#broken bone*
demondamage · 3 months
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Happy publication day for the ABC of Whump zine by @thewhumpyprintingpress ! This is X is for X Ray!
Art Tag: @whump-tr0pes @whump-queen @whumpsday @kixngiggles @onlywhumpcomments @project-xiii @ka1imba @suspicious-whumping-egg @cyborg0109 @whatwhumpcomments @whumpcomica @i-eat-worlds @blood-and-regrets @dont-look-me-in-the-eye @burnticedlatte @lonesome--hunter @whumpifi @oddsconvert @painsandconfusion @whumpasaurus101 @sadcatjae @kiratheperson @studyofwhump @sunshiline-writes @just-a-silly-little-whumper @chaotic---calm @ladyjaye13 @befuddled-calico-whump @safetypinflavouredgrass @mottinthemainpot @to-be-a-bee
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comfortingcatharsis · 2 months
Broken bones, like a clavicle or scapula, that can't really be splinted or immobilised beyond securing the affected limb in a sling and being very cautious not to move or jar the shoulder of the injured side; no rigid security of an encasing cast or splint like that for a broken wrist- the shoulder-blade or collarbone are reliant on the surrounding bodily structures to guard and support them throughout the gradually-healing pain of being fractured and the injured character moves with the utmost gingerness in the interim.
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birdsong-warriors · 1 year
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We'll be switching to two updates a week on Tuesdays and Fridays for a bit! :D Enjoy some ominious red.
First | Previous | Next
Part 1: Friend and Family
See up to thirty pages ahead on Patreon!
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[Previous moon]
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mango-pup · 4 months
I'm not getting full movement back in my right arm. I might get a little more as I get stronger at the limits of my movement, but pretty much, what I have is what I've got. Which is slightly above shoulder height in front of me, and about 45 degrees out to the side.
My main limitations are:
My hair - I have hair down to my butt. I can wash it with a little trouble now, but I can't do anything with it but put it in pigtails otherwise. I might get to the point I can get it into a ponytail again, with practice. Not the end of the world.
Getting dressed - I can't wear anything even slightly tight/with a small head hole, because I can't move my shoulder to get it in. I guess this might improve? I'm not really a clothes person anyway, so it doesn't bother me hugely except that I'll have to think about my clothes a bit more.
Tacking up - I can slide Blue's saddle on now. Girth straps on the jump saddle are still a challenge, but thats a strength issue so that'll solve itself with time. Bridle is not possible. Two options though, we've been working on bringing his head down on cue. We've faded the target out and he'll lower his head on a finger point. Moving too keeping his head down while I faff with him now. Second option is I learn to put his bridle on from the offside. Will try that next time I'm up.
Mounting/Dismounting - yeah I'm just always going to need a mounting block. Can't get a leg up, and at least it means I can avoid gate duty! We've got a system for dismounting down quite well now. I have to kind of launch myself off and tuck my arm in, but it works.
I'm sure they'll be more in time. But really, I ought to be able to deal with that, right? I will continue to have regular physio, though moving to the equestrian specialist physio just because she has more knowledge on exactly what I need. Surgery does remain an option, and will always remain an option. But sticking metal bolts into bone, especially bone with very little muscle over it, has its own downsides.
I'm not happy. But throwing a tantrum isn't going to make it better. So I'm working with what I've got. I'm not in pain beyond the fatigue of working my muscles. I have the resources that i can continue physio indefinitely to cope with the ways I will compensate elsewhere in my body. It sucks, but it's not the worst thing ever.
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16woodsequ · 7 months
Whump writers please enjoy: my mom teaches first aid and she has told me that without a doubt, everyone confirms that broken ribs are one of the most painful bones to break.
(You know, because every time you breathe you hurt them.)
Do with this what you will
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kybercrystals94 · 5 months
Grounded (Part 1)
Read here on Ao3!
Febuwhump 2024 | Day 3 | Prompt 3: “Bite down on this.”
Bad Things Happen Bingo: Broken Limb
Rated: T | Words: 911 | Summary: Crosshair is injured during a mission. [Character Focus: Crosshair, Hunter]
Blinding pain greets Crosshair’s return to consciousness, and a sharp gasp ejects from his lungs. A hand clasps hard over his mouth, pressing so tight that finger shaped bruises will certainly form. Crosshair struggles against his captor, writhing, shaking his head frantically, but an arm wraps around his chest, and hot breath whispers against his ear, “We have to be absolutely silent, Cross, just a few more minutes.” The words are spoken on air, no voice, but Crosshair recognizes Hunter’s reg sounding cadence.
He sinks back into Hunter’s chest plate and nods. Hunter moves his hand, and Crosshair tries to breathe quietly, force himself to inhale and exhale steady, slow breaths. Agony stutters the attempt, making his breathing ragged.
An eternity and a lifetime goes by before Hunter’s grip around him relaxes. “They’re gone,” he says, voice still quiet, but present.
“What happened?” Crosshair manages to grit out. When he tries to sit up, his vision goes white. He barely suppresses the scream that tries to claw out of his throat.
“Don’t try to move,” Hunter warns.
Crosshair thinks of a choice comeback, but can’t make his voice form the words. He growls out a pathetic sound instead. He isn’t even sure where the pain is coming from, but it consumes him wholly.
“I’m going to lay you down,” Hunter says.
Crosshair offers a jerky nod.
In a few, excruciating movements, Hunter slides out from where he was holding Crosshair upright and lays him back on the ground. They are in a heavily forested area, evergreens looming over them, tops scraping an overcast sky. The underbrush is tall and dense, an excellent hiding place. Because they are hiding. Why are they hiding?
“What happened?” Crosshair asks again, more insistent, trying to ignore the pain induced nausea threatening to evacuate his stomach.
“What’s the last thing you remember?” Hunter asks instead, turning to rummage through his kit.
“If I remembered what happened, I wouldn’t be asking,” Crosshair hisses.
Hunter casts him a sidelong glance. “Answer my question, then I’ll answer yours.”
Crosshair closes his eyes, willing himself to remember anything past the pain. “We split up…from Wrecker and Echo. Tech is with the ship. Radio silence after Tech discovered our comms had been compromised. I fell…” The sound of bone snapping is another memory that conjures up, but instead of voicing it, Crosshair lifts his head to look down at his leg.
“Don’t,” Hunter says, reaching out to stop Crosshair.
It’s too late. Crosshair chokes on a gasp at the mangled state of his left leg just below the knee. There’s blood. A lot of blood. And bone. There shouldn’t be bone.
His skin burns cold.
Hunter pushes him back gently. “Breathe, Cross, breathe.”
But Crosshair can’t breathe. His chest feels tight, compressed. No matter how hard he tries, the humid air feels impossible to drag into his lungs.
“--with me, breathe with me,” Hunter is saying, exaggerating his own breathing for Crosshair to follow.
A hand wraps around Crosshair’s, and he clutches it like a lifeline. Hunter leans into his space, making it where he can’t see his injury even if he wants to. He doesn’t want to. “Nice slow breaths. Good.” Crosshair knows he is not doing good with his shallow, gasping breaths, but the encouragement helps nonetheless. His breathing begins to steady. “Good job, just breathe. In…out…good.”
Crosshair closes his eyes again, willing himself not to panic. Panicking won’t do them any good. He knows this. He focuses on his breathing.
“I’m going to stabilize the wound so that we’ll be ready for when the extraction comes,” Hunter says after several long moments of letting Crosshair regain his composure. “I have a hypo for the pain, but it’s probably going to only take the edge off…under the circumstances.”
Crosshair’s stomach turns, but he gives Hunter a tight nod without opening his eyes.
Hunter lets go of Crosshair’s hand, and the loss of physical grounding is more alarming than Crosshair will ever admit out loud. He fists his own hands together, hoping the action will be comforting, but it isn't the same.
He can hear Hunter rummaging through their med kit again, then Hunter says, “Hypo,” before a needle prick bites into the soft flesh of his neck. The relief is small but immediate, a numbing warmth coursing through blood.
“I need to stop the bleeding. Wrap the wound to prevent any more contamination,” Hunter begins to explain. He sounds like Tech a little, the words he’s using. It’s strangely reassuring.
Crosshair feels the foliage by his head move as Hunter shifts closer. “It’s going to hurt,” he says. “I’m going to have you bite down on something so that…you know.”
Another stiff nod is the only affirmative he can give, and some kind of knotted cloth is put in his mouth. Crosshair bites down on it hard, teeth sinking into the coarse fibers of fabric.
When Hunter begins to staunch the wound, it takes every ounce of resolve Crosshair can muster not to cry out, although he does cry. He can feel pain induced tears manage to escape, mixing with the cold sweat that begins to track down the sides of his face. His hands, still knotted together, unlatch to claw at the ground. He tries not to move, but his body writhes slightly of its own volition.
“Almost done, vod,” Hunter says, voice barely breaking through the agonized haze.
Everything goes dark.
✨Let me know if you want to be added to my Taglist!✨
Taglist: @followthepurrgil @isthereanechoinhere96 @amorfista @mooncommlink @arctrooper69 @nagyanna424
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roodles03 · 10 months
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Flyer Derby Accident
Follow up to the last drawing. This is a scene from my fic "Bellyachin'" where Hunter crashes into the flag post and breaks his arm. This is the immediate aftermath of when the injury happened. And yeah everyone kinda freaked out haha.
I nearly scrapped this drawing but was able to save it! So glad I did because let me tell you this was hard as shit, but was 100% worth it in the end.
I also added the palismen because why not.
If you're interested in the fic, click here.
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0blobthefish0 · 2 years
addison montgomery masterlist | main masterlist
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" You chanted as you threw your head back against the pillow. Doctors and nurses chattering as they wheeled you away. 
"I know you're in a lot of pain, but if you could just stay calm, everything will be okay." A woman said to you as she put a hand on your arm. 
"Oh no, I'm not worried about the pain, you've already given me loads of drugs," You hastily replied as you glimpsed at your very visibly broken leg; damn your stupid apartment complex for never fixing the lift. "I just- is Addison here?" You questioned; your eyebrows furrowed. The woman's eyebrows furrowed as well. "Addison Montgomery? She's a surgeon here." You gasped out as you felt the bed halt to a stop, nearly colliding with some people. You watched her face fall with recognition.
"Oh yes, Addison, yeah I know her," and that was when you saw her nametag and your eyes widened.
"Torres! I've heard a lot about you, please don't tell her I'm here," you begged, "She will kill me. She's always telling me- 'Y/n, don't run down the stairs, you're gonna fall and break something'" You mocked, doing your best impression of her, to which a smile grew across Torres' lips.
"You're Y/n," she grinned, and you were stopped in a room to be looked at more closely.
"The one and only," you grinned back. "Obviously, she was right about me falling, cause here I am." You chuckled and gestured to the bone sticking out from your skin, you cringed as you stared at it a little too long, "It's pretty gross, but you've probably seen worse." 
"Oh-ho yes, I have definitely seen worse. This was not how I imagined meeting Addison's girlfriend," she smirked as she examined your break.
"Nor was I-" You stopped abruptly when you spotted red hair and salmon scrubs. "Oh my god, Addison, she can't see me like this, she would totally freak about seeing my literal bone. Don't let her see me, please?" You stared into her eyes pleadingly as you shrank back into your pillow. She nodded her head and you let out a breath of thanks; you watched intently as Dr. Torres guided her away from discovering you.
"Okay, you'll be going into surgery soon and I'll be getting you all fixed up and sewn together." She nodded at you once she had made her way back.
Your surgery had been a success, and you had been placed in a room to recover. Callie was eating her lunch when Addison came and sat next to her.
"I think I'm going crazy," Addison started to which Callie had scoffed at. "No, I'm actually being serious, I think this job is making me feel lonely."
"And why is that, exactly?" Callie questioned with an eyebrow raised at her friend.
"I keep hearing Y/n, all day, I have either been hearing her voice or hearing her name. I've been in this hospital for so many hours that my brain is deciding to hallucinate. I mean- it's crazy, right?" Callie choked on her food and pretended to carry on as if she hadn't. Now it was Addison's turn to raise an eyebrow at her friend. "Right?" She quizzed and stared at Callie as she continued to eat.
"Right, exactly, you should spend more time at home." Callie fumbled out and Addison felt her heart waver.
"You know something." Addison stated.
"No." Callie wavered, a feeble attempt at lying to something so obvious.
"Oh my god, where is she?" Addison gasped out with panic and got up from the table.
"She's fine, she's fine! Just recovering." Callie blurted out after her as she jogged to catch up with her.
"Recovering from what?" Addison hissed as she began to check the recovery rooms.
"A broken leg," Callie mumbled when the door to your room swung open and Addison's eyes landed on you. You were still knocked out and sleeping peacefully when your girlfriend walked up to you and checked your chart.
"I told her to stop running down those stairs or she would break something." Addison grumbled and placed a hand on your own. "You never listen, do you? And look where that's gotten you. Jesus." She said letting out a breath as she pulled out the images of your break. You began to stir and when you cracked open an eye to see Addison's worried face staring down at yours, your heartbeat picked up wildly.
"Please don't be mad." You rasped out, voice heavy with sleep and the medication you had been given. At seeing the pace of your heartbeat on the monitor, she had begun to check you for any complications.
"Just a little." She murmured, too focused on your wild heartbeat.
"Stop, it's nothing medical," you chuckled and placed a hand on her wrist, "you're just very pretty." Your eyes met hers and you couldn't stop the blush from spreading to your cheeks. Addison rolled her eyes a smirk adorning her lips and she sat down next to you.
"You're so stupid." She laughed. Callie smiled softly at the two of you before quietly leaving you in peace. Addison shuffled down the bed and laid down, facing you.
"Rude." You whispered and planted a kiss to her head, Addison frowned slightly, the kiss to the head clearly not enough and she pressed her lips against your own. You hummed at the kiss and kissed her again before playing with her hair. "Salmon scrubs?" You chuckled and she slapped your arm teasingly. "Hey! I'm injured here."
"I can't believe you actually fell down the stairs." She began to laugh, her whole body shaking, and you rolled your eyes.
"Rude, again." 
"No, you're not."
"You're right, I'm not."
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painsandconfusion · 4 months
I have a question about pain and fainting. Some people say that passing out from pain isn't instant, but I've heard stories of really bad injuries and they pass out almost instantly so we know its not blood loss. Who's right?
Vasovagal syncope is your buzzword to google. Fun topic.
Long story short: yes and no
Your body can pass out from shock or stress nearly instantly, but pain itself tends to creep up more slowly, often leaving the person awake just unmoving. It's entirely dependent on the person and the situation, but you're more likely to pass out instantaneously from the panic of seeing your femur sticking out your abdomen than you are from the buildup of pain from that, if that makes sense.
Remember that bodies and minds are weird and unique. If anyone tells you 'thats not how bodies work', that that with a grain of salt. Some people are born with like 10 kidneys. Some have two hearts. Some sleep with their eyes open and focused. Bodies are weird and how or when you pass out is so incredibly varied, I'm not gonna tell you what is or isn't possible.
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sickficideas · 7 months
🦴 for chuuya pleaseee :)
Sick or Treat!
Thank you anon I love writing chuuya💖💖💖💖 this was a fun opportunity for a little skk angst i hope you like it!!
🦴 (Injury) - Dazai/Chuuya
“Don't make me blindfold you,” Dazai says with an annoyed sigh, but Chuuya can't even be bothered to bite back at him. It hurts so bad that he can hardly breathe.
“Are they - they're coming?” Chuuya breathes out, biting into his lip to distract from the unbelievable pain in his leg.
“I hope so. I definitely can't splint this myself,” Dazai says very casually, considering the situation. Chuuya doesn't know exactly how bad the break in his thigh is, but he can certainly feel it. He thinks he might die if Dazai tries to even touch it, let alone splint it.
“It's - it's bad, huh?” Chuuya chokes out, throwing his head back and biting holes into his lip just from the slightest accidental movement. This sort of thing normally doesn't happen when he uses Corruption, he's not sure what went wrong this time - and even worse, he's dealing with all of the side effects that using Corruption comes with, too, on top of the white-hot pain. He's losing his touch.
His muscles feel like they're burning underneath his skin. He's almost certain he's got a raging fever already, it's clouding his thoughts and already making him forget what's happened.
“Hey, are you listening?” Dazai says, and Chuuya realizes he's been speaking to him the whole time. He's forgotten what he was just thinking about, all he can focus on is the excruciating feeling in his thigh, and he decides he has to see it. He lifts his head, just a little to peer over at the injury. There's a lot more blood than he was expecting, but something off-white poking out amidst it all.
The bone is sticking out. Holy shit, that's his bone.
He can't even begin to attempt to hold back the rush of vomit that comes up his throat. He leans over to the side to throw up, choking and sputtering and just for a few seconds before he feels a hand on his back to steady him. God, he's never done well with this sort of thing, and certainly not if it's himself. His ears feel like they're stuffed with cotton and the way it's disorienting him only makes him more nauseous, somehow. He moans and grits his teeth, spitting up the rest of the acid in his mouth.
“They'll be here soon,” Dazai tells him. Chuuya barely hears him. He wants to go home. He doesn't feel good. Every time he uses Corruption he wishes to never do it again, and especially right now. Dazai's hand moves to his chest to lay him back down into the grass, and Chuuya's head luls to the side, saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth. He groans quietly. He thinks he's losing consciousness, but he tries to fight it.
“Stay with me, Slug,” Dazai says, his hand suddenly on his chin, turning it so he's facing up, and Chuuya tries to force his eyes open. He's right. He's probably bleeding a lot, that's gotta be part of the reason he feels so awful, but the way the pain in his leg has started to numb should probably make him worry. He's suddenly feeling Dazai squeeze his hand, though. “What're you doing this weekend?”
Chuuya recognizes that Dazai's simply trying to keep him conscious, but he wants to believe that maybe he's asking him on a date. He wants to chuckle at the idea, but his chest hurts and his face burns, he doesn't want to move.
The pain suddenly shoots down his thigh again, and he screams, the sound strangled in his throat, and his nausea comes back in full force, too - he definitely would have choked on the vomit rising in his throat if Dazai hadn't turned him on his side to choke up whatever is left in his stomach into the grass, only inches away from his face. He groans and pants over it, wishing more than anything for this to be over.
His cheeks feel like they're on fire, he feels far too many things in his face, his eyes are teary, his throat burns, he's covered in sweat and dirt and blood and he just wants to dunk his head underwater in a warm bath and curl up in his clean sheets and sleep through all of his alarms.
He wishes Dazai still had time to stick around and take care of him. He'd do anything for it, but he'd never admit it.
“Take me home,” Chuuya murmurs quietly once he's gently rolled back on his back. His head is starting to swim, that's always a sign that he's close to losing consciousness.
“I will,” Dazai tells him. Chuuya didn't realize his hand was still gripped tight around his, he squeezes it so hard that it takes his mind off the way his whole body feels right now. “As long as you don't puke on me.”
Chuuya's vaguely aware of a cheeky smile on his face that makes him want to roll his eyes, but he won't. He keeps his focus on Dazai's face, and everything around him is starting to fade out. It's a shame, Dazai kind of looked nice for once, with the night sky as a backdrop. “You're…you'd prob’ly be in't'that, freak…”
“Don't pass out,” Dazai tells him sternly, his expression suddenly changing, Chuuya realizing both of his hands are tight on his. He's trying, he really is, but he's run out of strength. His brain needs to shut down. “Chuuya, stay awake.”
“Take care a'me,” Chuuya barely manages. He wouldn't be surprised if the words never made it out, but Dazai says something to him that he can't hear anymore. He doesn't have any clue if he's agreeing or making some lame excuse, but at least Chuuya tried, right?
His eyelids betray him, and he loses sight of Dazai's eyes. They'd better be there the next time that he opens them.
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doctorcanon · 5 months
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"Told you so."
A messy portrait of a slightly smug Four healing up from a bad encounter in When You Do Things Right.
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comfortingcatharsis · 5 months
X smooths their hand rhythmically over Y's upper arm, touch sure and gentle. Spreading warmth follows it, like the heat of sinking into a hot bath, leeching deep into the limb. Tension also gradually leeches out of Y's frame and they uncurl slightly from their defensive stance. Their arm is still closely-guarded though, clamped tight to their side, and the tell-tale pinched corners of their eyes nevertheless belie their pain.
Their breath comes easier though as X finally lifts their hands away.
Emerging from their concentration, X gives a tired smile. 'There, I've stabilised it. It's not healed, mind; I'd say the equivalent of maybe a week's-worth of natural healing- the bone still needs another month at least to knit fully- but this should be just enough you can bear to walk out of here without it jarring too badly at every step.'
Y nods, keeping their good hand cupped protectively beneath the opposite elbow, and cautiously tests the arm's movement. They break off with a wince. 'Doesn't- ah- feel a whole lot better when I do that-'
'Don't let's get ahead of ourselves,' X stays Y with a hand on their chest. 'You're going to want that immobilised for a while yet- like I said, I can only give you a head-start; the rest of the slow and steady way is up to you now. Go rushing things too much with magic and they tend not to stay healed.'
Y leans tiredly back against the tunnel wall again. 'I know. Aches though, even just sitting here.'
X hums in sympathy and chances one last brief caress and pulse of warmth into the broken humerus before pulling the more mundane tools of their trade from their pack- curved length of bark for a splint, moss to pad it, broad fabric strips to use for sling and swathe, and a tincture for the pain.
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Hi! Thanks for having this blog, it's awesome! Wanted to ask, if someone broke their wrist, and was trying to hide it, how feasible would that be? Character's pretty good at hiding pain, but doesn't have much real medical knowledge. Let me know if more specificity is needed!
It depends on how broken it was. If it was a crack in the bone from an impact (like a baseball hitting it), so the only damage is to the bone and not other structures (muscles, tendons) that would impair movement, he probably has some pretty good chances of hiding the break. He'd just have to make sure that he didn't bear weight on that wrist.
If there was any deformity (bone ends not lining up) or there were other structures damaged that would impair movement, this would be a lot harder to hide. Either because moving bone ends that aren't lining up is excruciating, or because he wouldn't be able to move the wrist in a normal way regardless of how much pain they could take.
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genderfluidlemon · 2 months
Turns out that my rib is broken-
uh second time lol
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lifblogs · 5 months
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