#btw the card is a Jack because his real name is Jack!
rebe-draws · 4 months
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"He does have a kind of ... hungry, sallow look ..." "A magic many mortal men hunger for ... and the hunger hollows them out from within ..." The hedgemage Scrap - Wild Magic Sorcerer. Vessel for raw magic and he is HUNGRY. More art of my World's Beyond Number fan-character. He's just so fun to draw! The quotes here are directly from Brennan about the first Hedgemage we meet in episode 1, it's stuck with me since I first heard it, it painted such a visual.
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that was such a wild ride, oh my god. absolutely amazing. 🤩
well, here's the final update for my bingo card! The original post was getting a little unwieldy so I decided to make a new one, but here's a link for if you wanna see my previous rambles after each part went up. I'm biased bc i wrote them and I always entertain myself, but idk they're pretty fun. <3
Margaret learns or remembers something ❌️
she learned stuff AND she remembered stuff!!!! love that for her!!! <3
You, the listener, start crying ❌️
Antikythera 🥺🥺🥺
Mysterious Kal ruins my life, one way or another <3 ❌️
this is for the lore he dumped on us AGAIN. Kal really is out here changing everything constantly.
You, the listener, start crying ❌️
Morgan, my boyyyyyyyy 🥺😫😭
when he disappeared I got real upset & worried for him. but now I know he's okay so it's all good but I was very stressed for a bit!
You, the listener, start crying ❌️
Vanishing 🥺🥺🥺
You, the listener, start crying ❌️
Jeff Blim/Capt. Griffin sings a very high note blows us all away with his incredible voice ❌️
The Beginning of the End is just akajwndjdhejdbdbebhdhdbsbbedbaiwkwj AMAZING? and Kim is phenomenal here too, @man-down-in-hatchet-town and I were DREAMING of this duet and we were not disappointed 😍😍😍
The Traveler gives us even more questions ❌️
hiiiii Sia [twirls hair] tell me literally everything about you, please??? and what went down between you, Margaret, and Kal??? and what've you been up to??? I love you, btw <3
You, the listener, start crying ❌️
Margaret: ...I remembered. How did I remember?
Traveler: ...you called me Sia.
Margaret: That's your name, isn't it?
sh. she remembered,,,,,,,, 🥺🥺🥺
You, the listener, start crying ❌️
"The stars appeared
As the clouds drifted apart
It hurt his heart"
me in the live chat: "nooooo not the stars rn"
and then he started playing their constellation game by himself
and I. fuckin. cried. 💔
Yeah.... so this update basically turned into Which Parts of TGOA pt. 3 Made Jack Cry which is especially funny because I was like 'oh, part 1 got me teary once, part 2 got me twice, it'd be funny if 3 got me three times!!!' and what happened? SIX. SIX TIMES, MATT DAHAN. leave it to TGOA to fool me into thinking i knew what was coming and ramping it up instead!!!
god, i love pulp musicals. ❤️
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
5e Twisted Fate the Card Master build (League of Legends)
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Never lost a fair game, or played one.
Twisted Fate is one of the oldest champions in the game and despite never being extensively changed he’s always found his way in and out of the meta. A very simple kit makes him a great champion for skill expression among pros.
There isn’t much reason for this build other than “I thought it would be cool.” Twisted Fate has always been a champ that I wanted to learn and while doing some brainstorming I felt it would be fun to try to make him in 5e!
It's all in the cards - Throwing cards aren’t the most practical choice of weapon, but they’re Tobias’ weapon of choice. By the way did you know that Twisted Fate’s real name is Tobias?
Shinin' gold - Twisted Fate’s iconic ability is to pick a card for either more damage, an AoE burst, or a stun. We’ll be taking all of them.
No fightin' destiny - It wouldn’t be Twisted Fate without the ability to teleport behind you. Nothing personnel, kid.
The people of the Serpentine River are human, and henceforth Twisted Fate’s a Variant Human with some card skills. You can increase two skills by 1: choose Dexterity and Intelligence for card reading and slight of hand. And for your skill you have to persuade people to sit at the table after all, so take Persuasion.
As for your Feat take the Observant feat to watch the cards: increase your Intelligence further and watch for any cheats at the table. And for your language there are no doubt a lot of sea creatures that speak Aquan in Bilgewater, so pick Primordial to speak to them and any other elementals.
15; DEXTERITY - Jack be nimble and Jack be quick, since you need mobility to survive in Bilgewater.
14; INTELLIGENCE - Poker is a game of smarts as well as luck, and while lady luck is smiling you also need your own skills.
13; CHARISMA - Not as high as I’d like but we need other skills more, and 13 is still more than enough to charm I’m sure.
12; WISDOM - Wisdom is tied to both Perception and Insight which you need to watch the cards.
10; CONSTITUTION - A little lower than I’d like (feel free to swap the 12 in WIS for this) but Twisted Fate’s hardly a tank.
8; STRENGTH - Again: Twisted Fate’s hardly a tank and it’s up to Malcolm to do the heavy lifting. (Oh god now I need to do a Graves build...)
Fun fact: Twisted Fate is a Gambler, which is a background in Acquisitions Incorporated. You get proficiency in Deception and Insight (not Slight of Hand, for some reason?!), one language (pick your poison), and one gaming set (which will of course be a Playing Card Set.)
Your feature is Never Tell Me the Odds, letting you scout out tables to swindle or more rough pirates who won’t take kindly to being scammed.
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Starting off as an Artificer because I really like this class and we need both their saving throw proficiencies and their skill proficiencies for Slight of Hand and Perception at the table. You also get an Artisan’s Tool of your choice and I’d pick whatever since it really doesn’t matter.
As an Artificer you have Magical Tinkering which lets you do a bunch of fancy tricks to your cards. You touch a tiny non-magical object and can make it shine light, play a message, let out a smell or a sound, or change in visual appearance. Read over the ability to see everything you can do but the effect lasts indefinitely but you can only have a number of these active equal to your Intelligence modifier. You can touch an object you Tinkered with to end the property early but if you try to make a new one the oldest effect ends.
You also get access to Spellcasting as an Artificer. You get two cantrips from the Artificer list: Guidance will give you some luck with the cards and Acid Splash will let you throw out a red card for some AoE damage.
Artificer’s are a prepared spellcaster, meaning you can swap out your spells for others on the Artificer list at the end of a Long Rest. Regardless these spells will be suggestions for the most in-character spells to take: Detect Magic and Identify are both good to make sure no one’s cheating at the table, and Disguise Self is useful to hide in a crowd if needed.
Second level Artificers can Infuse Items to create a variety of magic items. As I say whenever I make an Artificer build I’d suggest picking Artificer Infusions that help your party but with only two levels we won’t be getting many.
The Returning Weapon infusion is the main one we’re here for. It lets you turn a thrown weapon magical and will cause it to return to your hand immediately after throwing it. Playing cards aren’t a “weapon” but a Dagger is pretty close, and it’s the only Finesse Thrown weapon you can take.
An Enhanced Arcane Focus is better if you want to go straight for spells. You don’t have any spell attacks yet but...
Is Graves asking you to look over his gun? Well pass him a Repeating Shot weapon so he doesn’t have to waste as much time reloading.
Fun fact: as an Artificer you can recreate common magic items from Xanathar’s Guide. Feel free to craft yourself some Loaded Dice with the Charlatan’s Die.
You can only make two of your infusions, and since one will be more-or-less permanently locked into Returning Weapon I’d choose your other option wisely.
You also get another spell: the Sanctuary spell will force any enemies that attack you to make a Wisdom save or be forced to attack someone else, which can be good in case they get pissed off when you swindle them. The effect does go away as soon as you attack though.
Now that we’ve got our cards it’s time to stack the deck. Level 1 Fighters can choose a Fighting Style and the Thrown Weapon Fighting style from the Class Feature Variants UA is perfect for a card-slinger. 
IF UA ISN’T ALLOWED see if they count Archery for thrown weapons. If not I’d probably opt for Dueling so if you get into a melee fight you won’t be completely defenseless.
You also get a Refillable Potion with Second Wind, letting you regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level once per short or long rest.
Level 2 Fighters can use their Stacked Deck to Action Surge, letting them take one additional action on their turn once per short or long rest. The cool thing about Action Surge as a spellcaster is that you can use the extra action to cast a spell and then attack or do something else, but you can only cast one leveled spell per turn. Why am I telling you this when most of your spells are utility-based? No particular reason.
Level 3 Fighters can choose their Martial Archetype and Battle Masters are great at card tricks. I assume because you’re throwing a knife not a playing card. Regardless Battle Masters are Students of War, letting them gain proficiency in one Artisan’s Tool of their choice. Again pick whatever or see if your DM can let you take a Gaming Set instead.
But more notably you Combat Superiority die. You have four superiority dice, which are d8s and regain any expended dice when you finish a short or long rest. You can use your Superiority die to do a variety of Maneuvers:
Trip Attack will be your golden ace in the hole. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack you can expend one superiority die to attempt to knock the target down. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw. (8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier btw.) On a failed save, you knock the target prone. Note that knocking a target prone will make it harder to hit them with ranged attacks but it will make it easier for melee characters to hit them, and also slow them down for a moment.
If you’re fine with your stunned target moving then Distracting Strike will give your allies an opening to attack with Advantage, and also let you add the Superiority die to the damage.
Disarming Strike isn’t something TF can do in the Fields of Justice but it’s very in-flavor to knock the weapon out of an enemy’s hand (with a Strength save) and do some more damage.
That uneven Charisma score is annoying me, and you can’t be a silver-tongued swindler without the Silver-Tongued Feat from the Feats for Skills UA. Your Charisma score increases by 1 and you get Expertise in the Deception skill since you already had proficiency in it to begin with.
IF UA ISN’T ALLOWED feel free to grab the Prodigy Feat instead for Expertise in Deception (or Slight of Hand) and some more skills. This won’t increase your Charisma however so you’ll have to find another way to even out your ability scores.
In addition when you take the Attack action you can replace one attack with an attempt to deceive a humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you as long as they can also see and hear you. Make a Deception check contested by the target’s Insight: if you succeed your movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks from the target and your attack rolls against it have advantage; both benefits last until the end of your next turn or until you use this ability on a different target. If your check fails, the target can’t be deceived by you in this way for 1 hour.
You do only have one attack currently but with Action Surge this will let you have Advantage on that attack and any attack on your next turn. And speaking of extra attacks...
5th level Fighters can get value out of that silver tongue with an Extra Attack. This means that by replacing one attack with a Deception check you can get Advantage on three attacks over two turns, or up to five attacks if you Action Surge.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Now that we’ve got our deck it’s time to du-du-du-du-du for a date with Destiny. As a level 1 Wizard you get access to Spellcasting with 3 cantrips and 6 spells known. For your cantrips Prestidigitation and Minor Illusion will allow you to do some more card tricks and Friends will let you con your way through life with ease. As for your spells...
Color Spray will let you toss out a whole deck of cards, blinding your opponents with blues and reds.
Distort Value is good for any con, allowing you to make an item seem more valuble.
Ice Knife can be red, since it’ll explode in an AoE and chill your opponents. (But not slow them.)
Jim’s Magic Missile will let you throw out three cards that do considerably more Force damage than a regular Magic Missile.
Protection from Evil and Good can be good help for your partner in crime.
And Tenser’s Floating Disk will be helpful to haul all that loot.
You also get Arcane Recovery, letting you recover spell slots equal to half your Wizard level rounded up.
Now you’re probably wondering what Wizard Twisted Fate would be right? You’re thinking obviously Divination, or maybe Illusion? Perhaps even Enchantment to further the con?
Nope; Conjuration baby! Put bluntly Twisted Fate conjures cards into his hand, which you can do with Minor Conjuration. You spend an action to conjure up an inanimate object that’s no more than 3 feet cubed and weighs no more than 10 pounds. The object must look like a non-magical object you’ve seen before and is visibly magical, radiating dim light out to 5 feet, and it lasts for 1 hour unless it takes damage or you use this feature again, so you can only have one fake card at a time. There’s a lot of really funky stuff you can do with this and it’s up to your creativity to make it shine!
For your spells of choice Magic Missile is a far more accurate blue card, and Feather Fall can help you make sure you don’t lose your hat.
3rd level Wizards can learn second level spells like Jim’s Glowing Card Coin to distract the table while you make your getaway and Darkvision, to help with the fact that your pitiful human eyes can’t see in the dark.
At 4th level you get an Ability Score Improvement: increase your Dexterity for more precise card throws and an easier time avoiding damage.
You also learn another Cantrip: seeing as we’re still a pitiful human who can’t see in the dark the Light spell will let you light up a golden card to illuminate the path ahead.
You also learn two spells: Hold Person will let you Paralyze (not stun!) a target for your teammates to beat them down and Misty Step to pickup Flash.
5th level Wizards can prepare third level spells like Melf’s Minute Meteors for a whole pack of red cards! As an action you create six floating red cards around your person and as a bonus action you can shoot one or two of them up to 120 feet away. Each creature within 5 feet of the point where the card explodes must make a Dexterity saving throw or 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Alternatively if Malcom is looking for you grab the Nondectection spell to make hiding just a little bit easier when he doesn’t have any tricks up his sleeve.
6th level Conjuration Wizards get Benign Transposition, allowing them to use an action to Flash up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space they can see. You can also instead choose a space within range that is occupied by a Small or Medium creature and swap places with them if they’re willing. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest or you cast a conjuration spell of 1st level or higher. Remember that this does take your action, meaning that you most likely can’t cast spells or attack after using this, but it’s still an insanely good utility.
You also learn more spells and I think everyone knows what Fireball is; full-AP red card go boom. If you’re looking for someone to give a date with Destiny then Clairvoyance will let you create a sensor in a familiar location to either see or hear what’s going on within.
7th level Wizards get access to 4th level spells, which is what we were looking for with Dimension Door. As an action you teleport up to 500 feet away to a location you can either visualize or describe. You can bring objects that you can carry and also bring one willing creature of your size or smaller who is carrying gear up to its carrying capacity. This spell actually pairs very well with Clairvoyance that we got last level because you can use that spell to peek into an area so you can visualize it for Dimension Door.
For your second spell? Eh; how about you jump back to third level for Counterspell? You’ve gotta protect the gang after all. And remember that as a Wizard your spell list is only restricted by what spell scrolls you can find.
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Now that we’ve finally made out date with Destiny it’s time to learn some more card tricks. 6th level Fighters get another Ability Score Improvement and we’re going to want to cap our Dexterity for sharper cards and thicker leather chaps.
7th level Battle Masters get one more Superiority Die and two more Maneuvers: Maneuvering Attack is great to set up an ambush, letting your jungler use their reaction to speed up at your command. Precision Attack helps if your opponent is building armor, letting you add your Superiority Die to your accuracy.
You can also spend one minute to Know Your Enemy. For every minute your study your enemy you can learn if any of the creature’s following stats are equal, superior, or inferior to you:
Strength score
Dexterity score
Constitution score
Armor Class
Current hit points
Total class levels (if any)
Fighter class levels (if any)
Considering that you have levels in Wizard this can be very useful to determine what saving throws to go for when you start the fight! Is their Dexterity equal to yours? Maybe don’t hit them with the DEX save. Is their AC high? Maybe do hit them with the DEX save.
8th level Fighter? Lady luck is smiling! Take the Lucky feat for an Ace up your sleeve when the going gets tough.
9th level Fighters get Indomitable, letting them reroll a failed Saving Throw once per Long Rest. Consider it a bit of Serpentine luck helping you when you really need it, so use it wisely; preferably on something you actually have a chance of rolling well on your save for?
10th level Battle Masters get Improved Combat Superiority dice, turning them into d10s. You also get two more Manuevers and we’ll be jumping over to the Class Feature Variants UA for Silver Tongue, letting you add your Superiority die to any Deception or Persuasion check you make. The Snipe meanwhile will let you sneak a card into your combo, allowing you to spend your Bonus Action to make a ranged weapon attack with the Superiority die, adding the dice to the damage if you hit. This can be a good way to sneak a bit more damage in if you teleport behind a squishy carry.
Our capstone is the 11th level of Fighter for a third Extra Attack, letting you attack three times per round or six times with Action Surge. If you activated Silver Tongued this equals a total of 5 attacks with Advantage over the course of two turns, or 8 attacks with Advantage if you use Action Surge! With that many cards in the deck someone’s going to have to fold.
Lady luck is smilin' - You have an immense amount of utility with magic and maneuvers to help you both in and out of combat; tons of mobility with Conjuration spells and a good bit of roleplay utility with some strong skills, a great passive perception, and Roguish proficiencies.
Cheater's just a fancy word for winner - If your DM allows you to use the Silver-Tongued feat then you’ll be making almost all your attacks with Advantage, allowing you to maximize your maneuvers. And +14 Deception is great for RP in its own right.
I never bluff - Despite having several abilities that only come back after a Long Rest you’re quite capable of surviving on just Short Rests and Refillable Potions. With Arcane Recovery giving you back up to 4 levels worth in spell slots, Benign Transposition coming back whenever you use a Conjuration spell, and all your Fighter abilities coming back on a Short rest you can keep trucking on even after a bad teamfight.
Nobody touches the hat - Wizard levels plus a 0 in Constitution results in about a hundred health. Invest in some Ruby Crystals (Amulet of Health) when you can or else you’re just a Power Word: Kill away from death.
All or nothin' - Throwing knives honestly aren’t that practical as a ranged weapon. If you don’t mind not having a melee backup try making a Repeating (Cross)bow instead.
Only a fool plays the hand he's dealt - The biggest truth however is that the 2 levels in Artificer really doesn’t do much for you. All you get is a bunch of spells you could’ve gotten from Wizard and the Returning Dagger. If you have a reliable way to get some throwing cards (either from a DM or an allied Artificer giving you a more reliable ranged weapon) I’d suggest splitting those two Artificer levels among Fighter and Wizard for more Ability Score Improvements and a 20 in Intelligence.
But you can work well alone and with a crew. You’re the ace in the hole for any party, even a party of 1. Keep your cards close to your chest and play what you need at the right time. Just be sure to know when to put down your cards and pull out the big guns.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
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September 25th, Night shift
    I bought Dominoe’s beforehand for everyone because I was sick of eating chicken, and I figured everyone else was too. So I spent some time waiting for that before work while listening to Joji’s new album (absolute banger btw), and I went to the KFC parking lot after they gave me the pizzas. My coworker/ friend Lenny, which isn’t his real name, was already there so we chilled in his van listening to ICP for about 15 minutes before we went inside to start our shifts. As soon as we walk in it already looks like everyone is in a state of chaos; there’s 3 big bucket meals on the screen and only one is packed, the morning shift people almost immediately clock out when they see us, and our boss Jack is just standing in the office looking confused.
   I clocked in and they told me to start collecting at drive-thru ASAP and so I did. The guy at the window had to have been waiting at least 10 minutes which is a horrendous time - we try to aim for under 3 minutes at KFC - but luckily he was understanding and not much of a dick. At the KFC I work at the cash drawer is by the window as well as the bags so it’s always congested when it’s busy cuz I’ll be trying to get change while someone is getting utensils and condiments and the person taking orders is trying to pass by to make a lemonade. It’s always hell in the morning but it was only like that until we got the bucket meals out. After that there was a moment of peace, I was able to stock some things that I knew we’d need later on and just bullshit with my coworkers. It lasted about 10 minutes, and this was just the calm before the storm.
    We were slammed from 4:40 p.m. until we closed at 9 and then we had one more guy that came at 9:05 that we had to serve. Most customers were decent people but I dealt with my fair share of dipshits and Karens. It’s KFC policy that if your order is over $25 and you pay with card then I need to see your ID, I don’t like it either but if you just show me your ID and the names match then we’re good. Hell if you’re nice and the names don’t match I’ll still accept it, it’s the people that don’t want to show their ID that make me suspicious and/or are the biggest fucking assholes we get. Today there was only one thankfully but she had a sob story about how she thought she left it at children’s hospital even though the closest one to us is a good 10 hours away. I told her I can’t accept it without the ID and guess who magically found her ID not even 10 seconds later. She wasn’t too much of a problem other than that but I’ve been at KFC since June and that’s just something that always irks me.
    We had this bitch that said her kid didn’t like his Gatorade so she wanted something else instead, at first I kinda chuckled and asked if they wanted water instead and they kept insisting they had to get capri sun or they’re calling my boss because they’re related and shit and at this point I couldn’t give a shit so I let my coworker Sarah deal with them. Probably the worst people we had all night tbh, and I’m pretty sure the kid didn’t care and they just wanted to be difficult. They ended up getting their capri sun, no straw of course, and when they sped off I yelled “BITCH” at them and I just really hope she heard. 
    A few cars after her we had a customer who had at least 11 different meals spread across 2 tickets with 9 drinks and when she got to the window we could see the car was packed with at least 7 kids in the backseat alone. The driver was under 21, I know because I had to ID her for the first order and she looked baked as fuck. I should mention we’re in Colorado so we get high people all the time which is whatever but when you’re behind the wheel high as fuck with a clown car full of kids, that just don’t seem right. Lenny wanted me to get her license plate so he could report her and he did, he went to the bathroom right after and called dispatch to tell them about potential child endangerment. They said they have a BOLO (Be On the Look Out) for her car now.
    I should mention my aunt is a manager and she was the manager for the night and I could write a book about the things she does wrong at work that irritate me but she’s the best night shift manager because she’s very relaxed. I have 2 other managers, one is a bitch and the other is nice but also takes her job seriously. My aunt just kinda doesn’t give a shit which is nice sometimes but when we have a line that wraps around the restaurant and she’s already taken 3 minutes packing one large coleslaw, I kinda get angry at her. I had a different aunt come through drive-thru and order from the passenger seat, never fucking do that by the way, and I didn’t recognize her until she got to the window. So I said on the headset, “Oh god I’m so embarrassed, that dumb bitch is my aunt” and my manager aunt says, “Who?” on the headset, and with no hesitation I said, “You”. She handed that joke to me on silver platter, Lenny nearly choked on his pizza because he was on his 30, and it was probably the best thing to come out of tonight.
    All in all, it was a shit night but it could’ve been shittier if I had a different manager so I’m not too mad I guess. It was a Friday night so I should’ve expected it but Fridays are also some of our slowest days sometimes. I have another night shift with Lenny and my aunt tomorrow so that’s nice. Before that I have to lend some Japanese learning books to an acquaintance, friend? I’m not too sure. I don’t know him that well and we’ve hung out in a group once or twice but he’ll talk to me in Facebook replies for hours on end. Kind of a strange relationship but I’m just happy to help. It’s already 2 a.m. and I still haven’t taken a shower so I think I’ll go do that and then pass out on the couch because my room is still a mess. I’ll see you tomorrow
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caranfindel · 5 years
Recap/review 15.03: “The Rupture”
THEN: Ghost/spirits/whatever, blah blah blah. The only thing of note here is that they choose to remind us that Sam is fated to kill Rowena. But I'm sure that doesn't mean anything. There are tons of reasons to include this. Tons.
NOW: We're still in Whatever-this-place-is-called, Kansas. Ghosts/spirits/whatever are still flinging themselves against the barrier. Sam's still in charge of the hunter troops. Expanded Team Free Will is back in the graveyard and they've got a plan that Rowena insists will work. It's a powerful spell that will "patch those holes up" in time for tea. (Rowena is back in a dramatic gown today, but I don't like the casual jacket she's wearing with it.) All she needs is a ghost-free space, which happens to be the mausoleum the gang found in 15.01. No one's thrilled about that. We also see the opening to Hell itself, which is a giant hole in the ground. It doesn't seem to give anyone PTSD, though.
The gang salts the perimeter of the mausoleum while Rowena mixes up her spell, and right away something evil starts banging on the doors. She recites something not-English, her eyes glow purple, and we see the battered barrier glowing purple as well. But then she looks disturbed and the purple glow fades and she gets more and more upset and then collapses. "We're all going to die!" she says.
Title card!
Rowena asks for a drink and then has to clarify that she means "a real drink," and we have a cute wordless conversation where Sam requests Dean's flask, Dean says what, MY flask, Sam says yes, asshole, and Dean says sigh, okay. It's precious.
It is, unfortunately, impossible to screencap, but I'm sure someone will GIF it. In the meanwhile, let's enjoy concerned Winchesters.
Rowena says the spell can't work because the spirits are too wild, too desperate, too angry, and too numerous. No magic on earth can stop "those walls" from falling. Within hours. (Did we really explain the walls? I guess it's the walls between earth and Hell? And why plural?) Dean decides they're going to keep fighting as long as they can. He tells Rowena to make more of those soul collectors, but she says it's pointless. Probably because Sam's wearing the orange jacket, so she doesn't see any reason to prolong the agony. She says she may have been able to shore up the wall if she'd gotten there sooner, but now the wall is too damaged for her to save.
Belphagar leaves, ignoring Dean's "where the Hell are you going!" and Cas goes after him. Dean continues yelling that they're not going to give up, that's not who they are, and Sam silences him with a single hand motion because he knows how I feel about him being Chiefly. Sam crouches next to Rowena and puts a concerned hand on her shoulder and asks if she needs anything because he knows I also love him being soft and concerned.
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Who DOESN'T know?
Hey, if you don't want to read some serious Sam fangirling, you're in the wrong place. You should realize this by now.
Belphagar and Cas are out in the cemetery, where no one is bothering them even though something was knocking pretty vigorously on the mausoleum door. Belphagar wanted to look at the giant hole into Hell. "Where it all began."
Meanwhile, Dean's loading up. He's not just going to wait for the world to end, he's going out fighting.
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He's angry and backlit, and I love both of those things.
Sam sits next to him and they have a lovely dark conversation where Sam says he's out of ideas but acts like he thinks there still must be something they can do, and Dean says Chuck's "sloppy-ass ghostpocalypse" isn't going to be the last word and acts like he thinks there's nothing they can do but die fighting. And Rowena just sits sad and quiet and alone, paging through the Book of the Damned. I do like that she kept it and uses it in front of the Winchesters. But she says she hasn't found anything useful.
Back outside, Belphagor says the opening in the ground isn't a door or a gate, it's a tear. And he has a plan. "Lilith's Crook" is a horn that Lilith used to control her demons - it can corral all demons and bring them back home. (BTW, nobody reacts to the name Lilith either. It's like seasons three through five never happened.) It's in Lilith's chamber, which is unsealed now that every door in Hell is open. If Belphagor uses it in Hell, all the demons and spirits will be sucked into Hell, and then Rowena can close the door once they're not pushing against it.
Rowena confirms that she has "a spell of my own devising" that she could use to close the door. Well, she said earlier that there were any number of spells she could have tried earlier, so surely this is one of those spells. It's a healing spell - if the opening is a wound, not a door, this will allow it to heal and close up. Sounds reasonable.
It will require perfect timing, and she'll need some strangely easy-to-obtain ingredients (which seems to be a theme this season, doesn't it). And an assistant. "Dibs on Samuel. You're as close to a seasoned witch as we've got in this lot." (!!!)
She also needs someone to hang out at the edge of the hole and toss the figurative "bomb." And it will be dangerous, so Dean naturally decides that's his job. Belphagor drafts Cas to go with him, since he'll need help getting past all the pissed-off demons and ghosts who will be down there. "Yeah, Cas will go," Dean says coldly. "You've been to Hell before." Well, I mean, everyone in this room has been to Hell before (assuming we count Rowena's visit to Limbo as Hell), so. Cas glares at Dean, clearly thinking yes, I harrowed Hell to raise you, and I regret it every day.
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Cold and yet HOT.
Hospital. Ketch wakes up just in time to get killed by the demon Ardat, who astutely notes that he's protecting his friends and won't give them up. There's your redemption arc, Arthur Ketch. I hope you enjoyed it. Moving on. (Also, doesn't Ardat look like a cross between Joanna Gaines and Meghan Markle?)
Cemetery. Belphagor asks Cas how he's going to get out of Hell before Rowena seals it up, and makes sure Cas realizes that his buddies don't care that he might not make it out. Cas pushes Belphagor into the hole and jumps in after him.
Mausoleum. A hunter shows up with supplies and Sam gives her directions on what to do "if this goes sideways," even though those directions should probably be "kiss your ass goodbye." Dean gets a text from "Ketch" and responds by laying out their plan and providing their location. Uh oh.
Hell. It's actually mostly empty. Belphagor claims he made Cas come because he just wanted company, and he wants to become best buds with Cas, having wormed his way into the Winchester's hearts. "Sam and Dean are just using you," Cas says. "Don't mistake that for caring about you, because I can assure you, they don't." OH, CAS, YOU WOULD KNOW, WOULDN'T YOU. Cas reminds Belphagor that he's an abomination, and then opens the door to Lilith's chamber, which is being looted by another demon. Belphagor's friendly with the guy, but Cas kills him. Awkward.
The crook is in a box marked up with Enochian symbols, which apparently couldn't be read by any residents of Hell other than Lilith. (Well, we can assume the residents of the cage could read it, but.) Good thing Cas is here! So convenient. The markings are actually a song of praise to Lucifer. Cas reads it, but nothing happens, and Belphagor says "They're verses, Cas. I think they need to be sung." We don't have to listen to Cas sing the whole thing, but we do get Belphagor mocking his angelic voice.
The demon then tells Cas to make his escape, which kind of surprises me - I was sure this set-up wasn't meant to end with Cas surviving. Cas tentatively holds the horn out to Belphagor, but then is flung across the room by none other than Ardat. She expositions for us that Lilith's Crook would have allowed Belphagor to rule Hell. She begins to smack Belphagor down, but Cas attacks, and holds her off long enough for Belphagor to stab her with his angel blade.
Cas asks him if it's true he wants to rule Hell, and he's all, no, I want to rule EVERYTHING. He'll suck the power of all of the souls into him, and he'll become a God. "I don't think so," says Cas, and runs toward him. But Belphagor blows the horn, and the ghosts/spirits/whatevers start flowing back into Hell, and into Belphagor.
Cemetery. Dean approaches the hole and wonders where Ketch is.
Mausoleum. Sam is anxious, and wants to be outside, fighting. Rowena makes him read the book as she prepares the spell. (What is he reading? He's not reading aloud. What's the point? Is he memorizing it?) When they hear Belphagor blow the horn, Rowena announces "it's time." She and Sam hold hands (d'aw) and recite the spell. I guess he was memorizing it after all. The spell bowl begins to glow purple, as does the "bomb" I didn't even realize Dean was holding. Dean tosses it into the hole without even wondering if Cas will make it out. So I guess he's still mad at Cas, if you were wondering.
Hell. Cas finally makes his way to Belphagor and tackles him, stopping the horn. As Cas punches the demon, his sunglasses fall off, and he looks up at Cas with his burned-out eyes and pleads for him to stop. "It's me, Jack." Gotta say, Alex does a good job here of playing someone trying to sound like Jack and not quite succeeding. I was afraid Cas would fall for it, but he doesn't. In fact, this inspires him to do the glowy hand thing and burn Belphagor - and Jack's corpse - to a crisp. Too bad you didn't wait until he sucked up all the souls, Cas.
Topside. Sam calls Dean and learns that something doesn't feel right, and the crack is closing up. Meanwhile, Rowena picks up a knife and plunges it into her own shoulder. As Sam watches in horror, she reaches in and pulls out "my last resurrection sachet - won't need that where I'm going." She tells him the Lilith's Crook plan may have been his only shot, but she still has an option. Because magic can contain anything. Even Hell, as long as she's willing to pay the price.
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Horrified/confused Sam. Mmmmm.
She tells him "death is an infinite vessel" but he doesn't get it yet. All she needs for this spell are two ingredients. Sam's all, you have them here? Why didn't you tell us? "Because, dear, the first ingredient is my own still-coursing blood, and the last is my final breath." She'll absorb all the spirits and then throw herself Hell (!!!) and then, when her body eventually rots and the spirits are released, they'll be back in Hell. (So I guess she has to toss the wound-healing spell in there too, somehow, but that's just details.) Sam tries to stop her with the Single Upraised Finger of Reason, but not only does she ignore that finger, she tells Sam he has to be the one to kill her. Y'all, I always love the Single Upraised Finger of Reason.
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I would obey this finger.
Topside. Cas made it out of the Hell. Wow, I was worried there for a minute.
Mausoleum. Rowena insists Sam has to be the one to kill her, because the spell requires her "real, permanent demise," and Sam's the only one who can do that. It's in the books. "You know what?" says Sam "Screw the books." YES SAM.
Topside. Cas tells Dean he killed Belphagor and the crook was destroyed.
Mausoleum. Sam tries to take the knife from Rowena, but she holds it against her body. "I don't care about anything enough to take my own life. Not you, your brother, not even the world. But I believe in prophecy, I believe in magic, and everything we need to end this is right in our hands." I don't know, Rowena. Those books you're so insistent on believing? They've been known to change. Sam rests the knife against her but he's still fighting it, even though she's shouting "kill me, Samuel!"
Then she clamps a hand on his shoulder and says "I know we've gotten quite fond of each other, haven't we? But will you let the world die? Let your brother die? Just so I can live?" Oh, well, that was the right thing to say, wasn't it? (Also, can we just appreciate Rowena admitting she's quite fond of Sam?)
Topside: Dean yells at Cas. "This was our only shot! What the hell were you thinking?" I like that Dean doesn't even consider that Cas may have had a very good reason for killing a demon.
Mausoleum. Sam says a shaky little "no" and I think he's saying no, I'm not going to kill you but I am so wrong, because he goes in for what looks like a hug but he's actually plunging the knife into her abdomen. He holds her close as he stabs her and then pulls back to look in horror at what he's done. Rowena PUTS HER HAND ON HIS FACE AND SAYS "THAT'S MY BOY" AND SHE'S NOT DEAD YET BUT I AM. Then she pushes the blade in further, because apparently Sam didn't do it hard enough, which brings up an interesting question - what if Sam's stab wasn't fatal? Does any of this still count?
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Topside. As Rowena walks to the Hell hole, all of the spirits are seen flowing into her wound. I want Sam to hug her again, without a knife (OMG IMAGINE IF SAM HAD TO ACTUALLY PUSH HER INTO THE HOLE) but instead they hang back. She turns and says "goodbye boys," just like her son did, stands at the edge, and then dramatically falls into the hole just before it closes. Sad MacLeod music! (which I rather like)
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Goodbye, boys.
Aftermath! Sam's sitting sadly on his bed. Dean comes in wearing a single layer, and it's a henley, and Sam's entire shirt is unbuttoned, so thank you baby Jesus for this bit of comfort we surely need after all that hurt. He asks how Sam is holding up, and Sam doesn't answer that question. He just wipes his eyes and makes a how do you think noise and asks if there's any word from Stevie, who I guess is one of the other hunters. Yeah, and the word is that the town is good, but Ketch is dead. "Bad. Probably demon."
We did it though, man. It's over. God threw one last apocalypse at us, and we beat it.
What you did. Rowena. You didn't have a choice.
I know.
Oh, Sam! His soft sad little "yep," his reaction to Ketch, the way his little face scrunches up when Dean says Rowena's name... And Dean's trying to hard to be supportive.
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Oh boys.
Aftermath part 2. Dean's drinking whiskey when Cas comes in and asks how Sam is. Dean's very short with him, and asks why he didn't just follow the plan. Because sure, Belphagor was going to suck up all the power of every soul in Hell and become the worst Big Bad ever, but Dean thinks they just would have figured that out afterward. And Dean has a point, but I don't know if it's the one he thinks he has. Cas didn't know Rowena had a self-sacrificial Plan B in mind. The only information he had was that if Belphegor didn't trap all the spirits in Hell, they'd end up destroying the world. And he killed Belphegor anyway. So yeah, Dean's mad because Rowena is dead, but the issue IMHO isn't that Cas's actions forced Rowena to take extreme measures, it's that they would have destroyed the world had she not been able to do that.
The plan changed, Dean. Something went wrong. You know this. Something always goes wrong.
Yeah, why does that something always seem to be you?
You used to trust me, give me the benefit of the doubt. Now you can barely look at me. My powers are failing and I've tried to talk to you over and over and you just don't want to hear it. You don't care. I'm dead to you. You still blame me for Mary. I don't think there's anything left to say.
Where you going?
Jack's dead. Chuck's gone. You and Sam have each other. I think it's time for me to move on.
Sad Winchester music!
Oh. Wow. That was really cold, Dean. Now you're not trying to be supportive at all.
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But we get your angry face, which I adore.
So! There's a lot packed into this episode, isn't there? So many deaths. I was surprised that both Belphegor and Ardat bit it, since I presumed one or both of them would be Big Bads this year. Are we down to just Chuck, then? There's also whatever Billie is cooking up with dead Jack; I guess that could be badness. Ketch is gone, which I'm honestly fine with. The only bad thing about Cas walking out is that it means we're going to have a separate Cas plot again, which I'm not thrilled about. And Rowena. I mean, I love her and will miss her, but I should be gutted, and I'm not. Is it because I know we're saying goodbye to all of them soon anyway? Is it because I've decided this is going to happen? Maybe.
But that's so many deaths for one episode. Is this the endgame? Just killing every supporting character we can think of?
And let me just point out that if any of this plot feels familiar - Rowena recognizes Sam as a witch and has him do a spell, secretly comes up with a world-saving spell that requires her death, and forces Sam to fulfill his prophecy by stabbing her, no matter how hard he protests - if any of this feels the slightest bit familiar, could it be because I ALREADY WROTE IT? Maybe.
(Waves to Robert Berens, who surely reads my LJ.)
Anyway. Please help me stay unspoiled, thanks!
34 notes · View notes
aspiestvmusings · 4 years
THE MASKED SINGER SEASON 3  GROUP A/ GROUP 1: (contestants 1 - 6)
EP 3x01: CLUES & MORE: RECAP for remaining 5: 
Location: Outdoors: “Australia” 
Location: Next to a /in a yard of a “peach coloured” building with arch/vault-style architecture 
Sign: OUTBACK (with the U being in the shape of horseshoe)
Sign: Yellow “road sign” with an arrow pointing down (”spiraling down”) 
MIB as papparazzi/press following her - taking pics, media attention (for “the wrong reasons”) 
Gramophone on a tree branch 
Boxing bag -  the kangaroo boxing/hitting the boxing bag 
Jump rope - the kangaroo jumping over a jump rope (made of a vine...held by MIB)
”Like most of you watching, I’m a survivor.” 
“I recently lost a person, who held my familys heart together. Then, by my own admission, I found myself in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.” 
“But I’m here to do what kangaroos do best - bounce back.”
“I have to fight for my family. And show them that bullies never win.”
“I am beyond terrified - I’ve never done anything like this before. But I’m not about to lose the chance to realize the dream I’ve always had.” 
“To all the survivors out there -- This one’s for you.” 
Song choice: “Dancing on My Own” by Robyn 
Look/Costume: The kangaroo has a pouch (indicates female), but also has a red/silver boxing outfit & gloves (indicates male). Outfit colours: red & silver. Important: there is a crown on the back of her robe. 
Stage: hexagon-shaped mirrors (5 of  them) surrounding her/behind her [if my other guess is correct, then that stage design is a “clue”] 
Height: Tall-ish...almost the same height as host Nick. A bit shorter, around 175cm, probably.
Mic hand: Right 
Talking:  “One of my greatest fears is being vulnerable. And this year I’ve had no other option than to be vulnerable. But...with this kangaroo costume I feel like I can get my superpowers back.” +  [breathes in/sighs heavily before the song starts]
I HAVE NO NAMES OF MY OWN. -- I thought she was this certain female artist, because the voice kinda seemed familair (sounded like hers to me), but none of the clues and other things seemed to fit. And after checking the clues it seems to confirm it cannot be her, cause nothing matches. Also... to me she doesn’t sound like any of the singers I thoughts she could be based on the clues, so... I havent actually figured her out...
I think people online are correct, and it’s a certain “reality star” (gramophone = reference to her dad being a sound engineer on a well-known past TV show) Though I am considering a few more options - mostly other reality stars/youtubers/family members of celebs... particularily one name. If my guess here is correct, then just like Llama, she would have a connection to a previous TMS contestant...but since I am not that familiar with her singing voice, I cannot be sure. But she has lost family members in the past few years, she has been in a media scandal, and you can even explain the australia thing kinda... so...until I hear more of her, I’ve got one name mainly in mind. But I wont name it until I’ve heard her sing at least once more.
Survivor = the title of a “Destiny’s Child” hit song
Lost a family member recently = either her family member (parent, grandparent?) died or they parted ways (were cut ouf of each others lives)
Gramophone = possibly a reference to a Grammy nomination/win. Or just music/sound/audio
Outback = possible connection to Australia
“spiraling down” road sign + papparazzi following her = she’s been in a media scandal “recently”
Crown = King/Queen 
Location: Radio station/Mixing studio - mixing console (close up) 
Location: Pottery making “class” 
Mixing console - close up of a studio/radio station mixing console 
23.3 The Wool (name of the radio station/show) 
Red lightbulb in the studio 
Photo of a bull (the animal)
Playing cards: Ace of Spaces & Jack of Spades). Two black suit cards showing (Jack Black)
Sounds of Seattle - title of a vinyl album 
Romancing a llama: pottery 
"Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Mix it up!”
“Good morning, Nerd herd! You’re listening to The Wool. Where we’re all cool. No Bull.” 
“I’m here for one reason only - to have a laugh. And what’s funnier than a Llama? (laughs at his own joke)”
“You may call me a joker. But I’d like to get serious for a minute. The song I’m singing tonight is my favourite track for celebrating love with that... special someone. There’s nothing like being swept up by it’s deep, profound lyrics. It’s a tune that really gets me in the mood for romance. I can’t wait to sing it for you tonight.”
“Llama out!” 
Song choice: “She Bangs” by Ricky Martin 
Look/Costume: Dressed as a tourist - “hawaiian” style shirt,, photo camera around his neck. Llamas tongue out of his mounth, on the side. 
Height: he is around 180cm - about the same height as host Nick (their shoulders are on about the same height)
Mic hand: Left 
Talking: “umm.. This whole costume just spoke to me... My vibe... I wear digs like this in real life.” (answering the question about his costume & it’s looks) 
Drew Carey (TV host/comedian/actor...)
23.3 Wool = His show (The Drew Carey Show) had, during it’s 9-season long run, a total of 233 episodes. 
Photo canera prop = His hobby is photography. Actually, it’s more than just a hobby - he has been accredited press photographer during many (sports) events.  
Radio = He was a radio operator during the time he served in the Marine Corps. Also..he’s hosted a radio show (radio DJ) during his later career 
Red light in the room = photography reference. In the DarkRoom red light is used when developing photo film/photographs.
Buddha figurine (Dalai Lama/Llama joke) = He is a buddhist. 
Joker = he is a joker aka comedian 
Seattle = He is the co-owner of a Seattle Football Club. 
Playing cards = He took part in the celebrity poker game in 2003, where he did better than Jack Black did (played against Jack Black)
Nerd herd = He did take part in Zack levis (Chuck) “Nerd herd” lightsaber race one time at a Comic-Con convention. 
Nerd herd = his show (DCS) & character were/was about nerds/was a nerd
Llama’s side tongue = early in his stand-up comedy days he had a joke with a side-tie (it looked visually very similar to what the llama’s tongue looks like - he just added some wires & tape to do “the trick” of swinging the tie to the side)
BONUS: He knows last years winner, “The Fox Mask” - they did “Whose Line is it Anyway” together, so... connection... 
SPOILER ALERT: Llama is the mask who will be voted off next - in ep 2 (on Wed, Feb 5th). But while his voice might not be as trained as some other contestants, I loved his stage energy, and the comedy/fun he brought! One more song coming from him! And no, I am not sharing some secret info - they “accidentally” revealed the first two contestants, who get unmasked, so it’s been revealed by the network...for those, who notice small details...
Location: Lady’s restroom/bathroom. The moster getting ready (coming hair, applying hairspray...) 
Location: school hallway - lockers 
Sign:  (image) ladies restroom 
Itmes on the counter in bathroom/dressing room: Furspray (hairsray) can,  pink bottle of some beauty product, three crystals (stones), a piece of sequin fabric 
Key/Keychain: a single (old style) key with a keychain that says “FUN” #FUN #KEY = FUNKY = “QUEEN OF FUNK” 
Purple furry diary/good luck charm/cosmetics bag/pencil box (with a face + kitty ears & unicorn horn) + a glittery pen 
Lockers: Lockers numbered 10 (the ones she opens) & 11 (the one next to it)...with no other lockers having numbers on them 
Miss Monster Locker: filled with images of S1 Monster, scrapbook flowers..etc...
Piece of paper on the locker door: Monster Hits.
Photograph of a cityscape (skyline with many skyscrapers) on the locker door [if I could only see the image better to know which city it is on it, that’d be one more clue]
“When you become famous, people  want you to look or act in a certain way. They forget that you started off as just a shy little monster.” 
“It didn’t take long for me to be misunderstood. So I’m here to set the record straight. Just like my favourite creature in Season 1 did. The Monster. He made me feel. He re-wrote his story. It was fire!" 
“And now this performer in pink wants to follow in his furry footsteps, But darlings... I’m nervous. Will you still love me without knowing my name?”
Song choice: “Something to Talk about” by Bonnie Raitt
Look/Costume: pink & purple/violet furry costume with a bowtie
Height: she is short-ish (shorter than host Nick). She looks very short (barely 5 feet - more Dolly P. height 152cm than Chaka K height 162cm)
Mic hand: Right 
Chaka Khan 
Dolly Parton (since the total number of Grammy noms that the 18 contestants have in combined in 69 & Robot as the first revealed one has had 24-25 of them, that leaves only 44-45 for everyone else, that rules out this person, because she alone has had 46 nominations...compared to C. Khan’s 22 noms)
Number 10 = She has 10 Grammy Awards/wins. (interestinly: both D. Parton & C. Khan have 10 Grammy wins!)
Monster Hits = she has had (many) hit songs during her career 
He made me feel = She has a song by the title “I Feel You” (1984 hit)  
It was fire = She has a song by the title “Through the Fire” (1985)
Will you love me - that is (word for word) the title of of her her hit songs, “Will You Love Me?” (2007)
It was fire = She wrote the hit song “Fule to the Flame” (1967 hit) for Skeeter Davis. 
Will you still love me? = She has/wrote a song titled “I will always love you” 
Furspray/Hairsray = he was/is known for her big hair/haircut (managing that probably takes lots of hairspray)
FUN = FUN(K) #FUN KEY [FUN:KI] - she’s kinda the “queen of funk” (one of her albums is titled “FUNk This” (btw: Pun intended by her!) 
Location: school’s track & field event (Balzano Track Field) - contestants getting ready to run. The slow turtle surrounded by fast bunnies, all preparing for the event. [Slow & steady (turtle) wins the race]
Location: Schools track & field event - BANG! The race begings. The three other contestants (MIB as bunnies - wearing pink bunny ears - starting the race with a head start, all jumping on their blue bouncy balls)
Turtle vs bunnies 
BANG! in comic style - to mark the start of the race 
The others (three bunnies) bouncing on blue balls whe n the race begins 
Surf board - the turtle poliching/cleaning his poink & blue surf board 
Pins on the track...popping the blue jumpy balls 
Grilling burgers on an (outside) grill...on the track field. 
Turtle crossing the finish line first (bunnies just going in circles, being stopped by pins on the way, or other reasons), as he has time to do other things & take it slowly, and then still get there first...with a burger in hand & winning the golden medal.
"At the starting-line of my career I was surrounded by other hungry new-comers. It felt like everyone around me was fighting tooth-and-nail for the dream. And I watched as many of those stars burned too brightly, too quickly, and then fizzled down”
“I’m a turtle, because I’m always taking it step-by-step.”
“Slow and steady wins the race. But now I feel like I’m ready to break out of my shell. After years of preparation I would love to make a big splash. So I don’t want anyone to cross that finish line before me.” 
Song choice: “Kiss from a Rose” by Seal 
Look/Costume: Punk/Rock-style, dressed in leather (pants, jacket), has a spike (hair)
Height: Short-ish (shorter than host Nick) - seems around 175cm. Small in size.
Mic hand: Right 
Talking: “It’s hot. It’s really hot. And it’s heavy!” (when answering how doesn it feel to be in that costume and perform in it)
Jesse McCartney 
Joey McIntyre  PS. I tried connecting the voice to any boy-bands (of 1990s & 2000s), but I coukdnt. Even after some “research” - listening to each possible candidate...and IMO it’s none of them. The voices dont match, the heights doesn’t match---But it did sound like someone, who for me was a one-hit-wonder. Yeah, I only know that one song (and one more) from him... but voice seemed familiar.
Surf board = that he is a surfer;  that he is from Cali/Australia/somewhere which is known as being popular among surfers; that he has won Teen Choice Award(s) (this award in in the shape of a surfboard)
being surrounded by other new-comers at the start of his career = either he got his start through a (singing) competition and was one of many contestants fighting for the win AND/OR he got his start in a “boy-band” and was one of the youngsters looking for fame...
Surf board = Teen Choice Awards - winning several TCAs for his first/biggest hit song/album in 2005, and more. And he’s played a surfer character on a TV show
BSB references/connection  - he was the opening act in 2005 for BSB during the European part of the tour. 
Dream = he started in a boy-band with the name “Dream Street”
on stage presence/body language (movements) = very similar to J.M. 
Location: Football field. Tiger striking a power/winners pose. 
Location: School hallway, lockers. Tiger walking in, shoving everyone out of his way. 
Locatrion: School library (sitting behind a table, with his legs on the table) 
Location: School hallway, lockers. MIB trying to get him to audition for TMS. MIB (fans) taking selfies with him. 
Golden plate/sign with text: Ultimate champion for clam shucking: 51 clams” (next to a golden clam shell) 
Sign/ad on the wall: “Masked Singer tryouts 5/3.” + images of three past masks included: Eagle, Lion & Raven. Plus the text: “Hurry. Not for long" also written on it. 
Sign on the all with images of past US presidents, including Abe Lincolns & the text/quote “Four Score and Seven Years Ago...” 
The TMS golden mask throphee shown next to the lockers (as Tiger says “let’s party!”)
“Ready to meet your next champion? My entire life I’ve sought out perfection, so choosing a mask with unlimited power like the White Tiger was a no-brainer.”
“I’ve had a giant career full of accomplishments. But when I imagine being on stage (and) singing, I’m a big old scared cat.*
“It’s been a while since I did something that scared me, so I’m here to concour yet anither challenge.”  
“What’s my motivation? My fans! I don’t wanna let them down." 
“So now I’m ready to get in that ring and smash the competition.” 
“Let’s party!” 
Song choice “Ice Ice Baby” by Vanilla Ice 
Look/Costume: Dressed in “Egyptian style"
Height: very tall & big (much taller than host Nick) - over 190cm, looks about 2m tall
Mic hand: R & L (alternates)
Talking: “It’s the most powerful I’ve ever felt. Like I can concour anything. I never wanna take it off” (when answering what did it feel like when he first put on the costume/mask)
He played during the 51st  (51 clams) & 53rd  (5/3) Super Bowl games. 
The three past TMS masks shown are all animals that are parts of  names of existing football teams: Ravens, Eagles, Lions. Meaning he is an athlete & specifically plays american football (NFL) 
The Lincoln quote translates to “87 years ago...”, so number 87 is the clue here. This could be a reference to player No. 87. 
He has had a very succesful career in his own field (sports). Singing is not his main job.
IF the voice-overs were done later, not during initial filming, then it’s possible that “smash” relates to the person smashing a lego-statue of a TV host during 2019/2020 New Years. Which in itself was supposed to be about his famous “Gronk Spike” during football games. 
A tiger (albeit “regular”, not white) was one of the characters & costumes + name of the sports team in the Katy Perry video “Swish Swich”, where this athlete also appeared. 
The Golden (Golden Mask) trophe - most likely a reference to his many wins (the trophees he/his team has won)
Rob Gronkowski (Gronk, athlete, 198cm) = 99% certain it’s him 
Because of the height alone (seems to be around/almost 2m = 6 feet 5) there are not that many possibilities at all. Even if we don’t listen to that voice or consider the clues. Based on height alone it can basiclaly be only one of these names: Dave Bautista (198cm); The Rock (196cm); Hulk Hogan (201cm); Tyler Perry (196cm); Brad Garrett (204cm); Joe Manganiello (196cm); Jeff Goldblum (194cm); Jason Mamoa (193cm); Tom Brady (193cm)..or the likes...
Even other possible names, like the ones listed by the panel, are not valid guesses, because of their height: John Cena for example is actually only 185cm tall. Also... several of these tall men are bigger/more muscular, so that makes it even easier to determine the name based on only the physical appeance...without even listening to the clues. 
First mask to be voted out in ep 1
Havent listed his clues, cause there’s no use for them anymore, as he was voted off. 
With his 86 tattoos he makes up for about half of all the 160 tattoos the 18 contestants have combined. With his 24-25 Grammy nominations he makes up about 1/3 of all the 69 noms the 18 contestants have combined. And quite many of the 88 gold records the 18 contestants have combined,  belong to him (I don’t know the exact number, but most/all of his 10+ albums have gone gold, I think) - exact number depends on how they count it for this list.
BUT... unless I decide to cut some sleep time to do this again, I am probabky not gonna do this after every episode. Possibly for the first episode of every Group (so beside ep 1, also ep 4 & ep 7)
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 42 Review.
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I spy Navis from the N-1 such as Blues, Elecman, Bombman, Whaleman and Shiningman. I also see some viruses, one of the robot operators that nearly killed Netto and Commander Beef, and Shadowman and Cutman? How do these people know about them?!
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And that’s the Gospel truth...
We open the episode at some noodle shop where Madoi talks about how she is bored with her life, and Coloredman tells her how she used to shine back when the WWW was still active. Madoi then gets a bowl of noodles that she didn’t order.
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I wonder who that could be?
Madoi’s mystery order comes with a little note with the seal of Gospel asking her to join them. The mysterious customer then reveals himself to her.
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I think Madoi just slapped him after he said that. Can’t have a Madoi episode without someone making fun of her makeup.
After the title card, we see Madoi in her new secretary outfit at Maha ichiban where she breaks the news to the other Ex-WWW members that she is gonna quit to go work for Gospel.
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Count Elec and Hinouken don’t like this and yell at Madoi calling her a traitor and such. Mahajarama on the other hand, is cool with Madoi leaving and gives her farewell gift.
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Friendship? What would bad guys know about friendship? We know they all stick around together because they have nothing better to do.
Madoi takes the gift and runs out of the shop causing a car crash into it and destroying Mahajarama’s life size statue.
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AHHHHH! Mahajarama has eyes!
We then cut to a family retaurant where Netto is in a “secret” meeting with the Net Agents, where he makes a scene after the news they tell him about Gospel.
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“Hello, police? There are three terrible cosplayers and a kid talking about the Net mafia out loud at a family restaurant”
They are telling him about a Gospel leader hosting a secret meeting in Japan. Since the cover up for the meeting is a costume party for rich people, the Commader wants Netto to ask Yaito to help them get in, right before this second waitress complements his costume.
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This girl has obviously never seen the N-1 Grand Prix.
Anyway, the Commander insists in having Netto talk to Yaito about the party, but that is no longer necessary since Yaito, along with Dekao and Meiru, overheard their conversation.
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After this we cut to Madoi enjoying her new job at Gospel resting by the pool, when Gauss appears and asks her to follow him into a skipped scene from the dub. Brace yourself.
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The correct question here is, who would buy a toilet with Wily’s face on it?!
Yes, Gauss reveals that he is a super Wily otaku or fan girl, whatever you want to call him. He even shows her a talking life size statue of Wily in a little scene that was kept in the dub.
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I would be more impress if you had him saying: “The fact that you keep losing to Rockman is exactly why I’m mad!” (Actual quote from episode 9)
One of the reasons Gauss decided to hire Madoi is that she could share with him her memories of Dr. Wily, reminding us that either Wily is dead or just M.I.A.
Back at the Curry shop, Hinouken and Count Elec are still mad/sad about Madoi leaving them.
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Is this an opening for a Count Elec and Madoi shipping? I guess nearly falling to your deaths together in a cold mountain range while hand gliding makes you developt feelings.
That night, we see the cover up party at a mansion by the sea, with Gauss as the host. We see people dressed up as Navis and viruses among other things, but the best costumes are the ones Netto and his friends are wearing.
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*Okay, if you’re confused about Netto’s name, scroll down to the end of this review to see the full story behind their group costume. BTW, Miyuki and Saloma are the horse.
Netto and Dekao inmediately start embarrasing Meiru by eating like the animals they are.
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 Yaito doesn’t help either because she starts blinding people with her forehead for some reason.
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Yes, in fact, this scene was so pointless that it was skipped in the dub.
It is now time for the Net Agents to start their investigation, with style.
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If I know my costumes, that must’ve hurt Saloma a lot.
The Net Agents sneak around Gauss’s mansion and come across a hallway with a laser security system, they need to disable the lasers from the cyberworld, and Netto, who suddenly appears next to them, volunteers.
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We get a different design for the plug-in animation as Netto sends Rockman into the security system. The Guard Navis attack, but Rockman is so bad ass that he doesn’t need any chips to knock them all out.
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Either that or they’re just really weak.
Netto complaines to them about being left behind, and since Commander Beef knows well that he won’t get rid of Netto that easily, he allows him to tag along.
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Son Netto, master in the art of convincing!
We then cut to Madoi reminding Gauss about the secret meeting and they both leave the party. During their walk, Gauss tells Madoi that Gospel is nothing like the World Three, hinting that something really bad is about to happend.
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Let me get this straight. You’re a fan of wily, but you’re not a fan of the World Three, the organization he created in order to terrorized people, the thing that made everyone realized that he is evil, THE VERY THING THAT MADE HIM FAMOUS IN THE FIRST PLACE!
The Net Agents along with their Navis disable every security system they find as they move on. Before commercials though, Gauss reveals that the Net Agents are heading for a trap. So much for the surprise.
They finally arrive at the meeting room filled with a bunch of covered up guys who look a lot like the disguises used by Bombman and Stoneman’s fake operators from the N-1.
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What kind of guns are those? Laser guns? I’m getting ahead of myself, but in Axess we see characters using real guns, so this now seems kinda childish.
Gauss appears before them with madoi wearing masks, because apparently Higure never told Netto that his investor from episode 34 was Gauss Magnets. XP
Gauss reveals to them that the meeting was a trap for the Net Agents and the members take off their disguises, turns out they were all robots, and I am not surprised.
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They ARE laser guns! If they were human, then what were they planning to do?Taze them or threaten to cook them alive?
Saloma and Miyuki shoot at the robots with their space era guns, and even Netto tries join in the action by attacking some of the robots.
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You are not the monkey king and you are not Rockman either! That would be until Axess. X(
The Commander saves him and Netto then challenges Gauss to a Net Battle because that’s how you defeat the villains in the Battle Network universe.
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That... That didn’t work? Am I finally watching a competent shonen anime? O-O
Gauss tells them that his plan was to kill the Net Agents, and luckily for him, they brought Netto so he can kill him too. The room begins to flood, and Madoi apparently has standards because hearing Gauss wanting to kill Netto makes her uncomfortable and talks to him about it after they exit the room.
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“Directly” is the key word here. World Three were actually cowards who liked to injured people indirectly by making their Navis set homes on fire, try to crash a train full of people and nearly polluting the water of an entire city. What are you trying to say here, Madoi?
As the room keeps filling up with water, the commander gets a cramp and Rockman tells Netto that there must be a computer from where he can stop the water, and Netto remembers that he saw a jack-in port like two minutes ago with a flashback.
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In cased you missed that the first time.
Netto dives and plugs in Rockman underwater because everything is water proof in this world. Gauss discovers this and decides to change his waredrobe to fight Rockman.
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I’m starting to think Wily fan girl is the best description for him right now.
Rockman is attacked by Magnetman, Netto tries to send him battle chips to fight, but he is having trouble holding his breath under water.
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Magnetman keeps attacking Rockman as Netto swims back to the surface where Commander Beef still has a cramp for another breath of air, but its so deep that he can’t hold his breath long enough to focus on the battle. 
We then see Madoi talking to the life size statue of Wily about how it feels wrong to be working for Gospel, but then she remembers the gift Mahajarama gave her.
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Magnetman summons his twin and gets ready for the N-S tackle to finish off Rockman. The two spheres head towards Rockman until they are intercepted by Coloredman’s ball that also breaks a giant faucet that apparently was the program flooding the room and the dreinage system is activated somehow.
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Madoi tells Gauss that she is gonna quit Gospel because it is trash compared to the World Three, why? Because, according to her, the World Three... had... Love?.
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See? Even Coloredman doesn’t understand her nonsense!
The Magnetmen attack Coloredman again and Rockman protects him with a barrier. Right after that, the Net agents and Netto suddenly appear in the organ room where Gauss and Madoi are, and I like how Netto called Gauss cross dresser. XD
Netto tells Gauss it’s payback time and activates the Elec Brother Style. Unsurprisingly by now, Madoi knows about the Elec Brother’s ability and passes an extension chip to Netto so he can download Coloredman’s data into Rockman. And if you’re a football/soccer fan you’ll like this little scene.
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Rockman finishes Magnetman with his Terra Volt and Gauss whines about it like a girl before escaping on his weird flying machine he activates in front of everyone.
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At least this time we don’t get to see the whole room remodeling and airship building scene.
Netto thanks Madoi for helping them, Madoi says she only did it for herself and then gives Netto the curry coupon before leaving.
And we end the episode with the Ex-WWW discovering a life size Wily statue in front of their restaurant with Madoi eating curry inside, just happy with being where she is.
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My thoughts?
This was a Madoi episode so we get to learn more about her character. I don’t blame Madoi for wanting to do something better with her life, she knows that she has no future working at a curry restaurant in a sad attemp of reviving World Three. You already know that I am not a fan of these guys, but I was actually happy for her since she showed some real character development.
Another thing that I like about Madoi in this episode is that she is not really a bad person, she doesn’t like to be directly involve with hurting people and she saw the World Three as her family. Maybe she came from a broken home, maybe her real family sucks and she found comfort in joining the WWW. Sure, they did bad things, but Madoi never did what she did with evil intentions, she did it so Wily would praise her for her efforts and get a laugh out of the misfortune of others, could it be a daddy issue or something?
The animation was okay, the story too, and I’m glad they cut that scene with Gauss’s Wily collection because it was just too weird and it compleately makes Dr. Wily, the main villain of the classic Megaman/Rockman series, look like a joke.
*Now, let me explain about Netto’s group costume in case you didn’t get it, this will be long.
First, It may be confusing to hear the name Son Goku because the first thing that comes to mind is the Dragon Ball series. Well, let me tell you that Dragon Ball was loosely based on the classic Chinese novel “Journey to the West” with the famous Monkey king as one of the main characters. Goku was actually based on the monkey king, hence the monkey tail he had, his growing staff, the flying cloud, and because of his name. In China, the Monkey king’s name was Sun Wo Kung, but in Japan he is knowen as Son Goku, I dont know if this is a different name or it’s just how they pronounce it Japan.
Second, if you are familiar with the original story of Journey to the west, you’ll notice that Yaito and Meiru’s costumes are out of place. Since they called themselves the “Saiyuki” group I imagine that it had to do do with cultural differences since Saiyuki is how Journey to the west is knowen in Japan.
After doing some research I came to the conclution that perhaps this is a reference to a video game that came out in 2001 named “Saiyuki: Journey west”, since it features a female version of Sanzo, the monk and main character of the story.
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I believe that was Meiru’s character, and Yaito was crossplaying as Sha wujing because it was suppoused to be a bald demon.
Netto, Dekao and Yaito were the three demon disciples of Meiru’s character, Saloma and Miyuki were the dragon that shapeshifts into a horse(long story), and the Commander was one of the many enemies that the group would encounter on their journey. 
That’s my theory, but I still dont know why would there be a reference to this game if it wasn’t developt by Capcom? Either Capcom helped with the release of this game somehow, or the anime was just making fun of their competion.
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montexas259 · 3 years
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pokefanbri · 3 years
I got in touch with my 1st love a couple months ago..hes a half native American & white dude, pretty pudgy now like triple the size of himself in middle school lol. Doesn't have much time left on this earth I feel for him, im glad I know now cause if I hadn't it probably would've been alot more devastating. Doesnt have to wear a mask cuz really whats the point. We met for coffee, got to hang out at the mall & he visited my work, we did talk & clear the air..got some things out that were left unsaid & i gotta say it really did help & we're better for it 😊 we're now cool & no hard feelings.
We used to be on & off in hs but the last time I broke it off with him for good reasons & also due to my mother 😒 If it weren't for him & our own experiences, & then every guy since...I would've have known how much I really love or attached I can be to someone (which has been all of them really but does disintegrate over time & going into new relationships they become just a distant memory as the yrs go by & then ur all about the new guy 🤔 basically right) or how unattached I can get when I just dont love them anymore...(of which has only happened twice)
For the record I've had 5 relationships my whole life...not counting flings..out of 2 they broke up with me.. & they so happen to be the ones i fell hard & fast for...its a common theme but they are the best ones I've experienced & I think I have a confirmed type now that I think about it lol. Im thinking too much again, but..they're top tier unforgettable.
I fell damn fucking hard this time around just like I did Thomas..don't think I got enough of him either...😤 seriously wtf is it with these charming & hilarious, headstrong, smart ass, string bean, stoner, Leo men fucking my heart up after only a few months time! What is the universe trying to tell me! I swear to God in another lifetime they would've been friends its an incredible likeness. History repeated itself it seems..I was so in love with him too, we were only 19 but omg he was awesome & we were ALL OVER EACHOTHER 🤤. He was my coworker, a red headed skinny bobblehead tho, & lived in my apt complex his best friend Danny boy did too in his own, hard core Call of Duty players I remember they high jacked my tv for optimum experience...😒 walking the tv across the parking lot was super sketchy looking lol.
Anyway after Thomas broke up with me for saying the L word "too soon" it freaked him out I guess & my brain cracked from the devastation...doctors are convinced it was the weed 😒 and apparently I ODd on Tylenol...crock of bs btw but whatever...i couldn't sleep & for days I was in a haze til I finally called my aunt for help & all of a sudden I was locked away in a psych ward for 2 weeks so they could observe what was wrong & diagnose me. Had to quit pima college & stop working, put everything on hold for my health. After I came back, Tom admitted he wanted me back but he hated my 1st love with a passion. I confessed I was back with my 1st as he was there at my side & visiting..when Tom had no idea where tf I was, me missing worried him sick. I had no clue & for all I knew he forgot about me while I was grieving over us in the hospital (I couldn't have my phone..knew a select few #s by heart otherwise he would've been the 1st I'd call), I was still dazed & super fucked up from the hospital..just outright exhausted when Thomas came to my apartment wanting to try again....yea I messed that up though regretfully. I told him the truth...I know it hurt him, hurt me too. Never saw Thomas again 😔 he was my 2nd, wonder how he is.
After I broke up with my 1st there was like a 1 or 2 month relationship with a fat Irish dude named Patrick I met from college, he insulted my mom..kicked his ass the curb 😂 yea she chased him away too just like my 1st...but an Irish version..was kinda a deadbeat anyway good riddance. I was alone for about 5 years after that til eventually met my ex-husband matt & was with him for technically 7 years & then that ended.
Long story short I was hit with another love bomb over the past year (T2.0 lol) & the fallout is taking forever to disapate lol...well good technically I don't want it to yet lmao, it feels good to love someone with a full heart except for the fact they ain't here 😔
I love genuinely & with a full heart, ive never had a problem with love, except for my abusive mother I sought approval for....never have I been with someone that didnt want it...didn't want me, until him. If someone shows that to me in a relationship it hurts me at the roots, u don't understand how much it brings out that little girl that just wants to be loved back..to be wanted. It hurts to think im not even worth that. I realize though that he may have his own issues to get past first b4 he can learn to give it back & its not my fault. I should on some things honestly but I don't blame him..not anymore. I blame my own trauma that made me so fucking sensitive & off-putting to him, going from 1 relationship to another without healing first, & not knowing how to function walking on eggshells around a new person trying not to piss them off...not knowing how to do a fresh relationship from the start again....when you've been with 1 person prior for 7 yrs.
I grew up being beaten as a kid, I have no father, my mother chose drugs over her own children, everybody in my family arent like a hallmark card far from it...its fucking tucson ok it's a hell hole. A good amount are notorious for causing trouble around the city, nobody talks to eachother..stays away & fends for themselves, or just killing themselves with drugs & selfishly hurting people around them. Very few of us are really trying to make it out & create life for ourselves but it's really hard to escape because we're all struggling. I cry because I've been strong for way too long on my own, I cry when I think im not good enough. Besides some relationships & friendships along the way for support guess who's always taken care of herself to survive, yours truly. It's a huge accomplishment that I've never been homeless, only a couple times have I had to rely on a friend or family member for a roof over my head & that was just 2020-2021,boy is it good to have connections during a pandemic phew, alot more tough to find someone willing to help. My big sis Lisa, my mentor assigned to me at 12 yrs old cuz my mom couldn't be a real parent lol...she says im a strong princess thats gone through hell & back, she's seen me do it countless times, she can attest to how much of a boss & survivor I am...she knows I deserve nothing but to be appreciated,respected, valued. I'm underestimated all the time because apparently people think they can read what kinda person I am just by looking at me or by word of mouth, hell no very doubtful screw u lol... i don't need anybody's belittling opinions of what kind of person I am ok, how about talk to me & ill see if u in the ballpark lol cuz I guarantee im a boss ass goody 2 shoes that can kick butt 😊. So listen here, I know my worth & I deserve a prince to keep me safe from the big bad world right? I need an actual shoulder to cry on not someone that'll walk away when I need them most 😔 Why tf do I feel like rapunzel & all I get is fuckin Flynn 😂 I'm a queen ok, hear me now.
This will be my 3rd own rented apartment. The 1st time I was a teen & imancipated...had that place for a few years 1st & 2nd love era, 2nd time was the escape from my mother as an adult & I moved away eventually got married. And now at another turning point in my life... escaping a very different hell & losing pretty much everything including the man that started it all, 3rd time is the charm right. Fuck my life sidewinder style. Honestly this is the best apartment complex I've found that I want as my home....its gated nothing can touch me from outside unless I say so, so at least im secure to a point.
Why am I talking and not sleeping 😐 I'm tired, it's 5am now. Yeaaaaa I'm done 💤
0 notes
Thoughts on “After” (2019)
Sorry I'm going to be 12 for a moment "Hardin" hehehehehe
Omg this voice over...yeah I can tell this use to be fanfiction (btw nothing wrong with fanfiction I write it just not about real people)
There's just...after.....TITLE CARD!!!
I question Tessa color scheme like everything is very washed out
Why did the mom sit in back of the car?
Steph's actress is very pretty also her look is great (maybe minus the earrings but they just aren't my style)
Tessa and Noah look related are they?
No one would talk like that in front of someone's mom they just met
"thanks I got it from the GAP" ....-_-
How to show that the mom is over protective....make her the worst from the start
Oh is Noah her boyfriend. ...ok then
Steph vapes.....you know she cool now
Same Steph Noah comes off as brother not boyfriend
"who brings books to college" is my school weird because everyone does??
You know if Tessa falls in love with some who is "bad" I think Steph would be the best option
I'm not judging her clothes because I don't dislike them but going a little heavy on the good girl vibe...
Who is new boy so far he seems nice .... Landon is his name
How did her clothes get so wet from where she put them
Ok her room is small she would have definitely notices him when she walked in
Hardin (hehe) you are being an ass
Also random British man in a movie where so far no one else is British
....what book you reading Hardin
Steph so far the best in the movie and no that's not just because I think she's attractive...yes it is
Oh it was The Great Gatsby. . They are right that is a good book
....I'm only 10 minutes in oh dear
At least Hardin is polite to people who work in the coffee shop
I can't stop looking at his eye brows
Steph / Tessa the couple we deserves
The song playing is called "Say Hoe" amazing
Steph kissing a girl....I wish that was me
Zed.....I wonder who you are based on sir... hmmmmmmmm
I wonder is Molly is supposed to be a bitch? *She said sarcastically"
Zed actor looks familiar *pauses movie*
Oh shit that's Joe from Glee
Being a virgin isn't really a big deal ok ...she just got out if highschool not like she's 35 and still a virgin
"oh sucks to suck"....-_- -_-
She didn't want to kiss you Hardin no reason to have such a pissed off face ....you don't even like her ...I think
Also Noah stop being so judgemental
She had literally a mouthful of vodka ...that's not like drinking really
Oh look a union jack ....wonder who's room this is maybe the one British man in the movie
 Tessa that's not your room ....stop touching other people's things
 Are you looking for something.....you drunk ....like what that wasn't a weird question to ask Tessa
Who wrote this movie like what
Good Tessa even if your boyfriend is a dick don't cheat on him with another dick
How did Hardin get on the roof
" I'm disappointed in you" oh fuck off...
He told her mom she went to the party....what Noah you suck
Noah so far the worst character
They really want to show off Hardin's tattoos
Hardin talking about books is annoying me as an English major ok
Oh look at me I'm Hardin and I'm so edgy with my thoughts on classic literature
I don't think either of them really read pride and prejudice
Oh course Landon and Hardin are kind of like step brothers
Steph best character!!!
Does Hardin only own black shirts and ripped jeans ( I mean same)
Hardin having a sudden change if heart....I don't trust this
Oh she just decided to go with him....why?
This seems like a very long drive
Bring her to the woods? That's not creepy at all ...oh wait yes it is very
He's wearing all black and she's wearing all white ...you aren't clever movie
Did she forgot that she hated him like yesterday
Ok this lake scene is a little cute
Nice doesn't not mean boring ....that's a red flags  ...run Tessa run
With different music this movie would be a horror film a swear
Don't kiss.....well now they're kissing ....stop it
This kiss scene is edited kind of strangely
These actor don't have the best chemistry not sure if that's the acting or the fault of the writing 
Let's see how long this movie plays before they have sex
You still have a boyfriend Tessa
This so far the most normal scene in the movie...this burger date scene
Also now I'm hungry
You said you didn't believe in love you edge lord
How did those guys know they where there
Also Molly why you such a bitch ....does she do anything else but be a bitch
Also Tessa just left her burger ... wasteful
Hardin you were almost a nice person for a full 15 minutes
This isn't Avril Lavigne singing ...sad (complicated is playing btw)
She just woke up and Hardin is in her bed staring at her ...I hope this is a dream.. this is creepy
You're here isn't the reaction one should have
Oh good it was dream
Dump Noah... please Tessa he's the worst
Hardin got his pissed off face again...
This scene went 0-100 very quick
Like was Jace being creepy....I think he was but it went by way to quick
I like Tessa bike
I'm confused.. that's right Tessa what happened
So he has daddy issue
This boy is like a yo-yo he keeps going from one extreme to the other
Red flag ....so many red flags
And they are kissing again
So Hardin is a dick to Tessa makes out with her like once and only nice to her when it's just the two of them...and now they are having sex.. ok then
Also like 51 minutes into the movie btw
Did they have sex ...maybe I don't know ....everything is filmed weird in this movie
How did he get there so fast
Also this break up scene is Tessa best scene acting wise just saying
Steph has a cute little music note tattoo
Steph/ Tessa the only ship I support
When did Hardin get her number?
Do Noah and her mom have like weekly chats or something
Oh now she's talking to Hardin....is she no longer mad at him...ok then 
Oh time for a backstory...I see
You barley know Hardin .....I don't get how she fell in love him
It should not be that easy to sneak into a building
Also you couldn't read to her in like your room on your bed or something
I kind of dig this movies soundtrack not going to lie
Ok Hardin jumping over the entrance and Tessa just talking through was funny I'll give them that
Oh this is they in love part of the movie I see
Like these two could be really cute if not for any other scene in this movie that involves other characters
Wait now are they having sex for the first time?
Uugghh the mom showed up
First her daughter's not a kid anymore and like it's confusing we haven't seen her skip class or even do badly in school so I don't get where the mom is coming from at all
You can't make your daughter break up with her boyfriend
Ok yes Tessa tell you mom off....please she needed to hear that
Tessa did like nothing and her mom wants to just cut her off... I take it back the mom is now the worst person in this movie
Landon why are you in this movie....you haven't really done anything at all
"oooh she paint's" I don't know why that made me laugh
This relationship is moving very fast....they now live together or want to
Also I pretty sure his plans just living at another person house and hoping know one finds out
All these scenes look like they were just shot for the trailer
Not this again.....when did the first time happen
There's like 35 minutes left.....how long till the big break up or fight . .only for them to get back together at the very end
Wait his father's not British?
They really didn't want anyone out side of Hardin to be British
Oh now his dad's a drunk....why is this only being brought up now
I keep thinking one of them are going to fall in the pool
Wait is this their first time having sex
I'm going with yes? Maybe
Ok so sex is definitely happening this time
Also wear protection ...at least movie promotes safe sex
Ok I love the look of that bath tub
Molly can all she do is be a bitch to Tessa
Hardin you better not be dating Molly
Also Tessa don't go snooping around in his phone 
Jace....still creepy
Blind bobs? ...ok
Steph best person ....she's just a good friend
Tessa just be with Steph she'd treat her right
Oh Hardin no please
Hardin.... nooooooooooooo
Hardin you fucker
Like I kind of saw it coming up still Hardin no
Slap him Tessa do it do it
Or just leave that works too
Also we got like 16 minutes before the movie ends so let's see how long till the get back together
I mean they shouldn't because not cool Hardin
Did she just leave....doesn't she have school
At least her mom isn't being a bitch at the moment
Now she's going to talk to Noah....just say your sorry do not get back with him ....he's still a dick
Still into this soundtrack
Oh here mom stop cutting her off that's good
I hope her and Steph make up and stay friends
Be sad Hardin you dick
Also why are all his books so nice looking
10 minutes almost done
So Tessa is following her dreams and Hardin is sitting on a roof sad....again ...ha
A professor can't just give other students work away ....also why does the professor know it was for Tessa
What even was this final project
Darcy and Heathcliff are very different characters and stories I'm just saying
There making a sequel so I'm guessing ending means it's going to work out in the end
Fade to black
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geeisafleabag · 7 years
My Full Review Of “It (2017)”
So yesterday I got to see the high anticipated movie IT staring one of my favorite actors, Bill Skarsgard. Before I go any further, let me explain to you guys that I was a fan of this story line (and watched the original and read half of the book -- don't judge me it was over a thousand fucking pages) so my opinion is based just as much on the lore as it is on the performances of all actors. I'm gonna put the rest of this under a read more because I'll be mentioning things that are a HUGE spoiler warning for people who haven't seen it and I am not gonna be that person, okay?
So the movie basically starts with the set up of Bill (the character) making a boat for his brother, Georgie. I think we all know by now what happens to the poor kid in the rain coat as the scene with Pennywise and Georgie was released -- though not in full, but i'll explain this statement later. Of course, you can't just sail a paper boat in water, so Georgie must go down to the basement to get some wax for Bill to pain the boat with to protect it. So there's this whole creepy scene of the deep dark basement, which basically is like showing the bad that's bound to happen, but it doesn't happen here, folks. Georgie gets his wax and runs back up the stairs.
Okay cool. I'm feeling a little sentimental. I have a little brother of my own. I can relate. So he finishes the boat and Georgie goes out to play in the rain. This is where shit gets real, okay? The audience laughs at the poor kid hitting his head on the sign, but that laughter fades out when we all see Pennywise on the big screen for the first time. And oh my god he's beautiful.
The changing of his eye color to lure him in is the most painful part. I found it ironic though that he taunted him for a statement he said "Bill is gonna kill me". I couldn't help but chuckle because...in an ironic sense...Bill...did kil him...but Bill as in Skarsgard. Da dum tss.. okay I'm not funny. Anyways, so Pennywise is being all funny. POP POP POP and giggling with this little boy and then he just...stops. Like he even growls a little bit and I'm sat here like...I am both horrified and...aroused...because I have a problem okay.
So he's like don't you want your boat back? And this dumb ass fucker reaches for it. He should have known that when that fucker pulled it back that he was playing some games. I would have retrieved my arm right then and there and ran my bitch ass home, but not Georgie. So of course, with his whole live arm inside of the damn drain, rows of teeth come out of this damn clown's mouth and he literally bites his whole fucking arm off!
Let me put an aside that I've watched all seasons of American Horror Story. Roanoke was one of the most gorey and I pushed through that without shedding a tear. So how come this boy gets his arm bit the fuck off and I start crying? Like he starts screaming and he tries to get away finally but falls over. So there's blood in this damn rain and this fucker reaches his whole live hand out of the sewer and pulls this boy into the damn sewer.
So here's me, crying like hell because of that poor boy. But I was not ready for the shit storm that was about to happen. So we meet the Losers Club. Bill is the boy with the stutter and he's got this obsession trying to find Georgie. For whatever reason, he still thinks the boy is alive and anyone who says otherwise will get a very angry stuttering boy at them. I can relate to this. I can imagine losing my brother and being angry. Accepting death isn't something a child can so easily accept.
So anyways, we've got the asshole bullies who I hate with a passion. Though I see the long haired one (hell i suck at names) with dark hair and I instantly say to myself...that's Teen Kylo Ren right there. Angst seeps through his pores. Anyways, but yeah we meet Eddie who is the funniest little shit you'll ever meet. He's the smallest but has the smartest mouth and an overbearing mother. Then Richie who always has something to say. Basically this whole movie is full of smart ass kids who curse a lot.
I felt bad mostly though for Beverly and Mike, as they were the two I related the heaviest to. Bev for her walk into womanhood and Mike for the blatant racism he had to face. I'm not gonna sum up the whole movie because that would take forever, but honestly, these kids did amazing and I was literally so emotionally invested in these kids.
I'll admit though that the whole movie I wanted Ben x Bev and got Bill x Bev instead and I was hella toasty about it. Ben is a babe who deserves the absolute world. I recited the poem with him when he wrote it on a post card. Your hair is winter fire. January Embers. My heart burns there too. UGH SO GOOD!
Anyways!! So Besides that, I was constantly cringing at Bev's nasty father and I wanted to punch every boy for sexualizing her. Home girl barely had any tits leave her the fuck alone.
But it was so great to see the group come together and more importantly realize that they couldn't fight this thing one on one. The importance of their friendship is what kept them from falling into the hands of the clown. Bev was kind of the glue that kept them together and though there was an attempt to break the losers club apart, Pennywise taking her is what brought them back together.
These boys were playing no games. But of course, this led them into that creepy ass house and led to another scene that literally made me cry. I don't know what it is about Georgie, but he's the reason for all of my pain. He appears to Bill a few times. The "You'll float too" scene was the literal worst (in a good way). Which ends up happening in the basement btw there's that thing i mentioned early. My writing is so messy, because my thoughts are everywhere. But yeah so they go down the well and they're in the sewers and pennywise is purposely trying to split them up.
He almost get's Stanley and like sucks his fucking face or some shit but the crew comes in and saves the day. So Bill gets lured off by Georgie. He finds Bev and this fucker is like...I'll come back for you. aka the main reason he didn't deserve jack shit from her. Like I get it, you thought you saw your lost brother but he's dead, man. Help the living first??
But this whole horrible scene happens where Georgie is like...he let me have my boat back...and then this fucker...starts crying...PLEASE TAKE ME HOME! and by this point the tears are streaming and Bill...fucking takings the gun that Mike brought that like...kills sheep or whatever and is like "You're not Georgie" and shoots that fucker in the head and he drops like a fucking dead body like my heart stopped.
So I'm thinking maybe this fucker survived and now he's dead because of his dumb ass brother so I am crying so hard ok and then this fucker starts fucking vibrating. This shit ends up looking like something out of a dr seuss movie or some shit because he changes into the clown and I'm like oh thank god. (also flash back to Pennywise fucking dancing for Bev because that was fucking hilarious) but basically this fucker is like lets go so they all fight him okay. And he's switching back and forth to all the shit that scares them. But you can't scare them all at once asshole and some of them just make them angry.
So he's getting a beat down but he fucking gets Bill and says...leave...I'll eat Bill and yall can go grow old and these fuckers are like we can't and he gets that ass beat again and none of them are scared of him so he turns into nothingness or whatever. So then it turns into them making a blood promise to come back and Bev and Bill have their moment and i'm just like bitch really??? so the lights come on and i am literally shaking.
The movie is two hours and it felt so short, but I've drunk all of my damn drink and I have to pee, but I AM SHAKING!!!
Basically, this is what I've gotta say. My emotions were played with in the best of ways. Bill Skarsgard and all of the kids did so fucking amazing and I just want to thank Andy so much for directing such a wonderful movie and keeping that nasty gang bang scene out because Bev deserves better!
I'd give it 9 out of 10. I don't know if I didn't find it truly scary because I was like mmf that's my dad in all that make up or what, but that's really the only reason it's not a solid 10.
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boystownbirdie · 7 years
Welcome back to Let Me Watch TV 4 U, the blog where I watch TV for you! Tonight we’re talking bout Game of Thrones season 7 episode 6, “Beyond the Wall” aka Disney Presents The Walking Dead on Ice! Let’s jump right in to this icy abyss, shall we?!
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We open on a curious panning across of a map, and no I’m not talking about the opening credits. It looks like the giant map/table in Dragonstone? 
However we quickly cut to our Eastwatch crew...
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...who are marching one by one further and further North. We’ve got Bae, (the artist formerly known as) Stoney, New-Thor (let’s just say Thor, shall we? He’s not so new anymore), Gingerbae, Gingerbun, Eyepatch, the Hound and approx 5 rando nightswatch dudes and/or wildlings who are doomed because no backstory = dead first.
First, we get some ice-breakers (sorry can’t stop won’t stop) when Thor tells us he’s never even seen snow before and I’m like bb boi come here to Chicago I’ll show you some midwestern winters! Thor is also still feeling a little salty toward Eyepatch and Gingerbun for selling him off to the red witch while the Hound keeps score and is like, Thor you didn’t really have it so bad. Gingerbun hands Thor the olive branch in the form of a flask.
Meanwhile, Gingerbae asks Bae about Khaleesi and Bae is all coy but GB sees right through that. Gingerbae helpfully reminds us that he still loves Brienne of Tarth (aka Ladyknight) very much.
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Bae and Stoney swing their swords around (not a euphemism) and Bae tries to give his huge fancy sword to Stoney since it belonged to Stoney’s dad. Stoney is like naw, it’s yours man, give it to your KIDS. And we’re supposed to be thinking, whoa! Is Bae on the market for marriage/kids? Cuz sign us all up! Later Eyepatch tells Bae that Bae doesn’t really look like Ned Stark which, duh, cuz we know Bae is Ned’s nephew. But also Bae’s bio-dad was Khaleesi’s bro and apparently had silver-white hair like her so WHERE DID BAE GET HIS LEWKS FROM? Heaven, apparently.
Before we get into the meat, pun intended, let’s pop into Winterfell, shall we?
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Sansa and Arya discuss gender roles and Arya tells us a tale of their dad, Ned Stark, sort of tacitly approving of her being a fighter rather than a lady. And then she’s like, speaking of, dad was killed by the Lannisters with YOUR help, Sansa. Arya brings up the letter she found last week that poor bb Sansa was forced to right by QPC and is not happy about it. And Sansa is really caught off guard but also like STEP ALL THE WAY OFF, I have been THROUGH IT. They argue about the past few years and who’s had it the worst but also as Leslie Knope would say, uteruses before duderuses, ya know?
Later, Sansa is talking to Littlefinger, who set up all this nonsense anyway and he’s like well Ladyknight can be your referee since she lurves both of you? But then Sansa sends Ladyknight away to King’s Landing to be her proxy in this upcoming summit with QPC. Towards the end of ep, Sansa decides to do some snooping of her own a la Arya last week and finds Arya’s suitcase full of faces from the face-swapping-assassin-training-academy which Arya dropped out of after a misunderstanding with a professor who wanted her killed. Sansa is like srsly, WTF? And Arya explains the face-swapping thing which sounds crazy the first time you hear it, but so did dragons and we got them now so all’s fair, right? Arya grabs a knife and basically threatens to cut Sansa’s face off but then hands Sansa the knife and scoots outta there. So at the end of the day, no Stark-on-Stark crime this week but stay tuned!
We pop in to see Khaleesi and Tyrion chatting by the fire…
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She’s like, you know what I like about you? You’re not brave. And he’s like umm thanks? And then she’s like all of my fave bois are brave but stupid and she includes Bae on that list. And T is like, so you’re taking a liking to him, eh? They discuss strategy and have a little tiff wherein Khaleesi again questions T’s loyalty. And then he’s like btw, you said you can’t have kids so...who gets to be in charge when you die? And she’s like let’s cross that bridge when we come to it, and he’s like it’s called a LIVING WILL for a reason, babe.
Back North of the wall...
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Bae and Gingerbae spot a bear but they’re like, that’s weird… he’s got blue eyes-ahhh zombie bear! Zombie bear kills one of the no-name/ no-backstory guys (like we care!?) and maims Gingerbun. Eyepatch smartly cauterizes the wound with his flaming sword while the Hound is too busy having PTSD about fire. Really unfortunate to be afraid of fire in a world without electricity, huh?
Bae and Gingerbae spot a small crew of ice zombies and decide to take one of them prisoner. During the scuffle, Bae kills a leader-ice-zombie and suddenly all of his pals drop dead too. They find out that you kill the leader, the rest die too- good to know! But in capturing their prisoner-zombie, his squeals seem to alert the 5 million other ice zombies to their location and next thing you know, the crew is about to be trapped. Bae smartly tells Thor to run back to the wall and tell Khaleesi the scoop. Poor Thor has to give up his hammer before he leaves so that the rest of the crew has more zombie-smashing tools.
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SOMEHOW, I still don’t understand the logistics of it all, but Bae and crew get stuck on this little island surrounded by a frozen lake. The 5 billion zombies surround them but can’t walk further into the lake without falling in. It’s a real pickle. Luckily, Thor does make it back to the wall to tell No-Knuckles to send word to Khaleesi.
Speaking of Khaleesi, that raven flew fast because she already got the scoop. She is DECKED OUT in her cold-weather best and is heading North to save the day with all 3 dragons. Tyrion is like BAD IDEA HUN but she goes anyway. While Khaleesi flies like the actual wind on her #1 dragon, poor Gingerbun has succumbed to his injures or maybe freezes in the night and is no longer with us. So, much like Rose must let go of frozen Jack (but why does she say “I’ll never let go” as she is literally letting go? I’ll never understand the word choice), Eyepatch has to burn Gingerbun’s body before he becomes a zombie too.
Sidenote: Why didn’t everyone bring weapons made of dragonglass or valyrian steel? We know now that only these 2 things plus fire kills the ice zombies and Bae just mined heaps of dragonglass from Khaleesi’s basement for this very purpose. Sometimes I think I should be the King in the North, ya know!?
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But back to the battle, the Hound decides to skip stones across the lake like an idiot, which leads the ice zombies to learn that the lake is frozen solid again. Now that the zombies can cross the lake, they attack the crew and they are VICIOUS. Bae and co retreat to another little island but are completely surrounded and basically dead. Bae is tweakin’ out probably thinking about what a bad idea all of this was, when all of the sudden, Khaleesi’s dragons have landed!
They all fly around burning up ice zombies by the hundreds and narrowly missing our crew. After Khaleesi successfully wipes out a good number of zombies, she lands to let her priority boarding pass holders on dragon #1 with her. Meanwhile, Bae is still fighting off some zombies. The #1 in charge ice zombie aka the Night King, throws a giant ice spear at #2 or #3 dragon (honestly idk, let’s say #3) and makes it on the first try. It’s sad that #3 gets speared and all but I’m kinda like wow nice shot. Dragon #3 falls into the icy water and sinks and Khaleesi is weepin’ about it.
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At the same time, Bae is now fully overrun by interloping zombies and this FLIGHT IS ABOUT TO DEPART, honey! He falls into an ice-hole and Khaleesi sees the Night King winding up his ice javelin so she has to go. I know what you’re thinking, wow Bae is super dead, right? He fell into a frozen lake whilst being attacked by zombies. WELL YOU ARE WRONG.
Bae crawls outta that ice hole, grabs his fancy sword, and starts walking. Soon enough the zombies see him walking in a non-zombie-like fashion so they are on it. BUT Bae’s uncle Benjen (who is pretty much the only person whose relationship with Bae is unchanged by his whole bio-dad and bio-mom thing!) rolls up on his horse with his incense-swinger! Uncle B saves Bae (remember Uncle B saved Bran last season?) and sticks him on his horse, but stays behind to fight off zombies with his incense-swinger. Bae, who is like 65% Leo-from-Titanic-frozen at this point, heads back to the wall.
The rest of the crew are back at Eastwatch and we learn that the Hound is the one who’ll be bringing the “sample zombie” back to show QPC. Khaleesi is watching from the top of the wall to see if Bae makes it back while Stoney is like, let it go, he’s dead, I’m alive and recently not-Stoney...when suddenly Bae rides back to camp.
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On the ship back to Khaleesi-ville, Khaleesi sees Bae on the operating table and notices that he has a stab-scar on his heart. Remember when Bae died and then got brought back to life but then Bae has been super secretive about it? Well the secret's out babe! She watches him being warmed up/revived and sits there watching him sleep for awhile #gottaenjoytheview. When he wakes up (still topless!) he’s like wow I’m so sorry #3 dragon died this was a horrible plan. And she’s like no, I’m glad I saw the army of zombies. I will fight with you, Bae.
And Bae is like wow, also I know I said I wouldn’t kneel to you but honey, I will. Then he calls her Dany and she’s like...eww...my creepy bro used to call me that. And he’s like well then I’ll just call you MY KWEEN. And I’m like yassss gaga. Also they hold hands. Also, she’s like I can’t have kids, ok?!? So just… cards on the table. They hold hands some more and it looks like we might get a little kiss but naw, she’s G2G.
In our last scene, we see thousands of zombies working together (good for you! teamwork!) to pull dragon #3 out of the frozen lake. The Night King walks over and touches him and BAM! ZOMBIE DRAGON. SHIT IS GONNA GET REAL.
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Let’s recap:
Biggest surprise this ep: Uncle Benjen? How did you know Bae was in this part of town?
Biggest letdown: I wanted more witty banter from Thor! Also, enough with the will-they won’t-they, GoT. This isn’t Cheers!
Important fashion moments: Khaleesi’s Wintertime Fantasy Realness was GIVING ME LIFE. THAT. COAT. 
Who died this ep? Gingerbun, a lot of ice zombies, Uncle Benjen (although he was kinda already dead?) and dragon #3. RIP Gingerbun I will miss being confused-ly attracted to you.
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caranfindel · 6 years
Recap/review 14.04: “Mint Condition “
THEN: Michael's gone. Supposedly. Dean feels bad. Ghosts are a thing. Salt circles. Monster Kaia's magic spear.
NOW: A comic book/collectibles store. The camera pans over a variety of figurines and memorabilia, including a poster for the movie Hell Hazers, which you may remember from Hollywood Babylon, (thank you, Continuity Fairy!) and briefly pauses on a poster for the movie All Saints' Day before showing a television. Someone's watching Shocker TV, showing scary movies "24 hours a day, all week long." We see clips from Route 666 and that movie they were filming in Hollywood Babylon, whose name escapes me, as well as from a movie we will eventually find out is All Saint's Day. Cut to a guy unpacking a box of collectibles under the watchful eye of a long-haired freak right out of All Saints' Day. I keep waiting for this guy to realize he's being watched, but I am the one who eventually comes to a realization - that's not a guy, it's a statue.
The guy unpacks a box and literally drops it in shock. Because it's haunted, right? No, it's just a Thundercats collectible figure Panthro, in its original box. (No one in my house knows anything about Thundercats, but I assume this is a real character.) He stuffs the box in a backpack, and then his phone rings. The incoming call is a video call, which is weird, because people this age don't even call each other, let alone via video, but it makes for better television, so we'll let it go.
The caller is a girl named Sam, who is apparently his boss. She immediately starts berating the guy for his bad customer service, which resulted in a negative Yelp review. He promises to do better and confirms that she's coming over for game night. Stewart picks up his bag and a set of keys on a Batman keyring and locks up the store, under the watchful eye of the creepy statue.
(Boy, this is a lot of recap before we even get to the title card...)
We see Stewart at his house, arguing with a pizza delivery place. Panthro is sitting on a table and he turns and looks at him. It's surprisingly well done, BTW. Stewart turns to see Panthro on the floor, gets closer, watches Panthro swing his mace, and then screams.
Title card!
Bunker. Dean's lying on his bed, eating pizza and watching Hatchet Man: All Saints' Day, which is a gloriously cheesy salute to the 80s. Well, I'm glad he finally got a TV in his room, but does this mean the Fortress of Deanitude is no more? Is it full of refugee hunters now? Aw, that's sad.
{Sidebar: I wonder if this movie is called All Saints' Day because they knew the episode would be shown on All Saints' Day, and were being meta/clever? Or is it just supposed to be a riff on the Halloween franchise?}
Sam comes in and asks what he's doing, and when Dean looks up, he's shocked to see the Beard of Despair is gone. "Why are you so surprised?" Sam says. "Obviously, judging from my glorious scruff, it's been a few days since I shaved. Have you really not seen me in a day or two?" (No, he doesn't really say that.) But Dean says "it's so smooth; it's like a dolphin's belly." And it's not. It's really not. And as much as I love the scruff - which is quite a bit - I'd also like to see Sam's pretty face smooth as a dolphin's belly sometime. Just sayin'.
Sam (still) wonders if Dean's okay, since he hasn't really come out of his room in a week, which I guess explains how he missed the Big Shave. Dean expositions that Cas is "showing Jack the ropes," because if Jack wants to learn how to be a hunter, there's no better teacher than Cas, right? Absolutely no one. And with Monster!Kaia and Michael "in the wind," and his home full of strangers, Dean apparently figures he's got nothing better to do than hole up in his room watching Hatchet Man movies. (Is Hatchet Man the franchise, and All Saints' Day just one of the titles? I'm having trouble getting a grip on this.)
He knows Sam doesn't get it, because Sam doesn't even like scary movies. "Our life is a scary movie," Sam points out. And speaking of which, he's found a case. He shows Dean a YouTube video of a bloodied Stewart describing his Panthro attack, and I wish I could take credit for this catch, but I saw it on Tumblr... look at the left side of the screen. The "Recommended for You" videos are about zombies, a conspiracy theory, and how to clean your sink, which are all very interesting, but look at the "Up Next" video.
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Oh, Sammy knows just what he's doing, and I love him for it. He's all, we don't have to take this case involving KILLER THUNDERCAT TOYS if you're not interested, but he's got Dean exactly where he wants him.
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His smug little face at the end of this scene gives me life.
Guys, I was so ready for this. A MotW, and Sam giving Dean a hunt he knows he'll enjoy just to help him kick his Michael blues... This is the show I'm here for!
The guys show up at the comic book store dressed like absolute dorks, in short-sleeved shirts and ties. Sam has a pocket protector. I don't know why. But it's single-layer Winchesters and I'm gonna embrace it. Looks like this episode is happening on Halloween and not on All Saints' Day, because they're accosted by costumed children outside the store. Dean comments that Sam still isn't a fan of Halloween (which we've known ever since the pilot; thanks again to the Continuity Fairy). Sam confirms.
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Apparently this red mask is a character Jensen voiced in an animation? And of course Jared was in House of Wax. Pretty deep meta here, Show.
BossLady!Sam is there, wearing a red plaid shirt, and Dean comments that she's like Sam's twin. "I don't know what you're talking about," Sam says, as he and BossLady!Sam tuck their hair behind their ears in sync, and I die.
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That’s me, in a puddle on the floor.
“Soft, delicate features," Dean points out. "Luxurious hair. She's like your Wonder Twin." All of this is true, Dean, and good on you for noticing that your brother has soft, delicate features and luxurious hair. Sam notices a guy stocking the shelves - black All Saints' Day t-shirt, shortish spiky hair, lollipop just like the one Dean snagged at the door - and says "if that's me, then that's you over there."
Dean's distracted (and delighted) by the Hatchet Man statue, giving him the name David Yaeger. {Sidebar: did you know the word jager means hunter in German?} His doppelganger encourages him to push a button that plays his catch phrases from the movie, including "we all do bad things sometimes." Which is, like Dean's motto. Dean's joy is infectious and adorable.
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BossLady!Sam finishes her business with the police and asks what she can do to help the guys, offering "Funko Pops, Magic cards," and given the number of Supernatural Funko Pops decorating my office, I'm pleased with that shout-out. Sam asks about Stewart as Dean asks about vintage Hot Wheels, and Dean, I am very sad to inform you that Hot Wheels apparently never made a 1967 Chevy Impala.
The guys introduce themselves as Ian Gillan and Ritchie Blackmore (Deep Purple, The Husband points out) from Campbell and Sons Insurance (hee!), wanting to speak to Stewart. Presumably not about Hot Wheels, unless he got run over by one. They'd gone to his place, but his roommate said he moved out. Or got kicked out. BossLady!Sam explains that Stewart is an "acquired taste" who makes a lot of online enemies, and he can be found at his mom's house.
I still don't understand why the guys are dressed like nerds. Is it a Halloween costume? Because we've seen them as insurance agents before, and they were wearing regular suits.
Mom's house. Mom puts a couple of mugs on the table - one is a superhero (Flash, maybe?) and one is decorated with cats - and announces that Stewie will be up in just a minute. Dean reaches for the superhero mug, even though it was placed in front of Sam, but the joke's on you, Dean, because we now know Sam likes cats! But more importantly, Dean has added a pair of black Clark Kent eyeglasses to his getup. WHY? I mean, it's hilarious, but WHY?
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We hear Stewart pitching a fit in the basement. He stomps upstairs and sees the Winchesters, and I know the guy in the store was supposed to be Dean's avatar, but this guy is wearing a RED SHIRT WITH A SQUIRREL ON IT. COME ON .
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Truly a Red Shirt of Bad Decisions.
We learn that Sam is aware of Fortnight, and Dean notices the smell of burning sage. Stewart explains that he dated a goth chick who told him it would bring good luck, but he broke up before they could "merl." Dean's as confused as I am about "merl," but Sam explains it's MIRL - Meet In Real Life. Dean asks how he knows what that means, and Sam very quickly changes the subject. And this opens up all sorts of interesting possibilities, doesn't it, regarding Sam's online activities and his knowledge of MIRLing, and that would certainly be an entertaining rabbit hole to go down, and I hope some of y'all indulge in that, fic-wise or meta-wise or whatever. I look forward to reading it.
Anyway. Sam asks about the Panthro attack, and Stewart jumps in to say he made it up. When Dean presses, he gets mad and kicks them out of the house and then we cut to an exterior shot and WHAT THE FUCK? NOW DEAN HAS A TACKY CHECKERED BLAZER? It's like he's slowly turning into Matt Foley from SNL. At some point in this episode he's got to say something about living in a van down by the river.
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Dean refers to Stewart as "Big Bang," which reminds me that I meant to ask, when we first learned his name, if he was a shout-out to Stewart the comic book store owner on Big Bang Theory. {Sidebar: Would this be a reciprocal shout-out, since that show has a character named Kripke? Is there a connection I don't know about?} Given Stewart's Wiccan girlfriend, they think the toy might have been under a spell, and they decide to check the house for hex bags later. Although I don't know how she would have left any in the house, since they never MIRLed.
Later. The guys are sitting in the car, still outside Stewart's house, when a little lumberjack and vampire walk by. Look, it’s Dean and Benny!
Sam’s instructing someone to use lamb's blood and "stay safe," because he's still Chief, Dean, whether you like it or not. Dean asks "seriously, what is your deal with Halloween," and "don't give me that 'every day is Halloween for us' crap." It's kind of odd that he doesn't already know. I mean, we already know. His life is Halloween. And his mother died two days after Halloween. {Sidebar: Is it just headcanon, fueled by fanfic, that John got blind stupid drunk every year around the anniversary of Mary's death? Or is that canon?} The conversation is interrupted when Stewart's mom leaves the house, and the guys have to duck - toward each other - to avoid being seen. It's ridiculous and hilarious and I love it.
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Dean could have just taken off the Clark Kent glasses.
Sam suspects Stewart changed his story because he's being brutally mocked online. And he won't say the word bitch. Is this something we can't do now that we're airing at an earlier hour, Show? Then Stewart comes out of the house, bloody and screaming for help. Dean goes inside, gun drawn, and follows a trail of blood to Stewart's man cave (um, boy cave?). As he gazes at a Texas Chainsaw Massacre poster, he hears a chain saw, which hurtles into the room and barely misses his pretty head.
Hospital. Stewart's mom, still in costume, sits at his side and thanks the guys for saving his life. She wants to go home and get his favorite pillow, but they convince her to stay. "Everything's fine," Dean tells her. "Everything is not fine," he says to Sam, as they leave the room. He says he swept the room for hex bags and found nothing, but the EMF went crazy. So it's a ghost. Hey, guys, you should have watched the "Then." We already knew that. Dean is going to stay at the hospital and keep Mom from going back to the house, while Sam asks around to see if anybody "got dead lately."
At the house, Sam finds the light switch in the Den of Stewartitude doesn't work, even though a lamp and computer monitors are turned on in the room. He laughs at himself for being startled by the Panthro toy and says "nice, Sam, smooth," and for some reason this just almost makes my heart burst open. The toy isn't putting off EMF now, which he finds odd. Then he looks at one of the monitors and sees a group photo of Stewart, LadyBoss!Sam, Dean's doppelganger, and an older man.
Back at the hospital, Dean's doppelganger is standing outside Stewart's darkened room. He is wearing an army green canvas jacket and has acquired some scruff of his own and he's just such a precious little mini Dean; I can't stand it. He asks what Dean's doing there, and Dean says he's just keeping an eye on Stewart. "He must have awesome insurance," Doppelganger says. Which is very funny, and also very Dean, because he says "awesome" so much. I love it.
Dirk explains that Stewart is a jerk, but he's his best friend, and he's there when Dirk needs him. They eat pizza and watch movies and who else does that, my friends? You know who. Then the guys bond over their love of scary movies, and it looks like the franchise is actually called All Saints' Day. I'm sure you were really dying to know. Stewart comments that no hospital would ever be that empty, and Dean says he's been to a lot of hospitals at night, and "trust me, it gets pretty empty," and at first that's just heartbreaking because I figure he was at these hospitals because John or Sam were injured. But maybe he's just thinking about hunts in hospitals. (Again, I need to differentiate fic-fueled headcanon from actual canon.) And then Dean says he likes to watch movies "where I know the bad guy's gonna lose" and yep, my heart is definitely broken.
Sam shows up at the store and asks BossLady!Sam if anyone close to Stewart has died lately. She explains that Jordan, who used to own the store, was kind of a Willy Wonka to her, Stewart, and Dirk (Aha! His name is Dirk! Which is close to Dean, and hasn't Dean actually been called Dirk before?). He died and left the store to BossLady!Sam and Dirk. Not Stewart, because he fired him twice for stealing. But she hired him back because he's a friend. It seems like Stewart has better friends than he deserves. She tells Sam that Jordan was cremated, and then we see something frosting over behind her.
Sam is adorable, trying to look casual as he pulls out his EMF meter and it lights up like a Christmas tree. He tells her it's a carbon monoxide detector and she needs to leave. He starts to tell her she's in danger, and then the David Yeager statue smacks him into the comic book display and knocks him out cold. Even though he hits it with his back. (Handwave!)
When he wakes up, BossLady!Sam is terrified but unhurt. She gets a quick version of the "monsters are real" speech and finds that the door is locked, and Hatchet Man took the keys. He throws something at the door, but it's shatterproof glass. Apparently Jordan was serious about thieves, which explains why he's so keen on killing Stewart, that Panthro-stealing little asshole.
He calls Dean, who's fanboying with Dirk about horror movies, and tells him it's Jordan's ghost. And the David Yaeger figure is on its way. Dean can hardly believe his luck. He pours a ring of salt around Stewart's bed, having given him the speech, and orders him to stay in it. Boy, it's a good thing they reminded us what salt is for in the "Then," or else we'd be really confused right now.
Store. BossLady!Sam figured out what I did, that Jordan wants to kill Stewart because he's a thief. She says she's been taking money out of his check to pay for what he steals, but Jordan wouldn't know that. Sam breaks his lockpick, and then asks if they have any cleaning supplies.
Hospital. Ghost stuff starts happening in Stewart's room, and Dirk panics and flees. Dean takes a hatchet out of a fire emergency box, even though I think that would probably set off a fire alarm. (Handwave!) Dirk's mom is carrying a tray of food from the cafeteria and comes across the Yaeger figure. She drops her tray and screams, just like the woman in the movie. Dirk shows up and puts on a stern face and tells Jordan that if he's going to kill his friend, he has to go through him. Oh Dirk, you sweet little thing, you're channeling Dean so hard now and I adore you. Jordan does come for Dirk, who says "crap" and runs off. There's a funny sequence where we cut back and forth between Dirk and some hospital guards who are watching All Saints' Day and ignoring the actual mayhem happening on their monitors.
Meanwhile, Sam is mixing drain cleaner and something else in a Scooby Doo lunchbox. {Sidebar: I'm not a Scooby Doo fan, but I love the show's constant references to it and the way the Continuity Fairy always remembers Dean's a fan.} BossLady!Sam asks how he learned to do this, and he says "I had a messed up childhood." It's funny because it's true. He hangs the lunchbox bomb on the door and they hide behind the desk. After it blows the door open, they both slowly peek over the desk and simultaneously say "cool." I'm starting to love Sam and his little doppelganger too.
Hospital. Dirk hides in the morgue (no, Dirk, never in the morgue!) and gets a scary hand on his shoulder, but it's Dean. Then a body on one of the gurneys sits up. Yeah, it's Yaeger.
At this point there's a fake movie promo for All Saints' Day III: The Reckoning. It starts out "Three Years Ago," which reminds me very much of a certain scene that starts out "Twenty two years ago." Looks like David Yaeger was killed in a fire on October 31, 1983, which is two days before Mary Winchester dies in a fire. Oh, you clever, clever show.
Back to the show. Dean gleefully fights the Yaeger figure. At least he's gleeful until it seems he's not doing very well. Sam and BossLady!Sam show up, and she's wearing Jared's coat from the EW Halloween photoshoot last year.
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Bless you, Show.
She figures out that Jordan must be attached to the Batman keychain. Meanwhile, Dean is cornered, and about to get axed, when precious little badass Dirk stabs Jordan in the back. It doesn't kill him, of course, but it gives Dean a chance to get up and start losing the fight again. The Sams run in and BossLady!Sam figures out that alcohol will help them burn the keychain faster. Whoosh! There goes Jordan, and the statue falls lifeless to the floor.
Aftermath. The guys tell Dirk and BossLady!Sam that everyone is safe now. The Impala scene starts with Dean thanking Sam for "giving me a win." Sam asks him to stop hiding out in his room. "What happened with Michael, you said yes for me, for Jack, for your family. You did the right thing." He says nothing Michael did afterward is Dean's fault, and he needs to stop blaming himself.
"I'm never gonna get over it, okay?" Dean says. "I'm just not." And once again, Sam could say "yes, I understand how you feel, because I've been there too," not to make this all about him, but just to commiserate and show Dean that he's not just blowing off his horrific experience, he knows how bad it was and he might have some good ideas about getting past it. And once again, he does not. But that's okay. What isn't okay is what happens next. Dean asks again why Sam hates Halloween, and Sam tells some ridiculous story about having a crush on a girl in sixth grade and throwing up on her at her Halloween party, and you know what? I just refuse to accept this. WE KNOW WHY SAM HATES HALLOWEEN. AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH A GIRL IN SIXTH GRADE. I don't know why you're doing this to me, Davy Perez. You're usually so good about canon. I cannot accept that Sam Winchester, whose entire life has been Halloween, whose mother died two days after Halloween, is distressed because of something that happened in sixth grade. I'm going to pretend this part never happened. Who's with me?
Dean says that next year, he and Sam are going to wear couples costumes (and if you happened to be wearing your shipping goggles, I think I heard you squealing). Batman and Robin. Bert and Ernie. (!) Rocky and Bullwinkle. (!!) Shaggy and Scooby. Turner and Hooch. Ren and Stimpy. Thelma and Louise. "We just it in drive and go." {Sidebar: Who wants the show to end that way, Thelma and Louise style?}
Meanwhile, back at the hospital, one of those useless security guards finds the Yaeger figure in the morgue. The guys left it there? Oh well. It's a good horror movie ending.
So! For the most part, this was just what I needed after three episodes of mytharc. A good MOTW with lots of humor and nods to canon. On the other hand, there's that one thing. But since I'm ignoring that one thing, I guess this was a fantastic episode! What did you guys think?
Please help me stay unspoiled, thanks!
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paintedcherry · 7 years
Dear Jack,
Hey Jack, i know you may or may not see this. I know this does not stand out because there’s no Art / Pic / Gif or Video in this post. I don’t really have the money or skills to do or fix up that stuff. Anyways, i just wanted to tell you how much you really mean to me. You being there for me for a long time, and by “You being there for me” i mean i have a journal called Dear Jack. I write a lot in my journal, and i talk to you. You helped me smile and laugh in the darkest days of my life. Many MANY times i went to you, talk to you, and just told you my feelings. I wanted to post this so i could saw you some quotes from my journal. Hopefully you will be able to see the whole journal one day. So here’s some quotes from the Dear Jack journal... @therealjacksepticeye​   Quote 1:  1/14/15 Dear Journal,   THIS IS SO STUPID!! Some fucking social worker give me a journal and told me to “write my feelings” in this stupid thing. I don’t really get how it helps? its one thing to take away me from my mom and put me in my mean purple haired grandma and my Jackass grandpa, who BOTH never liked me or never bothered to say “I love you” or even cared to send me a birthday card. NOW I’M TOLD TO WRITE MY FEELINGS??!! Well here you go. Anyways i don’t like them, and they don’t like me! I was told i was stupid and ignorant today. I hate being in foster care and its only been a month... Quote 2:  3/21/15 Dear Journal,   I got bullied again today, again. This time they slammed my head between my locker, after they did that, they beat me up to the point my ears where ringing and i could not get up or see. When i got home my grandparents did not care to ask if i was ok, but...I found this guy on YouTube. I don’t know how i found him, i was just looking in the gaming part of YouTube. Then i found...wait let me look at his name again. Oh his name is jacksepticeye. This guy just made me smile and laugh for hours!! I first saw him in “i dyed my hair green” don’t know how that would be on gaming but i’m SO HAPPY i found this guy!! Jack..i think that’s hes name, just helped me forget about everything bad that was going on, he just...has this personality just always makes me smile every time i hear or see him now. My favorite videos he does is the reading your comments, there so fun!! Anyways main thing is, i have something to look foreword to now. Quote 3:  4/6/15 Dear Journal,  i will no longer be writing to Journal, from now on i will be saying Dear Jack. Reason why is, i want to feel like i’m talking to a REAL PERSON then a book with paper. Also Why Jack? Well, i feel like i can just talk to Jack like a real person, Because he IS a real person. I don’t know, i just know i can talk to Jack about anything. So GOODBYE journal and HELLO Jack!!! Quote 4:  8/15/16  Dear Jack,  To days my birthday and i’m 14. Hooray...another day of being in the 4th foster home and being away from my fami-...mom, and having no friends. I got beat up in school today and had to help out on caring for the 4 baby's my foster mom has. *sigh* i hate my life Jack...i have no friends no family and no love...i only have you. I’m in a VERY dark place in my life right now Jack. I don’t know what will happen in the future and i cant stop thinking about the past, as for the present...its blurry to me. Sometimes i dream about myself outside my body looking down at it. As i look down, i only see a lost, unhappy child, that’s ready to die. I do want to die, i REALLY DO but...Jack, you help me see hope in my life. You help me smile, laugh, cry, care, love, and have feelings. Jack, when i talk to you and watch your videos, you help me feel better and live the next day. So don’t worry about me Jack, i do want to die but i’m to scared to do so. I want to be able to continue talking to you.  That’s all i have to show for now Jack. I REALLY hope you see or find this. Btw TO THIS DAY, i still write to you. Thank you Jack 💚 💚 💚
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 46 Review.
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In Battle Network universe, curry takes YOU out!
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Are you gonna explain how Regal gets Dr. Wily’s robot eye gene or something?
We begin the episode with one of my least favorite characters in this season demanding curry at the restaurant of my least favorite group of villaines. Count Elec is working while complaining about Rush and wondering if the WWW will ever come back. Suddenly, his PET starts to emit a sound with a bright red screen, and we see that the rest of the WWW members also have the same problem.
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They are all gathered at the Maha ichiban, with Rush still waiting for his dang curry, trying to figure out what is going on. The PETs then slowly reveal an image of Dr. Wily.
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Are we forgeting already that Madoi has sleeves?
After the title card we see that all PETs are connected to a tv where they find out that it is a video recording of Dr.Wily’s will. Wily tells them about a special chip where he engraved his intellect and where to find it.
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All of this as the monitor shows the mod code for HP+250 for some reason.
After hearing this the WWW members are amazed and glad that they will finally return, but a certain dog hears them and escapes to alert our heroes.
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Another way to make this character useful. I honestly don’t know why they don’t even question Rush, like they already know who he is and what he can do.
We cut to Netto who is happily skating while singing Aki’s cheezy song (very badly BTW) until he is surprised by Rush who suddenly appears in his way. Rush seems to be trying to tell him something, but Netto simple can’t understand him.
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Why? She speaks bitch? XD (It’s not a bad word if I’m not using it as an insult)
In the next scene we see the Ex-WWW stealing a helicopter from a local airport by drowning the employees in curry. I also want to point out that Madoi and Count Elec are wearing those weird looking hats from when they were hand gliding in episode 31.
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Custom hats for their hair styles?
Madoi reminds them that Gauss might also be interested in finding Wily’s brain chip, before we see him at his company with the family picture we saw in episode 30.
Meanwhile, in Yaito’s secret tree house base, Roll somehow translates what Rush said about the Wily chip, (ignore the weird spacing in the second panel) and for some reason they all think it’s THEIR job to stop them.
Rush demonstrates once again that he can cross between worlds to show them the map to the chip, and right after this, Yaito calls them from a entirely different art style and background just so we can get Yaito’s animation of getting into her private jet Batman style.
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It just looks so weird going back and forth between art styles like that. Even the shading is different!
They find the island with no signs of the Ex-WWW anywhere, until Rockman totally jinx it because it turns out they were waiting for them to fly and shoot at them!
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Rockman in forth panel: “I hate to be right all the time”
It’s been a while since the WWW tried to MURDER Netto! They literally shoot at them because they knew Netto and Rockman were there!
After blasting them out of the sky, the WWW land on the island were they find a waterfall that, of course, has a jack-in point next to it. This means the waterfall is fake because it dries up once they plug-in to reveal the chip.
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Just plug-in, play Wily’s video and no more waterfall. Before they can take the chip though, one of Yaito’s drill cars bursts out of the ground. Yaito, Dekao and Tohru attempt to runaway with the chip only for the drill to stop working leaving them stuck there. Meanwhile, Netto is driving underground in a second drill car.
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“Girl please, who’s the main character here? I can find the plot with my eyes closed.”
The loser squad try to defend the chip, in a very poorly way because Mahajarama ends up picking it up easily after Madoi drops it. Hinouken celebrates, but they are all interrupted by a blimp from Gauss that suddenly arrives before cutting to commercials.
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We return from commercials with Gauss blasting the WWW helicopter with a laser from his airship.
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Yeap, that happend.
Gauss reveals himself and immediately proceeds to insult Madoi.
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I like how the camera switches to Madoi dissapearing and then going back to Gauss getting slapped by her. This is officially the second time Madoi slaps him.
Gauss reveals that he is interested in collecting Wily’s chip for his fan girl collection before Netto and Meiru finally burst out of the ground behind the blimp. Gauss then reveals a vital piece of information to eveyone.
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Whaaaaa... I’m just kidding, we already knew that.
Turns out Gauss changed the family name to Magnets after their mother died and considers the Count a failure. He offers to take him back on his blimp in return for him handing over the Wily chip. The Count accepts shocking everyone, except for Mahajarama who has fate in him.
Then Meiru comes running at Yaito and the others telling them that Netto is on that ship too.
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“Main character!”
Inside the airship, the Count refuses to hand over the chip and challenges Gauss to a Net Battle, but not just any Netbattle, one with the same rules used in his battle against Rockman back in episode 30. 
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Were the subs done by the same guys from episode 38? WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT?!
Gauss accepts and we then see Netto hiding in a closet where Rockman tells him that he will disable the security so he can sneak around. The electric battle begins with Elecman and Magnetman rushing at eachother as we then cut to Rockman taking out the security Navis with his cutted buster shot.
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I’m liking the lighting effects used in this episode.
Elecman attacks Magnetman with his Elec Sword, but the magnetic Navi blows him away. Magnetman attacks with his Mag balls, Elecman tries to avoid them but one of them eventually touches him causing the Count to get shocked by the battle machine.
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So gay. 
Anyway, the Count shuts him up after he sends a lightning rod to Elecman to protect him from Magnetman’s attacks and returning the damage to him.
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That’s not a real chip, but I don’t care.
Gauss gets angry and Magnetman manhandles Elecman.
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This battle is intense! I am personally rooting for Elecman and the Count. I don’t have anything against gay people, I just happen to dislike Gauss, and his Navi Magnetman is very vicious. You can see how Elecman struggles in the battle just for the Count. That is Navi loyalty at its finest!
Meanwhile, we go back to the island where one of Yaito’s maids tells her that their rescue crew has arrived, they can now go get Netto from Gauss’s blimp. Speacking of Netto, we cut to Rockman now in the Heat Guts style burning more security Navis to disable what I guess is a motion sensor.
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I think this is the first time we see burn marks left by the Heat Guts attack, it is suppouse to be a flamethrower after all.
Back to the battle, Elecman and Magnetman launch their attacks at the same time. The collission of their attacks for some reason means that both Gauss and the Count get electricuted. During this, a spark runs wild and starts a tiny fire somewhere in the blimp.
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Netto finally arrives at the room where they are having their Net Battle and spots Wily’s chip in front of their family picture.
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Just wanted to brag my good timing with this shot where Netto sees the Count before hiding.
Magnetman and Elecman are both tired, the fire in the airship starts to expand, the Navis decide to take the other one down with their fists resulting in a double log-out and both operators getting electricuted and falling over.
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On the floor, they both talk about the past. Gauss even admits that their mother and him were worried about the Count before she passed away. 
This tender conversation is interrupted by an explotion caused by the growing fire, but there is another surprise for them, Netto attempting to sneak away with the Wily chip behind their backs.
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You know, Netto, you could’ve taken advantage of the explotion to run away without them realizing it. 
Netto runs away and plugs out Rockman who was still burning security Navis in the cyberworld with Gauss and Count Elec right behind him.
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Rockman deleting the security might have weakend the airships emergency protocals in case of a fire...Wooops. Either that or Gauss’s blimp was poorly designed.
Netto tries to escape from them by running to the roof only to be stopped by the fire.
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Only in the original version can you find an openly gay Gauss.
Netto threatens them by throwing the chip overboard, but another explotion causes him to lose balance.
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The villains saved the hero?
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Of course they did it because they thought he still had the chip. Luckily for Netto, he grabs on to a lose part of the blimp slowly tearing its side and leaving him hanging from it.
Gauss and Count Elec once again start to fight over the chip, and once again an explotion occures making them fall over with the chip sliding pass between them and finally falling off the ship.
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LOL, there goes Wily’s brain.
The blimp is slowly falling with Netto getting closer to the water until something saves him from drowning or freezing to death.
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Oh no, its the return of the Yaito Mako!
Netto is saved and the blimp ends up crashing into an iceberg while our heroes just watch the bad guys die.
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Oh the Elec-Manity! Or Magnet-Manity? o-o
After this we see the Ex-WWW on a boat in front of the iceberg believing that their dear friend died. Of course this isn’t the case because the camera quickly shifts to the Count and Gauss bickering on a block of ice, ending the episode with both of them sneezing.
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What do I think?
The beginning was pretty dumb. Netto and friends just trying to stop the Ex-WWW like it was their responsability. I mean, granted, Rockman is the hero that stops their evil plans, but they never got directly involve before. Fighting against the WWW Navis was because they were causing problems to them and the rest of the city, but their operators don’t stand a chance against a group of adults in real life. The cyberworld is where Rockman is superior and is able to stop them, that’s the Battle Network formula, giving kids an advantage over adults.
The best and most important part of the episode was the revelation of Gauss and Count Elec being brothers and the Net Battle between their Navis. If you saw the anime before playing the games like me, this was something we were waiting for after seeing the Count’s family picture in episode 30. The game was pretty vague about this, how were we suppoused to know that the Cout’s real name was Jack? They are never seen interacting with eachother in the games, Gauss’s introduction was the only time where this was mentioned. During the plane hijacking in BN2, Gauss reveals that he came from a very poor family and that his brother Jack was taken in by a wealthy family, making him bitter towards humanity and the reason why he joins Gospel. Here, they both come from a rich family but chose different paths, specially since the Count ran away from home a long time ago.
The reason why there was a mod code in Wily’s video was part of their publicity for BN3, by adding secret codes for the game in the anime. It is very plausible that we will see more secret codes hiding in some of the future episode.
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akissatmidnight · 7 years
Morning! We hope you loved our review of the Scottish subscription box, WeeBox, and are now ready to get into some straight Outlander talk! But use caution: This contains Outlander season 3/Voyager Spoilers! Read no further if you haven’t read the the third Outlander series book!
Now that you’ve been warned, are you ready to talk about Voyager and what might come in season three of Outlander on Starz and what Sarah and Kelsey are looking forward to, plus where you can see some of the stars, besides what we mentioned in another post, which you can read here.
A final reminder, if you hate spoilers, don’t read any further!
Anyways, here’s Kelsey with some of her book-themed dreams, hopes, thoughts, and feelings before Sarah brings in her movie skills to tell you all about the new actors and actresses that are gracing the Outlander stage with their presence!
♥Jamie’s return to Lallybroch♥
It’s going to be sad, seeing Jamie wounded and hiding in Dun Bonnet’s Cave for so many years with only a few books to keep him company. As you probably read on our Legends of Outlander post, there was a real-live man named James Fraser who hid in a care and was nicknamed Dun Bonnet by the cap he wore. Nice connection, Diana!I love seeing history come to life and see how things connect. Something I’m not too thrilled about seeing it when little Fergus get’s caught up in the traitor madness and looses his crafty little hand. I assume more than one tear shall be shed for our tiny adopted Fraser.
♥Friends Foreverrrrr♥
The peculiar relationship between Jamie and Lord John Grey is something that I’m curious to see brought to life on the screen. I’m not saying it’s romantic, you know Jamie only has eternal eyes for Claire, but his friendship with Lord John Grey is going to be one of the cornerstones for the series moving forward. Without Lord John Grey, Jamie’s time in prison, and his later reunion with his biological son, might never be possible. Although, it looks like they’re setting it up to be more romantic in the show than it was in the books, something I’m not really into, as I think their complicated friendship in the series was compelling and deep. I almost feel like making it sound like a torrid love affair, like in some other blog posts and news stories, cheapens their dynamic relationship. If only the show series could do a chapter an episode!
♥Roger and Brianna help Claire Prepare♥
Okay, so A lot of people have a lot of thoughts about how Brianna was cast for the show, and honesty even I was expecting someone redder and taller, but the acting may surprise us in the coming season! But one thing I had a little bit of an issue with is how the show portrayed Brianna and Claire as not being close, like…at all. In the books I felt that there was much more warmth involved in their relationship that wasn’t represented on the show. However, Starz only has an hour an episode to work with, so I’m trying to ignore it, knowing that it’ll be impossible to ignore their true, loving, feelings as the show goes on. So I’m looking forward for Roger and Brianna to grow close as they help Claire prepare for her return to Jamie. I hope it’s just as touching as it was in the book! BTW, just so you know, we also have a lovely Claire dress guide here, so your clothes can be on point, and Sarah’s done a Claire hair tutorial, which is so easy, even I could do it.
♥Meeting Geneva♥
This is going to be tough for all those who love Claire and Jamie. I’m going to be honest, I think Geneva is a grade A asshole. Blackmailing Jamie into sex was a low blow and the man’s life has been tough enough. I know I’ll have a rage stroke when she throws out the “bang me or I’ll scream rape” card. At least Jamie can see some joy in the terrible union by his son William grow for a few years. But seeing as how happy he was knowing Claire was pregnant when she left, It’ll be tough seeing him watch his child from afar. There’s a lot of controversy surrounding this particular part of the series, with the word “rape” being used to describe both sides of the coupling. It’ll be interesting to see how the show addresses it. To cleanse the soul, let’s take a look back in time to when Jamie and Claire were #RelationshipGoals…
♥Baby Jamie♥
Jamie and his interactions with his secret son is going to be bittersweet. Their doings takes up a good chunk of book, and for good reason. We all read, and saw, how into being a father Jamie was when Claire was pregnant with Faith and how important it was for Claire to go back to Frank for the safety of their unborn child. It’s going to be bittersweet to see how young Willie sees a father figure in Jamie and Jamie longs to be close to a child he never thought he’d have, after Claire’s leaving. Their bond in the books might be hard to portray on screen, but Starz has done an awesome job, so far. We know Jamie’s big heart is one of the things we all admire about him, and in care you need to be reminded of the other reasons, take a look at our other list here!
♥The Highlight of the Year♥
I know for a damn fact that I’m not the only person who ugly cried when Claire went through the stones and later learned that Jamie was alive all along. While I understand that she needed to go for her own safety, it’s like she’s still twenty years too late to their reunion. I’m already preparing myself for the Kim Kardashian-like sobs when she finally sees him in the print shop. I’m also dying to see how well Jamie aged. I’m guessing it’s like a fine, beautifully kilted, wine… although he’ll be unkilted for a lot of the season, and not always in the fun way. The fact that we’ll probably have to wait a few episodes for this glorious meeting adds a certain level of delicious suspense. At least it’ll be a smoother journey for Claire, as Roger and Bree help her get the cash and clothes necessary for a successful jaunt through time. Some people are salty that Claire left Brianna in the present to go into the past, saying she’s a bad mom, but Claire did right by her kid and her promise to Jamie, so she deserves to have some Highlander goodness up in her petticoats.
♥The Scorned Second Wife♥
Dis Bitch is right. Ya’ll probably know that I feel Laoghaire is a dirty home wrecking hussy and no one deserves to get lumpy and gross in their old age more than her…well, except for Black Jack Randall… not that he lives long enough for that. Well, anyways, her coming out of the woodwork again to claim Jamie as her rightful husband is something I’m looking forward to. Like, I get how she saw Jamie as the one that got away but, damn girl, have some self respect! I wouldn’t tie myself for a man who was constantly wishing I was someone else, no matter how hot he was. BTW I’m all sour grapes on how Jenny lashes out at Claire and rats to Loaghaire, even thought Claire told her the potato-planting key to Lallybroch’s survival. I hope Loaghaire’s gun-toting dramatics are just as wild on the screen as they are on the page.
♥High Seas Misadventure♥
Poor Jamie can’t catch a break. He, along with Claire and Marsali, go to rescue Ian and he’s stuck vomiting with seasickness while Claire is basically kidnapped by the Porpoise, because the ocean has never been kind to Jamie. Like, universe, give the man a break! All he wants is to live the quiet life and plant some crops and make sweet love to his new found wife, not be held captive and taken towards prison. At least he’s conveniently shipwrecked near Claire. Small victories. I’m curious to see how this will play out since, in the book, their oceanic struggles is a large chunk of action. Thankfully, Starz has brought Mr. Willoughby onto the scene, so poor Jamie will have some relief on the ship. Also, it’s said that the Outlander Starz crew will be using some of the same set used to film their pirate series Black Sails, which I highly recommend to people into high seas adventures, sex, romance, murder, mystery, history, and backstabbing.
♥The Return of Geillis♥
Gonna be real, I’m pumped for the return of Geillis. I know she’s a murderer, adulteress, and all around baddie, but I’m really excited to see her return in all her crazy glory. You have to admire her vicious tenacity and the way she unraveled thousands of years of legends and myths to learn about time travel. Sure, she could have gone around without human sacrifices, but I admire a bitch with flair. I mean, if she had really been killed before having her son, a certain green-eyed man wouldn’t be able to grace us with his presence (lookin’ at you, Roger, you silver-tongued songster)! It’ll be neat to see the witch we love to hate back on the screen.
♥The British Scorch of the Highlands♥
After the failed Jacobite uprising, England took measures to ensure the Scottish would never rise again. They passed the Heritable Jurisdictions Act of 1746 that outlawed the Scottish chief system, hoping that by removing those men from their places of power, the people would be more accepting of full English rule. The Act of Proscription of 1746 was also put into effect, which outlawed all highland dress (see ya later, kilts) in the Dress Act. This took away a large part of the clan identity, which is exactly what the British wanted. If you were caught wearing a kilt after 1746 you could be fined, imprisoned, or even sent to the British colonies for “indentured servitude”, which was just a fancy term for “slavery”. It explains why the kilts of the previous seasons will be lost for a while and not make any sort of comeback for some time. As a history-lover, I’m curious to see how these real life restrictions will come about on the show. Now…let’s have a moment of silence for the glorious kilt.
BTW, if you’re interested in learning more about the Clans, and how they fared after the Jacobite rebellion, take a look at our Outlander page here and read up on Outlandish Clan History parts 1-5!
Sarah’s Thoughts
Now, I am here to help keep Kelsey honest lol. No, I read the books up to what’s been shown on TV to keep the spoilers at bay, so I have not read Voyager yet. My fingers are itching and I can’t wait to start, though. So I get excited about other things…like actors.
As much as I try to avoid spoilers, it is nearly impossible. As a result, I know about Jamie’s other daughter, the “Other Fraser” (Ten points if you get this reference). But what really excited me is the casting! Lauren Lyle and Nell Hudson look so alike its scary!
Perfect casting right? It almost makes you not want to hate Laoghaire…almost.
Okay, we’ll talk about one more kid. Young Ian. I also know who this is, Jenny and Ian’s son but that’s all I know. However, I am a HUGE Jenny fan so I am excited to see the craziness her spawn will likely cause. Plus, he looks like a little Jamie (sorry Ian). It’s alright for a kid to look like his uncle though. In fact, I think it is going to seriously help his future! So, let’s say ‘hello’ to John Bell!
Alright, let’s get into the big one…John Grey. Now, I know he and Jamie are supposed to be friends, but again, that’s all I know. I have heard the rumors that their bromance may be turned into a romance. All I have to say is, where is Jamie going to find the time to do that? Doesn’t he have enough going on with all the needy women in his life? I think it’s all hype to keep people interested and talking about the show while we’re waiting not so patiently for it to start. However, I will say I am terribly upset with the casting of David Berry! Uh! Did we really need another sexy man on the show? Okay, totally joking. He is a nice piece of eye candy and I definitely can’t wait to see his strutting across my BIG screen TV.
I love a man in a suit!
Now let’s here it for Fergus! Everyone’s favorite trouble maker is all grown up and lookin finnnneeeee. I’m happy to see he’s still around and even more excited to see where his character goes from here. The hand thing… yeah, that’s going to be interesting. I almost wish they could pull a Hunger Games and pretend like that bit never happened. But, I don’t think it’s going to take our man too long to get his good hand into plenty of trouble. Let’s hear it for César Domboy!
How about Joe Abernathy? I know he’s a doctor with Claire and he knows about time travel, so that is going to be a whole lot of fun. Mostly because I looked at Wil Johnson’s photos, and he takes a good picture! He has one of those stares that just bores into your soul and leaves you questioning everything in your life!
So, what are you looking forward to in season 3?  Are you a fan of the new cast members? Let us know in the comments! BTW, if you’re a fan of Scotland, check out the WeeBox here! It’s a subscription box filled with all sorts of fun Scottish items worthy of ever Sassenach♥ And don’t forget to check out our Outlander page to fill up the bitter droughtlander!
Read about Kelsey’s Scottish historical romances series and her contemporary romance novel here! And learn more about Sarah’s contemporary college romance series here!
Season 3-Ready for a Voyage? Morning! We hope you loved our review of the Scottish subscription box, WeeBox, and are now ready to get into some straight…
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