#btw i see your asks and i will get to them i prommy
i-eat-deodorant · 5 months
oh this is fun
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b0njourbeachsvoid · 1 month
Thought the prompt was interesting, and I already love your ocs! (Me personally i wouldn't fw that combo. More of a fries and milkshake guy)
I'll be sure not to blow up your inbox with questions about them! I enjoy it when people talk about their characters. Just one more:
Would any of them survive a horror movie? We're talking about films like Saw or Halloween! Oldies, maybe? Would they be the killer or that one mf who falls while running and doesn't get back up?
Im done yapping i prommy 💗🐐
It is an interesting prompt indeed, especially because it's not the usual "What is your OCs favorite color?" - I like the odd and strange, keeps my mind working which is always enjoyable. I also appreciate you liking them, I'm quite fond of them myself. You see, I've had a great variety of OCs but some simply didn't stick out to me, so I gave them away like leftover cake. But these three, they got stuck somehow. Especially Ruby, he was there from the beginning, the first one to stand. Many friends and siblings have left but he stayed and so did his cousin (Armaros) and the new part of the family: Félix.
You're so real for the fries and milkshakes tho, bloody hell it's been years since I last had it. Then again, I'm not much of a fries person unless it's curly fries.
Do feel free to blow up my inbox, it's actually quiet empty right now. I do love asks especially because they're much more comfortable than DMs (And worry not about being "too much" - I'll be answering them at my own speed anyway because sometimes I just have my hands full yk? This applies to everyone here btw!) The "worst" case that can happen is that I may save the asks about my Ocs for later for when I developed them further but that doesn't mean I don't want them! All asks are welcome here.
I am actually quite grateful that you show interest about them. I'm not the type to yap on my own about them but once I start yapping, I can't be stopped so easily hahaha.
You see that's an actually quite interesting question because of their unique nature! Armaros despises Ruby to death, so there may be very well the chance that he would toss Ruby at the first second present - If he's not even the killer as is. Ruby, on the other hand, doesn't really care as long as fire isn't involved. A calm mind, average smartness, so it would really depend on the killer and which type of horror movie we're talking about tbh. Armaros knows how to fight and he's quite booksmart, so he would be definitely staying alive in the most cases.
But Félix,, Well I'm not too sure about him because he's a necromancer, so he isn't really scared of death and it's actually quite difficult to scare him because some parts of his body are just bones (his right arm, for example. It's skeleton only), so injuring him would be a tough spot altogether. He isn't the brightest tho, so he might be in a rough spot in a movie like Saw (then again, he could also make use of his body to escape).
So for now, in their Twst version, Félix might be the first to die.
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elysia-nsimp · 2 years
Tagging: @queerlordsimon @thesunshineriptide @aetherphobia @end3rm1st @ladyzsgolla (lemme know if you wanna be tagged)
Hiiii this is a long one because. Yknow we say a lot of weird shit.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 6
Uhhh CW: cursing, joking mockery, threats of violence (all joking I prommy!!), sexual innuendos
Lilia: I want to sit in the fire chair and I want to touch the disease book
Floyd: Btw I got some candy you want some 🍬🍭
Azul: Did you check for blades?
Floyd: yeah
Floyd: no blades but I found this 🥄
Azul: Is that a spoon???
Azul: Who puts spoons in candy??
Floyd: cool people with vans apparently
Cater: My illness is that I like men
Floyd: I will break ur spine with my love
Sebek: All of my family members got the talent of art but I didn't.
Silver: I dunno, that was a pretty good dog you drew earlier
Sebek: Oh come on, don't even go there, you know better
Ace: the opposite of formaldehyde is casualdejekyll
Deuce: get out
Jade: Eyes are kinda like Jewels. which Is why I like to collect them :)
Leona: I'm way too stoned to go into the danger zone
Floyd: Loafers, loafers, loafers, loafers. . I have an eye for loafers
Azul: I can tell
Floyd: loafers-
Ortho: That's why I got the party sized bag of Doritos
Azul: Idia is his own party.
Ortho: He is his own party
Azul: Do you just bring the party with you where you go?
Idia, deadpanned: that sounds draining.
Crewel: The Overhead Sun is when the sun is overhead. DO YOU HEAR ME? T H E O V E R H E A D S U N I S W H E N T H E S U N I S O V E R H E A D.
Ruggie: but what if I want to eat the hunger
Lilia: Dead sucks. Just ask, well, nobody because they're dead
Lilia: haha, dad jokes
Ruggie: I'm so hungry I could eat my own hunger :))))
Savanaclaw Student B: what's a single kid gonna do?
Yuu: a lot, actually. i plan to take over the world, catch all the legendary Pokemon, overthrow the champion, and whoop your ass
Lilia: Okay Malleus, what did we learn about awakening the ancient ones?
Idia: I will not accept Sans' banana.
Ace: When I die I want to be baked into a chocolate cake alive
Floyd: We have that psychic connection, we're just built different
Jade: …yeah
Lilia: What if Bigfoot takes off his fursuit before making fudge
Trey: I don't think Bigfoot making fudge naked will make me want to buy it more
Lilia: Who said he was naked????
Trey: He took off his fursuit!
Lilia: People usually wear clothing under their fursuit?? Like underclothing??
Trey: Still don't think I want bigfoot making my fudge
Lilia: I love that we're skipping past the fact that I am insinuating that bigfoot is a furry
Trey: Ehh…
Lilia: Consider this: Bigfoot is just Mr. Clean's fursona
Jade: I could see that– the psychology in that-
Jade: Being so obsessed with cleanliness that you revert to the total opposite, living in the woods; the wild, being one with the dirt. .
Jade: Hey look at these nice shoes!
Grim: Imagine waking up in a strange new world and looking inside the bag that was given to you upon waking up only to fucking find human ears
Jade: I would never threaten a moose. An elk on the other hand, I'd fuck it up.
Floyd: Heyy, you want some candy? They're good. A dollap something, a Squirmy... ooh! And this one's my favourite! It's from the floor
Floyd: Now THOSE were some slurpy tentacle sounds
LilIa: aaAAAUSGHHHSHHHHHHHNNNNNNGgggGerrrrrrr. . . That's what creativity sounds like, trust me
Idia: I don't know if I should say 'Im happy to inform you' or 'I regret to inform you,' but I must inform you that I'm back in my fnaf phase
Ruggie: head empty. only primal instincts. and shiny things.
Ruggie: I am here only for picking flowers and shiny gems
Azul: And now. . ... . when I look in this chest. .. I will see all of my treasures.. .. ..
Azul, chasing a rooster: Sir? SIR! Sir do you have time to talk about extending your car's warranty??
Floyd: Ok I'm done being angsty now.
Floyd: I will now be *horny-*
Epel: Speaking of precious, [breAKS INTO A COUGHING FIT]
Ace: Skate fast, eat ass
Trey: Do you need glue?
Cater: If I need glue I will cry.
Idia: Emotions are wack [finger guns]
Ace: Jesus my hands are dry... they just like.... snorted.. .... the lotion I put on them.. ... ..
Deuce: Okayy let's see how well I can do my math homework after having a mental breakdown!
[Deuce looks at the nonexistent camera]
Deuce: Dw it was for an English assignment
Yuu: Guys, I have an important question for you
Overblot crew: what
Yuu: are you okay, like, mentally
Overblot crew: what kinda stupid question is that? of course not.
Ace: British people actually exist?
Riddle: Yes
Ace: Damn, that's crazy
Floyd: It's like being a halloween stripper except they throw candy at me instead of money
Ace: I was born to kick ass and take names, I'm not just gonna stop bc some adults told me to
Yuu: I have a history of befriending bastards
Yuu, at Floyd: "oh boo hoo, I'm so tall I can touch the ceiling 😭😭"
Lilia: I mean I got a violin case and you don't see me putting baby corpses in it
Ace: Is thay the one were Jesus rose from the tomato soap
Trey: what
Kalim: I befriended a gravy monster
Floyd: Fuck you. Eats dice.
Cater: If you avocado squeezes back, it means you are happy
Floyd: It’s like a slip n slide on a warm summer’s day. Expect its November and you’re sliding in your own liquids.
Jade: Look out Floyd, the babies are poisonous
Deuce: His parents was Greek
Jade: Set the temperature to 420 degrees F and let it cook for 2-3 business days
Azul to the twins: You don’t have to eat everything that disagrees with you
Ace: how old were you when you were eleven?
Deuce: evaporation is the process of elimination
Rook: goats are the gateway to aromatherapy
Rollo: the children must be burned
Floyd: chicken octopus legs
Deuce: but blue and orange make purple, so…
Hope y’all like these lmao
Another one is in the works already, be prepared 😄
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stunkers · 2 years
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Ok more info about the freehoun borrowers au because I’m so normal about it and all the cute boys are always sending me love letters asking me to tell them about my sick and diseased brain ANYWAYS
yeah so like basically Gordon is a borrower who lives in the blackmesa topside dorms specifically Barney’s apartment/dorm. Gordon has never been down in the facility but he knows damn well if he gets caught his ass is gonna get sent down there to run through a rat maze and worse shit!! Gordon ended up in the dorms completely by accident his dumb ass got stuck in someone’s luggage and that’s how he ended up in New Mexico.
And Barney has always kinda known about borrowers, his Mum told him about them when he was a kid and ever since then he’s always just been. Very aware of his living space. Like he notices the things go missing and he starts leaving little chips and stuff out on the counter just so he can see them disappear the next morning and he knows it’s not roaches because the facility and everyone else’s dorms got bugs but no his is so clean and tidy. (It’s because Gordon keeps every single bug he sees as a pet. Or he eated them.) so Gordon won’t get anywhere close to him or let him see him on the off chance that since Barney’s a security guard he might catch him and bring him into black mesa. Ahh!! Also gordon has seen the silly books barney reads he would definitely try and catch a silly weird little critter.
Anyhoo just like real halflife Gordon he is always breaking and smashing shit. Totally not on purpose here it’s just how he is but he smashes a glass while he is fighting off an especially large cock a roach that somehow fucking got in. All those damn chips barney keeps leaving out Gordon can’t eat them all. Roach got hungy. Gordon manages to kill that damn thing but owie he got a big hurtie cut on him! And that roach fucked him up bad! And fuck Barney definitely heard glass ball shatter!! Shit!! So he tries and hides while Barney is cleaning up the glass and a roach that has a sharpened tooth Pick imbedded into it and he sees a trail of blood leaving the scene leading under the couch and there’s a mouse man who is 1 apple tall who is hurt bad and very very scared.
Gordon freaks out and tries to run but he’s got a booboo and can’t get very far before barney corners him and Gordon’s like “oh this is the end I’m gonna get trapped under a cup and dissected” but Barney just gets down to his level and he’s like “hey you got a booboo. I know aid let me help u I’m not gonna hurt you I prommy” Gordon is. VERY reluctant at first but he also can’t take care of these wounds himself and he’s mostly just scared shitless so he agrees and wow barney is so nice and gets him patched up. And Gordon’s like well shit now I can’t stay here I got seen and Barney’s like. Hey you know damn well I ain’t gonna do anything to hurt you. Let’s be roomies it’ll be fun. Gordon agrees and wow they are so close now. Love wins also Gordon rides around in Barney’s shirt pockets btw. Barney started wearing shirts and jackets with breast pockets more specifically for Gordon it’s so awesome. Also the rescas still happen. I have stuff for like plot of HL2 but it’s a lot and this post is already long sory
Sorry I have a terrible brain disease if you read all of this god have mercy your wretched soul I hope you didn’t catch the illness
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andro-dino · 2 years
Hey! It’s CureDeity (sorry tumblr makes me ask from my main). I am here, in your inbox today, to rattle my little empty coin can and ask you to list some of your favorite beyblade fanfics! I’m going around asking a lot of people this, so feel free to ignore it if you want, but I thought this might be a good way for people to shout out some of the fanfic they really enjoy! Btw, if you can, I thought it would be helpful to list which site this fic was on so others could find it easier if they wanted to. Also, if you’ve written any fic (or have fic ideas, as we all know, imagining the same scene over and over again is the bread and butter of a writer), please also take this chance to have a massive, amazing ego and tell us which of your fics you're most proud of/is your favorite/etc.
I don’t read a ton of fics, mostly because I just don’t like reading as a whole and usually don’t have the energy for it, so I apologize if I skip over anyone
All of these are going to be on ao3 because I’ll die before I seriously venture into the wastelands (wattpad and ffnet)
So, starting with my own fics, tbh I tend to hate most of them immediately after I post them, but the two I’m most proud of still are A Confrontation and Hyoma’s Experience in Perpetual Loneliness. Both focus on characters with a lot of angst potential and I still really like how they came out. Confrontation made me genuinely upset while writing it so I was pretty dang confident in it, while Perpetual Loneliness explored a more bittersweet kind of feeling and the complexities of Hyoma’s attachment issues and ways of coping with loneliness in his life that i really like to develop. Also a shameless excuse to write soft domestic kyohyotsu, which is always a plus.
As for you deity, obviously you have a lot of bangers and carry the fanfic side of this fandom on your back, but a couple of my personal favorites from you are the one you made for me with a title too long for me to want to type it out and Ursa Minor. I love the gift fic for the super interesting story, wonderful interactions between starbreaker, emotional scenes that made me sob, and investment I felt in Faust and Zeo’s relationship, AND OBVS YOURE A FUCKING MADLAD FOR WRITING ME A 27K FIC WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU (I still have fanart I need to make of that btw I will get to it eventually I prommy). And Ursa Minor was one that I read early on getting into the fandom and it’s just really gentle and sweet and I liked it a lot. Obviously all your fics are bangers but those are my personal favs.
@lady-lazagna has so many bangers too it’s also hard to choose just a few. The first one that came to mind for me was her mayblade collection, which is just full of absolute bangers all the way through, and then I also remembered Warm Welcome Home because it was cute and made me laugh and I am indeed a sucker for tsujack content
OBVIOUSLY I can’t go without mentioning @heybeyby ‘s fdwdbg because as soon as shekel pitched the idea to me we talked about it for genuinely like 6 hours straight. Every time she brings up a new idea for it I start spinning around at rapid speeds and I am so excited to see how it takes the story in the future because it is gonna be so goddamn good.
One of my favorite fics ever of all time without a doubt is Irisviel101’s Chrysanthemum , which is probably obvious coming from me because it’s a takanosuke and sakyo centric fic, BUT IT IS SO GODDAMN GOOD AND CUTE AND FUNNY AND IT MAKES MY HEART EXPLODE EVERY TIME I READ IT AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH GOD ITS SO GOOD PLS READ IT IF YOU HAVENT
I also can’t go without mentioning Gesso by Arcylic because I absolutely adore how they wrote jack and Zeo together and it’s what made me absolutely fall in love with their friendship dynamic, and what originally inspired me to write Zeo’s Experience in Team Starbreaker
This one. This one goes without saying anything. I just totally adore it and I love the dynamics explored between the characters here.
There’s probably definitely some I’m forgetting here but these are a good couple I wanted to highlight
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I fucking loved this fic and I have no idea what happened to it
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kuroimarzipan · 2 years
scattered thoughts about patch 6.1 including msq and alliance raid
i cant believe tataru made a hyur sized outfit and expected me to put it on. also i lowkey wish that tataru had made a single outfit piece that’s suited any of my characters bc i feel bad not putting it on after she gives it to me but. tataru please
i do like that she n the wol just hang out sometimes tho. thats all i want
every time i stand next to estinien i say to myself “happy manlet monday” even tho he’s like 6′7″ or sth ridiculous
this game is always finding ways to stop krile from seeing combat. let her go apeshit just once i know she can do conjury let her do the blood lily or whatever it is that whm do idk ive only got it at lv 64 on sandrine
graha rlly gonna nut the second i ask him if he wanna go for walkies?? cmon man
yshtola asleep in the pile of books was so cute like. yshtola fans ate well this patch fr
yshtola misses runar.... she misses her house husband.... ok u know what like. i know that runar is very unpopular for various reasons but i liked him and i think that they were cute together and i hope she gets to see him again and he can make her some soup
cant believe niuwyb gets to go on an adventure with three of her lovers.... and graha is there too. cockblocked once more
urianger is so cute
i forgot i modded thancred’s ugly facial hair from hw back on and got jumpscared
btw after niuwyb sees thancred here he spends the rest of the time with roeh because he’s been dogging his drinking buddy since hw and she’s gonna make him do body shots now. i think its time for the return of thotcred. i want him and roeh to thot it up in taverns together again like only the best of bros can
when estinien said he wished the first boss of the dungeon was a squid. hes just like me fr
my friend warned me not to wall-to-wall pull just after the second boss so i did it just to see if i could and i could. warrior power. the thrill i get making urianger heal me thru the worst of shit
i think itll be rlly interesting to go into void stuff. im glad we’re like. addressing lil bits and pieces that havent been fully explored yet. i hope we address gridania’s racism eventually
vrtra is such a fucking sweetheart. fr. also sorry about that one time we broke into your secret dragon hoard that one time. we were gonna do the same thing with it that you were gonna i prommy
i made a separate post about this but i think that yshtola and nidhana should hold hands. my headcanon relationship chart grows more tangled by the day drawing it up would be nigh impossible
forreal i loved yshtola’s goofy lil summoning spell. that was so cute i really love when they have her be competent and cool and also an embarrassingly goofy nerd at the same time. charm point
nidhana is soooo cute. i love her i want the best for her
estinien rlly be like whatever. bye. and then goes and tells everyone whats going on and gets them to come convince vrtra. worlds biggest softie that goes about things in the most awkward and clumsy of ways
also hes actually rlly good with kids lmao
i rlly hope we can save this dragon
as for the alliance raid uhhhh im gonna need to practice it
but nald’thal had the best design of this first set
im glad it was a fake out bc if they made the twelve evil for no reason i woulda rolled my eyes big time
rlly excited to see llymlaen cause that’s roeh’s guardian
azeyma was technically niuwyb’s but on account of not having any memories she wasnt exactly devout so.
anyway im gonna have to think about what my other characters were doing but im glad to be able to immediately place roeh for the first time in a while even if shes just goofing off with thancred. their friendship is important to meeee
ok i have to get up in five hrs for work send help
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aroaceacacia · 3 years
(Acacia, feel free to not post this ask if you think it's too much, bc I am quite angry, also the use of "you" is generic and not directed at anyone )
Listen!! I have been in fandom spaces for a long time and I never NEVER got the point of these arguments.
They are meaningless! You have MORE important and REAL things to worry about ships, fanart or fics..etc etc.
I just...HOW can you spend your time ARGUING ABOUT something so stupid!!!
Nothing comes from it and in the process, multiple people are hurt, badly... And for fucking what ???
I swear people try to instigate these things on purpose... You wanna feel something in your life??? Go splash yourself with a bucket of cold water and them MAYBE you'll get something out of it.
You CAN'T EVEN SEE the person you are arguing with and that tells more than enough!!
This goes for both sides btw, everyone should keep a little bit more to themselves and NOT go and try to AGITATE each others.
Just... i am extremely hurt to see people suffering over....well.. nothing...
It's tiring...
- a very heartbroken anon
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thank you anon! this frustration is SUPER valid. and also similar feelings inform a lot of my takes on discourse that happens. fandom should be fun and if it's Not fun, try taking a step back
on my end sometimes I just have a lot of thoughts about a situation, so I share em, and then other people want to pitch in, and its interesting for me to hear other peoples perspectives and have that discussion, but it can also get exhausting Quick especially if it's as big of a discussion as that dream discourse day was. I'd love to be able to chat with people more often about things that arent just discourse, so nobody should hesitate to send me an ask or anything! i dont bite I prommy
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
Howzabout sweet pure country girl Cindy and classy perfect gentleman Ignis for a romantic ship? :D
That would be sweet!! And I mean sweet as in their relationship would be so sweet, not the idea. Which is sweet, too! Hgfnndfgnf
I like to imagine it would be Cindy who asks him out! ♡ ~('u^人)
Imagine maybe Cindy is often asked out by lots of dudes and gurls every time, and every time they just interrupt her work for this nonsense that she doesn’t have the time or interest for. Prompto has tried. Noctis keeps encouraging him. Gladio has tried, even if just for the sake of his daily flirting. But not Ignis; Ignis stays away and gives her the space that she wants and adores.
And it’s ironically the only one guy that doesn’t try to flirt with her the one she grows romantically fond of.
Because this gentleman knows what space is and when ‘No’ means no, and if he has tried nothing it’s because he heard she’s not interested so he won’t insist. And it also speaks of how little he cares about physical looks, so that’s even more attractive of him for her. 
Imagine Cindy starting to notice that Ignis always respects her space and behaves so good when he speaks with her. He doesn’t get nervous, cheeky, bored, it’s just a perfect balance, like he’s talking with any other friend. Because that’s what she is to him, just another friend, and Cindy LOVES that. She’s not the cute girl from the garage, she’s not the sexy lady from Hammerhead, she’s not a crush or an enemy or an ally, she’s a friend to him.
Imagine Cindy watching the way Ignis treats the Regalia. We all know how hopelessly in love Cindy is with the Regalia, how she whines every time Noctis brings it all smashed so she can fix it, how she adores to upgrade and clean and fix it. And the careless way Noctis treats it sometimes, how the other two ignore it, or just how things don’t cross their head...but Ignis. Oh, dear, sweet Ignis, while the other three are goofing around or talking with her, Cindy’s secretly watching Ignis. The way he makes sure the Regalia is clean, that the tank is full, how softly but firmly he closes the door, the way he checks on it just in case...
And it’s that they’re both hopelessly in love with the Regalia what makes them be hopelessly in love with each other. ♡
Bonding over a car. That’s new to me, and oddly sweet aaaah!
She may also love from Ignis precisely that he’s the classy type. Gladio goes around shirtless showing off, the buff muscular dude that eh. Prommy’s trying hard to flex and make it look casual so she sees his strong arms, but eh. But Ignis? He keeps his jacket on most of the time. If it’s too hot, he’s still wearing sleeves and his shirt is buttoned. He’s the “Please, don’t look at my bare body” type, and as ironically that calls Cindy’s attention.
Because she’s aware of her looks, and she’s aware that they attract people like her; that don’t fear showing skin and meat, but she’s met so many, a classy and shy type is so rare.
So this one day, after a while of admiring how he admires her and respects her like a proper friend, of seeing him treat and pamper the Regalia, and adoring the way he dresses and looks, the soft smiles and everything about him, Cindy one day approaches him while the other three are scattered doing their stuff, and asks him out.
It’s a very lovely picture in my head, because she’s there, confident, like she just requested to know what time it is, hands to the hips, smiling friendly up at Ignis...and Ignis is made a mess. A flustered Ignis taken COMPLETELY off-guard, face burning red and tongue for once in his life made a knot and he’s stuttering and not sure he can handle this and his hands are doing this stupid gestures of anxiety and ahahahha Ignis can you please calm down, you can se no and it’s okay 
“I thought...maybe Gladio was more your type...?”
“Muscular tough guy that never wears a shirt? Cute, but eh. I don’t think I have a type. Didn’t think I ever had one until you, I think.”
“Properly dressed?”
Needless to say, this makes Cindy laugh because she thinks Ignis is kidding, and Ignis just rolls with it because a-ah, uhm, yes, that’s what he meant to do, he was joking too, ahah, ah, aaah... *nervously sweats*
I think Ignis would be the type to say no because he knows Prommy is interested, but at some point maybe Prommy finds out and he’s like, disappointed,sure, but absolutely supportive because he’s just got a crush on her, nothing toooooooooooooooooo deep or serious, so you go ahead, Iggy!
And that’s how their relationship starts hnfdjfdng
Shy Iggy being dragged around by a confident Cindy hnngnnfgnf
Shy Iggy not daring to kiss her or take her hand or hug her because “I don’t want to insult you and I’m not sure how far I’m allowed to go, can I, can I hold your hand omfg please don’t think I’m a pervert I’m just- you can say no- say, no, it’s okay leave it, that was inappropriate and no, Cindy, what are you doi-” (she just kissed him because HOW CAN THIS MAN GET ANY MORE CUTE?”
Iggy lending her his jacket.... *heart breaks from the cuteness* ;A;
The escapades they can get by kidnapping the Regalia :O
Ignis poking her boobs because “I had never touched one before, it’s interesting and very puzzling” (this is, of course, after he grows a bit more confident into what he can do [omfg it took him so long, the poor thing]).
Ignis feeling SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO proud because there where other men get lipstick marks on their faces and necks, Iggy comes back home absolutely dirty and clothes ruined from oil and grease marks. His lady is attractive, but she’s also the best and most hard-working mechanic he has ever known, and honestly the marks of dirt are so much more meaningful to him than lipstick, because his lady didn’t take time to look pretty for him, she’s too busy for that; instead, these dirty marks prove that she works so hard all the time, loves her job, and still took some moments to hug him. ❤
Hard-working mechanic Cindy and Iggy that welcomes her home with warm food ;A;
The way he would look at her...like she’s made of angel whispers.... ;____;
The way he would respect her.... //3
The way she would hug him ;_____;
The way she’d smile and look at him, admiring him as a gentleman like they don’t exist anymore... ;____;
Cid approves of Ignis because “he’s dressed.”
Omg their conversations would be both a mess and adorable. Both accents that sound and are almostthe opposite to each other hsjdkfsdndf I need banters for these two
their baby would have the prettiest green eyes btw
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