#the gang is doing a stellar job
rebe-draws · 7 months
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"He does have a kind of ... hungry, sallow look ..." "A magic many mortal men hunger for ... and the hunger hollows them out from within ..." The hedgemage Scrap - Wild Magic Sorcerer. Vessel for raw magic and he is HUNGRY. More art of my World's Beyond Number fan-character. He's just so fun to draw! The quotes here are directly from Brennan about the first Hedgemage we meet in episode 1, it's stuck with me since I first heard it, it painted such a visual.
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dallasgallant · 3 months
Darry hcs
He got a cheap pair of reading glasses from the drug store and uses them to read the paper and important school documents for Pony. (“This does not leave this house you hear”) they’ve absolutely made fun of him for it because they’ll hang on the tip of his nose and he looks like a grandfather
Darry longs to be able to make a mistake. To mess up. He’s still a kid himself he’s only 20 and he can’t afford the hiccups and mistakes that come with the age. He wants to do something stupid and inconsequential just once.
He’d probably be unsatisfied in a better paying job. He likes to show off and be physical, some sort of office slow employment would kill him.
Takes things literally, it’s easy to mess with him in this way.
Like Pony he very much longs for the way things “used to be”
Is one several neighborhood phone trees
He’s the type to throw the scrawnier of the gang across the pool/lake when they ask for it.
Since they lost their dog he tends to some of the stray hounds around the neighborhood… you can hear them bay in the backyard … a lot.
The Curtis family was never particularly stellar with discipline so coming up with methods to manage his brothers tend to be, as Pony would call it - “cruel and unusual.” He’d think of something on the fly “grounded for till college” would unironically be one he’d think of… he doesn’t mean it of course
Whenever pony gets to the age he shows romantic interest he has the open door rule. Which Darry is 100% hypocritical on because he didn’t have that for soda
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qqueenofhades · 6 months
Welp I didn't bet on "Kate has cancer" being the answer to all the British royal conspiracy theories, but apparently lightning has struck twice
Man alive, this entire saga has been the clearest indication of all time that the British royal family is a) pathologically incapable of learning anything at all ever, and b) just shot themselves in the foot with this insanely contorted, conspiracy-theory-spawning effort to protect Kate, while we have all been well aware of how they hung Meghan Markle out to dry. (Gee. I wonder what the difference here is?)
Basically, this is what you get when you have a deeply corrupt and unaccountable institution addicted to secrecy, convinced of its own righteous importance and disdain for the "little people" (even if Kate will be functioning in the future as their co-head of state and you might think they should disclose that instead of weeks of making the situation even worse) who feels that any "press intrusion" is an affront to them (but y'know, not to Meghan) and an absolutely rabid and wildly dysfunctional monarchist reactionary-populist-racist UK tabloid system who nonetheless has been fairly deferential and meekly willing to do whatever the royal family says behind the scenes (while still running 1000 articles bashing Harry and Meghan, because reasons). Until, of course, they've all fucked it up to such a degree that they have to come clean and will 100% only give the conspiracy theories more oxygen. Great job, gang! Wow. Stellar. Nailed it.
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thecountesstribe · 1 year
So I watched the One Piece live action today and all just wanna say GOOD FUCKING JOB GUYS!!!
I'm going on a long winded spiel and also Spoilers guys
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Listen I was very skeptical regarding one of my all time favorite animes being adapted into a live action because currently I'm 0 - alot versus live action films (I'm traumatizing y'all again : Aot, Dragon Ball Z, Death note, Fullmetal Alchemist and Avatar. Just to name a few) Those films should be a crime btw. But the guys really knocked it out of the park.
Casting was a 10/10, pacing was good and the overall feel of the episodes were stellar.
Sure it had faults but it was really really fucking good.
I know some people were complaining about it diverting from the source material but babies if they had to adapt all of the East Blue Crew shenanigans, we'd be here for a long ass time. It was a great standalone show. Introducing Garp and Baroque Works into the show early was a good call. The show earned extra points from me for being a little gory as well. Mihawk's entrance was just *chef's kiss*
Mihawk and Buggy were so sassy. I love them.
Goda did his thing. I'm so happy.
I really love the gang but my favorite characters for the la were definitely Usopp and Sanji.
I don't really do the shipping business in this fandom cause literally anything could go but Oda confirming Usopp and Kaya are endgame is just so ABGDLSPUAGNSOIFHJSJH!!!! I won. The superior ship is sailing my loves.
Overall a 9.8/10 in my book. This would definitely bring in new viewership into the show and fandom. Everybody that's new here, WELCOME TO THE CREW. Can't wait for season 2.
Future live action movies/shows take notes.
Some of my favorite moments, iykyk. I'm not gonna be a dick and spoil it all.
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embracetranquilityson · 7 months
A Duellist's Redemption
Summary: A comfortable life, a well-paying Ministry job and a loving family— you would have had it all, had you never met Victor Rookwood.
Instead, blood fills your days and nightmares haunt your nights.
The rise and fall of an Ashwinder Duellist, whose conscience finally caught up with them.
[Y/N-You POV, gender neutral.]
TW: Blood and violence, emotional abuse, emotional manipulation, gaslighting, physical abuse, implied/mentioned child abuse, implied/mentioned animal (magical beasts) abuse.
Chapters: 11 (fully published)
Full fanfic:
First chapter: Act I - The beginning
You didn't really know how you got where you were.
Once, you were a regular, naive, boring student and now… now you could hardly look at yourself in the mirror.
It all started in the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, after a mock duel like many you had fought before; but that time your opponent was a boy named Victor Rookwood. You had seen him around before, strutting in the hallways like he owned the place but you didn't really know him, nor did you know any of the boys who seemed to escort him wherever he went.
Not that it mattered. You fought, you won, Victor got mad and threw a tantrum, the lesson was over and your life would go on the same as always, or so you thought.
You couldn't have known that day would have been the beginning of the end— of your end.
As mad as he had seemed in class, Victor Rookwood actually approached you a few days later, all smiles and arrogance, complimenting your skills like nothing had happened. He invited you to the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer and, Merlin knows why, you accepted.
Now, you cringed at the memory. You cringed at how much fun you had had that day with him.
Days and weeks and years blurred together and while life went on, you and Victor were always at each other's side. You knew everything about each other, about your families, about his father’s… business. Even that didn't deter you.
You, a regular no one from a family of regular no ones, didn't mind that your friend was the son of a gang ringleader. On the contrary, you found it fascinating, alluring even.
Man, you were dumb.
The first crack came in the middle of a summer night, when the air was warm and the fireflies danced under the moonlight.
You were twenty-two years old, doing odd jobs to make ends meet while you waited for a response from the Ministry; just a few days before, you had applied for a job in the Beast Division, with a stellar recommendation from your beasts Professor. You were hoping to end up in Troll Patrol or Werewolf Capture Unit but anything was fine really.
Victor had hated the idea since the beginning and tried to discourage you in any way he could but you hadn't budged.
You still remembered what you had told him the day he found out you had applied, and the words now felt like venom in the back of your throat: “Victor, I love you and I will always be there for you, but my future is at the Ministry. And if they reject me, I'll become a Dragonologist or something.”
Heh. Jokes on you. Jokes on that placid summer night. Jokes on your dreams and your future.
A tenday had passed since your fight with Victor— if you could even call it that, since he had stormed off without a word.
The night was warm and you couldn't sleep, worried about the long silence from the Ministry.
As you tossed and turned, a knock on the door was bound to change your life.
You had never seen the man in front of you, nor did his name mean anything to you, yet it only took a sentence for you to follow him into the darkness: “Victor sent me. He’s in trouble.”
Your heart raced in your chest as you took the stranger’s arm and, moments later, you were outside the Rookwoods’ mansion.
You had been there thousands of times during the years but the faces that haunted its hallways that night were all but familiar to you. Dozens of people stood watch, as still as statues, as you were escorted into the dining room, into a future that you would've never thought for yourself.
Your friend, Victor Rookwood, stood next to the dining table, his face bloody and raw and his clothes ripped and stained. He smiled a crooked smile when he saw you.
“Good, you're here. We're all here, then.” He growled, his voice hoarse and strained.
You noticed a few known faces in the room: old mutual friends from school, a couple of people Victor had met during the years and that you had gotten familiar with, and… Mr. Rookwood sat on a chair, slouched over the table with blood pooling under his head. He was mumbling something but you couldn't understand him. You couldn't understand anything.
Your heart rate sped up again, as your mind tried to come up with a reasonable explanation.
“See, father? Even [Y/N] came to say goodbye.”
Goodbye? Why would you…— Mr. Rookwood spat a bloody drool and Victor slammed his head —again, apparently— against the wooden table.
You froze. It was as if time itself had stopped.
“Now, now, where are your manners, boy?” he laughed as he quoted what his father used to tell him time and time again, usually before beating him bloody.
Was that what it was? Was that Victor finally snapping? If so, why were so many people there? Why were you there? Why did he send for you?
It took you years to realise what had happened that night, the manipulation and coercion that he used to get you there.
But you didn't know then. All you knew was that your friend needed you and that no matter what your bleeding heart thought, his abusive father deserved everything that was happening to him. Or at least that was what Victor had told you after. After his father was dead, after he had become the new Mr. Rookwood, leader of the Rookwood gang, and he needed you.
Your skills in a duel were unmatched, he said.
He didn't trust anyone else to watch his back, he said.
The Ministry will never hire you now that you're an accessory to murder. He didn't say that, and it took you years to realise that that was the reason why you were really there that night.
He wanted you: your wand, your skill, your loyalty… your dreams were a hindrance he could no longer tolerate.
So you pledged yourself to him; to keep him safe, you said to yourself as you laid awake that night, Mr. Rookwood’s death mask seared into your mind, as guilt and fear and horror bubbled in your guts like a cocktail of poisons.
“My closest friend, my Ashwinder, my Duellist.”
You still remembered his smile while he said that, his hands, still smeared with his father's blood, cupped around your cheeks.
You felt bad for him, then. Now, you wished you had punched him right to daddy dearest.
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zkoh001 · 10 months
I had a glorious dream, in the world of Percy Jackson, and despite noone asking or caring, I feel the need to share it.
Meet Akira. Akira is Japanese-American demigod, son of Momos, and resident chaos magnet. Also, probably has broken a law or two in the past week.
His godly parent was surprisingly present thorough his childhood, because one: noone really cares what Momos does. Two: He goes between mortals quite often anyways. Three: They can't tell him what to do anyways. So he has a whole two parents, but Momos acts more like a cool drunkle, so he's not much help in behaving him. Alas it mostly falls on his mom.
His godly ability is basically Vicious mockery from D&D, and noone is even sure if it's an actual power, or he's just that good. His other skill, is an ability that allows him to skew with other people's powers, tho he can't exactly control it.
The second floozey is Lucretius, alias Luca, alias Lucy if you are feeling bold, or if you are a certain aforementioned child of Momos. "Son of Juno", tho technically he is neither a demigod, nor her actual child. He was a statue (not sure if he was turned into one by Zeus in ancient times, or was just one originally) that got given life by the fertility goddess with powers similar to what I think her demigod children can have.
Technically speaking he is a monster, with grey blood, and immune to regular weapons, but since Juno claimed him, noone dares defy her, even if they don't really like her. He has a peacock simbol over his SPQR tattoo, and three lines. He acts similarly to satyrs, and his job is to get Roman demigods safely to Camp Jupiter. But for gods' sake, this kid is testing his patience.
He has the ability to bond things (like the bond of marriage, yknow). For example, he can slow down an enemy by binding them to something heavy, or even for them to stay in a certain radius, as well as binding people together (you can imagine how well that meshes with Akira's powers). He can commit to an action, which makes him immune to most forms of enchantment, and charm speak, and can stare witheringly (how much of it is Juno's influence is unclear). As the Sky Goddess' "descendant", he should probably be able to somewhat control weather if Jupiter wasn't a petty bitch. Alas, he would rather not try, he's already so done with dear old mom.
Basically the entire dream was mission "Get Akira to Camp Jupiter without getting myself, or him killed", which proves to be quite a challenge, since while his blood makes monsters drawn to him, his stellar personality attracts all other types of troubles. Through their travels, they encounter Baba Yaga, who moved to America for some good for saken reason, a kid with a long nose, and his head on backwards, who claimed to be born form a white horse, and was looking for someone to turn his head around, a golden cat, with a key in her neck, but with sticky fur... Also, that was a selkie that wanted to snatch them into the ocean, and the solution was throwing molotov at it. From the less magical beings, they got into conflict with a local gang, security officers, and the government (kind of). Luca misses the days his biggest worry was which pigeon shits on him next.
By the end they got into New Rome, looking like actual shit, Akira gets immediately claimedby his father Momos, and Luca is like "Of course". And then I woke up.
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aces-and-angels · 2 years
final thoughts on the ilw finale: jocelyn edition (ch 23 spoilers below) @itlivesproject
I will admit that Jocelyn’s post took a bit more time for me to complete. After doing several deep dives, I found myself unable to figure out what exactly I wanted to say about her conclusion. It was also my first real attempt at tackling an interpretation of a Shadow ending. Tying that in with how I think it works with Jocelyn and Rowan’s story... needless to say, I felt somewhat overwhelmed lol.
It is inevitable that the end to a beloved story will feel bittersweet. The urge to hang on to the journey, to delay reading that final line before you’re forced to close the book once and for all- that’s natural. To quote power!Rowan: 
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It hurts to say goodbye. And with the end of ILW, we as players are left to deal with more than a few of them. That being said, I can understand why it is difficult for people to pursue the Shadow path + have it be their farewell for the characters they grew to love so dearly. But beyond that pain lies a story that is as beautiful as it is tragic. One that I think is worth exploring. 
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As always, gotta flaunt the stats 😎
If you’ve been following along with my other posts, you know that my Jocelyn route was the only one to ‘organically’ achieve a Shadow ending. After spending some time to marinate in my thoughts, I realized that having Jocelyn’s path end this way works incredibly well, narratively speaking, when paired with Rowan’s journey to becoming one with the Power. 
However you play as Rowan impacts everyone they interact with throughout the series. @professor-abeloved ​did a wonderful job explaining the game’s mechanics. For anyone interested, you can read their full post here. To quickly summarize, ILW goes above and beyond with ensuring that the choices you make matter by varying the difficulty of raising a character’s nerve/relationship score. This aspect alone adds more depth for the gang and makes achieving a successful relationship with them far more rewarding. 
Jocelyn has a unique element to her character progression throughout the game. Several moments arise where players are met with a choice to have MC (ILITW and ILW) forgive Jocelyn for her past actions. Whether you choose to have these characters forgive her is entirely up to you. I should note that upon entering ILW, I only had a vague impression of the events in ILITW and ILB from my original gameplay years ago. Maybe that’s why it was easier for me to let these characters choose to forgive Joss for her less than stellar past. Others may not share the same sentiment, and that’s totally valid. ILW does a good job addressing these concerns players may have with Jocelyn. However, whether these characters forgive her isn’t what I want to focus on. What matters to me: By the end of ILW, can Jocelyn forgive herself? Players get that answer depending on her outcome after her nightmare sequence. The theme of self-acceptance is ever-present in Jocelyn’s arc. Rowan’s as well. Their issues may differ, but the root of the matter is the same. 
Upfront and rough around the edges- this is how Rowan first meets Jocelyn. Her abrasive attitude may turn people away, but it doesn’t take long after their initial meeting for Ro to come to this conclusion:
Rowan: If you think you deserve to be punished for anything, you don’t.
Jocelyn: Hmph. You say that like you know me. 
Rowan: I do know you. You’re a protector. I know you don’t want to admit it, but you keep us safe.
A protector- that is Jocelyn’s core essence. To quote a line from her Blood route ending:
Jocelyn: After everything with Cody, after everything I did, who I was, I convinced myself I didn’t deserve to live my own life. To fully move on from the Power. I didn’t deserve to be happy. 
Jocelyn’s self-sacrificing nature is a key component to her motives throughout the series. She is someone who is willing to cross any line necessary if it means that no one else would get hurt. An over-correction for the pain she has caused others. Rowan’s choice to merge with the Power is the ultimate sacrifice. They give up every earthly tether- their body, their friends, everyone, and everything that they grew to love- forever. But in Rowan’s case, their sacrifice doesn’t come from a place of self-hatred, but rather self-love. If returning to the Power is Rowan’s greatest desire, then their merge with it is a glorious experience. Something that just innately feels right. 
Rowan: I am the Power. I used to think that I was just a regular person, but ever since I learned my origins -- how I was created -- I know that’s just not true.
Loha: Interesting response. You do not feel human? You do not have desires to live as a human?
Rowan: All I want is to protect the people I care about. But once that’s taken care of... no. I don’t think I could live as a human. If I survive today, I want to continue learning about the Power. I want to continue protecting people from it.
Rowan: I want to go back to the Power, to finally belong, and if doing so protects the world I love and the people in it, then why would I choose anything else?
What happens when two people who are hellbent on saving the world fall in love with each other? Turns out, one of them is gonna save it. 
Along with choosing to have Rowan be forever separated from everyone they’ve ever grown to love (such a fun time lol), there’s also a choice on whether to leave a gate open between the world and the Power dimension. In the end, I chose to keep the gate open. While there is the possibility of another Matthias-like situation arising, Rowan leaving some tie to the Power on Earth makes sense when viewed through the lens of having a romantic relationship with Jocelyn. 
Rowan: The Power is beautiful and has blessed this world in many ways. I believe the two dimensions can coexist. We shouldn’t lose its goodness just because of one horrible person.
The world is inherently flawed. Even if Rowan were to cut its ties to the Power, it won’t solve all its problems. There will still be those who suffer. Injustices from the cruelty of man. So why leave the gate open? Why not eliminate at least one of the world’s many problems? The answer is simple: love
I don’t think it’s too cheesy to say that love is the answer. It’s love that brings Jocelyn and Rowan together- that helps Jocelyn grow to be a better person. It’s their love that makes their last goodbye so damn painful. And it’s love that allows Ro to think that while there is darkness in the world, there’s also light.
Rowan: You’re worthy of friendship and love and compassion. Never forget that. 
Jocelyn: I won’t. 
The world Rowan grew to love was one tied to the Power. In that world, they found someone flawed, but beautiful. Fierce and brave. They saw the good in the bad and loved her with everything they had- so much that they ended up saving the world for her. Rowan enters the Power realm knowing that there will be people like Jocelyn to protect the world long after they’ve gone. We leave Jocelyn sitting alone on the same Ferris wheel she rode with Rowan (happier times 😭)
Jocelyn: You know what makes you a real asshole? The fact that you made me want to be better. I... I want to... be kind. And you’d say that it wasn’t you, you just gave me a push but... I know it’s you, at least a little, because I was terrified of you, terrified enough to want to kill you, and you... you made me want to be kind to you.
Rowan leaves the world in a better state than when they found it- a protector’s dream. They help Jocelyn realize that she is worthy of greater things, capable of being a good person. What a poignant end for ILW’s resident badass. 
Blood Route: 
Jocelyn: I think the only person you need to worry about right now is you. You have some serious baggage, and you should deal with it the way that’s best for you. It’s okay to put yourself first, Rowan.
Having Jocelyn say this by the end is a testament to her growth throughout the series. It’s wonderful to see her helping Rowan the same way they helped her. I fear these two, esp. with the nature of their characters, will both have a lingering case of hero’s guilt by the end of this route- always thinking that there is more that could’ve been done. However, they will have each other to rely on to help them continue to live for themselves, not others. 
Mixed Route: 
In terms of being able to align with an LI with this route, Jocelyn wins as she is the only one out of the gang who expresses any desire to stay in Westchester. If Rowan doesn’t romance her, she is guaranteed to do so. My initial fear of pursuing a Mixed route stems from Joss’ motivations for staying in Westchester in her Blood route. She admits that she feels like she can’t move on from the Power. That she has to stay to fix the wrongs she’s caused. Thankfully, my concerns were addressed with this line alone:
Jocelyn: You’re right. I deserve to be happy. I can choose the kind of life I live, whether that’s to keep fighting or choose something different. If it weren’t for you, I don’t think I could have seen that.
Not to be witty, but giving Jocelyn the power to decide how she lives the rest of her life is *chef’s kiss* immaculate. Her motives, once clouded by guilt and fear, are now of her own volition. Seeing that level of self-assurance from her by the end of the series is nothing short of amazing. 
And now for some good ol’ fashioned keyboard smashing:
Joss’ love language: linking pinkies 😭
Joss x Abel are BFFs confirmed pt 2 🎉🎉
I’m telling yall if you haven’t played the non-nsfw scenes in your LIs epilogue- go out and play them- I love seeing the little in-between moments with them
Alright now that I have seen everything- I get why we had Ro give a cake to Abel. It makes up for the fact that we can’t see Moss in his route LMAOO
Anyways, back to Jocelyn
I love her
so much
her spice scene: 5 stars 
Ro worshipping her scars- plsss my heart can’t take it 
“I’ve been called hot or sexy before, but I’ve never really felt beautiful. Not until you.”
imma leave now before I ramble any further 
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lowwqualityyblog · 1 year
okay consider this rant. The gang as certain sea creatures. What would they be. I rant abt this on call w my wifey wife @aplicobelt
Uncle - stellars sea cow because he’s OLD and also similar to a manatee ig… instead of lumbago he’d say he’s the last living one of his species and that’s y he doesn’t do stuff instead
Arthur - thresher shark. explanation below
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Dutch - giant pacific octopus, because not only is he larger than life in his personality, and persona and such… he also can camouflage and change colors which something something ties in with his manipulation. Additionally octopi can detach limbs when under stress to escape predators… Yknow like how he cut loose John n shit.. somethi something yah commentary.. also octopi are not related to rays and sharks like Hosea and Arthur… thoughtz
Hosea - stingray because he only really attacks in self defense/retaliation.. additionally stingrays are rays which are related to sharks. Arthur and Hosea. Yah
Micah - anglerfish… this is kinda obvious I won’t go into detail
Swanson - nautilus. Kinda just fits. It’s orange, and it’s got a shell, resilient like Swanson 
Sean - clownfish. For obvious reasons
Karen - clownfish. Alpha female and beta male clownfish. 😁😊
Pearson - moray eel (old). Related to that one time he compared his fighting skills to that of a tiger..
Sadie - blue ringed octopus, not only the ringed imagery relating to her marriage, but they aren’t aggressive by nature and only attack when threatened, and when they attack the job gets *done* Yknow?
Charles - leatherback sea turtle, why? Because my wife said so
Abigail - blue crab cuz she’s crabby sometimes (THINDRROUS APPLAUSE AS I GET SHOT TO DEATH)
Tilly + Mary Beth - minnows cuz they’re both like two peas in a pod :3
Jack - garden eel, shy by nature, and shows that even in 1914 he was getting pushed out of his comfort zone, his nature. Just fits idk.
John - American eel, it has his face. Both eels like Jack
Trelawny - ribbon eel.. just cuz they’re both flamboyant
Bill - hammerhead shark, just vibes
Javier - peacock bass. image below.
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allegraricci · 7 months
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FULL  NAME:  allegra stella ricci
NICKNAME(S): ' ella, stellar, el ' which is a diminutive of his middle name, stella. but alle, ally, allie and al is from her first name allegra.
BIRTH  PLACE:  Milan, Italy
AGE: 30
SEXUALITY: heterosexual
RELATIONSHIP  STATUS: Single, divorced.
tw: pregnancy, death, abuse, toxic relationship
Allegra was born in Italy, Milan. Her mother died when she was born, and her father never got married again, but always blamed Allegra for her mother's death.
She never had a good relationship with her father, in fact, he was abusive towards her. And always has a tad old-fashioned way he seeing things. Her family is a wealthy family very affluent in Italy, just as soon recognized in the US.
At the age of 15, she moved to the USA, and her father not only expanded his business but as soon as she arrived there, she was discovered by a scouter that gave her a job as a model.
Despite not being very approved by her father at first, he only allowed her to do whatever she wanted as long as she got a degree when she finished school. Less than 5 months after arriving in the 'new country', as a teenager, she was working as a model and then acting and slowly paved her way to fame.
With a lot of work trips and excellent professionalism, she managed to graduate in architecture. During this time of graduation, she met a guy that she thought would be the love of her life, and they got engaged, and shortly they married. At first, everything was perfect, until it wasn't.
Professionally, Allegra had a little decay, in the middle of her tumultuous marriage in which she was trapped. Her husband wasn't the person she thought he would be, he cheated on her didn't want to get a divorce, and threatened to ruin her career. After a lot of struggle she managed to get a divorce from her husband, what she did not know was that she was pregnant in the middle of the whole divorce process. She only knew this when she had a miscarriage, which was probably caused by the stress of all of it.
She packed her things and moved to a new city, wanting to have a quiet life. Allegra managed to turn around on her work, fortunately, everything now is well established, doing the things that she loves, which is her work, and figuring out what she wants for herself.
best friends:
girl gang (3/4):
party friends:
hook up:
friends w/ b:
neighbors(oak grove):
family's friends:
work out buddy:
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andavs · 1 year
9-1-1 based Men in Black AU?
My first thought is that Buck and Eddie are going to be known as Agents “BnE” which is hilarious.
My second thought is that MIB agents don’t technically exist, and I made myself sad thinking about how Chris factors into that. Obviously Eddie is the one doing the whole K thing and checking up on his son through satellites and desperately wishing he could be there with him. But how did they become separated and why does Eddie stay away? 
Maybe he and Chris got caught up as innocent bystanders in a MIB/alien mess. They aren’t injured but plenty of people are, so Eddie with his military medic training and stellar record tries to help the situation. He helps an injured alien, not realizing they aren’t human until he’s keeping them from bleeding out blue goo and he has no idea what’s going on but he’s not going to let them die if he can help.
The alien dies, but gives Eddie something important right before. Maybe something that locks onto him so only he can use it and he can’t hand it off to the MIB and walk away. It’s the key to saving the world, because of course it is.
And to be extra angsty, MIB neuralyzes everyone on the scene so as far as anyone's concerned, Eddie was killed in a big mass casualty accident, so Chris is living with Eddie’s parents and it kills him every day that he can’t be with him yet. Because either he saves the world, or the world ends and then it doesn’t really matter anyway. (In his more pessimistic moments, he wants to say fuck it and go find Chris anyway, because the world is going to end either way and he should at least be with his son when it happens.)
So MIB recruits him to save the world and he gets paired up with Buck. I feel like Buck should be the alien tech guy who’s trying to figure out this thing the alien gave Eddie and how it works exactly. First he tries to disconnect it from Eddie so he can forget everything and go home, but then they accept that they’re both going to have to see this thing through and work together. Buck’s the one who first shows Eddie how to check on Chris from afar, because he also keeps tabs on Maddie.
Hen and Chim (H and C) are obviously partners and a legendary team. Athena (A or maybe Alpha to be cool like Zed) is in charge of the LA office, and Bobby (R) is the one who actually manages the agents, sending out teams.
Meanwhile in Texas, Chris runs away from home to find his dad because he wasn’t totally neuralyzed and remembers seeing his dad alive and helping people. He remembers seeing something not quite human, and the therapists keep saying it’s a way for him to process his grief but he knows. And he knows that his dad needs help because his dad said he’d never leave him again, and his dad never lies.
And then it turns out the gadget isn’t directly tied to only Eddie, but it also works for Chris, and Chris is the one who saves the world in the end. And then Eddie and Chris hug and cry under a clear, starry night sky in the California desert, and Buck realizes he’s kind of in love with this tiny family and wants to stay with them forever.
The only problem is that Eddie and Chris need to leave MIB and then they won't remember him anymore. And maybe Buck could ask for a new life close to them after being neuralyzed, but MIB is all Buck has and leaving and starting all over again alone is a terrifying thought.
But! After they save the world and while Eddie and Chris are finishing up at the MIB office, getting ready to leave for the last time, Buck checks in on Maddie. Just to make sure she’s alright because it was a close one, and he finds that she’s no longer in Boston with Doug. She’s right there in LA, looking for her little brother whose postcards abruptly stopped coming and she’s determined to find him.
And then maybe the whole gang decides to retire together because Bobby and Athena have been doing this job for way too long but they’ve had this office romance that they don’t want to lose.
Chim meets Maddie after she finds Buck and they’re immediately smitten with each other.
Turns out Eddie's pretty into Buck too, and Chris thinks he's the coolest person ever. Maddie's finally back in his life and she doesn't plan on leaving ever again. He's not really starting over alone like he thought he would be, and suddenly leaving the MIB doesn't seem quite so scary.
And then Hen’s got a big ole crush on the rocket scientist who got caught up in this end of the world nonsense.
A big neuralyzer flash, and they’re all first responders, totally oblivious to the extraterrestrial chaos going on around them. But late at night when Buck and Eddie are asleep, Chris likes to sneak out into the yard and look up at the stars and wave to the MIB agents keeping an eye on them. (Back at MIB headquarters, Ravi always waves back.)
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thekrows-nest · 2 years
Wa does Krow do for work? He’s to pretty and I don’t trust that he doesn’t work for a serial killer or smthin
I mentioned it before in some other ask but that was a while back and certainly buried by now, but Krow is a forensics cleaner, aka crime scene cleaner.
He works for a small (like, very small, literally like five people or something including him) company that are licensed to go out and... basically clean up a variety of things pretaining to forensics. Yes, some do involve murders, but they involve other things too, like... not so well wellness checks. Krow has... a lot of stories he could tell about the things he has seen and had to clean up. It's partly why he's pretty unpreturbed by things.
He actually very much enjoys the job, but that is mainly because of his coworkers (who are woefully under developed lolsob). Krow may not talk to them much but they respect him and his hard work and he doesn't say or do anything offensive to them. The boss is actually a pretty stellar guy, even brings in homemade food as lunch for the crew fairly often.
So Krow puts his knowledge of forensic cleaning (as well as the clues detectives and all look for) to very, VERY good use.
(No, he doesn't chop up the bodies of his victims, Fone. BUT he does sometimes harvest an organ or two to sell on the black market for extra cash. Generally, what he does is frame the murder in such a way for it to look like any number of things, like a robbery gone wrong or even a gang killing, making sure that he doesn't leave traces behind that incriminate himself, and waits for his job to be called to clean it up. Easy peasy. Krow is nothing if not a clever lil birb boi.)
Of course, when it comes to the, well, criminal aspects of himself, Krow veeeeeeery much keeps that a well hidden secret from everyone, especially Dove.
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tau1tvec · 2 years
hi! i love your blog so much and all the games you play always look so fun through your pictures! i wanted to buy cyberpunk 2077 but i'm hesitant because i've heard mixed reviews on it and it's pretty expensive. i would like to know your thoughts on it if you don't mind sharing them since i really respect you as a gamer! <3
Oh wow, ty.
I'm kinda finicky about which games I play tho, mostly bc I'm limited on time these days, but also bc they are indeed way to expensive, esp in this economy.
So I find I tend to play games that are more... versatile? Like, I can get plenty of hours, and uses out of it I guess, and luckily Cyberpunk 2077 mostly scratches that itch, and by mostly I mean... eh, it has it's downsides, so I'll go through those below.
Well it's gorgeous, so it will require a pretty beefy computer to run it, but I was able to play it with a 1060 GTX pretty okay, using the AMD Fidelity thingy in the settings helped a lot with keeping it playable, without losing quality.
Otherwise, as for the quality of the game, and gameplay itself, it has improved drastically since it first launched. The bugs are pretty far and few for me now, even before I got my RTX card, and CDPR has done a pretty swell job adding a lot of the features fans asked for, which is cool.
I still highly suggest that if you do get it, get it on a PC... it's alright to play without Mods, but Mods in general just add much longer life to games, the modding community is also pretty active rn, and so many mods have truly managed to make it the game people wanted it to be from the start.
There are plenty of difficulty options, if this is a concern, and I'm pretty sure you can change the difficulty while playing. The gameplay is simple enough otherwise, as it's FPP at all times, even in cutscenes, so you never see your V, unless you're in Photomode, but there are mods out there to allow you to see your V in third person as well.
I personally enjoy using AMM and a camera mod.
Otherwise the gun combat is stellar, I rather enjoy it, and the stealth is pretty fun esp with the use of your hacking abilities. Learning it all was pretty easy... mostly, it took me some time to figure out how the skill tree worked, but much of it is certainly a lot more straightforward than CDPR's previous titles imo.
Melee combat on the other hand... is... meh, but first person and melee is kind of a tough concept for me to wrap my head around sometimes, lol.
Missions, are a give and take depending which mission it is. The main story missions are gr8, lots of cutscenes, lots of action, lots of twists, but the further you get down the ladder, they tend to get repetitive don't involve a lotta story, or cutscenes, and the characters you meet during them aren't all too memorable, unless you loot the reading material you run across while doing them. Leveling is based on how much you do combat, or hack, so... there are times where I felt like I was just killing random gang members for money and points, then emptying out my inventory... wash, rinse, repeat.
Now as for the other aspects of gameplay, the character creation is okay... like it isn't the best, you can't do much with your V beyond choosing from a set of presets Potato Head Style, but similar to The Sims 4 it's quite easy to make a very pretty V with little to no effort... though it's likely they'll still end up looking like everyone else's. For a more unique looking V however, mods would help.
The world isn't as interactive as it should be either, which in a way I can understand bc it's a pretty big, densely populated, and highly detailed open world, but idk... perhaps Bethesda has spoiled me.
I rather enjoy breaking into people's houses CDPR, tyvm.
Dialogue options are... limited, but it is a voiced protag... the voices are well done tho, and depending on the path you chose at the beginning ( street kid, corpo, etc. ), you will occasionally get options that differ from the others, so this does help a bit with replayability.
Now speaking of replayability, I weirdly don't find it as replay friendly as other games, like Skyrim, I guess bc it's a bit more linear, and although you can change how you play, what you say, and how you build your character, the story kinda still pans out the same way really... it's also super short. The main story is anyway, I've literally just been spamming side missions with my Corpo V, bc I'm just not "emotionally" ready to play the final mission, but even though I felt I kinda paced myself, I still somehow got to the end mission waaayyy too quickly, and now I'm running outta side missions to do.
Some of them... luckily, are pretty interesting, and will string you through three or four more missions to complete their own little story, but idk... some felt a bit underwhelming in the end.
They're cute, but there could've been more. I've romanced Panam and Kerry, and I enjoyed both, and they offered some fun missions leading up to the romantic portion as well so it doesn't feel rushed... sadly not all of the romances are like this. They've got preferences as well, so depending on your V's gender and path, some you'll find are able to be approached, but might not be interested.
There are plenty of other really amazing relationships in the game that aren't romantic too, and that's honestly where this game truly excels. Despite what's going on, it's obvious the core focus of the story is more about the people you meet, and connections you make along the way, so it was really cute watching my Corpo V's interactions with Judy blossom into a very sweet brother/sister type relationship.
Final Word
Honestly if you enjoy roleplaying games, it's a pretty good one, you assume a role, you play it... it's a game ??? Sadly, again, due to the relatively linear story, it still doesn't feel as much like an RPG as it should, esp if your idea of an RPG is more Bethesda or BioWare, and less Final Fantasy.
Now if you've got an imagination however, and plenty of time to download mods it can absolutely scratch that roleplaying itch, but much if it will be in your head, if what the game offers isn't doing it for you.
My suggestion... wait until Black Friday rolls around, and get it on sale.
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empathichearts · 3 months
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tw: guns, gang violence, parental abandomnet
Ember Palmer was raised by her single father Jamie from the time she was 2 and her older brother Roland was 6. Her mother Christina left them because she wanted a more carefree lifestyle than being tied down by a husband and two children before she was even 25. She has tried to peek her head back in to her kids lives a few times since then, but notably not until they were nearly adults themselves. Ember made it clear that she wasn't interested by the second round. While she wasn't stellar in school, she tried to do well and keep her head down to make things easier on her dad and started babysitting when she was 11 and held various other jobs to make her own money.
Ember found her passion when she was ten years old and her family was a victim to a home invasion. Generous to a fault, her father had let in a young man off the street asking to use a phone because he had gotten turned around. Turns out, he was looking to get initiated into a gang and was told he needed to kill someone to prove himself. Jamie found himself at gunpoint and her older brother Roland was shot in the stomach while trying to protect Ember after the gunman heard her calling 911 from the bedroom, having assumed the man was home alone before then.
The way the officers were still able to get into their house, apprehend the offender, and a female cop named Natasha was so kind and reassuring to Ember while her dad rode in the ambulance with her brother inspired the young girl. She also wanted to be a calming presence in people's worst moments, while also trying to help cut down on crime in her hometown of Los Angeles. After high school graduation, she went to Cal State for a Criminal Justice degree and immediately applied to the LAPD academy. While in the academy, she became fast friends with Matthew Ransone.
The two were placed in the same station as his adoptive father Detective Lou Ransone and Sergent Athena Grant headed their unit. Athena absolutely intimidates Ember, but she also aspires to be a police officer like her. They are in the middle of their 18 month probationary period when everything happens with Jeffrey Hudson. While it isn't easy, they both pull through the academy and are placed as partners still under Athena's watchful eye.
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devilsgatewayhq · 11 months
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Name: Kathryn "Dice" Haringer Age: 35 Occupation: Owner of The Lost Word Time living in Tonopah: Two months Neighborhood: Springgate Crossings Gang Affiliation: Sons of Silence - Affiliate Face Claim: Priscilla Quintana
Kathryn Haringer was a bright child, known in her small town for the almost baffling intelligence and stellar academic performance. To the naked eye, she seemed normal, but behind her own gaze there was something more; something she’d harness later on in life.
Everyone knew her for her brain and for that, her parents were extremely proud. Kathryn was born to the Haringers in the small town of Great Malvern. The town was a small and rural, just a thirty-minute drive from Worcestershire, England. Traditional in looks, with a tendency to rain. It was beautiful but dull place.
Kathryn’s parents, Rita and Harry, met on a business trip in Russia fourteen years prior. Rita was a linguist working for intelligence companies all around the world, while Harry was a scientist working in pathologies. The connection had been instant and fourteen years later they were married, living in Harry’s hometown, where they introduced their baby girl to the world; Kathryn. They couldn’t have been more ecstatic.
From the moment she was born, Rita knew their daughter would be special. She’d already planned a future, with all the career routes mapped in her head; some often criticized the impact that Rita would have on Kathryn in the future, but it never phased her. She knew it was her job to make sure her daughter was prepared for the future. Unlike other parents who left it to chance. Harry knew he’d be the laid back parent. They’d always had different approaches to things. But it was what made the marriage work.
And if he was honest, he liked the idea of doing fun things with his daughter, like taking her out for ice cream and spoiling her.
Kathryn was three years old when the tutoring began, it started with piano. By the time she was five, she was in Russian, Korean, French lessons. As time progressed and Kathryn aged, there was always something else she had to learn; but the weirdest part was that she didn’t envy the lessons, she lived for them.
She thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of learning.
It was no doubt that Harry was Kathryn’s down time where he’d sneak her away early from lessons, treat her to things her mother said she couldn’t have. But even though Harry was the one most children would classify as their favourite, Kathryn always wanted her mother when it came down to things. For a six-year-old, she was adult-like in her choices and decisions.
She liked to think that she was preparing for the world that most of her friends were shielded from, that things were being handed to them instead of them doing things that could help their career. It was then that Kathryn became goal-orientated, assertive, and extremely intelligent. And her intelligence didn’t stop with languages and music. As she grew, so did her capability to learn. Books became her best friends, sports became her hobby, and knowledge became everything.
Eventually old enough, high school began, and things changed.
Everything that Kathryn had been learning then seemed to become too much. Focusing on certain things and tuning others out became a problem. She couldn’t seem to concentrate on one thing without asking a extreme amount of questions about something so simple. It seemed confusing, something that had always been there. But it was only now that it was questionable. She quickly brought up the problem to her mother; concerned, her mother took her to see a doctor. After they ran tests; both physical and psychological, they found she was living with two things: Eidetic memory and Low Latent inhibition. Eidetic memory wasn’t the thing that was causing her focusing problem, it aided towards her learning capability.
Low Latent Inhibition, a psychological condition in which one sees the world as pieces, rather than mere objects. This allowed Kathryn to create plans and make thorough decisions rapidly, but also when seeing something, causes her to notice all the things that go with it instead of just a stand-still object, as a neuro-typical mind would see it. With her having such a high IQ, it aided towards her ability to be classed as a technical “genius.”
When this came to light, the family decided that maybe a change of scenery. Harry had a job offer standing in the U.S to which they took; figuring there was no better time than the present. With Kathryn being eligible for a private High School through the job offer, they knew it was the right thing to do— so they moved.
High school became her sole priority after this, always wanting to use her mind to learn more, posses more information, and be able to create things that others thought impossible. Still completely in love with languages, Kathryn knew that was where she wanted to head, just like her mother. She liked the idea of travelling, seeing the world and discovering new things. Along the journey of her freshman year, she also fell in love with history and oceanology.
But, of course, nothing can ever be perfect in life. Senior year came around quickly and when that happened, everything in Kathryn’s life fell apart. While out with a few of her friends, she received a phone call stating that she needed to come down to the local hospital. Upon arrival, they informed her that both her parents had been in a car collision and both passed away.
At that moment, everything in her life died. Including the girl everyone had once known.
Now, she was a far cry away from the same girl.
After her parent’s untimely death, Kathryn dropped out of school in order to look after herself. A few years, she attempted to waitress at the local diner to pay bills that had been left behind. She was eighteen, therefore, legally able to look after herself. But the hours she worked never amounted to enough money. She was struggling, finally caving and putting the house up for sale. It was a sad day, one that she knew she couldn’t avoid any longer.
While on a shift that night, she met Fender Jones, and once again, everything changed.
Fender Jones was a wanted criminal, known for art theft, bond forgery, racketeering, money laundering, identity theft. Kathryn took his interest almost immediately, so much so, that he stayed in town longer than he’d ever imagined. Frequenting the nights that she would work so he could talk to her. Eventually, she agreed to go for coffee with him. But of course, he had a business proposal. And just like that, Fender took a poor, beautiful niave girl under his arm.
Kathryn became his protégé with her silver mind and intellect. She was a perfect candidate to train and use in his game of con artistry. And just as he’d imagined, she succeeded, just as he had hoped. Now she relished in the life of different names, hotels, scams, art and living a life she'd never imagined she'd be able to have.
But a job went wrong.
Things fell apart as they always seemed to do in her life. Both wanted by the New York City mafia, Fender knew he had to protect her. He ordered to Tonopah Valley, where he asked her to wait for him. But for how long? It’s been months since she heard off him, and she wonders if he is even still alive.
Upon arrival to Tonopah, with the money that he’d given her, she brought a small bookstore in order to keep a steady income. She isn’t sure how long she’ll be here, and how long she can hide before they find her. But all she knows is that she needs to blend in as best as possible.
It’s what she’s best at, after all.
Kathryn is sophisticated, charming, abrupt and seductive, with a wide range of knowledge from art, foreign languages, culture and many unspeakable things. All of which was self-taught. A beautiful face occupied the intelligent mind. Kathryn was very good at talking her way in and out of things, her beauty something she used often to get her the things she wanted. Including bank cards and the best of the best in luxuries. 
Kathryn is a scam artist. Why was she not behind bars? Evidence. Kathryn was good at covering her tracks. Very much into the high life, you’d find her tastes fit more to bars and underground casinos and clubs where she could find her next target. Kathryn isn’t trustworthy, but she’ll make you trust you with a bat of her eyelashes and her perfect smile. How could you say no?
Despite her charismatic persona and ability to manipulate others, Kathryn often feels a deep sense of loneliness. The loss of her parents and the uncertainty of her relationship with Fender have left her emotionally guarded. She craves genuine connections but struggles to trust others due to her tumultuous past.
Kathryn thrives on the adrenaline rush that comes with living a dangerous and unpredictable life. She enjoys taking risks and embracing the excitement of her criminal activities. The allure of the high life, the thrill of the con, and the constant pursuit of new adventures keep her engaged and motivated.
Kathryn's charming demeanor and seductive nature are her greatest assets when it comes to manipulation. She effortlessly captivates others with her enchanting smile, captivating conversations, and irresistible charm. She can manipulate people's emotions and exploit their vulnerabilities to achieve her goals.
Losing her parents at a young age had a profound impact on Kathryn. It forced her to mature quickly and learn to fend for herself. Despite facing hardships, she possesses a resilient spirit and an unwavering determination to survive. She refuses to let circumstances define her and constantly seeks ways to rise above challenges.
Growing up, Kathryn developed a deep appreciation for art, thanks to her parents' influence. She possesses an extensive knowledge of art history, artists, and different art techniques. She can identify valuable pieces, forge art, and expertly navigate the art world, making her an invaluable asset in Fender's criminal activities.
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moviewarfare · 1 year
A “QUICK!” Review of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023)”
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In this new animated reboot, we get actual teenager voices for the characters. All of them do a great job and the banter between them feels authentic. The rest of the cast such as April and the Mutant gang are great too. The music score by Reznor and Ross is thrilling! They also use rap and pop songs effectively for action or comedic purposes. The visuals are just explosive and brimming with life! It's very stylized with this comic book and stop-motion aesthetics. I love the portrayal of New York and the design of human characters with this weird dark looking ugliness to it that sets it apart from other animated movies. The writing is excellent with the meaningful themes being explored and the witty funny dialogue. However, the story itself is predictable and cliche while the characters are quite one dimensional and lacking in depth.
Nevertheless, this is another stellar animation movie in 2023 and I highly recommend it!
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louisgamingblog · 1 year
Why is Red Dead Redemption 2 a masterpiece in story telling?
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After the release of Red dead Redemption back in 2010 on the XBOX 360 and the PS3, fans were left anticipating the release of the much desired sequel for many years before there was even a sniff of a rumour of the sequel within the works. Come the fall of 2016, all the speculation was put to bed as Rockstar announced the sequel to follow up a story that was already masterful within the first game. Fans were hoping that after an eight year wait, that the story would live up to and even surpass the brilliance that the first game provided. Come the Release of Red Dead Redemption 2, it was safe to say the story definitely did not disappoint, with the game winning several awards for both its story telling and acting chops, being widely regarded by fans as one of the best story driven games of all time.
It is important to firstly look into the biggest selling point of RDR2's story, and that is through its stellar and multiple layered protagonist, 'Arthur Morgan'. A man who is gruff and stubborn but also a very endearing and compassionate. His personality has layers deeper than a gold mine. Arthur struggles with his dark past and his will power to become a better man. He is struck between constant polarizing positions of doing what is right for the gang by any means necessary, even if it means he would cause harm to others or doing what is morally the right thing to do as a good man but risks putting the gang in jeopardy for it. He is a man that the players aren't keen on at the beginning of the game, but as he grows as a characters and learns to show compassion towards others we grow we love him and understand that at the heart he isn't a bad man but in fact has just made bad choices that has placed him in difficult positions.
Moving onto who is regarded as one of the greatest video game antagonists of all time 'Dutch Van Der Linde' a once caring an endearing leader, turns into a selfish and very unpredictable outlaw. He is a man always with a plan (As persistently quoted by Dutch himself). We never fully understand what Dutch's true intentions are, as he is the epitome of a character arc than constantly keeps you guessing.
Arthur and Dutch are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to explaining the depth of the characters within the game. The Van Der Linde gang feels like a real family. Each member has their own personality traits, traits and whacky stories that keeps the players constantly gripped on the narrative and care for the ultimate fates of each person.
With the gap of eight years between the two title releases fans were hoping that Rockstar invested a lot of focus into the immersive world building of the wild west era, with features that add to the accurate verisimilitude of the time setting. By all accounts Rockstar done a masterful job of creating the world within RDR2. Whether it was the bustling streets full of life in Saint Denis or the sleepy and laid back town of valentine and Strawberry, the locations feel constantly alive with unique encounters and interactions with all folks of life, placing the gamers within this chaotic yet realistic setting of 1899 Wild West America. It is as if Rockstar somehow captured the American frontier on a hard drive and dropped it straight into our consoles.
RDR2 doesn't just impress us with its stunning visuals and realistic character's you could possibly encounter within this setting. The story is incredibly gripping, with twists and turns round every corner. The gang is persistently on the run from the law, moving from location to location and never allow themselves to put their guards down. Their are both moral and ethical dilemmas that they all face. There are underlying themes of deep trust and heart-breaking betrayal. At times we don't see which one is going to come from who before it is too late. The story isn't just your stereotypical and run in the mill wild west tale filled with gang heists, shootouts and visiting saloons, it is a story of loyalty and redemption and the butterfly effect like consequences for the actions each character makes. Even the side quests are filled with intrigue and mystery.
Each quest can feel like it's own little dramatic story, whether that's helping a scientist bring his robot to life, assisting the town folk in hunting down a vampire or helping two brothers decide who is more macho in order to win over the lady of their dreams, each unique encounter can be filled with such mystery, hysteria, and hearth pumping moments, keeping the player constantly gripped in this immersive world.
The little moments implemented throughout the world is really the icing on the cake. The drunken campfire stories, the various card games that can be played within saloons, the humble and down to earth conversations that can be had on horseback whilst you slowly ride through the desert night, they all combine to the rich tapestry of life within the old west.
In the end, what makes Red Dead Redemption 2 more than just your squash buckling trigger happy western is its uncompromising ability to play with your heart and emotions by immersing you into this world where you deeply care for the characters and how they fit into its complex yet heart wrenching story. The game isn't afraid to take on difficult themes, and forcing you to take on tough choices that make you question your own morality but also you own loyalty on who should place your trust into and who you should turn your back on, with the story ending leaving you with a tear in your eye.
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