#bsd driving post
flaresanimedump · 2 years
I am obsessed with finding out which characters in Bungo Stray Dogs can drive. It all started when I noticed that out of all the characters 14 year old Kyoka is shown behind the wheel almost every time the ADA is going anywhere in a hurry. Atsushi who is 18 has been in the passenger seat beside her multiple times with no mention of the fact that she is 14 and probably struggling to see over the dash and touch the pedals at the same time. How is Kyoka the driver. So.
Confirmed can drive:
Kunikida. He's shown driving multiple times as well. He probably has his license and everything. He still takes the train and taxies so I'm guessing he doesn't own a car.
Kyoka. She does not have her license but she's who they put behind the wheel when Kunikida is down or not around.
Ranpo. Of all people. Shown to be able to drive rather well in chapter 79. I'm becoming convinced this is why he doesn't know how to take the train - he drives literally everywhere.
Higuchi. Shown driving home. Probably the character who drives the most if it's part of her usual commute.
Haruno. Seen driving, is explicitly handed the keys in fact.
Ango: Seen driving (poor thing).
Teruko: Seen driving. Probably has a license since they're not big on breaking laws. (But then they weren't on a public road).
Steinbeck: Can drive in places other than Japan. Rammed his truck directly into a very obvious poll in Japan.
Mori? This is unclear. He gets into what would be the passenger side of the car that explodes, but it might have been an American car. Pretty sure it was supposed to be an American car actually. There's no logo but it doesn't seem like there was a chauffeur and he moves like he's reaching for the wheel. Also it's really old and square in the manga.
Chuuya: Flies for the most part but drives a motorcycle in Dead Apple. Not sure if I feel this is canon or not.
Tachihara. Seen driving a scooter. I guess I'll allow it.
Can drive but shouldn't:
Dazai. Apparently this is brought up in a light novel. He drives with Kunikida, implying he has a license, but apparently launched the car into something. He's called a 'bad driver' but I suspect he just needed the thing he flew the car into dead right then. May actually be a very good driver and just lazy.
Driving status unknown:
Tanizaki: Shown at the controls of a helicopter but never a car? Those aren't the same thing so I don't want to say he can drive but apparently he can fly.
Poe: Also can almost definitely drive. Can change out engines. I'm convinced he was driving the truck the agency members were hiding in during the cannibalism arc but I have no proof. Has not been seen behind a wheel.
Fitzgerald: I can't imagine him not knowing how to drive just for sports cars reasons but I also can't imagine him driving when he actually needs to go anywhere.
Fyodor: Travels pretty far a lot, seems to walk though?? It's unquestionable that he could drive a car if asked, but would he? Is he legally allowed to? We may never know.
Kajii: Driving a train like a maniac doesn't count.
Hirotsu: Travels pretty far pretty often. Could be taking trains.
Katai: Doesn't go anywhere
Natsume: Cats around
Akutagawa: Also flies. Shown walking when Higuchi was driving. Probably can't drive.
Gin: Also shown walking.
Jouno: Probably can't drive legally but could maybe drive in a pinch. Jury is still out.
Fukuzawa: Because both Haruno and Ranpo seem to be regular drivers and Fukuzawa is only ever shown walking even when it's logistically improbable I'm becoming increasingly convinced he can't drive.
Kenji, Yosano, Oda, Kouyou, Q, Hawthorn, Margret, Louisa, Melville, Lucy, Mark Twain, Fukuchi, Tecchou, Sigma, Gogol: can't say one way or another.
Can't drive won't drive:
Atsushi will literally let Kyoka drive rather than take the wheel himself.
Naomi hands Haruno the keys to their getaway car and I feel like she'd drive if she could so she goes here.
Oguri: I think he'd have a heart attack if he had to drive for more than 3 minutes. I could be wrong. Shown having a chauffeur though.
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originalartblog · 1 year
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1 year and 4 months later: ANIME EDITION (x)
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naetles · 11 months
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benetnvsch · 1 year
how to bond with ur partner- an extensive guide by Dazai!
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wistfullywaiting2 · 5 months
Headcanon that the reason why Atsushi’s eyes are purple and yellow is because the yellow part of his eyes is his ability. He was born with bad eyesight and couldn’t see shit so the tiger manifested itself in Atsushi’s eyes to fix his eyesight but now he’s also colorblind.
And then for Atsushi’s first month and a half of working at the agency every time Dazai makes direct skin to skin contact with Atsushi his vision gets 10x worse. And Atsushi’s too scared to point it out at first but eventually he’s like “hey guys every time Dazai touches me I can’t see and also I start seeing new colors what’s wrong with me”
Eventually they all figure it out and get Atsushi a pair of glasses so that he can turn off his ability every once and awhile, Atsushi also ends up learning how to drive because Kunikida and Yosano can’t just be the agency’s chauffeurs and even though he can only drive if he turns off his ability and puts on his glasses it’s still really funny to say that a colorblind teenager can drive better than 90 percent of the agency.
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kyouka-supremacy · 11 months
One thing I keep thinking about is how the pm's front company is literally called “Mori Corporation”. Like yeah sure, let's put the actual name of our evil boss, most likely the most wanted person in the entire Yokohama, as the title of our not-shady-at-all perfectly-subtle black-themed industry. What could ever go wrong
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muttakutagawa · 8 months
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pov the man you treated like god who gave your life meaning is never coming home
i hope you die. i hope we both die.
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dog-violet · 8 months
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nonbinary-akutagawa · 10 months
Made the lesbian flag from Chuuya's colors for my fellow lesbians that are obsessed with this guy
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And then i got carried away ↓
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mysticdevils · 10 months
love me till my lips turn blue
Other than the occasional coughing fit, Ryuu doesn’t make any noise in his sleep — he stays completely and utterly still.
It was odd and at first a bit off-putting, but thankfully Atsushi’s grown used to it over time. In fact, he would go so far as to say he’s felt grateful for it; it’s easy to tell when something is out of the ordinary.
Now is one of those times, because it tells Atsushi that Ryuu is awake. More than that, he’s thinking about something, which means Atsushi should wait for Ryuu to speak up instead of falling back asleep.
“Atsushi,” Ryuu eventually whispers. “Are you…”
When Ryuu trails off, Atsushi takes a brief moment to gather himself before he slowly sits up and turns to his side, resting his body weight on his elbow. “Awake?” he offers. Then he smiles. “I might be.”
Ryuu doesn’t startle at the suddenness of Atsushi’s response, but his eyes do widen a fraction. “Oh.”
“Oh,” Atsushi echoes. Then he raises an eyebrow and asks, “Did you want me to be? I can pretend to. Or you can have Rashomon knock me out — I won’t fight it.”
Ryuu squints at him, clearly unimpressed, before he sighs. “You don’t need to pretend,” he snaps, irritated, but his heart isn’t in it. “And Rashomon won’t hurt you anymore, you know that.”
He rolls his eyes. “And you know that the same thing goes for Byakko. It’s a moot point.” Then he gives a sigh of his own. “What’s wrong, Ryuu?”
Ryuu blinks rapidly. “What makes you think something’s wrong?”
Atsushi shrugs. “You make a certain face when something’s troubling you.”
“No I don’t,” Ryuu counters.
“Yes you do.”
“No I don’t.”
“Yes you — you know what? Never mind. I’ll take it back if you tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing is wrong, Atsushi,” Ryuu says quietly. “I just…”
Atsushi waits a moment, but it’s clear Ryuu doesn’t plan to continue. Atsushi holds his gaze and prompts, “You just…”
Ryuu swallows. “I just wanted to tell you that I love you, I suppose.”
Atsushi feels his mouth open a bit and his eyes widen a bit. He can feel the moisture suddenly building behind them and his heart feels so full he’s afraid that it might burst out of his chest completely, because it isn’t often that Ryuu says those three words.
That isn’t to say that he feels Ryuu’s love any less, or that he feels like something’s missing. After all, Ryuu shows it all the time in subtle yet obvious ways, and that’s enough for Atsushi.
He shows it by refraining from asking Atsushi about his nightmares after Atsushi tells him that he doesn’t want to talk about them. He just holds Atsushi and stays silent.
He shows it by allowing Atsushi to help him through a coughing fit despite Gin telling him he hates being touched during them. He even goes so far as to let Atsushi help clean him up after the worst ones.
He shows it by insisting that he be the one to sleep closest to the door. (Atsushi is content to let him think that being closer to the door will change the fact that the moment any danger presents itself, Atsushi will be blocking Ryuu from sight before Rashomon can so much as begin to move.)
Which is what makes it ironic that whenever Ryuu does say it, Atsushi tends not to say it back. Not that he doesn’t want to, because he wants to more than anything, but he doesn’t because that’s not what Ryuu wants.
Ryuu doesn’t want him to because even if he doesn’t understand why Atsushi loves him, he doesn’t doubt that he does — after all, Atsushi says it all the time. What he does doubt is that Atsushi knows about his love.
So instead all Atsushi does lean forward, tuck a stray strand of hair behind Ryuu’s ear, and whisper, “I know.”
Because he does, and the smile Ryuu sends him in response tells Atsushi that he believes him.
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note-boom · 1 year
After reading that Dead Apple Post and all the posts within it, I had commentary and theories and random points to make....but I couldn't really put in into a cohesive post, so instead just have them as bullet points in the form of questions
So, obvious one first. What in the world is up with Atsushi's ability? The thing is. It's him that's described as a guidepost to the Book rather than his ability and when he looks at that blue cube, he calls it himself. And yet his ability is supposedly the one who can guide people to what they most desire, as well as his ability being described as something that can basically devour other abilities
On that note...it's interesting to me that it's been pointed out how Akutagawa's ability can cut through any physical structure (matter) and even space itself (so Akutagawa has a space-matter ability) while Atsushi can cut through and basically unalive any ability (tiger devouring prey imagery anyone?). And then we have Dazai who is able to nullify abilities for a brief period of time, not obliterate them just cancel them out. Which is very interesting to me when we have this whole imagery of Dazai represented by sunset, the ADA represented by twilight, the PM by the night, the Special Division by the day, and Atsushi by the moon. The moon is within the night and it's what sort of...cancels out the power of the night. Meanwhile, twilight (ADA) is the time between sunset (Dazai) and dusk (apparently, it goes like sunset -> twilight -> dusk), and it just sits interestingly to me that the ADA people are framed as those "in between" two great forces (day and night), and Dazai the nullifier as sunset sits in between Atsushi the ability devourer represented by the moon...and perhaps something represented by the sun. And the question culminating out of all that: was Shibusawa (the chaos of "ability" itself) the sun to Atsushi's moon or have we not seen that yet? Or is Akutagawa, also represented with draconic imagery, supposed to be that sun or is he really the night that "backgrounds" Atsushi's moon, as we seen in their fights?
Thirdly, something to be said about shapeshifting abilities. All I can remember off the top of my head right now is Lovecraft's Great Old Ones, Shibusawa's Draconica's final form, Bram's vampire ability, and Atsushi's Beast Beneath the Moonlight. (And from the theory linked in the dead apple post that talks about a possible Fyodor ability being the ability to copy himself makes him a kind of...form-shifter as well?). That said, in all these four, the carrier of that ability doesn't just use their ability, they become their ability. That sort of distinction clearly sets them apart from other ability users, I think...it makes them something....other (it also brings up Tanizaki as a rather interesting point, not as someone who can shapeshift or cause shapeshifting but as someone who can pretend to do so through illusions). And Dazai has all this angst about him not being human, but the real question is how human are those shapeshifters? Lovecraft clearly isn't human, Bram's vampires definitely aren't, and Shibusawa was an ability that survived its user (we've seen some other abilities do that, but none of them are sentient). I definitely think Atsushi's 100% human, and I think his lack of initial control over his ability is a testament to that....but I do wonder if he has the ability to be a little bit other-than-human like the other shapeshifters seem to be.
Continuing the Atsushi thread...we've already established that his ability can reject wounds/regenerate wounds. And while I do think we have evidence that he's recovered from normal gunshot wounds and such things, there's also the thing about him having orphanage scars and how most of the times he regrows limbs etc. etc. it's because an ability wounded him. Do you think that Atsushi might possibly have the ability to recover faster from non-ability based wounds (and thus get scars out of it) but an actual power to "reject" ability-inflicted pain (so no scars)?
Also, the whole thing about singularities is interesting to me, especially considering Chuuya and his...instability. I wonder if there's a difference between curated and manmade singularities like Chuuya's and Oda/Gide's...or if Chuuya's (and Verlaine's) whole singularity experiment was an attempt to recreate something the scientists had already seen...namely, a singularity that could survive within a person without actually harming them. And could Atsushi be one of those people who contain a natural singularity within himself?
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heartless-curr · 2 months
hi bsd fandom!!! okay so a bit ago i posted a link to a google drive for bsd transparents (which has it's own dedicated blog — @bsd-transparents ) — however, recently i've modified it — so i'd like to share the updated version!!!
this google drive contains (as of posting this) bsd icons i've made (some of which i have zero plans to post here), high quality versions of official art, and transparents!!!! all i ask is that if you use one of my icons, credit me!!!! :))
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bsdwherearethedogs · 2 years
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Hamlet Act V Scene I
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 1 year
the full sequence
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kylier-c0splays-x0x · 10 months
My BSD therory
I’ve been thinking about this for a while but what if BSD is similar to the spider verse (but in my opinion better)
I keep seeing theories about the last episode of season 5 (which spoilers so if you don’t wanna see that I’d suggest skipping to the next reason) where people think that there’s different alternate realities since who Atsushi and Akutagawa were fighting looked like Fukuchi, there was also a theory I saw where someone thought Dazai was from one of these realities which is why he’s so smart and knows everything (unfortunately I saw these a while ago so I can’t remember who said them but if anyone does know please tell me and I will credit!) (also with the Dazai thing though I saw an idea that someone had, I’m not sure if this is a common idea but there was something that was like what if the book ends up destroying everything, one of my friends pointed out since it’s technically not an ability that it may not effect Dazai, theoretically if Dazai is from another universe what if that’s what happened to his)
The fact there are canon AUs, most shows/books don’t have canon AUs (other than like film adaptions since they can change it up a lot but does that really count?)
if you think about it that could play into the real world, Asagiri could be having us think of our world as just another alternate universe since these authors did/do (that one author that’s still alive) exist, they are based off these authors works
also, I haven’t read it yet, but I think there’s a beast page with a lot of different versions of Dazai (I hope y’all know what I’m talking about CAUSE I CANT FIND IT 😭 if anyone sees this and knows what I’m talking about and can find it would it be possible to send it to me [and maybe some panels leading up to it in English so I can get context 🙏])
essentially what is happening is my brain is a washing machine of theories, mixing them up and making my own, and I’m becoming matpat and driving myself a bit insane with this theory (if you are matpat and see this it is /j though I doubt matpat would see this)
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
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I thought about putting the bsd trailers and manga equivalent panels side by side because clearly there is something wrong with me (open the images to be able to read for better quality)
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