay, how could Launchpad hear Dewey clear as day, but Dewey can’t hear anything Launchpad is saying?
Aw, that fear on Dewey’s face when Launchpad crashed... Oh, what if unconsciously Dewey knows this is real now but hasn’t quite consciously processed that?
He’s Launchpad McQuack, that’s how.
Dewey is Done with this guy and is showing signs of being like his brother
Well that’s unnecessarily badass
How can you be so DoneTM when being tied up like that. Also why is he tied up up there
Boo, bad pun
No, “Me” was correct there
I’m sorry, is that just going to become their thing? Just casually coming into a scene to help rescue the Ducks and then leaving?
...Oh you are not doing this.
We were robbed of a hug
Okay, the subtitles say this is Dewey singing, but it doesn’t quite sound like his voice while his song earlier did. WTF
"Stop the evil conspiracy out to get us.” Hey, Launchpad, before you do this, PLEASE TELL HIM ABOUT FOWL SO SOMEONE KNOWS
Launchpad has ADHD and RSD
That was adorable. Dewey is a good kid. Reminds me of half my cousins, but a good kid
...Wait, wasn’t that shot in the original season 3 promo?
Dewey, why did you jump, that was really unnecessary
Well, there’s that hug I wanted
Because of a joke from a friend, I’m mentally retconning that line into “Huey’s going to freak when I tell him that I--we beat the game.”
Seriously, I love how it took him not being in an episode to not have a mild breakdown
I hate how realistic that is
Let’s see, one ball got him 2 tickets, and one quarter gave him 5 balls...so one quarter equals 10 tickets, which means a dollar equals 40 tickets... That comes out to 75 grand. Scrooge, wtf
I love how Dewey clearly is trying not to crack up
I’m sorry. I cannot get over the subtitles calling him “Suave-Pad”. Who on the crew came up with that.
Ooh, are they going to learn?
...I hate everything.
Scrooge’s reaction is mine
Well, that explains a lot
Okay, if she specializes in rays but Bradford doesn’t want more rays... Imagine them looking for fresh brain...
Shut up, I like hurting Huey, let me do so in peace until canon gives me the conspiracy theorist Huey hunting down FOWL I was promised
...Okay, that is the most terrifying thing this episode.
Me picking up pretty much anything in the house for the first four years of my sister’s life
So what’s next week? ["The Lost Harp of Mervana!"] ...ARNY MAERMADIDS NEAZXT WEK!
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tothe8andbeyond · 4 years
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Season 1 began in 2017 (another reason 2017 is ironically Seventeen's year) and SVT content was changed forever.
It began as more of a behind the scenes with everything from Don't Wanna Cry, Diamond Edge, Clap promo, and all the fansigns inbetween. This season just made me really sad I wasn't a carat sooner but it was a cool vlog for the boys and they were so excited to be filmed, precious bubs. I don't really have a favorite episode but here are some iconic/favorite moments
"Goiiiiing.. SEVENTEEN!" "goinggoing~~~"
Covering the camera with Hoshi's hand
"What if I die?!" "Then you die!"
SVT Energy Skincare™
Jun leaving people "frozen"
Angry MC Santa Wonwoo
Asking for the unicorn frap at Starbucks and having the order total turn out to be $17 thus triggering the members
Minghao flexing on everyone's life (again) on the trampoline
Hoshi being depressed about not getting bday wishes
Dino's "fanboys"
"Americano, aMEricano, ameRIcano, ameriCANo, americanO"
Make It Shine blooper
The dog from the concert poster photoshoot
Dabhao was thriving
My I behind the scenes 🥰
Any Junhao moment bc I'm whipped
Little 8 practicing his singing 🥺
Trauma (Seungkwan remix)
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Spin-Off started introducing us more to GoSe in a variety format
We got variety-esque episodes like with the members cooking, writing letters to themselves, making flower crowns, drawing, and the arcade episode! But it was still mostly vlog-esque where we got to see behind the scenes of Thanks, Ideal Cut Concerts, Japan Arena Tour, 3rd Anniversary, their exhibit, Oh My/YMMD, and BSS promo. Again making me emo I wasn't a carat earlier missing all these iconic moments 🥺
My favorite episode is easily MT SVT REALITY and Hoshi yelling out the window still might be one of the most iconic moments ever, PERIOD. My other fave moments include
DK and Jeonghan fake laughing for like 5 mins straight
Minghao's mullet, period.
Driver Minghao for TTT
Jun abandoning DK to help Wonwoo with his apron instead
The birth of the legendary "T H E to the 8" rap (feat. the return of imma)
Producer Woozi
Episode 20 (yes I have that memorized) when Minghao hosts a cute little hotel date 🥺 he tells fans not to think of him romantically and then pulls this shit pretending to feed us and everything which is why I'm sad lol
Minghao's giggle when he did the bottle flip 🥺
Vernon full on losing it during an arcade game while Hao who's playing with him is dead silent
V8 vs. older bros
"you're over, Yoon Jeonghan"
Junnie winning at the fighting game uwu
The iconic Thinkin About You looks
That pose Jeonghan does that screams "your crush is coming, act natural"
Mingyu getting too excited and spitting on the cake so the members cover it but Mingyu thinks they're doing a team cheer
Hoshi screaming "2 captains!" repeatedly while Woozi regrets his life's decisions
Killing the8 in mafia just for returning from China
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GoSe 2019 was the birth of the true variety show. They even made a theme song and everything 🤣😭 SVT are such natural entertainers ohmygod (and the editors really stepped up their game thank u staffs)
There was still some behind the scenes like the 4th Anniversary, Japan concerts, and Minghao instructing for Chinese Ver. of home, but they kind of started transitioning behind the scenes content to a different spot on the channel and honestly carats are so well fed with content #blessed. ALSO THIS WAS AROUND THE TIME I BECAME A FAN IM EMO
My absolute fave eps are the ones when they were brainstorming their own ideas for the show (3-4), the making of the intro/theme (7), debate night, and SVT playground but honestly the whole fucking season has so many iconic moments
Vernon not being able to read red marker bc of his red glasses
Jun's 1+1
Honestly it's so entertaining hearing them talk about their ideas even without them implementing them yet, they're seriously so creative
They do skits/roles so well like Jun pretending he's from the Chinese restaurant next door and Woozi being CEO of Going Entertainment dndkdk I cannot make this shit up
"Jeonghan act tired" Jeonghan: *fully falls to the floor and drags his body to the couch djdkdkdkkdld he's so fucking dramatic I'm still dying at this
Wonhao running around dead S.Coups
Minghao doing the going dance down the stairs (flexing again)
Pabo latte
Enthusiastic Minghao in Japan 🥺
The MBTI hidden camera
Diva Boo being pissed he didn't get Beyonce's MBTI but someone else did
Monsta X saving them at karaoke
Pigeon DK thriving during debate night
Geppetto Minghao looking fine af during debate night "I said so many nonsenses, I hope you liked it"
TTT fun - meerkat line rise, Jeonghan and Hoshi catching bugs but screaming the whole time, network love unit playing except Hao and he just gives them a cute "fighting!" Like they're his kids but he's just trying to relax lol, more mafia, Jun being hilarious during try not to laugh, S.Coups wanting to kill the staff (as usual), THE MEMBERS PLAYING WITH KITTENS
Froghao was thriving during svt playground
Bothering Woozi during secret santa
Hao's face when Jeonghan took the iPad
Dino literally got gifted a brick??
Junnie's light up grills
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GoSe 2020 continues the variety so well and each member gets a month! So sad they shortened the theme but they gave us subs! Also the previews for next episode are great! They also stepped up the editing too. They are all working so hard for this and it really pays off
My favorite episodes so far are Don't Lie, Seungkwan's Past Life Destiny, and Insomnia Zero (especially part 2). I'm so damn hyped for Debate Night 2. Again so blessed for this content 😭🙌
It's harder to list moments when the entire episodes are iconic!!
DK failing at his own mystery food game
Minghao literally lucky number 8
The saga of Minghao being amazed at Mingyu's eating continues
Hoshi singlehandedly admitting he's mafia then getting Mingyu killed instead then openly killing the citizens at night without needing to hide and then winning the game ohmygod I cannot at how fucking wild and hilarious this episode was
Sleepy Jun during Seungkwan's Past Life Destiny
Junhao, evil twins, seoksoon, mingyuzi rise
Dino rejecting Mingyu with a moonwalk
The overall betrayal of couples omg
Jun showing the Made in China tag djdkkd
Limbo was fucking wild
The members are all whipped for Woozi that shit made me soft as hell
Talking shit when other members are trying to sleep
Woozi loves dad jokes so much omg
They are so damn dramatic for the ASMR in Insomnia Zero pt 2 omg
Jeonghan purposely not answering Hoshi's call to come back
Hoshi giggling that Woozi lost and Woozi fully having a crisis
Wonwoo identity crisis as one of the chill members
Brain Survival and Escape Room made my brain hurt but they're so smart
Minghao jump scare poor bb
Kicked out members becoming audience reactors
DK and Jeonghan fucking around with the props instead of helping
Their delivery food episode just made me hungry
S.Coups not flinching one bit at arm wrestling Hoshi
Trying to act cool when the move spots on the chess board
Seungkwan's wipe out
Getting debate night 2 really saved my life I can't wait for the rest of 2020
I typed way more than I should have but I just love Going Seventeen and all Seventeen content, being a carat really is a blessed life!
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Maou-jou 1 | Munou na Nana 1 | Grace of the Gods 1 | IWGP 1 | Akudama 1 | Crusade 1 | JJK 1 | HypMic 2 (also brief thoughts on the dog and cat TV short because I had them)
Maou-jou 1
I sampled this manga with what’s called a “Viz sampler”. I only ever seem to find those at libraries, so I’d assume only they and bookstores can get those.
…Twilight looks like Maou Sadao (Hataraku Maou-sama!).
“Dawner”??? I can read katakana, ya idjits. His name is Akatsuki. Update: The translator must’ve gone, “Dawn is a girl’s name. Let’s tack on an -er so it looks like a guy’s name.”
Aw, Hiro Shimono is Akatsuki. If it were Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, we could’ve gotten a Kirito joke out of it.
Oh! 快眠 (Kaimin) = good rest, literally “happy sleep”. Hence this is the nation of Goodreste. I see.
The lightning effect is soooooooooo cool! *eyes glitter at the particle effects*
I’m gonna die from cuteness from all the teddies and seals!
The little fanfare is so cute and the yokudekimashita reminds me of my days playing the arcade game Bomberman (which had a flower sticker much like this one). I wanna see this get a dub and succeed on all its merits! It’s basically my baby already…bar the fact it took a bit to work up to the first good bit of comedy.
The teddy demons are called Debiakuma, a pun on kuma (bear), devil and akuma (devil). Lessee…After “lesser demon”, there’s more text…“Fluffy bears that can be also used as pets. They give in easily to temptation. A lot of them live in the demon castle, so the princess likes to gather their fur, dye it and spin nice cotton out of it. Warning: A lot of them will either run away or call you their friend./Occasionally act as friends for the princess.”
LOL, I recognised that voice of the Scissors guy straight away…although I didn’t know who it belonged to. That’s Suwabe. (It doesn’t sound like Suwabe, I would’ve thought it to be Takuma Terashima or something.)
Aw, the Japanese version is more boring this time. It’s just Scissor Magician (in the singular for both).
*hears Scissors Demon going -ageruwa”, which is a feminine sentence ending…that’s Suwabe trying to (voice) act effeminate???!!!
These trumpet sounds never get old.
LOL, Siberian huskies dressed as Russians…
Okay, my turn again: Hari means needle, toge means thorn. Next to “His stomach is soft”, part of the subs are cut off due to Funimation’s hardsubs, but I can read “he is proud of his defence” on the 2nd line, “is the type to not refuse when relied on” on the 2nd-last line and “his favourite food is strange bird chawanmushi” on the last line.
I love how parts of the castle are upside down for no reason at all except to look cool…architects must hate that, though.
I hadn’t heard of “seesaw battles” until now. but the metaphor does make sense...kind of.
What about changing the mattress? Update: She does do that…kind of.
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Kirito was under my nose all along! Damn Demon Kinggggggggggggggggggg!
Kamina glasses on one of the background trees! Cute tapir! Ahhhhhhhh, it’s so cuteeeeeeee!
Anyways, that’s a fun show. Not as fun as HypMic, but still fun after it gains momentum.
Munou na Nana 1
I remember seeing spoilers for a twist at the end…let’s hope I don’t anticipate it. That would kill the entire anime for me.
The message actually says something about how the island is a nest for enemies of humanity.
There’s the ice narcissist I saw in the promo stuff, right on cue. I’ve never heard of his voice actor Hiromichi Tezuka before, although he does sound like Hiroshi Kamiya or someone much better.
Why do I get the feeling once the title character arrives, even Nanao will get powers…? Or maybe Nana is the catalyst for Nanao’s powers awakening or something? (Just realised having a Nana and a Nanao together in the same anime is confusing…)
Subbers spelt “noblesse oblige” wrong, unless it was deliberately done as such.
I predicted the “duke it out” line.
There’s a menu on the wall of the restaurant.
Maybe Nanao’s “talent” is his leadership stat or something?
Or maybe even Nanao is an enemy of humanity and doesn’t know it? (Sorry, speculation going into overdrive…that usually happens with superpower works like this for me, because I like to analyse them.)
Maybe Nanao can see the future, like the protag from Koi to Producer?
Technically, shouldn’t ice be weak against fire…? Or am I too used to the Pokemon system?
Called it! Nanao has a hidden power! (That reminds me: I still don’t know what Lucien’s (from Koi to Producer’s) power really is.)
Vigilantes is really good at exploring how people can expand on their own powers.
…wow, I heard rumours that the main character was going to die, but I’d pegged Nana to die, not Nanao.
Onodera is clearly important…maybe he was the one with the wind powers? Or was Nana lying about that?
…dude, the red eyes are kinda obvious that Nana is evil in some way, or at least really devious.
Grace of the Gods 1
All I really know of this is that it’s got slimes and it’s an isekai/SoL hybrid…That’s it.
…I am not, I repeat NOT, on board for a harem centred around an 11 year old!
Ryoma speaks with an unnatural amount of starts and stops, hence the caveman speak.
What’s Jil’s role in the party…?
Why would you even need to know 4 high-level skills? Isn’t it better to know all of them?
LOL, I knew the isekaid guy was meant to have a hard life so he could start over with slimes, but…stick Doppo in this and it’s basically the same thing. At least Doppo tries to resist his bosses behind their backs, this guy just did the whole gaman thing and look where that got him!
If he worked for a black company with no overtime and so forth, how did he know about a recent anime trend, eh??? Sounds suspect. Update: Unless he was thinking about 90s isekai, which still involved less reincarnation than this.
I noticed the gods have senbei (the rice crackers with the seaweed). Western-looking gods probably shouldn’t have senbei, unless…they did that to make Ryoma feel more at home?
Seriously, how does a guy with no overtime still have time for online games? Even if he were getting just ads for them, he probably wouldn’t have paid enough attention to be able to figure out what the cliches are, right? Either that, or the Dragon Quest system is older than I think it is.
Slimes don’t have paws…or hands or other appendages…to give…
…I’m not sure what to think there. Am I meant to think the slimes are cute? Am I meant to think the catgirls/animal girls are cute? The answer to those questions is “no”, so…eh.
Basically, I chose this for associations with HypMic.
…the best first impression involves a CGI car. Of course. <- (sarcastic)
Given HypMic, I almost expected a rap battle…nahhhh…Rap battles don’t look so cool outside HypMic, man.
The owl is a pun. Fukurou (owl) matches ‘bukuro (bag, which is the 2nd character in “Ikebukuro”). There’s also an owl statue used as a meeting spot, much like Hachiko in Shibuya…(I learnt a bunch of things about the division territory through HypMic. Let me show off…)
I think the character designer for this anime also did Joker Game…that’s throwing me off a little. Also, they had a prime opportunity to use a Buster Bros song, so I’m still a bit miffed about that – this OP’s kinda standard. Update: The character designer is Junichiro Taniguchi – my insinct was wrong on him. He did Touken Ranbu Hanamaru’s character designs.
“Smoking kills” – Yuuuuuuuup. That’s true.
Why do I get the feeling all the male otaku will wanna bang Makoto’s mother (to put it lightly)…?
Curiously, the one who hates drugs in HypMic is Jyuto, who’s not from Ikebukuro Division at all. Hmm…
Yokoyama’s voice sounds familiar…but I’m not sure why. Update: If I had to guess, I’d say he’s Saito Soma or someone who sounds similar, so maybe Takuma Terashima, Daisuke Ono or something like that. Update 2: Takahiro Sakurai. See? I knew I knew that voice.
“Big Rei” (“Rei-nii”). That’s different from Ichi-nii (what Saburo calls Ichiro) and could also be goroawase for 02.
Uni of Tokyo is the most prestigious uni in Japan. It has quite the reputation.
…is it just me, or does Makoto have a piercing in his left ear? IWGP also happens to happily work with my existing character, although said character has a piercing in his right ear.
Zero One kinda looks like Uta (Tokyo Ghoul), LOL.
…and of course the girl has to rely on the dude. *sigh* Welp, we can throw drugs off the list for “things that count as TV-MA to Funimation” – IWGP is rated M (not 15+ explicitly, but that’s what it stands for normally) in my region.
This ED song…that’s the sort of song I was expecting from HypMic, Akudama or this.
Seems both Makoto and Takashi have earrings…maybe in both ears? Takashi’s are yellow, I could confirm that much.
…this is decent, but putting it up against its competitors is a bit harsh.
Crusade 1 (cont. from sneak peek - it’s in the title here because this is where it’s completed)
Turns out that preview was most of the episode…like “14 of 24 minutes” long.
Wait, how did Alice fall forward and end up in the princess carry pose? I remember having trouble with that when a character in a story of mine had the same problem.
That opera house looks pretty darn modern to me…
…eh…that was middling. Nothing any ol’ adaption of Romeo and Juliet couldn’t do, bar the CGI for the magic fight in the middle. (There was a fluffy griffin thing in the middle there, though.)
Akudama 1
Ume + Kimura and a cool urban aesthetic. Let’s go!
This is kinda Tron-like, eh?
Ooh, now it’s more like Cop Craft.
Kimura seems to use his gruffer voice more than his Ichiro voice, but Ume is actually worse on that fron with his ordinary voice…Welp, at least his ordinary voice sounds like it fits right in with the Courier. I almost expect an Ocean’s Eleven thing (or Now You See Me, since I’ve actually watched that) from this. Update: Turns out Kimura is the pompadour guy, not the fighter.
You can tell Ordinary Person is an okay person because she keeps saving cats. A bit cliché, but it’ll do.
Ohhhhhh…I can see where this plotline is going. Ordinary Person pretends to be Swindler to get herself out of this mess, but then she keeps getting involved with the Akudama. It’s a typical plot for a typical gal, common to insert a viewpoint character in series that require one, or a magical girl ally.
Wow, those missiles look like a**.
LOL, Hoodlum’s sentence is kinda measly in comparison to most of them. Plus, when he yelled, that sounded more accurate to Ichiro than Fighter was, so…yeah, sorry I messed up.
…Ordinary Person has some real bullseye…uh, eyes.
This could be a top contender…aside from the CGI, which does look a bit funky. I’m getting a death game vibe here, but I don’t know if that’s really the case. Also, it’s a lot of fun, but the possible intolerable thing here is Ordinary Person’s screaming – the pretense she has to keep up seems like it’ll fit right in though.
I read the manga once, dropped it and then read it again and didn’t realise why I dropped it.
Fushiguro has long eyelashes, tbh. Itadori comments on that at one point, I think.
Oh, it was a fish (carp) in the manga. I couldn’t figure out what the Japanese equivalent was just from the Kokkuri board.
This track club teacher is a bit of a freak, honestly. Meddling in kids’ affairs is probably illegal to some extent.
Itadori is known as “tiger” because the kanji for “tiger” is in the surname. Update: Also, the Czech dude Mirko was called “the Croatian tiger”, if a tweet I read is any indication.
I like how there’s more comedy in this one. They show the world records, so you have standards to compare Itadori against.
This is an almost beat-for-beat adaption, bar the slight comedy of the records being added (and not explaning who Mirko is). The contrast makes this better.
“People really can die.” – That’s summoning some real energy of “People die when they are killed.”
(Brief thoughts on the dog and cat short: I enjoyed that more than I thought I would. The picture of a realistic cat – someone’s actual photo of their cat?- that serves as a punchline never gets old and in fact, sometimes contributes to the humour.)
HypMic 2
LOL, TV-MA warning strikes again.
“Kore wa prologue/Hajimete no ippo/Fumidasanai yatsu ni wa/???? shinpo.” – The translation is really good for the bits I can read…the problem is I can’t read the bottom left corner. Update: The part in the bottom left is nai...That’s it.
…uh, even people from around the world can read 24 hour time??? You don’t need subs to read Arabic numerals???
…couldn’t you have just told Ichiro verbally, Saburo…? Update: Come to think of it, kids these days are more on their phones than ever, so it makes sense but also kind of doesn’t.
You don’t really need subs for laughter either…
I’d never heard of “pulling rank” before…hmm: “to use one's high position in a society, organization, group, etc., to order someone to do something or to get special treatment or privileges.”
…and here comes the F word here to mess with us again. Japanese nastiness is conveyed using words that might be considered “soft” in English, hence the sudden jump to use the F word a bunch, but the subbers could use some variety in their swearing. I mean, “dips**t” worked where it did because subbers made Samatoki go overboard with the F word, but…you could stand to use that more, maybe(?)
I like how even the Tenderloins guy rhymes where he’s meant to. It’s the prelude to a battle, after all. (He kinda looks like Kotaro from Zombieland Saga.)
…I freaked out for a second. I swore I saw a similar-looking restaurant (udon shop, located on the left of one of the shots) while in Japan. Also, we finally get to see Ichiro’s reputation at work.
…I still have no idea what a “steelo” is after all this time, but I didn’t realise I was staring at a part of Ore ga Ichiro until I saw it in context. Also, it was kinda derpy – but still really in character – for Ichiro to run to his destination with his arms up like the Glico man in Osaka (except he had his head down).
I get a weird feeling the subbers may have used the wiki translation because I’m using it as a reference and the language seems oddly similar for the most part…
The kick Ichiro does seems like it references the OP.
Notice the location is Nishiguchi Kouen…the West Gate Park. *raises eyebrows at the IWGP anime*
…oh! It occurred to me that the sign the BB do with their hands is…well, a lowercase B. (LOL, if you read my previous line funny, it rhymes.)
Gentaro doing the peace sign to his chest…that was random the first time, because it doesn’t seem in character, but then it does for Dice and possibly Ramuda, so Gentaro probably just chose to go along with it (“to add to his image as a rapper,” maybe…?).
Oh, Saburo has airpods in…those aren’t good for blocking sound, are they…?
Notice the owl on the…uh, café(?)…Ichiro goes to.
That one “holy shit!” made me laugh like a madman. Where it came from, I don’t know, but it was so random I had to laugh at it.
This makes me wonder…if you use a mic that’s different to your personal mic, does it produce the same speakers? No one’s ever addressed that before (much like how no one questions if magical girls always need the same transformation device – I wanted to make a plot on that someday, but I can’t seem to find a comprehensible way to pull it off…LOL, that reminds me, I even had a HypMic version of that featuring Samatoki at one point, but it probably makes even less sense than the standard one because it activates via physical contact. It’s notable – in my head – for Nemu’s version of the “power” being “Samatoki can’t swear, no matter how hard he tries”).
I’m pretty sure that round thing wasn’t part of Ichiro’s rings, ever. (…Unless that was the head of his spoon or something.)
…Microwave? (referring to the shot inside the hospital, which seems to be based off ARB)
The series normally transitions from BB -> MTC -> FP -> MTR, so it was interesting to see that shuffled up. Update: That’s if it has to have an order, but notably ARB breaks this standard a lot by assigning colours to each solo and then arranging interactions based on not repeating those colours (aside from the Sky High Tower event). With 4 things there are 4! = 24 possible combinations and 6! = 720 possible combinations if you count DH and BAT, so as we move forward with those 2 divisions...prepare for more shuffling.
…is Jiro gonna steal a ball? I thought it was just bikes anime characters stole. (LOL)
The mic changes the background, too, huh? Never expected that from more than the speakers.
…and of course, s*** explodes and the day is saved once again....by the Buster Bros!!! (LOL, but also *sigh*)
Hmm, so this anime’s real plotline probably involves this trio: Rex, Tom and Iris. They’re probably foreign in some way, judging by Tom and Rex. Maybe they’re aligned with a foreign government or something? Update: If you look at the credits, their full names seem to be Tom Whisper Weathercock, Iris Innocent Traiter (sic) (LOL) and…Taroumaru Rex…? (romanisations confirmed for all katakana)
Sadamezuka was voiced by the ubiquitous Kenjiro Tsuda.
It seems Cola Bintarou (aka Subaru Kimura) was on the case again today. He wrote the new song for BB, called RUN THIS CITY, along with Gesshoku Kaigi.
Of course, I’m going to keep this anime on my list...I’m just a bit worried about myself going forward, because I realised my ego got a bit inflated trying to defend the series from haters. I’ve never had a series where I’ve been a fan from the beginning that wasn’t already a known quantity for a while (Muhyo and Roji’s, Furuba). With Boueibu, I was discovering things alongside other people (or even later in a lot of cases) since it was anime-original.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Licensing of the Monsters: How Pokémon Ignited An Anime Arms Race
  "Hey, what do ya' got there? A rabbit?" Batman asks his mentor, staring at a video of Pikachu on a massive underground computer screen.
  "It's a Pokémon," Bruce Wayne replies.
  Five seconds later, Batman is shocked so hard by the tiny yellow creature that he ends up flying headfirst through another computer monitor (Using a clip from the "Blackout" episode of Batman Beyond, an episode that would've aired for the first time just days earlier.) It doesn't make much physical sense, but this bizarre 1999 crossover promo did establish two things: 1) Pokémon was coming to Kids' WB, and 2) Pokémon was important. So important that Batman actually took time away from obsessing over crime and vengeance to care about it.
  Echoing a 1997 promo where the comedic Bugs Bunny let us in on the "secret" that the serious, dark Batman was coming to Kids' WB, it almost seems like a passing of the torch. Kids' WB, up until then, was a programming service chock full of classic Warner Bros. cartoon properties like Bugs, Daffy, Pinky, Brain, and various members of the Justice League — all animated Americana. 
Pokémon wasn't a huge risk as the 4Kids Entertainment dub of the show had done well in broadcast syndication, they had plenty of episodes to work with (sometimes airing three in a row), and it was based on a game series that was already a worldwide smash hit.
  But the show was ... different.
  And it would end up changing cartoons as we knew them.
  Part 1: Batman Jumps Ship
  It's hard to think of a better scenario when it comes to appealing to kids than the one Fox Kids had with Batman: The Animated Series. Debuting in September 1992 and airing on weekdays just after school let out, it received immediate acclaim due to its moody, beautiful animation and storytelling that didn't talk down to anyone. Little kids could get into Batman throwing crooks around and adults could marvel at plots like the one where a former child actress with a medical condition that keeps her from aging takes her former co-stars hostage and ends up holding a gun, hallucinating, and sobbing into Batman's arms.
  It did so well that Fox tried to air it on prime-time Sundays and though this was short-lived — turns out, Batman was no match for Ed Bradley on CBS's 60 Minutes — it solidified the show as "cool." This was a show that could hang with the big boys. You couldn't say the same of something like Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends.
  And then, in 1997, it was gone. A five-year contract ran out and Batman leapt completely to Kids' WB, where a continuation of the show (the often even grimmer The New Batman Adventures) aired later that year. There, it joined Superman: The Animated Series in a one-two punch of programming called The New Batman/Superman Adventures. When it came to Kids' WB, competitors not only had to deal with the Merry Melodies crowd, they now had to face the World's Finest Heroes.
  This, along with a departing Animaniacs, left Fox Kids with a gap in flagship programming. Sure it had various incarnations of the Power Rangers (which was still holding strong) and Spider-Man, but if you look back on 1998 programming, little of it would survive the year. Silver Surfer? Gone by May. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation? Out by December. Casper? Dead in October. By May of 1999, Warner Media would announce record ratings thanks to Pokémon, while its competitors, including the Disney-led ABC, Fox, and even Nickelodeon, would suffer losses in the Saturday morning area. Pokemon would have the best ever series premiere numbers for Kids' WB at the time.
    A chunk of that has to do with 4Kids Entertainment's (or to be more specific, 4Kids Productions) handling of the show. Again, Pokémon was a proven concept. If you love monsters, adventure, and collecting things, you'll probably find something to enjoy in the franchise. But the dub was particularly strong. For years, dubbing was seen as an inherently laughable thing in America, full of exasperated voice actors trying desperately to convince you that they weren't portraying three different characters, and lips that didn't match the dialogue. Entire Japanese series were reduced to laughing stocks in the U.S. because why focus on the lovingly created miniatures and top-notch tokusatsu action in Godzilla if one of the actors sounds weird?
  But while Pokémon wasn't the first great dub, it was a remarkably underrated one. Veronica Taylor's work as Ash Ketchum was relatable, funny, and consistent. And Racheal Lillis, Eric Stuart, and Maddie Blaustein's turns as Team Rocket's Jessie, James, and Meowth gave us villains that could've easily been the most repetitive parts of the show  — you can only try to capture Pikachu so many times before you should logically find a second hobby — but instead were one of the most entertaining aspects.
  Aside from some easily meme-able bits — Brock's drying pan and jelly donuts, for example — Pokemon became a seamless addition to the Kids' WB lineup and would end up giving many fans a lifelong love of anime. And it was great for 4Kids, too, as in 2000, they would be number one on Fortune's 100 Fastest-Growing Companies.
  Fox Kids wanted an answer to this. And it would soon find one.
  Well, two.
  Part 2: Monsters Rule
  Saban Entertainment was no stranger to Fox Kids. They'd been the one to adapt Toei's Super Sentai into The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers for American and international audiences, creating an unexpected sensation that combined monsters and martial arts. And in 1999, they nabbed Digimon Adventure, a series about kids that gain "digital" monster partners when transported to a "digital world," which had begun airing earlier that year in Japan. Based on a fighting virtual pet that had already been around for a few years, Digimon was a natural fit for an anime series and also a natural fit for a climate that was desperately trying to find the next Pokémon.
  Renamed Digimon: Digital Monsters, it premiered in August of 1999. Of course, accusations followed that it was a Pokémon rip-off, considering that they were both about befriending terrifying laser critters, but they offered fairly different things. While Pokémon was more episodic, Digimon gave viewers a more Dragon Ball Z-esque experience (they were both Toei productions, too) with the titular monsters evolving and gaining "power-ups" due to fighting increasingly powerful villains.
  Almost two months later, Monster Rancher would join the Fox Kids lineup, airing on Saturdays at 8:30 AM after Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century (a Fox Kids lost relic if there ever was one). Together, Monster Rancher and Digimon would cover the programming block with monster action, sometimes airing twice each. Meanwhile, Pokémon would do the same for Kids' WB, and if you look at their Saturday morning schedules from 1999 and 2000, it appears they just shoved Pikachu in whenever possible.
  Looking back on Monster Rancher is always odd, though, because it's so specifically trapped in the time period where it originated. The video games used metadata from readable discs to create new monsters for the player, meaning that as soon as people gained the ability to download or stream media online without having to travel to their local Circuit City, the game would look absolutely archaic in comparison to its peers.
  Monster Rancher is a very fun show based on some very fun games, and the dynamic array of personalities and their particular squabbles in the core group actually reminds me a lot of One Piece. But even the show itself deals with reviving monsters on giant stone discs — a prehistoric-looking adaptation of a video game gimmick that would, a decade later, appear prehistoric itself.
  The Monster War was waged across 2000 and 2001. And though it appears Pokémon was the clear winner — in 2020, it's the most popular franchise with the widest reach, even if Digimon does produce some stellar shows and movies — the ratings tell a different story. In the May sweeps of 2000, Pokémon (and Kids' WB) took the prize among kids 6-11, but in the end, Fox Kids would score a victory of a 3.1 rating to Kids' WB's 3.0 (the first sweeps win since 1997, the year that Batman left.)
    Early the following year, Fox Kids would score again, narrowly beating Pokémon on Saturday morning in the same timeslot and even coming ahead of properties like X-Men. And what would propel this February 10th victory? The first appearance of BlackWarGreymon, the Shadow the Hedgehog to WarGreymon's Sonic.
  However, Pokémon would still help create ratings records for Kids' WB, even though late 2000/early 2001 saw a slide that would often cede dominance to Nickelodeon. Jed Patrick, who was president of The WB at the time said: "I didn't think Pokémon would fall off as much as it did ... every fire cools down a little, but that doesn't mean it doesn't stay hot."
  Even though, in retrospect, claims that "Pokemania" had died seem a little ridiculous — the latest games, Pokémon Sword and Shield, just became the highest-selling entries in seventeen years — big changes were ahead.
  Part 3: It's Time To Duel ... Or Not
  In early 2001, Joel Andryc, executive VP of kids' programming and development for Fox Kids, was looking for a "Digimon companion series to create an hour-long anime block." He felt they were too reliant on Digimon, as they were airing it three times in a single morning. Likely not coincidentally, that summer Fox Kids Fridays were dubbed "anime invasion," advertising Flint The Time Detective, Dinozaurs, Escaflowne, and Digimon. In one commercial, a single quote zips across the bottom of the screen: "Anime Rocks!" Nicole, TX
  That it does, Nicole from Texas.
  Meanwhile, 4Kids Entertainment would provide Kids' WB with another monster show: Yu-Gi-Oh! Known as Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters in Japan, this anime adaptation absconded from retelling the stories found in the early chapters of the manga — which were mostly devoted to Yugi running into jerks, only to have his Egyptian spirit "alter ego" deal karmic retribution on them — and instead focused on the parts that involved the cool monster fights. So basically the parts that were the most like Pokémon.
  But how would this be received? In 2000, Canadian studio Nelvana had licensed the anime Cardcaptor Sakura and turned it simply into Cardcaptors — an extremely edited version that removed many important relationships and plotlines and tried to streamline the show into a pseudo-Pokémon story. It's gone down in history as one of the most questionable dubs ever, and never really made a splash on Kids' WB. So they wouldn't want a repeat of that.
  But would kids be into a card game? The cards did summon monsters, but in Pokémon and Digimon, the monsters are just there, moving around and not relegated to a glorified checkers board arena. It turned out, yes, kids would be REALLY into that. Yu-Gi-Oh! debuted at number one in multiple demographics in September 2001, and would remain a steady part of its lineup for years to come.
    And how did Fox Kids respond? Did the "anime invasion" work out? Well, sort of, but not in the way they were hoping.
  In 2001, due to diminishing ratings and audiences, Fox Kids Worldwide (along with Fox Family Worldwide) were sold to The Walt Disney Company. By November 7th, they'd canceled their weekly afternoon blocks, and the next year, they'd end up selling their entire Saturday morning block to a company that had provided their rivals with the very same TV shows that aided in sinking them: 4Kids Entertainment. The final show to premiere on the original Fox Kids was Galidor: Defenders of the Outer Dimension, a live action series that stood beside Alienators: Evolution Continues (a cartoon sequel to the mediocre 2001 comedy Evolution) and the underrated Medabots as the block's last gasp. 
  Renamed FoxBox in late 2002 (and later 4KidsTV in 2005), the 4Kids run schedule would, over the years, include anime like Kirby! Right Back At Ya!, Ultimate Muscle, Fighting Foodons, Sonic X, Shaman King, and eventually, in 2004, the infamous One Piece dub. The first Saturday of the new FoxBox lineup would also outdo the previous Saturday's Fox Kids lineup. Disney would acquire the rights to Digimon and it showed up on ABC Family in late 2001 (eighteen years later, a reboot of the original series would air, which can be watched on Crunchyroll).
  Eventually, in 2007, the Monster War would come full circle. 4Kids Entertainment announced they would be taking over the Kids' WB Saturday morning block entirely, renaming it the "CW4KIDS," as The CW had been born after UPN and The WB had ceased to be. Pokémon was long gone by this point, having been dropped by Kids' WB in 2006, and was now overseen by The Pokémon Company International on Cartoon Network.
  "We wish Pokémon USA much success going forward," the CEO of 4Kids Entertainment said. Later sued over "illegal agreements" regarding the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise, the company would eventually file for bankruptcy in 2016. Pokémon Journeys, the latest installment in the franchise, launches on Netflix on June 12th. 
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      Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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deanie1987 · 4 years
Mostly positive thoughts about Shameless 10x11 Location, Location, Location
This wasn’t my favorite episode of the season, but I really enjoyed it. As always, I wish we could have gotten a little bit more in the way of emotional scenes/real in depth dialogue, but clearly this is not the show for that anymore. But I’m going to be positive and there was a lot to like in this episode:
The general nonchalance and irritation with which both Ian and Mickey registered the fact that Terry was outside of the house screaming his head off. Then the fact that Mickey told him that he was irritating everyone LOL.
This episode was full of great line readings and one of my favorites was the way that Mickey said “I DEFINITELY love one.”
I thought Terry’s line “it does if it falls on a dick” was kind of funny. I’m not proud of myself.
I loved how Ian was trying to get Lip to talk about the move to Milwaukee and then trying to get Lip to talk to Tami about it as well. He mentioned it a couple of times and was trying to be supportive of the move. Either the self-help books he read in prison really helped or that boy has been in therapy and didn’t tell anyone about it.
Along those lines, I appreciated that Ian seemed a bit concerned about Lip and the move. He was clearly thinking about it and distractedly playing with his ring right after Lip left. It reminded me of when he was in prison and worried about Lip, Tami and the baby and the way he looked last week when Lip made his announcement. I don’t know if Cam does this on purpose, but it seems like he has different mannerisms or facial expressions for different characters. The way he smiles at Mickey or the softness of tone he uses for Mickey, for example, was different than the softness he used for Monica.
I loved seeing Mickey at home in the Gallagher kitchen and interacting with the various Gallaghers. It has been one of the things that I’ve wanted most this season and I’m trying hard (and pretty much failing) not to be bitter that it took until the second to the last episode of the season. The promo for next week and the thought of season 11 helps though.
Another great line reading with Ian’s “what is happening?” and literally every single facial expression that he had during all of the wedding vendor scenes. From the eye-rolls to the stunned expression to the warning glances to various shop clerks and finally trying to limp after Mickey on the way to the caterers and his increasingly exasperated YESes as Mickey barked out questions about the infamous chairs.
I liked Sandy in this episode. I liked her being on Mickey’s side and I like her offense at Ian’s seeming indifference and incompetence. She and Noel play off each other well. I loved the line readings of “I can see why you called me” and Mickey’s sincere “thank you.” My favorite thing, however, is the disdain that she and Ian seem to have for one another. When Mickey asked about Ian’s ring, the way that Ian kept glancing guiltily at Sandy as he answered made me laugh. He’s like, “not only do I have to deal with Mickey but now this judgmental bitch too.”  LMAO!
As much as the groomzilla stuff was played for laughs, I loved that Mickey took all of it extremely seriously. He has opinions about stuff, he’s clearly done his research and he wants the best for his big day. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he has thought about his wedding day with Ian before. He knows what song he wants, he can envision how it looks and I love that he is focusing on the “atmospheric” stuff like candles, music, flowers, etc., rather than the more practical stuff like food and drinks. Mickey is an artist after all.
I wasn’t sure how to feel about Mickey as Groomzilla when we first saw the preview but I totally get it now, and as per usual, Noel played every between the lines note perfectly. Mickey seemed unbothered by Terry after their altercation but his increasing stress level and emotion was palpable. After everything it took to get himself and Ian to this point, obstacles keep getting thrown in his way and by the time they’re sitting at the Alibi he is overwhelmed and anxious. Noel conveyed both the humor of the situation (I cracked up everytime Mickey threw down his pen in annoyance and every time that he shot Ian an exasperated look). But he also conveyed the anguish that Mickey must have felt as he tried to do something meaningful and joyous and NORMAL. People in love plan wedding everyday, why can’t Mickey? Why does everything have to suck?
And I appreciate the patience that Ian had with him and the way that it slowly dawned on him that Mickey really did care about all of the wedding stuff AND that he was more affected by his dad than he was willing to admit. And I liked that he was willing to indulge Mickey on his plans but also gently remind him of why they were there. Because they’re Mickey and Ian.
I will admit that I am not a Bon Jovi fan and I often run my car off the road trying to turn the radio station should Living on a Prayer or Dead or Alive come on. I also don’t reeealllly believe that of all of the hair band power ballads that Mickey could choose from he would pick a Bon Jovi song. BUT I will admit that the lyrics do fit and the scene itself was sweet. The singer was terrible but that somehow made it better. As cute as Ian’s gesture was, I was still a little underwhelmed. Maybe it’s just that seeing Ian so much more expressive toward Mickey is still new to me and I notice it more, but I sort of felt that Noel underplayed this scene just like the proposal. Or at least the version that made it air. I wanted to feel more from this scene than I did. Is it just me? I think it might just be me. And it makes me a little nervous for next week because I really want tears and heartfelt vows and not misdirected emotion and 100% shenanigans.
As for everyone else, Liam was better this week. I’m so glad that the show remembered that he is only a ten year old kid, who misses his siblings and his father. I don’t know if the actors who played Debbie and Carl were better at that age or if it was the writing or a combination of both, but I still don’t feel for Liam the way that I felt for them for whatever reason and I wish I did.
I didn’t mind that Lip, Ian and Mickey let him ride the L to find Frank on his own because Debbie was running a daycare at that age, Ian was 4 years away from having sex with his boss and god knows the kind of stuff that Lip and Fiona were dealing with at that age. They shield him and encourage him where they can but he’s one of Frank Gallagher’s kids and in their view, he should be able to ride the L by himself to the nice side of Chicago without holding anybody’s hand. The fact that Lip told him to check in once he got there is probably more than any of the other kids got at that age.
Lip getting cold feet makes perfect sense to me as did all of the reasons he gave Tami. Lip doesn’t ever want to leave the Southside of Chicago. That has been hammered into our brains since season 1. He says he does and I think a part of him WANTS to want to leave, but he doesn’t really. He has always liked being a big fish in a little pond and he has always liked succeeding without having to make an effort. That’s who he is and his story with Tami could really be interesting, because for the first time, he has a real reason to try to work things out with a woman who is “forcing” him to better himself. And he has a reason beyond himself to want to do it. It is an organic and interesting dynamic and I hope it goes into season 11. I also see Tami’s side as well. I like her and I like her with Lip and I think that the actress is good enough to go toe to toe with JAW. All of this makes me very happy.
Frank’s screen time continues to be ridiculous. How many times did we need to see Frank walking nervously down the hallway looking for a ghost. I didn’t even hate his scenes this episode but there were soooo many of them in a time when that time could be spent elsewhere.
I’m glad Carl is trying to do good, but I don’t care. Debbie looks good in that tux, but again, I don’t care. Kev’s line reading of “do you even lift, bro” was funny. Vee looked incredible doing her plank on the keg. But...you guessed it...I don’t care.
The promo for next week looks INCREDIBLE. I have a tiny bit of hope that outside of Lip, the majority of the storyline will be the Gallaghers trying to white trash the shit out of this wedding and I hope that everyone will be involved. There is a lot of plot to move on that score and there are some things that I really, really want to see happen in the next episode (which I will probably post about later), so I’m trying to keep my expectations low.
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pastelwitchling · 5 years
Malex one-shot Angst/Fluff Prompt List #9 (Prompt #10)
10. “What if something happens to you?”
               Three years. It had been three years since Alex had even heard from one of his brothers. It seemed befitting that the next time he’d see him, it would be at a military base after having disarmed him.
               “I was following orders,” John said from the doorway where he was watching Alex pack his bag, his arms crossed.
               Alex looked up, raising a brow, and his brother sighed. “I didn’t know it was you.”
               Sure you didn’t, he almost said, but settled for a scoff and resumed packing without a word.
               “So this is it?” John said. “Three years, and not even a, ‘Hello, John’, or, ‘I missed you, bro’?”
               “I didn’t,” Alex said matter-of-factly, though he didn’t lift his head. “Three years was not a long enough time, John.”
               “Alex,” John repeated, and Alex closed his eyes. “Stop acting like a child. I get it, okay? This suicide mission of yours, it’s to get back at me –”
               “Get back at you?”
               “You want to act like this is for your friends, or for dad, go ahead,” John said as he approached Alex, kneeling in front of him, “but if this is your idea of oneupping me or something –”
               “This isn’t for revenge, this sure as hell isn’t for dad, and I don’t have to prove a damn thing to you,” Alex said, and shut his bag roughly. He stood, ignoring the sting in his leg. “This mission needs someone to go into the Caulfield solitary floor, and retrieve whatever technology your computers are detecting, right? Get in, get out. It’s a simple enough job –”
               “That anyone else can do!” John said. “Why are you volunteering? That floor is on the brink of caving in, if you get stuck –”
               “I’ll be fine,” Alex said, hanging the bag on his shoulders. “Look, you can’t send in an entire team, not with the walls that thin, and I’m the only one that knows what to look for.”
               John looked to the door like he expected someone to be watching them. “How do you know what alien technology looks like?”
               Alex scoffed. “Your commander agreed that I be allowed to keep my sources to myself. I help you, you stay out of my business, and I walk away afterwards with no questions. I didn’t tell him, you think I’m going to tell you?”
               “I’m your brother,” John said.
               He narrowed his eyes, and stepped closer. “What do you want, John? Since when are you so worried about me?”
               John’s face hardened. “I’ve always been worried about you. You didn’t want to see it because you just love to be the victim, Alex, but I’ve always looked out for you.”
               “Oh, yeah,” Alex laughed without humor. “Join the force, or he’ll never stop! Looking out for me? Are you kidding?”
               His brother stepped back, pinching the bridge of his nose, and sighed, “What dad did, he only did to make you stronger. You still don’t get that.”
               Alex shook his head. His eyes burned, and a lump formed in his throat, but he pushed it down. He would not cry, not in front of him. He promised himself a long time ago that he would never cry in front of any of them.
               “Oh my G – he’s not here, John, why are you defending him?”
               “Because if he hadn’t done what he’d done, where do you think you’d be? Stuck in Roswell, some outcast because – why? Because you got confused when you were a teenager, a-and thought you were in love with a…” John turned away, a look of disgust on his face.
               When he looked back at Alex, his expression had cleared, replaced by something calmer, though no less condescending as he held his chin higher. “I’m not going to let you get yourself killed because of pride. You’re going to go back in there, apologize profusely, and tell them that your leg has spasmed, and that you can’t do this.”
               Alex clenched his jaw. “That’s not going to happen,” and he moved past his brother only to have his arm grabbed roughly. A decade ago, he would’ve flinched. Now, his brain automatically calculated exactly how hard he would have to turn his brother’s wrist so that he was writhing in pain on the floor.
               “Stop being stubborn, and do as you’re told, soldier.”
               Alex took a deep breath, and just before he moved to wrench his brother’s hand off him, someone said, “Alex, you okay?”
               It was Michael, his stance as he leaned against the doorframe cool and unbothered, but he was glaring at Alex’s brother, and the hand on his arm as if he was two seconds away from tearing it off with his powers.
               Alex used his brother’s momentary distraction to pull himself free, and he looked John directly in the eyes. “Yeah. John was just wishing me luck. Right, bro?”
               John stuck his tongue in his cheek, the way he always did when he was upset everyone wasn’t following his orders, and he looked from Alex to Michael angrily before he made his way to the door.
               Kyle came in as John was leaving, and the moment he saw him, he stopped, his expression turned hard.
               “Kyle,” John greeted curtly.
               Kyle nodded once in response, just as cold. The moment John stepped out, he sighed, shaking his head. “My God, he hasn’t changed at all.” He looked to Alex, his gaze softening. “Are you okay?”
               No, not really.
               “Yeah,” Alex said, and glanced at Michael who was watching Kyle with no less aggression. He supposed it didn’t make him feel great to know that Kyle had been his best friend once, and knew more about him than he could tell.
               “You sure you should be doing this?” Michael asked, clearly wanting to change the subject. “It’s safer for me to go.”
               “I second that,” Kyle said, and Michael glared at him. “Alex, it’s too dangerous. Let someone else go.”
               “I have to be the one to do it,” Alex said, then looked around the room. This was a changing room, so there shouldn’t have been any cameras, but he gestured for the both of them to get closer anyway, and lowered his voice. “If it really is another piece of alien technology, or another piece of the spaceship, we can’t let them have it. Jim Valenti obviously meant for us to find it, which means it’s somehow connected to whatever happened to him.”
               “But why not let me go?” Michael said, stepping closer. “I’m the one with the powers.”
               “The out-of-control powers?” Kyle raised a brow. “Gee, I wonder.”
               “Hey, Valenti, the grownups are talking now, okay? This is real, not your dad’s little math equations.”
               “Oh, good, for a second I was worried you’d matured, but thankfully, you’re still a raging dick.”
               Alex, suddenly too tired to get angry, did the only thing he could; he laughed. It was tired, and brief, but it was still a laugh, and it eased the weight in his chest. The two stopped arguing, and looked to him in surprise. “Even now, you guys still can’t shut it off. It’s kind of reassuring.”
               The two glanced at each other, then back at Alex, their expressions softening into something more like concern.
               He shook his head. “I will be okay, I promise. As soon as I find this tech, I’ll pour that yellow pollen that Noah used to dampen your powers, and it should keep it from being detected on the screens upstairs. Guerin, when the signal is gone, wait a few seconds, then use your powers to make the floor collapse.”
               “I already said,” Michael stepped closer, “I’m not bringing those rooms down with you still inside.”
               “I’m qualified enough to get myself out, don’t worry,” Alex said, and at his hesitance, he sighed. “Guerin, you have to. If you don’t, they’ll know I took it, but if the floor collapses before I’m in the clear –”
               “They’ll think it was an accident,” Kyle finished. “The room’s expected to break apart any day now. They know there’s a high chance of an accident.”
               “Which is why they’ve been so hesitant to send anybody down there,” Alex nodded. “But I’ve done this stuff before, worse, and I’ve gotten out.”
               “But your leg –”
               “As far as they’re concerned, it’s my choice, and my leg is just my problem. If anything happens to me, they’re freed of any liability – Guerin, I’m sorry, but that’s just how it is, okay?”
               Michael pursed his lips, and stepped close enough that he was all Alex could see. For a moment, Alex noticed his shields falling, and he caught note of how nervous Michael really was.
               “Alex,” he said, his voice low, “what if something happens to you?”
               And Alex could somehow hear the silent message; Yes, I get it, you’re brave, you can do this, but what if something happens?
               He smiled. “Then something happens,” he subtly stretched his fingers out so that they took hold of Michael’s, and right away, he let go and stepped back, looking to the both of them. “And I know you guys will be there to pull me out.”
               The two blinked, surprised, and with another glance at each other, they nodded once to Alex, promising him that they were behind him, no matter what. With another reassuring nod to Michael, Alex took a deep breath and walked out.
The prompt is courtesy of @hellsdemonictrinity.
Double-digits - woohoo! I would like to thank my obsession with both malex and writing, and my inability to stop daydreaming about this gorgeous couple. One more prompt to do today to catch up? Will I manage it? I have to read about Poseidon and Athena first, so who knows?
Obviously, I don’t know what the soldier’s name in the promo is, and he very well could not be Alex’s brother, but I feel like he is. I’m going to feel really stupid when the episode comes out and we find out his name was really Matt, or James, or Giuseppe...
Anyway, I keep thinking that the relationship between Alex and his brothers, whenever and if ever we get to see it, is a sour one, because he’s had three brothers, and never talks about them? Never mentions them as having helped him against Jesse? Something’s off there. If that soldier does turn out to be Alex’s brother, I hope we get more insight into Alex’s life, because we are very much deprived.
Hope you enjoyed reading, and love triangles suck! ❤️
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jq37 · 6 years
I'll be the one that bites the bullet. Fantasy High episode 11--thoughts?
**spoilers for cool kids, cold case**
Hoo boy. 
That could be my entire write up honestly because, geez ya'll. 
Let's break it down. 
Sidenote, I just got mildly into Overwatch so every time I say that and I say it a fair amount, I hear Lucio in my head. 
Anyway, like I said in an earlier post, I'm now pretty sure that the bloodrush fight didn't go the way Brennan expected. Like either he didn't expect them to win or that they would win but not kill Daybreak because there was so much exposition and change and repositioning in this episode. It was a lot like the first session with all the setup. It's like he needed to get them on a new trajectory so he took an episode to time jump and change the status quo before--BAM. But we're getting to that.
In another show or even another episode of this show, the opening convo with Ragh might have been the wildest part of the ep. There’s just so much to unpack there.
Fig making him kowtow to Gorgug and everyone being like dude, stop making it weird. 
Before she did that, Emily paused and you could just see every other person looking like “What insane thing is gonna come out of her mouth now?”
Kristen getting the scoop on his super gay dreams. 
Adaine trying to get him to got to therapy (and also to realize that he's gay). 
The group whole ass making him cry for possibly the first time?
Fabian trying to shut everything down.
“You’re cumming from your eyes.”
 Kristen, please stop. I’m begging you. 
As I suspected, the group reached the point of yeah, we NEED to call Riz's mom this ep. Like, they *had* to call her. You can only realistically take shenanigans so far before it becomes straight unrealistic to not just call a responsible adult. 
And, speaking of, yay! We got to see a little of everyone’s parents just like I wanted/predicted. 
We actually got a lot of stuff from my wishlist. There’s so much time jumping and stuff in this episode I don’t even know where to start. 
This is probably the wrong place to start but I remember wondering what their Christmas equivalent was because they can’t have Christmas because of the Christ thing so when they were like Solstice I was like, oh duh. It’s literally right there. How could I miss it.
OK I guess 
Christmas Solstice party at Gorgug’s house! I knew his house would end up being the hang house.  
Sklonda handled the situation pretty close to how I thought she would. I really think Brennan was forced into a, “This adult is too responsible to not wipe out my next ten plot points over the course of a week,” corner and that’s why he had to pivot. More on that later.
Fabian just refusing to eat any of the fast food she got them.
I totally forgot Adaine has diplomatic immunity. Which actually means she’s the ideal Bad Kid to do anything shady they need done, even though that’s not really her style.
Unlike, other people
We’re getting there
I’m glad Brennan drew the line at Kristen’s parents actively being in a cult. He was like, OK no. They’re willfully ignorant but they’re not PART OF THE CULT.
I also think it’s interesting that they didn’t actually kick her out? Like they sorta kinda did but not really because it seems like she’s couch surfing of her own volition a little and staying home sometimes too? I wonder how her brothers are doing.
Both of Fig’s dads just work at her school now. I wonder is they commiserate about her w/ Goldenhoard.
I can’t believe Brennan is letting her just ruin the life of this random, full-adult dwarf doctor. Like, imagine if any adult in her life found out about that.
Brennan says bud a lot. Almost as much as he says rad.
Gorgug choosing playing the drums as his proficiency, but not well. Just, like, a simple drum beat. Bro. Why.
Adaine’s makeover!
I knew we were gonna get to see that. Or at least I really hoped we would.
And it was in boutique setting similar to what I imagined. A little surprised that she went straight for the jeans and t-shirt thing but dope. I want fan-art. 
Also, if I hadn’t already been convinced, that scene would have convinced me that Fabian got everyone the gifts (before it was confirmed later).
“You’d look nice as a sailor.” Is that like a pirate thing, bro?
Real talk, does Fabian for-real, for-real have a crush on Adaine low key?He’s complimented her looks more than once, which he hasn’t done with the other girls. They’re at a similar social class which might be a factor. And he clearly has a thing for blond elves.
I am Concerned about Adaine’s jean jacket, regardless of how dope it is.
Someone needs to talk to Fig about the rat thing. Possibly also Emily. 
42069 LANE (or whatever it was). I hate that I love Brennan for that.
“The worst thing about you is that you’re rich.”
But aww, Fabian. I’m glad it ended up being him (and shoutout to the anon who pointed that out to me). This is exactly the character growth I wanted from him.
When Gorthalax said that tryouts had already happened, I was legit upset for Fabian for a sec. Also, how did I know Gorgug was gonna somehow end up on the bloodrush team?
Guys I feel like there’s still a million more things to talk about.
Adaine finding out about Riz’s dad. God I hope there’s a heart to heart soon but she won’t just drop that info unless she has a really good reason.
GILEAR. I can’t believe that was him on a NAT 20. God, he has zero game. Also, imagine Fig and Riz as siblings. Lord.
The return of Tracker. I was concerned that she was in college but she’s like a Sophomore so Kristen is good to go as soon as she stops being a total disaster so actually that’s probably a moot point. 
Sidenote, kinda surprised that she’s a cleric. I thought she was off religion totally but I guess she just switched. But I feel like it’s hard to be totally non-religious in a world where gods 100% for sure exist?
Adaine going, “Mrs. Gukgak. Actually Captain Gukgak,” to her racist-ass dad gave me life. 
OK so re: the whole conversation about perditional contradoxy and treaties and war and such. How much of that was in the plan and how much of that was last minute retooling by Brennan? Because, I’m going to be honest. If it wasn’t for that comment by Siobhan, I would never have guessed that we were off the rails. But, with that in mind, this feels like the work of a GM who needs to keep the game going because things ended up moving too quickly.
It does answer the question of where the story is going now that the Harvestmen seem to be taken care of. I was a little surprised when Brennan was like, “Yeah Riz’s mom gets them all arrested,” because I’d assumed that the bad guy was going to be just the higher guy on the totem pole. 
OK, I’m sure I’m missing some things because this was a JAM PACKED ep so, if I missed something you wanted my thoughts on, please tell me and I’ll be super happy to write more words but let’s get into that scene. 
Before we start, I’m so pumped about all of this development but I hate how often I’m going to have to type the word Eolwyn because my fingers refuse to accept that that’s how that’s spelled.
Dude, the pacing, switching between Adaine and home and the rest of the gang at the party. Like, I knew what the reveal had to be as soon as she walked in but I was still like, “Oh my God. Oh my GOD.”
Sidenote: It was very convenient for Brennan that Adaine never actually read those books because it was an easy and non-cheating way to dole out exposition now, later in the game.
What were the mechanics of Adaine not being invited to that party? Did Eolwyn specifically get her not invited? Did she actually get invited but couldn’t go because of the dinner at home? Did all her friends still decide to go, knowing she wasn’t invited? Was she OK with that? How exactly did that go down?
BUSTING into that party
Magicking up a bunch of LOVE SLAVE PUPPETS
SNORTING magic coke
Playing Spin the Bottle DEATH ROULETTE 
DAMN BRENNAN, I did NOT Expect you to go THAT hard.
Assuming they all live, I can’t WAIT for the, “YOU KISSED MY SISTER????” conversation. 
Which means they’ve either never met Eolwyn or only in passing and not enough to remember her. 
Shoutout to Riz for being the only person to give Adaine a heads up. 
Her eyes glow blue when she does certain types of magic so I’m just picturing her walking into that room, eyes blazing blue, ready to F up her sister (even BEFORE she finds out what’s going on).
I don’t remember if she called Eolwyn a c**t in this ep or the promo for next but I was like, “Oh damn.” Like you got her to escalate her cursing that much that quickly? Damn.
Also, I love that when she’s really upset, Adaine skips the magic and just starts hitting people. 
OK, so remember in the first ep when Eolwyn tried to have Adaine steal that book? The book that I’m pretty sure is the one they mentioned as having wards on it to keep monster stuff from happening at school? So, here’s what I want to know. Has Eolwyn always been a part of this? Because, clearly, it looks like she is right now. But it’s possible the original intent was that she wanted to get Adaine to do it as a prank, not knowing it was important and then, Brennan checked his notes while salvaging the plot and decided to work it in.  
Also, unlikely, but imagine if Eolwyn somehow induced Adaine’s panic attack during her entrance exam to Hudol specifically so she would fail, have to go to Augefort, and steal the book for her. Wouldn’t that be wild?
Idek what else to say about that last ten minutes or so that isn’t just incoherent, Ally-esque screeching.
I have to say, battle eps are never my faves but I’m looking forward to this one more than any other one so far. 
Man, I can’t believe I thought Eolwyn asking for that textbook might turn into a sister bonding moment. Lol @ past me.
Anyway, kick her ass Adaine!
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